Bridges2 SB AppendGal 11946
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Grammar Appendix Grammar Review Present SIMPLE FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You work He / She / It works We / You / They work
I / You do not (don’t) work He / She / It does not (doesn’t) work We / You / They do not (don’t) work
A regular habit or routine
Do I / you work? Does he / she / it work? Do we / you / they work?
Adverbs of frequency / Time expressions
Do you work on Sundays?
(Traballas os domingos?)
always, usually, generally, regularly, occasionally, frequently, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom, never Water boils at 100º Celsius. A general truth or scientific fact (A auga ferve aos cen graos.) at 1 o’clock, at night, in the morning, on Fridays, Mary doesn’t think my boyfriend is every week, once a month, how often ...? Stative verbs attractive. (Mary non cre que o meu noivo é atractivo.)
present CONTINUOUS FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am reading You are reading He / She / It is reading We / You / They are reading
I am (I’m) not reading You are not (aren’t) reading He / She / It is not (isn’t) reading We / You / They are not (aren’t) reading
Am I reading? Are you reading? Is he / she / it reading? Are we / you / they reading? Time expressions
An action which is happening now
He is reading a magazine now. (Está a ler unha revista agora.)
now, right now, at the moment
A temporary action
I am studying photography this year. (Estou a estudar fotografía este ano.)
this year, at present
A definite plan for the near future
My friends are leaving for India tomorrow. (Os meus amigos marchan mañá á India.)
this evening, tonight, tomorrow, next Friday / week / year
➡ Stative Verbs Como indican un estado, máis ca unha acción, adoitan empregarse en Present Simple. Están relacionados con: ● as emocións e os sentimentos (dislike, enjoy, hate, hope, like, love, prefer, want) ● o pensamento e a opinión (believe, forget, guess, know, remember, think, understand) ● a percepción e os sentidos (feel, hear, see, smell, sound, taste, touch) ● os prezos e as medidas (cost, weigh, measure)
Algúns indican tanto estado como actividade e poden empregarse na forma simple e mais na continua. Sarah thinks the film is boring. (Sarah cre que a película é aborrecida.) [estado] Sarah is thinking of selling her house. (Sarah está a pensar en vender a súa casa.) [actividade] Mentres que o verbo see en Present Continuous indica unha acción futura fixada de antemán. We’re seeing Ann tonight. (Veremos a Ann esta noite.) [Xa quedamos.]
● a posesión (belong, have, own). Bridges 2 Galician
© B Burlington Books
Grammar Appendix
past simple FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You visited He / She / It visited We / You / They visited
I / You did not (didn’t) visit He / She / It did not (didn’t) visit We / You / They did not (didn’t) visit
A completed action in the past
We visited the museum last week. (Visitou o museo a pasada semana.)
A series of completed actions in the past
When I opened the door, the dog barked at the postman. (Cando abrín a porta, o can ladrou ao carteiro.)
Did I / you visit? Did he / she / it visit? Did we / you / they visit? Time expressions
yesterday, last week / year, two days ago, in 2007, in the 1980s, in the 18th century, when, then
PAST CONTINUOUS FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative I was watching I was not (wasn’t) watching Was I watching? You were watching You were not (weren’t) watching Were you watching? He / She / It was watching He / She / It was not (wasn’t) watching Was he / she / it watching? We / You / They were watching We / You / They were not (weren’t) watching Were we / you / they watching? Uses
Time expressions
An incomplete action in progress at a specific time in the past
At 9 o’clock last night, they were watching the tennis match. (Ás nove en punto da pasada noite, estaban a ver o partido de tenis.)
An incomplete action interrupted by another action
She was doing her homework when her friends arrived. (Estaba a facer os seus deberes cando os seus amigos chegaron.)
Two incomplete actions in progress at the same time in the past
I was cooking dinner while he was setting the table. (Eu estaba a preparar a cea mentres el estaba a poñer a mesa.)
last night / week / year, at 4 o’clock, when, while, as
FUTURE SIMPLE FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You will start He / She / It will start We / You / They will start
I / You will not (won’t) start He / She / It will not (won’t) start We / You / They will not (won’t) start
A prediction
I’m sure Peter won’t be at the party this evening. (Estou certo de que Peter non estará na festa esta noite.)
A timetable
My parents will arrive on the 5 o’clock train. (Meus pais chegarán no tren das cinco.)
A spontaneous decision
I’ll have a sandwich, please. (Tomarei un sándwich, por favor.)
Bridges 2 Galician
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Will I / you start? Will he / she / it start? Will we / you / they start? Time expressions
this evening, in an hour, at 3 o’clock, later, tomorrow, next month / year, soon, in a few weeks, in the future, on 1st May
Grammar Appendix
BE GOING TO FORM Affirmative Negative I am going to buy I am (I’m) not going to buy You are going to buy You are not (aren’t) going to buy He / She / It is going to buy He / She / It is not (isn’t) going to buy We / You / They are going to buy We / You / They are not (aren’t) going to buy Uses
Interrogative Am I going to buy? Are you going to buy? Is he / she / it going to buy? Are we / you / they going to buy?
A planned action for the future An action that is about to happen
Time expressions
We are going to buy a new computer next month. this evening, later, in an hour, (Imos mercar un novo ordenador o mes que vén.) at 4 o’clock, tomorrow, soon, next month / year, in a few weeks, Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain soon. on 8th May (Repara nesas nubes. Vai chover axiña.)
➡O Present Continuous con valor de futuro Anuncia accións fixadas de antemán que ocorrerán no futuro próximo. Adóitase reservar para plans persoais xa concertados. They’re coming home tonight. (Veñen / Virán á casa esta noite.)
Non expresa unha intención, como be going to, senón algo que foi programado con antelación e que vai pasar con seguridade. Distínguese do Present Continuous normal pois a expresión temporal que vai na frase sinala un tempo futuro e non presente. The train is arriving in twenty minutes. (O tren chega / chegará en vinte minutos.)
I / You will be shopping He / She / It will be shopping We / You / They will be shopping
I / You will not (won’t) be shopping Will I / you be shopping? He / She / It will not (won’t) be shopping Will he / she / it be shopping? We / You / They will not (won’t) be shopping Will we / you / they be shopping?
An action in progress at a certain time in the future
Time expressions
At this time tomorrow, I will be shopping in town. (Mañá a estas horas, estarei de compras na cidade.)
Unit 1
at this time, at this time next ..., on Thursday, in the next decade
Health present perfect simple FORM
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You have talked He / She / It has talked We / You / They have talked
I / You have not (haven’t) talked He / She / It has not (hasn’t) talked We / You / They have not (haven’t) talked
Have I / you talked? Has he / she / it talked? Have we / you / they talked?
An action that began in the past and continues until the future
I haven’t talked to Jim for a week. (Non falei con Jim desde hai unha semana.)
An action that took place at an undetermined time in the past, but is connected to the present
Jack has stopped smoking. (Jack deixou de fumar.)
Bridges 2 Galician
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Time expressions
ever, never, yet, just, already, recently, lately, how long ...?, for, since, in recent years
Grammar Appendix For sinala canto durou a acción e since cando comezou. I haven’t seen Beth for two years.
Forma Afirmativa: úsase have / has + o participio do verbo principal. Negativa: ponse have / has + not (n’t) + o participio. Interrogativa: poñemos have / has + o suxeito + o participio.
(Non vin a Beth durante dous anos.) Jim has played tennis since he was 13 years old. (Tim xoga ao tenis desde que tiña trece anos.)
➡C ontraste entre o Past Simple e o Present Perfect Simple
● Falarmos de accións que comezaron no pasado e aínda continúan (por iso, ás veces tradúcese o verbo en presente). ● Con accións pasadas cuxos efectos son visíbeis arestora. ● Expresarmos que unha acción vén de ocorrer. Daquela ponse just entre have e o participio. They have just arrived. (Acaban de chegar.)
A principal diferenza é que o Past Simple indica o que ocorreu nun intre concreto, mentres que o Present Perfect Simple sitúa a acción nun período de tempo. We put an advert in the newspaper to sell our car and so far, six people have phoned. (Puxemos un anuncio no xornal para vender o coche e até agora chamaron seis persoas.)
Con how long ...? preguntamos canto tempo pasou desde que a acción, que aínda continúa, comezou. How long have you lived in London? (Canto tempo hai que vives en Londres?)
present perfect continuous FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You have been working I / You have not (haven’t) been working Have I / you been working? He / She / It has been working He / She / It has not (hasn’t) been working Has he / she / it been working? We / You / They have been working We / You / They have not (haven’t) been working Have we / you / they been working? Uses
Time expressions
An action that started in the past and which still continues in the present
Dave has been going to the gym for a year. (Dave leva indo ao ximnasio un ano.) How long has Steve been walking? (Cando tempo estivo Steve a camiñar?)
for a year, since 2002, how long ...?
An action whose results are still apparent
I’m tired. I have been studying all night. (Estou canso. Levo estudando toda a noite.)
all night / morning / day / week
Afirmativa: o Present Perfect Continuous fórmase con have / has + been + o verbo na forma ing.
● Expresar accións que comezaron no pasado e que aínda continúan. Como o Present Perfect Continuous resalta o tempo que está a durar a acción, adoitamos traducilo por “levar” en presente + un verbo en xerundio.
Negativa: engádese not a have / has ou empregamos as formas contraídas haven’t / hasn’t + been + o verbo con ing. Interrogativa: ponse have / has + o suxeito + been + o verbo na forma ing.
● Expresar accións rematadas hai pouco cuxos efectos son visíbeis aínda. As expresións temporais empregadas con este tempo verbal cómpre que indiquen un período, non un intre concreto.
past PERFECT SIMPLE FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You had started He / She / It had started We / You / They had started Uses
A completed action which took place before another action in the past Bridges 2 Galician
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I / You had not (hadn’t) started He / She / It had not (hadn’t) started We / You / They had not (hadn’t) started
Had I / you started? Had he / she / it started? Had we / you / they started?
By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started. (Cando chegamos ao cinema, a película xa comezara.)
Time expressions
already, by the time, after, before, until, never, just
Grammar Appendix Forma
Afirmativa: o Past Perfect Simple fórmase con had + o
● Indica que unha acción ocorreu antes ca outra (que vai en Past Simple) ou antes dun intre concreto no pasado.
participio do verbo principal. Negativa: engádese not ou n’t a had + o participio. Interrogativa: ponse had + o suxeito + o participio.
past perfect continuous FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I / You had been travelling I / You had not (hadn’t) been travelling Had I / you been travelling? He / She / It had been travelling He / She / It had not (hadn’t) been travelling Had he / she / it been travelling? We / You / They had been travelling We / You / They had not (hadn’t) been travelling Had we / you / they been travelling? Uses
An action which continued up to another past action
We had been travelling for a few hours when it started snowing. (Levabamos a viaxar unhas poucas horas cando deu en nevar.)
Forma Afirmativa: fórmase con had + been + o verbo na forma ing. Negativa: engadimos not a had (ou hadn’t) + been + o verbo rematado en ing. Interrogativa: ponse had + o suxeito + o verbo con ing. Usos
● Falar dunha acción prolongada que ocorreu no pasado antes ca outra acción ou intre tamén pasado. É moi común traducilo como “levar” en pretérito imperfecto + xerundio (ou “a”+infinitivo).
Time expressions
for hours, since last April, all morning, when, until, before
he had been writing short stories for years until she S decided to publish them. (Levaba anos a escribir contos até que decidiu publicalos.) O habitual é que esas dúas accións vaian unidas por unha conxunción, que pode ser temporal como as do cadro (when, until, before), concesiva (although) ou causal (because). He put on weight because he hadn’t been getting enough exercise. (Engordou porque non estivera a facer exercicio abondo.)
I / You will have finished He / She / It will have finished We / You / They will have finished
I / You will not (won’t) have finished Will I / you have finished? He / She / It will not (won’t) have finished Will he / she / it have finished? We / You / They will not (won’t) have finished Will we / you / they have finished?
Time expressions
A completed action at a By the end of June, we will have finished school. by this time next week, by 10 o’clock, by the (Contra fins de xuño, teremos rematado o colexio.) certain future time end of ..., by then, by August, in three months Forma Afirmativa: emprégase will have + o participio dun verbo. Negativa: poñemos will not (won’t) + have + o participio. Interrogativa: ponse will + o suxeito + have + o participio. Usos
● Indicarmos que unha acción concluirá nun momento concreto do futuro.
Bridges 2 Galician
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➡ Os prefixos ● Os prefixos un, im, il, in e dis engádense a algúns adxectivos, substantivos e verbos para formaren os seus opostos. pleasant (agradábel) unpleasant (desagradábel) patient (paciente) impatient (impaciente) legal (legal) illegal (ilegal) correct (correcto/a) incorrect (incorrecto/a) satisfied (satisfeito/a) dissatisfied (insatisfeito/a) ● O prefixo mis engádese a algúns substantivos e verbos para indicar que algo se fai mal ou incorrectamente. use (uso) misuse (mal uso) ● Con en fórmanse verbos que describen o paso ao estado sinalado pola palabra á que se engade este prefixo. close (pechar) enclose (encerrar)
Grammar Appendix
● Os prefixos under, over e non son doados de entender, e no que se refire a co, re, inter, anti, bi, pre e multi, significan o mesmo que na nosa lingua: underline (subliñar) international (internacional) overloaded (sobrecargado) anti-hero (antiheroe) non-smoker (non fumador) bilingual (bilingüe) co-pilot (copiloto) prehistoric (prehistórico) rewrite (reescribir) multiracial (multirracial)
Verbos seguidos de xerundio e de infinitivo
➡ O xerundio e o infinitivo
● forget + xerundio emprégase en frases negativas para indicar a imposibilidade de esquecer algo ocorrido no pasado. I’ll never forget seeing the Eiffel Tower for the first time. (Nunca esquecerei cando vin a Torre Eiffel por primeira vez.) forget + infinitivo significa “esquecer facer algo”. I forgot to buy the newspaper. (Esquecín mercar o xornal.)
