Bsbcmm511 Assessment Templates v1.0221 Assessment Vanessa 1 PDF

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Assessment Templates BSBCMM511 Communicate with influence Student ID

Student Name


First Name: Vanessa Last Name: de Melo Peixoto

Group Work This assessment task has been completed by the following followi ng persons and we acknowledge that it was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work except for where we have

listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for us by another person.

Group Members’ Names 

Student ID

Student & Last Name


Amanda Militao

Student’s declaration:  By submitting this assessment, you acknowledge and agree to the following conditions. Check all boxes if you agree. ☐  ☐  ☐ 

I have read and understood the details of the assessment I have been informed of the conditions of the assessment and the appeals process and understand I may appeal if I believe the assessment is not equitable, fair or just I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed I have acknowledged all sources where appropriate in i n accordance with Greystone


College’s Academic Integrity Policy, and I believe beli eve other group members have done the

same I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work ☐ 

with the exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been written for me by another person. Greystone College Australia:

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Submitting your assessment: Complete all assessment tasks, upload the Templates document and submit in Moodle for grading. Videos and information on how to submit work through Moodle are in the FAQ section of your VET Orientation course. Once your assessment is graded, you will receive an email notification. Check your grades and submission feedback on Moodle.

Assessor’s acknowledgement:  Please verify each of the following principles of assessment by placing a tick in each box. Refer to the assessor's handbook for further information if required. ☐ 



Authentic: I am assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work 

Valid: I am assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes as described in the module or unit of competency and associated assessment requirements 

Current: I am assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past  

Sufficient: I am assured that the quality, quali ty, quantity and relevance of the assessment ☐ 

evidence enable a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency  

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Task 2 – Knowledge Questions 1.  Why is it important i mportant to understand the needs of your audience and the purpose of your

communication when preparing your position? It’s important to understand the needs of the audience because you can prepare yourself to answer people’s questions, to reach the expectations of them, know the

best tone, use a communication style relevant to your audience, this way you will be prepared to keep the subject more attractive, relevant and meaningful to the participants. 

2.  Outline three (3) strategies for cross cultural communication. communication.  

Learn about their cultural background to ensure that you understand differences in communication, body language, male/female interactions and terminology. Be mindful of any religious or spiritual belief Adopt a model of behavior and attitudes that promote culturally inclusive work practices.

3.  Define the purpose and the position you would take in the following situations:   Situation

Purpose of the information

Providing a new employee

To inform / To induct new staff

with company history, policies

members  members 

Position New staffs  staffs 

and personnel within the company A review with an under-

Performance management

Team members

To generate sales

New and existing costumers  costumers 

performing employee supported with productivity reports and feedback Promotion of a new product range that your company is introducing to the market that will save customers money

4.  Select communication techniques for problem-solving strategies by placing the letter of the

communication technique next to the correct problem-solving strategy. Greystone College Australia:

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Communication techniques: A.  Negotiation B.  Mediation C.  Conflict Resolution D.  Incident De-escalation Communication

Problem solving strategy

Technique Involves closing down the issue before it grows into a bigger conflict. If this were to happen in a meeting, you could c ould shut down the conversation and agree on another time to discuss it, then go through problem-solving steps to resolve any issues.


Involves using problem-solving techniques or calling meetings to identify and discuss the issues and reaching a consensus on how to solve them.

Incident Deescalation   escalation

A process where two or more parties par ties with different interests and goals discuss di scuss issues to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Dispute Resolution   Resolution

A form of workplace conflict resolution, a confidential process where an impartial and independent third person facilitates communication between

Mediation  Mediation 

two or more people in dispute.

5.  Outline three (3) types or reasons for workplace meetings and include the purpose, types of

materials used and expected schedule. Schedule Meeting Type/Reason


Types of Materials

 Ad hoc, weekly, monthly

Motivate Team

Set Goals

Performance management

Whiteboard, agenda

Monthly   Monthly

Reach deadlines,

Whiteboard or flip


improvement of the company,


keep the standard of the company

Provide training  training 

To inform,train the staffs,

Memo, email, group

keep the standard of the


Monthly   Monthly

company  6.  Name four (4) strategies you would employ to run a structured and inclusive meeting.  meeting.  

