BR FI User Interface Control of SAPMF05A

April 27, 2017 | Author: AndreLuisNeves | Category: N/A
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BR FI User Interface Control of SAPMF05A...




Technical Documentation

User Interface Control of  SAPMF05A By the Department

FiBuS SAP AG  Neurottstraße 16 16 D-69190 Walldorf  Germany

For internal use only

no material nr. i

Juni 199 ! 19

Table Of Contents Table Of Contents

Table Table Of Contents.......................... Contents.................................................. ............................................... .................................................................. ............................................. .. Table Table Of Figures........................ Figures............................................... .............................................. .............................................. ................................................. .......................... iii iii Table Table Of Tables................ Tables....................................... .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. .................................... ............. iv Preface................. Preface........................................ .............................................. .............................................. .............................................. ..................................................1 ...........................1 1. Responsibilities of SAPMF05A.............................. SAPMF05A..................................................... ...................................................... ............................... ......3 1.1 "es#onsi$il "es#onsi$ility ity %&am#le of t'e Finan(e A##li(ation. A##li(ation...... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............) .......) 1.* "es#onsi$il "es#onsi$ility ity %&am#le %&am#le for Data %ntry..... %ntry.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ......... ......... .......... .......... ............... ..................+ ........+ 1.) A((ountin, A((ountin, nterfa(e nterfa(e s. SAP/F0A SAP/F0A..... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............. ...................9 ..........9 . Screen Control......................... Control................................................ .............................................. ................................................................... ............................................ 1! *.1 asi( usiness usiness Stru(tures.. Stru(tures....... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............. ................... ............... ..... 12 *.* Prin(i#le Prin(i#le 3ontrol 3ontrol Flo4 $et4een differe different nt S(reens....... S(reens............ .......... .......... .......... .......... .............. ................... ............ .. *0 *.) Determine Determine Follo4-u# Follo4-u# S(reen 4it' Footer.... Footer......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ........ ... *2 *.2 S(reen Sele(tion Sele(tion and S(reen /odifi(ation. /odifi(ation...... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .............. ................... ............... ..... * *.2.1 S(reen Sele(tion for 5ine tem S(reens............................................. S(reens............................................................ ............... *+ *.2.* Field Sele(tion...................... Sele(tion............................................. .............................................. ..................................................... .............................. *9 *.2.*.1 %&ternal Field Sele(tion........................................... Sele(tion................................................................... ........................ .... )0 *.2.*.* nternal Field Sele(tion........................................... Sele(tion................................................................ ............................. ........ )9 *.2.*.) 3odin, lo(......................... lo(................................................ .............................................. ........................................ ................. 21 *.2.*.2 Field Sele(tion 4it' Fast %ntry..................... %ntry............................................................ ....................................... 2 Appen"i#............................ Appen"i#.................................................... ............................................... .............................................. ....................................................... ................................ !$ A. Mo"eling Te Tec%ni&ues Su''ar(..................... Su''ar(............................................ .............................................. ........................................... .................... 50 A.1 lo( Dia,ram........................................... Dia,ram.................................................................. .............................................. .......................................... ................... 0 A.* /-S%"/ Dia,ram............................................ Dia,ram................................................................... ....................................................... ................................ 1 A.) 5ayered Stru(ture Dia,ram............................................. Dia,ram.................................................................... ............................................ ..................... * ). *'ple'entation Aspects................... Aspects.......................................... .............................................. .............................................. ................................... ............ 53

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


Table Of Figures Fi,ure 1 Fi,ure * Fi,ure Fi,ure ) Fi,ure Fi,ure 2 Fi,ure  Fi,ure Fi,ure 6 Fi,ure Fi,ure + Fi,ure Fi,ure  Fi,ure Fi,ure 9

lo( dia,ram 7 noi(e re(ei#t............................ re(ei#t.................................................... ............................................... ......................................... .................. ... A(tiity dia,ram7 noi(e re(ei#t.............................................. re(ei#t..................................................................... ............................................ ..................... ... A(tiity A(tiity dia,ram7 %&am#le %&am#le of $asi( $usiness $usiness #ro(esses7 lo,isti( lo,isti( ie4......... ie4.............. .......... .......... .......... ......... ........ A(tiity A(tiity dia,ram7 %&am#le %&am#le of $asi( $usiness $usiness #ro(esses7 finan(e finan(e ie4......... ie4.............. .......... .......... .......... ......... ........ lo( dia,ram7 A((ountin, nterfa(e.......................... nterfa(e................................................. .......................................................... ................................... . lo( dia,ram7 dia,ram7 Pro#a,atin Pro#a,atin, , a((ountin, a((ountin, information information ia F8D3: F8D3:/%N;8 /%N;8P"3% P"3%SS... SS..... .. . 3lass dia,ram7 dia,ram7 asi( o$;ransa(tion >;ransa(tion 21?...................... . Fi,ure 1 A(tiity dia,ram7 Settin, s(reen field attri$utes $y field sele(tion....................................... sele(tion......................................... 1 Fi,ure 16 lo( Dia,ram7 A((ountin, A((ountin, lo(  ............................................. .................................................................... .......................................... ................... . Fi,ure 1+ A(tiity dia,ram7 %m$eddin, of A((ountin, A((ountin, lo( Su$s(reen into tem S(reen for G!5 A((ounts.22 A((ounts.22 Fi,ure 1 lo( Dia,ram7 Field Sele(tion for Fast %ntry...................................... %ntry............................................................ ............................... ......... . Fi,ure 19 lo( Dia,ram7 m#lementation of t'e A((ountin, A((ountin, lo( /ana,er.................................... /ana,er.................................... . Fi,ure *0 5ayer Dia,ram7 m#lementation of t'e S(reen Sele(tion and S(reen /odifi(ation............. /odifi(ation........... ....

Juni 1998 / 19

ii i

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


Table Of Tables ;a$le ;a$le 1 %ents of t'e "W nterfa(e.............................................. nterfa(e...................................................................... .................................................... ............................ 1* ;a$le * %ntries from data$ase ta$le ;019 4it' s(reen (lass  >#ost? and @ >#ost 4it' (learin,?.... *+ ;a$le ;a$le ) 3lassifi(ation of s#e(ial G!5 indi(ator >transa(tion? from data$ase ta$le ;0+2: >;0+2;?. * ;a$le ;a$le 2 "esultin, /odifier for %&ternal Field Sele(tion............................................................. Sele(tion.................................................................. ..... )1 ;a$le  /a##in, $et4een (lasses and relations s'o4n in Fi,ure 1* and data$ase ta$les............... )+


Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


Preface Prefa(e

;'e follo4 follo4in, in, re#ort re#ort des(ri des(ri$es $es t'e moti motiatio ation n (on(e# (on(e#ts ts and im#lem im#lement entatio ation n of t'e user  user  interfa(e desi,n inside t'e do(ument #ostin, transa(tions B transa(tions $ased on module #ool SAP/F0A - of t'e finan(e a##li(ation. ;'e module #ool SAP/F0A defines a ,eneri( ma('ine for online data (olle(tion to #ost F do(uments 4it' and 4it'out (learin,. t allo4s to insert an F do(ument online leadin, t'e user t'rou,' different s(reens. ;'e a##earan(e and $e'aior of t'e ma('ine may $e ada#ted to an F (ustomerCs needs $y allo4in, t'e (ustomer to define o4n F do(ument and line item ty#es resultin, from different $usiness transa(tions. t is also #ossi$le to define (ountry (om#any or een user s#e(ifi( $e'aior. W'en readin, t'e te&t t'e reader s'ould al4ays refer to t'e models for a $etter understandin,. n addition it is easier to remem$er t'e information later 4'en looin, at t'e models t'an readin, t'e (om#lete te&t. ;'ere are some im#lementation notes and footnotes e&#lainin, details not im#ortant for t'e understandin, of t'e (on(e#ts. A reader ne4 at SAP s'ould si# t'e im#lementation notes.

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Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


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UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


1 Resp Respon onsi sibi bili liti ties es of SAPM SAPMF0 F05A 5A ;'is ('a#ter ,ies a $rief des(ri#tion of t'e res#onsi$ilities of t'e finan(e >F? a##li(ations in ,eneral and t'e F #ostin, a##li(ations $ased on module  #ool SAP/F0A - for e&am#le  post document (FB01), post with clearing  (FB05) and invoice/credit invoice/credit fast entry (FB10) 1 B in #arti(ular. t also dis(usses t'e differ differen( en(es es $et4een $et4een t'e F #ostin #ostin, , a##li( a##li(atio ations ns and t'e a((oun a((ountin tin, , interfa(e.

