BS (CS) Courses Contents_Updated Through HEC Curriculum
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BS (CS) Courses Contents_Updated Through HEC Curriculum...
BS (Computer Science) Program Courses Contents
GS-111 GS-111 Calculus and Analytical Geometry (3+0) rere!uisites" None
#$%ecti&es" To provide foundation and basic ground for calculus and analytical geometry background. Complex Number Numbers, s, DeMoiv DeMoivre’ re’ss Theore Theorem m and its pplic pplicati ations ons,, !imple !imple Cour Course se #utlin #utline" e" Complex Cartesian Cartesian Curves, Curves, "unctions "unctions and #raphs, #raphs, !ymmetric !ymmetrical al $roperties, $roperties, Curve Tracing, Tracing, %imit and Continuity, Differentiation of "unctions. Derivative as !lope of Tangent to a Curve and as &ate of Change, pplication to Tangent and Normal, %ineari'ation, Maxima(Minima and $oint of )nflexion, Taylor and Maclaurin *xpansions and their convergence. )ntegral as nti+derivative, )ndefinite )ntegration of !imple "unctions. Methods of )ntegration )ntegration by !ubstitution, by $arts, and by $artial "ractions, Definite )ntegral as %imit of a !um, pplication to rea, rc %ength, -olume and !urface of &evolution.
Re'erence Material" 1. !ok !okos oski, ki, /li /linic nickk and $en $ence, ce, Calc Calculu uluss and n naly alytic tical al #eo #eomet metry ry,, 0th editi edition, on, 1223, 4rooks(Cole $ublishers. 2. 5oard nton, Calculus, 6 th edition. 7887, 9ohn :iley and !ons ;:)*16>8333. G4asic *lectronics Components, Devices, and CircuitsH by :illiam $. 5and, #erald *. :illiams G*lectric circuitsH 4y lexander and !adiku 7nd *dition Mc#ra 5ill
S-11, A7STA ST*ES 8 SAMC ST*ES9 ETCA 6EA:#R (3+0) rere!uisites" None
a4istan Studies (Comulsory) ntroduction9#$%ecti&es •
Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary $akistan, ideological background of $akistan. !tudy the process of governance, national development, issues arising in the modern age and posing challenges to $akistan.
Course #utline 1.
istorical ersecti&e
a. b. c.
)deological rationale ith special reference to !ir !yed hmed =han, llama Muhammad )Bbal and Iuaid+i+'am Muhammad li 9innah. "actors leading to Muslim separatism $eople and %and i. )ndus Civili'ation ii. Muslim advent iii. %ocation and geo+physical features.
Go&ernment and olitics in a4istan
$olitical and constitutional phases a. 1236+EA b. 12EA+61 c. 1261+66 d. 1266+AA e. 12AA+22 f. 1222 onard >.
Contemorary a4istan
a. b. c. d. e.
*conomic institutions and issues !ociety and social structure *thnicity "oreign policy of $akistan and challenges "uturistic outlook of $akistan
6oo4s Recommended 1.
4urki, !hahid 9aved. State # Societ" in $a%istan& The Macmillan $ress %td 12A8.
kbar, !. Faidi. Issue in $a%istan's Econom". =arachi /xford niversity $ress, 7888.
>. 3. E. 0. 6. A. 2. 18. 11. 17. 1>. 13.
!.M. 4urke and %arence Firing. $akistan’s "oreign policy n 5istorical analysis. =arachi /xford niversity $ress, 122>. Mehmood, !afdar. $a%istan $o!itica! (oots # )eve!opment. %ahore, 1223. :ilcox, :ayne.*+e Emergence of ,ang!ades.& :ashington merican *nterprise, )nstitute of $ublic $olicy &esearch, 1267. Mehmood, !afdar. $a%istan -a""un *oota& %ahore )dara+e+!aBafat+e+)slamia, Club &oad, nd. min, Tahir. Et+no Nationa! /ovement in $a%istan& )slamabad )nstitute of $olicy !tudies, )slamabad. Firing, %arence. Enigma of $o!itica! )eve!opment. =ent *ngland :mDason ? sons %td, 12A8. Fahid, nsar. 0istor" # Cu!ture of Sind+. =arachi &oyal 4ook Company, 12A8. f'al, M. &afiBue. $o!itica! $arties in $a%istan& -ol. ), )) ? ))). )slamabad National )nstitute of 5istorical and cultural &esearch, 122A. !ayeed, =halid 4in. *+e $o!itica! S"stem of $a%istan. 4oston 5oughton Mifflin, 1206. 'i', =.=. $art"& $o!itics in $a%istan& )slamabad National Commission on 5istorical and Cultural &esearch, 1260. Muhammad :aseem, $akistan nder Martial %a, %ahore -anguard, 12A6. 5aB, Noor ul. /a%ing of $a%istan: *+e /i!itar" $erspective. )slamabad National Commission on 5istorical and Cultural &esearch, 122>.
