Bosch Manual REROTH PSI 6xxx.637.737 Control and IO

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1070087130 / 01 Electric Drives and Controls

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737 Hydraulics

Linear Motion and Assembly Technologie Technologiess

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls Pneumatics



Rexroth PSI I/O 6xxx.637/.737 Control and Level

Technical Information


Edition 01





Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Rexroth PSI I/O 6xxx.637/.737 Control and Level

Technical Information

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Edition 01




Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls


Type of documentation Documentation type Purpose of the documentation

Developmentt of modificaDevelopmen tions

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Rexroth PSI 6xxx.637/.737 Control and I/O Level Technical Information DOK‐PS6000‐E/A637_737*‐FK01‐EN‐P The present manual contains information on • the mec mechan hanic ical al co cons nstr truc uctition on • the e elect lectric rical al co connec nnection tion ((24V 24V ssuppl upplyy and I/O I/O)) and • th the e fu func ncti tion onal alit ityy of the weld timer integrated into the PSI. Previous editions





Copyright note

Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH, 2010. It is not permitted to release or copy the present document, or to exploit or disclose its contents, unless expressly permitted. Any infringement of this copyright will create liability for damages. All rights reserved in the event of granting of patents or utility models (DIN 341).

Binding force

The data indicated below is intended to describe the product only. No binding information concerning a special property or suitability for a certain purpose can be derived from this manual. This information does not release the user from performing his own assessments and verifications. Please note that our products are subject to natural wear and aging.

Edited by

 Bosch

Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH Postfach 11 62 D‐64701 Erbach Berliner Straße 25 D‐64711 Erbach Tel.: Te l.: +4 +49 9 (0) (0) 6 60 0 62 62/78 /78‐0 ‐0 Fax: Fa x: +4 +49 9 (0) (0) 60 6 62/ 2/78‐ 78‐72 728 8 Abt.: DCC/PAW1


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Table of Contents

Table of Contents Page


Safety instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Possible icons on the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.2 3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12

S Pa rofepteyr iunsetruc. .ti.o.n.s. i.n. .th. i.s. m . . a. n. u. .a.l .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Environmental p prrotection, recovery of materials and reuse Qualified Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Installation and assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Startup and operation of the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Retrofits and modifications by the operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance, repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Safe working practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CE marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 2 13 14 16 18 20 22 23 24 24


Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Type designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


2 2.3 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3

Feroagturaremsmoifng theanPdSo6p0e0ra0tisoenrie. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P Hardware structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front side of the timer (without I/O module) . . . . . . . . . . . Front of the I/O module ”DEVNET” (PSI 6xxx.637) . . . . Front side of the I/O module “I/O DISK” (PSI 6xxx.737) .

6 29 30 32 34 35

Timer functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.3 3.3.1 3.4

Main components of a welding plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Welding modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Single spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repeat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Program execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

37 39 39 39 40 41

1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3

IPmropgurla semmaobdlee .c.u.rr.e. n. t. .b.lo. c. k. s. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Slope (current increase) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programmable times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Regulation modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phase angle (PHA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Constantcurrent regulation (KSR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UIR regulation (UIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %I prewarning and limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %I prewarning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %I limitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Time monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monitor stepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

41 3 44 45 48 48 49 50 51 51 51 52 52 57 57

3.9 8

Laeta chsu inrging. . l.o.o.p. .te. .s.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M

59 8




Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Table of Contents

3.10 3.11 3.11.1 3.11.2 3.11.3 3.11.4 3.11.5 3.12 3.12.1 3.12.2 3.12.3 3.13 3.14 3.14.1 3.14.2 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19

4 4.1 4.2 4.3

5 5.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.2.6 5.2.7 5.2.8 5.2.9 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5

Automatic spot repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrode maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Count factor and Wear per component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %I stepping (Stepper) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dressing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warning and end of stepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warning table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cutter motor control / Tip dress management . . . . . . . . . . . Mode "Off" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mode "Electric drive" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mode "Pneumatic drive" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrode force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Force calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Welding transformer data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Stop (Quality Stop) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isolate weld contactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weld Circuit Degradation (WCD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

59 61 61 62 63 63 63 64 64 65 67 69 71 71 73 75 76 78 80 80

Technical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Integrated weld timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/O Module ”DEVNET” (PSI 6xxx.637) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/O module “I/O DISK” (PSI 6xxx.737) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

81 82 83

Electrical connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Interference suppression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integrated weld timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output of the internal 24 VDC voltage generator (X4) . . . Logic supply of the weld timer (X4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power supply to external units (X5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 VDC voltage distribution (X4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure control and feedback (X2, X9) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CCR sensor (X3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transformer temperature monitoring (X3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan connection (X4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming device connection (X1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I/O communication to Robot/PLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power supply (X10) of the used I/O modules . . . . . . . . . . DeviceNet Connection (PSI 6xxx.637 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . Discrete signal outputs / inputs (PSI 6xxx.637) . . . . . . . . Discrete signal outputs / inputs (PSI 6xxx.737) . . . . . . . . Serial signal outputs / inputs (PSI 6xxx.637 and .737) . .

85 86 86 87 88 89 92 96 99 100 101 102 102 104 104 105 107


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Table of Contents


I/O signal descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.4 6.1.5

Input signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alphabetic overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weld contactor enable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weld contactor closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calibrate gun resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress  motor overload tripped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

110 110 111 111 111 111

6.1.6 7 6.1.8 6.1.9 6.1.10 6.1.11 6.1.12 6.1.13 6.1.14 6.1.15 6.1.16 6.1.17 6.1.18 6.1.19 6.2

Tip dress  R mPoM torsceunrsreonr t. t.r.ip. p. e. .d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress motor on (air/elec) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . End of component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spot number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weld on external . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fault reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fault reset with reweld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fault reset with weld complete (WC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tips have been dressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Electrodes have been replaced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feedback transformer x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operate force sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Output signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

111 111 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 120 121

6.2.1 2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 6.2.7 6.2.8 6.2.9 6.2.10 6.2.11 6.2.12 6.2.13 6.2.14 6.2.15

A ticploevter(vW ieC w) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wlpehldabcoem Weld on (with welding current) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prewarning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . End of stepper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New electrode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Magnet valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Close weld contactor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress enable circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress sequence running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dress OK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tip dressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UI regulation active . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

122 1 123 124 124 124 125 125 125 126 127 127 127 127 127

6..2 2..117 6 6 6.2.18 6.2.19 6.2.20 6.2.21 6.2.22 6.2.23 6.2.24 6.2.25 6.2.26

UI Smtoopnito. r.i.n.g. a. .c.ti.v.e. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Q Acknowledge end of component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transformer x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operate force sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timer ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weld fault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Without weld process monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure output bit x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Start tip dress request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure inside tolerance area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12 27 7 1 127 128 128 129 129 130 130 130 130

MBaaitntetreyn.a. n. .c.e. . ..... . .. ..... . .. ... .. . ..... . . ..... . .. ... .. . .. ... .. . ..... . ..


7 7.1



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Table of Contents

7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2

Firmware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Firmware update via ”WinBlow” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Firmware update via "FWUpdate" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

132 132 133


Status and fault messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



CE marking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Timer diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Annex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A.1 A.2

Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

145 147


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions


Safety instructions The products described were developed, manufactured, tested and documented in compliance with the requirements of the EU. This product poses no danger to persons or property if it is used in accordance with the handling stipulations and safety notes prescribed for  its configuration, mounting, and proper operation. Nevertheless, there still is some residual risk! 

Therefore, you should read this manual before installing, connecting or  commissioning the products or programming the welding system.

Store this manual in a place to which all users have access at any time. The contents of this manual refer to • the me mech chani anica call co cons nstr truc uctition on • the e elect lectric rical al co connec nnection tion ((24V 24V ssuppl upplyy and I/O I/O)) and • th the e fu func ncti tion onal alit ityy of the weld timer integrated into the PSI. The  according to the type of the product  integrated AC power units/inverters have their own manuals. They are applicable in addition to the present manual! 

Therefore, please also note the following documentation manuals: • Fo Forr P PS SI 6 6xxxx: xx: Me Medi dium umf fre requ quen enccy inv inver erte terr (10 (1070 70 080 080 0 059 59)) The faultless, safe functioning of the product requires proper transport, storage, erection and installation as well as careful operation.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Safety instructions


Possible icons on the product   Icon


Dangerous Electrical Voltage

Hazards associated with batteries!

Electrostatically sensitive components

PE conductor connection

Function ground, ground with low parasitic voltage

Shield connection


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions


Safety instructions in this manual DANGER

The DANGER class of symbols is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with instructions results in personal injury. This symbol class always contains the "DANGER" signal word.


The WARNING class of symbols is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with instructions may result  in  in personal injury. This symbol class always contains the "WARNING" signal word.


The CAUTION class of symbols is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with instructions may result in damage to equipment  or data files. This symbol class always contains the "CAUTION" signal word.

This symbol indicates the need to observe/perform certain things. 1. Any numbers, if present, mean 2. that a defined order  3. has to be observed.

This symbol is used to draw the user’s attention to special circumstances.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions


Proper use Danger due to inappropriate use! The use for purposes other than the intended use may result in personal damage to the user or third persons or damage to the equipment, the workpiece to be welded or environmental hazards.


Therefore, you should only use our products for their intended purpose!

The product described • ser serves ves in con connec nection tion wi with th an int integr egrated ated A AC C power u unit/ nit/inve inverte rterr and the appropriate welding transformer for  re resi sist stan ance ce we weldi lding ng of me metal talss and • is suit suitable able fo forr oper operatio ation n in indus industria triall envi environm ronments ents ((emis emission sion cclass lass A A,, group 2) in accordance with the following standards:  EN 50178  EN 50240  EN 60204‐1 Any other application is deemed improper use! Risk of highfrequency interference! This resistance welding equipment belongs to class A. Class A resistance welding equipment is not intended for use in the public lowvoltage network supplying, e.g., residential buildings, because it may interfere with other equipment in the environment. Therefore, make sure that no other devices or their functioning can be affected if the present product is operated.


For operation in residential environments, in trade and commercial applications and small enterprises, an individual permit of the national authority or test institution is required; in Germany, please contact the Bundesnetzagentur Bundesnetzage ntur (BNetzA) or its local branch offices.


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions

1.4 1.4

En Envi viro ronm nmen enttal prot rotection, on, rre eco cov very ery of of m ma ater eriial als sa an nd rre eus use e Environmental protection

Our products do not contain any hazardous materials which which may be released by their intended use. Therefore, no negative effects on the environment are to be expected under normal circumstances. Recovery of materials

The products manufactured by us can be returned to us free of charge for proper disposal. However, the following conditions have to be satisfied for this purpose: • no dep deposit ositss such such as oil, gre grease ase o orr oth other er cconta ontamina mination tion • no inapp inappropri ropriate ate e extran xtraneous eous materi materials als or th thirdp irdparty arty compo components nents included. The packaging materials are made of cardboard, wood and polystyrene. For environmental reasons, please do not return any empty packagings to us. They can be easily recycled.   The products are to be sent postage prepaid to the following address: Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH BürgermeisterDr.NebelStraße 2 D97816 Lohr am Main Germany Recycling

Principal components of our electronic equipment: • Ste Steel, el, alum aluminum inum,, coppe copper, r, p plast lastic ic mate material rials. s. Due to their high metal content, most of the materials of our products can be recycled. In order to ensure optimum recovery of metals, the equipment has to be split into individual components. The metals that are contained in the electric and electronic modules can also be recovered using special separating methods. The plastic materials recovered by this process can be disposed of thermally. 

Simple or rechargeable batteries, if any, must be removed from the products prior to recycling them! Please also note the information provided in the "Battery disposal" section! Battery disposal

In accordance with the EU provisions relating to batteries, the end user  has to return any simple or rechargeable batteries to a dealer or the public collection facilities for disposal. 

In order to avoid shortcircuit in the battery collection boxes, please fix adhesive tape to the battery poles or put each battery in a separate plastic bag.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions


Qualified Personnel Employing unqualified personnel or noncompliance with warning notes can result in bodily injury and/or property damage. Therefore, make sure that the work is carried out by properly qualified personnel only.


 Any warning notes/instructions on the product or the related documentation must be observed!

Possible functional disturbance of cardiac pacemakers! Due to the t he strong magnetic fields arising from resistance welding, the function of cardiac pacemakers may be disturbed. This may cause the death or considerable health damages! Persons with cardiac pacemakers must avoid resistance welding equipment for this reason.


We recommend posting a warning sign in sufficient proximity to the welding equipment: Possible functional disturbance of cardiac pacemakers due to strong magnetic fields!

No entry for persons with cardiac pacemakers!

The present documentation is designed for specifically trained engineers with special knowledge of the welding technology. These persons must have profound knowledge of the software and hardware components of the weld timer, the power unit/power supply, and the welding transformer. 

Project engineering, programming, start and operation as well as the modification of program parameters is reserv reserved ed to properly trained personnel! This personnel must be able to judge potential hazards arising from programming, program changes and in general from the mechanical, electrical, or electronic equipment.

Interventions in the hardware and software of our products, unless described otherwise in the related documentation, are reserved to our  specialized personnel. Our written approval is required with respect to other persons!


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions 

For this reason, only electrotechnicians who are familiar with the contents of this manual may install and service the products described. Such personnel are • thos those e who, b being eing w well ell tr traine ained d and exp experi erience enced d in thei theirr fiel field d and familiar with the relevant norms, are able to analyze the jobs being carried out and recognize any hazards which may have arisen. • thos those e who hav have e acq acquire uired d the sa same me amo amount unt o off expe expert rt kn knowle owledge dge through years of experience that would normally be acquired through formal technical training.


Please note our comprehensive range of training courses. Please refer to for the latest information on training courses, teachware and training systems. For more information, you may also contact our  Erbach Training Center  SAL 2 Berliner Straße 25 D64711 Erbach Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 60 62 78‐600 Fax: +49 (0) 60 62 78‐833 [email protected]



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions


Installation and assembly


Dangerous Electrical Voltage! Possibility of cardiac arrhythmia, burns, shock! Please ensure that all plant sections worked on in the course of the assembly, repair and maintenance procedures been safely isolated from supply and sufficiently protected againsthave unauthorized/accidental reclosing! The performance of testing activities on live plant components shall be reserved to skilled personnel using suitable tools!


Danger of life and damage to property through t hrough inadequate degree of  protection! The degree of protection of the products described is IP 20. They must be installed in a switch cabinet satisfying at least degree of  protection IP 54!


Possibility of personal injuries and damage to property in the event of  inappropriate/careless planning/performance of installation or assembly works! • Installation and assembly are reserved to qualified personnel who also has expert knowledge in the field of electromagnetic compatibility! • You must observe the information provided in the "Technical Data" (environmental conditions) applicable to the installation and assembly! • When installing the devices and the control elements it must be ensured that they are sufficiently protected against inadvertent operation or contact! • Select the place of installation and the method of fastening the modules according to their weight!

•  Always use suitable hoisting equipment! • Wear a protective helmet, safety shoes and gloves! • Please note the safety and accident prevention regulations!


Danger of shortcircuit through metal burr or cooling water leaks! When drilling or cutting holes into switch cabinets, burr may get inside previously installed modules. Furthermore, when connecting cooling water lines water may leak into modules. Therefore, all affected modules should be well partitioned prior to all work! Noncompliance will result in the extinction of any warranty claims!


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions CAUTION

Overheating due to heat accumulation! Heat accumulation may cause the unit to fail.  A sufficient installation clearance must remain above and below the modules (refer to "Technical Data" section)!.


Consequential damages due to leaks in the cooling fluid circuit! In the event of a leak in the cooling fluid circuit, there is a risk of damaging the surrounding components by leaking cooling water. Therefore, watercooled modules must be installed so that the units inside the switch cabinet are sufficiently protected against leaking coolcooling water.


Deposits may cause the cooling system to fail! Deposits/contamination in the cooling system may restrict the performance of the cooling system with time and consequentially cause the unit to fail. Make sure that an air cooling system does not get contaminated too quickly and can be easily cleaned. When water cooling is used, you must ensure that the cooling water  used has the following properties: • pH : 7 to 8.5 • Degree of hardness Dmax : 10 Ger Germa man n degr degree ees s=1 12. 2.5 5 Brit Britis ish h degrees = 10.5 U.S. degrees = = 18 French degrees • Chlorides : max. 20 mg/l • Nitrates : max. 10 mg/l • Sulfates : max. 100 mg/l • Insoluble co components : max. 250 mg/l Tap water usually meets these conditions. However, an algaecide must be added to the water. 

It must be ensured that operating panels are reachable ergonomically and displays can be easily read out.

The product should be installed in close proximity to the welding equipment in order to keep the lengths of the necessary connection cords to a minimum. For length data, refer to "Electrical connection" section.

For dimensional data of the entire product, accessory kits for installation, information concerning the cooling system, and the mains and transformer connection data, please refer to the manuals provided for  the AC power supply unit/inverter used.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions


Electrical connection WARNING

Dangerous Electrical Voltage! Possibility of cardiac arrhythmia, burns, shock! Please ensure that all plant sections worked on in the course of the assembly, repair and maintenance procedures have been safely isolated from supply and sufficiently protected against unauthorized/accidental reclosing! The performance of testing activities on live plant components shall be reserved to skilled personnel using suitable tools!


Danger of life through inadequate PE conductor system! Possibility of cardiac arrhythmia, burns, shock!  All components must be connected to the PE system of the plant. The electrical continuity of the PE conductor system must be verified in accordance with EN 60204 Part 1.


Danger of life through inappropriate EmergencyStop/Emergency Halt facilities! EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt facilities must be active and within reach in all system modes. Ensure compliance with EN 602041! Releasing an EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt facility must not result  in an uncontrolled restart of the system! Check the proper functioning of the EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt  circuit prior to startup!


The incorrect or incomplete connection of I/O signals may result in hazardous situations at the installation or a damage of the plant! Upon commissioning, make sure that the I/O signals have been properly wired and are correctly transmitted!  Any user, line supplier, welding machine manufacturer and welding gun provider is obligated to connect all output signals that cause movements (such as solenoid and prelift) in compliance with the applicable safety regulations (e.g. ISO 13849) and to ensure that risks to the personnel are safely avoided! Please note that electronic outputs are considered "unsafe" in accordance with the safety regulations! For example, "twohanded start", guards, light barriers, etc. can considerably reduce the risk of bruises.  Also note the information concerning the effects of the I/O signals available and concerning the status and error messages.


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions 

All connection cords and signal leads must be routed so as to prevent negative effects on device functions through capacitive or inductive interference! In long, parallel cables, interference is frequently injected and removed. Power lines and control cables should be routed separately for this reason. The influence of interfering lines on lines susceptible to interference can be >minimized observing following 100 mm: by with paral parallel lel the install installation ation ofdistances: cab cables les < 10m, > 250 mm: with paral parallel lel install installation ation of cab cables les > 10m.

Please also note all the safety instructions relevant for electrical connection and for ensuring EMC of the entire system that have been provided in the manuals for the AC power supply unit / inverter used (refer to page 9).

It must be ensured that the contact areas are bare, i.e. free from paint, plastic coats and dirt/oxidation.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Safety instructions


Startup and o op peration of the product  WARNING

Danger through startup in systems that do not comply with the provisions of the Machinery Directive! The products described are components to be installed in machines for the purpose of the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EEC). Therefore, the products must not be started up unless the machine in which the products have been integrated complies with the provisions of the Machinery Directive! Ensure compliance with EN 602041!


Possible functional disturbance of cardiac pacemakers! Due to the t he strong magnetic fields arising from resistance welding, the function of cardiac pacemakers may be disturbed. This may cause the death or considerable health damages! Persons with cardiac pacemakers must avoid resistance welding equipment for this reason.

We recommend posting a warning sign in sufficient proximity to the welding equipment:

Possible functional disturbance of cardiac pacemakers due to strong magnetic fields!

No entry for persons with cardiac pacemakers!


Danger of injuries and damage to property through operation of units outside their intended cabinets! The units are designed to be installed in housings or switch cabinets and must and not with be operated unless have been installed in such housings the cabinet doorthey closed!


The max. permitted limit values of the magnetic field strength may be exceeded! One has to expect that magnetic fields are present present in the vicinity of resistance welding systems, which are above the limits specified in the EC Directive "Electromagnetic Fields” (2004/40/EC). In particular, the limits for extremities can be exceeded if manual guns are used. In cases of doubt, please measure the field strength and provide additional measures to ensure health and safety at work. Please note the Instructions BGV B11, “Accident prevention regulation relating to electromagnetic fields” issued by the Berufsgenossenschaft (employers’ third party liability insurance association).


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions WARNING

Program start is immediately possible after fault reset! If the start signal is present when a fault is reset (acknowledge (acknowledged), d), the timer will start its program execution immediately! Therefore, prior to fault reset, make sure that there is noone in the hazard area of the welding equipment!


Danger of impacts, bruises, entanglement and burns! Robots, welding guns and fixing elements may generate very high dynamic forces and extremely fast movements. In addition, expulsion may occur during a welding schedule. You should always be aware of the possibility that motions can be triggered by faults of the system!  Always stay outside the danger area of the welding welding system whe when n it is running! Do not ever deactivate any safetyrelevant functions!


Possibility of overheating/condensation through inappropriate or incorrect cooling! The temperature in the installation area must be within the specified limits!  Aircooled mediumfrequency mediumfrequency inverters may only be operated with "forced cooling". Cooling by means of convection is not sufficient! Watercooled mediumfrequency inverters may only be operated if the cooling fluid circuit has been activated! Condensation on the waterconducting components is not permitted!


Strong magnetic fields! Due to the strong magnetic fields arising from resistance welding, wristwatches, pocket watches, or magnetic stripe cards (e.g., EC cards) may be damaged/destroyed for ever. Therefore, you should not carry such items on you while working in the immediate vicinity of the welding system.


Plugging or unplugging modules or connectors/terminals into/from live systems may damage the system and produce unexpected plant reactions! The timer's power supply should always be disconnected before inserting/removing any timer modules. Unless described otherwise, never unplug or plug any connectors/terminals on live systems!



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions 

Make sure that all guards and covers are sufficiently rigid to offer protection against the maximum possible kinetic energy of the plant!

Make sure that all EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt switches are located within the reach of operators and can be quickly activated in the event of hazards!

Check the proper functioning of the EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt

circuit prior to startup! Make sure that an unintentional (re)star (re)startt of the machine is not possible (e.g. by safely disconnecting the power supply of the drives through an EmergencyStop/EmergencyHalt circ circuit uit or using a safe start inte interlock rlock)! )!

You should always be aware of the possibility that motions can be triggered by faults of the system!

The plant functionality installed must be carefully tested for any faults! We do not accept any liability for damage resulting from the execution of  a program, an individual program block or the manual movement of the handling units. Furthermore, we accept no liability for consequential damages which could have been avoided by programming the PLC appropriately!  


Retrofits and modifications by the operator  WARNING

 Any changes made to the the product product may endanger endanger the safety safety of of the unit  or even render it entirely unsafe! Therefore, you should contact us before performing any intended changes. This is the t he only way to find out whether or not changes can be made safely.


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Safety instructions


Maintenance, repair  WARNING

Dangerous Electrical Voltage! Possibility of cardiac arrhythmia, burns, shock! Please ensure that all plant sections worked on in the course of the assembly, repair and maintenance procedures have been safely isolated from supply and sufficiently protected against unauthorized/accidental reclosing! The performance of testing activities on live plant components shall be reserved to skilled personnel using suitable tools!


Danger of impacts, bruises, entanglement and burns! Robots, welding guns and fixing elements may generate very high dynamic forces and extremely fast movements. You should always be aware of the possibility that motions can be triggered by faults of the system!


Lithium properly!batteries may cause causticization or explode if not handled Therefore, do not open batteries by force, do not recharge or heat  them above 100 degrees Centigrade! 

