Book of Reincarnation

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Book of Reincarnation...


The Book of Reincarnation Channeled Messages for

An Awakened Aquarian Age

Channeled through W. D. Pelley Edited by [email protected] This save: 11 Mar 2013 Telepathy and Psychic Communications are words that suggest an ability to send “thoughts through the ether” without physical sound vibrations to carry the message. Another NewAge description of this process is called Channeling, when communications come from extraterrestrial sources. This book is a collection of channeled messages, received telepathically in the early twentieth century by an extraordinary psychic. He signed his name “The Recorder” because he took clairaudient dictation from several Master-Souls who came to earth to instruct its population about cosmic realities. This compilation of excerpts from his many books expresses the philosophy of these Master-Souls; it contains the most informative scripts about reincarnation and the purpose of life on earth. They have been re-ordered from their original presentation, with only minor editing, and a brief introduction to each script by the editor. Astrologically speaking, the earth is leaving Piscean times and entering the Aquarian Age; consequently, this is a time of change. There are new religious observations accompanying this change, and a group of advanced beings have reincarnated at this time to contribute to the mission of bringing this enlightenment into focus. They approach the Recorder’s scripts from a Christian Perspective, and attempt to provide clearsighted viewpoints about Biblical stories like Noah’s Ark, and prophesies about Armageddon. It is time to liberate these closeted Revelations about celestial actualities and bring them to the world’s inhabitants. Only through Spiritual Illumination can we hope to survive the onslaught of negative energy propagated by those who would rule the earth for their own selfish ends. Hear the Masters speak, and come join us in the Revolution! Sincerely, Steve Girard, editor

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Table of Contents Chapter 1: An Introduction to Reincarnation.............. 1

Chapter 16: Instincts.......................................................28

We have been to earth many times before.

Group Spirits & Specially Equipped Species.

Chapter 2: Remembering Past Lives ............................. 2

Chapter 17: Patience from Parents...............................30

Instincts and Intuitions come from yourself.

Three Great Classifications of Life on Earth.

Chapter 3: Darwinian Evolution ................................... 4

Chapter 18: Illusion and Disillusion ............................33

Did we evolve from Apes?

Conscious Earthly Self vs Real Cosmic Self.

Chapter 4: Human Gender ............................................. 6

Chapter 19: Change ........................................................35

Adam means Man as Species.

Striving to get Distinctive Individualism.

Chapter 5: The Fairer Sex................................................ 8

Chapter 20: Emotions and Memories ..........................37

Woman helps Man do it for himself.

You are the Sum and Substance of Memories.

Chapter 6: Karma........................................................... 11

Chapter 21: Hierarchy....................................................39

We are Our Own Judge and Executioner.

Approaching the Climax of a Long Period.

Chapter 7: Sin ................................................................. 12

Chapter 22: Armageddon..............................................41

How to Correctly Identify God’s Projects.

Those who Walk in Darkness.

Chapter 8: Satan ............................................................. 14

Chapter 23: Militancy.....................................................43

The Legend of Lucifer and the Devil.

Jesus Acted as a Deputy of Divine Justice.

Chapter 9: Leaving the Mortal Coil............................. 15

Chapter 24: Supersensitive People...............................46

What is it like to Die? Will you meet Jesus?

Living in a World of their own creation.

Chapter 10: Etheric Vibrations..................................... 17

Chapter 25: Pineal Gland Occupancy..........................48

Where do you go when you die?

This is the Body’s Most Sensitive Region.

Chapter 11: The Judgment............................................ 19

Chapter 26: Endocrinology ...........................................51

The True Judge is Holy Spirit Within You.

Reactions of Glands to Spiritual Motivations.

Chapter 12: An Introduction into Thought................ 20

Chapter 27: Mind............................................................53

Thought and Ether are Key Fundamentals.

Personality Operating Without Ego.

Chapter 13: Miracle of Holy Spirit .............................. 21

Chapter 28: Cosmic Change..........................................57

‘Applying the Thought’ is how to describe it.

Five Lessons, in Consequence and Sequence.

Chapter 14: Divinity ...................................................... 25

Chapter 29: Know Yourself...........................................60

Material and Spiritual Evolution

Give These Personalities Free Play and Scope.

Chapter 15: Bodily Organisms ..................................... 27 Self-Recognizing Thought Creates Light.

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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Reincarnation

it is the fact of your non-reappearance that holds the significance.

We have been to earth many times before.

If you had taken a dive off a float at a summer resort, the dive of itself would scarcely be considered something to dwell upon as a technical accomplishment. How you held your hands above your head, how much breath you drew into your lungs, how many times you bounced on the spring-board before making the flying glide into space: such are inconsequential details when compared to the fact that something happened to you below the water’s surface, in view of the fact that it would be the last time most of your friends saw you for a great many years.

Why don’t human beings remember living past lives, or recall being alive before they were born? If Reincarnation is a fact, wouldn’t there be more of us remembering? Here is the answer: memories of past lives do not reside in the human brain, but stay alive in the Etheric Mind. These memories can be reached through hypnosis and other techniques, but we intentionally suppress them when we reincarnate so they don’t interfere with the current life experience. Here is an introductory script on how we reincarnate, and it is followed by a second script that explains why we don’t remember–– YOUR PERPLEXITY about Earthly Rebirth is understandable as you ‘sleep in flesh.’ On the other hand, we on these higher levels of life live so much closer to seeing the process that we often have difficulty realizing your lack of vision. In other words, shifting your consciousness back and forth from the discarnate to the incarnate means so much more to you than it does to us, which is a feature of your blindness in the physical encasement. We in these Freer Areas of Consciousness see so much more of the universe, and see it in such compositional aspects continually, that sometimes it requires a deliberate effort to put ourselves in your position. We resemble those who have sight, and taking it for granted until we encounter a blind man: then we are appalled by the real handicap of his affliction, which in this case is an affliction of physicality. This matter of the Soul-Spirit taking up renewed residence in earth-life is a mighty one in its essence, but a slight one in its technical happening. You arrange for it over long periods of time, if you are a responsible soul taking your karmic obligations seriously, and yet when it actually happens, it is a process so quick and natural that you might have dived off the springboard of a float at a country lake and merely failed to reappear on the surface. The diving-off was quick, natural, and simple:

When you ask for the details of how you leave the spirit condition and come down into mortality, you are putting stress on the aforesaid position of your hands above your head, the filling of your lungs with air, and the number of bouncings on the springboard: it is your reason for taking the dive and plunging down into physical circumscription that carries the greater import. Nevertheless, we say you take tenancy of your new mother’s developing embryo by ‘thinking yourself into it or about it,’ a more or less instantaneous thought performance, premised on previous arrangements made for you to do it, and licensed by the fact that you were supposed to do it because it had been prepared for you and none other. You have sluggish or skeptical attitudes towards ‘thinking yourselves’ here or there, because life in flesh discourages the dexterous practice of it. You can scarcely comprehend that such activity is a natural employment on Soul-Spirit’s part while in its nonphysical existence. You forget that in its free state, SoulSpirit can travel anywhere merely by mental transfer. In reality, there is small essential difference between a soul-spirit transferring itself from New York to Los Angeles in the blink of an eye, and a soul-spirit transferring its Light Body into an Embryonic Body in the blink of an eye. By thinking it strongly or intently enough, you encompass it. Indeed, some people in Light-Body form encompass it without always grasping that they are achieving it, -1-

as in the case of discarnates who do what you term ‘haunt houses,’ or particular earthly spots where their interests still concentrate. By ‘imagining’ they are in the mortal state again, and dwelling in a particular place of interest that is pulling them, they actually do achieve existence in such location. However, the problem with this type of manifestation is that they cannot make the condition a thing of material permanence, for when they let their thought-concentration relax, the etheric conditions created earlier lessen or disintegrate. Incidentally, that is one of the outstanding reasons why people who have graduated from bodies of literal material cannot think themselves back into material reality: the mental concentration is too great for them to sustain it. For a few minutes perchance, if under great stress of indignation, anger, fear, or even revenge. In these instances, people have been responsible for enough etheric galvanism around their Pattern Bodies to build themselves up into a semblance of physical reality. You call this not so much a ghost or apparition, but a phantasm. Indeed, it has actually been accomplished by soul-spirits while still in their mortal bodies: they have ‘thought themselves’ so expressly into a given scene at a distance, that physical effluvia of them has been witnessed there. However, this is a digression from our primary subject of ‘thinking yourself’ into the embryo of some woman, probably near and dear to you, who is to become your earthly mother. We say there is no great prolonged or torturous technique to it. AS YOU RISE higher and higher into our planes of spiritual consciousness and make wider and deeper estimates of your character, you become more and more aware of your need for a repeat visit into mortal life, to strengthen or broaden or sweeten your temperament by the experiences you have prescribed for yourself. Thus, with the demands of your karma always before you as well, you eventually set about planning your next worldly visitation. Remember, we are talking for the moment about the common run of progressing Soul-Spirit who is making their

way up the worlds, and not any particular avatar soul who returns to engage in or accomplish some special mission. However, do not overlook the fact that equally as much care has to go into preparing the soul arrangements for an avatar, as it does for even the most stringent karmic birth. However, the higher the soul rises into levels of attainment, the more carefully arrangements are made for earthly incarnations. You settle upon who your parents are to be–– inevitably from your own cosmic or karmic group––and work out your family relationships by what we might call a celestial blueprint that fits the personalities involved. These are sometimes complicated affairs. Nevertheless, having seen your prospective parents ‘take off’ from the spiritual realms to be earthly people in advance of you, you mark the time until you are to join them physically as their infant. You will probably remain spiritually close to those who are to be your forthcoming parents: you will watch them through their own childhoods and adolescences, and perhaps even go so far as to assist them in meeting and mating. Marriage results on schedule, as it was planned between all of you twenty to thirty solar years before, and presently the wife-mother is expecting. Then you know your own moment is approaching when you are due to relinquish free spirithood. You get the electrical rate or vibration of that embryo or fetus, and transfer your consciousness into it for a predetermined number of years of residence. The instant your Soul Consciousness ceases to exercise in the etheric Light Body, because you have ‘gone to sleep’ in your new mother’s womb-sac, the vibrations that moments ago made your old Light Body a tangible thing die away, and so to all intents and purposes it ceases to have identity. Subsequently, you will awaken to a new sense of yourself in your fresh infantile envelope of flesh, and begin the tried and proved process of creating a new Light Pattern Body to distinguish your new career. You will continue to operate in this new Light Body, until some moment

scores or hundreds of years hence, you find yourself repeating the same cycle of birth and death and birth again, as you have done it literally hundreds of times already. Of course, those close to you in celestial dimensions––celestial in comparison to the strictly earthly––will know what you have done, and where you are, and who you are, and what you are, because many of them will have assumed the responsibility of acting as guardian mentors for you. However, the great rank and file of celestial life will simply miss you, and maybe assume you have mounted into higher reaches of spirithood. THE PROCESS of thinking yourself into the fraught embryo that is waiting to receive you is a spiritual declension;––or a spiritual attribute of being able to penetrate the porosities of seeming solids and taking up residence in designated glands. We tell you again, it can be done instantaneously. The nearest we can come to putting it as an axiom is, The thing you think you are, you are! Perhaps the better comparison would be your electing to don a new suit of clothes. If the clothes were available to your mortal self, and fitted you, and you found yourself in a room where you could privately make the change, you wouldn’t think the mental process of directing the body to get into them would be particularly phenomenal or dramatic. Mortal body obeyed Mind, which proceeded to enhouse itself in the clothes, and that is all there would be to it. Only in the spiritual case, Mind has to fit Soul-Spirit to the size of the clothes. If you had been waiting twenty years or more on your Earth-Side to begin a momentous journey to a destination where great interests awaited you, and the day and the hour and the moment of your departure finally came when the train rolled into the station, would you consider it extraordinary or phenomenal that you encountered no special difficulty climbing up the car steps and going into your coach? Your mental reflexes would all have been attuned or readied for you to do that thing, wouldn’t they? -2-

Chapter 2: Remembering Past Lives Instincts and Intuitions come from yourself. This is a follow-up lesson on Reincarnation, which tell us why we usually don’t remember our past lives–– ON YOUR SIDE OF LIFE, you say you remember an idea or experience by reliving it in Thought, just as when you originally experienced it. However, you do not remember an experience in the sense of reliving it physically: you remember it by perceiving the residue of impressions and sensations the experience inflicted upon you; you remember the effects that the idea or experience impressed upon your conscious sense of either well-being or distress. Let us put it this way. In your Consciousness there is a ‘tympan of impressions’ or ‘film of sensitivity’ that is stretched between the Instant Present and the Past. Everything that happened before this most recent conscious moment, or instant of receiving impressions, is allocated behind that tympan, film, or screen. It isn’t a literal tympan, film, or screen, in the sense of being an organic membrane: it is more like a dividing wall set up in the Mind as an incident in Time. Everything in front of it pertains to the present; everything behind it pertains to the past, even the past of thirty seconds ago. When the present turns and views what’s behind the Time-Wall, in respect to some given idea or experience, a sort of internal television is engendered that has to do with the cerebrum’s neurons. However, strictly speaking, this variety of memory-action or behavior is not the question at issue before us now: we are not so much interested in the causations of organic memory, as we are in what we might term the aberrations of cosmic memory, particularly that aberration called loss of prenatal memory, which seems to lasts all your mortal days. By aberration, we mean a deviation from what is natural or normal in the average human nature. Truth to tell, what you are inquiring about, more accurately concerns the hypnotic state, or a condition of Mind.

You commonly talk of the ‘memory-veil dropping’ when you are born. What more accurately happens is you deliberately refuse to consciously remember the details of previously lived lives: precisely as in medical hypnosis you elect to divorce your thought and attention from all sensation except that ‘suggested’ to you by the medical operator. Therefore, there isn’t a literal ‘memory veil’ in the sense of a curtain falling between your life of the present and your lives of the past; however, there is such a thing as a mental hiatus being induced, and for good and sufficient reasons. This hiatus is a break or gap or suspension of memory for a period of time, to effect some purposeful result. When you reincarnate, you deliberately elect to ‘not remember’ the incidents of your former lives: you go into a sort of self-imposed hypnosis, or a blanking-out of certain factors of consciousness, so a definite and identifiable benefit may result therefrom. Mind can totally suspend all its conscious functions at will, without death resulting: you do it every night when you sleep. What is Sleep, but living with all conscious functionings suspended? Yet Mind can go further under hypnosis. Mind can be commanded to recognize nothing but what the operator wants recognized, even for a specified time after the hypnotic trance is over, and it will remain utterly oblivious to all other matters and all other objects until the period is ended. To deal in grandiose language you might say Mind ‘drops the memory veil’ on all other matters and all other objects, but actually it simply ignores them or refuses to acknowledge them. Now substitute your long agenda of past lives to a similar hypnotic process, more or less self-imposed, and the reason why you cannot remember your previous careers in flesh should become clear to you. You are purposely forgetting them in this ‘Sleep of Flesh’ for two reasons. First, they are uniformly too painful for you to recall consciously; and second, you would lose your current sense of individuality if you carried into your head minute recollections of all the previous lives you have lived. Therefore, while your Soul-Spirit

exercises in your organic body, you are operating in a sort of trance of consciousness: the opposite of your true spirit-consciousness, who can remember all the experiences and identities you have ever known. Typically, you cannot awaken from this dream until you graduate from your bodies; call it a hypnotic trance for the specified number of your earthly years, if you wish. Here and there, a rare individual does arouse themselves out of such prenatally imposed trance and recollects great portions of their past. You could say of such a one that the ‘memory veil lifted within them.’ You should more accurately say that their mortal trancestate suffered a defect; or a temporary awakening was invoked or introduced for their influence. While in flesh, conscious memory resides only in the brain, but subconscious or subliminal memory persists eternally. Just as conscious memory persists during those nocturnal hours when you sleep in flesh, subconscious or subliminal memory persists beneath the threshold of daily consciousness, and accounts for instincts, intuitions, character traits, and a host of other determinants of individuality that purblind society describes as ‘inherited.’ Truth to tell, they may be inherited, but scarcely from your parents. Only biological traits are inherited from your parents: you inherited your instincts, intuitions, character traits, and other determinants of individuality from yourself, as you acquired them in previous mortal visits. The sum-total of them is the eternal and imperishable you, who is evolving and progressing from one life into another: advancing in a constant upward spiral of social relationships and intellectual acumen, up the generations, the ages, and the worlds. You should by no means bemoan the fact that the memory process has these lapses. Superficially you might assume that it would be a most interesting thing to consciously remember a life you may have lived in Revolutionary times, or in England in the days of chivalry, or in France during the Crusades, or back in Roman, Greek or Palestinian times. How-3-

ever, do you have any realization of what it would mean to you to likewise have vivid memories of all the mistakes, tragedies, griefs, disappointments, and errors of those lives? All of you can look back over your present sequence in flesh and recall scores of regrets that you have on your conscience for acts of unkindness, injustice, hate, anger, temper, or everyday thoughtlessness and ignorance, that you wish could be blotted from conscious recollection. Multiply these by twenty, fifty, a hundred, and the retribution you would knowingly be facing would ofttimes be unendurable. The memory hiatus brings down a merciful curtain on all of it: it gives you the effect of making a fresh start, without old wounds or old burdens of conscience to distract or perturb you. You deliberately refuse to acknowledge your participation in these earlier sequences of existence. You come into mortality as an infant, with what seems to be a clean slate before you: and the notion commonly taught to you by society is, you have but one life to live, therefore make the most of it. Consequently, you apply your utmost energies to make good on this great chance given to you. You have a present and intimate sense of yourself, and are not harassed by consciously recalled concernments from your previous careers as other persons; you are able to concentrate on the special individuality in the life you are currently living. You are indeed ‘asleep in flesh,’ exactly as the sacred preachment designates it. And just as you may sleep on a bed with a portion of your consciousness entertaining itself by dreaming––to the utter disregard of the personality you may be in your waking state––so too are you entertaining yourself with this current ‘dream in mortality,’ if we may give it that name. Now the matter of just when and how you put this eternal-memory hiatus into practice is important. Ninety-nine out of a hundred persons do it when enwrapping Soul-Spirit into the maturing embryo in the mother’s organism. It is similar to a celestial hypnotic operator saying to a Soul, “You will go to sleep in this em-

bryo for a period of fifty-one years, eight months, three days, and seventeen hours”––or whatever the span of inhibited earthly consciousness you elect to experience in a body that will move you around in earthly society. “At the end of such period, you will terminate such occupancy by a canoe accident on a lake in northern Wisconsin, where it will be said of you that you drowned. During this physical occupancy, you will meet a number of similarly enhoused persons and engage with them in earthly contacts and pursuits, while also discharging karmic obligations. You will marry such and such a person at such and such a time and have four children, all of whom you have known on this side and arranged it with them in advance.” However––and here is the important thing–– “During such enhousement in your physical body, beginning with this embryo, you will blank out of your consciousness all direct memory of your previous lives as former persons. You will simply refuse to think of them or accredit them; you will occupy yourself strictly with living a new life as John Smith or Mary Jones, as though you had never lived any other. After you have completed the agenda of that life as John Smith or Mary Jones, you will take all the experiences entailed in it and consider them as a unit, to see what kind of a clean-cut and individualistic performance you have given. Then and only then shall Long Cosmic Memory come back to you, or function normally once more.” You not only accept such specific instructions, they being part of the conditions under which you are to operate to merit the new life-sequence in a physical body, but you acquiesce in them. You fall spiritually asleep during the 281 day embryonic period in which the physical body is gestating, and then appear in earth-life as an infant ‘pure and innocent and unspotted of the world.’ Thereafter, you live in that subliminal hypnotic state throughout the period of your earthly days, unless sobeit you willfully upset psychic centers, or cause them to be disturbed in you, by transgressing the or-

dinary rules that apply to such earthly sojourns. Alternatively, under a secondary hypnosis while in your flesh, you can recall your longthrow subliminal consciousness, as you did before the blanking-out in flesh; however, you will be entertaining an abnormal condition spiritually if you do. There is no particular moral transgression by affecting it, but there is rarely anything to be gained except the gratification of a morbid or dramatic curiosity. On the other hand, you can badly short suit yourself on the integrity of your personality in this current life, by mixing up its impressions and memories with all the impressions and memories of former lives. You thereby encounter much difficulty in ‘sorting yourself out.’ Abandon the picture-image of any ‘memoryveil dropping.’ Rather, think of yourself as entering into a long earthly period in which your eternal consciousness suspends itself so you are able to concentrate on what is happening to you in the present, unencumbered by reflexes and regrets for mistakes you may have committed in lives past.

Chapter 3: Darwinian Evolution Did we evolve from Apes? Reincarnation explains our return to earth in the current situation. Now let’s go back to the beginning of human existence on this planet and see how we got here. The Theory of Evolution postulates that Homo sapiens, today’s human beings, evolved from early primates in a survival of the fittest scenario. This hypothesis is presented as fact in our public schools; Intelligent Design is summarily dismissed as unscientific, for modern science is an atheistic philosophy. However, there appears to be a “missing link” between the intelligence found in the average primate and that found in human beings. This presentation postulates that extraterrestrial visitors came to earth and began inhabiting the bodies of apes. Ponder this script on the subject––


TO MAKE THE FOUNDATIONS of the doctrine clearer to you, here is what you must know and remember throughout our teaching: Life on your planet Earth––considered in the human sense––has not evolved from early sea-forms in one continuous line of ascent, as the evolutionists assume. There has been such an ascent, of an order we can term indigenous life, but Man as you know him in the present is by no means its total culmination. The Spiritual creature we call Man, who has given your earthly scientists so much perplexity because no link can be found between him and his assumed primate ‘ancestors,’ was a spiritual blend of developing indigenous apeforms, with a horde of celestial creatures who arrived upon this earth in an epochal Migration, apparently from a stupendous planet that has the Dog Star Sirius for its sun. No matter how novel or incredible this sounds to you the first time hearing it, we will trace for you what has happened since and you will grasp why it is so. We tell you, back in what your geologists term Miocene times, a vast concourse of Sirian spirits were led to this Earth-planet orbiting in solar space, and proceeded to take residence upon it for what the experiences would mean to them. These Migrating Sirians proceeded to make themselves at home on this agreeable planet, and later became designated in the opening verses of Genesis as the Sons of God. They were called Sons of God because they came from the vast planet that has Sirius for its sun, which is the chosen Seat of the Galactic Godhead. These Sons of God fell from their original celestial condition into a sensual cohabitation with the developing animal forms of earth. This created the resultant era of Sodomy, of which the Old Testament speaks incorrectly as to time. The sodomic crimes of your earliest Miocene ancestors introduced such a beastly animal strain into their progeny that it lingers in that progeny up into present times: it accounts in large measure for the animal appetites and passions from which biological Man suffers. This we enlighten you, is the original Sin of Adam and his progeny, which

now requires breeding out of the present race––not Sodomic practices, but the inheritance of animal traits that continue to linger in man even today: these still make many spiritual beings beastly in their temperaments and behaviors. Despite millions of years intervening, those traits still persist and exercise in them. As the progeny of these half-celestial, halfanimal Cro-Magnon people deteriorated, their appetites and passions became more and more beastly. Something had to be done about Creation going thus awry. Therefore, a third factor appeared upon your Earth-planet, in the form of an Angelic Avatar Order who also took up habitation in the same types of biological bodies used by the Sirian animal strain. These were a great horde of ‘redeeming spirits,’ apparently 144,000 in number, under the leadership of a Mighty Avatar who became known to men in His most recent incarnation in Galilee as Jesus the Christ. These started introducing into the prostituted human-animals the redeeming elements of a spiritual altruism. Their efforts suddenly began to affect humankind for the better in the wake of the Deluge. Therefore, in the commencement of these great cosmic revelations, try to understand the natures of these three forms of life, first mentioned in Holy Writ. In order of appearance they are: First, the indigenous earth-originated forms of life, correctly distinguished by your evolution scientists. Second, the Sons of God, or the celestial spirits who undertook a Great Migration from the planet around Sirius, arriving here around Miocene times, and producing the spiritual cleavage away from the strictly ape-forms that so bedevils your evolutionists of the present. Third, the Sons of Light, or the 144,000 Lesser Avatars who followed the leadership of Christ by coming to this planet to correct the abuses and prostitutions of Sodomy–– which the progeny of the first two had

practiced to such a world-wide and unhallowed extent that something had to be done about it. It isn’t true that ‘ape-men’ achieved their intellectual accomplishments and present faculties of physical organisms because they came down from trees and ran uprightly seeking food. Men gained to their present spiritual qualities and mental acumen by having infusions of a higher angelic essence put into their species by spirits who came to this planet as cosmic guests from outer star-sun systems. These visitors adopted the primate forms of organic life so they could cohabit with the beastly evolutionary forms, thus giving Science the Cro-Magnon type of human, with a celestial intelligence lighting his countenance and making his progeny ‘sublimated apes’ when regarded in the physical. LONG AGES AGO, the forces of ignorance and mischief had gained such an ascendancy over the race that Man as Incarnate Spirit was losing his identity. Bestialities and abominations––the crossing of immortal man’s spirit with gross animalistic forms––were producing a race of hybrids so mischievous and fearsome that drastic measures were necessary to fix it. The work of cleansing humankind was well-nigh imponderable of execution: animals and men were becoming interchangeable; thus, the whole sum and substance of life was a colossal abortion that served no useful purpose, celestial or mundane. Each species could have been sterilized, but that would have meant cessation of all propagation. Besides, forms were already in existence who could manufacture offspring by other means than ovarian conception and gestation. It was an awesome and horrific confusion, seemingly impossible of solution. Consequently, Radiant Beings were called into this turmoil of insufferable satanites from another system of Creation. These beings had gone through a similar experience-evolution in another world order trillions of years before, as men count solar time. They were popularly known as super-angels or Archangels: 144,000 of them, under the leadership -5-

of one you know today as our Lord, Jesus the Christ. He was leader of them because he was furthest advanced in wisdom, compassion, understanding, and character nobility. These came to this earth-planet in the midst of its confusions from a civilization far, far advanced over what humankind knows today as civilization. They possessed divine secrets as to the literal construction of substance in matter: they knew the secrets of Earth and Air and the compounds thereof; they also possessed every other attribute that Divine Thought manifests on any level of physical existence. They took fleshly form for the same reasons many of you have taken fleshly form in this generation: to be spiritual instructors and enlighteners. They founded in earth a special family, known in every language as the Sons of Light; they married and gave in marriage, raising up giants in stature and intellect. Strangely enough, in the 6th chapter of Genesis, after the Expulsion from Eden story, you are told this: “And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the Sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair; and they took them as wives, all which they chose. And the Lord said, ‘My spirit shall not always strive with man, in that he also is flesh; yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years.’” . . . Do take grave note of this passage, we beg of you. The 2nd verse of this chapter makes reference to the Sons of God, people not referred to before in the text. Who could these Sons of God have been? Could they have been the progeny of Adam and Eve? If so, then the ‘daughters of men’ on whom they looked must have been, generally speaking, their own sisters. But this is not the case, for they appear suddenly and unexplainably in Holy Writ’s mention as a creation obviously apart. There can only be a great deletion here, a phase of explanation and identification in which Holy Writ is deficient.

The Fall of the Angels, to which all theologies make reference, was actually this plunge of migrating Celestial Entities into earthly physical riot with the indigenous beastly forms of earth’s creation. Furthermore, The Sons of God and the Sons of Light were two distinctive groups of celestial spirits: the Sons of God were the Sirian visitors to this planet, long before the last great flood apostrophized as The Deluge. The Sons of Light were the Christ People: the Christ Followers who came here with him to ‘redeem’ the sodomic miscreants. The Sons of Light were Radiant beings, in the fullest sense of the word: intellectually, culturally, inventively, ethically, compassionately, and constructively. They were Super-Ministers to the early earthly universe. The Master of the Host of these 144,000 instructors appeared first in society as a man, and set up a dynasty that ruled the inhabited parts of this planet for uncounted generations, thus giving the race its first notion of kingship. When he saw the conditions against which they were contending, you might credit this as an almost literal circumstance: he took counsel with ministers of his own order and decided to purge the earth-plane of all physical abominations. First, they transferred the ‘Dark People’–– those primary motivating spirits behind the infamous acts––to distant locations on other planets. Then the Master gathered together what we might call his band, and took them into a locality that now approximates Egypt and Transjordania. And there the Deluge caught them, drowning their physical bodies, along with most of the world’s population whom they brought with them: but that was expected and provided for, for physical death meant nothing to Sons of Light. Now listen to this–– The legend of Noah is symbolic of a great state of affairs that was maintained by certain other followers and ministers of the Master. These rode the face of the waters to keep a clean mortal species in preservation until the waters had subsided, and a new and purified species of men could be reestablished. The legend of Noah taking pairs of animals into an Ark is

nowhere authenticated: there is no akashic record of this in the higher wisdom of Time and Space that we have been able to locate to enlighten you, except where men have tried to account for the preservation of animal species during the flood. However, these theorists did not realize that all parts of the planet were not submerged. A careful check was made before the expected Deluge, and clean species were allocated to certain positions that would not be affected. There is only so much water on the mundane planet anyway, and how it happens to be distributed is relatively unimportant: if the land sank in one portion of the globe and was then covered by water, dry areas were left elsewhere that had been covered. When the Deluge catastrophe was over, man began reincarnating again under the direction of the Heavenly Host, in a form the Host itself had employed: a sort of sublimated primate, or physical man as you know him today; and they have been slowly working their way back to being godlike souls. Furthermore, man has much of his lost heritage slumbering in his spiritual nature, but he was forbidden to use it by Thought Forces superior to him until he reached a time when he was so spiritually balanced and developed that he could never again employ his knowledge malevolently or selfishly. That time is closer at hand than men generally suppose!

Chapter 4: Human Gender Adam means Man as Species. Before we go too far into abstract concepts of creation, let’s look at the mystery of sex. Most find it an interesting subject because figuring out the opposite sex seems to be a complex though necessary problem to solve. If all of us are human beings, shouldn’t there be more unifying qualities among us? Why are there such extreme differences in personalities? The next two chapters will illuminate basic differences between male and female. Here is an excellent script to start the discussion–– IT IS ALL A MATTER OF COSMIC PHYSICS: you simply cannot have presentations of Men -6-

and Women, unless you have them displaying peculiar traits that are distinctive to Men and Women. These are personifications, in both the spiritual and anatomical sense, of two specific sets of moral and emotional characters that stand for something distinctive in Divine Fiat. Let’s look back and see how these two personifications evolved from one soul–– When Man as Species originally came to earth, the Soul of Man contained a balance of contrasting attributes. (Visualize the Yin-Yang symbol: two ‘fish’ swimming in one circle.) The Masculine qualities were expressed by aggression, daring, exploring, and pushing audaciously forward to new attainments, with positivity about its convictions once arrived at. Opposed to these are the Feminine qualities, represented by docility, poise, loyalty, compassion, altruism, mercy, conservation of resource, and domestic stability by giving the young time to gestate and mature. If you kept a newly formed spirit-soul in a perfect balance between male and female, confining it to the same spirit-character interminably, it would result in a type of stalemate in its expressions. The soul possessing both male and female characteristics would be continually caught at dead-center between the practical play of them: these traits would balance each another, and if they were equal in strength, there could be no interplay of expressions outside of moods and contradictory behaviors. Imagine a soul who is aggressive, yet at the same time pacific; daring, yet docile; positive, yet tractable; bellicose, yet amiable; ugly, according to standards of bodily pulchritude, yet beautiful. It would be a soul made up of contradictions, almost impossible for ordinary intellect to conceive, because it would be composed of conflicting opposites. An individual composed of such contradictions would be to all intents and purposes dual of nature, and always at war within itself: pulled this way and that according to the moods of its passing days; giving expression to one set of attributes one hour, and acting in an exactly opposite manner the next. You would never know how to

‘take it.’ Candidly speaking, it would never know how to take itself. It would largely be a bundle of whims and moods, and lack identity in its character expressions and the features of its nature. Therefore, allowing this composition of competing attributes to separate into identifiable partitions results in balance and counterbalance. The Divine Spirit in the unitary instance, parts its qualities in twain: thereby giving each an organism into which it will express its forces, one upon the other––and occasionally, one against the other. Thereby, the opposing qualities would obtain distinction in their expressions by personifications, because each of the two halves of balancing attributes would perform independently according to their natures. Together, they produce or exhibit a consistent whole. Undoubtedly, it was this necessity for personifying the contrasting traits of the soul’s divine nature that gradually came to produce or evolve Men and Women as you know them in the spiritual sense today. It is by no means a cliché to say that man takes the initiative, explores, experiments, risks, and fights: thereby perpetually challenging life in its competitive aspects; while woman accepts, endures, conserves, assuages, and beautifies. There are of course, aggressive women and tractable men: there is in each sex a capability to reflect on the predominant qualities of the other, else they could not share certain dilemmas and test situations in common, or seek in one another the communion of common desires and passions. Consequently, there has to be enough of the other’s predominating qualities in each, to make their life relationships understandable to the other. Nevertheless, in performance of their own soul-expressings, each must demonstrate his or her own personality by its basic nature. Each has to be created with an anatomy of their own representation, peculiarly adjusted and keyed to the representative traits of their own nature. In that way, the soul expresses itself as a piece of cosmic chemistry, so to speak: acting independently but in concert, without producing a contradiction.

Therefore, when you say ‘Woman came out of the side of Man,’ it undoubtedly was true that in the primalities of spirit upon this earth-ball, there was such a thing as the Adam Temperament: an entity containing both sets of attributes. Remember, we use the term ‘Adam’ to mean Man-as-Species, to distinguish him from indigenous animal forms, and to designate the Divine Spirit of the creature.

arate paper. And that every Female has the complementing ensemble of masculine attributes from which she parted as an individual at the commencement of her sex-demonstration, is something that needs the most careful examination and articulation in order to arrive at a correct understanding of it. It is too dangerous a conclusion to jump at promiscuously.

As Adam began to manifest in the earthly environment, you find this spectacle: Man discovering a method for signalizing his totality of potentials by giving his aggressive, combative, experimenting, and predatory soulqualities an organism peculiarly capable of expressing those features; while his pacific, submissive, mediative, pliant, reflective, and gentler soul-qualities were separated and confined to another complementary organism. Then these two organisms are turned loose together into an Edenic state, to play and interplay upon each other.

SEX is a ‘Set of Attributes’ in the unitary human soul, with each member of the set epitomizing a distinct spiritual performance. This offers polarities in nature, and oppositions towards one another, each in a self-identifying sense. It isn’t merely an organic ensemble that results in the procreation of young: that is an incidental function to its earthly performings. Amorous relations between the sexes are nothing but the two contrasting quotas of ingredients in the soul-totality, blindly seeking to express their composite or unifying natures, as they did when manifesting in their most harmonious unified state.

Therefore, Man as species ‘fell into a deep sleep’ in his Edenic condition, and when he awoke he discovered all his feminine traits mystically deducted from his totality of spiritual traits, leaving him a creature unhampered and unembarrassed by intellectual or emotional fixations of pacifism, submission, docility, and conservation. The latter were ‘out of his system’ or out of his side if you prefer: each was exercising and performing with a Mind, Heart, and reflex nervous system peculiar to themselves. Man seeks out woman, and adheres to her as Adam did to Eve, because she is a subtracted and independently operating quota of himself, merely performing apart from him so he can see distinctly his own masculine traits in the mirror of his mate’s femininities. The two compose one personage, as we have told you; or the two equal one personage would be better. Now the theory that every Male has somewhere in Cosmos, the identical unit of feminine soul attributes taken literally from his ‘own side’ and no other, is a matter for a sep-7-

The Deep Sleep on Adam must have lasted for ages! That is, tens of thousands of years must have elapsed before the masculine traits in one organism began to note the contrasting traits enhoused in the curvaceous organism occupied by woman. Woman gained to her present status of bodily pulchritude, her gentleness, docility, poise, endurance, tact, and dispositions to preserve, nurture, mend, and conserve, purely from the exercise of those talents––which had been subtracted ‘out of the side of Man,’ and given an organism for contrasting expression. She is the ‘missing half’ of Man in his spiritual totality; she lives alongside Man, in hourly association with him, and shares his problems and his fortunes. She heads for the same great spiritual attainment with Man because she is a spiritual division of him. This does not mean ‘man as a creature,’ it means Man as species. She is proceeding with him towards that far-off divine event to which all creation gravitates: the ultimate junction of all individual spirits with the Great God-Spirit out of which they originated, and to which they will go back.

