Boulaq 666--Large Print

November 25, 2017 | Author: Robert R. Myers | Category: N/A
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The "Stele of Revealing" beloved of Crowley...


Boulaq 666- "Stele of Revealing" of Ankhaf nu Khonsu Translation after Gardiner A

!"#$%&'(%)*%&!$%+$ Behdet, the Great God, Lord of Heaven B

()%"(,*-$.%"(.%&'(/ Ra-Harakhti, Master of the Gods C

/01(%"2,&'(%2&'/%&!%/*0$%/&%)*/.%&/$%2%1+$,0/$ The Osiris, Priest of Montu Lord of Thebes, Opener of the door of Nut in Karnak,

)&-34,&,-&0/%2*),-(/ Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, the Justified D

$%"&5$%5*/%*+#/ Bread, beer, oxen, and geese E1

6#%2#/%1&%/01(%"2,&$(%2&'/%&!$%/*0$%/&%)*/.%&/$%2%1+$,0/$ Words said by the Osiris, Priest of Montu Lord of Thebes, Opener of the Doors of Nut in Karnak, E2

)&-34%&%-&0/%2*),-(/ Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, True of Voice:


1%7*1%#/*%$/34%/(%!*/%!*%)*%84.$%#1#1/%&(/34 Hail, Thou who art highly praised, Thou great willed soul, mighty of awe who giveth terror of him E3

&%&'(/%-)/%"(%&0$34%/(%1(1%/*/$%&%!*%&%*-%&%8/$ among the gods, shining forth upon His great throne, making ways for soul, spirit, and shadow: E4

1/%)+(35/1%/!&31%12%)+( I am prepared and I shine forth as one who is prepared.

1(1%&31%/*$%(%!$%&$$%(%()%1$2/%-+(1%"/$,"($%12 I have made way into the place in which are Ra-Atum, Khepri, and Hathor. E5

/01(%"2,&'(%2&'/%&!%/*0$%)&-34,&,-&0/%2*),-(/ The Osiris, God-servant of Montu Lord of Thebes, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, true of voice,

9*%21%&/%!*,0*,&,2/$ son of a man with the same titles, Basa-n-Mut,

1(1%&%1".$%&%12&,()%&!$%+(%*$&8. raised by the musician of Amun-Ra, Lady of the House, At-Neshy.




6#%2#/%1&%/01(%"2,&'(%2&'/%&!%/*0$%)&-34,&,-&0/%2*),-(/% Words said by the Osiris, Priest of Montu Lord of Thebes, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, True of Voice: F3

1!31%&%2/$31%9+%0&%"*$.31%&%/&&31%"(,$+%$* My heart from my mother (say twice), my breast from my existence upon the earth, F4

2%)")%(31%2$.31%2%-04%(31%2%6*6*$ do not stand against me as a witness, do not repulse me before the tribunal.

2%(7/%(31%2,!*"%&'(%)*%&!%12&$$ Do not unbalance me before the Great God, Lord of the West. F5

10%02*%&31%&%$*%12.,/($%)*$%+$%/*"31%$+%$* Though I have joined with the ground at the great western side of the sky, may I linger upon earth. F6

6#%2#/%1&%/01(%02*%/*0$%)&-34,&,-&0/%2*),-(/ Words said by the Osiris, the Dresser-Priest of Thebes, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu, True of Voice: F7


1%/)/%+96%2%1)"/%+(1%/01(%)&-34,&,-&0/ O, Unique One, shining down like the Moon, may he come forth, the Osiris, Ankh-f-n-Khonsu,


2,21%)8*/35%$/.%(%(/$. from among this multitude of Yours unto the outside. F9


/")/%12./%*-/%/&%&34%#/*$ O deliverer of those who are in the sunshine, open for him the netherworld. F11

10%/01(%)&-34,&,-&0/%+(1%2%:(/ Indeed the Osiris Ankh-f-n-Khonsu shall go forth by day

(%1($%2((34%&!$%"(,$+%$*%2,21%)&-/ unto the doing of all which he desires upon the earth among the living.


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