Brand and Strategic Management of P&G

March 12, 2019 | Author: xuni34 | Category: Procter & Gamble, Brand, Promotion (Marketing), Supply Chain, Advertising
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Brand Management History of P&G Swot Analysis Brand Portfolio...


Brand Management Assignment No 1

Zunair Ali Syed National College Administration & Economics



Brand Management

Contents Company Company Introduct Introduction.... ion................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ................................ ................... 3 P&G Pakista Pakistan........ n.................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... .......................... .............. 3 Facts about P&G Pakistan..................................................................................................... MI!!I"N


%ision %ision !tatement. !tatement............. ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ............................... ...................  "rgani'ation


$!#AB*I!+M$N#,.................................................................................................................. C"MPANC"MPAN- #-P$,........... #-P$,....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ..................................... ......................... .........  BAN/!, BAN/!,............ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... .................... ........  Brand port(o)io port(o)io Pakistan....... akistan................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ................................... .......................  !0"# ANA*-!I! P&G............................................................................................................11 !#$NG+#!.. !#$NG+#!.............. ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................................................ ............................................ 11 0$A2N$!!$! 0$A2N$!!$!........... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ................................. .................... 11 "PP"#NI#I$!..................................................................................................................11  #+$A#!.............  #+$A#!........................ ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ....................... ....................... .................. ........... .......... .......... .......... ........ ... 11 Marketin Marketing g Mi4................ Mi4............................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ................... ....... 15 Product Product........... ....................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................. ...... 15 Beauty Beauty and Grooming Grooming Brands......... Brands..................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................................... ............................... 15 +ea)t6 and 0e)) Being Brands.........................................................................................15 +ouse6o)d Care Brands...................................................................................................15 Price,... Price,............... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... .............................. ................. 15 P)ace....... P)ace................... ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ..................................... ......................... 13 Promoti Promotion....... on.................... ......................... ........................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ ........................ .................. ...... 13 Competitors Competitors........... ....................... ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ........................ .................................................. ...................................... 13 !trategic management o( #ide and Arie)...............................................................................1 "7er7ie8 o( Arie) Position in Pakistan.................................................................................1 *aunc6 o( #ide in Pakistan..................................................................................................19 Porter:s Fi7e Forces Mode).....................................................................................................19  #6reat o( Ne8 $ntrants................... ........................ ............ ....................... ....................... ....................... ........... .......... ..... .......... .......... .......... ..... 19 Bargain Bargain Po8er Po8er o( !upp)ier.... !upp)ier................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ......................... ............................................. ................................. 1; Bargain Bargain po8er o( Consumers Consumers........... ........................ ......................... ........................ ........................ ............................................. ................................. 1;  #6reat o( !ubstitute Products................. Products................. ........................ ............ ....................... ....................... ........................ .................... ............. ......... .... 1; 1 < Pa ge

Brand Management  #6reat o( estab)is6ed ri7a)s.................................................................................. .............. 1; !6ou)d P&G Pakistan add =#ide /etergent> in its port(o)io or not?........................................1@ Pros and Cons o( )aunc6ing #ide in Pakistani Market..........................................................1@ Conc)usion............................................................................................................................. 5 e(erences........................................................................................................................... . 51

5 < Pa ge

Brand Management Company Introduction P&G Pakistan Procter & Gamble Pakistan, headquartered in Karachi, commenced operations in Pakistan in 1991. Our goal was to become the finest global consumer goods compan operating locall in Pakistan. !o fulfill this goal, we are ser"ing Pakistani consumers with 1# high$qualit brands locall that stri"e to make e"erda li"es better. %ith commitment came growth, and in 199 we acquired a soap$manufacturing facilit sprawling se"en acres of land at 'ub, (alochistan. )n #**#, the plant tripled its soap$ manufacturing capacit with an in"estment of + million. )n #**, with an initial in"estment of about half a million -.. dollars, a P-/ facilit was set up with a production capacit of 0* million sachets of the water purifier annuall. !he P&G 'ub plant is the single plant that  produces P-/ globall. !oda, the 'ub plant is equipped with state$of$the$art manufacturing technologies and qualit assurance processes and sstems, reflecting the compans "alues of safe, hgienic and ethical manufacturing practices.

P&G Pakistan headquarters are consistentl upgraded to the compans progressi"e "alues. )n"estments of +1 million and a recent +2**,*** in"estment ha"e taken place in the work$space en"ironment to date. !he P&G Pakistan head office toda hosts high$speed digital networks and ad"anced sstems and facilities.