Only use spare parts/replacement parts approved by us!

In any case, spent batteries and accumulators should be disposed of in accordance with the applicable provisions of the law! Also refer to page 13 13,, "Battery disposal" section.

The following protective measures must be observed for modules and components sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD): • Per Person sonnel nel respo responsi nsible ble for sstor torage, age, ttrans ransport port,, and han handlin dling g must have training in ESD protection. • ESD ESDse sensit nsitive ive componen components ts mus mustt be sto stored red an and d tra transpo nsporte rted d in the prescribed protective packaging. • ESD ESDse sensit nsitive ive componen components ts may only b be e hand handled led at sspec pecial ial ES ESD D workplaces. • Per Person sonnel, nel, w work orking ing su surfac rfaces, es, as w well ell as a allll equi equipmen pmentt and tool toolss which may come into contact with ESDsensitive components must have the same potential (e.g. by grounding). • Wear an ap approv proved ed gro groundin unding g brac bracelet. elet. The gr groundi ounding ng bra bracelet celet must be connected with the working surface through a cable with an integrated 1 MOhm resistor. • ESDs ESDsensitiv ensitive e comp component onentss may by no me means ans ccome ome iinto nto ccont ontact act w with ith chargeable objects, including most plastic materials. • When inse inserti rting ng or rem removin oving g ESD ESDsens sensitiv itive e compo component nentss in/f in/from rom other supply.devices, the device must be safely disconnected from the



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Safety instructions


Safe working practices Danger of impacts, bruises, entanglement and burns! Robots, welding guns and fixing elements may generate very high dynamic forces and extremely fast movements. In addition, expulsion may occur during a welding schedule.


 Always stay outside the danger area of the welding welding system whe when n it is running!


You should always be aware of the possibility that motions can be triggered by faults of the system!

Wear protective goggles in order to protect your eyes against expulsion or hot metal burr!

Wear protective gloves in order to protect yourself against injuries on sharp metal edges and burns on the parts to be welded!

Only wear flameretardant working clothes!

Before starting to work, subject the plant to a reasonable, practical check for possible damages (e.g. visual inspection).

Repor t any damages and malfunctions of the unit to your servicing and Report repairs department immediately!

Safely halt any servo guns before intervening in or accessing the danger area!

Prior to cleaning or prolonged service interruptions, the plant must be completely deenergized by opening its main switch and protected against unauthorized or accidental reclosing!

CE marking The CE mark for the product (refer to Section 9) is applicable for use in industrial environments.

For other combinations/applications, the certificate must be derived from the above requirements, or a new certificate must be issued, if necessary. This is the responsibility of the line supplier/user.

The product described corresponds to an application variant which is not covered by the provisions concerning end user products, machines or systems based on its very nature. Therefore, it may only be operated as described above.

When installed in an enclosure, the EMC properties of this product may be subject to change. For this reason, the final product (end user  device, machine, systems) should be subjected to a verification of its EMC characteristics by the end product manufacturer.

The evaluation of the electrical and mechanical safety, the environmental influences (foreignstate. bodies, moisture) must be carried out on the final product in encased


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls




Overview The PS 6000 series integrates the following in a single enclosure • wel eld d time merr, an and d • power unit. The integrated is suitable for  weld timer serves to drive the integrated power unit and • spot weld welding ing ((e.g e.g.. in com combina bination tion with a ro robot) bot) • pr proj ojec ecti tion on w wel eldi ding ng,, • re repea peatt wel weldin ding g (e. (e.g. g. ma manua nuall gun guns) s),, and • se seam am we weldi lding ng ttas asks ks ((e.g e.g.. ro rollll sseam eam). ). In addition to various timer types that can be mainly distinguished by their I/O connection to the host PLC/robot unit and the timer functionalitiy, different types of power units (MF inverter power units) with different

cooling methods (air/water) and graduated power ratings are also available for controlling the welding transformer.


Type designation The name of the product assembly indicates the product variety concerned: PS_ 6_ _ _.. _ _ _ _ _  Line voltage range

(only for MF inverters): 1: 40 400 048 480 0 VAC  2: 48 480 069 690 0 VAC Cooling:

L: Air   W: Wate Water  r  Timer type

first digit: I/O connection: 1: 24 V 2: PROF PROFIB IBU US 3: INTE INTER RBUS 4: RS232 6: Dev evic ice e Net Net 7: Ethe Etherrne nett 2nd and 3rd digit: version number  Power class of the power unit and TriCore CPU varieties ( Type of power unit:

T: Thyris Thyristor tor pow power er unit unit I: Medi Medium umf fre requ quen ency cy invert inverter  er  Example:

PS PSII 6100.1 6100.100 00 L1: L1:

Weld Weld timer timer with with 24 24 V I/O, I/O, M MF F in inver verter ter,, air airco coole oled, d, line voltage 400480 VAC

Type designation of the PS 6000 series 



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01



Features of the PS 6000 series

For further information about the dimensions, line connection, cooling or welding output, please refer to the manual of the inverter used (refer  to page 9).

• User iinter nterfac face e for op operat eration, ion, p prog rogramm ramming ing and d diagn iagnosis osis::  sta standa ndard: rd: compl complete ete gr graphi aphical cal us user er int interf erface ace BO BOS, S, ex execu ecutabl table e on PCs with operating systems Windows 2000 or higher.  opti optional onally ly with lilimite mited d fun functi ctional onal sscop cope: e: us using ing B BT T 6 con contro troll and diagnosis terminal. Links: via V24. • opti optional onal a acce ccess ss protec protection tion ffor or ope operat ration/ ion/pro program gramming ming  via password • Pr Prog ogra rammi mming ng lin linkk tto oP PC C ((BO BOS) S)..  standa standard: rd: for o one ne ind individua ividuall tim timer er vvia ia V2 V24 4 (e (e.g. .g. for local progr programamming)  opti optional onal:: simu simultan ltaneous eous cconne onnectio ction n of sever several al time timers rs via Et Ether hernet net field bus interface • I/O cconne onnecti ction on (c (commu ommunic nicatio ation n with with,, e.g. e.g.,, robo robot/P t/PLC): LC): available connections:  pa para ralle llell ((dis discr cret ete e II/O /O wir wiring ing))  ser eria iall (via bus system em)): PROFIBUS D DP P INTERBUS S DeviceNet Ethernet IP • Nu Numb mber er of pr prog ogrram ams: s:  max max.. 256 pr progra ograms, ms, ssymb ymbolic olic sspot pot ad addres dressing sing iiss pos possib sible. le. Due to the high number of programs, a separate program can be assigned to each spot to be welded in most cases. • Time Time pr prog ogrram ammi ming ng::  in mi milllilissecond ndss. • univ univers ersal al a adapt daptabil ability ity of tthe he w weldi elding ng ssched chedule ule  3 pro program grammabl mable e wel weld d tim times es (P (PreW reWLD: LD: p pre reheat heating ing time time,, MainWLD: welding current time, PstWLD postheating time). The weld times can be jointly operated in a single control mode (standard mode) and in different control modes (mixed mode).  Pr PreW eWLD LD a and nd P Pst stWL WLD D ca can n be d deac eactitiva vated ted  pro program grammabl mable e puls pulse eo opera peration tion for Main MainWLD WLD  pro program grammabl mable e slope (c (curr urrent ent up upslo slope/d pe/downs ownslope lope ttime) ime) ffor  or  MainWLD • Weld ldin ing g mod ode es:  spo spott we weldin lding g (e.g. (e.g. in ccombi ombinat nation ion w with ith a ro robot) bot)  rep repeat eat w weldi elding ng (e.g. (e.g. iin n com combina bination tion with a man manual ual g guns) uns)  Roll seam • Ha Hallfwa fwavve mo mod de


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls



• Cl Clos osed edl loo oop p con contr trol ol m mod odes es::  PHA (phase angle)  KS KSR R (Con (Const stan ant tcu curr rren ent tre regu gula latition on))  UIR (adaptive cco ontroller) Mixed operation is possible (mixed mode: control mode can be separately configured for PreWLD, MainWLD and PstWLD). • Cu Curr entt mo moni nito tori ring ng:: ts ca  rren Referen Reference ce curren currents can n be p prog rogramm rammed ed in indepe dependen ndentt of tthe he re regugulation command values  tolera tolerance nce band in p percen ercent, t, w with ith asymm asymmetric etric progr programming amming capab capab-ility  Moni Monitor toring ing in sta standar ndard d or mi mixed xed m mode ode p poss ossible ible (mixe (mixed d mod mode: e: control mode can be separately configured for PreWLD, MainWLD and PstWLD). • auto automati maticc sp spot ot rrepet epetitio ition n if ccurr urrent ent w was as ttoo oo lo low w • Time ime m mo onit ito orin ing g • El Elec ectr trod ode e ma mana nage geme ment nt  Stepp Stepper er ffunc unctition on fo forr %I ((%I %I sste teppi pping) ng)  Ele Electr ctrode ode ttip ip dr dress essing ing inclu including ding init initial ial d dres ressin sing g  Ste Stepper pper ffunct unction ion fo forr pres pressur sure e (ele (electr ctrode ode fo force rce sstepp tepping) ing)  War Warning ning ttable able w with ith gr graphi aphicc rep repres resent entatio ation n of ele electr ctrode ode we wear  ar  • Ge Gene nera ratiting ng tthe he g gun un ffor orce ce::  Pro Program gramming ming tthe he fo force rce iin n kN ffor or ea each ch we weldin lding g pro progra gram m  Out Output put as ana analog log ac actuat tuating ing va variab riable le (v (volta oltage, ge, ccurr urrent) ent) that iiss already present when the program has been selected. Digital control available, depending on timer type.  Feedb eedbac ackk is is p pos osssible ible  For Force ce ca calibr libratio ation n for ad adjust justment ment tto o the val valve ve cha charac racter terist istic ic • Pres Presssur ure ep pro rofi file le::  up to 10 dif differ ferent ent ele electr ctrode ode fo force rcess can be pr progr ogramme ammed d dur during ing a program schedule • ext externa ernall term terminat ination ion of w weld eld wi with th ha halfc lfcycl ycle e acc accura uracy cy • freel freelyy pro progr gramm ammabl able e out output put:: up to 3 different on/off times during a program schedule can be programmed Used, e.g., to drive a backpress backpressure ure control valve or for  preparing parts to be welded synchronous to the spot weld. • Ca Calilibr brat atio ion n pr prog ogra rams ms::  for cu curre rrent nt (to a adjus djustt the we weldin lding g equi equipmen pmentt to an e exte xternal rnal ref refererence ammeter)  for fo force rce ((to to adj adjust ust th the e elec electro trode de for force ce to an ex exter ternal nal re refer ference ence force meter) • Log Loggin ging g ffun unct ction ionss ((IS ISO O9 9000 000): ):  Fau ault lt//event log  Wel eld d ffau ault lt pr prot otoc ocol ol  Da Data ta cha chang nge ep pro roto toco coll  Wel eldi ding ng cur urre rent nt log log • integr integrat ated ed dia diagno gnosis sis mem memor oryy



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


• Fa Faul ultt al allo loca cati tion on::  Eve Events nts can be pr progr ogramme ammed d as faul faults ts o orr wa warni rnings ngs • Sta Status tus dis display play of II/O /O ssigna ignals ls in o onlin nline e mo mode de • %I correct ection on::  pr prog ogra ram msp spec ecifific ic in inpu putt  el elec ectr trod ode esp spec ecifific ic in inpu putt • Gene General ral ov overv erview iew of tthe he wel welding ding e equip quipment ment iin n the p plant lant iimage mage • Gl Glob obal al time timerr di disp spla layy o of  f   Sta tart rt in inhi hibi bitt (P (P))  Wel eld d iint nter erna nall on on (P) (P)  Time moni nittor orin ing g  Cu Curr rren entt m mon onit itor orin ing g  Cu Curr rren entt mo mode de iin n Ma MainW inWLD LD ((PH PHA A/K KSR SR))  Ele lecctrodes used  Pr Progr ograms ams us using ing a ce cert rtai ain n ele elect ctro rode. de. • Ba Back ckup up/A /Auto utoB Bac acku kup p (da (data ta bac backu kup) p) • Re Rest stor ore e (d (dat ata a re retr trie ieva val) l) • Co Copy pyin ing g we weld ldin ing g par param amet eter erss • Comp Compari arison son betw between een time timers rs and/ and/or or b back ackup up ffiles iles • Star Startt si simu mula lati tion on::  Pro Program gram sselec election tion a and nd sc schedu hedule le st start art ccan an be in initia itiated ted by BOS • lang language uagess ccurr urrentl entlyy a avai vailabl lable e ((for for BOS BOS): ):  German  English  NA English  Spanish  French  Swedish  Portuguese  Italian  Hungarian • Onli Online ne and offl offline ine pro program gramming ming is pos possibl sible e • PSI PSIty types pes only only:: Prep Prepare ared d for upgr upgradin ading g with an opt optiona ionall quali quality ty module or extension using the optional ultrasonic or U/I controller system (PSQ 6000 XQR).


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls




Programming and operation All necessary parameters are always kept in a batterybuffered RAM inside the timer. Operation, programming and diagnosis are performed via the connected PC. The following optionsare available for connecting the PC: • V2 V24 4 int inter erfac face e of th the e we weld ld titimer mer (X1) (X1) o or  r  • opti optional onally ly av availa ailable ble field field bus iinter nterfac face e (Et (Ether hernet) net) While the V24 connection is intended for accessing a single timer only (e.g. local programming), the field bus interface provides for the simultaneous connection of several timers. Conditions for programming and operation at the PC: • PC w with ith o oper peratin ating g sy syste stem m Wi Window ndowss 20 2000 00 o orr hi higher  gher  • BOS sso oftware ( B edienoberfläche Schweißen = welding user interface) • V24 int interfa erface ce cab cable le or corr correspo espondin nding g insta installat llation ion for fifield eld bus in interterface.

For detailed information on the BOS software, please refer to the BOS manual and the Online Help function.

The weld timer can be programmed both "online" and "offline". • offline: no active connection to timer possible. Diagnosis or visualization are not possible. Programming is carried out on the PC, where the program is stored and can be transferred to the timer later. • online: requires active connection to timer. Diagnosis and visualization are possible. Programming is carried out on the PC. Each parameter is retrieved from the timer and written back to the timer after confirmation. As a result, any parameters pa rameters that have been modified will take effect upon the next program start of the system.  



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01



Hardware structure The timer module is permanently installed at the righthand side of the unit's enclosure. In addition to the standard display and control elements as well as connection terminals, it contains • the types typespeci pecific fic I/O mod module ule for con connect necting ing the ttime imerr to th the e hig higher herle le-vel PLC or the firmware robot (is installed suitable timer only) upon delivery and operative with the • a slot for tthe he opti optional onal fifield eld bus m modul odule e for pro progra grammin mming/op g/opera eration tion// diagnosis of all weld timers connected to the field bus. • a slot fo forr an opt optiona ionall quali quality ty mo module, dule, o orr for e exten xtension sion u using sing tthe he opt optioional ultrasonic or U/I controller system (PSQ 6000 XQR; PSItypes only).

PSx 6000

Slot for an optional quality module or ultrasonic or U/I controller system (PSQ 6000 XQR)


typespecific I/O module

V24 interface for connecting a PC with BOS software (Programming, logging, diagnosis and fault display for the connected weld timer)

Power unit

Slot for field bus module for connecting several timers to a host PC with BOS software (Programming, logging, diagnosis and fault display for all the weld timers connected to the field bus)

Battery for buffering the timer's internal RAM

The dimensions of the unit's housing and the functional units for cooling depend on the size of the integrated power unit, therefore, they may differ from the example shown above.


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Overview 


For installation and assembly, therefore, you must observe the information provided concerning the power unit used (for manual no., refer to page 9). Possibility of malfunctions and damages! The incorrect installation, improper connection or operation faults may lead to an unexpected or undesired unit response and thus to dangerous situations at the welding system. Therefore, all information contained in the individual manuals must be observed.


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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls


2. 2.4. 4.1 1

Fr Fron ontt si side de of the ti time merr ((wi with thou outt II/O /O modu module le))

LOGIC LED, green. Is on if 24 V DC (logic supply voltage) is available). LED, red (only operative if LOGIC LED is illuminated in green) Is on if DC link voltage > 60 V READY LED, green. Is on if no error is present in the timer. The unit is ready for welding. WELD TIME LED; yellow. Is on while the power unit is activated. BATTERY FAULT LED; red. Is on if a new battery is to be inserted. RESET button. Returns the timer to READY state when a fault has occurred (and has been corrected). DIPswitch for setting the address at which the central PC can reach the timer via the fieldbus. Important only when using fieldbus modules.


Boot LED; red. Is on while the timer is in ”Boot” mode. ”Boot” key for calling up the ”Boot” mode. Required for a firmware upgrade in connection with the ”WinBlow” software. Welding is not possible in ”Boot” mode. Exiting Boot mode: Toggle 24 V logic voltage off / on. V24 connection to programming terminal (for programming on location). Refer to Sect. 5.2.9 5.2.9 on  on page 101 24 VDC output of the internal voltage source 24 VDC input for logic power supply Terminals for 24 VDC voltage distribution (refer to Sect. 5.2.4 5.2.4 on  on page 89 24 VDC supply output for power supply to fan if timer is equipped with a fan (refer to Section 5.2.8 on 5.2.8 on page 100 100). ).

 .    5    3   e   g   a   p   o    t   r   e    f   e    R  .   e    l   u    d   o   m      O    /    I   c    i    f    i   c   e   p   s     e   p   y    t


24 VDC output for power supply to force sensor, e.g. Refer to Section 5.2.3 on 5.2.3 on page 88. 88. not used Output for influencing the electrode force (analog activation of a proportionate control valve or a servo gun). Digital (24 VDC) and analog (0..10 VDC) inputs for (force) feedback. Refer to Section 5.2.5 from 5.2.5 from page 92. 92.

X5 X8 X2

Analog input for (force) feedback. Refer to Section 5.2.5 from 5.2.5 from page 92. 92.


Measuring input for constantcurrent regulation (KSR). Refer to Section 5.2.6 on 5.2.6 on page 96 Output/input for monitoring the transformer temperature (refer to Section 5.2.7 5.2.7 on  on page 99) 99)


Battery for buffering the unit's internal RAM

  e    l   u    d   o   m   s   u    b    d    l   e    i    F

   )    R    Q    X    0    0    0    6      Q    S    P    (    m   e    t   s   y   s   r   e    l    l   o   r    t   n   o   c    I    /    U   r   o   c    i   n   o   s   a   r    t    l   u    l   a   n   o    i    t   p   o


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

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☞ ☞

For technical data of the timer module, refer to Sect. 4.1 page 4.1 page 81. 81. The red LED can only signal the timer status if the logic supply voltage is present (green LED LOGIC is lit)!


Dangerou Dangerous s voltages may be present present at the unit even if the red LED is not lit! Therefore, use suitable measuring equipment and an appropriate measuring method to ensure that the unit is deenergized deenergized before carrying out any work on the unit.


The welding schedule is aborted! Immediately upon pushing the ”boot” button, welding processes become impossible! The timer interrupts the program sequence, switches all signal outputs to 0 V and goes into ”boot” mode (for firmware exchange). For this reason, the button shall  never be pressed during operation and  only be pressed by authorized personnel.


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and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


2. 2.4. 4.2 2

Fr Fron ontt of the the II/O /O modu module le ”D ”DEV EVN NET ET”” (P (PSI SI 6xxx 6xxx.6 .637 37))

Diagno Diagnosti sticc message messagess of the modul module e (accord (according ing to De Devic viceNe eNett specification)

 

NA: 6 DIP DIP switch switches es for for ssettin etting g the the node node addres addresss (Mac (Mac IID) D) DR: DR: 2 D DIP IP swi switch tches es for for ssett etting ing the baud baud rate rate (each according to DeviceNet specification). Settings of the switches: please refer to chapter 5.3.2 on 5.3.2 on page 104. 104.

Bus connection ion Connection scheme  please refer to chapter 5.3.2 5.3.2,, page 104 For information on signal exchange via DeviceNet, please refer to chapter 5.3.5 on 5.3.5 on page 107


Sign Signal al in inpu puts ts I0 to I7 (2 (24 4 VDC), with indicator LED please refer to chapter 5.3.3 on 5.3.3 on page 104


Sign Signal al ou outp tput utss O0 O0 tto o O7 O7 (24 (24 VDC), with indicator LED please refer to chapter 5.3.3 on 5.3.3 on page 104


Voltag Voltage e suppl supplyy of of the the I/O I/O modul modules es (24 VDC) Terminal 1 and 3 connected internally Terminal 2 and 4 connected internally please refer to chapter 5.3.1 on 5.3.1 on page 102


For technical data, refer to Sect. 4.2 Page 4.2 Page 82. 82.


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2.4. 2.4.3 3

Fr Fron ontt si side de of the the II/O /O modu module le “I “I/O /O DISK DISK”” ((PS PSII 6xx 6xxx. x.73 737) 7)

Fuse Fuse (M 1.6 A) to to prote protect ct the the sign signal al outp output ut O0 O0

Fuse Fuse (M 1.6 A) to prot protect ect the signal signal out output putss O1 to O12 O12

 

Sign Signal al in inpu puts ts I0 to I13 I13 ((24 24 VDC), with control LED 2x voltage voltage output output for powe powerr supply supply to to the ext. input circu circuits its (internally tapped from X10) please refer to chapter 5.3.4 starting 5.3.4 starting on page 105

 

Sign Signal al in inpu puts ts I14 I14 tto o II20 20 (24 (24 VDC), with control LED 1x voltage voltage output output for powe powerr supply supply to to the ext. input circu circuits its (internally tapped from X10) please refer to chapter 5.3.4 starting 5.3.4 starting on page 105

 

Sign Signal al ou outp tput utss O00 O00 to O12 O12 ((24 24 VDC), with control LED 0 V ref refer eren ence ce pot poten entitial al of of th the e 24 VDC signal outputs (internally tapped from X10) please refer to chapter 5.3.4 starting 5.3.4 starting on page 105

Po Powe werr supp supply ly tto o the the I/O I/O modu module le (24 (24 VDC) Terminals 1 and 3 linked internally Terminals 2 and 4 linked internally please refer to chapter 5.3.1 on 5.3.1 on page 102

For technical data, refer to Sect. 4.3 Page 4.3 Page 83. 83.




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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Timer functions


Main components of a welding plant  Welding systems equipped with PS 6000 normally consist of the following main components: • We Weld ld titimer mer w witith h int integr egrat ated ed MF iinv nver erter  ter  • suitable weld welding ing tr transf ansforme ormerr (in (includ cluding ing cu curren rrentt sen sensor sor ffor or se second condary ary measurement) • pneu pneumati maticall callyy or elec electri trical cally ly op operat erated ed el elect ectrode rode gun. Furthermore, a higherlevel controller is required that controls the entire manufacturing process of the part and also monitors its safety safety aspects. Suitable controllers include • a pro progr gramm ammab able le lo logic gic ccon ontr troll oller er (P (PLC) LC) • a rrob obot ot cont contro rollller  er  • manu manual al ccont ontrol rol (e.g (e.g.. of manu manual al g guns) uns),, or eve even n • a com combin binat ation ion o off the these se po poss ssib ibili ilitie ties. s. PS 6000

Start Spot no.




