Boost Grammar 2 Student Book PDF

April 30, 2024 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Unit Topic h unt hasa cross-c!rricular andage-appropriate c Studentswill f nd thetopicd rectlyrelates to theirI vesanosruoy be engagedand motvatedto learn

GrammarSkil! An in depih presentation of thetargeted unitskllls provided Studentswill be rntroduced to thegrammarskillin a clearand LJnderstandable way. be abletousethegrammartable and notesas a qulckand easyreference


Grammarlllodel A mode listeningdiaogueor readng passages presentedwith accompanying noticing tasks Studentswi'l be introduced to thegrammar skillthrougha coniextua izedmode

' Boo".. Grar'rmar

Fractice Book

A u d i oC E TheCD at ihe back of theStudent Bookprovides aLrd o suppodfor al gramrnar modes plus theaudioforthe Integration listening tasks

The48 page PracticeBook provroesstuoenls the opportunltyto furtherpracice the r gramrfarskilseither n rnec assroom or at home.Therearefourpagesof practice for eachStudentBookcoreunii, inkedby grammar skil andtheme SpecificPracticeBookpagesfor turtherpracticearesuggesiedin the SiudentBook coteunits.



Thegrammar skillis featured in integrated practice.

Thethree'stagegrammarpracticetakesstudentsfrom controlled,testljke structurepracticeto freeproductive practice.

Studentswill o havediscussions, dialogues or writingtasks basedon listening or reading inputs. ., develop thelanguage skillsneededforthe nextgeneration of integrated testsof English.

Studentswill ' buildtheirgrammarskillsthroughmeaningful exercises. o be givenallthe toolsto communicateeffectively usingthe granmarskill.

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Review Units

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Aftereverytwo coreunits thereis a reviewwhich consolidates the grammar skillsalreadystudied Studentswill be ableto seetheir progressIn using grammarskills.

buildon previously taught skillsto comm0nicate accurately andeffectively.


.- ""

Contents Evaluation

andActivities Nature Theme:

Camping Adventures Loving Nature

Nature/ Leisure


Talkaboutthe Pastcontinuous thingshappening p . 9 tr!p. ona camprng

perfect Present

Wrtea paragraph p .1 3 abouta forest ranger's iob p l7

Review 1 Theme:Celebrations

\{e're having a party!

Culture and People


C! tureand People

and Countable uncountable n0!n5

Talkabouta birthdayparty usngn0uns

verbs Linking

Writea paragraph p.23 a specla aD0ul event


Review 2 Theme:TravelandPlaces

A Trip to EuroPe

/ Studies Social and Adjectives and Culture adverbs Peopl-"

pictures Describe lroma tnp to Europe.

North America

/ Geography Article:the SocialStudies

Wrltea paragraph aboutyour counily.




Moviesat Home

Artsand rmperarve Enterta nment 5entenceS

Talkaboutwhat to doto c eanup a lvlngr00m.

Acting Life

l\4odals; haveto / Artsand don'thaveto / Entertainraent beableto

Writea paragraph aboutyour p.4l favontemovie star.




SuperWriter Stronger,Smarter, Faster!



Future with present form

Comparative andsuperlatrve a0lecltves

Review 5

Talk about plans forpubishing a 0ooK,


y0urcta55mateS p51

Theme: TheInternet

Yiileo Chat Room

Technology / questions Leisure

The Power of Blogs

Technology / Cutureand People

Review6 GrammarReference

Askandanswer questions in a chat p. 59 r00m


Unit 1 Pastcontinuous Unit 2 perfect Present Unit 3 nouns anduncountable Countable Unit 4 Linking verbs Unit 5 andadverbs Adjectives Unit 6 Article:the Unit 7 sentences lmperative Unit 8 Modals: haveto / don'thaveto / beableto Unit 9 form Futurewith present Unit 1() Comparative andsuperlative adjectives Unit 11 Wh-/ Howquestions Unit 12 in / at / on/ to / by/ with Prepositions:


Listenand completethe dialogue.

Clqrq: Oh, nol I con't find my sondwiches. Who (1)


It wqsn't me. I wqs (2)


the fire. Cloro: Wos it Tom? Jin:

I don't think so. He {3) for firewood. Look,


he's cutting it into pieces. Clorq: Whot obout Annq qnd Ben? Jin:

They (5)

the tentsup. And they'reloying out


the sleepingbogs now. Clqro: Hey,look ot Yun-Hee!She'swoving somethingover there ... Oh, my sondwichesl Jin:

Oh, yeqh. She(7)


for you this oftemoon.

Completethe table. People Iin

whot is he/she doing right now? t,alkinqLo Clara

Whqt wos he/she doing before now? sl,arIitlq Lhefire

Tom Anncl Ben


P a s tc o n t i n u o u s The past continuousis usedto talk aboutan actionthat [1]stantedat a specifictime beforenow hungry.l,or 12)happened at the sametime as anorhe.past actionU ryas lAt 23O I wa6 ea ng whenshe ca//ed.). Statements


looklng feellng makrng. runnng

He/ She/ lti (Name)

he/ she/ it / (Name) doing? you/we / they

Playing? drinkng?


I H e / S h e/ l t / ( N a m e )


playrng. eating sleepng runnrng

. lf the verbendswithe, deletethe e beforeadding -rng(make-> making). . Sometimes the lastconsonantin the verbmust be doubled(running,putting). . Someverbsare notusuallyusedin the continuousform (see,/ike,knoLv).