SAMC ST*ES (Comulsory) #$%ecti&es" This course is aimed at 1 To provide 4asic information about )slamic !tudies 7 To enhance understanding of the students regarding )slamic Civili'ation > To improve !tudents skill to perform prayers and other orships 3 To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and religious life.
Course #utlines ntroduction to ;uranic Studies
1< 7< ><
4asic Concepts of Iuran 5istory of Iuran loom+ul +Iuran
Study o' Selected Te<
%ife of 5oly $rophet ;!..:< in Madina )mportant *vents of %ife 5oly $rophet in Madina )mportant %essons Derived from the life of 5oly $rophet in Madina
ntroduction To Sunna2
1< 7< >< 3< E< 0<
4asic Concepts of 5adith 5istory of 5adith =inds of 5adith loom Jul+5adith !unnah ? 5adith %egal $osition of !unnah
Selected Study 'rom Te< 4asic )nstitutions of #ovt. in )slam slamic istory
1< 7< ><
$eriod of =hlaft+*+&ashida $eriod of mmayyads $eriod of bbasids
Social System o' slam
1< 7< ><
4asic Concepts of !ocial !ystem of )slam *lements of "amily *thical -alues of )slam
Re'erence 6oo4s" 1<
5ameed ullah Muhammad, G*mergence of )slamH , )&), )slamabad 7< 5ameed ullah Muhammad, GMuslim Conduct of !tateH >< 5ameed ullah Muhammad, K)ntroduction to )slam 3< Mulana Muhammad Lousaf )slahi,H E< 5ussain 5amid 5assan, Gn )ntroduction to the !tudy of )slamic %aH leaf $ublication )slamabad, $akistan. 0< hmad 5asan, G$rinciples of )slamic 9urisprudenceH )slamic &esearch
6< A< 2<
)nstitute, )nternational )slamic niversity, )slamabad ;122>< Mir :aliullah, GMuslim 9risprudence and the Iuranic %a of CrimesH )slamic 4ook !ervice ;12A7< 5.!. 4hatia, G!tudies in )slamic %a, &eligion and !ocietyH Deep ? Deep $ublications Ne Delhi ;12A2< Dr. Muhammad Fia+ul+5aB, G)ntroduction to l !haria l )slamiaH llama )Bbal /pen niversity, )slamabad ;7881<
GS-1,1 MT:ARA6E CACS (3+0) rere!uisites" Calculus and nalytical #eometry
#$%ecti&es" The goals are to develop the skills to have ground knoledge of multivariate calculus and appreciation for their further computer science courses.
Course #utline" "unctions of !everal -ariables and $artial Differentiation. Multiple )ntegrals, %ine and !urface )ntegrals. #reen’s and !toke’s Theorem. "ourier !eries periodic functions, "unctions of any period $+7%, *ven ? odd functions, 5alf &ange expansions, "ourier Transform. %aplace Transform, F+Transform.
Re'erence Material" 1. 9ames !teart, Multivariable Calculus, 0th edition, 7886, Cengage %earning publishers. 7. !okoski, /linick and $ence, Ca!cu!us and Ana!"tica! eometr" , 0 th edition, 1223, Thomson %earning *M*, %td. >. 4ernard =olman, :illiam ". Trench, *lementary Multivariable Calculus, 1261, cademic $ress. 3. 5oard nton, lbert 5err, Multivariable Calculus, Eth edition, 122E, 9ohn :iley.
CS-1,1 R#GRAMMG /*AMETAS (3+1) rere!uisites" )ntroduction to Computing
#$%ecti&es" The course is designed to familiari'e students ith the basic structured programming skills. )t emphasi'es upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and programme development and testing.
Course #utline" /vervie of computers and programming. /vervie of language for e.g. C language C. 4asics of structured and Modular programming. 4asic lgorithms and problem solving, development of basic algorithms, analy'ing problem, designing solution, testing designed solution. "undamental programming constructs, translation of algorithms to programmes, data types, control structures, functions, arrays, records, files, testing programmes.
