Central herniation (a.k.a transtentorial a.k.a tentorial herniation) sually more chronic than uncal herniation •
4.g. tumor / rontal! parietal or occipital lo'es Diencephalon orced through tentorial incisura *ituitary stal0 may 'e sheared dia'etes insipidus *#As may 'e trapped along the open edge o the incisura / may occlude cortical 'lindness $rainstem ischemia rom compression and shearing perorating arteries rom 'asilar artery haemorrhage 3ithin 'rainstem Duret Hemorrhage
Central herniation •
Mechanism : do3n3ard displacement o cere'ral hemisphere and the 'asal nuclei compressing and displacing the diencephalon and the mid'rain rostrocaudally through the tentorial notch Imaging fndings : • • •
#ontralateral cere'ral peduncle may 'e compressed against the tentorial edge causing ipsilateral hemiplegia +BernohanCs phenomenon! alse locali7ing sign,
Somnolence Decere'rate posturing
Right hemispheric chronic SDH with gross midline shift and eacement of perimesencephalic cistern, subfalcine and transtentorial herniation. P ostoperative axial CT head showing left PCA territory infarct.
Bernohan notch : made 'y tentorial edge on cere'ral peduncle contralateral to side o hemispheric mass lesion. BernohanEs notch phenomenon is the ipsilateral hemiplegia caused 'y compression o the contralateral cere'ral peduncle against the tentorial edge 'y a supratentorial mass
Small reacti?e pupils Headache Somnolence #ontralateral leg paralysis
!onsillar herniation •
Mechanism : a mass e6ect in the posterior ossa causing the cere'ellar tonsils herniatingprotruding 'elo3 the oramen magnum compressing the medulla and upper cer?ical cord Imaging : •
#ere'ellar tonsils at le?el o dens on a9ial images #ere'ellar tonsils on sagittal images mm 'elo3 oramen magnum +;mm in children,
Clinical maniestation •
Hypertension:'radycardia:'radypnea #oma %espiratory arrest #ardiac arrhytmia $ilateral arm dyesthesia
!onsillar herniation
U"#ard cereellar herniation •
Mechanism : inratentorial mass e6ect protruding up3ard compressing the mid'rain Imaging : •
Spinning top appearance o mid'rain •
due to com"ression ilaterally on the "osterolateral as"ects o the midrain as the "osterior ossa s$uee%es through the incisura rom elo#
#onJugate or slightly di?ergent ro?ing eyesK i conJugate the 'rainstem intact. sually positi?e DollCs eyes and conJugate ipsilateral response to #old Later #alorics +#L#,. "mpaired upga7e due to compression o superior colliculi and diencephalic pretectum +*arinaudCs syndrome, DollCs eyes #L# impaired! may 'e dysconJugate. MGF lesion internuclear opthalmoplegia +3hen dollCs or #L# elicited and dysconJugate! medially mo?ing eye mo?es less than laterally mo?ing eye. DollCs eyes and #L# unelicita'le
4arly@ appropriate response to no9ious stimuli! 'ilateral $a'ins0i! gegenhelten +para tonic resistance,. " pre?iously hemiparetic! may 3orsen. Gater @ motionlessness grasp ree9es! then Decorticate +initially contralateral to lesion,
):mm! 89ed
%egular! shallo3 and rapid +&>: ->min,
):mm 89ed
Slo3! irregular rate and depth! sighsgasps. Hyperpnea alternate 3ith apnea. Normal
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