Circlethe cortect answer. 1I





somesoup when my cell phone rung.



ot 10 otlock lost night?

a were prepqreing b om preporing c prepqred d wospreporing

a you ore doing C ore you doing

Therewqson extro condy bor in my bqckpock.Who it therc?

I sow Clorq ;ust minutes ogo. She o wolk neor the loke.

a put c is putting

b was putting

a tqkes

b weretqking

d puts

c were tqkeing

d wos tqking

b you did d wereyou doing

We cold eorlv this mornino so we mode o fire.

The wind blew stronglywhile Jin ond

a feel

b were feeling

c feeling

d were feel

a mokes c wos mqking



b were moking d were mqkeing

ReadAnna's blog and correctthe eight mistakes.Then listen and checkyour answers,


+v .t

http//wwwannafunblog com




) CampingScares

l u n e2 0


We he+e somescory momentslqst nightl At about 10 o'clock,I ploying cordswith Yun-Hee, and Clorq tolk to her mom on the phone. Jin reodso mogozine,ond Ben ond Tom plqying on their PSPS. Suddenlythere is o loud voice outsideosking, "Is onyone here?" It turn out to be the pork ronget but his visit was so unexpectedit reolly moke us jump. The next scorewos even worse.An hour lqter.there wqs q beqr...

Look at the picturesfrom the campingtrip. Work with a classmateand talk about each picture using the past continuous.

YL'n- Ilee


Youcanstartbv askinoeachother questionslikel4hdtwdsClara daing?


CompleteAnna's blog using the correctform of the verbs given.Then listen and checkyour answers. get









The next morning we hod somemore beqr qdventures.We our breokfostrcqdy. Everyonewos


busy.Iom qnd Ben (2)


qnd Jin (i) (4)

somebreod. Yun-Hee somehom. Clorq wosn't hungry

so she (s)

for q wolk insteod.I


somefruit. Thqt's when the beor


to come bock. But this time,

it brought d much bigger beor ...

Listento Anna'sstory and circlethe correctanswer, Jin(1)( sow / wosseeing)thebqbybeqrwhilewe(2)( prepored, were prcpodng ) breqkfqst.He yelled, "Beor!" ond dropped his breod on the ground. Then Ben sqw qnother beor ond shouted,"Big beor!" Bothbeqrs (3)( walked / werewolking ) right into our wos terrifying!All the boys (a)( run / rqn ) owqy.Yun-Heeqnd I {5)( iumped / were jumping ) into our tent qnd (6)( do / did )up the zipper.A few minutes lqter, I (7)( heord / wos heoring ) Clqrq soying, Whot hoppened?Where is everybody?"

Workwith a classmate. Thinkof an endingfor Anna'sstory,Thentell the class. 12

Ioving Nature

Readthe passages. Then answerthe questions, The forestrongersot GlorywoodNotionol Pqrk hqve found somenew woys to protect onimols from compen ond hikers.They have mode speciolzonesfor cqmping thot qre fqr qwqy fuom the oreoswhere most onimols live. They hove olso put speciol signson hiking trqils to worn peoplenot i^ n^ ^ff thp


Ch s hos been q forestronger for more thqn 15 yeors.As port of his job he hos hod mqny interestingexperiences.He hos rescuedsick onimols ond he hos helped hikers who were lost in the forest.He hqs even helped firefighten put out forestfires.


Whot two things hove the forestrqngersdone to protectthe onimqls?


Whot kinds of peoplehqs Chris helped?


rottowtne instructionand answerthe question. In the possoges,underline the words hcveond hdJ.Then circle the verb thot goeswith eqch word. Which sentencetells us thot Chds is qn experiencedforestronger?


Present perfect Thepnesent penfectis usedto talkaboutan actionth6t ['l]startedi. the pastandis stillcontinuing have a/rcady walked10kilom Il , [2] happenedat someunknowntime in th e Dastllhavebeen to Canadaonce),or 13]happenedin the past but still affectsthe presentl/haveeatena /ot). Statements



stopped ..


He/ She/ lt/ (Name) n a s


have Fegular verbs

rescue nerp stop




he/ she/ it/ (Name) started.. ?



replied .?

made .?

lrregularverbs rescued helped sioppeo

rescued nerpe0 sroppeo



see go come


found eaten seen gone come

diary using the correctform of the listen and checkyour answers. stqy







we havecampedmanyhmesbe{ore,

The foresl ranger ls1

bul lhs I'meis reallysped,al. We

us lo walch ouf for snakes.The wearner (6) hol, so lhere are more of |hern around. we havelo be


nea. lhe 6.and

Canyonl we lz)

al l:00p.m.

Now everylhng i5 ready.A4ymomand I (3) (4)

up lhe lenl and dad a nice fire.


Work with a classmateand say each sentence.Thensay it again using the words given and by changingthe verb forms where n e e d e d . 1

The torestfonger hos olreody qrdved.

students / teocher / bus / compers


I hqve storteda fire.



He hasn't seeno wild beqr before.



They hove been to crnotloncripcrrk.

H e ,f r o n , e / W p , l h e t r e a h / L o . o , . p r g o m ' / She, the zoo


We hove come bock eorly.