Re'erence Material" 1. $roblem !olving and $rogram Design in C ( 0* 5anly ? =offman ddison+:esley $ublished 87(80(7882 )!4N+18 8>71E>E371 )!4N+1> 26A8>71E>E372 7. C 5o to $rogram, E(* (ar&ey 8 aul) *eitel 8 *eitel , )!4N+18 81>738310A )!4N+1> 26A81>7383106 $ublisher $rentice 5all Copyright 7886
rere!uisites" one
#$%ecti&es" )ntroduces the foundations of discrete mathematics as they apply to Computer !cience, focusing on providing a solid theoretical foundation for further ork. "urther, this course aims to develop understanding and appreciation of the finite nature inherent in most Computer !cience problems and structures through study of combinatorial reasoning, abstract algebra, iterative procedures, predicate calculus, tree and graph structures. )n this course more emphasis shall be given to statistical and probabilistic formulation ith respect to computing aspects.
Course #utline" )ntroduction to logic and proofs Direct proofs@ proof by contradiction, !ets, Combinatorics, !eBuences, "ormal logic, $repositional and predicate calculus, Methods of $roof, Mathematical )nduction and &ecursion, loop invariants, &elations and functions, $igeonhole principle, Trees and #raphs, *lementary number theory, /ptimi'ation and matching. "undamental structures "unctions@ relations ;more specifically recursions. )!4N 812 3>E38E 6 $ages 3E+E> ;note taking, $rentice 5all. 3
E-@@@ :ERST EECT:E - III (3+0)
CS-311 TR#*CT# T# *ATA6ASE SSTEMS (3+1) rere!uisites" Data !tructures and lgorithms
#$%ecti&es" The course aims to introduce basic database concepts, different data models, data storage and retrieval techniBues and database design techniBues. The course primarily focuses on relational data model and D4M!
Course #utline" 4asic database concepts@ %ogical database Modelling and design *ntity &elationship diagram ;*&D
Numerical nalysis ).. =huba'a Numerical nalysis and $rogramming !han ! =uo
3 E Numerical nalysis by 4erden "airs 0 Numerical nalysis by #erald
CS-313 C#MTER #RGAAT# A* ASSEM6 AGAGE (3+1) rere!uisites" Digital %ogic Design
#$%ecti&es" The main obective of this course is to introduce the organi'ation of computer systems and usage of assembly language for optimi'ation and control. *mphasis should be given to expose the lo+level logic employed for problem solving hile using assembly language as a tool. t the end of the course the students should be capable of riting moderately complex assembly language subroutines and interfacing them to any high level language.
Course #utline" Microprocessor 4us !tructure ddressing, Data and Control, Memory /rgani'ation and !tructure ;!egmented and %inear Models>3+1. >. 9ohn 5opcroft and 9effrey llman, Introduction to Automata *+eor"& 9anguages& and Computation, 7nd edition, 7881, ddison+:esley. 3. )ntroduction to %anguages and the Theory of Computation, 4y 9ohn C. Martin>rd edition, 7887, Mc#ra+5ill $rofessional.
CS-3,, *ESG 8 AASS #/ AG#RTMS (3+0) rere!uisites" Discrete !tructure, Data !tructures and lgorithms
#$%ecti&es" Detailed study of the basic notions of the design of algorithms and the underlying data structures. !everal measures of complexity are introduced. *mphasis on the structure, complexity, and efficiency of algorithms.
Course #utline" )ntroduction@ symptotic notations@ &ecursion and recurrence relations@ Divide+and+conBuer approach@ !orting@ !earch trees@ 5eaps@ 5ashing@ #reedy approach@ Dynamic programming@ #raph algorithms@ !hortest paths@ Netork flo@ Disoint !ets@ $olynomial and matrix calculations@ !tring matching@ N$ complete problems@ pproximation algorithms.
Re'erence Material" 1. )ntroduction to lgorithms (7*, T. 5. Cormen, C. *. %eiserson, and &. %. &ivest, M)T $ress, Mc#ra+5ill, Ne Lork, NL, 7881. ,. lgorithms in CQQ@ &obert !edgeick
CS-3,3 C#MTER ARCTECTRE (3+0) rere!uisites" Digital %ogic Design, Computer /rgani'ation and ssembly %anguage
#$%ecti&es" #et a deeper understanding of ho computers ork, orking knoledge of various subsystems and the general principles that affect their performance, analy'e the performance of systems and Buantify the performance measurements, fundamentals of all technologies, and advanced architectural features that boost the performance of computers.
Course #utlines" "undamentals of Computer Design including performance measurements ? Buantitative principles, principles of )nstruction !et Design, /perands, addressing modes and encoding, pipelining of $rocessors )ssues and 5urdles, exception handling features, )nstruction+ %evel $arallelism and Dynamic handling of *xceptions, Memory 5ierarchy Design, Cache Design, $erformance )ssues and improvements, Main Memory $erformance )ssues, !torage !ystems & Multiprocessors and Thread %evel $arallelism. Case !tudies.
