BP for Preservation of Idle Eqpts

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

Best Practices For Preservation Of Idle Mechanical Equipments

Please send your comments and suggestions to the author. This document is intended for guidance purpose and may be adopted with minor modifications by any functional department within RIL group of companies. Reproduction of this document or parts thereof in not allowed unless written permission is obtained from the Approving authority.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Page: 1 of 2 9 Date: 3-Apr-07 Revision no.: 0.0

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

INDEX Sr. N o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

Title Introduction Scope Objective Selection criteria for equipment selection SECTION – A: PRESERVATION OF ROTATING EQUIPMENTS Scope Procedure for turbine/Compressor rotors Rotor storage Preservative coating/covering Responsibility matrix Rotor condition verification checklist Procedure for spare equipments like Pumps/Blower/Fan/Gear Box Pumps/Blower and fan Gear Box Responsibility matrix Equipment condition verification check list Preservation of Spare components Preservation Bare shaft/Gear shaft/Impeller/Coupling Preservation of bearing Responsibility matrix Component condition verification checklist Idle rotary components Centrifugal/rotary/reciprocating pumps Large fans Gear box Reciprocating compressors Centrifugal process compressors SECTION – B: PRESERVATION OF STATIC EQUIPMENTS Preservation of Vessel and columns Preservation of Shell and tube heat exchangers Preservation of Air fin coolers Preservation of Reactor without catalyst and with catalyst Preservation of Fired heaters along with ducts and stacks Preservation of boilers Preservation of cooling towers Preservation of atmospheric storage tank Preservation of Process piping Preservation of Safety valves Preservation of Heat exchangers Preservation of Structurals and tracing Reference

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Page No 03 03 03 03 04 04 05 05 06 08 09 09 09 11 12 13 13 13 15 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 28 29

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

1.0 INTRODUCTION Preservation of idle equipments is called “Mothballing”. Mothballing in a process plant involves safeguarding of unattended and non-operational equipments from deterioration during downtime period, generally above one month. Such situation may arise due to reasons like feed problems, haulage problems, major repairs, revamps, modifications, retrofitting, etc. Deterioration of equipments during idle time is caused by conditions entirely different from those that exist during operation. During downtime, moisture or oxygen or both are responsible for idle time corrosion of equipments. Deposits in equipment during operati on become corrosive during downtime due to reason mentioned above. Hence, prevention of idle time corrosion is achieved by adopting any of the following techniques. a) Expelling oxygen b) Using moisture absorbing chemicals called desiccants c) Creating physical barrier between metal & environment by applying paints or grease. 2.0 SCOPE This document deals with most practical and reliable techniques of corrosion pr evention in case of mechanical equipments during idle time. This document is prepared in such a man ner that it is covering both static and rotary equipments preservations separately in two sections. 3.0 OBJECTIVE The objective of these documents is to details best practices guidelines for the preservation of static and rotating equipments during their idle time. 4.0 Selection criteria for equipment preservation Before going for measures for mothballing of equipment, following should be considered. § § § § § § § § §

Period of shutdown Allowable deterioration & rate of deterioration Probability of re-use Expenditure for repair/replacement Time required for repair/replacement after shutdown Type of protective system applicable against idle time corrosion Condition of the equipment Criticality of service Type of environment in which equipment need to be preserved

Equipments do not need any idle time preservation if § § § §

It has become obsolete and will not be put back in service again It has deteriorated beyond economic repair It is not in critical service & the estimated value of the equipment Is not worth the expenditure to be made for preservation.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

SECTION: A PRESERVATION OF ROTATING EQUIPMENTS High value rotary components / subassemblies have been procured as Insurance spares to cover unforeseen failures resulting in huge production loss. It is vital that these components / equipments are in good usable condition at all times. This necessitates preservation during storage/transportation to avoid damages like rusting/sagging/physical damages in due course of time. The procedure defines the methodology to be followed for pr eservation during storage/transportation. The procedure also covers periodic checks required to certify the condition of spare rotor.

1.0 SCOP E This procedure is used for preservation of following components / equipments during storage in warehouse or its transportation from one location to another. §

Turbine / Compressor rotors


Spare equipments like Pumps, Gearboxes, and Blowers etc.


Spare components like Shafts, Impellers, Couplings, and Bearings etc.


