Booklet Kaliandra Bersemi Wood Pellet Berseri

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Enhancing Sustainab Sustainable le Management of Community-based Wood Pellets Producon as Biomass Energy to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Migaon  in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java Didukung oleh

 (ICCTF) Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund  (ICCTF) Dikelola oleh

Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS-PS Direktorat BinaHarvesting Perhutanan Sosial Planting Calliandra, Wood Pellets - June 2014 Kementerian Kehutanan Juni 2014


Kata Pengantar

Kata Pengantar Peran pengelola hutan lestari untuk kesejahteraan sangat signiikan untuk mendorong tercapainya prinsip

triple bottom line yaitu: line yaitu: Planet , People People,, dan Proit . Tak terkecuali pengelolaan hutan berbasis masyarakat telah menyumbang perbaikan lingkungan dan perekonomian nasional yang tidak sedikit. Hutan Rakyat Gerbang Lestari di Kecamatan Geger Bangkalan Madura adalah salah satu contoh kampus lapangan yang menyajikan banyak hal seperti: keberhasilan penghijauan kawasan Geger dalam mengurangi banjir tahunan, hutan rakyat yang yang bersertiikat ekolabel, pengempengem bangan kebun energi kaliandra, dan pengelolaan industri wood pellet  berbasis  berbasis masyarakat.

Kementerian Kehutanan c.q Direktorat Jenderal Bina Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai dan Perhutanan Sosial (BPDAS-PS) telah mengajukan proposal proyek berjudul: Enhancing Sustainable Management of Community-based Wood Pellets Production as Biomass Energy to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java kepada Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)-Bappenas dan telah disetujui pendana annya berdasarkan SPK Nomor: 003/SPK/ICCTF/X/2012 dan PKS.2/V-BPS/2012 PKS.2/V-BPS/2012 bulan September 2012.

Sampai saat ini kegiatan proyek telah memasuki kuartal kedua tahun kedua (2014) dengan hasil utama adalah

Prologue The role of sustainable forest management for welfare is very signiicant in promoting the achievement of the triple bottom line principles, which are: Planet, People and Proit. Not to forget, the community-based forest management has greatly contributed to the improvement of the environment and the national economy. Sustainable Community Forest Gerbang in Geger sub-district Bangkalan Madura is one example of a ield study that presents many examples such as: the reforestation in Geger area that has successfully reduced the annual loods, community forests that has re ceived ecolabel certiication, development of Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate, and management of community based wood pellets Industry.

The Ministry of Forestry, through The Directorate-General of Watershed Management and Social Forestry (BPDAS-PS) has submitted a project proposal entitled: Enhancing Sustainable Management of Community-based Wood Wood Pellets as Biomass Energy Production to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java to Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF)-Bappenas, and its funding h as been granted based on Work Order Number: 003/SPK/ICCTF/X/2012 and PKS.2/V-BPS/2012 month of September 2012.

Currently urrently,, the project activity has entered its second quarter of its second year (2014) with primary results as fol


sebagai berikut :


Terbangunnya kebun energi kaliandra Terbangunnya kaliandra seluas 214 hektar milik petani yang sebagian sudah dipanen untuk kebutuhan pabrik wood pellet  CV Gerbang Lestari di Desa Kombangan, Kecamatan Kecamatan Geger

Terbangunnya pabrik wood pellet  yang Terbangunnya  yang bernama CV Gerbang Lestari yang telah memiliki kelengkapan mesinmesin pengolah wood pellet 

Development of Calliandra Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate area of 214 hectares which is owned by farmers and has been partly harvested for the wood pellet mill production in CV Gerbang Lestari in Kombangan Village, Geger sub-district 

Kapasitas petani petani dan kelembagaan masyarakat masyarakat yang sudah mengalami peningkatan dalam rangka rangka pembangunan kebun energi dan pabrik wood pellet 

Development of a wood pellet pellet mill called CV Gerbang Lestarithat has been fully utilized utilized with machinery machinery for manufacturing wood pellets

Terselenggaranya Terselengg aranya kegiatan pengukuran karbon tersimpan di areal kebun energi energi kaliandra kaliandra

Farmers and and community organizations capacity that have improved improved in in the development development of a biomass biomass energy estate and wood pellet mill

Terciptanya prakondisi Terciptanya prakondisi dan persiapan persiapan masyarakat masyarakat menyambut menyambut era industrialisasi industrialisasi di wilayah wilayah hutan rakyat rakyat Gerbang Lestari

The implementation implementation of activities in in measuring stored carbon carbon in the Calliandra Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate.

The establishment of preconditions preconditions and and preparing preparing the people people in welcoming industrialization industrialization to the community forest owned by the people people in Gerbang Lestari.

Meskipun proyek ini belum berakhir, sukses dan keberhasilan beberapa tah ap pelaksanaan program pengembangan

Although this project has not been fully completed, the success and result from the implementation of several stages

kebun energi kaliandra dan industri wood pellet  skala  skala inkubator di Geger, Bangkalan sampai saat ini merupakan hasil dukungan dan jerih payah banyak pihak. Oleh karena itu kami mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Pemerintah Kabupat Kabupat en Bangkalan atas dukungannya, Dr Yetti Rusli sebagai penggagas dan pendorong terwujudnya keberhasilan proyek proyek ini, ICCTF yang menjadi pendukung dalam pendanaan dan bimbingan teknis, para kyai dan alim ulama di Bangka lan, Dinas Kehutanan Propinsi Jatim dan Dishutbun Kabupaten Bangkalan, Kepala BPDAS Brantas Jatim, Trio Penjaga Geger: KH Irham Roii, H. Ghozali Anshori, dan H. Noeryanto, Petani dan kelompok Tani, PT Cans Agrinusa selaku pabrikan mesin wood pellet , CV Fajar Jaya Sentosa selaku perusahaan penyedia mesin-mesin, Staff BPDAS PS Kemente rian Kehutanan, Staff Project Management Unit di Bogor, serta semua pihak yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu persatu.

of the Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate development program and the wood pellets incubator mill in Geger sub-dis trict, Bangkalan village, to reach this far is the result with th e support and efforts of many parties. Therefore we would like to thank the Bangkalan Government administration ofiice for their support, Dr. Yetti Yetti Rusli as initiator and motiva tor for the establishment and success of this project, ICCTF who have supported the funding and provided technical guidance, religious leaders and scholars in Bangkalan, East Java Provincial Department of Forestry and Estate Crops, Department of Forestry and Estate Crops of Bangkalan Regency, head of BPDAS Brantas East Java, the Three Keepers of Geger: KH Irham Roii, H. Ghozali Anshori, and H. Noer Yanto, farmers and the farming community, PT Cans Agrinusa as the wood pellet machine manufacturer, CV Fajar Jaya Sentosa as the provider of the machines, Staffs at BPDAS PS Min istry of Forestry, the Project Management Unit Staff in Bogor, and everyone else whom we can not mention individually.

Akhirnya, kami berharap semoga proyek ini bisa terus berjalan sampai akhir durasi proyek dan bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat dan semua pihak yang memerlukannya. Jakarta, Mei 2014 Ir. Wiratno, MSc National Project Director

Finally inally,, we hope that this project can continue to run and can beneit the community and other stakeholder stakeholder.. Jakarta, May 2014 Ir. Wiratno, MSc National Project Director

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Sebuah Integrasi antara Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim, Perbaikan Lingkungan dan Penguatan Sosial Ekonomi Petani  An Integration of Climate Change Mitigation, Environmental Improvement and Socio-Economic Empowerment for Farmers

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Sebuah Integrasi antara Mitigasi Perubahan Iklim, Perbaikan Lingkungan dan Penguatan Sosial Ekonomi Petani  An Integration of Climate Change Mitigation, Environmental Improvement and Socio-Economic Empowerment for Farmers

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kebun energi milik Petani Musawwi

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan Iklim

Fitur hutan Rakyat Geger 

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan Iklim Al Gore sekitar delapan tahun yang lalu membuat geger dunia dengan tayangan inconvenient truth-nya. Dia ingin mengatakan bahwa perubahan iklim global telah terjadi dan ini merupakan fakta yang tak bisa dibantah. Orang kemudian menghubung-hubungkan dengan serangkaian bukti adanya bencana alam yang terus terjadi, penurunan volume es di kutub, dan juga temperatur udara yang semakin meningkat. Bahkan Inter-goverment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) telah mengindikasikan terjadinya kenaikan suhu global pada awal tahun 1990. Secara umum diakui bahwa perubahan iklim telah berdampak buruk pada kehidupan lingkungan. Banyak gagasan dan langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh masyarakat maupun Pemerintah Indonesia dalam rangka mitigasi perubahan iklim untuk me menuhi target penurunan emisi nasional sebesar 26%. Adalah Dr Yetti Rusli, Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Lingkungan dan peruba han Iklim Kementerian kehutanan sekaligus sebagai Ketua Pokja Perubahan Iklim di Kementerian Kehutanan mengembangkan sebuah gagasan sederhana yang bisa dilakukan oleh masyarakat namun b isa berdampak luas dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim. Idenya adalah penerapan konsep carbon neutral melalui integrasi kebun energi kaliandra dan pabrik wood pellet di lokasi hutan rakyat bersertiikat LEI di Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura. Konsep ini selain meningkatkan tutupan lahan pada areal kritis juga akan men gurangi tekanan terhadap hutan rakyat, sekaligus mengurangi emisi lewat penyerapan karbon. Konsep inipun diamini oleh Prof. Yanto Santosa selaku dosen Fakultas Kehutanan IPB dan Expert di bidang wood pellet dan energi terbarukan serta tenaga ahli ICCTF. “Ini adalah satu-satunya contoh di Indo nesia yang mengembangkan industri wood pellet  terintegrasi dengan kebun energi dan dikelola oleh rakyat.” Imbuhnya. Sedangkan Dr. Haryadi Himawan, Mantan Direktur Bina Perhutanan Sosial dan NPD Proyek ICCTF-Bangkalan yang lalu menganggap konsep ini sangat menarik dan relevan dengan apa yang menjadi indikator ketercapaian pro gram Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS PS Kementerian Kehutanan dalam mem perkuat Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), rehabilitasi lahan, dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dalam konteks Perhutanan Sosial. Konsep carbon neutral sendiri telah diterima dalam berbagai relung ilmiah. Secara teoritis, CO2 yang terserap di dalam tanaman melalui proses fotos intesis akan menjadi karbon padat, dan dilepaskan kembali ketika dibakar sehingga hasilnya adalah kenaikan nol tingkat emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) dalam atmosir. Selain itu, ketika bahan bakar berbasis biomasa seperti wood Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Konsep Carbon Neutral 

Bukit Geger 

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change Eight years ago, American politician Al Gore had the world in panic when he launched “an Inconvenient Truth”. He wanted to show the world the existence of the global climate change and that it is an undeniable facts. People then began to link the evidence with a series of natural disasters that continued to occur, a decrease in the volume of ice at the earth’s poles, as well as increasing air temperatures. In fact, the Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had indicated an increase in global temperatures in the early 1990s. Generally speaking, it had been widely acknowledged that climate change had a negative impact on the environment. Many ideas and steps should be taken by the people and the Indonesian Government to mitigate climate change and meet th e national emission reduction target by 26%. It was Dr. Yetti Rusli, Senior Advisor of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for climate change as well as the Chairman of the Working Group on Climate Change for the Ministry of Forestry who developed a simple idea that could be implemented by the public in general but had a broad impact in mitigating climate change. The idea was to implement the concept of car bon neutral, through the integration of Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate, and a wood pellet mill in a community forest in Geger, Bangkalan Madura that had been certiied by LEI. This concept, in addition to improving land cover on critical areas will also reduce the pressure on community forests, while reducing emissions through carbon absorption. This concept is also shared by Prof. Yanto Santosa as a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry IPB also by Experts in the ield of wood pellets and renewable energy as well as experts of ICCTF. “This is the only example in Indonesia, where the develop ment of wood pellet industry is integrated with energy plantation and man aged by the people.” he said. Similar opinion came from Dr. Haryadi Himawan, Former Director of Social Forestry Program and NPD Project of ICCTF-Bangkalan, who considered this concept very interesting and relevant to what became indicators of program achievement from BPDAS PS Directorate General of the Ministry of Forestry, in reinforcing Watershed (DAS), land rehabilitation, and improving social economy, in the context of Social Forestry. The Carbon neutral concept itself has been accepted in various scientiic niches. Theoretically, CO2 absorbed by plants through the process of pho tosynthesis will become solid carbon, and be released again after being burned so the result is a zero increase in the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Moreover, when the biomass-based fuels such as wood pel Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan Iklim

Fitur hutan Rakyat Geger 

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan Iklim Al Gore sekitar delapan tahun yang lalu membuat geger dunia dengan tayangan inconvenient truth-nya. Dia ingin mengatakan bahwa perubahan iklim global telah terjadi dan ini merupakan fakta yang tak bisa dibantah. Orang kemudian menghubung-hubungkan dengan serangkaian bukti adanya bencana alam yang terus terjadi, penurunan volume es di kutub, dan juga temperatur udara yang semakin meningkat. Bahkan Inter-goverment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) telah mengindikasikan terjadinya kenaikan suhu global pada awal tahun 1990. Secara umum diakui bahwa perubahan iklim telah berdampak buruk pada kehidupan lingkungan. Banyak gagasan dan langkah yang harus dilakukan oleh masyarakat maupun Pemerintah Indonesia dalam rangka mitigasi perubahan iklim untuk me menuhi target penurunan emisi nasional sebesar 26%. Adalah Dr Yetti Rusli, Staf Ahli Menteri Bidang Lingkungan dan peruba han Iklim Kementerian kehutanan sekaligus sebagai Ketua Pokja Perubahan Iklim di Kementerian Kehutanan mengembangkan sebuah gagasan sederhana yang bisa dilakukan oleh masyarakat namun b isa berdampak luas dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim. Idenya adalah penerapan konsep carbon neutral melalui integrasi kebun energi kaliandra dan pabrik wood pellet di lokasi hutan rakyat bersertiikat LEI di Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan Madura. Konsep ini selain meningkatkan tutupan lahan pada areal kritis juga akan men gurangi tekanan terhadap hutan rakyat, sekaligus mengurangi emisi lewat penyerapan karbon. Konsep inipun diamini oleh Prof. Yanto Santosa selaku dosen Fakultas Kehutanan IPB dan Expert di bidang wood pellet dan energi terbarukan serta tenaga ahli ICCTF. “Ini adalah satu-satunya contoh di Indo nesia yang mengembangkan industri wood pellet  terintegrasi dengan kebun energi dan dikelola oleh rakyat.” Imbuhnya. Sedangkan Dr. Haryadi Himawan, Mantan Direktur Bina Perhutanan Sosial dan NPD Proyek ICCTF-Bangkalan yang lalu menganggap konsep ini sangat menarik dan relevan dengan apa yang menjadi indikator ketercapaian pro gram Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS PS Kementerian Kehutanan dalam mem perkuat Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), rehabilitasi lahan, dan meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dalam konteks Perhutanan Sosial. Konsep carbon neutral sendiri telah diterima dalam berbagai relung ilmiah. Secara teoritis, CO2 yang terserap di dalam tanaman melalui proses fotos intesis akan menjadi karbon padat, dan dilepaskan kembali ketika dibakar sehingga hasilnya adalah kenaikan nol tingkat emisi karbon dioksida (CO2) dalam atmosir. Selain itu, ketika bahan bakar berbasis biomasa seperti wood

Bukit Geger 

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change Eight years ago, American politician Al Gore had the world in panic when he launched “an Inconvenient Truth”. He wanted to show the world the existence of the global climate change and that it is an undeniable facts. People then began to link the evidence with a series of natural disasters that continued to occur, a decrease in the volume of ice at the earth’s poles, as well as increasing air temperatures. In fact, the Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had indicated an increase in global temperatures in the early 1990s. Generally speaking, it had been widely acknowledged that climate change had a negative impact on the environment. Many ideas and steps should be taken by the people and the Indonesian Government to mitigate climate change and meet th e national emission reduction target by 26%. It was Dr. Yetti Rusli, Senior Advisor of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for climate change as well as the Chairman of the Working Group on Climate Change for the Ministry of Forestry who developed a simple idea that could be implemented by the public in general but had a broad impact in mitigating climate change. The idea was to implement the concept of car bon neutral, through the integration of Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate, and a wood pellet mill in a community forest in Geger, Bangkalan Madura that had been certiied by LEI. This concept, in addition to improving land cover on critical areas will also reduce the pressure on community forests, while reducing emissions through carbon absorption. This concept is also shared by Prof. Yanto Santosa as a lecturer at the Faculty of Forestry IPB also by Experts in the ield of wood pellets and renewable energy as well as experts of ICCTF. “This is the only example in Indonesia, where the develop ment of wood pellet industry is integrated with energy plantation and man aged by the people.” he said. Similar opinion came from Dr. Haryadi Himawan, Former Director of Social Forestry Program and NPD Project of ICCTF-Bangkalan, who considered this concept very interesting and relevant to what became indicators of program achievement from BPDAS PS Directorate General of the Ministry of Forestry, in reinforcing Watershed (DAS), land rehabilitation, and improving social economy, in the context of Social Forestry. The Carbon neutral concept itself has been accepted in various scientiic niches. Theoretically, CO2 absorbed by plants through the process of pho tosynthesis will become solid carbon, and be released again after being burned so the result is a zero increase in the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. Moreover, when the biomass-based fuels such as wood pel -

Konsep Carbon Neutral 

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan  pellet  dibakar, maka bersamaan dengan proses itu kita bisa mengerem laju pembakaran bahan bakar berbasis fosil seperti batu bara atau minyak bumi ke udara setara dengan jumlah wood pellet   yang dibakar tersebut. Dengan demikian, wood pellets berfungsi sebagai barang substitusi terhadap bahan bakar fosil yang mengeluarkan emisi tinggi. Tidak hanya membangun pabrik wood pellet , proyek ini dirancang untuk me nyediakan bahan baku secara lestari melalui penanaman kaliandra ( calliandra callothyrsus) di lahan tidak produktif atau lahan kosong milik masyarakat yang kita sebut sebagai kebun energi (Biomass Energy Estate).

P ro f. Ya nto Sa nt os o d ar i I CC TF

Dr. Ye tt i Ru sl i - St af Ah li Me nte ri Ke hut an an

Kebun energi yang dibangun akan meningkatkan kualitas ekosistem dan memperbaiki struktur tanah dan tata air. Petani yang menanam kaliandra akan memperoleh insentif ekonomi melalui penjualan bahan baku kaliandra, pemanfaatan daun kaliandra sebagai makanan ternak, dan kemungkinan mengembangkan usaha perlebahan dan madu sebagai usaha tambahan, dimana akan ber langsung terus-menerus selama 15 tahun selama terubusan kaliandra tumbuh. Secara sederhana perputaran kegiatan dalam proyek ini digam barkan sebagai berikut:

lets are burned, then, along with the process we can slow the combustion rate of fossil-based fuels, such as coal or petroleum into the air, by making it equivalent to the amount of wood pellets burned. Thus, wood pellets serve as a substitute for fossil fuels that emit high emissions. Besides building the wood pellet mill itself, this project is designed to produce raw materials sustainably by planting Calliandra (Calliandra callothyrsus) on unoccupied land, owned by the lo cal community, which are known as Biomass Energy Estate. The Energy Estates will improve the quality of the ecosystem and im prove soil structure as well as the water system in the area. Farmers who plant calliandra will receive economic incentives, by selling raw materials, calliandra, using calliandra leaf as livestock feed, and developing beekeeping and honey business as an additional venture, which will last for 15 years, as long as the calliandra coppice grow. To briely illustrate, the activities in this project is described below: • Development of Biomass Energy Estate • Development of community-based wood pellets Industry • Calculation of carbon value • Empowerment of the Farming com munity capacity • Empowerment of Public Institutions

Project opening by NPD

Lima kegiatan utama proyek 

Kondisi hutan jati rakyat  Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Visiting buyer of wood pellets Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

The Bangkalan Model Project and Climate Change

Bangkalan Model Project dan Perubahan  pellet  dibakar, maka bersamaan dengan proses itu kita bisa mengerem laju pembakaran bahan bakar berbasis fosil seperti batu bara atau minyak bumi ke udara setara dengan jumlah wood pellet   yang dibakar tersebut. Dengan demikian, wood pellets berfungsi sebagai barang substitusi terhadap bahan bakar fosil yang mengeluarkan emisi tinggi. Tidak hanya membangun pabrik wood pellet , proyek ini dirancang untuk me nyediakan bahan baku secara lestari melalui penanaman kaliandra ( calliandra callothyrsus) di lahan tidak produktif atau lahan kosong milik masyarakat yang kita sebut sebagai kebun energi (Biomass Energy Estate).

