BSBPMG531 - Assessment Task 1done
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Assessment Task 1 Manage project time BSBPMG531
Student Declaration To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses ◻ I declare that this task and any any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s) found to have plagiarised, plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against ◻ I understand that if I am found me according to the process explained to me ◻ I have correctly correctly referenced all resources and reference reference texts throughout throughout these assessment assessment tasks. ◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements requirements for for this unit ◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment ◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the the assessment
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Nghia H Tran
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------OFFICE USE ONLY----For Trainer and Assessor to complete: Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment assessment
Marking Sheet - Assessor to complete. Did the student satisfactorily address each question as instructed: Completed satisfactorily S NYS DNS Comments
Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4 Question 5 Question 6 Question 7 Task Outcome: Student Name: Assessor Name: Name: Assessor Signature: Date:
Not Yet Satisfactory
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire Task summary and instructions What is this assessment task about?
This assessment is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and subjective questions. The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the unit requirements safely and effectively. The questions focus on the knowledge evidence required for this unit of competency: •
estima estimatio tion n techniq techniques ues to de deter termin mine e task d dura uratio tion n and resou resource rce effort pr proc oced edur ures es for for iden identi tify fyin ing g criti critica call path path procedu procedures res for for managin managing g project project baselin baselines, es, estab establis lishme hment nt and variance proj projec ectt lif life e cyc cycle le ph phas ases es best-practi best-practice ce time management management methodologi methodologies, es, their capabili capabilities, ties, limitations, applications and outcomes ke key y to tool olss for for pr proj ojec ectt sch sched edul ulin ing g
work work breakd breakdown own struc structure turess and h how ow they they appl apply y to proje project ct schedules.
• • • •
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily?
Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online research and review real or simulated s imulated business documentation as instructed. • submit submit your your answe answers rs to the the questi questions ons with within in the the set timef timefram rame, e, • answe answerr all all ques questi tion onss as as iins nstru truct cted ed,, • answer answer all all quest question ionss using using your your own own words words and and refer referenc ence e any sources appropriately, • all questi questions ons must must be be a answ nswere ered d sati satisfa sfacto ctoril rily. y. It is advisable to: •
revi review ew the the ques questi tion onss car caref eful ully ly,,
• Specifications
You must submit to GOALS the • • •
Resources and equipment Re-submission opportunities
answer answer the the questi questions ons using using onli online ne resea research rch and and the lear learnin ning g material provided for the unit and by reviewing real or simulated relevant business documentation (such as policies and procedures), furthe furtherr resear research ch the topics topics addre addresse ssed d in each each ques questio tion. n.
asses ssessm smen entt co cov ver ersh shee eet, t, an answ swer erss to to all all qu ques esti tion ons, s, references.
• •
comp comput uter er wit with h Inte Intern rnet et acc acces ess, s, access access to Micr Microso osoft ft Offic Office e suite suitess or simi similar lar softwar software, e, • learning material. You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you with written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been the dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the task.
Answer all the questions below: below: Question 1 Explain each of the following estimating techniques and how each can be b e used to determine task duration and resource effort within a project. Estimating techniques Analogous Estimating Estimating
Parametric Model Estimating
Explan ana ation (40-80 word rds s/estimating technique) The analogous estmaton echnique uses informaton from similar projecs o esablish a cos estmae based on on available daa. The analogous estmae needed Includes exper review for seup reusabiliy of daa. The analogous estmae is used where here is limied informaton abou he projec. Parameric estmatng, a more accurae echnique for estmatng cos and duraton, uses he relatonship beween variables o calculae he cos or duraton. Essentally,, a parameric estmae is deermined by identfying he Essentally uni cos or duraton and he number of unis required for he projec or actviy.The
3 Point Estimating
Expert Judgment Estimating
Reserve Analysis
Bottom-Up Analysis
measuremen mus be scalable in order o be accurae. is a echnique ha uses optmistc and pessimi pessimistc stc estmaes o deermine ideal estmaed value for a projec ask. The hree-poin estmaton echnique used in Informaton Informato n and managemen sysem applicaton for he consructon of an approximae probabili probabiliy y disributon represens he oucome of fuure evens, based on very limied informaton. When he disributon used for estmaton can be a normally disribued, his is no always he case, and for for example a riangular disributon can be used, depending on he applicaton. Exper Judgmen is a echnique in which judgmen is provided based upon a specic se of crieria or expertse ha has been acquired in a specic knowledge area, applicaton area, or produc area, a partcular discipline, an indusry, ec. Such expertse may be provided by any group or person wih specialized educaton, knowledge, skill, experience, or raining. This knowledge base can be provided by a member of he projec eam, or multple members of he projec eam, or by a eam leader or eam leaders. However,, ypically exper judgmen requires an However expertse ha is no presen wihin he projec eam and, as such, i is common for an exernal group or person wih a specic relevan skill se or knowledge base o be brough in for a consulaton. Reserve analysis is a special analytcal echniques are used for he purposes complee and horough identcaton of he full range of specic and precise feaures and or in multple relatonship insances of all individual projecs relaed componens currenly exis as par of predened projec managemen plan. The purpose of making and performing a reserve analysis is he esablishmen of an estmae reserves can be used for purposes se schedule duraton, any and all estmaed expenses, budge, as well as he entre fund assigned or allocaed o he projec. This analysis seeks o identfy proable opporunites hrough he idiosyncrasies of a company’s aribues and is valuatons in comparison o he marke. Inves from he boom up sar research a he company level bu don' sop here. These analyzes weigh he fundamenals of he company bu also look a indusry and microeconomic facors. So, boom-up invesmen invesmen can be a bi wide on one whole indusry or laser focus o identfy he key propertes.