You, oflive / He, Iinish / Amy, woke up / They, set off

Pretendyou are a forest ranger.Writea paragraph about how you havehelpedhikers. useful words

plan organrzegivea talk ookafter nlured fieldtrips outdoorskrlls environment

Youcan usethe presentperfectwith time wordssuchasdkeady,befareard once.


Listenand completethe passage.

We'rc on o schoolcomping trip. We (1) nqtionql pork. It s fqntosticl We (2)

setup cqmp,and the teqchers(3) to shqretents.The forestrqnger (4)

ond (s)

in a q place to

us into groups to visit us

how to look ofter the fire. He olso us not to mqke too much noise. We


oll the rules so fqr!

Listento the forest ranger'sintroductionandtake notes.


Useyour notesfrom ActivityG to tell the classwhat rulesto follow in the park. Thenadd one morerule of your own.


cir.t" the correctanswer. At 2:00 yesterdoyqfternoon, Poul his bike

you ploying chesswith Sqm lost night?

a hos riding

b is dding

c rides

d wqs ding

a Are c Hove

She someoneyell while she wqs moking dinner.


b Hqs d were

We this kind ofbug before. It is common in the summertime.

a heored

b wos heoring

a hove sqw

b were seeing

c heqrd

d is heqring

c hove seen

d seeing

Sorry,but I so fqr.

enough firewood

I didn't cotch the bqll becouseI the thrower

a wos found

a hoven't wqtch

b hqven't found

b wqsn't wotching

c is finding

c wqtched

d hosn't finding

d wqtches

Circlethe correctpair of answers. Whot he when the qccidenthoppened?

Fredqnd his fomily South Africo?

a is, do

a Hove,been

b wos, doing

b Hos,went

c hos, did

c Did, going

d were,done

d Are,90

Wereyou when the teocher the rules to us?

Ann the loptop this morning, but now she on the phone.

a listened,exploining

a is using, is tolk

b listen, exploins

b drd use,tolked

c listening, exploined

c is using, tolking

d listen, has exploined

d wos using, is tolking


complete the passageusing the correctform of the verbs given. Then listen and checkyour answers.

Bdon is on o schoolvisit to the nqtionql pork todoy. In the moming, he qnd his clossmotes (1) {2)

q tqlk on wildlife. They o lot qbout plonts ond onimols.

But somethingfunny hoppenedthis ofternoon.At 3:00 they (3) Brion (a)

q video qbout wild onimols. somejuice during the

video. when one ofthe lions roored loudly, Brion wos so scqredthqt he spilled his juice qll over his T-shirt. He

(s) the other students(6)

reolly emborrossedbecouse ot him.

alrl one of Brian'sclassmates hastakenthesepictures.Describeeach -- picture usingthe pastcontinuous.

We'rehaving a partyl, Countable and uncountable nouns

L i s t e na n d c o m p l e t et h e d i a l o g u e .

Hyun-Ki: Hi, iudy Whot'sup? ludv:


rli Hvun-\i lm mu\ing for Sorq's brrthdoy porty. Could you help me?

Hyun-Ki: Sure.Whot do you hove so for? ludy:

We1l, fruit


I con moke

fresh fruit juice


Hyun Ki: Oh, OK. Do we olso need Iudy:



Hyun-Ki: Fruit?Whot do you needthot for? ludyl


ond somestreqmers?

Ycs,I hove those on the list. And we hove to get wrqpping poper,


Hyun Ki: Don't forget some CDsi We need

F i n dt h e n o u n sf r o m t h e d i al o g u ea n d w r i t e t h e m i n t h e t a b l e . q + (noun)

some+ (noun)




Countable a n d u n c o u n t a b lneo u n s Countablenounsare thingsthat can be counted.Wecan usea/an with singulafcountablenouns. Uncountable nounsare the thingsthat cannotbe countedas separateobjects. Uncountable nouns

Countable nouns

a list a candle a balloon a streamer acD a game anapple anorange a cookE a milkshake a sandwich a snack

[sts cakes can0tes balloons streamers CDs some games aPPles oranges cooKtes milkshakes sandwiches snacks

fruit lurce water milk Drea0 rice su0ar some - -, rooo music money paper toothpaste information

|1elea@someways to makeuncountable nounscountable: 'aglassofjuice . a pieceof paper ' a tube of toothpaste


Circlethe correctanswer. Soro'sdod hos given her birthdqy.

qt the pqrty qnd it Dovid popped mqde everyoneiump.

a somemoney

b somemoneys

a somebolloon

c o money

d monies

c o bqlloons

He put in four


for her

to moke the fruit solod.

Could you pqssme

b bqlloon d q bolloon , pleose?

b somebreod d breod

a bononq

b opple

a breqds

c bonqnos

d rice

c somebrcods

It's fun to plqy

ot o porty.

Mostpeopledronk juice,but I hod

a gome G q gqmes

b somegomes

a o glossof milk C somemilks

d somegome

b qn milk d o glossof milks


A n s w e rt h e q u e s t i o n su s i n gc o u n t a b l eo r u n c o u n t a b l en o u n s .

Whot did Kin hqve for lunch?

Whqt hos Alex prepored for the porty?

Whot did Louro get lor her birthdoy?

Look at the picture of Sara'sbirthday party. Work with a classmate.Talk about w h a t y o u c a n s e eu s i n gc o u n t a b l eo r u n c o u n t a b l en o u n s . Usetulwords

present potatochips posteT streamer

memberto used of d/]withsingular countable nounsandiomewith uncountable nounsandpluracoLt ntao e noun5


ReadElla'spassageand correctthe ten mistakes. Thenlistenand check your answers.