P ro f. Ya nto Sa nt os o d ar i I CC TF

Dr. Ye tt i Ru sl i - St af Ah li Me nte ri Ke hut an an

Kebun energi yang dibangun akan meningkatkan kualitas ekosistem dan memperbaiki struktur tanah dan tata air. Petani yang menanam kaliandra akan memperoleh insentif ekonomi melalui penjualan bahan baku kaliandra, pemanfaatan daun kaliandra sebagai makanan ternak, dan kemungkinan mengembangkan usaha perlebahan dan madu sebagai usaha tambahan, dimana akan ber langsung terus-menerus selama 15 tahun selama terubusan kaliandra tumbuh. Secara sederhana perputaran kegiatan dalam proyek ini digam barkan sebagai berikut:

lets are burned, then, along with the process we can slow the combustion rate of fossil-based fuels, such as coal or petroleum into the air, by making it equivalent to the amount of wood pellets burned. Thus, wood pellets serve as a substitute for fossil fuels that emit high emissions. Besides building the wood pellet mill itself, this project is designed to produce raw materials sustainably by planting Calliandra (Calliandra callothyrsus) on unoccupied land, owned by the lo cal community, which are known as Biomass Energy Estate. The Energy Estates will improve the quality of the ecosystem and im prove soil structure as well as the water system in the area. Farmers who plant calliandra will receive economic incentives, by selling raw materials, calliandra, using calliandra leaf as livestock feed, and developing beekeeping and honey business as an additional venture, which will last for 15 years, as long as the calliandra coppice grow. To briely illustrate, the activities in this project is described below: • Development of Biomass Energy Estate • Development of community-based wood pellets Industry • Calculation of carbon value • Empowerment of the Farming com munity capacity • Empowerment of Public Institutions

Project opening by NPD

Lima kegiatan utama proyek 

Visiting buyer of wood pellets

Kondisi hutan jati rakyat 

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Why Developed in Bangkalan? 

Mengapa Dikembangkan di Bangkalan? 

Mengapa Dikembangkan di Bangkalan?

Why Developed in Bangkalan?

Tanggal 8 Desember 2011 adalah momentum bersejarah. Sebuah deklar asi bertajuk “Hutan Rakyat untuk Green Madura” ditandatangani bersama oleh pihak yang mewakili masyarakat, pemerintah daerah di wilayah Pulau Madura, Pemerintah Pusat, dan pihak-pihak terkait yang peduli pada peng hijauan pulau Madura. Deklarasi ini ingin menancapkan sebuah komitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, sosial ekonomi masyarakat serta dukungan terhadap mitigasi perubahan iklim. Deklarasi tersebut bertepatan dengan acara Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Sistem Terpadu Program Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat, Carbon Hutan dan Energi Terbarukan yang dilak sanakan tanggal 7-9 Desember 2011 di Hotel Ningrat, Bangkalan, Madura, diselenggarakan oleh Kemenhut.

December 8, 2011, was a historic moment. A declaration titled “Community Forests for Green Madura” signed by parties representing the public, local governments in Madura Island, the Central Government, and other stake holders who were concerned in the reforestation of Madura. This declaration strengthens the commitment to improve the quality of th e environment, so cial economy of the local community, and support climate change mitigation. The declaration coincided with the National Seminar on Integrated Develop ment of Private Forest Management Programme, the Forest Carbon and Re newable Energy that was held on December 7 - 9, 2011 at the Ningrat Hotel, in Bangkalan, Madura, which was held by the Ministry of Forestry. Forest Community at Gerbang Lestari located in Geger, was often visited by the Minister of Forestry, since Djamaloedin term of ofice up to Zulkili Hasan. On July 1, 2011 the Minister of Forestry Zulkili Hasan came to visit Geger to monitor the community forests and mangrove forests. The visit had become an important benchmark for several points: 1). Recognition of the Forest Community at Gerbang Lestari, who managed forests sustainably, and received ecolabel certiication from LEI (PT Mutuagung Lestari). 2). The Geger local communities, managed to develop critical land and overcome an nual looding. 3). The Community Forest at Gerbang Lestari is the beginning of success, combining elements of conservation with economic improvement for the local farmers.

Hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari yang berlokasi di Geger menjadi langganan disambangi Menhut sejak jaman Djamaloedin sampai ke Zulkili Hasan. Tanggal 1 Juli 2011 Menhut Zulkili Hasan melakukan kunjungan kerja meninjau hutan rakyat Geger dan hutan mangrove. Hal penting dari kunjun gan Menhut ini adalah: 1). Pengakuan terhadap Hutan Rakyat Gerbang Lestari yang mampu men gelola hutan secara lestari dan bersertiikat ekolabel dari LEI (PT Mutuagung Lestari). 2).Masyarakat Geger berhasil membangun lahan kritis dan menga tasi banjir tahunan. 3). Hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari menjadi ikhwal keber hasilan memadukan unsur konservasi dengan peningkatan ekonomi petani. Tak cukup hanya itu, lahan kritis di daerah Bangkalan diperkirakan men capai 52% atau seluas 66.797 ha dari luas total Areal Kabupaten Bangkalan 127.518 ha (Data Statistik RRL Jawa Timur, 2007). Perhatian masyarakat se tempat melalui komunitas Pesantren telah banyak mengubah wajah tanah kritis menjadi hijau seperti yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan sejak tahun 70-an. Atas upaya masyarakat kelompok tani di Kecamatan Geger dan Pesantren Darrul Ittihad terbentuklah FMU (Forest Management Unit ) Gerbang Lestari yang mendapat pengakuan dari Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia melalui sertiikat Mutu International pada tahun 2010 terhadap areal hutan rakyat seluas 2.889. hektar. Upaya ini be lum cukup untuk mengubah lahan kritis yang ada sehingga diperlukan suatu program penanaman kebun energi berbasis manajemen hutan rakyat dengan jenis tanaman kaliandra.

Kondisi lahan kritis di Geger  Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Deklarasi Green Madura yang ditandatangani oleh sekitar 70 stakeholder 

Kebun energi kaliandra

Not just that, it is estimated that the total coverage of degraded land in Bangkalan reaches 52% or 66.797 ha of the total area of 127.518 ha in Bang kalan (East Java RRL Statistics, 2007). The attention from the local commu nity, through the “pesantren” community (pesantren: an Islamic Boarding School), has changed the face of many critical land into green areas, thanks to the efforts of the community in Geger sub-district, Bangkalan, since the 70s. Due to the efforts of the farming community in Geger sub-district, and the Islamic Boarding School Darrul Ittihad, the FMU (Forest Management Unit) Gerbang Lestari was established, received the Mutuagung Lestari Certiicate in 2010 accredited by the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute for the 2,889 hectares of community forest area. However, more efforts are still required to change the existing degraded land, therefore, Indonesia needs more pro grams like the Calliandra Biomass Energy Estates, which is based on com munity forest management.

Penganugerahan Sertiikat Ekolabel

Kunjungan Menteri Kehutanan Zulkili Hasan

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Why Developed in Bangkalan? 

Mengapa Dikembangkan di Bangkalan? 

Mengapa Dikembangkan di Bangkalan?

Why Developed in Bangkalan?

Tanggal 8 Desember 2011 adalah momentum bersejarah. Sebuah deklar asi bertajuk “Hutan Rakyat untuk Green Madura” ditandatangani bersama oleh pihak yang mewakili masyarakat, pemerintah daerah di wilayah Pulau Madura, Pemerintah Pusat, dan pihak-pihak terkait yang peduli pada peng hijauan pulau Madura. Deklarasi ini ingin menancapkan sebuah komitmen untuk meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan, sosial ekonomi masyarakat serta dukungan terhadap mitigasi perubahan iklim. Deklarasi tersebut bertepatan dengan acara Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Sistem Terpadu Program Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat, Carbon Hutan dan Energi Terbarukan yang dilak sanakan tanggal 7-9 Desember 2011 di Hotel Ningrat, Bangkalan, Madura, diselenggarakan oleh Kemenhut.

December 8, 2011, was a historic moment. A declaration titled “Community Forests for Green Madura” signed by parties representing the public, local governments in Madura Island, the Central Government, and other stake holders who were concerned in the reforestation of Madura. This declaration strengthens the commitment to improve the quality of th e environment, so cial economy of the local community, and support climate change mitigation. The declaration coincided with the National Seminar on Integrated Develop ment of Private Forest Management Programme, the Forest Carbon and Re newable Energy that was held on December 7 - 9, 2011 at the Ningrat Hotel, in Bangkalan, Madura, which was held by the Ministry of Forestry. Forest Community at Gerbang Lestari located in Geger, was often visited by the Minister of Forestry, since Djamaloedin term of ofice up to Zulkili Hasan. On July 1, 2011 the Minister of Forestry Zulkili Hasan came to visit Geger to monitor the community forests and mangrove forests. The visit had become an important benchmark for several points: 1). Recognition of the Forest Community at Gerbang Lestari, who managed forests sustainably, and received ecolabel certiication from LEI (PT Mutuagung Lestari). 2). The Geger local communities, managed to develop critical land and overcome an nual looding. 3). The Community Forest at Gerbang Lestari is the beginning of success, combining elements of conservation with economic improvement for the local farmers.

Hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari yang berlokasi di Geger menjadi langganan disambangi Menhut sejak jaman Djamaloedin sampai ke Zulkili Hasan. Tanggal 1 Juli 2011 Menhut Zulkili Hasan melakukan kunjungan kerja meninjau hutan rakyat Geger dan hutan mangrove. Hal penting dari kunjun gan Menhut ini adalah: 1). Pengakuan terhadap Hutan Rakyat Gerbang Lestari yang mampu men gelola hutan secara lestari dan bersertiikat ekolabel dari LEI (PT Mutuagung Lestari). 2).Masyarakat Geger berhasil membangun lahan kritis dan menga tasi banjir tahunan. 3). Hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari menjadi ikhwal keber hasilan memadukan unsur konservasi dengan peningkatan ekonomi petani. Tak cukup hanya itu, lahan kritis di daerah Bangkalan diperkirakan men capai 52% atau seluas 66.797 ha dari luas total Areal Kabupaten Bangkalan 127.518 ha (Data Statistik RRL Jawa Timur, 2007). Perhatian masyarakat se tempat melalui komunitas Pesantren telah banyak mengubah wajah tanah kritis menjadi hijau seperti yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat di Kecamatan Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan sejak tahun 70-an. Atas upaya masyarakat kelompok tani di Kecamatan Geger dan Pesantren Darrul Ittihad terbentuklah FMU (Forest Management Unit ) Gerbang Lestari yang mendapat pengakuan dari Lembaga Ekolabel Indonesia melalui sertiikat Mutu International pada tahun 2010 terhadap areal hutan rakyat seluas 2.889. hektar. Upaya ini be lum cukup untuk mengubah lahan kritis yang ada sehingga diperlukan suatu program penanaman kebun energi berbasis manajemen hutan rakyat dengan jenis tanaman kaliandra.

Kondisi lahan kritis di Geger 

Deklarasi Green Madura yang ditandatangani oleh sekitar 70 stakeholder 

Not just that, it is estimated that the total coverage of degraded land in Bangkalan reaches 52% or 66.797 ha of the total area of 127.518 ha in Bang kalan (East Java RRL Statistics, 2007). The attention from the local commu nity, through the “pesantren” community (pesantren: an Islamic Boarding School), has changed the face of many critical land into green areas, thanks to the efforts of the community in Geger sub-district, Bangkalan, since the 70s. Due to the efforts of the farming community in Geger sub-district, and the Islamic Boarding School Darrul Ittihad, the FMU (Forest Management Unit) Gerbang Lestari was established, received the Mutuagung Lestari Certiicate in 2010 accredited by the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute for the 2,889 hectares of community forest area. However, more efforts are still required to change the existing degraded land, therefore, Indonesia needs more pro grams like the Calliandra Biomass Energy Estates, which is based on com munity forest management.

Penganugerahan Sertiikat Ekolabel

Kebun energi kaliandra

Kunjungan Menteri Kehutanan Zulkili Hasan

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


The Positive Impact 

Dampak Positif 

Penebaran benih kaliandra di persemaian

Penanaman kaliandra oleh salah seorang petani

Dampak Positif  Kaliandra adalah jenis tanaman energi yang cocok tumbuh di lahan kritis dan mampu menyuburkan tanah. Kebun energi seluas 214 hektar direncanakan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan bahan baku untuk produksi Wood Pellet  (WP). Sebuah industri wood pellet (WPI) dalam skala inkubator dibangun melalui badan koperasi kelompok tani melalui wadah FMU Gerbang Lestari, dan dukungan pihak-pihak terkait. Terciptanya kebun energi dalam skala luas dan pengembangan pabrik wood pellet  akan memberi dampak positif pada: (1) mitigasi perubahan iklim melalui carbon sequestration di Kebun Energi dan substitusi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dengan Wood Pellet , (2). Rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan menyuburkan tanah, (3). Peningkatan Kualitas hidup masyarakat melalui peningkatan so sial ekonomi dan (4). Memperluas area dampak peningkatan sosial ekonomi melalui dana bergulir dan terciptanya multiplier effect . Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Six months of calliandra plantation


Sahrulan’s calliandra within 6 months

The Positive Impact  Kaliandra is a type of energy crop, suitable grown in degraded land and is able to fertilize soil. with energy estaes area of 214 hectares, it is planned that the needs for supply of raw materials for the production of Wood Pellet (WP) can be fullilled. Although still in the form of a wood pellet incubator (WPI), the business it founded in colaboration with the farming communities, through the FMU Gerbang Lestari and support of other stakeholders. The creation of a broad-scale energy estate and the development of wood pellet mill will have a positive effect in: (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration through Biomass Energy Estates, and the substitution of fossil fuel with Wood Pellets, (2). Rehabilitation of degraded land and enrichment of soil, (3). Improving welfare through economic and social improvement (4). Expanding the area of impact of socio-economic improvement, by revolving funds and creating a multiplier effect. Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


The Positive Impact 

Dampak Positif 

Penebaran benih kaliandra di persemaian

Penanaman kaliandra oleh salah seorang petani

Dampak Positif  Kaliandra adalah jenis tanaman energi yang cocok tumbuh di lahan kritis dan mampu menyuburkan tanah. Kebun energi seluas 214 hektar direncanakan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan pasokan bahan baku untuk produksi Wood Pellet  (WP). Sebuah industri wood pellet (WPI) dalam skala inkubator dibangun melalui badan koperasi kelompok tani melalui wadah FMU Gerbang Lestari, dan dukungan pihak-pihak terkait. Terciptanya kebun energi dalam skala luas dan pengembangan pabrik wood pellet  akan memberi dampak positif pada: (1) mitigasi perubahan iklim melalui carbon sequestration di Kebun Energi dan substitusi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dengan Wood Pellet , (2). Rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan menyuburkan tanah, (3). Peningkatan Kualitas hidup masyarakat melalui peningkatan so sial ekonomi dan (4). Memperluas area dampak peningkatan sosial ekonomi melalui dana bergulir dan terciptanya multiplier effect . Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Six months of calliandra plantation


Sahrulan’s calliandra within 6 months

The Positive Impact  Kaliandra is a type of energy crop, suitable grown in degraded land and is able to fertilize soil. with energy estaes area of 214 hectares, it is planned that the needs for supply of raw materials for the production of Wood Pellet (WP) can be fullilled. Although still in the form of a wood pellet incubator (WPI), the business it founded in colaboration with the farming communities, through the FMU Gerbang Lestari and support of other stakeholders. The creation of a broad-scale energy estate and the development of wood pellet mill will have a positive effect in: (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration through Biomass Energy Estates, and the substitution of fossil fuel with Wood Pellets, (2). Rehabilitation of degraded land and enrichment of soil, (3). Improving welfare through economic and social improvement (4). Expanding the area of impact of socio-economic improvement, by revolving funds and creating a multiplier effect. Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Integrasi Sistem dalam Bangkalan Model Project 

System Integration in Bangkalan Model Project 

Integrasi Sistem dalam Bangkalan Model Project 

System Integration in Bangkalan Model Project 


Tiga pilar utama ( triple bottom line) pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah penerapan 3P ( Planet, People, Proit ). Keseimbangan antara lingkungan, kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan ekonomi menjadi keniscayaan dalam membangun Model ini. Bangkalan Model Project yang didanai oleh ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund) bekerjasama dengan Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS-PS Kementerian Kehutanan secara ideal merupakan suatu sistem yang saling berkait yang merupakan aktivitas yang dijalankan maupun proyeksi pengembangan ke depan dapat diilutrasikan melalui gambar sebagai berikut :

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

The three main pillars (triple bottom line) of sustainable development is the application of 3P (Planet, People, Proit). The balance between environment, welfare of society, and economy becomes a necessity in establishing this model. Bangkalan Model Project funded by ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund) in collaboration with the Directorate General of the Ministry of Forestry from BPDAS-PS is an ideal system of interrelated aspects, in a form of activity that can be implemented and projected for future development, which is illustrated through the igure below:

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Integrasi Sistem dalam Bangkalan Model Project 

System Integration in Bangkalan Model Project 

Integrasi Sistem dalam Bangkalan Model Project 

System Integration in Bangkalan Model Project 


Tiga pilar utama ( triple bottom line) pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah penerapan 3P ( Planet, People, Proit ). Keseimbangan antara lingkungan, kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan ekonomi menjadi keniscayaan dalam membangun Model ini. Bangkalan Model Project yang didanai oleh ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund) bekerjasama dengan Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS-PS Kementerian Kehutanan secara ideal merupakan suatu sistem yang saling berkait yang merupakan aktivitas yang dijalankan maupun proyeksi pengembangan ke depan dapat diilutrasikan melalui gambar sebagai berikut :

The three main pillars (triple bottom line) of sustainable development is the application of 3P (Planet, People, Proit). The balance between environment, welfare of society, and economy becomes a necessity in establishing this model. Bangkalan Model Project funded by ICCTF (Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund) in collaboration with the Directorate General of the Ministry of Forestry from BPDAS-PS is an ideal system of interrelated aspects, in a form of activity that can be implemented and projected for future development, which is illustrated through the igure below:

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


How to Develop Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kebun Energi Kaliandra

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kebun Energi Kaliandra

How to Develop Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate

Kebun energi (Biomass Energy Estate) adalah sebuah hamparan lahan milik masyarakat yang ditanami jenis kaliandra baik secara monokultur maupun kebun cam puran ( Agroforest ). Jenis lain yang cocok digunakan sebagai tanaman Kebun Energi selain kaliandra adalah glirisidea, lamtoro, akasia, dan lain-lain, namun pemili han kaliandra didasarkan pada beberapa alasan kuat. Kaliandra adalah jenis tanaman perdu yang gampang dan cepat tumbuh di lahan miskin hara, miskin air, namun bisa menyuburkan tanah melalui iksasi Nitrogen dalam tanah. Kayu kaliandra juga menghasilkan kalori yang tinggi ketika dibakar (4,7 kkal) sehingga banyak masyarakat menggunakannya untuk kayu bakar. Daun kaliandra juga banyak dipakai sebagai pakan ternak yang potensial. Bunga kaliandra memberi daya pikat buat lebah madu, sehingga membuka peluang untuk bisnis madu dari nektar bunga kaliandra. Rekomendasi Dr Prijanto Pamoengkas, ahli silvikultur IPB juga menyata kan bahwa keunggulan arsitektur pohon Calliandra callothyrsus atau kaliandra merah dengan silvikultur teru busan atau coppice system sangat cocok dalam segala hal untuk dijadikan pilihan jenis tanaman kebun energi yang bisa menghasilkan energi wood pellets setara dengan energi batubara.

The Biomass Energy Estate is a landscape of area belonging to the people who planted calliandra, both monoculture and in mix farming (Agroforests). Other plants suitable for Biomass Energy Estate other than calliandra are glirisidea, lamtoro, acacia, etc., but the se lection was based on several considerations that were in favor for calliandra. Calliandra is a kind of shrubs, easy and fast grown in nutrient-poor soil, poor water areas, but can enrich the soil by nitrogen ixation in soil. Calliandra Wood also produces high amounts of calorie, when it is burned produces 4.7 kcal, so many people use it for irewood. Dr. Prijanto Pamoengkas, silviculture expert at IPB, said that beside having architectural excellence, cal liandra is also suitable as an energy crop and can be made into energy wood pellets, which can replace coal. Calliandra leaves are also widely used as potential live stock feed. The Calliandra lower attracts honey bees, and becomes a good opportunity for the honey busi ness.However, calliandra plant grows at various sites in community forest area varies, depending by soil type, different genetic characteristics, and plant treatments in the early phase. Spacing for plantings is also varied, 1x1 m; 1x2 m, and 0,5 x0, 5 m. The project also conducts a study, to calculate how much energy can actually be generated from the estates, to see whether it will be suficient for optimum wood pellet production. From a simple calculation, the required area to meet the needs of wood pellet mill has been determined. The coverage should be 0.6 hectares as shown in Box.1.

