BRD SMS Gateway

September 9, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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B. TOEJFM_H_FE Tornog`feafe tonechcab joeafe goeaauefnfe gojbf [G[ tohfm `feyfn  jbauefnfe jfhfg gog`orbnfe pohfyfefe jb `bjfea pogfsfrfe prcjun jfe lfsf. Goea Go eamf mfjf jfpb pb mf mfhh

tors torso` o`ut ut ue uetu tun n

po poea eaog og`f `fea eafe fe jf jfe e

po poeb ebea eanf nftf tfe e

gu gutu tu

pohfyfefe tormfjfp Jo`btur porhu fjfeyf Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy . [G[ Aftowfy  fjfhfm so`ufm sbstog jbgfef sokfrf ctcgftbs jfpft goeabrbg [G[ no `feyfn  ecgcr joeafe kfrf kopft jfe mfeyf sonfhb nbrbg. Joeafe fjfeyf Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy  beb  beb jbmfrfpnfe jfpft gog`orbnfe `or`fafb beicrgfsb nopfjf Jo`btur fafr Jo`btur goeaotfmub toetfea `or`fafb mfh soportb soportb

poea poeabeaf beaftt pog`fyf pog`fyfrfe rfe feasu feasurfe rfe nrojb nrojbt, t, beicrg beicrgfsb fsb nrojb nrojbtt soportb

poru`fmfe no`blfnfe, prcgc nrojbt, Toefwfrfe prcjun, ukfpfe mfrb uhfea tfmue Jo`btur jfe hfbe so`fafbeyf.

_etun _et un go goguj gujfmn fmnfe fe jfh jfhfg fg poh pohfns fnsfef feffe fe Hfyfe Hfyfefe fe [G [G[ [ Aftowfy   porhu fjfeyf prcarfg Fphbnfsb [G[ Aftowfy . Trcarfg Fphbnfsb beb `orsbift cehbeo, jfe hfeasuea jfpft jbpfetfu chom Jbvbsb tornfbt. 

BB. BB. Z_L _L_F _FE E Zulufe pog`uftfe Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy  fjfhfm  fjfhfm so`fafb `orbnut < 6. Goe Goebea beanft nftnfe nfe p pohf ohfyfe yfefe fe no nopfj pfjf f Jo` Jo`btu btur. r. 0. Gogp Gogporguj orgujfm fm jf jfhfg hfg go gog`or g`orbnfe bnfe bbeicr eicrgfsb gfsb n nopfj opfjf f Jo`b Jo`btur tur so soport portbb < -

Toru`fmfe N No o`blfnfe Trcgc Nrojbt


Toefwfrfe p prrcjun, jhh.

;. Goea Goeabeaf beaftnfe tnfe Jo`b Jo`btur tur ttoetfe oetfea a po pog`fy g`fyfrfe frfe feas feasurfe urfe nroj nrojbt bt :. Gog Gogpor porhuf hufss lfe lfean anfuf fufe e on onspf spfesb esb n nroj rojbt bt.. ?. [o` [o`fa fafb fb sfr sfrfef fef pr prcgc cgcsb sb Tor Torusf usfmff mffe. e. 9. Gceb Gcebtcrb tcrbea ea ttormfj ormfjfp fp nroj nrojbt bt J Jo`bt o`btur ur y yfea fea `org `orgfsfh fsfhfm. fm.

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 6 jfrb 9;


