
June 3, 2018 | Author: William Domingues | Category: Foods, Nature
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Osole (Money Bringing Charm) This Osole also at times makes people of the opposite sex to like you and be generous with you. It is believe that if a man uses osole the first sign he will see is that ladies are attracted to him, but he must not pay too much attention to them or have sex with them at that time or else the luck or money the charm is supposed to bring will go to the ladies. In Yoruba ewe means leaves, Ori means head and Ofo means incantation, I will try as much as possible to give explanations and meaningful translations where necessary. 1.Odidi okan malu, ori igun, ori kanakana, odidi eye kowe kan, Ewe mafowo kanmi, iye

agbe 7, iye aluko 7, ikode7, ao lo po, ao fi alubosa elewe, ata wewe, epo, iyo, se lobe je, ao wa ri isasun yen mole sinu ile tabi senu ona abawole eni. Translation : 1 heart of a cow, head of igun (vulture), head of kanakana (crow), one whole Kowe (a

speacila type of bird that looks like a bat but flies in the day time. Iye (feather) of Agbe, feather of Aluko, feather of Parrot (the red tail) known as ikode, small pepper, palm oil, salt, and the leafy onions, prepare into a soup with the heart of the cow, cut the meat into 7 pieces and eat.

Odidi oga aiye kan, alupaida 9, igbo mimu die, ao fi oga yi gba awo owo N50 tabi N20, ao wa fi owo yi gba oga yi mu, ao le mole ki ato la laya. Ao ko owo yi sinu oga pelu pelu Ewe alupaida 9 ati igbo ati odidi atare kan. Ao ran pa pelu owu ati abere, ao jo po ao da sinu oyin fun lila. 2.

Translation : One live cameleon, 9 aludaipa leaves, some Indian hemp, show the cameleon some

money may be $50 until it’s color changes to the color of the money, the hold this cameleon with the money and slam it on the ground until it dies then split the stomach and insert the ewe alupaida, Indian hemp, money and one whole alligator pepper, sew it back with thread burn it to black powder and mix with honey, lick this every morning. 3.Ako

pepeiye funfun kan, Ewe ela 16, Ewe aje, irula, iyere, ao lo po ao fi sebe pepeiye je, omi okun ni ao fi se omi re, ti oba jinna tan ao fi iyerosun tefa ose meji, sinu awo tabi opon ifa Ofore; Ade ola ni oruko tanpe ifa (3xs), Osugboro loruko tanpe esu odara (3xs), Ako eye ti oni enu igba ifa loruko ti anpe eyin iya mi osoronga (3xs), Won ni ki ni won npe yin fun, Moni oju owo lo npon mi, Won ni ma lowo tori oju owo kip on dada, Nitori ori igun mererin aiye ni mi pepeiye ti npe ifa, Ti pepeiye ban a orun si otun anii ifaaa, Ti pepeiye ban a orun si osi ani ifaa yoo, Gbogbo omi ni warir fun olokun, Gbogbo ara ni sefunsefun fi sefun aje tie, Ori igi oko la ba ela, Ibiti mo bawa ni ki ire owo temi o ma wa bami. A o da si ao wa koje.

Translation : One white male duck, 16 ewe ela, some ewe aje, some locust beans, some cloves, palm

oil, prepare into a soup by pounding the leaves and other ingredients and cutting the duck into 16 pieces use ocean water as your water for preparing the soup. When you finish use Iyerosun to make the Ifa of Ose meji, chant the incation above starting from Ofore: Then pour into the soup and eat.

Awo lili meji, odidi atare meji, omisinmisin itakun ti ojoo, N50.00 titun eyo kan, ao wa  jo po, ao wa dasi ona marun, ao di lototo, ao wa lo meta ni ojo kan, ao fi ekuru funfun je ni aro, osan ati ale, meji toku yen ao lo ni okookan ni ojo kookan. 4.