Namun, pertumbuhan tanaman kaliandra di berbagai tapak di areal hutan rakyat ini cukup bervariasi dipen garuhi oleh jenis tanah, sifat genetik yang berbeda, dan perlakuan tanaman pada fase awal. Jarak tanam juga bervariasi, 1x1 m; 1x2 m, dan 0,5x0,5 m. Proyek ini juga melakukan desk study untuk menghitung berapa sebenarnya luasan kebun energi yang optimum bisa mencukupi kebutuhan industri wood pellet ? Sebuah hitungan sederhana menghasilkan angka bahwa luasan kebun kaliandra yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pabrik wood pellet  adalah seluas 0,6 hektar ditunjukan di Box.1. •

• •

Menurut data riset, kaliandra bisa menghasilkan biomasa kayu 15-40 ton/ha/year atau 27 ton/ha/year rata-rata dengan jarak tanam 1 m x 1 m (Tangenjaya Kajian Firman Fahada di lokasi proyek memperoleh data biomasa sebesar 33,9 ton/ha/tahun. Jika hanya diambil batang dan rantingnya saja maka akan didapatkan sekitar 20 ton ha/th yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan baku wood pellet. Sebagaimana telah didisain dalam proyek ini bahwa kapasitas industrinya adalah 1 ton per jam, dandengan asumsi bahwa jam kerja efektif pabrik adalah 8 jam sehari, maka pabrik akan menghasilkan 8 ton per hari. Menurut hasil penelitian, raw material  yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi 1 ton wood pellet adalah sebanyak 1,5 ton bahan baku basah (MC sekitar 40%). Sehingga kebutuhan raw material  adalah sebanyak 12 ton bahan baku basah. Jika 1 tahun 365 hari, dan setiap hari Jumat libur, maka kurang lebih ada 317 hari kerja dalam setahun, dibulatkan menjadi 310 karena ada beberapa tanggal merah dalam setahun. Jadi kebutuhan raw material dalam 1 tahun adalah 12 ton x 310 hari = 3.720 ton/tahun. Dengan mengambil angka rata-rata penelitian Firman Fahada bahwa produksi bahan baku kaliandra per hektarnya sebanyak 20 ton/ha, maka kebutuhan lahan untuk memenuhi target produksi tahunan tersebut adalah 3.720/20 = 186 ha. Seberapa luas rata-rata kebun energi akan dipanen dalam 1 hari? Maka akan kita hitung 186 ha : 310 hari = 0.6 ha per harinya. Box.1. Kebutuhan bahan baku dan luas kebun energi

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Proses monitoring dan evaluasi oleh petani

• •

• •

According to research data, calliandra can produce wood biomass 15-40 tonnes/ha/year or 27 tons/ha/ year with an average spacing of 1 mx 1 m ( From a study conducted by the Firman Fahada at the project site, the data shows biomass of 33.9 tonnes/ha/year. If only the trunk and branches are taken, it will get around 20 tonnes ha/yr which can be used as raw material for wood pellets. Based on calculations designed for this project, the industry capacity is 1 ton per hour, by assuming that the effective working hours in a factory is 8 hours a day, the plant will produce 8 tons per day. According to the research results, wet raw material required to produce 1 ton of wood pellets is around 1.5 tons wet raw materials (about 40% MC). Thus the need for raw materials is as much as 12 tons of wet material. If in a year there are 365 days, and every Friday is a holiday, then there are approximately 317 working days in a year, rounded it up to 310, for additional anual holidays. So the raw material needed in 1 year is 12 ton x 310 days = 3,720 ton/year. By taking the average number from Firman Fahada’s research , the production calliandra of raw material per hectare 20 tons/ha, we will obtain the number 3.720/20 = 186 ha. How extensive the average energy plantation will be harvested in one day? Based on calculations 186 ha: 310 days = 0.6 ha per day. Box.1. Raw material needs and Biomass Energy Estate Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


How to Develop Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kebun Energi Kaliandra

Bagaimana Mengembangkan Kebun Energi Kaliandra

How to Develop Calliandra Biomass Energy Estate

Kebun energi (Biomass Energy Estate) adalah sebuah hamparan lahan milik masyarakat yang ditanami jenis kaliandra baik secara monokultur maupun kebun cam puran ( Agroforest ). Jenis lain yang cocok digunakan sebagai tanaman Kebun Energi selain kaliandra adalah glirisidea, lamtoro, akasia, dan lain-lain, namun pemili han kaliandra didasarkan pada beberapa alasan kuat. Kaliandra adalah jenis tanaman perdu yang gampang dan cepat tumbuh di lahan miskin hara, miskin air, namun bisa menyuburkan tanah melalui iksasi Nitrogen dalam tanah. Kayu kaliandra juga menghasilkan kalori yang tinggi ketika dibakar (4,7 kkal) sehingga banyak masyarakat menggunakannya untuk kayu bakar. Daun kaliandra juga banyak dipakai sebagai pakan ternak yang potensial. Bunga kaliandra memberi daya pikat buat lebah madu, sehingga membuka peluang untuk bisnis madu dari nektar bunga kaliandra. Rekomendasi Dr Prijanto Pamoengkas, ahli silvikultur IPB juga menyata kan bahwa keunggulan arsitektur pohon Calliandra callothyrsus atau kaliandra merah dengan silvikultur teru busan atau coppice system sangat cocok dalam segala hal untuk dijadikan pilihan jenis tanaman kebun energi yang bisa menghasilkan energi wood pellets setara dengan energi batubara.

The Biomass Energy Estate is a landscape of area belonging to the people who planted calliandra, both monoculture and in mix farming (Agroforests). Other plants suitable for Biomass Energy Estate other than calliandra are glirisidea, lamtoro, acacia, etc., but the se lection was based on several considerations that were in favor for calliandra. Calliandra is a kind of shrubs, easy and fast grown in nutrient-poor soil, poor water areas, but can enrich the soil by nitrogen ixation in soil. Calliandra Wood also produces high amounts of calorie, when it is burned produces 4.7 kcal, so many people use it for irewood. Dr. Prijanto Pamoengkas, silviculture expert at IPB, said that beside having architectural excellence, cal liandra is also suitable as an energy crop and can be made into energy wood pellets, which can replace coal. Calliandra leaves are also widely used as potential live stock feed. The Calliandra lower attracts honey bees, and becomes a good opportunity for the honey busi ness.However, calliandra plant grows at various sites in community forest area varies, depending by soil type, different genetic characteristics, and plant treatments in the early phase. Spacing for plantings is also varied, 1x1 m; 1x2 m, and 0,5 x0, 5 m. The project also conducts a study, to calculate how much energy can actually be generated from the estates, to see whether it will be suficient for optimum wood pellet production. From a simple calculation, the required area to meet the needs of wood pellet mill has been determined. The coverage should be 0.6 hectares as shown in Box.1.

Namun, pertumbuhan tanaman kaliandra di berbagai tapak di areal hutan rakyat ini cukup bervariasi dipen garuhi oleh jenis tanah, sifat genetik yang berbeda, dan perlakuan tanaman pada fase awal. Jarak tanam juga bervariasi, 1x1 m; 1x2 m, dan 0,5x0,5 m. Proyek ini juga melakukan desk study untuk menghitung berapa sebenarnya luasan kebun energi yang optimum bisa mencukupi kebutuhan industri wood pellet ? Sebuah hitungan sederhana menghasilkan angka bahwa luasan kebun kaliandra yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pabrik wood pellet  adalah seluas 0,6 hektar ditunjukan di Box.1. •

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Proses monitoring dan evaluasi oleh petani

Menurut data riset, kaliandra bisa menghasilkan biomasa kayu 15-40 ton/ha/year atau 27 ton/ha/year rata-rata dengan jarak tanam 1 m x 1 m (Tangenjaya Kajian Firman Fahada di lokasi proyek memperoleh data biomasa sebesar 33,9 ton/ha/tahun. Jika hanya diambil batang dan rantingnya saja maka akan didapatkan sekitar 20 ton ha/th yang bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan baku wood pellet. Sebagaimana telah didisain dalam proyek ini bahwa kapasitas industrinya adalah 1 ton per jam, dandengan asumsi bahwa jam kerja efektif pabrik adalah 8 jam sehari, maka pabrik akan menghasilkan 8 ton per hari. Menurut hasil penelitian, raw material  yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi 1 ton wood pellet adalah sebanyak 1,5 ton bahan baku basah (MC sekitar 40%). Sehingga kebutuhan raw material  adalah sebanyak 12 ton bahan baku basah. Jika 1 tahun 365 hari, dan setiap hari Jumat libur, maka kurang lebih ada 317 hari kerja dalam setahun, dibulatkan menjadi 310 karena ada beberapa tanggal merah dalam setahun. Jadi kebutuhan raw material dalam 1 tahun adalah 12 ton x 310 hari = 3.720 ton/tahun. Dengan mengambil angka rata-rata penelitian Firman Fahada bahwa produksi bahan baku kaliandra per hektarnya sebanyak 20 ton/ha, maka kebutuhan lahan untuk memenuhi target produksi tahunan tersebut adalah 3.720/20 = 186 ha. Seberapa luas rata-rata kebun energi akan dipanen dalam 1 hari? Maka akan kita hitung 186 ha : 310 hari = 0.6 ha per harinya.

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According to research data, calliandra can produce wood biomass 15-40 tonnes/ha/year or 27 tons/ha/ year with an average spacing of 1 mx 1 m ( From a study conducted by the Firman Fahada at the project site, the data shows biomass of 33.9 tonnes/ha/year. If only the trunk and branches are taken, it will get around 20 tonnes ha/yr which can be used as raw material for wood pellets. Based on calculations designed for this project, the industry capacity is 1 ton per hour, by assuming that the effective working hours in a factory is 8 hours a day, the plant will produce 8 tons per day. According to the research results, wet raw material required to produce 1 ton of wood pellets is around 1.5 tons wet raw materials (about 40% MC). Thus the need for raw materials is as much as 12 tons of wet material. If in a year there are 365 days, and every Friday is a holiday, then there are approximately 317 working days in a year, rounded it up to 310, for additional anual holidays. So the raw material needed in 1 year is 12 ton x 310 days = 3,720 ton/year. By taking the average number from Firman Fahada’s research , the production calliandra of raw material per hectare 20 tons/ha, we will obtain the number 3.720/20 = 186 ha. How extensive the average energy plantation will be harvested in one day? Based on calculations 186 ha: 310 days = 0.6 ha per day.

Box.1. Kebutuhan bahan baku dan luas kebun energi

Box.1. Raw material needs and Biomass Energy Estate Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Management of Community-Based Wood Pellet Mills

Pengelolaan Industri Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat  Kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari akan mengatur ketersediaan areal seluas 186 ha terutama di areal ko song atau tidak produktif. Hasil kesepakatan dengan para kelompok tani telah diperoleh luasan kebun energi seluas 214 ha yang sudah dipetakan. Dalam konteks pengadaan lahan kebun energi, peran Kiai dan pemuka masyarakat cukup besar untuk memastikan bahwa lahan yang akan di kontrak cukup aman dikelola dalam jangka panjang.

Persemaian kelompok tani

Ketersediaan lahan yang dipakai untuk kebun energi sangat penting untuk memberi kepastian panen kayu kaliandra secara lestari. Karena bagi konsep ini, kebun energi harus disesuaikan dengan model siklus pengatu ran hasil kayu kaliandra – mengatur jadwal panen agar pasokan kayu tidak deisit setiap kali dibutuhkan oleh industri wood pellet . Model ini lebih aman dibandingkan

dengan pabrik wood pellet yang menggantungkan pada ketersediaan serbuk gergajian dari sawmill. Tipologi kepemilikan lahan hutan rakyat seperti yang terdapat di Geger Bangkalan adalah lahan milik individual. Institusi lokal juga telah berkembang baik melalui gabungan kelompok tani Gunung Mereh atau kemudian berganti baju sebagai Gabungan Kelompok Tani FMU “Gerbang Lestari” setelah mendapat sentuhan bimbingan PERSEPSI – se buah NGO lokal yang biasa membimbing perusahaan menyiapkan sertiikasi hutan. FMU Gerbang lestari ini juga telah memperoleh sertiikat ekolabel dari LEI melalui Lembaga Sertiikasi PT Mutuagung Lestari. Dalam bentuk Koperasi, FMU Gerbang Lestari memiliki aturan-aturan internal diantara anggota, legalitas lembaga, hak dan kewajiban ang gota, serta aturan micro inance untuk mendukung perekonomian lokal.

Pengembangan pabrik wood pellet dirancang memiliki kapasitas 1 ton per jam yang disebut sebagai inkubator industri wood pellet . Dengan kapasitas tersebut dan jam kerja 8 jam sehari, akan dibutuhkan sekitar 12 ton bahan baku wood pellets setiap harinya. Jika ingin melakukan peningkatan kapasitas produksi, penggunaan limbah kayu dari jenis lain seperti ranting-ranting jati, akasia, lamtoro, gliriside, dan serbuk gergaji bisa menjadi alter natif tanpa melakukan tekanan hutan yang ada. Ini ada lah laboratorium alam yang sangat menarik, sehingga is -

tilah inkubator mengacu pada proses pembelajaran buat proyek dan buat masyarakat. Pabrik wood pellet  ini harus beroperasi setiap harinya untuk menopang kegiatan ekonomi kelompok tani gerbang lestari di Geger Bangka lan. Untuk manajemen pabrik diperkerjakan masyarakat lokal yang berpotensi baik, termasuk tehnisi mesin-mesin yang berpengalaman. Ilustrasi di bawah ini menunjuk kan siklus: Input-Proses-Output produksi wood pellet .

Input-proses-output produksi wood pellet berbahan baku kaliandra ya ng ditanam di kebun energi


The FMU Gerbang Lestari farming community will ensure the procurement of planting area of 186 ha es pecially on unoccupied land. As a result of an agree ment with the farming community, an area of 214 ha is available for the Biomass Energy Estate, and has been mapped accordingly. In the context of land procurement for Biomass Energy Estate, community and religious leaders (Kiyai) hold important roles in ensuring the land procurement that will be cultivated, securing it for longterm. The land procurement, which will be used for energy estates, is very important to give certainty that the Cal liandra timber harvest will be sustainable. Due to this concept, energy estates should comply to the model cy cle schedule for Calliandra timber - harvest as planned, so that timber supply will not be in deicit when it is high Calliandra seedling in Ghozali’s hands demand by the wood pellet mill. This model is more se cure than wood pellet mills that rely on the availability of sawdust from sawmills. Typology of ownership for forest land in Geger Bangkalan, is individualy-owned. Local institutions also have been well-developed, by joining forces with Gunung Mere Farming community which later changed into a Joint community called Gabungan Kelompok Tani FMU “Gerbang Lestari” after receiving assis tance from PERSEPSI - a local NGO, that provides assistance for companies that are in the process of preparing for cer tiication. FMU Gerbang Lestari has also obtained ecolabel certiication from the Indonesian Ecolabel Institute (LEI), PT Mutuagung Lestari Certiication Body. In the form of cooperatives (koperasi), FMU Gerbang Lestari has internal regulations among members, legal institutions, set up rights and obligations for members, as well as micro-inance regulations to support the local economy.

Pengelolaan Industri Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat 

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Management of CommunityBased Wood Pellet Mills The wood pellet mill is designed to have a produc tion capacity of 1 ton per hour, which is referred to as the wood pellet “incubator” industry. With an installed production capacity and 8 working hours per day, the required raw materials is 12 tons per day. Increasing production capacity can be done by using wood waste from other types of raw materials, such as twigs from teak trees; acacia, lamtoro, gliriside, and sawdust, which are alternative resources that can be used without hav ing to suppress the raw material capacity from existing

forests. It is a very interesting natural laboratory, hence the term “incubator” refers to the process of learning for the project itself and for the community. This wood pellet mill must operate every day, to sustain economic activ ity for the “Gerbang Lestari” farming community in Geger Bangkalan. For the mills management, local people are employed, including experienced machinery technicians. The illustration on the left shows the cycle: Input - Pro cess - wood pellet production output.

Building process of wood pellet mill  Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Management of Community-Based Wood Pellet Mills

Pengelolaan Industri Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat  Kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari akan mengatur ketersediaan areal seluas 186 ha terutama di areal ko song atau tidak produktif. Hasil kesepakatan dengan para kelompok tani telah diperoleh luasan kebun energi seluas 214 ha yang sudah dipetakan. Dalam konteks pengadaan lahan kebun energi, peran Kiai dan pemuka masyarakat cukup besar untuk memastikan bahwa lahan yang akan di kontrak cukup aman dikelola dalam jangka panjang.

Persemaian kelompok tani

Ketersediaan lahan yang dipakai untuk kebun energi sangat penting untuk memberi kepastian panen kayu kaliandra secara lestari. Karena bagi konsep ini, kebun energi harus disesuaikan dengan model siklus pengatu ran hasil kayu kaliandra – mengatur jadwal panen agar pasokan kayu tidak deisit setiap kali dibutuhkan oleh industri wood pellet . Model ini lebih aman dibandingkan

dengan pabrik wood pellet yang menggantungkan pada ketersediaan serbuk gergajian dari sawmill. Tipologi kepemilikan lahan hutan rakyat seperti yang terdapat di Geger Bangkalan adalah lahan milik individual. Institusi lokal juga telah berkembang baik melalui gabungan kelompok tani Gunung Mereh atau kemudian berganti baju sebagai Gabungan Kelompok Tani FMU “Gerbang Lestari” setelah mendapat sentuhan bimbingan PERSEPSI – se buah NGO lokal yang biasa membimbing perusahaan menyiapkan sertiikasi hutan. FMU Gerbang lestari ini juga telah memperoleh sertiikat ekolabel dari LEI melalui Lembaga Sertiikasi PT Mutuagung Lestari. Dalam bentuk Koperasi, FMU Gerbang Lestari memiliki aturan-aturan internal diantara anggota, legalitas lembaga, hak dan kewajiban ang gota, serta aturan micro inance untuk mendukung perekonomian lokal.

Pengelolaan Industri Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat  Pengembangan pabrik wood pellet dirancang memiliki kapasitas 1 ton per jam yang disebut sebagai inkubator industri wood pellet . Dengan kapasitas tersebut dan jam kerja 8 jam sehari, akan dibutuhkan sekitar 12 ton bahan baku wood pellets setiap harinya. Jika ingin melakukan peningkatan kapasitas produksi, penggunaan limbah kayu dari jenis lain seperti ranting-ranting jati, akasia, lamtoro, gliriside, dan serbuk gergaji bisa menjadi alter natif tanpa melakukan tekanan hutan yang ada. Ini ada lah laboratorium alam yang sangat menarik, sehingga is -

tilah inkubator mengacu pada proses pembelajaran buat proyek dan buat masyarakat. Pabrik wood pellet  ini harus beroperasi setiap harinya untuk menopang kegiatan ekonomi kelompok tani gerbang lestari di Geger Bangka lan. Untuk manajemen pabrik diperkerjakan masyarakat lokal yang berpotensi baik, termasuk tehnisi mesin-mesin yang berpengalaman. Ilustrasi di bawah ini menunjuk kan siklus: Input-Proses-Output produksi wood pellet .

Input-proses-output produksi wood pellet berbahan baku kaliandra ya ng ditanam di kebun energi

Management of CommunityBased Wood Pellet Mills The wood pellet mill is designed to have a produc tion capacity of 1 ton per hour, which is referred to as the wood pellet “incubator” industry. With an installed production capacity and 8 working hours per day, the required raw materials is 12 tons per day. Increasing production capacity can be done by using wood waste from other types of raw materials, such as twigs from teak trees; acacia, lamtoro, gliriside, and sawdust, which are alternative resources that can be used without hav ing to suppress the raw material capacity from existing

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Community Development 

Pengembangan Kapasitas Masyarakat 

Pengembangan Kapasitas Masyarakat

The new mill is expected to generate other forms of small business units which will hopefully emerge from the community’s own initiative, hence creating a trickle down effect. Or in other words, an inluential business in the region will provide a beneicial effect for other busi nesses and other consumers. With the presence of the wood pellet mill at Geger sub district, Bangkalan, hope fully new business opportunities in various sectors in so ciety will emerge, both for the people directly involved in the biomass energy estates, as well as those outside the farming community. For instance honey bee farming can develop the calliandra biomass energy estates, rice husk and sawdust sales which is used in the drying process of the wood pellet raw materials, raw material transporta tion business, business for manufacturing wood pellet biomass stoves that can be traded in local level, as well as educational-tourism business development opportunities: for the environment, entrepreneurship, and communitybased business.