3s a compan with "ast global e4perience, P&G alwas has belie"ed in the potential Pakistan has as a countr. ince 1959, the total amount in"ested b  P&G Pakistan in assets, working capital and market de"elopment has e4ceeded /s 2 billion. )n addition, Procter & Gamble contributed /s .1 billion to the national e4chequer in the form of ta4es and duties during #**0 and #**2, increasing 1 percent o"er the pre"ious ear.

P&G has attracted outstanding indi"iduals since the da it began operations in Pakistan. !he compan emplos more than #06 people and creates more than ,*** 7obs indirectl in Pakistan, 99 percent of which are held b Pakistanis. 3ll this makes P&G a more locall focused compan. 3 < Pa ge

Brand Management

acts a!out P&G Pakistan •

Procter & Gamble started its operations in Pakistan in 1991.

P&G Pakistan is headquartered in Karachi.

P&G Pakistan has rein"ested o"er +1** million in Pakistan within the last 1# ears.

P&G Pakistan has in"ested 2 million dollars o"er the last 0 ears in terms of capital, marketing and training.

P&G Pakistan has contributed close to 6 billion rupees to the Pakistani go"ernments re"enues o"er the last 0 ears in the form of sales ta4, customs and e4cise duties.

P&G Pakistan creates more than ,*** 7obs in Pakistan. 998 of the 7obs that P&G Pakistan creates in Pakistan are held b Pakistanis.

P&G Pakistan owns a sprawling 6$acre land manufacturing facilit at 'ub, (alochistan, which manufactures afeguard and ama soaps. 3 recent 0 million dollar in"estment has tripled the plants capacit.

P&G Pakistan runs se"eral social marketing programs in the field of education and health. !hese programs benefit more than  million people annuall.

MISSI"N S#A#EMEN# %e will pro"ide branded products and ser"ices of superior qualit and "alue that impro"e the li"es of the worlds consumers, now and for generations to come. 3s a result, consumers will reward us with leadership sales, profit and "alue creation, allowing our people, our shareholders and the communities in which we li"e and work to prosper.

 < Pa ge

Brand Management $ision Statement :(e, and be recogni;ed as, the best consumer products and ser"ices compan in the world.<

"rgani%ation Portfolio ES#ABIS'MEN#( P&G is an 3merican Global orporation based on manufacturing a wide range of consumer goods. )t was born on October 1 156, headquartered in incinnati, Ohio, -3. 3s of #**5, P&G is the 2 th largest compan =arket capital, 1th largest b profit and 2th in >ortunes most admired companies list.

C"MPAN) #)PE( Public compan.

B*AN+S( P&G offers a "ariet of brands. P&G?s e4isting products grow through inno"ation and reno"ation while maintaining a balance in geographic acti"ities and product lines. !he ompans priorit is to bring the best and most rele"ant products to people, where"er the are, whate"er their needs, throughout their li"es.

Brand portfolio Pakistan P&G?s products are found in almost e"er product categor. >ollowing are the list of brands ser"ed in Pakistan@

Ariel >abric cleaning and care at its best.

 < Pa ge

Brand Management

3 moisturi;ing bar soap enriched with perfumes of >rench inspiration that lea"es our skin feeling fresh, soft and sensual.

OlaA offers an arra of skin$care and personal cleansing products that pro"ide multiple benefits designed for women of all ages.

3lwasA offers great protection throughout our menstrual ccle to help ou li"e life to the fullest B without interruption.

%e stri"e to bring inno"ation, inspiration and en7oment to peoples e"erda li"es through our intelligentl inno"ated, intuiti"el designed and carefull crafted  products.

restA toothpastes, toothbrushes, whiteners, flosses and rinses create healthier, brighter smiles e"er da.

 < Pa ge

Brand Management

%hether oure monitoring a human heart, photographing outer space with an )=3CA camera or simpl taking a few snapshots at home, depend on DuracellA.

E3D3 is an international mark of lu4ur, elegance and qualit, a signature recogni;ed










!he E3D3 brand stands for happiness in life B Foie de Hi"reF emboding a "i"acious and glamorous woman, following her instinct and ambition to make the best of e"er moment.

)ntroducing GilletteA omplete kincareI B the first line of ad"anced dermatologist$tested skincare products made for men, b the people who know a mans face best. Gillette omplete is designed to deli"er the fi"e signs of noticeabl health$looking skin in 7ust 1 das

'ead & houlders helps eliminate scalp drness, itch and irritation, for hair  thats 1**8 flake$free with regular use.

hange our look e"er season, e"er da or e"er bofriendJ !here?s an 'erbal Essences thats right for ou.

