Brigid Kit 2020

August 24, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Xeihcif Sour Jka`e Tctuak Mct

Drcfch–s Frove  A fcjt jor tbe Lreatcve \pcrct Lcrlke





@ay tbe @ooi dkess you,  @ay tbe eartb e`drale you,  @ay tbe waters queilb your tbcrst aih `ame you frow,  @ay tbe sui sbcie howi upoi you,   @ay tbe wcihs dkow upoi you aih `ame you stroif,  @ay tbere akways de `ore tbai eioufb.  Dkesseh de. 

‘Larei Laerakk ci \afeVo`ai `afazcie (4>>4)





C hrea` oj a salreh re wbere a ja`cky lcrlkes,  ar`s kcimeh   as oie.  \bareh hrea`,  sbareh dkesscif,  oj ja`cky, spcrct, beartb, aih bo`e.  Kcfbt tbe re  wctb tbe lbckhrei.  \cif wctb your partier.  Lreate a te`pke  oj your bearts,  baihs,  aih dohces.  \uppkces7  

Dowk oj water + sea sakt aih esseiak ocks oj your lbocle  

Ahhcoiak hcsb oj sea sakt or a dekk, rake, or hru` 

Gouriak or prcitadke gouriak pafe jro` tbcs mct  

Vo`airuies or otber hcvciaoi larhs 

Opoiak7 lkotb far`eit‘slarj, sbawk, saroif, rode 

Xwo stoies (cheakky lo`pke`eitary ci lokor or property)  




\`akk loitacier or hcsb jor ai oercif oj `ckm. 

Civolaoi  C staih ci tbe leiter oj tbe wbeek, Drcfch, aih C asm jor your wcsho`, your fuchaile, aih your dkesscif.   C turi to tbe East aih lakk ct ci. Look acr. Jresb dreatb oj wcsho`.  A scfb oj rekease rekease aih jreeho`. jreeho`. Xbe wbcsper oj poetry oi tbe wcih.   C turi to \outb aih lakk ct ci. Xbe drcfbtiess oj iew cheas. Xbe war`tb oj tbe sui. Xbe ery jorfe oj traisjor`aoi. Xbe beat oj `y  owi smci.  C turi to tbe Vest aih lakk ct ci. Xbe paer oj racijakk. Xbe sweep oj tbe rcver. Xbe beakcif waters oj ber wekk. Xbe swc bu` oj dkooh ci `y vecis.   C turi to tbe Iortb aih lakk ct ci. Xbe sokchiess oj stoie. Xbe latbehrak oj trees afacist tbe smy. Xbe steahy beart oj tbe salreh oam. Xbe ailborcif oj `y owi jeet oi tbcs deaujuk frouih.   Optoiak7 \cif Drcfch ^rayersoif (pafe 2) 

Oer yoursekj a dohy dkesscif7 

Uscif water tbat bas bah sea sakt aih your javorcte esseiak ock ahheh to ct7  Dkess `y eyes tbat C `ay bave lkarcty oj vcscoi.   Dkess `y `outb tbat C `ay speam tbe trutb.  


Dkess `y ears tbat C `ay bear wcseky. Dkess `y baihs tbat C `ay `ame tbcifs oj deauty.  




Dkess `y beart tbat C `ay de kkeh wctb kove.  Dkess `y leiter tbat C `ay de ci toulb wctb tbe lreave eierfy oj tbe uicverse.   Dkess `y kefs tbat C `ay jeek tbe power oj `y owi streiftb.   Dkess `y jeet tbat C `ay wakm oi `y owi true patb.   Opoiak7 Bouse Dkesscif 

Use tbe water or hry sprcimkes oj sakt. Or, rcif a dekk, sbame a rake, or deat a hru` ci   tbe jour hcrelois (East, \outb, Vest, aih Iortb), ci tbe jour loriers oj tbe bo`e, ci ealb roo`, aih tbei staih ci tbe leiter aih realb up to tbe leckcif aih tbei howi to toulb tbe oor. Dkess tbe loriers oj tbcs pkale   Goy aih peale ct hoes e`drale.  Lkeaise tbcs bouse aih kk wctb lbeer  Foohiess, kove, aih mcihiess hwekk bere. 

(cj you bave lbckhrei, eilourafe tbe` to fet as raulous as tbey wcsb wctb tbecr lbeercif aih foohwckk!) 


Dy tbe power oj our kove Dy tbe streiftb oj our lcrlke Xbcs bo`e cs dkesseh! Ho a progelt7  

Lreate prayer afs‘tbei tame outsche aih baif ci ai oam tree!

@ame ai citeioi laihke (see (see tutorcak tutorcak)). 

Ho a `chwciter larh reahcif uscif tbe eilkoseh Jka`e larh kayout wctb Vo`airuies or your otber larhs. 

Gouriak oi tbe tbe`es oj tbcs rctuak rc tuak uscif your lo`paicoi gouriak pafe.  

@ame doom`arms uscif tbe Drcfch ^rayer doom`arm te`pkates. ^rcit oi larhstolm aih, aer lokorcif, saihwclb detweei two pceles oj lkear loitalt paper to ka`ciate/protelt tbe` jor oifocif use. 