11 Respons Responsibi ibilit lit! ! "#a$pl "#a$ple e of t%e Fina Finance nce Appli Applicati cation on Fi,u Fi,ure re 1 s'o4 s'o4ss a $lo( $lo(  dia, dia,ra ram m to ,ie ,ie an im#r im#res essi sion on a$ou a$outt t'e t'e res#onsi$ilities of t'e finan(e a##li(ation usin, t'e e&am#le of an in(omin, inoi(e. t is a rou,' des(ri#tion of an idealisti( system to introdu(e some terms used in later ('a#ters. Pri$a &ota

A endor sends an invoice 4'i(' 4ill $e entered into t'e system as pri'a nota - a #roof of t'e data entry see left-'and side of  Fi,ure  Fi,ure 1. 1.

Accounts Pa!able

;'e 'anager 'anager for accounts accounts pa(able pa(able +AP, (reates an o#en item 4it' t'e amount to #ay and t'e due date. ere it is of interest 4'at are t'e #ayment terms for an amount t'at must $e #aid to a (ertain endor. n ,eneral t'e AP mana,er is res#onsi$le to a((ount alues from $usiness transa(tions 4it' endors and to mana,e t'e open ite's to pa(  and t'e open ite's pai".


#en item a((ountin, is used for (learin,. 3learin, is t'e a(tion to assi,n one or more o#en items Eto #ayC to one or more items E#aidC to #roe 'o4 items on in(omin, inoi(es inoi(es 4ere #aid. ;'ese items $e(ome cleare" ite's see data area at t'e ri,'t side of t'e a,ent AP mana,er in Fi,ure 1. 1.

'eneral (e)ger  A detailed se#aration of #aya$les a((ordin, to endors and t'e information

a$out #ayment terms is out of interest for t'e general le"ger +-/,). ;'e ,eneral ,eneral led,er led,er (olle(ts (olle(ts alues alues used for t'e (reation of finan(ial finan(ial statements. Finan( Finan(ial ial statem statement entss only only reuir reuiree t'e (om#re (om#ressed ssed inform informati ation on a$out a$out t'e  #aya$les. Reconciliation Account

For t'is t'e -/ 'anager u#dates t'e reconciliation reconciliation account for ven"ors  see data area at t'e to# of Fi,ure 1. 1. ;'ere may $e one re(on(iliation a((ount for all endors or different a((ounts to se#arate for e&am#le domesti( from forei,n endors. n addition one or more e&#ense and ta& a((ounts are u#dated. As #roof of t'e G!5 a((ount #ostin,s t'e G!5 mana,er (reates an F do(ument 'ain, a lin to t'e #rima nota.


 ;o see all a##li(ations $ased on SAP/F0A use transa(tionCs S%9) >maintain transa(tion? find fun(tionality.


 ;'e terms 4ritten in $old (an $e found as data areas or a,ents in Fi,ure 1. 1.


 ;'ere may $e a differentiation $et4een lon, and s'ort-term lia$ilities inside t'e ,eneral led,er for  le,al reuirements.

Juni 1998 / 19


Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


Ge neral-e'*er  &en'or  0 e c o n c i l iaia t i o n Account


In%oice (e)*) paper+

Data entry

.pense Account

P r im a , o t a (electronic in%oice+

Ta Account

 a s h D isi s c o u n t .pense Account

G eneral-e'*er  !ana*er 

Ban 0 e c o n c i l iaia t i o n Account

"I Docum ent

, o t i f icic a t ioi o n

a2out 2ase am ount an' cash 'iscount account s t a tete m e n t

B a n  S e l e c t i o n I n fof o r m a t ioio n

0 e  u e s t fof o r  l e a r i n *

Ban Account 45

AP -e'*er 

Account Paya2le !ana*er  f o r  A c c o u n t s P a y a 2 le

 

Ban -e'*er 

Ban Su2 Account Ban Account !ana*er 

 l e a r e ' I tet e m s

 l e a r e ' I tet e m s

3 p e n I tete m s tot o P a y

3 p e n I tet e m s t o Pay

3 p e n It e m s P a i ' 3 p e n I tete m s P a i '

"I7System Account S t a te m e n t

B a n  T r a n s fef e r  

Account S t a te m e n t

Postin*s 2et6een 2ans


"i*u "i*ure re 1

Bloc Bloc  'ia 'ia*r *ram am  In% In%oi oice ce rece receip iptt


Ban* Sub+ Account



5ater t'e inoi(e is #aid $y ban transfer  see data area at t'e $ottom of  Fi,ure 1. 1. ere it is of interest from 4'i(' $an a((ount t'e transfer 4ill $e made. made.  Is it the companys companys !udget account of the Ban" #f $merica or the !udget !udget accoun accountt of the %eutsc %eutsche he Ban"& Ban"&   A (om#any may 'ae different selection n infor'ati infor'ation on se a((o a((oun unts ts 4it' 4it' a $an $an.. ;'e ;'e ban selectio s ee Fi,ure Fi,ure 1 (ontai (ontains ns t'e inform informatio ation n 4'at 4'at $an $an a((ount a((ount s'ould s'ould $e sele(te sele(ted d for t'e  #ayment. ;'is may de#end for e&am#le from t'e #ayment met'od t'e transa(tion (urren(y and t'e amount of money. ;'e data area ban account as #art of t'e ban le"ger is a ma##in, of t'e real a((ounts - maintained $y t'e $an - to t'e system. Sin(e some transa(tions lie #ayment $y ('e( or $ill of e&('an,e are not relia$le different ban subaccounts  e&ist for a $an a((ount to refle(t t'e

Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


e&#e(ted amount of money due to $an transa(tions. Sendin, a ('e( or  reuestin, a $an transfer 4ill (reate an open ite' to pa( . n(e t'e $an  statement statement arries as #roof of t'e transa(tion transa(tion ban accounting  (reates an ;'en t'is t'is item item is (lear (leared ed 4it' t'e open ite' to pa( open ite's pai" . ;'en (reated earlier and t'e ban account is u#dated. :sually a (om#any #ays money due in re,ular time interals e.,. t4i(e a 4ee. For t'is t'e a(tor ban account 'anager   reads t'e open ite's to pa( from t'e account pa(able  #osts #osts an open ite' to pa(  for ea(' $an  tran transa sa(t (tio ion n to t'e t'e $an $an suba((oun a((ountt sele(ted sele(ted from from t'e $an $an sele(ti sele(tion on information and sends a reuest for $an transfer to t'e $an. W'en t'e ban state'ent  arries an open ite' pai" 4ill $e #osted to t'e $an sub a((o a((oun unt t t'e t'e o#en o#en item itemss 4ill 4ill $e (lea (leared red and and t'e t'e $an $an a((o a((oun untt 4ill 4ill $e open ite' ite' pai" pai"  4ill $e #osted to t'e a((ount u#da u#date ted. d. n addi additi tion on an open  #aya$le and t'e o#en items 4ill $e (leared. ;'e AP mana,er is res#onsi$le for t'e (learin, a(tion. For t'is t'e $an mana,er sends an a##ro#riate reues reuest t see Fi,ure 1. 1. Also t'e G!5 led,er 4ill $e notified to u#date t'e endor and $an re(on(iliation a((ounts. I$ple$entation

n t'e (urrent system t'ere is no differentiation $et4een F do(ument and  #rima nota. Also t'e #ostin, fun(tionality of t'e a(tors ,eneral led,er AP mana,e mana,err and $an $an man,er man,er are not se#arat se#arately ely im#lem im#lement ented. ed. ;'ere ;'ere are diff differe erent nt data data areas areas and and main mainten tenan an(e (e tool toolss for for G!5 G!5 a((o a((oun unts ts and and AP a((ounts $ut t'ere is no differentiation $et4een t'e a((ounts of t'e $an  led,er and t'ose of t'e ,eneral led,er. Fi,ure * s'o4s * s'o4s t'e a(tiity dia,ram for t'e a(tions des(ri$ed a$oe. %a(' a(tiity refers to an a,ent of Fi,ure 1 res#onsi$le 1 res#onsi$le for t'e a(tion.