Idle rotary equipments (installed at site but not in operation)

2.0 PROCEDURE FOR TURBINE / COMPRESSOR ROTORS The procedure comprises of three main sections. §


The storage procedure takes care of rotor protection against a.

Shaft bends due to sagging


Physical damages





The procedure for coating is to ensure protection against corrosion §


The procedure outlines the precautions to be taken during transportation to avoid any damage.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

2.1 ROTOR STORAGE: Proper storage of critical rotors is of high importance to guard against the setting of bend in rotor due to sagging effect and against physical damages / rusting. The rotors shall be stored in suitably designed metal containers. Small rotors may be stored in wooden boxes. All the containers are designed for preservation as well as transportation. 2.1.1 STORAGE IN METAL CONTAINERS For the rotors stored in metal containers, the following shall be ensured: §

The rotors are stored in vertical condition.


The containers shall b e purged with Nitrogen with pressure of 0.3 – 0.5 bar.


Wherever the container design envisages use of relief valve, the relief valve shall be calibrated at the time of periodic inspection.


The Nitrogen purge pressure shall be checked every six (06) months. In case it is low, it should be made up with the assistance of Plant Maintenance.


The rotor containers shall be preferably stored on concreted or leveled floor / Ground. The container shall be made horizontal when cyclonic winds are forecast.

2.1.2 STORAGE IN WOODEN BOXES For rotors stored in wooden boxes the following shall be ensured: §

Wooden boxes for storing small rotors are made from wooden panels/plywood boards and adequately provided on the outside with wooden ribs for strengthening against collapse/breakage during storage, lifting & shifting and transportation.


Wooden boxes are provided with sufficiently rigid wooden blocks on the inside to support the rotor under its journals and in the mid-section. The block in contact shall be contoured to match the curvature of the rotor section in contact. Each support shall be closed from top with sufficiently rigid wooden blocks to clamp the rotor rigidly.


Sufficient quantity of DESICCANT bags shall be kept in the box to keep the atmosphere moisture free.


All rotors packed in wooden boxes shall be stored indoors in horizontal condition.

2.2 PRESERVATIVE COATING, COVERINGS 2.2.1 Preservative coating The recommended preservative coatings are:

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Page: 5 of 2 9 Date: 3-Apr-07 Revision no.: 0.0

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Tectyl 846 Molykote 3402 Molykote metal protector plus 6013 formulae 101 corrosion suppressant (spray form) Stripper compound Z 9313 (brushable). Or other equivalent approved by Head Rotary (Engineering)

Surface to be coated must be thoroughly cleaned and dried. Suitable cleaning agents such as “8060 safety solvent” or another equivalent approved by Head Rotary may be used. Application of the coating may be either by brush painting or by spraying on the surface. Allow applied coating to dry for 1 – 1½ hour or as per procedure of coating supplier. Ins pect coating for coverage of entire surface and no pin holes/voids are left.

In case of any defect, removal must be done using the suitable

solvent followed by cleaning the surface with clean, lint-free cloth/tissue paper. Apply coating again. 2.2.2 Coverings: Critical surface like the journals and probe areas require special attention. The purpose of coverings is to provide an effective isolation between the surface being preserved and the surroundings. Generally wax coated lint-free jute cloth or paper or soft rubber/PVC tape with adhesive on one side are used for covering the more critical and sensitive surface like journals, vibration probe sensing strips etc. For heavy rotors supported on their journals, soft sheet metal (Aluminium/Brass/Lead) covering shall used over the rubber/PVC layer on the journals.

Responsibilities: The responsibility of ensuring proper storage and rotor condition shall be as defined below: §

1.0 2.0 3.0

Periodic inspection of rotor (once in 02 years for metallic containers and once in 12 months for wooden containers or rotors stored horizontally supported in bearings) Lifting shifting and transportation of container with rotor to and from Storage Yard/Plant/E & M (Workshop) Lifting/shifting and transportation of container with rotor within

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32


E&M Workshop






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5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

E & M (Workshop) Arrangement for rotor checks like Dimensional checks, Preservative cleaning Witnessing as per the verification check -list: Preservation condition Visual inspection of journals, thrust collar & locknut, balancing weights, grub screws, coupling hub etc. after cleaning the preservative. Run-out (radial / axial) checks at both journals, thrust collar, rotor mid-section, labyrinth/seal areas etc. NDT (DPT) of impeller / blades, shaft ends etc. first time before applying preservative & every time the rotor is taken out of service. Container condition Preservative application

