Brain wave 3 sample paper Class-X

March 22, 2017 | Author: Nilesh Gupta | Category: N/A
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Brain Wave Sample Test Paper Class - X Time : 1 Hr.

Maximum Marks : 50


The Question Paper contains 3 part & total 50 questions :

PART -I (MATHEMATICS & MENTAL ABILITY) Questions 1–20 of 1 mark each.

PART-II (GENERAL SCIENCE) Questions 21–40 of 1 mark each.

PART-III (ENGLISH) English Questions 41–50 of 1 mark each. 2.

The OMR sheet given in the examination hall is the Answer Sheet.


Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculators, mobile or any other electronic gadgets in any form is not allowed.


Before answering the paper, fill up the required details in the blank spaces provided in the answer sheet.


Each Question carries 1 marks. ‘0.25’ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. So attempt each question carefully.


In case of any dispute, the answer filled in the OMR sheet available with the institute shall be final.


Write your Name and Roll No. in the space provided in the bottom of this booklet.

Name : ____________________________________________ Roll No. :_______________________________ PCCP Head Office: Address : J-2, Jawahar Nagar, Main Road, Kota (Rajasthan)-324005 Contact. No. : +91-0744-2434727, 8824078330, Fax : 0744-2427146 Website : E-mail : [email protected]


If x 

1 1 16 = 2 then x  16 is equal to : x x

(A) 16

(B) 2

(C) 32

(D) None of these


Twelve years hence a person will be four times as he was twelve years ago, then his present age is (A) 20 years (B) 25 years (C) 28 years (D) 30 years


The sum of one half, one third and one fourth of a number exceed the number itself by 12. The number is : (A) 72 (B) 144 (C) 180 (D) 244


A train overtakes two persons walking along a railway track. The first one walks at 4.5 km/hr. The other one walks at 5.4 km/ hr. The train needs 8.4 and 8.5 seconds respectively to over take them. What is the speed of the train if both the persons are walking in the same direction as the train ? (A) 63 km/hr (B) 72 km/hr (C) 99 km/hr (D) 81 km/hr


Twelve men can complete a work in 8 days. Three days after they started the work, 3 more men joined them. In how many days will all of them together complete the remaining work ? (A) 2 day (B) 4 day (C) 5 day (D) 6 day


Two circles touch externally. The sum of their areas is 130  sq cm and the distance between their centres is 14 cm. The radii of the circles are : (A) 11 cm and 3 cm (B) 10 cm and 2 cm (C) 9 cm and 1 cm (D) 8 cm and 1 cm


Find the sum of all odd natural numbers less than 200. (A) 1000 (B) 10100 (C) 9900

(D) 10000


f(x) and g(x) are two polynomial with integer coefficient such that their H.C.F. is 1 and L.C.M. is (x2 – 4) (x4 – 1). If f(x) = x3 – 2x2 – x + 2, then g(x) is : (A) x3 – 2x2 + x + 2 (B) x3 – 2x2 + x – 2 (C) x3 + 2x2 + x + 2 (D) x3 – 2x2 – x – 2


In the adjoining figure, the point D divides the side BC of ABC in the ratio m : n, then the ar (ABD) : ar(ADC) are in the ratio :



(A) n : m 10.

(B) m : n



(C) n2 : m2

(D) m2 : n2

Two circles of radii a and b (a > b) touch each other externally. ST is a common tangent touching the circles at S and T respectively, then ST2 is equal to–

(A) a + b

(B) ab

(C) 2ab

(D) 4ab


Direction : (11 to 12) Find the missing numbers : 11.

0, 6, 20, 42, 72, ? (A) 106

(B) 112





4 25



(A) 15 13.


(C) 110

(D) 108

(C) 17

(D) 18

64 4

49 ?