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Here are some strategies for including all participants in a meeting. • Introduce each agenda item clearly and explain what you hope the meeting will achieve.   • Allow sufficient time for debate. • Refer to participants by their name so they t hey feel they are acknowledged and part of the

meeting. • Understand group dynamics and interaction. Try to involve those people who you know are

shy about speaking. Watch for people dominating discussions.

7.  Organisations operate with many policies and procedures to assist with the smooth and

legal running of their business. Using the numbered list below, identify all policies and procedures that would be used in the following communication situations (Note – some may be assigned more than once). Policies and Procedures: 1.  Health and Safety policy 2.  Employment contracts 3.  Code of Conduct 4.  Recruitment policy 5.  Employee handbook 6.  Complaints procedure 7.  Confidentiality policy Policies and Procedures used Communication situations

(at least three (3)) Health and Safety policy

Making an induction presentation to a group of new staff members:

Employee handbook Code of Conduct Confidentiality policy 

Code of Conduct Negotiating with an unhappy and rude customer who would like to make a complaint:

Complaints procedure Confidentiality policy 

Employment contracts Participating in a recruitment meeting to discuss candidates:

Recruitment policy Confidentiality policy Code of Conduct 

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8.  Name the government legislation that protects the Privacy of Information in Australia and

describe what it regulates.  regulates.  The law is the Privacy Act 1988. The law protects and regards personal information about individuals as confidential. This law is responsible for regulates how various types of organizations can use personal information, including the information i nformation provided by employees and customers.  


List at least three (3) pieces of personal information that are protected under the Act.  Act.  • criminal record  • health • membership of a professional or trade association  • membership of a trade union 

10.  Confidential information can concern areas of a business such as communication,

technology, operations, finance, finance, transactions or third third parties such as suppliers. suppliers. Name at least five (5) sources of confidential information within a business.  business.   • plans  • ideas  • accounts   • data  • reports  • client information  • decisions  11.  Where could you seek advice on how to handle confidential information? Provide at least

three sources.  sources. 

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You can refer to your organization polices and procedures;

Or comply with all Commonwealth, state or territory privacy legislation;


You can ask advice from a more senior or experienced experienced work colleague. 

12.  When communicating with others it is important i mportant to determine the tone, structure, and style

to use. Explain why this is important and the impact it can have on others. Include a workplace communication example in your answer.  answer.  The correct decision on the tone, style and structure st ructure of your presentation helps you to communicate better with your target audience. When you deliver a presentation you need to communicate with your audience in the best way, in a way that is accessible to everyone and keep your audience always interested. interested. For example in your workplace you should use an informal, friendly tone that way you will be better understood by your coworkers. It is also important that the presentation should be brief and objective, as the participants will have basic information knowledge.

13.  Provide three (3) reasons why it is important to resolve conflict in the t he workplace.  workplace. 

-It is important to resolve the conflict and know how to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth, progress and improvement in organizational performance. - It is also important to address these issues before they begin to affect productivity, performance or staff wellbeing. - The quick and effective resolution of the conflict can be to show that t hat the team has a good leadership. - It is also important to resolve conflicts before they adversely affect other people, including customers, clients, co-workers or observers. 14.  What steps could Jenny take to resolve the conflict effectively? List five (5) steps. steps.  

Arranging a time for the relevant parties to meet to discuss the situation  

Explaining the need for commitment and cooperation between team members in order to achieve common goals

P opportunities for resolution, such as brainstorming potential solutions  

Explaining the organisation’s processes if a resolution cannot be achieved ----


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15.  List three (3) techniques Jenny could use to control her emotions when talking to Mark.  Mark. 