There is no such thing, literally speaking, as a Man-Spirit and Woman-Spirit: there is only Soul, with contrasting qualities. These have to be allowed physical expressions, with each having their inherent fecundities that bring them to their separate attentions. Let us hear no more nonsense among you that Men and Women have two separate and distinct claims upon one another; or that God loves one more than he loves the other; or that he has been more partial to one than to the other in the matter of servicing them with organisms that are superior, one to the other. Nothing of the sort is true! They are, taken pair for pair, interoperating parts of the same soul-mechanism: traveling in the same direction, and due to blend back together again into their original ensemble when the long journey of contrasting performances has been achieved. There may still be a thousand gradations of actions and reactions, passions and emotions, and equities and injustices between them: but they are making the journey as halves of a whole, and each being incomplete without the other. Incidentally, from such exposition it shouldn’t be difficult for you to grasp why there is really so little ‘swapping of the sexes’––physically speaking––in repeat existences. Woman has to go on being woman as a general proposition; and Man has to go on being man, because of the essential nature of his spiritual ingredients. You can have a weak, docile, nonassertive, effeminate man, of course––just as you can have an aggressive, bellicose, and muscular woman. However, these types are anomalies; they are as rare as you find them because they do not serve the purpose that initially divided the Original Spirit. This is the thought we would leave with you for this phase of your instruction: when both sets of attributes run true to type, there is compatibility, respect, and amorous love of the highest quality. The more masculine the man and the more feminine the woman, the stronger they are drawn to one another;––and the associations that ensue between them will be more romantic and desirous. The answer to

it lies in the fact that they have separated spiritually in the original instance, so that one may exhibit as very masculine and the other as very feminine. They are serving the divine purpose for which the Deep Sleep fell upon Adam. Let each half of the composite soul rejoice in the distinctions that make it what it is!

Chapter 5: The Fairer Sex Woman helps Man do it for himself. This is one more chapter on male-female relationships. They were not originally grouped together, but are now combined to present the topic in one section, and to expand the picture of sexual beings living together as human polarities. Hear this further elaboration from the masters of wisdom–– YOU HAVE OBSERVED that there is a desire among you, male and female, to betake yourselves into privacy together: to live as man and wife; to have offspring together; to bear one another’s burdens, while bearing a name that is common to you both. You do these things ‘instinctively,’ not questioning from where the practice first came. You join your bodies and your lives to become a perfect complement before the Father, sensing no shame in your relationship if sobeit it is sanctioned by due notice to society. We would tell you more about these relationships this hour, and strive to acquaint you with those great processes of divine law by which in nature all things male and female seek to come together as one. Masculine Man is only half a creature. He is known to the finite world as man because he presents within his being all that is cherished as strong and aggressive: he performs great works constructively, and presses forward into the unknown. He elects; he explores; he attains to summits of endurance and attainments of knowledge that have no counterpart in the female’s human nature. If both are of one essence, why should this be? We say, Woman fructifies as the opposite of man: she comes into being to give contrast to his attributes. She is the emotional part of his soul, rendered into physical form: so man might see -8-

mirrored in her feelings the courage that is beastly, the strength that is impotent, and the valor that is merely earthly in its mortal display. When we say man is Positive, we speak of your plane only: there are higher planes where the attributes of woman are the positive attributes, and man is at a loss to manifest that stature reserved to him for earth. Nevertheless, on your plane man must ever be the aggressive, positive display because it is a plane of effort spent and recompense awarded. Furthermore, there must be some way of conserving this recompense after effort spent, to evaluate it correctly. Thus woman functions. Whether she is mother, sister, wife, or sweetheart, the office suffices in itself: woman does for man that which he cannot do for himself. She acquaints him daily with the value of his performance to himself and to the race. Society says she is the great ‘refining’ influence: she brings him up from savagery; she quiets his tumults, and expresses his desires conceived in Spirit. Woman does more than this: she envisages for man that which he could attain in his earthly expressions, by holding before him paths to a spiritual ascension. She is an in-life counterpart to that toward which he strives, in attainments more sublime than earthly vocations. This fracture of the soul comes to man as a mystery: he cannot perceive while walled up in his flesh, why this strange, coy, delectable, gentle creature is with him in his world of alarms, forever admonishing him to live up to his ideals. He does not see in her the other half of himself, from which he was severed long aeons in the past. He does perceive it in his subconscious mind, because by admitting her different identity, he attests to qualities lacking in himself. He admits that woman embraces attributes that he lacks by his adoration of her, and by paying her homage in ways of the heart. Now on coming into life, what do you find? Man affects to be the ‘stronger,’ but he is not

stronger when considered from the spiritual standpoint: woman has a spiritual strength quite equal to his. What we mean by strength in the earthly sense is that man possesses a ruggedness of purpose to attain his objectives. He scorns the gentle arts of persuasion, tolerance, diplomacy, soft speech and mental craft, for the pompous attribute of attaining by force that which he desires––whether it is force of his muscles or force of his intellect. He attributes these masculine actions to strength, but does not see that in the exact ratio where he expends his strength in bombast, he wastes himself; he does not see the negative reactions accruing to him from his entertaining this bombast. Bombast is usually an exhibit of misdirected energy: and being thus misdirected, it attains no objective. Failing to reach an objective, there is always a depletion of stamina––since to preserve a proper balance in a world of Balance, action and reaction must be equal. Woman in the main supplies this reaction. Alternatively, she substitutes a force that makes up for the depletion;––that is, he goes to her for ‘consolation.’ From childhood to old age, woman is ever man’s mental sanctuary when he has shot an arrow at a target and missed. Do you see what this means? Woman as Consoler is a positive force, working to compensate for something that is lost. Consider this–– A SMALL BOY puts forth an excess of energy by trying to lift a rock that is beyond his puny strength. He does this after valorously bragging to his companions that he was capable of performing the task. He struggles and strains: perhaps he budges it, but the rock slips and his foot is painfully bruised. At the same time, his small companions gather around him and taunt him with his failure until his cheeks flood with tears––as much from their tauntings as from the pain in his foot. What is his instinct? He turns indoors and runs sobbing to his mother! He tells her what has happened and she is duly sympathetic: she binds up his foot with a bandage and his vanity with a kiss; perhaps she lectures him gently on the folly of attempting what lies beyond his

strength. In any event, he appears later in the doorway, exhibiting a recompense within his spirit that makes both failures of small account. All down through his life, though he lives to be a hundred, that is the manner of his performance. In due process of time, he eschews his mother and acquires a wife. If she is a good wife, she functions ‘instinctively’ to do exactly the same thing the mother did before her. It isn’t because man is weak and should be pitied, or because woman is strong and should be honored. Neither pity nor honor weighs into the equation: the female in both instances is acting out a divine destiny by exhibiting a divine power of Compensation. The man may try to lift a business, run a political campaign, or carry on an international war: that does not alter the need for the compensating force supplied by the female if anything goes wrong. Woman is ever the ‘cleavage agent,’ meaning that she is ever the exhibit of polarity in the earthly male program, by supplying the tie that makes the soul complete in its total workings and gainings from experience. It is hard to understand why men don’t see this and stop patronizing her. They should start looking upon her as a divine dispensation, set in her place to render an accurate accounting to the Almighty for the sins and glories of the flesh, for both are her profession. . . . Now let’s see how this works in the strange relationship known as Love and Romance. WOMAN comes into life as the conserving half of the human equation. She is put there to render an account of the man’s soul-half as well as her own; she is the Great Recorder of the soul in its earthly actioning, since it devolves upon her to steer or direct the energy that appears to be so positive and aggressive in man. If she does not compensate his hurts and bruises by her ‘consolation’––either physical or spiritual––a grave state of affairs is introduced that perverts man’s thinking and gives him a totally wrong evaluation of his whole life-experience. -9-

This means if woman fails in her duty towards man, a counter-irritant to his lost or depleted energy will manifest as a sense of hopelessness, a sense that earth-life cannot possibly become a profitable experience to him. He turns cynical; he puts up an armor of indifference to the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune; he goes through life with a crust around him, beneath which his unbalanced spirit is fuming. Consequently, he ignores the lessons he should rightfully be learning and makes himself appear to his fellows as something he emphatically is not. In increasing numbers, women of the present day are giving it out that supplying such Compensation to man’s lost mental and physical energy is a sort of bondage at which they rebel. They vaunt themselves as ‘free and independent creatures’––meaning they refuse to function as the other half of this spiritual and therefore divine equation. They haven’t realized that man, or his wants, or his mastership ‘ownership’ have nothing to do with the fiat that is essentially meant for themselves as complementing units. That is: for every action, there must be a reaction; for every force expended, there must come compensation, lest a phase of the Cosmos is thrown out of balance and chaos ensues in lives or in manners. God has built up the entire universe by basing it on the phenomenon of action and reaction. The Universe swings as a pendulum, so all things must be known by having polarity of a sort with or for something else. The moment either pole of that polarity is disturbed, there is turmoil and loss, or swift disintegration. Man knows this in regard to woman, even stronger than woman knows it in regard to man, because man in his essential propensities is more the finite creature than woman. This is man’s plane because survival upon it calls for more of the aggressive traits than woman manifests. We might say that man is learning more about physical reality on this plane than woman is, because its attributes are more nearly aligned with his counter attributes.

Be that as it may, man holds his instincts closer to the surface when he recognizes that woman gives him Reaction and Compensation, especially after he has expended himself in dynamic overloads of energy, or misdirected his efforts so failure resulted. We might go so far as to say that man, by the very nature of his composition and commission on earth, demands woman constantly. When she does not function as that reaction, or spiritual compensation exchanged for his mental or physical, all sorts of subversive tendencies appear within his spirit: he derides woman; he abuses her as a sex, and makes her life unduly hard. He is, as popular parlance puts it, ‘brutal.’ But he is nothing of the sort. The so-called ‘brutal’ man is a living, walking advertisement that somewhere along the line of earthly existence––in his present life or in many former ones––he has run afoul of the feminine half of the mortal equation, which then refused to function naturally and normally towards him. Woman, in her properly registered habitat, has been missing from his life experience, and he exhibits this omission or defaulting by chastising her physically, or by his mental reactions towards her as a sex. The normal man seeks a woman, not because he is a creature of lustful passion, but because he senses the necessity for some sort of compensating organism, or force, or agency. This force would refill the reservoir of his body or spirit with a compensating inflow of renewed aspiration and inspiration, after he has made an endeavor to accomplish an objective and spent himself futilely. The occasion need not necessarily be dramatic or focused down to the specific instance: he may be expending himself a thousand times daily in wrong thinking or in the habits of his living, and needs replenishment of the nerveforces from the counter-vitality that woman supplies. When he gets it, he goes on to new conquests; when it is denied him, he sinks into a mire of doubt and despair, though he may first whistle a great many years to keep his spirits up before the mire of the slough closes over him completely.

This keen desire for a compensating mechanism is where physical love is born and cherished between balanced men and women. No other earthly urge is paramount to this, no matter what man does, or the measure of his energy. To live at all in the role of male, he must exert himself aggressively against the friction of his fellows: this means a constant expenditure that must be recompensed, and he seeks to prepare for that contest in advance by providing himself with feminine equipment. ROMANTIC LOVE therefore, is nothing but the instinctive envisioning of this recompense. Man seeks to pick out in advance the ‘complementing and conserving half’ and have it ready for the depleting onslaught, which means forward movement in future event. This, truth to tell, is why man does the courting of the mate: it is his world or plane because he most nearly approximates the mortal condition within himself, which makes for his clever attainments on it. Knowing this by instinct, or memories from other lives, he goes out aggressively to equip himself with Compensation Machinery, if the term will be permitted. Moreover, as he acquires it, and as it functions, he makes progress and achieves earthly ‘success.’ The production or rearing of young has little to do with this: that is woman’s multiple function and part of her spiritual attributes. That man is exceptional who desires children purely for the fact of fatherhood. Man takes his mate because he wants a perfect spiritual ensemble with which to attack life’s problems. He knows in advance that he will be balked and defeated by many: therefore, he pays court to one whom he believes will give him maximum counteraction to himself. And woman lets herself be used in that capacity, because on this plane it is her function to be acquiescent––just as on other planes the feminine attributes are in the ascendancy and man is the acquiescent or absorptive unit. Do not be misled here. It is not our contention that woman’s proper role is one of resignation. She is not man’s tool: she has her own - 10 -

Karma to adjust, life after life and cycle after cycle. She is only termed Negative as an opposite to Positive; she has no right to call herself a nonentity on this plane, merely because she is the conserver and consoler of the masculine temperament. Her character must be quite as well developed, round by round as man’s, to function in any capacity. Indeed, the greater and finer her character development, the more facile will she function. Woman has a role to play on the mortal, finite plane of earth far in advance of man’s, when considering him as a spiritual unit. And this is the chief reason why there can be so much marital unhappiness and changing of mates and dissatisfactions within most romantic relationships, age after age. Look at it this way: WOMAN, as conserving agent, goes through life with a greater record of spiritual enhancement because of the very nature of her role, when compared to man who is more sluggish by the very nature of his mortal attainments. The business of combat in any form is dulling to the moral senses: for him to push ahead in circumstance and overcome opposition, he frequently enshrouds his spirit with an armor of indolence as to the outcome so failure will not wound too deeply. Therefore, man makes the slower spiritual progress. Woman on the other hand, dealing constantly in the finer spiritual values, leaps far ahead of her earthly partner and is constantly his mentor. IT NATURALLY FOLLOWS, if both halves of the same spirit started functioning at about the same time in eternity, those sentient attributes expressed by woman will have become more keenly and cleverly developed than the man counterpart. Therefore, woman would evolve far ahead of her male complement in each case. Now this would bring about one of two results: either woman, over an equal number of lives, would find herself evolving to a point where she could have no spiritual sympathy with her man, who would be so far behind or below her that they would maintain little in common;––or she must slow up by spending less periods in mortality, while man

goes through the greater number of life-cycles in order to keep pace with her.

intimacies something he feels is denied him in his spiritual disciplines.

Translated into terms of mortal life, this would mean that the male soul-half, forever demanding the reacting organism or consoling mechanism of woman, would mate most frequently with feminine half-souls who do not belong to his own, but to the half-souls of men who are still further down the scale of evolution. View it as humorously as you may, but there is more truth than fiction in the implication that ninety out of every hundred men––cosmically speaking––are living in lawful wedlock with other men’s wives. And ninety percent of the incompatibility and lack of affinity existing between legally married people is due to this great cosmic process: women are undergoing the mortal experience, not with the other half of themselves as they existed in the opening cycles of their functioning, but with men who have taken them because their own soul-halves are not to be located. Yet this mishmash of grading is not to be repulsed: such partnerships are ever arranged in advance, and premised on the understanding that each has something to give the other, or a debt to discharge to the other, or they would never have joined in earthly matrimony.

All this should shatter no illusions, for in thousands of cases you have exhibits of both complementing soul-halves being in life at the same time, and attachments resulting that no earthly catastrophe can sever. As we told you once before: of such, the romantic classics of antiquity have been penned. Rather, all this should lift the veil from your eyes as to why your frequent choices of mates results in disappointment. Nevertheless, it can be no real disappointment, when you realize that He or She, who is the actual counterpart of each individual’s soul, awaits somewhere for reunion as each cycle is dismissed.

Lust in man should therefore be viewed with infinite compassion instead of castigation. The average man who is given to bestiality has made a slip somewhere in his development, and fallen out of pace with his perfect soulhalf. Again and again, he comes into life without her; however, the hunger for her gnaws. He takes wife after wife, legally or otherwise, piteously groping for what is perfect in his subconscious memory. He is angered by his frustration, yet unable to perceive the processes that have brought him to his loneliness. He continually feels the urge towards the perfect reactions that seem to be denied him, but now only looks at women as sex objects to supply him satisfactions for his cravings. However, his true gratification is a creature of spirit who may not be in earthly life at all: therefore, he translates his cravings into physical perversions, and seeks to obtain from promiscuous

Chapter 6: Karma We are Our Own Judge and Executioner. The next three chapters deal with Karma, Sin, and Satan. This philosophy suggests that the earthplane is a schoolroom where we learn right from wrong, yet how is the program administered? Keeping track of Karmic liabilities is a profound subject, so let’s begin by discussing the results of Sin, and then explore Sins as willful acts–– KARMA is not what men think it is. It isn’t retributive justice, for God does not seek to vindicate Himself by visiting affliction on the ignorant. Karma is the pure working-out of the Law of Cause and Effect. Always remember, Life is an immortal and endless equation that passes in and out of many bodies, and in many lands and cycles. Being Spirit, it maintains as Spirit; therefore, its adjustments and readjustments are ever affairs of Spirit. And since Spirit cannot die, but exists from everlasting to everlasting, so too do the degrees and obligations of Spirit endure from everlasting to everlasting: they cannot be avoided; they cannot be denied. You came into life, each one of you, with debts owing and owed: you brought them along with you from higher realms of Spirit, and from other times when you occupied other mortal vehicles. You have the perfect sense - 11 -

of these obligations in either your subconscious or super-conscious minds: you know you owe them, and because those obligations are what they are, you are exhibiting your requiting character and temperament to other mortals who are your associates and neighbors. You know what you are because you know what you have gone through over multiple lives; and if the truth could only be known to you, the reason why you are alive in a mortal body at this moment is because you know you have these debts owing or owed, and are seeking to discharge them. To know what they are, and then to accurately discharge them with efficiency, is the highest earthly happiness. Indeed, it is the only true happiness existing. Karma began for each one of you at the instant you first entered the plane of the Finite as a Functioning Spirit. From the first breath you drew, you began the long gamut of either paying, or receiving payment for those obligations that occurred in your successive phases of existence. You loved or hated; you did service for others or received it; you made yourself pleasant to certain persons and unattractive to others, which birthed like or dislike for you in them. No matter: you began to take upon yourself certain debits and credits that had to run over whole multiples of lives for ultimate discharge, because it is likewise a Law of the Cosmos that debts and payments must be discharged on the plane where they occurred. If you wronged a man in one dispensation, you have to wait until both of you are in mortal life again for the correction of that wrong. You may seek his forgiveness in realms of Pure Spirit, and perhaps you might receive it, but in nine cases out of ten you will not want forgiveness, since that means more or less an undischarged debt throughout eternity. You have got to repay in kind, for the world is constructed that way. It may seem strange to you to hear that events project themselves thus from one lifespan to another. However, it isn’t so strange when we consider

that Life is the sum-total of all impressions, not a phase of existence in any one mortality. Bear in mind that the great Karmic Laws do not operate after the fashion or technique of man made laws. The Karmic Law is clear in this: it looks to the motivation of the act, and never to the concrete consequences of the act itself. Man has a dim concept of this when he declares in rare moments of intellect that the punishment should fit the criminal and never the crime. Man’s laws, at present operatings, declare quite the reverse: men are punished for crimes irrespective of whether one man’s motives were entirely artless while another’s were laden with the blackest malice. Acts are Thoughts!––predicated on the purpose to be achieved by that thought. When you ignore this point in your earthly courts of law, you commit the gravest errors and injustices. Furthermore, these are only alleviated by further Karmic readjustments in pure Spirit. For example, if a man steps on your foot in a crowded subway car and quickly excuses himself, you forgive him instantly and automatically because you know at a glance that he has merely blundered physically and meant you no harm. In other words, he had no motive in treading on your foot, regardless of the pain that resulted. However, given the same man in the same subway car, who enters it looking for you, plants himself next to you, and at the first opportunity thumps his heel on your instep: now you feel a swift, murderous resentment that is often followed by quarrel or combat. The Karmic Law says, All men must be judged by their Degree of Intent in their workings of mischief or disruptions in the lives of others. Furthermore, no man can hide behind the behavior of a dupe. He will not be excused for what the dupe performs at his behest, because he was the motivating influence behind the depredation. The process of law involved here is so infinitely deceptive and tricky that it could not be adjudged by any mortal magistrate. Therefore, ‘Nature’ or ‘the God of Justice Himself’ has put a strange apparatus into the human construction that retains within

itself a perfect knowledge of the origins of acts. Thus, every person becomes their own judge and their own executioner, whether or not they are consciously aware of it. No one ever does a wrong towards another, or motivates a wrong towards another, without retaining full cognizance of it in their own subconscious or super-conscious mind. Remember, the acts you motivate––good, bad, or indifferent––will rise up in the Last Day to haunt you and pass their own sentence upon you. The Law of Karma postulates that men and women will be their own judges and executioners, so Deity itself might preserve its own omnipotence in its dealings with justice. Look at it this way. Ordinarily, we do not think of Deity as making mistakes because he is popularly called omnipotent. Nevertheless, Deity will not take responsibility for dealing negatively with the psyche of another because he is above consideration of anything but loving constructiveness. Also, retributive self-justice frequently must employ means and ends towards itself that are not wholly and convincingly constructive. Therefore, Deity leaves the discharging of debts solely up to the individuals involved. With their Karmic memories ever in front of them, they judge themselves and carry out their own sentences; thereby Deity is excused from the whole process. The day men and women get this fully into their hearts and make it a tacit part of their thinking, then true justice will be administered upon your earth. For true justice says, The World of Life must be kept in Balance! There can be no disruption of that balance, for the slightest infringement demands compensation. It is because this law holds inexorably that you behold the strange vicissitudes in lives of certain men and women who do not seem to merit what is inexplicably visited upon them. The whole underlying agenda of earthly living is the Karmic law as it operates day unto day; and since it is a spiritual law with a never-ending dispensation, men cannot escape it: even if they call it by other names, run from it, or take refuge behind the - 12 -

vicarious tenets of ecclesiasticism. They will suffer its penalties, exactly as they will suffer its profits to the same minute degree, if their motives have been pure and their performances constructive.

Chapter 7: Sin How to Correctly Identify God’s Projects. Karma is the law of cause and effect working out in the individual life. Since we know negative causes bring about negative results, is it possible to know ahead of time what acts are going to cause us grief, without having to go through the educative experience to find out? The masters answer this way–– IN THE BEGINNING of intellectual life on this earth planet––as contrasted to the purely physical or biologic life––humankind had certain patterns set before them, so they might shape their conduct by them, and thus climb higher into their own spiritual stature. These patterns were set by the Father because he desired a great good to come to man. He wanted humankind to know about other planetary systems, and the types of development of life thereon, in addition to their own system of origin. The Father has given humankind permission to proceed throughout the universe, and acquire new experiences of other forms and planets: thus they become wise in their own rights as to the processes of creation. Now Man, in such deployings through Cosmos, was supposed to maintain certain standards. These standards are upheld by all forms on all planets: especially those standards recognized as Right and Wrong. For example, men were not supposed to needlessly or capriciously extinguish life, no matter what its form, unless self-survival was at risk. If the Father had once decreed a certain pattern of life, and put it in a certain location, he had a cherished purpose of his own for doing so. Life was ever a sort of Divine Fiat, else it would not have appeared and been found functioning. Therefore, it was interfering with the Plan of God if one form of life declared

that a secondary form of life should not exist; it was making havoc where God wanted order. His intent was to have one life form shape a purposeful relationship with that secondary life form. For any form of spirit-life less than the Father himself, to decree that the Father could not have such life where he wanted it, from its own minor rights or by its own acts or reactions, was to set up a defiance of Divine Judgment, and thus controvert the Divine Will to effect the lesser form’s objectives. This action would be a wrongful performance on the part of any developing spirit, on any planetary system anywhere. Therefore, we do advise you that Murder or Slaughter is not only a crime severely punishable by your earthly statutes, but it is likewise one of the major Sins. However, the earthly basis for its prohibition has its root in social equity, in acknowledgment of the universal principle that every man and woman has the right to live the mortal life originally accorded them by the procreational offices of their parents. In the case of Murder being a Sin, the cause of its sinfulness is different, and has to do with the Father’s designs in conducting the universe. SIN comes from ideas or acts that would introduce mischief or confusion or futility into Divine Designs. For any given life-progression to inhibit spiritual ennoblement in any world, or to willfully block God’s purpose, or to run counter to his celestial program, partakes of the nature of the thing you call Sin. Recognize that clearly, and do not confuse it with Crime or Vice. Whatever may be criminal or vicious or sensual may also be sinful, as in the instance of murder, but there may also be scores of petty malfeasances regarded by man-made law as statutory crimes or lesions of the moral code, which by no means partake of mischief or confusion or futility to the general Grand Designs of Providence towards the world or race. And while they may be deplorable from the standpoint of rectitude, they are not what the Higher Realms call Sin. Sin covers those human malfeasances that basically thwart God in his benefactions towards the hu-

man race. When you identify that distinction, you have a faultless criterion for Sin on whatever plane of being you confront it. Of course, the big question immediately arises in your minds: How are you to correctly identify what may be God’s projects and purposes, and what not? How can you know that you are sinning until you are certain about what you are sinning against? Both challenges are reasonable, and we say there is a standard by which you can decide it. When you contemplate a given line of worldly action, you only have to ask yourselves, “Am I in any respect setting the human race, or any individual in it backwards spiritually by what I have in mind to execute?” If I am, I am sinning. If I am not, or if I am doing something I believe in my heart to have the highest and best interests for the great rank and file of men, then I must be guiltless of any Sin, no matter how it may appear to the intellects of other worldly men who may be judging my acts from their own inhibited understandings of Cosmic Processes. If I have the Higher Eternal Good of my fellows as the motivation for my conduct, then I must be guiltless of any breach of higher cosmic morals. GOD HAS ALLOTTED certain forms of life to each planet and allowed them to perform and manifest their nature so each could serve its own purpose. Some forms of life are meant to be spurs and stimulants to others, and most have to win out in the ‘fight for survival’––but remember, all forms of life serve some constructive purpose. ‘Live and let live’ is no idle aphorism! Actually, it is nothing short of celestial fiat. Whoever works diligently for peace and tranquility and constructive education is spiritually advancing the whole universe, and doing the precise antithesis of Sinning. Those who perpetually keep the world in turmoil, alarm, and mischief––who discourage the sons of God in their efforts to perfect themselves––are chief amongst sinners, and go their ways to destruction. Remember, God bespeaks enhanced intelligence, clarifying Light, and general mass altruism as the order of his munifi- 13 -

cence upon this planet: and true sin partakes of the opposites of these. It is time for millions of you to reverse your thinkings on this matter of Sin. Cease to be dismayed or in despair, if in past moments of moral weakness, or with the coercion of circumstance, you fell from the standards of regulatory morals prescribed by men for the conduct of society and committed some breach that is merely a social misdemeanor. We tell you solemnly, these are not sins! However, lending yourselves to mass movements that would hold back masses of men, or choke off their opportunities to learn of great cosmic processes;––or helping those who would hold up to men so-called ‘ideals’ that are essentially destructive or generally detrimental to Holy Spirit’s intensions––these constitute Sin, and we tell you to be warned of them as of a pestilence. SIN IS CONSCIOUSLY THWARTING God’s Divine Benefactions that are manifesting towards the race. When we have told you that, we have told you the decalogue. You only have to ask yourself, “Is this thing I contemplate liable to set the whole race backwards spiritually?” If it is, it is sinful. If it is some little petty breach of social morals, look upon it as childishness and dismiss it from your worries: build upon your experience of it, and do not repeat it because you recognize its folly. Men are on earth to become enlightened in the vast general program propounded for their species. They are expected to explore all the processes of Nature, all the vitalities of chemicals, and all the increments of Spirit. They are supposed to win back their original divinities; they are supposed to arrive at a state of international and social relationships where wars are anathema, and men give themselves to the peaceful pursuits of physics and agriculture: where they achieve as they merit according to industry, finance, and ethics; where every man and woman has the right to live his or her life according to the Inner Light revealed to them. When they slough off their earthly bodies––‘die’ as you

put it––they are supposed to transfer to higher and calmer regions of Light where they take stock of themselves and plan more wondrous excursions into flesh for their enhancement and profit. Sinning is obstructing or remonstrating at all this. It is dragging the human race backwards spiritually; it is holding the race back from perceiving the Light; it is keeping it in the darkness of ignorance and subversion and confusion, and generally operating to make God’s plans fail. Believe it or not, at this moment on earth, millions are laboring for such ignorance, confusion, and subversion. They are the ‘Sinners beyond the pale.’ Nevertheless, millions of others are sincerely laboring for his Kingdom to come in. These are persons working in alignment with divinity, and eventually they will triumph: but that time has not come yet, and achievement comes in stages. Sin is the business of holding up God’s program on the Earth-Plane by damaging the souls of men: setting them back spiritually by spreading doubt and dissension among children of spirit; it is giving the animal passions of hate and anger and unbridled lust full license to do their worst among your fellows. We say be loftier in intellect when you estimate Sin: take the Higher View of it, as we take the higher view of it. Crime applies to the statutes of men; Vice applies to the abuse of morals; Sin applies to the willful frustrations of Holy Spirit. Keep the categories separate.

Chapter 8: Satan The Legend of Lucifer and the Devil. It is logical for the subjects of Satan and Temptation to follow chapters on Karma and Sin, for some say Lucifer was the father of sin. So let’s hear what our mentors have to say about it–– LUCIFER WAS A PROUD ONE among the souls who came to earth in the original migration, yet he fell into sensual cohabitation with the indigenous life forms he found here. This produced an era of sodomy, the traces of

which still linger in humanity down to the present. This character existed; he was one of the great ones of Cosmos who had proceeded far in celestial excellence, and should have continued his way upward as a magnificent Arch-angel. Instead, what did he do? He suddenly reversed his celestial thinking processes after he realized that the God at the head of your universe had come out of the same origins as himself. By doing so, he suffered a deprivation of intellect: he is now unable to exercise those functions that would have rendered him one of the truly great of Cosmos, had he abided by the divine fiats issued to the man-spirits inhabiting this earth-ball. Lucifer was ‘bound in his intellect’ to where he could no longer work his false concepts among the man-souls of earth. He exists ‘bound’ as your holy writ puts it, upon a far, far planet, where he can work no more harm to the developing man-race. He lives in a state of ‘cosmic insanity,’ where intellect is allowed to extinguish itself through self-neglect. Nevertheless, you have heard it said that “Satan should be unloosed for a little time” beneath Christ’s supervision, after the beginning of the thousand-year reign of peace on earth. Now we ask you, how in all logic could Satan be ‘loosed’ if it was not a fact that somewhere he lies in thrall? . . . What seems to be slated to happen, as we behold it and understand it, is this: it is for Lucifer’s own redemption that he is presented an opportunity to foreswear his ancient evil mischiefs, and start a new career back to his abandoned godhood. Perhaps Lucifer has beheld the error of his former ways, and now desires to perform after the manner of his disciplinings by divine fiat: so he is ‘loosed’ for a little while. What justification do you have for thinking he will perform under the sunlight of the altered Christ-World, as he performed in the era before the Avatar came to earth to bring his previous mischiefs to naught? Don’t you suppose that the sunlight of righteousness would shine as warmly for Lucifer, as it does for the least consequential of his cohorts?

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What is responsible for the traits you term satanic? It is attitudes of celestial bigotry, impatience, vengeance, conceit, jealousy, vindictiveness, and a general defiance of the Godprovisions in the earth-scene. Furthermore, the only real ‘devil’ man must contend with is his strain of wickedness and anti-God thinking, which is embedded in the very organic substance of the man-race. YOU ARE COMING to a period in your affairs when wayward men will zealously try to justify themselves for their perversity to God’s designs by attempting to make this ancient personage real to you. Or considered in a somewhat different light, they will attempt to make you believe that this devil-character is real, by projecting a series of scenes on earth so frightful that men will declare that the Satan of old must have been prematurely unloosed indeed. Nevertheless, we tell you this solemnly: there is no character in current history, of this hour or this era, who bears the faintest resemblance to Lucifer or the most capable of his lieutenants. The only devil of consequence that we can discern in the current cosmic alignment is the spirit of Hating the Light of Truth, which yet dwells strongly in men’s hearts. The wicked hate the Light of Truth, because as this Light shines stronger and stronger, it illuminates the extent of their ignorance, doubts, backwardness, and spleen. There are people in earth-life by the millions who have not advanced far enough along the Upward Pathway to envision the glories of the celestial ideal for all human life. They are worse than mere children of spirit: they are denizens of darkness, fear, stupidity, and cosmic inferiority. Taken all together, in their general manifestations toward the rest of humankind, they are fiends in behavior when they let their evil passions own them. Regardless, do not think of them as devils. We tell you they are not devils; they are not even supernatural creations: they are souls like you in both their origins and destinies who have failed to turn their faces toward light when light was offered them. They are simply uncouth, illiterate, boorish, and ill-tempered.

Some of them are not subject to the confines of flesh, and thus can express themselves in unseen and uncharted manners––when compared to ways of organic earthly limitations–– and so it appears to you that you must be treating with a diabolical order of creation; but you are treating with nothing of the sort. You are treating with souls of people like yourselves, who disclose to you what happens when one turns their face away from light and goes the downward pathway instead of the upward. These people imagine in their circumscriptions and limitations that they actually enjoy going contrary to fiat, by proving they are powerful enough to go contrary to fiat in their incarnate or discarnate expressions. They are inanely and futilely trying to swim against the God-Current in this universe, thinking there is merit in being thus contrary. There are no devils in the strictly religious sense: there are only backward, inhibited, or morally twisted brethren who delight in dour works because it gives them a sort of negative distinction to stand out against the God People. Recognize them for what they are and you no longer become frightened by their eccentricities, which truly are the eccentricities of the cosmically demented. Look upon them clear-eyed: tell them to stop their antics, to try to become mature, and frequently you shame them out of their perversity and start them back onto paths of upward growth and probity. If you would only recognize that this section of cosmos is comprised of only one kind of spirit life, you would quiet many of your barbaric fears and see Life as we see it. Divine Providence has indeed created certain forms of what you might term angelic life, and equipped them with offices and powers far above mortalities’ current potential. However, Divine Providence has not, and could not create what you term a devil. A devil has to have an origin the same as any other creation in cosmos. Divine Providence can create life in spirit particles, and one quota of it may rise upward into light while an equal quota may sink

downward into darkness and evil works: however, life as life must animate both, and come from similar essences. Satan as the ‘tempter’ is an anomaly because temptation is a state of being enticed to do evil. Evil of itself, when you pause to consider it, is ignorance or disregard of the ways and manners that lead to spiritual improvement or moral excellence. To say an intelligent human being, or any sort of sentient and reasoning being, can be ‘enticed into ignorance’ is uttering a sort of paradox. If you have full concepts of moral excellence in your intellect, how can you be enticed into forgetting, disregarding, or ignoring them? The excellence is in your intellect, and you see the advantages of possessing it: some sort of equivalent values must be proposed to you that makes you eschew your recognition of the benefits coming from moral excellence, and these new values make you go retrograde or become just plain stupid. Theological tenets declare that Power––personal dominant influence––is the equivalent value that causes men to retrograde. However, that is arguing that the ignorant man is more powerful, or that he can make himself more powerful, by being ignorant instead of remaining wise. Wisdom in itself is power: how can you gain power by forswearing or discarding power? The nearer exposition of truth in respect to temptation is this: in the sequences of many lives, men and women are persuaded by all sorts of influences to experiment in moral and ethical adventures so they can know the outcome by personal ordeal. These are complications making for knowledge and wisdom in themselves. If the experience holds no profit after it has been tasted or lived, the fact of its futility becomes engraved in memory so it is rarely repeated. Men only repeat those experiences that supply them with spiritual increment because they desire more increment. Therefore, being ‘tempted by devils’ is an utterly confused description when you know your cosmic facts as to what might be operating. - 15 -

All men and women yield to temptation at some time or other in their serried lives, and thus determine for themselves what courses of conduct are desirable, and what are deplorable and not to be repeated; thereby wisdom comes to them. To say that no man or woman should ever investigate the actualities of cosmos for his or her self, is to say they should never develop or cultivate discrimination as to what is evil and what is good. It lies within the nature of the expanding psyche to never take anybody’s word for what is evil and what is good, since what may be good for one psyche may not appear so good to another; and the same for evil. We say solemnly to you: yielding to temptation or not yielding to temptation is not the important thing in all of your earthly vicissitudes, but what have you learned and retained by the experiences of life that have come to you? Those things you retain, determine the progressions of your godhood. We who sit upon the vantage-points behold the earth-forces operating year unto year. We see all forms of illiteracy: Ignorance, Greed, Blindness, Lust, and Selfishness; these motivate humankind this way or that. However, we see no supervising character directing these deficiencies. We see only myriads of separate GodUnits working out their personal salvations by trial-and-error experiences, and taking the profits into their characters. So we say to you, put Satan out of your mind: as an entity in your material earth-world he does not exist! However, ignorance, greed, blindness, lust, and selfishness do exist. Conquer them with the sweet fine doctrine of the Christ Love, and even the tradition of Satan is perished. This is our message to you––and to Satan––as we do not see him.

