BS 6100-1-3-4

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BS 6100-1.3.4: 1989 Incorporating Amendment No. 1

Glossary of

Building and civil engineering terms — Part 1: General and miscellaneous — Section 1.3 Parts of construction works — Subsection 1.3.4 Stairs and circulation elements

UDC [624 + 69]:001.4

BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Basic Data and Performance Criteria for Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee, was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 28 February 1990 © BSI 08-1999 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference BDB/3 Draft for comment 87/10875 DC ISBN 0 580 17562 6

Amendments issued since publication Amd. No.

Date of issue



August 1992

Indicated by a sideline in the margin

BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

Contents Foreword 134 1 Base terms 134 2 Types of stair 134 3 Parts of stairs 134 4 Characteristics of stairs 134 5 Spaces for stairs 134 6 Walkways and ramps Index

© BSI 08-1999

Page ii 1 1 1 3 3 4 5


BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

Foreword This Subsection of Part 1 of BS 6100 has been prepared under the direction of the Basic Data and Performance Criteria for Civil Engineering and Building Structures Standards Policy Committee. This Subsection replaces BS 5578-1:1978 “Building construction — Stairs”, Part 1, “Vocabulary” which has been withdrawn and which was identical with ISO 3880-1, “Building construction — Stairs — Vocabulary — Part 1”. Some of the definitions given in this Subsection differ from those that were given in BS 5578-1, and where this occurs the new definitions will form the basis for the UK input for the forthcoming revision of ISO 3880-1. A general introduction to and explanation of the glossary is given in Part 0 of BS 6100 which itemizes the Parts, Sections and Subsections into which the glossary is divided and provides a general alphabetical index of all the terms in the Sections and Subsections already published. The other Sections of this Part are as follows. 1.0 General 1.1 Types of building 1.2 Spaces 1.4 Materials 1.5 Operations; associated plant and equipment 1.6 Persons 1.7 Characteristics and performance 1.8 Environmental and physical planning The other Subsections of this Section are as follows. 1.3.0 External works 1.3.1 Walls and cladding 1.3.2 Roofs and roofing 1.3.3 Floors and ceilings 1.3.5 Doors, windows and openings 1.3.6 Jointing products, hardware and accessories 1.3.7 Finishings 1.3.8 Fittings Terms are listed alphabetically in the index and are referred to by numbers which are found against the terms in the body of the Subsection. They are arranged in a classified order, each term having an individual number consisting of seven digits in two parts, the first of three digits, the second of four. The first three digits represent the number of the Part, Section and Subsection. The fourth digit represents the group of terms, the fifth digit represents the subgroup of terms, and the last two digits represent the place within the subgroup. Alternative terms are given in medium type below the preferred terms with their status indicated, e.g. “deprecated”. These terms are not individually numbered, but are included in the index with a reference to the preferred term. Terms of more than one word, e.g. “turning stair” are written in a direct style, not as “stair, turning”. The inverted term is included in the index with a reference to the direct term. In the preparation of this document it was recognized that there are many types of stair that are variants of those included, for example, types of turning stair and quarter turn stair, half turn stair, three-quarter turn stair, double half turn stairs. In the same way combinations of types of stair exist and are not included. Similarly variations apply to steps, strings and other parts and characteristics of stair. Only the most important commonly used terms are included.


© BSI 08-1999

BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

It has been considered necessary to repeat in this Subsection certain terms from Section 1.0 “General”. Where this occurs, the definitions of such terms are preceded by an asterisk (*). Some of the definitions are not identical with those included for the same terms as those given in Section 4.4 “Carpentry and joinery”. Where definitions differ, the changes have been made due to international work related to BS 6100. Italicized words in definitions indicate terms that are defined elsewhere in this Subsection. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.

Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to 5 and a back cover. This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on the inside front cover. © BSI 08-1999




BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

134 1 Base terms No.



134 1001

stair staircase, stairway deprecated

Construction that comprises a succession of horizontal stages (steps or landings) that make it possible to pass on foot to other levels.

134 1002

circulation element

Construction for the movement of people or goods.

134 1003

circulation space

Space for the movement of persons, goods or vehicles.

134 2 Types of stair 134 2001

simply supported stair

Stair in which both ends of each step are supported.

134 2002

cantilevered stair

Stair in which one end only of each step is supported.

134 2003

double cantilevered stair

Stair in which the steps are supported only on a carriage usually centrally positioned.

134 2004

straight stair

Stair in which the direction is the same throughout.

134 2005

turning stair

Stair in which the direction is changed.

134 2006

double return stair

Turning stair with one flight to a landing and a flight from each side of that landing.

134 2007

dog-leg stair dog-legged stair deprecated

Turning stair of two flights with a half landing and without a stairwell.

134 2008

open well stair open newel stair deprecated

Turning stair with a stairwell.

134 2009

geometrical stair

Turning stair in which the outside string and handrail continue in an unbroken line with curved ends.

134 2010

winding stair

Turning stair that describes a helix with treads wider at the wall string than at the outside string.

134 2011

spiral stair

Winding stair that describes a helix around a central column.

