Boxing Manual

February 16, 2017 | Author: pandared | Category: N/A
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By John Brown

PURPOSE OF MANUAL The purpose of this manual is to give a brief, but inclusive introductory course to the great sport of amateur boxing. Amateur boxing parallels life in many respects. It’s important that you learn and grow every day. The coach or boxer who thinks he knows all there is to know or doesn’t want to take the time to learn, will never achieve his full potential. Even we do not claim to have all of the answers. In order for amateur boxing to become more popular, it is the job of all coaches to stress fundamentals, particularly those pertaining to defense. A boxing match is meant to be a contest of skill rather than power, brute force or toughness. It is extremely important to remember that amateur boxing should be fun. The more fun you can make it, the more participants you will have and the more frequently they will workout. The surest way to make boxing fun is to keep it safe. This can be accomplished by teaching the fundamentals depicted in this manual and by using proper safety equipment.

WHAT IS AMATEUR BOXING? Amateur boxing is a very positive sport as well as a terrific way to combat juvenile delinquency. It is completely different from professional boxing in its goals, objectives, scoring and equipment. Amateur boxing can be an excellent source of conditioning for the high school athlete during the off-season. It also provides the option for a youngster who is not involved in school sports programs or does not desire to participate in team sports. Amateur boxing can also provide a young person with the opportunity to satisfy the basic human need of recognition in a positive manner. All too often this need is met through delinquent behavior. In amateur boxing, points are scored by landing clean blows, regardless of their power. A power punch that knocks an opponent down scores the same as a left jab. Consequently, a boxer’s goal should be to outbox his opponent by landing numerous clean, effective blows rather than going for a knockout that may not happen. When properly coached and supervised, amateur boxing can be an extremely fulfilling and beneficial experience for young people. It can be used as a vehicle to instruct sportsmanship, the value of conditioning and a positive release of frustrations and energies, in addition to building self-confidence and character.

IS AMATEUR BOXING SAFE? The safety of amateur boxing has been well documented. The 1998 National Safety Council ranked boxing 71st in sports injuries, well below mainstream sports like wrestling, football, baseball, soccer and even bowling. Most of the negative publicity about the sport centers around professional boxing, when, in fact professional boxing is much different than amateur boxing. No other amateur sport takes more precautions, in regard to safety, than amateur boxing. Amateur boxers must receive a physical examination before and after each competition. Special protective equipment is mandatory for each competition. The primary directive of all amateur referees is the safety of the boxers. In addition, all competition gloves and headgear contain exact combinations of shock-absorbing foams to reduce the impact of a blow. Every possible precaution is taken to keep amateur boxing safe.


THE PROPER WAY TO COACH AMATEUR BOXING In order for the sport of boxing to thrive in the future, all attention and effort has to be dedicated to the safety of the boxer. Any coach that puts a new or inexperienced boxer in the ring to spar before teaching him the fundamentals of offense and defense has no business coaching. Sparring is practice boxing. There is nothing to practice if you haven’t been taught anything. Putting inexperienced youngsters in the ring before they’re ready will harm a novice boxer, either physically or psychologically. Either way, you’ve lost the boxer. To put new kids in the ring to “see how tough they are” is insane and is an injustice to the sport. Teach them offense and defense and require them to attain a level of proper conditioning before putting them in the ring. You’ll have better developed boxers and a higher number of participants by taking this approach. Teach and make your boxers work on defense. Although much of the available equipment is geared towards offense, this is only half the game. Defense should be practiced each workout session just like hitting the heavybag. The less you get hit, the more fun boxing is. Learn from other coaches, their tricks of coaching and conditioning, and implement them into your program. The worst coach is one that thinks he knows all there is to know. Beginning fundamentals should include proper stance, delivery of a left jab and straight right hand. Attention should be given to the proper position of hands and elbows. These basics should be practiced nightly while going through the normal workout routine: shadowboxing, heavybag, speed bag and double end bag. After the offensive fundamentals are learned, move on to the basic defensive fundamentals. Offense and defense should be taught hand-in-hand. If a club has too many boxers for the coaches to work with individually, assign each boxer a partner to practice on each other’s defense. After your boxers have a working knowledge of offense and defense, have attained a desirable level of conditioning and are able to go three rounds, it is time to start sparring. Sparring means instructive boxing. The purpose of sparring is to work on fundamentals. This cannot be accomplished unless the sparring session is properly controlled. First of all, each new boxer should spar with a more experienced boxer who can control both himself and the action. The experienced boxer should lightly strike the new boxer when he makes mistakes. He should encourage the new boxer to work on his left jab and mobility. If you put two new boxers together, you’ll have a brawl on your hands. No one will learn anything, and someone could get hurt. Remember boxing is supposed to be fun—fighting for your life isn’t. As your new boxer progresses, advanced offensive and defensive techniques can be taught and sparring can be adjusted to meet his needs.

TEACH YOUR BOXERS THE FOUR C’S OF AMATEUR BOXING: – Coachability: A boxer must have the mental discipline to take instruction that he receives and incorporate it into his boxing style. Otherwise, he will never improve.

– Conditioning: It is impossible to learn if a boxer is too tired to concentrate on new techniques. Most amateur bouts are won and lost due to conditioning. – Concentration: If a boxer has the ability to block out everything and concentrate on the task at hand, he will improve rapidly. – Champion: If a boxer is coachable, in condition and concentrates on his boxing, he will be a champion.