9 < Pa ge

Brand Management










People who wear '-GO ha"e fun, en7o life and take risks. !he dont care about rules but li"e their life on their own wa. )ndependent, uncon"entional and modern. reati"e people who are on the mo"e. '-GO is the look and feel of ondon, (erlin and Lew Mork B the stle for  indi"idualists.

!he world of (O is dri"en b success and achie"ementN a modern place, et defined b the classic "alues of elegance and stle.

3t Old piceA, were dedicated to staing up$to$date on emerging technologies that  protect ou from odor and wetness, and keep ou smelling great. %ith our new scents and constantl e4panding line of products, its no surprise that Old pice is a top choice among gus.

>or more than 0* ears, Oral$(A has produced the highest$qualit dental hgiene products for ou, our famil and dental professionals worldwide. !rust the brand more dentists use themsel"es worldwide

>or all stages of de"elopment, PampersA has products to help our little one sta clean and comfortable. >rom diapers for babies to pants for toddlers, we"e got our child

; < Pa ge

Brand Management co"ered B with great fit and a little fun, too. %hats more, parenting ad"ice, child$care tips and acti"it ideas can be found online from the e4perts at the Pampers Parenting )nstitute.

%hether ou want to fight fri;;, boost "olume, or add moisture for strength and smoothness, Pantene











 hampoos, conditioners, stlers and treatments

)ts eas to fall in lo"e with the irresistible taste of PringlesA. (ut choosing a fla"orJ Low thats the hard part. %ith so man delicious "arieties, oull want to tr them all. Lo matter














wont stop

A products offer ou delicious filtered water at 1Q1*th of the cost o f bottled water.

afeguardA is the Lo. 1 antibacterial soap worldwide. afeguard is designed to








famil. @ < Pa ge

Brand Management

HicksA pro"ides temporar relief of coughs and cold or flu smptoms.

 Dun hill   caters

to the needs of the discerning man, from formal and casual

menswear, to handcrafted leather goods through to fine men?s accessories, wrist watches, fragrance, cigarettes, writing instruments, cigarsR

P-=3 is the original Fsport lifestleF compan. (uilding on its core sports heritage, it combines the influences of lifestle, music and fashion.

P-=3 >ragrances capture this character b effortlessl 7umping boundaries B between sport and fashion, cultural influences and different design choices. %e pro"ide both colourful, trend  propositions for the teen consumer and more sleek$looking products for oung adults

S,"# ANA)SIS- P&G S#*ENG'#S •

trong financial position

arge scale of operations

trong branding 1 < P a g e

Brand Management •

Product inno"ation

De"eloping markets infrastructure


ustomer concentration

ack of effecti"e distribution in some countries

"PP"*#/NI#IES •

%ide range of demograph

De"eloping markets

 Lew products 3cquisitions

#'*EA#S •

)ncrease in prices of raw materials

-ncertainit in the economic conditions

)ntense competion

-nfa"orable business laws and political unstabilit

Marketing Mi0 !he marketing mi4 is a business tool used in marketing and b marketing professionals. !he marketing mi4 is often when determining a product or brand?s offering and often snonmous with  P?s product , price , promotion and place.

Product P&G manufactures products in following categories. 11 < P a g e

Brand Management Beauty and Grooming Brands

Products in this categor include 3nna ui, >ekkal , Laomi ampbell, afeguard, >usion,  Latural instinct, Lice and Eas, Gillette, Ola, Puma, Pert, Sest, co"er girl, Dunhill fragrances, 'erbal essences etc 'ealt1 and ,ell Being Brands

Products in this brand categor include 3lign, 3lwas, cope, Oral$(, rest, Pur, and Hicks etc. 'ouse1old Care Brands

(rands in this categor are 3ce, harmin, 3riel Down, Gain, !ide, enor, !empo, >air and man more. 3ll these products are produced with greater "ariet in between them. >or instance, afeguard which is soap has soaps of different "arieties like safeguard white and safeguard pink. P& G manufactured products are popular for their e4cellent packaging and design, features and strong brand name.

Price( •

P&G incorporated "alue pricing strateg. !he compan adopted this strateg b cutting its coupon, production and logistical cost b effecti"el increasing efficienc and it

increased its ad"ertising b #* percent. %ithin the period of si4 ears this strateg resulted in higher brand loalt and stronger   brand image. !he strateg of P&G was quite opposite to that of competitors and marketing practices on that time but resulted in greater success. Low das, P&G has the most effecti"e pricing of  its brands and customer loalt is as enough that the are willing to pa e4tra for 

compan?s brands. P&G gi"es discount offers on its different products time to time but not frequentl as it e4perienced in #***s that coupon and discount onl decrease customer?s brand loalt.