134 2012

helical stair

Winding stair that describes a helix around a stairwell.

134 2013

circular stair

Helical stair shaped as a circle on plan.

134 2014

elliptical stair

Helical stair shaped as an ellipse on plan.

134 2015

open rise stair

Stair in which the vertical spaces between successive treads are not fully filled by risers.

134 2016

alternating tread stair

Stair with winders with the wide end alternating from one side to the other on consecutive treads.

134 3 Parts of stairs 134 3001


134 3002


134 3003


© BSI 08-1999

Part of a stair that consists of a horizontal surface to support the foot during ascent or descent and a vertical surface or space that results from the change in level. Horizontal component of a step. Vertical component of a step between tread or landing and the tread or landing above or below it.


BS 6100-1.3.4:1989




134 3004 134 3005

nosing flight

Front edge of a tread. Continuous series of steps between two landings.

134 3006

flier parallel tread deprecated

Step of uniform width in a straight portion of a flight.

134 3007

winder tapered tread, wheel step deprecated

Step with a tread tapered on plan that changes the direction of a flight.

134 3008

winder flight

Small group of winders encompassing not more than a half turn.

134 3009

kite winder

Winder, the wider end of which fits into a corner of a stair enclosure.

134 3010

curtail step scroll step deprecated

134 3011

round-end step

Step, at the bottom of a stair, that projects beyond the string and is rounded to correspond to the rounded terminal or scroll of the handrail. Step, at the bottom of a stair, with a semicircular end that projects in front and to the side of the newel.

134 3012

quadrant step

Step, at the bottom of a stair, the end of which is rounded in the shape of a quarter circle, that projects in front of a newel.

134 3013

bullnose step

Step akin to quadrant step but that has a short length of straight return back to the face of the newel.

134 3014

commode step

Step, at the bottom of a flight, the riser of which is bow fronted.

134 3015

Step, in a series of winders that do not radiate from a common centre.

134 3016

dancing step balanced step deprecated platform

134 3017


Construction that provides a horizontal surface above the level of an adjoining area.

134 3018

Platform or part of a floor structure at the end of a flight or ramp, or to give access to a lift. intermediate landing Landing between two floors.

134 3019

half landing

Intermediate landing at which a half turn is made.

134 3020

quarter landing

Intermediate landing at which a quarter turn is made.

134 3021


Component beneath steps to give them support.

134 3022


Component that provides guidance and support at hand level.

134 3023 134 3024

core rail stair balustrade

Flat metal section that supports a handrail. Safety barrier, with a handrail, for a stair.

134 3025


Vertical component, other then a die, of a balustrade.

134 3026 134 3027

Triangular infill beneath a string at a floor or landing. Decorative feature, at the exposed end of a handrail that forms a volute on plan.

134 3028

stair spandrel scroll returned end deprecated wreath

134 3029


Post that supports the ends of one or more outside strings, handrails or winders.

134 3030 134 3031

storey post string stringer deprecated

Newel of full storey height. Component that supports the ends of steps or landings.

134 3032

wall string

String adjacent to a wall.


Curve formed in a continuous handrail or string to accommodate a directional change.

© BSI 08-1999

BS 6100-1.3.4:1989




134 3033

outside string outer string deprecated housed string close string deprecated

String not adjacent to a wall.

134 3034

String with parallel top and bottom edges and the ends of steps housed within its inner face.

134 3035

wreathed string

134 3036

cut string open string deprecated

134 3037

cut and mitred string Cut string that has vertical edges mitred to receive the ends of the risers. bracketed string deprecated

134 3038 134 3039

cut and bracketed string string capping

Cut string that has decorative brackets applied to its outer face and mitred to the ends of the risers. Piece of timber that is grooved on the underside to fit and cover the upper part of a string and that may be further grooved on the upper side to accept a balustrade.

134 3040

half newel

Post fixed to a wall at which a landing balustrade terminates.

Continuous string that follows the inclination of a stair and curves on plan. String, the upper edge of which is notched and shaped to support the ends of steps.

134 4 Characteristics of stairs 134 4001

going run deprecated

Horizontal distance between two consecutive nosings, measured on the walking line.

134 4002

walking line

Notional line that indicates the average path of users of a stair.

134 4003


Vertical distance between the horizontal upper surfaces of two consecutive treads.

134 4004

nosing line

134 4005

pitch line

Construction line drawn on the inner face of a string that connects the points formed by the junction of each riser face and tread surface. Notional line that touches the nosings of a flight on the walking line.

134 4006


Angle between the pitch line and the horizontal plane.

134 4007

stair headroom

Minimum unobstructed vertical distance above the pitch line or landing.

134 4008


Minimum unobstructed distance at right angles to the pitch line.

134 4009

balustrade height

Vertical distance between the top of a handrail and the pitch line or landing.

134 4010

stair clear width

134 4011

tread width

Unobstructed minimum distance on plan at right angles to the walking line of a stair. Horizontal distance from the nosing to the rear edge of a tread.

134 4012


Minimum dimension of a flight measured between the soffit and the pitch line.