I've been invited to my friend [ulie's housefor o slumber porty. All our friend ore coming-it's 9oin9 to be excitingl I'll toke somesleepingbog. Also, I'll needto toke o food-moybe o opple ond somesnqck.Moybe we'll plqy some gome, so I should toke o pqck cqrds just in cqse.Oh, ond I'll needto pock my poiomo! I'd better toke some CD too-Julie's musicsis not so good.

Pretendyou are goingon a picnicfor your friend'sbirthday.Writefive things you will takewith you,Thenaska classmate and write his/herideas, My things I'11tqke ... 2

I'll need to toke ... I should tqke ...


l'll needto pock...


I'd better tqke ...

Tellthe classyour ideasfrom ActivityG. 22

My clqssmotet things

SpecialEvents verbs Linking

Readthe passage. Thenanswerthe questions.

Holloweenis o populor event in mony countries.In oncient times, peoplebelievedthot it wos the niqht when evil spirits come out. These doys it is q fun event for kids. They dressup in costumesso lhey qppecu scory They go trick or treotingknockingon doorsqnd oskingfor snocksthot usuolly toste sweet.They qlso cqrve pumpkins to moke them look like lhe heods of scory monsters Kids olso do other fun octivities hke bobbing for qpples. Holloweenhqs been celebrotedfor monv centuries,ond it remoins o populor event in North Americq ond WesternEurope


According to the possoge,which ports of the world like to celebroteHolloween?


why do kids corve pumpkins?

Match the three parts to complete the senrences. Hqlloween

. remolns .

. the heqdsof scorymonsters



. look like .

. scoryin Holloweencostumes.



. rosre

. the night when evil spirits come out.


Snocks usuolly

. wos

. sweet.



. oppeqr

' o PoPulorevent.


L i n k i n gv e r b s Linking verbsaneverbsthat do not expressactionsWhattheydo is to connectthe subjectto its relatedinfonmation. Theverbsbe becomeand see,zrfunction as linkingverbsonly Otherverbs like appeatlfeel look,remain,sme/l sound taste and tum can functionas eithef linkno verbs or act|0nverDs, Linking verbs only Haloween is a funeveniforkids

Wa be o1a e.c rFdwhenlhe fireworks start.


Linking/action verbs Linking NowHaloween fees morehkea funevent Action

He Feels his hatto checkthatit is OK.


Kidsdressup so theyappearscafy.


A rainbowsuddenlyappearsIn the sky


Theywantto get treatsthattastegood.


It is thefirsttimetheytaslethesespecialtreats.

the correct answer.Then listen and checkyour answers. Sqint Lucio'sDqy used to be celebrqtedqll over Europe,ond it (t)( rcmqins / feels ) populor in countriesIike Sweden,Norwqy qnd Denmork. To honor Sqint Lucio, o girl weqls q white dressond hos condleson her heod. This (2)( looks / smells ) dongerous but o speciolcloth protectsthe girl's heqd ond she doesnot (3)( feel / sound )thehot wox. When oll the lights qre off, the girl (4)( feels / becomes) the symbol ofsqint Lucio. All the other girls sing o song thot (s)( sounds / .mall.




\ varv


Write a sentencefor eachpictule using the words given.

Write a paragraphabout a specialevent or holiday in your country. Useeach word givenat leastonceas a linkingverb. feel




lfthe eventhappens oftenor regularl,usethesimplepresent.

CompleteTim'spassageusingthe correctform of the verbs given.Then listenand checkyour answers. be





Our clossporty this yeor (t)


fqntqsticlOur teocherbokedq huge( oke thqt (2)

so greqt, qnd oll the studentsdecorqted

the clossroomso it (3)


We put on somehip-hop music thot (a) very lively. Everyone(5)

hqppy qnd

reloxed. It wqs the bestpdrty ever!

Listento Gina'spassageand circlethe correct answet. This yeor our clqsspqrtyfl)( look / wos ) notgood. Nobody wqnted to mqke ony decorotions,so the clqssroom(2)( looked / oppeored ) just like normql. AIso nobody brought ony new music, so the teqcher ployed some CDs thot (3)( become / sounded ) oldfqshioned.He olso brought o cqke that (4)( sounded / tqsted ) o little stronge.We (s)( seemed / were ) so borcd throughout the porty. gi


Work with a classmate.CompareTim's and Gina,sclassparties. 26

circlethe correctanswer. 1

This qpple pie

so deliciousl

a tostes

b is tqsteing

c is seeming

d sound


The weqther

b is feel c feel

I drqnk somesodo ond ote while I wqs ot the porty

a cookie C

qn cool(re

d feels bod, so I don't

fhis ftuit solod wont to eot it.

b somecookies

b ore smell d q smell

a smells

d o cookies

c smell Shewos hoppy becouseshegot for her birthdoy

very humid, don't


Don't forget to pock


for your trip.

a somenew gome

ao c o bowl of

b somenew gomes c o new gomes

b roll of d o tube of

d new gome

circlethe correctpair of answers. Mom boking breod when we got home from school.

Do you think these

a ls, o

a o sondwich,tosting

b wos, some

b sondwiches,toste

c con, the d did, q glossof

c sondwich,look

I'm feeling sick-l've , I think. a qte, popcorn


^ lifrle

ore bod?

