Bsbcrt511 Task 2 v1
August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BSBCRT511 Develop critcal hinking in ohers Task 2 – Wrien Repor
Task summary is to be completed using the template provided to develop a Team Crical Thinking This assessment Skills Improvement Plan.
Access to textbooks/other learning materials
Computer with Microsof Oce and internet access
Your assessor will advise you o the due date o this assessment via Canvas.
This completed workbook.
Assessment criteria For your perormance to be deemed sasactory in this assessment task, you must sasactorily address all the assessment criteria. I part o this task is not sasactorily completed, you will be asked to complete urther assessment to demonstrate competence.
Re-submission opportunities You will be provided eedback on your perormance by the Assessor. The eedback will indicate i you have sasactorily addressed the requirements o each part o this task. I any parts o the task are not sasactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you wrien eedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate sasactory sasactory perormance. Re-assessment aempt(s) aempt(s) will be arranged at a later me and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome o assessment decisions i you eel that you have been dealt with unairly or have other appropriate grounds or an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to aempng this task i you do not understand any part o this task or i you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when aempng any part o the assessment.
Assessmen Cover Shee
Candidate name: IH Sydney Training Services Pty Ltd RTO Code: 91109 CRICOS Code: 02623G
Candidate ID
Trainer’s Name:
Date Submied: Candidate I declare that: declaraon: I have read and understood all the inormaon provided in relaon to the assessment requirements to complete this unit, the instrucons and the purpose and processes o undertaking this assessment task This assessment is my own work and where other’s works or ideas have been used, I have appropriately reerenced or acknowledged them I understand that plagiarism is a serious oence that may lead to disciplinary acon. Candidate signature:
Task 2 – Wrien Repor
Develop a Team Crical Thinking Skills Improvement Plan to improve the crical thinking skills o the employees and team o the organisaon given in the case study below. Please use tthe he template provided below. Scenario
ABC Caé has been in operaon or the past 5 years in Sydney CBD. It is situated near the train staon, making it the number one opon o visitors around the city. It oers an array o breakast, lunch and dinner menu including morning and afernoon tea. It employs 5 sta to manage around 55 customers per day. Cyril Brown, its operaons manager, ensures that all the sta do their respecve tasks and respond to the needs o every customer they serve. All employees are hardworking however Cyril sll gets complaints on a daily on the ollowing:
items not arriving on me
ood being contaminated
service turnaround me per table is quite long
customers complaining complaining on how they have been served with their order
ood spill when served to customer
One Monday morning, Cyril met with the team and asked or their eedback on the caé problems at hand. Here are some o the employee’s eedback:
there is sta shortage leading to poor customer service and higher turnaround me
no control on ood transporta t ransportaon on
supply o some ood items is not available
high customer service expectaons o some customers
The caé uses EFTPOS or payment and every sta is required to ollow a workow process rom customer entry to customer check out. Lastly, Cyril Brown conducts team meengs 30 minutes beore and afer every shif. Incidents are properly recorded in a logbook and reports are completed every day beore close o business.
Team Critcal Thinking Skills Improvemen Plan Par A - Individual and eam
In your individual and team crical and creave thinking skills
critcal and creatve hinking
assessment, make sure to:
skills assessmen (Approx. 200 words)
1. List a and nd disc discuss uss 2 mod models els o cr crica icall and cr creav eave e thinki thinking ng used to assess employees and the team as a whole. The Taylor model:
The Calvin Taylor creave thinking model describes the talent areas as producve thinking, communicaon, planning, decision making, and orecasng orecasng.. Bloom’s Taxonomy:
According to Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy o Educaonal Objecves (1956)—a cross-disciplinary cross-disciplinary model or developing higher-order thinking in students—learn students—learning ing how to think crically involves the mastery o six increasingly increasing ly complex cognive skills: knowledge (i.e., possession o specic acts or pieces o inormaon), comprehension, applicaon, analysis, synthesis, and evaluaon. 2. List 5 ques quesons ons to iden ideny y emp employee loyee a and nd tea team m know knowledge ledge gaps
What relevant changes are on the horizon that we need to take into consideraon?
What is the industry telling us?
What skills are currently becoming more necessary?
what key skills are needed to get to that uture. Are they new technologies?
Will you be able to create and share eecve training that will help you bridge the knowledge gaps?