Juni 1998 / 19


Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


In , o i c e R e c e i p t


 Ÿ  Ÿ

D a t a . n t ry   r e a t e s i n t e r n a l i n % o i c e ( p r im i m a n o t a + f ror o m i n c o m i n * e  t e r n a l ini n % o i c e )

Gen eral-e'*er !ana*e r  r e a t e s " I ' o c u m e n t frf r o m i n tet e r n a l ini n % o i c e ) P o s t s tot o % e n ' o r r e c o n c i l iaia t i o n a c c o u n t : e  p e n s e a c c o u n t : tata  a c c o u n t a n ' o t h e r i n te r n a l accounts


A P ! a n a * e r  h e c  s p a y m e n t tete r m s / a m o u n t


A P ! a n a * e r  r e a t e s o p e n i tet e m s ( tot o p a y +


Ban Account !ana*er S e l e c t s o p e n i tete m s ( t o p a y + f r o m accou nts paya2 le an' 'eci'es 6hich shoul' 2e pai')

O u t g o in g Pa!$ent  Ÿ  Ÿ


In c o $ in g B a n * S ta te $ e n t  Ÿ

 Ÿ  Ÿ  Ÿ



Ban Account !ana*er P o s t s o p e n i tete m s ( p a i ' + t o 2 a n  s u 2 7 a c c o u n t o f 2 a n  lel e ' * e r   Up'ates account 2alance of  a p p r o p r i a tet e 2 a n  a c c o u n t S e n ' s n o t ifif icic a t i o n a 2 o u t i n c o m i n * 2 a n  s t a t e m e n t toto G e n e r a l -e'*er)

Gene ral-e'*er !ana* er U p ' a t e s 2 a n  r e c o n c i lil i a titi o n account

"i*u "i*ure re ;


Ban S e n ' s 2 a n  s ta t e m e n t


Ban Account !ana*er  l e a r s o p e n i tete m s o f tht h e 2 a n  c l e a r inin * a c c o u n t

Acti Acti%i %ity ty 'ia 'ia*r *ram am In%o In%oic ice e rec recei eipt pt

Juni 1998 / 19

Ban Account !ana*er P a y s 2 y 2 a n  t ra n s f e r    r e a t e s fo r e a c h p a y m e n t o n e o p e n i tete m ( p a i ' + ini n s i ' e t h e a c c o u n t p a y a 2 le s a n ' o n e o p e n i tete m ( tot o p a y + ini n s i ' e t h e 2 a n  le'*er) , o t ifif ieie s G e n e r a l - e ' * e r a 2 o u t am ount pai' an' cash 'iscount)

Ge neral-e'*er !ana *er  r e a t e s " I ' o c u m e n t fof o r   payment) P o s t s toto % e n ' o r re r e c o n c i l iaia t i o n a c c o u n t : c a s h ' i s c o u n t in c o m e : t a  a c c o u n t a n ' o t h e r i n t e rn a l accounts)


A P ! a n a * e r    l e a r s o p e n i tet e m s ( p a i ' + a n o p e n it e m s ( t o p a y +

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


11- Resp Respons onsib ibil ilit! it! "#a$ "#a$pl ple e for .ata .ata "ntr "ntr! ! Fi,ure ) s'o4s an e&am#le of $usiness #ro(esses and t'eir de#enden(ies from lo,isti(s #oint of ie4 as a(tiity dia,ram. ;'e e&am#le des(ri$es t'e  #ro(ess of an in(omin, inoi(e des(ri$ed in t'e #reious se(tion in (ont'e old inoi(e erifi(ation? and F110 >t'e #ayment  #ro,ram?

 An alternatie 4ay (onsistent 4it' t'e #ro(eedin, ia a((ountin, interfa(e des(ri$ed a$oe 4ould  $e to 'ae a se#arate do(ument (reated as #rima nota. ere F 4ould $e $ot' sender and re(eier  of an a((ountin, do(ument.


 m#lementation note7 Stru(ture SA33; s#e(ifies t'e fields (o#ied $a(.


 ;'is is also t'e (ase 4it' t'e a((ountin, interfa(e $e(ause an a##li(ation notified for t'e eent ('e( ('e(  may may oer oer4r 4rite ite alu alues es set set $y a #re #reio ious usly ly notif notified ied a##l a##li( i(at atio ion. n. ;'er ;'eree is no (lea (lear  r  res#onsi$ility for (ertain fields in t'e a((ountin, do(ument.


Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


- Screen Co Control ;'e module #ool SAP/F0A is a ,eneri( ma('ine to 'andle user in#ut for  different different inds of F releant $usiness transa(tions transa(tions lie sendin, an inoi(e inoi(e to a (ustomer in(omin, #ayment or a sim#le G!5 a((ount #ostin, 4'i(' may $e (ustomi=ed to indiidual reuirements. ;'e $usiness o$#ost do(ument? a nd F0 >#ost 4it' (learin,?.


Juni 1998 / 19

Ite$ Screen UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


eg posting de!its to a customer account re?uires re?uires the information a!out the  payment terms, whereas whereas the posting to a !an" account re?uires re?uires the value date !ut no ta* or payment terms Footer 

A s(reen for enterin, a ne4 do(ument do(ument line item is al4ays al4ays determined determined from user in#ut made in t'e footer  of t'e #reious s(reen see se(tion *.). ere *.).  ere t'e user s#e(ifies 4'at ind of item 'e!s'e 4ants to enter and t'e system sele(ts an a##ro#riate s(reen for in#ut.

E n t r y i n t o F o o t e r (n( n e w i t e m )

O,er,ie Screen

S i m  l! t e " P o s t   Reset  D o c u m e n t s i m u l a te d   D o c u m e n t n o t s i m u l a te te d  

Ite $ S c r e e n s . o c u $ e n t Ite $ 2C u s to $ e r 3 A ) ) itio n a l . a t a

. o c u $ e n t iti t e $ 2 ' 4 ( a c c o u n t3 A ) ) i t io io n a l . a t a

! o r e D a ta St!rt  Tr!ns!ction

O , e r , ie  Screen O v e r v iei e w  

! o r e D a ta

9 e a ) e r S c re e n . o c u $ e n t Ite $ 2C u s to $ e r 3

. o c u $ e n t ItI t e $ 2 ' 4 ( a c c o u n t3 #oto ne$t  o r % r e v io  s item

Line selected 

 o ' i n * B lo c 

Post  (L E A V E T O T R A N S A C T IO N T C O D E )

"i*ure "i*ure 8

once oncept pt of of the the Scree Screen n ontr ontrol ol for for Docu Documen mentt Posti Postin* n*

A#art from t'e nai,ation $y footer entry t'ere are alternatie nai,ation  #at's7 after 'ain, entered t'e do(ument 'eader and sele(tin, an item s(reen ia footer entry entry t'e user may nai,ate $et4een an overvie screen and and ea(' ea(' sin,l sin,lee item item s(reen s(reen.. ;'e ;'e oer oerie4 ie4 s(reen s(reen s'o4 s'o4ss t'e t'e 'ead 'eader  er  information and t'e entered B or ,enerated B line items $y a (ustomi=a$le list. Nai,ation $a( to t'e do(ument 'eader is not #ossi$le $e(ause t'e 'eader 'eader inform informatio ation n (ontro (ontrols ls t'e (reation (reation of line line items items and may not $e altered. Co)ing Bloc*

;'e co"ing bloc  is   is a s(reen area*)  for additional a((ountin, information not inter#reted $y F $ut entered 4it' a F do(ument. ;'is information 4ill  $e #ro#a,ated to ot'er a##li(ations for online ('e(s. W'en #ostin, t'e do(ume do(ument nt a##ro# a##ro#ria riate te a((oun a((ounts ts in ot'er ot'er a##li( a##li(ati ations ons 4ill 4ill $e u#dated u#dated.. Alt'ou,' additional a((ountin, information is entered 4it' almost all line items only t'e item s(reen for enterin, G!5 a((ount #ostin,s uses t'e (odin, $lo(.

Si$ulate) ,s not Si$ulate)

;'ere are t4o main states of t'e do(ument7 simulated and not simulated indi(a indi(ated ted $y t'e underly underlyin, in, ,ray area in Fi,ure . . Simulated means t'e do(ument 4as ('e(ed and t'at additional items 4ere ,enerated e.,. ta&


m#lem m#lement entatio ation n note7 note7 ;'e (odin, (odin, $lo( $lo( is im#lem im#lement ented ed as su$s(r su$s(reen een and is also also used for  (ustomer fields.

Juni 1998 / 19


Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


(as' dis(ount et(. n t'is state t'e system #rote(ts t'e items a,ainst (ertain ('an,e ('an,es s e.,. e.,. t'e ('an,e ('an,e of an itemC itemCss amount amount to aoid side effe(t effe(tss on ,enerated items. Reset

"eset of t'e do(ument dis(ards all ,enerated line items and t'e entered line items are o#en for all ('an,es. Simulation and reset al4ays $ran('es to t'e oerie4 s(reen.


W'en W'en #ostin #ostin, , a do(ume do(ument nt t'e initia initiall s(reen s(reen rea##ea rea##ears rs $y restart restartin, in, t'e transa(tion.

