Britts 9 Core Steps

January 10, 2017 | Author: Bhupal Dutt | Category: N/A
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Britts 9 Core Steps – BWW | Britt System 9 steps “Britt World Wide (BWW LLC) in India promotes its business strategies to Amway Distributors in a system famously known as Britt System. Bww & Amway are two major business powers heading for a common goal to expand the people network, where BWW’s 9 core steps and other business promotional material like Books, Tapes and Meetings(Functions & Seminars) play a vital role in Amway Distributors business and personal life too..” On the other hand Amway being a product company promotes its quality products in the business plan call 9-6-3 Amway plan. The growth of both the business are high because of the core values and system that is commonly used by all the distributors in BWW system. Using the same Amway 9 core steps, Amway 4 basics and 3 powers of proven Britt system the process of growth and building human network is faster. Lets looks at all this core steps in depth. BWW system has nine core steps, 3 powers and 4 basic business rules to be followed. This has been made by Mr. Bill Britt, founder of the Britt system after lots of self and till day business experience and are the steps which can be used in almost all the business strategies. 9 CORE STEPS Step Books (Read Bww recommended books daily for at least half and hour)


Amazing knowledge is gained by one reading the books written by people already successful in the field of Network Marketing and MLM business. Books created and changes peoples attitude and thoughts towards life, it motivates and gives a depth knowledge about what you reading. Step 2. Tapes (Listen to Bww recommended tapes, multiple times, daily once in morning) This are the Bww business and rally tapes by Bww & Amway leaders like Kumar Sivaraman, Sugeet, Kanti and Lata Gala from united states and also from leaders in India who are already successful in the business. As this is a business of duplication one can imitate exactly what a leader have done and ignore some mistakes. This way learning process improves. Business highly recommends to subscribe to SOT, means (Standing order Tapes) where monthly tapes are provided to IBO’s at some fixed charges.

Step Functions & Meetings


( Attend Britt meetings, Monthly Seminars, FED (Free Enterprise Day) and PASE meetings regularly). Britt India has lots of Weekly and Monthly meetings in almost all the states of India, The weekly meetings is known as Open Meeting, BWW functions are once in 2 months called Seminars where Leaders at Emerald and Diamond levels teachings and talks about the success stories in Amway business. Where as FED is a day of free enterprise for IBO’s where recognitions for new Diamonds happens which proceeds with there Amway success stories, hurdles and how they did it. Whole Ground, Stadium roars together with words like Fireup, Freedom with Rocky Music. Its a celebration day for new diamonds in Bww system and a learning and motivating day for distributors. ( STEPS 1, 2 & 3 are called personality and attitude building steps) Step STP (Show the Plan)


where new and old business leaders are recommended to Show the Amway business plans at least 5 day in a week. One can show the business plan more also but the system recommends minimum 5 plans to get the proper success rate in business. Step Use the Products


Before recommending some products to someone it is recommended by Britt system to consume the products by distributors themselves as this brings faith in the products and also increase the PV and business sales volume. Step Generate Sales


Best business is one with best sales volume and so every IBO is been recommended to do a personal PV of 100 to 300 per month via selling and recommending it to friends and relatives who already are using and wants to. This way the individual sales volume in the network grows and everyone gets benefited of the commission till the top, including the person who sales. (Step 4,5 & 6 are the Action steps in the business that actually generates the sales, business volume and commissions) Step Be Teachable


( Whoever you are, From whatever job, business or profession you can to the Network Marketing business, the rules of doing MLM business is different and every one needs to learn the same steps again and again to successfully copycat marketing business and be with the leaders). If you are not teachable you cannot survive in any business you started. Every day some new things has to be learned to grow. And as MLM business is of copycatting one has to follow the simple rules of duplication being in the business. Step Be Accountable


Network Marketing business is a People and Money business. There are very good changes that people mess up with other people money, they can forget to give back the lending money etc. Also a very important Accountable factor is Time, Respect others time for you to get the same. You have to be accountable to your responsibilities like do cash business, don’t ask for time period to pay back, keep the transactions clear. Your upline is there to help, but finally its your own business so never take advantages of same. Just ask yourself one thing : Can you do the same in any other business or shop you want to purchase the goods you want ? Step Communication


This is the new step introduces in BWW system in last 2 to 3 years, Before this there were only 8 core steps in business. Communication gap works as a BUG in any business which reduces the business output. So britt world wide has newly introduced this step where all the Distributors/IBO’s has to be in touch with there Uplines and should not do anything beyond the recommended system without asking and confirming with there uplines.