O xerundio
É a forma verbal rematada en ing que funciona como substantivo. Por iso podemos atopalo: ● Como suxeito, falando de feitos en xeral. Eating healthy food helps you keep fit. (Comer comida sa axúdache a manterte en forma.) ● Como obxecto directo dalgúns verbos: continue, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, like, love, miss, prefer, recommend, suggest, etc. He likes running marathons. (Gústalle correr maratóns.) ● Detrás das preposicións. She’s interested in doing Pilates. (Está interesada en facer Pilates.) ● Detrás dalgunhas formas verbais: be / get used to, can’t help, can’t stand, don’t mind / wouldn’t mind, feel like, it’s no use, look forward to, spend (time), etc. I feel like going to the concert tonight. (Teño ganas de ir ao concerto esta noite.) O infinitivo
É a forma verbal precedida de to e emprégase nestes casos: ● Como suxeito, falando dun feito concreto. To apply for that job would be a good idea. (Solicitar ese traballo sería unha boa idea.) ● Detrás de verbos como: agree, appear, choose, decide, expect, hope, learn, manage, plan, promise, refuse, seem, want, wish, etc. I promised to help him with his homework. (Prometín axudarlle cos deberes.)
Verbos como begin, propose, forbid, intend ou start poden ir con xerundio ou infinitivo e significan o mesmo. I’ve started to go / going to the gym. (Comecei a ir ao ximnasio.) Mais stop, remember, regret e forget non significan o mesmo se van seguidos dun xerundio ou dun infitivo.
● regret + xerundio significa “arrepentirse de ter feito algo no pasado”. He regrets staying at home. (Arrepíntese de ter quedado na casa.) regret + infinitivo significa “lamentar o que se vai dicir a continuación”. I regret to tell you that we can’t do anything. (Lamento que saibas que non podemos facer nada.) ● remember + xerundio significa “lembrar algo que se fixo no pasado”. I remember buying the tickets. (Lembro ter comprado as entradas.) remember + infinitivo significa “lembrarse de facer algo”. Remember to take your passport. (Lémbrate coller o pasaporte.) ● stop + xerundio significa “deixar un hábito”. She stopped training for a few weeks. (Deixou de adestrar durante unhas semanas.) stop + infinitivo significa “deixar de facer algo para facer outra cousa”. We stopped to have lunch. (Paramos para xantar)
● Detrás dalgúns adxectivos (busy, happy, ready, tired, etc.) e adverbios (fast, high, low, slowly, etc.) I am happy to be here. (Estou leda de estar aquí.) ● Detrás do obxecto indirecto de verbos como: advise, invite, persuade, teach, tell ou warn. They told him to eat three meals a day. (Dixéronlle que fixera tres comidas ao día.) Algúns verbos de percepción (feel, hear, see, etc.), make e let van seguidos de verbos na forma base (infinitivo sen to). His parents let him participate in the race. (Seus pais deixárono participar na carreira.)
Bridges 2 Galician
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Grammar Appendix
Unit 2
Jobs o estilo indirecto
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
Present Simple
“He works in a restaurant.” (“El traballa nun restaurante.“)
She said that he worked in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el traballou nun restaurante.)
Past Simple
“He worked in a restaurant.” (“El traballou nun restaurante.“)
She said that he had worked in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el traballara nun restaurante.)
Future Simple
“He will work in a restaurant.” (“El traballará nun restaurante.“)
She said that he would work in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el traballaría nun restaurante.)
Present Continuous
“He is working in a restaurant.” (“El está a traballar nun restaurante.”)
She said that he was working in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el traballaba nun restaurante.)
Past Continuous
“He was working in a restaurant.” (“El estaba a traballar nun restaurante.“)
She said that he had been working in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el estivera a traballar nun restaurante.)
Present Perfect Simple
“He has worked in a restaurant.” (“El ten traballado nun restaurante.“)
She said that he had worked in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el tiña traballado nun restaurante.)
Present Perfect Continuous
“He has been working in a restaurant.” She said that he had been working in a restaurant. (“El estivo traballando nun restaurante.”) (Ela dixo que el estivera a traballar nun restaurante.)
Past Perfect Simple
“He had worked in a restaurant.” (“El traballara nun restaurante.“)
Past Perfect Continuous
“He had been working in a restaurant.” She said that he had been working in a restaurant. (“El estivera a traballar nun restaurante.“) (Ela dixo que el estivera a traballar nun restaurante.) ‘ CAMBIOS NOUTRAS PALABRAS E EXPRESIONS
Reported Speech
She said that he had worked in a restaurant. (Ela dixo que el traballara nun restaurante.)
Direct Speech
Reported Speech
that day
must / have to
must / had to
that night
the previous day / the day before
last week
the previous week / the week before
a month ago
the previous month / the month before
the following day / the day after / the next day
next week
the following week / the week after
this / these
that / those
O estilo indirecto emprégase para contarmos o que alguén dixo sen citar exactamente as súas palabras.
➡ Reported statements Podemos contar en presente o que alguén vén de dicir, para o cal abonda con suprimir as comiñas e cambiar o pronome suxeito e a persoa do verbo. “I have got a part-time job.” He says that he has got a part-time job. (Di que ten un traballo a tempo parcial.) Bridges 2 Galician
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Mais o normal é contalo en pasado (He said...). Daquela o verbo seguinte dá un salto atrás: o Present Simple pasa a Past Simple, will a would, etc. (só o Past Perfect permanece invariábel), e ademais dos pronomes persoais, cambian os demostrativos, os posesivos e as expresións de tempo e de lugar. “I graduated from university last year,” she said. She said that she had graduated from university the year before. (Dixo que se licenciara na universidade o ano anterior.)
Grammar Appendix
Se a frase enuncia un feito que segue a ter vixencia no presente, non hai cambio nos tempos verbais. “London is the capital of Great Britain,” he said. He said that London is the capital of Great Britain. (Dixo que Londres é a capital de Gran Bretaña.) Como xa coñeces, os verbos máis comúns para introducilo son say e tell. Tell sempre leva un obxecto indirecto sen a preposición to. Say pode levar obxecto indirecto ou non, mais de levalo cómpre que vaia con esa preposición. “The film will start at 8 o’clock,” he said. He said / said to us / told us (that) the film would start at 8 o’clock. (Dixo que a película comezaría ás 8.)
➡ Reported questions ● As Yes / No questions (as que se poden contestar cun “si” ou un “non”) pásanse a estilo indirecto empregando o verbo ask + if ou whether. Daquela, como a pregunta deixa de selo e se converte nunha oración enunciativa, non hai inversión do suxeito e o verbo, sinal de interrogación nin comiñas. “Did you have an exam yesterday?” Mum asked. My mum asked me if I had had an exam the day before. (Miña nai preguntoume se tivera un exame o día anterior.)
● Ou empregando unha oración con that + suxeito + verbo na forma base, indicando que a suxestión se refería a outra ou outras persoas. “Try the new restaurant,” Beth said. Beth suggested that I try the new restaurant. (Beth suxeriu que eu probase o novo restaurante.)
➡ Reporting verbs Say, tell e ask só introducen a mensaxe sen engadir máis
información, mentres que os seguintes verbos transmiten tamén a intención do falante ou o ton en que falou: ● e n afirmacións: admit, agree, answer, apologise, boast, claim, complain, declare, deny, explain, inform, insist, mention, offer, promise, refuse, remind, reply “I’ve had problems with my computer,” he said. He complained that he had had problems with his computer. (Queixouse de que tivera problemas co seu ordenador.) ● en preguntas: enquire, request, want to know, wonder “Did you leave your previous job?” John asked. John wanted to know if I had left my previous job. (John quería saber se deixara o meu traballo anterior.) ● en ordes: demand, order, shout, warn “Stay here!” she said. She ordered me to stay there. (Ordenoume que ficara alí.)
● A s Wh-questions (as que comezan con who, what, etc., e non se poden contestar cun “si” ou un “non” empregan a partícula interrogativa no canto de if ou whether, mais tampouco hai inversión suxeito-verbo, sinal de interrogación nin comiñas. “What are the job requirements?” I asked. I asked what the job requirements were. (Preguntei cales eran os requisitos para o traballo.) “How many people work here?” he asked. He asked how many people worked there. (Preguntou cantas persoas traballaban alí.)
● en suxestións: advise, invite, suggest, recommend “You should apply for that job,” Lucy said. Lucy advised him to apply for that job. (Lucy aconselloulle que solicitase ese traballo.)
➡ Reported orders
➡ Os sufixos
Para pasarmos unha orde a estilo indirecto cómpre cambiar o imperativo polo infinitivo. Mais antes empregamos un verbo que exprese mandato, como order ou tell, seguido do obxecto indirecto. “Please be quiet.” The teacher told us to be quiet. (A profesora díxonos que calaramos.) Se a orde é negativa, poñemos not diante do infinitivo. “Don’t park your car here.” The policeman ordered me not to park my car there. (O policía ordenoume que non aparcara o meu coche alí.)
➡ Reported suggestions Para expresarmos unha suxestión en estilo indirecto empregamos os verbos suggest ou recommend en pasado. Logo, contamos o que dixo esa persoa de dúas formas: ● Cun verbo en xerundio, indicando que quen fixo a suxestión se incluía nela. “Let’s go to the cinema tomorrow,” Jim said. Jim suggested going to the cinema the following day. (Jim suxeriu irmos ao cinema o día seguinte.) Bridges 2 Galician
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● en súplicas e rogos: beg “Please wait for me,” he said. He begged me to wait for him. (Rogoume que agardase por el.)
Son terminacións que engadimos a algunhas palabras para formaren outras novas. Sufixos para formaren substantivos
● Para formaren substantivos a partir de verbos empregamos os sufixos ment, tion / sion e er / or. agree (acordar) agreement (acordo) invite (invitar) invitation (invitación) conclude (concluír) conclusion (conclusión) drive (conducir) driver (condutor) act (actuar) actor (actor) ● T amén se forman substantivos engadindo os sufixos ity, ship, ness e ence / ance a algúns adxectivos, substantivos ou verbos. personal (persoal) personality (personalidade) friend (amigo) friendship (amizade) happy (feliz) happiness (felicidade) obedient (obediente) obedience (obediencia) annoy (molestar) annoyance (molestia)
Grammar Appendix Sufixos para formaren adxectivos
● Os sufixos ful e less engádense a algúns substantivos e axudan a saber o significado dos adxectivos resultantes, pois ful significa “con” e less “sen”. care (coidado) careful (coidadoso/a) careless (descoidado/a) ● Tamén se forman adxectivos engadindo os sufixos ous, al, able / ible e ive a algúns substantivos e verbos. danger (perigo) dangerous (perigoso/a) nation (nación) national (nacional) predict (predicir) predictable (predicíbel) reverse (inverso) reversible (reversíbel) attract (atraer) attractive (atractivo/a) ● Outros sufixos que engadimos a verbos son ed e ing. bore (aborrecer) bored ([estar] aborrecido/a) boring ([ser] aborrecido/a)
➡ Verbos seguidos de preposición
Algúns verbos adoitan ir seguidos sempre da mesma preposición. apply for (solicitar) wait for (agardar) listen to (escoitar (a)) Mais outros poden levar distintas preposicións: arrive at (“chegar a” un lugar) arrive in (“chegar a” unha cidade ou un país) hear about (“saber de”) hear of (“ouvir falar de”) talk about (“falar de / sobre” algo) talk to / with (“falar con” unha persoa) think about (“opinar (sobre), parecer”; “coidar en”) think of (“coidar en”) Repara na listaxe de verbos con preposición que hai nas páxinas finais.
Cando o adxectivo termina en ed significa que a persoa ou cousa á que se refire sofre o efecto do adxectivo e cando acaba en ing significa que a persoa ou cousa produce ese efecto.
Unit 3
Tense Present Simple
Many people sell unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts are sold by many people.
Present Continuous Many people are selling unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts are being sold by many people.
Past Simple
Many people sold unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts were sold by many people.
Future Simple
Many people will sell unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts will be sold by many people.
Present Perfect Simple Many people have sold unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts have been sold by many people.
Many people can sell unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts can be sold by many people.
Past Continuous
Many people were selling unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts were being sold by many people.
Past Perfect Simple Many people had sold unwanted gifts.
Unwanted gifts had been sold by many people.
Modal Perfects
Many people must have sold unwanted gifts. Unwanted gifts must have been sold by many people.
have to
Many people have to sell unwanted gifts.
be going to
Many people are going to sell unwanted gifts. Unwanted gifts are going to be sold by many people.
Unwanted gifts have to be sold by many people.
Forma Afirmativa: fórmase co verbo to be + o participio do verbo
Negativa: só cómpre engadir not ao auxiliar to be + o participio
do verbo. In the end, the party wasn’t held last night. (Ao final non se celebrou a festa a pasada noite.)
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Interrogativa: as preguntas comezan con to be, pois o suxeito
colócase entre o auxiliar e o participio. Were you advised by your parents? (Aconselláronte os teus pais?)