Screen for A))itional .ata

For ea(' item item s(reen t'ere t'ere is a s(reen s(reen for enterin, enterin, a""itional "ata see Fi,ure . . ;'is s(reen is ne(essary $e(ause t'e reuired information is too mu(' for one s(reen and a s(rolla$le s(reen s'ould $e aoided. ;'ere are t4o (ases leadin, to t'e additional data s(reen7 •

An e#plicit user re&uest . An entry made into t'e footer usually 'as t'e 'i,'est #riority oer ot'er  eents >- 3odes? 4it' t'e e&(e#tion of sele(tin, additional data for  an item ia menu or #us' $utton. ere t'e entry made into t'e footer is saed $et4een t'e t4o s(reens. n (ase t'at t'e s(reen for additional data is em#ty*2 an a##ro#riate messa,e 4ill $e sent.

f an entr( t'e addi additi tion onal al data data s(ree s(reen n t'e t'e syste system m entr( is re&ui re&uire re" " on t'e dis#lays dis#lays t'e s(reen automati(ally automati(ally for user in#ut 4'en leain, t'e initial initial s(reen. t'er4ise t'e s(reen is 'andled in t'e $a(,round.

"rror %an)ling

f t'e user #osts t'e do(ument from an item s(reen an error may result from anot'er do(ument item. ;'at is 4'y t'e system al4ays $ran('es to t'e oer oeri ie4 e4 s(ree s(reen n and and simul simulate atess #ost #ostin in,s ,s 'ere 'ere see dott dotted ed line line t'ro t'rou, u,' ' oerie4 s(reen in Fi,ure . . f no error o((urs t'is s(reen 4ill $e 'andled in t'e $a(,round ot'er4ise it a##ears s'o4in, t'e error 4it' t'e in(orre(t item 'i,'li,'ted.

'enerate) (ine Ite$s

:sually :sually ea(' item 4ill $e ('e(ed 4it' t'e entry made ia item s(reen. An An error o((urs 4it' ,enerated items lie items ,enerated for ta& or o#en items if t'ese reuire additional a((ount assi,nments. t is also an attri$ute of t'e G!5 a((ount master t'at line items 4'i(' are ,enerated automati(ally for t'is a((ount (an $e su##lemented manually. For t'is t'e oerie4 s(reen may $e 'andled een if t'e a((ount assi,nment information is not reuired. t P? and t'e a(tions at t'e $ottom durin, #ro(ess after in#ut >PA? eents of t'e s(reens. ;'e ;'e transa(t transa(tion ion itself itself define definess t'e startin startin, , s(reen s(reen and define definess t'e initial initial )0 alues for t'e 'eader s(reen fields  see Fi,ure  and Fi,ure 9


 :sually t'e (onte&t of t'e $usiness transa(tion is out of interest for G!5 a((ount #ostin,. ere only t'e mont'ly de$its and (redits 4ill $e u#dated.


 ;'e asset transa(tion ty#es lie ,oods re(ei#t in-'ouse a(uisition et(. are not dis(ussed 'ere.


 5ist all transa(tion usin, #ro,ram SAP/F0A >E4'ere-usedC in transa(tion S%) AAP editor?7


Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


Initiali8e Transaction

Wit' t'e P of t'e 'eader s(reen t'e transa(tion is initiali=ed and t'e 'eader s(reen 4ill $e adfor s#e(ial G!5 transa(tion ty#e? and  >for endor? in ta$le ;019 does not mae sense.


 Em#ro#er useC for ta& a((ounts.

Juni 1998 / 19


Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


* *ntangible asset "on pa('ent M Tangible asset "on pa('ent O A'orti9ation "on pa('ent T 8on pa('ent 4 Stocs "on pa('ent ): )ill of e#c%ange receivable


)ill of e#c%ange resi"ual ris 

+bill of  e#c%ange,

R  )ill of e#c%ange pa('ent re&uest S C%ecbill of e#c%ange

C%ecbill of e#c%ange

)ill ill of of e#c e#c%a %ang ngee re recei ceivabl vablee

)ill ill of of e#c e#c%a %ang ngee +r +re"is "iscoun counta tabl ble, e,

< Reserve for ba" "ept

=nc%ece" invoice



-uarantee receive"



S7 ;'e s#e(ial G!5 transa(tion ty#e 4ill $e set to ESC in (ase t'at S1-/WS@ >;a& (ate,ory? is ELC >n#ut ta&? or EMC >ut#ut ta&?. ;'is is done for ta& a((ounts lie 12000. AW7 A and W are read from data$ase ta$le ;0+2: 7 Data$ase ta$le ;0+2: may s#e(ify ot'er entries. nternally t'e s#e(ial G!5 transa(tion transa(tion ty#e is set to EC

transa >transa(ti (tion? on? from from data$a data$ase se ta$le ta$le ;0+2: ;0+2: )6 >;0+2;? . Special '4( Transaction T!pe S I$ple$entation


ain, no s#e(ial G!5 transa(tion t'e system differentiates for G!5 a((ount speciall -/  #ostin,s $et4een ordinary #ostin,s and ta&es usin, t'e specia transaction t(pe S  see remars ri,'t of  ;a$le  ;a$le ). ). Fi,ure 11 s'o4s 11 s'o4s t'e im#lementation of t'e s(reen sele(tion usin, t'e S%"/ notation. ;'e ,ray s'aded entities are t'e initial entities ,ien for s(reen sele(tion >from to# to $ottom?7 t'e transa(tion (ode t'e #ostin, ey t'e s#e(ial G!5 indi(ator and t'e (om#any (ode. ;'e ot'er entities are deried to determine t'e a##ro#riate s(reen D. Not s'o4n are #ro,ram internal ma##in,s mentioned $efore see remars ri,'t of ;a$le )

 System DP >20?


Juni 1998 / 19

UserAG Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP

Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A


(  : HD HD 5 ,  -  + Screen lass

T#;#HT3D. "I/A! Transaction  o n t ror o l

( : H D 5 , , 0  + TBS-HBS-

S c r e e n ID

P o s tin *  e y

( : : H  3 A 0 T +


Account Type

Accountin* S c r e e n S e l e c tio n T#J=UHU!SK spe cial G /in'icator  (transaction+

( : : H U ! S  S  + s p e c ia l G / t ra r a n s a c t ioi o n t y p e (:HBU&A0+ om pany o'e S c r e e n & a r iai a n t

T # # 1 HB HB U  0 S  om pany o'e

"i*ure "i*ure 11 11

S.0! 'ia*ram 'ia*ram Screen Screen Selecti Selection on Implem Implementat entation ion

-; -;- Fiel Fiel) ) Sele Selecti ction on 'eneral Concept

Field sele(tion is a ,eneral (on(e#t used for different a##li(ations lie (reate (ustom (ustomer er endor endor or G!5 a((ount a((ount master master re(ord re(ords. s. t (ontro (ontrols ls t'e s(reen s(reen layout de#endent on (ustomi=in, and allo4s t'e use of a s(reen definition in different different (onte&ts. (onte&ts. n t'is se(tion t'e a##li(ation a##li(ation to t'e item s(reens 4ill $e e&#lained. An "!) "!) (ust (ustom omer erss alte alters rs SAP SAP defi define ned d line line item item s(re s(reen enss to 'is! 'is!'e 'er  r  e#ternall fiel" selectio selection n . n (ontras internal fiel" reu reuir irem emen ents ts usin usin, , e#terna rast internal selection (ontrols t'e s(reen layout internally from #ro,ram (onte&t.

-;-1 "#ternal Fiel) Selection Principle


An "!) (ustomer may (ustomi=e t'e s(reen layout for line items dire(tly de#endent on t'e #ostin, ey and t'e G!5 a((ount )+. ;'is is (alled e#ternal fiel" selection. t may redu(e t'e #ossi$le fields on a s(reen and (ontrols t'eir attri$utes attri$utes at runtime. runtime. :sin, e&ternal field sele(tion a s(reen field may  $e

 For an AP!A" a((ount t'is is t'e re(on(iliation a((ount.

