Borang Dana Pelajar DPP14_2.14 v1 Revised

December 21, 2016 | Author: Siti Nor Fazilahwati | Category: N/A
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Dr Siti Halipah bt Ibrahim

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Research projects that have been completed or ongoing by project leader for the last three years. Please provide title of research, grant’s name, position, duration, year commence and year ending. Sila sediakan maklumat termasuk termasuk tajuk, nama geran, peranan, tempoh, tahun mula dan tahun tamat bagi penyelidikan yang sedang/telah dijalankan oleh ketua penyelidik dalam tempoh tiga tahun terakhir. Title of Research Tajuk penyelidikan

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Towards Implementation and Achievement of Construction and Environmental Quality in the Malaysian Construction Industry.

“EnergyPlus building simulation software: Which Ground Temperature to use?”

“Progress in the Energy Efficient Home Cooling System Design” ,

"Sarawak General Hospital Main Block Building Retrofit Features For Energy Efficiency",

Name of journals/books Nama jurnal/buku

Year published Tahun diterbitkan

Journal of Civil Engineering(MJCE)


International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering for Sustainability. Johore Baru, Malaysia


Proceedings of EnCon2012 5th Engineering Conference Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, July


2nd International Conference on “Energy and Environment: Role of Energy Resources in Sustainability of Environment”, Quaid e Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology Nawabshah,



Executive Summary of Research Proposal (maximum 300 words) (Please include the problem statement, objectives, research methodology, output/outcomes/implication, and significance of output from the research project)


Ringkasan Cadangan Eksekutif Penyelidikan (maksimum 300 patah perkataan) (Meliputi pernyataan masalah, objektif, kaedah penyelidikan, jangkaan hasil penyelidikan/implikasi dan kepentingan output projek penyelidikan) The building different types of operation or usage influence the degree of cooling that the building requires for example 20°C or lower is required for an operation theatre in a hospital or a temperature of 24°C-26°C for a typical office building. Sometime building occupants tend to demand more indoor cooling as a result of high people load, more equipment, extremes in weather and could also be due to the architectural or the building envelope which is not design to provide passive cooling. The use of hydronic radiator panel activated with natural heat sink source is very rare in this region but a study done through dynamic thermal modelling shows that the hydronic radiator panel can keep the indoor operative temperature below 30°C when the outdoor temperature are exceeded (Baharun et al. 2011) In hot and humid climate the upper limit for thermal comfort is 30°C (Baharun , Ooi , & Chen, 2009)The objective of this study is to design and develop an eco-friendly device prototype such as hydronic radiator in a test room and activated with natural heat sink source. Cooling water for the device is to be generated during night time by radiative cooling from metal roofing with minimal pumping power. The possibility of combining other passive cooling strategies with this device will also be considered. Study will cover all factors affecting the design and provide an optimum operating condition to enable the device to work successfully. The device if workable may have a high potential of being applied to buildings as well as meeting the green building criteria as a result from less energy consumption, provide approved indoor environmental quality as well as innovation.


Detailed proposal of research project: Cadangan maklumat penyelidikan secara terperinci: (a) Research background including Problem Statement, Hypothesis/Research Questions, Literature Reviews, Related References and Relevance to Goverment Policy, if any. Keterangan latar belakang penyelidikan termasuk Pernyataan Masalah, Hipotesis/Persoalan Penyelidikan, Kajian Literatur, Rujukan Berkaitan dan Perkaitan dengan Dasar Kerajaan, jika berkenaan. The effect of climate change as well as energy conservation has an impact on the way we use energy globally and locally. Malaysian government have adapt a policy to reduce its carbon footprint through more intensified energy efficiency measures in industrial, transport, commercial sectors as well as government buildings. (Department of Environment, 2006) In view of this and the promise made by our Prime Minister of Malaysia in United Nation Climate Change Conference (Copenhagen 2009) to reduce carbon footprint or emissions by 40% by 2020 compared to 2005 levels, the energy efficiency initiative in Malaysia have become ever more crucial and critical. Prime Minister of Malaysia has made green technology a mainstream ministerial portfolio in 2009 and followed with the launching of National Green Technology Policy 2009 to be spearheaded by Ministry Of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) through Green Tech Malaysia. Green Tech is to lead in the implementation of projects and activities under this new green policy. Since then the government have been promoting the use of renewable energy and adoption of energy efficiency in sustainable development including granting attractive incentives. Under the National Green Policy short term plan (incorporated in 10th Malaysia Plan) includes more Foreign Direct Investment (FDIs) and Domestic Direct Investment (DDIs) in green technology manufacturing and services sector, expansion of Green Technology research, development, innovation and commercialization (RDIC) activities by local research and higher learning institutions as well as certification and labelling of green technology product, services, equipment and systems among others. The energy, building, transportation and water sector have been given importance to further improvement and development in this regard. For the long term (in the 11th and 12th Malaysia Plan) again RDIC on green technology has been given importance under the policy to move forward to include collaboration with the local industries as well as multinational companies in the future. Green Technology simply refers to product, equipment or system satisfies criteria such as, low greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, conserve the use of energy and natural resources as well as promote the use of renewable resources. Green Technology has been set by the government as a National Key Indicator to measure the success of the Green Technology and its