Grammar Appendix
● Se na pregunta hai un modal, un verbo en futuro ou un tempo composto, a frase pasiva comeza co modal ou o verbo auxiliar, o mesmo ca na voz activa. Can the dress be taken back to the shop? (Pódese volver o vestido á tenda?) Have the windows been cleaned? (Limpáronse as fiestras?) ● As preguntas que levan partícula interrogativa tamén invirten a orde do verbo auxiliar e do suxeito, agás cando a partícula fai de suxeito. What present have you been given? (Que agasallo che fixeron?) Who was chosen as president? (Quen foi elixido como presidente?) Como pasarmos unha oración a pasiva
A pasiva é máis frecuente en inglés ca en galego; nós adoitamos empregar o verbo en activa ou na forma impersoal. ● Poñer o verbo to be no mesmo tempo que tiña o verbo principal na voz activa. He sold his car last week. His car was sold last week. (O seu coche foi vendido / vendérono a semana pasada.) ● Ponse como suxeito o primeiro complemento que haxa logo do verbo en activa, sexa o directo ou indirecto. They will send some books to Pam. Some books will be sent to Pam. (Mandaranlle algúns libros a Pam.) They will send Pam some books. Pam will be sent some books. (A Pam mandaranlle algúns libros.) Se o obxecto indirecto é un pronome, cómpre cambialo á forma de suxeito. She showed me her new house. I was shown her new house. (Amosoume a súa nova casa.) Esta pasiva adoita empregarse cos verbos ask, give, lend, pay, offer, promise, sell, send, show e tell, que levan o dobre complemento: directo e indirecto. ● Pasar o suxeito da oración activa ao final da pasiva precedido de by. E se é un pronome persoal, cambialo pola súa forma obxecto correspondente. Shakespeare didn’t write that play. That play wasn’t written by Shakespeare. (Esa obra non a escribiu Shakespeare.) The police arrested the thief. The thief was arrested by the police. (O ladrón foi arrestado pola policía.) ● Como se ve no cadro da páxina anterior, os modais e be going to non cambian, é o verbo que os segue o que se pon en pasiva (be + participio). You can open the window. The window can be opened. (Pódese abrir a ventá.)
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Os principais usos da voz pasiva son: ● Salientar a acción máis ca o suxeito que a realiza. ● Cando o suxeito que realiza a acción é obvio, ou descoñecido, ou non se quere nomealo. All the money has been stolen. (Roubaron todo o diñeiro.) ● E relacionado co anterior, para evitar unha frase activa cuxo suxeito sexa they, somebody, nobody, etc. Someone left this hat here. This hat was left here. (Deixaron aquí este chapeu.)
➡O s verbos causativos: have / get + something + done Os verbos have e get + un substantivo + un participio expresan accións que encargamos a alguén. I had / got my bedroom painted. (Pintei / Pintáronme o dormitorio.) Esta estrutura ten un sentido pasivo, pois o susbstantivo que vai no medio recibe a acción do verbo que vai en participio. Mais adóitase traducir na voz activa. I’m going to have / get my hair cut next week. (Vou cortar o pelo a semana que vén.) [farao outra persoa, non eu] Aínda que have e get se empregan indistintamente, get é máis informal e, polo tanto, máis común no inglés falado. I must get my watch repaired. (Teño que arranxar o meu reloxo.)
➡ Phrasal Verbs Chámanse así porque van seguidos dunha partícula (que pode ser unha preposición, un adverbio ou as dúas cousas), formando con ela unha palabra nova. Pick out the shoes you like the most. (Elixe os zapatos que máis che gusten.) Hai phrasal verbs transitivos (que deben levar complemento directo) e intransitivos (que non o poden levar). Dentro dos transitivos, hainos que permiten poñer o complemento entre o verbo e a partícula ou ben despois da partícula: I picked my brother up. I picked up my brother. (Recollín a meu irmán.) Porén, se o complemento directo é un pronome, debe ir sempre entre o verbo e a partícula: I picked him up. (Recollino.) Outros phrasal verbs transitivos son inseparábeis, polo que o complemento debe ir sempre despois da partícula: I’ll pay for the dinner. (Pagarei eu a cea.) I’ll pay for it. (Pagareina eu.) Repara na listaxe de phrasal verbs que se inclúe en páxinas máis adiante para ver máis casos. 10
Grammar Appendix
Conditional clause
Result clause
Future Simple
If I feel better later, we will go shopping together. (Se me sinto mellor máis tarde, iremos xuntos de compras.)
modal + base form
We might / may visit our relatives if we have got some time. (Podemos visitar os nosos parentes se temos tempo.)
Present Simple
If I am late, my parents worry. (Se chego tarde, meus pais preocúpanse.)
Search on the Internet if you want to learn more about the Amish. (Procura en Internet se queres aprender máis sobre os Amish.)
if + Present Simple unless
if + Past Simple
could / might
+ base form
I would read more books if I had spare time. (Lería máis libros se tivese tempo libre.) Jane could / might help us if she were here. (Jane podería axudarnos se estivese aquí.)
If Mark and Jim had visited us, we would have been delighted. (Se Mark e Jim nos tivesen visitado, nos estariamos + past participle encantados.) if + Past Perfect could / might have If you hadn’t been so busy, we could / might have met. (Se non tiveses estado tan ocupado, poderiamos ternos coñecido.”) Son oracións compostas por unha proposición subordinada que Repara en que unless se emprega con moita frecuencia no expresa a condición (conditional clause) e unha principal que primeiro condicional, mais é menos frecuente no segundo indica o resultado (result clause). Hainas de tres tipos: condicional e nunca se emprega no terceiro. would have
O primeiro condicional
O segundo condicional
Empregamos if + Present Simple na condición e Future Simple no resultado. Expresa o que ocorrerá de cumprirse a condición sinalada.
Emprégase if + Past Simple na condición, e would + verbo na forma base no resultado. Expresa condicións hipotéticas referidas ao presente, é dicir, que é pouco probábel que ocorran, por iso traducímolo como un pretérito imperfecto de subxuntivo. If Tom liked Mary, he would invite her to have dinner with him. (Se a Tom lle gustase Mary, convidaríaa a cear con el.)
Non importa a orde en que se coloquen as proposicións, mais se a condición vai primeiro adóitase pór unha vírgula entre ambas as dúas. If we are honest with each other, our relationship will work. (De sermos sinceros o un co outro, a nosa relación funcionará.) Ademais do Future Simple, no resultado tamén se poden empregar os verbos modais, o Present Simple ou o imperativo. If it rains, we can’t go to the beach. (Se chove, non podemos ir á praia.) Para expresar que algo non ocorrerá se non se cumpre a condición, a proposición introdúcese pola conxunción unless, que equivale a if not (“a non ser que”, “non sendo que”), ou négase o verbo en Present Simple. Unless Anne moves to another city, she won’t leave her job. (A non ser que Ann se mude a outra cidade, ela non deixará o seu traballo.) Bridges 2 Galician
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Se o verbo da condición é to be, adóitase empregar were en todas as persoas. If he weren’t so upset, he would phone you. (Se el non estivese tan desgustado, chamaríate.) Para dar consellos emprégase a fórmula If I were. If I were you, I would ask my parents for permission. (Eu de ti, pediría permiso aos meus pais.) No canto de would podense empregar could e might, mais ambos os dous sinalan que a probabilidade é menor. Equivalen a “podería” ou “talvez / quizais”. I could go to the party if my parents lent me the car. (Podería ir á festa se meus pais me deixasen o coche.) 11
Grammar Appendix
nless I were certain, I wouldn’t say anything to him. U (A non ser que estivese segura, non lle diría nada.)
O terceiro condicional
Fórmase con if + Past Perfect na condición e would have + participio no resultado. Neste caso a condición é imposíbel, pois refírese ao pasado e xa non pode realizarse. You wouldn’t have fallen in love with her if you had known her intentions. (Non te terías namorado dela se coñeceses as súas intencións.)
As variantes para formaren o terceiro condicional son could have e might have + participio na proposición principal. If you hadn’t gone out last night, you could / might have finished the project. (Se non tiveses saído esta noite, poderías ter rematado o proxecto.)
➡ As oracións temporais As referidas ao futuro fórmanse como as do primeiro condicional: Present Simple na proposición subordinada e futuro con will na principal. O que cambian son as conxuncións, que neste caso son when, as soon as, as long as, by the time, etc. I will phone you as soon as I arrive home. (Chamareite tan axiña como chegue á casa.)
wish / if only + Past Simple
Refers to a present situation that the speaker is unhappy about
wish / if only + Past Perfect
Expresses regret about a past action or situation
wish / if only + could / would + base form
Expresses a desire for something to happen in the future
As oracións desiderativas expresan un desexo e poden formarse de dúas maneiras: co verbo wish ou coa expresión if only. O verbo wish adoita levar como obxecto directo unha oración subordinada introducida pola conxunción that (que adoita omitirse). Equivale ao hipotético “desexaría” ou “gustaría”, agás na 1ª persoa que se traduce por “oxalá”. A expresión if only ten o mesmo significado: “Oxalá”, “Se polo / cando menos...”. I wish / If only he had been here last night. (Oxalá el tivese estado aquí a pasada noite.) Tanto whish como if only poden empregarse con varios tempos verbais, como se ve no cadro: ● Co Past Simple referímonos a situacións presentes que quixeramos mudar ou mellorar. Rick wishes Mary had more patience. (Rick desexaría que Mary tivese máis paciencia.) Se o verbo que vai en Past Simple é to be cómpre empregar were en todas as persoas, incluídas a 1ª e a 3ª (é un resto do subxuntivo). I wish he weren’t angry with me. (Oxalá el non estivese enfadado comigo.)
He wishes his house were bigger. (Oxalá a súa casa fose meirande.) If only I lived near the school. (Oxalá vivise preto da escola.) Pam wishes she and Tom hadn’t broken up. (Pam desexaría que ela e Tom non tivesen roto.) If only Sarah had arrived earlier. (Oxalá Sarah tivese chegado máis cedo.) I wish I could improve my marks. (Oxalá poida mellorar as miñas cualificacións.) If only he would call me. (Oxalá me chame / chamase!)
● Con could ou would + un verbo na forma base expresamos os nosos desexos sobre situacións futuras, indicando que é pouco probábel que ocorran. I wish / If only I could go to the party tomorrow. (Oxalá puidese ir á festa mañá.) Se o suxeito de wish e o do verbo na forma base son diferentes, empregamos would. I wish Peter would stop behaving so badly. (Oxalá Peter deixase de se portar tan mal.)
➡ Adxectivos seguidos de preposición Algúns adxectivos adoitan ir seguidos dunha preposición + un substantivo, pronome ou xerundio. Sophie is very fond of her grandmother. (Sophie ten moito agarimo á súa avoa.) His parents were proud of him. (Seus pais estaban orgullosos del.) I’m afraid of flying. (Dáme medo voar.) Repara na listaxe de adxectivos con preposición que hai na páxina 29.
● Co Past Perfect referímonos a feitos pasados, lamentando o que ocorreu. I wish the exam hadn’t been so difficult. (Oxalá que o exame non tivese sido tan difícil.) Bridges 2 Galician
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Grammar Appendix
➡ Adxectivos compostos Son dúas palabras unidas cun guión ou sen el e que modifican a un substantivo. Algunhas combinacións son: ● adxectivo ou número + substantivo + ed broken-hearted (esnaquizado/a, desconsolado/a) ● adxectivo, adverbio ou substantivo + verbo con ing hard-working (traballador/a)
Unit 5
● ● ● ●
adxectivo ou adverbio + participio well-known (coñecido/a, famoso/a) adxectivo + substantivo last-minute (de última hora) substantivo + adxectivo world-famous (de sona no mundo enteiro) substantivo + participio air-conditioned (con ar acondicionado)
There are many holidaymakers who / that prefer travelling in their own country. (Hai moitos veraneantes que prefiren viaxar no seu propio país.) Dark tourism is a phenomenon which / that is attracting many people. which and that refer to objects / things (O turismo escuro é un fenómeno que está a atraer a moita xente.) It was in 1986 when / that the Chernobyl disaster took place. when and that refer to a moment in time (Foi en 1986 cando ocorreu o desastre de Chernobil.) Many people visit places where tragedies have happened. where refers to a particular place (Moitas persoas visitan lugares onde ocorreron traxedias.) Dr Barrett is a researcher whose study of dark tourism has just been completed. whose refers to possession (O dr. Barrett é un investigador cuxo estudo sobre o turismo escuro vén de se rematar.) who and that refer to people
NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES Uses who, which, when, where, whose can all be used, but that cannot be used
In the past some people, who were rich, used to visit battlefields. (No pasado algunha xente, que era rica, adoitaba visitar campos de batalla.) This site, where a disaster occurred, has become popular with tourists. (Este lugar, onde ocorreu un desastre, fíxose popular polos turistas.)
Son oracións subordinadas adxectivas introducidas por un pronome ou un adverbio relativo. Poden ser de dous tipos: definning (especificativas) e non-defining (explicativas).
Defining Relative Clauses
● Whom emprégase logo das preposicións, pero adoita omitirse e pasar a preposición logo do verbo. Mrs Smith is the person to whom you have to talk. Mrs Smith is the person you have to talk to. (A Sra. Smith é a persoa con quen tes que falar.)