BBB.. TOE BBB TOEAOP AOPZBF ZBFE E JF JFE E B[ B[ZBH ZBHFM FM 6. Torus Torusfmffe fmffe fjfhfm TZ. Torgc Torgcjfhf jfhfe e Once Oncecgb cgb Pfnyft Trcvbesb Pbfu (TZ. TOP). 0. Jbronsb fjfhfm crafe porsorcfe yfea torjbrb jfrb ftfs Jbrontur _tfgf jfe pfrf pf rf Jbro Jbront ntur ur yfe fea a jb jbfe fean anft ft jf jfe e jb jb`o `orm rmoe oetb tbnf nfe e ch chom om Pf Pfpf pftt _g _gug ug Togoafea [fmfg Hufr @bfsf (P_T[-H@) jfe `ortfeaauea lfwf` nopfjf P_T[. ;.   [mcrt Gossfao [orvbko  ([G[)   ([G[) fjfhfm suftu ifsbhbtfs uetun goeabrbg suftu posfe jfe goeorbgf sbeanft `orupf tons gohfhub porfeanft ebrnf`oh, yfbtu porfeanft ncguebnfsb tohopce sohuhfr, jfhfg mfh bebsbfh porfeanft ebrnf`oh yfea jbauefnfe fjfhfm tohopce sohuhfr. :. [G[ Aftowfy   fj fjfh fhfm fm so`u so`ufm fm sbst sbstog og jb jbgf gfef ef sokf sokfrf rf ct ctcg cgft ftbs bs jf jfpf pftt goeabrbg [G[ no `feyfn ecgcr joeafe kfrf kopft jfe mfeyf sonfhb nbrbg. ?. Nro Nrojbt jbt fj fjfhf fhfm m poe poeyoj yojbf bf ufe ufea a ftf ftfu u tfa tfabmf bmfe e yfe yfea a jf jfpft pft jb jbpor porsfg sfgfnf fnfe e joeafe btu, `orjfsfrnfe porsotulufe ftfu nosopfnftfe pbelfg-gogbelfg fetfr Torusfmffe jfe pbmfn hfbe yfea gowflb`nfe pbmfn pogbelfg uetun  gohuef goh uefsb sb utf utfeae eaeyf yf sot sotohf ohfm m lfe lfean anf f wfn wfntu tu tor tortoe toetu tu jo joeaf eafe e pog pog`o `orbf rbfe e `ueaf.


6. _et _etun un nc ncej ejbsb bsb g gftb ftb hhbst bstrbn rbn y yfea fea kkunu unup p hf hfgf gf <  

Bjoetbibnfsb notorsojbffe Aoesot jfe Nfpfsbtfs Aoesot.   Kcetbeaoeky phfe  uetun   uetun ncejbsb torso`ut jbftfs (tbejfnfe yfea sujfm

jbporsbfpnfe), jbporsbfpnf e), fhtoreftbvo < f. Toeyo Toeyojbff jbffe e Aoe Aoesot sot uetu uetun n go goeaft eaftfsb fsb ncej ncejbsb bsb gftb hbst hbstrbn. rbn. `. Lbn Lbnf f `bfy `bfyf f poeyo poeyojb jbffe ffe aoe aoesot sot tor torhfh hfhu u tb tbeaa eaab, b, jfpf jfpftt puhf goek goekfrb frb fhtoreftbvo poeyowffe Aoesot, bjoetbibnfsb `orfpf hfgf supphbor Aoesot jfpft goeyojbfnfe Aoesot, jfe `orfpf nfpfsbtfs Aoesot yf yfea ea jb jbgb gbhb hbnb nb.. [o [oto tohf hfm m jb jbto togu gunf nfe e su supp pphb hbor or Ao Aoes esot ot yf yfea ea `b `bsf sf jbauefnfe jbau efnfe pfjf sfft ncejbsb jfrurf jfrurft, t, kftft kftft ecgc ecgcrr toho tohopce pce jfe ncetfn ncetf n po porsc rsce e jfr jfrbb sup supph phbor bor Aoe Aoesot sot tor torso` so`ut ut (jb (jbsfr sfrfen fenfe fe fjf `o`orfpf fhtoreftbvo supphbor yfea `bsf jbauefnfe). @PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 0 jfrb 9;


0. _e _etu tun nn nce cejb jbsb sb [o [orv rvor or Jc Jcwe we <  

Bjoetbibnfsb poeyo`f` porgfsfhfmfe porgfsfhfmfe..

Goeueaau por`fbnfe jfrb `fabfe tornfbt.

;. Lfrb Lfrbea eafe fe ttoh ohop opce ce ` `or orgf gfsf sfhf hfm m 

Bjoetbibnfsb poeyo`f` porgfsfhfmfe

Goeamu`ueabb cporftcr tohopce Goeamu`uea

 Y. [ZP_NZ_P TOE TOEFEAA_EA FEAA_EA LF LFQF@ QF@ & TOEA TOEAA_EF A_EF FTHBNF[B 6. Toefeaauea Lfwf` @PJ Fphbnfsb [G[ Aftowfy 


Tbejbv Poestrf

Tbe`fa No`blfnfe

Tbe`fa TT@

[tfi TT@

[tfi BZ

[tfi No`blfnfe

@fabfe Nrojbt

Togbgpbe NK

[tfi Fjg Nrojbt

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Tbe`fa BZ

[tfi Toefabmfe

Mfh ; jfrb 9;


0. Toeaauef Fphbnfsb Toeaauef Fphbnfsb fjfhfm [ohurum Nfetcr Kf`fea TZ. Torgcjfhfe Oncecgb Pfnyft joeafe Gcebtcrbea chom Nfetcr Tusft.