Chapter 9: Leaving the Mortal Coil What is it like to Die? Will you meet Jesus? The previous chapters on Karma, Sin, and the Devil, lead us to another topic we all wonder about: our own mortality, especially in regards to Judgment Day and Hell. Is there any reason to fear

Death?––will the act of dying hurt?––will we meet God on Judgment Day? All of us will come to make the transition, and this Script should ease many minds by revealing the process to you–– AS YOU CLIMB your upward pathway to your allotted years in flesh, the time comes when your physical organism no longer suffices you. Now you confront the great and impressive circumstance of ‘Death’; that is, you are called to alter the form of your expressing vehicle. Let us tell you about it, so you may be comforted in your apprehension or purblind terror of it. Death is not simply a failure of your physical selves to keep up with the great procession of other mortal beings who are also climbing the mountain-steeps of earthly endeavor. Death is transferring your soul from the phases of life that you know as Mortal––because you are enhoused in organism––to those phases of life where consciousness is allowed to operate without the circumscriptions of physicality. You transfer the weight of your earthly cares and tribulations into elevations of life where Thought is supreme, where all activity is Thought Activity, and all you cherished and hoped for becomes visibly apparent to you. You come to regard it familiarly: you feel you know its essence and its culture, and therefore you allow its absorption into your spiritual thinking. First, let us irrevocably impress this fact upon you: there is neither pain nor distress in Death as a Phenomenon. Death in itself is painless; not only is it painless, it may be a sensual delight to many who have been living their lives in physical distress. Death is relief to such persons: it is a personal escape from the pain and distress of their wracked organisms. When you come to make the Transition, your first sensation will be to know that you are ‘dying;’––it may even feel to some of you like ‘silken threads are snapping, snapping.’ You let go of your muscles and your organs, never to resume them again in this specific body. It will not be unlike the sensation of stepping off from a great height, where the cables enwrap-

ping your body to keep you from falling are not adequate to the load placed abruptly upon them: they will part and let you plunge; you will have the sensation of ‘going down,’ because you are incapable of controlling past physical reflexes. Everything is cutting loose and letting you know freedom––absolute freedom of mental perception. We say it begins to overwhelm you: you become utterly ‘lost’ in the first fearsome rush of it. The consequence is that you ‘blank yourself out’ until you can find yourself anew by a unique and peculiar process. Believe it or not, this process has to do with your nearest and dearest who have made the ascent ahead of you: you will be called into a truer realization of yourself by spoken implorings from your family of loved ones, or by those who have come to take you in custody. NO ONE COMES TO DIE without those in these higher dimensions of thought being aware of their coming-over in advance, if this is any particular consolation to you. Your death-date is known as positively as the occurrence of the equinoctial year, for it is written in your astronomical karma, so to speak. Every one of your dear ones knows the exact date and moment when you are expected to make the transition. Does this seem strange to you? We tell you, you arranged it yourself before coming into flesh. You said, “I will exist in mortal organism from this date to that date;”––and you will keep it religiously, because if you did not keep it you would upset the sternest phases of the karmas of others. That is why Suicide is so unforgivable. You set an exact date when you would return to the thought-planes and you keep it, we repeat, because enhousing and enwrapping circumstance sees to it that you do keep it. The Death Circumstance is nothing but the expectations of others in the higher phases of life, that you will make your reappearance among them at a given ‘pass point’ in cosmic happenings; and they rely upon it because they know they can rely upon it. You will hear ‘voices of thought-speech’ from those who preceded you onto the thought-planes: they - 16 -

will be present with you, to take charge of you when the ‘silken threads snap,’ so no mental harm accrues to you while you are psychically ‘unconscious.’ Nine out of ten of you will probably die in your beds––in other words, not by violent ordeals in fields afar. Just before the actual moment of death, as the ‘snapping of the silken threads’ begins, you will be conscious of the etheric presences of your nearest and dearest who are due to assume charge of you. That is, you will see and hear them in their spiritual presences as they surround you, waiting for you to accomplish your freedom from bodily imprisonment. You will greet them, and thereby acknowledge that you perceive them: and when the instant of complete letting-go comes, they will take charge of you. In other words, they take charge of your Pattern Body when it exits from its lifelong enhousement. Now your Pattern Body is peculiar in this: it is the sum and substance of all that you have been in flesh, brought up into a sublimated form, if that means much to you. It is you in your spiritualized form, with organs and organic functionings subtracted: all but your Mind. You are thinking with your Spirit; you have always been thinking with your Spirit: nevertheless, your Mind never quits your Pattern Body, for the Pattern Body is the soul’s vehicle for exercise until Mind can think of itself without requiring a physical or illuminatory vehicle to identify itself. (Mind is explained further in a later chapter) Your Pattern Body is what your discarnate friends take in their charge, and they do it in a queer, queer manner. They recall to you a sense of the mission you planned for yourself while on earth; then they give you a sense of astral happenings here on the Thought Planes. They tell you what your obligations have been to yourself, and to others who were recently in physical life with you; then they give you stimulants of thought-impulses to guide you back to a sense of your etheric self, by guiding you back to a sense of your spiritual obligations.

You have your particular spiritual obligations with you all your mortal days: they have never been apart from you, even for an instant; they have always and forever ‘identified you to yourself’ every moment of your waking days in physicality. And now they guide you even more to a sense of yourself, after you hear yourself summoned to these higher recognitions by your nearest and dearest. However, at first they let you ‘sleep;’ they let you perform unto yourself until you get over the shock of the eventualities you face, which is squaring your current accounts with your own spiritual destiny as you envisioned it before you entered physical life. Many of you remain in complete lassitude for a considerable time, especially if you are not particularly erudite in the higher cosmic processes. You think you have no interest in the higher life into which you have arisen––which really means you do not want to face the facts of yourself for a long, long time, because you fear you will not measure up to the demands you made upon yourself by going into flesh in the first place. You come out of this lassitude by another queer process: you have a sort of secret subconscious spiritual fear or concernment that things may be happening to you that you would not want to have happening to you. You note circumstances around you like a small boy being petulant on Christmas morning, by refusing to get up and look under his Christmas tree. Finally, he decides he is injuring no one but himself, and perhaps some other member of the household will examine his presents. Therefore, you arouse yourself as a soul who has to take up the routine of life again, for fear of things going on during your lethargy that would handicap or harass you later. We might say you ‘come awake in spirit’ to see what is going on generally. Then comes a true awakening about what has happened to you: you will be told that you are ‘dead,’ and there is no more going back into your old earthly organism. However, you will probably want to make certain of it, not having any evidence of death around you.

You may even wish to see your own body, or attend your own funeral services: and thousands actually do if they have not ‘slept’ too long in their spiritual lethargy or indifference. If so be it you have come from your period of spiritual indifference within a time permitting you to view your own ‘remains,’ and you make the descent into the earth-world by the guidance and perceptions shown to you by your new guardians, you will feel a sensation of unutterable sorrow at sight of your inert organism––how stiff and cold it is, with your spirit withdrawn from it for good. You will feel a sensation of affection for it that may linger with you many celestial days: it may even be as difficult for you to say goodbye to it permanently as to any mourner at your own funeral. Nevertheless, the thing that will rescue you from it is the accelerated recognition of a transcendent mental life going on all around you: this stimulates your natural curiosity, and prompts you to renew your familiarities with the thought processes occurring in your new life; thus you turn and confront old friends who have undergone the experience ahead of you. Will you meet God, and the angels, and the Christ, and all the rest of the heavenly personages whom you have been taught by orthodoxy as being freely available after you make the passing? Alas, you will not, much as we hate to disappoint you. You may confront the Master of us all, but ten-to-one you will not recognize him. He will be so greatly glorified in his person that you will be confused and upset at his magnificence; you will probably feel as much personal embarrassment in his presence as you would in the presence of a great notable on earth. What you will do is join with members of your own group and go together to hear his preaching––or to hear those vast addressings given to those souls who have lately ‘come over,’ who must be instructed again in the general cosmic principles of life that have been so absent in the incorrect teachings of earth. You will hear the Master address these people, as a great spiritual counselor on the - 17 -

earth-side might address a gathering of initiates to a lodge. You will begin to admire his personality from afar, while you get over your sense of chagrin that you could have been led so far astray in your discernments of cosmic realities while in your earth-life. What your daily spiritual life will be thereafter belongs in another paper. YOU WILL GREATLY DESIRE a revisit to earth-life to behold earthly experiences in process as they happen to other men and women still in physical encasements. You will be told how to do this, but it is not encouraged: only those of attained spiritual stamina are allowed to freely mingle with people still in earthly conditions, and then only generally, in order to give them the benefit of cosmic revelations or personal protection. You will be called a Spook or a Familiar Spirit if you penetrate down through the grinding and groaning of atoms to witness men and women going about their worldly affairs. It can be done of course, and is done, but you will acquire a certain realization of abuse for doing it. You are supposed to be going towards the group of people with whom you are most familiar: people of your own beliefs and spiritual attainments––or lack of them–– and associate with them, and partake of the spiritual nourishments with which they sustain themselves. In other words, Like attracts Like in any phase of the Cosmos we consider. And Like will not only attract Like, but also will capture Like, in the eternal dimensions of which we are talking.

Chapter 10: Etheric Vibrations Where do you go when you die? This is a follow up to the previous Script on Death, in that it answers questions about the location of “heaven.” It also casts another light on why a “veil” exists between heaven and earth. Moreover, it introduces us to the concept of Etheric Vibrations, which is the foundation principle of all creation, and thus sets the stage for many Scripts to come on the subject of material reality––

WHEN YOU ‘DIE,’ you leave your physical body behind. In other words, your conscious thinking spirit vacates that body permanently. Then you perceive that your consciousness was transferred to some ‘different locality,’ where the terrain features are distinctive from those on earth. You find the order of daily life is different, and Thought Processes operate with far more effective results than those you have known for so long in earth-life. You are bound to ask yourselves in all logic and sanity: “Where is this place situated in respect to the areas I have lately departed? It seems to have every aspect of reality, as I have known reality in my body: its materials seem substantial; its structures are permanent; there are people moving around who have every appearance of being physical, but in a sublimated state of physicality. How have they come by bodies? What is the nature of these structures where I perceive them moving in and out? Who were their architects? When and how were they constructed?” It may even occur to you to ask, “Who paid for their erection?”––for your mental operations will still be in terms of earthly reactions to these items. We tell you, the basis for all you discern in the higher lives is Ether, which is a great and profound abstraction. You have always thought of Ether as a sort of super-atmosphere, or that which filled the space between the heavenly suns and planets. You have imagined it to be invisible and intangible, and wonder how it can coagulate under any process of conscious Thought and manifest as a constructive reality. Let us tell you about it. When Ether reaches a point to where it is ‘surcharged’ with electrical processes of Thought, it ‘erupts,’ and substance called Matter is born. Matter is the combination of electrical discharges put into the Ether by Thought, and Vibratory Forms waiting to be filled. This activity describes the Etheric Postulate: the essence of all created form. Ether is made Matter by a process of the world “going into union and coming out again,” thus creating more etheric matter, to an extent and duration that is infinite in its possible applications and

gradations. . . . What we mean by “the world going into union and coming out again” is something you cannot grasp through your physically enhoused senses and logical processes, for it sounds utterly meaningless to you. Nevertheless, we see it happening in our spiritualized status and know whereof we speak. The world ‘renews itself,’ so to speak, out of reservoirs that could never become perceptible to you until you credit Holy Spirit as a substance––almost a literal substance––engaged in manufacturing Itself out of Itself. This is one of the mysteries of life illustrated in the phenomenon known as procreation: your animal bodies create ‘young’ out of the physical resources of parents. Life––we mean organic life––is creating itself out of itself. It compounds and multiplies itself out of its own materials. So too does Holy Spirit! When you have this strange ‘substance’ called Ether, present with Thought Formations to give it design, you get a particle called the Etheric Unit, which is a synchronization of original world-essence with Thought precipitation. MATTER is form perceptible to earthly senses, yet there are also forms of Matter perceptible to senses more delicately attuned. These finer forms of ether fill the spaces between the atoms and molecules of Matter perceptible to mortals; and within these atoms and molecules of the finer substances, are still other atoms and molecules more finely perceptible. In that observation, you have the secret clue as to ‘where the dead go when they die.’ Actually, they do not go anywhere. What they do is ascend into spiritual perceptions. They slough off their clumsy, moribund, sentient conditions, and behold realities of the universe as they become perceptible to them in their new rates of vibration. They can perceive streets and trees and structures and other manifestations of this conscious and livable life, because they have acquired a type of super-sensitivity when they escaped mortality. These higher manifestations of life exist in their reality, precisely as your physical, material, and earthly forms seem to exist in earth’s strata or gradations of cognitions. In other - 18 -

words, higher and higher worlds exist with their individual decorations, of which you know nothing because you lack the attributes by which to perceive and identify them. Your physical vision is not alone the defaulter in this: your sense of touch is equally remiss. While in your mortal bodies, you think nothing is ‘real’ unless it bounces you back when you collide with it: thereby you are living on a rate of physical vibration. Physical responds to the material, and the material rebuffs the physical. Likewise, on the so-called Planes of Thought, you are living in a state where your Thought-Pattern-Body receives outside Thought Vibrations either sympathetically or hostilely as the incident demands: you are receiving both rebuffs and aids to your thought impulses in your spiritual state;––and all of it seems as real to you then, as your physical bodies do this instant, surrounded as you are by a world of molecular substances. When you ‘die,’ you alter the rate of your personal vibrations, so you experience spiritually instead of experiencing physically or materially. There are materials in what you call the ‘heavenly worlds,’ but they require infinitely finer perceptions because of their higher vibrations. Nevertheless, when viewing the intrinsic composition or construction of this ‘heavenly matter’ geographically, we tell you these finer vibrations and compositions interpenetrate and exist in the same dimensions as your material concepts of realities. By the way, when you come down from the planes of spiritual considerations and attempt to mingle again in the affairs of earth-life discarnately, you lower your etheric vibrations, and thereby perceive and conceive on old earthly rates: thus the earthly conditions of sentient life becomes abruptly perceivable or recognizable to you. When you jerk yourself up and become spiritual again, you go back to perceiving and considering at the higher and more sensitized rates and the spiritual world becomes interpretable to you once more. This is one of the phenomena by which so-called ‘spirits’ appear and disappear to you while you are living in mortal settings: they become

apparent to you while they are on the old lower rates of material vibration; they become ‘invisible’ when they reassume spiritualized rates. The high status of spiritized society in which we live is a certain counterpart of your earthly material society, minus the infractions and inhibitions of sluggish fleshly equipment. We are ‘right here with you,’ but not wafting through walls or going in and out of rooms where the windows are shut. We can do these things of course, when compared to your clumsy earthly circumscriptions, but it is more important for you to understand that we are moving, living, thinking, and actuating from a realm of reality that interpenetrates the actual molecules and atoms of your world; thus we work in them and through them. We even might say that we are living in a world of reality that exists within the atomic spaces of your earthly bodies and materials. You have no concept of the terrific empty spaces within each and every atom of your material world: the distances between protons and electrons are stupendous; we can rear actual structures of still finer atomic substances within those distances. We can come and go discarnately in earthly atoms; we can move through walls because we are manifesting in infinitesimally finer material; we can freely proceed through the empty spaces of major atoms because they appear to us as nothing but the coarsest of isolated particles that offer us no obstruction. We from the higher spheres come out of our more sensitized and more radiant dimensions, and ‘communicate’ to those we love with a sense of kinship and loving loyalty. We are with you every waking moment, for we dwell in a space that interpenetrates the atoms and molecules of your world. However, you cannot see it or touch it, for it cannot be seen with mortal vision or touched with clumsy fingers; nonetheless, it is a world to which all eventually return. When you become spirit, you perceive and discern spiritual things: you raise your rates of vibration; you cast off the slothfulness that is distinctive of earthly sensings,

and see and hear and feel on a higher manifestation of ether. The world appears beautiful to you because you are suddenly discerning it with notions of a spiritual existence, with the sluggishness and impertinences of physical life subtracted.

Chapter 11: The Judgment The True Judge is Holy Spirit Within You. In the last two chapters we have died and gone to heaven, but what about Judgment day? Are we going to meet Saint Peter at the pearly gates? Here is a Script that dispels this myth––

ceits, and firmly determined to have God as churchmen have conceived Him, that nothing will satisfy them but a God in flesh. They are children of a sort, sternly refusing to relinquish their ideals, so they take us to task. It often requires long, long hours of patient discourse to show them the errors they practiced on earth. We tell you the nearest you ever get to God to see him is when you look at your own likeness in the nearest mirror. Holy Spirit takes form in a world of Three Dimensions: we say it incarnates. It assumes an animal-like flesh so it might develop itself among physical objects; it goes to and fro in flesh practicing its inherent attributes. Consequently, wherever individual manifestations are singled out and separated, there you have a manifestation of God singled out and separated.

THOUSANDS OF CHRISTIANS come over to us daily: they ‘die’ as you say, and after opening their eyes to a new trenchant Reality, they all have the same question: “If I am dead, where is God and when will He judge me?” . . . We try to tell those souls that there is no God as they have conceived Him. We who dwell on these Higher Levels of Infinity have no more witnessed God as a personage than you who are dwelling in encasements of flesh. We see Him only as Spirit Making Manifest––and so He is to all the worlds. Therefore, we tell those new arrivals to ‘heaven’, “Stop and think for a moment: you will ultimately recall that you were here with us before, and that you went into flesh to have certain experiences; now you have had those experiences, and have come up out of them. And only as you begin to apply the lessons gained from those experiences to your own growth of spirit, will you meet any judgment.” The new arrivals look at us with doubt, then go their ways shaking their heads: appalled at their condition after finding no divine courtroom, they thereby feel abandoned.

Divine Consciousness, as it projects itself in and alongside of you in flesh, contains discernable degrees and gradations of itself. In one respect, all existence is God: mundane objects and materials, the lowest forms of protoplasmic life, the vertebrates, man, angel, super-angel, and Christ as you know him. However, not all have gained to the Grand Experiences of Consciousness, nor arrived there by similar methods, nor in similar habitats. Some have performed and effected selfawareness on planetary systems of which you have no knowledge; some have evolved on earth; some have come to earth as both students and instructors. Regardless, all the many gradations we have tried to make clear to you are examples of the God-Spirit manifesting. It seems a simple truth that should be easily grasped; in reality, it is harder than a problem in geometry.

It is sometimes quite pitiful. Noted divines come to us sternly demanding that we take them to God. We say to them, “Don’t you see that you are God because you have a quality of consciousness that is able to distinguish growth from disaster, righteousness from error, bigotry from altruism, and kindness from intolerance?” No, they do not, and they call us impious. So steeped are they in their own con-

You are encasements of God, each in your own right; each of you is a ‘god in fetus.’ Moreover, your gainings from experience can propel you into full growth of your God-like powers and you become capable of projecting great suns on their ways. The trouble with earthly men and women is that they have forgotten all this. Many have forgotten it in mortal lives before the present one, and have

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persistently refused to accredit it during their rest-times between earthly lives; thus they go back into earthly expression again and again, to be near the pet projections of their mistaken idealism. Thousands of souls have come up among us into the higher planes, only to reject the whole thesis of life after death. They find no evidence of The Judgment Seat, or of angels with wings: even joining their relatives affords them no solace. They must either be in Hades, or in a dream from which they cannot awake. Therefore, they flee the whole composition: they go back into earth-life where orthodox ideas are more to their liking; thus a great deceit is maintained, doing untold damage to those without wisdom. Do you see how it operates? Men and women over untold generations have persisted in their errors by refusing lofty guidance, after being affirmed and assured by the blind among them that the universe is what they think it is, and not what God has made it. They rear great theological edifices because they are afraid, because error makes them cowards. Then they wonder how to perform in their self-imposed haze of ignorance. If you tell these people that they sit in judgment on themselves, day unto day and year after year, they act incredulous. Though they have never seen God or heard his voice, and knowing nothing about him but from words in a Book, they still make a great protest at all forms of instruction. It suits their cowardly, cringing, fearful natures to be told that they are as dust of the earth: born in adultery and conceived in malfeasance. They are masochists of a sort, as you say in psychology; they get a cowardly, perverted joy from enduring suffering. They do not seek any clean purgings of themselves by having new experiences that would leave them strong and ennobled; rather, they are ineffective weaklings who fancy their impotency merits rewards. Christ came among many of them to convince them of their error and they nailed him to a cross. “Away with him!” they cried. “This

man dares to be God!” And all the while, they were the lowest exhibits of God themselves, but performing their energies wrongly in ignorance. . . . Now issued on this basis, God can do wrong, God can be perverted, God can be ignorant;––thus say those Pharisees who spawn philosophies confusing the intellect. WE TELL YOU there is only one Great First Cause and Force, and that is Spirit: the only God there is! After arriving at a degree of selfawareness in its growing traits and powers, it takes to itself a fleshly phenomenon and becomes a man or a woman. Yet herein is the mystery of how it arrives at its goodness: it must contact badness! For every positive, it must know a negative. Therefore, all experiences must come to it, both constructive and destructive; thus, evil serves a purpose by demarking the constructive. Evil is the GodForce losing its awareness; Good is the GodForce gaining in cognition of what it comprises. Therefore, the God-Force does not do evil: it ceases to admit to itself that of which it is. As men and women begin to grow in stature and begin to discern the colossal potentialities hidden within themselves: they work miracles; they see visions; they learn to leave their encasements of flesh, even while still attached to flesh, and thus they perceive the vast universe lying potent in Thought. Thereby they align themselves with great constructive Trends of Thought, and go upward towards supreme encompassment of all the Thought there is. This describes the Host of Those who have attained: they are gigantic in power and mighty in concept; opposed to these are downward going souls with introverted perceptions, loosing Self-Awareness through neglect. They are the great unwashed of Scripture who have taken upon themselves no burdens to be of service to others. INSTEAD OF THERE BEING a final and climactic Judgment Day, when all the persons who have ever lived come out of their graves to be brought to the Celestial Bar, the true Judgment Day is every day you are living in - 20 -

the present moment. Moreover, the true judge in such everlasting and continuing judgment of guilt or innocence is the Holy Spirit manifesting within you, and thus you judge yourself. Don’t you see that judging yourself daily obtains the same increments for your soul that would accrue to you on the biblical Judgment Day, but obtains it in a constant and continuing state of flux? Do you say it is impious to abandon your orthodox views of The Judgment, as well as futile, if the orthodox event is certain? We say if you shape your conduct in such a manner that everyday is Judgment Day, then even the allegorical description of the affair absolves you from its later involvement, because your conduct in consequence, hour by hour, would serve to preclude you from being one of those brought to the bar and condemned. This last thought is something you should give the most sacrosanct consideration. Therefore, your individual cue is to give the utmost attention to the conduct of your life as you live it hour by hour: thus, you escape any later cause-and-effect payoff from wrong concepts and erroneous performings. Having said that, we have said the decalogue.

Chapter 12: An Introduction into Thought Thought and Ether are Key Fundamentals. Now we return to the subject of Etheric Vibrations, and declare that the primary instigator of these vibrations is Thought. Thought and Ether are two of the three foundation elements that bring about physical compositions; Holy Spirit will be added into the equation in the next two chapters. For now, let’s look at a central exposition and realize that Matter doesn’t think: it is Spirit inhabiting matter that thinks–– THE EVENTS OF THE EARTH-WORLD are all forecast in our Higher Thought-World, by happening beforehand in what we might call a ‘Cosmic Mirror’––something almost inconceivable to your present form of consciousness. You think events ‘come and go in cir-

cumstance,’ but they do nothing of the sort: they are made to happen by preconceived Thought, working in the element called Ether to bring them about. Thus, nothing happens in circumstance that has not been ‘thought out’ by someone, sometime, somewhere, either incarnate or discarnate. If you could only understand this and accept it for its literal worth, you would have the key to all the happenings of life around you. All things happen at the behest of intensive thought! It might be a vicious thought, with vicious results: nevertheless, Thought it is!––exercising in the ether to bring about a result. Storms and portents of storms, meteorological or otherwise, are but the aftermath of great massed thought operating on the etheric medium, which coagulates it for tacit happenings. Try to make this the cornerstone of your thinking: nothing can be without Thinking first! Thought comes first; then comes fact. Thought is! It is the universe ‘in raw.’ It requires no organ to manifest itself, except the etheric vehicle or medium. After people get into earth-life, they meet with the illusion that Matter is the first-cause: that fleshly organic Matter––which is Matter impregnated by some sort of sentient spirit–– entertains Thought as an eccentricity of brain. They ask, “How can Thought come before Matter, when there must first be matter in existence that thinks?” However, Matter does not think: it is Spirit that thinks––it being chiefly a form of Self-Recognizing Thought that has the distinction of identifying itself to itself, or to its associates. THE MOMENT Thought must manifest to another, it must have a vehicle by which to manifest. The essential vehicle for Spirit is called Ether. It isn’t the air or the atmosphere, but the substance from which all things material are formed. One way of trying to grasp it is by imagining that Ether is ‘thought in raw.’ Ether is all the formed or unformed Thought there is in existence, waiting to be molded by mind––celestial or mundane––into materials or behaviors, by atomic manifestations of speeds. However, lest you try to conceive a paradox

or an outright contradiction, do not make the error of supposing that ‘thought in raw’ comes ahead of itself as finished product. We will teach you presently about the basic element called Spirit, which enters into the Thought Equation. And what Thought is, and what Spirit is, requires two separate angles of consideration. Thought IS, we say again, whether thought in raw or thought as finished product. Thought is the basic motivation behind any earthly vehicle’s manifestation, no matter what form such manifestations might take. Thought perceives when it is aggressively reflected; it also contains ‘ideas.’ These ‘ideas’ had to be manufactured: they could not exist by themselves as ideas, for ideas are not Thought, but manifestations of Thought. Ideas are the sum-total of Thought’s Functionings, and should never be confused with idle daydreaming or mental musing. We, the so-called Dead, have a way of seeing further than you do because we can see the concrete results of Thought in Action. We can see the ‘Beginnings of Thought’ as it gathers momentum, and exercises in phenomenal event in your finite world. Thus we can warn you with fair accuracy of things about to take place: and if they are things likely to injure you we can deflect you from participating in them, provided they are not things elected by you as part of your current life-lesson. In that event, it is our cue to keep our hands off: we would actually be committing a sort of sin against your soul if we intervened to save you from distresses of a major kind that you knowingly came into life to experience. All of you know of cases where people have received weird, occult warnings of trains about to be wrecked, ships that were to sink, or airplanes that were to crash, which somehow or other they avoided embarking upon. The day will come when society will accept that such are the maneuverings of Unseen Friends, who beheld such mishaps ‘starting in the Great Cosmic Mirrors of First Cause,’ and they passed the word or impulse along to their wards in flesh to steer clear of them. - 21 -

To be specific, suppose you are walking along a given street and a weird supernatural presentiment suddenly attacks you to look upward while passing a building. Then you see a cornice starting to tear groundward, or a scaffold collapsing, and you spring from the path of the debris just in time to save your life. What really happened? Your friends in the more complicated dimensions of life––the Truly Alive if you please!––beheld that cornice making ready to fall or the scaffolding collapse, several moments before the event actually happened in material life. It had to start in the Unseen Dimensions first––which is something you can never fully understand until you return here to behold the manufacture of such cosmic processes for yourself, with the clear eye of unhandicapped spirit. We perceived its commencement, we knew your karmic record of life contained no such episode as being injured at such a time in your career, and acted promptly by warning you to glance upward and save yourself. This sort of thing happens a million times a day to the populace of the world, if the world could but know it.

Chapter 13: Miracle of Holy Spirit ‘Applying the Thought’ is how to describe it. Now that Thought and Ether have been introduced, it’s time to expand upon the third leg of the Holy Trinity: the subject of Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit’s operation is a great mystery, for not only does it keep track of Karma, it also acts as the primary activating energy behind Creative Thought. This Script will explain how “miracles” come to manifest–– THE MYSTICS AND HOLY MEN of all times have uniformly become such because they discovered ways to work so-called miracles: that is, accomplishing feats of Mind or Heart above the ordinary performings of their fellows. Humanity has beheld the dead being raised, the crippled or sickly restored to normality, treasures of the earth and air have been uncovered for sacred uses, and celestial creatures have been conjured up to apprize

their communicants of coming events in society or cosmos. Humanity has thus been forced to acknowledge these Mystics or Holy Men as having performed miraculously. They have done these things without the employment of scientific training; they apparently performed without any other power but that of their own spiritual transcendence. Miracles have been much more up the ages than merely the accomplishment of wonders by means unknown to society: it has been demonstrated that some colossal or superhuman power resides somewhere within the agenda of cosmic creation, of which these exceptional individuals have seemingly made use. By their composing it and activating it, they have demonstrated the overmastering dynamism that is manifesting behind the universe. This dynamism not only gives the atom its integration and thus produces materials as recognized by your scientists, but it is also responsible for your own spiritual sentiencies. One set of philosophers terms this dynamism Primordial Force; another calls it Supernaturalism. In the Christian religion for the past twenty centuries, the doctrinaires and dogmaticians have supplied a name for it that is sacrosanctly vague, and has gradually been worn threadbare by too careless use: they have called it Holy Spirit. We would converse with you on this subject of Primordial Force, Supernaturalism, or Holy Spirit––give it what name you will. We would acquaint you with the stupendous and awesome potency of it; we will treat with it as a Force that not only constructs and conducts the earth and the universe, but also gives itself to your own employments and applications, so you may do things to enrich and enhance your lives of spiritual evolutions. Does this seem to be an exaggerated offer? We tell you the mystics and holy men of all generations have done their miracles by employing it: and why should one set of men be thus favored, and the masses of other men be denied access to it or endowment with it? Somewhere along the line of human progression, it must stand reasonable to consider that certain men

have arrived at a degree of spiritual understanding––or at least discovery––where they have become aware of such a Force, and grasped how to use it in performings above their fellows. We say it is pertinent for you to know how they exercised. All of you in your daily buffetings and strugglings with circumstance reach out yearningly and instinctively for higher aid in your dilemmas. We tell you blanketly and unqualifiedly, it is there for your employment! However, until you raise your thinking to acknowledge its existence and concede within your own minds that its use is available, you have no hands by which to grasp it. You are like a starving man who has food of a savory and nourishing nature set before him, but he cannot partake of it because his arms are withered and he cannot lift it to his mouth. We on the Higher Levels of Life see millions of you blundering in your earth-lives, while groping for a power that lifts you above the ailments of flesh and the antagonisms of the godless. You are like a farmer who bemoans a lack of water-power on his property to turn wheels for irrigation, while absurdly ignoring the fact that his farm is directly beneath a vast reservoir of water. He waits for natural forces, or the events of time, to raise the water over the reservoir’s retaining wall, but makes no conscious effort to tap a feed-pipe directly through it so the volume of water comes flowing in abundance. . . . On the other hand, there are those among you who might tap such a reservoir without the correct engineering experience, and find the aperture you made being enlarged by the flow until the runoff becomes destruction. We tell you as factually as we ever told you anything, that this Holy Spirit which you regard so impersonally, or consider to be a spasmodic or capricious Force projected forth by the Father only as he may see need for its employment, is as potent and omnipresent as that devastating reservoir held in check above your property. You are surrounded by Holy Spirit; you are living in and of Holy Spirit; you have Holy Spirit surfeiting you, ready and - 22 -

faithful to be put into personal performance. You need to learn how to bore your personal feed-pipe into it, to get the titanic effects of it. The mystics and holy men have done this, and still do it today. They don’t always understand their own technique of doing it, but at least they acknowledge the existence of the Power, and that brings its effects to them, cleverly or clumsily according to their development. They acknowledge the force, though they may do it subconsciously, or from an excess of religious zeal. They call upon it either blindly or intelligently, and so-called miracles result from it. And how do they call upon it? We tell you the secret of it lies in Thought. YOU VIEW in abstract imaginings the performances of majestic entities like Archangels and Christs, and marvel to yourselves that they have so attained. You hold in your intellects the notion that God undoubtedly made them great to start with: that they were massive and omnipotent in their original formations, and are merely continuing the expression of such transcendence. Informing you that there was a time when the mightiest among them was no greater or different than you are now fills you with incredulity, not unmixed with skepticism. We tell you such Beings have not only achieved their characters through multiple lives of untold worldly experiencings, but somewhere along the line of their progressions they have also passed into conscious recognition of the potent and available power of Holy Spirit; they have suddenly taken this force into themselves, and this is the factor that makes them transcendent. Power vaster than that released––or releasable––in your currently developed atom bombs is everywhere surfeiting each of you. Power is available to create, to construct, to enrich, and to direct the efforts of others to actualize great social and ethical objectives. Furthermore, the phenomenon called Thought is the pipeline that enters it and brings it out to you stupendously.