• Communication • Mediation • Negotiation

16.  Access the BizOps Management team document. Use the organisational chart to complete

the following: Name a relevant stakeholder, a reason why the stakeholder could be communicating with BizOps, and which department manager at BizOps would need to give approval.  An example: HR Manager Manager (Department) (Department) may communicate communicate with with Fair Work (Government agency) when determining changes to work conditions (reason). External Stakeholder

Name/ Type of stakeholder

Reason for Communication

Seek approval from:

Government Organisation Industry –  supplier of goods for sale or use in the business Media Event

17.  Outline the process you would use to plan and document a negotiation and meet the needs

of stakeholders.  stakeholders.  Negotiations should always be approached with a clear set of strategies, messages and tactics, we need to discuss the concepts and ideas, propose the offer and listen to the other then we can negotiate asking for what you want and think about the other ideas to have consensus of all the parts. After the negotiation we need to have an email summarising what was ag agreed, reed, minutes of the negotiation meeting and a draft contract or agreement.

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18.  It is important to confirm the outcome of a negotiation. Name two (2) ways you could

communicate with stakeholders and establish common ground for a potential compromise.  compromise.  • an email summarising what was agreed • a draf t contract or agreement.

Decide the best meeting forum for stakeholders to contribute to discussions for the following business objectives. Name two (2) for each: 19.  To inform all staff of a new system being introduced.  introduced. 


Group meeting

20.  To share details of a new product in the marketplace. marketplace.  

Face-to-face contact

Group presentations

21.  List at least (6) meeting materials to be prepared and distributed to stakeholders prior to

and after a meeting.  meeting.  

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The materials to be prepared will depend on the type and purpose of the meeting. For example, an annual board meeting may require a notice of meeting, an agenda (or draft agenda), previous minutes, financial reports, project reports or motions on notice; whereas a staff meeting may only require an agenda (including (includi ng notice of meeting) and previous minutes. Also after a meeting we need to have a report, discussion paper or a copy of a letter, and if we have confidentiality requirements.

22.  Why is it important to follow up with stakeholders after a meeting? Give two (2) reasons.  reasons.   Outcomes of a meeting must be reported to the relevant stakeholders as soon as possible so any follow-up actions can be promptly undertaken. Because after the meeting the information information that we talked about is still fresh in participants’


23.  What must you first consider when beginning to prepare for a presentation? presentation?  

We need to know which requirements the presentation need, these will be influenced by the purpose, audience, forum, technology, organisational requirements, subject matter and time constraints, also observe the legislative legisl ative and organisational requirements, communications styles.

24.  Why is it important to provide opportunities for the audience to ask questions and how

would you follow up with the audience after a presentation?  presentation?  When people ask questions it makes makes it challenging, so so you reflect critically on your performance by providing a different perspective, and they can provide valuable feedback at all stages of your presentation work.

25.  Identify two (2) strategies for evaluating a presentation. presentation.  

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It’s important to support for individual participants during the presentation using

opportunities to ask questions and make comments. It’s important to have quality and suitability of materials and handouts, including also voice, pace, timing, engagement during the presentation.

25 questions total

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Task 3: Project – Develop a Communication plan Step1-ReviewBizOpsCustomerServicePolicyandOrganisational Plan.  

To keep the high service levels in our department and meet the demand of the increase in phone sales we will develop some ideas like: - Increase the number of workers on phone sales - Training for the workers - Staff improvement

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Step2– Developthecommunicationplan Developthecommunicationplan

Communication Plan Template  

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Position statement:

Write a statement about the current situation.

Organisational objectives:

Outline organisational objectives. What is the main focus? What are you trying to achieve?

Relevant stakeholders and any communication needs

Who is involved? Who needs to be be involved? Do they have communication method preferences such as digital or written (if known)?