(B) 16

In a certain code, 678 means how are they, 347 means how is life and 569 means they were wonderful. Which numeral in that language means they ? (A) 6


(C) 8

(D) 3

In a certain code, COMPUTER is written as RFUVQNPC. How is MEDICINE written in the same code ? (A) MFEDJJOE


(B) 7




In a class of 35 students, Kunal is placed seventh from the bottom where as Sonali is placed ninth from the top. Pulkit is placed exactly in between the two. What is Kunal’s position from Pulkit ? (A) 9


(C) 11

(D) 13

If Anil is the brother of the son of Sunil’s son, what is the relationship between Anil and Sunil? (A) Cousin


(B) 10

(B) Brother

(C) Nephew

(D) Grandson

A man walked 3 metres towards North, turned West and walked 2 metres then turned North and walked 1 metre and finally turned East and walked 5 metres. How far is he from the starting point ? (A) 5 km


(C) 10 km

(D) 12 km

Which one of the following figures represents the relationship among DOCTORS ; WOMEN and MEN ?

(A) 19.

(B) 8 km




Two positions of a dice are given below–

When 4 is at the bottom, what number will be at the top ? (A) 5 20.

(B) 6

(C) 1

(D) 3

How many triangles are there in the following figure ?

(A) 25

(B) 20

(C) 29

(D) None of these



A train 50 m long passes over a bridge at a velocity of 30 km/h. If it takes 36 s to cross the bridge, then the length of the bridge will be : (A) 100 m (B) 200 m (C) 250 m (D) 300 m


The second’s hand of a watch is 2 cm long. The speed of the tip of this hand is : (A) 0.21 cm/s (B) 2.1 cm/s (C) 21.0 cm/s (D) None of these


The velocity of an object is directly proportional to the time elapsed, the object has :


(A) uniform speed

(B) uniform velocity

(C) uniform acceleration

(D) variable acceleration

A body of mass 20 kg is kept initially at rest. A force of 80 N is applied on the body then the acceleration produced in the body is 3 m/s2, force of friction acting on the body is : (A) 80 N


(B) 12 N


(D) zero

For the same kinetic energy, the momentum shall be minimum for : (A) electron


(C) 20 N

(B) proton

(C) neutron

(D) alpha particle

Acceleration due to gravity will be zero at : (A) 100 km above the surface of earth

(B) 1000 km above the surface of earth

(C) 106 km above the surface of earth

(D) the centre of earth

A sonar echo takes 4.4s to return from a submarine. If the speed of sound in water is 1500 ms–1, then the distance of submarine from the sonar is : (A) 1500 m


(C) 3300 m

(D) 3600 m

If a wave completes 20 vibrations in 2.5 s, then its frequency is : (A) 200 Hz


(B) 3000 m

(B) 50 Hz

(C) 8 Hz

(D) 20 Hz

(B) 0.42 cal

(C) 2.4 cal

(D) 0.24 cal

1 joule is equal to : (A) 4.2 cal


For physics point view 'Work' means measured as : (A) fora/displacement (B) fora x displacement (C) fora x (displacement)2 (D) None of these


A chemical equation is balanced in accordance with the law of -


(A) conservation of mass

(B) multiple proportion

(C) constant proportion

(D) reciprocal proportion

A sample of CaCO3 has Ca = 40%, C = 12% and O = 48%. If the law of constant proportion is true then the weight of Ca in 16 g of CaCO3 made from different processes will be (A) 64 g


(B) 0.64 g

(C) 6.4 g

(D) 4.6 g

(C) KCl, Cl2O, K2O

(D) H2S, SO2, H2O

Law of reciprocal proportion is not obeyed by (A) P2O3, PH3, H2O

(B) SO3, SO2, O2




Law of multiple proportion is not obeyed by (A) oxide of phosphorus

(B) oxide of nitrogen

(C) oxide of aluminium

(D) oxide of carbon

Two elements (X) and (Y) combine to form compound (A) and (B). For the fixed mass of (X), masses of (Y) combine are in 3 : 7 ratio. If in (A), 4 g of (X) combine with 12 g of (Y), then in (B), 8 g of (X) will combine with --------- g of (Y). (A) 8