PLC or  robot




Internal current sensor 

I: Input O: Output PROP: Proportionate control valve DRM: Digital pressure feedback (gun closed) WC: Weld complete contact WLD: Weld time

Trans former 

Welding gun

Electrodes DRM


Actual current value

optional external current sensor 

Main components of a welding plant 

The weld timer ensures the controlled performance of the actual welding process. For this purpose, it must provide open and closedloop control of many functions and physical quantities. Its main tasks include, e.g.: • Communic Communication ation with a h highe igherle rlevel vel P PLC LC or robo robott con control troller ler vvia ia I/ I/O O signals. • Cont Controll rolling ing a propor proportion tionate ate co contr ntrol ol val valve ve or a ser servo vo gu gun n for iinflu nflu-encing the electrode force. • Ens Ensuri uring ng the proper sc schedu hedule le of var various ious ttime ime in inter tervals vals ((e.g. e.g. p pre re weld, main weld, postweld time etc.). • Driv Driving ing th the e pow power er uni unitt to gen generat erate e the p prope roperr wel welding ding h heat. eat. • gram Sign Signalli alling ng a cor correc rectt or inco incorre rrect ct wel weld d at th the e end of tthe he we weldin lding g proschedule.


Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives


PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions



Current I

Start Primary circuit

Force F


Secondary circuit



SQZ: Squeeze time (for explanations, refer to Sect. 3.4.4 starting 3.4.4 starting on page 45) 45) WLD: Weld time HLD: Hold time (for a description, refer to Sect. 3.4.4 ) 3.4.4 ) Physical quantities for influencing the weld 



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Timer functions


Welding modes In order to perform a welding process, the weld timer can be controlled automatically by a PLC/robot or manually by the operator. There are various welding modes available in PS 6000 for this purpose. • Single spot •• R eat Seeapm


Single spot   Suitable for use in connection with robots, welding machines, automatic welding equipment and manual welding guns, for spot welding, projection welding, butt welding. A high level at the Start input (refer to page 112 112)) initiates the welding schedule (or welding program) exactly once, starting with the pre squeeze time (1.SQZ). At the end of the program, the timer outputs the WELD COMPLETE (WC) output signal, if no welding fault has occurred. For the next program start, the Start signal has to be switched off and back on. Start


one spot weld is produced

another spot weld is produced

Single spot welding mode, signal sequence 


Repeat   The Repeat mode is suitable for manual electrode guns and manually operated welding machines. The weld timer initially responds to the start signal as in single spot mode and starts the welding schedule. If the start signal is still present after the end of the hold time (HLD), the solenoid valve signal will be switched off. The welding gun is opened. The Off time (OFF) runs. During this time, the operator can pull on the welding gun towards the next spot. After the end of the OFF time, the solenoid valve will be energized again, and the welding schedule will be restarted  this time beginning with the SQZ. This high.sequence will be repeated for as long as the relevant start input is


Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives


PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions

Start Solenoid

one spot weld is produced


another spot weld is produced

Repeat welding mode, signal sequence 


Seam Suitable for roll seam applications. The parts to be welded are joined by individual spot welds while rolling electrodes are moved along. The weld timer initially responds to the start signal as in single spot mode and starts the welding schedule. The weld time (MainWLD) and a cool time (2.CT), if programmed, will be repeated for as long as the START input remains high. When the start signal becomes low, the timer will cancel the actual current pulse and start the hold time (HLD). In seam operation, a distinction is made between a stitch weld and a seal weld. Stitch seam: a serie seriess of w weld eld titimes mes iiss sep separat arated ed in ttime ime by suffi sufficien ciently tly long cool times so that subsequent spot welds neither  touch nor overlap. Seall weld: Sea the ccool ool titime me iiss cconf onfigu igured red ver veryy ssho hort rt so that that sub subseq sequen uentt spot welds overlap.

Stitch seam

Seal weld

Seal weld
























































Seam operation principle 


CT very short or 0


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Program execution A total of 256 separate welding programs ( 0 to 255) are available. The inputs for spot selection (refer to page 113 113)) are used to initially select the desired spot number. With a next step, the timer automatically searches the pattern of the selected spot number within the spot reference table and if found, the appropriate welding program program is started by a high levelprogram at the Start input all (refer to parameters page 112 112). ). that are required Each welding contains of the for the precise definition of a weld. Basic parameters include, e.g. • %I value valuess that are to be effe effective ctive in diff different erent curre current nt bloc blocks ks (r (refer efer tto o Section 3.4.1 3.4.1 and  and following) • For tim times es th that at are to be ssubse ubsequent quently ly pr proces ocessed, sed, rrefer efer to Se Sect. ct. 3.4.4  3.4.4 starting startin g on page 45) 45) • Elec Electrod trode e for force ce ((for for a d desc escript ription, ion, refe referr to pa page ge 92). 92).


Progra ram mmable current blocks For reasons of process technology, it may be necessary to supply the amount of heat required for a single spot weld in the form of consecutive current blocks. Therefore, a spot weld can be generated from a maximum of three current (PreWLD, in MainWLD, with%I. each block being separatelyblocks programmable terms of PstWLD), duration and

Programming of the %I values is subject to the active regulation mode (refer to page 48 48): ): PHA (phase angle): in scale values KSR (Constantcurrentregulation): (Constantcurrentregulation): in kA 

Cool times (1.CT, 3.CT) can be programmed in between the blocks. If a cool time is set = 0, the relevant 2 blocks are seamlessly performed. End program execution

Start program execution


PreWLD 1. %I 1st current block  (Preheating time)


MainWLD 2. %I 2nd current block


PstWLD 3. %I


3rd current block   (Postheating time)

SQZ: Squeeze time (for explanations, refer to Sect. 3.4.4 3.4.4 starting  starting on page 45). 45). WLD: Weld time HLD: Hold time (for a description, refer to Sect. 3.4.4 3.4.4 )  ) %I: Heat/%I

 Available current current blocks 

PreWLD (1.WLD / Preheating time):

Using this current block, the metal can be preheated before the actual weld is performed (in the 2nd current block) using a lower heat (1.%I), e.g., to reduce If youindoorder not want to useexpulsion. the PreWLD, simply program PreWLD=0.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions MainWLD (2.WLD / 2nd current block):

Welds the actual spot using the command heat (2.%I). • The M MainW ainWLD LD titime me ha hass to b be e pro progra grammed mmed iin n all iinst nstance ances. s. • Wit Within hin the Mai MainW nWLD, LD, the fun funct ction ionss  "i "impu mpuls lse em mode ode"" (re (refer fer to pag page e 43) 43) and  "S "Slo lope pe"" (re (refe ferr to to p pag age e 44) 44) can be used. PstWLD (3.WLD / postheating time):

Using this current block, the metal can be postheated after the actual weld has been performed (in the 2nd current block) using a lower heat (3.%I). The purpose is to prevent the spot from cooling too fast, e.g., as a result of electrode cooling. This postheating will improve the joint between the parts to be welded and serves to balance stress. If you do not want to use the PstWLD, simply program PstWLD=0.


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Timer functions


Impulse mode In addition to the possibility of providing the amount of heat required for  a single spot through 3 subsequent current blocks (refer to page 41), 41), impulse mode may be used. It serves to apply the required amount of heat in the 2nd current block  to  to the spot weld through up to 9 consecutive impulses, which in turn reduces expulsion. A 2nd cool time can be programmed in between the impulses. If the 2nd cool time is set = 0, all impulses are seamlessly performed. You can influence the impulse mode via the "Impulse" parameter. It determines how often the MainWLD is to be repeated with due regard to a prgrammed 2.CT. 2nd current block

Example: Impulse mode OFF IMP = 1 MainWLD = 60 ms 2.CT (not relevant because 1 impulse only)


2nd current block Example: 2 impulses IMP = 2 MainWLD = 60 ms 2.CT = 40 ms




2nd current block Example: 3 impulses IMP = 3 MainWLD = 60 ms 2.CT = 40 ms

Programming example for impulse mode 







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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions


Slope (current increase) If slope has been activated, the weld timer automatically generates a linear current increase/decrease for the 2nd current block  within  within a programmable period of time. In this way, switchon peaks and thus stress on the welding plant can be reduced. For programming, you use time (UST) to define the period of time during which the • tcurrent he Upslope is to increase from its start value to the commanded current during the MainWLD (2.%I), and/or  • the Downslope time (DST) to define the period of time during which the current is to decrease from the MainWLD (2.%I) to the final %I.

Please note: • The ups upslope lope/dow /downslo nslope pe tim times es are a alway lwayss part o off the 2n 2nd d cur current rent block. The upslope time starts at the beginning of the 2nd current block. The downslope time ends at the end of the 2nd current block. • The ups upslope lope a and nd dow downslo nslope pe tim times es ar are e not in influe fluence nced d by ac active tive impulse mode and a programmed 2.CT, if any. They are also performed throughout a possible 2.CT. • If th the e tota total time of th the e%I UST a and nd DS DST T is lo longer nger than 2n 2nd d cur current rent block, thel command is never reached in the 2ndthecurrent block (2.%I)! Fault messages such as "Low current" will be output. • In conne connectio ction n with tthe he slo slope, pe, yo you u shou should ld use tthe he fade fadeout out ttime ime (r (refer  efer  to page 55 55). ).

2nd current block Example: 3 impulses with slope UST = 120 ms DST = 40 ms IMP = 3 MainWLD = 60 ms 2.CT = 40 ms


Example: Slope in connection with impulse mode 








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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Programmable times The way in which a welding program is executed depends on the use of  various programmable periods of time. Within the program execution, each period of time serves a specific purpose.

The times are programmed in 1 ms intervals.

Welding program execution without impulse operation in 2nd current block:

1st current block

2nd current block

3rd current block

Start MainWLD


   C  .    1


   T Ps PstW tWLD LD    C  .    3



Time Current


Welding program execution with impulse operation in 2nd current block (example: impulse=3):

1st current block

2nd current block

3rd current block

Start 2.CT




   C  .    1




   T Ps PstW tWLD LD    C  .    3


Time Current


Model time diagrams with all programmable periods of time 

1. SQZ (presqueeze time):

The electrode gun should entirely close during the 1.SQZ. No current flows during this period of time. The 1.SQZ is processed immediately following the Start signal in all welding modes (single spot, repeat, and seam).  



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions SQZ (squeeze time):

During this time, the working pressure of the electrodes is built up. No current flows during this period of time. The electrode gun must be entirely closed at the beginning of SQZ (refer to 1.SQZ).

☞  An SQZ greater than 0 must be programmed in all instances. Shortest possible SQZ:

16 ms.

During the SQZ, the timer checks whether or not the connected measuring loop is faultless by performing an ohmic resistance measurement  for secondary current measurement. In the event of a fault (refer to page 98), 98), the timer aborts the welding program and clears the "Timer ready" output signal.

☞  At the end of the the SQZ SQZ the the timer timer checks checks whether whether a high high level level is present present at  the digital input X2/4. Otherwise, the timer extends the SQZ by max. 5 seconds before the schedule is aborted and a fault message is output.

☞  At the end of the SQZ the timer also also checks the statu status s of the 3 related I/O pairs ”Transformer x” and ”Feedback Transformer x”. Please refer to page 120 and 120 and 128 for 128 for detailed information. PreWLD (PreWLD, preheating time)

Refer to page 41 41.. 1.CT (1st cool time)

If a value greater than 0 has been programmed, it separates the first and the second current block. Serves to reduce stress in the parts to be welded. Refer to page 41 41..

The 1.CT can only be programmed if PreWLD is greater than 0.

MainWLD (main weld)

Refer to page 42 42.. 2.CT (2nd cool time)

If a value greater than 0 has been programmed, it separates the individual impulses in impulse mode. Serves to reduce stress in the parts to be welded. Refer to page 43 43..

The 2.CT can only be programmed if impulse mode has been activated ("Impulse" parameter > 1). Exception: Seam operation.

UST (upslope time / time of current rise)

Refer to page 44 44.. DST (downslope time / current decrease time)


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Timer functions

Refer to page 44 44.. PstWLD (PstWLD / postheating time)

Refer to page 42 42.. 3.CT (3rd cool time)

If a value greater than 0 has been programmed, it separates the second and the third current block. Serves to reduce stress in the parts to be welded. Refer to page 41 41..

The 3.CT can only be programmed if PstWLD is greater than 0.

HLD (Hold time)

Is used to fix the parts parts welded together while cooling down. No current flows during this period of time. The welding gun opens when the HLD has elapsed. If no welding fault has been detected, the WELD COMPLETE (WC) output signal is output (refer to page 122 122). ).



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Regulation modes There are different regulation modes available in the weld timer: • Ph Phas ase e angl angle e (P (PHA HA)) • Con Const stant antc cur urren rent tre regul gulati ation on (KSR (KSR)) • UIR re regu gulat lation ion (U (UIR; IR; op optio tional nal)) The regulation mode to be used by a program can be selected with a high degree of flexibility. A distinction is made between the following possibilities: • Standard mode: The regulation mode setting (PHA or KSR) applies to all weld times of a program. • Mixed mode: All weld times of a program can be assigned different regulation modes (PHA or KSR).

☞ ☞

If activated in a program, UI regulation only applies to the MainWLD. In connection with the PreWLD and the PstWLD, PstWLD, only PHA or KSR can be used. Regulation and monitoring are functions that are independent of each other! For this reason, the command %I values can be separately programmed for regulation and monitoring. Refer to Section 3.7.1 3.7.1 starting  starting on page 52. 52.


Phase angle (PHA) Special case. PHA mode does not involve regulation of an actual value (e.g. current) but only controls the power unit. For PSI, that means that the pulse width is influenced. PHA features:

• The % %II val values ues a are re pr progr ogramme ammed d as sscal cale e val values ues ((%I) %I).. Programmable range: 0.0 to 100.0 %I. Programming resolution: 0.01 %I • No rreg egul ulat atio ion n ta take kess pl plac ace. e. • The res resulting ulting amount of cu current rrent in the secon secondary dary circu circuitit dep depends ends on the secondary circuit resistance and the secondary voltage. • A curr current ent se sensor nsor iiss not ne neces cessar saryy fro from m the poi point nt of vi view ew of re regula gulation tion technology.

Current or time monitoring can be activated in PHA mode.  A current sensor is absolutely necessary for current monitoring. If the integrated current sensor is not used, a current sensor must be provided on the secondary side.


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Timer functions

Power  system Welding transformer 


Programming: Commanded %I value in %I Power unit

for display purposes only Actual current value

without current monitoring

with current monitoring

Measured value preparation

Current sensor  (only required with current monitoring on the secondary side)

Actual current value

Actual value display kAactual current mean phase value in %I

Current monitoring  Tolerance band

Status Error 

programmable reference current (in kA)

Principle of open-loop PHA mode 

3.5. 3.5.2 2

Cons Consta tant ntc cur urre rent nt reg regula ulation (K (KS SR) Standard application (e.g. with robot guns). In KSR mode, current regulation is active. For this purpose, the actual current is scanned by a current sensor (programmable: secondary or  primary side) and permanently compared to the programmed current current.. A downstream current controller uses the difference between actual/programmed value to drive the pulse width in the power unit and to ensure that the programmed current is reached. KSR features:

• The %I vvalue aluess ar are e pr progr ogramme ammed d in kilo kiloAm Amps ps ((kA) kA).. Programmable range: 0.5 to 250 kA (can be restricted by parameter settings and the power unit used). Programming resolution: 10 A • There is clo closedloo sedloop p cont control rol of the cu current rrent in the seconda secondary ry ccircuit. ircuit.


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Timer functions

• Elim Eliminat inates es the infl influenc uence e of the sec seconda ondary ry cir circuit cuit rresis esistanc tance e on the weld (e.g. transfer resistance between electrode and part to be welded). • A curr current ent sen sensor sor is a absol bsolutel utelyy nece necessa ssary ry from from the poin pointt of view o off re re-gulation technology. If the integrated current sensor is not used, a current sensor must be provided on the secondary side (refer to page 96 96). ). Programming: Commanded current value in kA

Power  system Welding transformer 


Closedloop controller  Power unit

Actual current value

Measured value

Current sensor  (only required for  measurement on the secondary side)


Actual value display kAactual current mean phase value in %I

Current monitoring  Tolerance band

Status Error 

programmable reference current (in kA)

Principle of KSR regulation mode with secondary current sensor 


UIR regulation (UIR)

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!

The U/I controller measures not only the welding current, but also the voltage at the electrodes. In this way, more profound information can be obtained with respect to the welding process, and an adaptive intervention by the controller can be achieved.

Detailed information in documentation no. 1070 087072.


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Timer functions


%I prewarning and limitation


%I p prrewarning The "%I prewarning" parameter can be used to specify • the mini minimum mum %I vvalue alue g gener enerated ated tthat hat is tto o trig trigger ger th the e "Ph "Phase ase a angle ngle warning reached " message. As a result, the timer may draw the operator's attention to an imminent %I limitation  due to, e.g., line losses in the secondary circuit  in KSR regulation regulati on mode.


The parameter value must be lower than the value for the %I limitation.

First, you should enter the parameters of %I prewarning.

%I lilimitation The "%I limitation" parameter is used to define the maximum permitted %I value that may be generated by the power unit/inverter. If the %I limitation responds, the timer will output the message "Maxi-

☞ ☞ ☞

mum phase angle".

The input value for %I limitation has an absolute effect! The "%I correction" (refer to page 75) 75) and "%I stepper" (refer to page 62) 62) functions can trigger a %I limitation response for this reason. The parameter value must be greater than the value for the %I prewarning. In some timer types, this value cannot be changed in BOS. In these cases, it is internally fixed to 100 %I.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Monitoring The timer is capable of monitoring the weld for the following quantities : • Cu Curr rren entt (r (ref efer er to Se Sect ct.. 3.7.1 3.7.1)) • Ti Time me (ref (refer er to Se Sect ct.. 3.7.2 3.7.2 starting  starting on page 57). 57). Both monitoring functions can be separately turned on and off. An activated monitoring function checks the relevant actual value against programmable reference values and tolerance bands. As the "current" and "time" parameters influence the amount of heat in the spot, a correct setting of the reference values and activated monitoring functions are essential measures and conditions for quality assurance.

The reference values used for f or current monitoring can be programmed independent of the regulation parameters. Changing the regulation command values does not influence the monitoring parameters! If he has suitable access privileges, the user may set new reference values manually, or accept a measured actual value as the new reference value. Other monitoring functions available: Monitor stepper: with current monitoring if stepper/dressing cur• acts in conjunction ves are active. Also refer to page 57. 57. • Monitoring the process quality (UIP) and stability (PSF): acts in conjunction with UI regulation and the "QStop" function. Also refer to page 78 78..


Current monitoring Tolerance ranges

In current monitoring, the actual current determined by rms value measurement is compared to the "tolerance band". Whether or not the timer interprets a measured actual current as "acceptable" depends on the programming of the The following values are decisive for the definition oftolerance the tolerance • Re Refe fere renc nce e ccur urre rent nt in kA • posi positive tive ttoler oleranc ance e as a perc percenta entage ge of the rrefer eference ence ccurr urrent ent (upper tolerance band). Actual values above the upper tolerance band generate the message type ”High current ...”. • nega negativ tive e tole toleran rance ce as a pe perce rcentag ntage e of the re refer ference ence ccurr urrent ent (lower tolerance band). Actual values below the lower tolerance band generate the message type ”Low current ...” or "No current ...".


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Timer functions High current ... Ç




















Tolerance band

upper tolerance band (in %)

Reference current in kA Current ok


Low current ... / No current...




















lower tolerance band (in %)

Principle: Tolerance band 

Conditional tolerance range

In addition to qualifying welds as “good/bad", it is often also desirable to be timely informed about the trend of the current values. Especially, an increasing number of actual current values in the lower range of the tolerance band is of interest. Gradual faults of the system (e.g. slow increase in cable resistance in the secondary circuit prior to an interruption of  a cable) may result in such effects. An inappropriate reference current value setting may also result in actual current values in the lower range of the tolerance band. For this reason, the following parameters are additionally available in connection with the tolerance band: • "co "condit nditiona ionall tole toleranc rance e band" ((in in % of the re refer ference ence ccurr urrent) ent) a and nd • "Rew "Rewel eld d Fa Fact ctor or". ". The "conditional tolerance band" parameter defines the programspecific upper limit of the conditional tolerance range. The lower limit is defined by the "lower tolerance band" parameter. The "Reweld Factor" determines the programspecific number of  consecutive welds for a spot that may be within the conditional tolerance range. If the number of consecutive welds within the conditional tolerance range is higher, the message "Series of welds below lower threshold point ..." will be output. Ç



















High current ... Ç






































upper tolerance band (in %)

Reference current in kA

with respect to a single measurement: Current ok

Conditional tolerance band (in %)

conditional tolerance range Ç


Low current ... / No current...

lower tolerance band (in %)





































spots welded

"Series of welds below lower  threshold point" message

Example: Principle of the conditional tolerance band with a Reweld Factor = 4 



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Timer functions

Messages can be defined as either "welding faults" or "warnin "warnings". gs". While an event defined as a "warning" does not inhibit the timer, a "welding fault" must always be followed by "Fault reset" (refer to page 137) 137) to start the next welding schedule.

Current monitoring modes

Since a total of 3 independent current blocks can be programmed (refer  to page 41 41), ), it is necessary to handle current monitoring with the required degree of flexibility. For this reason, a distinction is made between "Standard" and "Mixed" monitoring monitori ng modes. • Standard mode: the entire current profile (1st, 2nd and 3rd current block including cool times) is included in rms value measurement. The complete current profile is represented by a single actual value, and monitored by a single tolerance band. Although this simple and often sufficient monitoring mode keeps the amount of data to be low, any of cool timesinthat have been programmed andprocessed different amounts current the may individual blocks alter the measured result. The reference current to be indicated should be determined by test welds in this case. If you only use the MainWLD without impulse operation, you can specify the commanded current programmed for regulation as reference current as well.

Tolerance band Reference current 1st block PreWLD 1.CT



2nd block

3rd block 3.CT

Measuring time


*: 2.CT 2.CT

Principle of "Standard" monitoring mode   

• Mixed mode: The rms value is measured separately for each current block and monitored by individual tolerance bands (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd current block). The programmed cool times are not accounted for in the determination of the actual value for the individual current blocks. This results in higher transparency of the individual current blocks, however, the amount of data to be processed is larger. In mixed mode, you can generally use the commanded currents programmed for regulation as reference currents as well.


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Timer functions

Reference current

Reference current

Reference current

1st block

3rd block

t1 Measuring time 1 : Tolerance band

t2 2nd block

t3 Measuring time 3

Measuring time 2 = t1 + t2 + t3 

Principle of "Mixed" monitoring mode 

Fadeout time and trail current 

In the previous explanations, the current curve as a function of time was represented by an ideal graph (in rectangular shape). In reality, however, there is a current upswing and downswing at the beginning and after the end of any weld time. Due to their very nature, these effects affect rms value measurements. For this reason, programming different values as the commanded and reference current (in connection with current monitoring) may be necessary. The course of measurement can be specifically influenced using the "fadeout time" and "trail current" functions: • Fade out time: indicates the period of time after the start of a weld time during which the measured current values should not  be   be used in the determination of the rms value. The total upswing process can thus be faded out if the setting is made correctly. Current

Irms_1 Irms_2


Fade out time

Weld time Irms_1: Fade out time accounted for  Irms_2: Fade out time not accounted for 

Effect of the fade out time 

Use of the fade out time • In co connec nnection tion w with ith tthe he "S "Slope lope"" fun functi ction on (r (refe eferr to pa page ge 44): 44): you should program the same value for the fadeout time as for  the upslope time (UST). • when weld welding ing vvery ery thick sheet sheetss and great immer immersion sion depth depthss (g (gun un projects far into the material).