√ with C&I √

Rotor placement and clamping in container and final box-up


Box-up and sealing of container


Nitrogen charging and final pressure at E&M (Workshop)

8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0

Nitrogen arrangement Proper storage Painting of container if required

6.0 7.0

√ √ √


Periodic inspection of container for Nitrogen pressure. Inspection of container sealing for Nitrogen leaks. Technical assistance for attending any leak of Nitrogen from container and make-up of Nitrogen Make-up of Nitrogen pressure as required.


E&M Workshop

5.0 5.1



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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


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Responsibility as per above matrix is as follows. E & M-Rotary: 1. Rotor checking – Concerned Rotary Engineer -in-Charge 2. Approving any deviations – Head Rotary (Engineering) E&M-Workshop: Workshop Engineer. Plant: Plant Maintenance Engineer. §


Rotor condition verification checklist completely filled & duly signed by plant maintenance engineer & Rotary engineer shall be kept with Rotary group with a copy to r espective plant maintenance.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


Tag No.: Tag Description: Unit: Spares Code Number: Location: S/N 1.0 2.0 2.1

Inspected on: Due inspection: ACTIVITIES



Nitrogen Pressure Before dismantling the container (bars) Physical Check after container opening: Preservation Condition

2.2 Shaft Journal condition: 2.2.1 Drive end 2.2.2 Non drive end Thrust Collar condition & Lock nut (where provided) 2.3 tightness (hand movement check) 2.4 Condition of balancing weights (if applicable) 2.5 2.6 3.0 3.1

Condition of Grub Screws (Tightness check) Coupling Hub condition Run-out checking at E & M WORKSHOP: DE Journal


On mechanical/dry gas seal area (DE)

3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

Gland labyrinth area (DE) Impulse wheel Rotor mid-span On mechanical/dry gas seal area (NDE)


Gland labyrinth area (NDE)

3.8 3.9

NDE Journal On Thrust Collar (axial)

3.10 On Thrust Collar (radial) Nitrogen Pressure maintained after container 4.0 boxed-up (Bar) 5.0 Relief valve set-pressure (calibrated) (Bar) 6.0 Container Type: 6.1 6.2

Horizontal Storage Vertical Storage


Future Recommendation for better storage


Transportation precaution PLANT MAINTENANCE

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau


Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


Approved antirust spray should be applied inside casing or pump casing should be filled with mineral oil (containing 5% rust preventive concentrate).


Suction & Discharge ends of pumps should be blinded / covered to avoid entry of any foreign material.


Bearing housings should be filled with lubrication oil.


Preservative coating should be applied on parts protruded from main body like shaft end including coupling hub.


Equipment body (out side) should be painted.


The equipment should be rotated by 10 ~ 20 revolutions by hand at an interval of 6 months.


The equipment should be inspected every 6 m onths from available opening for physical observation of rust etc. If rusting is observed, approved preservative after cleaning should be applied.


Bearing housing oil should be changed at an interval of Two year.


Equipment should be stored in house (not in open area) in a leveled condition on concrete / wooden block minimum 6 inches above the ground.

10. Antirust spray / coating should be properly cleaned by approved solvent, before installation of such equipment in service. 3.2 GEAR BOXES 1.

Complete gear box including lube piping should be filled with lubrication oil.


All vents ports should be plugged.


Equipment body (out side) should be painted.


Preservative coating should be applied on parts protruded from main body like shaft end including coupling hub.


The equipment should be rotated by 10 ~ 20 revolutions by hand at an interval of 6 months.


The equipment should be inspected every 6 months by opening the inspection window for physical observation of rust etc. If rusting is observed, approved preservative after cleaning should be applied.


Gear box oil should be changed at an interval of two years.


Antirust spray / coating should be properly cleaned by approved solvent, before installation of such equipment for service.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Group Manufacturing Services Engineering Services Dept

DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


The responsibility of ensuring proper storage and equipment condition shall be as defined below in page-1 1


The equipment should be inspected once a year as per the checklist defined in page 12.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

Reliance Industries Limited



Initial inspection of equipment


Preservative application (internal / external)

3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0

Blinding of ends (openings) Lube oil filling / grease application in bearing housing Body painting (if required) Inspection, rotation of shaft at an interval of 6 months Bearing housing oil / grease change


Proper storage as per procedure



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Materials / Stores



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Responsibility as per above matrix is as follows. § 1. 2.