Translation : The Skin of Lili a special spiky rat, wet Omisinmisin leaves, a new $50 or $20 dollar

note, or any denomination you are comfortable with, burn together, then split into 5 places, we will use Ekuru to take the first part in the morning, then afternoon for the second part, and evening again for the third part, then we use the other two parts once for the next 2 days.

Eran elede, ao ge sinu ike, ao gun epo obo, ao ku le lori, ao ko Ewe orijin le lori, ao ta lofinda bintu si ao de pamo fun ojo meje, leyin ojo keje, ao gun mose dudu. Wiwe. Ninu ike naa ni yio wa. 5.

Translation : Meat of a pig, cut to pieces in a bowl, then put ewe Orijin on it, then spray some nice

scent oils like jasmine or a good one you prefer, cover it up for seven days, on the last day pound it up with black soap and put it back into the pl astic bowl, be taking it from here to bath.

Tangiri kan, awo ekun tio fe die, awo eta, Ewe awoyoyo, odidi atare kan, jijo po, po mo ose ti aba ti nwe ni ao ma pe gbolohun re si Ofore; Bi ekun ba wolu eni iyi la ate fun, Gbogbo ara ni tangiri fika owo tire, Eta ni koko ta ki omo eran mi ran oto ta, Ewe awoyoyo loni ki olomo oma wa ho lodo mi towotowo, Atare ki di tie laabo, Odidi owo niki won o ma wa gbe fun mi. 6.

Translation : Tangiri is a small melon like wild fruit that grows in the bushes, cut it up add some

tiger or leopard skin, ewe awoyoyo and one whole alligator pepper burn together and lix with black soap chant the incantation on it and bath with it .

Oga gbigbe 6, ori sebe 6, ori agutan 1, odidi atare 6, jijo po, ao ro sinu sere, ao gbe sinu asuwon, ao gbe ko, ao ma fi milk kookan lo la laale. Ao ma fi akuko adie kan se sara ni ososu. 7.

Translation : 6 dry chameleons, 6 head of sebe ( a special cobra), the head of a sheep, 6 whole

alligator pepper, burn together and put the ashes inside a big guord cover the mouth and place inside a white bag and hang this bag somewhere safe, do not let it touch the ground again, use this powder with milk every morning .

8. Iye agbe 3, iye aluko 3, ikode 3, ipe ore 10, orogbo 3, odidi atare 3, eyin adie 3, Ewe

sawerepepe, afara oyin, ao ge tangiri si kekeke, ao fi tele inu agbada ao ko gbogbo nkan

yio ku le lori, ao wa jo, taba jo tan, ao ma fi fo eko tutu mu ni aro kutukutu kato ma soro so enia. Translation : 3 Feather of Agbe, 3 feather of Aluko, 3 Ikode (parrot tail feather), Ore is a small bush

animal that has scales, the scales is known as ipe, so you get 10 ipe ore, 3 bitter kola, 3 aligator pepper, 3 eggs, ewe sawerepepe, honey comb, cut tangiri into small bits, burn together, take in the morning with corn meal porridge or any other porridge you use.

Ologbo dudu, akuko adie opipi to ba ko dada dudu, odidi igun to pe dada, esuru pupa tutu, oku oga 1, Ewe kinlefimise, Ewe alupaida, Ewe abamoda, Ewe akisan, eyin ororo 10,  jijo po. Ao ma fi schnapps lo lararo. 9.

Translation : A black cat, a cock (special breed usually with few feathers on the body known as

opipi) this cock should be matured and black in color, one whole igun (vulture), a special yam known as Esuru, one dry cameleon, ewe kinlefimise, ewe alupaida, ewe abamoda, ewe akisan, 10 freshly laid eggs, burn together, and be taking in little quantity like 2 table spoonfuls a day with schnapps or dry gin every morning.