CONDITIONING THROUGH TRAINING Training is essential preparation for providing the strength and endurance needed for boxing. Success in competition is directly proportionate to the amount of effort that is put into training. Training should be conducted at a rapid pace to train the body, particularly the cardiovascular system, for quick, explosive action. Currently, in amateur boxing, bouts are four rounds in duration, which does not leave time for “feeling out” your opponent or pacing yourself. A boxer should train for the same duration in which he is going to compete. Both open and novice boxers (an athlete who has less than 10 bouts), should be working on no more than a two minute clock and working at 100% effort. All too often a boxer working longer than two minute rounds conditions his body to work at 80% of its physical potential. Unfortunately, when 100% is needed in competition, he is not prepared for it. The key is to train at the same duration as competition and at 100% intensity. Most gyms are open only three nights a week, which is adequate and keeps the coach and boxers from getting burned out. To complement the gym work, an aspiring champion must workout two or three additional days of the week. Your better, more dedicated boxers should have their own heavybag at home so that shadowboxing, heavybag work and running can be conducted when the gym is closed. The following list of exercise programs and cross-training sports will greatly increase the conditioning and cardiovascular levels of your athletes, and should be encouraged as additional methods of training for your boxers:

Boxing Aerobics

Swimming Circuit Training

Weight Lifting, Nautilus

*Ringside offers several videotapes, books and programs that cover these and many other topics.

CONDITIONING IS 80% OF AMATEUR BOXING The following is a recommended workout schedule. Remember, don’t just go through the motions. Work on your fundamentals. Each boxer, depending on physical makeup, temperament and agility, will develop a style which he feels comfortable with. Unfortunately, in amateur boxing, due to its short duration, you may not have time to make your opponent “fight your fight”. In this case, it would be to your advantage to do what may not normally be your style. In order to be prepared for this situation, you must work on all three of the following styles when you are shadowboxing, working the heavybag or the double end bag. 1. Joe Frazier: Going after your opponent, keeping constant pressure on him, moving in with hands held high, bobbing, weaving and slipping punches. This style is necessary to develop the skills of a good stick-and-move boxer. DO NOT punch while you are moving in. This is what the boxer wants you to do so that he can step back out of your punching range and stick you in the nose with his educated left jab. Move in, get close and then unleash a barrage of punches. Constant pressure and not hitting until you are very close to your opponent is key. 2. Muhammad Ali: Boxing, sticking and moving. When your opponent gets set to punch, step back or sidestep and throw your left jab. His punches should land short and your jab should connect. When your opponent leaves himself open, fire a quick combination and then get out of his punching range. 3. In and Out: This is probably the most effective of all styles because of the way amateur bouts are judged. The idea is simple—move in, hit and move out before you get hit. When your opponent moves in, step out of his punching range and then slide in and hit.


BASIC PROGRAM WARM-UP It is very important that all athletes take at least 10 to 15 minutes to thoroughly stretch ALL of the major muscle groups (arms, legs, back, abdomen, etc.) before working out. A flexible muscle is less likely to cramp or pull. Remember that flexibility is just as important as power.

All new boxers should have their program laid out for them so that they have guidelines to follow and know what to do each day they get to the gym.

Before you begin any bag work, be sure you have a good pair of gloves. The heavybag and double end bag should be hit with large bag gloves for two reasons:

Warm-up 5 minutes Stretching 10 minutes 3 Rounds of Shadowboxing 3-4 Rounds of Sparring (twice a week) — 3 Rounds of the Heavybag — 3 Rounds of the Double End Bag — 3 Rounds of the Jump Rope — 3 Rounds on the Punch Mitts or Coach Spar Mitts — 3 Rounds on the Speed Bag — Abdominal Exercises and Stretching 20 minutes

1. To protect the 26 small, delicate bones of the hand. One hand injury can end a career.

Each round should last two minutes with up to one minute rest in between.

SHADOWBOXING This is a great way to begin your workout. The idea is to spar against an imaginary opponent. You can work on different styles and opponents. Imagine that you are working against Ali the first round, Frazier the second round and then work on the “In and Out” in the third.


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2. In competition, 10 or 12 ounce gloves will be used. It does not make sense to train with lighter gloves than that. Your arms need to be conditioned for what will be used in competition. The heavybag develops punching power and speed. Don’t just go through the motions of hitting the bag. Act like the bag can hit back. Slip these imaginary punches and counter. At most clubs, they have a variety of heavybags: 70 lb. bags, 40 lb. bags, water bags and uppercut bags. Each one responds differently when punched just like each of your opponents will box differently. Rotate on your bags. As the boxer’s level of ability improves with each bag, increase the intensity of the workout until the athlete can go non-stop for three rounds. At that point, you’ll know that your boxer is in shape! Ringside offers a complete line of both heavybags and double end bags.

DOUBLE END BAG The primary purpose of this bag is to work on your jabs and quick combinations. It can also be used to practice slipping punches. Again, as with the heavybag, you must pretend that the double end bag can hit back, so don’t forget your defense. Make your jab work like a well-oiled piston and throw combinations in bunches of five to seven punches.

JUMP ROPE A quality speed rope is necessary to condition the legs and develop the cardiovascular endurance. Always jump on a padded surface. Jumping on concrete is too easy and bad for your legs. You should complete three rounds of rope jumping.