+wesand book cover

SeptenberZ1-pnr* tLe book Endo{ oclober-book launch in a bookslore

Sincethisisnot a regular lile schedule

a traintimetable, usethepresent continuous withfuturewordsto talkaboutthefuture.


Completethe email using the correctform of the verbs given. Then listen and checkyour answers. leove

x x+x








Hi Chin-Hwo, Here is some informotion about the book lqunch in Bqnkstown. It ot 10r30q,m. on Mondoyqnd (2)



to cotch o troin to get there, ond we qt

you the ticketsloter todoy. It (5)



7:30frcm the stotion there.You (6)


Bqnkstown ot 9:50. Someone(7) you ot the stotion qnd tqke you to the bookstore.Good luckl YouIs, Horry Gibbons

Listenand completethe voice messageChin-Hwagot later that day. HelloChin-Hwq-this is Ioyceftom the publisher'soffice.Wehod to mokesomechongesto your schedule. Thebooklounch ot 10:00,so you {2) leove eorlier.Sorry qbout thot! Your new troin (3) to Bonkstown ot 9:10.Of cou$e, therc someonethere to meet you ot the stotion. Cqll us ifyou hove ony questions.Bye!

Pretendyou arethe chairperson of the book clubat school.Discuss with a classmate and makea planfor Chin-Hwa's visit to your school.

Stronger,Smarter,Fasterl, adjectives Comparative and superlative

Readthe passage.Then answerthe questions.

Meet the Teqm of Four.This is lron-Arm Joe.He's reolly strong-stronger thon 30 elephonts.Actuoll, he'sthe strongestboy in the world. Then there'sSuper-Brorn Amy. She'sweokerthon foe,but she's much more intelligent. Shecon think fosterthqn the most odvoncedcomputer. Next is Ropid Ruby.She'snot qs intelligent os Amy but shecqn move fosterthon o cheetoh.She'sthe fostestpe6on on loul. eorth Lostwe hove Powerbeom He'snot os strong os |oe, ond he's slowerthqn Rubt But he cqn use omozing powerbeqms-the most powerful electricroys in the universe.


Accordingto the possoge, how fqstcon Rubymove?


qmqzing? Why ore Poul'spowerbeqms Follow the instruction and answerthe question.


wdte [+] or [ ] to showwho hos moreor lessof o quolity thon the otherperson. a


loe [+]



Ruby [


Amv[- ] A*v [ ]



Ruby [


Pqul [




Ioe [


Poul [


Which sentencestotesthot Joeis strongerthon oll other boys?


Comparative and superlative adiectives Comparative adjectives aTeusedto comparetwo peopleor thingsbyshowing whlchofthetwo has moreof a quality. We usesuperlative adjectrves to showwhichpersonor thinghasthe mostof a qualityamonga groUpofthreeor mofe Coft parative ediectives











as cleveras


ours, herenemy

Superlative ediectives

tfre lastest


the most ntellgent


. Use-erwithsho( words to makecomparattve adjectivesForsuperlative adjectives, usefhe + -esl. . Deletey and use-leror -iesf withtwo-syllable adjectives endingwithy. . Usemoreand fhemostwith adjectives of threeor more syllablesor adjectives with -ed/-ing/'ful endings ' Somecommonirregular comParative and superlative adjectives good-> better-> best bad -> atorse-> worsl

Circlethe correct answer.Then listen and checkyour anSwers.

Mony peoplethink Supermqnis (r)( the greqt / the greqtest ) superhero. He con move (2)( fosterthan / the fqstest ) o speedingbullet ond is (3)( more poweful / the most powedul ) thqn q roilwoy engine.Supermon comesfrom the plqnet Krypton where people hqve the (4)( qdvoncedest/ most odvonced ) powersin the unive$e. Supermancqn seethrough (s)( the most thick / the thickest ) wolls with his X-ruy vision ond he con fteezethings with his breqth, which is (G)(more colder / colder ) thqn ice.


Workwith a classmate and take turns makingsentences usingthe subjectsand the wordsgiven,Usethe correctform of the adiectives. Spider-Mqn ... is strong/ otherpeople 2 Botmon...

mokesbig webs/ normql spiders

is populorsuperhero / ot our school

hqs q dqrk costume/ is fqst femqle superhero is tough/ mostmen / in the universe

5 The Hulk ...

is kind / wolvedne

con mokefrightening storms/ in the world

is_powerful / on ormy ot rcbots

is ugly superhero / in the world

X-Men heroes

Draw your own superheroand write about it. Thenwork with two classmatesand compareyour superheroes.


effective creative dangerous .r rtp




"ai 4 J -


a tlr



4 4 t "fii

you Whenyoucompare 5uperheroes, canta k abouttheirlooks, abilities, weaknesses andpersona ty usjng adjectives. comparative or superlative

Listenand completethe passage. I think Bqtmqnis (1)


He'snot (2)

other superheroes,

but he is (3)

thon mony of them.