…The Four Cardinal Rules of Amway: Cardinal Rule #1: Never mess with anyone’s money Cardinal Rule #2: Never mess with anyone’s Spouse Cardinal Rule #3: Never mess with anyone’s Downline Cardinal Rule #4: Counsel upline before you try something stupid (talking about marketing) Let’s talk about the ‘Cardinal Rules‘ here for a second, and why they can create a different kind of culture here – that really, we all want anyways – some of this seems obvious, but isn’t, really – when compared (fruitlessly) with the MADNESS of society… Rule #1: Never mess with anyone’s money. The real reason for this rule – is that in Amway – back in the day before we all had the ‘magical creature’ from Jekyll Island called ‘autoship’ – didn’t. Lol. Believe it or not – MLM was invented as a ‘revolution’ in the shipping process, where the company (Amway, Shaklee, or whatever) wouldn’t ship to individuals – they would ship to ‘Direct Distributors‘ (meaning direct to the company) – they would also pay ‘direct distributors’ who would then pay their team. Obviously – if you’ve earned a check and you don’t get it – you’ll quit, right? Well, it’s more than that, there’s nothing that shatters relationships faster than money problems – $15 unpaid when due will turn friends into enemies, turn trust into distrust – and destroy years of hard work in this industry. This could translate to the affiliate world – to a company like MLSP deciding all of the sudden not paying their people – let me share a quick story on the ‘positive’ of this. One time, MLSP had this issue with their check writing company, where over $70,000 of affiliate commission checks bounced – it wasn’t their fault, and wasn’t even a mistake – the government was investigating a DIFFERENT company that had their checks written from the same organization – and rather than doing something ethical (it’s the government here) they froze ALL of the business account funds being managed by this check writing company – because they happened to also write checks for the company being investigated. Here’s what MLSP did – they reached into their own pockets and ate $70,000 to pay their affiliates – that’s what you call the right thing to do. Why? Because it wasn’t their money in the first place, and those guys are good business people – you can learn more

about MLSP by filling in the form on the right or below this post. Something that could have turned into a disaster INCREASED TRUST because they did the right thing. Rule #2: Never mess with anyone’s Spouse. Again, seems obvious – and now that the world has changed a bit – this could be re-written to say ‘Never mess with anyone’s partner.’ Why does it need to be said? Because in the corporate world, people purposefully seduce other people’s spouses all the time – and in the words of The Behemoth – “What do you call someone who comes into your house and tries to seduce your wife? A Scum-Bag.” People need a place to they can feel safe with the people they love the most – because nothing – not business, not friends – nothing (period) is more important than family. Rule #3: Never mess with anyone’s Downline. This is the one that I really wanted to rant on a bit – folks – your team isn’t just ‘your team’ - it’s the teams of EVERYONE downline from you. In Amway - they were so strict about this, that even if you attempted to recruit someone in someone else’s team into yours (in the same company) the organizations would kick you out of the meetings and never let you attend again. Why? It’s the same scum bag crap of a ‘best friend’ hitting on your spouse that happens all the time because Society is Mad. In Attraction Marketing – that seems like the goal – to recruit people away from other people’s teams, and to show why you’re the better leader… …but it’s not. The purpose of ‘Attraction Marketing‘ is to attract prospects, and make more money – you don’t have to badmouth another leader, ever, to do that – you can stand on your own. My opinion is – if someone calls you – and they say “I was talking Bob – I was thinking about joining him – I was also thinking of joining you…” What I do is say – “Join Bob dude – don’t worry about it, you can plug into my stuff anyways.” What most people do is they talk about all of the virtuous reasons why they’re the best sponsor ever – and even bad mouth the other leader – just to make $100 or whatever it is from enrolling someone new. Also, this applies to downline raiding (purposefully) and company hopping. Is it ok to build lots of things at once? Hell yes – I’ve got a few friends that are awesome at it – they’re in 5 things and make six figures in all of them. Is it ok to raid your whole downline and do everything you can to badmouth the deal you were just in? Nope. Remember – that team isn’t just yours – it’s yours, your teams, and everyone in between.