Capacity building for farmers

FGD dan Pelatihan untuk para petani

Kehadiran pabrik baru ini diharapkan bisa melahirkan berbagai unit usaha kecil yang berkembang atas inisi atif masyarakat sendiri sehingga tercipta sebuah trickle down effect . Artinya bahwa suatu bisnis besar yang berpengaruh dalam suatu wilayah akan memberi pen garuh yang menguntungkan bagi bisnis-bisnis lain dan konsumen-konsumen lainnya. Dalam usaha wood pellet di Kecamatan Geger Bangkalan di perkirakan akan men imbulkan berbagai bentuk bisnis baru buat masyarakat baik yang terlibat langsung dalam kebun energi maupun masyarakat di luar kelompok tani. Sebagai contoh ada lah usaha perlebahan yang berkembang karena ada ke bun energi kaliandra, penjualan sekam padi dan serbuk gergajian karena ada kebutuhan bahan bakar dryer bahan baku wood pellet , usaha angkutan bahan baku, usaha pembuatan kompor biomasa wood pellet  yang diperjual belikan di tingkat lokal, serta kemungkinan tumbuhnya usaha wisata pendidikan: lingkungan, wirausaha, dan in dustri berbasis masyarakat.

Penghitungan Karbon dan Konsep REDD+   Untuk mendukung komitmen RAN dan RAD GRK, dimana Indonesia harus mengurangi emisi sebesar 26%, proyek ini akan menyasar pada bagaimana emisi bersih CO2 dapat dihitung melalui karbon yang diserap di areal kebun energi dan juga menghitung simpanan karbon pada wood pellet  yang bisa disubstitusikan dengan produk ba han bakar fosil. Tindakan yang diperlukan oleh Indone sia dalam rangka mengurangi kadar emisi harus menga nut prinsip MRV : measurable, reportable, and veriviable. REDD+ adalah sebuah cara sebagaimana mekanisme yang potensial untuk mengurangi emisi dimana MRV diimple Salah satu proses perhitungan karbon mentasikan menggunakan: (1) IPCC Guidelines – 2006: AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Use); (2) kombi- dari penghitungan karbon seharusnya transparan dan nasi antara penginderaan jauh &  ground-based inventory, terbuka untuk di review . (3) menghitung pada 5 kumpulan karbon, dan (4) hasil Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Community Development  People who are members of farming communities and the joint farming community, Gabungan kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari need to be prepared for the “new toy” like how to manage the energy estates and man age wood pellets mill. Of course, farmers have a lot of experience in tree planting, cultivation, maintenance, and harvest of timber for carpentry, but in this activity, they were introduced to the cultivation of calliandra, starting from how to select good seeds, the process of sowing, planting, maintaining and harvesting using the coppice system. To support the wood pellets business activities, farmers were also taught how to develop a business model that can be locally implemented and globally marketed. When the mill started its operation, members of the farming communities who were eligible, were involved in the management of the mill, trained to operate the mills machinery, and expanded production independently.

Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Tani dan Gabungan kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari perlu dikondisikan dengan “permainan baru” yaitu bagaima na mengelola kebun energi dan mengelola industri wood pellet . Tentunya petani sudah banyak pengala man bagaimana menanam pohon, memupuk, memelihara, dan memanen jenis tanaman berkayu untuk tujuan menghasilkan kayu pertukangan. Pada kesempatan ini mereka dikenalkan dengan membudidayakan kalian dra mulai dari memilih benih yang baik, menyemaikan, menanam, memelihara, serta memanen dengan cara terubusan (coppice system). Untuk menunjang kegiatan bisnis wood pellet , petani juga diajarkan bagaimana mengembangkan model bisnis yang diterima secara lokal namun bisa memasarkan di arena global. Pada saat pabrik sudah mulai jalan, anggota kelompok tani yang memenuhi syarat untuk bisa terlibat dalam pengelolaan pabrik dilatih bagaimana mengoperasikan mesin-mesin pabrik dan mengembangkan produksi secara mandiri.

forests. It is a very interesting natural laboratory, hence the term “incubator” refers to the process of learning for the project itself and for the community. This wood pellet mill must operate every day, to sustain economic activ ity for the “Gerbang Lestari” farming community in Geger Bangkalan. For the mills management, local people are employed, including experienced machinery technicians. The illustration on the left shows the cycle: Input - Pro cess - wood pellet production output.

Building process of wood pellet mill 

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014



The FMU Gerbang Lestari farming community will ensure the procurement of planting area of 186 ha es pecially on unoccupied land. As a result of an agree ment with the farming community, an area of 214 ha is available for the Biomass Energy Estate, and has been mapped accordingly. In the context of land procurement for Biomass Energy Estate, community and religious leaders (Kiyai) hold important roles in ensuring the land procurement that will be cultivated, securing it for longterm. The land procurement, which will be used for energy estates, is very important to give certainty that the Cal liandra timber harvest will be sustainable. Due to this concept, energy estates should comply to the model cy cle schedule for Calliandra timber - harvest as planned, so that timber supply will not be in deicit when it is high Calliandra seedling in Ghozali’s hands demand by the wood pellet mill. This model is more se cure than wood pellet mills that rely on the availability of sawdust from sawmills. Typology of ownership for forest land in Geger Bangkalan, is individualy-owned. Local institutions also have been well-developed, by joining forces with Gunung Mere Farming community which later changed into a Joint community called Gabungan Kelompok Tani FMU “Gerbang Lestari” after receiving assis tance from PERSEPSI - a local NGO, that provides assistance for companies that are in the process of preparing for cer tiication. FMU Gerbang Lestari has also obtained ecolabel certiication from the Indonesian Ecolabel Institute (LEI), PT Mutuagung Lestari Certiication Body. In the form of cooperatives (koperasi), FMU Gerbang Lestari has internal regulations among members, legal institutions, set up rights and obligations for members, as well as micro-inance regulations to support the local economy.

Carbon Accounting and The Concept of REDD +

 A part of carbon accounting process

To support the commitment of RAD and RAN GRK, which states that Indonesia should reduce emissions by

26%, the project will target on how CO2 emissions can be calculated through the net carbon sequestered within the Calliandra estate area and also calculate the carbon stor age of the wood pellets which can substitute fossil fuels products. Actions required by Indonesia in order to re duce emissions levels should comply with the principle of MRV: measurable, reportable, and veriiable. REDD + is a method, a potential mechanism for reducing emissions, where MRV is implemented using: (1) IPCC Guidelines 2006: AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Use); (2) a combination of remote sensing and ground-based inven tory, (3) calculation of the 5-carbon collection, and (4) the results of the calculation of carbon should be transparent and open for review. Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Community Development 

Pengembangan Kapasitas Masyarakat 

Pengembangan Kapasitas Masyarakat

Community Development  People who are members of farming communities and the joint farming community, Gabungan kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari need to be prepared for the “new toy” like how to manage the energy estates and man age wood pellets mill. Of course, farmers have a lot of experience in tree planting, cultivation, maintenance, and harvest of timber for carpentry, but in this activity, they were introduced to the cultivation of calliandra, starting from how to select good seeds, the process of sowing, planting, maintaining and harvesting using the coppice system. To support the wood pellets business activities, farmers were also taught how to develop a business model that can be locally implemented and globally marketed. When the mill started its operation, members of the farming communities who were eligible, were involved in the management of the mill, trained to operate the mills machinery, and expanded production independently.

Kehadiran pabrik baru ini diharapkan bisa melahirkan berbagai unit usaha kecil yang berkembang atas inisi atif masyarakat sendiri sehingga tercipta sebuah trickle down effect . Artinya bahwa suatu bisnis besar yang berpengaruh dalam suatu wilayah akan memberi pen garuh yang menguntungkan bagi bisnis-bisnis lain dan konsumen-konsumen lainnya. Dalam usaha wood pellet di Kecamatan Geger Bangkalan di perkirakan akan men imbulkan berbagai bentuk bisnis baru buat masyarakat baik yang terlibat langsung dalam kebun energi maupun masyarakat di luar kelompok tani. Sebagai contoh ada lah usaha perlebahan yang berkembang karena ada ke bun energi kaliandra, penjualan sekam padi dan serbuk gergajian karena ada kebutuhan bahan bakar dryer bahan baku wood pellet , usaha angkutan bahan baku, usaha pembuatan kompor biomasa wood pellet  yang diperjual belikan di tingkat lokal, serta kemungkinan tumbuhnya usaha wisata pendidikan: lingkungan, wirausaha, dan in dustri berbasis masyarakat.

Penghitungan Karbon dan Konsep REDD+   Untuk mendukung komitmen RAN dan RAD GRK, dimana Indonesia harus mengurangi emisi sebesar 26%, proyek ini akan menyasar pada bagaimana emisi bersih CO2 dapat dihitung melalui karbon yang diserap di areal kebun energi dan juga menghitung simpanan karbon pada wood pellet  yang bisa disubstitusikan dengan produk ba han bakar fosil. Tindakan yang diperlukan oleh Indone sia dalam rangka mengurangi kadar emisi harus menga nut prinsip MRV : measurable, reportable, and veriviable. REDD+ adalah sebuah cara sebagaimana mekanisme yang potensial untuk mengurangi emisi dimana MRV diimple Salah satu proses perhitungan karbon mentasikan menggunakan: (1) IPCC Guidelines – 2006: AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Use); (2) kombi- dari penghitungan karbon seharusnya transparan dan nasi antara penginderaan jauh &  ground-based inventory, terbuka untuk di review . (3) menghitung pada 5 kumpulan karbon, dan (4) hasil

Carbon Accounting and The Concept of REDD +

 A part of carbon accounting process

To support the commitment of RAD and RAN GRK, which states that Indonesia should reduce emissions by

Carbon Accounting and The Concept of REDD+

Penghitungan Karbon dan Konsep REDD+

Bangkalan Model Project berhubungan erat dengan Kon sep REDD+ dan NAMAs dengan memperhatikan prinsipprinsip sebagai berikut: 1. Mengurangi emisi dari deforestasi dan degradasi hu tan 2. Memperkuat dan memperluas peran hutan sebagai penyimpan karbon melalui: • Dukungan terhadap konservasi hutan • Pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan, dan • Penguatan stok karbon hutan 3. Dengan memperhatikan tujuan tersebut, REDD+ diimplementasikan melalui penanaman pohon dan rehabilitasi lahan-lahan kritis

Hasil dari pengukuran areal kebun energi mengguna kan GPS dipetakan dan diolah secara kartograis men jadi peta GIS. Peta kebun energi ini bisa digambarkan sebagai berikut:

Results of the measuring stage of the energy estate area, is done with GPS device, mapped and processed on to a cartographic GIS map. The map of the energy estates can be described as follows:

Jika model ini berhasil diterapkan dalam skala kecil di lingkup Kecamatan Geger Bangkalan, maka kita akan membuat model ini bergaung di wilayah yang lebih luas dalam lingkup Kabupaten dan lintas Kabupaten di Pulau yang masih banyak dijumpai lahan kritis ini. Jika telah ter bentuk dalam skala luas, maka proyek ini merupakan pe nyumbang signiikan dalam program RAD GRK di wilayah Propinsi Jawa Timur.

Pengukuran karbon Salah satu kegiatan proyek yang dilakukan adalah mel akukan pengukuran karbon tersimpan (carbon sequestration) di areal kebun energi dan areal di hutan rakyat. Pada areal seluas 214 hektar dihitung berapa kandungan biomasa kebun energi dan berapa nilai karbon tersim pan dengan menggunakan rumus allometrik . Alometrik hubungan antara diameter (cm) dan biomasa (kg) :


Bangkalan Model Project is closely linked with the con cept of REDD + and NAMAs by taking into account th e fol lowing principles: 1. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest deg radation 2. Strengthening and expanding the role of forests as car bon sinks through: • Supporting forest conservation • Managing forests in a sustainable manner, and • Strengthening forest carbon stocks 3. By considering these objectives, REDD + is implement ed through tree planting and rehabilitation of degraded lands If the model is successfully applied in a small scale in Geger sub-district Bangkalan, then we will make this model applicable in the wider scope, in the district, crossdistrict in the island, in areas widely occupied with critical land. Once developed at a larger scale, this project will be a signiicant contributor to RAD GRK program in East Java Province.

Pemetaan Areal Untuk akurasi pengukuran dan monitoring setelah pen gukuran, batas-batas areal harus diukur secara cermat dan dipetakan dengan baik untuk memenuhi persyaratan reg istrasi proyek. Kegiatan pemetaan areal dilakukan secara partisipatif yang menghadirkan masyarakat dan kelompok tani, dan hasil kesepakatan didokumentasikan.

26%, the project will target on how CO2 emissions can be calculated through the net carbon sequestered within the Calliandra estate area and also calculate the carbon stor age of the wood pellets which can substitute fossil fuels products. Actions required by Indonesia in order to re duce emissions levels should comply with the principle of MRV: measurable, reportable, and veriiable. REDD + is a method, a potential mechanism for reducing emissions, where MRV is implemented using: (1) IPCC Guidelines 2006: AFOLU (Agriculture, Forestry, Other Land Use); (2) a combination of remote sensing and ground-based inven tory, (3) calculation of the 5-carbon collection, and (4) the results of the calculation of carbon should be transparent and open for review. Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


The new mill is expected to generate other forms of small business units which will hopefully emerge from the community’s own initiative, hence creating a trickle down effect. Or in other words, an inluential business in the region will provide a beneicial effect for other busi nesses and other consumers. With the presence of the wood pellet mill at Geger sub district, Bangkalan, hope fully new business opportunities in various sectors in so ciety will emerge, both for the people directly involved in the biomass energy estates, as well as those outside the farming community. For instance honey bee farming can develop the calliandra biomass energy estates, rice husk and sawdust sales which is used in the drying process of the wood pellet raw materials, raw material transporta tion business, business for manufacturing wood pellet biomass stoves that can be traded in local level, as well as educational-tourism business development opportunities: for the environment, entrepreneurship, and communitybased business.

Capacity building for farmers

FGD dan Pelatihan untuk para petani

Masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Tani dan Gabungan kelompok Tani FMU Gerbang Lestari perlu dikondisikan dengan “permainan baru” yaitu bagaima na mengelola kebun energi dan mengelola industri wood pellet . Tentunya petani sudah banyak pengala man bagaimana menanam pohon, memupuk, memelihara, dan memanen jenis tanaman berkayu untuk tujuan menghasilkan kayu pertukangan. Pada kesempatan ini mereka dikenalkan dengan membudidayakan kalian dra mulai dari memilih benih yang baik, menyemaikan, menanam, memelihara, serta memanen dengan cara terubusan (coppice system). Untuk menunjang kegiatan bisnis wood pellet , petani juga diajarkan bagaimana mengembangkan model bisnis yang diterima secara lokal namun bisa memasarkan di arena global. Pada saat pabrik sudah mulai jalan, anggota kelompok tani yang memenuhi syarat untuk bisa terlibat dalam pengelolaan pabrik dilatih bagaimana mengoperasikan mesin-mesin pabrik dan mengembangkan produksi secara mandiri.


 Area mapping

Kegiatan pemetaan kebun energi dan pengukuran karbon

 Activity of the Biomass Energy Estate mapping and carbon accounting

For accuracy in measuring and monitoring post-meas urement stage, boundaries of an area should be carefully measured and properly mapped, to meet the registration requirements of the project. Mapping activities are partici patory, involving the community and farming communi ties, and the concessions are documented.

Carbon Accounting One of the project activities is carbon sequestration of the biomass energy estate area and community forest ar eas. In an area of 214 hectares, energy produced from the biomass estates is calculated and the amount of carbon stored is calculated by using allometric formula. Allomet ric relation between the diameter (cm) and biomass (kg) : Bt = 0,056 D 2,665 (n = 21, R2 = 0,946, d = 0,8 – 3 cm)

Bt = 0,056 D 2,665 (n = 21, R2 = 0,946, d = 0,8 – 3 cm) Hasil penghitungan kandungan karbon ini akan dihitung dan kemudian akan didapatkan nilai delta karbonnya. Proyek ini akan mensimulasikan penghitungan karbon perhektarnya.

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

The calculation results of the carbon content will be used to determine the value of delta carbon. This project will simulate the calculation of carbon per hectare.

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Carbon Accounting and The Concept of REDD+

Penghitungan Karbon dan Konsep REDD+

Bangkalan Model Project berhubungan erat dengan Kon sep REDD+ dan NAMAs dengan memperhatikan prinsipprinsip sebagai berikut: 1. Mengurangi emisi dari deforestasi dan degradasi hu tan 2. Memperkuat dan memperluas peran hutan sebagai penyimpan karbon melalui: • Dukungan terhadap konservasi hutan • Pengelolaan hutan berkelanjutan, dan • Penguatan stok karbon hutan 3. Dengan memperhatikan tujuan tersebut, REDD+ diimplementasikan melalui penanaman pohon dan rehabilitasi lahan-lahan kritis

Hasil dari pengukuran areal kebun energi mengguna kan GPS dipetakan dan diolah secara kartograis men jadi peta GIS. Peta kebun energi ini bisa digambarkan sebagai berikut:

Results of the measuring stage of the energy estate area, is done with GPS device, mapped and processed on to a cartographic GIS map. The map of the energy estates can be described as follows:

Jika model ini berhasil diterapkan dalam skala kecil di lingkup Kecamatan Geger Bangkalan, maka kita akan membuat model ini bergaung di wilayah yang lebih luas dalam lingkup Kabupaten dan lintas Kabupaten di Pulau yang masih banyak dijumpai lahan kritis ini. Jika telah ter bentuk dalam skala luas, maka proyek ini merupakan pe nyumbang signiikan dalam program RAD GRK di wilayah Propinsi Jawa Timur.

If the model is successfully applied in a small scale in Geger sub-district Bangkalan, then we will make this model applicable in the wider scope, in the district, crossdistrict in the island, in areas widely occupied with critical land. Once developed at a larger scale, this project will be a signiicant contributor to RAD GRK program in East Java Province.

Pemetaan Areal Untuk akurasi pengukuran dan monitoring setelah pen gukuran, batas-batas areal harus diukur secara cermat dan dipetakan dengan baik untuk memenuhi persyaratan reg istrasi proyek. Kegiatan pemetaan areal dilakukan secara partisipatif yang menghadirkan masyarakat dan kelompok tani, dan hasil kesepakatan didokumentasikan.


Bangkalan Model Project is closely linked with the con cept of REDD + and NAMAs by taking into account th e fol lowing principles: 1. Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest deg radation 2. Strengthening and expanding the role of forests as car bon sinks through: • Supporting forest conservation • Managing forests in a sustainable manner, and • Strengthening forest carbon stocks 3. By considering these objectives, REDD + is implement ed through tree planting and rehabilitation of degraded lands

 Area mapping

Kegiatan pemetaan kebun energi dan pengukuran karbon

 Activity of the Biomass Energy Estate mapping and carbon accounting

Pengukuran karbon

For accuracy in measuring and monitoring post-meas urement stage, boundaries of an area should be carefully measured and properly mapped, to meet the registration requirements of the project. Mapping activities are partici patory, involving the community and farming communi ties, and the concessions are documented.

Carbon Accounting

Salah satu kegiatan proyek yang dilakukan adalah mel akukan pengukuran karbon tersimpan (carbon sequestration) di areal kebun energi dan areal di hutan rakyat. Pada areal seluas 214 hektar dihitung berapa kandungan biomasa kebun energi dan berapa nilai karbon tersim pan dengan menggunakan rumus allometrik . Alometrik hubungan antara diameter (cm) dan biomasa (kg) :

One of the project activities is carbon sequestration of the biomass energy estate area and community forest ar eas. In an area of 214 hectares, energy produced from the biomass estates is calculated and the amount of carbon stored is calculated by using allometric formula. Allomet ric relation between the diameter (cm) and biomass (kg) : Bt = 0,056 D 2,665 (n = 21, R2 = 0,946, d = 0,8 – 3 cm)

Bt = 0,056 D 2,665 (n = 21, R2 = 0,946, d = 0,8 – 3 cm) The calculation results of the carbon content will be used to determine the value of delta carbon. This project will simulate the calculation of carbon per hectare.

Hasil penghitungan kandungan karbon ini akan dihitung dan kemudian akan didapatkan nilai delta karbonnya. Proyek ini akan mensimulasikan penghitungan karbon perhektarnya.