@ehctaoi  cilkuheh ci tbe lo`paicoi resourles. Vbat cs decif Kcstei to tbe Xraisjor`aoi @ehctaoi traisjor`eh ci Drcfch–s jorfe re? 

Eigoy a jeast aih a ‛Jcre aih Cle‐ trce. 

Keave your lkotb (rode, saroif, slarj, or sbawk) hrapeh outsche to de dkesseh dy Drcfch as sbe passes tbroufb tbe kaih. Sou `ay akso wcsb to keave a hcsb or s`akk vcak oj `ckm out as ai oercif.  




Bokh oie stoie ci ealb baih aih reah Drcfch ^rayer cilkuheh oi pafe 6) or tbcs `ore sc`pke hacky prayer7  Hear Fohhess Drcfch,  @ay C wakm ci eilbait`eit. @ay C hwekk ci `ystery. @ay C `ove ci deauty. @ay C cibadct lurcoscty. @ay C ollupy woiher. @ay C serve `afcl.

‛C miow tbe kore oj tree aih stoie, 

Otber posscdckces7 posscdckces7   A `ehctaoi to reah akouh7 bp7// ercisgouriak.lo`/fucheh-`ehctaoi-jor-drcfch   Kcstei to two javorcte Drcfch soifs7   Drcfbch dy Mekkcaiia7 bps7//

aih tbe sckeile ci wbclb `afcl cs


www.youtude.lo`/watlb? v0:J_fZ2Qi^1>  Drchfet–s \oif dy Lekca7 bps7// www.youtude.lo`/watlb? v0RxeXiU_q`bE  Or, a wboke pkaykcst. pkaykcst. 

dori…‐  Kuiea Veatberstoie,


Xeihcif Drcfch–s Jka`e 

Jcre aih Cle trce relcpe  

C miow tbe power oj worhs, 

Bo`e`ahe lustarh7 

Aifek jooh lame or pouih lame, prepareh aih

tori or lut cito oie cilb pceles (C use a `cx) 

Jrozei raspderrces aih/or strawderrces 

 

Zaickka puhhcif or lustarh (see ahhcoiak relcpe or use a `cx) 

 

4/< l. sufar  8 XD loristarlb  » ts sakt  < l. `ckm  8 eff yokms, skcfbtky deatei   8 ts vaickka 

Opoiak7 wbcppeh lrea` to top 

\laer lame oi tbe doo` oj a fkass hcsb aih tbei slaer oi derrces aih spooi oi lustarh. Loiiue to akteriate kayers oj ealb uik tbe hcsb cs jukk aih your cifrehceits are foie. Xop wctb wbcppeh lrea` c``ehcateky dejore servcif, cj hescreh.  

@cx sufar, loristarlb, aih sakt ci saulepai. @cx `ckm aih eff yokms separateky, frahuakky sr cito sufar `cxture. Loom over `ehcu` beat, srrcif loistaitky uik `cxture tbclmeis aih docks. Dock aih sr jor oie `ciute, re`ove jro` beat. \r ci vaickka aih ket look.  




Drcfch ^rayer Drcfch,  oj tbe \alreh Oam.   Drcfch,  oj tbe \alreh Jka`e. \alreh s`ctb, 


sbape our kcves  ci tbe laukhroi oj hesiy.  Cficte our lreavcty    jorfe our passcois. passcois.  \pckk jortb  ci tbe kaifuafe oj poetry,  jakkcif keaves, 


aih bot `etak.  Drcfch,  \alreh Fuarhcai,  Meeper oj a`e,  bope aih bearts.  Eikcvei our worm,  fuche our steps,  cispcre our `essafe.  Xbaim you. 

Drcfch cs a Xrcpke Fohhess oj Jcre7 tbe re oj poel cispcraoi aih lreave vocle, tbe re oj beaktb aih jerkcty, aih tbe re oj `etakworm aih lras. Drcfch was ai ailceit Crcsb fohhess kater syilrezeh cito tbe Lbrcsai sacit Drcfct. Ber addey was rejerreh to as tbe Lburlb oj tbe \alreh Oam, tbe worh jor wbclb kater evokveh cito `oheri hay Mckhare. Ber salreh wekks are usuakky kolateh iear salreh oam trees, so`e`es rejerreh to as ‛lkooe‐ trees, ci wbclb pckfrc`s baif prayers, dkesscifs, wcsbes, aih requests jor beakcif. drcfchsfrove.lo` 



Drcfch ^rayersoif  Beakcif water   \alreh a`e  Drcfch we  civome your ia`e.   Boky re  \alreh water(s)  Boioreh oie  C (we) a` (are) your haufbter(s).  Dreatb oj kcje   Ailceit eartb  Upoi your beartb  C lkac` `y wortb.  Kcvcif eartb  Dkesseh dreatb  Ci your baihs  tbroufb kcje aih heatb.  \alreh toulb  Boky bour(s)  Ci tbcs spale  we jeek your power(s).  Beakcif water   \alreh a`e  Dreatb oj acr   we lakk your ia`e. 

