
May 31, 2016 | Author: ivfraro | Category: N/A
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Bridge Document revision 2.3 (Fri Aug 18 11:56:45 GMT 2006) This document applies to V2.9

Table of Contents Table of Contents General Information Summary Quick Setup Guide Specifications Related Documents Description Additional Documents Bridge Interface Setup Description Property Description Example Port Settings Description Property Description Notes Example Bridge Monitoring Description Property Description Example Bridge Port Monitoring Description Property Description Example Bridge Host Monitoring Property Description Example Bridge Firewall General Description Description Property Description Notes Bridge Packet Filter Description Property Description Bridge NAT Description Property Description Bridge Brouting Facility Description Property Description

Page 1 of 13 Copyright 1999-2006, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA. Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.

Troubleshooting Description

General Information Summary                           !""  #  $%&#'' $%&#''   $%&#'' client (     ad-hoc infrastructure  station     !""     !        $%&#''# )(     "              * !   +,- !         "          "  # . "    "   ( * /!  !  -"  0     -0# 0  "     !   !   (   *!"  *#   ! 1

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Quick Setup Guide 0 "!   


ether1  ether2   #



/interface bridge add name="MyBridge" disabled=no


ether1  ether2  MyBridge   1

/interface bridge port add interface=ether1 bridge=MyBridge /interface bridge port add interface=ether2 bridge=MyBridge

Specifications Packages required: system License required: level3 Home menu level: /interface bridge Standards and Technologies: IEEE801.1D Hardware usage: Not significant

Page 2 of 13 Copyright 1999-2006, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA. Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.

Related Documents •

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Description  3 * ( *        $%&#''  "3      +,- 4      !   # 0  !  (           "   !    " /  ! ( *     (  / *    ( *     5  (    / (        #      "  /   ""     !     !  /  *      (   ( *        ( *            "    (/          /    (  /  /# ( * " /     /    "5 " # + ! / "    " (! "   ( *   !     /  / (!     3 * " * ! "  #    !    (   ! (  "   "   # -0 (   !  (       /     "   "/#          (!  (    "   "!   /   !             ! *  " # 0    5   !    2,6 3 2     , 6  "  /     (!  !"  (   (     !   ( * "/# -0     (   "   ( *   !   !  

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Additional Documents "177  #!  #7

Bridge Interface Setup Home menu level: /interface bridge

Description 0    !   ( *         !      

     !   !"   " # 8  


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Property Description ageing-time (time; default: 5m) - how long a host information will be kept in the bridge database arp (disabled | enabled | proxy-arp | reply-only; default: enabled) - Address Resolution Protocol setting

Page 3 of 13 Copyright 1999-2006, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA. Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.

forward-delay (time; default: 15s) - time which is spent during the initialization phase of the bridge interface (i.e., after router startup or enabling the interface) in listening/learning state before the bridge will start functioning normally garbage-collection-interval (time; default: 4s) - how often to drop old (expired) host entries in the bridge database. The garbage collection process expurges the entries older than defined by the ageing-time property hello-time (time; default: 2s) - how often send hello packets to other bridges mac-address (read-only: MAC address) - MAC address for the interface max-message-age (time; default: 20s) - how long to remember Hello messages received from other bridges mtu (integer; default: 1500) - Maximum Transmission Unit name (name; default: bridgeN) - a descriptive name of the bridge interface priority (integer: 0..65535; default: 32768) - bridge interface priority. The priority argument is used by Spanning Tree Protocol to determine, which port remains enabled if at least two ports form a loop stp (no | yes; default: no) - whether to enable the Spanning Tree Protocol. Bridging loops will only be prevented if this property is turned on

Example 0 

         (   (   "  1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge> add; print Flags: X - disabled, R - running 0 R name="bridge1" mtu=1500 arp=enabled mac-address=61:64:64:72:65:73 stp=no priority=32768 ageing-time=5m forward-delay=15s garbage-collection-interval=4s hello-time=2s max-message-age=20s [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge> enable 0

Port Settings Home menu level: /interface bridge port

Description 0 ! !  !         "  !    #

Property Description bridge (name; default: none) - the bridge interface the respective interface is grouped in • none - the interface is not grouped in any bridge interface (read-only: name) - interface name, which is to be included in a bridge path-cost (integer: 0..65535; default: 10) - path cost to the interface, used by STP to determine the 'best' path priority (integer: 0..255; default: 128) - interface priority compared to other interfaces, which are destined to the same network

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Notes -        #9  "       !  