He uses(4)

creqtivetools qnd he

hos (5)

costume.I think his

chorocteris (6)

other superheroes,

qnd I think he'solwoys (7) peoplethot he fights qgoinst.

from ActivityF.Thenwrite Writethe comparative and superlativeadiectives what eachadjectivedescribes. Compqrotive odiective 'l noL ag glrong ao

Items described olher superheroes

2 3

Superlotive odiective

Items described

1 2 3

Work with a classmate.Tell eachother your favorite superheroand comPare him/her with Batman,

Circlethe correct answer. This robot looks over there.

thqn the one

a friendlier

b most friendly

a slolte

c friendly

d friendliest

c storting

Her grondporentsore romorrow mornlng.

qt 8:30

ot 9:30tonight,

The progrom so don't miss itl

b stort d stqrts

Thot's the cortoon chqrqcter I've everseen

a to orriving

b orriving

a interesting


most intercsting

c ordves

d orrived

C interestinger d

more interesting

Bumpy Benny qppeors a q clown but he is in foct very smqrt chorqcter.

to the book fdir tomonow morning or tomorrow ofternoon? a Did we go


Hove we gone

a silliest

b more silly

c Are we go


Are we going

c sillier thon

d the most silly

Circlethe correctpair of answers. Haveyou reolly the outhor? to get your books signed? a meet, Could you

fosterlTry to go

the windl

a Ride,os the fostest

b met, Wereyou oble

b Riding, os more fost c Ride,qs fast qs

c meeting, Able you

d Rode,os the fosteros

d met, Do you oble Thqt wos And I qte so

movie I've everseen.

Their flight is qrdving , so we might for o few hours. a lqter, must wqit

a the most exciting, much popcorn

b lotely,able to woit

b more excitinger,mony popcorns

c lote, hove to woit

c excitingest,much popcorn

d the most lotest,could woit

d most exciting, mony popcorn

Completethe passageusing the words and phrases9iven.Then listen and checkyour answers. very ongrily / most interesting I meo,n I kinder / hos fought / the brovest Wolverine is one ofthe (1) {2)

superheroes.He looks ond tough, ond he tqlks (3)

sometimes-But octuolly, he is much (4)

thon he oppeors.He


mony evil monste$, qnd I think he is


hero qmong oll the X-Men chorcctefs.I just con't woit

seehis next movieI


Comparethe three superheroes.Thentell the classwhich one you like .)2 best and explain why.

A ond B:

B qnd C:

A ond C:

I think


is the greqtestsuperherobecquse

Listenand completethe dialogue.


He, Mike. (1)


11r30.Friday night. Is it still Fridoywherc you ore?


No, it's Sqturdoy morning here. (2) hove you (3)


is it there now?

this week?

Lots.We hod q sports dqy ond sometough testsoll in the sqme week.


Thqt's too bod. (4)

wqs your sportsdoy?

Mike: Thot wqs on-uh-Wednesdoy. I got d gold medql in the 2oo-metersp nt! Liso:


Mike: Twiceq week.(G) Lisa:

did you troin for thot? do you osk?Didn't I tell you before?

No, you didn't. I'm troining for the spdnt next month so I wont to get somehints!

Match each question with the information that it asksfor. 1

Whot time is it there now?




Whot hove you been doino this week?




When wqs your sportsdoy?




How often did you tmin for thot?




Why do you qsk?



Wh- / How questions Wh-/ How questionsaskfor specfic kindsof informationThefirst word[s]ina Wh'/ How questiontellsthe listenerexactlywhatthe speakeris askingfon

Thing/ ldea

Youcan usehowwith adjectives/adverbs: . Howbig is thecar? . Howfastcanit go?

Whatareyou goingto puton yourblog?

Place/ Location Wherecanwe putthe photos? P€ople

Who s talkingto Jenny?


When/ Whattimedoesthe classfinishtoday?


Whydidhe downloadso manyimages?

Method/ Way

Howcanyoutypeso fast?

Amounl/ Number Fr€quency

Howmuchdidyou payto signup? Howmanypeoplearecomingto the party? Howofiendo yougo to the library?

Oneof two things Whichdo you likebetter-sportsor music?

Circlethe correctanswer. using the computer now?


a Where is

b ls who

a How much

b How con

c Whqt is

d who is

c Which did

d Who

your blog obout?

you get this webcom? a Where is c Whqt qre


t downloqd this video?

d Why ore

like online chqtting so much?

a Whot you c How ore you

a why is c when time

b Where did

b When you d Why do you


b Who d whot is

do you wont to chot online?

a When time c Who is

b Whot time d Which

Write a question to match each answer.

Twice q week.


The block one.

Not fost. Only obout 70 words per minute.

er"t.nA you are in a chatroom.Writea questionfor eachpersonbelow.


t"r aa"* ar"* I thingsikehometown, daly/schoollife,hobbies, habitsandfavorite foods/movies/books

Workwith a classmate. Taketurns askingand answeringyour questionsfrom ActivityE. 61

Readthe new webpage.





lttp,li*** bemyfriendsonline com/rcg html

Specialfeatures: )

Wantto makefriendsfromothercounkies?Try our brandnewvdeo chai roomnow!Readthe nolesandthensignup!Emailusifyouhave ) anyquestionsWewll try our bestto helpyou

Postyourmessagestogether withphotosand graphics Shareyourfavoritevideo clipswithotherpeople Createa one-to-one convelsation Ioom Setup yourown roomand invitegueststo join in

lmportant notes: . Makesureyouget compatible software. . Usea nickname whenyouregister . NevergNe personaldetailslikeyouf fullname,address or phonenumber to strangers . The regiskation fee is not refundabl€ FAQ

T e c h n i c a lh e l p

Write three questionsto FriendsOnrrneaskingfor more information about the new chat room,



l 62

Work with a classmate.Taketurns askingyour questionsfrom Activity H.