E & M -Rotary: Equipment checking - Concerned Rotary Engineer-in -Charge Approving any deviations - Head Rotary (Engineering)

§ Plant: Plant Maintenance Engineer. § Materials/Stores: Material officer / Stores in charge § RECORDS: Equipment condition verification checklist completely filled & duly signed by Materials officer & Plant Maint. Engineer shall be kept with Materials / Stores dept. with a copy to respective plant maintenance.

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


Tag No.: Tag Description: Unit Spares Code Number: Location: S/N

Inspected on: Due inspection: ACTIVITIES



External physical condition

2.0 3.0 4.0

Preservative Condition Internal physical condition (in openings) Rotor freeness checking

5.0 6.0

Oil change Preservative application

7.0 8.0

Storage at proper place Future recommendations for better storage


Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau



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Group Manufacturing Services

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


Correct identification tag / part no. should be ensured.


If the parts are new and in OEM packing, only its physical condition should be inspected externally. Total packing need not be disturbed for a period of two years.


If the parts are used/ old or in storage for more than 1 year, approved preservative coating (brushable /thick coating in straight portions and Spray / thin coating in parts having close clearances) should be applied after cleaning b y suitable cleaning agent.


After coating drying, the parts should be packed in air tight polyethylene sheet.


Few bags of Indicator type Desiccants should be kept in the main packing for moisture absorption. These bags should be inspected & replaced if moisture is indicated.


These parts condition & desiccant bags should be inspected at an interval of one year.


The parts should be horizontally supported at marked locations (for support) on a wooden support frame, in leveled condition.


For castings, only the m achined surfaces need to be protected against rusting by preservative coating.


New bearings supplied with OEM packing should not be broken and should be stored in same packing.


If at all the original seal of bearing is broken, the same should be repacked after thoroughly applying approved Rust preventive coating (for antifriction bearings only) and applying Rust preventive coating on Shell of the bearings (for Journal bearings only). Such bearings should be preserved in polyethylene sheets and joints should be heat sealed or by self adhesive tape.


Bearings should be stored in Horizontal position and piling up should be avoided (for Antifriction b earings).


Bearings should be preferably stored in moisture free and dust free atmosphere.


Shifting of bearings from one location to another location during storage should be avoided as it may damage the bearings.


Freeness checking of bearings by hand should be avoided during storage (for Antifriction bearings).


All bearings should be checked / inspected externally once in two years.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

In case of small size sealed bearings (Antifriction type), the bearings should not be used after shelf life of its grease is generally 3 to 4 years.


RESPONSIBILITY: § The responsibility of ensuring proper storage and components condition shall be defined in page-15. § The components should be inspected once a year as per the checklist in page-16.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

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Identification tagging


External inspection of parts in OEM packing

Preservative coating application (if required, after two years of procurement) Packing of parts with desiccant bags (wherever applicable) Overall proper storage at proper place

3.0 4.0 5.0

√ √

Note 1: In case of any doubts / clarification, Plant / CES to be contacted. Responsibility as per above matrix is as follows. § Plant: Plant Maintenance Engineer. § Materials/Stores: Material officer / Stores in charge § RECORDS: Component condition verification checklist completely filled & duly signed by Materials officer & Plant Maint Engineer shall be kept with Materials / Stores dept. with a copy to respective plant maintenance.

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India


Tag No.: Tag Description: Unit: Spares Code Number: Location: S/N

Inspected on: Due inspection: ACTIVITIES

1.0 2.0

Packing condition Preservative condition

3.0 4.0 5.0

Physical Condition of parts Condition of desiccant bags Replacement of desiccant bags


Overall storage condition and place




Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Group Manufacturing Services

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

5.0 IDLE ROTARY EQUIPMENTS (INSTALLED AT SITE, BUT NOT IN OPERATION) Requirement of such preservation is very rare & remote. General & broad procedure is given below. However as & when needed, specific and detailed procedure should be evolved by CES (Rotary) & Plant Maint Jointly. This is applicable for all equipments in this category.