Irun abe obinrin, egbo taba, eyele funfun balau, ao ge N50 titun ao gesi 201, jijopo. Ao po mose, ao wa gbe sinu igba kekere. Emeta lao we le ara won. Lehin naa odi odun keji. 10.

Translation : Female pubic hair, the root of tobacco, white pigeon, $50 cut into 201 pieces and burn

together, and then mix with soap use this to bath twice a year.

Agadagodo means padlock in Yoruba. Like the name there are charms that can be used to lock cases, people, and situations or prevent things from happening. In most cases the charm is tied to a padlock and locked physically with the right incantations or intention stated. As promised here are 10 different formulas or ways of doing it. They are quiet powerful so do not misuse them. To whom much is given much is expected. 1. Obi Akiriboto, ela ileke, orogbo kan, ewe ikakure, ewe patanmo, odidi atare kan,  jijo po ao di mo eyin agadagodo, ao fi awo fun fun ran, ao te ni odi meji. Ofore: Akiriboto ki loju awe, Orogbo ki loju awe, Ela ileke ki loju atokun bo, Patanmo lore ba obo …… mo, Ki won male ri do, Odi meji lore di obo ……… pa, Ki won male ri do mo. Translation: Obi means kolanut, there is a special kolanut that can’t be split, this is know as obi

akiriboto, ileke means beads, ela ileke is a bead that has been split into two and therefore cannot hold a string, bitter kol, ewe ikakure, ewe patanmo, one whole alligator pepper, burn, make odi meji sign on this preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it. Where ever you see ……… you are supposed to mention the name of the person you are locking or charming or the situation or your intention.

2. Ileke Itun, Ileke Ifa, ewe ina pupa ati funfun, epo eyin adie, ipanumo abo, ipanumo abafe, jijo po, ao di ni ikobere mo agadagodo, ao di ni ona meji ni ara agadagodo, ao gba ni awo funfun. Ofore: Panumo abo ki ba abo wijo, Panumo abafe ki ba abafe wijo, Ewe ina funfun ati pupa ki jara won niyan, Itun loni kefi oun rere bun mi, Ifa loni kefi oun rere fami mora. Translation : Ileke means beads, so you get itun beads, ifa beads, ewe ina pupa and 9ati means and)

ewe ina funfun, the egg shell, ipanumo means the freshly growing unfolded leave, so you get the ipanumo of abo, the ipanumo of abafe, burn then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it.

3. Oro agogo, afomo ope, oga kan, iye agbe, odidi alakan kan, ao jo po, ao di mo agadagodo, ao fi awo okete ran. Ofore: Oro agogo ki roju pewe, Afomo ope ki roju tagbo kanle, Kete kete laso okete, Oga pelu alakan ki pade , Bi won pade awon mejeji koni roju. Translation : Oro agogo is a special cactus plant, afomo means a parasite plant and ope means palm

tree so afomo ope means any parasite plant on a palm tree, one chameleon, one agbe feather, alakan means crab so one crab, burn together then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with skin of okete (a small bush rat) . Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it.

4. Ifun inu igba, ifun inu akeregbe, ifun inu akara, ewe bomubomu ti owu, egun ori toti gbe die, oko atare kan, ao oj po ao di ni agadagodo, ao gba ni awo funfun. Ofore: Ifun inu igba ki jeki igba o mi, Ifun inu akeregbe ki jeki akeregbe o fohun, Awu fohun ni ti bomubomu, Ifun inu akara ki jeki akara o fohun, Ori gbigbe ki dide ba ori tutu rojo. Translation: Ifun means the insides or intestines, and igba means calabash, so the insides of a freshly cut calabash that has not yet been prepared for commercial use, the insides of akeregbe a big sized gourd, the insides of akara a specially prepared bean cake, ewe bomubomu (known as the arch tree), piece of human skull bone, 1/3 section of a whole alligator pepper burn then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin . Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it.