initiatives in Malaysia. (Ministry of Energy Green Technology and Water Malaysia, 2009) The development of eco-friendly building retrofit which is to be covered in this research is aimed at reducing the dependency on air conditioning thus less electrical load and improving the thermal comfort of the building occupants. This research will look into the feasibility of using indoor radiant cooling in building that is being fed with night cooled water as a free cooling source to improve the mean radiant temperature (MRT) of building. Mean radiant temperature (MRT) and air temperature have equal influence on the thermal comfort of a person in a room where the average of both temperatures defines the room operative temperature. Room operative temperature is an indicator to measure thermal comfort in a building. An outdoor radiator to produce night cooled water is to be developed in this study to see how it will perform in this region and the cooled water will be circulated in the indoor hydronic radiator. It is expected that at night or after rainy day the water temperature could drop even further and the radiator can take advantage of this night chill water supply. The indoor radiator will also have to be developed to produce the required cooling effect. Radiant system is defined as a system where at least 50% of the heat transfer takes place by radiation (Ashrae, 2008). The temperature on the surface is controlled to allow heat exchange between the surface and the surrounding environment through convention and radiation. Radiant system is used to condition space to produce a selected air temperature much like a traditional convection system or air system does. The objective is to save energy or to overcome adverse local comfort condition (Watson & Chapman, 2002). In this system, building surface is converted to radiant heat transfer panel. Some benefits of radiant system are as follow: a) Air system need to circulate more amount of air thus may increase the noise level in a space and increase risk of complaints related to draft. Air system could be downsized in duct size and air velocity when part of the sensible heating or cooling load is taken care of by water based radiant system. b) Reduce operating and maintenance cost. Smaller forced air system made possible by radiant cooling system translate to lower capital and operating cost (reduces fan powers,smaller filtration, smaller dehumidification equipment) (Uponor Inc, 2013). c) More effective control of ventilation where in traditional forces air system, the air flow is designed to provide cooling and ventilation functions as required by the space and occupants it is serving. In some cases the forced air system works by cycling on and off to satisfy the cooling demand and ignores the continuous demand for ventilation. In radiant system these two functions are decoupled and allows for exact ventilation control (Uponor Inc, 2013). d) Radiant cooling system reduces energy consumption due to lower transport energy usage, more efficient operating modes, higher room set points and lower transmission loss (Uponor Inc, 2013). e) Water has a much higher heat transfer capacity compare to air. Radiant system using water circulator in place of a fan to move air use less energy and still give the same amount of heat transfer (Uponor Inc, 2013). f) Efficient operating modes by allowing chiller to operate at a higher temperature and lower overall energy use. 12.7°C to 17.2°C is the typical temperature for a radiant cooling system therefore allow chiller to operate in efficient range. There is potential alternative source for chilled water which may include fluid coolers, geothermal heat pumps or lake water (Uponor Inc, 2013). g) Comparable comfort can be achieved when using radiant system at higher room temperature/room set points than using forced air system at a lower room temperature. Radiant cooling system coupled with smaller forced air system (for ventilation, latent loads, supplemental sensible loads) can reduce building total energy at higher operating set points (Uponor Inc, 2013). h) Energy conservation of building using a radiant cooling system are on the order of 17%-53% below ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 (Uponor Inc, 2013). With the promising benefit outline above it is no wonder that more and more buildings are being cooled or heated with radiant system especially in the developed world country. The system also have a good potential to be activated via a natural heat sinks such as the ground, ground water or the cool night air since the radiant surface are only cooled a few degrees below the desired air temperature (Pfafferontt & Kalz, 2007).The following literature shows some evidence that night sky cooling is one source of a natural heat sink that could be used to provide some cooling power for the radiant system.