SPEED BAG This light bag does wonders to improve arm endurance and hand-eye coordination. Don’t just hit the bag. Work it. Learn the double hit movement. Hit it once with each hand. Hit it 25 times with each hand. Alternate these routines, work hard and the speed bag can be a valuable tool. For a variation, remove some air (about 25%) from the bag and hit it. It will force you to punch harder.



Drill work is a great way to work on specific techniques in a controlled situation. Punch mitts can be used to work on certain combinations, to learn proper footwork and even defense. Start your new boxers with basic left/right combinations. As they improve, add more punches. When they master this, try moving a little. Continue to add punches and movement as they improve. With some of the mitts available (Coach Spar Mitts), you can also help your boxers work on defense. Start by throwing a jab at about half speed at your athlete. He/she should slip the punch or catch the punch and counter with a jab or straight right. As the boxer gets better at this, increase the speed until you are imitating an actual punch.

PUNCH MITTS AND DRILL EQUIPMENT FOR COACHES PUNCH MITTS There is a large selection of punch mitts available today. Many of the mitts have specific uses, while others do the basic job of providing the boxer with a target. Basically, the punch mitts are an offensive target that the coach or trainer can control to help a boxer work on different offensive skills. Ringside has a complete line of punch mitts to help you come up with the mitt that best fits your program.

COACH SPAR MITTS These mitts were designed specifically by Ringside to give the coach the ability to teach both offense and defense at the same time. These mitts are padded so that the coach can “catch” the punches just like regular punch mitts. The aspect that makes these mitts different is that they also give the coach the ability to “tap” the boxer back when he makes a mistake. This much more effectively stimulates a real opponent. This ability to work on defense and offense at the same time makes these mitts a must for every gym.

SUPER BODY PROTECTOR The Super Body Protector provides the coach with a whole new training option. Now his athlete can work on body punches during punch mitt drills. The protection provided to the coach by the Super Body Protector means you can work on the forgotten art of body punching without worrying about taking a pounding.

PUNCH SHIELD This device is a great way to work on offensive techniques with even the heaviest hitter. It provides a heavily padded target that the coach can move and adjust to fit the specific techniques he is working on. There are many other great training devices available from Ringside that a coach can use to give just the right look to any particular workout.


When you commence sparring, always try to work on a new punch, a different move or defense technique. Never spar just to be sparring. Learn to love to spar. Boxing can only be learned through boxing. If you’re sparring with someone of lesser ability, you can still work on a variety of techniques such as body attack, defense or even offense by making your punches slightly miss their mark (your sparring partner). By missing punches you can evaluate if you are exercising proper balance. Missing punches also takes more energy and consequently will aid in your conditioning.



STOMACH Most boxers look like they have strong stomach muscles, but in reality they are very weak in this area. Below are a few brief abdominal exercises.

DO ALL UNTIL YOU GET A GOOD BURN! 1. Lay on back, knees up, hands behind head, alternate elbows to knees. 2. Lay on back, knees up, put ankle of one foot on opposite knee, hands behind head, alternate elbows to knee. Switch ankle and knee positions. 3. Lay flat on back with legs in air at right angle to upper body, alternate elbows to knees. 4. Lay flat on back, bring knees up to chest, legs back to floor. 5. Lay flat on back, elbows behind head, pump legs in bicycle fashion touching elbow to opposite knee. The medicine ball is a valuable tool in conditioning the stomach. A couple of basic drills follow. 1. Stand back to back with a partner. Plant your legs firmly and rapidly hand the medicine ball off to each other in a circular fashion. Focus on rotating and twisting at the waist to gain torque in your punches. 2. Hold the medicine ball against your chest while lying on your back. Bend your legs and lie directly in front of a partner. Sit-up and at the top of the movement throw the medicine ball to your partner. He will mimic your movement and throw it back. A more complete guide to medicine ball workouts is provided free of charge with any Ringside Medicine Ball purchase. Ringside also offers books and videos that expand on the different workouts you can do with the medicine ball.

NECK This is the most under-worked area on a boxer’s body and must be strengthened to protect a boxer’s head from rotating in a violent nature when hit with a good shot. Exercising the neck is of extreme importance. Do the following exercises religiously. 1. The Wrap Around Neck Strengthener is convenient and very effective. This weighted training device is used by laying flat on the floor. Begin on your back and bend your head forward until your chin touches your chest. Slowly return your head to its starting position. Next, roll over to your side and lift your head to touch your ear. Do this on both sides and then lay face down. Lift your head until it is vertical to the floor, then return it to a horizontal position. Each exercise should be performed in a controlled, deliberate fashion with 15-20 repetitions per side. 2. The Ringside Neck Strengthener incorporates cables to utilize resistance training which has proven to be extremely effective. This unique cable-system can be attached to a door knob, a ring post or any hook. The exercises it employs are the same as the Wrap Around Neck Strengthener only they’re done from a standing position. An instruction guide is included with each of these neck-strengthening devices when ordered from Ringside.