Juni 1998 / 19


Responsibilities Responsibilities of SAP!"#$A

User Interface ontrol of SAP!"#$A SAP AG


Suppresse" 7 it does not a##ear on t'e s(reen

Optional7 it is ready for in#ut

Re&uire"7 t'e in#ut is enfor(ed

Fi,ure Fi,ure 1* s'o4 s'o4ss an :/5 :/5 dia, dia,ram ram 4it' 4it' t'e t'e (lasse (lassess ino inol led ed in t'e t'e (ustom (ustomi=at i=ation ion of s(reens s(reens for enteri enterin, n, do(um do(ument ent line line items. items. n additi addition on Fi,ure Fi,ure 1) s'o4s s'o4s (on(re (on(rete te e&am#l e&am#les es 4it' 4it' a simila similarr ,ra#'i ,ra#'i(al (al layout layout to e&#lain e&#lain t'e (lassCs (lassCs res#onsi$ilities res#onsi$ilities.. At t'e to# of Fi,ure 1) are 1) are t4o s(reen e&am#les for (ustomer and G!5 a((ount items. :nderneat' are sele(ted ta$le fields t'at are s'o4n on t'e s(reen. ;'e reader s'ould 'ae a loo on Fi,ure 1* for 1* for t'e (on(e#ts and on Fi,ure 1) for 1) for t'e e&am#les. Connection A screen (ontains multi#le screen fiel"s. %a(' s(reen field may refer to a beteen Screen table fiel"  B or field of a stru(ture - defined in t'e "!) Data Di(tionary. an) Table Fiel)s

;'ey are (onne(ted $y name euialen(e. ;'e reader s'ould noti(e t'at some ta$le fields a##ear on different s(reens eg the allocation num!er and  the !usiness area appear !oth on line item screen +01 (customer line item) and on line item screen +00 (/; account item), see  Figure 1+

Mo)ification 'roup

t 4as said t'at $y means of e&ternal field sele(tion field attri$utes are set. :sually t'e fields are not treated se#arately. ;'ey must a##ear to,et'er 4it' ot'er fields. For e&am#le it does not mae sense to 'andle t'e fields .!ase  and .?uantity  different  different for user in#ut. ;'e same (ounts for  unit of measure  measure  and t'e fields .terms of payment, .days of cash discount, .percentage of cash 1).  For t'is discount  et(. t'at are 'andled as a ,rou# as s'o4n in Fi,ure 1). For t'e fields fields t'at t'at s'ould s'ould $e 'andle 'andled d to,et' to,et'er er are assi,ned assi,ned to a 'o"ification group see Fi,ure 1*.

Fiel) Selection (ist

S(reen attri$utes are al4ays set for a modifi(ation ,rou# B a ,rou# of fields. A fiel" selection list  'as e&a(tly one #osition for ea(' modifi(ation ,rou# defined see Fi,ure 1*. 1*.

Position in Fiel) ;'e only attri$ute of a position in t%e fiel" selection list  is t'e modifier for  Selection (ist t'e s(reen fields of t'e related modifi(ation ,rou#. ;'e #ossi$le alues of 

t'e modifier are Esu##ressC Eo#tionalC and EreuiredC. Posting :e!

%a(' posting e(  'as a field sele(tion list t'at is su$Fun >Fun(t (tio ion n modul odulee G%N%"A;%83"SS"%F8F%5D8S;"? loo# loo#ss oer oer all all line line item item s(re s(reen enss e&tr e&tra( a(ti tin, n, t'e t'e information for t'e (ross referen(e.

Juni 1998 / 19


C u s t o $ e r i t e $ 2S c r e e n n u $ b e r  0 1 3

' 4 ( a c c o u n t i t e $ 2S c r e e n n u $ b e r  0 0 3

C o ) i n g B lo c * s c r e e n ) e f in i n i t io io n s 

t a b l e f i e l) s 

A l lolo c a t i o n n u m 2 e r   K U 3 , 0

Terms of payment ey KT.0!

D a y s f o r f ir s t c a s h ' i s c o u n t KBD1T

p e r c e n t a * e f o r f irir s t c a s h ' i s c o u n t KBD1P

A s s i * n m e n t a n ' f iei e l ' n a m e s f ror o m 3B - TCOBF

Business area GSB.0

 o ' i n * 2 l o c   A s s i * n m e n t o f f ieie l ' p r o p e r t i e s  TCOB?

Co$pan! Co)e F i e l) l) S t a t u s ( i s t


f ie ie l ) c o n t r o l p o s t i n g * e ! l e , e l

N 7 ) ) ) 7 ) N 7 ) ) N 7 7

) ) N 7 7 ) 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 7 7 N 7

N 7 7 N 7 ) ) 7 ) 7 N 7


N 7 N ) 7 7 ) ) 7 ) ) N 7 7

) ) ) 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 7 7 N 7

N 7 7 N 7 ) ) 7 ) 7 N 7

0 e % e r s e c re ' ) m e m o

) ) ) ) ) ) )    l) ) ) ) )

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

  e   m N )    i    t   n   u   r    t   a   r   o   r   r   e

  s   s   e   r   p   u   s

T00;F 2T00;'3

f iei e l ) c o n t r o l  ' 4 ( a c c o u n t l e , e l

  a   n   o    i    t   p   o

   '   e   r    i   u   8   e   r

1##1 Fiel) Status /ariant





D e 2 i t e n t ry D . Fiel) Status . e f i n iti t io io n ' r o u p

F i e l) l) S t a t u s ( i s t

7 7 ) ) N 7 7 N 7 ) ) N 7 7


Posting :e!

) N N 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 7 7 N 7

N 7 7 N 7 ) ) 7 ) 7 N 7

G B /  o s t a c c o u n ts

7 7 ) ) N 7 7 N 7 ) ) N 7 7

) N ) 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 7 7 N 7

N 7 7 N 7 ) ) 7 ) 7 N 7

D . /  o s t a c c o u n ts

7 7 ) ) N 7 ) N 7 N ) N 7 7

) ) 7 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 N 7 7 7 7 N 7

N 7 7 N 7 ) ) 7 ) 7 N 7

D . / B a n  a c c o u n ts

'4( Account Master  -osses7In%entory/1### . l e c t r i c iti t y / 1 # # # -osses7In%entory/1##1 . l e c t r i c iti t y / 1 # # 1 -osses7In%entory/1##; . l e c t r i c iti t y / 1 # # ;

M o ) i f icic a t io io n ' r o u p s


A l lol o c a t ioio n n u m 2 e r  

. l e c t r i c iti t y / ; # # #



P a y m e n t t e rm rm s

. l e c t r i c iti t y / ; # # 1

Business area

Deutsche Ban

' r o u p s i n F i e l ) S t a t u s . e f in i n i tit i o n s

Fiel) status

G e n e r a l D a ta P a y m e n t t rar a n s a c t ioi o n s A ' ' i titi o n a l a c c o u n t a s s i * n m e n t s

Fi,u Fi,ure re 1) 1)

%&am %&am#le #le for for Fiel Field d Stat Status us and and 3us 3usto tomi mi=a =ati tion on

*'ple'entation Fiel) Selection (ist

Mo)ification 'roup

Screen Fiel) Attributes


;'e field sele(tion sele(tion list is a (om$inatio (om$ination n of t4o ('ara(ter ('ara(ter fields FA=S1 and FA=S  $ot' defined in data$ase ta$le ;S5 >#ostin, ey? and data$ase ta$le ;002F >field status definition ,rou#?. %a(' is of len,t' 0. ;'e modifi(ation ,rou# is a numeri( alue inter#reted as offset into t'ese fields fields eg the ta!le field .allocation num!er is assigned to modification 1). FA:S1 (ontains t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s 1-0 and  group  group 1  see Fi,ure 1). FA:S* t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s 91-120. ;'e assi,nment of a ta$le field to a modifi(ation ,rou# is indire(tly made7 all s(reen fields dis#layin, t'e same ta$le fields 'ae an attri$ute -RO=P1 set to t'e same modifi(ation ,rou# 20. t is t'e #ro,rammerCs res#onsi$ility to assi,n t'e same alue to all fields on different s(reens dis#layin, t'e same ta$le fields. ;'ere are t'ree additional s(reen field attri$utes217 G":P* to G":P2. -RO=P is used to assi,n t'e s(reen field to a ,rou# for internal modifi(ations see later. -RO=P3 is used to assi,n a s(reen field to a ,rou# 'ain, t'e same ('an,e rules and -RO=P! is used in (onne(tion 4it' G":P1. G":P2 only 'as t4o #ossi$le alues7 EinitialC and ENC. N says t'at een t'e field is #art of a modifi(ation ,rou# B as defined $y t'e alue of  G": G":P1 P1 Bit Bit is treat treated ed sli,' sli,'tly tly diff differ eren ent. t. W'en W'en t'e t'e modi modifi fier er for for t'e t'e modif modifi(at i(ation ion ,rou# ,rou# is set to Ereui Ereuired redC C t'ose t'ose fields fields are only only o#tion o#tional. al.  *ample6 For inserting the payment payment terms there there are are several several fields !elonging  to the same modification group .payment terms, for e*ample the !ase line date and the day and percentage for the first and second cash discount