First of all findings from other research have shown that radiant cooling device is possible in hot and humid climate to improve the thermal comfort condition between 0.5 to -0.25 PMV by utilizing water at 24°C supplied to the cooling panel Vangtook & Chirarattananon, (2006). Chilled water temperature was set to 24°C to avoid condensation and therefore the cooling power provided by the cooling panel was limited to 40W/m2. Figure 1 shows a diagram of the experimental room fitted with cooling panel operated at night that was fed by chilled water to achieve thermal comfort at night time.

Fig. 1: Experimental room with radiat cooling panel (Vangtook & Chirarattananon, 2006) However to improve the performance of cooling panel in the rooms, the panels can be integrated with a dehumidifier to dry the air. Result from an experiment shows an improved PMV between 0 and -0.5 (Nutprasert & Chaiwiwatworakul, 2014 ) . Dessicant dehumidification is another mean to improve the performance of radiant cooling panel in hot and humid climate ( Binghooth & Zainal, 2012) . Chilled water used in this set up was between 21°C and 25°C. For both studies mechanical chillers were used to supply chilled water and the water temperature were regulated due to concern in condensation on the cooling panel. Ideal water temperature to be used in this region is in the range of 21°C to 25°C (due to dewpoint and condensation restriction) and in Malaysian climate the yearly minimum temperature (recorded at night) as shown in Figure 2 could provide such cooling source.

Fig.2. DBT Temperature for 2010-2014 Malaysia ( The chill water for indoor cooling panel proposed in this study is to be cooled from roof top that functions as radiator to reject heat at night. Numerical study have shown that using roof top as cooling radiator at night will give an average of 44 W/m 2 of cooling capacity with higher cooling power can be achieved when the sky is clear coupled with ambient and sky temperature difference of 10.5 °C. (Hanif et al, 2014) Predicted values were based on climatic data obtained from Malaysia Meterological Department. The same study also demonstrated that combining roof for night cooling with mechanical air cooling can contribute about 11 percent of energy saving. Another variant of night cooling device was used to generate cooling water to be used as coolant for cooling panel in a test building in Thailand. (Figure 3)The device however uses thermo syphon heat pipe to extract heat from a water storage tank and rejects the heat off from a radiator roof. This concept however was introduced to cater for some of the cooling load in an air conditioning building thus saves energy. (Chotivisarut, Nuntaphan, & Kiatsiriroat,


Fig. 3. Heat pipe radiator for nocturnal cooling (Chotivisarut, Nuntaphan, & Kiatsiriroat, 2012) Regarding night sky cooling, a flat plate radiators consisting of twin wall sheet made from polymer resin material filled with ceramic granulates have been tested on roof top to cool water down to a significant amount before the water could be used for indoor cooling through ceiling and floor hydronic radiator. Depending on the climatic season of the year the cooling energy in the water was sufficient to maintain an indoor temperature between 24°C-26°C (Mier, Rekstad, & Lovvik, 2002). In some other research, water was being cooled with rooftop radiator and was stored in a water tank. The night cooled water was made to flow through a cooling coil to precool the air before being directed to a direct evaporative cooling unit. This hybrid system was able to maintain indoor temperature in the region of 22°C when the outdoor temperature was over 35°C mid day (Heidarinejad, Farahani, & Delfani, 2010 ). One classical experiment was done in the early 90s (Figure 4) to demonstrate how water can be cooled down lower than the ambient dry bulb temperature with cooling power of about 45W/m2 at a certain flowrate of water passing through a night cooled radiator units exposed to night sky (Ali, Taha, & Ismail, 1995). Even a stagnant water stored in tank that is being exposed openly at night to be cooled down by sky radiation, convection and evaporation can cool down to 18°C in climate like Egypt. From calculations, the cool water in turn can be used during the day during working hours in a building to maintain an indoor temperature of 26°C. (Ali A. H., 2007)