5. Ewe abo, imo ope, ibo igbin, odidi atare kan, ao jo po, ao ko si aba owu, ao fi awo dudu ran mo agadagodo ti aba felo ao si agadagodo na sile, ao pe ofore si ao wa tipa. Ofore: Abo kolo bo ……. Yen lenu,

Ilekun ti igbin ba ti arare ni ti mo, Imo ko lo mo ……….. lenu. A o ti. Ao je atare lenu ki ato pe. Translation: Ewe abo, palm leaf the white that covers an old snail, one whole alligator pepper burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it

6. Adan, opolo, oga, panumo abo 201, panumo abafe 201, obuotoyo, odidi atare kan,  jijo po, ao di mo agadagodo, ao ran ni awo ekun, ti aba fe lo ao fi atare mesan pe ofore. Ofore: Adan kiri di su, afi enu, Opolo ki gbenu ile, Oga kan ki gba aso tii, Panumo abo ki ba abo leri, Panumo abafe ki ba abafe ro, Akun sinu lekun nkun, Eni kan ki roju ekun ko fija lo. Say your intention and lock it. Translation : One bat (Adan means bat), one toad, one chameleon, 201 ipanumo abo, 201

ipanumo abafe, obuotoyo is a special phosphate salt used by photographers in image processing (I have forgotten the actual name), one whole alligator pepper, burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with leopard skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it.

7. Oro agogo, ori ako pepeiye, ori adaripon, ipanumo iya, ipanumo abo, ipanumo abafe, ogiri to o lanu, odidi atare kan, jijo po, ao di in ikobere, ao di mo agadagodo. Ofore: Panumo abo ki jeki abo foun, Panumo abafe ki jeki abafe foun, Panumo iya ki jeki iya foun, Igbagbe lose oro agogo ti ko roju lewe, Igbagbe lose ope tio roju yo ogomo, Alanu foun niti pepeiye, Bi pepeiye ba lanu igbe he he he ni ke, Bi alangba ba lanu igbe he he he ni ke, Alanu fonu ni ti ogiri alapa, Say your intention and lock it. Translation : The cactus plant, head of a male duck, head of an agama lizard, the ipanumo of a

leaf called iya, ipanumo of abo, ipanumo of abafe, piece of sand from a cracked wall with a wide gap in between, one whole alligator pepper burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it.

8. Igbin kan, ata wewe, ohun Elede, ohun pepeiye, irun ori odi, aso egun, jijo po pelu atare kan, ao ko sinu aba owu, ao fi awo agility ran bi o ba wu wa a le jo ori alangba mo. Ao di mo ehin agadagodo. Ao ma pe ofore si ti aba fe lo. Ofore: Igbin ko gbodo gbin, Agiliti ki mi ko se aro kerese mejeji tele, Odi ko ni enu amu soro, Oro huhu inu elede ni wa, Alawe foun niti pepeiye, Ale sinu ni ako alangba leri tire. A o je atare mesan ki ato pe ofo yi, ti aba pe tan, a o tu si. Translation:  One big snail, small pepper, heart of a pig, heart of a d uck, the hair of a dumb

person, piece of cloth from the egungun, one whole alligator pepper , burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with skin of a special reptile known as agility. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it

9. Opa eku, opa eja, isawiri, ewe alupaida, jijo po, ao di sinu owu, ao wa di mo ehin agadagodo, ao fi awo ekun gba. Ofore: Opa eja ni tiran mo eja, Opa eku ni tiran mo eku, Isawiri ni tile mo arare, Alupaida ban pa iye ……. Da, Owu funfun owu dudu ki jara won niyan, Ki lagbaja ma ja mi niyan. Translation : when an animal is caught and roosted, it is hanged on a stick, that stick is the thing

known as opa in this formula, so you get opa of eku (ie rat) opa of eja (fish), water snail, ewe alupaida burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with leopard skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it

