In today’s era computers have become a vital component of any enterprise for giving it proper directions and extensive control of the various activities to attain business objectives. objectives. Computer applications applications have affected affected scientific scientific & commercial knowledge. The information ystem of the old times totally differs from the todays. It is automation system of a book shop or any information system. In the previous ages the process of maintaining data and record seemed very difficult. !ow days" computer is very essential component. The implementation of computer based Information ystem can be depicted as the ease in handling and maintaining the data bank of any si#e. $ur project is on Book Shop Management System whichdeals with almost all the information information of %ook hop .It keeps the database database of customer customer records records and publishing records. It also also keeps the author list" charges charges and %ooktitle list. list. The business of %ook hop is spread all over the world. ' large record should should be maintained in a proper manner for running of %ook hop.The hop .The proposed system is a window based menu driven system. It reduces the paper works" works " time needed for doing various tasks etc. $ur project upholds the accuracy of data.
Project Objective:
The main objective of this work is to reduce the difficulties that are found in the present system. The present system re(uires a lot of paper works" manual works etc. The accuracy is less in the present system. The details must have to be stored manually in the present system. In the present system" the details of a particular book)transaction are stored in different registers by different persons* this often leads to data isolation and inconsistency. There is always an objective behind every innovation and behind every work. +e did have many objectives for our project which are described as follows, I. II.
To search records of a book efficiently. -rocessing a large amount of data effectively and efficiently.
To provide better service.
It keeps database of publishing details" price and Customer record.
In such a huge project where the amount of data to handle was tremendous" there was strong demand for greater accuracy and consistency.
ince the system is subjected to be accessed by number users" the system must safeguard sensitive and important data in a form that is accessible only to the authori#ed personal.
Input validation features to make sure that only correct information has been provided.
It is easiest way to maintain publishing record data. It can generate knowledge about books.
It elps to /eep the entire information of the book shop in a systematic way so that it becomes easier to know about the books and sale)purchase.
It also generates the reports like sales)purchase.
!"#$I%&"%M: 2name# 2mpid
-1addres s
-ublishi d
-urchas e %1title
$rder !o.
ha s Book
01id $rder !o
I%! !$
ell -rice C1id
ha s
01name eee
Cid 2mp1i d
01addres s
C1id %ook Type Cname Caddress
%ook Type
'omp(ete Structure which inc(udes Main Project
'reate )ser
)ser *ype Save )ser
'hange Password
Purchase Order
Sa(es Invoice Sp(ash
+umber o, modu(es and their descriptions: # -.
)ser: It is used to create a user along with its profile. It is also used to filter
an authori#ed user" in order to access the system. .
'ustomer: # This module of the system gathers customer’s information and inserts it into the database.
Supp(ier: # This module gathers supplier’s information and inserts into the database.
BOO1: # This module manages the insertion of product specific information into the system.
Subject: # This module manages the various subject related details.
Purchase Order: # This system generates the purchase order.
Sa(es Invoice: # This system generates the sales invoice.
%ttractive )ser Inter,ace: # This module creates user interface for the
customer" so that" the interaction with the system can be made easy" powerful" and effective.
$ata Structures ,or a(( the modu(es: #
*ab(e +ame : # Books $escription : # )sed to maintain Books records *erms )sed
*ab(e +ame : # 'ustomer $escription : # )sed to maintain 'ustomer records *erms )sed
$ata *ype
-rimary /ey
Contact:irst!ame Contactatainces
!umber !umber
45 75
:oreign /ey
*ab(e +ame : # Supp(ay7$etai(s $escription : # )sed to maintain Purchase order detai(s records
*erms )sed
$ata *ype
-rimary /ey
:oreign /ey
*ab(e +ame : # Purchase7$etai(s $escription : # )sed to maintain Purchase order detai(s records *erms )sed
$ata *ype
%ook1I0 =uantity Cost 0ate 1$f1 -ayment
!umber !umber !umber 0ate
45 75 45 45
"eports &eneration: # This system generates some reports" which are as follows, i.
'ustomer "eport: # It Collects customer id and generates various details
related to the customer like first name" last name" address" phone number" email address etc.
Purchase "eport: # It collects order id and generates information such as
supplier id" order date" product id (uantity" unit price" discount and net value.
Sa(es "eport: # It collects order id and generates information such as order
date" book name" (uantity" unit price" and amount.
It collects customer code and generates total annual transaction report of the customers.
*oo(s8P(at,orm9 ardware and So,tware "e;uirement Speci,ications %"$6%"! "!!: # O"%'>! provides extensive features to safeguard
our information from both unauthori#ed viewing intentional or inadvertent damage. This security is provided by granting or revoking privileges on a personbyperson and privilegesbyprivileges basis" and is in addition to any security our computer system already has.
The use of oracle lets us to implement the following security mechanisms, i.
+e have used create user" create ro(e" and grant commands to control data access.
+e have used =ine#grained access contro( A=&%'. It’s a new feature in $racleD i that allows us to implement security policies with functions and then use those security policies to implement rowlevel security on tables and views.
+e have used O"%'>! >%B!> S!')"I*C. It allows us to assign security labels to rows.
IV. )se o, D%V% techno(ogy: # It provides simple mechanisms for protecting
our computer Ai.e. database and filesB from evil programs like viruses. +e have used policytool utility to create a policy file that contains the appropriate permission.
=uture Scope and ,urther enhancement o, the project. =uture Scope o, the Project, ince the ystem is capable of generation historical data as well in date +are ouse. There is a further scope in improving the performance ystem to enhance the management of the customers with a goal to increase profitability of the company.
=urther !nhancement: # The project can be extended to make it 6%P# !nab(ed so that it can be accessed using a >icro%rowser build within a >obile.
*he c(ient o, the project ,
This ystem is capable enough to customi#e it as
per need of the specific organi#ation.
>imitation o, the Project
, This is the demo project so it can’t be use in
real world. %ecause" when the project is running it may produce some errors.
'nd the database is restricted because the upplier can’t add the records more than hundred records. This project can use more memory and more C-9. :inally" we can say that this project is made for the supplier but they can’t use in real. ?uidelines in writing the scope and delimitation. The scope and delimitation should include the
4. ' brief statement of the general purpose of the study. 7. The subject matter and topics studied and discussed. ;. The locale of the study" where the data were gathered or the entity to which the data belong. J. The population or universe from which the respondents were selected. This must be large enough to make generali#ations significant. 8. The period of the study. This is the time" either months or years" during which the data were gathered.
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