Books of Dreams

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Book of Dreams

Jc Kuc  b b 

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© 2001 by John Sapas and The Estae ofJack Kerouac Kerouac Introduction© 2001 by Robert Creeley

 Rights Reserved 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Cover photograph: 'ack Kerouac" © 1958 by Robert Fran, courtesy Pace/MacGil Gallery, New York Cover design Yolanda Montijo Typography Harvest Graphics Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pubcation Data Kerouac, Jack, 922969. Book of dreams   by Jack Kerouac p m ISBN 0872863608 1  Kerouac Kerouac,, Jack, 19221969Diaries 19221969Diaries 2 Autho A uthors, rs, American20th Amer ican20th centuryDia centu ryDiaries ries 3 Beat generation Diaries 4 Dreams I ite PS3521E735 Z484 2001 885403dc21

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CITY LIGHTS BOOKS are are edited by Lawrence Ferlnghetti and Nancy J Peters and publshed at the City Lights Bookstore 2611 Columb 26 Col umbus us Avenue, Avenue , San Fra Francisco, ncisco, CA 94133 94133 Visit our Web site: wcitylightscom


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So he aces of he noes and oe1s hei eans of escae and secing efge e he o b no he and sca sc aee is o sseq eqen enia ia oo ine ine Rahe Rah e ii 1 1o oes es as eahe conf co nfo oiinng e eei eiio ios s and nee nee enie en iey y anc an ci ied ed . Wh aeas ofe again and again hs nee  sin1e enion d e sie aica esons ho e sddeny hee ch ie he bbi i Cos Thuh h Lki   Gss hee is  cs of a aen en cha chaces ces  his 1oh 1ohe e sise sise fhe fhe his f iends s B  oghs nd Ginsbeg o1en ho e a  of he con  ny ny i so1e  bi bien en 1nne 1nne ec ec ing ing he he e e so aic a ic  ocions ocio ns h h  h hee  cios "ie achin ac hine e e eec ecas he ny  ny c ces es of o oe e he ens o in iniie nd n d o oded ih echoes ech oes So he "iny "iny  cone co ne of Moody S See ee beco be coes es  co n n1ee co n1eeing ing g goo nd no n o oy oy ffo o he cchidh hidhoo oodd conies coni es he ini inii iing ing f fend endss of c c ss if  ife-o e-obe be I  s so h ce hee den1s begin nd so hey en hee oe nd oe: Nobody's explaining the trip of the word to us but theres the spectra Riverside hiway oward goig as if God had bee a 1alicious creator of dyers ad suerers ad hopeess throatchok at ish bedazzed ces i this ipossibe bri iance heart  horror of te hoe o high-Gad I  w  wish ish I coud d ny way out of these dreas as ideaths begin ig to occupy y thoughts againStra j !

he "c  fond in hs boo s no  consisen o necess nec essy y ineged ineged esence  b his s no j s he es of his b eing so iosy io sy e e one oen  c hd d nne e  son en  sing sii sy o ese  s ong n kng  f see hoe. e s of necessi he i e he ny ny in one he    h bei being ng one is i s f co cose se no one "c hee s h e s he s he been ying in bed


sleeing then cng ke to rite don ht his drem hd been be en  ee o oed ed the nn nng g slcing slci ng edge edge bbet eteen een con sciosness s its clled ndth dren-d sl on ls to ce bck to it. One tie hen  of s hd colected t Locke McCorkles hose in Mrin for ry Snyders freell  rty  he s s o the net net dy to to n ck nd  slslet et o ott t the to of the hil in sleeing bgs the cbin being fll of rents nd kids. I reeber hin king me momently the sn Vs  ith  gret shot (�re you pure?" "Thts like sk ing ter to be et  soeho nsered e lghed Dres re like asking water to be wet, hich i t is i s l lys ys nd foreer. Drems re here Wynken Blynken nd Nod stil set o to ech night n their onderflly thoghtess shoe. ch night they retrn to sh those niginbe deths nd distnces coon to l ho trst their lies beliee they re not ony their on nderstnding not jst sole fct of the conscios lterlizing orld. So ck listened nd belieed belieed:: All ght log ther ets they thre To dow the stars  the the skes tklg The rom caeoa the oode shoe, Brgg the shee hoe; Twas all so pretty a al t seeed As  t cod ot be Ad soe olks thoght twas a drea theyd draed O salg that batl sea Bt I shall ae yo the shee three:


Bk, Ad Nd No go to slee.

 X


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rr The reader should know that this is just a collection of dreams that I scribbled after I woke up from my sleep-They were all written spontaneously, nonstop, just like dream happen, sometimes written before I was even wide awake-The char acters that I've written about in my novels reappear in these dreams in weird new dream situations (check the Table of Characters on the next page) and they continue the same story which is the one story that I always write about. The heroes of "On the Road, "Te Subterraneans, etc reappear here doing further strange things for no other particular rea son than that the nd goes on, the brain rippes, the moon sinks, and everybody hides teir heads under pilows with

seepingcaps Good. And good because the fact that everybody in the word dreams every night ties al manknd together shal we say in one unspoken Unon and also proves that the word is realy transcendnta which the Communists do not believe because they think their dreams are "unrealities instead of visions of what they saw in their sleep So I dedicate this book of dreams to the roses of the unborn.


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