BOT HW Chapter 8

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botany hw (chapter 8) for ust premed freshmen...



Absorption spectrumspectrum- A graph of the relative ability of a pigment to absorb different wavelengths of light.

Action spectrum- A spectrum- A graph of the relative rates of reaction of a process as influenced by different wavelengths of light.

Anabolic reactions- Reaction where large molecules are constructed from small ones.

Anoxygenic Photosynthesis- Photosynthesis Photosynthesis- Photosynthesis that doesn’t require oxygen

ATP synthetasesynthetase- he entire complex of en!ymes that converts AP to A"P and phosphate

Bacteriochlorophylls-- #ight harvesting pigments involved in bacterial photosynthesis Bacteriochlorophylls

! "al#in$Benson% ycle- conversion ycle-  conversion of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates.

& metabolism- a set of metabolic reactions in which carbon dioxide is fixed temporarily into organic acids that are transported to bundle sheaths$ where they release the carbon dioxide and %& photosynthesis photosynthesis occurs.

hemiosmotic Phosphorylation- he synthesis of AP to A"P and phosphate using the energy of an osmotic gradient and a gradient of electrical charge' occurs in chloroplast and mitochondria. mitochondria.

hlorophyll- Pigment involved in capturing light energy that drives photosynthesis.

rassulacean aci' metabolism "AM%("AM%( - A metabolism in which carbon dioxide is absorbed at night and fixed temporarily into organic acids. "uring daytime$ the acids brea(down$ brea(down$ carbon dioxide is released$ and %& photosynthesis photosynthesis occurs.

yclic electron transport- he transport- he flow electrons from P)** bac( to plastoquinone in photosynthesis$ such that there is proton pumping but no synthesis of +A"P,

ytochromes- mall electron carriers that contain iron

Electron Transport hain- A hain- A series series of electron carriers carriers that transfer electrons electrons from a donor$ which becomes oxidi!ed$ to a receptor which becomes reduced.

EntropyEntropy- A measure of disorder in a system.

)luconeogenesis- ormation of glucose from &-phosphoglyceraldehyde &-phosphoglyceraldehyde

)reenhouse e**ect- /arming /arming of the surface and lower atmosphere of a planet due to the un’s radiation that is absorbed by the surface of the planet and is given bac( off as radiation and heat.

+eterotrophs+eterotrophs- An organism that obtains its carbon from organic molecules$ not from carbon dioxide.

,ight compensation pointpoint- he level of illumination at which photosynthetic fixation of carbon dioxide 0ust matches respiratory loss.

,ight 'epen'ent reactions- Reactions directly driven by light.

Non cyclic electron transport(- he flow of electrons from water to +A"P, during the light dependent reactions of photosynthesis.

Oxi'ation state- A measure of the number of electrons added to or removed from a molecule during a Redox Reaction.

Oxi'ati#e phosphorylation- he formation of AP from A"P and phosphate$ powered by energy released through respiration.

Oxi'ie' compoun's- %ompounds in which electrons are removed and oxidation state is raised.

Oxygenic photosynthesis- Photosynthesis that generates oxygen as a result of metabolic reactions.

Oone- A triatomic very reactive form of oxygen that is a ma0or air pollutant in the lower atmosphere but a beneficial component in the upper atmosphere for it absorbs 12 radiation coming from the sun.

!-phosphoglyceral'ehy'e- type of carbon present in the two identical molecules when Ru3P and carbon dioxide reacts.

Photoautotrophs( An organism that obtains its energy through photosynthesis. • Photons- A unit of intensity of light.

Photophosphorylation- he formation of AP from A"P and phosphate by means of light energy.

Photorespiration(- he oxidation of phosphoglycolate produced when Ru3P carboxylase adds oxygen$ not carbon dioxide$ to Ru3P

Photosystem I- he pigments and electron carriers that transfer electrons from P)** to +A"P,

Photosystem II- he pigments and electron carriers that transfer electrons from water to P)** in photosynthesis.

Pigment- A coloring matter in plant tissues or cells.

Plastocyanin- A copper-containing electron carrier.

Plasto.uinones- A class of lipid-soluble electron carrier.

/uality o* sunlight- Refers to the colors or wavelengths the sunlight contains.

/uantum- A particle of electromagnetic energy.

Reaction center- A special chlorophyll a molecule actually involved in the transfer of electrons in photosynthesis.

Re'uce' compoun's- %ompounds that are added with electrons.

Re'ucing po0er- he ability of an electron carrier to force electrons onto another compound

Ribulose-12 3-bisphosphate "carboxylase% - he en!yme in photosynthesis that carboxylates Ru3P thus bringing carbon into the plant’s metabolism.

R4BISO- Ribulose-4$ 5- 3iphosphate %arboxylase.

Stroma- he colorless proteinaceous matrix of a chloroplast in which chlorophyllcontaining lamellae is embedded.

Stroma reactions- he set of reactions that occur in the stroma and are not directly powered by light.

Substrate-le#el-phosphorylation(- he formation of AP from A"P by having a phosphate group transferred to it from a substrate molecule.

Thyla5oi' lumen- he spaces inside the thyla(oids$ which are the photosynthetic membranes of the chloroplast.