Iote7 C wrote tbcs soif at tbe dealb severak years afo aih aer a er wrcif ct kearieh tbere cs akreahy a wekk-miowi lbait ci boior oj Drcfch lakkeh Boky Vater, Vater, \alreh Jka`e dy Hcaie Damer aih Aiie Bckk ci Lcrlke Touih . 




Xeihcif Sour Jka`e @aihaka 

Xbcs powerjuk `aihaka lai de useh ci `ukpke ways7   

Xo lokor aih eigoy as a lak`cif, `ehctave arsl progelt gust jor jui. 

Ci lo`dciaoi wctb your ‛Lore Hescreh Jeekcifs‐ jor tbe year (see HaicekkeKa^orte.lo` HaicekkeKa^orte.lo` jor `ore oi LHJs). Sou `cfbt wrcte your LHJs oi tbe fohhesses or arouih tbe ehfes oj lcrlke. 

Ci lo`dciaoi wctb Vo`airuies, citeioiakky sekelteh or citucveky hrawi‘you `ay wcsb to hraw tbe ruie sy`doks oi tbe fohhesses or arouih tbe dorher oj tbe `aihaka.  

Ci lo`dciaoi wctb otber oralke larh helms‘you `ay ho a reahcif jor tbe `oitb jor yoursekj aih ahh meyworhs aih ciscfbts to tbe `aihaka. 

Xo `etapborclakky ‛baif‐ your prayers upoi as pckfrc`s to Drcfch–s salreh sctes ho upoi ‛lkooe trees.‐ 

As a persoiak `ehctaoi aih re`ciher oj wbat you ieeh to teih your a`e‘you `cfbt wrcte tbe tbcifs you miow you ieeh to ‛teih your a`e‐ arouih arouih tbe upper ehfe oj tbe lcrlke detweei tbe ar`s oj tbe fohhesses. 

As a frch wctb lrystaks aih `cic fohhesses jor beakcif, beakcif, citeioi, or otber purposes.













Drcfch–s Hay Gouriak ^afe  (jreewrcte rst respoises)7  Vbat purpose lakks your ia`e?

 ________  ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ____________ ____

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat seeh are you dreatbcif bope cito  cito   ________________  ________________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______  ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

As you pause ci harmiess wbat hoes your dohy bave to tekk you?   ___________________________________________________  ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat ho your hrea`s bave to tekk you? 


 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat hoes tbe jrozei frouih bave to tekk you?  ________  ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________  ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Bow lai you teih your a`e? 


 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat soif lai oiky de suif dy you?   __________________________________________________________________________  ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat patb bave your jeet jouih? 


 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

Vbat pro`cse are you meepcif?  _____________________________________________________________________________  ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 ________________  ________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ______

 _________________  ________ ______________ _____

Xc`e jor your kcfbt to sbcie  jro` wctbci tbe sbektercif harm drcfchsfrove.lo` 



Xbe Jka`e 




1.  Mcihkcif7 Vbat ieehs `y aeioi iow? Bow a` C jeehcif `y a`e, `y passcoi, `y eierfy?  

4.  Cficif7 Vbat kcfbts `e up? Vbat bekps `e frow? Bow ho C alless `y ciier warrcor?   >2. \be pkais aih jalckctates wo`ei–s lcrlkes, Teh Xeits, seasoiak retreats aih rctuaks, ^cim Xeit `otber-haufbter lcrlkes, aih ja`cky lere`oices ci rurak @cssourc aih tealbes oikcie lourses ci Teh Xeit X eit jalckctaoi aih ^rallak ^rcestesscif.  @okky cs a prcestess wbo bokhs @\V, @.Hcv, aih H.@ci hefrees aih wrote ber hcssertaoi adout loite`porary prcestesscif ci tbe U.\.  @okky cs tbe autbor oj Vo`airuies, Eartbprayer , \be Kcves Ber ^oe`s, tbe Fohhess Hevooiak, aih Xbe Teh Xeit Tesourle Mct . \be wrctes adout wo`ei–s lcrlkes, iature,

prallak prcestesscif, lreavcty, ja`cky rctuak, aih tbe fohhess at Drcfch–s Frove, \afeVo`ai @afazcie, aih Je`cics` aih Tekcfcoi. 

Adout Drcfch–s Drcfch–s Frove7  @okky aih @arm lo-lreate orcfciak \tory Fohhesses, fohhess slukptures, `cic fohhess peihaits, aih lere`oiy mcts at drcfchsfrove.lo` drcfchsfrove.lo`  (aih etsy! etsy!). Xbey pudkcsb Vo`airuies Vo`airuies   dooms aih helms, daseh oi tbe worm oj \bembciab @ouitaciwater.  Drcfch's Frove citefrates @okky's prcestess worm aih fohhess stuhces wctb our ja`cky's sbareh citerests ci lere`oiy, art, fe`stoies, `etakworm, iature, aih citeioiak, lreave kcvcif. Drcfch cs tbe Crcsb trcpke fohhess oj s`ctblra, poetry, aih `chwcjery. \be cs akso a Lbrcsai sacit assolcateh wctb `chwcves, dcrtbcif `otbers, aih cijaits.


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