Broadening Teaching Perspectives; Teacher Exchange Program

November 14, 2016 | Author: Anna Liza Sombillo | Category: N/A
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Teaching Teaching LESSON Perspectives; Perspectives; #3

Teacher Teacher Exchange Exchange Programs Programs

We cannot hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.

- Ben Sweetland


become a global teacher, you need to broaden your teaching perspectives. Expanding your experiences beyond the confines of your classroom to the wider learning environment of the world is one of the many avenues in order to achieve a level of global competitiveness. Opportunities for this endeavor can be achieved through teacher exchange programs.

1.Visiting International Faculty Program (VIF) - is the United States’ largest cultural exchange program for teachers and schools. It is dedicated to transforming lives through international exchange of teachers.

A. VIF Purposes and Belief s The program believe on the following;  All school should have at least one international exchange teacher.  All students should be exposed to a variety of exchange teachers during their academic careers.  All communities should have an equal opportunity to develop globally literate citizens help build a foundation for success in the

Visiting International Faculty Program

- The program started 19 years ago. It was founded in 1987 and began accepting teachers from other countries of the world to teach Kindergarten up to grade 12 in 1989.

2. Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program - Since 1946, the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program has helped nearly 23,000 teachers and school administrators to promote mutual understanding between U.S. and countries around the world. For the U.S. teachers, this opportunity involves a year or semester direct exchange with a counterpart in another country teaching the same subject at the same level.

3.Inter-African Teacher Exchanges -

The objectives of this program are to provide opportunity for African teachers to learn from teaching environment in other African countries and also aimed to extend experiences and widen the horizon of African teachers by encouraging exchange visits to countries outside Africa as well.

4.Canadian Educators Exchange - A non profit foundation which handles both students and educator exchanges. International educational exchanges offer educators and their students an opportunity to broaden their understanding of one another’s cultures, customs and languages.


Alberta, two kinds of exchanges are possible for a powerful professional development experiences. These are the: One Year Exchanges and Short-term Exchanges.


Anna Liza T. Sombillo ∞God Bless

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