This Task requires you to prepare 2 presentations and deliver it to your Assessor and training group. You need to follow below mentioned guidelines: •
Presentations need to be prepared on any organisation and its business.
Presentations should be between 7 !" minutes in length.
Presentation should be designed on PowerPoint with around !# slides.
You $an $hoose any 2 topi$s from the following list: !. %&' mana manage geme ment nt sys system tem 2. (mportan (mportan$e $e of $ommuni $ommuni$ati $ation on in the organi organisati sation on ). *iffer *ifferent ent leaders leadership hip styles styles +. %ork %ork priorit priorities ies and and Time Time manag manageme ement nt #. (mportan$e (mportan$e of ,onti ,ontinuous nuous (mprovement (mprovement in the organi organisation sation -. 'ustain 'ustainabi ability lity a$ a$tivi tivities ties of the organi organisati sation on
!. Prepare Prepare a Presen Presentat tation ion 1.1. What is your presentation approach and inten intended ded outcomes? Answer— !. Presen Presentat tation ion app approa roach ch top topic ic 1-1---- to gi giv ve de deta tail ils s ab abou outt %& %&' ' management system to various stakeholders to make awareness about and improvement in $urrent health and safety rules Intended outcomes---- to outcomes---- to eplain about %&' management system and benefit oftion itsalimplementation the system leading orga organi ni/a /ati onal im impr prov ovem emen entt inan and d $urrent im imag age e working en enha han$ n$em emen entt le lead adin ing g to to in$reased business profit 2. Pres Presen enta tati tion on ap appr proa oach ch to topi pic c 22---- or oral al pres presen enta tati tion on ab abou outt $ommuni$ation and its (mportan$e in the organisation using visual aids Inte Intend nded ed ou outc tcom omes es-------- to in$r in$rea ease se th the e un unde ders rsta tand ndin ing g am amon ong g al alll stak stakeh ehol olde ders rs ab abou outt vario arious us $o $omm mmun uni$ i$at atio ion n te te$h $hni niqu ques es an and d th thei eir r (mportan$e in the organisation for employee development leading to perfo pe rforma rman$ n$e e en enhan han$e $emen mentt 0 qu quali ality ty wo work rk an and d pr produ odu$t $t1se 1serv rvi$e i$es s in organisation for future business growth.
1. 1.2.Ide 2.Ident ntif ify y ch char arac acte teri rist stic ics s of th the e au audi dien ence ces s an and d di disc scus uss s su suit itab able le presentation strategies format and deli!ery methods you will use.
Answer—In order to match the target audience location resources and personnel needed there are !arious presentation format and deli!ery methods that can be utili"ed when w hen ma#ing a presentation such as---
Advertising $opy
*ire$t marketing $opy
(ndividual presentation
Publi$ relations $opy
Team presentation
erbal presentation
$haracteristics that could ma#e up a target audience% •
,ultural and language ba$kground
3du$ational ba$kground or general knowledge
5anguage0 litera$y and numera$y needs
Physi$al ability
Previous eperien$e of the topi$
(t im impo port rtan antt to ad adap aptt the the de deliv liver ery y of yo your ur pr pres esen enta tatio tion n to su suit it th the e ta targ rget et audien$e 'o that they desired out$ome is rea$hed0 key $on$epts and ideas are understood by audien$e and parti$ipants needs and preferen$es are met.
%hen preparing your detailed notes you should:
type the notes in large letters 6but not all $apitals as this $an be very
hard to read use double spa$ing
type only on the top half of ea$h sheet of paper. 2
&'A()*'+ &'A( )*'+ ,& A '(AI' P*' P*'+'/(A +'/(A(I,/ (I,/ P PA/ A/ W'$,0' %el$ome the audien$e 8ollow proto$ol su$h as introdu$ing spe$ial guests (ntrodu$e yourself and your $olleagues or assistants I/(*,)$(I,/ (nterest: 4rab their interest1attention 9eed: 3stablish a need1desire to know more Topi$: To pi$: e $lear about the topi$1s ;elevant: e$tive: ,larify the ob>e$tive , ?@Pa$kage in $hunks ?flow logi$ally from simple to $omple ?en$ourage a$tive parti$ipation by all ?a$tivities at regular intervals eg 2" minutes ?allow for pra$tise ?en$ourage positive feedba$k ?provide motivation ?show timeframe ?pose BthoughtC‐fullD questions and possible solutions ?appeal to the senses eg audio1visual0 smell0 tou$h0 feel ?assess1evaluate required out$omes ?en$ourage $onfiden$e to transfer skills $,/$)+I,/ ;elate ba$k to ob>e$tives (nvolve all parti$ipants erify e rify parti$ipants understanding 3plain the key points Terminate Te rminate the sess session ion wit with h a definit definite e endin ending g (ntrodu$e the net sessions topi$ 9ever be rushed 4ive feedba$k