10. Iye igun, iye akala, iye lekeleke, ori okete, odidi atare kan, ao jo po, ao di mo ehin agadagodo, ao fi awo dudu ran ni egbe kan, awo iki ni egbe keji. Ofore: Ofe ni igun jebo, Ofe ni akala joku, Ofe ni eke leke fo kalu, Oro ti okete baba ile so ni ile ngbo, Iki ki ni iye ninu. Say your intention and lock it. Translation : The feater of igun (Vulture), feather of Akala (Another large bird), feather of lekeleke (white crane), head of bush rat, one whole alligator pepper burn preparation then tie in cotton wool with black and white thread and tie to the back of a padlock then cover it up with white animal skin. Whenever you want to use chant the above incantation and on the padlock then lock it

Afose (Command) Afose is used in commanding people and situation as well as cursing; however some afoses are mainly used for cursing and can never be used for anything good. Here I have given you 10 formulas as promised, those that are mainly used for cursing will be indicated. 1. Owo ikun mejeji, kukute oju ona, owo okete mejeji, ire kan, epo igi kukute oju ona, alabahun kan, jijo po, ao po mo ose dudu, ao ko sinu iwo agbo, ao ma fi banu soro. Translation: Both hands of a mole, a piece of the remains of a dried tree on the road, both

hands of the bush rat, and insect called ire, one tortoise, burn together mix with black soap and put inside the horn of a ram, touch with your tongue and say your intention.

2. Egbo obi abata, egbo orogbo, egbo akerejupon, egbo ajeobale, edun ara, ao gun po mo ose dudu inu iwo agbonrin ni ao ko si, ao fi ikoti ide, ikoti baba gun lori, ao fi aso egun we. Translation: The root of original kolanut tree, root of bitter kola tree, root of akerejupon,

root of ajeobale, a piece of the thunder stone, pound and mix with black soap then place inside the horn of an antelope, cover with clothe of egungun piece.

3. Egbo orogbo, egbo akerejupon, ori sebe kan, ao gun po mo ose dudu, ao ko sinu iwo etu. Translation : The root of bitter kola tree, root of akerejupon, head of sebe (black cobra)

pound with black soap and put in the horn of a bush goat.

4. Egbo ewuro, egbo lapalapa, egbo ewe ina pupa ati funfun, ewe airagba, ewe egele, ao lopo mo ose dudu, ao ko sinu iwo etu, ao lo bo mo ori akitan gba ojo meta. Translation : Root of Ewuro tree, root of the lapalapa tree, root of ewe ina both the red and

white varieties, ewe airagba, ewe egele, pound with black soap put in the horn of a bush goat and bury at a waste disposal site for three days, after that go and take it, and use it.

5. Ori sebe kan, akeke wewe meta, eso yerepe, padi atare kan ewe oloyin, ao jo po ao ko sinu iwo etu, ao fi aso egungun we, ao po mo ose dudu Ofore: Tewe tagba ni yerepe gba aso lorun re, Osan gang an ni oro awon rin won mura, Ojoo loro akeke ja, Ewe oloyin ki pahun orisada. This is an epe formula. Translation : Head of Sebe (Black cobra), three small scorpions, the seed of yerepe and

itching plant, one whole alligator pepper, ewe oloyin, pound and mix with black soap and

put inside the horn of a bush goat. Chant the incantation above when you want to use it. This is only meant for cursing.

6. Ase iru oka, ase akeke, ao lo pelu eyo atare meje, ao fi sin gbere si isale ete. Translation : The tail of Oka (Black Mamba), the tail of a scorpion, one alligator pepper

seed pound together and use it to make an incision under your lower lips. Use your tongfue to touch it whenever you want to talk or command anybody.

7. Ori oka, ewe abamoda, jijo po, ao po mo ose dudu, ao fi sinu iwo igala tabi etu. Translation :

Head of Oka (Black Mamba), ewe abamoda, burn together mix with black soap then put in the horn of a bush goat or antelope.