ADDITIONAL TRAINING As previously stated, to become proficient, a boxer needs to train more than three days a week.Running is an excellent means of conditioning for boxing, if done properly. Keep in mind that you are training for amateur boxing, not crosscountry running or marathon racing. Roadwork should be done as follows: 1. Warm-up by stretching out. 2. Jog a mile or so to warm-up. 3. Now comes the workout—Sprint for the same amount of time you will be boxing. · Junior Division Age 10-11 1 Minute · Intermediate Division Age 12-13 1 ½ Minutes · Senior Division Age 14-15 2 Minutes · Novice Division Age 16-20 2 Minutes · Open Division Age 21 or over, 2 Minutes Novice Champ Then rest for one minute and repeat this process three times. When you start to get in shape, you should be covering more ground during your sprint. Bring a stopwatch or watch with a second hand to time yourself. After you have completed your intense sprint program, it is a good idea to finish up with a jog of any length you desire, but remember that your real amateur boxing workout is the sprint routine. Again, the key is training your body for quick, explosive, intensive action. For a more comprehensive running program, USA Boxing has produced a book called “Coaching Olympic-Style Boxing”. This details, among other aspects of training, an intense interval running program. “Coaching Olympic-Style Boxing” is available from Ringside and should be a part of every coach and boxer’s library.


BASIC FUNDAMENTALS In order to be a competent boxer, you must master the basic fundamentals. Every advanced move or technique is based on having solid fundamentals. Take your time and learn them well. This is the most important step in amateur boxing.

1. FOOTWORK: Place your left foot and left shoulder out front. Your feet should be the length of a normal step apart. Your left knee should be bent for balance, and your feet should be pointing toward your opponent. Your feet must also remain apart for purpose of balance. If you move forward, move the left leg first and pick up the distance with the right foot. If you move backward, move the right foot back and then move the left foot after. Moving left or right is accomplished by stepping sideways with the foot of the direction you wish to move. For instance, if you want to move left, move the left foot to the left and then bring over the right foot. Do the opposite to move right. Do not get into the bad habit of bringing your feet together after you throw punches. It is a waste of energy. Plus, whenever your feet are together, you’re susceptible to being either hit or pushed off balance. Also, when you move forward, don’t drag your right foot. Use it. Make it work so that your weight is evenly distributed. It is extremely important that your left shoulder is “out front” or pointing towards your opponent. This will allow for full rotation of the shoulders and hips when throwing the right hand. It also puts you in the proper defensive position to guard against the right hand. Make sure the left shoulder is always higher than the right. If not, you will be susceptible to right hands. A good technique for raising the left shoulder is to bend the right knee. This actually lowers the right shoulder, which should then make the left higher.

2.ELBOWS IN FRONT OF BODY: This will protect your body against body punches, but more importantly, it will cause your hands to be positioned in front of your head. This is the ideal defensive position. Also having the elbows in front of the body is the proper position from which to throw punches and also to block uppercuts.

3.HANDS IN FRONT OF HEAD: Your hands should always be held at cheek level to protect the head against your opponent’s blows. The arms from the elbow to the fist must be in a vertical (straight up and down) position at all times. 4. THROW PUNCHES STRAIGHT OUT AND BRING STRAIGHT BACK TO HEAD: When punches are thrown, the hands should be returned to their on-guard position as quickly as possible to protect the head.



This is the most important punch in boxing. The purpose of the left jab is to keep your opponent on the defense and to accumulate points. If you are keeping a jab in your opponents face, he will have to concern himself with defense which will afford him less time to work on his offense (hitting you in the nose). You can use the jab to disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and timing, in addition to using it to control the bout. The left jab is thrown by extending the left hand and arm fully, keeping to left elbow down and turning the forearm so that the knuckles land in a horizontal position. Speed is derived by keeping the elbow down and snapping the arm forward at the elbow joint. Power is possible by slightly pushing the body, particularly your left shoulder, forward with your right foot and leg when the jab is thrown.


THE KEYS TO THE LEFT JAB ARE: Throw it from the head. Keep your elbow down. Snap the arm forward at the elbow joint. Push the left shoulder forward by pushing from the floor with the right foot. 5. Return the jab back to the head as quickly as you throw it out. 6. Dot not move your right elbow when throwing the left. 1. 2. 3. 4.

How to jab is as important as knowing when to jab. Unless you are using the jab for probing purposes, it should not be used unless your opponent is within punching range. Don’t throw it just to be doing something. Doing so will afford your opponent the opportunity to gauge your speed and time your punches. Work on the jab until your left arm almost falls off. Take a whole week in the gym and throw only this punch. If you can develop a solid left jab, you will be a good boxer.

STRAIGHT RIGHT For the beginner, this will be your power punch because it is delivered with the weight of the body. 1. The right is normally thrown after the left jab. 2. Throw the right from the face and bring the right elbow up to about shoulder level. 3. The left knee should be bent for balance. 4. Your power will be derived by pushing and pivoting the right foot, whipping your right shoulder forward and pivoting the hips. 5. Return the right immediately to the head.


BASIC DEFENSE These basic defensive maneuvers should be practiced over and over with a teammate so that they eventually become a reflex action. Have your partner throw punches in slow motion while you block them. After the technique is mastered, have him pick up the pace to simulate the real thing.

DEFENSE AGAINST THE LEFT JAB 1. THE CATCH: The left jab is caught in the palm of the open right glove (catcher’s mitt). Do not reach out for the jab. Let it come to you. Be sure to keep up resistance in your right hand so you don’t hit yourself.

2. SLIPPING: This involves avoiding a blow without actually moving the body out of range. The purpose of slipping is to avoid the blow and maintain the position to counter. It calls for exact timing and judgment. To be effective, it must be executed so that the blow is escaped by only the smallest margin. The two basic slips are outside and inside.

