BSBOPS504 Student Assessment Tasks 17-11-20

August 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download BSBOPS504 Student Assessment Tasks 17-11-20...





Contents Introducon


Assessment Task 1: Knowledge quesons


Assessment Task 1: Checklist


Assessment Task 2: Project


Assessment Task 2: Checklist


Final results record



Introducon The assessment tasks for BSBOPS504 Manage business risk are outlined in the assessment plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that you have learnt during your course. Please ensure thatprovided you readinthe provided withUser these tasks carefully. You should also follow the advice theinstrucons Business Works Student Guide . The Student User Guide


provides important informaon for you relang to compleng assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit BSBOPS504 Manage business risk  describes  describes skills and knowledge required to manage business risks in a range of contexts across an organisaon or for a specic business unit or area in any industry seng.

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks: • •

Assessme Assessment nt Task Task 1: Knowl Knowledge edge ques quesons ons – You You must must answer answer all all quesons quesons correctly correctly.. Assessme Assessment nt Task Task 2: Proj Project ect – You You must must work work through through a rang range e of acvies acvies and and complet complete ea project porolio.

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge quesons Informaon for students Knowledge quesons are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you: •

review review the the advice advice to to studen students ts rega regardin rding g an answer swering ing knowl knowledge edge quesons quesons in the the Business

Works Student User Guide comply comply with with the the due due date date for assessmen assessmentt which which your assessor assessor will provide provide

adher adhere ew with ith yo your ur RT RTO’ O’ss ssubm ubmiss ission ion guidel guideline iness

answ answer er all qu ques esons ons comple complete tely ly and and co corr rrect ectly ly

submit submit work, work, which which is original original and, where where necessa necessary ry,, proper properly ly refer referenced enced

submit submit a comp complet leted ed co cover ver sh sheet eet with with you yourr wor work k

avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment informaon Informaon about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for informaon on: •

wher where e tthi hiss ttas ask k sho shoul uld d be be com compl plet eted ed

th the e maxim maximum um  me me allow allowed ed for for compl complen eng g this this asses assessm sment ent task task

whet whethe herr or or not not this this task task is op open en book book..

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.



Quesons Provide answers to all of the quesons below: •

Explain Explain the the risk manag management ement process. process. You You may may answer answer using using a labelled labelled diagra diagram m or in words words (or both) and must include: •

a de den nion ion of risk risk mana manage geme ment nt..

ans Risk management is a delegated line management responsibility. responsibility. It is the responsibility of all line managers to connually monitor their areas of responsibility to ensure that risks are idened and managed. Line managers should ensure that a contribuon is made to Nature Care Products risk management process, on behalf of their areas of responsibility, that idenes risks at all levels.

a list list or illus illustr tra aon on of the the ste steps ps in a ris risk k manag manageme ement nt pro proces cess. s.

ans, •

an annual annual risk risk iden idenca caon on exerci exercise se underta undertaken ken by the CEO. CEO. This involve involvess assessme assessment nt of the consequence and likelihood of risk, the development and/or review of individual risk management plans for the risks idened which exceed the Nature Care Products 's dened acceptable risks

wherever wherever prac pracca cable, ble, the the inclusion inclusion of a Risk Risk Manage Management ment Assessmen Assessmentt for for all busine business ss acvies

the incorp incorpora oraon on of risk risk manage management ment into into strateg strategic ic planning, planning, as as well as as operao operaonal nal and and resource management planning processes

ensure ensure risk risk manage management ment processe processess are are incorpor incorporate ated d into into the qualit quality y assura assurance nce and and improvement systems of Nature Care Products

clearly clearly dene dene and document document escalao escalaon n procedu procedures res for risk manageme management nt

ensure ensure a consi consisten stency cy in appr approach oach of respon responses ses to to the same same risk risk by by dieren dierentt secons secons of Nature Care Products

test test documen documented ted risk manageme management nt procedur procedures es at at approp appropriat riate e interv intervals. als.


a des descr crip ipo on n of what what each each sste tep p invo involv lves es..


Descri Describe be a curr current ent risk risk mana managem gement ent sta standa ndard rd.. In yo your ur answ answer: er: •

name the standard.

ans,AS/NZS ISO31000:2018

ex expl plai ain n the the purp purpos ose e of of the the st stan anda dard rd..

ans, To provide informaon and guidance on Risk Management and Policy applies to all Nature Care Products employees. •

li list st key elem elemen ents ts of the the sta stand ndar ard. d.

ans •


poten enal outcomes



calculated ri risk

priority treatment

Compl Complet ete e the tabl table e bel below ow to to descri describe be the the types types of bus busine iness ss risk risk..