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Example 0  !"

ether1  ether2     /  bridge1        #91

[admin@MikroTik] interface bridge port> add interface=ether1 bridge=bridge1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge port> add interface=ether2 bridge=bridge1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge port> print # INTERFACE BRIDGE PRIORITY PATH-COST 0 ether1 bridge1 128 10 1 ether2 bridge1 128 10 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge port>


wlan1    /      

   " #

Bridge Monitoring Command name: /interface bridge monitor

Description 6     !  !   #

Property Description bridge-id (text) - the bridge ID, which is in form of bridge-priority.bridge-MAC-address designated-root (text) - ID of the root bridge path-cost (integer) - the total cost of the path to the root-bridge root-port (name) - port to which the root bridge is connected to

Example 0    1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge> monitor bridge1 bridge-id: 32768.00:02:6F:01:CE:31 designated-root: 32768.00:02:6F:01:CE:31 root-port: ether2 path-cost: 180 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge>

Bridge Port Monitoring Command name: /interface bridge port monitor

Description -             Page 5 of 13 Copyright 1999-2006, MikroTik. All rights reserved. Mikrotik, RouterOS and RouterBOARD are trademarks of Mikrotikls SIA. Other trademarks and registred trademarks mentioned herein are properties of their respective owners.

Property Description designated-port (text) - port of designated-root bridge designated-root (text) - ID of bridge, which is nearest to the root-bridge port-id (integer) - port ID, which represents from port priority and port number, and is unique status (disabled | blocking | listening | learning | forwarding) - the status of the bridge port: • disabled - the interface is disabled. No frames are forwarded, no Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) are heard • blocking - the port does not forward any frames, but listens for BPDUs • listening - the port does not forward any frames, but listens to them • learning - the port does not forward any frames, but learns the MAC addresses • forwarding - the port forwards frames, and learns MAC addresses

Example 0     " 1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge port> mo 0 status: forwarding port-id: 28417 designated-root: 32768.00:02:6F:01:CE:31 designated-bridge: 32768.00:02:6F:01:CE:31 designated-port: 28417 designated-cost: 0 -- [Q quit|D dump|C-z pause]

Bridge Host Monitoring Command name: /interface bridge host

Property Description age (read-only: time) - the time since the last packet was received from the host bridge (read-only: name) - the bridge the entry belongs to local (read-only: flag) - whether the host entry is of the bridge itself (that way all local interfaces are shown) mac-address (read-only: MAC address) - host's MAC address on-interface (read-only: name) - which of the bridged interfaces the host is connected to

Example 0        1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge host> print Flags: L - local BRIDGE MAC-ADDRESS ON-INTERFACE bridge1 00:00:B4:5B:A6:58 ether1 bridge1 00:30:4F:18:58:17 ether1 L bridge1 00:50:08:00:00:F5 ether1 L bridge1 00:50:08:00:00:F6 ether2 bridge1 00:60:52:0B:B4:81 ether1

AGE 4m48s 4m50s 0s 0s 4m50s

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bridge1 00:C0:DF:07:5E:E6 ether1 bridge1 00:E0:C5:6E:23:25 prism1 bridge1 00:E0:F7:7F:0A:B8 ether1 [admin@MikroTik] interface bridge host>

4m46s 4m48s 1s

Bridge Firewall General Description Home menu level: /interface bridge filter, /interface bridge nat, /interface bridge broute

Description 0   ( " " *       / "    ! / !      !    (      ! 

Note  " * (     :!  * /         "  !  ; ; /ip firewall !  !        (/ ""       70   ! 3        5 "   output (   5 !   . ( 8!"!# 0 !   ! (   "/    7        (  (        "/  !"     # 0          1

filter 3   ( (    "     1 • input 3    " * (          !   " *  (   !   /   /(/       

output 3    " * (         !   " *    !  /

forward 3    " * (       1       ""    " *  !  !  !  !  :!           (  "     

nat 3  ( * 

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scnat 3 ! 
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