Pump casing should be flushed & drained.


If service is acidic or alkali, the same should be neutralized.


All cooling jackets should be flushed by fresh water followed by air drying.


Pump casing should be filled with mineral oil containing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate.


Cooling water jackets, bearing housing and stuffing box should be plugged; low point drain valve should be cracked open slightly.


Approved preservative coating should be applied on parts which protrude through bearing or stuffing box housings like shaft end and cover with tape.


All exposed machined surfaces and coupling parts except elastomers should be coated with preservative.


Bearing housing should be completely filled with mineral oil containing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate.


Pump suction and discharge valves closed.

10. The equipment should be given few hand rotations (3 to 4) once in 6 months (or during P.M).


Approved preservative coating should be applied on coupling and all external machined surfaces.


Rust preventive spray should be applied on fan wheel.


Casing low point drain valve should be crack opened. The equipment should be given few hand rotations once in 6 Months (or during P.M).


Gearbox and piping should be completely filled with oil containing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate. Some space should be left for thermal expansion.


All vents should be plugged.

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Preferably a valved pipe should be installed on casing which can serve as filler pipe for adding oil to fill casing.


The equipment should be given few hand rotations once in 6 Months (or during P.M).


Compressor casing should be made free of hydrocarbons and pu rged.


Compressor suction and discharge should be closed. Crankcase, connecting rod and valves should be filled with oil containing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate. Some space should be left for thermal expansion.


All exposed machined parts should be coated with approved preservative.


After flushing & drying of cooling jacket, oil can be filled.


The equipment should be given few hand rotations once in 6 Months (or during P.M).


If the equipment is not in operation for more than one year, all soft packings, elastomers should be inspected & replaced (if required).


Compressor casing should be made free o f hydrocarbons and purged.


Machine internals should be flushed with solvent to remove heavy polymers.


Casing should be pressurized with nitrogen.


After mixing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate to existing lube and seal oil, it should be circulated through the entire system for one hour.


Upon the above exercise, oil return header should be closed. Shaft openings should be sealed with silicone rubber caulking and tape.


Oil console should be filled with mineral oil containing 5 percent rust preventive concentrate.


Filling should be done when compressor is at ambient temperature. All heat tracers should be turned off.


All exposed machined parts; including couplings (except elastomer) should be coated with approved preservative.

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

SECTION B PRESERVATION OF STATIC EQUIPMENTS The following procedures are for static equipments preservation 1.0 PRESERVATION OF VESSELS AND COLUMNS §

Name of chemical

Desiccant to be used. For CS/AS metallurgy, silica gel to be used and for SS metallurgy, activated alumina to be used.


Weight Requirement

For both silica gel & activated alumina, weight requirement is calculated as 23Kg/28.3 Cubic meter of enclosed space. §

Application Method

a) The equipment need to be flushed internally. Neutralizing agents may be used during flushing if required b) In case of austenitic stainless steel equipments, passivation to be done by using solution of DM Water containing 1wt% of sodium carbonate and 0.5 wt% sodium nitrite.. c) Drain the solution after passivation. d) Man ways to be opened e) Internal cleaning to be done. f) The desiccant should be spread in a thin layer on a tray and then placed inside the equipment. In case of column, desiccant can be placed at various elevations inside the equipment g) All the nozzles to be blinded/closed (using similar gaskets as original) After that, all nozzles to be sealed by using tapes. h) All removable fittings such as safety valves & instrument connections to be removed and sent to ware house. i) Grease or preservative oil to be applied on bolts/nuts. j) In case of externally insulated equipment, insulation to be inspected. Hot or cold insulations both to be inspected. k) Damaged or deteriorated insulation to be renewed.