1.3. 1.3.Wh What at pr pres esen enta tati tion on aids aids ma mate teri rial al an and d te tech chni ni4u 4ues es wi will ll yo you u us use e to enhance audience understanding of #ey concepts and central ideas? Answer---+trategies and techni4ues-----%hen techni4ues-----%hen designing your presentation pla plan0 n0 $o $onsi nside derr wh whi$h i$h str strate ategie gies s wil willl be the mos mostt app approp ropria riate te to a$h a$hiev ieve e the pu purp rpos ose e of th the e se sess ssio ion. n. ,o ,ons nsid ider er also also00 whi hi$h $h stra strate tegi gies es wi will ll be th the e mo most st appropriate for this audien$e iin n this venue. 8or eample: ?,ase 'tudies 3
?*emonstrations ?Audien$e *is$ussion ?'mall 4roup ?=ral Presentations ?;ole Plays ?Ese of Animation (n 'lideshows
(o &urther 'nhance A Presentation ou $an )se (echni4ues +uch As%
5ive A$tion
e$tively wat$h your performan$e and the rea$tions of your audien$e. You have the benefit of @hindsight to help make the net presentation mu$h better. A$tion resear$h. This is a type of informal0 qualitative0 interpretive0 refle$tive and eperimental methodology where parti$ipants $ollaborate in order to bring about positive $hange. ,riti ,ri ti$a $all frie friend nds0 s0 pe peer ers0 s0 $o $olle lleag ague ues s or fa fami mily ly me memb mber ers. s. Th Thei eirr in inpu putt $a $an n be instrumental in supporting you in your endeavours and at the same time0 help you to improve.
8o$us group inter interview views. s. Thes These e is an unstr unstru$tur u$tured ed grou group p interv interview iew te$hn te$hnique ique where generally G to !2 people are brought together0 under the guidan$e of a trained interviewer0 to fo$us on a spe$ifi$ $on$ept0 produ$t0 or sub>e$t. The group dynam dy nami$s i$s gen genera erate te ide ideas as an and d pro provid vide e ins insigh ights ts int into o aud audien ien$e $e rea rea$ti $tions ons and per$eptions. =neConCone =neCo nCone intervie interviews ws with parti$ipa parti$ipants nts and other perso personnel nnel involve involved d in the presentation. You speak with your audien$e members and ask for their $riti$al but positive feedba$k as a means of improving the presentation for the net audien$e.
3valuation te$hniques should steer $lear of sub>e$tive and negative $riti$ism of the pr pres esen ente terr. ;a ;ath ther er they they sho houl uld d be de desi sign gned ed to al allo low w po posi siti tive ve fe feed edba ba$k $k fo for r improvement. 9oCone wants to be >udged negatively so we should always be $areful in our feedba$k. 5ikewise0 audien$e evaluation worksheets should also be designed to ena enable ble pos positiv itive e $ri $riti$ ti$al al fee feedb dba$k a$k not per person sonal al insult insults. s. Ali Aligne gned d wit with h thi this s is tha thatt feedba$k should fo$us on the presentation and not be an opportunity to ridi$ule or atta$k the person. When designing or adapting e!aluation e !aluation >tools and techni4ues the following criteria should be specified% • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
(s the venue appropriate %as the purpose $ommuni$ated %as there suffi$ient information delivered *id the presenter ehibit personal $onfiden$e *id the presenter have suffi$ient knowledge of the topi$ %as the language appropriate *id the presenter have adequate eye $onta$t with all the audien$e *id the presenter pro>e$t their voi$e suitably %as timing appropriate %as there a logi$al flow of points *id the presenter establish a rapport with the audien$e %ere there diffi$ult audien$e members and if so0 were they handled appropriately %ere the audio visual te$hnologies utilised %as the audien$e engaged throughout the presentation %as there a ba$kup plan and was there a need to use this plan
3.2. 6ow will you utili"e feedbac# from the a audience udience or from #ey personnel in!ol!ed in the presentation to bring changes to central ideas? Answer--(n order to provide the most effe$tive presentations0 the feedba$k from audien$e members should be gathered and used as a $ontinuous improvement strategy for 9
future ses future sessio sions. ns. Par Parti$ ti$ipa ipant nt ev evalu aluati ations ons var vary y fro from m one org organi anisat sation ion to ano anothe ther r howeverH the one that you sele$t should adequately @$apture the main elements of a prese pre senta ntation tion.. 3va 3valua luatio tions ns sho should uld ide identi ntify fy pre presen senter ter ob obvio vious us @te @tende nden$i n$ies es and measur mea sure e the ef effe$ fe$tiv tivene eness ss of the pre presen sentat tation ion.. Two e eamp amples les of pre presen sentat tation ion evaluation @tools are shown on the following pages.