Type of risk Strategic risk

Compliance risk



Key responsibility (at least two people)


Financial risk

Operaonal risk

• •

Complete Complete the the table table to explain explain three three dieren dierentt tools tools and and techniqu techniques es that that may may be used used to idenfy risk. The rst row has been completed as an example for you to follow.




A group discussion to produce as many ideas or soluons to problems in a pre-determined amount of me.

 ri  risk matrix

Risk will be priorised using the risk matrix

PESTLE Analysis

• • •


PESTLE analysis is a method for examining the key external factors affecting a business (Political, Economic Economic,, Sociological, Technological, Legal, and Environmental).

Explain Explain four four opon oponss that that a compa company ny could could use to to take take to cont control rol risks risks.. Explain Explain how how legislao legislaon n and its its related related regula regulatory tory requir requirement ementss relate relate to risk risk manage management ment.. In your answer: •

idenfy idenfy two two dier dierent ent legisla legislave ve and and regula regulatory tory requir requiremen ements ts that that may may apply apply to risk risk management.

for each legislav legislave e require requirement ment,, explain explain how it relat relates es to to risk risk manage management ment..

provide provide one example example of how how regula regulaons ons support support one one of of the the legisla legislaons. ons.


Explain Explain the the purpose purpose of risk risk managem management ent policie policiess and procedu procedures res in the workp workplace lace as as they relate to risk management.

Complete Complete the the table table below below to to summaris summarise e how three three policies policies and proc procedur edures es relate relate to risk risk management.



Record keeping policy and procedure

WHS policy and procedure

Condenality policy/procedure

Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name: Did the student provide a sucient and clear answer that addresses the suggested answer for the following? Queson 1 Queson 2 Queson 3 Queson 4 Queson 5 Queson 6 Queson 7

Completed successfully? Yes




Queson 8 Task outcome: outcome :


Not sasfactory

Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date:   Assessment Task 2: Project

Informaon for students In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number of acvies and compleng and subming a project poro porolio. lio. You will need access to: •

yo your ur learni learning ng re resou sourc rces es and and other other inform informa aon on for for refere referenc nce e

Project Porolio template

Simulaon Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you: •

review review the the advice advice to to studen students ts rega regardin rding g res respond ponding ing to to wrien wrien tasks tasks in the Business Works Student User Guide

comply comply with with the the due due date date for assessmen assessmentt which which your assessor assessor will provide provide

adher adhere ew with ith yo your ur RT RTO’ O’ss ssubm ubmiss ission ion guidel guideline iness

answ answer er all qu ques esons ons comple complete tely ly and and co corr rrect ectly ly

submit submit work work which which is original original and, and, where where necessary necessary,, proper properly ly refer reference enced d

submit submit a comp complet leted ed co cover ver sh sheet eet with with you yourr wor work k

avoid avoid sharin sharing gy your our answe answers rs with with othe otherr sstu tuden dents. ts. Assessment informaon Informaon about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for informaon on: •

wher where e tthi hiss ttas ask k sho shoul uld d be be com compl plet eted ed

how ho w you yourr ass asses essm smen entt sho shoul uld d be be sub submi mie ed. d.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


  Acvies Complete the following acvies: •

Car Caref eful ully ly read read the the ffol ollo lowi wing ng:: This project requires you to lead one business risk process or project for an organisaon or work area. As part of the assessment, you will maintain relevant organisaonal documentaon as you: •

choose choose a risk risk man manag ageme ement nt pro proces cesss or pro projec jectt to work work o on n

esta establi blish sh the the scope scope of the the risk risk mana managem gemen entt proce process ss or or proje project ct

analyse analyse informa informaon on from from a rrang ange e of sources sources to establish establish the internal internal and external context of your risk management process or project

consult consult and commu communica nicate te with with stak stakehold eholders ers to idenf idenfy y, assess, assess, treat treat and priorise risks

develo develop p and and imple implemen mentt an acon acon plan plan to trea treatt the the risk riskss

monitor and evaluate the risk management process and acon plan.

Vocaonal educaon and training is all about gaining and developing praccal skills that are industry relevant and that can help you to succeed in your chosen career. For this reason, we are giving you the choice to base this project on your own business, one you work in or a familiar with, or you can use the case study provided. This will mean that you are applying your knowledge and skills in a relevant, praccal and meaningful way to your own situaon! It is important that you are able to access enough informaon for your chosen business in order to be able to do your assessment. As a minimum this should include workplace documentaon relang to risk management (e.g., risk management policy and procedures). You will also need data to monitor and evaluate risk management process and related acon plan. You will need to communicate with people who are involved with the risk management process. Your communicaon may be either directly with actual sta members or fellow students/your assessor can play the roles of relevant people/pares. Communicaon can be in any appropriate format (e.g. face to face, video conference, email) as long as it meets the requirements requiremen ts outlined in i n the Project Porolio. Porolio. You will be collecng evidence for this unit in a Project Porolio. The steps you need to take are outlined below. •