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


 Areal Mapping | Carbon Accounting

Pemetaan Areal | Pengukuran Karbon

Pengukuran dengan GPS oleh para petani

Field-based training to demonstrate a measurement using GPS 

Beberapa hasil semetara (masih dilakukan pengukuran lapangan tahap akhir) analisis laboratorium terkait dengan penghitungan biomasa dan kandungan karbon menurut kategori jarak tanam, biomasa/pohon, biomasa/ha, biomasa seluruh areal bisa dilihat pada Tabel berikut ini :

Some provisional results, (still in the inal stages of ield measurement) laboratory analysis related to the calculation of biomass and carbon content, by category spacing, biomass/plant, biomass/ha, biomass DAPT for the entire area is shown in the following table :

Sumber: Firman Fahada, 2013

Source: Firman Fahada, 2013

Catatan : • Riap diameter rata-rata diperoleh dari hasil pen gukuran ulang pada umur 7 bulan • Kandungan karbon (C) pada sampel tanaman (hasil uji laboratorium) : Rata2 kandungan C pada selu ruh sampel tanaman (batang, cabang, daun, akar) adalah sebesar 41,15 % dari b iomasanya

Note : • The average diameter increment obtained from re peated measurements at the age of 7 months • The content of carbon (C) from the plant samples (laboratory test results): Average C content from the entire sample of plants (stems, branches, leaves, roots) amounts to 41.15% of its biomass

Pengambilan sampel untuk menghitung kandungan karbon

The operational car was being used for any activities

Penyerapan CO2 pada seluruh areal BEE Bangkalan adalah sebagai berikut :

Sumber: Firman Fahada, 2013 Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


 Absorption of CO2 for the entire BEE Bangkalan area is as  follows:

Source: Firman Fahada, 2013 Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


 Areal Mapping | Carbon Accounting

Pemetaan Areal | Pengukuran Karbon

Pengukuran dengan GPS oleh para petani

Field-based training to demonstrate a measurement using GPS 

Beberapa hasil semetara (masih dilakukan pengukuran lapangan tahap akhir) analisis laboratorium terkait dengan penghitungan biomasa dan kandungan karbon menurut kategori jarak tanam, biomasa/pohon, biomasa/ha, biomasa seluruh areal bisa dilihat pada Tabel berikut ini :

Some provisional results, (still in the inal stages of ield measurement) laboratory analysis related to the calculation of biomass and carbon content, by category spacing, biomass/plant, biomass/ha, biomass DAPT for the entire area is shown in the following table :

Sumber: Firman Fahada, 2013

Source: Firman Fahada, 2013

Catatan : • Riap diameter rata-rata diperoleh dari hasil pen gukuran ulang pada umur 7 bulan • Kandungan karbon (C) pada sampel tanaman (hasil uji laboratorium) : Rata2 kandungan C pada selu ruh sampel tanaman (batang, cabang, daun, akar) adalah sebesar 41,15 % dari b iomasanya

Note : • The average diameter increment obtained from re peated measurements at the age of 7 months • The content of carbon (C) from the plant samples (laboratory test results): Average C content from the entire sample of plants (stems, branches, leaves, roots) amounts to 41.15% of its biomass

Pengambilan sampel untuk menghitung kandungan karbon

The operational car was being used for any activities

Penyerapan CO2 pada seluruh areal BEE Bangkalan adalah sebagai berikut :

Sumber: Firman Fahada, 2013

 Absorption of CO2 for the entire BEE Bangkalan area is as  follows:

Source: Firman Fahada, 2013 Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

The Biomass Energy Estate Map



Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014



Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

The Biomass Energy Estate Map 28 

Rumbling Machine in Kombangan

Mesin Mesin Berderum di Kombangan

MESIN MESIN BERDERUM DI KOMBANGAN Deru mesin pabrik wood pellet  memecah kesunyian di desa terpencil di tengah-tengah hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari di Desa Kombangan, Kecamatan Geger, Bangkalan. “Horee...!” teriak sebagian remaja dan anak-anak santri melihat bagaimana mesin-mesin wood pellet  yang mereka sangsikan sebelumnya bakal datang di desa mereka ternyata sudah di depan mata mereka, di pabrik wood pellet  CV Gerbang Lestari. Walaupun proses pengangkutan mesin dari alat angkutan menuju ke pabrik mengalami banyak kesulitan, toh akhirnya terpasang juga. KH Irham tampak cekatan bergerak dan menggerakkan kaum tani dan kaum santri di Ponpesnya untuk bersama-sama membantu memasang mesin-mesin wood  pellet . “Sebuah impian yang se bentar lagi terwujud,” kata dia. Perencanaan manajemen pabrik telah dilakukan untuk memastikan produksi wood pellet   bisa dijalankan sesuai kapasitas dan permintaan pembeli. Masyarakat juga telah mengenyam training manajemen pabrik dan model bis nis wood pellet   serta bagaimana mengoperasikan alat-alat pence -

Mesin-mesin wood pellet siap dioperasikan

tak wood pellet . Bahan baku pun disiapkan dengan mengundang para petani dan ketua kelompok tani. Mereka sangat senang karena tanaman kaliandra segera panen dan bisa dipetik hasilnya. Selain jenis kaliandra, mereka berharap jenis-jenis lainnya bisa dijadikan sebagai pencampur kaliandra, seperti gliriside, lamtoro, dan ranting-ranting jati dan mahoni yang selama ini dijadikan kayu bakar.

RUMBLING MACHINE IN KOMBANGAN The roars of Wood pellet mill engines broke the silence in a remote village of the forest people in Gerbang Lest  ari, Kombangan Village, Geger District, Bangkalan. “Hooray ...!” Yelled some teenagers and santri (Student of Islamic boarding school), seeing the wood pellets machines, that they previously doubted would ever come to their village, was now in front of them, at the wood pellet mill, CV Gerbang Lestari. Although the transportation of the machinery to the mill experienced many dificulties, it was eventually installed. KH Irham swiftly moved in ac tion, motivating the farmers as well as the santri (s) at his Pondok Pesantren to round up and as semble the wood pellet machine together. “A dream will soon come true”, he says. Factory manage ment planning has been con ducted, to ensure the production capacity of wood pellets so that it will meet demand of buyers. The people have been given training on how to manage the mill, an over view of the wood pallet business and training on how to operate the wood pallet product machinery.  A Pelletizer as a main machine for producing wood pellets The raw materials are being pre pared by the farmers and community leader. They are very happy because the calliandra crops are harvested immedi ately, and has made a proit. The people hope other types of plants besides Calliandra can be used complimentary to Calliandra, such gliriside, lamtoro, and twigs teak and mahogany that is commonly used as irewood.

Wood pellets product of CV Gerbang Lestari

Pembongkaran bahan baku kaliandra di halaman pabrik 

 Analisis Sederhana Usaha Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat

Manfaat Bagi Masyarakat 

Saat ini industri wood pellet di Indonesia bak seorang raja, pembeli mau - • Bisa menjual kayu/batang kaliandra pun broker wood pellet datang sendiri ke Pabrik. Harga wood pellet juga dengan harga yang lebih tinggi dari menarik, dan cukup bervariasi dimana paling rendah sekitar 100 USD/ton. kayu bakar Sedangkan permintaan lokal paling rendah 1 juta rupiah per ton. Harga pal - • Bisa menjual kayu/ranting jenis lain ing tinggi jika dijual ke Eropa dengan penawaran sebesar 220-250 USD per yang selama ini tidak bermanfaat  tonnya. • Kontinyuitas penerimaan • Menambah lapangan kerja terutama untuk pekerja pabrik  • Tanah semakin subur, sumber air se makin melimpah • Kapasitas FMU Gerbang Lestari dan masyarakat semakin meningkat  • Munculnya usaha baru  AnalisisEkonomiSederhana (Simulasi) Hanya sekedar simulasi, perhitungan kelayakan pembangunan wood pellet kapasitas 1 ton per jam, 9 jam perhari Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


Beneit for Community

 A simple Analysis of community-based Wood Pellet Business

• Be able to sell wood/trunk of kalian dra with the higher price than ire wood • Be able to sell wood/twigs of other types which was not valuable • Continuity of revenue • Increase employment opportunities especially for factory workers • Enhance more fertile soil and abun dant water resources • Enhance the capacity of FMU Ger bang Lestari and farmers • Emerge of new business opportu-

Currently wood pellet industry in Indonesia is like a king, buyers and bro kers of wood pellets come to Factory. The price of wood pellets is also inter esting, and quite varied, most low around 100 USD / ton. While most low local demand 1 million dollars per ton. Highest price when sold to Europe with an offer of 220-250 USD per tonne.

Simple Economic Analysis (Simulation only) The feasibility of developing wood pellets with capacity of 1 ton per hour, 9 hours per day can be described as follows: Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Rumbling Machine in Kombangan

Mesin Mesin Berderum di Kombangan

MESIN MESIN BERDERUM DI KOMBANGAN Deru mesin pabrik wood pellet  memecah kesunyian di desa terpencil di tengah-tengah hutan rakyat Gerbang Lestari di Desa Kombangan, Kecamatan Geger, Bangkalan. “Horee...!” teriak sebagian remaja dan anak-anak santri melihat bagaimana mesin-mesin wood pellet  yang mereka sangsikan sebelumnya bakal datang di desa mereka ternyata sudah di depan mata mereka, di pabrik wood pellet  CV Gerbang Lestari. Walaupun proses pengangkutan mesin dari alat angkutan menuju ke pabrik mengalami banyak kesulitan, toh akhirnya terpasang juga. KH Irham tampak cekatan bergerak dan menggerakkan kaum tani dan kaum santri di Ponpesnya untuk bersama-sama membantu memasang mesin-mesin wood  pellet . “Sebuah impian yang se bentar lagi terwujud,” kata dia. Perencanaan manajemen pabrik telah dilakukan untuk memastikan produksi wood pellet   bisa dijalankan sesuai kapasitas dan permintaan pembeli. Masyarakat juga telah mengenyam training manajemen pabrik dan model bis nis wood pellet   serta bagaimana mengoperasikan alat-alat pence -

Mesin-mesin wood pellet siap dioperasikan

tak wood pellet . Bahan baku pun disiapkan dengan mengundang para petani dan ketua kelompok tani. Mereka sangat senang karena tanaman kaliandra segera panen dan bisa dipetik hasilnya. Selain jenis kaliandra, mereka berharap jenis-jenis lainnya bisa dijadikan sebagai pencampur kaliandra, seperti gliriside, lamtoro, dan ranting-ranting jati dan mahoni yang selama ini dijadikan kayu bakar.

RUMBLING MACHINE IN KOMBANGAN The roars of Wood pellet mill engines broke the silence in a remote village of the forest people in Gerbang Lest  ari, Kombangan Village, Geger District, Bangkalan. “Hooray ...!” Yelled some teenagers and santri (Student of Islamic boarding school), seeing the wood pellets machines, that they previously doubted would ever come to their village, was now in front of them, at the wood pellet mill, CV Gerbang Lestari. Although the transportation of the machinery to the mill experienced many dificulties, it was eventually installed. KH Irham swiftly moved in ac tion, motivating the farmers as well as the santri (s) at his Pondok Pesantren to round up and as semble the wood pellet machine together. “A dream will soon come true”, he says. Factory manage ment planning has been con ducted, to ensure the production capacity of wood pellets so that it will meet demand of buyers. The people have been given training on how to manage the mill, an over view of the wood pallet business and training on how to operate the wood pallet product machinery.  A Pelletizer as a main machine for producing wood pellets The raw materials are being pre pared by the farmers and community leader. They are very happy because the calliandra crops are harvested immedi ately, and has made a proit. The people hope other types of plants besides Calliandra can be used complimentary to Calliandra, such gliriside, lamtoro, and twigs teak and mahogany that is commonly used as irewood.

Wood pellets product of CV Gerbang Lestari

Pembongkaran bahan baku kaliandra di halaman pabrik 

 Analisis Sederhana Usaha Wood Pellet Berbasis Masyarakat

Manfaat Bagi Masyarakat 

Saat ini industri wood pellet di Indonesia bak seorang raja, pembeli mau - • Bisa menjual kayu/batang kaliandra pun broker wood pellet datang sendiri ke Pabrik. Harga wood pellet juga dengan harga yang lebih tinggi dari menarik, dan cukup bervariasi dimana paling rendah sekitar 100 USD/ton. kayu bakar Sedangkan permintaan lokal paling rendah 1 juta rupiah per ton. Harga pal - • Bisa menjual kayu/ranting jenis lain ing tinggi jika dijual ke Eropa dengan penawaran sebesar 220-250 USD per yang selama ini tidak bermanfaat  tonnya. • Kontinyuitas penerimaan • Menambah lapangan kerja terutama untuk pekerja pabrik  • Tanah semakin subur, sumber air se makin melimpah • Kapasitas FMU Gerbang Lestari dan masyarakat semakin meningkat  • Munculnya usaha baru  AnalisisEkonomiSederhana (Simulasi) Hanya sekedar simulasi, perhitungan kelayakan pembangunan wood pellet kapasitas 1 ton per jam, 9 jam perhari

Beneit for Community

 A simple Analysis of community-based Wood Pellet Business

• Be able to sell wood/trunk of kalian dra with the higher price than ire wood • Be able to sell wood/twigs of other types which was not valuable • Continuity of revenue • Increase employment opportunities especially for factory workers • Enhance more fertile soil and abun dant water resources • Enhance the capacity of FMU Ger bang Lestari and farmers • Emerge of new business opportu-

Currently wood pellet industry in Indonesia is like a king, buyers and bro kers of wood pellets come to Factory. The price of wood pellets is also inter esting, and quite varied, most low around 100 USD / ton. While most low local demand 1 million dollars per ton. Highest price when sold to Europe with an offer of 220-250 USD per tonne.

Simple Economic Analysis (Simulation only) The feasibility of developing wood pellets with capacity of 1 ton per hour, 9 hours per day can be described as follows: Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


The Three Keepers of t he Geger Forest 

Tiga Serangkai Penjaga Hutan Geger 

Pabrik beserta mesin-mesin wood  pellet   sekarang tampak moncer. Pembelipun berdatangan, bahkan jauh hari sebelum mesin-mesinnya datang. “Permintaan wood pellet  boleh dikatakan tak terbatas,”kata Kriswanto, praktisi dan produsen wood pellet  dari Boyolali. Harganyapun pas, artinya pabrik masih bisa menyimpan keuntungan yang lumayan jika pengelolaannya bisa eisien. Semoga deru mesin pabrik tetap berderum, asa berbuah berkah, masyarakat sejahtera.


Lokasi pabrik wood pellet CV Gerbang Lestari

Location of wood pellets mill CV Gerbang Lestari


The factory and its machinery for manufacturingthewoodpelletslooks like a bright future. Buyers lock, even long before the machines came. “Demand for wood pellets is virtu ally limitless,” said Kriswanto, prac titioners and manufacturers of wood pellets from Boyolali. The price is right, it means the plant can still keep a sizeable proit if managed eficient. Hopefully the mills machine will continuously rumble, giving blessing and prosperity to the society.

Dari kiri ke kanan: H. Noer Yanto, H. Ghozali Anshori, dan KH. Irham Roii

SISI LAIN : Tiga Serangkai Penjaga Hutan Geger  Pamor kyai atau tokoh agama memang besar. Kaum abangan yang diasoasiasikan dengan kaum kiri pun meski mereka mempunyai kekuasaan secara formal tetap tunduk di bawah pengaruh kyai atau tokoh aga ma. Pengaruh itu makin besar bila diimbuhi kyai bersangkutan memiliki kemampuan mumpuni mengenai ajaran agama tapi juga olah beladiri dan “kesaktian”. Penggambaran lain adalah stereotipisasi  masyarakat Madura tipe masyarakat yang bertemperamen keras. Citra ini melekat lewat identiikasi diri orang Madura dengan carok  atau pendekar sakera lengkap dengan atribut kaos belang-belang warna merah serta ikat kepala. Aksesori lain sebilah parang tajam melengkapi perangkat dalam mempertahankan harga diri. Warga Madura kemudian identik sebagai sosoksosok keras dan mudah tersulut emosinya. Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Namun citra negatif itu luntur bila bertandang ke Desa Kombangan di Kecamatan Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Bertemu KH Irham Roii, H Ghozali Anshori dan H Noer Yanto SP, kesan kegarangan itu mencair. Alih-alih bercerita mengenai parang nan tajam, cerita yang kemudian menga lir bertutur mengenai cangkul. Ya, sosok-sosok yang kerap digambarkan keras itu fasih berbicara mengenai pentingnya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan kegairahan mena nam. “Kekerasan” tekad mereka mendapat bentuk dalam kegigihan menghijaukan lingkungan. Ketiganya seperti tokoh The Three Musketeers  dalam novel karangan Alexan dre Dumas yang gigih bahu-membahu menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di wilayah Geger.

THE OTHER SIDE : The Three Keepers of the Geger Forest  Inluence of the Kyai or religious igures are enor mous. The “abangan” or moderate igures, who are of ten assosiated to liberal idealisms, even though they have formal authority in the area, remain submissive under the inluence of the religious igures. The Kyai’s inluence is considered even greater if he has not only knowledge of religious teachings but also knowledge of martial arts or supernatural abilities. Many people portray the Madurese as hard tem pered people. The image is relected from the tradi tional patterns/motifs comming from the area, and the traditional costums that are worn, a respected warrior known as “Sakera”, who wore attributes such a red and white striped shirt and an “ikat” worn on the head. Another well known accessory is a sharp blade called “parang” used to defend the Madura nesse dignity. The people of Madura subsequently are

identical to hard tempered igures who are easily irritated. However, the negative image disappears once you visit Desa Kombangan di Geger sub-district, Kabupaten Bang kalan. After meeting KH Irham Roii, H Ghozali Anshori and H Noer Yanto SP, the ierce and bad tempered stereotypes will vanish. Rather than telling stories about the “parang”, they will tell more about the”cangkul” (cangkul : tradi tional tool, like a hoe, used for plowing). They are often described as vocal and eloquent leaders who are very con cerned about the preserving the environment, and main taining enthusiasme for planting/farming. The ierceness found in them is seen in their determination in “greening” the environment. The three igures are like the characters in The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas, who per sistently work together to preserve the environment in Geger.

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


The Three Keepers of t he Geger Forest 

Tiga Serangkai Penjaga Hutan Geger 

Pabrik beserta mesin-mesin wood  pellet   sekarang tampak moncer. Pembelipun berdatangan, bahkan jauh hari sebelum mesin-mesinnya datang. “Permintaan wood pellet  boleh dikatakan tak terbatas,”kata Kriswanto, praktisi dan produsen wood pellet  dari Boyolali. Harganyapun pas, artinya pabrik masih bisa menyimpan keuntungan yang lumayan jika pengelolaannya bisa eisien. Semoga deru mesin pabrik tetap berderum, asa berbuah berkah, masyarakat sejahtera.

Lokasi pabrik wood pellet CV Gerbang Lestari

Location of wood pellets mill CV Gerbang Lestari


The factory and its machinery for manufacturingthewoodpelletslooks like a bright future. Buyers lock, even long before the machines came. “Demand for wood pellets is virtu ally limitless,” said Kriswanto, prac titioners and manufacturers of wood pellets from Boyolali. The price is right, it means the plant can still keep a sizeable proit if managed eficient. Hopefully the mills machine will continuously rumble, giving blessing and prosperity to the society.

Dari kiri ke kanan: H. Noer Yanto, H. Ghozali Anshori, dan KH. Irham Roii

SISI LAIN : Tiga Serangkai Penjaga Hutan Geger  Pamor kyai atau tokoh agama memang besar. Kaum abangan yang diasoasiasikan dengan kaum kiri pun meski mereka mempunyai kekuasaan secara formal tetap tunduk di bawah pengaruh kyai atau tokoh aga ma. Pengaruh itu makin besar bila diimbuhi kyai bersangkutan memiliki kemampuan mumpuni mengenai ajaran agama tapi juga olah beladiri dan “kesaktian”. Penggambaran lain adalah stereotipisasi  masyarakat Madura tipe masyarakat yang bertemperamen keras. Citra ini melekat lewat identiikasi diri orang Madura dengan carok  atau pendekar sakera lengkap dengan atribut kaos belang-belang warna merah serta ikat kepala. Aksesori lain sebilah parang tajam melengkapi perangkat dalam mempertahankan harga diri. Warga Madura kemudian identik sebagai sosoksosok keras dan mudah tersulut emosinya.

Namun citra negatif itu luntur bila bertandang ke Desa Kombangan di Kecamatan Geger, Kabupaten Bangkalan. Bertemu KH Irham Roii, H Ghozali Anshori dan H Noer Yanto SP, kesan kegarangan itu mencair. Alih-alih bercerita mengenai parang nan tajam, cerita yang kemudian menga lir bertutur mengenai cangkul. Ya, sosok-sosok yang kerap digambarkan keras itu fasih berbicara mengenai pentingnya menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan kegairahan mena nam. “Kekerasan” tekad mereka mendapat bentuk dalam kegigihan menghijaukan lingkungan. Ketiganya seperti tokoh The Three Musketeers  dalam novel karangan Alexan dre Dumas yang gigih bahu-membahu menjaga kelestarian lingkungan di wilayah Geger.