As especificativas achegan información tan esencial sobre o seu antecedente que sen elas a frase ficaría incompleta. ● A s máis comúns comezan cos pronomes who, which e that, que se poden omitir sempre e cando non sexan o suxeito da oración subordinada. The man who lives next door is an actor. (O home que vive ao lado é actor.) Who refírese a persoas e which a cousas, pero that pode referirse a persoas e a cousas. That is the girl (who / that) I met yesterday. (Ela é a rapaza que coñecín onte.) We went to see the film (which / that) you recommended. (Fomos ver a película que recomendaches.) ● Whose xamais se pode omitir nin substituír por that. This is the painter whose pictures are in the museum. (Este é o pintor cuxos cadros están no museo.) Bridges 2 Galician
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he book whose author died last year has become a T bestseller. (O libro cuxo autor morreu o ano pasado converteuse nun éxito de vendas.)
● What só se emprega cando o antecedente está omitido.
I forgot what I wanted to tell you. (Esquecín o que quería dicirche.)
Os adverbios relativos son when e where. ● W hen pódese omitir ou substituír por that. I don’t remember the year when / that you were born. (Non lembro o ano en que naciches.) ● Where non se pode substituír por that e nalgúns casos omítese. That’s the room where I slept last time. (Ese é o cuarto onde durmín a última vez.) 13
Grammar Appendix Enough, en troques, vai logo do adxectivo ou adverbio e
Non-defining Relative Clauses
expresa a idea de “abondo / bastante”. She is good enough for that job. (Ela é boa abondo para ese traballo.) Para expresarmos o contrario, só cómpre pór o verbo to be en negativa. De feito, not + adxectivo ou adverbio + enough adoita empregarse bastante máis que a afirmativa. My coffee is not hot enough. (O meu café non está quente abondo.) Un caso desemellante é cando empregamos enough + un susbtantivo, pois daquela funciona como un determinante e ponse diante del. I had enough reasons to be suspicious of him. (Tiña motivos abondo para sospeitar del.)
As explicativas engaden información extra sobre o seu antecedente. Adoitan ir entre vírgulas. Fórmanse con who, which, when, where e whose mais nunca con that, e ademais non se pode omitir o relativo. Mary, who is my neighbour, has got two cats. (Mary, que é a miña veciña, ten dous gatos.) He sent me flowers, which was very nice of him. (Envioume flores, o cal foi moi amábel pola súa parte.) Son moi formais, así que non se empregan no inglés falado. Estruturas formal e informal
Cando o relativo vai acompañado dunha preposición segue a empregarse which se o antecedente é unha cousa; mais se é unha persoa, no canto de who emprégase whom, este é un emprego moi formal. O máis común en ambos os dous casos é pór a preposición ao final da oración de relativo e omitir o pronome. This is the hotel in which we stayed. [Formal] This is the hotel (which) we stayed in. [Informal] (Este é o hotel no que nos aloxamos.)
➡ Adxectivos seguidos de infinitivo Moitos adxectivos en posición predicativa van seguidos dun infinitivo para expresaren sentimentos, actitudes ou reaccións diante de algo. I’m pleased to see you. (Estou encantada de verte.) It’s not easy to understand. (Non é doado de entender.)
➡ too / enough
➡A comparación dos adxectivos: as ... as
Too precede un adxectivo ou adverbio para indicar que a
calidade destes é excesiva. Significa “de máis”, “demasiado”. These shoes are too small for me. (Estes zapatos son pequenos de máis para min.)
Unit 6
Para compararmos dúas persoas ou cousas e dicirmos que son iguais en algo emprégase o comparativo de igualdade: as ... as “tan ... como/a”, “igual de ... ca/que” e en negativa, not as ... as. He is as tall as his father. (É tan alto coma seu pai.) My marks are not as high as yours. (As miñas cualificacións non son tan boas como as túas.)
Celebrations os modaIs
Modal can
Ability Request Possibility Suggestion
be able to
Inability Prohibition Disbelief
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You can swim very well. (Sabes nadar moi ben.) Can you help me wash the car? (Podes axudarme a lavar o coche?) I can lend you my car. (Podo prestarche o meu coche.) You can bring something for my birthday party. (Podes traer algo para a miña festa de aniversario.) Don’t worry. I will be able to find the street. (Non te preocupes. Serei quen de atopar a rúa.) He is very nervous. He can’t sleep. (Está moi nervioso. Non pode durmir.) You can’t eat sweets before dinner. (Non podes comer caramelos antes da cea.) That can’t be your father. He looks very young. (Ese non pode ser teu pai. Parece moi novo.)
Grammar Appendix could
Past ability Polite request Polite suggestion Possibility Possibility
may / might
Polite request
may would
Formal request Offer
Obligation, strong necessity Certainty that something is true
have to
Obligation, necessity
need to
Obligation, necessity
Lack of obligation / necessity
don’t have to
Lack of obligation / necessity
should / ought to
Advice, opinion
➡ Os modais Os modais son verbos especiais que teñen estas características: son invariábeis, isto é, iguais en todas as persoas; non precisan do para formaren a negativa nin a interrogativa; sempre van seguidos dun verbo na forma base; e non teñen infinitivo, participio nin futuro, formas en ing, nin tempos compostos. Be able to e have to to son semimodais, pois poden conxugarse, e need to non é un modal, mais os tres se incluíron no cadro pois comparten algúns usos dos modais: habelencia, obriga e necesidade. can / be able to / can’t Can ten os seguintes usos:
● Expresar habelencia ou capacidade (“saber” / “poder”). ● Facer peticións, dar e pedir permiso. ● Indicar posibilidade. ● Tamén se emprega para facer suxestións. Be able to expresa habelencia, como can, e emprégase en todos os tempos verbais que can non ten. Can’t, ademais de significar imposibilidade no presente,
emprégase para expresar: Bridges 2 Galician
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My mother could dance when she was a child. (Miña nai sabía bailar cando era unha nena.) Could you pass me that book, please? (Poderías pasarme ese libro, por favor?) We could visit him next week. (Poderiamos visitalo a vindeira semana.) My sister could come to the party. (Miña irmá podería vir á festa.) It may / might be a sunny weekend. (Poida que sexa unha fin de semana soleada.) May I borrow your dictionary, please? (Podo coller emprestado o teu dicionario, por favor?) Would you come with me to the wedding? (Virías comigo á voda?) Would you like some coffee? (Gustaríache tomar café?) She must wear a uniform at her school. (Debe levar uniforme na súa escola.) My cousin has broken his leg. It must hurt him very much. (O meu curmán rompeu a perna. Debeu de doerlle moito.) You have to study hard if you want to get good marks. (Tes que estudar arreo se queres obter boas cualificacións.) I need to buy some meat for dinner. (Teño que mercar carne para a cea.) You needn’t take me home today. (Non cómpre que me leves á casa hoxe.) We don’t have to attend the conference. (Non temos que asistir á conferencia.) You mustn’t step on the grass. (Non deben pisar a herba.) She should / ought to tell them the truth. (Debería dicirlles a verdade.) ● Falta de habelencia (non saber) ou de capacidade (non poder). ● Prohibición. ● Dedución negativa ou certeza de que algo é imposíbel. could
É o pasado de can e emprégase para expresar: ● Habelencia ou capacidade no pasado. ● Peticións máis educadas ca con can. ● Suxestións menos directas ca con can. ● Posibilidade máis remota ca con can. may / might
Os dous expresan posibilidade, aínda que máis remota con might. En interrogativa, may é unha maneira educada de pedir algo; os pedimentos que comezan por May I have poden se traducir por “Dásme?” ou “Dáme vostede?”. would
En interrogativa é unha maneira normal de pedirlle a alguén que faga algo; co verbo like emprégase para facer ofrecementos ou invitacións. 15
Grammar Appendix must / have to
Os dous expresan obriga, pero must só se emprega en presente e have to nos demais tempos. As persoas de autoridade empregan must, mentres que have to o emprega todo o mundo para dicir o que ten que facer. Must tamén se emprega para expresar unha dedución lóxica sobre un feito presente (“deber de”, “ter que”).
Needn’t en troques, si é un modal e sinala ausencia de obriga e necesidade, o mesmo que don’t have to. mustn’t / don’t have to Mustn’t indica prohibición. En troques, don’t have to significa
“non ter que” ou “non ter por que”, isto é, ausencia de obriga e necesidade, como needn’t. should / ought to
need to / needn’t Need to non é un modal, pero emprégase en afirmativa, o mesmo que have to, para expresar obriga e necesidade.
Os dous expresan consello ou opinión, mais should emprégase moito máis (ought to é moi raro en negativa e interrogativa).
os modaIS PERFECTOS Modal Perfect
It must have been very hard for her to hear the truth. (Debe ter sido moi duro para ela escoitar a verdade.) She may have forgotten about our meeting. A guess about a past action (Poida que teña esquecido a nosa cita.) Ability to do something in the past which I could have gone with him, but I decided to stay in the end was not done home. (Puiden ter ido con el, pero decidín ficar na casa.) Certainty that something was true
must have may / might have could have
couldn’t have
Certainty that something did not happen
would have
Desire to do something in the past which in fact could not be done
should / ought to have
Criticism or regret after an event
shouldn’t have
Criticism or regret after an event
needn’t have
An unnecessary past action
They were really in love with each other. She couldn’t have broken up with him. (Realmente estaban namorados o un do outro. Ela non puido ter roto con el.) We would have travelled to the USA, but we didn’t have enough money. (Quixemos ter viaxado aos EUA, pero non tiñamos cartos abondo.) You should / ought to have told them we aren’t friends any more. (Deberías terlles dito que xa non somos amigos.) We shouldn’t have left before the concert ended. (Non deberiamos ter marchado antes de que o concerto rematase.) I was going to make dinner. You needn’t have made it. (Eu ía preparar a cea. Non precisabas facelo ti.)
must have + participio
shouldn’t have + participio
Expresa unha conclusión lóxica sobre un feito pasado.
Expresa unha opinión crítica arredor dun feito pasado, sinalando que non debería ter ocorrido.
may / might have + participio
Emprégase para facer unha suposición sobre algo pasado. could have + participio
Sinala que se puido ter feito algo no pasado mais que finalmente non se fixo. couldn’t have + participio
Expresa a certeza de que algo non ocorreu. would have + participio
Sinala que se quixo ter feito algo no pasado mais que non se puido debido a factores ou causas externas. should / ought to have + participio
Con ambos os dous podémonos laiar do que ocorreu e de que non acontecera o que queriamos. Bridges 2 Galician
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needn’t have + participio
Sinala que non había necesidade de facer o que se fixo.
➡ Verbos seguidos de adxectivos Moitos verbos van acompañados de adverbios de modo que describen a acción. Paul mustn’t sing at the party. He sings badly. (Paul non debe cantar na festa. Canta mal.) Porén, os verbos que se refiren a estados ou percepcións van seguidos de adxectivos. Neste caso o adxectivo describe ao suxeito da frase, non se refire á acción do verbo. smell + good / bad (adx.) taste + salty (adx.) seem + tired (adx.) feel + emotional (adx.) Jane’s perfume smells nice. (O perfume de Jane ole ben.) 16
Grammar Appendix
Repara en que algúns verbos poden sinalar tanto accións como estados, e por iso poden ir seguidos dun adverbio e dun adxectivo. You have to look quickly at the questions. (Tes que mirar rapidamente as preguntas.) She looks happy. (Semella leda.)
➡ should / had better Xa viches que should se emprega para dicir o que cremos que se debería facer, dar un consello ou unha opinión. Pois had better (ou a contracción ’d better) é outra forma moi coloquial de expresar o mesmo. Afirmativa: logo do suxeito poñemos had better + un verbo
na forma base. Significa “É mellor que” + un verbo en presente de subxuntivo. You had better (You’d better) see the doctor. (É mellor que vexas o médico.)
Bridges 2 Galician
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Negativa: só precisa not, é dicir, had better + not + verbo na
forma base. You’d better not go out in the rain. (É mellor que non saias coa choiva.) Nota: Non se adoita empregar had better en interrogativa. Por outra parte, ten un uso distinto de should pois tamén se emprega para expresarmos unha advertencia, como avisando ao ouvinte de que algo malo ou desagradábel lle pode ocorrer se non fai o que lle dicimos. Daquela vén significar algo como “Será mellor que…”, “Máis vale que…”. You’d better tidy your room now! (Será mellor que arranxes o teu cuarto xa!) You’d better not take my car! (Máis vale que non collas o meu coche!)
WORDLIST The Wordlist includes vocabulary from the Student’s Book and the Vocabulary Builder (Workbook).