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

l) Exposed portion to be painted with Zinc rich primer m) In case of small vessels, entire insulation can be removed and entire external surface to be painted with Zinc rich primer. n) In case of uninsulated equipment, the external paint to be inspected. Wherever paint is in damaged condition, Zinc rich primer to be applied. After removing the damaged paint by emery paper. §

Nitrogen Purging: Not required


Regular Checking

Once in every three months, desiccants to be inspected for de coloration. The discolored chemicals to be replaced with fresh ones 2 PRESERVATION OF SHELL AND TUBE HEAT EXCHANGER §

Name of chemical

a) Desiccant to be used in channel box. For CS/AS metallurgy silica gel to be used and for SS metallurgy activated alumina to be used. b) Nitrogen Purging in shell side / tube side both. §

Weight Requirement

For both silica gel & activated alumina, weight requirement is calculated as 23Kg/28.3 Cubic meter of enclosed space. §

Application Method

a) Flushing to be done in shell side/tube side separately b) De-assemble the heat exchanger , open and remove all removable components. If the exchanger has fixed tube sheets, all components other than tube bundle to be dismantled. c) All components to be cleaned thoroughly, the tube bundles to be cleaned externally & internally both. In case of fixed tube sheets, tube to be cleaned internally. For cle aning, hydro blasting / hydro jetting may be done, No deposit should be left on inside or outside surface of the components d) Grease/preservative oil to be applied on all the bolts/nuts& fl anges(other than gasket seating surfaces) e) Reassemble all components f) Put desiccants in the channel box.

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Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

f) Blank off all nozzles and close all vents& drains g) Maintain positive nitrogen pressure in tube side/shell side both. h) External insulation if existing to be inspected . Damaged insulation to be renewed or removed. All external bare surfaces to be coated with Zinc rich primer in the areas where existing paint has been found deteriorated or insulation was removed. If the external environment is humid, all insulation to be removed & the complete external surface to be painted with Zinc rich primer. i) If a removable tube bundle is to be kept in the store, wooden flanges to be bolted on both the tube sheets and the tube bundle to be covered with waterproof tarpaulin. §

Regular Checking

The desiccant in the channel box to checked once in three months If discoloration observed the deteriorated desiccant to be replaced with fresh ones. 3 PRESERVATION OF AIR FIN COOLERS §

Name Of Chemical

a) Desiccant to be used in either of the two channel boxes. For CS/AS metallurgy, silica gel to be used and for SS metallurgy, activated alumina to be used. b) Nitrogen Purging in tube side. §

Weight Measurement

For both silica gel & activated alumina, weight requirement is calculated as 23Kg/28.3 Cubic meter of enclosed space. §

Application Method

a) Flushing to be carried out in tube side b) Deassemble the channel boxes. c) Cleaning of internal surfaces of tubes & channel boxes to be carried out thoroughly. Hydro blasting / hydro jetting may be used. d) Reassemble the channel boxes. e) Put desiccant in either of the two channel boxes f) Positive nitrogen pressure to be maintained inside the tubes. g) Grease to be applied on all fasteners

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Group Manufacturing Services

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Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

Regular Checking

The desiccant in the channel box to checked once in three months If discoloration observed the deteriorated desiccant to be replaced with fresh ones. 4 PRESERVATION OF REACTORS WITHOUT CATALYST §

Name of chemical

Desiccant to be used for CS/AS metallurgy silica gel t o be used and for SS metallurgy activated alumina to be used. §

Weight Requirement

For both silica gel & activated alumina, weight requirement is calculated as 23Kg/28.3 Cubic meter of enclosed space. §

A pplication Method

a) The equipment need to be flushed internally. Neutralizing agents may be used during flushing if required b) In case of austenitic stainless steel equipments, passivation to be done by using solution of DM Water containing 1wt% of sodium carbonate and 0.5 wt% sodium n itrite.. c) Drain the solution after passivation. d) Man ways to be opened e) Internal cleaning to be done. f) The desiccant should be spread in a thin layer on a tray and then placed inside the equipment. In case of column, desiccant can be placed at various elevations inside the equipment g) All the nozzles to be blinded/closed (using similar gaskets as original) After that, all nozzles to be sealed by using tapes. h) All removable fittings such as safety valves & instrument connections to be removed and sent to ware house. i) Grease or preservative oil to be applied on bolts/nuts. j) In case of externally insulated equipment, insulation to be inspected. Hot or cold ins ulations both to be inspected. k) Damaged or deteriorated insulation to be renewed.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

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Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

l) Exposed portion to be painted with Zinc rich primer m) In case of small vessels, entire insulation can be removed and entire external surface to be painted with Zinc rich primer. n) In case of uninsulated equipment, the external paint to be inspected. Wherever paint is in damaged condition, Zinc rich primer to be applied. After removing the damaged paint by emery paper. §