OUTSIDE SLIP: This involves bending at the knees and dropping the upper body forward and to the right, outside of your opponent’s left hand. The outside slip is relatively safe because you are slipping away from the right hand. Always take your catcher’s mitt with you when you slip as a backup system

INSIDE SLIP: This involves bending at the knees and dropping the upper body forward to the left, inside of the opponent’s left jab. Your head should end up directly over your left knee. This is a somewhat dangerous move because you are moving into your opponent’s right hand.

DEFENSE AGAINST THE STRAIGHT RIGHT 1. Keeping the left hand in proper position in front of the head should block most rights. 2. DUCK OR SLIP: Drop the upper body and head forward and to the left, allowing the right to pass safely by. Be sure to keep your hands in front of your head as a backup system and also that you will not be cautioned for head-butting.


ADVANCED TECHNIQUES THE LEFT HOOK The left hook is the most difficult punch to learn correctly. It should never be used as a lead punch, only when actual openings are present.


1. This is usually thrown from a close position after a left jab or a right hand. 2. Use the left foot and hip to pivot or turn your body while bringing up the elbow to a horizontal position. 3. The forearm should be parallel to the ground when the hook lands. 4. The hook is most often thrown with: Palm In: With this hook, the palm of the hand faces your body. This is somewhat difficult to master, but when thrown correctly it can be extremely effective. 5. Keep your left knee bent for balance. 6. Return to the “on guard” position.

DEFENSE TO THE LEFT HOOK 1. Forearm Block: Cover the right side of your head with your right arm and touch your ear with your right glove. 2. Ducking: Bend your upper body forward from the waist and dip both knees allowing your head to drop underneath the hook. While ducking, be sure not to take your eyes off your opponent.

UPPERCUTS 1. These are usually thrown from the inside with the right after closing the distance with a left jab or hook. Your arm should be in a half-bent position and should not dip below the waistline.

DEFENSE AGAINST UPPERCUTS 1. The most effective defense is merely stepping back out of range. 2. Block with your hands and forearms, kept in front of your head and body.


FEINTING, DRAWING, SHELLING-UP AND INFIGHTING FEINTING Feinting is a characteristic of the advanced boxer. It requires using the eyes, hands, body and legs in a single effort to deceive the opponent, to create openings. 1. ARM FEINTS: This includes simply appearing to punch a specific area with one hand and then doing the opposite. 2.BODY FEINTS: This includes making various movements with the body to check your opponent’s reaction, such as advancing quickly, dropping your knees or pivoting your shoulders.

DRAWING Drawing is similar to feinting. In feinting, an opening is created, while in drawing, some part of the body or head is left unprotected in order to entice the opponent into throwing a specific blow, so that a counter attack can be executed.

COMBINATIONS This is a series of blows delivered in a natural sequence so that an opening may result. As a combination is thrown, the punches should increase in intensity so that the later blows have more power.

BASIC COMBINATIONS 1. Double or triple left jab to the chin. 2. Left jab to the chin followed by a left jab to the body. 3. Left jab to the body followed by a left jab to the chin. 4. Left jab to the chin, straight right to the chin (the old one-two). 5. Left jab to the chin and a straight right to the body. 6. Left jab to the body and a straight right to the chin.

SHELLING UP This simply means to completely cover your head and body so that no vulnerable area is exposed. It is especially effective when moving an opponent to work off his chest and cut off the punching room. Your hands must be kept in front of your head or a foul for butting will be called.

INFIGHTING This is the art of boxing at close range. To obtain the inside position, it is necessary to advance quickly, slip, weave, duck, draw, or feint.

7. Left jab to the chin, straight right to the chin and a left hook to the chin. 8. Left jab to the body and a straight right to the body. 9. Hooking off the jab—left jab to the chin and a left hook to the chin. 10. Left jab to the chin, straight right to the body and a left hook to the chin. 11. Straight right to the body and a left hook to the chin. 12. Straight right to chin and a left hook to the chin. 13. Straight right to the chin and a left hook to the body. 12



Ring generalship is a general plan of strategy thought out in advance of the bout which attempts to nullify the opponent’s strength and take advantage of his weakness. It also means having the ability to adapt one’s style to that of the opponent.

1. USE YOUR HEAD. Fight with your head, not your hands. Outthink your opponent, and you will out-box him.


2. BE IN CONDITION. Nothing makes up for good physical conditioning.

1. A tall opponent is probably accustomed to having opponents come to him. Make him come to you 2. If he won’t come to you, move in fast and hit. Remain there if you are successful, otherwise move out quickly.

HOW TO BOX A RUSHER 1. Sidestep and stick with the left jab followed by a right when possible. 2. If the rusher gets close, shell up and move in, giving him no punching room.

HOW TO BOX A JABBER 1. Keep your right hand in proper defensive position to catch the jab. 2. Slip or duck the jab and move in to counter to the body or head. 3. Continually force your opponent and try to corner him on the ropes so that close range can be attained.

HOW TO BOX A SLUGGER 1. Keep moving. Don’t let your opponent get set. 2. Move in quickly and launch a sudden attack. 3. Move out quickly and don’t slug.