UNIT 1 achievement /L'WiAdlLmW/ logro, éxito appetite /'DUBWOW/ apetito apple /'DUo/ mazá attempt /L'WClUW/ intento average /'ædLpBb/ medio/a balanced diet /VDoLmgW 'XOLW/ dieta equilibrada balanced meal /VDoLmgW 'lAo/ comida equilibrada become aware of /VBYJl L'rCL Ld/ decatarse de booked /VHYW/ reservado/a breath /VpCe/ alento, respiración cabbage /'YDVBXj/ repolo, coia, col calcium /'YDogiLl/calcio catch a cold /YDa L 'YNoX/ arrefriarse, coller un arrefriado challenge /'WiDoLmb/ reto, desafío chips /aBUg/ patacas fritidas chocolate /'aFYoLW/ chocolate comfort /'YJlcLW/ consolo consist /YLm'gBgW/ constar consume /YLm'gqIl/ consumir cooked /YHYW/ cociñado/a crisps /YpBgUg/ patacas fritidas (de bolsa) daily exercise /XMoi 'CYgLgOh/ exercicio diario deal /XAo/ contrato diet /'XOLW/ dieta discomfort /XB'gYJlcLW/ inquedanza, desasosego, desacougo edible /'CXLVo/ comestíbel essential /B'gCmWio/ fundamental, esencial exhaust (v) /BZ'hGgW/ esgotar exhausted /BZ'hGgWBX/ esgotado/a exhausting /BZ'hGgWBn/ esgotador/a face /cMg/ enfrontarse a fast-food (adx.) /cEgW'cIX/ de comida rápida fat (sb) /cæW/ graxa fat (adx.) /cæW/ gordo/a fish /cBi/ peixe figure out /'cBZL PW/ comprender, entender flavour /'coMdL/ sabor gain weight /ZMm 'rMW/ engordar, gañar peso getting enough sleep /ZCWBn BmJc 'goAU/ durmir o preciso go on /ZLH 'Fm/ seguir, continuar hamburger /'kDlVKZL/ hamburguesa healthy /'kCoei/ san/sa, saudábel healthy eating /kCoei 'AWBn/ alimentación sa Bridges 2 Galician
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ice cream /Og 'YpAl/ xeado impersonal /Bl'UKgLmo/ impersoal improve /Bl'UpId/ mellorar inedible /Bm'CXLVo/ non comestíbel involved /Bm'dFodX/ involucrado/a iron /'OLm/ ferro light meal /oOW 'lAo/ comida lixeira lose (your) appetite /oIh (qG) 'DUBWOW/ perder o apetito lose weight /oIh 'rMW/ adelgazar, enfraquecer, perder peso meat /lAW/ carne meditation /lCXB'WMim/ meditación mild /lOoX/ suave; non moi picante milkshake /'lBoYiMY/ batido multi-vitamin /lJoWi'dBWLlBm/ multivitanímico nutritious /mqI'WpBiLg/ nutritivo/a omelette /'FloLW/ tortilla order (sb) /'GXL/ pedimento ordinary /'GXmpi/ normal overbooked /NdL'VHYW/ con exceso de reservas overcooked /NdL'YHYW/ moi feito/a, cociñado/a de máis overweight /NdL'rMW/ gordo/a, obeso/a; (con) sobrepeso packaged /'UDYBbX/ embalado/a, empaquetado/a peanut /'UAmJW/ cacahuete personal /'UKgLmo/ persoal pizza /'UAWgL/ pizza poor appetite /UG 'DUBWOW/ pouco apetito poor health /UG 'kCoe/ saúde delicada population /UFUqH'oMim/ poboación positive thinking /'UFhLWBd eBnYBn/ pensamentos optimistas prearranged /UpAL'pMmXjX/convido/a, fixado/a pre-packaged /UpA'UDYBbX/ (pre)empaquetado protein /'UpLHWAm/ proteína quick meal /YrBY 'lAo/ comida rápida quick recovery /YrBY pB'YJdLpi/ recuperación rápida reach /pAa/ chegar a recommend /pCYL'lCmX/ recomendar recover /pB'YJdL/ recuperarse, reporse salad /'gDoLX/ ensalada sandwich /'gDmrBa/ sándwich sausage /'gFgBb/ salchicha source /gGg/ fonte spice /gUOg/ especia spicy /'gUOgi/ picante 18
Wordlist strength /gWpCne/ forza stretch /gWpCa/ tramo, treito turn into /WKm 'BmWL/ converter(se) en uncooked /Jm'YHYW/ crú/crúa, sen facer undercooked /JmXL'YHYW/ medio crú/crúa, pouco feito/a underweight /JmXL'rMW/ de peso máis baixo do normal unfit /Jm'cBW/ en baixa forma (física) unhealthy /Jm'kCoei/ pouco san/sa / saudábel unimportant /JmBl'UGWmW/ sen importancia vitamin /'dBWLlBm/ vitamina watch (your) weight /rFa (qG) 'rMW/ vixiar o peso weigh /rM/ pesar weight /rMW/ peso yoga /'qNZL/ ioga Eating in a Restaurant
What would you recommend?
Que recomenda? / recomendaría? Have you got a table for (four)? Ten mesa para (catro)? /rFW rHX qI pCYL'lCmX/
/kDd qI ZFW L 'WMVo cL (cG)/
We haven’t made up our minds yet. Aínda non decidimos. /rA kDdmW lMX JU E 'lOmXh qCW/
Would you like a (drink) with your meal?
Queren (beber algo) coa comida?
We’d like to order (dessert), please.
Queriamos pedir (a sobremesa), por favor.
No, it’s actually quite (mild).
Non, en realidade está bastante (suave) / (non) é (moi picante). (O prebe) está moi (picante)? Probe (o entrecot), está boísimo.
/rHX qI oOY L ('XpBnY) rBf qG lAo/ /rAX oOY WL GXL (XB'hKW) UoAh/ /mN BWg 'DYWiHLoi YrOW (lOoX)/
Is the (sauce) very (spicy)? /Bh fL (gGg) dCpi ('gUOgi)/
Try the (fillet steak), it’s excellent.
/WpO fL (cBoBW gWMY) BWg 'CYgLoLmW/
Expressing Opinions
In my opinion, ...
Ao meu entender, ...
If you ask me, ...
Personally, ...
Para min (que) / Ao meu entender, ... Coido que... / Teño para min... Polo / No que a min se refire..., Polo / No que a min atinxe.... Persoalmente, ...
It seems to me that ...
Paréceme que...
/Bm lO L'UBmqLm/ /Bc qI 'EgY lA/
I think / believe that ... /O 'eBnY / VB'oAd fDW/
As far as I’m concerned ... /Dh cE Dh 'Ol YLmgKmX/
/BW gAlh WL 'lA fDW/
adventurous /LX'dCmWiLpLg/ atrevido/a agree with /L'ZpA rBf/ estar de acordo con Bridges 2 Galician
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aim /Ml/ obxectivo, propósito ambitious /Dl'VBiLg/ ambicioso/a amused /L'lqIhX/ divertido/a amusement /L'lqIhlLmW/ divertimento amusing /L'lqIhBn/ divertido/a, gracioso/a appearance /L'UBLpLmg/aspecto, aparencia apply for /L'UoO cL/ solicitar assistance /L'gBgWLmg/ axuda attraction /L'WpæYim/ atracción attractive /L'WpDYWBd/ atractivo/a attractive appearance /LWpDYWBd L'UBLpLmg/ aspecto atractivo/a (go) back to work /(ZN) VDY WL 'rKY/ volver ao traballo balanced /'VDoLmgW/ equilibrado/a basic salary /'VMgBY gDoLpi/ salario base be aware of /VA L'rS Ld/ ser consciente de be fired /VA 'cOLX/ ser/ estar despedido/a be hired /VA 'kOLX/ ser / estar contratado/a be unemployed /VA JmBl'UoGX/ estar sen emprego / en paro belief /VB'oAc/ opinión belong to /VB'oFn WL/ pertencer a calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a cause /YGh/ causar, provocar challenging /'aDoBmbBn/ estimulante, que supón un desafío clear /YoBL/ claro/a (make [something] ~: deixar algo claro) company /'YJlULmi/ compañía, empresa concentrate on /'YFmgmWpMW Fm/ concentrarse en conservation /YFmdL'gCBim/ conservación, protección contact information /'YFmWDYW BmcLlMim/ información de contacto courageous /YL'pMbLg/valente creative /YpA'MWBd/ creativo/a degree /XB'ZpA/ título earn /Km/ gañar employed /Bl'UoQX/ empregado/a, contratado/a employee /Bl'UoQA/ empregado/a employer /Bl'UoQL/ empresario/a, xefe/a employment /Bl'UoQlLmW/ traballo, emprego experienced (adx.) /BY'gUBLpiLmgW/ con experiencia flexible working hours /coCYgLVo 'rGYBn PLh/ horario de traballo flexíbel former /'cGlL/ ex, anterior friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simpático/a, agradábel fulfil /cHo'cBo/ desempeñar, cumprir full-time /cHo'WOl/ xornada completa / a tempo completo go-getter /'ZLHZCWL/ ambicioso/a good people skills /ZHX 'UAUo gYBoh/ boas habilidades sociais hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a 19
Wordlist helpful /'kCoUco/ atento/a, servicial helping /'kCoUBn/ que axuda hours /'PLh/ horas humorous /'kqIlLpLg/ gracioso/a, divertido/a independent /BmXB'UCmXLmW/ independente intend /Bm'WCmX/ ter a intención de, pretender issue /'BiI/ tema, cuestión job application /'bFV DUoBYMim/ solicitude de traballo job requirements /'bFV pBYrOLlLmWg/ requisitos para o traballo job satisfaction /bFV gDWBg'cDYim/ satisfacción no traballo job title /bFV 'WOWo/ cargo, posto know /mN/ saber, coñecer knowledge /'mFoBb/ coñecemento knowledgeable /'mFoBbLVo/ entendido/a knowledge of languages /mFoBb Ld 'oDnZrBbBh/ coñecemento de idiomas listen to /'oBgm WL/ escoitar (a) low-profile /oLH'UpNcOo/ discreto/a make sure /lCBY 'iT/ asegurarse de mayor /lCL/ alcalde/sa narrow /'mDpN/ estreito/a nutritious /mqI'WpBiLg/ nutritivo/a official /L'cBio/ funcionario/a organise /'GZLmOh/ organizar organised /'GZLmOhX/ organizado/a out of work /PW Ld 'rKY/ parado/a, sen traballo overtime /'NdLWOl/ horas extras part-time job /'UEWWOl bFV/ traballo de media xornada / a tempo parcial patient /'UMimW/ paciente personality characteristics /UKgL'mDoLWi YDpLYWLpBgWBYg/ trazos da personalidade physical strength /cBhBYo 'gWpCne/ forza física polite /UL'oOW/ educado/a population /UFUqH'oMim/ poboación position /UL'hBim/ posto, traballo predictable /UpB'XBYWLVo/ previsíbel prediction /UpB'XBYim/ prognóstico, predición previous work experience /UpAdiLg 'rKY BYgURpiLmg/ experiencia laboral anterior production /UpL'XJYim/ produción productive /UpL'XJYWBd/ produtivo/a professional /UpL'cCiLmo/ profesional professional training /UpLcCiLmo 'WpMmBn/ preparación profesional promotion /UpL'lNim/ ascenso qualification /YrFoBcB'YCBim/ título, formación reliable /pB'oOLVo/ responsábel, de confianza requirement /pB'YrOLlLmW/ requisito research (v) /pB'gKa/ esculcar, investigar Bridges 2 Galician
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responsible /pB'gUFmgLVo/ responsábel retire /pB'WOL/ xubilar(se) retirement /pB'WOLlLmW/ xubilación run (v) /pJm/ organizar; gobernar salary /'gDoLpi/ salario scanner /'gYDmL/ escáner search for /'gKa cL/ procurar steady job /gWCXi 'bFV/ emprego fixo stubborn /'gWJVLm/ testán/ana, teimudo/a succeed in /gLY'gAX Bm/ ter éxito / triunfar en successful /gLY'gCgco/ de éxito (be ~: ter éxito) surprised /gL'UpOhX/ sorprendido/a suspend /gL'gUCmX/ expulsar temporalmente; suspender talk about /'WGY LVPW/ falar de / sobre talk to /'WGY WL/ falar con task /WEgY/ tarefa, angueira think about /'eBnY LVPW/ opinar (sobre), parecer; pensar en tip /WBU/ propina train (v) /WpMm/ estudar; prepararse training /'WpMmBn/ formación; preparación town council /WPm 'YPmgo/ concello university degree /qImB'dKgLWi XBZpA/ título universitario warning /'rGmBn/ advertencia, aviso work experience /'rKY BYgURpiLmg/ experiencia laboral working /'rKYBn/ traballador/a Asking for Information
Is it a full-time / part-time position?
É un posto de xornada completa / media xornada?
How much will I earn?
Canto vou gañar?
Is there a chance of (promotion) in this job?
Hai posibilidade de (ascenso) neste traballo?
I have got a degree in (marketing).
Teño un título / Son licenciado en (Mercadotecnia).
/Bh BW L 'cHoWOl / 'UEWOl ULhBim/ /kP lJa rBo O 'Km/
/Bh fS L WiEmg Ld (UpL'lNim) Bm fBg bFV/ /O kDd ZFW L XBZpA Bm ('lEYBWBn)/
The starting salary is (£6) per O soldo inicial é de (6 hour. libras) a hora. /fL 'gWEWBn gDoLpi Bh (gBYg UPmXh) UL PL/
A Job Interview
Tell me a little about yourself. Fáleme un pouco sobre /WCo lA L 'oBWo LVPW qGgCoc/ vostede. What do you do in your free Que fai no seu tempo time? libre? /rFW XL qI XI Bm qG cpA 'WOl/
What work experience have you got? /rFW 'rKY BYgURpiLmg kDd qI ZFW/
Cal é a súa experiencia laboral? 20
Wordlist Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.
/gFpi Ol mFW iT rFW qI 'lAm/
Perdoe, non entendo ben o que quere dicir.