Fig. 4. Schematic drawing of open loop night sky radiation cooling unit (Ali, Taha, & Ismail, 1995)

As for the use of indoor radiant cooling system, this system is still not common in Malaysia with only a few government owned building have been constructed in Malaysia as a showcase project. However the indoor radiant cooling system used in these building is being circulated with chilled water from an electric chiller which also supplies chilled water to supplementary air system in the same building. The major difference in the study is the use of alternative source of cool water which is basically free such as the night cooled water. Since no such combination has ever been attempted in this region, the study will look into the feasibility of this system in simpler and low rise building. To maximize the impact of the proposed system on the operative temperature, other passive cooling method meant to improve the air temperature will also be considered such as earth tube technology. As mentioned earlier that both the air temperature and the mean radiant temperature (MRT) have equal influence in the thermal comfort of a

person therefore this study will work to improve both surface radiant and air temperature to achieve in general two objectives which is energy efficient building and thermally comfortable building. A previous study through computer simulation by (Baharun, Ibrahim, Abdullah, & Koon, 2011) who studied on the application of night cooled water with indoor radiant cooling in a naturally ventilated low cost house (4 unit house with 41m 2 build up area for each unit) showed that the peak indoor temperature could be lowered theoretically as shown in Figure 5. The effect was rather small as the radiant panel was applied only onto wall surface (1 out of 4 side of wall) and half the wall height. The cooling panel with an area of 11.25 m2 consists of 10 lengths of 7.5m long 13mm diameter tubes mounted on insulated wall and covered with a metal plate. Night cooled water was delivered when the indoor temperature exceeds 29.5°C during the day. With a tank volume of 0.3m 3 and flowrate of 0.08 l/s, the peak indoor temperature of 30.7°C was lowered to 30.2°C (a 0.5°C drop). The model was further tested with bigger tank capacity of 1.3m3 and higher flow rate of 0.32 l/s but was not able to give a significant lowering of indoor operative temperature. The area of the cooling panel was also fixed during all simulation process. No further tests were carried out on the effect of increase cooling panel surface and its limitation at this stage. Point worth mentioning here is that the computer building model were given retrofit such as window shading to reduce direct solar beam radiation through the window which reduce the indoor temperature from 31.1°C to 30.5°C. This model was then used as a baseline prior to simulating with radiant cooling panel.

Fig. 5. Effect of radiator on the operative temperature of hottest end unit, UNIT1W (Baharun et al., 2011) A few question needs to be addresses here which include a) How much in term of area of radiant cooling panel is required in a naturally ventilated building to further bring down the operative temperature and what is the cooling capacity limit? b) What is the corresponding outdoor night cooling radiator sizing, water tank size, cooling pipe length, water flow rate, for a given floor area of building in order to achieved the above? c) What will be the range of operative temperature from single storey to a double storey building and up to 4 storey high (low rise building) when applying this system? d) If the system could provide satisfactory thermal condition to replace air conditioning building, how much saving in kWh energy is expected? e) If there is a limitation in improving the thermal comfort with this system what other passive cooling strategies are there? f)

If hybrid system was chosen such as Earth Tube and Radiant cooling, what would be overall