Nitrogen Purging: Not required


Regular Checking

Once in every three months, desiccants to be inspected for de coloration. The discolored chemicals to be replaced with fresh ones 5 PRESERVATION OF REACTOR WITH CATALYST §

Name of chemical

Nitrogen purging §

Application Method

a) All safety valves & other removable attachments to be removed. b) All nozzles to be blinded/closed c) If CTS permits, positive nitrogen pressure to be maintained inside the reactor. d) Grease to be applied on all fasteners 6 PRESERVATION OF FIRED HEATERS ALONG WITH DUCTS AND STACKS


Name of chemical


Application Method

a) Flushing of tubes to be carried out by using neutralizing agents if required b) If tubes have austenitic SS metallurgy, passivation of tubes inner surfaces to be carried out by using solution of DM Water with 1wt% sodium carbonate & 0.5 wt% sodium nitrite . The holding period of this solution inside the tubes should be decided by CTS.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

c) The passivating solution to be drained. d) All the bolted connections in the flanges in tube coils to be opened. e) All the fasteners to be greased. f) All hinges on access doors, peep holes, drains, and dampers to be greased g) External surfaces of tubes to be cleaned by using wire brush. & 5% solution of soda ash in water. In case of SS tubes, soda ash solution should be made in DM Water h) Refractories should be kept dry i) Wherever feasible, air entry locations should be sealed in the shell/fire box. 7 PRESERVATION OF BOILERS There are basically two met hods of idle time protection of boilers :a) Dry method b) Wet method In this document, only dry method is recommended. §

Name of chemical

Desiccants to be placed inside the steam drum. Silica gel or dehydrated lime (calcium oxide) or activated alumina to be used. §

Weight Requirement

For each 1000 square feet of heating surface area, 100 lbs of silica gel or 20 lbs of dehydrated lime or 150 lbs of activated alumina to be used. §

Application Method

a) The boiler to be drained, flushed and chemically cleaned b) Drying of inner surfaces of tubes to be done by using forced hot air if feasible. c) Open the man way of steam drum, and place desiccant inside the drum. And close the man way. d) All removable instrument attachments to be removed including safety valves. e) All flanges in the pressure envelop to be closed and tightened. f) Refractory inside the fire box to be kept dry. Wherever feasible, all air entry locations in the fire box to be closed.

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

g) Before taking shutdown of boiler, operate all soot blowers several times to remove as much deposit from tubes as practicable. h) After shutdown, the external surfaces (flue gas side) of tubes and air heaters should be washed down with 5% solution of soda ash in water. i) The burner tips should be thoroughly cleaned and coated with preservative oil §

Regular Checking

Once in three months, the desiccants to be checked for decoloration. The deteriorated quantity of desiccants to be renewed with fresh ones. 8 PRESERVATION OF COOLING TOWER §

Name of chemicals


Application Method

a) Drain and flush all the connected piping b) Drain all water from the basin, remove all debris, muck etc and clean the basin thoroughly c) Replace all unsatisfactory/unhealthy structural members d) Replace warped or missing slats e) Carry out repairs to the concrete walls & floors of the basin for cracks, loose concrete, slope of the floor, etc f) Remove fan motor and protect it as recommended by GMS g) Drain the oil from gear box and refill it with a high grade mineral oil. h) Clean the exterior surfaces of the gear reducing housing and paint them. Store the reducer in a warm & dry a rea. i) Wrap all exposed shaft with plastic tape. j) Clean the fan with appropriate cleaner and apply suitable paint k) Clean the fan drive gear with a light grease and water proof paper. l) Secure the fan blades to prevent rotation and to provide supports

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

m) If it is undesirable or unnecessary to remove the fan drive components, the fan should be operated every 3 to 4 weeks and routine maintenance to be carried out. n) The dry wood in an idle cooling tower is a serious fire hazard. Therefore, for idle period of about two months, a perforated hose should be laid around the tower and spray water periodically to keep wood in wet condition For downtime longer than two months, all the wooden members should be sprayed with a fire retarding chemical and a biocide. 9 PRESERVATION OF ATMOSPHERIC STORAGE TANK §