Required resources

What will you need to communicate information to stakeholders? Any equipment, digital tools or meeting materials required?


conferencing   Consider slideshow presentation, video conferencing

Schedule/delivery date

What date will the information be communicated? communicated? When will the meeting or presentation take place? What policies or procedures need to be considered when

Relevant policies/procedures po licies/procedures

Authority to present material

Confidentiality requirements


communicating information? Consider confidentiality confidentiality and Privacy What policies will be used or referenced in the meeting or presentations? confidential dential or Is there information that may be sensitive, confi conflict of interest? Do you have authority to communicate this information? Do you need to seek approval? Who from and what for? Identify any confidential information, such as financial or personal data or internal procedures. How does this information need to be managed? What documentation will be required to support your communication. Consider hand-outs, presentation slides, statistical analysis, policies etc.

Position, tone, structure and style of communication

Consider the audience, and style of communication (formal or informal). What tone will convey your message appropriately? How will you structure the communication for the audience and timeframe allocated? What communication communi cation techniques are required such as persuasive, collaborative etc.?

External consultant: 

What background information will the external consultant need to better understand BizOps structure, procedures, staffing model and any other internal processes?

Information they require Questions to ask

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When working out what to ask, consider his experience and expert knowledge and what could be applied to this scenario.

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Step3– PrepareanemailtoSarahVossandotherrelevantpersonnel  PrepareanemailtoSarahVossandotherrelevantpersonnel  

Email Template To: Sarah Voss  Cc: From: Vanessa de Melo Peixoto  Sent: 06/01/2 06/01/2021 021  Subject: Meeting Request 

Ms. Voss,  Good morning, I’m writing this email to sched schedule ule a meeting concerning about about our increase of phone sales and improvement improvement of staffs as we know we had a significant increase on sales, so it’s really r eally important to discuss and encourage our workers to share the ideas i deas to keep our standard, If it’s it ’s convenient, I would suggest th meeting on Friday, 4  of June in the morning at 10am.   I’d rather to have have a video conference meeting to avoid any misunderstanding and make it easy for everyone.  I’m planning to discuss the ideas i deas focusing on phone sales and hear the suggestions from everyone in the meeting I invited i nvited Darren Lin the external consultant to participate in the meeting, so I would like to request approval to present sensitive and confidential information.   I’m looking forward to discuss som some e improvements to provide high quality customer service in our department and improve the training of the staffs.   Kindly confirm your availability and preference if you’d like to change the time or location.  Kind regards,  Vanessa Melo 

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Step4– Prepareanemailtoinviteyourdepartmentmanagersand Prepareanemailtoinviteyourdepartmentmanagersand DarrenLintothemeeting.

Email Template To: Darren Lin  Cc: From: Vanessa de Melo Peixoto  Sent: 06/01/2 06/01/2021 021  Subject: Meeting Request

Ms. Lin,  I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing this email email to schedule a meeting concerning about our increase of phone sales and improvement of staffs.If it’s convenient, I would suggest meeting on Friday, 4 th of June in the morning at 10am.  I’d rather to have a video conference meeting to avoid any misunderstanding and make it easy for everyone.  I’m planning to have an hour meeting to hear all the ideas and suggestions.  I’m inviting the department managers, they will participate in the meeting.  I’m looking forward to discuss som some e improvements to keep the high service levels in our department and meet the demand of the increase in phone sales.   Kindly confirm your availability availabil ity and preference if you’d like to change the time or location.  Kind regards,  Vanessa Melo 


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Step5– Preparea15-minutepresentation Preparea15-minutepresentation

Presentation Notes & Handout Material Template -Training staffs 

- Hire new staffs  - Artificial inteligence  We will use these ideas to keep the standard of the company even increasing the phone sales.   We will organise the budget to improve the training and software keeping the same standard.   The customers will be able to choose be served by human or robot.   We will try to get feedback from the customers to keep improving what they suggest and fixing the issues. 

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Step6– PrepareaNegotiationPlan PrepareaNegotiationPlan

Negotiation Negotiatio nP Plan lan Template Position statement:

Relevant stakeholders 

What is your current situation?

