Bruno Metso

May 21, 2018 | Author: CésarRamosMartínez | Category: Technology, Computing, Software, Areas Of Computer Science, Computing And Information Technology
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Short Description



Bruno v2.12 Introduction to Process Calculation Program

Bruno user interface 1

•  After successfully entered license an empty empty Bruno document opens

Bruno user interface consists of four windows


Flowsheet (documents Flowsheet  (documents open on the flowsheet) Fraction curve Result list Warnings

Bruno user interface 2

•  Active window is selected with corresponding corresponding button in the toolbar

Flowsheet Fraction curve Result list

Warning window opens only after calculation

Bruno user interface 3 - toolbars

Document tools ( from the left ) - new document - open existing document - save document - copy - print active window - print preview

Bruno tools ( from the left ) - selection - make connection - zoom in/out - active window flowsheet - active window fraction curve - active window result list - calculate - help

Bruno user interface 4 - palette

Bruno devices ( from the left ) - feed - feeder - primary and secondary gyratories and cone crushers


 jaw crusher fine gyratories and cones horizontal shaft impactor vertical shaft impactor


my crusher screen silo and node

product pile stock pile stock feed add text add picture

Bruno devices - Feed



feed rate feed material feed gradation

Double click on the symbol to open Feed dialog

Bruno devises - Feed •

Feed Rate will be given as t/h (or st/h if imperial units are selected)

If Feed Rate has been set 0, Bruno calculates the top capacity of the process

Bruno devises - Feed • • •

Select material from the list

Material data button opens Material data window, where you set material properties

Click help if you want to know description of the properties

The default material is granite Select My material if you want to define your own material

Bruno devises - Feed •

Select feed gradation from the list

Feed gradations are defined by top particle size 200mm 2000mm

There are three basic gradations for every size


fine medium coarse

To define own feed gradation select MyFraction and click Insert MyFraction button

Bruno devises - Feed •

General interleaf is for entering Plants name and other info about the process

The information appears on the flowsheet below Metso’s logo in the Plant and Info fields

Bruno devises - Machines

•  A crushing plant includes typically typically feeders, crushers and screens for material processing

Like in real life the machines’ operating parameters have to be set also in Bruno

In Bruno the basic structure of the machine dialogs is the same regardless of the machine

The settings vary from machine to machine, but the important settings are gathered to the first interleaf

Bruno devises - machine dialog •

Machine selection and settings


type model machine specific settings

Nominal operating parameter limits are shown in the data field on the right

Bruno devises - machine dialog •

Calculation can be fine tuned with user definable factors on interleaves

Help on each interleaf provides detailed information about the effect of the factors

Bruno devises - feeder and screen •

Feeders and screens typically divide material flow into 2 - 5 fractions

Pan feeders just transfer material without changing gradation

Double click the symbol to open machine dialog

Bruno devises - crushers •

Crushers main function is to reduce feed material particle size

Crushers’ performance depend on the type and size

Double click the symbol to open machine dialog

Bruno devises - others •

There are some other process devises available in Bruno


product pile stock pile stock feed node/silo

My Crusher

Bruno devises - others



Stock pile


needed after stock pile to define feed properties



intermediate storage pile, which can feed an other process

Stock feed


the last part of every process

node/silo divide material flow into 2 - 4 sections by mass flow node with volume is called silo

My Crusher


generic crusher defined by the user

Opening document • •

Every time you start Bruno an empty document opens first You can open existing document instead


Click Open in the toolbar


Select the document (.brn) in normal file explorer window

Configuring a process

• • •

add all the machines of the process on on the flowsheet define process flow set the machine settings


there must be at least one feed and one product in every process

all the machine inputs and outputs must be connected

Adding machines 1 •

Select a machine from the toolbar by clicking a button

move cursor to the drawing area and it changes into a wire frame picture of the selected machine

click right mouse button to drop the machine

Adding machines 2

• •

Machine symbols can be moved on the flowsheet

when cursor is on the black rectangle and right mouse button is pressed, the symbol can be moved.

click right mouse button on a machine or near a machine and the symbol colors become negative

Process flow

•  After adding all the needed machines machines the process flow has to be defined

First select connection tool

Process flow 2 •

Connect machines from machine output to machine input.

Output is marked with a square and input with a circle

click on a square and move the cursor onto circle and click

Device settings •

Double click each devise to open the dialog and make settings

Calculate a process • •

Click calculate in the toolbar

Bruno gives a warning if:

The calculation progress is shown in the bottom left corner


all the flows are not c connected onnected


there is no feed and/or product in the process

flows are connected wrong

some device settings are not set

Calculate a process

Bruno gives warning also if the algorithm can not calculate a result

Typical warnings are


Closed circuit does not converge = some material fraction can not be removed from the loop causing continuously increasing flow rate.


Too many loops finding top capacity = the maximum number of iterations has been reached.

Solution: some machine parameters have to be changed.


The calculation results are divided in three sections


warnings results on the flowsheet fraction curves result list


• •

If needed warning window opens after calculation Warnings give indication of exceeding nominal operating parameters of the machines

Results on the flowsheet -

Material flows screen efficiency


F80/P80 crushing ratio


crusher load


product percentages of the feed

Practice 1, Draw Bruno Flowsheet • • • •

Select equipment Connect equipment Layout Right-angles in connections


Click here to see the solution

Modifying flowsheet

Select Options menu and display options to modify flowsheet

Fraction curve

Select process flow and open fraction curve window to see the particle size distribution of the flow.

To select more than one flow keep shift button pressed and select as many flows as you need.

Note! More than two curves in the same window makes the diagram difficult to read. See for your self .

Result list •

Click result list in the toolbar to open the results

Results list contains the same information which is displayed on the flowsheet and other calcutation results depending the selected mode.

The results follow device numbering

Result list mode •

When result list is open, user can choose from two display modes


normal report extended report

Extended report is more detailed than normal report

The report mode is shown beside the window name

Save the document •

To save the document click save button in the toolbar

the procedure is the same as in any Windows program

If the document is saved for the first time, the document name and directory location have to be defined.


Bruno’s help is divided into general section and machine section

To open the general section click help button in the toolbar

Machine helps are opened by clicking help button in a machine dialog

General help

The general help is designed to give information about the whole program and the features common for all the devises

Machine help

The machine help contains instructions on problems with using Bruno; for example entering parameters.

 Example: How does My factor for capacity effect?

Click help


© Metso Minerals, Inc.

Machine help

Machine help

• •

Help sections are linked together More detailed information about calculation and other model characteristics are described in general help

Getting help

If problems occur that can not be solved with the instructions in Bruno’s help, contact Bruno administrators. [email protected]



What did you want to do? How did you try to do it? What happened?

Exercise 2, Two stage crushing plant

Please make Bruno simulation for the following crushing plant need:



Feed material:

hard gneiss, Crushability 28 % abrasion index 0.7 (1400 g/ton)


Feed size:

0-600 mm medium


200 tph

Products sizes:

0-5, 5-20 and 20-40 mm

Click here to see the solution

Ejercicio 1 -

Material de Alimentación: Minerio polimetálico Densidad aparente: 1.9t/m3 Wi: 15kWh/st Tamanho de alimentación: 800mm promedio Producción: 20.000t/día Regímen de operación: 24h/dia

Producto: 10mm (P80) Alimentación a molienda

Ejercicio 2 -

Material de Alimentación: Minerio de cobre Densidad aparente: 1.6t/m3 Wi: 17kWh/t Tamanho de alimentación: 1000mm fino Producción: 30Mt/a Regímen de operación: 24h/d, 365d/a

Producto: -13mm Lixiviación

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