BPI vs. St. Michael Medical Center, G.R. No. 205469, March 25, 205 FACTS: Spouses Virgilio and Yolanda Rodil (Sps. Rodil) are the owners and sole proprietors of St. Michael iagnostic and S!in Care "a#orator$ Ser%ices and &ospital (St. Michael &ospital)' a store$ secondar$ secondar$ le%el hospital #uilt on their propert$ located in Molino *' +acoor' Ca%ite. ,ith a %ision to upgrade St. Michael &ospital into a -odern' welleuipped and full ser%ice tertiar$ //store$ hospital' Sps. Rodil purchased two (*) parcels of land ad0oining their e1isting propert$ and' on Ma$ **' *223' incorporated SMMC4' with which entit$ the$ planned to e%entuall$ consolidate St. Michael &ospital5s operations. SMMC4 had an initial capital of 6*'222'222.22 which was later increased to 63'22'222.22' 78.879 of which outstanding capital stoc!' or 62'3'222.22' was su#scri#ed and paid #$ Sps. Rodil. To To nance the costs costs of #uilding #uilding construction' construction' SMMC4 applied applied for a loan loan with petitioner +64 Fa-il$ Sa%ings +an!' 4nc. (+64 Fa-il$) which ga%e a credit line of up to 63'222'222.22';secured #$ a Real
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