THE OTHER SIDE : The Three Keepers of the Geger Forest  Inluence of the Kyai or religious igures are enor mous. The “abangan” or moderate igures, who are of ten assosiated to liberal idealisms, even though they have formal authority in the area, remain submissive under the inluence of the religious igures. The Kyai’s inluence is considered even greater if he has not only knowledge of religious teachings but also knowledge of martial arts or supernatural abilities. Many people portray the Madurese as hard tem pered people. The image is relected from the tradi tional patterns/motifs comming from the area, and the traditional costums that are worn, a respected warrior known as “Sakera”, who wore attributes such a red and white striped shirt and an “ikat” worn on the head. Another well known accessory is a sharp blade called “parang” used to defend the Madura nesse dignity. The people of Madura subsequently are

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


 A Firm Wall  33 

Dinding Kokoh

Dinding Kokoh

 A Firm Wall

Bertemu KH Irham Roii seakan meruntuhkan gambaran sosok kyai yang kerap diposisikan berada di menara gad ing. Pria kelahiran Bangkalan 14 Juni 1966 itu nyatanya tak sungkan bergelut dengan lumpur dan tanah menanam sendiri pohon di lahan miliknya. Kecintaan pria yang kini menjadi pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Darul Ittihad itu ber mula sejak 1970-an. Dalam ingatan masa kecilnya, udara di Geger kala itu terasa panas menyengat saat musim kema rau. Air bersih pun menjadi barang langka. Ironisnya, saat musim penghujan tiba, tanah longsor serta penggerusan tanah akibat erosi menjadi cerita sehari-hari. Derita itu tidak hanya dialami di Geger, daerah hilir seperti Arosbaya yang berjarak 10 km dari Geger turut menerima imbas berupa kiriman banjir.

Situasi lokasi FMU Gerbang Lestari pada tahun ‘70 an

Terang saja kebanyakan lahan di sana dibiarkan kero— istilah Madura untuk menyebut tidak digarap—selama bertahun-tahun. Hal itu tidak terlepas dari banyaknya penduduk yang merantau dan eksodus keluar daerah untuk mencari nakah dan penghidupan yang lebih baik. Kegemaran Irham sendiri tidak lepas dari teladan yang dicontohkan sang ayah. Saat itu sang ayah gemar menanam bibit tanaman kayu ataupun buah-buahan. “Ayah saya adalah orang yang pertama kali membawa bibit rambutan ke dae rah Geger,” kenang Irham. Toh kegemaran itu ternyata tidak menular ke masyarakat sekitar. Kondisi tanah yang kering membuat tanaman seolah enggan tumbuh. Cemoohan pun mengalir bahwa sia-sia saja sang ayah menanam rambutan, toh hasilnya sama saja: enggan berbuah. Hal serupa juga dialami oleh Irham saat me nanam durian. “Durian tidak ada sejarahnya berbuah di Geger,” tuturnya. Selepas menamatkan pendidikan di Pondok Pesant ren Modern Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo dan Pondok Pesantren Al-Amin Prenduan, Sumenep, Irham pun kembali ke Geger meneruskan pondok pesantren yang telah dirintis sang ayah. Melihat kondisi lingkungan yang masih butuh sentuhan, Irham pun memutuskan melanjutkan perjuangan sang ayah memberikan penyuluhan mengenai pentinganya kesadaran lingkungan kepada Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

identical to hard tempered igures who are easily irritated. However, the negative image disappears once you visit Desa Kombangan di Geger sub-district, Kabupaten Bang kalan. After meeting KH Irham Roii, H Ghozali Anshori and H Noer Yanto SP, the ierce and bad tempered stereotypes will vanish. Rather than telling stories about the “parang”, they will tell more about the”cangkul” (cangkul : tradi tional tool, like a hoe, used for plowing). They are often described as vocal and eloquent leaders who are very con cerned about the preserving the environment, and main taining enthusiasme for planting/farming. The ierceness found in them is seen in their determination in “greening” the environment. The three igures are like the characters in The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas, who per sistently work together to preserve the environment in Geger.

Meeting KH Irham Roii breaks down the image of Kyai’s who are often positioned at the ivory tower. Born in Bang kalan, June 14, 1966 the man never hesitated to struggle with mud and soil and plant his own trees on his land. His passion begun since 1970 and he is currently the head of Pondok Pesantren Darul Ittihad. In his childhood memory, the air at that time in Geger was extremely hot during dry season. Clean water was always a rare commodity. Ironically, when the rainy season came, landslides due to soil erosion was a common disaster. Suffering was not only experienced by the people living in Geger, the low lying lands like in Arosbaya which is only 10 miles from Geger also got looded.

KH. Irham Roii as a Forest Specialist 

Posisi sebagai pemuka masyarakat nyata benar di manfaatkan Irham untuk mengajak masyarakat sekitar. Perlahan tapi pasti, masyarakat pun mulai tergerak untuk menanam tidak hanya pohon buah tapi juga pohon kayu. Walhasil perlahan tapi pasti hasil itu mulai terlihat. Menurut Irham, kondisi lingkungan Geger kini menjadi tempat yang nyaman dihuni. Udara segar serta rerimbunan hijau pepohonan menjadi pemandangan yang menyejukkan hati. “Saya lebih baik tinggal disini dibanding harus pindah ke kota,” ungkapnya. Kondisi lain buah-buahan kini membanjiri geger. Se but saja, pohon rambutan menjadi pemandangan yang lazim dijumpai. Saat musim rambutan tiba, biasanya antara bulan Desember—Januari, daerah Geger banjir rambutan.Tidak jarang rambutan itu dijajakan di tepi jalan sebagai buah tangan para pelancong yang kebetu lan melintas di daerah tersebut. Pun, durian yang di tanam Irham nyatanya sanggup berbuah. Hal itu seakan mematahkan mitos yang menganggap bahwa tanah Geger adalah tanah “terkutuk”.

Obviously most of the land there is left “kero”- a term in Madura which means, abandoned for years. This con dition is also due to the fact that many locals choose to leave the island to make a better living and live in other places. Irham’s passion is inluenced by his fathers good habits. At that time, his father would plant trees for timber or fruit producing trees from seeds, “My father was the irst who brought “rambutan”seeds to Geger”, Irham re calls. But unfotunately his fondness for planting did not spread to the wider community. The soil was too dry, making it dificult to grow crops. His father was often mocked for planting rambutan trees that would not bear fruits. Irham also experienced something similar when he tried to plant durian. “There h as never been any du rian trees in Geger, never in history”, he says After completing his education at The Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo and Islamic Boarding School Al-Amin Prenduan, Sumenep, Irham returned to Geger to run the boarding school that his father had established. Looking at the environ mental conditions there, it still needed much attention, Irham decided to continue his father’s struggle by pro viding counseling on the importance of environmental awareness to the locals, This eventually made KH Irham Roii known as “Kyai Hutan” or the Forest Kyai.

 A teak plantation which was planted above critical land 

Holding the role as the community’s religious leaders, Irham used his authority to encourage th e local commu nity. Slowly but surely, the community began planting, not only timber trees but also fruit trees. Hence, slowly but surely, the results became visible. According to Ir ham, Geger has become a comfortable place to live in. The fresh air and the green grove of trees, is a soothing sight. “I would rather stay here than have to move to the city”, he said. Now the conditions have changed, Geger is looding with fruits. Rambutan trees are now a common sight. During the rambutan harvest seasons, which takes place during the months of December to January, the vil lage is looding with rambutans and it is also often that the locals sell their rambutans to travelers that come by along the roadsides. And in the end, the durian trees he planted can now bear fruits. The conditions now have broken the myth that the lands of Geger were cu rsed.

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


 A Firm Wall  33 

Dinding Kokoh

Dinding Kokoh

 A Firm Wall

Bertemu KH Irham Roii seakan meruntuhkan gambaran sosok kyai yang kerap diposisikan berada di menara gad ing. Pria kelahiran Bangkalan 14 Juni 1966 itu nyatanya tak sungkan bergelut dengan lumpur dan tanah menanam sendiri pohon di lahan miliknya. Kecintaan pria yang kini menjadi pimpinan Pondok Pesantren Darul Ittihad itu ber mula sejak 1970-an. Dalam ingatan masa kecilnya, udara di Geger kala itu terasa panas menyengat saat musim kema rau. Air bersih pun menjadi barang langka. Ironisnya, saat musim penghujan tiba, tanah longsor serta penggerusan tanah akibat erosi menjadi cerita sehari-hari. Derita itu tidak hanya dialami di Geger, daerah hilir seperti Arosbaya yang berjarak 10 km dari Geger turut menerima imbas berupa kiriman banjir.

Situasi lokasi FMU Gerbang Lestari pada tahun ‘70 an

Terang saja kebanyakan lahan di sana dibiarkan kero— istilah Madura untuk menyebut tidak digarap—selama bertahun-tahun. Hal itu tidak terlepas dari banyaknya penduduk yang merantau dan eksodus keluar daerah untuk mencari nakah dan penghidupan yang lebih baik. Kegemaran Irham sendiri tidak lepas dari teladan yang dicontohkan sang ayah. Saat itu sang ayah gemar menanam bibit tanaman kayu ataupun buah-buahan. “Ayah saya adalah orang yang pertama kali membawa bibit rambutan ke dae rah Geger,” kenang Irham. Toh kegemaran itu ternyata tidak menular ke masyarakat sekitar. Kondisi tanah yang kering membuat tanaman seolah enggan tumbuh. Cemoohan pun mengalir bahwa sia-sia saja sang ayah menanam rambutan, toh hasilnya sama saja: enggan berbuah. Hal serupa juga dialami oleh Irham saat me nanam durian. “Durian tidak ada sejarahnya berbuah di Geger,” tuturnya. Selepas menamatkan pendidikan di Pondok Pesant ren Modern Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo dan Pondok Pesantren Al-Amin Prenduan, Sumenep, Irham pun kembali ke Geger meneruskan pondok pesantren yang telah dirintis sang ayah. Melihat kondisi lingkungan yang masih butuh sentuhan, Irham pun memutuskan melanjutkan perjuangan sang ayah memberikan penyuluhan mengenai pentinganya kesadaran lingkungan kepada

Meeting KH Irham Roii breaks down the image of Kyai’s who are often positioned at the ivory tower. Born in Bang kalan, June 14, 1966 the man never hesitated to struggle with mud and soil and plant his own trees on his land. His passion begun since 1970 and he is currently the head of Pondok Pesantren Darul Ittihad. In his childhood memory, the air at that time in Geger was extremely hot during dry season. Clean water was always a rare commodity. Ironically, when the rainy season came, landslides due to soil erosion was a common disaster. Suffering was not only experienced by the people living in Geger, the low lying lands like in Arosbaya which is only 10 miles from Geger also got looded.

KH. Irham Roii as a Forest Specialist 

Posisi sebagai pemuka masyarakat nyata benar di manfaatkan Irham untuk mengajak masyarakat sekitar. Perlahan tapi pasti, masyarakat pun mulai tergerak untuk menanam tidak hanya pohon buah tapi juga pohon kayu. Walhasil perlahan tapi pasti hasil itu mulai terlihat. Menurut Irham, kondisi lingkungan Geger kini menjadi tempat yang nyaman dihuni. Udara segar serta rerimbunan hijau pepohonan menjadi pemandangan yang menyejukkan hati. “Saya lebih baik tinggal disini dibanding harus pindah ke kota,” ungkapnya. Kondisi lain buah-buahan kini membanjiri geger. Se but saja, pohon rambutan menjadi pemandangan yang lazim dijumpai. Saat musim rambutan tiba, biasanya antara bulan Desember—Januari, daerah Geger banjir rambutan.Tidak jarang rambutan itu dijajakan di tepi jalan sebagai buah tangan para pelancong yang kebetu lan melintas di daerah tersebut. Pun, durian yang di tanam Irham nyatanya sanggup berbuah. Hal itu seakan mematahkan mitos yang menganggap bahwa tanah Geger adalah tanah “terkutuk”.

Obviously most of the land there is left “kero”- a term in Madura which means, abandoned for years. This con dition is also due to the fact that many locals choose to leave the island to make a better living and live in other places. Irham’s passion is inluenced by his fathers good habits. At that time, his father would plant trees for timber or fruit producing trees from seeds, “My father was the irst who brought “rambutan”seeds to Geger”, Irham re calls. But unfotunately his fondness for planting did not spread to the wider community. The soil was too dry, making it dificult to grow crops. His father was often mocked for planting rambutan trees that would not bear fruits. Irham also experienced something similar when he tried to plant durian. “There h as never been any du rian trees in Geger, never in history”, he says After completing his education at The Modern Islamic Boarding School Darussalam, Gontor, Ponorogo and Islamic Boarding School Al-Amin Prenduan, Sumenep, Irham returned to Geger to run the boarding school that his father had established. Looking at the environ mental conditions there, it still needed much attention, Irham decided to continue his father’s struggle by pro viding counseling on the importance of environmental awareness to the locals, This eventually made KH Irham Roii known as “Kyai Hutan” or the Forest Kyai.

Sang Penerus

Tidak hanya itu pada 2010, bersama-sama KH Irham Roii dan H Noer Yanto beserta dukungan para anggota kelompok, sertikat ekolabel dari PT Mutuagung Lest ari mengenai pengelolaan hutan rakyat lestari berhasil diraih. Berkat pemeliharaan intensif, harga kayu-kayu dari Geger dihargai lebih tinggi dibanding kayu dari

Apalagi saat tahun 1970-an, masyarakat yang fanatik terhadap satu partai berbasis agama secara ekstrim menganggap setiap bantuan pemerintah termasuk pohon adalah sesuatu yang haram. “Saat itu bahkan ada sebutan pohon kair,” kata Noer Yanto. Toh, berkat dukungan H Muhammad Soleh (Alm), Noer Yanto pan tang surut. Plus, kesediaan Noer yang tak segan melakukan pendekatan kepada masyarakat membuatnya lam bat laun memperoleh sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Kegigihan Noer Yanto itu kini membuahkan hasil. Selain beragam penghargaan yang disabet, kini Noer Yanto tidak lagi harus menyingsingkan kain celana akibat ban jir yang datang menerjang ru mahnya. Salah satu mata air yang ada di Geger 

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


The Successor daerah lain di seputaran Jawa Timur. Toh, masyarakat tetap saja mengincar hasil kayu dari Geger. Musababnya kualitas kayu dari daerah ini tersohor lurus serta bermutu tinggi. Hal lain adalah adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat sekitar untuk lebih mengedepankan konsumsi dari daerah sendiri. Tidak hanya itu wilayah Geger yang dulu rentan akan ancaman kekeringan, kini beralih fungsi menjadi lumbung air bagi wilayah sekitar. Menurut Ghozali hal itu bisa dili hat saat musim kemarau datang. Antrean truk-truk pen gangkut air hilir mudik mendatangi sumber-sumber mata air, seperti yang ada di dekat rumah seorang warga ber nama Musawwi.

Starting from his grandfather, H Muhammad Soleh has successfully transformed arid lands in Geger by planting acacia, Accacia auriculiformis, and now it is H Ghozali Anshori time to take part in this role. With his gifted hands, the Gunung Mere farming community has suc cessfully transformed wasteland into productive land not only ecologically but also economically. Plants such as teak, acacia, mahogany, are now commonly found in this area. Not only that, in 2010, together with KH Irham Roii and H Noer Yanto and with the support of members of the community, certiication from PT Mutuagung Lest ari, that regulate sustainable management for commu nity forests, was successfully achieved. With intensive

Membumi Bermuasal dari banjir yang kerap menyambangi ru mahnya di Arosbaya, Noer Yanto pun bergegas mencari penyebab. Muasalnya jelas: bukit gundul yang berada di sekitar Kecamatan Geger. Dari sanalah sumber air menggelontor deras kala hujan. “Daerahnya gundul, tidak ada pepohonan yang menahan laju air,” ungkap Noer. Noer Yanto sendiri sejatinya bukan asli Bangkalan. Petugas penyuluh lapangan kelahiran Ngawi itu pun mengaku awalnya gentar saat ditugaskan di Bangkalan.Mahum saja citra keras warga Madura terpatri kuat di benaknya. “Saat itu sudah terikir u ntuk balik kampung jika gagal,” ungkapnya. Musababnya jelas, kultur masyarakat saat itu masih belum terbiasa dengan menanam pohon.

Now the conditions have changed, Geger is looding with fruits. Rambutan trees are now a common sight. During the rambutan harvest seasons, which takes place during the months of December to January, the vil lage is looding with rambutans and it is also often that the locals sell their rambutans to travelers that come by along the roadsides. And in the end, the durian trees he planted can now bear fruits. The conditions now have broken the myth that the lands of Geger were cu rsed.

The Successor | Down to Earth

Sang Penerus | Membumi

Bermula dari sang kakek, H Muhammad Soleh, yang sukses menyulap lahan gersang di Geger dengan tana man akasia Accacia auriculiformis, H Ghozali Anshori pun tidak ketinggalan berkiprah. Lewat tangan dingin nya, Kelompok Tani Gunung Mere sukses mengubah lahan kritis menjadi berdaya guna tidak hanya secara ekologis namun juga secara ekonomis. Tanaman seperti jati, akasia, mahoni, kecapi lazim dijumpai di daerah ini.

Holding the role as the community’s religious leaders, Irham used his authority to encourage th e local commu nity. Slowly but surely, the community began planting, not only timber trees but also fruit trees. Hence, slowly but surely, the results became visible. According to Ir ham, Geger has become a comfortable place to live in. The fresh air and the green grove of trees, is a soothing sight. “I would rather stay here than have to move to the city”, he said.

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


 A teak plantation which was planted above critical land 

care, the price of wood from Geger is valued higher than wood from other areas around East Java. People are al ways hunting for timber from Geger. because the quality of the wood is known straight and sturdy as well as high in quality. In addition, the local community are now well awear of the importance of consuming local produce. More to add, if once Geger lands were vulnerable to drought, now the area has converted into land that is rich in water and can even supply surrounding areas. According Ghozali it is obviously seen during dry sea son. Lines of trucks come back and forth transporting water from the water springs in the area, such as the one near the house of a local named Musawwi.

Down to Earth Satu hal yang menarik kesadaran ekologis mereka ternyata turut pula ditopang pemahaman mereka terhadap ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menekankan mengenai pelestarian lingkungan. Berbekal ayat-ayat tersebut, mereka berkeyakinan bukanlah sesuatu hal yang mus tahil mengubah tanah tandus dan penuh bebatuan men jadi tanah subur gemah ripah loh jinawii. Berikut petikan beberapa ayat Al-Quran yang menjadi pedoman bagi mereka: Artinya: Telah nampak kerusakan di darat dan laut di sebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya  Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebagian dari (akibat)  perbuatan mereka agar mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar. (QS.Ar-rum : 30 ; 41) Artinya: Dan suatu tanda (kekuasaan Alloh yg besar) bagi mereka adalah bumi yg mati, kami hidupkan bumi itu dan kami keluarkan daripadanya biji-bijian, maka daripadanya mereka makan. (QS. Yaasin : 33) Artinya: Dan kami jadikan padanya kebun – kebun kurma dan anggur dan kami pancarkan padanya beberapa mata air. (QS. Yaasin : 34)

Originating from the loods that often invaded his house at Arosbaya, Noer Yanto did not hessitate to ind the cause. And the cause was obvious: deforestrated hills surrounding Geger. From there, the rain water would low downhill. “the area was deforested, there were no trees that could hold back the low of water,” said Noer. Noer Yanto himself is not originally from Bangkalan. He is a ield extension workers, born in Ngawi and he admits that at irst he was afraid when he was assigned to Bangkalan. Understandably, the image of Maduranesse people, tough and hard tempered was imprinted in his mind. “I already had thought to leave the village if I failedeven in irst attempt,” he said. But he found the problem obvious, the local culture was not yet accustomed to planting trees. During the 1970s, people who were fanatic with re ligion-based polical parties would consider any gov ernment aid, including tree donation, was something forbidden by religion. “Even then there was a term used “pagan tree” (among the people) Noer Yanto says. How ever, thanks to the support of H Muhammad Salah (Alm), Noer Yanto, whos spirit never receded and his willing ness, Noer, never hesitated in approaching the commu nity and eventually won applause from the community. His persistence have now paid off. In addition, he has received a number of awards and now Noer Yanto will no longger have to pull up his long trousers like before,

when the loods came crashing his home. Another interesting fact, the locals ecological aware ness is supported by their understanding of verses from the Koran, that emphasizes in the preservation of the environment. From understanding these verses, they believe that it is not something impossible, to change barren land, full of rocks, into fertile soil “ gemah ripah loh jinawi” (abundant natural resources) The following are some verses from the Quran that have become their guide: “Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon)”. (Surah Ar-Rum (Rome) 30: 41) “ And a sign for them is the dead land. We gave it life, and We brought forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof ”. (Surah Ya-Sin 36 : 33) “ And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and  grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein”. (Surah Ya-Sin 36 : 36)

 A part of water sources found after being forested 

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


The Successor | Down to Earth

Sang Penerus | Membumi

Sang Penerus Bermula dari sang kakek, H Muhammad Soleh, yang sukses menyulap lahan gersang di Geger dengan tana man akasia Accacia auriculiformis, H Ghozali Anshori pun tidak ketinggalan berkiprah. Lewat tangan dingin nya, Kelompok Tani Gunung Mere sukses mengubah lahan kritis menjadi berdaya guna tidak hanya secara ekologis namun juga secara ekonomis. Tanaman seperti jati, akasia, mahoni, kecapi lazim dijumpai di daerah ini. Tidak hanya itu pada 2010, bersama-sama KH Irham Roii dan H Noer Yanto beserta dukungan para anggota kelompok, sertikat ekolabel dari PT Mutuagung Lest ari mengenai pengelolaan hutan rakyat lestari berhasil diraih. Berkat pemeliharaan intensif, harga kayu-kayu dari Geger dihargai lebih tinggi dibanding kayu dari

The Successor daerah lain di seputaran Jawa Timur. Toh, masyarakat tetap saja mengincar hasil kayu dari Geger. Musababnya kualitas kayu dari daerah ini tersohor lurus serta bermutu tinggi. Hal lain adalah adanya kesadaran dari masyarakat sekitar untuk lebih mengedepankan konsumsi dari daerah sendiri. Tidak hanya itu wilayah Geger yang dulu rentan akan ancaman kekeringan, kini beralih fungsi menjadi lumbung air bagi wilayah sekitar. Menurut Ghozali hal itu bisa dili hat saat musim kemarau datang. Antrean truk-truk pen gangkut air hilir mudik mendatangi sumber-sumber mata air, seperti yang ada di dekat rumah seorang warga ber nama Musawwi.