8. Ewe gbegbe, ewe boboawodi, ewe areyinkosun, ao lo po mo ose dudu, aso ko sinu iwo etu. Ofore: gbegbe ki roju sin omo re niyawo, Boboawodi ki roju sin omo re foko, Ewe areyinkosun ki roju kun omo re losun, Ki …… ma roju Translation : Ewe gbegbe, ewe boboawodi, ewe areyinkosun, pound with black soap and

put inside horn of bush goat, then say incantation and lick the soap before you say your intention.

9. Ewe ipin kan, ao sa tio gbe, ti o ba gbe tan ao fi eyo atare kan si, ao lo po, ao fi sin gbere si isale ete. Translation : One dry ewe Ipin, pound with one alligator pepper seed and use to make one

incision under your lower lips. Touch with your tongue then say your intention.

10. Ewe ogunbo ti anpe ni ewe oko, ewe airagba, alagemo kan, ewe gbodogi, ewe ina, ewe esisi, ewe ireke, eso afon, ewe ogbo, epo ogba ti won gbin isu si, sakati aro, ao jo po, ao fi tefa osetura, ao w ape ofore si Ofore: Osetura sare tetete, Osetura ki so tire ko mase, Kan kan ni ewe ina jomo, Wara wara lomode ntoko esisi bo, Ile ogba, ona ogba nisewe airagba, Aba ti alagemo bada ni orisa oke ngba, Ase waa ni ti ireke, Ewe kan ni ogunbo npa, Ewe kan ni gbodogi nhu, Ojiji ni a gbo iku aro, Ojiji ni afon nwo, Ojo ti ogirisako ba fi oju kan aiya ni sanponna bo.

Ao ha egun ara ogirisako, si ogun yi ki ato gun po mo ose, ao ko sinu iwo igala, ao fi abere oje kan ati abere ide ha lori. Abere ide yi wa fun adura sise, abere oje wa fun epe sise. Ao gbodo fenu ka nose yi, eyin yio kan nio. Ero re – Epo, ori, ao pop o, ao fi kan enu tabi ki a pa adie kan fi eje re senu. Translation : Ewe Ogunbo, ewe airagba, one chameleon, ewe ina, ewe esisi, ewe gbodogi,

leaf of sugar cane (ireke), seed of afon, ewe ogbo, piece of a garden fence where yam is planted, remains of leafves used for processing dye, burn together then make osetura odu mark on this powder chant the above incantation then mix with black soap and scrap the thorns from the ogirisako plant mix with this soap and put inside the horn of an antelope, put bronze and silver pin on it, lick the bronze pin when you want to say a prayer and the steel pin when you want to curse. You must not use your mouth to touch the soap in the horn, only lick from the pin. After you’re the antidote which is palm oil and shea butter mixed together so as to remove the negative effect of the afose from your mouth, if you do not do this you will start to develop tooth ache and your teeth might start falling off.

Mayehun ( Refuse me not) This particular formula can be considered as a mini afose, it can’t be used for harming, but just to make one’s demands satisfied. It can only be used on people. 1. Ewe amoniseni, ewe jeminiho, ao lo po, ao da oyin igan si ninu, ao ma tola. Ofore: Gbogbo ohun ti moba ba won so ni ki won o ma jeminiho, ki won male pa oro mida. Translation: Ewe amoniseni, ewe jeminiho, ponud together and mix with honey, then lick and chant the incantation then go and make your request.

2. Ewe emu, ewe amunimuye, eyo atare7, okan okete, ewe ogbo, ao lo po, ao we ni ikobere pelu owu dudu ati funfun, ao ma re sinu oyin, ti aba fe lo, ao ma so si koro eke ba eniyan soro. Translation: Ewe emu, ewe amunimuye, seven alligator pepper seeds, the heart of a grasscutter (dried), ewe ogbo, pound together, tie in little pieces in cotton wool and tie with black and white thread. Keep this charm in honey all the time. When you want to use it, put in your mouth (under your tongue) and speak to the desired person. Make your request.

