Brain wave 3 sample paper Class-IX

March 22, 2017 | Author: Nilesh Gupta | Category: N/A
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Brain Wave Sample Test Paper Class - IX Time : 1 Hr.

Maximum Marks : 50


The Question Paper contains 3 part & total 50 questions :

PART -I (MATHEMATICS & MENTAL ABILITY) Questions 1–20 of 1 mark each.

PART-II (GENERAL SCIENCE) Questions 21–40 of 1 mark each.

PART-III (ENGLISH) English Questions 41–50 of 1 mark each. 2.

The OMR sheet given in the examination hall is the Answer Sheet.


Blank papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculators, mobile or any other electronic gadgets in any form is not allowed.


Before answering the paper, fill up the required details in the blank spaces provided in the answer sheet.


Each Question carries 1 marks. ‘0.25’ marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. So attempt each question carefully.


In case of any dispute, the answer filled in the OMR sheet available with the institute shall be final.


Write your Name and Roll No. in the space provided in the bottom of this booklet.

Name : ____________________________________________ Roll No. :_______________________________ PCCP Head Office: Address : J-2, Jawahar Nagar, Main Road, Kota (Rajasthan)-324005 Contact. No. : +91-0744-2434727, 8824078330, Fax : 0744-2427146 Website : E-mail : [email protected]


If the mean of four consecutive even numbers is 15. Then first number will be ? (A) 10

(B) 8 5


5 5 If   x   3 3

(A) 3.


(C) 12

(D) 6

(C) 2


(C) 5(a + b – 1)

(D) 5(a – b – 1)


5    , then x = ? 3

1 2

(B) –2

1 2

Simplify : – 3 (a + b) + 2(2a – b) + 4a – 5 (A) 5(a – b + 1)


(B) 5(a + b + 1)

Let x, y and z be distinct integers x and y are odd and positive, and z is even and positive. Which one of the following statements cannot be true ? (A) (x – z)2y is even


(C) (x – z)y is odd

(D) (x – y)2z is even

Which of the following can not be the measures of the sides of a triangle : (A) {15, 7, 8}


(B) (x – z)y2 is odd

(B) {3. 5, 4.5, 5.5}

(C) {3, 2.5, 1}

(D) {5, 4, 4.5}

I n the given figure, if EC || AB, ECD =70º and  BDO = 20º, then  OBD is (A) 20º (B) 50º (C) 60º (D) 70º


Median of the values 37, 31, 42, 43, 46, 25, 39, 45, 32 is : (A) 29


(B) 39

–1  3  6 – 1       2  



(D) None of these

(C) 1 : 3

(D) 2 : 3

If A : B = 3 : 4, B : C = 2 : 3 then, A : C = (A) 1 : 2


(C) 37

2 3

(B) 5 : 3 –1

= ?


5 6


If x = 1, y = – 1and z = – 1, then the value of


1 3

(B) –

1 3

6 5

(D) None of these

x 2 yz 2 is : 3

(C) 1

(D) – 1


Direction (11 to 13): Find the missing terms : 11.


4, 5, 6, 9, 8, 13, 10, ? (A) 11

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) 17

AN, OB, CP, QD, ? (A) ER

(B) ES

(C) FR

(D) EQ

(A) 120

(B) 100

(C) 125

(D) 64



Ankur is taller than Anil, but not taller than Ashish. Ashish is smaller than Manish who is not taller than Nishant. Who in this group is tallest ? (A) Ashish (B) Manish (C) Nishant (D) Ankur


Which one of the four diagrams given below represents educated persons, musicians and singers ?

(A) 16.




A boy started walking towards West. He turned to his right, then again right and finally to his left. Now in which direction he is walking ? (A) East (B) West (C) North (D) South

17. (A) 12

(B) 10

(C) 11

(D) 0

Directions :(18) Which sequence of letters when placed at the blanks one after the other will complete the given letter series ? 18.

b–abbc–bbca–bcabb–ab (A) cabc (B) acaa

(C) acba

(D) cacc

Direction : (19) In the following question, some figures are given in a sequence. Find out the figure from the alternatives, which will come in place of the question mark to continue the sequence. 19.





Direction (20) : Select a figure from the four alternatives, which when placed in the blank space of figure (X) would complete the pattern.









Electric bell : (A) has filament

(B) has an electromagnet

(C) works on heating effect of current

(D) can be used as a switch

When the switch is in the off state : (A) The circuit from the positive terminal of the battery to the negative terminal is complete (B) The circuit is said to be open circuit. (C) Current flows throughout the circuit instantaneously (D) The circuit is close circuit


A 10°C rise in temperature is equal to : (A) 10°F




(C) expansion

(D) contraction

(C) 20 °C

(D) 30 °C

(C) convection

(D) evaporation

(B) 10 °C

(B) radiation

(B) year

(C) day

(D) interval

(A) digital clock

(B) bob of the wall clock

(C) moving car

(D) movement of a pedestrian

Which is blood borne disease (B) Heptitis-B

(C) Hepatitis-C

(D) All of the above

(C) Helminth

(D) Hydatid- cyst

Commonest worm infestation in childhood (A) Hookworm


(B) temperature

The most common example of periodic motion is a :

(A) HIV 31.