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Timer functions

• in conn connect ection ion with cur curren rentt cali calibrat bration: ion: Reference ammeters also have a "fadeout function" (e.g. Miyachi: "First Cycle"; to specify the first cycle of the weld time whose measured values are to be considered). In connection with current calibration, you should make sure that the metering device used has been set to the timer's current fade out time setting. • Trail current: indicates whether or not the downswing process at the end of a weld time is to be included in the calculation of the rms value (trail current ON). If trail current is switched off, rms measurement of the current value will exactly terminate at the end of a weld time. Current


Weld time

Trail current

Trail current 

A programmed fadeout time will always start • at tthe he b begi eginni nning ng o off a ccur urre rent nt b bloc lockk • at the the b beg eginn inning ing of an imp impuls ulse. e. A programmed trail current will always start • at tthe he en end d of a ccur urre rent nt bl bloc ockk • at the the e end nd of an im impu puls lse. e. 2nd block

1st block

3rd block

Fade out time: Trail current: Start times of fade-out time and trail current 

The programmed fade out time is identical for all weld times and for all welding programs! Therefore, you should make sure that the fade out time is always shorter than the shortest programmed weld time. The programmed trail current is identical for all weld times and for all welding programs!


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Timer functions

If the only quality criterion for your application is the amount of heat applied to the spot weld (amount (amount of heat: Q  i2 x t x R), you should program 0 for the fadeout time and switch the trail current ON. 


Time monitoring Time monitoring can time be separately for each program compares the actual required forconfigured the complete current profile and to a programmed reference time. The actual time is defined as the period of time from the beginning of the first current block until the end of the last current block including all cool times, if programmed. In this way, it can be ensured that no excessive weld time changes can be made manually in the individual welding programs. The following values are decisive for programming time monitoring: • Ti Time me mo moni nito tori ring ng ON ON/O /OFF FF • Refe eferenc nce e ttim ime. e. • Per Permit mitted ted time tol tolera erance nce wit with h resp respect ect to th the e progr programme ammed d refer referenc ence e time. Actual times above the permitted time tolerance generate the message type ”Weld time too long ...”. Actual times below the permitted time tolerance generate the message type ”Weld time too short ...”.

Permitted time tolerance

1st block






2nd block Reference time

3rd block PstWLD

*: 2.CT 2.CT

Principle of time monitoring 


Monitor stepper  Is used in conjunction with the electrode maintenance functions • "S "Ste tepp pper er"" (re (refe ferr to page page 62) 62) and • "Tip "Tip dr dres essi sing" ng" (ref (refer er to pa page ge 63) 63) for monitoring the programmed %I stepping. In this way, it can be ensured that no excessive changes can be made manually with respect to the individual stepper or tip dress curves. If %I stepping is active, the timer changes the programmed %I subject to the electrode count value. "Monitor stepper" offers you the possibility of programming separate stepping percentages for all individual stepper or tip dress curves which are then used as reference values for monitoring.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Latching When the SQZ has elapsed, the timer will start to be latching in the welding modes "single spot" and "repeat". In latched condition, the PreWLD to PstWLD including HLD will continue to be executed even when the corresponding start signal has been reset.

☞ ☞

Signal to pagelatching 103). 103). can only be cancelled by opening the stop circuit (refer  Signal latching is not available in "seam" welding mode. If the "Start" input signal is reset during a weld time in "seam" mode, the timer will complete the cycle just initiated and continue with the hold time.

For latching, also refer to input signal "Start 1" on page 112 112..


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Measuring loop test   This function checks the relevant current sensor circuit for interruption and shortcircuit during the squeeze time while secondary measurement is active. Faults in the area of the cables/current sensor can be detected in time by this function. If a fault has been detected, the weld timer will abort the running welding program before initiating first programmed weld time and generate a corresponding messagethe ("Measuring circuit open" or "Measuring circuit shorted"). To activate the function, switch the "Measuring loop check" parameter  "On". Conditions:

• Par Paramet ameter er "Inhi "Inhibit bit mo monito nitoring ring m mode" ode" has be been en swi switche tched d off and • "Cu "Curre rrent nt mo monito nitoring ring"" fu funct nction ion ((ref refer er tto op page age 52) 52) has been switched on.


Messages can be defined as either "faults" or "warnings". While an event defined as a "warning" does not inhibit the timer, a "fault" must  always be followed by "Fault reset" (refer to page 137) 137) to start the next  welding schedule. Excessive weld current possible! Both messages ("Measuring circuit open" or "Measuring circuit  shorted")  must be defined as "faults" in any case. Otherwise, the controller receives incorrect actual value information, or no information at all. As a result, the controller may fully activate the power unit initially.  After a max. time of 40 ms, the welding welding schedule schedule will be aborted, aborted, and the message "Termination of Weld/no current" will be output ("no current" refers to actual value measured).



Automatic spot repetition This function serves to reduce the need for operator interventions in the event of sporadic welding faults of the type "Low current ..." or "No current". Conditions: • Cur Curre rent nt mon monititor oring ing is ac activ tive e and • "Mon "Monitor itoring ing sstopp topped" ed" ffunc unction tion has b been een tturn urned ed of off. f. Automatic spot repetition can be turned on and off separately for each welding program using the "Reweld" parameter. When automatic spot repetition has been activated, the timer is able to automatically repeat an improper welding schedule once  starting with SQZ  if "Low current ..." or "No current" has been signaled. In this case, the gun will remain closed after the improper schedule, and the programmed squeeze time, weld times and hold time are repeated. If the reweld results in a proper weld, the welding system will continue running normally afterwards. If the reweld results in another fault, the corresponding message will be output ("Low current ...", "No current ...").



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions

It may be a problem that every single spot may have to be rewelded in the event of bad fits or electrodes that do not have optimum contact with the metal in extreme cases if reweld has been activated. As a result, the cycle time may strongly increase without even being noticed. For this reason, the timer offers the global parameter "Max. rewelds" (maximum number of spot repetitions). An internal counter is reset to 0 whenever a weld is ok after the first attempt. In return, the counter is incremented if the current remains below the "lower tolerance band" and automatic rewelds have been activated. Automatic rewelds are carried out only if the internal counter value is lower than/equal to the "Max. rewelds" parameter. If this is not the case, the timer will generate the "Series of welds below lower threshold ..." message. High current ...







































upper tolerance band (in %)

Reference current in kA

Current ok

lower tolerance band (in %) : The weld that triggered automatic spot repetition.












Low current ... / No current...















































"Series of welds below lower  threshold point" message

Welds Example: Principle of automatic spot repetition using "Max. rewelds" = 4 

Messages can be defined as either "faults" or "warnings". While an event defined as a "warning" does not inhibit the timer, a "fault" must  always be followed by "Fault reset" (refer to page 137) 137) to start the next  welding schedule.


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Electrode maintenance In the course of their life, electrodes are subject to processrelated wear  (count value; refer to Sec. 3.11.1 3.11.1)) which manifests itself by a larger contact surface, among other features.


Enlarged contact area through electrode wear 

The timer offers two methods of compensating this effect: • auto automati maticc %I ste steppin pping g (S (Stepp tepper, er, refe referr to page 62) 62) and • Tip dr dres essi sing ng (r (ref efer er to pag page e 63). 63). Both methods can be used in isolation and in combination.

3.11 3.11.1 .1

Coun Countt fact factor or an and d Wea Wearr p per er co comp mpon onen ent  t  Electrode wear depends on different factors, such as programmed %I, thickness and material of the parts to be welded. For as long as only one material type of identical thickness is welded in the course of an electrode's life with identical %I, the number of welds that can be performed before an electrode is worn and must be replaced can be predicted based on experience. Electrode wear can be mapped by a "spot counter" in this case. The spot counter is simply incremented by "1" after each spot welded. However, if different materials or material thicknesses are welded in the course of the electrode life, the wear per spot no longer is constant. A spot counter is inappropriate in this case. For this reason, the electrode wear is monitored by a "count value" integrated tegrate d in the timer. Using this function, the timer increments the count value after each spot welded by the "count factor". As a result, the count value cannot only be incremented by "1" (like the spot counter), but rather by any desired values. As it is possible to specify the count factor that fits the weld performed by each individual program, proper recording of the electrode's wear is ensured. Wear per component 

The parameter "Wear per component" is used to enter the wear occurring on the electrode when a single part is welded. This value is used by the timer to calculate the number of parts that can be welded by an electrode until the End of Stepper is reached. The number of remaining parts is displayed in the "Warning table" (refer to page 63). 63).



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Timer functions Example:

6 welds have to be performed on a part. Every single spot (P1 to P6) is generated by a separate welding program (Prog1 to Prog6). The upper 3 spots (P1 to P3) have to weld 2 sheets, the lower 3 spots (P4 to P6) have to weld 3 sheets, each. Consequently, electrode wear is higher for spot welds P4 to P6 (greater  material thickness). For this reason, the programspecific count factor is defined by the value "1" for Prog1 to Prog3, and by 1.5 for Prog4 to Prog6. The resulting wear per component is 7.5.

The count factors in this example are of an exemplary nature only. In practice, they are determined in advance with respect to the materials and thicknesses used. Counts:





P1. CF=1

P2. CF=1

P3. CF=1

P6. CF=1.5

P5. CF=1.5

P4. CF=1.5




(new electrodes)

CF: Count factor 

Example: Determining the count value 

3. 3.1 11. 1.2 2

%I st stepp epping (S (Sttepp ppe er) %I steppping keepts the current density constant in the spot weld constant throughout the electrode life although the spot increases in size. For this purpose, separate stepper curves can be defined for up to 10 different of electrodes. curve defines the percentage which thetypes programmed %I isAtostepper be automatically increased subject by to the actual electrode count. %I increase in % (with reference to the programmed %I)


max. permitted counts

Stepper curve


Count value

Principle of %I stepping 

The resulting %I change can be monitored using the "Monitor stepper" function (refer to page 57). 57).


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Tip dressing Tip dressing periodically restores the desired contact surface throughout througho ut the electrode life. For this purpose, the electrodes must be dressed accordingly in an electrode dressing station whenever a certain count is reached. The timer requests tip dressing put signal (refer to page 124 124). ). by issuing the "Tip dress required" outThe additional possibility of defining up to 10 different tip dressing curves provides for optimum adaptability to different electrode types. A tip dress curve defines the percentage by which the programmed %I is to be automatically increased subject to the actual electrode counts.

☞ ☞

The resulting %I change can be monitored using the "Monitor stepper" function (refer to page 57). 57). The "Dress new electrode" parameter is used to activate initial dressing. If initial dressing is active, the timer first requests tip dressing via output  signal ”Start tip dress request” when an electrode has been replaced. For new electrodes, this serves to, e.g.  obtain of plugangle obtain a a defined defined size application  remove a protective coating.

☞ 3. 3.11 11.4 .4

The timer can control and monitor an external tip dressing device. Also refer to "Cutter motor control" function starting on page 64. 64.

Wa Warn rnin ing g an and d en end d of st step eppe per  r  When the maximum acceptable count value is reached, new electrodes have to be used. In this context, the output signals • "P "Prew rewar arnin ning" g" (r (refe eferr to to p pag age e 124 124)) • "E "End nd o off st stepp epper er"" (ref (refer er tto o pa page ge 124 124)) are available. They are only used if the electrode maintenance functions have been activated ("Stepper" parameter: ON).


Warning table The warning table provides an overview of and quick access to all important information and operations with respect to electrodes whose electrode maintenance function is active. • Weld ttimers imers to w which hich the individ individual ual e electro lectrodes des h have ave been assign assigned, ed, • act actual ual coun counts ts (pe (perce rcentag ntage, e, nume numeric rically ally a and nd gra graphic phically ally). ). The graphic representation is color coded. Any imminent warnings, tip dress requests or the reaching of the end of stepper can be quickly detected. • Remaini Remaining ng parts that can still be man manufact ufactured ured using the respec respective tive electrode. • Res Resetti etting ng one or sseve everal ral ccount ount vvalue aluess aft after er a titip p cha change. nge.



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Timer functions

3. 3.12 12

Cu Cuttter ter moto otor c co ontro ntroll / T Tiip dr dres ess sm man ana age gem ment  The timer can control and monitor an external tip dressing device. The following options can be configured using the "Cutter mode" parameter  (BOS): • Mode "Off": robot or PLC control the cutter. The timer does not generate any fault messages for the cutter motor. • Mo Mode de ""El Elec ectr tric ic dr driv ive" e":: The timer controls a cutter with an electric cutter drive. The dressing time is preconfigured by the programmable cutter duty cycle. • Mo Mode de ""Pn Pneu euma matiticc dr driv ive" e":: The timer controls a cutter with a pneumatic cutter drive. The dressing time is preconfigured by the programmable number of  cutter revolutions.


Mode "Off" Signals used

• Inputs: "Spot number bit x" "Tips have been dressed" • Outputs: "Tip dress required" "Tip dressed" Schedule

1. The timer generates the "Tip dress required" output signal as soon

as the selected electrode tip is to be dressed. In this condition, more welds can be performed using the electrode in question. If welding is no longer possible using the electrode in question (max (max.. count value reached, and parameter "Stop at end of stepper" = ON), ON), the electrode first has to be dressed in order to continue welding. 2. An external control instance (robot, PLC) or the operator will ensure proper tip dressing. 3. Proper tip dressing is signaled by a positive signal edge when the relevant electrode number has been selected ("Spot number bit x" inputs) at the "Tips have been dressed" input. 4. The timer will increment the tip dress counter of the relevant elec-

trode, reset the count value to "0", clear the "Tip dress required" and generate ”Tip dressed”.

The "Tip dressed" timer output will be cleared again by the next program start.


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions

3.12 3.12..2

Mod ode e "E "Ele lect ctri ric c dr driive" ve" Signals used

• Inputs: "Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)" "Tip dress  motor overload tripped" (discrete signal) "Tip dress  motor current tripped" (discrete signal) "Spot number bit x" "Tips have been dressed" • Outputs: "Tip dress required" "Tip dress  enable circuit" (discrete signal) "Tip dress sequence running" "Tip dress OK" "Tip dressed" Schedule

1. The timer generates the "Tip dress required" output signal as soon

as the selected electrode tip is to be dressed. In this condition, more welds can be performed using the electrode in question. If welding is no longer possible using the electrode in question (max. count value reached, parameter at end of stepper" = ON), the electrode first hasand to be dressed"Stop in order to continue welding. 2. An external control instance (robot, PLC) or the operator selects a welding program for tip dressing, moves the gun to the tip dressing device and requests the timer to start the cutter motor by selecting "Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)".

"Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)" must remain active until the end of the dressing process ("Tip dressed" output becomes high, refer to step 8. 8.)! )! Otherwise, the timer will abort the tip dressing process and generate Error 407 (Tip dress fault  sequence aborted).

3. The timer will verify the programspecific paramet parameter er "Cutter mode":

If mode = Off, it will abort the cutter process and generate Error 405 (Tip dress fault  invalid weld schedule selected). Otherwise, it will start the cutter motor by energizing the discrete output "Tip dress  enable circuit" and inform the external control instance by setting "Tip dress sequence running". Consequently, the external control instance has to close the gun immediately. The cutter force used is defined by the "base pressure value" parameter of  the selected welding program. 4. The timer will monitor the cutter motor using the "Tip dress  motor  overload tripped" and "Tip dress  motor current tripped" input signals. Signal

Tip dress  motor overload tripped


Timer response


 Error 406. Tip dress fault  current overload detected on the el. motor  Error 400. Tip dress fault  excessive

Low High

Tip dress  motor current tripped


current detected on the el. motor  



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions 5. The timer sets the "Tip dress OK" output when the programmed cut-

ter duty cycle has been completed. "Tip dress  enable circuit" continues to be high. The external control instance then opens the gun and confirms "Tips have been dressed" by a positive edge at the input when the relevant spot number has been selected ("Spot number bit x" inputs). 6. The timer will increment the tip dress counter of the relevant electrode and set its count value to "0". 7. Then, the timer clears the "Tip dress  enable circuit" and "Tip dress sequence running" outputs. The cutter motor is stopped. 8. The timer informs the external control instance that tip dressing has been completed without errors by energizing the "Tip dressed" output and resets the following outputs to low level:  "Tip dress required"  "Tip dress OK"  "Tip dress sequence running" "Tip dressed" will be cleared again by the next program start.

If an error occurs while tip dressing, the following applies: ”Tip dress required”: 1 "Tip dr dress se sequence ru running": 1 ”Tip dress  enable circuit”: 0 "Tip dress OK": 0 "Tip dressed": 0"


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions

3.12 3.12..3

Mode "Pn Pneu eum mati atic d dri rive ve"" Signals used

• Inputs: "Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)" "Tip  RPM sensor" (discrete signal) "Spotdress number bit x" "Tips have been dressed" • Outputs: "Tip dress required" "Tip dress  enable circuit" (discrete signal) "Tip dress sequence running" "Tip dress OK" "Tip dressed" Schedule

1. The timer generates the "Tip dress required" output signal as soon

as the selected electrode tip is to be dressed. In this condition, more welds can be performed using the electrode in question. If welding is no longer possible using the electrode in question (max. count value reached, and parameter "Stop at end of stepper" = ON), the electrode first has to be dressed in order to continue welding. 2. An external control instance (robot, PLC) or the operator selects a welding program for tip dressing, moves the gun to the tip dressing device and requests the timer to start the cutter motor by selecting "Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)".

"Tip dress motor on (Air/Elec)" must remain active until the end of the dressing process ("Tip dressed" output becomes high, refer to step 9. 9.)! )! Otherwise, the timer will abort the tip dressing process and generate Error 407 (Tip dress fault  sequence aborted).

parameter er "Cutter mode": 3. The timer will verify the programspecific paramet If mode = Off, it will abort the cutter process and generate Error 405 (Tip dress fault invalid Otherwise, it willstart theweld cutterschedule motor byselected). energizing the discrete output "Tip dress  enable circuit" and wait for the cutter to start (positive edge at input "Tip dress  RPM sensor" (discrete signal)).. 4. As soon as the first positive edge is detected by the timer at the "Tip dress  RPM sensor" input, it will inform the external control instance instance by setting "Tip dress sequence running". Consequently, the external control instance has to close the gun immediately. The cutter force used is defined by the "base pressure value" parameter of the selected welding program. 5. The timer now counts the number of impulses arriving at the "Tip dress  RPM sensor" input. If no additional positive edge is detected within 500 ms, it will generate Error 401 (Tip dress fault  no feedback detected from the pneumatic drive). 6. When the number of programmed cutter revolutions (impulses) has

been reached, the timer sets the "Tip dress OK" output. "Tip dress 



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions

enable circuit" continues to be high. The external control instance then opens the gun and confirms "Tips have been dressed" by a positive edge at the input when the relevant spot number has been selected ("spot number bit x" inputs). 7. The timer will increment the tip dress counter of the relevant electrode and set its count value to "0". 8. Then, the timer clears the "Tip dress  enable circuit" and "Tip dress sequence running" outputs. The cutter motor is stopped. 9. The timer informs the external control instance that tip dressing has been completed without errors by energizing the "Tip dressed" output and resets the following outputs to low level:  "Tip dress required"  "Tip dress OK"  "Tip dress sequence running" "Tip dressed" will be cleared again by the next program start.

If an error occurs while tip dressing, the following applies: ”Tip dress required”: 1 "Tip dr dress se sequence ru running": 1 ”Tip dress  enable circuit”: 0 "Tip dress OK": 0 "Tip dressed": 0"


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Timer functions


Electrode force Each welding program includes the information concerning the force to be used by the electrode to squeeze the parts to be welded together (in kilo Newton: kN). The following is available to output the force actuating variable: • an a anal nalog og ssig ignal nal at X X2 2 (r (refe eferr to p page age 92). 92). • 8 seria seriall outpu outputt sign signals als (” (”Pre Pressu ssure re output output Bi Bitt xx” xx”;; refe referr to page 130 130). ). The value of the analog output signal that corresponds to the programmed force (pressure) is calculated using an internal characteristic. The internal characteristic can be generated as follows: • auto automati matical cally ly by force force ccalib alibrat ration ion ((ref refer er to Sec Sec.. 3.14.1 3.14.1   staring on page 71 71), ), or 

• manu manually ally usin using g the "Con "Conver versio sion n facto factor" r" para paramete meterr (cha (charac racter teristi isticc slope in kN/Volts or kN/mA) and "Zero adjust" (parallel shift of  characteristic in Y direction in kN). Thus, the characte characteristic ristic can be adjusted to the working range of the actuators used. programmed force in kN

"max. pressure"  Zero adjust


Force actuating variable

0 "max. pressure": electrodespecific parameter for limiting the maximum programmable electrode force.

analog force actuating variable =

max. analog force actuating variable at X2 that can be output (hardwarespecific, e.g. 10V)

progr. force value (in kN) + zero adjust (in kN) conversion factor (in kN/Volt or kN/mA)

Characteristic Characteri stic for analog output of fforce orce actuating variable 

☞ ☞

In order to ensure that the programmed force actually acts on the electrodes, the characteristic has to be properly set! In the course of force calibration, the timer automatically calculates the values necessary for the "Conversion factor" and "Zero adjust" parameters. For this reason, these parameters must not be manually changed afterwards!



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions

In addition to programming a constant electrode force for the complete welding schedule, the timer offers the following enhanced fuctions: • Pres Presssur ure e pr prof ofilile: e: 10 different force values can be separately programmed for each welding program which can be activated at certain points of time within the welding schedule. • Pres Pr esssur ure e st step eppi ping ng: : depending on the stepper or tip dress curve selected, you can define the percentage by which the programmed base pressure value is to be automatically increased subject to the actual electrode count value.


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Timer functions



☞ 3.14.1

Calibrate force first, and current afterwards!

Forc rce e calibration

If you are using the 8 serial output signals ("Pressure output bit x"; refer  to page 130 130), ), the device dependent force calibration of the force generating unit has to be performed in the force generating unit first! In addition, you should remember that the digital force actuating variables must be properly interpreted by the force generating unit!

The "Force calibration" function is used to adjust all components of the timer system that are involved in force generation to your reference force meter (e.g. pressure pickup). This feature has the following advantages: • Inp Input ut of g gun un ffor orce ce iin n Ki Kilo lonew newton ton (k (kN) N) • prec precise ise re repro produci ducibili bility ty of log logged ged fo force rce va values lues ((ISO ISO 90 9000) 00) • The fo force rce vvalue aluess of all ca calibr librated ated ssyst ystems ems are are comp comparab arable le to eac each h other and can be transferred to additional systems. • Co Comp mpar arab able le doc docum umen enta tatition on.. to its principle, the weld timer also works without force ☞  According calibration. However, the benefits listed above cannot be achieved unless force calibration has been performed. CAUTION

Danger of damaging guns! If force calibration is not used, the timer cannot generate a proper reference between the programmed force and the analog force actuating variable to be output (for controlling the gun force). Thererfore, the actual force acting on the gun may differ considerably considerably from the programmed force. Possible consequences include improper welds and even damages to the gun. For this reason, the base pressure value to be programmed must be determined empirically  starting with "0"  for each electrode force required and whenever guns have been replaced if force calibration is not carried out! Conditions for force calibration:

• Propor Proportionate tionate contro controll valv valve, e, ser servo vo gun o orr oth other er sui suitabl table e dev device ice ccapa apa-ble of converting the force actuat actuating ing variable output by the timer into a mechanical force at the gun. • ext externa ernall refe referen rence ce for force ce met meter er wit with h a suita suitable ble mea measur suring ing ra range. nge. • program programming ming termi terminal nal w with ith B BOS OS ssoftw oftware are ((for for o opera peration tion and m measu easu-red value input) is connected. For force calibration, specify 2 different values of the force actuating variable in the % unit of measurement (with respect to the maximum value that can be output), measure the resulting forces between the electrodes using the reference force meter and enter the forces measured in the timer (in kN). The timer will then calculate all of the data required for  calibration.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions

The following things should be especially noted for force calibration:   The following applies for the 2 values of the force actuating variable used for force calibration: • if pos possib sible, le, the the highe higherr valu value e shou should ld gen genera erate te the fo force rce tthat hat is ma ma-ximally used for welding (upper end of the force working range). • The two vvalue aluess sh should ould diff differ er b byy a m minim inimum um of 20 %. • The forc force e used for ttip ip dr dressi essing ng sho should uld no nott be al alloca located ted tto o the n norma ormall working range (because it is usually lower). • If you d do o not know tthe he val values ues yyou ou hav have e to e enter nter ffor or for force ce ca calibra libration, tion, first perform force calibration tests using low values in order to check the force adjusted at the gun. Thus, you avoid overloading or damaging the gun during force calibration. Then, you should increase the input values by new force calibration processes until the higher input value generates the maximum force used for welding.