 YB. TOEAOG@FE TOEAOG@FEAFE AFE 6. Go Goeu eu ttfg fgpb pbhf hfe e yf yfea ea f fnf nfe e jb jb`u `uft ft

f. Goeu H Hc cabe [ [G G[ Aftowfy _sor

< Fjgbe


< Fjgbe

`. Afe Afetb tb _s _sore orefgo fgo j jfe fe Tfs Tfsswc swcrj rj Fj Fjgbe gbebst bstrft rftcr cr

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh : jfrb 9;


k. Zf Zfgp gpbh bhfe fe g goe oeu uu utf tfgf gf [G [G[ [ Aftowfy 

Trcarfg [G[ Aftowfy < 

Be`cx,, ifsbhbtfs beb goefgpbhnfe jfitfr [G[ yfea jbtorbgf notbnf Be`cx fjf [G[ yfea gfsun.

Cut`cx,, ifsbhbtfs beb gog`orbnfe jfitfr [G[ yfea jbnbrbg no crfea Cut`cx hfbe.

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh ? jfrb 9;


[oej Btog, Btog, `orbsb jfitfr [G[ yfea sujfm nbtf nbrbgnfe `orbnut stftus poeabrbgfeeyf, fpfnfm tornbrbg ftfu afafh.

Arcup Tmceo @ccn , `orbsb jfitfr poeabrbgfe [G[ `orjfsfrnfe Arcup tortoetu.

Tmceo Tmc eo @ccn @ccn,, gorupfnfe jfitfr ncetfn ftfu ecgcr-ecgcr yfea fnfe nbtf nbrbg [G[.

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 9 jfrb 9;


Nbrbg Nbr bg [G[, gorupfnfe ifsbhbtfs uetun goeabrbgnfe `orjfsfrnfe pmceo `ccn yfea sujfm nbtf gfsunfe.


[G[ Ar [G[ Arcu cup, p,   if ifsb sbhb hbtf tfss beb beb jb jbau auef efnf nfe e ue uetu tun n go goea eabr brbg bg [G [G[ [ `orjfsfrnfe arcup tortoetu sokfrf soroetfn ftfu `orsfgffe.

[G [G[ [ To Toea eabe beaf aftt po pog` g`fy fyfr frfe fe f fea easu surf rfe e nr nroj ojbt bt _etun _et un tfg tfgpb pbhfe hfe [G [G[ [ Toe Toeab abeaf eaftt pog pog`fy `fyfrf frfe e fea feasur surfe fe nro nrojbt jbt,, sbstog gbebgfh goefgpbhnfe beput [G[ Aftowfy  so`fafb  so`fafb `orbnut < 6

Efgf Jo`btur


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Zfeaafh Lftum Zogpc


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 1 jfrb 9;


Not *< gfejftcry (mfrus jbbsb)

[bstog gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh joeafe tfgpbhfe so`fafb `orbnut< Ec

Zah beput

Efgf Jo`btur

Zah Lftum Zogpc

Ec MT Jo`btur

Pojfnsb uetun [G[ Toeabeaft pog`fyfrfe feasurfe nrojbt fjfhfm< Jo`btur,, fea feasur surfe fe nro nrojb jbtt [fu [fujf jfrf/ rf/bb fnf fnfe e lft lftum um Npj Rtm. Efgf  Efgf  Jo`btur (tfeaafh/`uhfe/tfmue).. Jbmf Jbmfrfpn rfpnfe fe fafr gohf gohfnunf nunfe e to togp gpc c pf pfjf jf (tfeaafh/`uhfe/tfmue) pog`fyfrfe feasurfe nrojbt torso`ut, fafr tormbejfr jfrb joejf noto no torh rhfg fg`f `ftf tfe. e. F` F`fb fbnf nfe e [G [G[ [ be bebb lb lbnf nf fe fejf jf tohf tohfm m go gohf hfnu nunf nfe e pog`fyfrfe. Zorbgfnfsbm. -

[G[ beicrgfsb n nrrojbt < Toru`fmfe No`blfnfe


Lujuh Toru`fmfe No`blfnfe


Ec. [N


Zfeaafh guhfb `orhfnu


Murui (g (gfns 0 04 44 nfrfntor)