Name of chemicals


Application Method

a) Tank shall be made free of gas & any residue Extra precaution shall be taken if pyropheric iron sulphide or residue of leaded gasoline is present. b) All the loose scales on the internal surface of tank to be removed. c) The internal surface should be sprayed with preservative oil. d) All the removable attachments in the shell to be removed. e) All the flanges connected to shell to be blinded or closed. f) In case of uninsulated tanks, the painting on external surface to be inspected. In the areas of deteriorated paints, coating of zinc rich primer to be applied g) In case of insulated tanks, th e insulation to be inspected. In the areas of damaged insulation, the damaged portion to be renewed. h) In case of steam coil inside the tank, the same should be blinded off after draining. i) In case of floating roof tanks, the floating roofs should be kept float with DM Water with hydrazine inside the shell. j) The roof drains to be kept open j) Water accumulated on the roof tops due to rain etc should be cleaned periodically. 10 PRESERVATION OF PROCESS PIPING §

Name of chemicals

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

VCI Powder(Nitrite or arine carboxylate powder) (VCI stands for Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitor) §

Weight requirement

30 grams of VCI powder per one cubic feet of enclosed space. §

Application Methods

a) Flush the lines clean b) Open the flange joints & valves at low points to ensure complete draining. c) Circulate preservative oil thru them or alternatively, spray VCI powder in the interior of pipes. Apply powder through a sandblasting gun or suitable device for spraying powder Attention should be given that pipe ends (approx two feet from each end) have visible powders. d) Inspect insulated and wrapped lines Uncover the piping where leaks are suspected. Both hot & cold insulations to be inspected e) Repair all damaged insulation and wrapping. f) Bare pipes should be wire brushed and painted. g) Lubricate all valves h) Spray all external surfaces of valves with oil and cover valve stem with grease. i) All instrument connections including relief valves should be removed. The flanges to be blinded or closed. j) All process and utility lines (except fire water line) should be drained, internal flushed & blinded near the battery limit. Precaution: The VCI powder mentioned above are combustible and sometimes explosive if heated in a confined space. Do not expose to flame or heat up the outside of pipe containing this powder. Before welding or heating the pipe for any reason, thoroughly blow out the powder by using dry air or wash out with water. §

Regular Checking

If VCI powder is used for internal protection, once in 24 months, these need to be re-injected.


Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Revision no.: 0.0

Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only §

Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

Name of chemicals


Application Method

a) Clean the safety valves from inlet end & outlet end through water spray. b) Dry it by using hot air c) Blind both end flanges with wooden plates. Or wrap with water resistant tapes. 12 PRESERVATION OF PLATE HEAT EXCHANGERS


Name Of Chemical

Nitrogen purging §

Application Method

a) Flush clean both sides b) Drain out both sides c) Maintain positive nitrogen pressure in both sides d) Close/blind all the nozzles 13 PRESERVATION OF STRUCTURALS §

Name of chemical


Application Method

a) Visual inspection of all the Structurals supporting pipe racks & equipments to be carried out. b) In the accessible areas, if external paint found peeled off, the damaged paint to be removed and repainting by using zinc rich primer to be done c) Fireproofing of skirts of vertical vessels & columns to be inspected. Repair the fire proofing wherever necessary. 14 PRESERVATION OF TRACING

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Revision no.: 0.0

Group Manufacturing Services

For Internal Circulation Only


Reliance Industries Limited

Copyright: Reliance Industries Limited, India

Name of chemical

VCI Powder(Nitrite or arine carboxylate powder) §

Weight Requirement

As given in "Application Method" below §

Application Method

In case of electrical heat tracing, disconnect and leave in place. In case of steam heat tracing, flush it. After flushing, fill with 40% ante-freeze/60% water solution containing 2.5 % VCI powder and 0.25% suitable wetting agent. §

Regular Checking

Replenish the solution inside steam heat tracing once in 24 months.

Reference 1.

OISD Standard – 171


Mothballing manual- by M/S Cortec Corporation, USA


Protecting out of service steam boilers by H2O Engg Ltd USA


Preservation procedure of JG/HZ/PG


Preservation procedure of Baroda approved by WTD


Major Process equipment maintenance and repair by H . D Bloch .


Recommendation of new OEM

Prepared by : K Gopalakrishnan Checked by : A Venkatraman Approved by : V V SuryaRau

Engineering Services Dept

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DOC. No: GMS/RP/32

Revision no.: 0.0

Group Manufacturing Services

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