Use the same reference force meter for all plants that should be comparable.

Perform calibration for each gun of the welding equipment and whenever a gun has been replaced.

Verify any calibration made by comparing the base pressure values programmed for a test welding program with the actual values on the gun. Make sure that the test programs work without current  and  and that no persons are at risk during the measurements (e.g. as a result of robot movements).

Repeat calibration whenever a component that is actively involved in force generation has been replaced (weld timer, proportionate control valve, gun, ...).

Force calibration changes the "Conversion factor" and "Zero adju adjust" st" parameters (in Stepper Parameters, also refer to page 69). 69). For this reason, these parameters must not be manually changed once force calibration has been completed!


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions

3.14 3.14..2

Curr Curren entt cal calibra ibrati tio on The "Current calibration" function is used to adjust the entire measuring and control loop of the timer system to your reference welding ammeter. This feature has the following advantages: • reprod reproducible, ucible, preco preconfigur nfigurable able ccurre urrents nts w with ith a maximu maximum m er error ror of les lesss than +/2% (with respect to the actual value of the reference welding ammeter) • prec precise ise rep reprodu roducib cibilit ilityy of logg logged ed cur curren rentt valu values es (I (ISO SO 900 9000) 0) • The cur currents rents of al alll cali calibrate brated d sy systems stems are ccompar omparable able tto o eac each h othe other  r  and can be transferred to additional systems • Co Comp mpar arab able le doc docum umen enta tatition on..

The weld timer also works without current calibration. However, the benefits listed above cannot be achieved unless current  calibration has been performed. Conditions for current calibration:

• inte interna rnall curren currentt sens sensor or or ex exter ternal nal se sensor nsor cconne onnecte cted d to X3 (c (cf. f. page 96 96)) • ext externa ernall refere reference nce we weldin lding g amme ammeter ter wi with th a suit suitable able ccurr urrent ent se senso nsor. r. • program programming ming termi terminal nal w with ith B BOS OS ssoftw oftware are ((for for o opera peration tion and m measu easu-red value input) is connected. • Bef Before ore proc proceedi eeding ng with ccurr urrent ent ca calibr libratio ation, n, you sshoul hould d mak make e sur sure e that force generation works properly (cf. force calibration (cf. page 71 71)). )).

For current calibration, enter 2 different %I values in scale values (%I), measure the currents resulting in the secondary circuit with the reference ammeter, and enter the current values measured in the timer. The timer will then calculate all of the data required for calibration. The following things should be especially noted for current calibration: The current sensor of the reference welding ammeter must have been properly installed in the secondary circuit. That means:  always connect it in the same location  vertically to the currentcarrying conductor   sensor cable points away from currentcarrying conductor  The following applies for the 2 %I values (in %I) used for current calibration: • the hi higher gher %I va value lue sshoul hould d be at th the e uppe upperr end o off the no norma rmall wor workin king g range of your welding plan. • the ttwo wo vvalue aluess sh should ould diff differ er b byy a m minim inimum um of 20 %I %I..

Use the same reference ammeter for all plants that should be comparable.

Set your reference welding ammeter to "DC" type of current and the appropriate measuring range.

Programmed fadeout times or an active trail current are also effective with current calibration! Therefore, you should check prior to the calibration process whether  the corresponding functions are offered by your reference welding ammeter, and whether they have been properly set.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions 

Calibration should always be performed withou withoutt parts to be welded with the electrodes closed.

Perform calibration for each gun of the welding equipment and whenever a gun has been replaced.

Verify any calibration made by performing a test weld and comparing the current displayed on the timer with the current displayed on the reference welding ammeter.

Repeat calibration whenever a component that is actively involved in the control loop has been replaced (weld timer, transformer, sensor ...).


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions


Corrections Using the timer's correction function you can change • the %I, and • the pres pressu sure re ((ele elect ctro rode de ffor orce ce). ). Corrections are programmed as a percentage of the corresponding base values. Thus, the welding schedule can be quickly adjusted to processspecific requirements without the need to change the originally programmed base values. The following types of correction can be activated • ele elect ctro rode desp spec ecifi ificc cor corre rect ction ion:: acts on a specific electrode/gun (= Corr.(E)), and • progr program amsp spec ecifi ificc ccorr orrec ectio tion: n: acts on a specific program (= Corr.(P)). The two types of correction always act in addition to one another.

☞ ☞

If the %I correction is changed, the reference current to be monitored is also internally adjusted (influenceable via konfiguration tool). The maximum correction values that can be input can be limited globally for the whole timer. This limitation limitation can be set to any value in the range of +/20%.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Welding transformer data In order to ensure that the power unit works proper properly, ly, the timer must be given information concerning the welding transformers used. For this purpose, the transformerspecific parameters have to be properly set. 

The availability of some parameters depends on the settings of the "type" and you "number" Therefore, shouldparameters. first set the "type" and "number" parameters to suit your application. "Type" parameter 

Type designation of the PSG transformer according to the rating plate (e.g. "PSG 3100.00"). Other necessary parameters are set internally depending on the PSG designation. When thirdparty welding transformers are used, please set the "Other  transform." type. "Type of connection" parameter 

"serial" or "parallel". Only available if "Number" > 1. "Number" parameter 

Number of transformers (of the same type!) used "Turns ratio" parameter 

Ratio between primary and secondary winding. The parameter is required for the conversion between betwee n the primary and secondary current if integrated current sensors are used for current measurement in the primary circuit (primary current regulation: e.g., used with transformers that do not have an integrated KSR sensor). "Nominal current" parameter 

maximum secondary current. The maximum welding current will be limited to this value. "Type of diode" parameter 

type of diode used by the welding transformer. "Number of parallel diodes" parameter 

Number of diodes connected in parallel in the transformer. "(Diode) Monitoring" parameter 

Activation/deactivation of the diode monitoring function When this function is active, the timer interrupts the welding schedule as soon as the present calculated diode junction temperature ("Diode temperature" parameter) exceeds the specified "Switchoff temperature". CAUTION

Possibility of destroying the power unit or the welding transformer! If diode monitoring is not active, the diodes of the welding transformer  are no longer monitored. In the event of excessive load, this may result  in considerable to the welding equipment. Therefore, diodedamage monitoring should always be switched on.


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions CAUTION

The diode monitoring function is ineffective if the boundary conditions are not complied with! Since a calculated actual value is used for diode monitoring, a number  of essential boundary conditions have to be satisfied for the function to work properly: • Proper setting of the "Type of diode" and "Number of parallel diodes" parameters • Cooling water temperature lower than/equal to 30 degrees Centigrade • Cooling water flow quantity is 8 to 10 liters/min. "Diode temperature" parameter 

Refer to "(Diode) Monitoring" parameter. "Switchoff temperature" parameter 

Refer to "(Diode) Monitoring" parameter.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Q Stop (Quality Stop)

☞ ☞

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and the "UI Regulation" option has been activated! The function requires  active voltage measurement (UIR parameter "Measurement": ON)  active UIR monitoring "Process stability" or "UIP"

Using the "Q Stop" function, the weld timer can detect any problems occurring in the process quality (UIP) or process stability (PSF) parameters, which can be signalled to the operator and/or the PLC adaptive controller (refer to "Q Stop" output signal, page 127 127). ). With the help of a programspecific, configurable supervision, first the UIP or PSF values must be defined which are to be detected as basically problematic by the timer. Basically, the timer only accounts for UIP or PSF values within the "conditional tolerance band" (refer to example in Fig. on next page). In addition, you have to define the threshold for the timer that has to be exceeded in order to actually signal the problems occurred as an error  to the process. The following response patterns can be implemented: • programspecific Q Stop: any problematic events occurring will be considered programspecific and evaluated accordingly. For each welding program, there is a separate internal counter which is automatically incremented or reset to "0" by the timer, depending on problematic UIP and/or PSF values. If the programspecific Q stop counter exceeds a configurable, programspecific repeat factor, the "Q stop" signal will be output including the "Q stop spots in series" (2107) error message. The timer will reset the nonprogramspecific counter if the following requirements are met: • aft after er a config configura urable, ble, pr progra ograms mspec pecific ific nu number mber o off imme immediat diately ely consecutive quality welds. Thus, sporadic errors do not trigger a Q stop. • when a Q St Stop op er error ror h has as be been en re reset set a and nd th the e nex nextt wel weld d is a acce cceptaptable. • componentspecific Q Stop: any problematic events occurring will be considered regardless of  the program and evaluated accordingly. An internal, nonprogramspecific counter is automatically incremented by the timer depending on problematic UIP and/or PSF values. If the nonprogramspecific Q stop counter exceeds a configurable, global limit value, the "Q stop" signal will be output including the "Q stop component" (2106) error message. The timer resets the nonprogramspecific counter if the following requirements are met: • pos positiv itive e ed edge ge a att th the e "c "compo omponent nent end" inpu input. t.


1070087130 / 01

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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Timer functions

If particularly strict quality requirements apply to certain spot welds (e.g. special spots), the relevant programspecific programspecific repeat factors can be set  to "0".  As a result, the very first problematic event occurring will immediately trigger a programspecific Q stop and an error message "Q stop special spot" (2108) will be output.

in connection with UIP only: upper tolerance band (in %, with reference to the reference value) Reference value for Process stability (PSF) or  process quality (UIP)

conditional tolerance range Only PSF or UIP values in this range may trigger  QStop errors.

in connection with PSF: Reference value = 100

conditional tolerance band (in %, with reference to the reference value)

lower tolerance band (in %, with reference to the reference value)

Conditional tolerance range in conection with Q-Stop function 



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Timer functions


Isolate weld contactor  Function

The timer requests a higherlevel monitoring instance to isolate the weld contactor. Isolating theetyweld contactor is a useful • as a saf safety func function tion duri during ng an n ele electr ctrode ode cchang hange e • If no n new ew pr progra ogram m sta start rt is give given n with within in 60 s o off the e end nd of a weld welding ing schedule • in th the e ev event ent o off a ffault ault in th the e wel welding ding cont contact actor or ar area. ea. Signals used

• Inputs: "Weld contactor closed" (discrete signal, refer to page 111 111)) "Weld contactor enable" (serial signal, refer to page 111 111)) • Outputs: "Close weld contactor" (discrete signal, refer to page 125 125))


Weld Circuit Degradation (WCD) Function

The WCD function serves to detect anomalies in the welding circuit. For this purpose, the timer calculates the relationship between the welding current and the phase angle at the end of a welding schedule, and monitors the result for compliance with predefined tolerances. If the value is outside the tolerance range, the timer will generate the corresponding warning.


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Technical data


Technical data


Integrated weld timer   Degree of protection

IP 20

Operating voltage

+24 VDC; +20 %, 15 % with max. +/5 % ripple

Nominal current at 24 V (without I/O module and without additional consumers at X5)

PSI: approx. 1.5 A PST: approx. 1.0 A

Making current (without I/O module and without additional consumers at X5)

PSI: approx. 2.0 A for 10 ms PST: approx. 1.5 A for 10 ms

Operating temperature Temp. for storage/transport Air pressure Air humidity Climatic category

0 ... +55 degrees Centigrade 25 ... +70 degrees degrees Centigrade Centigrade 0 ... 2,000 m a.m.s.l. Condensation is not permitted. 3K3 according to EN6072133

Number of programs

256 (0 ... 255)

Programmi mming on location

V24/RS232 interf rfa ace, electric rically isolated. X1 port: 9pol. DSub

Field bus for programming (Option)


Oper Op erati ating ng soft softwa ware re (f (fir irmw mwar are) e)

in flas flash h mem memory ory;; can can be be rel reloa oade ded d via via software (optional) using interface X1 (V24): via ”WinBlow” SW X51 (Ethernet): via ”FWUpdate” SW

Program memory

buffered RAM memory

Buffer battery

Lithium battery type AA 3.6 V for buffering the RAM data and the internal clock in case of POWER OFF. Battery life approx. 2 years

Pressure control

via analog output (at X2): 0 to +10 V, max. 20 mA or  0 to 20 mA or  4 to 20 mA (at max. 500 ohms). digitally via serial I/O array: "Pressure Output Bit x" outputs; 8 bits, binary coded; Value range: 0 ... 255 increments; 255 increments corresponds to 100% of max. analog output value



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Technical data


Pressure / Force fe feedback

digitally at X2 Pin 4: logic 1: +16 V ... +30 V, 20 mA logic 0: 1 V ... +4 V. analog at X2 Pin 3: 0 V ... +10 V. analog at X9 Pin 4: 0 V ... +10 V, Sensitivity: 1 kN/V. Desired input can be selected by parameter setting.


max. 32 (no. 0 to no. 31)

I/O Module ”DEVNET” (PSI 6xxx.637) Function: Connection of the timer's I/O to the higherlevel PLC or the robot • via D Devi eviceNe ceNett wit with h bus cop copper per ccable able ((ser serial ial I/ I/Os) Os) and • via d disc iscret rete e 24 V ssigna ignals ls at X11 a and nd X1 X12 2 (pa (parall rallel el I/ I/Os) Os).. Operating voltage (at X10)

+24 V= +20 %, 15 % with max. +/5 % ripple

Current input

max. 2 A depending on the wiring of the signal in/outputs

Power loss

0.5 VA per active input 2.4 VA per active output

Signal input field via DeviceNet Signal output field via DeviceNet

6 byte, max. 48 signals (0 to 47) 6 byte, max. 48 signals (0 to 47)

Signal inputs (X12)

logic 1: +16 V ... +30 V, 20 mA logic 0: 1 V ... +4 V +24 V, max. 0.1 A, short circuitproof 

Signal outputs (X11)

For the I/O signals to be exchanged between the robot/PLC and the timer via the I/O module, refer to Sect. 5.3.3 starting 5.3.3 starting on page 104. 104.


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Technical data


I/O module “I/O DISK” (PSI 6xxx.737) Function: Linking the timer I/O to the higherlevel PLC or the robot • via d disc iscret rete e 24 V ssigna ignals ls at X11 tto o X13 (pa (parall rallel el I/ I/O). O). Operating voltage (at X10)

+24 V = ; ++/5 20 %%, ripple 15 % with max.

Power input

max. 2 A subject to circuitry connected to the signal inputs/outputs

Power loss

0.5 VA per active input 2.4 VA per active output

Signal inputs (X12, X13)

logic 1: +16 V...+30 V, 20 mA logic 0: 1 V...+4 V

Signal outputs (X11) O00...O12:

+24 V, max. 0.1 A, shortcircuit proof 

the I/O signals to be exchanged between the robot/PLC and the ☞ For timer via the I/O module, refer to section 5.3.3 starting 5.3.3 starting on page 104. 104. ☞  All serial signals are exchanged between the robot/PLC and the weld timer via the Ethernet field bus module (Ethernet IP)! Refer to section 5.3.5 5.3.5 starting  starting on page 107 107..



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

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Electrical connection


Electrical connection


Interference suppression Noise is caused switching and canlines. interfere with themeasures timer directly or throughby coupling withpeaks connecting Therefore, must be taken to suppress noise. 

Eliminate all noise at its very source. Where this is not possible, the noise suppression elements must be attached as close as possible to the source of noise.

First make sure that proper noise suppression is available for all components containing inductive elements or switchgear.

Noise suppression equipment must be installed resistant to fracture because strong vibration may occur on machines.



RC element




Diode, suitable for small DC voltage relays

RC element for AC voltage relays and AC motors


RC element



DIZD attenuation element for large DC voltage contactors and defined dropout times

RC element for spark quenching with inductive load

Noise suppression examples 

The following table serves as an example only. The rating of the necessary components depends on the actual load situation.

24 VDC 48 VDC 110 VAC 220 VAC 440 VAC




  220 Ohm / 1 W 220 Ohm / 5 W 220 Ohm / 5 W

  0.5 uF 400/600 V 0.1 uF 500 V 0.1 uF 1,000 V

1 N 5060/ZL 12 1 N 5060/ZL 22



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Electrical connection


Integrated weld timer  

☞ 5.2.1

For technical data, refer to Sect. 4.1 on 4.1 on page 81. 81.

Output of the internal 24 VDC voltage generator (X4) Connection:

to X4;1.5 STmm KK,2g. rid 3.5 mm, 14pole, max. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. (from power source to consumer) max. 10 m at 0.75 mm 2  max. 75 m at 1.5 mm2 unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

Cable lle ength: Cable type:

A 24 VDC voltage supply is available at X4 which is derived from the line voltage by the power unit.

Power supply by the internal 24 V DC voltage generator and thus the operativeness of the devices supplied by it is ensured only if line power  is supplied to to the line input of the power unit! Timer  X4

+24 VDC 0V


max. 2.5 A 


Can be used, e.g., for  supplying the control logic and the I/O module.

Internally generated 24 V DC  DC  voltage supply  

When using the internal 24 V DC voltage generator, the following notes should be observed: • max ccur urre rent ntca carr rryi ying ng ca capac pacity ity:: 2.5 A

• When for power power supp pply ly to to co contr ntrol llog ogic: ic: off at the line input of the power  the su line voltage is ol switched unit, the timer is also turned off. In this state  pro program gramming ming,, dia diagnos gnosis is or vvisua isualiza lization tion vvia ia th the e time timer, r, an and d  commun communication ication are no llonger onger poss possible ible betw between een tthe he titimer mer and the PLC/robot. • for po power wer su suppl pplyy to to th the e I/ I/O O mo modu dule: le: When the line voltage is switched off at the line input of the power  unit, the I/O module is also turned off. In this state  com communi municat cation ion is n no o long longer er po possi ssible ble be betwe tween en the ttimer imer and th the e PLC/robot via the I/O module. If these conditions are not suitable for your application, the 24 VDC supply to the timer and/or the I/O module must be provided by external power supply units!


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Electrical connection

5.2. 5.2.2 2

Lo Logi gic c su supp pplly of the weld timer (X4) (X4) Connection:

to X4; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 14pole, max. 1.5 mm2 Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. (from power source to consumer) max. 10 m at 0.75 mm 2  max. 75 m at 1.5 mm2 unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

Cable lle ength: Cable type:

The control logic must be supplied with 24 V DC. Timer  X4

int. logic





Power infeed for power supply to the internal control logic

Logic supply input of the timer 

The voltage source to be used for supplying the timer is defined by the other circuitry connected to X4. Options: • Supp Supply ly by th the e unit unit's 's int intern ernal al pow power er gen genera erator tor ((refe referr to pag page e 86). 86). • Supp Supply ly via an ext extern ernal al p power ower supp supply ly unit unit.. For this purpose, only a few jumpers have to be inserted/removed at X4.

For more information concerning the connections to X4, please refer to Sect. 5.2.4 starting 5.2.4  starting on page 89 89..

Whereas voltage supply by the unit's internal voltage generator is preferably used in standalone systems (e.g. suspended systems, because no additional 24 VDC power supply units are required), external power supply units are the preferred solution in networked systems (timer can be programmed by the line PC even if the welding network is switched off). 

Any external voltage sources used must be designed according to the principles of "safety separation" in accordance with the LowVoltage Directive (2006/95/EC).



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

5. 5.2. 2.3 3

Powe Powerr supp supply ly to ex exttern rnal al unit nits (X (X5) 5) Connection:

to X5/X9; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 2 or 6pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connectors are comprised in the delivery.

Cab ablle le len ngth gth:

sdescrip ubj bjec ectt tion to to thbelow. e circuitry connected to X4. Refer to description unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

Cable type:

For the 24 VDC supply of an external device (e.g. proportionate control valve or force sensor). The maximum currentcarrying capacity/cable length connected to X5 is subject to the voltage source used and the total cable length between the source and the external consumer. The max. current load on X5 must not exceed 0.5 A.

Timer  X4

int. logic





Power infeed for supply to  internal control logic and  X5


max. 0.5 A







24VDC 0V

Jumpers are required if a force sensor is used !

external consumer (e.g. force sensor)

2 3 4 5 6

Ext./Signal GND 

Connection option for power supply to external consumers (in this case, e.g. to force sensor) 


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Electrical connection

Timer  X4

int. logic





max.  0.5 A


Power infeed for supply to  internal control logic and  X5 external consumer 





Standard connection option for power supply to ext. consumers  

Please make sure that the maximum current load (source, connections) and cable lengths specified are not exceeded! The voltage source to be used for supplying X5 is defined by the other  circuitry connected to X4. The unit's internal power generation (refer to page 86) 86) as well as an external power supply unit can be used here. For this purpose, only a few jumpers have to be inserted/removed at X4. For more information concerning the connections to X4, please refer to Sect. 5.2.4 starting 5.2.4  starting on page 89 89..



24 VDC voltage distribution (X4) Connection: Cable lle ength:: Cable type:

to X4; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 14pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. (from power source to consumer) max. 10 m at 0.75 mm2 2  max. 75 m at 1.5 mm unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

The internal circuitry connected to X4 ensures considerably easier wiring of the 24 VDC supply branches leading to the timer and the I/O mo mo-dule. Different supply options can be implemented by inserting or  removing a few jumpers without modif modifying ying the other wiring in the switch cabinet. For this purpose, the relevant power source is connected to X4/6 (24 VDC) and X4/7 (0 V).



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

Some possible options are described below. After that, that, you can find the figures showing the relevant wiring. The option to be selected depends on the requirements of your application. the e internal 1. The timer and the I/O module receive power supply from th 24 V DC voltage generator. Us Used ed foage: r: e: pr pre ferpara ab ablrate ly te onpowe stan ta nrdal dssup alon one ey su ynit sttereq ms. . red. Adva Ad vant ntag noesepa se po wer uppl ply uni rms equi uire d. Di Disa sadv dvan anta tage ge:: 24 VDC is only generated if line voltage is present at the line input of the power unit. 2. The I/O module receives power supply from the internal 24 VDC voltage generator, the timer from the external power supply unit. Used for: networked systems. Adva Ad vanta ntage: ge: Pr Progr ogramm amming ing,, di diagn agnos osis is and vi visu suali aliza zatio tion n a are re st still ill possible when the line voltage has been switched off  at the line input of the power unit. Potential separation is possible between the timer  and I/O modules with discrete inputs/outputs (parallel I/O). Disadvantage: Disadva ntage: No I/O communic communication ation bet between ween the timer and the PLC/robot possible when the line voltage has been switched off at the line input of the power unit.

3. The timer and the I/O module receive power supply from a  joint  external 24 V power supply unit.

Used ffo or: Adva Ad vanta ntage ge::

preferably ffo or n ne etworked ssyystems. I/O I/O ccom ommun munic icati ation on bet betwe ween en the the ttime imerr an and d tthe he PL PLC/ C/ robot, programming, diagnosis and visualization are still possible when the line voltage has been switched off at the line input of the power unit. Disadvantage: Disadva ntage: no potenti potential al separ separation ation is possible between the timer and I/O modules with discrete inputs/outputs (parallel I/O). 4. The timer and the I/O module receive power supply from separate external 24 V power supply units. Used for: networked systems. Adva Ad vanta ntage ge:: I/O I/O ccom ommun munic icati ation on bet betwe ween en the the ttime imerr an and d tthe he PL PLC/ C/ robot, programming, diagnosis and visualization are still possible when the line voltage has been switched off at the line input of the power unit. Potential separation is possible between the timer  and I/O modules with discrete inputs/outputs (parallel I/O). Disadvantage: Disadva ntage: 2 ext external ernal power supply units require required. d.


