British English

June 9, 2016 | Author: Mathumitha Muniappan | Category: N/A
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British English accelerator advertisement aerial (TV, radio) air hostess alsatian Amercian Indian anorak anywhere at home aubergine autumn baking tin bank holiday barrister base rate bath to bath bathroom bedside table bill bin biro biscuit bobsleigh bonnet booking bookshop bookstall boot braces brackets candy floss

American English A gas pedal, accelerator commercial antenna, aerial flight attendant German shepherd Native American parka anyplace,anywhere home, at home eggplant fall, autumn B baking pan legal holiday lawyer prime rate bathtub to bathe bathroom (in privaten Räumen)/toilet nightstand check garbage can ball-point pen cookie bobsled hood reservation bookstore newsstand trunk suspenders parentheses C cotton candy

car park caravan caretaker casualty department catalogue centre chambers chemist's shop cheque chips cinema city centre cloakroom clothes peg coach cocktail stick cocoa powder coffin colour condom cooker costume cosy cot (Baby) cotton crisps crossroads cupboard current account curriculum vitae cutlery dialogue dinner jacket directory enquiries diversion doctor's surgery

parking lot trailer janitor emergency room catalog center law offices drugstore check French fries movie theater downtown checkroom clothespin long distance bus toothpick unsweetened cocoa casket, coffin color rubber, condom stove swimsuit cozy crib thread potato chips crossroad (Land) intersection (Stadt und Land) closet checking account resume silverware D dialog tux, tuxedo directory assistance detour doctor's office

double cream draught draughts drawing pin dress circle dressing gown drink driving driving licence driving wheel duffle coat dummy dustbin duvet dynamo earth earth wire engaged engine to enquire enquiry entrée everywhere exercise book expiry date extra time

heavy cream draft checkers thumbtack balcony bathrobe drunk driving driver's license steering wheel trench coat pacifier garbage can bedspread generator E ground ground wire busy motor to inquire inquiry appetizer everyplace, everywhere notebook expiration date overtime

F fag fancy dress Father Christmas favourite to fill in filling station film fire brigade first floor

cigarette costumes Santa Claus favorite to fill out gas station film, movie fire department second floor

fish-fingers flannel flashlight flat flavour flyover football fortnight fringe from Monday to Friday frying pan gammon gangway garden gear lever Gents to give s.b. a lift goods train grammar school to grill ground floor hairdresser Hairdresser Harbor hard cooked egg headmaster, head teacher high street to hire hire purchase Hockey Holiday Hoover Humour

fish-sticks face cloth, wash cloth photoflash apartment (flat: eingeschossige Wohnung) flavor overpass soccer two weeks bangs from Monday to Friday from Monday through Friday (Freitag eingeschlossen) skillet G ham aisle yard gear shift Men's Room to give s.b. a ride freight train high school to broil first floor H barber shop hairdresser, beauty shop harbor boiled egg principal main street to rent instalment plan field hockey vacation vaccum cleaner humor I

ice-hockey hockey Icing frosting icing sugar powdered sugar Ill nauseated Indicator turn signal Injection shot Insect bug Interval intermission inverted commas, quotation marks quotation marks J Jab shot jacket potato baked potato Jam jelly (no pieces in it) Jewellery jewelery Joe Bloggs John Doe Jug pitcher jumble sale rummage sale

Kilometer kitchen roll paper Knickers Label Labour Ladies Ladybird Lager to lay the table Lead Letterbox life jacket Lift Litre Lorry lost property

K kilometer paper towel panties L tag labor ladies' room ladybug beer to set the table leash mailbox life vest elevator liter truck lost and found


baggage, luggage M Mackintosh raincoat main road highway Maize corn managing director president (business) mashed potato mashed potatoes Match game Mate buddy Maths math Mean stingy Medicine drugs,medicine mince meat hamburger meat, ground beef mobile (phone) cellular, cell Motorbike motorcycle Motorway freeway, interstate multi-storey car park parking garage Mum mom N Nappy diaper national insurance number social security number Neighbor neighbor newsagent's newspaper store Normal regular Note bill notice board bulletin board number plate license plate

P a pack of cards a deck of cards a packet of cigarettes a package of cigarettes paper knife letter opener paraffin kerosene/kerosine parliament congress pavement sidewalk pay rise pay raise pedestrian crossing crosswalk

pepper personnel department petrol phone box pickled cucumber platform plug hole polo neck porridge post post code postman

bell pepper human resources department gas phone booth dill pickle track drain turtle neck oatmeal mail zip code mailman elementary school primary school grade school prison jail programme program pub bar pupil student to put sb. through to connect sb. Q to queue to line up quid buck R railway railroad reception front desk redundant laid off to ring to call road surface pavement roundabout traffic circle, rotary row argument rubber eraser rubbish garbage S school report report card secondary school high school semi-detached house duplex share stock shop store

shop assistant single ticket skipping rope sledge solicitor Sorry. spanner sports day state school stock store storey subway sultana to suppose sweet shop tap taxi taxi rank technical college telephonist term terraces test theatre till timetable tin tissue to think toilet, loo tortoise town centre tracks traffic lights trainers tram

sales clerk one-way ticket jump rope sled lawyer Excuse me. wrench fields day public school inventory superstore story underpass raisin to guess candy store T faucet cab, taxi taxi stand vocational school telephone operator semester bleachers quiz theater cash register schedule can Kleenex to guess bathroom, rest room turtle downtown track stop lights sneakers streetcar

travelled trolley trousers tumble dryer tyre

traveled cart pants clothes dryer tire U

underground, tube underlay undertaker

subway carpet pad funeral director V

van vest video

station wagon undershirt VCR W

wage cut waistcoat wallet wardrobe to wash wash up liquid washing up powder wellington boots wholemeal bread windscreen wing

salary cut vest billfold closet wash up dish washing liquid laundry soap rubbers brown bread windshield fender Z

zebra crossing zip

crosswalk zipper

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