Preparaon Make sure you are familiar with the organisaon youbackground are basing this assessment on and have read through the necessary


informaon. For the case study business, this is all of the documents informaon. included in the Simulaon Pack. If it’s it ’s your own business or a business where you are working or are familiar with, have your business or case study approved by your assessor. Choose an appropriate risk management process or project and complete Page 4 of your Project Porolio for this unit. Read through the requirements of Secon 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Porolio . •

Es Esta tabl blis ish h th the e ri risk sk co con nte text xt Complete Secon 1 of your Project Porolio. To do this, you need to: •

determine determine the scope scope of of your your chosen chosen risk manageme management nt process/p process/proje roject ct

evaluat evaluate e organ organisa isaonal onal requirem requirements ents and standar standards ds for for manag managing ing risk risk

determ determine ine the the lega legall requir requireme ement ntss of your your risk risk manag manageme ement nt process/project

li list st res resou ourc rces es ava avail ilab able le to to addr addres esss risk risk

establis establish h objecv objecves es and and crica cricall success success factor factorss of the the risk risk manag managemen ementt

process/project idenfy stakeholders who will be part of the risk management process.

co commu mmunic nicat ate e with with at at leas leastt two two sta stake kehol holder derss to: to: •

expla explain in the the ris risk k manag manageme ement nt pr proce ocess/ ss/pr proje oject ct

invite stakeholders to help idenfy and assess risk.

Connue compleng Secon 1 of your Project Porolio. To do this, you need to •

analys analyse e the ext extern ernal al envir environm onment ent of of the risk risk manag manageme ement nt process/project.

establish the strengths and weaknesses within your business that have the potenal to create or impact risk.

Make sure you have answered all quesons in Secon 1. Submit to your assessor for review. You are also required to aach certain documents as part of your evidence  – review the documents documents you n need eed to aach aach as outlined in Secon 1 of the Project Porolio and make sure you aach these when you submit this secon. You will use the work done in this secon of the Porolio to consult with stakeholders to assess and address risk. In preparaon, read through step 4 and Secon 2 of your Project Porolio and complete the rst queson (plan to discuss risks with invited stakeholders).

Iden Iden fy and analy nalysse ris risk k


Make sure you are ready to use the tool/technique and risk scale ide at the end of step 3 prior to this meeng. Meet with at least two of the stakeholders you idened as part of S 1 of your Project Porolio. Consult with stakeholders to: • •

use an appropria appropriate te tool/tec tool/techniqu hnique e tto o iden idenfy fy at at least least three three risks risks the scope of your risk management process/project. establ establish ish a att least least two two pot poten enal al out outcom comes es for for each each ris risk. k.

asse assess ss ris risk k usin using g an an appr approp opria riate te sca scale le..

disc discus usss trea treatm tmen entt opo opons ns for for eac each h ris risk. k.

priorise risks.

This meeng should take 20 minutes. As part of your consultaon, you are required to negoate and use quesoning and listening techniques to elicit opinions and conrm/cl your understanding. You will be assessed on this.

This meeng may take place with actual people who work for/are associated with your chosen business. Alternavely, classmates or yo assessor may play the role of one or more team members. This can ei be viewed in person by your assessor or you may like to video record session for your assessor to watch later. Your assessor can provide yo more details at this step. Make sure you follow the instrucons above meet the meframes allocated. If this session is not viewed in person your assessor, you will aach proof of the meeng to Secon 2 of you Project Porolio.

Connue compleng Secon 2 of your Project Porolio. To do this, yo need to: •

summar summarise ise the the outc outcome omess of the the mee meeng ng and and assess assess lik likeli elihoo hood d an impact/severity impact/sev erity of the risk.

resear research ch the ris risks ks to nd out more more abou aboutt tthem hem..

use digital technology to document risk (e.g. a risk register using Excel).

Make sure you have answered all quesons in Secon 2. Submit to your assessor for review. You are also required to aach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documen need to aach as outlined in Secon 2 of the Project Porolio and make sure you aach these wh submit this secon. You will use the work done in this secon of the Porolio to consult with stakeholders to create an acon plan for one of your risks and then monitor and evaluate the plan and your risk manageme process/project. •

Impl Implem emen entt a and nd moni monito torr rris isk k tre treat atme ment nt Complete Secon 3 of your Project Porolio. To do this, you need to: •

complete an acon plan for one of the risk treatments in the risk register


communicate the acon plan to relevant stakeholders.