(C) 1 gm

(D) 1.2 gm

(B) 14.25

(C) 14.15

(D) 14

(B) 9.1090 ×10–28 g

(C) 1.6725 × 10–24 kg

(D) None of these

Which particle has a constant charge to mass ratio for all matter ? (A) Proton


(B) 0.3 gm

The mass of a proton is (A) 1.6725 × 10–24 g


(D) 24

Ratio of N-14 and N-15 in a sample of nitrogen is 272 : 1 . the average atomic mass of nitrogen is(A) 14.5


(C) 28

The solubility of a salt at 40ºC is 25 gm and at 100ºC it is 75 gm. A saturated solution of 1.5 gm of the salt is cooled from 100ºC to 40ºC. How much salt will settle down ? (A) 5 gm


(B) 56

(B) Neutron

(C) Electron

(D) None of these

What is wrong about canal rays ? (A) Their e/m ratio is constant. (B) They are deflected by electrical and magnetic fields. (C) They are produced by ionisation of molecules of the residual gas. (D) They do not originate from the anode.


PART-III (ENGLISH) Directions (Q. 41 to 42) Nalanda was purchased by about 500 merchants and given to the Lord Budha, who preached the Divine Laws for three months. The women's convent was surrounded by a brick enclosure with one gate which gave admittance to the great college. We are told that the richly adorned turrets and towers resembled pointed hill-tops and were lost in the clouds. They were used for astronomical observations. The resident priests and students numbered 10,000. The priests were dignified and grave, respected by their students and by the temporal powers-the Kings of neighbouring territories. The revenue of about a hundred villages was given as an endowment to the monastery, so that its inmates were well supplied with rice, butter and milk etc. 41.


Turrets and towers were used for (A) having a view of the city of Nalanda

(B) astronomical purposes

(C) the calculation of time

(D) providing accommodation to the teachers

Women's convent was surrounded by (A) turrets and towers

(B) ponds

(C) eight halls and 303 rooms

(D) a brick enclosure with one gate

Direction : (Q.43) Rearrange P, Q, R and S to form a meaningful sentences 43.

Ashoka was successful P. by the cruelty and horrors of war Q. but he was so disgusted R. in his military operations S. and alone among conquerors. T. that he renounced it (A) RSQP




Direction (Q. 44) Choose the word opposite in meanting to the capitalized word 44.


(B) compress

(C) restrict

(D) elaborate

Direction : (45) Out of the given alternatives; choose the one which can be substituted for the gIven words or sentence. 45.

A person who has just started learning. (A) exorcist

(B) foreman

(C) supervisor

(D) apprentice


Direction : (Q. 46) For each of the following sentences four alternatives are given. You are required to choose the correct meaning of the idioms given in italics in the sentences. 46.

His most trusted friend proved to be a snake in the grass. (A) cowardly and brutal

(B) an unreliable and deceitful person .

(C) a hidden enemy.

(D) low and mean

Direction : (Q. 47) Complete the following sentences with the correct options. 47.

Although our preparations for the debate were _________, the actual debate turned into a surprising and _________ victory for our school. (A) acceptable, stunning

(B) excellent, thrilling

(C) flimsy, amateur

(D) inadequate, heartwarming

Direction : (Q. 48) Pick out the pair of words which share the same relationship as that of the given pair of words :


Which pair is related to each other in the same way as ‘State and District’ ? (A) Cockpit : Aeroplane (B) Judge : Court

(C) Market : Shop

(D) Europe : Euro

Directions ( Q. 49 to 50) Choose the correct spelling from the set of given spellings of a word.


(A) renissence

(B) renaisance

(C) renaissance

(D) renissance


(A) comeittee

(B) comittee

(C) commitee

(D) committe

Ques Ans Ques Ans Ques Ans Ques Ans

1 B 16 D 31 A 46 C

2 A 17 A 32 C 47 D

3 B 18 B 33 B 48 C

4 D 19 A 34 C 49 C

5 B 20 C 35 B 50 D

6 A 21 C 36 C

7 D 22 D 37 D

8 C 23 C 38 A

9 B 24 C 39 C

10 D 25 A 40 A

11 C 26 D 41 B

12 C 27 C 42 D

13 A 28 C 43 B

14 D 29 D 44 D

15 B 30 A 45 D


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