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Electrical connection re. Option 2:

re. Option 1:





1 2 3 4 24VDC  internal voltage generator 

to I/O module (refer to page 102)) 102


Stop circuit (refer to page 103 103))

3 4 24VDC 


internal voltage generator 

6 7 0V


internal logic






8 9



internal logic









re. Option 3:

external power  supply unit

re. Option 4:


Timer X4

1 2 3 4 24VDC  internal voltage generator  0V 24VDC  0V

to I/O module (refer to page 102)) 102


Stop circuit (refer to



4 24VDC 

5 6





10 11 12

Wiring examples 


page 103 103))

9 internal logic

Stop circuit (refer to page 103 103))


9 24VDC 

to I/O module (refer to page 102)) 102

internal voltage generator 

external power  supply unit


internal logic


Stop circuit (refer to page 103 103))

5 6




8 9


to I/O module (refer to page 102)) 102

external power  supply unit






external power  supply unit




Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

5. 5.2. 2.5 5

Pres Pressu sure re cont contrrol and feed edba back ck (X (X2, 2, X9) X9) Connection:

to X2/X9; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 5pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. max. 50 m at 0.5 mm2 

Cable length:


smax. hield100 ed m at 0.75 mm (e.g.: NFL 13, Metrofunk; LiYCY)   In addition to the digital transmission of the force actuating value (refer  to signals "Pressure output bit x", page 130 130), ), an output signal is available at X2, pin 1, which can be used to drive a proportionate control valve or a servo gun, for example. The type of output signal can alternatively be programmed as • Vo Volta ltage ge ssign ignal al ((0 0 to + +10V 10V;; ma max. x. 2 20mA 0mA), ), • Cu Curr rren entt sig signa nall 0 tto o2 20m 0mA Ao or  r  • Cu Curr rren entt sig signa nall 4 to 20 mA. mA. Cable type:

The quantities influencing the amount of output voltage at X2 are de-

scribed from page 69 onward. 69 onward. The output signal at X2 is immediately output after a welding spot (program) has been selected, rather than after program start!

The options indicated below are available to signal gun closed or programmed force reached to timer. The required option can be selected through the “Operating mode” parameter in the “Programming / Electrode” BOS window: • Op Oper erat atin ing g mo mode de ””wi with thou out” t”:: digital feedback via input terminal X2, pin 4. The timer will only leave SQZ and change over to WLD when the input has been set (for required voltage, refer to Sec. 4.1 4.1,, page 81). 81). Otherwise, the timer extends the SQZ by max. 5 seconds before before the schedule is aborted and a fault message is output. Timer 


Pressure control




e.g. to proportionate control valve

3 digital pressure input




• Op Oper erat atin ing g mo mode de ””Pr Pres essu sure re”: ”: analog feedback via input terminal X2, pin 3. The timer measures the active voltage at the end of the SQZ and compares the actual value with the analog output voltage at X2 pin 1, taking into account the tolerance (”Force tolerance band” parame-


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Electrical connection

ter). If the actual value is outside the tolerance range, the timer extends  while continuously checking the actual value  the SQZ by max. 5 seconds. If the actual value stays outside the tolerance range, the timer will abort the schedule and generate the message ”Welding fault force monitoring: force too high/low".



Pressure control




analog pressure input 0 ... 10 V


e.g. to proportionate control valve

4 5


Note: For information on the supply of a force sensor, please refer  to page 88. 88.

• Op Oper erat atin ing g mo mode de ”For ”Force ce”: ”: analog feedback via input terminal X9, pin 4. The timer measures the active voltage at the end of SQZ, converts the actual value into force valueforce (1 V programmed is equivalent tovalue, 1 kN)taking and compares the result withathe current into account the tolerance range (“Force tolerance band” parameter). If the actual value is outside the tolerance range, the timer extends  while continuously checking the actual value  the SQZ by max. 5 seconds. If the actual value stays outside the tolerance range, the timer will abort the schedule and generate the message ”Welding fault force monitoring: force too high/low". Timer 


Pressure control




e.g. to proportionate control valve

3 4 Shield




1 2 3 analog pressure input 0 ... 10 V; 1 V = 1 kN


Ext./signal GND (1)





(1): GND is the reference potential both for  terminal X9/4 and for the supply voltage of a force sensor (X5/1).

Note: For information on the supply of a force sensor, please refer  to page 88. 88.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

Which sensors and which input signals are used for feedback depends on the relevant application. Thus the pressure control and feedback, for  example, can also be processed via PLC program (if the proportionate control valve and feedback are not connected to the timer itself but to the PLC or the robot). Furthermore, applications without feedback or using no proportionate control valve may be possible. For this reason, some different connection variants have been shown in the following figures. If your plant does not provide a feedback signal, you should make sure that the parts to be welded are optimally squeezed together before the beginning of the weld time! Sufficiently long squeeze times have to be programmed in this case. If the squeeze time is too short, strong expulsion will be experienced! This may result in damages to the electrodes and workpiece.

If the pressure control and feedback are performed by the PLC program completely, the PLC or robot must not start the welding program unless the proper gun / electrode condition has been ensured. If this is the case, the shortest possible SQZ will be programmed in all welding programs (PSI: 16 ms).

Proportionate control valve Valve supply 

+24VDC 0V 

P Pressure reached


Pressure control signal GND for terminals 1 and 4 Feedback Shield

0 to 10 VDC; 20 mA

1 2 3 4 5



Connection of a proportionate control valve with feedback 


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| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

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Electrical connection Proportionate control valve Valve supply

+24VDC 0V


Pressure control signal GND for terminals 1 and 4 Feedback Shield

1 2

 

3 4 5


+24 VDC voltage generation inside the unit 0V

5 8

 Connection of a proportionate control valve without feedback 

The connection option ”without feedback” is applicable if   the valve does not supply a feedback signal, or  the proportionate feedback signal is connected to PLC/robot. X2

1 2 3 4

Pressure control signal GND for terminals 1 and 4 Feedback Shield

5 X4

voltage generation inside the unit

+24 VDC




Wiring without proportionate control valve 

The connection option ”Wiring without proportionate control valve” is applicable if   no proportionate control valve is used, or   proportionate control valve and feedback signal are connected to PLC or robot.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection


CCR sensor (X3) Connection:

to X3; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 8pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. max. 100 m (with recommended cable type) shielded, core area min. 0.75 mm2, (e.g.: 2 x 2 x 0,75 mm2 LiYCY, Order no.: 1070 913 494)

Cable lle ength: Cable type:

The timers contain an integrated constantcurrent regulation (CCR). Using this function, the timer controls the current flow in the secondary circuit in such a manner that the programmed command current is actually reached. In this way, it is possible to compensate for any process and handling induced fluctuations of the transfer resistance between the electrodes and the part to be welded and back to the electrodes. This regulation requires a sensor that signals the current flown in the primary or secondary circuit of the welding transformer to the timer. A current sensor installed in the secondary circuit can be connected to the toroid input (X3, pin 1 and 2).


Toroid input Toroid input Shield

1 2 3 4 5

Shield connection to terminal 3 of X3 only !

Secondary circuit

Connecting the CCR sensor on the secondary side 

The timer ist able to set 3 discrete output signals (”Transformer x”; refer  to page 128 128)) as a function of the actual programmed electrode: • El Elec ectr trod ode e 1 up to 9: tran transf sfor orme merr 1 / CC CCR R senso ensorr 1 • El Elec ectr trode ode 1 10 0 up to 1 19: 9: tran transf sfor ormer mer 1 / C CCR CR ssens ensor or 2 • El Elec ectr trode ode 2 20 0 up to 2 29: 9: tran transf sfor ormer mer 1 / C CCR CR ssens ensor or 3 By using an external switching device, up to 3 transformers / CCR sensors can be connected to the PSI. For details, refer to the next illustration.

The electrode numbers 0, 30 ans 31 are not assigned to a transformer /  CCRthis sensor. For reason, when the output signal ”Transformer x” has been output  last, it will not changed when electrode 0, 30 or 31 is activated.


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Electrical connection Transformer 3 Transformer 2 Transformer 1

Secondary circuit  1


Toroid input Toroid input Shield

1 2 3 4

external switching

 Secondary circuit 2

5  Shield connection only at X3 terminal 3!

 A suitable device device for transformer transformer switching is required required additionally! additionally! Secondary circuit 3

Principle of CCR switching; application with for example 3 separate welding circuits (transformers).

☞  All PSI units also also have an integrated current current sensor for the primar primary y circuit of the welding transformer. This gives you the possibility to choose between secondary and primary measurement (using the BOS software). With weld times > 1 s or for temporary suppression in the event of a sensor failure in the secondary circuit, however, you have to change over to primary measurement.

☞  All PSI units have been prepared for extension using the PSQ 6000 XQR controller system (U/I controller). The existing CCR sensor is equally required for using this functionality.

In order to ensure the proper operation of the sensor, the following points should be noted: 

When installing the sensor, it must be ensured that it is protected against damages resulting from the part to be welded and from expulsion. The place of installation should be selected at the greatest possible distance from current busbars and highcurrent cables. This will reduce reduce the noise resulting from external fields. Please also note the cable specifications above. metal parts for fastening the cable but ratDo not useprovided any magnetizable her copper or brass.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection 

Make sure that the current conductor is routed through the middle of the sensor in the straightest line possible. The voltage induced in the sensor (and thus the measured quantity) reaches its maximum if the conductor runs vertically to the sensor level.

If the sensor is used on mobile equipment, such as robots, certain parts of the cable are subject to strong mechanical stress (e.g. trailing cable). In these cases, therefore, you should use suitable cables and design the construction of the connecting lines so as to ensure a quick, trouble free replacement in the event of a fault.

The cable shield should only be connected to the weld timer!

Make sure that the timer's complete control loop is readjusted in regular  intervals in order to avoid measuring errors (current calibration). An external reference welding ammeter is required for this purpose. Measuring loop check 

During the squeeze time, the timer checks whether or not the connected measuring loop is faultless by performing an ohmic resistance measurement. Problems in the sensorlineconnector assembly can be detected by this check. The following testing criteria apply: Ohmic resistance measured


< 7 ohms

Measuring loop shortcircuit

12 to 950 ohms

Measuring loop ok

> 1100 ohms

Measuring loop open

If measured values are in the intermediate ranges, they cannot be clearly evaluated.

In the event of a fault, the timer aborts the welding schedule and clears the "Timer ready" output signal.


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Electrical connection

5. 5.2. 2.7 7

Tran Transf sfor orme merr te temp mper erat atur ure e mo moni nito tori ring ng (X (X3) 3) Connection:

to X3; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 8pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. Cable lle ength: max. 100 m (with recommended cable type) Cable type: shielded, core area min. 0.75 mm2, (e.g.: 2 x 2 x 0,75 mm2 LiYCY, Order no.: 1070 913 494) The timer has a temperature monitoring input which ensures protection of the connected welding transformer. An excessive temperature is signalled to the timer via a floating contact that opens if the transformer gets too hot. In the event of overtemperature (message: Transformer temp too high), the timer will complete a running welding process in single or repeat spot mode, while immediately interrupting a seam operation. A restart is not possible unless the transformer temperature has returned to values below the critical limit.

The cores for the transformer temperature and the CCR sensor may be in a common connection line. We offer suitable cables containing 4 cores for this purpose. X3 Welding transformer 



2 3 4




Temperature contact Shield connection to terminal 3 of X3 only !

Connection for monitoring the welding transformer temperature 

Of course, applications can benot implemented involving welding transformer temperature monitoring by the timer, but rather by a PLC. 

In these cases, you should also make sure that the PLC inhibits additional welding schedules if the permitted temperature range is exceeded! If the timer is not supposed to monitor the welding transformer temperature, the following wiring has to be made: X3


temperature temperature

2 3 4 5

Transformer temperature not monitored by timer 




Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection


Fan connection (X (X4) Connection: Cable length:

to X4; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 14pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. max. 10 m at 0.75 mm2  2

max. 75 m at 1.5 mm Cable type: unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex) Operatin Oper ating g thr thresh esholds olds:: Fan ON: gre greater ater than than/equ /equal al to 55 degr degrees ees Centigrade Fan OFF OFF:: lowe lowerr than/ than/equa equall to to 40 degr degrees ees Centigrade (with reference to the heat sink temperature)

Not all of the timer types have been prepared for temperaturecontrolled 24 VDC connection of an external forced ventilation ventilation system (max. 2 A). Refer to terminal terminal diagram of the individual individual type. Forced ventilation modules are used in various "Schweisskoffer" types, for example.

Fan module



+24 VDC 13 0V 14

PE 2 to PE bar 

Connecting an external fan module 

+24 VDC 0V


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Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Electrical connection

5.2. 5.2.9 9

Prog Progra ram mmi ming ng de devi vic ce c con onne nect ctiion ((X X1) Connection: Cable lle ength: Cable type:

at X1; Dsub, 9pole, at the cable via socket max. 20 m (with recommended type of cable) shielded, core cross section min. 0.2 mm2, Capacitance max. 2.5 nF (e.g.: 3 x 2 x 0.2 mm2 LifYCY, Metrofunk) 19 192 200 bit bits/s 8E1 (8 data bits, even parity, 1 stop bit) PS5000 b bllock protocol w wiith C CR RC16

Transmis isssio ion n rate: te: Parameters: Transmission:

Pointtopoint connection of the programming terminal (PC/laptop computer with BOS software for administration, diagnosis, archiving, backup) can be achieved using the RS232 interface X1. X1

PC (COM1 or COM2)



2 3 4 5 6

2 3


4 5


7 8 9



Ensure screen continuity through largearea connection to metal housing of the plug connection.

Networking the timer not only offers faster data transfer, but also the possibility of jointly managing several timers using a single programming terminal. For networking, you can use • the optional Ethernet module.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection


I/O communication to Robot/PLC Depending of the type of timer, different commu communication nication paths are used to communicate with the robot/PLC. I/O communication related to the timer type PSI 6xxx.637:

The primarilythere handled DeviceNet (copper cable; refercommunication to page 104 104). ). Inisaddition, are avia few discrete 24 VDC signals required. Therefor, the PSI 6xxx.637 uses the I/O module ”I/O DEV NET. Di Disc scre rete te II/O /O ssig igna nals ls:: re refe ferr to S Sec ect. t. 5.3.3 5.3.3 starting  starting on page 104 104.. Serial I/O signals. refer to Sect. 5.3.5 5.3.5 starting  starting on page 107 107.. I/O communication related to the timer type PSI 6xxx.737:

The communication is primarily handled via Ethernet IP. In addition, there are some discrete 24 VDC signals required. Therefor, the PSI 6xxx.737 uses the ethernet field bus interface to communicate via serial I/O (6 byte input field / 6 byte output field) and the I/O module ”I/O DISK” to connect the required discrete 24 VDC signals. Di Disc scre rete te II/O /O ssig igna nals ls:: re refe ferr to S Sec ect. t. 5.3.4 5.3.4 starting  starting on page 105 105.. Serial I/O signals:

5. 5.3. 3.1 1

refer to Sect. 5.3.5 5.3.5 starting  starting on page 107 107..

Po Powe werr supp supply ly (X10 (X10)) of of the the used used I/ I/O O mo modu dule les s Connection: Cable lle ength:: Cable type:

to X10; STKK, grid 3.5 mm, 4pole, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector is comprised in the delivery. (from power source to consumer) max. 10 m at 0.75 mm 2  max. 75 m at 1.5 mm2  unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

For other technical data, refer to Sect. 4.3, 4.3, page 83. 83.

A of 2 connection  are possible: Connection of the I/Ooptions module supply at X4 of the timer, or  1. total 2. direct connection of the I/O module supply to separate 24 VDC power 

supply unit.

If the I/O module is connected to X4 of the interface module (1. (1. connec connection option), the unit's internal power generator (refer to page 86) 86) as well as an external power supply unit can be used. For this purpose, only a few jumpers have to be inserted/removed at X4. For more information concerning the connections to X4, please refer to Sect. 5.2.4 starting 5.2.4 starting on page 89. 89.

Any external voltage sources used must be designed according to the principles of "safety separation" in accordance with the LowVoltag LowVoltage e Directive (2006/95/EC).

If potential separation is necessary between at thedifferent I/O and24 theVtimer, the timer and the I/O module must be operated DC power  supply units!


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Electrical connection 

Used I/O modules: PSI 6xxx.637: ”I/O DEVNET”

PSI 6xxx.737: ”I/O DISK”

You should ensure that the proper functioning of the stop circuit  (refer  (refer to figures below) is guaranteed by any connection option used! In the event of dangerous conditions at the welding system or the intentional switchoff of the weld timer, the inputs and outputs of the I/O module must be set to LOW level. For this purpose, an external monitoring device must open the floating contact and thus interrupt power supply to X10. If the stop circuit is open, the timer signals "Stop / No 24V". This message is selfacknowledging, i.e. it automatically disappears when the stop circuit is closed.


I/O module















internal jumper  between: Terminals 1 and 3 Terminals 2 and 4



floating Load: 24contact VDC, max. 3 A Stop circuit

Connection of the I/O module supply at X4 of the timer  I/O module


Stop circuit 

24 VDC power  supply unit

floating contact Load: 24 VDC, max. 3 A









0V 4 internal jumper  between: Terminals 1 and 3 Terminals 2 and 4

Direct connection of the I/O module supply to separate 24 V DC  power supply unit 

Use terminal 3 of X10 as a 24V source for driving the inputs at X11. Use terminal 4 of X10 as 0V reference potential for X11.

Due to the internal jumper at X10, the incoming supply voltage can also be passed on to additional equipment. Please make sure in such cases, however, thatlengths the maximum load (voltage source, connections) and cable are not current exceeded!



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

5. 5.3. 3.2 2

Devi Device ceNe Nett Co Conn nnec ecti tion on (P (PSI SI 6xxx 6xxx.6 .637 37 on only ly)) In order to integrate the timer in a DeviceNet bus system, please use X13. Cable length: according to DeviceNet specification Type o off cca able: copper, ssh hielded, ac according tto oD De eviceNet ssp pecification previous DevNet node

following DevNet node

Weld timer

... 1 2 3 4 5


last node with terminator  according to DeviceNet specification

Example: DeviceNet connection connection of the last 3 weld timers at the bus 

For more information on which I/O signals are exchanged between the weld timer and the DevNet host, please refer to chapter 5.3.5. 5.3.5. Value (dec) DIP switch # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


DR 125Kb= 7 off and 8 off 250Kb= 7 on and 8 off

off  on

: ON : OFF

DeviceNet node address (0  63):         0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        2         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        1        1

1 2 4 8 16 32

        3         6


        0        0        0        5         0        0        5        2         5        5        2        1

= DeviceNet baud rate (kBd)

500Kb= 7 on and 8 on  

Setting DeviceNet node address (NA) and DeviceNet baud rate (DR) 

5. 5.3. 3.3 3

Disc Discre rete te si sign gnal al ou outp tput uts s / iinp nput uts s ((PS PSII 6xx 6xxx. x.63 637) 7) Connection Connect ion X11, X12: Plugin tterminal, erminal, spacing 3.5 mm, max. 1.5 mm2. Mating connector included in shipment. Cable length: max. 100 m at 0.5 mm2 Type of cable: unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

For information further technical data,the please refer to chapter 4.3 on 4.3  on page refer 83 83.. to For regarding functionality of all signals, please chapter 6.


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Electrical connection

from PLC/robot/control panel to PLC/robot/control panel

serial with DeviceNet through X13

X12 I0

Input field (control word) Width: 6 byte. Input signals are assigned to the individual bits (bit 0 to bit 47). For assignment, please refer to page 107. 107.

Output field (status word) Width: 6 byte. Output signals are assigned to the individual bits (bit 0 to bit 47. For assignment, please refer to page 107. 107. Description refer to page

I1 I2 I3


111 111 111 111

I4 I5 I6 I7


120 120 120

X1 X11 1

O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7


125 125 127

Supply input Supply input Signal vol olta tag ge ou outtput for pas ass sive switch el elem eme ents Reference potential for outputs at X11

102 102 102 102

128 128 128

X10 +24V 0V +2 +24V 4V 0V

 Assignment of all discrete signal signal in-/outputs (”I/O DEVDEV-NET”, NET”, PSI 6xxx.637) 

5. 5.3. 3.4 4

Disc Discre rete te si sign gnal al ou outp tput uts s / inpu inputs ts (P (PSI SI 6x 6xxx xx.7 .737 37)) Connection:

Cable length:

STKK, grid 3.5 mm, max. 1.5 mm2. X11: 14pol.; X12: 8pol.; X13: 16pol.; Mating connectors are comprised in the delivery. max. 100 m at 0.5 mm2



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

Electrical connection

Cable type:

unshielded, VDE 0281, 0812 (e.g.: Ölflex)

For more technical details, refer to Sect. 4.3 from 4.3 from page 83 The functionality of all signals is described in Sect. 6. from PLC/robot/control panel X13

I0 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 I13 +24 +24V +24 +24V X12

I14 I15 I16 I17 I18 I19 I20 +2 +24V 4V


refer to page to PLC/robot/control panel not used WELD CONTACTOR CLOSED 111 TIP DRESS  RPM SENSOR 111 TIP DRESS  MOTOR OVERLOAD TRIPPED 111 TIP DRESS  MOTOR CURRENT TRIPPED 111 not used FEEDBACK TRANSFORMER 1 120 FEEDBACK TRANSFORMER 2 120 FEEDBACK TRANSFORMER 3 120 not used not used not used not used not used Signal nal vo voltage ou output fo for p pa assive sswi witc tchi hing ng elements Signal nal vo voltage ou output fo for p pa assive sswi witc tchi hing ng elements

not used not used not used not used not used not used not used Signal vo volta tag ge o ou utp tpu ut fo for p pa assive ssw witc tch hing e ellements


O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 O11 O12 O12 0V

not used CLOSE WELD CONTACTOR MAGNET VALVE TIP DRESS ENABLE CIRCUIT not used not used TRANSFORMER 1 TRANSFORMER 2 TRANSFORMER 3 not used not used not used not used not used reference potential for the outputs

125 125 127 128 128 128


+24V 0V +24V 0V

Power supply input Reference potential Power supply input Reference potential

 Assignment of all discrete signal signal in-/outpus (”I/O DIS DISK”; K”; PSI 6xxx.737) 

102 102 102 102


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


Electrical connection

5.3. 5.3.5 5

Seri Serial al si sign gnal al ou outp tput uts s / inpu inputs ts (P (PSI SI 6xxx 6xxx.6 .637 37 an and d .73 .737) 7) Input field


00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Signal name

Output field Description

Refer to page START 1 112 TI TIPS PS HAVE VE BE BEEN EN DRES DR ESSE SED D 118 WELD WE LDHA CONT CO NTAC ACTO TOR R ENAB EN ABLE LE 111 EL ELEC ECTR TROD ODES ES HAVE HAVE BE BEEN EN REPL REPLAC ACED ED 119 FAULT RESET 115 FAUL FAULT T RES RESET ET WITH WITH WE WELD LD COMP COMPLE LETE TE 117 FAUL FAULT T RES RESET ET WITH WITH RE REWE WELD LD 116 WELD ON ON EX EXTERNAL 114 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”1” ”1” (Bi (Bitt 00) 00) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”2” ”2” (Bi (Bitt 01) 01) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”4” ”4” (Bi (Bitt 02) 02) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”8” ”8” (Bi (Bitt 03) 03) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”16” ”16” (B (Bit it 04 04)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”32” ”32” (B (Bit it 05 05)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”64” ”64” (B (Bit it 06 06)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”128 ”128”” (Bi (Bitt 07) 07) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”256 ”256”” (Bi (Bitt 08) 08) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”512 ”512”” (Bi (Bitt 09) 09) 113 SPOT SPOT NUM NUMBE BER R ”10 ”1024 24”” (Bit (Bit 10) 10) 113 SPOT SPOT NUM NUMBE BER R ”20 ”2048 48”” (Bit (Bit 11) 11) 113 SPOT SPOT NUM NUMBE BER R ”40 ”4096 96”” (Bit (Bit 12) 12) 113 SPOT SPOT NUM NUMBE BER R ”81 ”8192 92”” (Bit (Bit 13) 13) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”163 ”16384 84”” (Bi (Bitt 1 14) 4) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”327 ”32768 68”” (Bi (Bitt 1 15) 5) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”655 ”65536 36”” (Bi (Bitt 1 16) 6) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”131 ”13107 072” 2” (B (Bitit 17 17)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”262 ”26214 144” 4” (B (Bitit 18 18)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”524 ”52428 288” 8” (B (Bitit 19 19)) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”104 ”10485 8576 76”” (Bi (Bitt 20) 20) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”209 ”20971 7152 52”” (Bi (Bitt 21) 21) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”419 ”41943 4304 04”” (Bi (Bitt 22) 22) 113 SPOT SPOT NUMB NUMBER ER ”838 ”83886 8608 08”” (Bi (Bitt 23) 23) 113 OPER OPERAT ATE E FO FORC RCE E SE SENS NSOR OR 120 CALI CALIBR BRAT ATE E GUN GUN RESI RESIST STAN ANCE CE 111 not used not used not used not used not used not used END OF OF CO COMPONENT 111 TI TIP P DRE DRESS SS MO MOTO TOR R ON ON ((AI AIR/ R/EL ELEC EC)) 111 not used not used not used not used not used not used