Connue compleng Secon 3 of your Project Porolio. To do this, you need to: •

follow organisaonal policy and procedures to implement the acon plan (e.g. (e.g. nofy HR, schedule resources, recording recording of telephone conversaon, save risk register using appropriate naming convenons

etc.). Assume a period of me has passed. If you are basing this on your own business, make sure you have data available to monitor and evaluate the risk management process/project and its associated acon plan. If you are basing this on the case study, informaon is provided in the simulaon pack. Connue compleng Secon 3 of your Project Porolio. To do this, you need to: •

monito monitorr and and evalu evaluat ate e the the acon acon plan plan an and d risk risk manag manageme ement nt process/project

write a report on the outcomes of the evaluaon.

Make sure you have answered all quesons in Secon 3. You are also required to aach certain documents as part of your evidence – review the documents you need to aach as outlined in Secon 3 of the Project Porolio and make sure you aach these upon submission. •

Subm Submit it you yourr comp comple lete ted d Proj Projec ectt Por Por ol olio io Make sure you have completed all secons of your Project Porolio, answered all quesons, provided enough detail as indicated and proofread for spelling and grammar as necessary. Remember to submit all necessary aachments as indicated.

Assessment Task 2: Checklist Student’s name: Did the student: Establish the risk context by: • dete determ rmin inin ing g tthe he sc scop ope e of of the their ir chosen risk management process/project. • eval alu uan ng g org organis anisa ao onal nal requirements and standards for managing risk. • de dete term rmin inin ing g th the e le lega gall re requ quir irem emen ents ts of their risk management process/project.

Completed successfully? Yes No



• •

lis lisng ng resou esourrces ces a av vaila ailabl ble e tto o address risk. esta establ blis ishi hing ng ob obje jecv cves es and and cr cri ica call success factors of the risk management process/project. id iden enf fyi ying ng stak stakeho ehold lder erss w who ho will will be part of the risk management process comm commun unic ica ang ng with with at leas leastt ttwo wo stakeholders to: • ex expl plai ain n the the risk risk mana manage geme ment nt process/project. • invi invite te sta tak kehol eholde derrs to to hel help p idenfy and assess risk. an anal alys ysin ing g th the e exte extern rnal al envi enviro ronm nmen entt of the risk management process/project (polical, economic, social, technological and policy). es esta tabl blis ishi hing ng the the str tren engt gths hs an and d weaknesses within the business that have the potenal to create or

impact Idenfy and risk. analyse risk by: • Cons Consul uln ng g with with st stak akeh ehol olde derrs to to:: • use an appropriate tool/technique to idenfy at least three risks within the scope of the risk management process/project. • es esta tabl blis ish h at at lea least st two two p pot oten ena all outcomes for each risk. • assess ess risk using an appropriate scale. • di disc scus usss ttre reat atme ment nt op opo ons ns for each risk. • priorise risks. • • • •

su summ mmar aris isin ing g tthe he ou outc tcom omes es of the the meeng asses ssessi sin ng lik likel eliihoo hood a an nd impact/severity of the risk. resea esearrchin ching g tthe he risk riskss tto o nd nd ou outt more about them. docu docume men nng ng risk risk usin using gd dig igiital tal technology (e.g risk register).


Implement and monitor risk treatment by: • comp comple len ng g an an ac acon on plan plan for on one e of the risk treatments in the risk register. • comm commun unic ica ang ng the the a ac con on plan plan to relevant stakeholders. • imple mplem men entt tth he ac acon on plan lan. • mo moni nito torr a and nd eval evalua uate te the the a ac con on plan and risk management process/project. • wr writ ite e a rep repor ortt on on the the ou outtcome comess o off the evaluaon. Demonstrate eecve oral Demonstrate communicaon skills, including: •

Us Uses es list listen enin ing ga and nd ques queso oni ning ng techniques to conrm that you understand understan d the views of others correctly. Ne Nego goa ate te with with st stak akeh ehol olde ders rs abou aboutt risk management process and outcomes.

Task outcome:


Not sasfactory

Assessor signature: Assessor name: Date:

  Final results record Student name: Assessor name: Date Final assessment results Result Task


Assessment Task 1 Assessment Task 2 Overall unit results Feedback

Did not submit

Sas Sasfa fact ctor ory y

Unsa Unsas sfa fact ctor ory y

Knowledge quesons




Project Porolio







My perf perform ormanc ance e in this this unit unit has been been disc discuss ussed ed and and expla explaine ined d to me. me.

I woul would d lik like e tto o appe appeal al this this a asse ssessm ssment ent decisi decision. on.

Student signature: _____________________________________ _______________________________ ______ Date: _____________ ________________ ___

I hereby hereby cerfy cerfy that that this this stude student nt has has been assessed assessed by by me and and that that the the assessme assessment nt has has been carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: ____________ __________________ ____________ _____________ ____________ _____ Date: _______________ _______________

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