HOW TO BOX A SOUTH-PAW (LEFT HANDED BOXER) 1. Don’t lead. Make the south-paw come to you. 2. All south-paws have very powerful straight left hands. Always circle to your left, away from the left hand. Keep your right hand (catcher’s mitt) ready to catch his big left hand if he throws it. 3. When the south-paw throws a jab, slip to his left and counter with a left hook. 4. Remember the left hook is the most effective weapon against a south-paw.

3. RELAX. If you are tense, you expend energy. 4. KNOW THE FUNDAMENTALS. There will be many chances to use them. 5. APPEAR CONFIDENT AT ALL TIMES. If you are hurt, don’t show it. 6. NEVER FORGET THAT YOUR OPPONENT IS AS TIRED AS YOU ARE. 7. THE LEFT HAND IS THE SAFEST LEAD. Use it often. 8. KEEP MOVING. To stand in one spot means you are an easy target. However, don’t jump around and make unnecessary movements. 9. CARRY YOUR HANDS HIGH AT ALL TIMES. 10. PUNCH WHEN YOUR OPPONENT IS IN RANGE. If you wait, you will be punched. 11. IF A BLOW IS MISSED OR YOU ARE OFF-BALANCE, COVER UP AND PROTECT YOURSELF . 12. PUZZLE THE OPPONENT BY A VARIETY OF MANEUVERS. Rarely do the same thing twice in succession. 13. WHENEVER YOUR OPPONENT GETS SET TO HIT , MOVE.



The proper diet for a boxer would be much like the proper diet for a wrestler or sprinter. A high carbohydrate diet with a fair amount of protein and low fat is a real plus. A boxer should eat balanced meals of meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads and cereals. Try to avoid eating large amounts of red meat. Eat more fish, chicken and turkey. Avoid processed foods that are full of chemicals such as potato chips, most snacks, ice cream, etc. Sugar is a poison to the body. Keep its use to a minimum level. Because boxing is so vigorous, it is advisable that a daily vitamin supplement be used. Drink a large amount of water to replenish lost liquids and to clean out your system. Adelle Davis, a famous nutritionist said it best, “You are what you eat”.

LOSING WEIGHT Generally speaking, you will be better off boxing in the lowest possible weight class so that you might have a power and strength advantage. There is a limit to how far you can go, and your body will usually tell you that limit.Bringing your weight down must be done gradually, not in one week. Do not fast. Eat fruits, vegetables and low calorie meats.

HOW TO WIN AN AMATEUR BOUT Amateur bouts are judged by trained officials who are counting the number of effective blows that are landed, but the factor of human nature should still be considered. Judges will look for certain things that can influence their vote. The following are a few of these things. 1. When you come into the ring, appear confident, but never cocky. Act like you know what you’re doing and try to achieve eye contact with the judges. Smile and nod to them. 2. Always exercise sportsman-like conduct even if your opponent calls your mother a name. Your opponent wants you to display bad sportsmanship for his advantage. 3. Never, EVER showboat, such as talking to your opponent, shuffling your feet or dropping your hands, etc. The judges do not like it and will vote against you. Judges like and favor boxers who have a classic style of keeping their hands up and moving gracefully. 4. If you have been assigned to the red corner, wear a predominantly red uniform. If you are boxing out of the blue corner, wear predominantly blue. This will make you and your punches easier for the judge to identify.

BASIC RULES 1. No hitting below the belt or behind the head. 2. No kidney punches.

3. No holding. 4. No hitting with the open glove. 5. No hitting on the break 6. Never talk to the referee of your opponent during the bout.

7. Protect yourself at all times. 8. No holding and hitting. 9. No moving in on an opponent unless your hands are in front of your head.

10. No intentional spitting out of your mouthpiece. 11. An eight second rest is given when a boxer appears hurt. 12. When an opponent is knocked down, proceed to the furthest neutral corner. 13. Remember that points are scored on boxing ability, not on the power of the punches. 14

PROPER EQUIPMENT FOR AMATEUR BOXING Generally speaking, it is more economical in the long run to buy the best equipment that will provide both safety and durability. Compare products and talk to other boxers and coaches before you spend your money. An intelligent coach will always recommend Ringside.

simpler and quicker for a coach to put on the athlete. Someone with a lot of boxers or a limited number of sparring gloves should consider this time saver. The other design differences are just a matter of preference.

TRAINING GLOVES 1. BAG GLOVES: It is important that the gloves you use to hit the bags or work punch mitts will provide you with optimal protection for your hands. They should also be comparable in weight to the gloves that you compete in. That way you will condition your arms to handle the weight of competition gloves. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Ultimate Classic Training Gloves (lace or elastic) Safety Training Gloves (lace or elastic) International Style Training Gloves (lace or elastic) Heavy-Hitter Gloves Contender Training Gloves (lace or elastic) Junior Safety Training Gloves


RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Ultimate Bag Gloves—Super Bag Gloves—Power Bag Gloves—Contender Super Bag Gloves 2. SPARRING GLOVES: Sparring Gloves come in many different sizes and designs. The sizes usually range from 14 oz. to 18 oz. The heavier gloves will naturally provide a greater level of protection, and at the same time will force the arms to work harder because of the added weight. The different designs are basically divided into two distinct groups—lace-up and elastic. This difference refers to the way the glove is put on the boxer. The lace-up design is the traditional glove design that requires someone to lace the glove and tie it on the boxer. The elastic wrist design is much

This is a VITAL piece of personal equipment! The entire purpose of the headgear is to protect that fragile little computer that sits on your shoulders. Be sure that you get the most protective headgear you possible can. There are several brands and designs on the market, so be sure to try to find the best protection, visibility and fit for you. The best headgear is constructed of leather. The headgear should fit snug so that it doesn’t shift on your head during your workout. It should also be designed for good visibility without compromising protection. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT Fightgear, Inc. 1 (800) 684-0544 15



The ideal combination of equipment that you need for your gym will depend on your own specific program, but we will try to give you a general idea of the basics found in most gyms. There are large assortments of different bags on the market today, and it can be confusing. Try to stick to the basics in the beginning, and then you can look to specialized bags as you identify your individual training needs.