 Assignment of the input and output output field 


00 01 0 2 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47

Signal name


Refer to page WELD COM OMP PLE LETE TE (WC) 122 TIP TIRPEDR D ES RE EQU QUIR IRE ED 124 P WRAESS RNSINR G 124 END OF ST STEPPER 124 TIMER READY 129 WELD FAULT 129 WITH WITHOU OUT T WELD WELD PRO PROCE CESS SS MON MONIT ITOR ORIN ING G 130 WELD WELD ON (WI (WITH TH WE WELD LDIN ING G CUR CURRE RENT NT)) 123 STAR START T TIP TIP DR DRES ESS SR REQ EQUE UEST ST 130 NEW EL ELECTRODE 125 PRES PRESSU SURE RE INS INSID IDE E TOLE TOLERA RANC NCE E AR AREA EA 130 UI REGU REGULA LATI TION ON AC ACTI TIVE VE 127 UI MONI MONITO TORI RING NG AC ACTI TIVE VE 127 Q STOP 127 not used not used STA TAT TUS ”1” (Bit (Bit 00 00)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”2” (Bit (Bit 01 01)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”4” (Bit (Bit 02 02)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”8” (Bit (Bit 03 03)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”1 ”16” (Bit (Bit 04 04)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”3 ”32” (Bit (Bit 05 05)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”6 ”64” (Bit (Bit 06 06)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”12 ”128” 8” (Bit (Bit 07 07)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”25 ”256” 6” (Bit (Bit 08 08)) 126 STA TAT TUS ”51 ”512” 2” (Bit (Bit 09 09)) 126 STAT STATUS US ”102 ”1024” 4” (Bit (Bit 10 10)) 126 STAT STATUS US ”204 ”2048” 8” (Bit (Bit 11 11)) 126 STAT STATUS US ”409 ”4096” 6” (Bit (Bit 12 12)) 126 STAT STATUS US ”819 ”8196” 6” (Bit (Bit 13 13)) 126 STAT STATUS US ”163 ”16384 84”” (Bi (Bitt 1 14) 4) 126 STAT STATUS US ”327 ”32768 68”” (Bi (Bitt 1 15) 5) 126 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 00 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 01 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 02 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 03 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 04 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 05 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 06 130 PRES PRESSU SURE RE OU OUTP TPUT UT BIT BIT 07 130 ACKN ACKNOW OWLE LEDG DGE E END END OF COMP COMPON ONEN ENT T 127 TIP DRESSED 127 TIP DRESS OK 127 TI TIP P DRES DRESS S SEQU SEQUEN ENCE CE RU RUNN NNIN ING G 127 not used not used not used not used



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

Electrical connection


and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


I/O signal descriptions


I/O signal descriptions In this section, you will find a description of all I/O signals from the perspective of the timer. Any references to signal names in the text below will be marked by quotation marks ("signal name").

☞ ☞

For the assignment of the discrete input/output signals of the "I/O DISK R2ED" I/O module, refer to Sec. 5.3.3 starting 5.3.3 starting on page 104 104.. For the I/O array assignment of the serial signals (via EthernetCC module), refer to Sect. 5.3.4 5.3.4 starting  starting on page 105 105..



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions


Input signals


Alphabetic overview Signal name







































1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


I/O signal descriptions


Weld contactor enable A high signal at the input informs the timer that the welding circuit is ready for welding. If this signal is not present when program start is initiated with welding current, the timer will generate the fault message "No weld contactor  enable". Also refer to function "Isolate weld contactor", from page 80. 80.


Weld contactor closed Feedback from the process that the weld contactor is closed. The input is scanned at the end of SQZ. If it is not high while the discrete output "Close weld contactor" is active, the timer generates the fault message "Weld contactor gun 1 open". The input is scanned again 200 ms after the discrete output signal "Close weld contactor" has become low. If it is still high, the timer generates the fault message "Weld contactor  gun 1 did not open". Also refer to function "Isolate weld contactor", from page 80. 80.


Calibrate gun resistance Message from the process indicating that the timer has to readjust the gun resistance together with the next weld schedule.

6.1. 6.1.5 5

Tip Tip dre dress  motor ov ove erl rloa oad d tri rip pped Also refer to "Cutter motor control" starting on page 64

6.1. 6.1.6 6

Tip Tip dre dress  motor cu curr rren entt trippe pped Also refer to "Cutter motor control" starting on page 64


Tip dress  RPM sensor  Also refer to "Cutter motor control" starting on page 64


Tip dress motor on (air/elec) Also refer to "Cutter motor control" starting on page 64


End of component   Acts in connection with the "Q Stop" function (refer to page 78): 78):

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and  the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!

A positive edge at input informs timer thatthe a component has been completed. Asthe a result, the weldthe timer resets internal Q Stop counter actual value.



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

I/O signal descriptions


Start 1 A positive edge at the input initiates acceptance of the currently selected program (via spot number; refer to page 113 113)) if the timer is "Ready" (refer to page 129 129). ). Schedule: 1. The welding program is started.

The 1.SQZ is executed, if programmed. 2. SQZ starts. The welding schedule can be aborted by resetting "Start1" until the end of SQZ.

During the SQZ, the timer checks whether or not the current measuring loop connected to X3 is faultless by performing an ohmic resistance measurement. In the event of a fault (refer to page 98), 98), the timer aborts the welding program and resets the "Timer ready" output signal.

3. If "Start 1" remains active beyond the end of the SQZ, the signals be-

come latching in single and repeat mode. In latched condition, the PreWLD to PstWLD will continue to be executed even if ”Start 1" has been reset. In seam operation, only a current cycle that has been initiated will be completed when "Start 1" has been reset.

☞ ☞

Signal latching can only be cancelled by opening the stop circuit (refer  to page 103). 103). Whether or not the weld times are performed with welding current  depends on the "Weld on external" input signal (refer to page 114). 114).

4. HLD is running. 122)) acknowledges the 5. The "Weld complete" output (refer to page 122

end of the welding schedule.




 1.CT PreWLD


 3  3..CT



Start latching

Latching with single spot 

Start t

1.S 1.SQZ SQZ PreWLD PreWLD 1  1..CT

"Start" is reset during the MainWLD in seam operation.

n x MainWLD




1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


I/O signal descriptions


Spot number  The 24 input signals are available for selecting the desired spot number. For this purpose, the binary coded spot number is provided to the inputs. Then, the timer can determine the corresponding program number from the spot number using the spot reference table. : High level of the corresponding signal

Input signal

Value (dec)

Spot number bit 0 Spot number bit 1 Spot number bit 2 Spot number bit 3 Spot number bit 4 : Spot number bit 24

1 2 4 8 16 : 8388608


        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0         0        0        1        1        1        1        1        1 1        1        1        1        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        3        3  

selected spot number:


Binary coded selection of a spot via input signals ”Spot number” 

The spot number in binary code must be transmitted to the timer via the IO module in a single PLC IO cycle. Otherwise, the data transmitted in the relevant cycle would be interpreted as separate spot numbers and consecutively selected.

☞  As soon as a welding welding program program has been been selected, selected, the timer will will output  the programmed force: • to X2 as analog output value (refer to page 92), 92), and • at the outputs "Pressure output bit x" as a digital value (refer to page 130). 130 ).



Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives

and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions


Weld on on e ex xternal Sometimes, it is necessary to execute a welding program without welding current (e.g. in order to optimize the cycle time of the welding line, or  for other adjustment/testing purposes). For this purpose, an external device (robot, PLC, keyoperated switch on control panel) can specify by this input signal

1. whether the timer is to generally execute all welding programs wi-

thout current, or  2. whether the timer may influence this decision (with/without welding current) itself based on the parameter configuration. Re. item 1. 1.:: If "Weld on external" has not  been set , all welding programs of the timer  will always be executed without welding current, regardless of any other  control parameter settings. The power unit will not be driven in this case. Re. item 2. 2.:: If "Weld on external" has been set , the response depends on the following parameters: • Weld iinter nternal nal (a (acts cts g globa lobally lly on a allll pro program gramss of th the e time timer), r), a and nd • prog program ramspec specific ific igni ignition tion ((is is par partt of any we weldin lding g prog program ram an and d only active in the relevant program). A • • •

welding program can only be executed with weld current  if   if  "W "Wel eld do on ne ext xtern ernal" al" is hig high, h, and Weld in intter ern nal and and the p prog rogram ramspec specific ific igni ignition tion are a allll ac activ tivated ated..

This behavior corresponds to an AND logic for all 3 conditions mentioned.

To feed back this AND logic to an external device, the "Weld on" output  signal is used (refer to page 123 123). ).


1070087130 / 01

| PSI 6xxx.637/.737

Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth AG and Controls


I/O signal descriptions


Fault reset 

For more information on faults, refer to page 137! 137!

A positive signal edge results in 1. "Fault reset". This signal is only used in or order der to restore the ""Ready" Ready" state of the titimer. mer. The following applies to the "Ready" state: • a ne new w we weldi lding ng ssch chedu edule le ccan an b be e st star arted ted • the R READ EADY Y LE LED D at tthe he titimer mer's 's ffront ront is lilitt (s (see ee page page 32). 32). • the ""Time Timerr re ready ady"" ou output tput sig signal nal iiss sset et ((see see page 129 129). ). The timer does not perform any other activities.

☞ ☞

If the fault occurred during a welding schedule, it is possible that the gun is still closed, and that the robot still is in the current welding position, for  example. The "Cooling device temperature too high" fault first have to be acknowledged by pressing the RESET button on the front side of the timer before the timer can be returned to "Ready" state by activating "Fault  reset".

In addition to "Fault reset", a number of other activities can be initiated using the "Fault reset with reweld" (refer to page 116) 116) and "Fault reset  with weld complete" (refer to page 117 117)) input signals. Please follow the crossreferences provided.


Bosch Rexroth AG | Electric Drives


and Controls

PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions

6. 6.1. 1.14 14

Faul Faultt re rese sett w wit ith h rre eweld eld

For basic information on faults, please refer to page 137! 137!

A positive signal edge leads to

1. ”Fault reset” and subsequent 2. repetition of the welding program schedule provided that the ”Start 1”

input signal is still active. If the repetition is completed without another fault, the ”Weld complete (WC)” signal will be set. Dangerous machine movements possible! The signal ”Weld Complete (WC)” initiates initiates the robot's positioning to the next weld spot. Therefore, Therefor e, make sure to avoid dangerous situations at the welding stastation caused by ”Fault reset with reweld”!


”Fault reset with reweld” is used • in co conne nnect ction ion wit with h rrobo obots ts and • in conn connect ection ion wit with h the the ffault aultss ”Low ccurr urrent” ent” a and nd ”Lo ”Low w cur curren rentt  series of welds”.

In connection with other faults, please note the signal ”Fault reset with weld complete”. Refer to page 117. 117.

If the fault ”Low current” or ”Low current  series of welds” occurs occurs while a part is being welded, the robot usually remains at the welding position with the gun closed. Via ”Fault reset with reweld”, it is now possible • to rrepea epeatt th the e ccurr urrent, ent, faul faulty ty spo spott w weld. eld. 

If, after that, another fault occurs, please use ”Fault reset with weld complete”. ”Fault reset with reweld” can also be initiated via the GUI (BOS).


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I/O signal descriptions

6.1. 6.1.15 15

Fa Faul ultt rese resett w wit ith h wel weld dc com ompl plet ete e ((WC WC))

For basic information on faults, please refer to page 137! 137!

A positive signal edge leads to 1. reset” and 2. “Fault to the setting of thesubsequently ”Weld complete (WC)” signal if the ”Start 1” input

signal is still active. Dangerous machine movements possible! The signal ”Weld Complete (WC)” initiates initiates the robot's positioning to the next weld spot. Therefore, Therefor e, make sure to avoid dangerous situations at the welding stastation caused by ”Fault reset with weld complete”!


”Fault reset with weld complete” is used • in co conne nnect ction ion wit with h rrobo obots ts and • in conn connection ection with al alll fault faultss ex except cept ””Low Low cu current” rrent” and ”L ”Low ow cu current rrent  series of welds”.

In connection with the faults ”Low current” and ”Low current  series of  welds”, please note the signal ”Fault reset with reweld”. Refer to page 116.. 116

If a fault occurs while a part is being processed, the robot will normally still be in welding position with the electrode gun closed. It is now possible to input ”Fault reset with weld complete" in order to continue processing at the next spot weld. 

Make sure to mark and check the spot where the fault occurred!

”Fault reset with weld complete” can also be initiated via the GUI (BOS).



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

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I/O signal descriptions

6. 6.1. 1.16 16

Tips Ti ps hav have b be een dre ress sse ed A positive edge tells the timer that the tip dressing procedure activated by the "Tip dress required"  (refer to page 124 124)) has been completed. Schedule: 1. The timer first determines the relevant electrode number. For this purpose, it interprets the signal pattern present at the "Spot number" inputs. Then, the timer can determine the corresponding program number using the spot reference table. Knowing the corresponding program number the timer is able to get the relevant (programmed) electrode electrod e number. 2. The corresponding dressing counter is incremented. 3. The relevant count value is set to 0. 4. The "Tip dress required" signal is reset for the relevant electrode (refer to page 124 124). ).

Example. The following settings are used:

Stepping: Stepper: Tip dressing: Dressing curve: Count factor: Count starting range (offset): Stepper count range: max. counts: Tip dress request: Prewarning:

On is active (if Stepper final %I > base %I) On (if max. dressings > 0. Here: max. dressings = 3) is active (if Dressing final %I > base %I) 1.0 0 100 100 (= counts with stepper range offset) 10 (= 10 before max. count) 30 (= 30 before max. count) %I

1. Tip dressing

3. Tip dressing

End of stepper 

2. Tip dressing

Stepper final %I Final %I after cutting

Base %I


90 0

90 0

70 0

Current count 


"Tip dress required" Time

"Tip dressed" Time

Example: Tip dressing schedule 


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I/O signal descriptions

6. 6.1. 1.17 17

Elec Electr trod odes es ha have ve been been re repl plac aced ed A positive edge tells the timer that the electrode replacement procedure initiated by "Prewarni "Prewarning" ng" (refer to page 124 124 or  or "End of stepper" (refer to page 124 124)) has been completed.

The completed electrode change can be alternatively acknowledged at  the BOS user interface ("counter reset" function).

Schedule: 1. The timer first determines the relevant electrode number. For this purpose, it interprets the signal pattern present at the "Spot number" inputs. Then, the timer can determine the corresponding program number using the spot reference table. Knowing the corresponding program number the timer is able to get the relevant (programmed) electrode electro de number. 2. The relevant dressing counter is set to 0. 3. The relevant count value is set to 0. 4. The "Prewarning" and "End of stepper" signals are reset for the relevant electrode. Example. The following settings are used:

Stepping: Stepper: Tip dressing: Dressing curve: Count factor: Count starting range (offset): Stepper count range: max. counts: Tip dress request: Prewarning: Stop at end of stepper: %I

On is active (if Stepper final %I > base %I) On (if max. dressings > 0. Here: max. dressings = 3) is active (if Dressing final %I > base %I) 1.0 0 100 100 (= counts with stepper range offset) 10 (= 10 before max. count) 30 (= 30 before max. count) Off   1. Tip dressing

3. Tip dressing

End of stepper 

2. Tip dressing

Stepper final %I Final %I after cutting Base %I 70


Current count 




"End of stepper"


"Electrodes have been replaced" Time

Example: Electrode change procedure 

For details concerning the integrated cutter control, refer to page 64. 64.



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I/O signal descriptions

6. 6.1. 1.18 18

Feed Feedba back ck tra ran nsf sfo orm rme er x Using the ”Feedback transformer x” input signals, the timer is able to verify the correct reaction of the system on the related ”Transformer x” output signals (refer to Page 128 128). ). For this purpose the related IO pair must reach the same state at the latest to the end of SQZ. If not, the timer extends SQZ automatically (max. 1 second). In case of not reaching in time the same state, the weld sequence will be interupted with the error message ”Contactor monitoring  contactor disconnector”. There is also a monitoring of the related IO pair beyond SQZ until the initiation of the PstWLD. If state differs, the weld sequence will be interupted with the error message ”Contactor monitoring  contactor disconnector”.

6. 6.1. 1.19 19

Oper Operat ate e for orce ce se sen nso sor  r  An external device like Robot or PLC ccan an use this ser serial ial signal input to initiate the measuring process of an external force sensor unit. Therefore the status of the serial input signal is to be mirrored at the discrete signal output at terminal X9 Pin 1.


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I/O signal descriptions


Output signals


Alphabetic overview

Signal name

















































123 130



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I/O signal descriptions


Weld complete (WC) The "Weld complete" output signal informs the connected peripherals (PLC/robot) that a welding schedule has been completed. As a result, the next step of the processing schedule can be initiated. The logic generating the WC signal is active in the following cases: 1. with single spot and repeat mode after each spot 2. with seam operation (e.g. roll seam welds) at the end of the seam 3. after "Set WC" (only possible in BOS)

The duriation of the WC depends on the "Start 1" input signal. Refer to "WC period".

Options 1. 1. to  to 2. 2. offer  offer the possibility of making various settings to adjust the WC to your application: • auto automati maticc output of WC a after fter a pro proper per w weld eld o only, nly, or al also so af after ter a defective defectiv e weld • poin pointt of time in wh which ich tthe he WC iiss to be sset et (r (refer efer to "W "WC C sta start rt titime" me"). ). WC period

Normally, the timer automatically resets the "Weld complete" signal as soon as it detects a negative edge at the "Start 1" input. However, one could imagine certain plant statuses in which the "Start 1" signal has already been reset before the WC was set. In this case, a trigger on the negative edge of "Start" is not helpful. For this reason, the timer checks when the WC is set whether "Start 1" is still present, and responds as follows: "Start 1" is set: WC is reset by a negative edge of "Start 1" "Start 1" is not set: WC is reset when the preconfigured WC period (BOS, default setting: 20 ms) has elapsed. "Start" is no longer present: programmed WC duration is executed.

Start 1




progr. duration


"Start" is still present: neg. edge resets WC Start 1 t WC WLD



WC duration depending on "Start 1" signal 

The programmed WC duration is also executed with the function ”Start  simulation” (BOS)!


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I/O signal descriptions WC Start time

The time on which the "Weld complete" is to be output can be programmed within +/ 1000 ms with respect to the end of HLD. Restriction: The WC output cannot take place earlier than 20 ms after the start of the HLD. Default setting: End of the HLD less 20 ms (refer to ""example"). example"). Thus, the WC start point can be accelerated to occur in the HLD, or can be delayed. neg. value

pos. value




 Accelerating/Delaying  Accelerating /Delaying the WC start time 

Example: "highspeed robot communication"

If the "Weld complete" signal is used for positioning to the next spot, the WC start time can be accelerated in order to compensate for constant response times (caused by signal processing by the robot, drive or  PLC). This results in shorter cycle times. CAUTION


Possibility of damaging the plant by positioning movements with closed gun! Therefore, Therefor e, please make sure that the gun is already open when the robot starts to move!

Weld on ((w with welding current) Using thewelding "Weld on" outputissignal, you can check whether the currently selected program executed • wit with h cu curr rren entt (o (outp utput ut iiss hi high) gh),, or  • wit withou houtt cur curre rent nt ((out outpu putt is low low). ).   A • • •

welding program can only be executed with weld current  if   if  "We "Weld ld o on n ex exter ternal" nal" is high (re (refer fer to p page age 114 114), ), and weld inte internal rnal (pa (parame rameter ter inpu inputt vi via aB BOS) OS),, an and d the prog program ramsp specif ecific ic ignition ignition (pa (parame rameter ter inpu inputt via BO BOS) S) ar are e all activated.

As a result, "Weld on" corresponds to the result of an AND logic for all 3 conditions conditio ns mentione mentioned. d.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions


Tip dress required Will be set, when tip dressing is required (BOS; value ”Max. Count minus value ”Tip dress request”), provided that it is permitted to dress the electrode tips again at that moment. The output signal informs the PLC/robot that the active electrode tip has to be dressed as soon as possible (concerning tip dressing, page 63). 63). the "Tip dress re"Tips have been dressed" (refer to refer pageto118 118) ) resets quired". If the robot detects a "Tip dress required", it must move the relevant electrode to the dressing tool when the maximum count has been reached at the latest. Depending on the setting of the "Stop at end of  stepper" parameter setting (BOS), the timer is inhibited and waits for the "Tips have been dressed" input signal.

It depends on the programmin programming g of the robot at what point of time it will detect the "Tip dress request"! In many cases, the relevant robot inputs will only be scanned when a new part is processed, and no scanning will take place after each spot  during part processing. This behaviour presupposes that the time interval between the output of the "Tip dress require" signal and reaching of maximum count is sufficiently long. This is the only way to ensure that  the complete part can be welded before the maximum count is reached.  Alternatively (but by taking sufficient "electrode reserves" into account!), it may also be possible to deactivate the "Stop at end of  stepper" function.


Prewarning Will be set, when the ”prewarning mode” is reached (BOS; value ”Max. Count minus value ”Prewarnung Count”). The output signal informs the PLC/robot that the active electrode will soon reach the end of stepper, and that it has to be replaced for this reason. The output signal is • set by ””Star Startt 1”, if th the e acti active ve ele electr ctrode ode is in ””pre prewarn warning ing mo mode” de” • upd update ated d at the the en end d of the wel weld d titime me • res reset et by "En "End d of step stepper per"" (r (refer efer to ssect ection ion 6.2.6 6.2.6). ).


End of stepper   Will be set when the ”Max. Count” value (BOS) is reached. The output signal informs the PLC/robot that the active electrode has reached the end of stepper stepper..

Whether or not additional spots can be welded when the end of stepper  has been exceeded, depends on the programming of the timer ("Stop at  end of stepper" parameter)

The output signal is • set by ”S ”Start tart 1”, iiff th the e act active ive el electrod ectrode e has reache reached d the e end nd of sstepper  tepper  • upd update ated d at tthe he end of the the w weld eld tim time e • res reset et by "E "Elect lectrode rodess hav have e been rrepla eplaced ced"" (re (refer fer tto o page 119 119). ).


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I/O signal descriptions

If the robot detects "End of stepper", it must move the relevant electrode to a position in which it can be replaced (e.g. home position) when the real maximum count of an electrode has been reached at the latest. Depending on the setting of the "Stop at end of stepper" parameter  setting (BOS), the timer is inhibited and waits for the "Electrodes have been replaced" input signal (refer to page 119 119). ).


It depends on the programming of the robot at what point of time it will detect the "End of stepper"! In many cases, the relevant robot inputs will only be scanned when a new part is processed, and no scanning will take place after each spot  during part processing. This behaviour presupposes that the time interval between the output of the "End of stepper" signal and reaching the real maximum count of the electrode is sufficiently long. This is the only way to ensure that the complete part can be welded before the maximum count is reached. Alternatively (but by taking sufficient "electrode reserves" into account!), it may also be possible to deactivate the "Stop at end of stepper" function.