The preliminary literature review above shows that night cooling radiator and indoor radiant cooling system to be used in building situated in tropical climate like Malaysia is promising and should be explored more with improvements made to suit local condition to achieved thermally acceptable indoor condition. This study should also serve as catalyst to radically change the landscape of building technology in Malaysia not only to support the current green policies of the government but also to improve condition of living. References. 1. Ashrae. (2008). Chapter 06 Panel Heating and Cooling. ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment (SI), 1–36 2. Binghooth, A., & Zainal, Z. (2012). Performance of desiccant dehumidification with hydronic radiant cooling system in. Energy and Buildings 51, 1-5. 3. Ali, A. H. (2007). Passive cooling of water at night in uninsulated open tank in hot arid areas. Energy Conversion and Management 48, 93–100. 4. Ali, H., Taha, I., & Ismail, I. (1995). Cooling of water flowing through a night sky radiator. Solar Energy Vol 55 No 4, 235-253. 5. Anwar, Taib, S., Abdul, M., & Salah, W. (2009). Analysis of energy sectoral in Malaysia. Energy, 733739. 6. Baharun , A., Ooi , K., & Chen, D. (2009). Thermal Comfort and Occupant Behaviors in Accurate, a Software Assessing the Thermal Performance of Residential Buildings in Australia. 5th International Workshop on Energy and Environment of Residential Buildings and the 3rd International Conference on Built Environment and Public Health (EERB-BEPH2009),. 7. Baharun, A., Halipah, I. S., Omar, A. M., & Ooi, K. B. (2011). A Passive Malaysian Residential Building With A Hydronic Radiator. Special Issue Of Internatioanl Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Science. 8. Chotivisarut, N., Nuntaphan, A., & Kiatsiriroat, T. (2012). Seasonal cooling load reduction of building by thermosyphon heat pipe radiator in different climate areas. Renewable Energy 38, 188-194. 9. Chua, S. C., & Oh, T. H. (2010). Review on Malaysia’s national energy developments: Key policies,agencies,programmes and international involvements. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 10. DOE, M. (2006). Energy Information Administration Energy Information Administration. Retrieved 2010, from energy-related emissions data and environmental analyses: 11. Hanif, M., Mahlia, T., Zare, A., Saksahdan, T., & Metselaar, H. (2014). Potential energy savings by radiative cooling system for a building in tropical climate. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 32 , 642–650. 12. Heidarinejad, G., Farahani, M. F., & Delfani, S. (2010 ). Investigation of a hybrid system of nocturnal radiative cooling and direct evaporative cooling. Building and Environment 45, 1521–1528. 13. Mier, M., Rekstad, J., & Lovvik, O. (2002). A STUDY OF A POLYMER-BASED RADIATIVE COOLING SYSTEM. Solar Energy Vol. 73 No. 6,, pp. 403–417,. 14. Ministry of Energy Green Technology and Water Malaysia. (2009). National Green Technology Policy 15. Nigel, & Lucas. (2008). Malaysian industrial energy efficiency improvement project: midterm. Retrieved from 16. Nutprasert, N., & Chaiwiwatworakul, P. (2014 ). Radiant Cooling with Dehumidified Air Ventilation for Thermal Comfort in Buildings in Tropical Climate. Energy Procedia 52 , 250 – 259. 17. Pfafferontt, J., & Kalz, D. (2007). Thermo-active building systems. Bine (Vol. 1). 18. Santamouris, M., Dascalaki, E., Balaras, C., Argiriou, A., & Gagli, A. (1994). Energy Performance and Energy Conservation in Healthcare Buildings in Hellas. Energy Conservation Management, 293-305. 19. Uponor Inc. (2013). UPONOR Radiant Cooling Design Manual. 20. Vangtook , P., & Chirarattananon, S. ((2006)). An experimental investigation of application of radiant cooling in hot humid climate. Energy and Buildings 38, 273–285. 21. Watson, R. D., & Chapman, K. S. (2002). Radiant Heating and Cooling handbook

(b) Objective (s) of the Research Objektif Penyelidikan

This study attempts to design and develop a hydronic radiator panel prototype for a low rise building (up to 4 storeys high) and determine the best configuration and set up that will provide optimum amount of cooling as well as thermal comfort. The objectives are: a) To conduct literature review to search all possible design and configuration for both night cooling radiator device as well as indoor radiant cooling system b) To produce a prototype and to be tested in sample room/building according to the concept design or an alternate design c) To carry out computer simulation and validation using building thermal modelling software (Energy Plus) to justify the use of prototype in buildings in term of thermal comfort and energy savings. d) To study the combination of prototype with other passive cooling strategies and the effect to thermal comfort and energy savings.


Methodology Kaedah penyelidikan Please state in the form / Sila nyatakan di borang ini 1. Description of Methodology

Step 1: Literature review -

Prior study/researches from journals and other resource describing the potential of radiant cooling in building in tropical climate Establish the design and configuration for hydronic radiator as well as night cooling device. Other variant of hydronic radiator and source of cooling in hot and humid climate to be studied and applied to design Study on justification of material selection. Study of other passive cooling strategies in tropical climate buildings to achieve thermal comfort to be used in combination of the hydronic radiator Study of ground temperature of various type and location in sarawak to determine the cooling potential depth that will be used as hybrid with indoor radiant cooling. Use of temperature probes and information from various government agencies to provide the information.