Place •

P&G products are a"ailable almost all o"er the world. P&G distributes the products in

about 1* countries to appro4imate fi"e billion consumers. D' courier is a ser"ice pro"ider to the compan through which it ensures its logistical efficienc.

15 < P a g e

Brand Management •

ompan has manufacturing and distribution networks in all ma7or countries where it runs its operations like hina, -3, -K and )ndia.

Promotion •

!his era is an era of ad"ertising. ompanies ha"e to do huge ad"ertisings to sell their   products to the consumers. P&G has an effecti"e promotions strateg with an ad"ertising budget of appro4imatel 5.25 billion dollar in #**9 which makes it world?s number one ad"ertiser T=ikkelson,

(arbara and Da"id, #**0U. P&G recei"ed 3d"ertising 'all of >ame 3ward in #*1*. !he compan uses tele"ision mass ad"ertising in particular, )nternet marketing and other marketing mediums to  promote its brands.

Competitors P&G pro"ides largest and broadest portfolio of products in the household and personal care. )t has a industr worth of # billion dollar brands and generates 8 more re"enue than its closest competitor, -nli"er. P&G also maintains a relati"el high operating margin of #*.28 amongst its competitors. )ts ma7or competitors in Pakistan and %orld$wide are@ • • • •

-nile"er  olgate$Palmoli"e ompan TU /eckitt (enckiser  ocal products

Strategic management of #ide and Ariel O"er"iew of detergent market in Pakistan !otal =arket si;e b "olume V 12#,#11 tons !otal market si;e b "alue V 19 billion

13 < P a g e

Brand Management Detergent market is growing b 0.68 for past # ears ompanies -nile"er P&G olgate Palmoli"e /est

( Holume 0*** 9*** 5**** #5***

( Halue 5 billion # billion 5 billion 1 billion

(rands 3riel urf E4cel (onus E4press !ide /est

( Holume #0*** 0*** 1**** 2*** *** 5*** 1***

( Halue 5 billion #1 billion 12 billion 11billion 0 billion 0 billion  billion

=arket share -rban /ural

( Holume 6 #6

( Halue 69 #1

"2er2ie3 of Ariel Position in Pakistan Parent Company

Procter and Gamble


'ome are brands W detergents



Tagline/ Slogan

irf aadein taa;a rakhe, daag nahi !he product has been in the market for man decades and has established it


image as the product which can remo"e dirtiest and difficult to remo"e stain

STP 1 < P a g e

Brand Management

Premium product W People who want qualit and are read to pa more price Segment

for good qualit product

Target Group

-pper middle class and rich class of the societ Positioned b the special attributes it possesses of cleaning the dirtiest stains


 b micro cleaning sstem in the product

SWOT Analysis

1. %orld leader in detergent segment #. Xualit detergent W can remo"e the toughest stains . 'as made a strong base in the mind of users b "arious inno"ations in marketing Strengt

. 1st to introduce fragrances in the market 1. Harious lower priced products a"ailable in the market


#. trong competitors 1. 06** crore detergent market #.(ig untapped rural market .an use its brand imprint in the minds of people to increase its customer


 base 1.ounterfeit products in rural areas #.3ggressi"e price competition


.3mbush marketing harming the products reputation

1 < P a g e

Brand Management


1. '-?s urf E4cel #.(onus Competitors


 aunc1 of #ide in Pakistan onsidering the launch of !ide in Pakistan lets anal;e the market with the help of Porter?s fi"e forces

Porter4s i2e orces Model !he ob7ecti"e of Porter >i"e >orces =odel is to beat the competition of market b o"ercoming the challenges offered b ri"al companies. !he fi"e forces model was analsis de"eloped b =ichael E. Porter in 1969. 3ccording to this model the fi"e forces that can affect the profits of  compan and can help to determine the pre"ailing competition in market are@ • • • • •

 Lew competition threat !hreat due to substitute ser"ices or products (argaining Power of suppliers (argaining Power of (uers !hreat of established ri"als

>rom the abo"e mentioned factors three are part of hori;ontal competition that are marketing threats of ri"als, new entrants and of substitute products. 'owe"er, bargain power of customers and suppliers are "ertical competition factors. Harious companies use this model as checklist for  de"eloping an marketing strateg and also use :Halue hain< along with this model.