Therefore, presenting you counsel on the nature and potency of Holy Spirit, is truly presenting you counsel on the nature and potency of Thought! And of course we always mean by this, Constructive Thought, or Thought motivated by that altruism termed Love. However, by using the word Love, we are by no means treating with sentimental emotionalism, or the attribute called Affection. We mean the faculty within every existing spirit to think of every manifested creation in terms of its self-improvement. THE LANGUAGE you commonly use hour by hour to express your thoughts on the earth-plane is sadly in need of a new word to take the place of Love, which has become cheapened or commonized by association with organic passions or emasculated sentimentality. Consequently, as we behold it from the higher dimensions of existence, Love is thus employed in a prostituted way when left to describe such romancings. Love as viewed by us is regard for and devotion to the interests of others, and is wholly opposite to egotism and selfishness. . . . When we have told you that, we have told you the decalogue, in respect to this attribute that enables you to tap into the power-reservoir of Holy Spirit. Thus, Divine Love is nothing but the Father’s regard for and devotion to the spiritual, and in cases, the material interests of His mortal children. Social Love on your earth-plane, and for that matter on any plane, is regard for and devotion to the interests of others, to improve and expand society’s qualities of consciousness. Romantic Love might in a sense––a very narrow sense––be considered as regard for and devotion to the best sentimental interests of the beloved, but too often, alas, it is regard for and devotion to the most propitious interests of the lover. LOVE OF ITSELF, considered dispassionately, is both the desire and the effort to help all other forms of life improve spiritually. Thereby, through the immutable laws of compensation, you help yourselves improve spiritually. Yet that is only a counterpart of the activity or emotion. True Love is engaging in constructive

efforts towards helping others make a finer and more profitable universe, and the stronger and purer it is, the less the thought of self enters in. You must remember our definition of Love when we use it in connection with the tapping of Holy Spirit’s power. You must go about it as the business of tapping into Holy Spirit’s power, and with a sincere desire of benefiting someone or something outside of yourself––at least that must be your sacrosanct motive. This is one of the first principles of the engineering process by which you thrust your personal pipeline into the stupendous reservoir of celestial fecundity that is overhanging you. Seeking it selfishly shuts it off; seeking it selfishly may also cause a break in the retaining wall, so the power pours out with such abandon that the hole is made a tear, with destruction following wholesale. THOUGHT is the instrument by which you achieve the tapping of your reservoir. By this we do not merely mean musing about a benefit you desire to have accrued to you. You must first acknowledge freely and completely in your heart that the power is available and waiting to reach you; then you take the time and effort to formulate in your intellect the precise thing in every detail that you wish to have accomplished. You make this curt, clear, and concise. You formulate it so curtly and clearly and concisely, that it is more than a mere paragraph, or description in speech depicting the end to be realized. You make it a ThoughtForm, and you dwell upon it studiously; you ‘concentrate on it,’ as you put it. From our viewpoint, this is what you are doing: you are drilling into the retaining wall that holds the volume of power in leash. Suddenly, at any time during your concentration upon it, your mental drill ‘breaks through,’ and then you must be prepared to handle the force of the energy that comes gushing forth; and if it isn’t channeled correctly, it will enlarge to a catastrophe. This, we tell you, is a literal performance. The mystics and holy men have learned, subconsciously or otherwise, to do their drilling at a stroke: the novice pro- 23 -

ceeds more slowly until they have mastered the technique. Never overlook throughout it all that each and every one of you has powerful colleagues and ‘guides’ on the upper side of the Veil, who by your gestures of concentration are becoming apprized of precisely what you wish to have happen, and thus they bend their energies towards yours and add their resplendent efforts to see your ends materialize. Nevertheless, they cannot function unless it is clear in their minds precisely what you are working for. The idea too often held by the ignorant, that the ‘dead’ read the thoughts of those living in flesh, and are at all times aware of what is transpiring in their heads or hearts, is a wholly unfortunate fallacy. The ‘dead’ have no time for such mechanical telepathy, granted they had the incentive. You must send forth roll upon roll of your crystallized Thought until they unmistakably perceive it, and down to as small a detail as you can devise. Thereby they will concur in it and add their energies to yours: your Thought-Drill goes through the retaining wall, and suddenly you have ‘materialized’ the thing you sought. However, ‘holding the thought’ is by no means enough: ‘applying the thought’ is a better way of depicting it. You project a great Thought-Form of what you wish clothed in reality, and the ‘dead’ help you to clothe it. Remember though, the trick of the process is effecting it in Altruism! THOUSANDS OF YOU may ask yourselves on hearing this stipulation: “What good does it do me to expend such mental effort, working to see that John Smith’s wife returns to him, or helping Bill Williams repair his shattered fortune, or aiding Mary Jones to arise from her sick-bed? I want my own wife to return to me, my own fortunes repaired, my own malady cured.” Alas, you are missing entirely the point of the gesture. As we told you in a preceding discourse, helping John Smith, Bill Williams, or Mary Jones––making them persons restored to happiness or health––creates a vacuum in which you are the creditor. You must be repaid eventually for any kindly

or helpful act, and in your own coin. Not that they specifically may do the actual Thought Work of similar detail in return for you, but as you give, so also must you receive. Take note of that word ‘must.’ It isn’t optional with Providence whether you are favored as you have favored others: it is a Law of the Moral Universe that whatever you do in a loving and constructive manner, must come back to you in kind. And Holy Spirit is the medium in which and by which it happens. The constructive love-motive, as we have defined real love for you, is sweeping through the cripple while they pray for their fellow sufferer, and more frequently than not, this cures the one who puts forth the prayer. The neighbor who regained their fortune through the Thought Forms of their well-wisher, may subconsciously become aware of the well-wisher’s own distress and turn around and aid them––thus, both enjoy profit. The woman who came back to her husband in result of a disinterested person’s moral rectitude beating upon her subconscious, may be the first to prevail upon the disinterested person’s own erring spouse to follow her example and return to her duties. A healing force is a healing force, and the person who invites it with dispassionate altruism cannot remain insensible to the presence of its benefits. We speak whereof we know. However, be counseled: do not interpret all of the above to imply immutable restrictions. When you find yourselves personally handicapped by a cruel condition, or become circumscribed in your efforts to aid a great labor for the enhancement of all humankind, do not think you are prohibited from tapping into the power-reservoir of Holy Spirit yourself because some specific person may not thereby be immediately helped. Quite the reverse is true. Sufficient concentration upon a given Thought-Form, especially when you obtain the assistance of others to do it with you, can procure you anything your soul can imagine. Again, we say this literally! Holy Spirit is the primal, all-pervading reservoir of Good, of which the world is created,

and by which the world keeps eternally functioning. It is not merciless or impersonal: it is specific beneficence waiting for the spiritual units called men to reach forth and utilize it. Moreover, as they do reach forth and utilize it, thereby is its existence demonstrated. The thing you call Holy Spirit is the essential God-stuff out of which the whole manifested universe is made: it is a titanic force that has only one control over it, or that responds to only one control. And that one control is Thought!––altruistic Thought. When you project or propel sufficient Thought-Impulses into Cosmos, you literally control or shape the nature of the world and events around you. The basic God-stuff out of which Matter is built up––call it Ether, call it Love, call it what you will––always has responded to Thought, but this is the important and significant part: it makes no difference whether you propel the Thought, or if the Ancient of Days on distant Sirius propels the Thought. You are Divine Spirit in capsule form yourselves, and Thought is Thought: the instrument by which the God-stuff is molded or diverted. You create by your Thought Processes or Impellations, just as the Ancient of Days on Sirius creates by his thought processes, only you do it in lesser aspect because you are not as strong as he is. Nevertheless, the God-stuff, or basic ether element, does respond to your thought processes, if you would only employ them to the limits of what strength you do have. However, in your cases, instead of formulating atoms of materials, you form patterns of behavior for yourself and your fellows, for that is the current degree of your development. Acknowledge that the whole manifested world is a beneficent God-thought, no matter how repellent certain aspects of it may seem to you. Acknowledge that the Thought Processes you can project from your own capsule divine spirit, can and will shape the patterns of behavior of those whose interests you desire to promote, and results accrue in concrete material fact. It is as simple as that; it is as profound as that. You do not need to subscribe to - 24 -

involved and complicated courses of esoteric instruction––at the cost of heavy amounts of money––to learn this truth or to have it revealed to you. There is indeed a Holy Trinity, but man has not yet identified it correctly. We say it is Spirit, Thought, and Ether. Out of these three, the universe is not only built up, it is all that is contained in whatever universe there is. Spirit is supreme: it projects Thought on or into Ether, and gets materials or events as the case may be. That is the whole of Creation in a nutshell. You are Spirit; your mental activity is Thought; the Ether is everywhere around you, waiting to be molded or directed into the results you desire. You only have to make the degree of mental effort, and Life obeys you instead of you obeying Life. Men have labeled the Ether-Love stuff ‘Holy Spirit’ because they knew no other name for it: they accepted it as God brought down into personal pattern. However, the mystics and holy men recognized its unique existence and potency. The miracles resulting when they applied the proper Thought to it were not truly miracles, except to the average person who has been too mentally weak or indolent to cultivate a method for themselves to tap into this power. The reason you aren’t more powerful and successful than you are, is because you are ignorant or mentally indolent. It is a harsh thing to say, but sometimes harsh things are benevolent. Therefore, make no mistake by doubting that the power is there for the tapping. Reconstruct your mental activity and focus it on Holy Spirit: send out ThoughtRolls one upon the other, and what you now yearn for in wishful thinking comes unerringly to pass. Thus you prove the existence of Holy Spirit by the results it demonstrates. Challenge us on this: give our counsel a trial on its correctness. Pick out one worthy thing you want to see actualized within the scope of your interests and concentrate your Thoughts upon it. Do not concentrate on any specific person performing what you wish, for you have no concept of the number of allied persons who might help whom you would

exclude from aiding by narrowing your Thought-Form down to individuals. Do not be discouraged if after two or three times ‘concentrating’ on the attainment, for a matter of minutes, that you do not see results miraculously accruing. Think of yourselves as boring through the retaining wall to get at the water volume, which is ready to be released and supply you with power. Wait for your drill to go the whole way through, and be ready with expedients for handling the power that comes suddenly. We define Holy Spirit for you by telling you what it does. We cannot portray it otherwise because there is nothing of form or shape in mortality to which we can liken it. The nearest we can describe it for you is by telling you it is God in action, taking note of your own worthiness and responding to you personally. Do you think of this as mere mental gymnastics, where the results cannot be worth the mental expenditure? Remember, it grows easier and easier for you the more adept you become in the technique of it. Mark our wisdom and profit from it literally!

Chapter 14: Divinity Material and Spiritual Evolution Holy Spirit has been described as a Force of Nature that is responsive to Thought. However, there is another way to examine Holy Spirit: from the viewpoint of it being all there is in Cosmos. Of all the scripts in this book, this chapter will require the most patience to read, for it tries to take you back to the beginning of time, or the origins of Conscious Activity in the Universe. Perhaps it should be placed at the end of the book, but it is linked with the previous chapter on Holy Spirit to provide a more complete picture of our existence. Hear the masters explain this mystery–– LIFE IN COSMOS, no matter where it finds itself located or functioning, has only a single intent, a single purpose, a single method, a single meaning, a single attribute, and a single wholesomeness: it is Self-Awareness, or awareness of its own attributes and conduct.

Heightened self-awareness is the crucial point that is operating behind the universe’s facade. The sum and substance of All Life is to make the ego know that it is, then what it is, then what it can become. Be it inorganic or organic matter, granite rock or mussel life, even up to the highest developed archangel or Christ, the purpose of existence for each is first to know existence; then to grasp the full possibilities and potentialities in existence; so in the course of time, the individual consciousness attains to Cosmic Consciousness, or complete recognition of all consciousness, known as The Absolute. GOD––MEANING IDEA––came out of nothingness, only in the way your finite world defines Substance. He originally came out of a condition that had nothing to do with Time, Space, or Substance. The original ‘idea’ inside him was not a concept in consciousness, but an Idea without consciousness. He made himself aware of himself by becoming an introvert: by looking into himself and wondering what he might discover there. . . . We know this is difficult to understand, and sounds like nonsense to some of you, for sheepflock humanity must always have a Cause before an Effect. However, with God being both Cause and Effect in this original instance, he was able to motivate himself into awareness: and thus, as your sacred writ puts it, wrought the universe ‘by speaking a Word.’ Not a literal word of terminology, but a desire to excrete something in his Idea-System that would make one part of Himself intelligible to all other parts. In the Bible you have this truth expressed where it says: “In the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” What is meant? What is a word, but the symbol of an idea? And what is the symbol of an idea, but an expression by a form of consciousness, capable of being interpreted by the plane projecting it. Imagine this: Out in ‘limitless and undefinable space’ an Idea-Being exists who is saying to itself: “Here I am, entrapped as a sort of Personage, but without any opportunity to go anywhere, or do anything, or be anything other than I am. I want expression of myself to - 25 -

myself, and since there is nothing outside of myself, I must get all this within myself. I will therefore explore myself and see how many Idea Divisions make me up.” The fallacy in thinking of Holy Spirit as a being, like a man or an animal, lies in the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. God in this conception is pure and absolute subjectivity: he is the universe that is within himself; and in no sense is he a being having relationships with anything exterior to himself. If there is anything ‘unknowable’ about Holy Spirit, it is that such an Idea Being could exist. In your three-dimensional world he could not exist, because it is a peculiarity of your three-dimensional world that all things are outside of your mortal beings. You encounter philosophical distress when you try to conceive of existence that is wholly subjective, esoteric, and confined within bounds. For immediately you ask, “Well, what is outside of those bounds?” We on these higher Planes of Consciousness are aware of something you are not: the universe is not limitless, in a three-dimensional manner of speaking. An idea does not have length, breadth, or depth: it is a thing of philosophical concept, not of cubic material substance. Therefore, we have Holy Spirit originally existing as a lengthless, breadthless, and depthless individuality, who was blindly aware of itself as a compendium of potential Idea-Entities, which when broken up into formations of materialisms, produced objects having length, breadth, and depth. PUT IT THIS WAY: The Universe has no bounds. Basically, it is a contraption of discarnate ideas, all coexisting in the one colossal idea: that is, the potential creation of objects within itself. This colossal idea is not a boundable thing, but all is contained in it, no matter how far the contents extend. Even Objective Space as you know it would be part of the contents of it. In that sense, the Universe is limitless: however, it isn’t limitless when it comes to a declension of its contents, for at present time, only so many ideas make it up.

You must not confuse Measurement, with formless or unformulated Thought: that is what you do when you try to think of the universe as a place. It isn’t a place; it’s a condition. There are places within the universe, of course, and they may be ten trillion LightYears from one another: still, the cosmography of the ideas behind them is limited, and in that sense, we get spatial limitations. This is what happens: the universe ‘runs out of ideas’ so to speak, and when it does that, it has to come back to its original postulation of itself, which is The Whole. Therefore, in a manner of describing it: it ‘meets itself,’ and beyond that there is no thinking. Holy Spirit does not want to know itself in order to be essentially clever, nor to demonstrate or relieve any tedium that comes from contemplating nothing but its own awareness. Rather, it seeks some form of expression in mobile substances, called Energy, so its separate parts may have greater awareness of what constitutes the Whole, and what is in that Whole. Thus, it is a Self-Educating Holy Spirit, in so far as its separate parts are concerned. Let us go back and take up the Life Principle as an embryo within Holy Spirit: something to be cultivated into a greater sense of Awareness of both itself, and the Universe in which it is completely encompassed. Perhaps by illustrating the Life Principle functioning towards maturity, we will catch a glimpse of what goes on in the Body-Brain-Mind of Holy Spirit ‘as an incarnate idea functioning as an introvert.’ THE LIFE PRINCIPLE is this: a soul’s recognition of what part of the Divine Idea it either is or can be. In this sense, Life is a protest or remonstrance against all other constituents who are also parts of the Absolute Whole––a sort of resentment that there can be other constituents competing with itself for recognition; and by this protest, it makes its differences known to all these other factors or material items.

Now it is literally true that you cannot have consciousness in the abstract––that is, without ego––but you can have this queer process: you can take an idea of performance and have it so volatile, or energetic of expression, that it exercises a lodestone effect on all that is around it. When you manifest this volatile expression, you have gotten Motion of a sort: and out of such Motion, there emerges every known substance and material known to man, manifesting in terms of what men call Light, or atomic compositions. Light, however, must have a separate chapter to itself, which we will give when you have arrived at a degree of mental expansion where you are capable of grasping it. Nevertheless, the acceptance of the fundamental that Motion comes from Idea is our meat at present. Get it this way if you can–– The Idea of the Universe is not a fancying supplied through the brain of another, and then projected into a three-dimensional world. It is an assumption of an effect produced within itself; it is holding within itself, the power to motivate itself into forms of application––and all of it witnessable to its own perceptions. . . . Now, how does an abstract idea do this and get Matter? LET US JOLT YOU for a moment by telling you that Matter is an erroneous term. There is no such thing as Matter: there is only atomic energy in forms of manifestation according to divine pattern. You go wrong in your thinking by presupposing Matter to be something it isn’t. It isn’t a concrete substance in universality: Matter itself is an Idea! It is a peculiar form of manifestation that can work its effects upon you as another part of the God Idea who is witnessing the components within itself. You see Matter as something distinct from yourselves as soul-spirits, but Holy Spirit recognizes matter as a mere instrumentality of itself, used for making the ego cells in its body know that something is setting them apart. In other words, your definition of Matter is entirely at fault, and you go wrong in your thinking, hypothesizing, and analyzing, when you think of the God Idea precipitating Mat- 26 -

ter as a different substance from what the God Idea essentially is. Matter is only Matter to you because it is something of three dimensions, and has volume and force to make an effect upon your condition of self-awareness. In other words, it is a condition within the Body of God by which an enhancement of awareness comes to the self-conscious cells that compose animate life. There really is no such thing as an abstract idea becoming concrete substance: that is looking at the proposition through the wrong end of the telescope. Matter gets its life by being made up of the same attributes as that of the Absolute Idea, as the idea manifests in a three-dimensional abstraction. GOD, AS AN IDEA, is a spatial limitation of self-motivating forces, deploying within itself to get an effect. One of these effects is Matter; another is individual consciousness, which eventually resides in Matter. These individual particles of consciousness continue to make progress through various forms of sense limitations, to gain to perfection of self-awareness. God, as a self-motivating Idea, presents something that is interpretable to a three-dimensional universe: he is seeking a way to express himself, to himself, in the sense of having relationships within himself and with the particles making him up. These force-impellations from this self-motivating Idea, deploy as two forms of exposition to get explicit results: first, it goes into the finite or material; second, it goes into the infinite, as counterpoint to the finite, and becomes the so-called Spiritual, using this term to describe that which is conscious, yet intangible to materiality. Therefore, we have two lines of evolution to follow: the Material and the Spiritual. The first is composed of tangible qualities, termed Realities: that is, the cause of sense perceptions in every instance; the second is composed of intangibles who act as the benefactors from these sense perceptions. These two lines of evolution are coexistent and operate concurrently throughout all the universe of the GodIdea-Body. They are labeled the Inanimate and the Animate: meaning that which is with-

out sense perception, and that which is the recipient from sense perception. The universe is the God Consciousness who has the self-generating power to manifest in its parts; furthermore, one major part is occupancy of animate organism; and another major part is the pattern that atomic energy takes to give the phenomenon known to you as tangible Matter: tangible that is, to your degree of responding consciousness. Get the God Idea straight in your mind and you get a new concept of the Universe, not to mention a new concept of yourselves. We will help you carry through on this, to see the universe as we see it. We are operating on higher levels of conscious thought than those of you in fleshly organism: we know what Consciousness can do in coagulating or shaping Matter, and shaping those performances that human beings regard as miraculous. They are only miraculous because they are not fully understood or perceived by those accustomed to thinking in three-dimensional limitations.

Chapter 15: Bodily Organisms Self-Recognizing Thought Creates Light. One of the major differences between heaven and earth is having a material body. In heaven you can transport your Etheric Body around merely by thinking yourself elsewhere. However, in the pleasure-pain physical environment in which we live, we are captured by the body and intimately connected to the nerves that inform us of our corporal reality. This is an important feature in the educational process, and the next two Scripts will delve into why this method of identifying and sensing is so potent. This is a master Script that focuses on personal identity–– THIS IS THE BASIS for solving the celestial mystery of your Created Consciousness: you emanated from the great ocean or body of Universal Spirit, and became isolated unto yourself by thinking only in terms of yourself. Then you came to recognize the existence of other similar Self-Recognizing Units by experiencing their affections upon you: by knowing how they exercised their behaviors towards

you, and how you reacted to those experiences upon yourself. Consider this–– Self-Recognizing Thought, while occupying its created organism on earth, can recognize itself as being in one place, and acquire the desire to transfer itself elsewhere. To do that however, its material structure and construction must be of such assembly that it lends itself to this mobility. The organism must have detached itself from the surrounding materialisms, so it can enjoy its mobile enhousements and realize its own wish fulfillments, regardless of the peculiarities in terrain or distances between adjacent environments. Organisms are the material enhousements for Electing Units of Self-Recognizing Consciousness. These organisms are capable of obeying the dictates of the enhoused Consciousness, so consciousness can get action or motion. It is Self-Recognizing Thought directing the animate assembly while inhabiting it; it’s not as men think, a coagulation of chemical units that take pattern and develop self-election as to physical location after brains evolve. Chemical units may be volatile and seek combinations according to their natures––these being decreed by celestial sources;––but no chemical unit ever developed the performance of selfrecognizing thought because it lacks the mobile animation of Spirit. Spirit is Thought operating unto itself, and proves its own identity by vehicular individuality. PATTERNS for these organisms, human or otherwise, may be determined by either environment or function. Such patterns are for purposes of identification, as they become recognizable on their specific planes, either of materials or of animate species. Molecules and atoms must have some sort of design about which to group themselves, so the whole may be recognized for what it is when the vehicle is complete. Therefore, we say Self-Recognizing Thought employs properties of Light to make Design Bodies for themselves. These Design Bodies provide tracks for material atoms to follow: thereby it builds a structure that serves Thought’s desire for spiritual mobilities. Thus, Self-Recognizing Thought Units - 27 -

can command Light Forces. The Light Forces thus requisitioned and brought into Pattern, establishes a blueprint for uniform assembly of material atoms. A field of magnetic force is set up to attract material atoms, so the totality of them in operation becomes observable as a Body, and for all practical purposes operates as a Body. We tell you no secret when we say a Body––a living body, that is––is nothing but a Light Pattern shaped by Self-Recognizing Thought, which attracts atoms to such a degree that solidarity results, or what is accepted as solidarity by the senses of creatures similarly fashioned. Behind or within the typical organic body is the Light Pattern Body, which gives its molecules and atoms shape and direction. Within the Light Pattern Body is the Self-Recognizing Unit of Consciousness who controls the atomic body, after first controlling or creating the Light Body. The Self-Recognizing Unit of Consciousness is a deathless unit! Actually, it never has had a formal design unto itself: it shapes etheric form by copying the accredited presentation for a given species, depending on the plane where it elects to exist. Now transpose the term ‘Self-Recognizing Unit of Consciousness’ for Soul, and all this pedantic exposition should begin to come clear to you. Soul is a shapeless and formless phenomenon of Thought in process of Self-Recognition. In the human scene it takes on the Man-Form, because by occupying such it is possible to get itself identified for what it is by other such souls in their various etheric units. These souls arrived on the earth-plane back in Miocene times, bringing with them the dexterity of inhabiting certain angelic anatomical forms. They utilized Light Vibrations to give them pattern bodies, and approximated such species as they desired: then congealed such pattern bodies by the attraction of atoms, and forthwith produced what we know as human forms. Then they employed those forms to give them procreational performings, causing them to be parents to a hybrid race or species that was half-divine spirit and half-earthly organism.

This is the Man Species of today, which you so mistakenly accept as a species unto itself. Still, that is not our point. The thing we would elucidate for you in the present hour is this: when the Light Body, or atomic Pattern Body, releases its magnetic clutch on the sequestered atoms and permits them to fall away from it, you say ‘Death of Body’ results. What you should more accurately say is, ‘Disintegration of the Atomic Structure’ results, because the Spirit-Soul, or the Self-Recognizing Thought Unit, withdraws the Light Pattern Body from its enhousement of atoms. However, that by no means suggests that the Light Pattern Body similarly dissolves: far from it! The Light Pattern Body continues very much in existence. The Light Pattern Body is the Form that Self-Recognizing Consciousness keeps around itself to give visual identity to others on higher etheric planes. It can and eventually does discard such Light Pattern Body when its purpose and function has been served. Spirit-Soul then becomes totally divested of the Light Pattern Body vibrations and operates as a Thinking, Self-Identifying unit, and nothing else. This is utter discarnation. Therefore, you people in flesh might do well to think of yourselves as composed of three major essences. First, your atomic physical bodies, with which you get vehicular effects on your plane of materialism; second, the Light Pattern Bodies that give your physical bodies their shape, size and biologic design; and third, the unit of Self-Recognizing Consciousness that usually dwells in the pineal gland of your organic brains. That unit of SelfRecognizing Consciousness abandons all previous aspects of its former atomic physicalities when it seeks another bodily organism in successive reoccupancies of biologic form––to enjoy again the benefits of mortality in an advanced dispensation of the earth’s social improvement. In that event, it will discard its Light Body envelope and seize possession of a fetus: a new child within an expectant mother. It will fashion a new Light Body as a pattern

for the atoms of the mortal world to follow so growth will be repeated.

sciousness resides in these projected Thought Forms.

Frequently however, this thing may happen: such a soul, living ‘discarnately’ in such a Light Body, may have an occasion to visit a séance-room where a medium with an excessive amount of ectoplasm will be lying in trance. That soul hopes to give evidence of its personal survival to those below, so it attracts ectoplasmic atoms to itself to surround its Light Body, even as it once attracted organic atoms to give it a mortal organism. It will have effected a ‘materialization,’ and in that materialized status it may function as it did before in previous physical bodies. Life After Death Survival is proved; domestic consultations may be possible. . . . You commonly think of that soul as ‘discarnate.’ It is truly no more discarnate than you are discarnate in this moment of beholding it. Both of you are Eternally Existing Thought Units, merely enhoused in two different styles of envelopes; both are composed of widely varied degrees of etheric vibrations.

Some of you are so adept already that you can, upon occasion, create an entirely correct Thought Form of yourself, and project it to a distant place where it can be seen by mortal eyes. These projections are known as ‘Phantasms of the Living,’ but that is a misnomer: all phantasms are of the living. However, these projected Thought Forms are truly no more extraordinary than the Thought Forms of yourselves that you have projected into your own atomic forms in your current world of materials, giving you what you call your physical bodies. It is something you have manufactured from your own private concepts of yourselves, plus the environmental factors and influences of close family relatives who may also contribute something of their essence to make your composite-self complete. The appalling ‘mystery’ in it all, if indeed you must have mystery, is contained in the enigma that Thought of Yourself is so all-powerful that it can command atoms, either of Light or Chemicals or Materials, and effect an organization of those materials to serve you so remarkably from one to seventy years.

IN ANOTHER INSTANCE, a Conscious Soul living on the etheric plane may return to an earth location in its Light Body and acquire enough opaqueness to be distinguishable under certain illumination. Immediately panic results in the earthly beholder: a ‘ghost’ or apparition has been seen! Again, as in the séance-room, it is merely an ocular manifestation of a Light Body in which some Self-Recognizing unit of Consciousness is residing. Actual discarnation is evacuating even the Light Body. WE KNOW many spiritual philosophies of the world assume that within such Light Bodies, other finer bodies exist, but we are not minded to confuse you at this stage of your studies with all these more abstruse cosmic postulates. Of Astral Bodies, Emotional Bodies, and all the rest of the list, they are only units of Thought Forms representing your mental projections: none of them alters the technique of considering your own eternality and whereof it derives. It is sufficient for the purpose at hand to know that your true con- 28 -

Chapter 16: Instincts Group Spirits & Specially Equipped Species. The physical body of any animal is like a keyboard and camera input to a computer. Furthermore, different types of bodies produce different effects upon the consciousness inhabiting the organism. None of this happens by chance, but is worked out by masterminds who are trying to evolve consciousness in whatever environment may be available. This Script puts the theory of evolution into a context of Designed Progression–– YOUR EARTHLY BIOLOGISTS consider the indigenous earthly orders as various species that came into being by chance or lucky accident. They speak of distinguishing factors of this or that manifestation, from glow-worm to soaring eagle, and advance this theory: environment and natural selection have been re-

sponsible for the million-and-one species that have had existence on the earth. You observe the centipede scurrying across your pathway and marvel that it displays a hundred legs; or you come upon the crustacean deep in ocean beds of darkness and wonder how it came to confine its life to the depths of ocean waters. You see the monster ape such as the gorilla approximating man, or you turn aside adroitly in the flash of a second to avoid the strike of the deadly reptile, only to ask yourself, Why are these creatures acting so, and how did they become what they are? . . . Alternately, a strange species appears in life, or a new plant is discovered blossoming afar in a desert place, and you unquestioningly accept these as natural phenomena. Thus you have come to use the term ‘Nature’ to describe something that creates oddities without apparent cause. Consider a certain species of tree with the trait of encasing its seeds in tiny swirls of cobwebby fluff, which the passing wind tears from its mother pod so they can waft across far landscapes, thus giving its seedlings maximum circulation. Do you imagine that the tree has a thinking and logicizing intellect to thus provide transportation for its seedlings? . . . Or consider the breed of wasp who will lay her eggs in the nest she has fabricated, and then go forth to find a certain kind of caterpillar, which she proceeds to sting in a vital place to paralyze it; afterwards, she transports it to her nest and seals it up with her young, knowing her own hours of life are limited from having thus spawned her young. Do you think such discernments for providing the young larvae with nourishment arose from her own mental processes? Doesn’t such intelligence indicate a quality of consciousness high above an insect’s? . . . In fact, such lower orders of life in the natural world have profounder wits who do their thinking for them. It may seem awesome to you that upon lofty octaves of intelligence, intellects are manifesting who make it their business to act as counselors to their spirit detachments, or to those paths that given groups of self-conscious enti-

ties pursue, so those spirits may expand and increase their conscious awareness. They are not creators, so much as Prescribers for Creations, if we may use such a term. They might be described as a high, high order of scientists, experimenting with earth’s biological forms: only instead of striving to arrive at the fabrication of products by combining chemicals, as your earthly scientists try to do, they have in view circumspectly the enhancement of Consciousness in individualistic organisms––in which the items of Limitation and its profits are forever of consequence. These majestic Prescribers of Creations are truly the designers of the million-and-one orders of life that constantly appear and disappear from the various planets. They try them out and test them; they observe tangible effects upon the individual units of consciousness who are occupying these various forms of life. Then they remark upon these effects that come from each organism’s specifically assigned limitations, to the consciousness who would make its progress in that organism. Thus they supply and define the lessoncapabilities pertinent to each species. Remember, nothing appears anywhere in Cosmos without a cause; and nothing assumes a given shape, or activates in a given function without its fecundities and ramifications having been designed by a master-brain. Thus do we instruct you that such profounder wits are very real and decidedly active: Prescribers of Creations is an excellent term for them indeed! They are, so to speak, the carpenters and mechanics of the natural universe. In them and behind them a stupendous purpose is being served: they are finding a millionand-one ways for Consciousness to develop itself by entering into and exercising certain forms, and then combining the features of those forms over interminable periods so the best things propagate. Remember, self-conscious life partakes of the same essence irrespective of the form; however, the limitations or peculiarities of the form work different effects on consciousness, by intensifying it or enhancing it according to its peculiarities. - 29 -

For instance, the honeybee cultivates its consciousness in a manner that would never accrue to an elephant. And who’s to say that the mosquito singing so annoyingly in the night does not extract a different value out of its structural aliveness than the worm in the apple or the dolphin besporting in the course of a ship? Is Consciousness as consciousness any different between them? We say a purpose is being served in each, and the purpose aimed at distinguishes the form or features of the species. Nevertheless, the unit of self-awareness does not vary as self-awareness, only in its vehicle of expression. For this reason, mystical peoples of the East, whose intuitive knowledge of such fundamentals exceeds those of the West, have given more sacrosanct attention to the integrity of all life, to its right to exist and work out its own destiny, even by their hesitating to slap off the deadly insect crawling up their wrist. They feel that all life is Life, with Holy Spirit making it the phenomenon it is. However, their conclusion that the Life they recognize in the species-vehicle is a Life representing the fundamental spiritual element, has furnished the crass and crude program of Metempsychosis, or Transmigration. These theories claim that the soul-spirits of living humans, after losing their bodily vehicles, may reappear in bodies of other orders, even those of animals or insects. Thus, they have reduced intellect to seed-stuff itself. However, the order of reincarnation from living form to living form is inexorably upward. Retrograde is dissolution, and ultimately that death which partakes of a snuffed-out sense of individuality. Remember, it is always the individual form that perishes, not the life particle as a phenomenon in itself. Now let us return to more enlightenment about Instincts. In the earliest states of your cosmic consciousness, you thought the specific workings of the Natural World originated with some vast and holy Potentate whom you called Deity, Providence, or God. Even today, God to you has become the prime inventor of all that mystifies, or even as one who has no conceivable

reason to account to anyone for facts commonly known to science. Thus do we perceive you as castigating this Deity, Providence, or God: even making him to be so inconsiderate to human life that he projects what you term vermin, lice, cockroaches, biting insects, venomous serpents, and all manners of carnivorous creatures that jeopardize man’s serenity or longevity. Always remember, nothing whatsoever exists in the finite world, from mollusk to mammoth, that is not the product of a deliberate Thought manifesting. However, the more essential thing to remember is deliberate Thought never manifests lacking a worthy Purpose. Therefore, the true cosmic student recognizes that nothing exists in the finite world that does not serve some practical kind of profitable relationship to something else. True, these practical capacities may conflict with one another, and the gain of one may be the loss of another, at least when temporarily considered, but they always serve the Purpose for which they were designed and projected. Thus, even the despised louse, cockroach, termite, rattlesnake, or even predatory tiger, may be inimical to Man’s purposes in manifesting as Man, but none of these is inimical to those creatures as themselves. The ‘cross-annoyance’ is of one species over and against another species, and is only regarded as annoyance by the more advanced aspect of Manifesting Consciousness who forgets the antagonism is merely one of contrast. Now where do instincts come in, in the whole of it? The fundamental nature of instincts in the species vehicle, manifests as its prescriptions for conduct while it moves on earth, with these being more or less agreed to beforehand by the entity who would embody themselves in that organism. These seek spiritual gains from confinement in certain peculiar forms. The great hierarchy of Prescribing Creators, whose function in the universe is to find more facile ways for units of Consciousness to improve their expansions in Self-Awareness, are the ‘brooding over-souls’ of each species in each instance. The Oversoul, also called the

Group Spirit, perceives its carefully equipped species coming into successful issue, and sees the species’ intelligence increasing to where individualized units begin to assume character or personality. This frequently happens in your world in a highly bred horse or dog. Even though it exists in the bodily organism of an animal, its intellect seems well-nigh human. You thus credit a horse or dog in compliment, which really is nothing but bombast on your part. Notice you never say a horse or dog displays attributes approaching the angelic; you never lift it in your estimation as above the level of your own general accomplishments or talents as a species. You pay it felicity by commending its capabilities as they approximate your own and no higher. This trait of Consciousness is performed by all sentient creatures on all octaves of consciousnessprogression. Nevertheless, your capability––to say nothing of your disposition––to evaluate a lower species of intelligence is indicative of a certain attainment in your own right. You perceive in them your own lessons learned, from your own long habitations in organic housings of a certain species: these have become so well learned in both of you that they almost function automatically. In other words, they have become incorporated into your characters, and become an automatic display of your particular unit of consciousness in action. Truly, all of it is Memory, for Character and Memory are well-nigh inseparable. Each is a feature of the other;––or we might better express it, they are polarities of the one phenomenon of selfawareness. REMEMBER AS YOU CAN, the ability to be aware of self is evidence of activation by Holy Spirit itself. Yet such activation takes many forms up through many aeons. Each form is working out its own purpose solely to benefit the self-awareness housed inside it. There is, in other words, a Oneness to all self-manifesting life, based upon this root cause of all sentient behavior. And while different forms may cross in activities, or become antagonistic to each other as forms––even preying upon each - 30 -

other as food for self-preservation against hunger––the Law of the Process operates for the perpetuation of the form, and this to profit the self-aware unit inside it. In other words, each form has its integrity unto itself, and the license to preserve itself at the expense of another form. It may not succeed in doing this, but even if it looses the contest, the enhoused spirit-germ or consciousness unit still profits. For example, learning specific agilities to escape from hazards is one of the major educators and developers of Spirit consciousness–– since it enhances itself in its self-realizations.

Chapter 17: Patience from Parents Three Great Classifications of Life on Earth. Let’s move back into the theory of reincarnation and examine the process a little closer. We begin with reasons why you might reincarnate; then we acknowledge the efforts of great mentors who help arrange the process so your life plan has the greatest chance of success. In addition, this is the first Script on Parent-Child relationships–– THERE ARE THREE great classifications of souls living in earth-life, with each soul manifesting a life plan in their particular division. Each division serves a definite purpose. The first classification comprises all those who came into life to get earthly experiences in their own right, and for their own soul’s profit. This great grouping includes practically fifty percent of all living persons on the planet at the present time: it takes in that great army of ordinary folk whose lives are made up of constant change, upset, and alternate adventures of grief and happiness, or turmoil and tranquility. They are in mortal bodies and going through life adventures so they can ‘speak from experience’ in any given capacity or role. From each adventure and experience they get something that remains in their characters, something they need––although often they do not fully appreciate that they have needed it; they little realize how much their experiencing has contributed to their character-building until they reach the plane of being from which this instruction is given.

The second classification of souls on earth, in point of numbers, comprises all those who came into life to perform some special service toward a given individual or group that they have been involved with in other lives they have lived. Recognizing the existence and purpose of this great caste of folk explains some of the most astounding and puzzling relationships in life. For example, scores of you can probably recall instances where women have married men seemingly beneath them–– intellectually and socially––and given them a lavish devotion that was in nowise called for by the normal demands of life. They poured out upon them a maternity or spiritual mothering that seemed grossly wasted and unappreciated. Alternatively, a parent has picked out some particular child and showered unwanted attention on it, to the embarrassment or resentment of its brothers and sisters. In instances like these, and in a dozen other weirdly assorted relationships, you are witnessing a form of the process whereby these wives or parents have purposely come into life to supply personal ministrations to the ones so favored: they will stick to those persons through thick and thin regardless of the treatment they receive in return, because it is their mission in life to do so. We will go into many of these phases of personal relationships with you at greater length before this course of instruction is finished. The third classification of souls on earth, comprising a much smaller number, includes a group of what we might call ‘Master Souls.’ They have no special personal or family reasons for coming into life because they have long since perfected themselves in character; therefore, earthly return does not supply them with as much profit as they could obtain in higher manifestations of spiritual life. Nevertheless, they make the descent into flesh in order to minister to the race or to society as a whole. This class takes in almost all the great leaders of each race––in science, art, diplomacy, and religion: all those who work with a mysterious selflessness for the good of humanity as a whole.

ACCOMPLISHING THESE THREE purposes involves factors at work so profound that the human brain cannot grasp them all at once. Often years of study are required to perfect a knowledge of just why life is what it is in their individual instance, and what each soul needs to acquire by going into it. This means people in the great mass of Pure Thought––if they are advanced and balanced persons––take long periods before reincarnating, to digest the necessities and requirements of their own peculiar characters. And after having arrived at decisions as to what they still require, they take even longer periods for studying and determining the time and manner in which they will go down into new physical bodies for further earthly sojourns. You never rush into life promiscuously, or carelessly, or in a moment of caprice, unless for some reason or other you are inordinately desirous of getting back into earthly conditions at any cost. The factors attending the life process are by no means insignificant, nor can they be commanded by any hit-or-miss, ruleof-thumb procedure. . . . Then again, consider this: in the higher and finer arenas of etheric life, there are persons with great mental endowments and spiritual foresight: these act as guides and mentors by helping souls who sincerely and sedately desire a quick return into the earthly classroom; they can find the times and means for quickly bringing about such reentrances. These personages are the great ‘soothsayers of opportunity;’ they are the wise ones of Cosmos who know human life and its strange behavior-complexes. They have a bird’s-eye view of the race, so to speak, knowing what will probably result from given factors in any given life-proposal. In other words, they have a foreknowledge of, or can figure out in advance, what human attributes and opportunities will give the soul seeking entrance real life probabilities to obtain what it is striving to acquire. For example, if a soul wants to revisit earthly life to become a little stronger in the attribute of patience, it would scarcely seek normal, well-poised, and flawlessly moral persons to - 31 -

act as its father and mother. To comply with conditions necessary for a soul’s growth in patience, the parents ought rather to be smallminded, mean spirited, and highly excitable in their daily adjustments towards each other. They should generally conduct themselves as hotboxes of temper and be fighting most of the time: plaguing and tormenting the child out of its growth for no other reason than to vent their own spleens. You would be astonished if you knew how many people choose parents whose incompatibilities will teach them patience. This is to provoke the child, and make it mad with envy of the parent’s power to act so unilaterally. They provoke the child into having certain features of character, which necessitates in its own turn, self-control in its own right. Uniformly, parents are chosen who are so rambunctious at times, and constitute such an everlasting thorn in the child’s mental peace, that the child slowly begins to covenant within itself to not make a similar show of itself to others; rather, it will become an improvement on the dispositions of father and mother. Thus, the entrant-soul will learn in practice, the life lesson they sought. Patience is one of the prime lessons behind a soul’s reentry into the earthly classroom, and there is a good reason for this that should never be ignored. Lack of patience disturbs universal order by shooting the soul forward in spiritual progress faster than it is equipped to go. The soul needs to learn that it can only make progress after it is well-rounded in all the fundamentals that go into making up its existence as the ‘thinking machine’ each person essentially is. However, the impatient soul sees other men and women journeying into higher planes of Order and Love, and obtaining spiritual attributes; it sees these attributes manifesting in those advanced characters and wants to be like them, without stopping to recognize exactly what makes them what they are. It wants to take a short cut to attainment, but if it were allowed to do this, it would soon find itself at a pathetic loss.