 optional = re>uire) + suppress

*'ple'entation Fiel) Selection (ist

Mo)ification 'roup

Screen Fiel) Attributes


;'e field sele(tion sele(tion list is a (om$inatio (om$ination n of t4o ('ara(ter ('ara(ter fields FA=S1 and FA=S  $ot' defined in data$ase ta$le ;S5 >#ostin, ey? and data$ase ta$le ;002F >field status definition ,rou#?. %a(' is of len,t' 0. ;'e modifi(ation ,rou# is a numeri( alue inter#reted as offset into t'ese fields fields eg the ta!le field .allocation num!er is assigned to modification 1). FA:S1 (ontains t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s 1-0 and  group  group 1  see Fi,ure 1). FA:S* t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s 91-120. ;'e assi,nment of a ta$le field to a modifi(ation ,rou# is indire(tly made7 all s(reen fields dis#layin, t'e same ta$le fields 'ae an attri$ute -RO=P1 set to t'e same modifi(ation ,rou# 20. t is t'e #ro,rammerCs res#onsi$ility to assi,n t'e same alue to all fields on different s(reens dis#layin, t'e same ta$le fields. ;'ere are t'ree additional s(reen field attri$utes217 G":P* to G":P2. -RO=P is used to assi,n t'e s(reen field to a ,rou# for internal modifi(ations see later. -RO=P3 is used to assi,n a s(reen field to a ,rou# 'ain, t'e same ('an,e rules and -RO=P! is used in (onne(tion 4it' G":P1. G":P2 only 'as t4o #ossi$le alues7 EinitialC and ENC. N says t'at een t'e field is #art of a modifi(ation ,rou# B as defined $y t'e alue of  G": G":P1 P1 Bit Bit is treat treated ed sli,' sli,'tly tly diff differ eren ent. t. W'en W'en t'e t'e modi modifi fier er for for t'e t'e modif modifi(at i(ation ion ,rou# ,rou# is set to Ereui Ereuired redC C t'ose t'ose fields fields are only only o#tion o#tional. al.  *ample6 For inserting the payment payment terms there there are are several several fields !elonging  to the same modification group .payment terms, for e*ample the !ase line date and the day and percentage for the first and second cash discount  aving the payment terms set to re?uired re?uired forces the user to insert any  payment terms terms 'hese payment payment terms may include one or two cash discounts discounts or may only re?uire a !ase line date 'hus the fields for the cash discounts are not re?uired even if the whole modification group is set to .re?uired

COB( ,s BS"' ;'e data$ase ta$le S%G and t'e stru(ture 35 - in (ase of t'e (odin,

 $lo( B define t'e releant ta$le fields for t'e line item s(reens. ;'ere are fields $ot' defined as #art of S%G and as #art of 35. e(ause t'ey are semanti(ally eual t'ey are #art of t'e same modifi(ation ,rou# and are treated alie. For e&am#le t'e $usiness area B field GS%" B is defined  $ot' as #art of S%G and as #art of 35 35 see Fi,ure 1). 1). ;a$le     s'o4s t'e ma##in, from sele(ted (lasses and relations s'o4n in Fi,ure 1* to 1* to data$ase ta$les.


 ;'e information 4as not stored into a data$ase ta$le $e(ause of #erforman(e reasons7 it is >4asO? faster to read s(reen field attri$utes t'an to load a data$ase ta$le.


 Sometimes also (alled /DFs for modifi(ation ,rou#s not to $e (onfused 4it' our definition of  modifi(ation ,rou#s.

Clas Classs or Rela Relati tion on

8ata 8ataba base se Table ble

8ata 8ataba base se Table ble for Te#ts

3om#any 3ode



Field Status Iariant



Field Status Definition Grou#



Field Status 5ist

;a$le fields FA:S1 and FA:S* in ;002F and ;S5

G!5 A((ount /aster



Grou#s in Field Status Definitions



"ela "elati tion on $et4 $et4ee een n modif odifi( i(at atio ion n /odifi(ation ,rou# and ta$le fields ,rou#s are stored as s(re s(reen en fiel field d attri$utes. nly nly for (odin, (odin,  $lo(7 ;3F and ;3 "ela "elati tion on $et4 $et4ee een n /odi /odifi fi(a (ati tion on ;/D Grou#s and Grou#s in Field Status Defi Defini niti tion on77 tem temss in Fiel Field d Stat Status us Definition


3ro 3ross "efe "efere ren( n(ee Fiel Field d Name ame - ;/D: /DF Postin, ey



;a$le a$le  /a##in /a##in, , $et4ee $et4een n (lasses (lasses and relatio relations ns s'o4n s'o4n in Fi,ure 1* and data$ase ta$les.

" ie l ' s e l e c t i o n l isi s t f o r p o s t i n * ey #1 G r o u p i n f iei e l ' selection 'efinition p a ym e n t te r m s ! o ' i f icic a t i o n *roup P a ym e n t te r m s

A l l f iei e l ' s o f m o ' i fif i c a t ioi o n * r o u p Mp a y m e n t t e rm s M t h a t a re r e le % a n t fo r % e n ' o r a c c o u n t s

"i*ure 1= ustomiin* the fiel' selection list list on postin* ey le%el (Transaction (Transaction 3B=1+ 3B=1+

-;-- Internal Fiel) Selection Priciple

nternal field sele(tion alters s(reen field attri$utes on t'e $asis of t'e (urrent #ro,ram (onte&t. Similar to t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s for e&ternal field sele(tion s(reen fields are ,rou#ed for internal modifi(ation usin, t'e s(reen field attri$ute G":P*2*. nternal field sele(tion oer4rites e&ternal field sele(tion see Fi,ure 1. 1.

" # t e r n a l fi e l ) s e l e c t io n  c h e c  f ie l ' s t a t u s l i s t e n t r y fof o r G 0 3 U P 1

f iei e l ' s t a t u s O else ( n o e n t r y ini n t o G 0 3 U P 1 or n o e n t r y i n s t a t u s l isi s t +

r e  u ir e ' (N +

o p t ioi o n a l ( ) +

suppresse' (7+

c he c G 0 3 U P = G 0 3 U P = O ,3 B else

in p u t r e > u ir e )

I n t e r n a l f ie i e l ) s e l e c t io io n 

in p u t a l lo  e )

in , is ib le

-;-- Internal Fiel) Selection Priciple

nternal field sele(tion alters s(reen field attri$utes on t'e $asis of t'e (urrent #ro,ram (onte&t. Similar to t'e modifi(ation ,rou#s for e&ternal field sele(tion s(reen fields are ,rou#ed for internal modifi(ation usin, t'e s(reen field attri$ute G":P*2*. nternal field sele(tion oer4rites e&ternal field sele(tion see Fi,ure 1. 1.

" # t e r n a l fi e l ) s e l e c t io n  c h e c  f ie l ' s t a t u s l i s t e n t r y fof o r G 0 3 U P 1

f iei e l ' s t a t u s O else ( n o e n t r y ini n t o G 0 3 U P 1 or n o e n t r y i n s t a t u s l isi s t +

r e  u ir e ' (N +

suppresse' (7+

o p t ioi o n a l ( ) +

c he c G 0 3 U P = G 0 3 U P = O ,3 B else

in p u t r e > u ir e )

in p u t a l lo  e )

in , is ib le

I n t e r n a l f ie i e l ) s e l e c t io io n  c h e c  i n t e r n a l f i e l ' m o ' i f i c a t ioi o n s a c c o r ' in * G 0 3 U P ;


else ( n o m o ' i f i c a t ioi o n o r   a l re a ' y in % is i 2 le + m o ' ify s c re e n

o u tp u t o n l!



= : 8  2 ra n c h a c c o r' in * to in t e r n a l p r o * r a m s ta t e s

"i*ure "i*ure 1$ Acti%ity Acti%ity 'ia*ram 'ia*ram Settin* Settin* screen screen fiel' attri2 attri2utes utes 2y fiel' fiel' selectio selection n


 ;'e reader finds a do(umentation a$out t'e internal field modifi(ation ,rou#s in t'e 'eader of  form Edyn#ro8modif8intC in module #ool SAPFF001.

Wit' Wit' e&ternal field sele(tion sele(tion t'e field is set to re&uire"2 input alloe"!32 invisible or it sta(s unc%ange". t stays un('an,ed if it is for e&am#le not (ontrolled $y e&ternal field sele(tion. ;'is means it is not assi,ned to a modifi(ation ,rou# and attri$ute G":P1 is initial. 5ater internal field sele(tion may set t'e s(reen field to out#ut only or to inisi$le oer4ritin, t'e e&ternal field sele(tion. Screen Mo)ifications fro$ Runti$e .ata

ere are some e&am#les for t'e $ran(' (ondition 1 and * in Fi,ure 1 1 t'at (auses internal field sele(tion de#endent on for e&am#le7 •

8ocu'ent %ea"er

;'e inform informati ation on insert inserted ed into into t'e do(ume do(ument nt 'eader 'eader may (ontro (ontroll t'e s(reen modifi(ation for ea(' of t'e do(umentCs line items.

 $ll line items are posted with the same currency currency 7 the transactions transactions currency currency If this is a foreign foreign currency 7 different from the local currency of the company - each item may refer to a different e*change e*change rate to the local currency of the company For this, if the user enters a foreign currency "ey as the transaction s currency into the documents header, the amount fields for local currency will !e ready for input •

8ocu'ent T(pe T(pe 'he document type controls whether inter company postings are  permitted and the trading partner can !e entered entered manually manually =ser specific e"iting options

;'ese ;'ese are are user user s#e( s#e(if ifi( i( setti settin, n,ss for for ente enteri rin, n, do(u do(ume ment ntss and and ot'e ot'er  r  fun(tions.