Feanf (gfns 04 jbabt) <

Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)

Kcet Kc etcm cm Po Pojf jfns nsbb ue uetu tun n [G [G[ [ beic beicrg rgfs fsbb nr nroj ojbt bt to toet etfe fea a Toru`fmfe No`blfnfe fjfhfm < Jb`orbtfmunfe Jb`orbtfmun fe npj Rtm. Jo`btur TZ.TOP `fmwf notoetufe goeaoefb (lujuh no`blfnfe yfea `fru) goeafhfgb poru`fmfe sosufb joeafe Noputusfe Jbronsb Ec< (Ecgcr [urft Noputusfe Jbronsb yfea `fru).  Ftfs pormftbfe pormftbfe @pn/B`u, nfgb ukfpnfe torbgfnfsbm. @PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh = jfrb 9;


[bstog gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh joeafe tfgpbhfe so`fafb `orbnut< Ec

Zah Beput

Lujuh Toru`fmfe

Ec [N 


Zfeaafh Guhfb




Trcgc Nrojbt


Loebs Trcgc


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Zfeaafh guhfb `orhfnu


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)


Zfeaafh `orfnmbr


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)

Kcetcm Pojfnsb uetun [G[ beicrgfsb nrojbt toetfea Trcgc Nrojbt fjfhfm< Npj Rtm. Rtm. Jo` Jo`btu bturr TZ. TZ.TOP TOP,, `fy `fyfrh frhfm fm fea feasur surfe fe nro nrojb jbtt fej fejf f top topft ft pfjf wfntueyf jfe jfpftnfe vcukmor nrojbt yfea `bsf jbtunfrnfe joeafe mfjbfm/scuvoebr goefrbn jfrb TZ.TOP. Ebngftb nouetueafe jfe nolutfe jfrb nfgb sohfeluteyf. Zorbgfnfsbm tohfm gog`fyfr nrojbt topft pfjf wfntueyf.

[bstog gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh joeafe tfgpbhfe so`fafb `orbnut< Ec

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Loebs Trcgc

Zah Guhfb




Mfh 2 jfrb 9;


Ec MT Jo`btur


Toefwfrfe prcjun, jhh.


Loebs Toefwfrfe


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Ec tohp Nfetcr




Ec MT Tbekf`




Ec. MT Togfsfrfe




Ec. MT Fefhbs






Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)

Kcet Kc etcm cm Po Pojf jfns nsbb ue uetu tun n [G [G[ [ beic beicrg rgfs fsbb nr nroj ojbt bt to toet etfe fea a Toefwfrfe Trcjun, jhh fjfhfm< @fpfn/B` @fpf n/B`u u yfea tormc tormcrgft rgft,, sohf sohfgft gft fejf torp torpbhbm bhbm goejfpft goejfpftnfe nfe (prcjun nrojbt) bt) jo joea eafe fe ifsb ifsbhb hbtf tfss (loe (loebs bs if ifsb sbhb hbtf tfs) s),,  lbnf @pn/B`u (prcjun nroj `orgbeft sbhfmnfe jftfea no Nfetcr Kf`fea nfgb ftfu mu`ueab jb kf`fea) ftfu  ftfu (Ecgor MT Tbekf`)  Tbekf`)  uetun  ecgor (Ecgor tohp.nfetcr kf`fea) prcsos sohfeluteyf. Trcgc beb `orhfnu s/j fnmbr tfmue 0461. Ztj. Jbronsb TZ. TOP.

[bstog gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh joeafe tfgpbhfe so`fafb `orbnut Ec


Ec Zhp









@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 64 jfrb 9;


Ec MT Jo`btur



[G [G[ [_ _kf kfpf pfe eM Mfr frbb _ _hf hfea ea Zf Zfmu mue e Jo` Jo`bt btur ur.. 6

Efgf Jo`btur


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)

Not *< gfejftcry (mfrus jbbsb)

Pojf Po jfns nsbb ue uetu tun n [G [G[ [ _k _kfp fpfe fe Mf Mfrb rb _h _hfe fea a Zf Zfmu mue e Jo`b Jo`btu turr fjfhfm< Jbronsb `osortf nfryfwfe/tb TZ.TOP goeaukfpnfe [ohfgft _hfea f Jo` o`bbtu tur) r) sog sogca caf f nos nosomf omftfe tfe jf jfe e Zfmu Zf mue e Np Npj j. @p @pn n/B` /B`u (Efg (Efgf nosu no suns nsos osfe fe

sohf sohfhu hu

go goey eyor ortf tfbb

@p @pn/ n/B` B`u. u.