Starting from his grandfather, H Muhammad Soleh has successfully transformed arid lands in Geger by planting acacia, Accacia auriculiformis, and now it is H Ghozali Anshori time to take part in this role. With his gifted hands, the Gunung Mere farming community has suc cessfully transformed wasteland into productive land not only ecologically but also economically. Plants such as teak, acacia, mahogany, are now commonly found in this area. Not only that, in 2010, together with KH Irham Roii and H Noer Yanto and with the support of members of the community, certiication from PT Mutuagung Lest ari, that regulate sustainable management for commu nity forests, was successfully achieved. With intensive

Membumi Bermuasal dari banjir yang kerap menyambangi ru mahnya di Arosbaya, Noer Yanto pun bergegas mencari penyebab. Muasalnya jelas: bukit gundul yang berada di sekitar Kecamatan Geger. Dari sanalah sumber air menggelontor deras kala hujan. “Daerahnya gundul, tidak ada pepohonan yang menahan laju air,” ungkap Noer. Noer Yanto sendiri sejatinya bukan asli Bangkalan. Petugas penyuluh lapangan kelahiran Ngawi itu pun mengaku awalnya gentar saat ditugaskan di Bangkalan.Mahum saja citra keras warga Madura terpatri kuat di benaknya. “Saat itu sudah terikir u ntuk balik kampung jika gagal,” ungkapnya. Musababnya jelas, kultur masyarakat saat itu masih belum terbiasa dengan menanam pohon. Apalagi saat tahun 1970-an, masyarakat yang fanatik terhadap satu partai berbasis agama secara ekstrim menganggap setiap bantuan pemerintah termasuk pohon adalah sesuatu yang haram. “Saat itu bahkan ada sebutan pohon kair,” kata Noer Yanto. Toh, berkat dukungan H Muhammad Soleh (Alm), Noer Yanto pan tang surut. Plus, kesediaan Noer yang tak segan melakukan pendekatan kepada masyarakat membuatnya lam bat laun memperoleh sambutan hangat dari masyarakat. Kegigihan Noer Yanto itu kini membuahkan hasil. Selain beragam penghargaan yang disabet, kini Noer Yanto tidak lagi harus menyingsingkan kain celana akibat ban jir yang datang menerjang ru mahnya.

Berikut petikan beberapa ayat Al-Quran yang menjadi pedoman bagi mereka: Artinya: Telah nampak kerusakan di darat dan laut di sebabkan karena perbuatan tangan manusia, supaya  Allah merasakan kepada mereka sebagian dari (akibat)  perbuatan mereka agar mereka kembali ke jalan yang benar. (QS.Ar-rum : 30 ; 41) Artinya: Dan suatu tanda (kekuasaan Alloh yg besar) bagi mereka adalah bumi yg mati, kami hidupkan bumi itu dan kami keluarkan daripadanya biji-bijian, maka daripadanya mereka makan. (QS. Yaasin : 33) Artinya: Dan kami jadikan padanya kebun – kebun kurma dan anggur dan kami pancarkan padanya beberapa mata air. (QS. Yaasin : 34)

Originating from the loods that often invaded his house at Arosbaya, Noer Yanto did not hessitate to ind the cause. And the cause was obvious: deforestrated hills surrounding Geger. From there, the rain water would low downhill. “the area was deforested, there were no trees that could hold back the low of water,” said Noer. Noer Yanto himself is not originally from Bangkalan. He is a ield extension workers, born in Ngawi and he admits that at irst he was afraid when he was assigned to Bangkalan. Understandably, the image of Maduranesse people, tough and hard tempered was imprinted in his mind. “I already had thought to leave the village if I failedeven in irst attempt,” he said. But he found the problem obvious, the local culture was not yet accustomed to planting trees. During the 1970s, people who were fanatic with re ligion-based polical parties would consider any gov ernment aid, including tree donation, was something forbidden by religion. “Even then there was a term used “pagan tree” (among the people) Noer Yanto says. How ever, thanks to the support of H Muhammad Salah (Alm), Noer Yanto, whos spirit never receded and his willing ness, Noer, never hesitated in approaching the commu nity and eventually won applause from the community. His persistence have now paid off. In addition, he has received a number of awards and now Noer Yanto will no longger have to pull up his long trousers like before,

Perjuangan ketiganya jauh dari kata usai. Kini, ketiga serangkai itu mempunyai misi lain yang hendak dituntas kan. Berbekal semangat membara, ketiganya bersama anggota FMU Gerbang Lestari menghadapi berbagai tantangan membangun kebun energi kaliandra merah serta pembangunan pabrik wood pellet  dengan sokongan dana dari In donesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF). Proyek yang dimulai sejak Januari 2013 hingga penghujung 2014 ini diharapkan mampu mendatangkan kemaslahatan lain bagi masyarakat sekitar lewat beragam inovasi teknologi yagn berbasis pada pro-environment , pro-poor  dan pro-job. Bonne chance—bahasa Perancis selamat bekerja—tiga serang kai!.

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund  (ICCTF) dan Perannya dalam Mengembangkan Proyek Model Bangkalan

“Evil (sins and disobedience of Allah, etc.) has appeared on land and sea because of what the hands of men have earned (by oppression and evil deeds, etc.), that Allah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return (by repenting to Allah, and begging His Pardon)”. (Surah Ar-Rum (Rome) 30: 41) “ And a sign for them is the dead land. We gave it life, and We brought forth from it grains, so that they eat thereof ”. (Surah Ya-Sin 36 : 33) “ And We have made therein gardens of date-palms and  grapes, and We have caused springs of water to gush forth therein”. (Surah Ya-Sin 36 : 36)

Kehutanan mengajukan proyek Enhancing Sustainable Management of Community-based Wood Pellets Production as Biomass Energy to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java dan disetujui oleh ICCTF pada bulan Oktober 2012.

ICCTF and Its Role in Developing, The Bangkalan Project Model 


But still their struggle is far from over. Now, they have another mission to complete. Armed with great passion, “the three musketeers” along with members of the FMU Gerbang Lestari, will face a challenge developing a Calliandra biomass Energy estate, as well as a wood pellet mill with funding support from the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF). The project, which began in January 2013 until the end of 2014 is expected to bring another beneit to the surrounding community through a variety of technological innovation based on a pro-environment, pro-poor and pro-jobs. Bonne chance survived in French which means work hard triad!.

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and Its Role in Developing, The Bangkalan Project Model The Indonesian government established the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF), through Decree of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas No. 49/M.PPN/HK/09/2009, in September 2009. ICCTF, which is aimed to be managed nationally, it is the government’s commitment to implement the Ja -

karta Commitments, which goal is to increase national ownership, and improve the management of the aid/ donor for resolving changes climate. ICCTF also aims to contribute effectively and eficiently and to make calimate change a mainstream issue and to implement action on climate change in Indonesia. Through ICCTF, Indonesia can demonstrate its commitment in monitor ing the impact of climate change by quick actions and to a more eficient, transparent, and accountable funding mechanism which is derived from a combination of do mestic and international funding. The two main objectives of ICCTF are: 1. To achieve Indonesia’s goal in running a low-carbon economy, and improve resilience to climate change 2. To encourage the Indonesian government, to im prove the effectiveness and impact in governance and management with regard to the climate change issue.

Dua sasaran utama dari ICCTF adalah: 1. Untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia menjalankan ekonomi rendah karbon dan meningkatkan keta hanan terhadap perubahan iklim 2. Untuk mendorong pemerintah Indonesia mening katkan efektiitas dan dampak dalam tata pemer intahan dan pengelolaan yang peduli terhadap isu perubahan iklim

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

when the loods came crashing his home. Another interesting fact, the locals ecological aware ness is supported by their understanding of verses from the Koran, that emphasizes in the preservation of the environment. From understanding these verses, they believe that it is not something impossible, to change barren land, full of rocks, into fertile soil “ gemah ripah loh jinawi” (abundant natural resources) The following are some verses from the Quran that have become their guide:

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

ICCTF dan Perannya dalam Mengembangkan Proyek Model Bangkalan

ICCTF memusatkan perhatian pada tiga wilayah pri oritas yaitu: Window  1: Land Based Mitigation  untuk mengurangi deforestasi  dan degradasi  hutan melalui upaya-upaya yang lebih baik menuju pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan terhadap tanah-tanah gambut dan sumberdaya hutan nasional. Window  2: Energy   bertujuan menyumbang perbaikan ketahanan energi dan pengu rangan emisi dari sektor energi. Dan Window  3:  Adaptation and Resilience bertujuan mengantisipasi dampak negatif dari perubahan iklim, sesuai dengan resiko dan ketidakpastian gangguan iklim, juga mengurangi keren tanan dan penguatan ketahanan sosial pada sektor-sek tor yang paling mengalami kerentanan. Dalam konteks ini ICCTF membuka peluang kepada berbagai Kementerian untuk mengajukan proposal proyek yang terkait dengan prioritas-prioritas tersebut di atas. Kementerian

More to add, if once Geger lands were vulnerable to drought, now the area has converted into land that is rich in water and can even supply surrounding areas. According Ghozali it is obviously seen during dry sea son. Lines of trucks come back and forth transporting water from the water springs in the area, such as the one near the house of a local named Musawwi.

 A part of water sources found after being forested 

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Pemerintah Indonesia membentuk The Indonesia Cli mate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) melalui Keputusan Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembagunan/Kepala Bappenas No. 49/M.PPN/HK/09/2009 pada bulan Septem ber 2009. ICCTF yang diarahkan untuk dikelola secara nasional merupakan komitmen pemerintah untuk mel aksanakan Jakarta Commitments yang bertujuan meningkatkan kepemilikan nasional dan memperbaiki koordi nasi dukungan/donor untuk merespon perubahan iklim. ICCTF bertujuan juga mengkontribusikan secara efektif dan eisien dan mengarusutamakan isu-isu perubahan iklim dan implementasi tindakan terhadap peruba han iklim di Indonesia. Melalui ICCTF, Indonesia ingin menunjukkan komitmennya untuk mengawasi dampak perubahan iklim, bergerak cepat dengan lebih eisien, transparan, dan akuntabel dalam mekanisme pendan aan yang berasal dari kombinasi pendanaan domestik maupun internasional.

care, the price of wood from Geger is valued higher than wood from other areas around East Java. People are al ways hunting for timber from Geger. because the quality of the wood is known straight and sturdy as well as high in quality. In addition, the local community are now well awear of the importance of consuming local produce.

Down to Earth Satu hal yang menarik kesadaran ekologis mereka ternyata turut pula ditopang pemahaman mereka terhadap ayat-ayat Al-Quran yang menekankan mengenai pelestarian lingkungan. Berbekal ayat-ayat tersebut, mereka berkeyakinan bukanlah sesuatu hal yang mus tahil mengubah tanah tandus dan penuh bebatuan men jadi tanah subur gemah ripah loh jinawii.

Salah satu mata air yang ada di Geger 



ICCTF focuses on three priority areas, namely: Win dow 1: Land Based Mitigation, reduce deforestation and forest degradation through better efforts in sustainable management for peatlands national forest resources. Window 2: Energy, aims to contribute improvement of in securing energy, and reducing emissions from the en ergy sector. And Window 3: Adaptation and Resilience, aims to anticipate the negative impact of climate change, according to the risks and uncertainties of climate dis ruption, also reducing vulnerability and strengthening social resilience, in the sectors most vulnerable. From this context, ICCTF is opening opportunities for various ministries, to submit project proposals related to the priorities. The Ministry of Forestry has proposed a pro ject for Enhancing Sustainable Management of Commu nity-based Wood Pellets as Biomass Energy Production to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java and was ap proved by ICCTF in October 2012.

Kunjungan Tim ICCTF, Kemenhut, dan BPDAS Brantas Jawa Timur 

Field visit of ICCTF Secretariat, MoF, and BPDAS Jatim Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


ICCTF dan Perannya dalam Mengembangkan Proyek Model Bangkalan

Perjuangan ketiganya jauh dari kata usai. Kini, ketiga serangkai itu mempunyai misi lain yang hendak dituntas kan. Berbekal semangat membara, ketiganya bersama anggota FMU Gerbang Lestari menghadapi berbagai tantangan membangun kebun energi kaliandra merah serta pembangunan pabrik wood pellet  dengan sokongan dana dari In donesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF). Proyek yang dimulai sejak Januari 2013 hingga penghujung 2014 ini diharapkan mampu mendatangkan kemaslahatan lain bagi masyarakat sekitar lewat beragam inovasi teknologi yagn berbasis pada pro-environment , pro-poor  dan pro-job. Bonne chance—bahasa Perancis selamat bekerja—tiga serang kai!.

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund  (ICCTF) dan Perannya dalam Mengembangkan Proyek Model Bangkalan Pemerintah Indonesia membentuk The Indonesia Cli mate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) melalui Keputusan Menteri Negara Perencanaan Pembagunan/Kepala Bappenas No. 49/M.PPN/HK/09/2009 pada bulan Septem ber 2009. ICCTF yang diarahkan untuk dikelola secara nasional merupakan komitmen pemerintah untuk mel aksanakan Jakarta Commitments yang bertujuan meningkatkan kepemilikan nasional dan memperbaiki koordi nasi dukungan/donor untuk merespon perubahan iklim. ICCTF bertujuan juga mengkontribusikan secara efektif dan eisien dan mengarusutamakan isu-isu perubahan iklim dan implementasi tindakan terhadap peruba han iklim di Indonesia. Melalui ICCTF, Indonesia ingin menunjukkan komitmennya untuk mengawasi dampak perubahan iklim, bergerak cepat dengan lebih eisien, transparan, dan akuntabel dalam mekanisme pendan aan yang berasal dari kombinasi pendanaan domestik maupun internasional.

Kehutanan mengajukan proyek Enhancing Sustainable Management of Community-based Wood Pellets Production as Biomass Energy to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java dan disetujui oleh ICCTF pada bulan Oktober 2012.

ICCTF and Its Role in Developing, The Bangkalan Project Model 

Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF) and Its Role in Developing, The Bangkalan Project Model The Indonesian government established the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF), through Decree of the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas No. 49/M.PPN/HK/09/2009, in September 2009. ICCTF, which is aimed to be managed nationally, it is the government’s commitment to implement the Ja -

ICCTF focuses on three priority areas, namely: Win dow 1: Land Based Mitigation, reduce deforestation and forest degradation through better efforts in sustainable management for peatlands national forest resources. Window 2: Energy, aims to contribute improvement of in securing energy, and reducing emissions from the en ergy sector. And Window 3: Adaptation and Resilience, aims to anticipate the negative impact of climate change, according to the risks and uncertainties of climate dis ruption, also reducing vulnerability and strengthening social resilience, in the sectors most vulnerable. From this context, ICCTF is opening opportunities for various ministries, to submit project proposals related to the priorities. The Ministry of Forestry has proposed a pro ject for Enhancing Sustainable Management of Commu nity-based Wood Pellets as Biomass Energy Production to Support Low Carbon Economy and Climate Change Mitigation in Bangkalan, Madura, East Java and was ap proved by ICCTF in October 2012.

Kunjungan Tim ICCTF, Kemenhut, dan BPDAS Brantas Jawa Timur 

Field visit of ICCTF Secretariat, MoF, and BPDAS Jatim Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


karta Commitments, which goal is to increase national ownership, and improve the management of the aid/ donor for resolving changes climate. ICCTF also aims to contribute effectively and eficiently and to make calimate change a mainstream issue and to implement action on climate change in Indonesia. Through ICCTF, Indonesia can demonstrate its commitment in monitor ing the impact of climate change by quick actions and to a more eficient, transparent, and accountable funding mechanism which is derived from a combination of do mestic and international funding. The two main objectives of ICCTF are: 1. To achieve Indonesia’s goal in running a low-carbon economy, and improve resilience to climate change 2. To encourage the Indonesian government, to im prove the effectiveness and impact in governance and management with regard to the climate change issue.

Dua sasaran utama dari ICCTF adalah: 1. Untuk mencapai tujuan Indonesia menjalankan ekonomi rendah karbon dan meningkatkan keta hanan terhadap perubahan iklim 2. Untuk mendorong pemerintah Indonesia mening katkan efektiitas dan dampak dalam tata pemer intahan dan pengelolaan yang peduli terhadap isu perubahan iklim ICCTF memusatkan perhatian pada tiga wilayah pri oritas yaitu: Window  1: Land Based Mitigation  untuk mengurangi deforestasi  dan degradasi  hutan melalui upaya-upaya yang lebih baik menuju pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan terhadap tanah-tanah gambut dan sumberdaya hutan nasional. Window  2: Energy   bertujuan menyumbang perbaikan ketahanan energi dan pengu rangan emisi dari sektor energi. Dan Window  3:  Adaptation and Resilience bertujuan mengantisipasi dampak negatif dari perubahan iklim, sesuai dengan resiko dan ketidakpastian gangguan iklim, juga mengurangi keren tanan dan penguatan ketahanan sosial pada sektor-sek tor yang paling mengalami kerentanan. Dalam konteks ini ICCTF membuka peluang kepada berbagai Kementerian untuk mengajukan proposal proyek yang terkait dengan prioritas-prioritas tersebut di atas. Kementerian


But still their struggle is far from over. Now, they have another mission to complete. Armed with great passion, “the three musketeers” along with members of the FMU Gerbang Lestari, will face a challenge developing a Calliandra biomass Energy estate, as well as a wood pellet mill with funding support from the Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF). The project, which began in January 2013 until the end of 2014 is expected to bring another beneit to the surrounding community through a variety of technological innovation based on a pro-environment, pro-poor and pro-jobs. Bonne chance survived in French which means work hard triad!.

Why was ICCTF Willing to Fund This Project? 

Mengapa ICCTF Mau Mendanai Proyek Ini? 


Mengapa ICCTF Mau Mendanai Proyek Ini?

Why was ICCTF Willing to Fund This Project?

Proyek yang didisain oleh Kemenhut ini memiliki ke unikan dan keunggulan karena mampu menggabungkan beberapa isu penting seperti mitigasi perubahan iklim, peningkatan kualitas lahan melalui penanaman, penam bahan penyerapan karbon, penguatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Sebuah industri wood pellet  (WPI) dalam skala inkubator dibangun melalui badan koperasi kelompok tani melalui wadah FMU Gerbang Lestari, dan dukungan pihak-pihak terkait. Terciptanya kebun energi dalam skala luas dan pengembangan WPI akan memberi dampak positif pada: (1) mitigasi perubahan iklim melalui carbon sequestration di Kebun Energi dan substitusi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dengan Wood Pellet , (2). Rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan menyuburkan tanah, (3). Peningkatan Kualitas hidup masyarakat mel alui peningkatan sosial ekonomi dan (4). Memperluas area dampak peningkatan sosial ekonomi melalui dana bergulir (revolving inancing) dan multilier effect . Dari sisi akses, pulau Madura memiliki aksesibiltas yang sangat baik dengan Pelabuhan Internasional di Surabaya setelah dibangunnya jembatan Suramadu.

The project, designed by the Ministry of Forestry, is unique and excellent, being able to incorporate some important issues, such as climate change mitigation, improvement of the quality of land through planting, increase carbon sequestration, strengthening the local social-economic. The Wood Pallet Mill (WPI), in an in cubator scale, built through the cooperative agency of farming communities, through FMU Gerbang Lestari, and through the support of other relevant parties. The creation of a broad-scale energy farm, and the develop ment of WPI, will have a positive effect in: (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration, at gar dens of Energy, and the substitution of fossil fuel with Wood Pellets, (2). Rehabilitation of degraded land and enrichment of soil, (3). Improving livelihood through economic and social improvement (4). Expanding the area of impact of socio-economic improvement, through revolving inancing and a multilier effect. In terms of access, Madura island has excellent acces sibility, with the presence of The International Harbour in Surabaya, especially after the construction of Suram adu bridge.