Question 2 Describe the critical path of a project and explain the steps used to identify it using the Critical Path Method. Method. (50-100 words) The key roadmap covers the longest sequence of activities from the start of the project to end that must be completed to ensure the project is finished by a certain c ertain time. NS activities on the critical road must be managed very closely. If work on the important road slip, take immediate action to get the project back on track. Otherwise, O therwise, the whole The project may be delayed. Step 1: define the task You should find out what tasks to include in your project and describe the problem structure your work. To do this, talk to stakeholders to get an idea of what the project will be requirements and what the products are delivered. Then you can define the tasks that need to completed to complete the project. Step 2: Set up dependencies Some operations will depend on the performance of others. List immediately The predecessor of each operation will help determine the correct order. Step 3: Draw the network diagram Once have identified activities andastheir dependencies, can derive criticalyou path analysis (CPA)the graph, known a network Network diagram is a visual representation of the order of your operations based on dependencies. Step 4: Estimate the time to complete the activity Using past experience or the knowledge of an experienced team member, you must Now estimate the time required to complete each activity. If you are ar e managing a smaller project, you will most likely estimate time in days. If you are working with a complex projects, you may have to measure time in weeks. Step 5: Identify the important path There are two ways you can now define the key path. You can eyeball your net diagram and simply determine the longest path in the whole network - the longest sequence of operations on the path. Make sure to look for the longest path in terms of longest duration in days, not the path with the most boxes or buttons. You can also identify critical operations with the Forward Pass / Backward Pass technique, t echnique, identify earliest start and end times as well as the latest start and end times for each activity. Step 6: Update Critical Path Map to show progress As the project progresses, you will know the actual completion time of the activity. activity. The network diagram can then be updated to include this information. By updating network map when new information comes in, you can recalculate a road. You will also have a more realistic view of project completion dates and will be able to tell if you are on the right track or falling behind.
Question 3 Explain the concept of a project baseline, the procedures for establishing project baselines and how to manage adjustments to a project baseline due to a major change to project scope, cost or schedule.
(80-120 words) The project management baseline is a fixed standard against which to measure and compare progress of your project. This allows to evaluate the performance of the project overtime. A project baseline typically has three components: schedule, cost, and limit. These three baselines are typically monitored, controlled, and reported separately make sure each is on the right track. When fully integrated, it can be called a performance measurement baseline Once the schedule has (PMB). been fully developed, the project management team will create base scheduler and accept it. This timeline provides the start and end dates of the project, identify the critical path and provide a fixed point at which project performance can measured. The established critical path may change throughout the project due to finish the task early or late. Usually, multiple baselines can be created depending on the scope of the work w ork or potential or unspecified conditions that may significant change to the original schedule baseline where measurement is not possible changes. Need schedule control to ensure that project progress is up to date when events require it. Typically, such a review period will occur at milestones, personnel changes affecting the program, such as key personnel, products product s complete, and complete the project. A schedule control system can be used to manage such changes and facilitate tracking of changes, approval process and to do so considering the t he conditions of change requests, reasons, costs and risks of these changes. Change of schedule can also be due tto o poor performance, this is necessary to monitor through performance review review actual start and end dates, percentage completed, and duration remaining. A part of The project management process is to determine when corrective actions may be required depending on the overall impact of poor performance on an activity.