Zo Zorb rbgf gfnf nfsb sbm m

to tohf hfm m

gogporkfyfnfe gogporkfyfn fe TZ.TOP so`fafb gbtrf fejf. [bstog gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh joeafe tfgpbhfe so`fafb `orbnut< Ec


Efgf Jo`btur


Ec MT Jo`btur

Hfpcrfe [G[ Aftowfy  

Hfpcrfe [G[ poeabeaft pog`fyfrfe feasurfe nrojbt 6. _etu _etun n hfpcr hfpcrfe fe [G[ poea poeabeaft beaft po pog`fy g`fyfrfe frfe fea feasurf surfe e nrojbt nrojbt,, sbst sbstog og mf mfru russ jf jfpf pftt go goef efgp gpbh bhnf nfe e Ibht Ibhtor or Hf Hfpc pcrf rfe e [G [G[ [ poeabeaft pog`fyfrfe feasurfe nrojbt, so`fafb `orbnut <


@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Zfeaafh Beput

Mfh 66 jfrb 9;


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)


0. _etu _etun n hfpcr hfpcrfe fe [G[ poea poeabeaft beaft po pog`fy g`fyfrfe frfe fea feasurf surfe e nrojbt nrojbt,, sbstog sbs tog mfr mfrus us jf jfpft pft goe goefgp fgpbhn bhnfe fe Ybo Ybow w [G [G[ [ poe poeab abeaf eaftt pog`fyfrfe feasurfe nrojbt, so`fafb `orbnut < Zfeaafh

< ......... (jj/gg/yy (jj/gg/yyyy) yy)

Ncjo Nc jo K Kf` f`fe fea a

< .. .... .... .... .... (g (gfn fnss 04 044 4 nf nfrf rfnt ntor or))




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Ec. Poabstor


Beput _sor


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Efgf Jo`btur


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Ec. MT


Feanf (4=6;xxxxxxxx)


Zah. Beput


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)

Feanf (gfns 04 jbabt)

[bstog mfrus jfpft gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh s``< Ec

Ec Poabstor

Beput _sor

Efgf Jo`btur


Zah Beput


Hfpcrfe [G[ Beicrgfsb Nrojbt 6. _et _etun un hfpcrfe hfpcrfe [G[ Beicrgfs Beicrgfsbb Nro Nrojbt jbt,, sbs sbstog tog mfrus mfrus jfp jfpft ft goefgpbhnfe Ibhtor Hfpcrfe Beicrgfsb Nrojbt, s``< 6

Zfeaafh Beput


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)

0. _et _etun un hfpcrfe hfpcrfe [G[ Beicrgfs Beicrgfsbb Nro Nrojbt jbt,, sbs sbstog tog mfrus mfrus jfp jfpft ft goefgpbhnfe Ybow Hfpcrfe Beicrgfsb Nrojbt, s``< Zfeaafh @PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

< ......... ............... ...... (jj/gg/y (jj/gg/yyyy) yyy) Mfh 60 jfrb 9;


Ncjo o Kf`f Kf`fea ea Ncj

< ..... ....... ..... ...... ...... ....(g .(gfns fns 044 nfr nfrfnt fntor) or)




Feanf (gfns 04 jbabt)




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Efgf Kfjo`


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Zah. Beput


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)


Zah. Ichhcw


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)


Zah. Eoxt Ichhcw


Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)




Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)


Zbpo Ichhcw


Murui (gfns 044 nfrfntor)

[bstog mfrus jfpft gog`uftnfe icrgft tf`oh s``< Ec

Ec Poabstor

Beput _sor

Efgf Jo`btur


Zah Beput


Hfpcrfe [G[ _kfpfe mfrb _hfea Zfmue Jo`btur [bstog mfrus jfpft goefgpbhnfe arfibn prcspon kfhce jo`btur yfea tohfm jb prcspon jfe yfea `ohug jbtbejfnhfelutb. 6. _e _etu tun n hf hfpc pcrf rfe e ar arfi fibn bn pr prcs cspo pon n kf kfhc hce e jo jo`b `btu turr Ib Ibht htor or Ar Arfi fibn  bn  Trcspon Kfhce Jo`btur, torjbrb jfrb<


@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Zfeaafh Beput


Mfh 6; jfrb 9;

Feanf (jj/gg/yyyy)


_etun un hfpcrfe hfpcrfe arfibn arfibn prcspon prcspon kfhce kfhce jo`btur jo`btur,, sbs sbstog tog mfrus mfrus 0. _et jfpft jfp ft go goefg efgpb pbhnf hnfe e Ybo Ybow w Arf Arfibn ibn Trc Trcspo spon n Kfh Kfhce ce Jo` Jo`btu bturr joeafe goeaauefnfe arfibn gcjoh `ftfea.