This bag is great for developing hand/eye coordination, hand speed, combinations, and accuracy. Because the bag bounces back when you hit it, you can also practice your defensive techniques with this bag. All in all, this is probably one of the most effective teaching tools in any gym. Here again, there are a variety of sizes and shapes available to cater to your workout. The smaller double end bags are faster and more difficult to hit, so start out with the larger one. Even after your athletes graduate to the smaller bags, they will still get a great workout on the original bag.

HEAVYBAGS You can find many different heavybags in an assortment of weights, sizes and materials. Try to remember that they all do the same job. The idea that buying quality is best applies here just as it did with the personal gear. Make sure that you get a bag that will hold up to your workout needs. Most gyms use canvas heavybags because they are less expensive. A good canvas heavybag is usually tough enough for the normal workout. Many of the bigger (or better funded) gyms use leather heavybags. The leather bag represents a larger initial investment, but in the long run it will last much longer. It is also possible to get heavybags from Ringside that are custom filled to your preference. You can get them with the regular firm fill or with a soft fill that provides a two-inch foam liner in the bag to reduce wear and tear on your hands. Again, this is a matter of preference. You can also custom order bags to different weights. In addition, heavybags can be ordered unfilled so that you can save money and fill the bag to your own specifications. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Canvas Heavybag—Leather Heavybag—Powerhide Heavybag—Water Bags—Headhunter Bag Free Standing Heavybag

If you aren’t able to drill into your floor to mount a double end bag, Ringside has a great product that you can use to anchor the bottom of the bag. It’s called “The Rock”. It provides a very solid, stable mount for your double end bag without having to be mounted to anything. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Double End Bag—Double Double End Bag—Filled Double End Bag

SPEED BAGS 1. Speed Bags: Here again, there are a large variety of brands and sizes available so you will need to decide on the one that is best for you. The smaller the bag, the faster it moves, so you will want to start out with a larger bag and then as you get the hang of it, you can go to a smaller size. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE X-Small Speed Bag (5”x8”) Small Speed Bag (6”x9”) Medium Speed Bag (7”x10”) Large Speed Bag (7”x11”) 16

2. Speed Bag Swivels: The selection of swivels on the market provide for many different specific needs and jobs. Some are designed for speed while others are made to change bags or platforms easier. Try to find the best design for you that will provide for speed, durability and proper action.

techniques and conditioning. They should have a thick, foam padded target area with a secure glove on the back to provide stability. It is also important that they be long enough to protect the wrist.

RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Pro-Swivel—Super Swivel—Traditional Pro-Swivel 3. Speed Bag Platforms: The most important feature of a speed bag platform is stability. Make sure that you have a stable wall to mount it on. Because there is a lot of vibration that occurs during the normal use of this piece of equipment, it is a good idea to check your platform often for loose nuts and bolts. Another RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT important feature of a good platform is the ability to FROM RINGSIDE adjust the height easily. This is very important if you Traditional Punch Mitts—Panther Punch Mitts—Ultra have a gym with a large number of boxers. Light Punch Mitts—Air Mitts

COACH SPAR MITTS We discussed the advantages of Coach Spar Mitts for your workout. The added option of teaching defense makes these mitts a real plus for your gym.

SUPER BODY PROTECTOR This piece of equipment is very helpful for teaching body punching without the coach suffering the consequences. This product gives your athlete the RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT ability to actually throw body punches at the body. The FROM RINGSIDE use of the Heavy Hitter Pad will help protect you from Professional Model Speed Bag Platform Middleweight Model Speed Bag Platform even the biggest punches. Economical Model Speed Bag Platform Ultimate Classic Speed Bag Platform


Some additional equipment that you will find very helpful includes the Maize Ball for learning to slip As we mentioned in an earlier section of the manual, punches, the Slip Stick for mobility and defense, and the Heavybag Attachment for more punching options. punch mitts are a very effective and necessary tool There are many more great tools that are all explained for any gym. They are used to work on offensive in detail in our catalog. 17

PERSONAL EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE WIPSS Jaw Joint Protector—Super Guard The Shock Doctor—Black Beauty Double Guard—Single Guard

HANDWRAPS This is probably the most important piece of equipment any boxer ever uses. The number one health reason that a boxer quits boxing is a hand injury. As indicated earlier, there are 26 small, delicate bones in every human hand, and they take a huge amount of impact during every workout. Handwraps are the first line of defense against injury. There are several styles available. Some are slightly elastic. Others are for smaller hands. Your personal needs will determine what works best for you. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Classic Handwraps—Ultimate Handwraps Mexican Handwraps—Junior Handwraps