':am ': ampl ple e 1 en en$o $our urag ages es ea ea$h $h pa part rti$ i$ip ipan antt to ra rate te di diff ffer eren entt el elem emen ents ts of th the e presenta prese ntation tion.. 9o 9ote te tha thatt the there re is als also o an op oppor portun tunity ity for audien audien$e $e mem membe bers rs to elaborate or $omment on $ertain aspe$ts of the presentation.
':ample 2 on 2 on the other hand is an etra$t of a self assessment $he$klist.
The two evaluation eamples are not ne$essarily good or bad but they do provide @food for thought. Epon analysis0 tools su$h as these enable the presenter to identify both bo th st stro rong ng an and d we weak ak pa part rts s of th the e pres presen enta tati tion on an and d en enab able le th the e pr pres esen ente terr to implement appropriate improvement strategies.
The simultaneous use of both these two evaluation tools also enables the presenter to identify if how they per$eive themself is different to how their audien$e per$eive them. This is a very $ommon per$eption bias issue. 'ome presenters will always underra und errate te the their ir per perfor forman man$e $e wh whist ist oth others ers wil willl alw alway ays s ov overr errate ate it. (de (denti ntify fying ing the issues where differen$es of per$eption eist between the presenter and audien$e $an provide valuable and often surprising feedba$k to the presenter. (t is therefore re$ommended that a presenter use both types of evaluation tools.
An issue to always always keep in mind when seeking and evaluating audien audien$e $e feedba$k is that different members of the audien$e may have different personal eperien$es with presentations. 'omeone who has be been en to many presentations o orr who frequently makes presentations may provide different feedba$k to someone who has never seen a presentation or made made one themself. (ndividuals $an als also o vary in what appeals to them e.g. some may love lots of visual aids and others want the minimum possible amount. These fa$tors $an sometimes help eplain why individual feedba$k may differ quite signifi$antly signifi$antly for the same presentation. You will have y your our own preferen$es and style but you $an try to $ater to as wide a range of audien$e needs as possible. ;emember however0 you you $ant be all things to all peopleH use rrelevant elevant feedba$k and keep trying to do your best.
+hort 10
Answer @uestions answer 4uestions SATWANT SATWANT SINGH SING H BATH
5.1 5.1 Wh What at are are the the !a !ari riou ous s da data ta co coll llec ecti tion on me meth thod ods s that that ca can n be us used ed to support re!iew of presentations? Answer--- various data $olle$tion methods that $an be used to support review of Presentations areCC •
a$tion resear$h $riti$al friends fo$us group interviews oneConCone interviews with parti$ipants and other personnel involve in the presentation
written feedba$k provided by parti$ipants
&ave your a$tual presentation videoed and then $riti$ally review review iit. t.
5.2Why there is a need to ha!e #nowledge of #ey pro!isions of rele!ant legisl leg islati ation on fro from m all for forms ms of go! go!ern ernmen mentt tha thatt may aff affect ect asp aspect ects s of business operations such as% • • • • • •
anti-discrimination legislation ethical principles codes of practice pri!acy laws en!ironmental issues occupational health and safety
AnswerCCC %e all know that legis legislation lation has an ef effe$t fe$t o on n our business. This be$omes very evident even as a business is >ust starting to be formed. As the business grows0 more laws are passed and other laws that affe$t businesses based on their si/e $ome into play. 'ome laws help businessH some provide $hallenges0 while others $an be antiCbusiness. =ne of the most important attributes for business su$$ess is the distinguishing quality of pra$ti$ing admirable business ethi$s. usiness ethi$s0 pra$ti$ed throughout the deepest layers of a $ompany $ompany00 be$ome the heart and soul of the $ompanyIs $ulture and $an mean the differen$e between su$$ess and failure. ;e$ogni/ing the signifi$an$e of business ethi$s as a tool for a$hieving your desired out$ome is only the beginning. A small small business that instils a deepCseated theme of business ethi$s within its strategies and poli$ies will be evident among $ustomers. (ts overall influen$e will lead to a profitable0 su$$essful $ompany $ompany..
5.3 iscuss !arious !arious principles of effecti!e effecti!e communication Answer— principles of effecti!e communication are--
Jnow your audien$e. Jnow your purpose.
Jnow your topi$.
Anti$ipate ob>e$tions. Present a rounded pi$ture. A$hieve $redibility with your your audien$e.
8ollow through on what you say.
,ommuni$ate a little at a time.
Present information in several ways.
*evelop a pra$ti$al0 useful way to get feedba$k.
Ese multiple $ommuni$ation te$hniques.
5.5 ist down presentation aids and materials a!ailable to support support presentations.
Answer— presentation aids and materials available to support PresentationsCCCCCCC
$omputer simulations and presentations in$luding PowerPoint slide shows and @flash shows diagrams0 $harts and posters
overhead pro>e$tor
paperCbased materials su$h as audien$e @handouts0 or @but$hers paper
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