'he option optionss set to .no fore foreign ign curre currency ncy or .amoun .amountt fields fields only only in documents currency causes the amount field for foreign currency to !e invisi!le •

Countr( specific "epen"encies

#nly for some countries li"e $rgentinia, BraDil, hina, SAP/F0A? uses t'e (odin, $lo( only 4it' t'e screen for -/ account postings !!. ;'e term (odin, $lo(  a##lies $ot' to t'e fields t'at may a##ear on t'e su$s su$s(r (reen een li"e cost center center,, order order,, cost o!4ect o!4ect etc. as 4ell as t'e data stru(ture stru(ture 'oldin, t'ese fields to,et'er to,et'er 4it' (onte&t information information li"e fiscal   year,  year, period, posting date, posting "ey, "ey, document type etc . ;'is (onte&t is reuired for ('e(s. f not stated ot'er4ise 4e use t'e term co"ing bloc  for for t'e t'e (om# (om#le lete te stru stru(t (tur uree and and a""itional account assign'ents   for t'e fields t'at may a##ear on t'e su$s(reen.

Fiel) Status (ist ;'e fiel" status list for t%e line ite'  used for e&ternal s(reen modifi(ations

as des(ri$ed in se(tion *.2.* a##lies *.2.* a##lies also to t'e (odin, $lo(. For t'at reason t'e F #ost do(ument a##li(ation ealuates t'e s(reen field attri$utes for all fields of t'e (odin, $lo( releant for F. ;'e modifi(ation ,rou#s for t'ese fields are stored in t'e data area 'o"if an" fiel" na'es for co"ing bloc !5. PBO of Main Screen

At P t'e F #ost do(ument a##li(ation initiali=es t'e fiel" status list for t%e co"ing co"ing bloc  bloc  and t' co"ing bloc  bloc  $y (all co"ing bloc  bloc  t'e co"ing (allin in, , t'e t'e co"ing 16. ;'e 'anager see data area on to# of (odin, $lo( mana,er in Fi,ure 16. (odin, $lo( is initiali=ed from t'e "ocu'ent %ea"er and t'e current line ite'. Alt'ou,' t'e line item may not $e (om#letely inserted t'e line item already (ontains data deried from t'e footer entry lie a((ount num$er and  #ostin, ey. ey. ;o,et'er ;o,et'er 4it' t'e do(ument 'eader t'is is t'e (onte&t for t'e (odin, $lo(. ;'e (odin, $lo( mana,er initiali=es t'e a##ro#riate data areas B field status list and (odin, $lo( - and returns a s(reen num$er for  t'e s(reen t'at is used as su$s(reen.


 See s(reen definition SAP/F0A )00 and a,ent in Fi,ure 1+.


 m#lementation note7 All fields in ta$le ;3 'ain, a modifi(ation num$er $et4een 1 and 0 or a num$er ,reater t'an 90 are 35 fields releant for F.


S c r e e n f o r ' 4 ( A c c o u n t P o s t in g s (S c r e e n < # # +

S u b s c r e e n fo r C o ) i n g B l o c *

S c r e e n " i e l' A t trt r i2i 2 u t e s

" i e l ' S t a t u s - i s t fof o r   -ine Item

! o ' if   a n ' " i e l'l ' , a m e s from  o ' in * Bloc (T3B" an' T  3 B 4 +

S c r e e n " i e l'l ' A t t rir i 2 u t e s

Docum ent ea'er  (BP"+

 u r r e n t - in e I t e m (BS.G+

"iel' Status -ist for  o'in* Bloc (3B-"+

3B-@S.,D@PB3: 3B-@S.,D@PAI@A--: 3B-@0..I&.

 o ' in * B lo c  (3B-+

C o ) in g B lo c * M a n a g e r   (SAP-AB+

0 e * i s te r e ' " u n c t io n ! o ' u l e s for Process O B . - . G P 3 S a n' .%ents O P 0 U . " . ,

F I P o s t . o c u $ e n t A p p l ic i c a t io io n (SAP!"#$A+

Regist Applica

S c r e e n D e f ini n i tit i o n s f o r  o ' i n * B l o c  (T3B-+ ' i r e c t c a l l f o r c h e c  s 6 i tht h c u s t o m e r a n ' % e n ' o r lili n e iti t e m s ( s c re e n < # 1 : < # ; +

"i*ure "i*ure 1C Bloc Bloc Dia*ram Dia*ram Accounti Accountin* n* Bloc Bloc1 1

;'e ,ray s'aded data areas are #art of t'e data $ase

Subscreen Selection

;'ere is one #redefined #redefined s(reen for all additional additional a((ount assi,nments assi,nments26. An "!) (ustomer may define o4n s(reens used as su$s(reens for t'e (odin,  $lo(. ;'e data area screen "efinitions for co"ing bloc  (ontains   (ontains a set of  (ust (usto omi=e mi=ed d s(re s(reen enss 'a 'ain, in, a sele sele(t (tio ion n of t'e t'e add additio ition nal a((o a((ou unt assi,nm assi,nment ents. s. ;'e (odin, (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,e mana,err loos loos u# an a##ro# a##ro#riat riatee s(reen s(reen defintion t'at fulfills $est t'e ,ien reuirements in t'e field status list for  t'e t'e (odi (odin, n, $lo( $lo(. . :nne :nne(e (ess ssar ary y fiel fields ds 4ill 4ill $e aoi aoide ded. d. f t'er t'eree is no mat('i mat('in, n, s(reen s(reen defini definitio tion n t'e more more $utton $utton a##eari a##earin, n, on eery eery s(reen s(reen allo4s t'e dis#lay of a #o#u# s(reen 4it' all a((ountin, fields.

PBO of Subscreen

After After initia initiali=i li=in, n, t'e (odin, (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,e mana,err and ,ettin ,ettin, , an a##ro# a##ro#ria riate te s(reen num$er num$er t'e main line item s(reen (alls t'e (odin, (odin, $lo( su$s(reen. su$s(reen. At P of t'e su$s(reen t'e s(reen field attri$utes are set a((ordin, to t'e field status list of t'e (odin, (odin, $lo(. $lo(. n addition addition t'e (odin, $lo( mana,er  sets sets initial initial field field alues alues for t'e additi additiona onall a((ount a((ount assi,nm assi,nment ents s and te&t elem element entss for for t'e t'e field field (ont (onten ents. ts.  For e*ample the profit center may !e derived from the cost center and the name of the cost center and profit  center are shown on the screen 2+.

PAI of Main Screen

At PA t'e F #ost do(ument mana,er initiali=es t'e (odin, $lo( a,ain from information inserted into t'e main s(reen and stored into t'e line item 2  $y (allin, t'e (odin, $lo( mana,er. mana,er.

PAI of Subscreen

;'en ;'en t'e t'e main main item item s(re s(reen en (all (allss t'e t'e (odi (odin, n, $lo( $lo(  su$s su$s(r (reen een for for PA 'andlin,. No4 t'e system transfers t'e s(reen field entries to t'e (odin,  $lo( and t'e (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,er.

Subscreen Selection

;'ere is one #redefined #redefined s(reen for all additional additional a((ount assi,nments assi,nments26. An "!) (ustomer may define o4n s(reens used as su$s(reens for t'e (odin,  $lo(. ;'e data area screen "efinitions for co"ing bloc  (ontains   (ontains a set of  (ust (usto omi=e mi=ed d s(re s(reen enss 'a 'ain, in, a sele sele(t (tio ion n of t'e t'e add additio ition nal a((o a((ou unt assi,nm assi,nment ents. s. ;'e (odin, (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,e mana,err loos loos u# an a##ro# a##ro#riat riatee s(reen s(reen defintion t'at fulfills $est t'e ,ien reuirements in t'e field status list for  t'e t'e (odi (odin, n, $lo( $lo(. . :nne :nne(e (ess ssar ary y fiel fields ds 4ill 4ill $e aoi aoide ded. d. f t'er t'eree is no mat('i mat('in, n, s(reen s(reen defini definitio tion n t'e more more $utton $utton a##eari a##earin, n, on eery eery s(reen s(reen allo4s t'e dis#lay of a #o#u# s(reen 4it' all a((ountin, fields.

PBO of Subscreen

After After initia initiali=i li=in, n, t'e (odin, (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,e mana,err and ,ettin ,ettin, , an a##ro# a##ro#ria riate te s(reen num$er num$er t'e main line item s(reen (alls t'e (odin, (odin, $lo( su$s(reen. su$s(reen. At P of t'e su$s(reen t'e s(reen field attri$utes are set a((ordin, to t'e field status list of t'e (odin, (odin, $lo(. $lo(. n addition addition t'e (odin, $lo( mana,er  sets sets initial initial field field alues alues for t'e additi additiona onall a((ount a((ount assi,nm assi,nment ents s and te&t elem element entss for for t'e t'e field field (ont (onten ents. ts.  For e*ample the profit center may !e derived from the cost center and the name of the cost center and profit  center are shown on the screen 2+.

