BSBCMM401 Assessment 2
July 13, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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BSBCMM401 Make a presentaon presentaon
Assessment 2 – Prepare, present and evaluate presentaons
ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS Please complete the student details secon. This case study assessment contains 3 PARTS – PART A, B and C. This assessment is one form of assessment type that is used to collect evidence and will count towards gaining competence toward this unit. To demonstrate competence each queson must be answered by the student. If more space is required for any answer then student can aach a separate page containing c ontaining their name, assessment date, unit tle unit code and the assessment task number and aach this page with the current assessment task before submission. When you have completed all the quesons check your work before subming. Please note once the assessor has marked your work they will provide you with feedback. Based on the feedback if you are required to resubmit any queson/s then you must complete those queson/s by adding more informaon. You will be required to complete other relevant assessment tasks for this unit.
Evidence submission 1. PART A – Please submit your prepared presentaons in hardcopy (printed format) as well as a socopy on a USB sck with your full name, date, unit code and unit tle on your submission and hand this in to your assessor as your evidence
2. PART B Deliver the presentaon to an audience as outlined in PART B.
3. PART C Review the presentaon a) List of quesons quesons that that you will verball verbally y ask your audience audience aer delive delivering ring the present presentaon aon b) Submit Submit your feedback/e feedback/evalua valuaon on for form m or quesonn quesonnaire aire templat template e c) Submit Submit all feedback feedback/eval /evaluaon uaon forms forms or quesonn quesonnaire airess completed completed by your audien audience ce d) Submit Submit your summary summary of the the analysis analysis for for your feedba feedback/ev ck/evalua aluaon on
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PART A – Prepare a presentaon 1. Choose Choose 2 topics relevant relevant to your your area of training training or study relang relang to e.g. Workplac Workplace e Health and Safety, Safety, Sta Training, New Technology, Product and Service Knowledge or similar. Prepare 2 presentaons – 1 for each topic. 2. 1 presentao presentaon n must use Microso Microso PowerPoint PowerPoint or or similar similar with a minimu minimum m of 10 slides. slides. 3. Presentao Presentaon n 1 shall shall have have a maximum maximum of 5 minutes minutes dura duraon. on. 4. Presentao Presentaon n 2 shall shall have have a maximum maximum of 10 minutes minutes dura duraon. on. 5. Provid Provide e an overvi overview ew of yo your ur target target audie audience nce(s) (s).. 6. List the the present presentaon aon aids aids you you will use for for each each presenta presentaon. on. 7. Provide Provide a descripo descripon n of room set-up set-up for each each presenta presentaon on (cong (congurao uraon/room n/room type, type, etc.) etc.) 8. Who needs needs to be be briefed briefed (people (people who who may assist assist you, you, co-pres co-presenter enter,, etc.) 9. Provide Provide an overview overview of any adjustme adjustments nts you may need need to make for people people with a dis disabilit ability y or to overcome overcome cultural barriers or specic needs. Note: If your presentaon does not require any adjustments, then explain why it does not need any adjustments and also provide an example of a presentaon issue that would require an adjustment. 10. Research your chosen topics and include legal consideraons consideraons which must be considered considered for each of your presentaons. 11. Aach the support material material you require for each prese presentaon ntaon including a list where you have sourced this informaon. 12. Produce a dra including a me schedule for each presentaon presentaon – this may include cues cues and other notes from your PowerPoint presentaon (what will happen, when and how – what techniques will be used) 13. Develop a quesonnaire which you will hand out to your audience to evaluate your presentaon including: a. b. c. d. e. f.
Topi Topicc and and iinf nfor orma mao on n Pr Pres esen enta tao on n styl style e Delive Delivery ry Metho Methods ds and Techni Technique quess Aids Aids and and mate materi rial alss use used d Your Your perso personal nal ar aribu ibutes tes as a p pres resent enter er Su Sugge gges son onss ffor or imp impro rove veme ment nt etc. etc.
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PART B – Deliver a presentaon Based on the preparaon and planning document from PART A you now need to deliver your presentaons as instructed by your trainer.
The key criteria that you must consider when delivering your presentaon include:
Explain and discuss desired outcomes of the presentaon with the target audience Use presentaon aids, materials and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas Monitor non-verbal and verbal communicaon of parcipants to promote aainment of presentaon outcomes Use persuasive communicaon techniques to secure audience interest Provide opportunies for parcipants to seek claricaon on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentaon to meet parcipant needs and preferences Summarise key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate parcipant understanding
Your assessor will be observing you for the required skills
culturally appropriate communicaon skills to relate to people from diverse backgrounds and people with diverse abilies
facilitaon and presentaon skills to communicate central ideas of a message in an informave and engaging
manner, and to ulise verbal and non-verbal techniques to sustain parcipant engagement literacy skills to prepare presentaon informaon and to write in a range of styles for dierent target audiences.
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PART C – Review the presentaon – Summary Based on the preparaon and planning document from PART A and the delivering of your presentaon in PART B you now need to conduct a feedback and evaluaon process. For this you need to inform your audience that you will be asking a few quesons verbally to nd out their reacons to and opinions of the presentaon. You could use a co-presenter or other assistant to record the ffeedback. eedback. Use the list of quesons that you had prepared in PART A to elicit feedback from your audience, making note of their responses. Use the feedback form or evaluaon quesonnaire that you developed in PART A and hand this out to all the parcipants in your audience including your assessor. Allow your audience(s) 5 mins to complete the feedback form(s). Collect all the feedback forms from your audience and analyse and evaluate these.
Write a short summary on your analysis outlining the following aspects: 1. Explain Explain why you have conducte conducted d this feedback/e feedback/evalua valuaon on and how it will benet benet you to improve improve your your presentaon 2. Explain Explain how and why why have you devel developed oped this this feedback/e feedback/evalua valuaon on form or queso quesonnair nnaire e 3. Do you think this this evaluaon/ evaluaon/feedb feedback ack form or quesonn quesonnaire aire is the most most appropriate appropriate techniq technique ue to review review the eecveness of your presentaon? 4. Has this evalua evaluaon/fee on/feedback dback form or queso quesonnair nnaire e assist assisted ed you in collecng collecng the desired desired feedback feedback from from your audience? 5. Explain Explain what what the best features features o off your your present presentaon aon were 6. Explain Explain what the the areas areas of improvem improvements ents suggeste suggested d by parcipa parcipants nts were were 7. Explain Explain how you will ulise ulise this feedback feedback from the the audience audience and your assesso assessorr and take it into considera consideraon on to improve your presentaons in the future
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