3. Desc Describe ribe wh what at orm ormal al and in inorma ormall learn learning ing opp opportun ortunies ies 4|Page
or addressing idened gaps
Formal learning methods: 1. Face Face-to-a -to-ace: ce: A mo more re trad tradiona ionall de delive livery ry method, but sll ubiquitous, ormal learning takes place ace-to-ace or in a classroom-like seng. 2. Onli Online ne tra training ining:: Don Done e with tthe he hel help p o a llearn earning ing management system, online training delivery has become the new norm or businesses looking to deliver a ormalized learning strategy. The big draw is that it’s quick and stress-ree.
Inormal learning methods: As inormal learning is organic and unplanned, it’s more dicult to ideny tangible ways it is used within your organizaon. However, it’s important to note that inormal learning is already happening in your business. You just might not be aware o it.
4. Disc Discuss uss ke key y eatu eatures res o ccric rical al and ccrea reave ve thin thinking king concepts that can be applied. Crical and creave thinking involves pupils thinking broadly and deeply using skills, behaviours and disposions such as reason, logic, resourceulness, imaginaon and innovaon in all learning areas at school and in their lives beyond school. 1-pose quesons 2-ideny and clariy inormaon and ideas 3-organise and process inormaon. 4-Generang ideas, possibilies and acons
Par B - Esablishmen of
Afer assessing the crical thinking skills o every employee,
environmen ha
you now establish a caé environment that encourages the
encourages he applicaton
applicaon o crical and creave thinking. In doing this, you
of critcal and creatve
need to:
1. Desc Describe ribe cu curren rrentt organ organisa isaonal onal systems systems to id ideny eny ga gaps ps 5|Page
(Approx. 200 words)
or barriers to crical thinking.
Egocenric Thinking:
Egocentric thinking is a natural tendency to view everything in relaon to onesel. This type o thinking leads to the inability to sympathize with others or analyse and evaluate several perspecves.
Drone Menaliy: This mentality is dangerous in a classroom because
learners orget how to respond to new situaons. It also causes them to shy away rom challenges or the sake o ease and convenience 2. Deve Develop lop pro process cesses es tha thatt crea create te a sa sae e envir environmen onmentt or crical and creave thinking approaches Build in opporunites for employees o nd connectons in learning.
1.Use analogies. 2.Promote interacon among employees. 3.Ask open-ended quesons. 4.Allow reecon me. 5.Use real-lie problems. 6.Allow or thinking pracce. 3. Disc Discuss uss op opportu portunie niess or emp employee loyeess to app apply ly crical crical thinking skills to workplace problems. Employees who can engage in crical thinking are, independent, reecve and competent. I employees pracce crical thinking, they will logically connect ideas, scrunize and evaluate arguments, nd inconsistencies and errors in their work and the work o others, solve complex problems and engage in reecon.
4. Desc Describe ribe h how ow you ccan an pr provide ovide eedb eedback ack to employees employees o on n perormance o tasks 1.Avoid giving unsolicited advice. 2.Will be specic. 3.Come with a deep level o empathy. 4.Will wait or a quarterly review. 5.Will keep it private. 6|Page
6.Won't take the “sandwich approach approach”” 7.Make the conversaon a two-way street. 8.Focus on perormance, not personality.
Par C - Thinking practces
Afer assessing crical thinking skills and establishing a a caé
monioring and
environment that encourages the applicaon o crical and
creave thinking, you now monitor and develop ways to
(Approx. 200 words)
improve the thinking pracces at ABC Caé. Make sure to:
List and provide a simple analysis on eedback rom employees on crical and creave thinking opportunies..
Crical and creave thinking can be encouraged simultaneously through acvies that integrate purpose, logic, imaginaon and innovaon; or example, ocusing on a topic in a logical, analyca analycall way or some me, sorng out conicng claims, weighing evidence, thinking through possible soluons. The elements are not a taxonomy o thinking. Rather, each makes its own contribuon to learning and needs to be explicitly and simultaneously developed.
List and discuss addional support required or the team and all employees
Foster open and honest communication. Create collaborative goals.
Celebrate their success.
Allow team members to solve solve problems.
Provide adequate resources and training monthly.
Keep ourselves accountable.
Keeping our eye on the big picture.
Show some empathy.
List and discuss recommendaons or improvements in uture learning arrangements
Make learning more exible and accessible or every 7|Page
Movate managers to get involved properly.
Use tools that serve remote workers and in-oce teams.
Match dierent learning opons and preerences.
Oer cross-department training.
Ask employees what they want.
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