Question 4 Summarise the project life cycle phases and describe each phase. Project phase Initiation
Summary and description (40-80 words/phase)
Identfy a business need, problem, or opporuniy and brainsorm brains orm ways you can mee his nee need, d, solve his problem, or ake advanage of his opporuniy. During his sep, you mus deermine an objectve for your projec, conclude if he projec is feasible, and identfy he main deliverables for he projec. During his phase of he projec managemen life cycle, you break down larger projecs ino smaller asks, Build your eam and prepare he schedule for complee he exercises. Creae smaller goals in larger projecs, ensuring ha each is achievable wihin he tme frame. Smaller goals should have poental for success
Implementation (execution)
The executon phase your planofino projec manager’s joburns in his phase heacton. projecThe
Closing (finalisation)
managemen life cycle is o keep work on rack, organize organiz e eam members, manage tmelines, and make sure he work is done according o he original plan. In he closing phase, you deliver he nal produc, release projec resources and deermine he success of projec. Jus because he work on he big projec is over over,, ha doesn' mean he projec manager's job is done— here is stll imporan work o do, including evaluae wha worked and didn' work for he projec.
Question 5 Select and explain three best-practice time management methodologies. For each, summarise their capabilities, limitations, applications and outcomes. Best-practice time management methodologies
Explanation and summary of capabilities, limitations, applications and outcomes. (50-100 words/best practice)
Critcal Pah Mehod
The critcal pah mehod is a echnique used in estmatng and monioring a projec’s overall duraton. When a projec is broken down ino asks, each is given an estmaed duraton. Those asks are hen organized ino an order for delivery based on logic and any dependencies. Adding up he duraton of he longes sequence of asks gives an estmae of he overall projec duraton. During projec executon, if any of hose asks are delayed, he projec’s estmaed duraton will also be exceeded. Program Evaluaton and Review Techniques echnique s (PERT) are Anoher way o estmae he overall duraton of a projec. I is dieren from he Critcal Pah Mehod because i does no focus only on he duraton of he critcal c ritcal pah bu also relatonships beween projec asks. PERT shows projec asks organized like a
Waerfall Waerf all
owchars hanand sequental evens. o organizing and Is a srucured linear approach conrol projecs. Wih Waerfall Waerfall projec managemen, he entre scope of The projec mus be dened and agreed a he beginning of he projec. Some of he dicultes i presens is ha i is no exible enough o deal wih volatle and uncerain environmen in which mos projecs currenly being delivered. Bu Waerf Waerfall all has benes. Predeermine he expeced oucome projec clariy and simplify projec planning. I I is also easy o rack wheher he projec is on rack or no. Tha makes i good for more sable projecs he environmen needs o commi o a schedule or budge, such as large infrasrucure he projecs.
Question 6 Summarise the following key tools for project scheduling. scheduling . Schedule Network Analysis Schedule Network Analysis
Critical Path Analysis
Schedule Compression
A Schedule Nework Analysis is a graphical represenaton of a schedule showing each sequenced actviy he tme akes nish eachas one. I I’s ’s used o and identfy earlyiand laeosar daes, well as early and lae nish daes, for he uncompleed portons of projec schedule actvites. This analysis also helps deermine he Critcal Pah, Wha-if Analysis, and Schedule Compression. I’s usually represened in he form of a Gan Char or PERT Char. Critcal pah analysis (CPA) is a projec managemen echnique ha requires mapping ou every key ask ha is necessary o complee a projec. I includes identfying he amoun of tme necessary o nish each actviy and he dependencies of each actviy on any ohers. Schedule compression is a echnique used in he projec managed o shoren a schedule. This can be done in response o an updae delivery dae, a new opporuniy opporuniy,, or a schedule delay. I is execued wihou changing he scope of he program.
Question 7 Explain how a work breakdown structure is used to create project schedules (50100 words). A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) identifies tasks and deliverables deliverables associated with a project. Resources areof identified for eachThe itemWBS within facilitates the budgeting as well as assignment responsibilities. canthe be WBS usedthat to determine critical path of the project and create the t he project schedule. Project activities in which WBS and schedules are useful: Drafts are created during the project definition phase of the project then details are flushed out during the planning phase. The WBS and schedules are continuously revisited and updated through the duration of the project.
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