PAI of Main Screen

At PA t'e F #ost do(ument mana,er initiali=es t'e (odin, $lo( a,ain from information inserted into t'e main s(reen and stored into t'e line item 2  $y (allin, t'e (odin, $lo( mana,er. mana,er.

PAI of Subscreen

;'en ;'en t'e t'e main main item item s(re s(reen en (all (allss t'e t'e (odi (odin, n, $lo( $lo(  su$s su$s(r (reen een for for PA 'andlin,. No4 t'e system transfers t'e s(reen field entries to t'e (odin,  $lo( and t'e (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,er.

Registere) Function Mo)ules

%a(' a##li(ation res#onsi$le for ('e(s re,isters fun(tion modules for t'e  #ro(ess %5%GPS >do(ument item? and eent P":%F%N >('e(? in t'e registere" function 'o"ules . ;'e (odin, data ata are are registere" (odin, $lo( $lo( mana,e mana,err (alls (alls t'ese fun(tion modules for ('e(s. After ('e(in, t'e additional a((ount assi,nments t'e Fi #ost do(ument a##li(ation reuests t'e (odin, $lo( for moin, its (ontents into t'e line item.

Screens not using Co)ing Bloc*

S(reens lie (ustomer or endor line item s(reen 'ae additional a((ount assi,nments for e&am#le t'e $usiness area 4it'out usin, t'e (odin, $lo(. ;'erefore t'e F #ost do(ument a##li(ation (alls t'e re,istered fun(tion modules dire(tly see dotted line in Fi,ure 16. 16.

Fast "ntr!

;'is is also true for G!5 a((ount and endor inoi(e!(redit memo fast entry. ;'ese s(reens 'ae a ta$le for G!5 a((ount a((ount entries. ere it is im#ossi$le im#ossi$le to inte,rate t'e (odin, $lo( mana,er $e(ause t'e fun(tionality is $ased on t'e usa,e of t'e su$s(reen.


 See s(reen definition SAP5A3 000*.


 o4 does t'e a((ountin, $lo( mana,er retriee t'is informationO


 ;'e do(ument 'eader information is also used for t'e initiali=ation. 3an it $e su$0 will !e used whereas for a credit memo the posting "eys 91 and 50 will !e used  ;'e first #ostin, ey (ontrols t'e

 We do not tal a$out #ayment fast entry B transa(ti on F@) - 'ere.  nternal ta$le A:;;A >automati(ally (reated lines?  ;'e same a##lies to additional a((ount assi,nments see (odin, $l o( in A#endi& *.2.*.)

(om#artment for t'e endor #ostin, t'e se(ond t'e (om#artment for G!5 a((ount #ostin,s. n addition a s(reen ariant may $e defined 4it' an indi(ator t'at allo4s to inert t'e si,ns for an G!5 a((ount #ostin,.  aving   selected the indicator for an item, posting "ey >0 will !e used instead of   posting "ey 50 50 and vice versa versa .

A ' m in i s t r a t o r  

P o s s i 2 lel e " i e l S c re e n & a r    u s t o m i in * T o o l fo r S c r e e n &ariants P a tte rn S c re S c re e n & a r  

G e n e ra te '  S c re e n &ariants

S c re e n "ast .

"I U ser  s e t % ia u s e r   e ' it in * o p t io n s

a c t ) % a r iai a n t

"I P ost D ocum ent ! ana*er 

"i*ure "i*ure 18 Bloc Bloc Dia*ram Dia*ram "iel' "iel' Selecti Selection on for for "ast "ast .ntry .ntry

;'e follo4in, ta$le s'o4s t'e im#lementation as#e(ts for field sele(tion 4it' fast entry. ;'ere are t4o different inds of ariants. ne for sin,le line and one for t4o line G!5 a((ount entries see ;a$le . .

noi( noi(e!3 e!3red redit it /emo /emo Fast Fast %ntry %ntry G!5 A((ou A((ount nt Fast Fast %ntry %ntry Possi$le Fields on Iariant Iariant S(reen SAPIF0A 1001 S(reen SAPIF0A 100* S(reen S(reen >defin >defines es also t'e ('e( modules and alue 'el# for t'e fields? * Pattern S(reens for  S(reen SAP/F0A 1*+ >sin,le S(reen SAP/F0A )10 S(reen Iariant line? and SAP/F0A 1)+ >t4o >sin,le line? and SAP/F0A lines )11 >t4o lines Generated Iariant S(reens SAP/F0A &&& and data$ase ta$les ;0*1D ;0*1; S(reens ;0*1S;D; et(. A(tual Iariant :ser Parameter in Data$ase ;a$le :S"0 >/aintenan(e ;ransa(tion F00? 3ustomi=in, ;ools S(reen Iariants ;ransa(tion +% ;ransa(tion +%6 Postin, eys ;ransa(tion J ;ransa(tion J m#lementation As#e(ts7 /a##in, $et4een Data Areas and A,ents of Fi,ure 1 to 1 to AAP2 ) Pro,ram Stru(tures and Data$ase ;a$les


 ;'e des(ri#tion of t'e #ossi$le fields t'eir attri$utes and t'e module (alls for ('e(s and alue 'el# (ould 'ae $een stored into a data$ase ta$le. nstead t'ey are defined $y t'e t4o s(reen definitions. ;'ese s(reens only sere as a storin, medium.


 m#lementation note7 ;'e #ost do(ument a##li(ation stores t'e do(ument line items into t'e 4or  area of ta$le S%G $efore transferrin, transferrin, t'e (ontents into an internal internal ta$le. e(ause a field in ta$le S%G may already a##ear on t'e s(reen B e.,. GS%" a##ears on t'e s(reen for noi(e!3redit memo fast entry for t'e endor itemB a se#arate stru(ture SAPS is defined to 'old t'e data entered for t'e G!5 a((ount items. ;'is is done to aoid a (onfli(t 4it' t'e automati( field trans#ort from t'e s(reen to t'e #ro,ram data mem$ers.

Appen)i# An'an,

A Mo)eli Mo)eling ng Tec%ni>u c%ni>ues es Su$$ Su$$ar! ar! /odelin,;e('niuesSummary

;'is a##endi& ,ies a s'ort oerie4 of t'e elements in t'e stru(ture #lans used $y t'e asis /odelin, /odelin, ,rou#. For detailed detailed information information see t'e re#ort 8escription Met%o"  Mo"eling Principles an" Structure Plans . For t'e a(tiity and (lass dia,rams see :/5 notation ,uide.

A1 A1 Bloc Bloc* * .i .iagra agra$ $ lo( dia,rams s'o4 t'e stru(ture of a system i.e. its components  #artitioned in a(tie and  #assie #arts and t'e connections $et4een t'em. ;'ey s'o4 t'e data flow in a system.

A*ent A

A,ent A is an a(tie system (om#onent. An a,ent (an  $e refined 4it' any (om#le& $lo( dia,ram >i.e. (an (ontain a,ents and stora,e #la(es?.

Stora*e S

Stor Stora, a,ee #la(e #la(e S is a #assi #assie e syste system m (om# (om#on onen ent. t. A stora,e #la(e (an $e refined 4it' a num$er of su$stora,e #la(es.



A,ent A (an 4rite to and read from t'e stora,e #la(e S. ;'is means al4ays an a((ess to t'e (om#lete (ontents of S.



A,en A,entt A 4rit 4rites es #art #art of t'e t'e stor stora, a,ee #la( #la(ee S. ;'is ;'is sym$oli=es a sele(tie 4rite a((ess. 3ommu 3ommuni(a ni(atio tion n ('anne ('annell 3 is a non-sa non-sain, in, #assi #assiee (om#onent. t (an tem#orarily 'old data and eents for  t'e duration of a (ommuni(ation.




3ommuni(ation $et4een a,ent A1  and a,ent A*. ;'e ind ind and and dire dire(t (tio ion n of t'e t'e (omm (ommun uni( i(at atio ion n are are not not s#e(ified in more detail.










"efinement of t'e (ommuni(ation ('annel $et4een t4o a,ents. A,ent A1 sends reuests >REQ? to a,ent A* and re(eies its res#onses >RES?.



;'is ;'is is a more more (om# (om#a( a(tt 4rit 4ritin in, , for for t'e t'e "%Q! "%Q!"% "%SS('annel. t (an $e used if only little s#a(e is aaila$le.

AA- BM+S BM+S"R "RM M .iag .iagra ra$ $ /-S%"/ dia,rams isuali=e o$often (alled entity ty#es or o$
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