(D) igloos

The time between one new moon to the next can be called a : (A) month


(C) asbestos houses

Sweating causes cooling by : (A) conduction


(B) tin houses

The value of 32°F in centigrade scale is : (A) 0 °C


(D) 9°F

Air around us exerts : (A) pressure


(C) 50°F

Eskimos live in : (A) mud houses


(B) 18°F

(B) Ascariasis

The acidic soil is not good for healthy growth of plants. This type of soil is neutralized by adding : (A) hydrochloric acid to the soil

(B) calcium oxide (CaO) to the soil

(C) sodium oxide to the soil

(D) formic acid to the soil

Wool is a / an : (A) fibre obtained from cocoon

(B) artificial fibre

(C) animal fibre

(D) plant fibre



Silk thread woven by silkworm around its larva is made up of : (A) carbohydrate



(C) reeling.

(D) moulting.

(B) formic acid

(C) acetic acid

(D) tartaric acid

(B) base.

(C) salt

(D) none of these

(C) an salt

(D) none of these

Milk of magnesia is used as (A) an base


(B) sericulture.

The factory wastes are neutralised by adding (A) water


(D) oil

Acid present in the sting of an ant is (A) hydrochloric acid


(C) protein

The splitting of woollen web into fine thin strands for spinning is called : (A) roving.


(B) fat

(B) an antacid.

The coconut fibres are converted into fabric by the processes of (A) Ginning

(B) Knitting

(C) Weaving and spinning

(D) Sewing

The science of raising silk worms to obtain silk is known as (A) apiculture.

(B) sericulture.

(C) horticulture.

(D) pisciculture.


PART-III (ENGLISH) Direction (41) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Today perhaps your only association with the word ‘polio’ is the Sabin Oral Vaccine that protects children from the disease. Fifty-five years ago, this was not so. The dreaded disease, which mainly affects the brain and the spinal cord, causes stiffening and weakening of the muscles, crippling and paralysis - which is why I am in a wheelchair today. If somebody had predicted, when I was born, that was would happen to me, no one would have believed it. I was the seventh child in a family of four pairs of brothers and sisters, with a huge 23 year gap between the first and last. I was told that, unlike the others, I was so fair and brown-haired that I looked more like a foreigner than a Dawood Bohri. I was also considered to be the healthiest of the brood. 41.

In his childhood, the narrator said “more like a foreigner than a Dawood Bohri” This was because he was (A) a foreign child

(B) a very healthy boy

(C) tall and smart

(D) fair and brown - haired

Direction (42) Select the pair among the given choices which is related in the same way as the words given in CAPITAL letters. 42.

PARISH : FAVOURITE : : (A) Nephew : Son

(B) Outcast : Chosen

(C) Hypnotism : Victim (D) Chosen : Accepted

Direction (43) Arrange P, Q, R and S in order to complete the process : 43.

1. In order to enable P. their cropping pattern Q. kisans to rationally determine R. notified by the Government S. support prices are being 6. in advance of the sowing (A) QPSR




Direction : (44) In the following questions, choose the words that show the same relationship as given in the questions. 44.

‘Dog’ is related to ‘Puppy’ in the same way as ‘Horse’ is related to (A) Foal

(B) Colt

(C) Calf

(D) Cub

Direction - (45) Read each sentence to find if there is any grammatical error in it. If there is any error, it will be only in one part of the sentence.The number or alphabet of that part is your answer. (Disregard punctuation errors,if any.) 45.

The father as well as / the sons were / mysteriously missing / from the house (A)





Direction (46) In each of the following questions, a sentence is given with a blank to be filled in with an appropriate word. Four alternatives are suggested for each questions. Choose the correct alternative. 46.

In these days of inflation, the cost of consumer goods is ...... (A) Climbing

(B) Raising

(C) Ascending

(D) Soaring

Directions : (47) Choose the exact meaning of the idioms/phrases. 47.

Our shcool is within a stone’s throw of the railway station. (A) very far-off

(B) with a certain radius

(C) at a short distance

(D) within a definite circumference

Directions : (48) Out of the given alternatives; choose the one which can be substituted for the given words or sentence. 48.

A place good for the mentally sick. (A) asylum

(B) sanitorium

(C) hospital

(D) resort

Direction : (49 to 50) Replace the word given in bold and italics with the correct option so as to make the sentence most effective and meaningful. 49.

Due to rough weather the number of ships crossing the channel last week is very small. (A) are being

(B) are

(C) were

(D) was

Direction : (50) In the following question four words are given. Choose the incorrect spelling. 50.

Que s Ans Que s Ans Que s Ans Que s Ans

(A) Vacuum

1 C 16 C 31 A 46 D

2 B 17 C 32 B 47 C

(B) Allergy

3 D 18 A 33 C 48 A

4 A 19 D 34 C 49 D

5 A 20 B 35 A 50 D

(C) Anxiety

6 B 21 B 36 B

7 B 22 B 37 B

8 A 23 B 38 B

9 C 24 D 39 C

(D) Ankel

10 B 25 A 40 B

11 D 26 A 41 D

12 A 27 D 42 B

13 C 28 A 43 A

14 C 29 B 44 B

15 A 30 D 45 B


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