Only what’s known to stay known can profit the spirit; and what’s known to stay known can only be gained by experiences of the highest and deepest quality. Furthermore, this Celestial Education requires the Soul-Spirit to keep up the cosmic tempo within its own individuality: it must follow orderly processes and not go shooting off at tangents out of envy or malice, or because the opportunity seems to beckon. Patience keeps the balance even by making the soul attain through a specific instrument, and within a proper media, without disgruntlement or malice.

argument for the abuse of children, or the persecution of weak intellects who are not able to withstand too rigorous a training in specific mortal doses. If matters get beyond the point of the child profiting from its situations, to where it is being damaged spiritually instead of helped, Cosmos usually takes care of it by having the child meet with some sort of accident; or it contracts some malady that lifts it back upon Planes of Spirit: then it gets a fresh start under better circumstances, where measures of iniquity will be meted out more sparingly.

THERE ARE OTHER LESSONS the soul learns while in life, even though the primary requisite may be the need for patience. It may learn to have love for others, and to have consideration for the rights of weaker persons. It may learn the necessity for being gentle, for being polite, and for deploring and avoiding hatred: verily, a score of minor attributes that go into making up the well-balanced person. Nevertheless, whatever the lesson may be, when you see a child getting its education by being more or less knocked around and abused by short-tempered parents, do not get maudlin over it, or think the Almighty is very cruel to the tot for putting it under the power of such unpleasant people. The Almighty had practically nothing to do with it, except to create children and parents and put them into a chosen environment. Then He leaves them to spiritually evolve through their contacts with each other. Remember, such a child unerringly chose those parents by its own volition because it specifically wanted what those parents had to give it.

To say uniformly that every child everywhere is getting approximately the treatment it deserves from any pair of parents, under any and all conditions, is to speak a vital truth bluntly and completely. However, it does not follow that the child consciously knows in every instance exactly what is coming to them: ‘factors and trends’ are the known qualities by which a coming life-path is evaluated. Nevertheless, given those factors and trends in the parental combination, the lessons––bitter or otherwise––are usually gone through with for better or for worse.

Birth in no instance happens by chance, and no child ever has parents it did not choose in advance. Furthermore, the anguished spectator must never forget: if a child seems to have encountered a hapless lot in childhood, or seems to be living at the behest of forces that the world calls ‘cruel’––remember its prime necessity was to learn contriteness of bearing under the pressure of ‘bogus’ parenthood, which is parenthood nominally, but not essentially. Of course, this is by no means an

There are a lot of maudlin people running around your planet saying, Children should be treated as “Little Souls fresh from the lap of God;”––however, some of those coddled souls may be hoary with age. They may be persons who have been the most despicable tyrants and criminals in other dispensations, and utterly reprehensible people in their social contacts. Or they may be persons who are motionless in seas of lost opportunities for spiritual profit, who have taken physical form for no other reason than to truly get the treatment they know they will get under the parents they have selected or in the environment in which we find them living. Remember, whether born in city slum or mountain shack, in Orient or Occident, amid wealth or squalor: the child has selected that locale by its own volition. LIFE might be a far different thing on your earth today, if mediocre parents by the thousands could truthfully become aware of the - 32 -

past identities of the ‘child souls’ they put to bed every night by a hundred thousand firesides––with every consideration given to them for their welfare, which indeed they merit;––when all the time those children may be ages older than the parents who show them such solicitude. Remember, no matter what the circumstance in which you see a child being reared, there are good and sufficient reasons for that child’s environment of the moment. The chances are ten to one, if the mission is going astray or the lesson is not being learned, that the child will ‘die’ by sickness or accident before it reaches maturity––which seems to be chance to earthly folk. LET’S TAKE THE CASE of a child who has come into life to learn the aforesaid lesson of patience. It gets itself born to irascible parents, at the behest of counselors who have such work to do; it grows up a normal child with normal reactions to parental incompatibility, and finally gains from them an exact realization of the utter uselessness of its being cantankerous in its personal desires and demands upon society. It is intimidated because its bombastic spirit meets with rebuffs at every turn: its proclivities toward too much independence are turned inward upon itself, and this manifests as a form of self-pity. Now here again we meet with a problem. A new factor has arisen in this individual’s life outside of the need of patience: it has to learn emotional control, or the ability to keep a balanced viewpoint in the face of adversity, hardship, and rebuff. It has to learn to stroke forward without undue thought to its own principals of conscience, or bogus and silly estimates of its own worth to Cosmos. Thus, out of one lesson grows others: scorn for the seeming dictates of circumstance; steadiness of character in the face of tumult; fortitude in confronting a lying environment, and all the thousand and one deceptions that attempt to bewilder and delay the soul’s progress through life. WITH EVEN SUCH A BRIEF OUTLINE of this first classification of people––those periodic visitors into mortality for purposes of

self-profit––it shouldn’t be difficult to see why the other two classifications become of moment. Time and time again, this thing happens: while the soul is living in the first classification, obtaining profits for itself alone, it incurs obligations for some great service rendered to it; or it does some dastardly thing that temporarily injures another soul in its development and creates a situation that has to be adjusted in kind. In other words, both souls have to go back into life and go through a repetition of the relationship, or at least enter into a relationship whereby the debt may be liquidated. As for those qualified souls who come down into life to serve the race as artists, teachers, men of science, or civic leaders: such classification is obvious in its essence. Nevertheless, we will make constant reference to and exposition of these as we progress with this instruction. The point to be considered now is that each of you is in life serving one of these three motives. Just which one you are serving is not so important to know at present as it is to have the enlightenment that you are serving one of them: and if you were not doing it with a reasonable amount of success, you would not continue in life for any length of time. In respect to parents, they uniformly ought to be held blameless for whatever their natural and instinctive attitudes may have been toward the child, for they will be giving the child what it solicited. Children may be expected to conform to the trainings and adjurations of the parents, but the parents are under no obligation to conform to the children. Parents live their own lives and work out their own karmas, one toward the other: the children beheld the situations thus created and desired participation in them. Having accepted life under such conditions, they should have no complaints to make against their parents for the type of home they provided them, or the things the parents have done for them or not done for them. If the parents are callous, or even brutal toward a child, it is well to view the matter with as much philosophy as

possible by making the allowance that very probably such treatment has been wanted by the child-soul so it might develop Self-Reliance. What the individual child’s needs may be in every instance, which causes it to enter life through the parents it possesses, is not the important thing to know: that would require listing as many answers as there are children and parents. The principle to be retained and the enlightenment to be appreciated is the fact that spiritual increment is being expected and received. As you grow in general knowledge of cosmic operatings about such matters, your understanding will deepen: then when you behold flagrant cases of eccentric relationships between children and parents, you will look more and more behind the mere physical situation and speculate on the cosmic gains that are doubtlessly being delivered. In four out of five cases, you will come within a reasonable degree of accuracy in your speculations. Let it rest here for the present.

Chapter 18: Illusion and Disillusion Conscious Earthly Self vs Real Cosmic Self. After we reincarnate into the earth plane to accomplish a planned purpose, real-life situations arise that provides us with opportunities to express ourselves. However, our individual personalities often get in the way of what we planned: we don’t always want to learn lessons, or we deny that a lesson exists to be learned in any given situation. Consequently, we don’t go along with the life program, and thus fail to advance our characters: we hide behind Illusions to justify ourselves; however, life will not let us stand still. . . . This is one of my favorite chapters–– IF YOU HAVE AMBITIONS TO BE a given thing, or want to achieve a certain goal: by what law of God or man should attainment be uselessly delayed? The answer to this question holds the secret to the problem called Illusion and Disillusion. The problem is this: when men behold circumstances maneuvering them into ‘unkindly arenas’ for the progress of their spirits, they tend to choose to - 33 -

avoid those unkindly arenas. Instead of engaging in them as an educational enterprise, they project for themselves a sort of false arena in which they can perform without let or hindrance. Hear what we tell you and remark upon it: men and women have two arenas in which to manifest while in mortality. First, they have an arena of actual event that is unfolding before them, day upon day. Second, they have an arena that is made up of imaginings, treatments of fancy, and untimely arrivings: all accompanied by a desire to complete their errands unhampered by the facts that their earthly sojourn is showing to them. Men and women come into life desiring certain circumstances that would set off their characters and give them spiritual enhancements: this sums-up to the ‘life in flesh’ experience as they are called to live it. They greatly desire the profits from such findings, and willingly take these experiences into themselves as they perceive and discover them. Yet at the same time, if they cannot approximate within themselves that for which they came, especially without let or hindrance, they will manufacture circumstances in their own imaginations, and live in those findings until the actual becomes friendly. In this situation, you have our definition of the World of Illusion. ILLUSIONS are usually motivated by what the mind or spirit desires; and these come from prenatal plans it made for itself before coming into flesh. Disillusions come by event, and dramatically remind the spirit that such Illusions are only imaginings, and that Life has a different course for them to run. They have blundered into false concepts of what they desired for themselves, and accepted false substitutes that led them into error. The life program in the average individual is a true and constant program: it permits no deviations from what has been prescribed. It says to the soul, “You have come into flesh and taken up its burden so you might gain certain enhancements that are deeper than your con-

scious earthly judgments now perceive. You are here in the earthly scene so you might follow certain avenues of research that will bring you enlightenment on the purpose of your soul as a part of the Cosmos. Therefore, make your peace with circumstance: take what it offers you; knuckle down under it and try to see its profit.” If you become confused as to what its profits and penuries are, do this thing: ask yourself honestly, “Can you prescribe what is good for you in every obvious instance?” If the answer is no, then trust your subconscious: let earth’s events seize you and bear you along until they bring you to fruition of your aspirations. This being the case, you will find yourself arriving at a satisfactory conclusion to your brevet. However, a soul encased in flesh who is unconscious of its brevet, wants only goodly things to accrue to it, and too often makes a grievous error. It says to itself, “These things I am now encountering are not to my liking: I do not believe I have asked for this or that; I think life is hoaxing or cheating me. Someone must have erred in telling me that I deliberately chose this unhappy lot of which I am now suffering. I want a break from the afflictions of this trying hour, and if I cannot have them in circumstance, I will manufacture them in the depths of my spirit and project them before me for my vicarious enjoyment.” In other words, fancy comes into play: the soul is falsely cherished and undernourished; it rejoices with stimulants of a false well-being in achievement. The things being actuated by life itself are the substance, not of things hoped for, but of things demanded! Life is demanding your attention by virtually issuing orders to the body’s spirit––then making that spirit comply with its Fiats. However, the spirit-soul seeks passing solutions to passing problems, and ignores the greater quandary of the Spirit: how to make the actual conform to the eternal knowledge, though this last is hidden from their conscious realization. All of you are going on from day to day, desiring one thing and getting another. You

blame Fate for this; you say you are unfortunate: you rant and you rave; you look at all sides of any given question or enigma but the right one. Or rather, you examine what comes to you and say, “Does my fancy desire this, yes or no? If it does not then I reject it. And if it cannot be rejected then life is very cruel.”

unpleasant experiences will teach me things I do not know.” Circumstance will conform to this healthy reasoning because it is subconsciously motivated. However, circumstance does not conform to your idly avoiding the unpleasant, or what is for the moment too tormenting to endure.

Now the error in the whole lamentable business lies just here: you do not perceive that it has been your fancying that was at fault, and not the incidents and episodes that life has produced and afflicted upon you. Life is not out of step; Life is not manufacturing unpleasant situations. Life is merely delivering day upon day what you have long since asked it to deliver when you were manifesting on higher planes of spirit. You have postulated certain factors to make up your missions; you came into earth-life under influences and upon vibrations that bore you unerringly to what you are now enduring, year upon year and day upon day. Therefore, the true course you should be following, month after month and year after year, is the course that circumstance is shaping and directing for you. The other course is your own: vicariously arrived at and falsely concocted for your own weak enjoyment. Yet you stand and defend this mental picture to the letter: thereby you seek counseling and profitings from sheer fabrications made from your desire-wishes. You want life to exhibit an easy release of energy to bring about your attainments: and when one conflicts with the other; when life says, “You are all wrong: this is the way in which you should go;”––or, “These are the facts you should face and act accordingly;”––then you realize you have been guilty of illusion, and hence the victim of circumstances you could not control.

You had illusions because you rebelled at the lessons life was delivering to you, just as you had invited them to you in your prenatal state. In your earthly blindness, you wanted to avoid the penalties and exactitudes of circumstance as it was being introduced to you. Therefore, you built up a desire-wish world in which everything was pleasant and as you demanded it, for the ease of your spirit in the mortal dilemma. When the factual world says, “You are not playing the game; you are not cooperating with me in what you proposed before you were born, so I must show you your manifest error,” then developments mature that smash your dreams to atoms;––and doubtlessly for the moment, you are grievously embittered.

You can and do control circumstances far more than you think, but you do not always control them thoughtfully and deliberately, or in other words, consciously. You properly employ your subconscious or prenatal memory when you say to yourself, “I want thus and so to happen to me, but not to save me from unpleasant experiences, for I have learned that - 34 -

The true course you should be following is the course that life is disclosing to you, day upon day and hour upon hour. You are doing the thing you came into life to do! You may be proposing new scenes and performances as you go along, but the real essence of your life lesson is being learned, and you are creditably aware of it, else you would quickly find a way to go out of it. Since you do not do this, but put up with circumstance and what it brings to you; since you shrug your shoulders after some seemingly distressful circumstance and say, “I must have had this coming to me;”–– proves as we discern it, that your lives are running true to form. YOU WOULD BE ASTOUNDED, thousands of you, if you could see your life programs as we see them: what they contain in honor, riches, and manifest renown. Likewise, you would be equally rent and chagrined if you could look into your eternal minds and see the obvious avoidances and subterfuges you are planning there, and your willingness to take lesser counterparts to satisfy the urges

that drive you to complete the program on time. Don’t do it, dear brethren! Hold fast to the prenatal pacts you made with yourselves: they are the only true pacts. Understand thoroughly and adequately, all the laws and processes that are working within your lives, and you will be sidestepping vast loads of grief and disappointment, especially if you give no further concernments to little palliatives, arrived at to ease a moment’s flurry of personal distress. The control of Illusion and Disillusion is a matter of getting a thorough understanding of the laws and processes operating in your careers and destinies from the Beginning. And when we say Beginning, we mean the commencement of the functioning of your souls––not the passing incident of going down into flesh for a given moment in eternity, in order to improve yourselves by having a certain set of adventures or a certain set of contacts. You can take all your dreams, all your ambitions, all your illusions, and say, “They are fine as chimeras, or poems to aid me in living life; however, I know they are merely defense mechanisms erected by myself to anesthetize the rigors of the moment. Therefore, I will not focus all my concerns on them; I will not let them become the outstanding controlling influence in my present career. Rather, I will cast glances around me and strive to understand the rigors of this moment: why I am what I am, and what it is that I am actually demonstrating, and what profit awaits me from a searching analysis of the present predicament. If I did not need the increment from this predicament, I would not find myself remaining in it; I would not even have to make the decision to vacate it, for life and its maneuverings would be doing it for me. I would find myself as a petal on a current of moving events; I would soon be elsewhere in another set of circumstances. Therefore, I will give life itself the attention it merits, and make no untoward gestures to take gains I do not merit, or accede to any situations where palliatives are of moment. I will endure what I am going through at present with an eye to its profits,

and take them in, and act as gratified as possible to be able to function in the earthly scene at all. When a person honestly establishes such a philosophy within themselves and lives it, nothing that the earth-scene can produce will upset their contentment: no more are they the butt of cruel ‘disillusions.’ And since they know that Illusions are the product of life as one would have it, devoid of its educating rigors, their disillusions can be dispensed with in a very short time; moreover, they will not come back to plague the immortal you who is encased in mortality, or depreciate your godhood.

Chapter 19: Change Striving to get Distinctive Individualism. Illusions, and the following Disillusions, might come from yourself deceiving yourself; or it might be that you are ignoring the things you should be doing. Change inevitably follows these illusions to get you back on your path. However, there is another type of Change, brought about by negative influences in your life, which can cause you to ignore the bigger pictures in Life’s Realities. Not every soul has your best interest at heart, and until you realize that, you are setting yourself up for a rude awakening. Furthermore, you need to expand your personal observations by thinking globally about your race, or about humanity itself. Therefore, this script concerns personal and global economic change–– THE TIMES IN WHICH YOU LIVE distress and perplex you. Thousands of you throughout America and the world are facing losses of money, property, self-esteem, and prestige because of factors you think are beyond your control. Reasoning only in units of yourselves, you voice your lamentation after this fashion: “I have been industrious all my life, and been faithful in performance at the voting-booth and altar. I have observed the laws of the land, and taken no man’s goods unlawfully. I have given alms to the unfortunate, and sought to live peaceably with men by seeking to wish them well. Yet in return for this pro- 35 -

gram of existence, I now find myself in the clutches of poverty: my securities have shrunk in value, and the banker I trusted has decamped with my savings. I am the hapless and innocent victim of a false peace, a false security, and a false teaching by press and pulpit. I am almost persuaded that honesty is foolish and integrity a snare. What does it matter if I am laying up treasure in another world, if I cannot profit by the laws of compensation working on this plane of earth? What does it matter that there is a savior coming in the future to redeem me, if the penalty for rectitude is a suffering that defeats me?” We say to you dear brethren, though you reason soundly, you do not reason enough. What you are complaining of is for the moment true: you are persons of honor; you are peaceable and upright; you have done much of what you were expected to do according to the dictates of the purblind sons of earth. Nevertheless, if you are suffering after having done all these things, then it’s time for you to look to the possibility that a Higher Law may be operating than you have recognized to date, or even suspected. Therefore, we discourse this hour on the great principle of Change in the Cosmos, so you might perceive that you are not hapless puppets of circumstance, but factors in a vast revaluation of human society, of whose far-reaching effects you can scarcely have knowledge. WHEN THE SON OF GOD was on earth he said, “When you do my work, see that you eat no man’s bread that is offered in return for your service; see that you go forth to the multitudes two by two, offering no man spiritual wisdom in exchange for worldly values. Seek no emoluments to accrue to the body; take neither scrip nor coin in your purse, and do not look back at the cries of relatives who make their worldly necessities the price of your ministering.” He advised his anointed to let worldly affairs alone, not even assisting in the burial of the dead, all of which was grossly misinterpreted by those who heard his words. . . . It wasn’t because he wished his disciples to be heartlessly indifferent to the

problems of earth; it wasn’t because he wished them to forsake family cares and responsibilities; it wasn’t because he wished them to earn the odium of their fellows by being foolishly improvident. He had a higher purpose and a profounder exposition behind his admonitions, and this was the sense in what he directed–– There are in Cosmos, vast hordes of spirits who make it their business to interfere in other people’s works by preventing them from doing goodly deeds. They are not vicious people, neither are they ignorant: rather, they are timid. They are thoughtless mischief-makers who obstruct high purposes by turning back those who have set their hands to the handles of the plow, by seeking to pervert and divert their efforts. They would not have others proceed in their activities beyond a certain limitation, which is the arena of the consciousness of those who are timid. They are people who delight in being told what to do, and performing things by rule and rote: doing it by pattern, according to certain well-defined paths of action on which they have found no pitfalls. They are the smug elect of eternity, satisfied with themselves and the world as they have found it. They fear to venture out beyond the confines of the Tried and Proven, lest an unnamed evil befalls them. These people are ‘little souls’ figuratively and literally. They are little because they have circumscribed themselves, and in their circumscriptions have thereby limited others. They are people with a certain set standard of selfawareness, lodged in eternity in a sort of hiatus: oscillating back and forth between the different planes of consciousness, and making little progress because they do not wish it. They are people who resent change, because change forces them into new paths and makes them become sufficient unto themselves in any situation they may encounter: and they somehow resent being made self-sufficient; they want to lean on one another. They are perfectly willing for a state to exist among them in earthly society, very much like the state that existed when they first came to

earth. They were sentient beings then, even as now they are sentient beings; they recognized that the mass existed, and that they were functioning parts of that mass. However, some of those units had not yet taken unto themselves the proper amount of self-expression and wanted no more. This meant their arrival into grace was halted or slowed down, before they reached that ultimate point where they would comprise the mass-idea within themselves, by having lived and experienced enough to epitomize the mass in the separate instance. These ‘little souls’ who resist your efforts might not necessarily be the stagnant timid souls themselves––those who are due a rousting from their herd psychology of sentient living––but they are living in a universe where those timid souls exist along with them, and the latter must be rigorously handled. They must be pried apart, broken up, and each one made to stand on his or her own two feet, to face the Cosmos as an independent unit. In no other way can the Cosmic Plan succeed. Therefore, when great upheavals in social, financial, commercial, or terrestrial dealings occur, even those catastrophic in the sense of terrain dislocations: when they come to humanity generally, they are but partaking of this breaking up or stirring up process. The participants are being made to learn that life is not what they think it is at all: and the aims and goals they have set up for themselves, and then sorrowed over when they failed to achieve them, are not the final cosmic goals, but little mortally-conceived targets and destinations that quickly lose their significance after each mortal span is run. Let us tell you this solemnly: no great upheaval ever came to the mortal race, no seemingly great misfortune ever visited earthly society, and no great disruption of commerce or morals ever visited the sons of men in their earthly affairs that were permanently vicious or derogatory in their ultimate effects upon the species as a whole. And while this may seem like precious little consolation for the individual who is going through sorrow or - 36 -

loss at the moment, it is likewise literally true that no person ever encountered a changing experience, or an alteration in their personal activities, without a better set of circumstances and a higher and finer mode of living and experiencing awaiting them if they would only recognize and embrace it. Viewed in this light, and from such a premise, there is no such thing as misfortune in the abstract. There is only changing process, or Divine Chemistry working on the metabolism: so living cells of Holy Spirit––known as men and women in the social state––might be provided with energy for vital activities, and new materials to repair what has been depleted. Try to remember this: there is no such thing as misfortune in the abstract, or even misfortune segregated unto itself. IF YOU DESIRED a pan of soapsuds for cleansing purposes and shook a quantity of soap flakes into hot water, the soap flakes would ‘dissolve,’ and suds would become ready to clean dishes or fabric. However, if each individual soap flake had consciousness, they might loudly bewail your callous and merciless indifference to their ‘suffering’ at being thus dissolved, and at their outward loss of identity as a soap flake. You did not have the slightest intent to make the conscious soap flake suffer: you wished to procure a pan of soapy water so the soap might fulfill the function for which it was brought into being. The soap did not lose its identity as soap: its form was altered so it might be usable, so ‘a better set of circumstances and a brighter and finer mode of living and experiencing might be found awaiting it, if it could only recognize it’––to wit: soap in liquid form, combined with water for cleansing purposes. The analogy may be a clumsy one, and yet it should convey this idea to you: God has no more intent to make individual persons suffer, or to make populations of a given continent or epoch suffer, than you would have the idea of causing soap flakes to suffer by subjecting them to dissolution in hot water. God wants an efficient final effect: let’s say the pan of soapy hot water in the celestial or cosmic

sense; and if any single spirit is dissolved, or has their form changed in the process, that is only individual to the greater process going on. And that is the business of evolving spiritconsciousness as a whole, to evolve men and women into a pantheon of gods, so up untold future ages they will serve in turn as Divine Providence to universes of soul-spirits not yet identified. At least such is the picture we provide for your thinking, so your mental processes may comprehend our meaning. The analogy is clumsy because in our celestial metabolism in the mundane sense or application, the final effect comes more by friction than liquid dissolution. Nevertheless, breaking up mass lethargy to get distinctive and efficient individualism is what’s afoot, and what the people resent: they protest their being disturbed or utilized against their will. Yes, it seems very heartless and insufferable to the people involved at the moment of any such employment, chiefly because they cannot comprehend the overall process as a program. Even so, the process continues in response to the fiat of celestial evolution. In time, the Soul-Spirits will come to grasp the immensity and benevolence of playing their part in the evolving whole. Therefore, when people find themselves concerned with seeming misfortune, disaster, or catastrophe, they should realize these conditions in affairs are only such relatively, or by comparison with conditions of opulence and quiescence. They should realize on the one hand that a keener and more efficient energy is being manufactured in the whole body politic; and on the other hand, a greater intelligence and greater tenacity of spirit is being perfected in the individual character. In any case, to the Celestial Chemist, all of it must be more or less dispassionate of execution. His eyes or mind must be fixed primarily upon the ultimate condition to be achieved or consummated. Just as nothing is materially lost anywhere in the universe, but merely alters form: so too is nothing spiritually lost anywhere in the universe. Furthermore, you do not dissolve like

soap flakes, you expand and develop. If you always keep this picture-image before you as a background for what transpires in your earth-life, you will lift yourself above the mass of distressing happenings by seeing them in their true significance. The ‘small’ people, the timid people, the squeamishly conservative people, the indolent and conventional people, all have upset and turmoil erupting under them continually in order to cultivate their perspicacity and eschewments. This is especially true in respect to causing their consciousness to expand, because that is the prime factor in all Creative Thought: that is the order of earthly event, else incarnation in organism would be purposeless because it would be meaningless. Learn to develop a faculty for the dispassionate acceptance of change: know why human society confronts the periodic upsets that it does, and a poise will begin to sit upon you that no calamity can disturb.

Chapter 20: Emotions and Memories You are the Sum and Substance of Memories. The reason human beings don’t usually remember past lives is because these memories are not stored in the individual’s physical brain; they are not written into the fetus’ filing system before birth. If the human brain is not the main instrument of Cosmic Memory, what processes are at work that makes past events permanently affect our character? This Script links Cosmic Memory to Emotional imprints–– WHEN A MAN OR WOMAN goes through an ‘educating experience,’ two things result. First, they are made conscious of physical reactions to their organic bodies by applications of pleasure or pain. Second, these then ‘sugar off’ into long-term memories, or sustained results of what he or she has been through. Furthermore, these memories carry an emotional response, which is that quota in an experience that stays with the soul as a permanent benefit: thus giving you results from the physical experience in an enduring form: as feelings. Emotion is the ability to experience in mem- 37 -

ory, what you have first been through in actual circumstance, with the physical features of the adventure subtracted or withdrawn. This leaves only a Residue of Feelings to remind you of them;––or, Feelings cause you to bring these experiences back to you consciously. Looked at in this light, emotions are permanent. In other words, they sink into and become a vitality in character. However, always remember: for any emotional reaction to result, it is absolutely essential to have a physical experience come first. You are mended from the rigors of the physical mishap, if it has been a mishap, and the pain or discomfiture leaves you; however, the spiritual reactions arising from your involvement rarely leave you, if ever. They turn into what you term emotions. Therefore, when you indulge your emotions, you are merely reliving all sorts of experiences without having to repeat the physical encounter. Emotions are reflections of your earthly encounters, and manifest as spiritual benefits that never die within you. Once having impregnated your fiber by involvements in any sort of life-altering adventure, the effects of it are permanent. That is the reason your spirits are so volatile: they never forget anything you have gone through that resulted in pleasure-pain reactions. Indulging your emotions normally, is merely indulging your cosmic or karmic memories: you are reliving former experiences of a vital nature in the sheer realm of spirit, without the physical encumbrances that originally made the experiences of moment. You remember in your eternal mind––which is another name for your personal character––all that you have gone through in former careers that centered on a similar subject or idea. You relive all the reactions you suffered in those consonant situations, to your weal or woe, and the sheer spiritual reliving of them exhibits to you as what you call ‘feelings.’ Feelings that are Emotions are merely the eternal spirit functioning unto itself, apart from influencing circumstance.

Do you think of yourself as a ‘bundle of feelings,’ as you often express it? What you are really saying is that you are a bundle of vivid memories, of scenes and decisions and mishaps and triumphs that you have known in previous lives you have lived. You are entoto, the sum and substance of all the actions and reactions you have ever known, from playing roles as human beings in a hundred physical bodies. As you add more experiences each time, with each new advent and sojourn into flesh, you deepen and widen and refine your character, making it more responsible in its current reactions to passing events, and less susceptible to reflexive memories. You are in life to have experiences! The more experiences you encounter, the more supplemental and generous reactions you have being retained in your eternal memories. The fine, poised, attained character is one who enters into and endures whatever physical or mental adventures life requires of them. They come to regard all of them for what they are: motivations for memories, which endure in the cosmic self in terms of ennobling emotions. We use the words Emotion and Emotionalism to denote something a trifle different from your customary meanings of these attributes. In commonly accepted parlance, Emotion and Emotionalism came to mean a ‘wanton caprice in the display of feelings,’ or a ‘hysterical giddiness in volatile imaginings,’ which sweeps the individual into an excess of behavior that is the antitheses of character stability. However, feelings, and the machinery by which they are exercised, are two separate items: you should not confuse them. An elevator is an excellent contrivance for lifting groups of persons up multiple floors in an exceedingly high building; on the other hand, an elevator that shoots upward without regard to control, accelerating as it ascends, means only a contrivance of tragedy if it cannot be halted properly; that is the difference between true emotion and uncontrolled emotion. Emotional people who let themselves go out of gear spiritually with every gale of stimuli that blows,

are not exercising their cosmic memories so much as indulging themselves in a spiritual joyride, which can bring just as severe penalties as a physical joyride. Cosmically speaking, memories are contained in the Stream of Life. This Stream flows unendingly from age to age, from planet to planet, and from universe to universe. Within this mighty stream are Love and Harmony and Joy. Also within this stream flows Power Unlimited and Life Eternal. Each spirit particle is borne along by the power of this everlasting stream. When a spirit particle becomes fully conscious of that stream, all its puny little efforts will then go more harmoniously along with it towards its destined route. If however, it is unaware of its nature and its destiny, it struggles and pits its helplessness against that irresistible force, and is bruised and buffeted until it finds Truth. This Stream of Life is made up of succeeding waves of Cause and Effect. In your earliest visits to earth-life, all of you set in motion certain causes that sooner or later had to have their effects: these were swept into the main current of Universal Life and carried forward to the time of their fulfillment. Thus, the main current of this Stream of Life carries with it all the smaller currents of each individual human destiny, and the multitudinous streams of all the other human destinies incarnated on the earth-plane. There is no stopping the Stream of Life and Destiny: there is only the opportunity for beating yourself back and forth by trying to swim against it instead of with it. Nevertheless, note that it is the stream itself that gives significance to individual memory. After a given earth-cycle has been entered you begin to see the effects of those earlier causes; you also begin to set in motion new causes, some of which bear more or less immediate fruit, and some of which must go along into later life cycles. This Stream of Destiny becomes a potent factor in Memory, as you partake of the ‘drift’ in all the events along that destined way: they are always present and available to make themselves apparent to you intellectually. What we mean is, this current - 38 -

may not be subjective so much as objective: it is as though you had once played a bit of music, good or bad, and the harmony or discord of it traveled ever along with you and impinged itself perpetually upon your eardrums. When you are upon the Thought Planes between earth cycles, you clearly see this chain of Cause and Effect throughout multiple lifetimes; however, if you consciously carried this knowledge with you into each new body, you would have such power that you would not learn the lessons required of you. When you approach the end of your sequences in mortality, you are sometimes given glimpses into your past, which may even amount to actual memory if you are faithful. Regardless, let us digress a moment to bring other significant matters to your attention. WHEN YOU SAY Life is a matter of foreordination, you are right only to a degree. That is, your destiny is projected, but you still are free to follow or not follow whatever you have for a light. Also, you can make your destined pathway shorter, though you cannot alter its direction. If you follow the Light, if you accept the outcomes from Laws of Cause and Effect, then endeavor to set new causes into movement––constructive and not destructive–– then you are in harmony with the Master Stream of All Life and Akashic History, and the irresistible power of its current is within you and under you and all around you. Then there is no limit to your progress, except in your unawareness of the powers that are yours for the grasping. When your vibrations are in harmony with the vibrations of the Divine and Over-brooding Spirit, in which rests the stream of all true memory, you become conscious of your own stream of destiny, and also the Master Stream within which it flows. You then choose to give your spirit, mind, and body up to its strength; likewise, you give over your intellects. Therefore, bear this thought constantly in the forefront of your considerations: everything that has happened in the universe, even to the humblest sparrow’s fall, has likewise been

registered in Holy Spirit’s thought-stream. Furthermore, it is the reflections of yourself in this Stream of Holy Spirit that you too often interpret as your own Eternal Mind. You have been registering sense impressions constantly and continually, and registering the lessons therefrom, ever since you arrived at anything like adult spiritual awareness. Your cosmic memory, or the ability to recall those lessons in terms of reliving them mentally, is actually viewing their reflections in this Holy Thought Stream, which is the sumtotal of all animate life. Do not discount this Stream’s existence; more than all else, do not ignore or deny it. Flow harmoniously with it and you observe all that is contained in it for you to observe.