3. Omole kan, awo ijimere, owo eyo, obi pupa, obi funfun, jijop o, ao ko sinu aba owu, ao di ni owu dudu ati funfun, ao wa pani awo ekun. Ofore: Akisun owo nina, Aki sun obi nina, Oro ti ba dun omole para para ogiri lo sofun, Oro to ba dun ijimere to ba fi ojukan ala pin oro inu re a tan, Aba owu ki soro,

Ki …… omo…….. male yi ohun mi pada. Translation: one wall gecko, a small piece of the skin of the albino monkey, one cowrie, one red kolanut, and one white kolanut, burn together, tie in small bits in cotton wool, then sow this charm in leopard skin. Put in mouth chant incantation, remove it and go and meet the person you want to make a request from. He /she shall not refuse. Incantation:

We do not burn money, We do not burn kola, Whatever complains the wall gecko has, Is reported to the wall, Whatever complains the ijimere (albino monkey) has, When he meets ala pin, he forgets, A pack of wool does not speak, First name of person you want to make request from son of Surname, Should not refuse me.

4. Ewe alupaida, orogbo, eyin adie, obi gidi, odidi atare kan, ase iru okete, irula ti won bale sorita jijopo, ao di ni ikobere pelku owu dudu ati funfun, ao ma fi senu bay an soro. Ofore: Eyin loni ki …… koma leyi ohun enu mi pada, Alupaida loni ki …….. koma le pa ohun enu mi da, Sango ki kohun orogbo, ki ……. O male kohun mi, Orisa ki kohun obi, ki ……..o male kohun mi, Ota ilu ki kohun ata, Oro gbogbo ti okete ba baile so ni ile gba, Oro gbogbo ti mo ba ba …….. so mi ki o gba Oju kana ni irula panu posi, Owu funfun owu dudu ki jara won niyan, Iwo ……..omo……. o gbodo ja mi niyan. Translation: Ewe alupaida, bitter kola, one egg, one kolanut, one whole alligator pepper, the tail of a grasscutter, okro that was found at a T-Junction, burn together, tie in small bits in cotton wool, then tie in black and white thread, keep under your tongue to make your request from whoever. Chant the incantation before, approaching the person. Incantation:

Eyin (egg) says name of person should not be able to refuse me, Alupaida says name of person should not refuse me, Sango does not refuse the bitter kola, The Orisha does not refuse the kolanut, Enemies of the town does not refuse pepper, Whatever the grasscutter tells the land is what it does, Whatever I tell name of person he must accepted, The okro gathers together at a spot, The black and white thread does not argue with each other, May name son of surname not refuse me

5. Ewe omisinmisin, ewe abamoda, ao lo po mo ose dudu, ao ko sinu iwo etu, ao ma fib a enu soro.

Translation: Ewe omisin misin, ewe abamoda, pound together and mix with black soap, then keep in the horn of a bush goat. Lick and make your request.

6. Eyin adie ibile, epa tutu, ewe Omisinmisin, atare eyo meje, ao lopo, ao ko sinu owu otutu, ao te aso egun ao mu ewe amunimuye die sinu re ao wa bu ebu yi die si, ao wa we ni ikobere. Ofore: Eyin loni ……..male yi mi ni ohun pada, Epa loni komale pa ohun mida, Atare ki kere ki oma soro ile baba re, Ewe moko loni ki ……. Oma ko oun mi. Translation: One egg, some fresh groundnut, ewe omisinmisin, ewe amunimuye, 7 a ligator pepper seeds, pound together, put in cotton wool, and wrap this wool in a small piece of the clothe of an egun (masquerade), tie with black and white thread, keep under tongue, chant incantation and make request from person. Incantation;