Darren Lin ( external consultant) Sarah Voss  Department managers 

Potential issues/problems 

Objectives of negotiation

The recruitment and training of new staff is a key success factor in meeting the strategic objectives of the business plan, so we need to review our budget We would like to keep the same standard of phone sales, keep the staff motivated and engaged, offer training for staffs.  Have meetings to know the feedbacks.  

Stakeholder needs/requirement needs/requirements s 

Anticipated counterarguments

What will stakeholders need help with for them to support your ideas? What information would be helpful to them? Are there any special needs to consider such as how they receive information? - They can try to avoid many meetings, because of time. - Budget

I will need to keep an eye on the feebacks to show that the training for the staff is helping with the improvement on sales. Supporting arguments 


IMPORTANT: Check IMPORTANT:  Check you have completed the following for Task 3.  3.   

Communication Plan


Two Emails – Request for approval & Meeting invite


Presentation notes & Handout Material


Negotiation plan

Task 4 – Role plays 1 & 2

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Role-Play 1 Part A: Presentation meeting with staff and external consultant Part B: Post presentation

Part B – Post Presentation Step3– Completethefeedbackrecordtemplate

Feedback Record Template Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission


Feedback Record  Stakeholder feedback Date:

Stakeholder names:


Stakeholder positions:

Feedback on content of presentation  Feedback on delivery of presentation  Were objectives of presentation achieved?  Suggested improvements 

Self-evaluation  Own evaluation of

How was the pace of your presentation? Was the tone appropriate for


the audience? Did the structure of the presentation presentation make it easy to present your ideas? Were you prepared for the questions? questions? Did you ask enough questions to gain understanding? Did you provide provi de enough information to your audience? Was the delivery in the right format for the audience?

Areas for improvement

How do you need tto o improve the delivery of your presentation? presentation? Could you improve the content and the structure? What feedback did you receive? How could you improve your questioning techniques?

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Report Template Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission


BizOps Report Date: Name: Department: Purpose

What is the purpose purpose of this report? What will it be used for?


situation? ion? Why did it need addressing? Who asked for the What was the situat information? How did you collect the information? i nformation? What was the process? Who was involved?

Key points

What areas were discusse discussed? d? What ideas were presented? What were the key points of the discussion? What was considered in the discussion –ie policies, legislation etc?

Summary of key

What was the summary of the di discussion scussion of each of the points? Was there


supporting evidence presented? presented? What was it? What issues were uncovered? Why would some ideas work better than others? o thers? What resources were required? How did the ideas work within wi thin a timeframe? Do the ideas comply with company and government constraints? What was ach achieved? ieved? What was selected selected and why? What next?


Actions or recommendations What needs to be

Who is Responsible?

By when?

Which colleague will be assigned to the task?

When must this be

followed up?


What additional information is required? What supporting evidence is required?

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How will this be presented? Who needs to be involved? Would approvals be required?

How will the report of meeting outcomes be distributed to stakeholders?

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Role-Play 2 Part A: Prepare for a management presentation presentation meeting Part B: Present to management Part C: Post presentation

Part A: Prepare for a management presentation meeting Step1– Developacommunicationplan Developacommunicationplan

Communication plan Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission


Position statement:

Write a statement about the current situation.

Organisational objectives: 

Outline organisational objectives. What is the main mai n focus? What are you trying to achieve?

Relevant stakeholders and

Who is involved? Who needs to be involved? Do they have communication method preferences such as digital or written (if known)?

their needs 

Required resources 

i nformation to What will you need to communicate information stakeholders? Any equipment , digital tools or meeting materials required?


Consider slideshow presentation, video conferencing, handouts etc. 

Schedule/delivery date 

What date will the information be communicated? communicated? When will the meeting or presentation take place?

Relevant policies/procedures policies/procedures

What policies or procedures need to be considered c onsidered when communicating information? Consider confidentiality and privacy. What policies will be used or referenced in the meeting or presentations?