Chapter 21: Hierarchy Approaching the Climax of a Long Period. Now we come to the more poignant chapters of this book, where the messages are directed towards those who have come to earth to assist others in their life progressions. Since this earth is a school where souls are allowed to choose a ‘negative’ path, so they might discover the consequences of choosing that path, we find people on earth who would attempt to thwart and dominate the righteous. These backward souls must be challenged by the spiritually wise ones among us, for how else will they come to the correct conclusions about the life process? The masters seek those who would challenge evil–– THERE ARE IN THE WORLD TODAY, groups of men who have come to earth from regions of darkness. They despise the Christ and all His works: his people are abominations to them, for earthly power is their only crown. They cannot have power on other planes, for there they must operate by laws of Spirit, and Spirit requires giving thought to others in order to achieve. On the earth-plane this isn’t necessary, thereby selfishness exists. The earth-plane is a great celestial classroom where the spirits of men may go into flesh and exercise their godhood as they please. This means they don’t have to take into ac-

count the feelings of others: they may perform as they desire, after their own natures, doing either physical good or harm as the case may be. Men can come into flesh and exercise whatever natures they possess, without let or hindrance from those above them in the worlds they have left. It is decreed that this should be so. They can work all sorts of abominations in their earthly relationships: they can war and make war; they can kill privately or wound by deed and thought;––or they can be purveyors of goodly benefactions to the human species. It all rests with the individual choice. THIS IS THE REASON for your present world: to establish an arena of conduct where the spirits of men could operate that would show them the utter futility of evil practices. True, the realization does not come in one life or one generation, but it comes eventually. Thus, you are living in a world that seems to take small account of the individual as such: you are left to the mercies of those who can control humankind en masse by earthly physical powers, and bend it to do their bidding. Lies and tissues of lies are all part of the earthly equipment by which this is done. In a measure we might put it that the world is Satan’s, and insofar as individual fortunes seem to go, it would not be far from the truth. Since these dark souls can operate on earth with such apparent freedom, they seek the earth condition more than any other. They are not naturally happy on the higher planes of life, because on those planes they are continually confronted by the grief they have earned for negative works previously wrought among men, and the godhead within them allows them no relief. Again and again they come down into flesh, continually hovering in and around flesh: making no progress in spiritual values; wanting only to rule over dominions of flesh, so they can manifest their perceived divinity without having to account to higher spheres. They do not seem to recognize that the terrible hardships they have inflicted on others are only thrusting their victims still higher above them, in all of the - 39 -

nobilities that make for increased growth of spirit. They are seemingly content to exercise their godhood negatively upon the earth-plane, and let the matter rest there. If they can be omnipotent in the fleshly condition, it is quite enough for the needs of their souls––that is, as they see it. A CONDITION PREVAILS here on earth that needs explaining as to its ultimate outcome. You see a group of willful men in today’s society who are its social and financial arbiters: they come from a long line of ‘transgressors against the doctrine.’ They have only one aim in view: to defeat the Christ in all his good works. They sincerely believe they can do this, for they don’t see Christ as the Prince of Light, but as a man-creature not unlike themselves. These transgressors go to and fro, upsetting his works by reviling his servants: labeling them maudlin characters, and many times removing them from mortal flesh when their obstructions become too potent. They say, “See, your prince is of no account, for if anyone killed one of us we would quickly haul them to court: therefore, since your prince does not do so, he is a puppet at ruling and we scorn him as a potentate.” We tell you solemnly that this earthly classroom was not intended for the complete and utter domination by such as them. It was necessary for man to be a free mortal spirit in a world of flesh, yes; however, it was never intended for whole groups of souls to be impaired in their spiritual lesson learning by almost a single group of earthbound entities who can command the rest of society at their pleasure. What’s really happening is a demonstration for all to see: there is a Lack of Proportion in the good and evil influences that are affecting the race as a whole. When they do not balance, then something has to happen. You are approaching the climax of a long period. These once balanced influences in earthlife have gone out of balance, because these antagonistic earth forces have gotten it out of plumb. When this happened in past times, you experienced great earthly cataclysms: the waters of the seas have misbehaved; contin-

ents have sunk; species in whole regions have been exterminated. Witness the submersion of the vast continents of Atlantis and earlier Lemuria for no other reason. However, in this dispensation you are not going to have a wholesale extermination of the evil ones, since succeeding generations would see them reborn directly back into flesh and the process would go on as before. In this dispensation there comes a Binding: evil is going to be restrained and put back into balance; moreover, it is going to be done through a band of doughty souls who have come down into flesh for this purpose and none other. AGES AGO, you came to this planet in a vast migration of godlike entities. You had certain lessons to learn for your spiritual improvement, which meant acquiring a greater knowledge about all that is going on around you, even about what is possible in Cosmos. You were led on this excursion by a stupendous group of Master Spirits––beings older than you envision––and they have been exercising certain prerogatives for manifesting earth-life ever since: one of which is to determine under what conditions humanity will live in order to best derive that for which it came. The malformed spirits of the sons of men are likewise spirits of the Sons of God, because both have free election in their self-deportment, and independent judgment concerning individual behavior. This is so because being what they are in their origin and background, they could not be repressed. However, the conditions under which they will endure on your planet are something else again. Moreover, the Great Mentors, headed by Jesus the Christ, are able to control human destiny by controlling these conditions, and thus send it upward when it might elect on its own to go permanently downward. . . . We are not going into discussion here as to why this should be so: it is sufficient to say that it does prevail as an accessory to the fact of human life on your planet. The method for controlling these conditions is rather unique: it does not consist in speaking a word that this or that shall be done; it does

not consist in demolishing this perverted spirit or shattering that hapless miscreant who is obstructing human progress. The Christ people do not employ the methods used by the dark ones in flesh. Rather, it consists of a most peculiar form of Inspiration. In other words, this thing occurs: if these Great Mentors want to alter a given set of conditions on the earthplanet so earthly men and women have a better knowledge of their own possibilities, they make periodic selections among themselves as to which of them will take physical form to accomplish it; they go into earthly society to practice their theories by exercising them concretely, with applications demonstrated to the principles involved. Thus society is provided with omnipotent counsel. These Great Mentors call for volunteers, and then appraise them for their applied-for positions by evaluating the peculiar nature of their advanced temperamental attainments. Accepted volunteers will get themselves born to a pair of earthly parents, come up through childhood, and to all outward aspects appear to be quite normal human beings. Then at a given period, when all the coordinating factors are right, they will step forth as resplendent leaders who will inspire humanity to pursue a wholly different trend of thought. This was what Jesus himself did, twenty centuries ago. However, Jesus hasn’t been the only one from this celestial company who has taken flesh upon themselves to divert the feet of humanity back from a precipice by disclosing in thought the depths that yawn from below. All through the ages there have been great souls who by the essence of their philosophies have altered the world’s thinking. Physically they lived their lives as ordinary folk: they had their homes, their wives, their children, their recreations. In outward aspects, they could not be picked out from a thousand mortals on the street who also possessed physical organisms. Nevertheless, in their hearts and in their spirits they have been ‘companions of the Host,’ if humanity only knew it.

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In recent years––that is, during the closing years of the past century, as the ‘times of the Gentiles’ advanced towards fruition––a great host of these Master Souls have gone down into flesh, causing humanity to become so permeated with them that their numbers are indistinguishable from the general population. They are in every land and clime. They are souls of every sort, and every type of leader from times past. And while many of them are still only children or adolescents, they are coming into maturity in time for the Great Labor. Now all this is only academic unless you perceive the conditions that their presence produces. It is all a mere equation in abstract logic unless you perceive the actions and reactions taking place in society today that makes for their advent in concrete ministrations. Humanity in the main has no suspicion that any such representation of Higher Council is a fact in the composition of earthly society; humanity assumes that all men are alike as to origin and fortune, only some are better favored than others. That gods are born to the human race in log cabins, and goddesses in weaver’s cottages, is merely pretty poesy, granted someone suggested it. Earthly Agents of the Host come to earth to affect racial destinies. They are selected and brevetted for their peculiar talents, or chosen because of the records they have demonstrated in lives gone before. . . . Is a great program of Social Betterment going to be established? Those who are to participate in it, or those who will act as its progenitors, are briefed in advance, even hundreds of your worldly years in advance. Thus, forthcoming dramatic happenings are known in advance. The Great Teacher has said, Pictures of forthcoming events can be envisioned in huge etheric vacuums, but that is because Transcendent Thought has first given them pattern. Long-throw plans are made for the improvement of whole segments of the mortal species, and carefully constructed from Cause and Effect; given characters must play given roles.

Wouldn’t it make sense that those selected to be in given roles be those whose capabilities have been tried and proven in dispensations long since run? The prospect is formidable to those entrusted with great issues. Not only must they be true to the commission whereof they are brevetted, but they also must have the moral fortitude to withstand the assaults of those who would destroy and bankrupt the heavenly hierarchy’s work. These things are of moment, and should become well known to you: you should think of them as having a direct influence in the happenings and occurrences in your world of practical affairs. Those who rule, always belong to either one category of super-spirits or the other. Do agents of the Dark Forces intrude upon humankind’s affairs? Remember, only by your suffering the consequences of their dealings do you come to learn about the worldly businesses they are operating, and you discover thereby if they are correct or incorrect methods for transacting commerce. This is the important thing to bear in mind: for the most part, all the historically great of the past have been celestial appointees. It is through their offices, or the examples they provide, that the earth-race makes its progress: by distinguishing its human advancements. Therefore, the Great Avatar or Celestial Leader determines by his selections what the roster of world personages is to be; and because this is so, you should grasp his irrefutable importance to the whole scheme of earth-life. Try to make this truth a living factor in your philosophies: sometimes, what you consider to be a vast social hazard threatening the race, is merely an occasions when it seems to be astute to permit the anti-Christ agents or cohorts to appear to exercise temporary control; thus they furnish examples of correct ruling negatively. . . . You will find us making further references to this system of higher affairs throughout all that we will give you in the remainder of this teaching. The personage you know as The Elder Brother has a far more distinctive function to fill at the cosmic head

of things than is popularly ascribed to him. He is the manager of your global universe, religious adulations being but secondary.

Chapter 22: Armageddon Those who Walk in Darkness. This chapter continues to scrutinize and challenge those who would attempt to dominate the earth with evil ambitions. It also explores an Astrological Link to End Time Prophesies. Once again, it is a wake-up call to those who have come to help save the world. For those who have ears to here–– IN THE EARLY DAYS of life upon this planet, there were races of men who could not measure up to the teachings of mortality. They were not willfully wrong persons; there was no special reason why they should have failed in their spiritual achievements: they had something within their natures, left over from those long dark days when they functioned in pure beasthood, which would not permit them to free themselves from the mark of their transgressions. They have carried their degradations forward into spiritual realms during inter-life intervals, only to bring them back again for a further performance in error when they made their next descent into flesh. Since it is the order of creation that like seeks like, these recalcitrant and underdeveloped souls gradually drew themselves together into what might be called Schools of Transgression. They gathered together, time after time, incarnating and reincarnating into certain eastern races: it was there that they found earthly performance more to their liking, because of the customs, habits, manners, and worldly viewpoints of those they revisited cycle after cycle. They had no special fellowship with the rest of the race: they were in a manner of speaking, nonsocial. They did not perceive that the greatest spiritual development comes from thinking of others instead of themselves. Therefore, the societies of the earth-world that gave them maximum advantage for thinking only of themselves, attracted them with greatest force. After countless cycles, they took a - 41 -

sort of perverted joy in being classed outside the species of those who were making steady progress in spiritual growth. They gloried in their lack of earthly sociability; they said to one another, “We will make a contest of this: we will exhibit as we please, and if those around us don’t like it, then let them betake themselves elsewhere. We are perfectly content with the earth-world as we find it, and intend to stay upon it and be known as its masters.” EVERY SO OFTEN in the affairs of planets, there are movements in the heavens when certain planetary bodies swing into unusual positions. These planetary bodies exert stupendous influences upon the earth-planet and all life manifesting in it. Sometimes these influences enhance spirituality, sometimes they retard it. We won’t explore now why this is so; nevertheless, the systematic movements of the heavenly bodies bring about earthly conditions where men’s antics in nation-making are either helped or hindered by stupendous cosmic rays impounding upon them out of interstellar space. This being the truest part of truth, we advise and warn you now that a great cycle, well known to the ancients, has been swung: men on the earth-planet are entering a condition of interstellar affairs where events are in the making that could not have been made in past years. You have in your Scriptures many references to a state of social upheaval called Armageddon. You have known of old that in due times and seasons, events of a terrific nature were coming upon the earth, when hosts of dark ones were to arise and give battle to hosts of shining presences, figuratively led by Jesus the Christ. Have you wondered how these matters could have been foretold to the day and hour? We tell you it is due to the rolling of the heavenly planets. These movements are known, and can be calculated to the fraction of a moment in space. Since it is known which planetary bombardments exert beneficial influences and which derogatory, it can be foretold ages ahead when these spatial formations will arrive, and exactly what will happen can

be predicted from past associations with these events. It is the oldest of sciences, and forsooth, the truest. The times and the seasons and the planets are all rolling and performing to where much of what is prophesied in the Book of Revelation is coming to fruition. You have lived through two devastating world wars in which you saw nothing of more consequence than the avarice of nations causing men to take up arms to annihilate one another in the interests of commerce. We tell you it was nothing of the sort, but the prelude to a different tribulation that is now coming upon humanity. We are not here to fill you with alarms, but to solemnly warn you how to behave as the times grow more difficult. Since these major planetary influences are shortly to be felt, they are enhancing the powers of those retrograde souls of whom we have told you, causing more of them to incarnate now than at any other time in modern world history. They are willing to be led into a test of strength by challenging the powers of Christ and his followers. They would prove that their perverting of the God-force is as potent to make them supreme on this planet, as we would prove the Christ-Force is more potent to render them supine and harmless. These two great alignments of powers are coming to grips in this generation, and thousands of you have reincarnated to manifest on the side of Right, to be ministers and instructors for Christ in this time of upheaval. Men will say in the future, “The earth is Satan’s, let him have it!” Yet Christ will say, “The earth is Mine!––and as Mine, I take it!” And that taking is in progress. The unlearned of earth––those who do not see great trends, or accredit great evolutions in thought performance––are handicapped in interpreting the times in which they dwell, because they fail to see both sides operating: the dark and the light, the impure and the clean. They profess to see ordinary causes at work, perceiving only the comings and goings of political leaders being employed in their affairs as they have always been employed. They do

not know of great changes taking place beneath the earth: of portents and disfigurements, and mighty cataclysms in the making. These forces have been unleashed before, and will be unleashed again. Men think volcanic eruptions come from the play of blind natural forces; they think great tidal waves happen by chance; they see in storms, only byplays of elements, causing destruction by accident or nature’s whim. They do not recall a time when a vast continent sank beneath the waves because those upon it had disported themselves evilly––even as many upon the earth-planet now disport themselves in similar veins anew. However, those with superior discernments, wrought by psychical wisdom, perceive gifts and powers not currently known to the world of ordinary mortals, which forewarn and thus forearm those who have the stamina to exercise them and bring them up to a profitable state. The churches of the world know nothing of this: the Book of Revelation is paradoxically closed to them, and has become a secret message to their purblind understanding. This is because the great ecclesiastical systems of the world will not be the world’s saviors. The world will be saved by goodly bands of men and women who represent the real church of old: who have come back into flesh to found this church anew in the hearts of the races when the purging time has ended. In those days, when suns and planets in their orbits send forth strange rays and powers upon this earth, it is foreordained that these rays will come to enhance the powers of these Christ Souls, and open their spiritual eyes that now lie dormant in their mundane intellects. Each will have a literal sign placed upon their foreheads between the eyebrows! Do not doubt it, for we speak whereof we know. This Sign upon the Forehead marks a Soul in Christ: it is the Mark of those aligned with the great truths of Light; it is the Mark of those incarnating again to render unto God the things that are God’s. These will found a new spiritual order in the current generation. They are creatures of an angelic order, and have - 42 -

this Third Eye lying dormant. Hundreds of you are now being called to an awakening, and if you will only dwell upon these truths we would teach you, you would begin to dimly awaken this Eye. Remember, our beloved Lord declared, “When thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light!” You cannot imagine he meant a physical eye, for a oneeyed person is handicapped in sight, he is never enhanced. However, the Single Third Eye is quite another thing. Verily, those of Our Company who have come to awaken the faculties of man, to restore them to their Godhood, will have their whole bodies filled with intellectual light. Now we tell you more–– There are in this world at present, an order of gross and beastly men, even enemies of Christ, who will presently declare to the rest of the races, “We are captains of finance and overlords of commerce: we have preserved our assets while you have been wasting. We have possessed ourselves of the increments of earthly wealth, and made ourselves princes of goods in this world; we have proven thereby that we are omnipotent. We do not admit of a Christ to reign over us, for we have proven that God does not interrupt our transgressions. Therefore we disdain him, for isn’t he a weakling by permitting us to do these things, even if we offend him? We will have none of him, and less of his followers. We have come upon this earth to subdue it and own it. We hold the powers of life and death in our hands, for we are dispensers of foodstuffs, and thereby keep the races of men in existence. Therefore, if you do not bow down to us and acknowledge us as princes of this earth, we decree that you starve, and who is there to stop us?” In that day, it is predicted that an audacious proposal will be made by those men who have ensconced themselves so high in worldly powers. They will say in effect, “We are your masters and you are our serfs: we will feed you as you honor us. Thus do we preserve our identities as those who take the earth for the anti-Christ within us.” That day is close, close; it follows on the heels of world-wide

carnage. Nations are already found to be bankrupt, but what is that bankruptcy? It is only decrees by those who sit in high places behind barricades of finance, and harass the races with their golden degradations. In that time, men who are not from their order will grow up and be spurred on by these interstellar forces: they will get angry in their thinking; they will cry aloud saying, “Who are these who thus dictate to us? Isn’t the earth God’s? Doesn’t God give us increase? By what right are we beholden to princes of finance who have shut away from us every goodly gift bestowed by the Father? Let us seek them out and destroy them.” Whereupon a Great Tumult will come; and you will see that tumult, after the humble rank and file discern the devastations these have wrought in the world, to the end and aim that certain sects or races would be reduced to a vassalage. Then you will find that those who have done the scheming will pay with their persons. It isn’t a pretty thing to think about, but you will find it in your Bible. You will also find it in the utterances of your modern prophets who nightly commune with those not of flesh. Your beloved relatives on this side speak of it, for they see it in the making, far plainer than you dream. Do you ask if anything can be done to thwart your part in this crisis? We tell you solemnly that you only become distressed as you elect to be led by those who walk in darkness. A LIGHT COMES to you presently. Even as negative forces in earth grow darker and darker in their outward manifestations, your lamp of understanding shines brighter in its radiance. Remember, you can escape any such distress from these dark ones by ministering! As you minister, so are you preserved; as you join the ranks of individuals who will presently walk with those who have the Sign upon their foreheads, so are your wants fulfilled: even by persons who will recompense you for the services you have performed for them and their children.

Thousands of you are wondering how you are to persist and carry on in these times of great duress, when your larders are lean and monies of shrinking value. We tell you, as you persist in following the old paths of gain, and performing to none but yourselves and your families, so will you grow leaner in girth and harder to guide into the ways of salvation. However, as you turn yourselves around and accept the teachings we give you, and hand them on to others, so will you be saved from this winepress of ordeal. A goodly call has come to you to be of service to those around you. We mean this literally. We tell you, only those who serve will be of consequence in the days upon you: those who find food for their brother’s mouth will find meat for their own. If you neglect these admonitions to take thought to your spiritual selves, and fail to understand this darkness that is descending upon the nations, you will in no way be exempt from it. It is the mark of divinity to serve! People should unselfishly bestir themselves, and take note of their neighbors better than before. Men can go mad with privation and destruction; nevertheless, in every corner of your land there are those who know our voices: thus we bid our kith and kin to arise and protect themselves by entering the ranks of assiduous fellow servers. WHAT CAN YOU DO to help someone near you who is stressed by the times? How many of you can answer that question? How many of you can instruct those in your household, in your street, in your city, in your neighborhood, as to the causes and reasons for what is upon you? How many of you are ready and willing to become bearers of the truth?––to go out among men and proclaim a new Order, when Christ will sit enthroned in statecraft and men will give heed to his preachments of high wisdom? You have within the center of your brain a Great Third Eye: single in its power and beautiful in its purpose. Cultivate that Eye so it may serve you better, first by dwelling upon the fact that this Single Eye is there. Talk to it consciously; command that it functions; make - 43 -

it show you pictures when you close your eyes at night. Dwell upon those pictures: know them by dimension and move out into them; presently you will see them taking on reality. Thus you have employed the Third Eye in the greatest of its facilities: causing your consciousness to divide itself from the physical, and thus make you aware of things passing afar. However, its greater and truer function is placing you in audible communication with those addressing you from the higher planes. Yet you must discriminate their identities: those ‘Spirits who are of God,’ as the Apostle has named them, will only speak to you of those delectable things that uplift your hearts; those who dwell upon petty worldly matters are petty in their concepts, and would seek to use you selfishly to get their own expressions. Mark well these things and be prepared for more enlightenment concerning them.

Chapter 23: Militancy Jesus Acted as a Deputy of Divine Justice. Is it honorable to take up the sword in the fight for justice? Is today’s warfare moral when bombs kill soldiers and civilians alike? Is it civilized to condemn an entire country or race for the crimes of a few notorious ones? If we do this, we add to our own Karma by harming those who had nothing to do with the villainous acts. This Script gives an excellent overview of how to battle for righteousness–– YOU CANNOT PUNISH INDIVIDUALS for the malfeasance of the masses, any more than it is effective or just to punish the masses for the malfeasance of the individual. You cannot punish the masses for the malfeasance of the individual without causing vast numbers of persons to suffer who do not merit such suffering. Those who cause such blanket distress will hold Karmic obligations towards those who were treated so unjustly. Consider this: If a group of malefactors, preponderantly of one race or nation, have designs upon society for their especial profit; or if the system of government or finance for

which they advocate enhances the general welfare of the race or nation to which they belong, it is society’s custom to indict that race or nation and make it responsible for the doings of persons. From such disorderly and inartistic thinking, most of the wars of history are bred. Humanity is so constituted that it does not care to seek out the true mischiefmakers as persons and hold them responsible for their acts, when a significant number of them are members of one race or nation, or group within a nation. Humanity is impatient in its thinking: it wants to arrive at the point of condemnation by the shortest possible route. When it sees a group of men deliberately setting out to inflict a certain unhallowed design upon another group, nation or race, it takes the shortest cut to blind retaliation by saying, “These people are marplots: therefore, the entire breed from which they come are marplots; therefore, since it is our business to restrain and stamp out all marplots, else we perish at their hands, let us rise up in fury and inflict our vengeance on their breed and kin. We see only their origin out of a race; we do not care to investigate every definite case of incarnation within that race to determine if it is marplot, for we lack the patience as well as the time. Let us therefore attain the results of elimination by exercising a blanket persecution, knowing that in its coverage, those against whom we hold our animus will be included.” NOW THIS is exactly where the true Christian encounters a problem. They do not ask themselves, “Am I condemning a race, a nation, or a group within a race or nation? Or should I be seeking out individuals and placing responsibility for unhallowed acts upon them?” They should ask themselves, “If I am confronted with the possibility of engaging in mass action because of a group of marplots, should I restrain myself and earn the opprobrium for being a pacifist, when I am not a pacifist in my desiring that good might come? Yet, should I act regardless of the violence required to attain it?” It is not a happy plight to encounter, yet thousands are confronting it each

day of their lives. You are constantly being solicited to give support to issues or join yourselves to movements that seek to alter your earthly living for the better, but by doing away with those who support systems that seem to recoil to your hurt. However, the issue does not lie in that direction. Bear with us when we say it, and hear us say it: the Christ Principle never begs you to compromise for one instant with evil. The Christ Principle says, “Do these things so good may come.” Yet bear this in mind when you act: violence is not condemned because it is violent, but because it is unjust. Violence causes both the innocent and guilty to suffer alike: therefore it causes no certainty of purpose; therefore it is usually abortive, and is equally destructive as the evil it would cure. When you stop to give this matter thought, you discover that law and order is the exact opposite of violence, because law and order eliminates all possibilities for injustice by fixing the penalty on those who merit the penalty. Nowhere in holy writ, or in the teachings of our Savior, do we find anything but the most rigorous condemnation for wrong-doers. Christ raised no issue shielding society’s marplots: indeed, he spoke of them in the most scathing denunciations. He had no love for evil spirits as such: he did not condone them, or waste time in argument, but cast them out. On one occasion, he had so little regard for them spiritually that he sent them into a herd of swine and saw them dashed into the sea without any expression of compassion or salvation towards them. IF A GANG OF HOODLUMS is looting a town, attacking women, murdering children, and setting fires to property: no one in their senses believes that it is Christ-like to offer no restraint to their devilish rapine. To offer no restraint or opposition would be to condone such deviltry, and contribute to it as an accessory, since evil left unrestrained works conversely to love. The True Christ Spirit would be one of exact justice and compensation. It would say, “This evil is being done because some one person or persons conceived the - 44 -

idea to do it and persuaded others to support their scheme. However, those who gave assent to the evil may have had factors and influences bearing upon them for which they were in no wise to blame, and for which they cannot be held accountable. Therefore, let us locate those who launched this act of mischief and deal severely with them: not simply mow down innocent and guilty alike, because the guilty often hide behind their number of dupes.” The problem confronting you in these hectic days is mostly one problem: you are called upon to determine which men are guilty of those great public disturbances that are upsetting humanity, and as they are found, you deal with them summarily. It isn’t a question of whether you should use firearms or riot guns to quell a mob; or whether one system of government is more worth fighting for than the system approved by one’s neighbor, who has quite as much right to their notions as you. It is a question of specific wrongdoers raising cohorts around them to multiply their powers of evil a hundredfold. Furthermore, have you ever stopped to think that the members with those cohorts have equal debits held against those evil leaders consistent with your own? You, being sufferers from both wrongdoers and cohorts, would rise up in your anguish and exterminate both. However, that puts you on the side of the marplots against those dupes; therefore, you are equally culpable with them for not making the cosmic distinction. In every social state since the beginning of time, there have been evil souls with downward tendencies who are blind to all reason and immune from example, and will have their little day attempting to defeat the principles Christ came expounding. They are easily determinable by the works they do. Restraint is in order, by violence or otherwise, for force itself is as much a law of Cosmos as the influence of Spirit. Force is force: muscular or spiritual, it has the same essence. You find no distinction in Karma if you restrain an evil man by imprisoning his body, or if you control his mad psyche by employing mightier powers.

The form of the force is a matter of logic; nevertheless, you can employ a spiritual force just as wrongly as you can employ a physical force. Furthermore, when you condone unrighteousness by lethargic acquiescence, by restraining yourself from using physical force, do not think you are practicing Christ’s Principles. We tell you, you err, and will have to pay someday. By the same token, if you wrongly practice spiritual methods for controlling an evil adversary, both of you are equally guilty in the eyes of eternity. WHAT WE ARE GETTING AT is this: the Law is the Law. The Law from time immemorial has said, For every result, there must be a cause. Moreover, the business of all law, in the popularly accepted term, is to locate that cause: and if the results are destructive, you treat with it adequately. Violence, in the popularly accepted term, negates all this: it is the absence of that cardinal principle of law, which affixes blame as blame should be affixed. Violence effects a result by ignoring the integrity of the individual, and sets up a system that deals with the mass. It says the mass must pay; it compels the mass to pay. However, for every injustice thus inflicted upon an individual’s integrity, there must be compensation. If compensation does not come in one form, it will come in another. No man, or set of men, can be so skillful and just in their discrimination of retributive justice that they can say, “All the persons in this mass are equally guilty, therefore we will deal with them penally as though they were all one bad character.” All persons composing any one mass are not equally guilty!––nor can they be accused of equal guilt. There will be as many grades and conditions of guilt as there are individuals in that mass. The problem therefore, we say again, is mainly one problem: how to determine the predatory factors in any given subversion, and restrain them from their mischiefs. Christ does not interfere in the Law’s administration: he is the one Great Exponent of the law as we know it. Indeed, he came into the world to help the marplots, if they could see

the evil of their acts in comparison with his goodness. However, his grander errand in coming into this world was to assure ultimate justice for those who suffered wrongly; and because this was recognized, his mission gathered power. In place of violence he counseled Love, because where love reigned there could be no injustice to those who were blameless. Nevertheless, where he found a group gathered perniciously, who were all of one mind and equally culpable in what they did to humanity’s hurt, he picked up a whip and flogged them from the temple. BEAR IN MIND He did not flog all those who chanced to be in the temple at the moment: he did not clear the temple of worshipers or spectators––that we have any record; he did not make temple attendants suffer for the presence of the bankers among them: he went after the money-changers specifically and gave them the lash. In that dramatic gesture, he went on record for all time as counseling physical action when such was effective. He did not bless the bankers; he did not stand outside and implore them to give up their usury on holy premises; he did not use transcendental means, put a spell upon them, or call up an earthquake to shake down the temple. His administration of physical justice was exact. He acted as the deputy of a Divine Court of Justice, which ordered him in probity to execute its sentence. You of the present hour make your great mistake in this: when evil raises its head amongst you, you forget or overlook the responsibilities of certain persons or groups of persons. You see outward appearances; you are inwardly terrified at the number of dupes, so you class dupes and marplots together and say: “Let us arise and exterminate them!”––or, “Let us condone them and offer no resistance in the name of the Christ: and in that we do it, we will meet with reward.” However, nowhere in Holy Writ or in Christ’s precepts is condolence of evil met with approval. Your dilemma comes more from the method used to stop the evil, than it does from the principle that evil should be blocked. The highest form - 45 -

of love is to arise and recognize the face of evil: then place blame for it accurately, and afterwards restrain its sponsors from more mischiefs. This is delivering a service to those who do not merit the suffering that evil would inflict if left unbound. THE CHRIST whom we serve is a Christ of order and justice. This means he is a Christ who stands for square dealings, both for those duped by evil men and made to work their errors, and for those who are victims of both. The problem is one of wrapt discrimination: who are the evil marplots in society, individually, and how can they be curbed? Once having distinguished between them, then deal with them summarily, as with any common criminal. Those who have offended the laws of probity ought to know restraint from doing further mischiefs; those who were blinded by false doctrines and preachments deserve as much justice as those who were offended. Let’s leave this lesson here. We have much to tell you about the natures of these Dark Ones, yet we bid you to be more careful in accepting assurances that this one is evil and that one brilliant. Evil often takes on brilliance to deceive you. Your problems of guilt cannot be truthfully answered until you are willing to investigate thoroughly; and when you do, you apprise yourself of knowledge that is currently withheld from you. Not all who dwell in evil camps are evil! Perhaps they have sought shelter there, not knowing the nature of the place where they rest. Probe into the causes behind human disturbance: do not be misled by false doctrines of love. Perceive this clearly: the ways of righteous men, brings righteousness to men, even to the least of those who dwell around them. If there is even one act in a group or a dynasty that has the semblance of injustice toward those who must support it, know it for its blackness and have no traffic with it. We speak whereof we know. Presently, outside forces come menacing your hearthstones; they say to you, “We have conquered you by numbers: therefore, because of our numbers we are righteous. . . . Arise in that day and perceive those individuals who

would lead you: discern them speaking falsely; know them for their natures. However, in your binding: do not act in hate or revenge; rather, see that its done as the noble peace officer who protects the weak and defends the unfortunate.

Chapter 24: Supersensitive People Living in a World of their own creation. Let’s look again into the Individual Mind, and seek to discover idiosyncrasies that may be holding us back. Oftentimes circumstance is blamed for our problems, while the big picture of what is actually going on in the world eludes us. Therefore, we need to evaluate our positions constantly, to be sure we are moving forward. Furthermore, the best way to do this is by comparing ourselves to others. There is plenty of room for us to be inspired by others, but we have to look at them and ourselves to do it. Let’s see now if we are measuring up–– THERE IS IN EVERY SOUL a facility for keen self-appraisal, but it does not manifest the same in any two people. Furthermore, that person is rare in which the appraisal of self is exactly the same as that accorded to them by ‘the world.’ This difference in self-appraisal makes for a queer and oftentimes influential condition in the otherwise normal person: it leads them to believe that they are either greater or lesser in their degrees of attainment than those around them will concede. This reacts on them as either a criticism of themselves, or a criticism of society. Their erroneous self-appraisal confuses them, and this confusion causes malformations in their deportment towards their fellows. In nine cases out of ten, such a person is merely perplexed and wondering what an accurate self-evaluation might be. They will sometimes be labeled erratic, but the term is viciously unfair. So-called Erraticism is not what the world accredits it. ‘Erratic’ souls are unable to determine true evaluation of themselves, and thereby go on living blindly from blunder to blunder. Erratic people, overall, are quite normal people in most respects, but have a natural inclination for estimating themselves by

their beliefs in what they could accomplish under ideal conditions, instead of estimating themselves by what is possible for them to accomplish in the world as they find it. To complicate matters, they only use their present or past attainments as the measuring-stick for what they exhibit. They do not accredit that the true function of the world may be to accost them on occasion and demand, “Who are you, anyway? What excuse do you have for living in the world? What does your particular existence amount to, and how do you know? Are you estimating yourself and your value to the universe by your actual performance in relation to others?––or are you estimating yourself by what you dream of performing in the privacy of your own mental and spiritual processes?” The supersensitive person is usually the latter type of erratic: they are forever comparing themselves to themselves, instead of comparing themselves to the world as they find it, filled with similar human beings of all shades and degrees of exhibiting. By doing this, they are negating their true worldly missions of attaining those objectives and lessons that they came into life to gain. Consequently, these people frequently fail to conquer their life’s mission. To achieve maximum development, they need to admit that they have come into the mortal arena to profit from what they find in it, else they would never have gone to the trouble of getting themselves born into it. They are in flesh to profit from the experiences life brings to them: yet how then can they do this except by observing the traits, habits, and reactions of other people––compared to their own behaviors and performances while each is under similar conditions of living? People of supersensitive or introspective natures should not examine themselves inwardly, but analyze their behaviors in relation to the behaviors of others. People of supersensitive natures should frequently say to themselves, “I came into this world where there are millions of sentient creatures like myself, at least in their physical fundamentals and men- 46 -

tal processes. All of us must be here for some constructive purpose, since everywhere in Nature there is a progressive evolutionary movement. Now what can that purpose possibly be for me?” . . . Instead, supersensitive people bemoan themselves by saying, “We find ourselves beset on every hand with conditions not to our liking. We are confronted with cruel problems, and failure to find their solutions terrifies us. We find ourselves unloved; our bodies possess strange inclinations and impulses that make us traitors to our spiritual development; life appears constantly to us as a hopeless jumble. What on earth is the trouble?” But their questioning should not stop there. They should go on reasoning: “Might I be picturing to myself an idealized state of society where I could go and dwell in peace? Might I be trying to live in a world of my own thought-creation, and superimposing it upon the mortal world as I find it by a sort of force? Might I be using this force of my willpower to avoid change, when I discover the world of mortality will by no means conform to my whims?” They should say to themselves, “In this idealized world of my own manufacture, I naturally think of myself as more or less perfect: at least I am quite satisfactory to myself in my mental and spiritual attainments. Likewise, the world I project in fancy is more or less satisfying to me, since I am its creator. But is it all true? What guides do I have to go by to indicate that I am thinking or reasoning honestly and correctly? Is there any test I can apply to myself or to this world of my own projection, which would prove my perceptions to be precisely what I think?” When any given soul has reasoned thus far, they have come into cognizance of the very thing they came into life to get. Look at it this way. There must be a reason why men and women come into earthly life: what can that reason be? Each one of them knows it isn’t a world that he or she has made for themselves, for the very antagonistic nature of it proves that: if each of us were given our choice, we

would certainly be sensible enough to create a world of minimum discomfort to ourselves, meaning we would create a world that would adapt to our own traits of occupancy while in it. Instead, we discover a world that does not accord with our own pet notions or fixations, and we are inclined to get very angry at it. We do not stop to reason that this world of mortal reality may be a projection of the GodThought about the matter, and that we are living and experiencing in the mortal tenure for the purpose of getting our own notions altered, so they correspond to the true God Notion of what a world should be, in order to be of maximum profit––physically, mentally, and spiritually––to the greatest numbers of persons in it. No, on the whole we are thinking strictly of ourselves. We would manufacture a perfect little personal world, without much space in it for the rights and properties of others. We would have all others be very much like ourselves, or get out of our world and be no part of it: we would label them disturbing elements. Now that would be all right for a time––a very little time––for much would be lacking in such a world. For one thing, there would be no measuring-sticks for human character; there would be no opposition, either natural or personal, by which we could adjudge ourselves as being alive at all. Remember, we are what we are because of the experiences we have had in encountering other persons, either more or less developed than ourselves. It is this very difference and variation in human attainments that makes us realize that we are alive. The erratic, introspective, or supersensitive person negates and ignores the very thing that has made them come into an awareness of themselves. They have built, or are building a tiny little world of their own imaginings, in their own picturings and patterns. They circumscribe themselves by limiting their voice of conscience, with limits conceived by and for themselves. Then they belittle themselves to themselves, or magnify their own traits of character to themselves, and generally get no-

where. If they could only be aware of it, they are transcribing themselves to themselves in terms of themselves, instead of using the divine measuring-stick on character development that the God of the True Universe has provided for them in their especial instance. And that is other people, and the manner in which they live their lives––compared to how they imagine they would live their lives if left utterly alone. Now those who live Above the Worlds, or in higher states of matter with character developments beyond the mortal, have a very bitter crow to pick with those who thus envision life. These Eternal Mentors know that introspective and supersensitive people are injuring themselves terribly, because spiritually speaking they are letting themselves stand still. They see them saying, “Thus far have we progressed in our lordly contacts with other persons in previous lives, but now we rest upon our oars and stop rowing toward the eternal benefactions that await us in higher character development. We want lassitude and quiescence, so we can indulge ourselves needlessly in what we have already attained. Therefore, we go no further forward: we are quite content to look inward upon ourselves and declare that we are more or less perfect.” However, the God of things as they are knows they are not perfect, and never can be perfect in a world where the mortal would acclaim itself without comparison. This being the case, those who look down upon mortal society have a sizable grudge against such complacency because they know it snarls up the otherwise progressive lives of those living correctly and constructively––those pushing onward irrevocably by grasping for new opportunities to bring out the best within themselves and their species. . . . The introspective has no right or license to do this: they are in a manner of speaking, bombastic. They are disrupting or hindering the whole Parade of Mortal Existence, made up of millions of marchers, and refusing to go forward themselves unless the Parade goes where they want it to go, stepping to the music they particularly fancy, - 47 -

and only if it serves the purposes they have called up. They forget that every other unit who makes up that Parade has just as much right to insist upon the same procedures for the same items. They ignore the rest of humanity and insist worldly performances proceed after their own bill of particulars. THE VICIOUSNESS of the program adopted by supersensitive or introspective persons lies in the fact that their whole philosophy toward life is one of escape from the standards for true progress. The Almighty has set up these standards, and he exercises them equally towards all humanity. Yet supersensitive or introspective people do not fancy the Almighty’s world that takes all other persons into consideration, because to them the world seems to be one of surface cruelty and unfairness to their own small egos. It seems to circumscribe their ‘free expression’ by the dictates of a reasonably organized society: it shackles them with handicaps that require them to expend mental, spiritual, and physical energy to overcome. Yet they do not want to expend energy of any sort, regardless of the fact that such expenditure constantly strengthens them, and improves on the very individuality they cherish so indulgently. They prefer to consider themselves already perfect, in a little Thought World that they also conceive of as perfect, but which is really the epitome of weakness and disintegrating individuality, since it results in a sort of spiritual inbreeding that devitalizes and emasculates their characters. The secular psychologist provides a recipe against this by telling such people to forget about themselves, to get interested in others, to look outward and not inward. But that is like putting a philosophical poultice on an external eruption, instead of going down into the bloodstream and observing what microbes are working there. The true recipe for the supersensitive or introspective person would be for them to face the facts around them and recognize they are crystallizing past idealisms into a world of their own makings. Moreover, their world is grievously lacking in a factor of

major importance: it is a factor that makes God’s True World the proper universe of reality that it is. And that factor of major importance is the item of about six billion other souls who must be taken into consideration and provided for, so they too may have an arena for their self-expressions. When the supersensitive or introspective takes these into their reckonings, they suddenly realize they are approximating a world that is an exact prototype of the one the Almighty has already projected. Remember, the supersensitive’s world is a world with all the other people in the universe left out. Consequently, to escape completely into such a world would mean not only the annihilation of character, but also the eventual annihilation of personal consciousness. You are told from the Higher Dimensions that supersensitive and introspective people, those whom the world term erratic, are merely normal persons whose characters are lacking in the proper quota of moral courage. They fear new experiences; they dread new contacts with new people: it makes them break out in a cold sweat to be suddenly thrust into the limelight, whether to play music at a social gathering, or to make an impromptu speech at a banquet. They have been living in a perfect little world of their own Thought Creation for so long that they have lost the ability to exhibit publicly, and thus the ability to disclose to themselves their obvious degrees of imperfection. They have so weakened and emasculated themselves by living in their own private little universe that they cannot adapt themselves to a world where millions of others like themselves are primary factors. Hence, when such a public exhibit is forced upon them by circumstance, they forget it is a measuring-stick of the ‘perfection’ they have been mentally imagining about themselves; and with embarrassing fear, they flee still more swiftly into recesses of spirit. Such people uniformly turn to their own bodily processes to give them vicarious reactions to the physical world: they let their physical functions take the place of social functions in

their philosophies. Even though they know the inadequacy of the former to provide a true measuring-stick for them, they continue to magnify the physical in their thinking. Soon the world is labeling them introverts and perverts when they are really nothing of the kind: they have simply missed the point as to why they have come into life. They really came into life to have social contact with six billion other life forms who are in life with them for similar contacts––and for similar reasons: social contacts provide them with accurate estimates of their true mental and spiritual attainments. In other words, the world measures them for their real worth, whether they assent to such appraisal or not. And instead of noting those appraisals and setting out accordingly to improve themselves, they run away into spiritual seclusion and hide from reality like a frightened puppy beneath a divan. Now self-consciousness, considered in this light, is nothing but a person’s acknowledgement that all of the foregoing is quite true, and that something should be done about it. However, since they have dwelt within themselves overmuch, they have pictured so many bugaboos existing in the world of Reality that they have become foolishly fear-struck, and permitted this fear to become the ruling emotion in their lives. They are constantly in a panic, fearing that their imaginings from the cloistered retreat of their own spirits will suddenly happen and injure them, thereby defeating or devouring them. They constantly forget that the world from which they continually flee is only composed of six billion other human beings not one whit different than themselves. It is an old adage, “Remember: the enemy is equally as frightened of you as you are frightened of the enemy!” That truth applies with the same potency to the warfare that is called earthly living. The world is made up of vast numbers of people, quite true; but they are people of exactly the same hopes, timidities, panics, and aspirations as ourselves: and most all of them are also equally afraid of us, and - 48 -

self-conscious in our presence. Frequently it breaks through with a sort of shock to some people to learn this truth, for in their own minds they have conjured up humanity as a great indefinable monster, made up of people with different attributes and temperaments, who are only waiting to wreck or belittle them. They are really afraid of those powers they have accorded to humanity. So-called ‘leaders’ have learned to their amazement how easy it is to play up to the fear that the individual has of the mass, even though the mass is nothing but one person multiplied many times. To summarize, instead of being hurt by every little wisp of adverse comment, or terrified by the bugaboos of the Social Monster, the selfconscious, supersensitive, and introspective person should look upon their experiences in life as a chance to learn how child-like and naive human nature is; and how stupefyingly easy it is to impress, control, or command it, when thought is kept constantly on the fact that all other people are merely replicas of one’s self.