Could you repeat that, please? Podería repetilo, por favor? /YLX qI pB'UAW fDW UoAh/
Bridge to Literature crawl /YpGo/ arrastrarse dare /XCL/ atreverse feel dizzy /cAo 'XBhi/ marearse, estar mareado/a lock (sb) /oFY/ pechadura
accessories /LY'gCgLpih/ complementos afford /L'cGX/ permitirse appreciate /L'UpAiiCBW/ apreciar, valorar assistant /L'gBgWLmW/ axudante attend /L'WCmX/ asistir a average /'ædLpBb/ medio/a (on ~: como media, por termo medio) bargain (sb) /'VEZLm/ oferta bargain (v) /'VEZLm/ relear bargain over the price /VEZLm NdL fL 'UpOg/ relear o prezo bid /VBX/ oferta boutique /VI'WAY/ boutique, tenda de roupa brand-name /'VpDmXmMl/ de marca brand-new /'VpDmXmqI/ enteiramente novo/a budget /'VJbBW/ orzamento buy second-hand items /VO gCYLmXkDmX 'OWLlh/ mercar artigos de segunda man buyer /'VOL/ comprador/a car boot sale /YE 'VIW gMo/ feira onde se expoñen as mercadorías no maleteiro dun coche career /YL'pBL/ profesión, traxectoria profesional chain store /'aMm gWG/ tenda dunha cadea check out /aCY 'PW/ ollar, botar unha ollada; pagar e marchar (hotel) commercial /YL'lKio/ anuncio (de TV) consumer /YLm'gqIlL/ consumidor/a convenient /YLm'dAmBLmW/ cómodo/a debt /XCW/ débeda design (v) /XB'hOm/ deseñar designed /XB'hOmX/ deseñado/a designer /XB'hOmL/ deseñador/a designer brand /XB'hOmL VpDmX/ marca de deseño discount /'XBgYPmW/ desconto discuss /XB'gYJg/ falar de fabric /'cDVpBY/ tecido, material
Bridges 2 Galician
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find designer brands /cOmX XB'hOmL VpDmXh/ atopar marcas de deseño get a discount /ZCW L 'XBgYPmW/ acadar un desconto get a refund /ZCW L 'pAcJmX/ cobrar unha devolución get rid of /ZCW 'pBX Fd/ desfacerse de gift /ZBcW/ agasallo, galano greengrocer /'ZpAmZpLHgL/ froteiro/a imitation (sb) /BlB'WMim/ imitación item /'OWLl/ artigo, produto manage /'lDmBb/ dirixir market /'lEYBW/ mercado matter /'lDWL/ importar online shopping /'FmoOm iFUBn/ mercar pola internet opposite /'FULhBW/ enfronte de owner /'NmL/ propietario/a, dono/a pay /UM/ pagar pay back /UM 'VDY/ volver (cartos); (fig.) vingarse pay for /'UM cL/ pagar (por) pay in instalments /UM Bm Bm'gWGolLmWg/ pagar a prazos pay off /UM 'Fc/ pagar a pena payment /'UMlLmW/ pago, pagamento pick out /UBY 'PW/ elixir, escoller pick up /UBY 'JU/ recoller, ir buscar point out /UQmW 'PW/ sinalar purchase (sb) /'UKWiLg/ compra purchase (v) /'UKWiLg/ comprar, mercar receipt /pB'gAW/ tícket / resgardo de compra recipient /pB'gBUiLmW/ destinatario/a research (sb) /pB'gKa/ estudo (de mercado) return purchases /pBWKm 'UKWiLgBh/ volver as compras rip-off /'pBU Fc/ estafa second-hand /gCYLmX'kDmX/ segunda man seller /'gCoL/ vendedor/a shop around /iFU L'pPmX/ comparar prezos site /gOW/ páxina web size /gOh/ talla special offer /'gUCio FcL/ oferta especial spokesperson /'gUNsUKgm/ voceiro/a take advantage of /WMY LX'dEmWBb Ld/ aproveitar(se) de take after /WMY 'EcWL/ semellarse a take back /WMY 'VDY/ volver; retractarse, retirar (o dito) take down /WMY 'XPm/ baixar; apuntar, tomar nota take in /WMY 'Bm/ meter (a unha peza de vestir) terrific /WC'pBcBY/ genial try on /WpO 'Fm/ probarse (roupa, calzado) use a credit card /qIh L 'YpCXBW YEX/ empregar unha tarxeta de crédito
Wordlist Going Shopping
How much is this?
Canto custa isto?
Have you got another size?
Ten outra talla?
/kP 'lJa Bh fBg/
/kDd qI ZFW LmJfL 'gOh/
No, thank you. I’m just looking. Non, grazas. Só estou a /mN eDnY qI Ol bJgW 'oHYBn/ mirar. Oh, that’s too expensive. Ah, iso é caro de máis. /N fDWg WI BY'gUCmgBd/
Yes, I’m looking for (some jeans).
Si, estou a procurar (uns vaqueiros).
OK. I’ll take it.
Vale / De acordo. Lévoo.
What size are you?
Que talla ten / usa?
/qCg Ol oHYBn cL (gLl 'bAmh)/ /NYM Oo 'WMY BW/ /rFW 'gOh L qI/
Agreeing and Disagreeing
I agree / disagree because ... I’m in favour of ...
Estou / Non estou de acordo porque… Estou a prol de…
I’m against ...
Estou en contra de…
/O L'ZpA / 'XBgLZpA VBYFh/ /Ol Bm 'cMdL Ld/ /Ol L'ZCmgW/
I think it’s a good idea, but ... Coido que é (unha) boa /O eBnY BWg L ZHX 'OXR VLW/ idea, mais… I think it would be better to ... Coido que sería mellor… /O eBnY BW rHX Vi 'VCWL WL/
afraid of /L'cpCBX Fd/ amedrentado/a de (be ~: ter medo de) annoyed /L'mQX/ amolado/a, molesto/a arrogant /'DpLZLmW/ soberbio/a, fachendoso/a attractive /L'WpDYWBd/ atractivo/a break away from /VpCBY L'rCB cpLl/ separarse de; romper con break up /VpMY 'JU/ separarse, romper broken-hearted /VpNYLm'kEWBX/ esnaquizado/a, desacougado/a calm /YEl/ tranquilo/a carriage /'YDpBb/ carruaxe, coche cheerful /'aRco/ ledo/a, alegre common interests /'YFlLm BmWpLgWg/ intereses comúns confused /YLm'cqIhX/ confundido/a, desconcertado/a considerate /YLm'gBXLpLW/ atento/a, considerado/a couple /'YJUo/ parella date /XMW/ citación, cita delight /XB'oOW/ engaiolar, encantar delighted /XB'oOWBX/ engaiolado/a, encantado/a disappointed /XBgL'UQmWBX/ decepcionado/a disappointing /XBgL'UQmWBn/ decepcionante disappointment /XBgL'UQmWlLmW/decepción Bridges 2 Galician
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easy-going /Ahi'ZNBn/ pouco esixente egotistic /CZL'WBgWBY/ egoísta embarrassed /Bl'VDpLgW/ avergoñado/a excited /BY'gOWBX/ emocionado/a, entusiasmado/a experience /BY'gUBLpiLmg/ experimentar fail /cMo/ suspender fall in love with /cGo Bm 'oJd rBf/ namorarse de feel comfortable with /cAo 'YJlcWLVo rBf/ estar ben / sentirse cómodo/a con follow /'cFoN/ seguir, obedecer (be) fond of /(Vi) 'cFmX Ld/ (terlle) lei a forbid /cL'VBX/ prohibir friendly /'cpCmXoi/ simpático/a, agradábel generosity /bCmL'pFgLWi/ xenerosidade generous /'bCmLpLg/ xeneroso/a get along /ZCW L'oFn/ levarse ben get on (your) nerves /ZCW Fm (qG) 'mKdh/ poñer os nervios de punta get to know /ZCW WL 'mN/ (chegar a) coñecer good-looking /ZHX'oHYBn/ guapo/a grateful /'ZpMWco/ agradecido/a hardly /'kEXoi/ apenas hard-working /kEX'rKYBn/ traballador/a have a sense of humour /kDd L gCmg Ld 'kqIlL/ ter sentido do humor honesty /'FmLgWi/ honradez, sinceridade horsedrawn carriage /'kGgXpGm YDpBb/ coche de cabalos in love /Bm 'oJd/ namorado/a isolate /'OgLoMW/ illar jealous /'XjCoLg/ envexoso/a jealous of /'XjCoLg Ld/ envexoso/a de keep in touch /YAU Bm 'WJWi/ estar en contacto kind-hearted /YOmX'kEWBX/ bondadoso/a lazy /'oCBhi/ lacazán/ana, preguiceiro/a lifestyle /'oOcgWOo/ estilo de vida lose friends /oIh 'cpCmXh/ perder amigos/as lose (your) patience /oIh (qG) 'UMimg/ perder a paciencia loyalty /'oQLoWi/ lealdade, fidelidade make friends /lCBY 'cpCmXh/ facer amigos/as miserable /'lBhpLVo/ triste, aflixido/a moody /'lIXi/ temperamental, de humor variábel number (v) /'mJlVL/ ascender a outgoing /'PWZNBn/ sociábel, extrovertido/a parents /'UCLpLmWg/ pais pass /UEg/ aprobar patience /'UMimg/ paciencia pleased for /'UoAhX cL/ ledo/a, contento/a por (alguén) pleased with /'UoAhX rBf/ satisfeito/a proud /UpPX/ orgulloso/a, fachendoso/a proud of /'UpPX Ld/ orgulloso/a de, fachendoso/a de reject /pB'bCYW/ rexeitar 22
Wordlist relative /'pCoLWBd/ parente relaxed /pB'oæYgW/ relaxado/a reliable /pB'oOLVo/ de confianza relieve /pB'oAd/ aliviar relieved /pB'oAdX/ aliviado/a (problema, situación) run away /pJm L'rCB/ fuxir, escapar, escapulir satisfaction /gDWBg'cDYim/ satisfacción satisfied /'gDWBgcOX/ satisfeito/a self-centred /gCoc'gCmWLX/ egocéntrico/a sense of humour /gCmg Ld 'kqIlL/ sentido do humor share common interests /iS YFlLm 'BmWpLgWg/ compartir os mesmos intereses shy /iO/ tímido/a, apoucado/a sibling /'gBVoBn/ irmán/á similar background /gBlLoL 'VDYZpPmX/ orixe semellante sorry about /'gFpi LVPW/ (sentir) mágoa/ lástima por (algo) sorry for /'gFpi cL/ (sentir) mágoa / lástima por spouse /gUPg/ cónxuxe; marido ou muller terrified /'WCpBcOX/ arrepiado/a tolerant /'WFoLpLmW/ tolerante treat /WpAW/ tratar trust (sb) /WpJgW/ confianza turn a blind eye to /WKm L VoOmX 'O WL/ facer a vista gorda a turn their back on /WKm fS 'VDY Fm/ volverlle as costas a upset /JU'gLW/ magoado/a, desgustado/a; amolado/a, enfadado/a youth /qIe/ (para) mozos/as Expressing Feelings
What’s the matter? I’m sorry to hear that.
Cal é o problema?, Que che pasa? Síntoo / Laméntoo.
I’m so pleased for you.
Alégrome moito por ti.
Don’t worry about it.
Non te preocupes.
That’s great news!
Que boas noticias!
What a shame!
Que mágoa!, Que pena!
Xenial!, Fenomenal!
/rFWg fL 'lDWL/
/Ol gFpi WL 'kR fDW/ /YLmZpDaH'oMimh/
/Ol gN 'UoAhX cL qI/ /XLHmW 'rJpi LVPW BW/ /eDWg 'ZpMW mqIh/ /rFW L 'iMl/ /'VpBoiLmW/
Asking For and Giving Advice
Can you give me some advice? Poderías aconsellarme? /YLm qI ZBd li gLl LX'dOg/
What would you do if you were me?
Que farías ti de min?
What should I do?
Que debería / debo facer?
/rFW rHX 'qI XI Bc qI rL lA/ /rFW iLX O 'XI/
Bridges 2 Galician
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I think it would be a good idea to ...
Coido que sería (unha) boa idea...
Maybe you should ... It’s better to ...
Talvez / Se cadra deberías... Será / É mellor...
If I were you, I would …
Eu de ti / De min a ti...
Why don’t you ... ?
Por que non...?
How about ... ?
Que che parece se...?