New electrode The output becomes high if the selected welding has been assigned to an electrode with actual counter valueprogram “0”.


Magnet valve This signal is set at the beginning of the presqueeze time (1.SQZ) and cleared at the end of the hold time (HLD).


Close weld contactor  This discrete output signal is set at the beginning of a welding schedule if the serial input "Weld contactor enabled" is active and ignition is turned on. It will be reset when • the sseri erial al inp input ut "W "Weld eld cconta ontacto ctorr ena enable" ble" is re reset set,, or  • a fa faul ultt oc occcur urs, s, or  • no sstar tartt ssigna ignall wa wass ou output tput for 60 sseco econds nds.. Also refer to function "Isolate weld contactor", from page 80. 80.  


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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

and Controls

I/O signal descriptions


Status The 16 "Status” outputs are used by the timer to transmit its current status in binary code to the robot/PLC.

Output signal

Status bit 0 Status bit 1 Status bit 2 Status bit 3 Status bit 4 Status bit 5 Status bit 6 Status bit 7 : Status bit 1 16 6

Value (dec) 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128

: High level of the corresponding signal



current timer status:

        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        0        1         0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        1        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        2        3        3

Output of current timer status in binary code 

The following messages have currently been defined: Code (dec)


00 80 81 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 98

OK Stop open circuit/ no +24V Current without command Battery low Memo Memory ry de dele lete ted d == == R RA AM cche heck cksu sum m err error  or  Data download active no we weld ldin ing g pr prog ogra ram m == inva invalilid d pa para rame mete ters rs Hardware fault I/O bus fault Half cycle monitoring Main switch tripped External te temperature too high Synchronization fa fault Weld sse equence iin nhibited Parity fault Pr Prog ogra ramm mmed ed va valu lue e ttoo oo larg large e ((cu curr rren ent/ t/fo forc rce) e)

99 100 107 120 122 124 16 160 0 16 164 4 16 165 5 166 17 179 9 40 400 0 40 401 1 40 405 5 406 40 407 7

Welding process fault Supply voltage fault No weld contactor enable Weld contactor 1 not ccllosed Weld cco ontactor 1 did no not op open No weld pressure Co Cool olin ing g de devi vice ce te temp mper erat atur ure e too too high high Tr Tran ansf sfor orme merr ov over erte temp mper erat atur ure e faul faultt Har ard dwar are e faul faultt dr driv iver er mod module ule 24V Power supply fault Cond Conduc ucto torr moni monito tori ring ng  co cont ntac acto torr disc discon onne nect ctor  or  Tip Tip dres dresss fault fault  exc exces essi sive ve cur curre rent nt det detec ecte ted d on ele elect ctri ricc motor  motor  Tip Tip dres dresss faul faultt  no fee feedb dbac ackk dete detect cted ed fro from m the the pn pneu euma matiticc moto motor  r  Tip Tip dre dress ss faul faultt  in inva valilid dw wel eld d ssch ched edul ule e ssel elec ecte ted d Tip dress dress ffaul aultt  curren currentt over overloa load d detec detected ted on the electr electric ic m moto otor  r  Tip Tip d dre ress ss faul faultt  sseq eque uen nce ab abo orted rted

2106 2107 2108

Q Stop component Q Stop spot in series Q St Stop sp special sp spot


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I/O signal descriptions

6.2. 6.2.11 11

Tip dr dres ess se en nab ablle cir circu cuiit  Also refer to "Cutter motor control" function starting on page 64. 64.

6. 6.2. 2.12 12

Ti Tip p dres dress s sequ sequen ence ce runn runnin ing g Also refer to "Cutter motor control" function starting on page 64. 64.


Tip dress OK Also refer to "Cutter motor control" function starting on page 64. 64.


Tip d drressed Also refer to "Cutter motor control" function starting on page 64. 64.

6.2. 6.2.15 15

UI reg egul ula ation ac acttive

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and  the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!

Informs user whether UI(program): regulation has been activated for the currentlythe selected weldingthe spot Signal is high: regulation is active Signal is low: regulation is not active

6.2. 6.2.16 16

UI mon oniitor oriing ac acttive

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and  the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!

Informs the user whether the UI monitoring has been activated for the currently selected welding spot (program): Signal is high: monitoring is active Signal is low: monitoring is not active


Q Stop

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and  the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!

Acts in connection with the "Q Stop" function (refer to page 78): 78): If the output is high, a Q Stop fault is currently present. "Fault reset" will reset the "Q Stop" signal.

☞ 6. 6.2. 2.18 18

Other signals in connection with the "Q Stop" function:  "End of component" (refer to page 111 111))  "Acknowledge end of component" (refer to page 6.2.18) 6.2.18)

Ackn Acknow owle ledg dge e en end d of of c com ompo pone nent  nt 

This function is is only available available if the U/I controller controller system PSQ 6000 XQR is present and  the "UI Regulation" option has been activated!



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions

Acts in connection with the "Q Stop" function (refer to page  page  78) 78) and serves as acknowledgement signal for the "End of component" input (refer  to page 111 111). ). "Acknowledge end of component" remains high for as long as "End of  component" is high.


Transformer x By means of the discrete output signals ”Transformer x” (see page 120), 120 ), the timer specifies which transformer / CCR sensor (measuring circuit) is assigned to the active (programmed) electrode number. These output signals can only be modified in connection with a positive edge at the ”Start” input. Here, • El Elec ectr trod ode e 1 up to 9: tran transf sfor orme merr 1 / CC CCR R sens sensor or 1 • El Elec ectr trode ode 1 10 0 up to 1 19: 9: tran transf sfor ormer mer 1 / C CCR CR ssens ensor or 2 • El Elec ectr trode ode 2 20 0 up to 2 29: 9: tran transf sfor ormer mer 1 / C CCR CR ssens ensor or 3

The electrode numbers 0, 30 ans 31 are not assigned to a transformer /  CCR sensor. For this reason, when the output signal ”Transformer x” has been output  last, it will not changed when electrode 0, 30 or 31 is activated.

In Info form rmat atiion conce oncern rnin ing g th the e as assi sign gnm ment: ent: Termina erminall assig assignm nment ent for for the the outpu outputt signal signals: s:

6. 6.2. 2.20 20

see page 96 96.. see page page 104. 104.

Oper Operat ate e for orce ce se sen nso sor  r  Use this discrete signal output at terminal X9 Pin 1 to initiate the measuring process of an external force sensor unit. The output depends on the status of the serial input signal ”Operate force sensor”.


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I/O signal descriptions


Timer ready The output signal indicates that the timer is ready to weld. In this state, • you can sta start rt a new weld welding ing sch schedul edule e (s (see ee p page age 112 112)) • the R READ EADY Y LE LED D at tthe he titimer mer's 's ffront ront is lilitt (s (see ee page page 32). 32). If an error occurs, the timer will be inhibited. In this state, • it iiss no nott po possi ssible ble to sstar tartt a weld welding ing sch schedul edule e • the REA READY DY L LED ED a att th the e titimer mer's 's ffron rontt go goes es o off  ff  • the outp output ut sign signal al ””Time Timerr ready ready”” is is rreset eset..

For more fault and status messages, please refer to "Error list  PS5000/PS6000”” (No. 1070 087 001). PS5000/PS6000 There, you will also find information on fault elimin elimination ation in addition to the possible causes.

In order to restore the ”Ready” status of the timer after a fault, you may proceed according to one of the following alternatives:

1. press the reset key at the timer's front (refer to page 32) 32) 2. a positive edge at the ”Fault reset” input signal

(refer to page 115 115)) 3. a positive edge at the ”Fault reset with weld complete” input signal (refer to page 117 117)) 4. a positive edge at the ”Fault reset with reweld” input signal (refer to page 116 116)) 5. operation via software (”Fault reset”, ”Fault reset with weld complete” and ”Fault reset with reweld” are also possible via BOS).


Weld fault  If a fault occurs during the welding process, • the time timerr ssets ets the "We "Weld ld ffault ault"" o outpu utputt an and d • clea clears rs th the e "Ti "Timer mer rready eady"" out output put ssigna ignall (re (refer fer tto o sec section tion 6.2.21 6.2.21). ). Additional welding schedules cannot be started unless all active errors have been corrected and acknowledged. Also refer to "Fault reset", from page 115 115..

For more fault and status messages, please refer to "Error list  PS5000/PS6000”” (No. 1070 087 001). PS5000/PS6000 There, you will also find information on fault elimin elimination ation in addition to the possible causes. Whether an event is interpreted as a fault or a warning depends on the settings in the ”Setup: Fault setup” window (BOS).


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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

I/O signal descriptions

6.2. 6.2.23 23

Wi With thout out weld weld proc proces ess s moni monito tori ring ng Using this output signal, you can check whether the currently selected welding program is executed • with cur curren rentt mo monito nitoring ring (ou (output tput is llow), ow), or  • with without out cur curren rentt mo monito nitoring ring (ou (output tput is sset) et)..


Possibility of defective welds! When the current monitoring function is switched off, actual current values outside the permitted tolerance bands do not result in faults! Therefore, you must ensure that any welds performed without active monitoring functions are sufficiently checked!

When a welding program is executed, current monitoring will be active in the following cases only ("Without welding process monitoring" is not active): • the timer timersp speci ecific fic inhibit inhibit mon monitor itoring ing fun functi ction on is swit switched ched of offf (BOS (BOS:: ”Monitoring stopped” parameter  • prog program ramspec specific ific cur curren rentt moni monitori toring ng has b been een sw switc itched hed on fo forr all weld times (BOS: ”current monitoring” parameter.

6. 6.2. 2.24 24

Pres Pressu sure re out outpu putt bit bit x The digital outputs (8 bits) represent the value for the analog pressure output at X2 pin 1. Digital value range: 0 ... 255 increments; 255 increments corresponds to 100% of the max. possible analog value at X2 pin 1. Immediately after program selection, the signals are updated.

6. 6.2. 2.25 25

Star Startt tip d dre res ss rre equ que est  Informs the PLC/robot that an electrode requires initial dressing. If the electrode specific parameter ”dress new electrode” (BOS) is switched to ON, the signal will be set after the relevant electrode has been replaced (refer to signal ”Electrodes have been replaced” page 119 119). ). The output signal is only set under following conditions: value ”Weld counts” and ”Act. val” (BOS; ”Programming:Stepper” window) are both ”0”.

6. 6.2. 2.26 26

Pres Pressu sure re insi inside de tol toler eran ance ce a are rea a If force feedback at terminal X2 Pin 3 is used, the timer informs the robot/PLC about the status of pressure monitoring by the output signal ”Pressure inside tolerance area”.


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Battery A battery integratedsettings into thefor unit buffering the mainand memory (containing all isparameter allfor welding programs) the internal clock. Battery ty type: Lithium Battery size: AA Voltage: 3.6 V Order no.: 1070 914446 The timer generates a fault or a warning (subject to configuration) when the remaining battery power becomes critical. The BATTERY FAULT LED at the timer's front is lit (see page 32). 32). If the event has been defined as a fault message, no welding schedule is possible any more. 

Include battery replac replacement ement the regular maintenance schedule of the plant! Replacement: at leastinevery 2 years.


Damages through improper handling of electronic components! Therefore, batteries must be replaced by authorized technical personnel!


Loss of data! If no supply voltage is present and when the batteries have been removed, data buffering is guaranteed for max. 24 hours only. Therefore, have a new battery ready at hand for replacement and insert the new battery immediately after removing the spent battery.

Replacing the battery 

Please note the information concerning the disposal of batteries on page 13. 13. The battery may be replaced while the timer is switched on. 1. Turn the battery battery cove coverr on the front side of the uni unitt (refer to pag page e 32) 32) counterclockwise and take out the spent battery. 2. Slightly hit the new bu buffer ffer ba batter tteryy (of the sam same e type! type!)) on a firm sur surface face in order to destroy the internal oxide layer. 3. Then properly insert insert the new battery. battery. C Concerni oncerning ng the polar polarity, ity, pleas please e note the drawing on the front side of the timer. 4. Replace the the battery ccover over to cl close ose the batt battery ery comp compartment. artment. Battery replacement is now complete.



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Firmware Upon delivery, the most current firmware is installed on the timer. You may display the firmware version using the programming terminal (BOS). In rare cases, it may be necessary to update the firmware. Damages through improper handling. Therefore, firmware updates may only be performed at our request  and by authorized personnel only!


The following software tools are available: • WinBlow (refer to Sect. 7.2.1 7.2.1): ): • for ffirmw irmware are u updat pdate e of the ttimer imer vvia ia the V V24 24 int interf erface ace ((X1) X1)..

In order to perform a firmware update of an optional ultrasonic or U/I controller system (PSQ 6000 XQR) integrated into the timer, the ”FWUpdate” software tool or alternatively the BQR user interface are required! • FWUpdate (refer to Sect. 7.2.2 7.2.2): ):

• for fifirmwar rmware e upda update te of the titimer mer vvia ia the field bus in interfa terface ce (E (Etherthernet) • for for a ffirm irmwar ware e up updat date e of an o opti ptiona onall  ultrasonic or U/I controller  system (PSQ 6000 XQR) integrated into the timer.


Firmware update vi via ”W ”WinBlow” For a firmware update, you need • a pointe pointed d objec objectt for operat operating ing the ”boot” button (for positi position, on, re refer fer to page 32 32), ), • aP PC Cw with ith ”W ”WinB inBlo low” w” so soft ftwa ware, re, • a suita suitable ble) and co connec nnecting ting ccable able ((time timerr P PC, C, for w wirin iring, g, ref refer er to page 101 101) • the fifirmw rmwar are ea ass a *. *.hex hex fil file. e. 

Proceed as follows: 1. Connect one of the PC's V24 V24 interfa interfaces ces (COM (COM1 1 or COM2) tto o the timer's X1. 2. Start the ”WinBlow” ”WinBlow” so software. ftware. Se Select lect the desir desired ed language and the V24 interface used. 3. Select the path an and d file name of the fir firmwar mware. e. Firmw Firmware are file filess have the file name extension ”.hex”. 4. Click on ”Backu ”Backup p  Load Fir Firmware mware  Re Restore” store”.. You are prompted to set the bootstrap mode on the unit.

Further welding processes are not possible anymore! If you want to exit the bootstrap mode at this point, you have to interrupt  the timer's 24 VDC power supply (refer to page 87). 87).


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5. Push the recessed recessed ”boot” b button utton on the fr front ont of the time timer. r. This way way,, the unit is switched from operating to bootstrap mode. This condition is indicated by the ”Boot” LED above the button.

When the next step has been initiated, the power supply must not be interrupted until the complete firmware has been loaded!

6. Confirm Confir m atisthe that loaded. the bootst bootstrap hasthe bee been n activat activated. ed. The firmware nowPC being A rap bar mode indicates current status of  the process. 7. Wait until the the PC indicat indicates es that the tr transfer ansfer is ccomplete. omplete. 8. Int Inter erru rupt pt the the  timer's 24 VDC  power supply for at least 5 seconds (remove X4). Then reinstall X4. The timer is booted with the new firmware. The firmware update has been completed. 


Check the firmware version using the programming terminal (BOS).

Firm rmw ware update vi via "F "FWUpdate" The following is needed to perform a firmware update • a PC wit with h th the e "F "FWUp WUpdate date"" ssoftw oftware are inst installe alled, d, • a worki working ng con connect nection ion to th the e PC via tthe he fiel field d bus int interfa erface ce (E (Ether thernet) net),, • a BOS d datab atabase ase in insta stalled lled o on n the P PC C with a vvalid alid ttimer imer rrefe eferenc rence e (BOS 6000 installed) and • the fifirm rmwar ware ea ass a *. *.hex hex file. file. 

Proceed as follows: 1. Start the "FWUp "FWUpdate" date" softwar software. e. When the software is started, it will search for a valid timer reference (is read from the BOS6000 database) and show you all properly linked timers in tabular format:



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


2. Use the ""SST SSTFi Firmw rmware are"" (SST  German abbreviation of 'weld timer') or  ”UIRFirmware” command buttons to select the path and file name of  the desired firmware. Firmware files have the file name extension ”.hex”. The selected firmware file will be displayed in the corresponding input fields. 3. Select the timer(s) for which the fir firmware mware update is to be carried out by ticking the proper checkboxes at the left margin of the lines. To select/deselect all of the timers, use the checkbox at the left margin of the table's header line. 4. Select Select the desired option optionss for the firm firmware ware upda update te by ticki ticking ng the appropriate checkbox(es). These options will be applicable for all selected timers. The following options are available. • ”Ch Chan ange ge afte afterr L Loa oad” d”:: The system will initiate reprogramming of the timer's internal flash memory (if necessary, after all backup processes have been activated, refer to "Save Counter", "Backup", "UIR Backup" options). During this proces process, s, the timer will copy the contents of a dedicated RAM memory range to which data was stored using the "FW Load" command button into the flash memory. If "Change after Load" is not activated, the copying process must be manually started later on in the course of the firmware update by pressing the "FW Change" command button.

Do not use ”Change after Load” unless none of the weld timers involved actively participates in the production process for the duration of the complete firmware update.


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• ”Qu Quit it afte afterr do done ne”: ”: The program will be automatically closed after the firmware update (and the completion of Restore, if activated, refer to ”Save Counter”, ”Backup”, ”UIR Backup” functions) of all selected timers. • ”Save C Co oun untter er””: All actual counter statuses (electrode and dressing cutter wear, if  programmed) will be saved on the programming terminal prior to programming the flash memory and will be restored to the timer  after Timer Reset. • ”Bac ”Backu kup” p” and and ””UIR UIR Ba Back ckup” up”:: All welding parameters or UI controller parameters will be saved in the flash memory of the programming terminal prior to programming the flash memory and will be restored to the timer after Timer  Reset. 5. Check whether communication communication wit with h the timers se selecte lected d for the firmware update is still possible. Click on the ”List” command button. Communication works properly if all currently active firmware versions are displayed in the new ”SW Version” window after a few seconds. Then close the ”SW Version” window. Communication is interrupted if the firmware version is not displayed, but rather the text: ”N/A”. In this case, you should check whether the timer in question has been properly connected, switched on, and completely booted. A firewall activated on the programming terminal may also inhibit communication. Then close the ”SW Version” window and check the communication again. 6. Click on the ”FW L Load” oad” ccommand ommand button. The currently selected firmware file (refer to step 2.) 2.) is loaded by the programming terminal to a dedicated RAM memory range of the timer. The progress is indicated by a status bar in the ”SST” (German abbreviation of “WT  weld timer”) or ”UIR” field.

When loading has been completed, the system will display the new firmware version loaded in the ”SST” or ”UIR” field. If the firmware is generally suitable for the timer, the background of  the ”SST” or ”UIR” field will be green, otherwise it will be red. Only suitable firmware versions can be programmed into the timer's flash memory in the course of the process. 7. If activat activated ed (refe (referr to ste step p 4.: 4.: ”Save Counter”, ”Backup”, ”UIR Backup” functions) the relevant data will be automatically saved on the programming terminal. During this process, the message ”Backup” will be displayed in the ”Status” field. 8. If ”Change after after Load” has b been een activ activated ated (re (refer fer to sstep tep 4.), 4.), reprogramming of has the flash memory is automatically initiated in the timer. If the option not been activated, you can start reprogramming with the ”FW Change” command button.



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01


While the flash memory is reprogrammed, the timers involved

• must not be disconnected from mains supply, • cannot be used for welding tasks, • are not ”Ready”. As soon as programming starts, the "Wait" window will be displayed. Wait until the "Wait" window is automatically closed (duration: approx. 100s). When reprogramming has been completed (duration: approx. 60s), an automatic Reset will cause the timer to be rebooted. 9. If activated (re (refe ferr to sstep tep 4.: 4.: "Save Counter", "Backup", "UIR Backup" functions) the data backed up in step 7. will 7. will be automatically restored from the programming terminal to the timer. During this process, the message "Restore" will be displayed in the "Status" field. The firmware update has been completed. 

Make sure that the firmware update was properly carried out for all selected selecte timers. Click ond the "List" command button. All currently active firmware versions are displayed in the new "SW Version" window that is now displayed. Then close the "SW Version" window and the "FWUpdate" software.

☞  A firmware firmware version version loaded loaded iinto nto tthe he dedic dedicated ated RAM memory memory range range of the the timer can also be displayed in the "SST" or ”UIR” field using the "Dsp.FW" command button.

☞ ☞

The data of a timer that was saved last can also be manually restored to the timer using the "Bkup+Ctr > SST" command button without invoking the procedure described above. Timer Reset can also be manually triggered by clicking on "SST Reset" (Timer Reset) without performing the procedure described above.


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Status and fault messages


Status and fault messages You are informed by the timer of all controlrelevant events that might occur during operation. • Faults and

☞ ☞

• Warnings.

Whether or not an event is interpreted as a fault or a warning depends on the parameter setting in the timer (BOS: Settings  Fault Setup). Display and logging of certain events can be suppressed using the BOS configuration tool (configuration tool: Fault suppress).

The timer only uses code numbers for transmitting faults and warnings. These code numbers are supplemented by plain text in the programming terminal or the line PC. This is designed to save memory resources of the timer and to reduce communication times.

For more fault and status messages, please refer to "Error list  PS5000/PS6000 (No. 1070 087 001). There, you will also find information on fault elimin elimination ation in addition to the possible causes.

Effects on the controller  The following applies to the "Ready" state  (= no fault is present)

• a ne new w we weldi lding ng ssch chedu edule le ccan an b be e st star arted ted • the R READ EADY Y LE LED D on the time timer's r's fro front nt p panel anel is llitit • the ""Time Timerr rea ready" dy" outp output ut ssigna ignall is h high igh ((refe referr to p page age 129 129). ). In the event of faults

• no w weld elding ing sched schedule ule ca can n be st star arted ted • the RE READY ADY L LED ED at tthe he tim timer' er'ss fro front nt pan panel el goe goess off ((see see p page age 32) 32) • the "St "Statu atus" s" se seria riall outp output ut si signa gnals ls ((re refer fer tto o pag page e 126 126)) indicate important higherlevel causes of faults. • the ""Time Timerr rea ready" dy" o outp utput ut sig signal nal is res reset et (r (refer efer to pag page e 129 129). ). In the event of warnings

• mor more e wel weldin ding g sc sched hedul ules es ar are e per permit mitte ted. d. Reset faults

Both faults and warnings may be “selfreset “selfresetting” ting” or "nonselfresetting" "nonselfresetting".. “Selfresetting” means that events are automatically reset by the timer  when the cause of the fault or the warning has been corrected. Therefore, they do not require a manual “Fault reset”. Examples of selfresetting faults include:  Stop / No 24V  Main Mainss vvol olta tage ge lo low wo orr o off  ff   Synchr Synchroniz onizatio ation/ma n/mains/ ins/DC DC link volt voltage age faul faultt "Nonselfresetting" faults can be reset via

BOS softwar are e or 



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PSI 6xxx.637/.737 | 1070087130 / 01

Status and fault messages

• a posit positive ive ed edge ge of th the e "Fau "Faultlt res reset" et" in input put si signal gnal ((refe referr to pa page ge 115 115)) or  • a positiv positive e edge of the ”Faul ”Faultt res reset et wit with h WC" input signa signall (ref (refer er to page 117)) or  117 • a posit positive ive ed edge ge of the ”F ”Fault ault rrese esett with rrewe eweld" ld" in input put ssigna ignall (ref (refer er to page 116 116)) • manu manually ally at th the e time timer's r's ffront ront p panel anel vvia ia RES RESET ET bu button tton ((ref refer er to pa page ge 32 32). ).

The error "Cooling device temperature temperature too high" must always be manumanually reset at the timer's front panel via RESET button!


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CE marking

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