Authority to present material  

Confidentiality requirements 

Is there information that may be sensitive, confidential or conflict of interest? Do you have authority to communicate this information? Do you need to seek approval? Who from and what for? Identify any confidential information, such as financial or personal data or internal procedures. How does this information need to be managed?


What documentation will be required to support your communication? Consider hand-outs, presentation slides, statistical analysis, policies etc.

Tone, structure and style of

Consider the audience, and style of communication (formal or informal). What tone will will convey your message appropriately? appropriately? How will you structure the communication for the audience


and timeframe allocated? What communication techniques are required, such as persuasive, collaborative etc.?

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Information that may be required by management team

What additional information would they need to make a decision? What evidence do you have to support your ideas?

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Negotiation plan  

complete mplete and before submission Student must delete instructions when co

Position statement:

What is your current situation?

Relevant stakeholders 

Who is involved in the negotiation?

Potential issues/problems 

Objectives of negotiation Stakeholder needs/requirements 

What potential issues may be identified from your ideas being presented? Are these to do with resources such as staffing or budget? Will timing or implementation be an issue? Are there any legislative restrictions? Will BizOps B izOps reputation be affected? Will inventory (stock) be affected? What are you hoping to achieve in the negotiation? What will stakeholders need to help them support your ideas? What information would be helpful to them? Are there any special needs to consider such as how they receive information?


What might they say to prove your ideas wrong or unsuitable?


What areas might they challenge you on? What response will you have ready for the challenges? Do you need documentation, links, references, studies, data, reports etc? Have you considered timeframes, timefr ames, implementation processes, additional communication and costings?

Supporting arguments 

How can you support your ideas? What examples do you have? What supporting evidence can you provide? Is there anything the external consultant or another expert could contribute? Are there case studies or statistics to support your idea? i dea?

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Email Template  Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission






Subject: What are you inviting them to? Where will it be held? Who is attending? What is the purpose? Do you require a response? Will they be required to prepare or bring anything with them? How long will the meeting be? What is being discussed?

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Part B: Present to management management Step4-Conductthepresentationmeeting  

Part C: Post Presentation Step5– PrepareaFeedbackRecord Student must delete instructions when complete and before submission


Feedback Record  Stakeholder feedback Date: 

Stakeholder names: 


Stakeholder positions: 

Feedback on content of presentation  Feedback on delivery of presentation  Were objectives of presentation achieved?  Suggested improvements 

Self-evaluation  Own evaluation of presentation 

How was the pace of your presentation? Was the tone appropriate for the audience? Did the structure of the presentation presentation make it easy to present your ideas? Were you prepared for the questions? questions? Did you ask enough questions to gain understanding? Did you provide enough information to your audience? Was the delivery in the right format for the audience?

Areas for improvement

How do you need to improve the delivery of your presentation? presentation? Could you improve the content and the structure? What feedback did you receive? How could you improve your questioning techniques?

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Meeting Minutes Template BizOps

Date: Date of meeting  Time:

Meeting Minutes Meeting called by: Who is responsible? 

Location: Is the meeting online? 

Type of meeting: Types could include status, decision making, idea sharing, team building etc.

Attendees: Who attended the meeting? 

MINUTES Agenda Items: Topics of discussion 

Presenter: Who? 

Discussion: What was discussed? 

Outcome: What was decided? 

Action Items

Person Responsible


What needs to be implemented? 

By whom?  whom? 

By when?  when? 

OTHER INFORMATION Observers: Was anyone observing but not participating in the decision making? 

Resources: What resources were used to conduct the meeting?  

Method of distribution to stakeholders: How will the minutes be distributed to team members?  

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IMPORTANT: Check IMPORTANT:  Check you have completed the following for Role play 1 & 2.  

Conduct a presentation meeting


Gain feedback using Moodle Forum and complete the feedback record template


A written report


Communication Plan

Negotiation Plan   Email invite to the management team  


Feedback record


Meeting Minutes

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