/O eBnY BW rHX Vi L ZHX O'XR WL/ /'lMVi qI iHX/ /BWg 'VCWL WL/
/Bc 'O rL qI O rHX/ /rO 'XNmW qI/ /kP L'VPW/
Bridge to the Environment attend /L'WCmX/ asistir a encourage /Bm'YJpBb/ animar, alentar harass /'kDpLg/ acosar income /'BmYJl/ ingresos make a living /lMY L 'oBdBn/ gañar a vida non-profit /mFm'UpFcBW/ sen ánimo de lucro raise /pMh/ criar resources /pB'hGgBh/ recursos seedling /'gAXoBn/ planta de sementeira stubborn /'gWJVLm/ teimudo/a submit /gLV'lBW/ someterse
accommodation /LYFlL'XMim/ aloxamento actually /'DYWiToi/ certamente, realmente advice /LX'dOg/ consello airfare /'CLcS/ tarifa aérea airport /'CLUGW/ aeroporto air travel /'CL WpDdo/ viaxe en avión baggage /'VDZBb/ equipaxe boarding card /'VGXBn YEX/ tarxeta de embarque bore (v) /VG/ aborrecer boring /'VGpBn/ aborrecido/a break /VpMY/ descanso camping trip /'YælUBn WpBU/ viaxe para ir de acampada campsite /'YælUgOW/ área de acampada caravan /'YDpLdDm/ caravana come up with /YJl 'JU rBf/ atopar crowded /'YpPXBX/ ateigado/a de xente cruise /YpIh/ cruceiro danger /'XMmbL/ perigo dangerous /'XMmbLpLg/ perigoso/a departure /XB'UEWiL/ saída departure time /XB'UEWiL WOl/ hora de saída directions /XL'pCYimh/ indicacións 23
Wordlist do volunteer work /XL dFoLm'WR rKY/ traballar como voluntario/a enterprising /'CmWLUpOhBn/ emprendedor/a event /B'dCmW/ acontecemento exit /'CYgBW/ saída foreign country /cFpLm 'YJmWpi/ país estranxeiro fulfil the dream of a lifetime /cHocBo fL XpAl Ld L 'oOcWOl/ cumprir o soño de toda unha vida fun /cJm/ divertido/a get away from it all /ZCW L'rM cpLl BW Go/ fuxir de todo go abroad /ZLH L'VpGX/ ir ao estranxeiro guidebook /'ZOXVHY/ guía (libro) guided tour /ZOXBX 'WT/ percorrido turístico; visita guiada hectic /'kCYWBY/ atarefado/a historical /kB'gWFpBYo/ histórico/a impressive /Bl'UpCgBd/ impresionante introduce /BmWpL'XqIg/ presentar isolate /'OgLoMW/ illar isolated /'OgLoMWBX/ illado/a journey /'bKmi/ viaxe justify /'bJgWBcO/ xustificar landmark /'oDmXlEY/ monumento (asociado a un lugar en particular); punto de referencia leisurely /'oCjLoi/ relaxado/a lively /'oOdoi/ animado/a, marchoso/a location /oN'YMim/ situación, emprazamento look for adventure /oHY cG LX'dCmWiL/ procurar aventura major /'lMbL/ importante, de relevancia make reservations /lCBY pChC'dMimh/ facer reservas, reservar meet the locals /lAW fL 'oNYoh/ coñecer á xente da zona noisy /'mQhi/ ruidoso/a occur /L'YK/ acontecer, ocorrer package holiday /'UDYBb kFoLXM/ viaxe organizada peaceful /'UAgco/ tranquilo/a plane ticket /'UoCBm WBYBW/ billete de avión pleased to see you/UoAhX WL 'gA qI/ encantado/a de verte relaxing /pB'oæYgBn/ relaxante reminder /pB'lOmXL/ lembranza, recordo resort holiday /pB'hGW kFoLXM/ vacacións nun complexo turístico safari /gL'cEpi/ safari scenery /'gAmLpi/ paisaxe seat belt /'gAW VCoW/ cinto de seguridade see historical places /gA kBgWFpBYo 'UoMgBh/ ver lugares históricos service charge /'gKdBg WiEb/cargo por servizo site /gOW/ lugar take it easy /WMY BW 'Ahi/ tomalo con vagar take off /WMY 'Fc/ irse, marchar Bridges 2 Galician
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take on a personal challenge /WMY Fm L UKgLmo 'WiDoLmb/ aceptar / enfrontarse a un reto persoal thrill /epBo/ emoción, entusiasmo travel-sickness /'WpædogBYmLg/ mareo (pola viaxe) travel agent /'Wpædo MbLmW/ axente de viaxes traveller’s cheques /'WpædLoLh aCYg/ cheque de viaxes trek /WpCY/ expedición underdeveloped /JmXLXB'dCoLUW/ subdesenvolvido/a unspoilt /Jm'gUQoW/ virxe, que non perdeu a súa beleza natural warning /'rGmBn/ advertencia, aviso well-earned /rCo'KmX/ ben merecido/a youth hostel /'qIe kFgWo/ albergue / pousada xuvenil Planning a Holiday
Are there any cheap air tickets?
/E fS Cmi WiAU 'S WBYBWg/
Hai algún billete de avión barato?
What will the weather be like Que tempo irá nese then? momento? /rFW rBo fL 'rCfL Vi oOY fCm/
Will (we) be picked up from the (airport)?
Recolleranos en / Virán buscarnos a (o aeroporto)?
/rBo (rA) VA UBYW JU cpLl fL ('SUGW)/
What is the best time of year to visit? /rFW Bh fL VCgW WOl Ld 'qR WL dBhBW/
Cal é a mellor época do ano para ir de visita?
I want to travel around on my Quero viaxar pola miña own. conta. /O rFmW WL WpDdo LpPmX Fm lM 'Nm/
Is (transport) included?
/Bh ('WpDmgUGW) BmYoIXBX/
We’d like to travel around (South America).
/rCX oOY WL WpDdo LpPmX (gPe L'lCpBYL)
Está incluído (o transporte)? Gustaríanos viaxar por (Sudamérica).
I’d like something inexpensive Quixera algo que non sexa and near the (city centre). moi caro e que estea preto /OX oOY gJleBn BmBY'gUCmgBd de (o centro) LmX mR fL (gBWi gCmWL)/
Describing Pictures
Here you can see that ...
Aquí pode verse que...
In the background, there is / there are … /Bm fL 'VDYZpPmX fS Bh /
No fondo, hai...
It looks as if ...
Seica... / Parece coma se...
This must / could be ...
Isto debe de / podería ser...
They seem to be ...
Semellan estar / Seica están...
/kBL qI YDm 'gA fDW/
fS L/
/BW 'oHYg Lh Bc/
/fBg 'lJgW / 'YHX VA/ /fM 'gAl WL VA/
ancestor /'DmgCgWL/ devanceiro/a cancel /'Yæmgo/ cancelar celebrate /'gCoBVpMW/ celebrar cheer /aR/ aclamar claim /YoMl/ asegurar, aseverar commemorate /YL'lClLpMW/ conmemorar complain /YLl'UoMm/ queixarse concerned /YLm'gKmX/ preocupado/a costume /'YFgWqIl/ disfrace cultural event /YJoWiLpLo B'dCmW/ acontecemento cultural culture shock /'YJoWiL iFY/ choque cultural custom /'YJgWLl/ costume disguise (v) /XBg'ZOh/ disfrazar(se) dress up /XpCg 'JU/ disfrazarse; poñerse elegante, vestir(se) de etiqueta dress up in traditional costumes /XpCg JU Bm WpLXBiLmo 'YFgWqIlh/ vestirse con traxes tradicionais / típicos emotional /B'lNiLmo/ emotivo/a, conmovedor/a endangered /Bm'XMmbLX/ en perigo de extinción ethnic group /'CemBY ZpIU/ grupo étnico exciting /BY'gOWBn/ emocionante expense /BY'gUCmg/ gasto (at the ~ of: a custa de) extravagant /BY'gWpDdLZLmW/ extravagante fall on deaf ears /cGo Fm XCc 'Rh/ caer en saco roto family get-together /cDlLoi 'ZCWWLZCfL/ xuntanza / festa familiar feel emotional /cAo B'lNiLmo/ emocionarse festival /'cCgWBdo/ festa; festival give gifts /ZBd 'ZBcWg/ dar galanos identity /O'XCmWLWi/ identidade increasing /Bm'YpAgBn/ crecente join in the celebrations /bQm Bm fL gCoB'VpMimh/ participar nas festas joyful /'bQco/ feliz, alegre, ledo/a leaflet /'oAcoLW/ folleto local (sb) /'oNYo/ veciño/a local / national celebration /oNYo / mDimLo gCoB'VpMim/ festa local/nacional look forward to /oHY 'cGrLX WL/ desexar / devecer por, agardar con impaciencia maintain /lCBm'WMm/ manter marriage /'lDpBXj/ matrimonio occur /L'YK/ celebrarse; acontecer, ocorrer offer congratulations /FcL YLmZpDWiI'oMimh/ dar os parabéns otherwise /'JfLrOh/ do contrario outskirts /'PWgYKWg/ aforas parade /UL'pMX/ desfile party-goer /'UEWiZNL/ asiduo/a a festas perform /UL'cGl/ interpretar (música); actuar Bridges 2 Galician
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postpone /UL'gULHm/ aprazar, adiar, pospor provide /UpL'dOX/ subministrar, ofrecer religious /pB'oBbLg/ relixioso/a religious ceremony /pBoBbLg 'gCpLlLmi/ cerimonia relixiosa remember /pB'lLlVL/ lembrarse de, recordar remind /pB'lOmX/ lembrar say prayers /gM 'UpSh/ rezar, pregar serious /'gBLpiLg/ serio/a slave /goMd/ escravo/a spectator /gUCY'WMWL/ espectador/a take part in /WMY 'UEW Bm/ participar en take place /WCBY 'UoMg/ celebrarse, ter lugar tense /WCmg/ tenso/a tension /'WCmim/ tensión, tirantez threat /epCW/ ameaza threaten /'epCWm/ ameazar trademark /'WpCBXlEY/ marca turn up /WKm 'JU/ aparecer, presentarse unique /qI'mAY/ único/a, excepcional vary /'dCLpi/ variar venue /'dCmqI/ local, lugar para celebrar un acontemento viewer /'dqIL/ telespectador/a wave flags /rMd 'coDZh/ axitar bandeiras wedding /'rCXBn/ voda Discussing Festivals
What is the name of the holiday?
Como se chama a festa?
/rFW Bh fL mMl Ld fL 'kFoLXM/
How often does it take place? Con que frecuencia se /kP 'Fcm XJh BW WMY UoMg/ celebra? When does it occur? Cando se celebra? /'rCm XJh BW LYK/
Where does it take place?
Onde se celebra?
What do people do?
Que fai a xente?
/'rCL XJh BW WMY UoMg/ /'rFW XL UAUo XI/
Describing an Event
A typical food is …
Unha comida típica é...
It’s customary to ...
É (o) costume...
According to tradition ...
Segundo a tradición...
Historically ...
The best part is ...
A mellor parte é...
One custom is ...
Un costume é...
It’s acceptable to ...
É aceptábel...
/L 'WBUBYo cIX Bh/
/BWg 'YJgWLlLpi WL/
/LYGXBn WL WpL'XBim/ /kB'gWFpBYoi/
/fL 'VCgW UEW Bh/
/'rJm YJgWLl Bh/
PHRASAL VERBS aim at: estar encamiñado/a, pretender (algunha cousa) ask for: pedir be over: ter(se) acabado break away from: separarse de, romper con break down: avariarse, derramarse break into: introducirse / meterse en; entrar a roubar en break up: separarse, romper; rematar bump into: tropezar / atoparse con call on: pasar a ver, visitar carry on: continuar, levar adiante catch on: ter éxito cater for: atender / ofrecer servizos a check in: rexistrarse (hotel); facturar (aeroporto) check out: mirar, botar unha ollada; pagar e marchar (hotel) clean up: limpar clear away: quitar, retirar close down: pechar (definitivamente) close off: acordoar (unha zona) come back: regresar, volver come down: baixar come on: vamos!, veña! come over: pasar pola casa, vir (visitar) come up with: atopar cut down: talar, cortar cut in: interromper cut off: cortar (o subministro), interromper(se) (conversa) cut out: suprimir, recortar deal with: tratar de dress up: disfrazarse; poñerse elegante, vestir de etiqueta end up: acabar, rematar fall off: caer de feel like: apetecer, ter ganas de figure out: comprender, entender fill in: cubrir (impreso, documento) find out: saber de; descubrir, esculcar get across: comunicar, facer entender; cruzar, atravesar get along: levarse ben get around: desprazarse / moverse por get away: escapar, fuxir, escapulir get back: volver, tornar; recuperar get by: defenderse (lingua); amañarse get in: entrar get into: entrar / caber (roupa); contraer (débedas); entrar / meterse en get off: baixar (dun autobús, tren) get over: superar get rid of: desfacerse de get through: comunicar(se) Bridges 2 Galician
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get to: chegar a get together: reunir(se), xuntar(se) get up: erguerse give away: revelar; delatar give back: devolver, volver give up: deixar, renunciar a go against: ir en contra de, ser contrario a go away: marchar, irse go back: volver, regresar go down: baixar go off: marchar, irse; soar (alarma) go on: continuar, seguir go out: saír grow up: crecer hand out: repartir, distribuír hang out: pasar o tempo identify with: relacionar / asociar con join in: tomar parte / participar en keep on: seguir, continuar keep out: non deixar entrar /pasar leave out: omitir, saltarse, deixar fóra let in: deixar entrar; facer pasar log into: acceder a, entrar en (unha páxina web) look after: coidar (a / de) look around: botar unha ollada, mirar arredor (dun mesmo) look around for: buscar look back: mirar cara atrás (no tempo) look back at: lembrar look down: mirar cara abaixo look for: buscar, procurar look forward to: desexar, devecer por look into: investigar, esculcar look out: ter coidado / conta look up: visitar, ir ver a alguén; procurar (información) make up: inventar(se); reconciliarse, facer as paces make up for: compensar move out: mudarse, marchar pass by: pasar por diante pass down: transmitir, pasar pass on: dar, pasar pay back: volver (cartos); (fig.) vingarse pay for: pagar (por) pay off: pagar a pena pick out: elixir, escoller pick up: recoller, ir buscar point out: sinalar pull up: subir, erguer put away: gardar, poñer no seu sitio 26