The Power of Blogs http://wwwchunshotravecom

CHUNG-Ho Readthe passage.Then

answerthe questions.





> London 5un

"Blog" is o short nome for the term web log. Blogshove become populoroll overthe world.It,smore convenlentto put your thoughts on q blog thon writlng in pen in o notebook.Considergolng on vocation, for con corry o loptop with you ond keep in touch with peopie anywhere you 90, even by the seoside Or you con 9o lnto on Internel cofe when you ordve in o city you con write obout the plocesyou hove been to or you cqn even uplood picturesto your blog. Friendsond family at home cctnshqrethe fun in o very convenientway.

I ih nk trreBrtsh r4useLm 's rhe most mprcssve o r a l o r . o u r s e€i v e r y o n op v e s l F u r s ' o r y l c o m m P d l2s j



5 l)


t02 )1 28


>> ThL

1 g, 0 5 16 7ta t 2 2 l )1 )5 29 l0

Uniled K nqdom >> London >> Tower Brtdqe

Tower Brdqe s one of my ravonre tandmarks n the Uk It! mudr more srunnrng rhan t F ur s r o r y t

c o n n e n1 s )3


Accordingto the possqge,why orc blogs populor?


Whqt con you put on the blog about your vqcotion?



Write a phrasefrom the passagefor each word. a











P r e p o s i t i o n s i:n / a t / o n / t o / b y / wiEh Prepositions pnonouns aresmallwordsthatlinknouns, andphrases to otherwoTds in a sentence. ln


I drawn pencil. He likesto writein ink partyIn specialcostumes. Wewentto the Halloween Shedescribesher schoollife n an interesting way. TheyarrNe n Tokyoat 3:00.

Theywritecommenlson the blog. Thereare manyusefulwebsiteson the Internet. I wasonthephonethismornrng. Somecommercials o TV are reallycreative. phone-in programon the radio Shehostsa



We all agreew th her I preferto go withmyfriends. Shareyourgoodnewsw th usl Thegirlwiththeblondehairis myneighbor

He goesto bedafterhe hasfinishedhis homework. I havebeento Turkey. Howdo we get lo the sea? He uploadsmanyphotosto his blog.



I wasai homeyesterday. Theyare at a concertnow. He startedplayrngtennisat the ageof four

Theclockis by the refrigerator Pleasefinrshby Tuesday He grabsthe b!cket by thehandle-

Completethe passageusing the words from the box. Then listen and check your answers. in



Blogscon be useful to people (1)


mony woys. My clqssmqteEvo uses

her blog to shqrestudytips (2) usefulsites(3)


other students.Sheprovideslinks to sohe her blog so peoplecqn get (4)

Sheqlso jots down oll the fun things she experienced(s) is creqting q trovel blog. It should be reody (G)



them eqsily. school,Now Eyo the stort of next month.

Correctthe two mistakesin eachsentence,Then listen and checkyour answers. Chris took q lot of photos while he wos on o concertond uploqdedthem oll by his blog. Yuki tmveled to Europein her fomily ond she updoted her blog every doy shewos with holidoy. Amy wonts to finish workrng on her blog on 11r00,becouse then it's time for her to go ot bed. Stevenstortedhis blog in the oge of sevenond he designedit by o very creotivewqy. 5

Jockis being interviewedin the rodio, tolking obout the new blog he hos creqtedto his clqssmotes.

(!|, :

rretend you are going to go on a trip overseas'Write a plan for a about your travel. Thentell the class.

My triD PlqcesI will go tol

Thingsto bring:

MY trovel bloo Topic: Sections: Designl -1t-


When to updqtei

yourplan,tryto usetne


prepositions in,dt,on,to,rvlf/') andby asmuchasyoucan. c


Completethe passageusing the correct prepositions.Then listen and check

your answers. Kim went(r)

Cqnqdo to ottend an English

cqmp.While shewos thereshemode regulorentrie5 (2)

her blog. Shewrote obout leqrning to

speqkEnglish (3)

her new fdends ond posted

picturesof her host fqmily. Sheolso wrote her opinions obout life (4)

schoolin Conqdo. Shelisted some

progroms (s)

Conqdiqn TV thot helped her

undeNtqnd the country better.Shedescribedher experiences (5)

o thoughtful woy.

Listenand completethe descriptionof Kevin'sblog.

My blog is obout my fovorite sport-tennis. I write qbout leqrning to plqy tennis better. Youknow, things like hitting o bqckhond volley ond prqcticing regulorty (r) post picturesof myself (2)

the coqch. I the locql tennis club.

I olso wdte my opinions about sometennis websites (3)

the Intemet. My fqvorite one is obout Roger

Federer.He stqrtedplaying tennis (4)

of six.

I list someof Federcr'sgreqtestwins on my blog qnd try to desc be them (s)

qn interestingwoy.

a: c0:

Work with a classmate.CompareKim's and Kevin,sblogs. 66

circlethe correctanswer. to buy somepostcords? a Whot con I go

b When con go I

c where cqn I go d I cqn go how I om going to the Holloweenporty q skeletoncostumel aln




tolking to in the corridor yesterdoy?