The reality is – if you know how to do this, you don’t need to badmouth anyone to recruit into something else – I believe that it the job of a good upline, that if someone is ‘questioning’ to join their downline or them – to put everything in the favor of the team member and to HELP your team member recruit that person – not to try and pull a fast one and recruit them quickly. Why? Because if you’re a leader you have mastery over this space – and you don’t need the recruit – let your team have them. Let your crossline have them – help people rather than being selfish all the time. One time, I accidentally sponsored one of my downline’s friends (I didn’t know about it – they just joined automatically somehow) When I found out – I had the rep moved immediately under the team member – with no questions asked. Why? Because they’re in my team anyways – I don’t need to enroll the universe – and I’d rather help someone else succeed – in fact – this last month, I gave one of my reps a lead that joined, and brought over 90 people in the team in 2 weeks. I could have easily recruited that person – but I would rather help others succeed. People react differently to things – to one person, recruiting a prospect they’ve been working on for months (knowingly) will motivate them. To most – they’ll want to immediately quit and do something else. If we create a ‘co-operative’ environment – it’s so much more attractive, it can totally change the game – not just for you and me, for everyone – it’s ok not to recruit every prospect, to instead build a culture of prosperity and synergy. One time, when I was less cultured – I joined a company (I was totally broke, but had the skill and excitement to do it) and I brought in 15 people my first week – this was years ago, before my internet days – you know what happened? My upline confused a prospect, who I had worked with for years – giving them reasons why it might be advantageous to join directly with them. By nature – I can be a little hot headed at times, and what this did was hurt my relationship with my friend – I quit the business immediately (even though I liked it) and I went and lived in a Van for a year. I could have made my upline $20,000 a month if that didn’t happen – it ruined my taste of network marketing and I got out. Now that was naive and I wouldn’t do that now - but think of your team – most people will react in that exact way when faced with a similar problem – don’t ‘attraction market’ your downline’s team members, or they’ll get pissed, quit, and that stupid $300 you made will cost you $20,000 a month. Just remember – simple things like edifying another team member rather than pulling some sort of ‘stealth’ to get a few hundred bucks can be the difference between someone quitting, or someone being with you for a long time to come.

Rule #4: Always counsel upline before trying something dumb. This one I’ll have to clarify a bit – Amway can be a bit of a cult at times Lol. I would re-phrase this in a new way – when people are NEW – they should stick to a proven path for a bit while they get off the ground. All the time, I used to have people call me, ask for help – I’d tell them what to do, and then they’d do whatever they were planning on doing before they called. I used to be amazed at this, (I was making a damned fortune), and then I realized something – there are very few people that actually want to know what to do. Most people want to just be a part of something bigger than themselves, and do everything how ‘they know is best’. While that’s ok – it can mean a tremendous loss of money and time for a new person getting started. A lot of times, someone with TV ‘experience’ will come in, and want to dump $5,000 into TV commercials without knowing a damned thing about direct response marketing – it’s not smart – most people (when they’re new) don’t have unlimited resources – and they need to do something that will eventually produce their desired result. Make sense? The purpose of this article is to ‘help out’ our broken attraction marketing culture – ‘attraction marketing’ does NOT mean ‘vulture’ – got it? Lol. Bit of a rant there friends – let’s ask here – what are we really doing this for? For a few hundred bucks? Or for life long relationships? I’ll take the latter - since according to Mike Dillard – the world is ending tomorrow anyways – and apparently, all our dollars will be toilet paper substitutions and ‘kindle’ to start fires

4 Basics, 3 Powers and 3 donts[Never] Here are very simple and basic steps for building a successful network marketing business fordistributors and IBO  s of any network business. Especially highlighted Britt (BWW) 4 basic stepsfocusing on building an on going growing network.

Step 1 : List Building Process. Step 2 : Contacting and Inviting Tips. Step 3 : Showing the Business Plan. Step 4 : Follow up and Follow through and Getting a new distributor started with Kit opening process. Lets understand this basic steps in details one by one

Building a list of names. Network marketing business is successful because it is a  people business  If you put a number of prospects infront of the marketing plan, some will get in the business. Of those who get in, some will develop the businessand some will develop a big business which depends on quality of people there business skills and total numberof people who joins your network. So to understand and build a huge network one needs to have an ongoingand increasing list of people to get the people see the plan which is a constant process and step 3 of the buildinga network. Contacting and Inviting people to see the marketing plan. A skill full step of contacting and inviting all the people in the list you built in step 1 of the Britt (BWW)recommended 4 basic steps as there are different approaches to invite someone to business meetings, seminarsand see the business marketing plan. This can be done in few different ways :a) Calling people to book and appointment for a brief overview of marketing plan.b) Calling people to have a One on One plan session.c) Calling People to invite them to a home meeting.d) Calling people to invite for a plan at Open Meeting with around 50 to 100 such newly invited people. Showing the Marketing Plan. Once you have people ready from step 2 of Britt 4 basic steps, Next is to show them the Business plan and thepurpose of showing the plan is to show your prospect how they can obtain their dream and goals by utilizing thesales

and marketing plan. One should keep the business plan as simple and brief as possible an up to the point which created interest and desire to gather more information about the network business. Marketing plan showshow he can be an IBO being your own boss. Its very important to give the prospect business material andliterature pack. Like Amway business plan one can have an Business overview, One-on-One meeting, HomeMeeting or Bringing prospect to an Open meeting. Follow up and Follow through with Start up and Kit Opening. Of all the steps of building a successful network marketing business, Followup and Follow through process are byfar the most important. The follow-up process is the natural conclusion to new people  s introduction to thebusiness. Now that they have seen the marketing plan, what should be done next ?which will base upon theprospect  s interest, schedule and other factors. The general objective is to get back to the prospect in couple assoon as possible with in few days when business information is still fresh in the mind and before they can contact friends and relatives for suggestions which will lead to few negative feedback.

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