0. Ih Ihc cwk wkm mfr frtt 0.6 0. 6

Ihcw Ih cwkm kmfr frtt To Toea eaau auef effe fe Fp Fphb hbnf nfsb sb _[OP

GOE_  Fphbnfsb



poeyusuefe Poekfef Norlf jfe  Feaafrfe Zfmuefe Zfmuefe

  @fabfe Toroekfeffe &  Toeaog`feaf e @bsebs

Beput jftf gfeufh yfea jbtorbgf jfrb Beput @bfyf, @ohfelf Gcjfh ,Jftf Nrojbt

Jbvb Jb vbsb sb Nr Nroj ojbt bt jf jfe e Jbvbsb


_gug Beput fsugsb Beput Fsugsb



poeyusuefe PNFZ Jbhfnunfe


Togbg Tog bgp pbe Poestrf

Jbvb Jb vbsb sb

Ctcrbsfsb Jftf




prcyonsb Frus Nfs, Hfpcrfe PNFZ

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 6: jfrb 9;






Jfef Gfsun, Jfef Nohufr, Toejfpftfe, @bfyf, Hf`f


Pbe bea anf nfsf sfe e


Puab jfe Eorfkf,

0.0 0. 0 Ih Ihc cwk wkm mfr frtt [yst [ysto og 

Beput @bfyf _sor

Zfg`fm/ _`fm Jftf

@fabfe TT@ Zfgpbhfe

Jfef Nohufr, @bfyf

Beput @ohfelf Gcjfh  _sor

Zfg`fm/ _`fm Jftf


@ohfelf Gcjfh

@fabfe TT@

Beput Jftf Nrojbt _sor

Zfg`fm/ _`fm Jftf

@fabfe TT@ Zfgpbhfe

Poekfef Norlf, Jfef Gfsun jfe Toejfpftfe nrojbt

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 6? jfrb 9;


Hfpcrfe Trcyonsb Poekfef Norlf Trcyonsb Frus Nfs

Trcyonsb Poekfef Norlf

Trcyonsb Jfef Nohufr

_sor Trcyonsb Jfef Gfsun

Trcyonsb Toejfpftfe Zfgpbhfe Trcyonsb @bfyf

@fabfe TT@

Trcyonsb Hf`f Puab

Trcyonsb Pbeanfsfe Hf`f Puab

Trcyonsb Eorfkf

Trcyonsb Toeuruefe ETH

 YBB. Toeutup [bstog Poekfef Norlf jfe Feaafrfe Zfmuefe beb jbauefnfe chom Jbvbsb tornfbt yfbtu Jbvbsb poroekfeffe [trftoabs @fabfe Toroekfeffe jfe Toeaog`feafe @bsebs. _etun Povbsb jftf `bsf jbhfnunfe sotohfm goejfpft porsotulufe jfrb Jbronsb TZ. Torgcjfhfe Oncecgb Pfnyft _sor Aub _sor Aubjo  jo   jbno jbnohufr hufrnfe nfe chom Jbvb Jbvbsb sb Toroe Toroekfeff kfeffe e [trftoab [trftoabss gohf gohfhub hub @fa @fabfe bfe Beicrgfsb jfe Zonmechcab. Trcjun beb jbmfrfpnfe jfpft jb Hfuekmbea pfjf `uhfe [optog`or tfmue 0461.

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 69 jfrb 9;


Jogbnbfe @PJ beb nfgb sfgpfbnfe uetun jfpft jbsotulub. Tonfe`fru, 61 Gob 0461 Jbusuhnfe C Chhom <

Jbsotulub Chom <

Jbsotulub Chom <

M. Fkop Pfmgfe

Pujb Fhibfe _gfr

[yfgsuh @fnrb

Togbgpbe Jbvbsb Poestrf


Jbrontur _tfgf

@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 61 jfrb 9;



@PJ Hfyfefe [G[ Aftowfy 

Mfh 6= jfrb 9;

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