7 scheme- a diagram that depicts the redox reactions of the molecules from photosystem 66 to photosystem 6.

RE8IE9 /4ESTIONS: 1; 9hat is the meaning o* the 0or' entropy< =oes the entropy i* a plant increase or 'ecrease 0hile it is ali#e< A*ter it is 'ea'<

7ntropy is a measure of a disorder in a system.

7ntropy in a plant while it is alive it decreases.

 After it is dead$ it undergoes the process of decaying where its molecules become disordered and its entropy increases.

>; Name se#eral examples o* photoautotrophs an' se#eral o* heterotrophs; +o0 'o photoautotrophs obtain energy< an a plant be heterotrophic 0hile see'ling an' photoautotrophic 0hen ol'er<

Photoautotrophs8 green plants$ all cyanobacteria$ and few bacteria capable of photosynthesis. ,eterotrophs8 All animals$ all completely parasitic plants$ all fungi$ and nonphotosynthetic pro(aryotes.

Photoautotrophs obtain energy by means of the sunlight coming from the sun. A plant can be a heterotrophic while it’s a seedling and be photoautotrophic when it’s older.

!; ATP is an important chemical in#ol#e' in many o* a plant an' animal?s metabolic reactions; @et any plant has only a small amount o* it; an you explain this< 9hen ATP enters a reaction an' *orces it to procee'2 0hat is ATP con#erte' into< 9hat then happens to the molecule<

 AP is an important chemical involved in many of a plant and animal’s metabolic reactions. 9et any plant has only a small amount of it. he reason behind this is because each molecule is recycled and reused repeatedly$ thousands of times per second. AP is converted to A"P :Adenosine diphosphate; and phosphate by metabolic reactions$ but the phosphate can be attached with a high energy bond by the reactions of either photosynthesis or respiration.

&; Name three metho's o* phosphorylation

Metho's o* phosphorylation: 4.


>; Name some o* the brightest en#ironments; =escribe some protecti#e a'aptations that plants may use to sha'e themsel#es;

ome of the brightest environments include the deserts$ grasslands$ tropical rainforests and etc. he production of a thic( layer of dead trichomes may be necessary for them to protect themselves from extreme radiation or sunlight. A heavy coating of wax can also reflect light. %utin is very good at absorbing harmful short wavelengths.

>!; An important *actor *or plants is the amount o* 0ater lost *or each molecule o* carbon 'ioxi'e absorbe'; +o0 coul' the plant be harme' i* it loses a lot o* 0ater

*or each carbon 'ioxi'e molecule2 that is2 i* the ratio is high< 9oul' this be more important *or a plant in a rainy habitat or one in a 'esert<

6f the plant loses a lot of water for each carbon dioxide molecule$ it would dry out and wither. his is only applicable to those inhabiting the rain forest where there is a large amount of water that the plants receive.

>&; In a & plant2 0here is PEP carboxylase locate'< 9here is RuBP carboxylase locate'<

he P7P carboxylase is located in the mesophyll of the leaf in a %@ plant.

Ru3P is located exclusively  in the bundle sheath chloroplast.

>3; In a AM plant2 are the stomata open 'uring the 'ay or the night< +o0 'oes this a**ect the amount o* 0ater the plant loses 0hen its stomata are open<

6n a %A plant$ the stomata are open at night where it is cool and closes during the day where it is hot. he opening of the stomata at night is effective for conserving water.

>; As a AM plant ma5es an' stores aci's 'uring the night2 ho0 'oes this a**ect the plant?s aci'ity "its p+%< Thin5 about the aci'ity o* your o0n bloo'; =o you thin5 it is allo0e' to #ary by any large amount<

his greatly affects the plant’s acidity because %A metabolism is not #ery e**icient$ that the total amount of carbon dioxide is so small that it may be entirely used in %& metabolism after 0ust a few hours of sunlight.

>; In habitats 0here 0ater conser#ation is not especially necessary2 is AM metabolism more or less a'#antageous than ! or & metabolism< 9hy<

1nder milder$ moister conditions$ %A metabolism is not selectively advantageous. /ater conservation is less of a benefit$ and the limited capacity to absorb and store carbon dioxide is a distinct disadvantage. %& and %@ plants photosynthesi!e all day$ whereas %A plants may stop before noon.

>D; 9hat is global 0arming< 9hat is the main gas that causes it< 9hat 0oul' happen i* the Earth?s atmosphere ha' a lo0er concentration o* O> than it is no0< 9hat 0oul' happen i* it ha' more<

Flobal warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earthGs atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide$ %%s$ and other pollutants

Freenhouse gas :%=; 9hat is the Jyoto Protocol< +o0 many countries ha#e signe' it< Name one country that has not signe' it; 9hat are t0o substances burne' in the 4nite' States "an' all other countries% that pro'uce O>< 9hich t0o countries ha#e large populations an' may soon surpass the 4nite' States in pro'uction o* greenhouse gases<

he Iyoto Protocol is a treaty designed to reduce production of greenhouse gases.

6t is signed by 4DD countries

1nited tates did not sign it.

Fas and =il :=r %oal and +atural Fas;

%hina and 6ndia have large populations and may soon surpass the 1nited tates in production of greenhouse gases

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