Egg says soso and so should not refuse me, The groundnut says soso and so should not change my request, The alligator pepper though small speaks of its fathers, The mako leaf says soso and so should not refuse me

Gbetugbetu (Hypnotizing Command) This is an Ase of high order, it works like hypnotizing the victim(s) under its influence and they begin to act according to the dictates of the wielder of this charm. Nothing can be as astonishing as seeing a person under the influence of gbetugbetu. There is ABSOLUTELY SO SENSE OF REASON AGAIN. I can’t give you many formulas on this; even over here few people possess the true secrets of gbetugbetu and yet little are those that are able to practice it. Two very authentic ones that have been tried and tested will suffice. 1. Ifun adie to wa lori aba, awon oju egun, eha oro totun tosi, iye elulu to bo si idi kukute igi jijo po, ao di ni kobere, ao ma so senu soro. Ofore: Idunku dun ni egun gun ndun, Ifo ku fo ni oro nfo, Bi elulu ba fi oju kan kukute abo aso ara re sile, Bi adie ba de ori aba apa hun da. Translation: The intestines of a hen that is incubating its eggs, the clothe covering the face of the egungun, the left and right scrap of the oro (used in ancient ceremonies), the feaher of the elulu bird, piece of a miniature dead tree, burn together, tie in pieces in cotton wool, keep in mouth, chant the incantation and speak to the person, what you want him/her to do. Incantation:

The Egun sounds incoherently, The oro speaks non-sense, When the elulu sees the kukute, it undresses itself, If the hen gets on top of its eggs, its speech changes.

2. Oko ti eku emo ba re sile, oko ti oya ba re sile, akuko adie kan, ao yo epon re, egun gun asinwin, okun oluso, odidi atare kan, ao gun po pelu aso ti aba fin u ara nigbati aba lo po tan, ao ko si egbon owu, ao we lowu dudu ati funfun. Ofore: Ti emo ba re oko ada sile, Ti oya ba re oko ada sile, Tigi tope ni were ntu aso re han, Seni won nbinu so, Ojo ti oko ba fi oju kan obo lo nda towo re le. Translation: The plant that has been fell by a bush rat, the plant that has been fell by a grasscutter, the scrotum of a fowl, the bone of a mad man, a hang man’s rope, one whole alligator pepper, pound together, put bits in cotton wool tie with white and black thread. Put in mouth and chant incantion, and then speak to person. Incantation:

When the bush rat fells a plant, it doesn’t rise up, When the grasscutter fells a plant it doesn’t rise, The mad man undresses for all, In anger does one hang, The day the penis sees the vigaina, it release all its got.

Olugbohun (The Voice Carrier) Much can be said about this formula, its just like having the power to create any situation by word of much, whatever is said is carried by this powerful charm (or its entity) and makes sure it manifests in real life immediately. I consider this ultimate power and an ase of the highest order, there are varying olugbohun with varying powers but a general characteristic is that they do not live in the domestic house but far away in the bush or river side where only the owner knows and goes there when there is special need for use it. I can only give you one formula for it. Use it wisely and use it well for the benefit of man. Remember whatever you say, will take effect immediately, at times the r esults might be slow to manifest but believe me, they will surely manifest. Be careful! Odidi Ibi omo, egbo akerejupoon, opolo, ewe owu akese, egbo yerepe, egbo esisi, egbo lali, ao jo po, ao po mose dudu, ao ko sinu iwo malu, ao lo gbe pamo si ehin kule ibiti eni kan kan o ti ni de ibe. A o lo ma soro si ti aba fe ran nise. Translation : The Placenta or Sack of a new born child that is usually buried, egbo means root, so

the root of akerejupon, Opolo means toad, ewe owu akese, the root of yerepe, the root of esisi, the root of lali, burn together and mix with black soap, then place inside cow horn and keep far away where people cannopt reach or where human voices cannot reach, go and consult it wher ever you want to send this charm on an errand.

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