Step 2: Experimental work (Refer to Figure 5) -

Preparation of construction material such as PolyUrethene wall panel, radiant ceiling panel, under roofing, insulated water tank, water make up tanks, pumps and pipings, cooper pipes and aluminum plates for wall radiant panel. Construct a night cooling radiative device and well insulated storage tank to store the cool water. Construct a hydronic radiator panel suited for residential building and determine the optimum sizing as well as capacity. Retrofit test room with PU panel, night cooling device and hydronic radiator panel to study the extent of impact on indoor temperature. Retrofit test room/building with other passive cooling device such as radiative cooling ceiling, bituminous base under roofing technology, earth tunnel technology and others to establish a baseline test room that meets the minimum OTTV and RTTV requirement in MS1525. Series of underground piping will be constructed and blowers to force ventilation air through pipe into test room. Test room will be fitted with temperature data logger to monitor the surface and room temperature as well as relative humidity.


This prototype will be tested in a selected test room size with retrofits to determine the cooling effect it can contribute. The test will also be used to validate the simulation results given by Energy Plus.

Fig. 5. Schematic of night cooling water to be circulated to indoor cooling panel Step 3: Simulation with Energy Plus Software -


Use of Energy Plus (EP) for building energy simulation (EP is a building energy simulation software developed by US Department of Energy and readily available from their website for free) In this study EP will be used to simulate the different configuration and setup of the prototype hydronic radiator to be used in different sizes and volume of buildings and see the effect on energy reductions as well as thermal comfort. Program validation will be carried out to provide an acceptable degree of confidence on the results predicted by the program. The simulation result will also serve to provide best configuration for the prototype.

2. Flow Chart of Research Activities ( Please enclose in the Appendix) As enclosed in appendix 3. Gantt Chart of Research Activities (Please enclose in the Appendix) As enclosed in appendix 4. Milestones and Dates As enclosed in appendix


Expected Results/Benefit Jangkaan Hasil Penyelidikan 1. Novel theories/New findings/Knowledge  Data collected from the test model is aimed at providing local building design with self sustaining indoor radiant cooling  Area of radiant cooling panel required for different category of building such as low cost house,

double storey to 4 storey office building and its corressponding operative temperature  Area of outdoor radiant roof for night cooling and its corresponding volume of chill water  Cost versus benefit ratio of radiant cooling by category of building  Performance evaluation of radiant cooling system such as range of operative temperature, pump running time and energy consumption  Performance evaluation of hybrid radiant with earth tube system

2. Research Publications About 3 Journals and research paper are expected to be produced. 3. Specific or Potential Applications Successful design and application of night cooled hydronic radiator could be patented and adopted in local building design. Local manufacturer could be approached to mass produce the product as well as gain green product incentives given by the government. The product could be applied across a wide range of building categories as another way to improve living and working condition in building especially in Sarawak as well as the country. 4. Human Capital 5. Impact on Society, Economy and Nation Expected impact are as follows: -


Improvement in term of thermal comfort for buildings with adverse thermal condition aspecially for low cost house in urban area as well as rural folks Improvement in thermal conditions in government buildings such as rural clinics and klinik desa as well as residential building in the rural area where electricity still not available to run any sort of mechanical cooling system. Reduce dependency on mechanical cooling such as air conditoning Reduce the nation’s carbon footprint and energy demand. Create local businesses in simple green technology field where device can be constructed using local material and create demand from downstream vendor and supplier. Sustainable indoor environmental quality Contribute to energy efficient move by the governement. Home retrofitted with EE device will improve marketing and gain more popularity among consumers. Business incentives for manufactures of green products.


Equipment Peralatan

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p)

Location Tempat

Datalogger Air flow meter Infrared camera Type K Thermocouple wire rolls CF card with adapter for dataloger Foldable Ladder 12’ Rivetting device Copper pipe soldering tool and wires Copper pipe bending and cutting tool HDPE pipe clamp and coupling tool Electrical Extension wires with multiple sockets Wall Drilling set Tool box set Flow meter Water Pressure gauge Macintosh Probe Set



BUDGET /BELANJAWAN Please indicate your estimated budget for this research and details of expenditure according to the guidelines attached. Sila nyatakan anggaran bajet bagi cadangan penyelidikan ini dan berikan butir – butir perbelanjaan lengkap dengan berpandukan kepada garis panduan yang dilampirkan. Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM)


Vote 11000 Salary and wages Upah dan Elaun Untuk Pembantu Penyelidik Siswazah (GRA) Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali.

Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM)

Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM)

Total Jumlah (RM)

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC

Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan

Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM)


Vote 21000 Travelling Transportation/ Perjalanan Pengangkutan

Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM)

Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM)

Total Jumlah (RM)

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC

Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan

and dan

Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. a) Energy plus traning session





Vote 24000 Rental Sewaan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. a) Design builders Software (Student Licence)




Vote 27000 Research Materials & Supplies Bekalan dan Bahan Penyelidikan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. Test room retrofits a) Radiative ceiling panels b) Isoline Under roofing panels c) Blowers d) Flexible ducting e) UPVC pipes 4” f) Window Shading



720 100 200 200 250

720 100 200 200 250

Test room retrofits 2470

(bamboo curtain) g) PU walls



Night cooling component Night cooling components h) Water submersible pumps (Variable capacity) 1050W i) PVC Gutter complete with outlet pipe and connector j) Steel water storage tank (1000litre) with polyethelene insulation and float valve complete with connectors k) Flexible hose ½” and connectors l) 1/2” Valves m) HDPE make up (500litre) water tank with float valve complete with connector n) ½” HDPE pipe, connectors and brackets o) ½’ UPVC pipe for water drainage p) Electrical wire, conduits, bracket and connectors

3550 200 200



1800 1800



50 500

50 500







Hydronic radiator components q) ½” HDPE pipes and brackets r) Polyethelene sheet rool s) Copper pipe ½” and connectors t) Aluminum angle and frame u) Aluminum metal sheet v) Silicon sealant

Hydronic radiator components 250













Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM)


Vote 28000 Maintenance and Minor Repair Services Baik pulih kecil dan ubahsuai

Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM)

Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM)

Total Jumlah (RM)

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC

Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan

Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali.


Vote 29000 Professional Services Perkhidmatan Ikhtisas Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali.


Vote 35000 Accessories and Equipment Aksesori dan Peralatan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali.




Declaration by applicant / Akuan Pemohon (Please tick ( √ )): / (Sila tanda ( √ )):

I hereby declare that: Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa: All information stated here are accurate, RIMC has right to reject or to cancel the offer without prior notice if there is any inaccurate information given. Semua maklumat yang diisi adalah benar, RIMC berhak menolak permohonan atau membatalkan tawaran pada bila-bila masa sekiranya keterangan yang dikemukakan adalah tidak benar.

Date : Tarikh : ___________________________


Applicant’s Signature : Tandatangan Pemohon :

Endorsement by Dean/Director F/I/P: Pengesahan Dekan/Pengarah F/I/P:


Name: Nama:

Date: Tarikh

Signature: Tandatangan:


Recommendation by Director, Research & Innovation Management Centre Perakuan oleh Pengarah, Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan & Inovasi

Please tick ( √ ) Sila tandakan ( √ )

Recommended Disokong Not Recommended Tidak Disokong

Comments: Ulasan: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Nama:

Date: Tarikh:

Signature: Tandatangan:


Approval by Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation) Kelulusan Timbalan Naib Canselor (P & I)

Approved Setuju Not Approved Tidak setuju

Comments: Ulasan: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Nama:

Signature: Tandatangan:

Date: Tarikh:


Carta Alir Permohonan Dana Pelajar PhD (DPP)

Permohona n tidak lengkap dikembalika n kepada pemohon

Staf akademik kemukakan borang permohonan kepada Dekan/Pengarah F/P/I


Dekan/Pengarah F/P/I mengesahkan permohonan dan hantar ke RIMC Ya

TNC (P&I) lulus / tolak permohonan ikut kelayakan kategori SSK/S&T

Pengarah RIMC menyemak dan menilai permohonan dan majukan cadangan kepada TNC (P&I) untuk kelulusan


RIMC maklumkan kelulusan kepada pemohon dan disalin kepada Dekan/Pengarah F/I/P

Tida k

Memaklumkan kelulusan ke Mesyuarat J/K Penyelidikan & Khidmat untuk pengesahan/rekod

RIMC majukan dokumen ke Pejabat Bendahari untuk bayaran

RIMC simpan rekod


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