Chapter 25: Pineal Gland Occupancy This is the Body’s Most Sensitive Region. How is the Spirit-Soul captured by the human body, so you might benefit from the pleasure-pain experiences coming to it? Your consciousness must be “inextricably tied” to the sensory organism for a specified number of years: this enables you to know long-term effects from the choices you’ve made while living in it. Apparently, the confinement arena is tied to the Pineal gland, a ductless gland located near the center of the brain. Listen to our mentors speak about it–– YOUR BRAIN is not what men generally think it is. Men call it the seat of consciousness because the pineal and pituitary glands––the so-called ductless glands––are located deep within it. These ductless glands are the real seats of consciousness in the human form; all nerves and fibers are extraneous to these marvelous glands. Furthermore, these glands have the power to hold your psyche-intelli-

gence in a type of imprisonment during the span of your mortal days. The rigorous schooling that humankind obtains through the senses reacts upon the brain in ‘shocks,’ which leaves the brain cells surcharged with minute memories called Conditioned Reflexes. The brain cells receive the shocks and transmit them to the consciousness residing within the pineal gland. The pineal gland is intimately connected with the state of being conscious and is the residing focus of self-awareness, not alone of the physical brain, but also of the etheric or eternal Mind. The physical brain does resolve physical sensations into conditioned reflexes, but it is in the prototype etheric cells where true remembering is done, and this memory maintains from life unto life. Thus, your etheric body and etheric mind is where the true miracle of your imperishable personality lives. The brain is the organ of Mind; however, Mind is a creation of consciousness that manifests to your self-awareness through its own volatile activity. Mind is the seat of your psychic sensitivity, and also resides in the pineal gland while you are in flesh. Therefore mark this well: when the pineal gland is exercised unduly, you get strange distortions of fancy, as when taking drugs or poisons into the system. Fever and alcohol likewise affect the pineal gland and cause abortions in intelligence, or monstrous creature concepts and various other visual phenomena. Remember, it is the pineal gland that focuses all this, not the organs of your body, or even the cells of your brain. You have in this pineal gland the secret of life itself in the human formation, and it behooves you to know it and study it for what it is: the key to the entire physical ensemble and eternal personality. When you talk about occult practices with the human organism, you are being referred to the employment of intellect and other instrumentalities upon this same Seat of Consciousness gland. Furthermore, when you are prone to drowsiness, the pineal gland is tired of radiating energy to the brain and body. You say the brain is either drowsy or active, what-

ever the case may be, and attribute it to bodily functionings. In a majority of cases, it isn’t that at all. Your brain is the same, day in and day out, being a coagulation of nerves responding to stimuli. However, these stimuli come from two sources: within and without. The external stimuli are the sense perceptions; the internal stimuli are projections, or the projectivity of pineal therapy, or its capacity to healthily radiate projections of intellect that come from the conscious will of the psyche. Make no mistake here: the pineal gland is a two-way connecting link between the sentient human psyche, and flesh. The pineal gland transmits in one direction, towards all the forms that comprise the bodily organism, including the organism’s functions. Equally, the pineal gland receives impressions from the bodily organisms, or from external stimuli. However, regardless of the source of input sensation, the more active function of the pineal gland is to exercise control over the bodily members. REMEMBER THIS when you deal with the occult, especially with the contraptions in the human form: you are dealing with the perceptivity and receptivity of the pineal gland, and its foil, the pituitary gland. What we do to them determines the effectiveness of our methods in exercising occult practices. There are ways of stimulating and controlling these primary glands, other than by the injection of drugs into the body: we speak of the Third Eye of the Soul, meaning again this same gland, but in its literal, visual perceptions. What we really mean is an excitement of the pineal gland so it forms pictures of various kinds from the vibratory stimuli reaching it. These are quite outside the normal receptivity of the commonplace five senses. We could say these primary glands have ‘ears,’ and you employ them when you engage in the practice known as Clairaudience. True, those communicating with you have to form the word-pictures within the literal cells of your brain, which then translate into audible messages; nevertheless, the principle applies no matter what means are taken for - 49 -

stimulating the gland’s sensitivity. You can cut away any portion of the human brain and still maintain life, but touching the pineal or pituitary glands, hindering their functioning in the slightest degree, causes swift and certain death, or the escape of the sentient consciousness from mortality. Now these glands are prepossessed after a fashion. We mean they contain all the ingredients consciousness will ever need to use while in its earthy body. They contained them in their full-blown essence from the instant the psyche entered the physical body, or its brain ensemble, for life is essentially a brain habitation. . . . Certain psychic faculties may be ensconced in various parts of the body that you call Centers, according to the nature of the individual, but the brain devoutly cherishes its peculiar function of housing those glands that regulate the perpetuation of Life in the Species Vehicle. When the body gives up its ‘ghost,’ or we might say, becomes Etheric, the pineal and pituitary glands give up their domination over the rest of the human frame and let it lie in a comatose and disintegrating form of manifestation––which is sometimes suspended animation, but is more often physical death. You have examples of this in a number of reptiles who sleep for years without food or water: their bodies are utterly comatose and without decaying disintegration; nevertheless, their brains are functioning with all but their peculiar forms of pineal gland activity, which is utterly absent any manifestation of either receptivity or projection. In the human form, under certain conditions, as when the body is in complete coma, the pineal gland can be vacated at will by the psyche. When this happens, you perceive forms not from the earth, because the psyche is functioning without the stabilizing aspects of these bodily glands. You become a very weak manifestation of Thought Incarnate, capable for the time being of going anywhere and doing anything you can imagine––for purposes of fancy, or the employment of ap-

petite indulgence, or to release yourself from social repressions. Understand this thoroughly: you can release yourself and others from pineal gland occupancy at will, by any one of a dozen methods, all quite harmless in themselves. These lead you into various explorations of the Cosmos, both inside and outside this three-dimensional atomic world you inhabit. You must come into a first-hand working knowledge of how to exercise these effects, and then gain control of the pineal gland by the various methods incidental to the phenomena itself. When this stage is reached, instruction will be far easier: you can then release yourselves from the stabilizing, and too often stultifying powers of these glands, and explore the various phases of hyper-dimensional research for yourselves. There is no jeopardy of any kind in this activity, merely because the practices now seem new to you, never having encountered anything like them in your present lifecycle up to the moment. You can deliberately stimulate the pineal ‘loci’ into giving up its secrets of perception, reception, and projection, at will, by exercising your thought upon it. You can make your bodily functions react upon this gland and cause all sorts of temporary abnormalities of it, so you will be able to perceive what is now closed and locked to you. Testing yourselves is a matter of recognizing how you will employ these revelations, for good or for evil. Christ employed them to the utmost for the constructive uplift of his fellows, and gave a demonstration of cosmic intelligence such as the world has never beheld. Making the pineal gland your servant is so amazingly easy that you can control it at will, like any other organ or muscle of your body. And you will want to do it after the Mystic Key has been applied to the lock. Treating the pineal gland with the importance it deserves, we discover a gland that sees and records all that comes within range of its activities. This gland is located at the near center of your physical brain, and is the most sensitive of all the body’s centers: it is the focus of Pure Thought; or rather, it is Pure Thought,

reacting in your physical body. The resulting actions from Pure Thought, as they are epitomized in your body, are effective depending upon the care with which you exercise them. Merely saying: “I am now going to exercise the pineal gland; I am going to do so-and-so in such-and-such a way” will accomplish nothing, and often leads to discouragement and abandonment of the activity more than any other cause. What you should do is say to yourself, Tonight at such and such an hour, I want to visit such-and-such a place. That place is already perceptible to the Third Eye of my mind, and in a manner of speaking, I can go there instantly this moment by using the abilities that engage my thought-memory. That is, I can call up in my memory, most of the details of the facility and environment where the place is regarded by the normal human eye, But I want to do more than this: I want all the attention I am now paying by Memory to be riveted on what is true reality. In other words, I want to visualize the scene or the environment as it is, devoid of all memory, as if I were actually present in it in the flesh. To do this is not hard; neither is it easy. It calls primarily for the employment of the most peculiar talent you have within your bodies: Imagination. Imagination is the faculty for taking past observations and adapting them to a pattern of fancy in such a way that definite Thought Concepts are arrived at. In this respect, the pineal gland can be said to be directly and concretely the organ of Imagination. People given to vivid imaginations are merely possessors of an extremely active pineal gland. They may not be aware of it, but the pineal gland has subconsciously taken possession of them: it has actively motivated them, but without their consciously steering it or directing it wisely and intelligently;––that is, to attain a specific result. You can do nothing without imagination, since lack of imagination postulates that you have that activity in reserve, or that it is comatose within you. It really needs to be developed into a tacit and tangible organism, or organ- 50 -

activity within yourself. However, a facile imagination can be a most unfortunate thing if you lack the balance and concentration to steer it, or direct it with extreme care and intelligence. A facile imagination can get you into all sorts of difficulties if you do not correlate it perfectly with known factors in the finite world. You see this distress manifest in people who imagine thing so vividly that their thoughts bear all aspects of genuine reality––but in actuality, are Pure Thought. These imagined realities play upon them to the hurt of their own reputations, for they are generally called prevaricators. On the other hand, a rightfully employed imagination supplies society with great artists, great poets, great novelists, and great writers. That is imagination under perfect control. Now then, if you would have a successful display of pineal gland activity, your imagination must be under the same sort of perfect control. You must be able to consciously direct your attention so it finally ceases to be conscious, and becomes in a manner of speaking, super-conscious, or conscious of more than one thing at a time. What we mean here is this: if you can place your body in a reclining position where it will not be disturbed, with the pillow under the feet instead of under the head, after a space of time you will begin to feel a queer sensation at the base of your skull, and pictures will begin to manifest to you in forms of light and color and fantasies of all sorts. However, instead of letting them take visual forms of oddities and misrepresentations, suppose you deliberately begin to make them shape up as scenes you would particularly like to see. Take a favorite room in an old home, for instance. Lying so, in a state of increasing comatosity, suppose you begin to envision all the infinitesimal details of that old room, even to its most minute layout of furnishings and fixtures. Thinking of a person who may be a constant inhabitant of that room will sometimes propel you into it, but not always. The instant you actually lose conscious control of your body’s perceptivities as sense organs, you will find yourself

‘out of your body;’––at least you will have the feeling of stepping into a form of reality or realism that can have no other explanation but that you actually were in the place you consciously dreamt about. There have been those of you who have dwelt overlong on a certain set of circumstances, and thereafter found yourselves devoid of all physical sensation, and did not come to realize it until the adventure was over. You were not exactly in a trance, so much as mentally absent from the environment around you. All of you have had times within your own experiences when your mind concentrated you upon a distant scene or set of circumstances, and it carried you completely out of your prosaic surroundings––making you totally oblivious of them––to your own surprise when you suddenly came to take note of yourselves again. It is much the same process when calling into virile activity the employment of the pineal gland for a direct manifestation of socalled Split Consciousness. You do not split your consciousness literally, for that would be an absurdity; rather, you ask certain glands and centers in your body to keep the body functioning while your etheric self or super-imagination operates elsewhere. Then you imagine the distant scene so completely and accurately that it all seems to become real to you before your inner eye, in a sort of specific scene. Now go one-step further and enter directly into that scene: as long as you keep your consciousness there, you will be able to consummate business there. People think a thing imagined is necessarily a thing composed of dream-stuffs, but it is nothing of the sort. It is projecting yourself into a condition of Pure Thought, to the point where the Thought Concept clothes itself with coverings of mortality. It can be done, and thousands are doing it. It is ‘occultism’ per se, and yet no more danger is attached to it than projecting oneself mentally to a holiday outing in the country. The ancients, not having any idea of what truly was operating, conceived it to be evil because a man could do it and invade the privacy of another. Then such knowledge

could be used to work that man harm. However, we say it isn’t the phenomenal practice itself that holds evil, but always the purpose to which it is put. Moreover, this adjuration applies to every act of which one is capable: mortal or etheric. If someone learns how to perform these wonders in Thought, or how to etherically project themselves to accomplish what their benighted brother cannot, it must only work them personal harm as they use these powers maliciously instead of helpfully. We say to you, persist in acquiring knowledge about all the talents opening to you, by whatever factors manifesting; however, do the acquiring constructively and for benevolent ends. The injury you may do yourself by performing practices that the ignorant term ‘occult,’ is the injury of indulging yourself to some second party’s hurt. Practices of themselves are not injurious, since no physical or spiritual degenerations enter in. Surpassing your brother in any act of skill or efficiency can never be evil of itself, but only the use to which such skill or efficiency is put; neither does his ignorance of what you are performing make it particularly dark. Motive behind any act, in any dimension of consciousness, is everything. Remember we have said this and act upon it, and nothing you succeed in achieving can be anything but good, so long as your motives are above reproach. Though you may bedevil whole communities by your superlative achievements, it can only be rebuke to those who spurn learning.

Chapter 26: Endocrinology Reactions of Glands to Spiritual Motivations. The pineal gland is termed the seat of consciousness gland because the soul-spirit centers itself there. Now we hear that the pituitary gland communicates with the consciousness in the pineal gland, informing it of bodily processes. Knowing about these glands will help us master our relationship with the physical body. Listen to the masters tell us about these marvelous chemical mechanisms––

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PHYSICAL DISTRESS is a component part of earth’s corporeal world, yet most of our physical tribulations are not from punctures or deprivations, but from improper activity of the pituitary gland. This gland, located at the base of the brain, is a powerful factor in the rendition of harmony in your system. It acts as the Time Beater in music by accelerating or decreasing bodily activity according to the circumstances it confronts. It is not exactly the regulator of your system, so much as the coordinating factor between your Physical Body and your Brain-Mind, and is sort of a halfway station between your Seat of Consciousness in the pineal gland, and the functioning of your physical self. The pituitary gland has a totally different function in your brain than the Seat-of-Consciousness gland: it distributes mental energy throughout your whole system; it brings equalization to internal disruptions, or causes redistribution of energies so your bodily members coordinate. For instance, unless you have a disease, a nerve paralysis, or a purely muscular affliction, all parts of your body are energized equally at the same rate by the pituitary. . . . We will mention here that maintaining the body’s physical health activities is accomplished by a third gland, the Thyroid; however, that is purely a duct-gland and has nothing to do with your occult forces. True, it responds to mental pressures, but it is more muscular than psychic, and more chemical than creative, when acting as a receiver and distributor of mental energy. What happens after rigorous muscular exertion? Ultimately, a redistribution of energy builds you back up from muscular weakness, and soon you are recharged. This recharging is directly traceable to the activity of the pituitary gland, and when it does not function properly, you have general enervation, inebriation of the senses, and the sort of debilities that come from anemia. The loss of balance from improper distribution of energy is only restored when the pituitary gland is again functioning properly.

The pituitary takes physical energy, derived from the body through metabolism, and transmits it equally to centers in the brain, thus bringing equalization to all centers of activity: muscular, nervous, and mental. When you see a person who is mentally dull, so to speak––poor at perception or reception of details, and generally woolgathering in the finer discernments––you can make up your mind that they have a severe case of pituitary sluggishness. The pituitary gland primarily affects your muscular parts, but it does have this weakness: it is prone to cast off its troubles on the body, saying to it in substance: “You have abused yourself by doing this or that, or having your owner indulge you in this or that; therefore, I will not work until this condition is remedied.” In nine cases out of ten, those people who indulge themselves intemperately, have this condition of affairs maintaining constantly: they go along from day unto day, and week unto week––and all too frequently from year unto year––not so much indulging their bodies as indulging this peculiar gland, which is lying down in a most vital project: that of running the body as it should be run, through its lesser agent the Thyroid. By the way, all this has little to do with the socalled Nervous System of the anatomy, which is controlled by other centers of the brain;–– this should be discussed in another discourse. Nevertheless, we say energy is not conduced or superimposed on the system by the nerves, for these are distributors and receivers of sensory perceptions. Energy as energy is more a matter of muscular deployments. The muscles receive their force from vibrations that permeate the whole human system, and this does not depend on the state of the nerves, though the nerves do sometimes affect the inflow and outflow of energy. We speak of Nervous Energy, but adhering to strict fact, there is no such energy: there is nervous reflex, manifesting as muscular activity, but with a lack of mental equilibrium; nevertheless, strictly speaking it isn’t potent as Nervous Energy. That is a false condition called by

a false name, and is certainly described by an improper terminology. Since the pituitary gland controls health vibrations as it does, by properly balancing the energy factors in the system, it should be called to account for any lack of activity. Don’t you see that by knowing such a thing, you have a key to the energy vibrations in your bodies, and therefore your mental and physical activities, when you mentally treat with the pituitary gland as a defaulting organ? Of course, this gland is not omnipotent of power to instantaneously manufacture a well body out of an ailing one, but when it is treated as something intensely personal and made to function at the behest of Mind, it can vitalize your whole being into higher displays of activity and constitutional balance. We have instances of the pituitary gland raising up geniuses by so artfully balancing the bodily powers with the mental, both in receiving and sending of energy vibrations, that they appear to make the person involved a super-battery of talent. However, their ability to perceive quickly and react cleverly may not be a rare quality of self-awareness: it may be a stimulated pituitary capable of rendering them a very fine mortal instrument and not much more. They are natural-born leaders and adjusters of disputes; they are clever fighters and adroit antagonists in mental battles: not always pleasant to live with, but always daring and able to take care of themselves in almost any situation. Thus we have people skilled in muscular employments: easy jugglers, geniuses at coordination, and people with the ability to think and act quickly, even though they may not possess much intellect or spirituality. We think of them as aggravatingly super-healthy, and wonder how they perform with such ease. Their energy vibrations are colossal: they radiate energy superabundantly, are quick on their feet, quick on the trigger, quick at a sum; and yet strangely enough, their facilities are not always diverted into practical channels. The pituitary gland is not above your persuading it into a state of activity to where - 52 -

your energy is properly administered to the whole mortal system. If people would concentrate upon the activities of this peculiar bodily functionary, they could completely rejuvenate their psychical endowments. Furthermore, your pituitary must be functioning perfectly before you can step up your vibrations through mental effort to talk with us psychically, or to hear our Thought Voices. You say you cannot get a message when you are physically drowsy: of course muscular activity, and its aftermath, enervation, may be a distracting influence; but in nine cases out of ten, what you mean is your pituitary gland is not working properly and you are letting it so lethargize you. Of course, there are times when this is quite all right, as when your physical body really does need repose; but again, in nine cases out ten, physical repose comes from a cessation of bodily activity, such as sitting relaxed in a chair as you are this moment. Therefore, your trouble with blocked psychic channels may really lie in some nonfunctioning of pituitary activity. And instead of snapping the pituitary up by literal mental efforts, or by consciously scolding it and thereby making it perform, you ruinously indulge its individual desires. Indulging this gland makes it increasingly easier for it to hoax you the next time by saying it is tired when it is nothing of the sort. Concentration of thought energy, or focusing mental activity on the pituitary organ, is something everyone must learn to control for their spiritual and mental welfare––not to mention the physical, which naturally follows. The pituitary gland is a badly indulged infant that needs constant spanking and incessant adjuration. It can be made one of the most powerful factors for self-improvement, both physical and mental, by taking deliberate thought to it. When you feel sluggish and pokey without much energy, or prone to quarrel, or hectic in your affairs and mental treatings with others, consciously rebuke your pituitary gland: grow angry at it; call it a defaulter; chastise it rigorously; do not let it put

anything over on you. When you know these things about this gland, you only have yourselves to thank if you let it run you into increasing discomfort. You say you command yourselves mentally, but you do not actually do that in the sense of speaking to the individual members of your bodies: it would be a waste of time to address member after member and caution continuous good behavior. Rather, this thing happens: your seat of consciousness in your pineal gland sends an order to the pituitary to get on the job and function properly. The pituitary is aroused by tremendous thought-waves crashing upon it, and being the sensitive organ it is, it cannot resist those impellations: it has to behave, and thereby starts to function. Soon you feel a revitalization all through your system: the emotions are quieted; you know a sort of physical peace that permits constructive impellations to travel throughout your nervous and muscular systems. Therefore, when we tell you to relax and be quiet, we do not always mean lethargy, or self-control exercised to the point of somnambulism: we mean implementing a conscious direction to the activities of the pituitary gland. There are certain practices you can employ, severely muscular in many cases, for the subordination of pituitary activities to the conscious you in the pineal gland. You have in the back of your heads, necks, and spinal curvatures, a set of nerves that directly treat with the pituitary gland. Severe pressure on them in the form of massage is well known to you. Hammering on the spinal assembly, or rubbing the neck cords, removes as you think a cranial confusion, but it does nothing of the sort: it merely stimulates the pituitary gland. However, you can do exactly the same thing without these manual practices if you will not mentally indulge this doughty little organizer of your physical and mental assembly.

Chapter 27: Mind Personality Operating Without Ego. The Spirit-Soul incarnates into a new fetal body by commandeering its pineal gland, then it operates that body through the pituitary gland. However, this simplified explanation leaves out a remarkable idea called Mind. We have discussed Eternal Mind as a mechanism to recall the history of previously received stimulation from many lifetimes. However, another aspect of Mind is that is acts as a communications link between the Pineal and Pituitary glands. The imposition of Mind upon our physical body is a remarkable operation, and gaining knowledge of how it operates is a worthy effort. Neglecting how Mind affects the physical equipment can lead to ill health, so listen to the masters explain the proper relationship between Body, Mind, and Spirit–– ILL HEALTH is when the Spirit-Ego lets Mind and Body get out from under the proper jurisdiction of that Spirit-Ego, which allows them to go on a rampage at the behest of circumstance, unmindful of any other control. When this happens, Spirit is temporarily left without a vehicle for proper expression of itself, while Mind and Body are left without a commander. Whereupon comes disorganization, which you know first as malady in the physical vehicle; and then insanity, or at least vicious inhibitions in the mental vehicle: both of which are equally disastrous to the individual’s wellbeing, or ‘ease.’

physical body, as well as an instrument for receiving the educational sense-perceptions in counteraction, so he can absorb them into his psyche. That vehicle is Mind. Yet strictly speaking, Mind is not a thing unto itself, like the Spirit God-Man on the one hand, or the physical body on the other. It acts as the bridge-cap between the two sides, and as such partakes of the properties of both. And just as a bridge has its abutments firmly secured on either side of the river’s banks, without the river’s banks, it has no identity as a bridge. Mind is the bridge between your Little Spark of Divine Consciousness, who should command all actionable behaviors in your life, and the physical vehicle; and it is through the physical vehicle that the divine spark attains education from its sense perceptions. . . . Now the composition of Mind is peculiar, and we want to dwell on it at quite some length. Mind does not have anything to do with operations of the brain, except when Mind utilizes brain as a physical instrument: either to initiate physical actions to express its commandments, or to receive information from its receptivities. Brain is a purely physical organ; geographically speaking, it is the Seat of Consciousness to the individual because it encases the pineal and pituitary glands. These glands serve as Master-Nerve Ganglia by sending and receiving impulses to and from any point of the physical compass.

Before proceeding very far with this sort of discourse, we must perform an identifying operation or we will become confused by the terminology. Let us ask, What is Spirit? What is Mind? What is Body? We answer this way: The Individual Life––when you translate it down into the Particle destined for adjustment within the mortal organism––is an Essence of God, and might be termed the SpiritEgo. Therefore, let us call the individual life, the Spirit God-Man, who should always be in control of the physical vehicle, no matter how that vehicle is used to gain experience.

Make no mistake here: we should never refer to the brain as Brain, as we refer to mind as Mind. To be strictly accurate, we should always refer to the brain as the cerebellum, which is a definite physical organism and a component part of the purely physical assembly, as is a hand or foot––quite as useful, and quite as useless, after the Spirit God-Man terminates its educational experience in the mortal sheathing. Remember, by brain we always mean this same physical organism, nothing more and nothing less: the sole instrument of Spirit and Mind for getting their physical demands executed.

Now then, this Spirit God-Man must have an instrument for executing its commands to the

Therefore, the mystic quality we have to consider is this unique item known as Mind.

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What is it, and how does it come into being? How does it operate? What are its properties, if any, that are independent of spirit control? We can understand Spirit and Body as separate entities; however, the connecting link between them requires much elucidation, especially if we are to consider the subject of ill health. Craniologists have no conception as yet, of the unnamed processes operating in the dark storehouses of the physical brain. In other words, experts on brain structures and functions cannot reach with a scalpel, those peculiar manifestations of glandular structures that are chiefly concerned with activities of Mind. We would not put this too abstrusely, but this is what happens–– IN THE PINEAL GLAND there is an instrument of perception, a sort of Voice Structure, if such a thing is translatable into sense. The voice from this structure travels back and forth between the pineal’s sense of consciousness, which is the Spirit-God-Man in sentient activity, and the various departments of the physical brain. This Voice Structure is the nearest way we can describe Mind as a bridge-thing, but do not mistake our meaning: a voice as a voice is a series of sounds performing the function of transferring symbols of speech. Mind does not do this: it is in a sense the speech itself, buried and operating within the confines of the physical brain. You cannot entrap Mind in any other vehicle than organic brain, although you can have it operate in Pure Karma. That is, you can have it operate at the behest of the Spirit God-Man in finer vehicles of etheric substance, almost to infinity: there, it informs the God-Man consciousness of the happenings of etheric events external to itself. On the other hand, brain always has to act as the physical agent of the physical members. We speak of the Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind as if these two are separate and distinct, but the Subconscious Mind is a fallacy: there is no such thing. Mind is Mind, unqualified and unqualifiable: the bridge-cap between the Spirit and the physical assembly.

It may have several phases of operation––or perhaps declensions of activity would be better––but it is the same resolute factor at all times, and performs only one function: apprising the Spirit of what is going on around it, and of things affecting its mortal habitat, wherever that happens to be. Now Mind cannot function by itself, except in extraordinary cases to be taken up presently. For the moment, let us consider Mind as a sort of consciousness-torturer, afflicting consciousness with a sense of its own reality while in the physical encasement. Of course, Mind is a potent factor in other evaluations of consciousness, but only as we consider it as a sort of galvanizing force, can we arrive at a true understanding of just what it is and what agencies it performs in getting its results. Think of Mind as a concrete thing, perhaps in terms of the electric spark playing between the elements of a spark plug in a gas engine. The spark appears to be a thing in itself: a substance of fire, traveling back and forth between the elements; it can even be photographed like a material object. Now Mind is not literally the spark, any more than the spark in a gas engine is the electricity responsible for such ignition: the spark in the latter case is the externalized evidence that the electric state is present. Likewise, this Voice of Consciousness, or the articulateness that is within the brain––aware or unaware of itself as such––is evidence of the Mind State functioning externally. And just as you cannot draw a picture of electricity––because it is an etheric condition called the magnetic field in operation––you cannot draw a picture of Mind. Nevertheless, Mind is a potent and tangible thing to philosophic reality. Normally, Mind does not intrude itself into physical employments until it is invited by causes from outside itself, just as electricity does not ordinarily intrude itself into the functioning of physical objects, one with another, until there is an absence of equilibrium in etheric conditions, or until some sort of materialistic formation or formulation invites it. True, these formulations are secured ac- 54 -

cording to principles known as Laws, and in this regard, Mind is also subservient to Laws of Operation. However, the difference between electrical laws of harmony, and mental laws of harmony is this: the electrical is impersonal in its operations or control, whereas the mental is at the direction of the conscious Spirit-Ego, and responsive to it throughout every instant of sentient life in the body. . . . Do you get what we mean? The mental life is not a thing apart from the spiritual––though both can be something apart from the physical. The laws operating Mind are always for the guidance of the spiritual. We call them ‘laws,’ exactly as we have to define displays of electrical energy by terms of formula, because even under the control of Spirit, certain conditions have to be paramount in excellence before Mind can proceed with its functioning. Furthermore, these conditions of excellence are universally the same in all animate creatures. The only difference is in their effects, since the construction of each creature has its own intricate composition–– meaning it contains its specific receptivities to cause personal awareness from advanced forms of stimuli. Electrical energy moves in a field of force called the magnetic area: it is a thing that has as you say, current––that is, an angle of movement or direction of application. However, the thing known as Mind lacks this qualification. In a manner of speaking, it operates without regard to visual effects. By this we mean, Mind is not diagrammable in the sense of an electric current: it operates as a living condition, which in a manner of speaking is its own field of force. Now we come up against the phenomenon of etheric vibration: and when you fully know about etheric vibration, you will have Mind explained without need for more argument. We are not going into Vibration just now in this discourse: it isn’t necessary to vivisect Mind scholastically for an interpretation of its employment as a disease breeder in the human assembly. It is sufficient to say that there is an intermediary between Ego and Brain

that has peculiar properties and functions of its own, which crystallizes in employments foreign to each, and therefore may be accepted as a separate and independent thing. It is subject to the whims and caprices of its master, the Divine Spirit-Essence that is the sentient soul, yet it may also sometimes rebel against him. Summing up, we have in Animate Nature, these three factors: Spirit-Soul, Mind, and the Physical Organism that includes the brain. The Spirit-Soul is the God-Presence in the human assembly, or the mortally conscious state; furthermore, there must be an instrument by which this Divine Essence utters its fiat to the physical assembly, and receives repercussions therefrom, thereby constituting and manifesting the mortal state of awareness. That instrument is Mind. It is selfsentient, as long as the other two factors of the equation are in equilibrium with it. However, there is turmoil the moment one of them ceases to function in equilibrium. Turmoil of this order is none other than our old friends Disease and Malady, in their most potent guises. When this turmoil approximates a state where to all intents and purposes Mind is so utterly out of balance with either its Soul-Spirit or its Physical Assembly, in such a way where coordination can never be regained, death results instantly. That is physical death. Spirit goes on about its business, taking Mind with it as a recalcitrant administrator, to give it a fresh opportunity for administration under a new set of conditions where former tumults are negligible. UNDER ORDINARY CONDITIONS, when Spirit has a motive to execute in physicality, the Spirit-Ego becomes aware that it should do something for a spiritual reason. Suppose we say this something is an act relating to the adjustment of its Karma. Thereby it knows the body must go through certain pleasure-pain sensations to effect this experience, which then works its compensation on the Ego’s consciousness. The Spirit-Ego says to the Mind, “Tell the brain to perform so-and-so.” Whereupon the Mind, being the agent of

Spirit, turns to the brain and says, “Do soand-so.” The brain in turn, picks up the message and attempts to translate it into terms of behavior. Perhaps it encounters an obstruction in the physical sense: the nerves and organs may not possess sufficient vitality to effect performance; or the cost in energy may be too great; or the obstruction may be a lack of concrete physical endowments such as a crippled limb brought about by external accident, thus handicapping execution; or there may be a condition within the body over which the brain cannot exercise control due to short-circuits or paralysis of nerve fibers. A thousand-and-one conditions may maintain that keeps brain and body from performing. Nonetheless, Spirit continues to insist that the performance be executed, and at once Mind rises up like the angry servant it is and speaks angrily to its master saying, “I am telling you the minions under me are impotent to work your will, yet I have no recourse but to bear the brunt of your displeasure that this is so. Therefore, I will try to do what I can for you: I will strive for the nearest result approximating what you want done, or the condition you want effected.” Consequently, Mind begins to work while carrying a sort of disgruntlement between its commander and the captain of the forces under him. This results in alienating the two forces, which in time works open combat. Mind is out of sympathy with its unreasonable commander; it is disgruntled and at length does one of two things: it either functions synthetically by bringing about a wholly different result than what was wanted; or it says to Spirit, “Command your own functionaries, for you have made my offices intolerable.” . . . This latter postulate is known in medical circles as stark raving insanity or utter idiocy, and you can see how this would be so. When Mind is overtaxed by implausible commandments, so functioning is impossible in the normal way, there is either a rebellion on the part of Mind, or Mind quits altogether and does not seem to manifest. The latter status is usually brought about by either congenital - 55 -

weakness, or a physical accident to the cerebellum. Consequently, men put the cart before the horse and say more or less logically that deficient brain makes the idiot. Strictly speaking this is so; however, looked at in the light of cosmic fundamentals––of God-Spirit and material vehicle––a wholly different procedure has been under way. In nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of every thousand, Mind is perfectly willing to execute the commands of Spirit, in any regard or situation where it finds the factors available for active performance; but there comes a time in the thousandth case where Mind is unable to perform because of excessive demands upon it, and it peevishly withdraws itself, or functions mechanistically and abortively. Therefore, when we come to the question of disease in the human system, we have this postulation evident in concrete status: Disease is a condition where there is improper coordination between Spirit, Mind, and Physical Equipment. MIND has this function to fill in the individual: it shall apprise the Spirit of the conditions maintaining within the body, as well as operate the body at the behest of Spirit; but Spirit will not listen if it chooses not to listen. Mind listens within itself, and looks to its eagerness––or anxiety––to work out its destiny in the quickest possible order. Yet when regarding the beginnings of ill health, Spirit is the arch offender in each instance: it is selfish, obtrusive, arrogant, and dominant; it says to the physical assembly in material exposition, “You are my slave to do with as I will: obey me or I will destroy you.” . . . The poor physical equipment finds itself faced with the necessity of making bricks without straw to please Pharaoh. When the Spirit is thus unreasonable, and yet persists in its driving force for obedience, something must happen, or something has to give way. Either Mind collapses and goes quiescent;––or it works abortively and introduces physical derangements among the bodily factors, accomplishing purposes that have no bearing on the original command. It is as if a king ordered the captain of his cavalry to get

his men ready to go into battle to achieve an objective in a campaign, but the men are recalcitrant and will not obey the captain for some reason. Nevertheless, in an attempt to obey, the men mount their horses and are driven forward into a half-hearted charge in which the horses are horribly cut up. The cavalry is therefore badly disorganized, or put out of commission, by suffering injuries from agencies for which it was in no wise to blame; yet they are injured and cannot perform toward the efficacy of the whole. This is what happens with Disease in the physical assembly: we say a man catches cold, or develops a germ that attacks the vital organs to where the malformation is so great that Mind is unable to ever again redirect the vital forces it once galvanized for the members efficient activity. The man finally dies, not through corrosion of the vitals, but because Spirit and Mind do not coordinate; or they do not endeavor to restore the lost balance by setting up conditions where a reasonable amount of harmony can exist between all three entities. SPIRIT HAS THE ABILITY to organize itself in its relationship to Mind and Body to the point where Mind can maintain a stable control over the physical members, as if the body was still operating at the harmonious stipulations of Spirit, even while Spirit operates elsewhere. The time will come when this will be so generally conceded and observed that humankind will be able to prolong physical life to any extent it chooses;––but at present, it is Spirit who is stupidly exacting, because Spirit does not fully understand the possibilities and impossibilities of the physical vehicle that is supplying it with experience. CONCERNING DEATH, we have this to say: Man ‘dies’ before the allotted time––that is, prematurely vacates his physical shell––because he either failed to make himself aware of the potentialities of his physical equipment, or he failed to recognized the rapacity of his ego to get things accomplished ahead of schedule. . . . Right and left you hear of men dying from overstrain or overwork, and the

sympathetic interpretation is that they have driven themselves into a form of over-exertion that sapped their physical vitalities to a point where recuperation was impossible. Now get this and get it thunderously: there is no such thing as sapping the physical vitalities beyond recuperation, or so sapping any of the other factors of divine readjustment. Mere words! One would think from this that the human system had vitalities within itself that were drained upon, even as a reservoir of water is finally emptied to utter aridity. The human system has no such reservoir within itself, and never has. It has a reservoir to drain from, it is mightily true, but that reservoir is wholly outside of itself and not subject to diminishment of content, in so far as human beings are concerned, who are never beyond replenishment from it. The implication is that the individual Divine Spirit is not sufficiently advanced in gradations of self-awareness, or cosmic awareness as the case may be, to recognize its tremendous opportunity for conquering the physical and spiritual universes. Therefore it behaves badly, or does not behave at all, and we have the spectacle of witnessing it constantly shortsuiting itself in the very things it is most eager to acquire: nominal experience. Actually, it wants to acquire knowledge, derived by contact with and occupancy of Matter. Death is peculiar in this: after it occurs, it allows the principal no chance of reclaiming the same vehicle to get more experiences and contacts. Death is a hard master: it says, “I will get you if you break the smallest law in any particular. I am inexorable in this, and ruthless in executing this fiat: perform accurately or suffer the consequence.” There are no exceptions to its rulings. Nevertheless, after a sufficient number of trials, Spirit may eventually perceive its own inefficacy to directly command the mortal coil, and thus come to attain a degree of ennoblement where it executes its commands with perfect coordination and correlation between itself and Mind, and thus between Mind and Body. However, in no case can it retract what it has commanded if - 56 -

those commandments have been too implausible of execution or too inane of concept for the Mind-Brain to carry out. Death must release the particle of foolish consciousness, and let it enter into another vehicle at some other time to learn the process, and the practice of the process with greater efficiency. Therefore, when we come to any discussion of Death as a follow-up to disease, we find the individual Spirit is not always willing to recognize what it is about. It obeys blind forces, and therefore issues equally frenzied and purblind orders to its minion; furthermore, since Mind is not free to adjudge itself in its inherent activities, the turmoil becomes great and piteous. Spirit wants to obey the exactions of its Karma, but sometimes with such vitality that it overlooks the equal exactions of its flesh, and thus drives the physical vehicle to almost criminal extremes. You have an example of this in your own earthly affairs, when you have been working hard all day in unrelenting application to a piece of work that must be completed by a specified time. Your Spirit-Ego says to your body, “I do not care how tired you are, go on and finish or I will thrash you.”––which the Spirit proceeds to do by flagellation of the equipment until the end is consummated. Now it is eminently possible that the work is important enough to your earthly fortunes to demand such an over expenditure of vitality. However, let us illustrate the causes of Death in the larger instance, and the remedies thereof, by an exposition of what can be performed in the matter of physical flagellation for a purpose. YOU DRIVE YOUR BODY to extremes by ‘will-power,’ or by the infusion of drugs, and you finally reach a state where your body is utterly out of control from your Mind. You try to lift your hand but find it is paralyzed: you have paralyzed it; consequently, you have no willful control over the physical assembly, for Mind has suspended. You could keep this up, if you were so foolish, until suddenly your heart failed you or your brain burst a blood vessel and you died of apoplexy.