Resources" 1. Computer Arc+itecture: A uantitative Approac+ by 5ennessy ? $atterson, Morgan ? =auffman
!eries ;7880< "ourth *dition. 2. Computer ;rganiniversit" 9anet *. "inlay, 9eeds /etropo!itan >niversit"& #regory D. bod, eorgia Institute of *ec+no!og"& &ussell 4eale, >niversit" of ,irming+am )!4N+18 81>8301821 )!4N+1> 26A81>8301823 $ublisher $rentice 5all 7. Designing the ser )nterface !trategies for *ffective 5uman+Computer )nteraction, 3(* 4en !hneiderman, >niversit" of /ar"!and Catherine $laisant, >niversit" of /ar"!and )!4N+18 8>71126A08 )!4N+1> 26A8>71126A0> $ublisher ddison+:esley
CS-1, C#MER C#STRCT# (3+0) rere!uisites" Theory of utomata and "ormal %anguages
#$%ecti&es" t the end of the course students should understand the overall structure of a compiler, and ill kno significant details of a number of important techniBues commonly used. They ill be aare of the ay in hich language features raise challenges for compiler builders.
Course #utline" Compiler techniBues and methodology. /rgani'ation of compilers. %exical and syntax analysis. $arsing techniBues. /bect code generation and optimi'ation, detection and recovery from errors. Contrast beteen compilers and interpreters. %exical analysis grammar riting standard, terminals and non+terminals, types of tokens, identifiers, literal numbers, reserve ords, punctuations, operators. !yntax naly'er identifying and removing left recursion from grammar, removing ambiguity from the grammar, determining firsts and follos of the grammar, producing parse tree for predictive parser. !emantic analysis, Code generation and code optimi'ation, assembly language, error handling, optimi'ation.
Re'erence Material" 1. Compilers $rinciples, TechniBues, and Tools 4y lfred -. ho, &avi !ethi, 9effrey D. llman, Contributor 9effrey D. llman ,ddison+:esley $ub. Co., 7 nd edition,12A6 /riginal from the niversity of Michigan 7. Modern Compiler Design, 4y Dick #rune, 5enri *. 4al, Ceriel 9. 5. 9acobs, =oen #. %angendoen, 9ohn :iley, 7888. >. Modern Compiler )mplementation in C, 4y ndre :. ppel, Maia #insburg, Contributor Maia #insburg, Cambridge niversity $ress, 7883. 3. Modern Compiler Design by Dick #rune, 5enri *. 4al, Ceriel 9. 5. 9acobs, =oen #. %angendoen, 788>, 9ohn :iley ? !ons.
CS-13 /A EAR R#>ECT F I (0+3)
CS-1 ART/CA TEGECE (,+1) rere!uisites" Data !tructures, Theory of utomata and "ormal %anguages
#$%ecti&es" This course focuses on the set of computational tools and techniBues, hich mimic the human decision+making process and capability.
Course #utline" )ntroduction to Common %isp. ) classical systems #eneral $roblem !olver, rules, simple search, means+ends analysis. *%)F, pattern matching, rule based translators, /$!+E. =noledge &epresentation Natural language, rules, productions, predicate logic, semantic netorks, frames, obects, scripts. !earch Depth first search, breadth first search, best first search, hill climbing, min+max search, U search. !ymbolic Mathematics student, solving algebra problems, translating *nglish eBuations, solving algebraic eBuations, simplification rules, re+rite rules, meta+ rules, Macsyma, $&*!!, T%!. %ogic $rogramming &esolution, unification, horn+clause logic, $rolog, $rolog programming. !ample case studies of shells and =noledge 4ased !ystems. brief appreciation of state of the art computational techniBues like neural netorks, genetic algorithm, fu''y sets.
Re'erence Material" 1+ Grtificial )ntelligenceH " eorge 6. 9uger 7+ Grtificial )ntelligenceH " (usse!! and Norvi
CS-@@@ CS EECT:E - III (3+1)
S-,1 R#/ESS#A RACTCES (3+0) rere!uisites" None
#$%ecti&es" Computing graduate as professional has some responsibilities ith respect to the society. This course develops student understanding about historical, social, economic, ethical, and professional issues related to the discipline of Computing. )t identifies key sources for information and opinion about professionalism and ethics. !tudents analy'e, evaluate, and assess ethical and professional computing case studies.
Course #utline" 5istorical, social, and economic context of Computing ;softare engineering, Computer !cience, )nformation Technology
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