134 4013

stair easing

Curve in a stair to accommodate a gradual change of line.

134 5 Spaces for stairs 134 5001 134 5002 a Repeated

stairwell stair enclosure


Space around which a stair is disposed. reserved for accommodating a stair and the faces of the walls limiting the volume. aSpace

from Section 1.0.

© BSI 08-1999


BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

134 6 Walkways and ramps No.



134 6001

walkway catwalk deprecated

Construction that provides elevated lateral access.

134 6002


Length of inclined hard surface that provides access between two levels.


© BSI 08-1999

BS 6100-1.3.4:1989

Index alternating tread stair 134 2016 balanced step 134 3015 baluster 134 3025 balustrade, stair 134 3024 balustrade height 134 4009 bracketed string 134 3037 bracketed string, cut and 134 1038 bullnose step 134 3013 cantilevered stair 134 2002 cantilevered stair, double 134 2003 capping, string 134 3039 carriage 134 3021 catwalk 134 6001 circular stair 134 2013 circulation element 134 1002 circulation space 134 1003 clear width, stair 134 4010 clearance 134 4008 close string 134 3034 commode step 134 3014 core rail 134 3023 curtail step 134 3010 cut and bracketed string 134 3038 cut and mitred string 134 3037 cut string 134 3036 dancing step 134 3015 dog-leg stair 134 2007 dog-legged stair 134 2007 double cantilevered stair 134 2003 double return stair 134 2006 easing, stair 134 4013 element, circulation 134 1002 elliptical stair 134 2014 enclosure, stair 134 5002 end, returned 134 3027 flier 134 3006 flight 134 3005 flight, winder 134 3008 geometrical stair 134 2009 going 134 4001 half landing 134 3019 half newel 134 3040 handrail 134 3022 headroom, stair 134 4007 height, balustrade 134 4009 helical stair 134 2012 housed string 134 3034 intermediate landing 134 3018 kite winder 134 3009 landing 134 3017 landing, half 134 3019 landing, intermediate 134 3018 landing, quarter 134 3020 line, nosing 134 4004 line, pitch 134 4005 line, walking 134 4002 mitred string, cut and 134 3037 newel 134 3029

© BSI 08-1999

newel, half 134 3040 newel stair, open 134 2008 nosing 134 3004 nosing line 134 4004 open newel stair 134 2008 open rise stair 134 2015 open string 134 3036 open well stair 134 2008 outer string 134 3033 outside string 134 3033 parallel tread 134 3006 pitch 134 4006 pitch line 134 4005 platform 134 3016 post, storey 134 3030 quadrant step 134 3012 quarter landing 134 3020 rail core 134 3023 ramp 134 6002 return stair, double 134 2006 returned end 134 3027 rise 134 4003 rise stair, open 134 2015 riser 134 3003 round-end step 134 3011 run 134 4001 scroll 134 3027 scroll step 134 3010 simply supported stair 134 2001 space, circulation 134 1003 spandrel, stair 134 3026 spiral stair 134 2011 stair 134 1001 stair, alternating tread 134 2016 stair, cantilevered 134 2002 stair, circular 134 2013 stair, dog-leg 134 2007 stair, dog-legged 134 2007 stair, double cantilevered 134 2003 stair, double return 134 2006 stair, elliptical 134 2014 stair, geometrical 134 2009 stair, headroom 134 4007 stair, helical 134 2012 stair, open newel 134 2008 stair, open rise 134 2015 stair, open well 134 2008 stair, simply supported 134 2001 stair, spiral 134 2011 stair, straight 134 2004 stair, turning 134 2005 stair, winding 134 2010 stair balustrade 134 3024 stair clear width 134 4010 stair easing 134 4013 stair enclosure 134 5002 stair spandrel 134 3026 staircase 134 1001 stairway 134 1001

stairwell 134 5001 step 134 3001 step, balanced 134 3015 step, bullnose 134 3013 step, commode 134 3014 step, curtail 134 3010 step, dancing 134 3015 step, quadrant 134 3012 step, round-end 134 3011 step, scroll 134 3010 step, wheel 134 3007 storey post 134 3030 straight stair 134 2004 string 134 3031 string, bracketed 134 3037 string, capping 134 3039 string, close 134 3034 string, cut 134 3036 string, cut and bracketed 134 3038 string, cut and mitred 134 3037 string, housed 134 3034 string, open 134 3036 string, outer 134 3033 string, outside 134 3033 string, wall 134 3032 string, wreathed 134 3035 stringer 134 3031 supported stair, simply 134 2001 tapered tread 134 3007 tread 134 3002 tread, parallel 134 3006 tread stair, alternating 134 2016 tread, tapered 134 3007 tread width 134 4011 turning stair 134 2005 waist 134 4012 walking line 134 4002 walkway 134 6001 wall string 134 3032 well stair, open 134 2008 wheel step 134 3007 width stair clear 134 4010 width tread 134 4011 winder 134 3007 winder, kite 134 3009 winder flight 134 3008 winding stair 134 2010 wreath 134 3028 wreathed string 134 3035


BS 6100-1.3.4: 1989

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