General Briefng Template Good marketing comes from good briefs – and vice versa. We send this to our clients. It is essential to success, whether you are doing something yourself or employing us - or someone else
1. Ba Back ckgr grou ound nd The rationale. Why you want to do this, where where it ts into what else you!re doing and what!s happening in the market.
The prot margin. margin. "ow much you can a#ord to pay to get a sale or en$uiry%
"ow is this sold now% What is the process%
&ny e'amples or news about previous e#orts with results.
&nything you think you!re doing, right or wrong.
&ny thoughts or ideas you have.
Produc ductt or ser servic vice e 2. The Pro (lease describe the product or service. Try to e'plain what it does for the prospect as opposed to what it is.
"ighlight anything uni$ue and any ways in which it is di#erent, better or worse than what your competitors or alternatives o#er. o#er.
3. As pe pess ssoa oas s (or favour descreva um o prospect perfeito. If there is more than one person involved in making the decision say who they are.
&lso, describe their motivations, especially any emotional ones like )I don!t want to make a mistake* or )I!d like to be a hero*.
What relationship do they have with you% "ave they heard from you before% What was their reaction, if any% What do they think of you+your products or services% What worries them% What motivates them%
What problem do they face every day%
"ow can this solve+help with that problem% Give practical e'amples.
What is their role in the decision making process%
&nswer these $uestions for every group you!re talking to.
4. The oe oer r What the proposition is and details of any o#er+incentive
. !ha !hatt "e "ant "ant them them to to kno" kno" and and #eel .g. )I never knew that was so easy* - )it sounds right for me*, )I should consider this* etc.
$. Th The e act actio ion n What do you want them to do% "ow close to a sale do you want to get them% Weak en$uiry or strong% /ree /ree trial% 0ee a demonstration%
%. !h& ac act Why should they reply% (lease list as many reasons reason as possible, appealing to emotion and
'. !h& no not What ob1ections could they raise% &nd how would you respond to them%
(. )re )reati ative ve *e+u *e+uire iremen ments ts (lease include any restrictions e.g. black and white, no images, personalisation etc
If it is a mailing, they should refer to each item in the pack.
&lso, please include details of any copy variations re$uired if targeting di#erent segments and practical things, like tel. numbers and ref codes.
-ther in#ormation
(lease attach2 - 3elev elevan antt resea esearrch - Testimoni nial als s - 0ales material - 4edia - 5one - Indep Independ endent ent stat statist istic ics s or or rres esea earrch - &nyt &nythin hing g wh which ich hel helps ps in in unde unders rsta tandi nding ng tthe he product or the audience
Ideas /irst 6raft copy and an d layout2 /inal artwork
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