More often, your Mind is not entirely in that state of lassitude where it is unable to function, and it calls for a cessation of bodily effort by thrusting a barrier of sleep––the equivalent of death in a lesser mode––between the ruthless Spirit eager to perform, and the devitalized body unable to respond. Mind is now acting in defiance of its commander, with a certain individuality of its own, which would seem to make it a separate personality. It isn’t that of course, else we would have two people residing in the same physical equipment. Rather, it is Personality operating without Ego, if you understand our term; and strange to say, this is responsible for more highfaluting notions about the carnate processes than all other factors in the human phenomenon. How can this happen, you ask? How can there be individuality without conscious ego? This thing happens: the Mind ‘short-cuts’ itself and acts at the behest of higher laws, or increments of intelligence, than those commanded by the Spirit-Ego. Putting it another way, let us say it ceases to be commanded by the Spirit-Ego, which is the individual will, and looks to the Great Over-Soul of Humanity for its commandings. Mind is now ruled by the phenomenon of Thought Incarnate, or that Essence from which the soul first came as an individual particle of consciousness. Mind of itself has no individuality, but we might say it has an organism that is sensitive to intelligence and responds to it. However, when the Soul is negligent, Mind vacates its offices and yields control to the higher intelligence who originally gave it birth as a functioning unit. Therefore, we have the phenomenon of Laws in the Higher Intelligence securing a response from sentient Mind––which is the instrument for carrying out the dictates of consciousness––and thereby reverting to results that men call instincts. All the same, there may be conditions postulated where the Mind itself becomes unable to turn to those Higher Potentialities because there is no fundamental law covering the specific case, and we have mental breakdown, or permanent cessation of any further physical functioning.

Your man who commits suicide does so more or less deliberately: that is, he is conscious of the nature of his act, and the results to be arrived at by such abortive use of his constructive powers. On the other hand, your man who constantly and continually overworks and flagellates himself until his coordination is completely in chaos, is committing another kind of suicide just as surely as the one who severs his jugular vein or jumps before a train. The Death all around you at this present stage of human enlightenment is little more than the practice of suicide––blindly wrought through ignorance of the factors appertaining to it. What humankind must be made to see is that it is Spirit who is deficient in knowledge about the extremities of the physical vehicle, and about the factors operating the mental vehicle under it. These can be correlated for a perfect performance, so physical suffering or untimely demise may never need to be. We are going to give you this and then close the paper, for we must move along to more important matters. . . . Death is the acme and apex of that quality in the human system called Disease, as it manifests its disarrangements and all the factors motivating it. This is not a banality, because it says Death may be conquered by knowledge of the principles involved, by having Spirit direct the Mind intelligently and reasonably;––that is, without a sense of strain derived from over-taxation. Coming back to our illustration of the earthly piece of work that must be finished, you will find in practice that a goodly percentage of your distressful fatigue is due to mental conflict. That is, a strain exists between the driving power of the externalized idea that says completion is necessary, and the sense of awareness that completion is still in the future and possibly may never be consummated. If the human race would only accept that there is no physical malady that cannot be cured by the proper correlation of spiritual dictates and mental responses, then there would never need to be such a thing as ill health in the universe. People must learn that disease is Dis-Ease, not of their bodily functionaries, but - 57 -

of their mental endowments in juxtaposition over their bodily functionaries. Therefore, command your body as a loving lord who sympathetically gives orders to a beloved servant, and three-quarters of your human maladies will vanish overnight.

Chapter 28: Cosmic Change Five Lessons, in Consequence and Sequence. In this penultimate chapter, the masters clearly define what lessons we’ve come to learn by our sojourn into physicality; they also indicate why these lessons should be in the forefront of our consciousness. From an astrological viewpoint, we are leaving Piscean times, and entering into the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is an Air Sign: a time when intellectual revelations will confront us; we will discern the clandestine forces who have tried to keep us blind and ignorant for their own selfish profit. Hear the masters reveal to us what is to come–– COSMIC EVENTS portend cosmic change. The Earth Creation has reached a point where the Great Spiritual Laws, or Divine Fiats, no longer function effectively in humanity’s thinking. In other words, they have become so confused in man’s physical deployments that they no longer carry weight from day to day in his affairs. Men think that they do, but thereafter portend destruction to their spirits by saying, “What need is there of law when I, being great in my own esteem, break the law at my pleasure and hospitality to myself?” Of course, man has a fallacy in imagining that he is great. He is only great as he sees benefits accruing to him without corresponding retributions;––or retributions accruing at the same rate of intelligent conceptions. . . . He is peculiar because he takes no thought to forces larger than himself: thus he gives circumstance no satisfaction, for its motivations seem small in significance, when compared to himself and his own ability to reason omnipotently. We tell you there is error in the whole procedure. This Illumination was commissioned to rigorously correct that error.

From first to last, man has postulated that he is an animal, when he is not an animal: he is essentially a divine being, come down into earthly substance to learn certain lessons. These lessons are five, in consequence and sequence–– THE FIRST LESSON man came to earth to learn is Self-Awareness, or the ability to recognize his ‘Self’ as essentially different from the rest of the universe of law and order. . . . Since he is not yet a creature of law and order, he is essentially different from the rest of the universe. THE SECOND LESSON man came to earth to learn is Self-Providence, or the ability to sustain the ‘Self’ both physically and mentally, in any situation that life itself might raise. He is not alone in this, for animals do the same and call it self-preservation. He is not alone either in thinking that others selflessly provide for him; however he is peculiar because he knowingly takes what others have provided and adapts it for his own use, but subsequently calls it his own in origin. The animals accept and are thereby noble; men appropriate and are thereby ignoble. THE THIRD LESSON man learns upon the earth-plane is Self-Investance, or the capacity to acquire and concrete divine blessings, as such, within his character: thereby enriching and ennobling himself. He makes himself an instrument of perfect worth when he says, “I do these things because they enrich me mentally, morally, and spiritually. I take them as part of my general enhancement, and pyramid their values within myself until I have become the thing I have acquired.” This is difficult for him to perceive, but he learns the lesson mightily as he goes from point to point in various life-cycles and civilizations. THE FOURTH LESSON he learns from his earthly visit is Divine Patience, or resignation to circumstances motivated by higher intelligences than his own, in his current evolving status. . . . He goes from point to point in energy and displays himself, but then makes general havoc when he is displeased by what

he conceives yet cannot procure. He opens the storehouse of his vanity and fills it with promises to himself by saying, “I am omnipotent in my own energy: what I procure is taken by me and at my own behest––as and when I want it.” . . . This is impatience of the vilest order! It behooves man to know that he takes nothing when and as he wants it, else he would plunge the universe into chaos overnight. In addition, he says this to himself, “I am the means of becoming because I beget children; I give life to those children through procreation and generation. I tell them when to go and when to come because it pleases my whim to do so––not that they deserve such acceding to my whims and vanities, but because I am powerful enough to enforce my dictates physically and socially. They have no alternative but to obey me, these offspring whom I have created.” . . . Truly, this is a type of most viciously practiced impatience. It behooves man to remember that he has not created his children: they are divine offspring given to him for training only, until they mature in circumstance to the point where they can decide for themselves in the matter of their life expressions. THE FIFTH LESSON, and last ennoblement that man comes to earth to learn is The True Nature of the Godhead. . . . He comes to earth saying, “I am omnipotent because I have free will. I do not know from where I came, only that I came. I have no choice but to accept myself as a being on earth, and acknowledge that I have certain sensory deployments at my elbow, so to speak. I find I am a creature of my own lusts, and devoid of any spirituality unless I command it for myself out of etheric principles. I am the child of myself and the father of my offspring: I do not know any other creator but the nature of my procreation. I have no part nor parcel with God because I neither see him, nor hear him, nor touch him, nor talk to him: wherefore God is whatever it pleases me to imagine.” . . . We tell you these things because we know you

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have an understanding of their opposites in your mental makeup. Man says to himself, “I have no God except as he is brought to me on tablets of silver and in writings of diamonds; I do not know him except as I see Forces displayed in storm and upheaval beyond my comprehension.” All of which is childish expostulation at something that is nothing but blindness and willfulness, for verily he knows God in a different way from all of these. He performs on the earthplane in the substance called Matter, and actually personifies God’s essence. . . . He says to himself, “There is no God but Nature”–– not realizing that he and his thoughts are Nature, though purblindly received, conceived, and perceived. When man originally came to the earth-plane, he deployed in sensory units as he evolved up through earth-consciousness, and came to create an image of emasculation. He worshiped that image; he said it was himself. Thereby he perceived the very truth from which he was blinded. He went on worshiping thus, aeon upon aeon, calling himself omnipotent, even in his worship of lesser deities. Now all this was for a purpose, in essence and substance as follows: to make him perceive the true nature of the Godhead, or the intrinsic thing of which he was a part. It was the greatest of all the lessons to be learned from the earth plane of consciousness, and he has yet to learn it. Those who have learned it, in their individual cases, are now ruling on other planes of being, manifesting attributes that all humanity must ultimately discover and graduate into––all from the study and appreciation of cosmic essences. Now we bid you take this: THE TIME IS RIPE for these Five Lessons to be taught to humankind, not by embellishment on literal pages, but by stern pronouncements of literal fact. Humanity is proceeding to the closing of a cycle. For tens of thousands of years, man’s blind malfeasance has been permitted: this was due to the fact that the cosmic equinox has not yet performed; consequently, they were not consciously aware of

the natural forces that were on the way to them. Now the Cosmic Equinox is not what humanity popularly conceives: it isn’t a deployment of celestial bodies that present a seasonable year in the heavens, so much as a type of obstruction that is periodically removed by divine pronouncement, when humanity has reached a certain stage of universal consciousness where others are not required to do their thinking for them. In other words, when a proper degree of self-aware intelligence has been arrived at, which makes them perceive, or rather feel or sense something about their ultimate outcome, as it pertains to what they are about as a race or species. In such periods, and there have been many in the history of the world’s cycles of civilizations, there have been times when man has divested himself of those encroachments upon his intrinsic spirituality, especially those based on his having personal material possessions. After perceiving the uselessness of striving to obtain true expression through gross materialistic manufacture, whatever their natures, he comes to seek a higher resting place in knowledge. At such times, obstructions are removed for him in Cosmos, the removing of which causes certain disruptions on the earth-plane: cities rise and fall; lands slide into ocean beds; ocean beds give rise to mountains, which in turn become islands and continents. These then manifest for higher and finer types of civilizations. HUMANITY HAS COME TO A PASS where these things are pertinent: they should love order and decency, and neither manufacture nor manifest any abominate thing to their kin. They should have nothing to do with their fellows that point towards unkindness, revenge, hatred, or studied malfeasance of any sort. These things are also pertinent: they should raise up a social state wherein people dwell together as brethren who study the Cosmos and the wonders of its beauties, while not debauching or defiling anything that has to do with the principles of creation. They should make no eschewments in the

soul’s worth of their brethren, nor use any tool against their brother’s flesh. They should not laugh at their brother’s shortcomings, because they realize the essential nature of all earthly predicaments for all created species, is the production of physical opportunities to motivate them towards the humanly divine. We are going to tell you this hour, how these things are to come about. Mark well our instruction: sit as children and learn the naked simplicity of the truths we now teach you; for verily, nakedness is a symbol for things mortal men do not perceive as a species. TIMES COME SHORTLY when these things happen: Out of the mouths of a few men come whoredoms in international agreements; they come suddenly in the night, making pronouncements to a world enchained in their subtle influence. They are men of great understanding, as serpents are wise in wisdom, yet not harmless as doves as the proverb has mentioned. They come to humanity and say, “We barter our gold for your souls: worship us as overlords of creation and we will repay you with plenty for your bellies.” But they do not mean it; no man has had a greater Mark of the Beast on their faces than they have. We tell you, the forehead is reserved for a goodly sign, which indicates an intellect who cherishes the divine. We tell you this as having an understanding above earthly observations. These men will mock the essential Godhood that is in every race and member of a race, because they refuse each man the right to be free in opportunity, effect, and substance. They are men of great perspicacity as they think, but wish no man to proceed ahead of society faster than the common mien, which only they adjudge. They come and go in circumstance, bartering among themselves for complete omnipotence in earthly affairs. On that day, forces are unleashed that will make the seas rock and the mountains to give out thunder. These men are not princes by divine appointment, but the Beast of Old. They incarnate again into flesh to subdue the humble and - 59 -

outrage the righteous. Thus two great Cosmic Forces meet in a sort of cul-de-sac. They set themselves up as testaments unto and against themselves to find which will be stronger: the Divine Law of Love your Neighbor, or the Bestial Law that Might makes Right. . . . It is warranted and agreed that when such comes to pass, vast explosions of Thought Forms are to be released throughout humanity, which bring disruptions of grave consequence: the seas rise up; the mountains all smoke. The very essence of earth evolution is Manifested Thought. When it manifests on etheric particles that make up the finite universe, if the mass of Thought is large enough in concentration, it produces abortions of natural processes. A balance is destroyed: hate and fear work havoc; the earth becomes a madhouse, inwardly as well as outwardly. There is no escape from it, for the earth is a storehouse of men’s energies, and these are conceived and loosed by the thinking process. When great cosmic disturbances accrue from men’s massed thinking, it is because they have been postulated by error––especially when compared to Nature’s underlying processes. All the thought in the world acting en masse for disintegration could produce a heavenly holocaust in an instant, but such massed thinking is improbable, for different men and races have their different objectives to attain. Therefore, there is no concert of action, merely an orderly transference of Give and Take in desire that keeps Nature in a certain equilibrium. Nevertheless, given half or three-quarters of the human race thinking madly to destroy one man or set of men, the forces unleashed will be cataclysmic. Eventually, the blinding obstruction will be taken down from before men’s eyes, and the whole chaotic nature of his thinking will become unified into cosmic action. This is necessary for the restoration of cosmic balance. The seas and mountains suffer: they respond to cosmic edicts though you do not know it; no storm ever afflicted the terrestrial universe in any quarter that was not originally motivated

by massed thinking somewhere. . . . The world is Thought; the world has been Thought in every age; the world has responded to Thought in every age: incarnate or discarnate makes no difference. We would not hoax you in a problem so vital to your wisdom. Learn and be wise! THE THINGS OF HUMANKIND impinging upon one another, or upon one man or set of men, are too terrific to merely annihilate the ‘evil side,’ especially if humankind does not know exactly who or where they are: they come and go in circumstances unknown to the masses. Nevertheless, massed thought is directed at the mischievous ones, and when this astrological turning condition arrives, such Righteously Directed Thought must perform its effects towards equilibrium, or else practices even more vicious will manifest elsewhere. Men will go mad in their thinking when they do not see the adversary whom they would punish with their displeasure. Towards such we address ourselves, even in the present. We say to men, “There are those among you who are as sheep among wolves; there are also goodly persons among you, even in vast numbers, who do not deserve to suffer such a vast quandary. They are the enlightened children of the race who prefer more enlightenment, and we give it.” This movement has its origin in the wits of mighty souls who have watched humanity from untold ages of earthly time: they foretold amongst themselves what would be best for a new cycle in men’s affairs after he was enlightened about his true cosmic status. Thus, they would not permit any reoccurrence of their former bastardies of intelligence to again tarnish the human species. It is not right that man persists in error, while knowing error is productive of more error. From time immemorial, man has come down into life from the higher cosmic planes, but he arrives practically blind in his concepts of the limited human condition. He thinks what he finds here in daily operations is a proper so-

cial order, in both form and substance. However, the institutions in their actual operations have confused him and wreaked havoc within his cosmic memories, causing him to think and reason about why his dissatisfactions should be.

ences in passing events, or from striving after an ideal within their own heart. It is rare indeed to find men and women who can see themselves as they are beheld by those watching over them and guiding them from unseen dimensions of time and space.

We would change the forms of these institutions so men might find better conditions awaiting them in the earthly life-cycle. We, on both sides of the Veil called physical death, attempt to seize hold of circumstance––which is the flux of the bastardly aforesaid––and found a new social world based upon a more correct renditions of the Divine Afflatus, thus causing men to build new spiritual houses and new cities for the Spirits of men to reside in throughout their earthly tenure. . . . Therefore, when we speak of Illumination, we speak of this establishment of a New Spiritual Concept: not an organization of chairs and seats and wall-hung tapestries; or buildings, or spires, or graven mottoes passed around on tracts.

Remember, to make the greatest success of your life, you must have the clearest concept of just why you came to earth, and the specific mission you intend to accomplish. Yet it isn’t always easy to acquaint someone with these particulars. In nine cases out of ten, they will combat the one who strives to do it if they fancy they are going to be told something unpleasant or unfamiliar, or if it points out to them strictly mortal goals they have set up for themselves to gain something entirely outside of the real nature of their earthly errand. Others cannot be told about themselves because they are not spiritually strong enough. To awaken an earthly-blinded spirit, they must be willing to take medicines, especially the humble pill, to heal those wounds that altered notions might inflict upon them, particularly if the guidance tends to disrupt the high opinion they have always held of themselves. Furthermore, only the psychically strong can get the spiritual interpretation in a sufficient and proper acquiescence of spirit, which would allow the instruction to register on their minds. All of which is apropos of this––

Chapter 29: Know Yourself Give These Personalities Free Play and Scope. Here are some final thoughts on how to handle yourself as these end-times approach. Those of us who have come to earth to teach the multitude need to operate with open eyes and a calm disposition, especially regarding ourselves. We are complex beings, with hints of multiple personalities from many lives. Listen to the mentor’s adjurations, as they send us on our way–– IT IS DIFFICULT TO TELL PEOPLE very much about themselves, despite their having a natural curiosity that would seem to make them willing adepts to learn. However, they have fixations of thought that you call reflexes, which makes them to believe certain things about themselves that may or may not be true. In the long run, these confound them and halt them from looking at themselves ‘systematically.’ In other words, each and every person holds certain ideas about themselves, based largely upon what friends have told them, or from reactions to earthly experi- 60 -

It falls to the lot of some men to move principalities and powers from their bases, and set up new states based upon better laws of God and conscience. It befalls the lot other men to do nothing more nor less than mind a corner fruit-stand, or take care of the woman he married and the children his passions gave her. Both missions are equally important, insofar as life missions are concerned. What differentiates their importance, if it is differentiated at all, is not the size of the brevet, but the manner in which it is executed. Many a prince can conduct a State abominably, while a corner huckster may have an ideal family life and be an excellent provider and father. You are mistaken if you think that all men actually complete what they started out to

achieve. The road is filled with manifest failures, even by those who have seen their errands, or had them revealed to them, or got them by strange spiritual processes called conscience or instincts. It is not always true that men and women connect with the ambitions of their lives, or make brilliant successes of their errands in one life: sometimes it takes a dozen lives to truly and remarkably induce success, and actually have it cohabit with them in the manner they originally intended, before they departed for earth from the higher and finer realms. Now in your case (the Recorder), you seem to be making a curious sort of mistake about your own liaison with Fate. Get this clearly and get it justly: you are not being called upon to lead, so much as to instruct, or to motivate proper ways and titles to leadership. True, a certain type of leadership is arrived at in the process, but it is a variety of synthetic leadership and never the bona fide article. Furthermore, you have a strange multiple personality manifesting in you. Yes, we say multiple, for it is compounded of more than two;––in fact, more than a half-dozen if you could only know it. You are a creature of strange moods and reflexes, but you are more: you are the product of a dozen different lives that are very near and close and vital; so near and close and vital that it is difficult to shake off the effects of them, or the personalities you were while living them. You are all of them taken together, but only to a certain degree. You are not yourself: you are a dozen Selves; and day by day and hour by hour, they are all striving for mastery over you, each one according to its peculiar pattern and essence. You cannot help having these personalities, because you came back into earthly flesh in times so close together that each personality has not yet had time to become a part of your character, or been ‘soaked up’ into your spiritual essence to abide therein. Consequently, sometimes you have to pigeon-hole your various selves in order to arrive at your Real Self, which is the essential godhead within you. It is difficult, we admit, to know exactly ‘which

one of you is speaking;’ it is difficult to postulate whether you are reenacting your recent roles of preacher, scholar, soldier, or applicant in spiritual matters eager to get at the deeper truths of metaphysics. However, do not make a conscious attempt to decide which of you is operating at any given moment: instead, look at the problem squarely in all its features and say to it, and to yourself, “I came to this point through wanting to be here; and yet I may not be not completely absorbed into my Greater Self, so I might live comfortably as a complete, functioning, sum-total personality of all the lives I have recently lived. These would make me into the super-personality I should be, had I taken more time between lives to soak myself up in my various guises.” Few men are consciously aware that their soaking up process has not been complete, especially if they have rushed back into a new earthly vehicle in order to be present at some particularly high-voltage period when great increment to the spirit is possible by manifesting in it. Most men know next to nothing about their own compositions anyway, even about the strange fact of earthly rebirth, so how can they be expected to accept that they are half-completed structures: begun, and perhaps not wholly finished, up their many recent lives. Their older former lives are pretty well absorbed into their essentially ingrained godhood, but their more recent lives bear a closer scrutiny and analysis, for their lack of complete absorption is greater than you or anyone else is aware. . . . And this brings us concretely to our proposition of the evening–– SOME MEN go all their lives not knowing that they have several sunken selves, which as yet do not exist for them in their conscious waking state. In other words, they are unaware of several different personalities in them, not all dormant in their spiritual expressions. This is hard to make you understand, and yet forsooth, it is the very essence of many strange wanderings, wonderings, and moods. You are many persons rolled into one. You have been poet, statesman, scholar, philosopher, churchman-priest, power-drunk - 61 -

ruler, sycophant for spiritual favors not yet earned, lover of rare women, spiritual debutante, soldier at war, maker of the destinies of states, and philosopher at large to the universe in particular. These have all left an impress upon you as an essential God-in-yourown-right, if you get what we intend to convey. You are half developed because you are only partially absorbed. You are recalcitrant and moody at times, patient and plodding the next, then furious with us and your fellow man after that. All these seeming caprices are personalities of definite men from recent lives, now all rolled up into the one you of the passing instant in eternity. It behooves you to know about these personalities, and thus your own limitations and weaknesses, before you stand before others to wield the pontifical scepter. We are not scolding you for anything particular: we are trying to convey an idea, and it is time you knew about it and relied upon it more than you do. You cannot make a complete success of a career in any given cycle, until you are completely ‘absorbed’ as to your earlier lives. If you try to live a life without such absorption, without being permanently perfected, affected and adequately rendered, you will live a hodge-podge of existences as different manners of men. This leads to your utterly confounding yourself and your friends, which leads you into spiritual penury. MANY PROBLEMS are confusing you today, arising from many sources, but they are transient problems with solutions that can be quite as transient. However, paramount to all of them is this problem: how to arrive at the essential you in as short a time as possible, now that you are in flesh and have some inkling as to why you happen to be the person you are. It is terribly essential for this to happen: you make allowances for yourself, and your friends and relatives make allowances for you, in this strange metamorphosis of personalities that day by day and hour by hour are playing through your mental and physical

structures of the present. These can work all sorts of havoc to your peace of mind. Get this strange fact accurately: it isn’t always possible for a person to completely absorb themselves during the periods between their various earthly lives, particularly if they have lived through great experiences in some recent life that strongly scored their personality. It sometimes happens that men and women succeed in ‘forgetting’ some of those recent lives: thus they function as best they can without the knowledge that should be theirs if they had effected a complete transcription of all their various selves into the one carnate being. This is not saying they do not live complete lives in any given instance; nevertheless, men and women engaged in this sort of study or research should become firmly and fully aware of themselves. Remember, a complete process of absorption will not always transpire in the periods between identities of physical characters. And where such lack of complete absorption maintains, the man or woman born into a fleshly body for a specific study or research or mastership over a given historical sequence, will lack ingredients to compose the bodily companionships required to complete their ethereal selves and make it manifest in flesh. When that happens, and it does happen often, the results will be a creature of multiple tempers and moods: a completely different person six days a week from what he or she may be on Sunday. You may have come back into flesh this lifetime to assist in a great revaluation of humankind, and you may leave your name written large in humanity’s hearts for what you will have presented to it before your span of years is run and you are back with your Higher Friends again. Nevertheless, it by no means follows that you are the same man in writing that you may be in soldiering; that you are the same person instructing that you may be in philosophizing, or acting, or deporting yourself in a lady’s boudoir. You are a flitting, fleeting person of one mood one minute, and a completely other person with another mood or caprice the next.

“Well, what am I in the accumulate?”––you ask yourself; but the answer tarries, because there is no answer that can be conveyed in transcript. There is only the being of the combined personality, and that is something to be experienced further in the future than you have gone to in the present. Consequently, your moods and caprices and strange behaviors and inconsistencies before your friends, may not be ‘yourself’ as the world knows and recognizes you or calls you by name, but a half-dozen different men, as completely different as if you were six persons walking down a public sidewalk together;––and it behooves you to ask yourself if you can tolerate this division of yourself into your associated parts. IT’S NOT A NICE THING to suspect that you are not ‘all there,’ or are ‘not fully accumulated.’ Yet it is the truth when a soul greatly desires to serve its fellows again, and hastens back afresh into earthly life, without having the augmenting traits it learned or received from other lives fully digested in the karmic sense. Stop and think what this means! It means the man you are today, may not be the man or person who filled your body’s functions yesterday. True, you have the same Mind-Memory, talk in the same tone of voice, and have the same reactions on your associated fellows. Nevertheless, it will be a distinct and separate personality, so to speak, who writes today’s poem, and then tries to make it blend and fit the character of the man who tomorrow wants to command an army of partisans, to go out and renovate a purse-proud government of essential rascals. This mystery may account for a man being taken for a genius one moment, and an utterly irresponsible fool the next. People don’t know how to take him, and forsooth they cannot–– any more than they can expect six men with six different personalities to act in one universal manner in all they say and do, just because they are living in the same house or wearing one another’s clothes. And another thing is true: men and women are sometimes interchangeable in the matter - 62 -

of sex. In other words, it frequently falls to the lot of a man to find himself born a woman, and vice versa, for particular reasons known only to themselves in his or her karma. This changeability of sexual bodies may also have a queer effect upon the personality the soul is momentarily exhibiting. One moment the soul may feel it is a clinging vine, greatly desiring the masculine or positive personality to give it life and stamina; the next it may spurn such, and boldly stride forth, surprising itself in the manner by which it can meet the issues of life unassisted, and wanting no assistance. THE SOUL who comes into life blissfully confident that nothing of the moment is going to crash into it, or give it a high-voltage experience anytime from birth to death, is of course an imbecile. Men and women come into life to get the most out of it, even all it has to give. Nevertheless, a soul may get ‘too much,’ and in a majority of cases the problem will be solved by suicide. Frequently too, the wish for termination of life because the soul is getting more experiences than it can absorb, brings accident or folly that results in death, and the world takes it to be accidental or otherwise unaccountable. All sorts of laws govern these processes, of which the mortal world knows and suspects absolutely nothing, but that is not the point. There is another process in the Life Plan or Pattern with which the average person is not sufficiently familiar: and that is the practice of thinking of yourself as being stronger than you are. This often results in your taking aboard tasks or ordeals or excesses of labor beyond your strength to accomplish. True, in a majority of cases the result will be to do what you can and let the rest go, but then a third law of the process works and you find yourself the butt of karma, which you will not realize until it begins to pile up on you, and it gets you in all sorts of fixes because of this uncompleted performance. You say it is a bad habit to do things beyond your strength, or to make promises you cannot fulfill or complete satisfactorily to yourself or to others: and you speak the very truth that would ease your

pain. . . . Now let us tell you something else in that connection. No man or woman works strictly alone and unto themselves in this brevet business, particularly when the brevet is fraught with great public esteem or odium if it or as it succeeds or fails: hosts of entities stand ready to assist in every possible and superhuman way. Nevertheless, it casts a sort of defamatory scent on this friendly help if the tasks you ask them to attempt are of such a nature that their work is wasted in your regard. That is, if they cannot perform anything better for you on their side and in their higher functions than you can do for yourself on your lower. It isn’t necessary to go into this, for we think you see the eventualities in such possibilities, and that is not what we expressly started to say to you anyway. We want to discuss the plans of the year ahead, in view of these preliminary remarks about your personal character. THE WORK OF THE YEAR AHEAD is peculiar in this: it expects you to be many men, in many different functions, principally of government: whereas you essentially are not the ruler, so much as teacher of rulers. Do you perceive the difference? You will be requested to direct as a matter of course because you know, but knowing and ruling are again two different functions and performances. Many a man can rule without knowing very much, merely by being a bully, while yet a coward in his heart––which usually is what bullying is: a form of manifest cowardice. On the other hand, many a man can do a good job of teaching rulers, though they lack the essential ingredient for the mastership of masses of men, which is needed to be a good ruler on the knock-‘em-down and drag-‘em-out principle. Get what we tell you in this: you may be called to direct, but when you do so, always try to do it as the gentle teacher who would far prefer that some other person did the actual driving while you curled up with your books. It is all a matter of what personality you embrace, or give expression, that deter-

mines in either vocation. You can remind yourself of the character you want to call into maximum expression from recent lives you have lived, by the process of doing it in actual consciousness. Do you get what we mean? Try it sometime and see if we do not know whereof we speak. You may have so many varied careers in immediate retrospect that it will be manifestly easy for you to do this. Moreover, the practical application is this: There are men tonight waiting throughout this land for you to lead them; there are other men throughout this land who are eager for you to teach them how to lead in their own rights. When you face the possibility of either of these positions, do it by admitting to yourself that you are many personalities: then actually and tacitly call the ones into play that most effect the purposes to be arrived at in your prevalent karma. By this we mean, do not let your MoodPersonalities overlap and express themselves compositely. You will have a very devil of a time if you do. The soldier will grieve because the poet is better than he is; the poet will mourn because he has to witness the bullying of men and women––actions necessary to execute the job of the soldier. Therefore, when you find yourself in a situation where leading is necessary, call up the Ruler personality from your composite self, and give it full and complete expression. Negate all interference and inhibition from these other personalities, because some of them are diametrically opposed to those trends and tendencies. Afterwards, do not grieve if any personalities seem in retrospect to clash. Say to yourself, “It was the Soldier-Me in that case, which went to such an excess or expedient and did so-andso. And pray, what was wrong with that? It was the soldier’s brevet and function. The poet personality, which is another pattern of man within myself, has nothing to do with either rhapsodizing or defaming what I have been in a separate life, of which the poet-life knew nothing.”

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This way, you will keep your personality lives separate, and thus not introduce a lot of silly regretting or longing into your mental picture of yourself, to the detriment of the work as it has to be done according to the dictates of the moment. Admit these personalities; give them free play and scope: open your heart to their whims and caprices, for there is no reason in the world why you should not. In the accumulate, they are the Essential and Complete you, although no one may be aware of it but yourself. And another thing–– It is by no means true that all men will judge you alike for what you are up to, or for what you seem to accomplish in the positive or negative manner. Some will ride with your soldier personality as they are attracted by it, or as they feel the need for what it has to contribute to society; others will admire and revere the poet, the philosopher, the teacher, the pedant. What of it? You cannot have all men praising you equally and for the same causes: even Christ Himself did not succeed in that sort of thing. You want to go consciously forward, knowing that certain types of men are going to castigate and blister you in advance, while others are going to applaud and eulogize. They will do these things according to your Man-Mood, or Personality-Expression of the sequence, as it corresponds to or most nearly approximates their own essential qualifications. And there the matter must begin and end. Be yourself, as you have been in any past life: be who most nearly fits the exigencies of the hour. Yet once having called that unassimilated portion of yourself into play, let it completely possess you: forget that you have ever been anything else. . . . That is all for tonight: it has been quite a lesson, and we wanted you to dwell upon it in preparation for still more abstruse instruction yet to be delivered. Till then, we bid you God’s Speed.

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