1 < P a g e

Brand Management #1reat of Ne3 Entrants Due to the "ast range of Procter and Gamble products, it is "er hard for a new compan to come and participate. 'owe"er, the compan holds considerable shares of market and also has established reputations therefore, no new entrant can compete with the compan without hea" amount of capital and complete marketing strateg based on comprehensi"e research. !hough small companies with speciali;ation in particular products can offer competition to Procter and gamble in specific areas.

Bargain Po3er of Supplier !he bargain power of supplier is coped with mutuall dependent relationship of compan with its suppliers. Procter and Gamble request some good materials in order to produce products of  good qualit and sell them at sensible price. ikewise, suppliers in market are alwas in search of reputed clients that can help them to generate good amount of re"enue. !he standard reputation maintained b Procter and Gamble offers ad"antage to the compan in this regard. !herefore, the pre"ailing crisis of credit and fluctuation in interest rates do not affect the terms of  compan with suppliers.

Bargain po3er of Consumers 3s with the bargaining power that is alarmed b the costumers, Procter and Gamble can deal with it easil. !he wide range of household products produced b compan maintains the re"enue of compan e"en in time of recession. )t is due to the tpe of "arious products and the demands of products in e"erda life of consumers, that this compan plas an effecti"e role in reducing rate of recession in econom of Pakistan.

#1reat of Su!stitute Products 3lthough Procter & Gamble has to deal with the presence of "arious substitutes in market nowadas, howe"er qualit offered b P&G in its all products ensure the sustainabilit of  compan in market all o"er the world. )n this regard compan has adopted "ariet of  collaboration strategies with their customers in order to de"elop better understanding of  consumer demands and their response.

19 < P a g e

Brand Management !hese factors allow the industr to know about their buers that are the happ with Procter and Gamble products or will choose some other brand o"er Procter and Gamble. !he qualit in Procter and Gamble products is alwas maintained and it ensures costumer trustworthiness.

#1reat of esta!lis1ed ri2als Procter and Gamble is one of most successful compan offering qualit products in present times. >or more than half of a centur this compan is dominating the world of household  products in different parts of world. !his success of compan is because of fle4ible attitude of  compan towards modifing user requirements and shifting market conditions. !he successful marketing and business strategies of compan ensures growth in re"enue and constant reputation in world of business. )t is a buer oriented industr which is read to know about the requirement of their costumers sooner than an other. P&G is now familiar with the business war going in the market but it has also formed a business map to compete. %ith Porter?s fi"e forces model Procter and Gamble can successfull eradicate its ri"al companies and beat the co mpetition anwhere in world.

S1ould P&G Pakistan add 5#ide +etergent6 in its portfolio or not7 Keeping in "iew the :Porter?s fi"e forces model and the abo"e statistics ) think P&G Pakistan must include :!ide Detergent< in its portfolio. !here are number of reasons for this@ >irst of all if we look at the abo"e figures !ide has alread maintained its share in the market of  Pakistan and eating the share of 3riel but the sale of !ide is not adding in the account of P&G Pakistan which is a complete loss in terms of figures to P&G Pakistan. o to a"oid the loss P&G Pakistan must stop the import of !ide and start its manufacturing in Pakistan b its own for its own benefit and that will also count in the econom of Pakistan econdl, !ide has alread maintained its image in the mind of Pakistanis so there is no need of  e4tra ad"ertisement campaigns.

1; < P a g e

Brand Management Pros and Cons of launc1ing #ide in Pakistani Market P*"4s • • • • •

)ncrease in the sales of P&G Pakistan ittle ad"ertisement needed 3"ailable in different forms , powder , liquid Perfumed forms  Lo need to educate people about the brand

C"N4s • •

%ill eat up the share of 3riel (oth are high end products

Conclusion P&G Pakistan onl has 3riel to cater onl one segment. )t must bring :!ide< in the market to regain its position as =arket leader and to compete in the market.

1@ < P a g e

Brand Management


%herrit, onstance T#**2U. FDial 3grees to (u P&G Deodorant (randsF. Pierce =attie

Public /elations Lew Mork blog. Der, Da"isN >rederick Dal;ell, /owena Olegario T#**U. /ising !ide@ essons from 120

Mears of (rand (uilding at Procter & Gamble. 'ar"ard (usiness chool Press. =ikkelson, (arbara and Da"id. T#**0U. !ampa4 Pearl,  'orstman, (arr = T#**0U. Fohn G. 'ankus@ 'e rebuilt P&G W and cit, tooF. !he

incinnati Post. [email protected]

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