Peletakan batu pertama pabrik oleh Dr. Haryadi Himawan (NPD)

WOW.. BETAPA EKSOTISNYA BUKIT GEGER! Awan tipis bersemayam di atas perbukitan Geger. Tidak diketahui pasti berapa ketinggian bukit ini karena memang di Madura tidak dijumpai gunung, yang ada hanya perbukitan yang tak terlalu tinggi. Kami baru saja melewati kebun kaliandra dan gliricide di salah areal tanaman kebun energi milik Nurul Huda di Desa Geger. Dari Desa Kombangan, tempat pabrik wood pellets CV Gerbang Lestari berada hanya perlu waktu sekitar 30 menit menggunakan mobil, meniti jalan beraspal dan sebagian lagi jalan “keriting”. Maklum masih tanahtanah pedesaan dengan rumah berderet yang sesekali tampak seperti rumah mewah dan anggun. Memang tak bisa dipungkiri banyak rumah-rumah megah dan masjid yang sangat agung. Bahkan ada satu masjid yang dibangun oleh Haji Sholeh dengan biaya yang fantastis, tiga milyar rupiah, dan biaya itu berasal dari menjual kayu jati. Karena menurut si pendiri masjid yang sholeh ini, dia ingin membiayai masjid tanpa tercampur dengan uang yang subhat, jadi uang dari menjual kayu di hu tan bisa dijamin kehalalannya, demikian cerita Noer Yanto, salah satu tokoh penggerak petani.

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

THE EXOTIC HILLS OF GEGER Thin clouds rest high above the hills in Geger. It is not known exactly how high these hills are because there are no mountains in Madura, only hills which are not that high. We have just passed the Calliandra garden and gliricide in one of the Biomass Energy Estates in Desa Geger that belongs to Nurul Huda. It was about 30 min utes the trip from Kombangan village where t he wood pellet mill built towards Geger hill. As we drive along the paved roads, we came to some parts where the road was a bit bumpy. Although still considered rural, we spotted some houses that where rather luxurious and elegant. It is obvious that there are many pretentious homes and monumental mosques existing here. There’s even a mosque, built by Haji Sholeh, which cost him three billion rupiah to build, and he earned the money from selling teak wood. Haji Soleh, who is also known as a well devoted muslim, wanted to build the mosque from well earned money (halal, not from money that he was not sure of or known as syubat) says Noer Yanto, a prominent igure amongst the farming community. The hills in Geger has been the spring of life for the people surrounding, because it is there where rain wa ter is stored in the earth, retained by the forest and by roots of the trees.

Bukit Geger adalah ikhwal hidupnya masyarakat Geger karena mulai dari sana cadangan air tersimpan dalam tanah yang tertahan oleh hutan dan akar-akar pohon ketika hujan. Masyarakat disekitar bukit tersebut juga hidup ny aman karena pasokan udara yang bersih. Kami melihat rimbunnya hijauan ternak dan sapi-sapi berwarna ke coklatan khas Madura. Itu adalah sapi-sapi yang biasa

The irst stone building ceremony indicated opening process of mill building

Situasi di salah satu Bukit Geger 

 The hills surrounding the village, makes it a comforta ble place to live in for the people because the air is clean and lavishing greenery and even the brownish colored cows-that are commonly used for their annual tradition al racing event-live well. On the hillside lay agroforest Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


Why was ICCTF Willing to Fund This Project? 

Mengapa ICCTF Mau Mendanai Proyek Ini? 


Mengapa ICCTF Mau Mendanai Proyek Ini?

Why was ICCTF Willing to Fund This Project?

Proyek yang didisain oleh Kemenhut ini memiliki ke unikan dan keunggulan karena mampu menggabungkan beberapa isu penting seperti mitigasi perubahan iklim, peningkatan kualitas lahan melalui penanaman, penam bahan penyerapan karbon, penguatan sosial ekonomi masyarakat. Sebuah industri wood pellet  (WPI) dalam skala inkubator dibangun melalui badan koperasi kelompok tani melalui wadah FMU Gerbang Lestari, dan dukungan pihak-pihak terkait. Terciptanya kebun energi dalam skala luas dan pengembangan WPI akan memberi dampak positif pada: (1) mitigasi perubahan iklim melalui carbon sequestration di Kebun Energi dan substitusi penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dengan Wood Pellet , (2). Rehabilitasi lahan kritis dan menyuburkan tanah, (3). Peningkatan Kualitas hidup masyarakat mel alui peningkatan sosial ekonomi dan (4). Memperluas area dampak peningkatan sosial ekonomi melalui dana bergulir (revolving inancing) dan multilier effect . Dari sisi akses, pulau Madura memiliki aksesibiltas yang sangat baik dengan Pelabuhan Internasional di Surabaya setelah dibangunnya jembatan Suramadu.

The project, designed by the Ministry of Forestry, is unique and excellent, being able to incorporate some important issues, such as climate change mitigation, improvement of the quality of land through planting, increase carbon sequestration, strengthening the local social-economic. The Wood Pallet Mill (WPI), in an in cubator scale, built through the cooperative agency of farming communities, through FMU Gerbang Lestari, and through the support of other relevant parties. The creation of a broad-scale energy farm, and the develop ment of WPI, will have a positive effect in: (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration, at gar dens of Energy, and the substitution of fossil fuel with Wood Pellets, (2). Rehabilitation of degraded land and enrichment of soil, (3). Improving livelihood through economic and social improvement (4). Expanding the area of impact of socio-economic improvement, through revolving inancing and a multilier effect. In terms of access, Madura island has excellent acces sibility, with the presence of The International Harbour in Surabaya, especially after the construction of Suram adu bridge.

Peletakan batu pertama pabrik oleh Dr. Haryadi Himawan (NPD)

The irst stone building ceremony indicated opening process of mill building



Awan tipis bersemayam di atas perbukitan Geger. Tidak diketahui pasti berapa ketinggian bukit ini karena memang di Madura tidak dijumpai gunung, yang ada hanya perbukitan yang tak terlalu tinggi. Kami baru saja melewati kebun kaliandra dan gliricide di salah areal tanaman kebun energi milik Nurul Huda di Desa Geger. Dari Desa Kombangan, tempat pabrik wood pellets CV Gerbang Lestari berada hanya perlu waktu sekitar 30 menit menggunakan mobil, meniti jalan beraspal dan sebagian lagi jalan “keriting”. Maklum masih tanahtanah pedesaan dengan rumah berderet yang sesekali tampak seperti rumah mewah dan anggun. Memang tak bisa dipungkiri banyak rumah-rumah megah dan masjid yang sangat agung. Bahkan ada satu masjid yang dibangun oleh Haji Sholeh dengan biaya yang fantastis, tiga milyar rupiah, dan biaya itu berasal dari menjual kayu jati. Karena menurut si pendiri masjid yang sholeh ini, dia ingin membiayai masjid tanpa tercampur dengan uang yang subhat, jadi uang dari menjual kayu di hu tan bisa dijamin kehalalannya, demikian cerita Noer Yanto, salah satu tokoh penggerak petani.

Thin clouds rest high above the hills in Geger. It is not known exactly how high these hills are because there are no mountains in Madura, only hills which are not that high. We have just passed the Calliandra garden and gliricide in one of the Biomass Energy Estates in Desa Geger that belongs to Nurul Huda. It was about 30 min utes the trip from Kombangan village where t he wood pellet mill built towards Geger hill. As we drive along the paved roads, we came to some parts where the road was a bit bumpy. Although still considered rural, we spotted some houses that where rather luxurious and elegant. It is obvious that there are many pretentious homes and monumental mosques existing here. There’s even a mosque, built by Haji Sholeh, which cost him three billion rupiah to build, and he earned the money from selling teak wood. Haji Soleh, who is also known as a well devoted muslim, wanted to build the mosque from well earned money (halal, not from money that he was not sure of or known as syubat) says Noer Yanto, a prominent igure amongst the farming community. The hills in Geger has been the spring of life for the people surrounding, because it is there where rain wa ter is stored in the earth, retained by the forest and by roots of the trees.

Bukit Geger adalah ikhwal hidupnya masyarakat Geger karena mulai dari sana cadangan air tersimpan dalam tanah yang tertahan oleh hutan dan akar-akar pohon ketika hujan. Masyarakat disekitar bukit tersebut juga hidup ny aman karena pasokan udara yang bersih. Kami melihat rimbunnya hijauan ternak dan sapi-sapi berwarna ke coklatan khas Madura. Itu adalah sapi-sapi yang biasa

 The hills surrounding the village, makes it a comforta ble place to live in for the people because the air is clean and lavishing greenery and even the brownish colored cows-that are commonly used for their annual tradition al racing event-live well. On the hillside lay agroforest

Situasi di salah satu Bukit Geger 

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


How Exotic The Hills of Geger 

Wow... Betapa Eksotisnya Bukit Geger 


dijadikan sapi balap untuk acara Kerapan Sapi setiap tahunnya. Di lereng bukit terhampar hutan tipe agroforest  dan sebagian lagi hutan tanaman rakyat monokultur. Musyawi, salah satu ketua kelompok tani menuturkan bahwa lahan miliknya sekitar 5 hektar yang ditanami jati kini sudah berumur sekitar 8-10 tahun. Mungkin jika dijual 5 tahun lagi dia benar-benar jadi Milyarder. Rasa suntuk kami setelah beberapa hari mempersiapkan instalasi pabrik wood pellet  di Kombangan dan training manajemen pabrik tiba-tiba sirna setelah kami sudah sampai kaki bukit Geger. Rombongan kami ada enam orang yaitu Puput Yulianti, Nur Saadun, Endang Kintamani, Fery, Catur, dan saya sendiri siap-siap berjalan mendaki tangga bukit, mirip tangga-tangga menuju pesarean Imogiri atau pesarean Aer mata Ebuh yang menjadi ikon ziarah di Aros baya Bangkalan. Kira-kira ada seratus dua puluh lima anak tangga yang sudah kami daki, dan wajah Puput tampak kelelahan dengan butiran keringat yang mengalir. Namun canda dan tawa Catur dan Fery membuat langkah kita tak berasa capek. Menjelang puncak bukit Geger kami telah disambut dengan sekawanan kera ekor panjang seolah-olah ingin men gucapkan kata selamat datang. Di atas puncak bukit ini tumbuh tanaman mahoni dengan diameter rata-rata 70 cm bahkan ada yang mendekati 1 meter. Namun mata kami tertumbuk pada salah satu makam yang bertuliskan Raden Segara (Putra Prabu Gilingwesi). Pastilah tempat ini memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat menarik. Pada areal tersebut juga berdiri sebuah Musholla kecil. Di belakang Musholla ada satu makam lagi dengan bungkus kain berwarna kuning. Itulah makam Putri Kuning atau Putri Koneng kata orang Bangkalan. Banyak orang yang tidak tahu bahwa di samping makam Putri Koneng tersebut terdapat ruangan khusus dan gelap untuk bertapa (bersemadi) dengan lubang batu seperti pintu masuk dengan lebar 1 meter dan tinggi 1,5 meter. Konon Putri Koneng diusir dan diasingkan oleh Kerajaan karena telah melakukan per buatan aib yang kemudian melakukan pertapaan bertahun-tahun di bukit itu sampai akhir hayatnya untuk menebus dosa dan kesalahannya. Selain itu, jika kita mau meniti jalan setapak ditepi bukit Geger kita bisa menjumpai salah satu Goa yang dijuluki Goa Planangan. Tak kalah menarik dengan pertapaan Putri Koneng, Goa Planangan memiliki nuansa magis karena kata orang di tempat itu bisa membangkitkan birahi wanita maupun pria. Benar atau tidak, Anda bisa datang kesana dan membuktikan sendiri.

Domestic visitor from Bogor 

and monoculture community forests. Musyawi, the head of one of the farming communities in the area, said that about 5 hectares of his land, is planted with teak wood. Currently they are about 8-10 years old. If he decides to sell them in 5 years, he will be a billionaire. Our boredom after a few days preparing for the installation of the wood pellet mill, in Kombangan and conducting a factory management training, suddenly vanished after we reached the foot of Geger hill. Our team was a group of six, consisting of, Puput Yulianti, Nur Saadun, Endang Kintamani, Fery, Catur, and myself. We had just started walking up the steps of the hill, similar to the stairs at Pesarean Imogiri, or Pesarean Aer Mata Ebuh, which have become a prominent destination for pilgrimage, in Bangkalan Arosbaya. There were approximately one hundred and twentyive steps, that we climb, and Puputs face looked tired and sweating. But jokes and laughter from Catur and Fery made our journey less tiring. Towards the top of the hill Geger, we were greeted by a group of long-tailed monkeys, as if they wanted to welcome us. On top of this hill, mahogany can grow up to an average of 70 cm in diameter, some even close to 1 meter. However, our eyes fell on to a tomb that read Raden Segara (son of King Gilingwesi). Surely this place holds some interesting history. We also found a small mosque and behind it there was another tomb, wrapped in a yellow cloth. The tomb belonged to the Yellow Princess or Putri Koneng as told by the people of Bangkalan. Many people do not know that beside the tomb, there is a dark compartment usually used for meditating, with holes like a stone entrance, 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters high. It is said that Princess Koneng was exiled from her palace for committing some thing disgraceful; she then meditated for many years in the hills to pay for her sin and guilt until the end of her life. Moreover, if we continue to go through the path until the end of Geger hill, we will come across a cave called Goa Planangan .this site is as interesting as the meditation tomb of Princess Koneng, Goa Planangan has a supernatural feel all around and they say, the cave can help evoke sexual urge to women and men. True or not, you can go there and prove it yourself. Pemandangan Bukit Geger dari kejauhan

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014


How Exotic The Hills of Geger 

Wow... Betapa Eksotisnya Bukit Geger 


dijadikan sapi balap untuk acara Kerapan Sapi setiap tahunnya. Di lereng bukit terhampar hutan tipe agroforest  dan sebagian lagi hutan tanaman rakyat monokultur. Musyawi, salah satu ketua kelompok tani menuturkan bahwa lahan miliknya sekitar 5 hektar yang ditanami jati kini sudah berumur sekitar 8-10 tahun. Mungkin jika dijual 5 tahun lagi dia benar-benar jadi Milyarder. Rasa suntuk kami setelah beberapa hari mempersiapkan instalasi pabrik wood pellet  di Kombangan dan training manajemen pabrik tiba-tiba sirna setelah kami sudah sampai kaki bukit Geger. Rombongan kami ada enam orang yaitu Puput Yulianti, Nur Saadun, Endang Kintamani, Fery, Catur, dan saya sendiri siap-siap berjalan mendaki tangga bukit, mirip tangga-tangga menuju pesarean Imogiri atau pesarean Aer mata Ebuh yang menjadi ikon ziarah di Aros baya Bangkalan. Kira-kira ada seratus dua puluh lima anak tangga yang sudah kami daki, dan wajah Puput tampak kelelahan dengan butiran keringat yang mengalir. Namun canda dan tawa Catur dan Fery membuat langkah kita tak berasa capek. Menjelang puncak bukit Geger kami telah disambut dengan sekawanan kera ekor panjang seolah-olah ingin men gucapkan kata selamat datang. Di atas puncak bukit ini tumbuh tanaman mahoni dengan diameter rata-rata 70 cm bahkan ada yang mendekati 1 meter. Namun mata kami tertumbuk pada salah satu makam yang bertuliskan Raden Segara (Putra Prabu Gilingwesi). Pastilah tempat ini memiliki nilai sejarah yang sangat menarik. Pada areal tersebut juga berdiri sebuah Musholla kecil. Di belakang Musholla ada satu makam lagi dengan bungkus kain berwarna kuning. Itulah makam Putri Kuning atau Putri Koneng kata orang Bangkalan. Banyak orang yang tidak tahu bahwa di samping makam Putri Koneng tersebut terdapat ruangan khusus dan gelap untuk bertapa (bersemadi) dengan lubang batu seperti pintu masuk dengan lebar 1 meter dan tinggi 1,5 meter. Konon Putri Koneng diusir dan diasingkan oleh Kerajaan karena telah melakukan per buatan aib yang kemudian melakukan pertapaan bertahun-tahun di bukit itu sampai akhir hayatnya untuk menebus dosa dan kesalahannya. Selain itu, jika kita mau meniti jalan setapak ditepi bukit Geger kita bisa menjumpai salah satu Goa yang dijuluki Goa Planangan. Tak kalah menarik dengan pertapaan Putri Koneng, Goa Planangan memiliki nuansa magis karena kata orang di tempat itu bisa membangkitkan birahi wanita maupun pria. Benar atau tidak, Anda bisa datang kesana dan membuktikan sendiri.

Domestic visitor from Bogor 

and monoculture community forests. Musyawi, the head of one of the farming communities in the area, said that about 5 hectares of his land, is planted with teak wood. Currently they are about 8-10 years old. If he decides to sell them in 5 years, he will be a billionaire. Our boredom after a few days preparing for the installation of the wood pellet mill, in Kombangan and conducting a factory management training, suddenly vanished after we reached the foot of Geger hill. Our team was a group of six, consisting of, Puput Yulianti, Nur Saadun, Endang Kintamani, Fery, Catur, and myself. We had just started walking up the steps of the hill, similar to the stairs at Pesarean Imogiri, or Pesarean Aer Mata Ebuh, which have become a prominent destination for pilgrimage, in Bangkalan Arosbaya. There were approximately one hundred and twentyive steps, that we climb, and Puputs face looked tired and sweating. But jokes and laughter from Catur and Fery made our journey less tiring. Towards the top of the hill Geger, we were greeted by a group of long-tailed monkeys, as if they wanted to welcome us. On top of this hill, mahogany can grow up to an average of 70 cm in diameter, some even close to 1 meter. However, our eyes fell on to a tomb that read Raden Segara (son of King Gilingwesi). Surely this place holds some interesting history. We also found a small mosque and behind it there was another tomb, wrapped in a yellow cloth. The tomb belonged to the Yellow Princess or Putri Koneng as told by the people of Bangkalan. Many people do not know that beside the tomb, there is a dark compartment usually used for meditating, with holes like a stone entrance, 1 meter wide and 1.5 meters high. It is said that Princess Koneng was exiled from her palace for committing some thing disgraceful; she then meditated for many years in the hills to pay for her sin and guilt until the end of her life. Moreover, if we continue to go through the path until the end of Geger hill, we will come across a cave called Goa Planangan .this site is as interesting as the meditation tomb of Princess Koneng, Goa Planangan has a supernatural feel all around and they say, the cave can help evoke sexual urge to women and men. True or not, you can go there and prove it yourself. Pemandangan Bukit Geger dari kejauhan

Planting Calliandra, Harvesting Wood Pellets - June 2014

Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014


CONTACT US  Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund  Wisma Bakrie 2 Lt. 20  Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B-2, Kuningan-Jakarta Telp. +62-21 5794 5760 Fax. +62-21 5794 5759 Email: [email protected]  Website: 

Contact person:  Amin Budiarjo ([email protected]) & Tifa Asrianti ([email protected])

Kementerian Kehutanan Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS-PS  Direktorat Bina Perhutanan Sosial  Gedung Manggala Wana Bakti Blok I Lantai 14  JL Gatot Subroto. Jakarta Telp. +62-21 5730206


CONTACT US  Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund  Wisma Bakrie 2 Lt. 20  Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B-2, Kuningan-Jakarta Telp. +62-21 5794 5760 Fax. +62-21 5794 5759 Email: [email protected]  Website: 

Contact person:  Amin Budiarjo ([email protected]) & Tifa Asrianti ([email protected])

Kementerian Kehutanan Direktorat Jenderal BPDAS-PS  Direktorat Bina Perhutanan Sosial  Gedung Manggala Wana Bakti Blok I Lantai 14  JL Gatot Subroto. Jakarta Telp. +62-21 5730206 National Project Director: Ir. Wiratno, MSc 

Project Management Unit  Griya Indah Bogor, Blok G-2 Kedungbadak, BOGOR 16164 Telp/Fax; +62-21 8655632 Website: Contact person: Daru Asycarya Email: [email protected] Mobile: 62-81311132706

Project Site and Factory  Desa Kombangan, Kecamatan Geger  Bangkalan, Madura KH Irham Rofii : 62-81330597107  H. Ghozali Anshori : 62-81330553870 H. Noeryanto: 62-81332217002

Partner  IDEAS Consultancy Services Perumahan Taman Yasmin  Jl. Wijaya Kusuma Raya 99 - Bogor Phone +62-251 8360 845  Contact person: Daru Asycarya & Wahyu Riva Kaliandra Bersemi, Wood Pallet Berseri - Juni 2014

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