Preposition List put off: desanimar(se) put out: sacar, tirar, expulsar put up: poñer, pór, ofrecer ring up: chamar, telefonar run around: (fig.) ir ao seu aire run away: fuxir, escapar, escapulir run for: presentarse como candidato/a (a un cargo) set out: saír, pórse en camiño set up: establecer(se), fundar shop around: comparar prezos show up: aparecer / presentarse nun sitio sit down: sentar(se) slow down: reducir a velocidade, ir máis amodo stand up: erguerse, poñerse a pé start over: comezar outra vez / desde cero take after: asemellarse a take back: volver; retractarse, retirar (o dito) take down: baixar; apuntar, tomar nota de
take in: meter (a unha peza de vestir) take off: ir(se) take on: aceptar (un reto) take out: convidar; sacar take part in: participar en take up: comezar a throw down: tirar, lanzar, guindar try on: probarse (roupa, calzado) turn down: baixar (o volume); rexeitar turn into: converter(se) en turn off: apagar turn on: acender, prender turn out: resultar turn over: dar a volta (a unha cousa) turn up: aparecer, presentar win over: convencer work out: facer exercicio write back: contestar (por escrito)
PREPOSITION LIST Verbs + Prepositions
Nouns + Prepositions
agree with: estar de acordo con appear on: saír a apply for: solicitar arrive in: chegar a (unha cidade, un país) believe in: crer en belong to: pertencer a care about: preocuparse / interesarse por come to: chegar a concentrate on: concentrarse en decide on: decidirse por dream of: soñar con earn from: gañar grazas a listen to: escoitar (a) look at: mirar (a) search for: procurar, esculcar serve as: servir de spend on: gastar en succeed in: ter éxito / triunfar en talk about: falar de / sobre talk to: falar con think about: opinar (sobre), parecer; coidar en
an average of: unha media de break from: descanso de change in: cambio en cost of: prezo /custo de idea of: idea de importance of: importancia de majority of: maioría de member of: membro de nature of: natureza de number of: cantidade / número de population of: poboación de reminder of: lembranza / recordo de sign of: sinal de
Bridges 2 Galician
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Adjectives + Prepositions (after to be)
afraid of: asustado de appropriate for: apropiado / axeitado para aware of: consciente de fond of: (terlle) lei a interested in: interesado en jealous of: envexoso de pleased for: ledo/a, alegre, contento por (alguén) pleased with: satisfeito de proud of: orgulloso / fachendoso de sorry about: (sentir) mágoa / pena por (algunha cousa) sorry for: (sentir) mágoa / pena por surprised by: sorprendido por / con
IRREGULAR VERBS base form (V1)
be /VA/ beat /VAW/ become/VB'YJl/ begin /VB'ZBm/ bend /VCmX/ bet /VCW/ bite /VOW/ bleed /VoAX/ blow /VoLH/ break /VpMY/ bring /VpBn/ build /VBoX/ burn /VKm/ burst /VKgW/ buy /VO/ catch /Yæa/ choose /aIh/ come /YJl/ cost /YFgW/ cut /YJW/ deal /XAo/ dig /XBZ/ do /XI/ draw /XpG/ dream /XpAl/ drink /XpBnY/ drive /XpOd/ eat /AW/ fall /cGo/ feed /cAX/ feel /cAo/ fight /cOW/ find /cOmX/ fly /coO/ forget /cL'ZCW/ forgive /cL'ZBd/ freeze /cpAh/ get /ZCW/ give /ZBd/ go /ZN/ grow /ZpN/ hang /kæn/ have /kæd/ hear /kBL/ hide /kOX/ hit /kBW/ hold /kNoX/ hurt /kKW/ keep /YAU/ know /mN/ lay /oCB/ lead /oAX/ learn /oKm/ leave /oAd/
Bridges 2 Galician
Past Simple (V2)
Past Participle (V3)
was / were /rFh/rK/ been /VAm/ beat /VAW/ beaten /'VAWm/ became /VB'YMl/ become /VB'YJl/ began /VB'Zæm/ begun /VB'ZJm/ bent /VCmW/ bent /VCmW/ bet /VCW/ bet /VCW/ bit /VBW/ bitten /'VBWm/ bled /VoCX/ bled /VoCX/ blew /VoI/ blown /VoLHm/ broke /VpLHY/ broken /'VpLHYm/ brought /VpGW/ brought /VpGW/ built /VBoW/ built /VBoW/ burnt / burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burnt / burned /VKmW/VKmX/ burst /VKgW/ burst /VKgW/ bought /VGW/ bought /VGW/ caught /YGW/ caught /YGW/ chose /aLHh/ chosen /'aLHhm/ came /YMl/ come /YJl/ cost /YFgW/ cost /YFgW/ cut /YJW/ cut /YJW/ dealt /XCoW/ dealt /XCoW/ dug /XJZ/ dug /XJZ/ did /XBX/ done /XJm/ drew /XpI/ drawn /XpGm/ dreamt / dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ dreamt / dreamed /XpClW/XpAlX/ drank /XpænY/ drunk /XpJnY/ drove /XpLHd/ driven /'XpBdm/ ate /CBW/ eaten /'AWm/ fell /cCo/ fallen /'cGom/ fed /cCX/ fed /cCX/ felt /cCoW/ felt /cCoW/ fought /cGW/ fought /cGW/ found /cPmX/ found /cPmX/ flew /coI/ flown /coLHm/ forgot /cL'ZFW/ forgotten /cL'ZFWm/ forgave /cL'ZMd/ forgiven /cL'ZBdm/ froze /cpLHh/ frozen /'cpLHhm/ got /ZFW/ got /ZFW/ gave /ZMd/ given /'ZBdm/ went /rCmW/ gone /ZFm/ grew /ZpI/ grown /ZpNm/ hung / hanged /kJn/kænX/ hung / hanged /kJn/kænX/ had /kæX/ had /kæX/ heard /kKX/ heard /kKX/ hid /kBX/ hidden /'kBXm/ hit /kBW/ hit /kBW/ held /kCoX/ held /kCoX/ hurt /kKW/ hurt /kKW/ kept /YCUW/ kept /YCUW/ knew /mqI/ known /mNm/ laid /oCBX/ laid /oCBX/ led /oCX/ led /oCX/ learnt / learned /oKmW/oKmX/ learnt / learned /oKmW/oKmX/ left /oCcW/ left /oCcW/ © B Burlington Books
ser, estar golpear, bater chegar a ser comezar, empezar dobrar(se) apostar trabar sangrar soprar crebar, romper, rachar traer construír queimar estoupar, estourar mercar coller, agarrar elixir vir custar cortar comerciar, tratar cavar, sachar facer debuxar soñar beber conducir comer caer alimentar sentir(se) loitar atopar voar esquecer perdoar conxelar(se) conseguir; recibir dar ir crecer; cultivar pendurar ter oír, ouvir acochar golpear, bater, pegar suxeitar, soster ferir, facer dano gardar, manter saber, coñecer poñer, pór, estender guiar, conducir aprender deixar; marchar, saír 28
Irregular Verbs base form (V1)
lend /oCmX/ let /oCW/ lie /oO/ lie /oO/ (regular verb) light /oOW/ lose /oIh/ make /lCBY/ mean /lAm/ meet /lAW/ pay /UM/ put /UHW/ read /pAX/ ride /pOX/ ring /pBn/ rise /pOh/ run /pJm/ say /gM/ see /gA/ sell /gCo/ send /gCmX/ set /gCW/ sew /gN/ shake /iMY/ shine /iOm/ shoot /iIW/ show /iLH/ shut /iJW/ sing /gBn/ sink /gBnY/ sit /gBW/ sleep /goAU/ smell /glCo/ speak /gUAY/ spell /gUCo/ spend /gUCmX/ spill /gUBo/ spoil /gUQo/ spread /gUpCX/ spring /gUpBn/ stand /gWæmX/ steal /gWAo/ stick /gWBY/ sting /gWBn/ swear /grCL/ sweep /grAU/ swim /grBl/ take /WMY/ teach /WAa/ tear /WCL/ tell /WCo/ think /eBnY/ throw /epN/ understand /JmXC'gWæmX/ wake up /'rMY JU/ wear /rCL/ win /rBm/ write /pOW/
Bridges 2 Galician
Past Simple (V2)
Past Participle (V3) galego
lent /oCmW/ let /oCW/ lay /oCB/ lied /oOX/ lit /oBW/ lost /oFgW/ made /lCBX/ meant /lCmW/ met /lCW/ paid /UMX/ put /UHW/ read /pCX/ rode /pLHX/ rang /pæn/ rose /pLHh/ ran /pæm/ said /gCX/ saw /gG/ sold /gLHoX/ sent /gCmW/ set /gCW/ sewed /gNX/ shook /iHY/ shone /iFm/ shot /iFW/ showed /iLHX/ shut /iJW/ sang /gæn/ sank /gænY/ sat /gæW/ slept /goCUW/ smelt / smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ spoke /gULHY/ spelt / spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ spent /gUCmW/ spilt / spilled /gUBoW/gUBoX/ spoilt / spoiled /gUQoW/gUQoX/ spread /gUpCX/ sprang /gUpæn/ stood /gWHX/ stole /gWLHo/ stuck /gWJY/ stung /gWJn/ swore /grG/ swept /grCUW/ swam /græl/ took /WHY/ taught /WGW/ tore /WG/ told /WLHoX/ thought /eGW/ threw /epI/ understood /JmXC'gWHX/ woke up /'rLHY JU/ wore /rG/ won /rJm/ wrote /pLHW/
lent /oCmW/ emprestar let /oCW/ permitir, deixar lain /oCBm/ tombarse, deitarse lied /oOX/ mentir lit /oBW/ acender, prender lost /oFgW/ perder made /lCBX/ facer, fabricar meant /lCmW/ significar, querer dicir met /lCW/ coñecer a; reunirse con paid /UMX/ pagar put /UHW/ poñer, pór read /pCX/ ler ridden /'pBXm/ montar rung /pJn/ chamar, telefonar risen /'pBhm/ elevarse, erguerse run /pJm/ correr said /gCX/ dicir seen /gAm/ ver sold /gLHoX/ vender sent /gCmW/ enviar set /gCW/ colocar sewn /gNm/ coser shaken /'iMYm/ axitar shone /iFm/ brillar, escintilar shot /iFW/ disparar shown /iLHm/ amosar shut /iJW/ pechar sung /gJn/ cantar sunk /gJnY/ afundir sat /gæW/ sentar slept /goCUW/ durmir smelt / smelled /glCoW/glCoX/ ulir, cheirar spoken /'gULHYm/ falar spelt / spelled /gUCoW/gUCoX/ soletrear spent /gUCmW/ gastar; pasar (tempo) spilt / spilled /gUBoW/gUBoX/ verter spoilt / spoiled /gUQoW/gUQoX/ arruinar, estragar spread /gUpCX/ untar; espallar sprung /gUpJn/ choutar, brincar stood /gWHX/ estar a pé stolen /'gWLHom/ roubar stuck /gWJY/ apegar stung /gWJn/ picar (un insecto) sworn /grGm/ xurar swept /grCUW/ varrer swum /grJl/ nadar taken /'WMYm/ coller, levar taught /WGW/ aprender, ensinar torn /WGm/ rachar, esgazar told /WLHoX/ dicir, contar thought /eGW/ coidar, pensar thrown /epNm/ guindar, tirar understood /JmXC'gWHX/ comprender, entender woken up /'rLHYm JU/ espertar worn /rGm/ levar posto, poñer, vestir won /rJm/ gañar written /'pBWm/ escribir
© B Burlington Books
CADROS RESUMO DAS EQUIVALENCIAS DOS TEMPOS VERBAIS ENTRE O INGLÉS E O GALEGO LEMBRA: os tempos verbais do Subxuntivo galego tradúcense en inglés polos seus correspondentes en indicativo. Así, o Presente de Subxuntivo, o Futuro de Subxuntivo e o Pretérito Imperfecto de Subxuntivo traduciranse igual .ca o Presente, o Futuro e o Pretérito Imperfecto de Indicativo, respectivamente
tenses TENSES
Eu ando Ti andas El/Ela anda Nós andamos Vós andades Eles/Elas andan
I walk You walk He/She walks We walk You walk They walk
Eu andaba Ti andabas El/Ela andaba Nós andabamos Vós andabades Eles/Elas andaban
Eu andei Ti andaches El/Ela andou Nós andamos Vós andastes Eles/Elas andaron
Bridges 2 Galician
© B Burlington Books
I am walking You are walking He/She is walking We are walking You are walking They are walking
Eu estou a andar / andando Ti estás a andar / andando El/Ela está a andar / andando Nós estamos a andar / andando Vós estades a andar / andando Eles/Elas están a andar / andando
I was walking You were walking He/She was walking We were walking You were walking They were walking
Eu estaba a andar / andando Ti estabas a andar / andando El/Ela estaba a andar / andando Nós estabamos a andar / andando Vós estabades a andar / andando Eles/Elas estaban a andar / andando
I walked You walked He/She walked We walked You walked They walked PRESENT PERFECT
I have walked You have walked He/She has walked We have walked You have walked They have walked
Eu teño andado Ti tes andado El/Ela ten andado Nós temos andado Vós tedes andado Eles/Elas teñen andado
Cadros Resumo
Eu andara Ti andaras El/Ela andara Nós andaramos Vós andarades Eles/Elas andaran
I had walked You had walked He/She had walked We had walked You had walked They had walked
Eu tiña andado Ti tiñas andado El/Ela tiña andado Nós tiñamos andado Vós tiñades andado Eles/Elas tiñan andado
Eu andarei Ti andarás El/Ela andará Nós andaremos Vós andaredes Eles/Elas andarán
I will walk You will walk He/She will walk We will walk You will walk They will walk
Eu andaría Ti andarías El/Ela andaría Nós andariamos Vós andariades Eles/Elas andarían
I would walk You would walk He/She would walk We would walk You would walk They would walk
Eu andar Ti andares El/Ela andar Nós andarmos Vós andardes Eles/Elas andaren
to) walk / walking(
Para a tradución do Future Continuous e Future Perfect repasa os puntos correspondentes na Revisión Gramatical e na Unidade 1 deste mesmo apéndice gramatical.
Bridges 2 Galician
© B Burlington Books
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