GROIN PROTECTOR The “cup” is another vital piece of equipment. Many styles and designs provide a large variety of personal protection needs. Some of the larger designs not only protect the groin and the lower abdomen, but also the hips and upper abdomen. Ringside also offers specific protectors for women. The Female GroinAbdominal Protector provides additional coverage for women’s hips and kidneys. There are also chest protectors that aid in the defense against chest blows and help protect the sternum. RECOMMENDED EQUIPMENT FROM RINGSIDE Ultimate Classic No Foul Protector—No Foul Protector—Groin Abdominal Protector—Mexican Style No Foul Protector—Female No Foul Protector

ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT As you become more proficient in this sport, you will probably want to expand MOUTHPIECES on your personal gear as well as your competition gear. Also very important to the safety of the boxer is a Things like shoes, trunks, properly fitted and protective mouthpiece. The competition headgear and assortment of mouthpieces available today is robes are some of the things overwhelming, so don’t rush into a mouthpiece you may consider as you purchase until you are sure it provides the protection progress. Ringside offers a you need. You may want to consult your dentist for complete line of personal some advice. Talking to more experienced boxers can equipment in our latest give you some good input on the subject, too. catalog. 18

HOW TO MOTIVATE YOUR BOXERS Make club T-shirts available for all members to purchase. It creates pride and is good advertising for the program. Set up a program in which your boxers receive a free club jacket or warm-up after participating in a required number of bouts—ten to fifteen is a good number to strive for. Boxers, like any other athletes, need goals and objectives to aim for, so consequently it is necessary to set up a schedule of matches for your competitive boxers to motivate them to stay in shape. How long would football players practice if there were no games scheduled? Another good idea, especially if you have a good size team, is to support several local charities such as Muscular Dystrophy, March of Dimes, Etc. It is good for your boxers to appreciate the fact that there are many who are less fortunate and need help. It is also great public relations for the club. Have your team run collectively in some benefit 10K races all wearing team T-shirts and running as a group. All of these activities are geared to instill in your boxers the fact that through work, persistence, diligence and pride, all goals and objectives can be attained—a very important lesson to learn.

ESTABLISHED BOXING PROGRAMS Fortunately there are many and their love of the sport which are programs in this country that allow the backbone of the program. boxer participation at many different levels. The Silver Gloves Program is the premiere event for 10-15 year-old The national governing body of boxers. It is a superlative program amateur boxing is USA Boxing focused on developing young talent. which is responsible for the rules and regulations of the sport. USA The following is a list of programs Boxing sponsors the annual with people to contact in reference National Boxing Championships, to these and other amateur boxing National Junior Olympics, National programs. Sports Festival, Olympic and PanAmerican Game Trials and USA BOXING Operation Gold and offers 1750 East Boulder Street scholarships to deserving boxers. Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 Phone: 719-578-4506 USA Boxing is headquartered at the Olympic Training Center in NATIONAL JUNIOR Colorado Springs and has a staff OLYMPICS of professionals that are supported Sonny Duncan 719-520-6507 by a large national network of volunteers. The country is divided NATIONAL SILVER GLOVES into 18 regions, each with a Ray Rodgers 501-225-7998 chairman and are further dissected into 60 associations each also with NATIONAL GOLDEN GLOVES a chairman. It is these volunteers Jim Beasley 316-663-6942


“SCHOOL OF HARD KNOCKS” Ringside offers an extensive library of educational video programs for coaches and boxers. RINGSIDE TRAINING INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS

Beginning with the first tape in the series, Ringside covers the basics and moves into advances boxing techniques. This is a multi-tape series that will help anyone interested in the fight game to gain a good foundation and full understanding of the principles of boxing. #RTV JOHN BROWN’S RINGSIDE TRAINING SERIES

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If you’ve ever wondered…

“HOW TO START AND RUN A BOXING GYM” Thousands of hours, countless dollars and painstaking research have gone into compiling this unprecedented promotional tool! Information this valuable would normally cost hundreds of dollars, but for you, hardworking coaches, promoters and gym owners, we at RINGSIDE are providing it at no charge.


Your answers are here!

COMPLETE PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1.) Manual One—How to Start a Boxing Program: Includes a step by step guide to building a club from the ground up, how to attract new boxers and coaches and how to run a successful program.


2.) Manual Two—Funding and Running a Boxing Program: Covers the basic economics of building a gym, ideas on how to finance your athletes, team activities and special tips for fundraising.

Call now for this unequaled package, along with a 180-page RINGSIDE Boxing Equipment Catalog

3.) Manual Three—USA Boxing’s Fundraising Program: This booklet focuses on raising money, generating funds for travel and managing gym expenses. It also provided a general outline that includes several informative concepts and valuable ideas. 4.) Manual Four—Amateur Boxing IS Safe: Provides a myriad of facts and statistics that demonstrate the safe nature of boxing and how it compares to more popular, scholastically supported sports. 5.) Manual Five—Ringside Boxing Manual: The ideal guidebook for coaches and boxers. From the beginning fundamentals to proper use of equipment, this complete manual has been compiled from years of research. It is an invaluable booklet for anyone with an interest in the sport of boxing. 6.) Flyer One—Why Boxing?: The psychological and social benefits of boxing are enormous. Why all youth should look to boxing as a athletic outlet is explained in this informational brochure. 7.) Flyer Two—A Guide for the Beginning Boxer: A handout for parents and prospective athletes that provides answers to the most often asked questions and what to expect from participating in the sport


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