I like listening to the news rqdio. ato


c with

d in


It is much more fun if you go to o q friend. concert

ato cot

bon d with

a Ben when wqs

b Who wqs Ben

you usuolly visit your grondporents?

c Whot Ben wqs

d Ben why wos

a How often do b How do often c When ore

d Why hove

Circle the correct pair of answers. I

For our vocotion, we stqyedin qn uru,ru


Mondoy I must finish this book on Tuesddy. becousewe ore

a most omozing, on b qmqzing, by the

a in, hod o test b bt hoving q test

c more omozinglt in

c with, hqve o test

d omozingly, with the

d ot, will hove o test

You use somenew softwqreto blog. creqteo

you mqke this speciolcolor? brown? Did you mix green

a must con, good

a Why qre, on

b should, best c qre qble, better

b How mony, ot

d hove to, nice

d Whot did, by

c How did, with

Completethe passageusing the correctform of the words given. Then listen and checkyour answers. reqd

YesterdqyI (1)




welcomehim. But (s)


on qrticle (2)

soid my fovodte pop stqr {3) thqt I will 90 (4)


the Internet thot to my city next week!I've decided

the qirport to clothesshould

I weor?And (E)

will I be oble to

toke o photo (7)

him? I wqnt him to

know I'm his greqtestfon in the whole world!

Write five Wh-or How queslionsabout your favorite pop star. Then practiceasking and answeringthe questionswith a classmate.

@ :""""._"_".."""",


Whalwas Whalwere

he/she /ii/ (Name) doins? PlaYing? yDU/w€ /h€y dinking?


I He/she / ll/ (Nom€) You/ W6/ Th6y


" " runnmg


Epli€d ?

H € /s h o / t / ( N 6 F e )h a s

he/she /ir/ (Name) siaded ?

You/ We/ Tn€y

you/w€ /t'€y

have ?

LrnK|ngverDs Ha .0een s r rLrfev:nLrorkids

1,rebe.ofle !x.i redwhen the liewo sslad

Alllhese NewYearL,laLiseem.,- .,o!s

Llnldng N@fa c\rcci fees mor€ikaaiunevefr Acllon

Herees hishallo ch€cklhalitis OK

Llnldng KidsdrcssupsoLhevappearscary A.tion

in lhesky. A € nbowsuddenlyaOpeare

Llnldng Theywantlo getLr€aLs thatlasLe,ooor Adlon

I is lhetrsl Lim€lheylasleth€s6sp€callGals

Adjectivesand adverbs

Articles:the LheMBsssrpp,lheN e,lheAmazon lrrePaclic Ocean.Lrre IndianOcean,lhe DeadSea he MedteraneanSea LheEasl.Lhewesl,rlreMdde Easl LheYukonTer tory.theNorlhwesl Ter lones LhePesldenl,thePnmelum6le( re Governo( thePremer

laly,Australra, Korea,JEpan Excoplions: € g , lhoUnll€dstat€s,theNalhsdands g.oupsol lakeseg, LheGEatLakes Exception

Mount Everest. MolnlFuji

Excepronrmountaln ranses. es LheRocky Mounra ns or Lhecity of NewYolk,Lheoryofshangha O.lrre ProvnceofQuebe.theStateolCalfoh a

PrmaMinisl€r MarcaEtThaicher, Presidenr JimmyCa ef

your sponsgearbhorcw:


/ You/ We/ They


He/ sh€/ ll/ (Name) hasto

l/You /Wel They

don I havelo

f e / S h e / 1 1 / ( N a m e )d o e s n l h a v e l o


a ma b r e l o


in th€ lrcnl rcw.

H e /S h e / t / ( N a m e ) s a b € L o You/ We/Th€y

areabe lo

Futurewith present form Futuro with tn. co.rinuou.

arecomn9 E I nishng F!r!..

Lon,!lnL nertweek

with th. pr...nt.imFl.

Comparativeand superlativeadjectives conpa..tlle





Theircoslumss aG





suF.rladve adleEtiveE j



trc laslesL



LhemosLnre genl


Wh- / How questions trir.Li,ryou qomgto putonyourblog? ,.rrIrD:ri we pu1lhephotos? , , Jr i , ! ( i : r . { . e ! l h e c a s s l n r s h l o d a y ? ,r"rrrr r hedownload somanymaq-"s? H.r ran youlypeso fasl? H r $ n u t r d ' r y o up a y l o s q nu p ? H.o nanJ'peopl€r.comrng lo Uiepa y? Hof go10the brarY? t}r I d!-youLike belter-sponsor musrc?

Prepositions: in / at / on / to I by / with

pany nspecracosLumes WewenllolheHalloween Shedescb€sherschoorfe r an nGreslingway Theyarve n Tokyoat 3 00

. lhebloq TheywnLecommenls Th€rearemanyusetuwebsles or thelnlernel lwas.l thephonelhismornnq a s.n TV arer€a y crcatve Sofrecommerc she hoslsa phonen prcg€m.r lhercdn

hshomewod Hegoesfbed allerhehasnnished I prefertogo ,r Lr myfnends Shar€yourgoodnewsa,us T h e g r I L . l h eb o n d eh a i rs m yn e i q h b o r

Howdowe gel r thes€a? manypholosihls bLog Heuploads

Theclockis r,riherelrgeralor Th€yare a conderlnow Heslad€dpayng tennrsd theageor rouf


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