Book of Monster Templates

February 3, 2017 | Author: Jhaxius | Category: N/A
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Monster Templates...


Rite Publishing Presents:

Book of Monster Templates Cryptozoologist (Development and Design): Steven D. Russell Cryptids (Additional Design): Ben McFarland (Aware Arcana, Spinosaurus), Crystal Frasier (Phlogiston Construct), Jonathan McAnulty (Darkseed and Eldritch Spawn), Justin Sluder (Black Ghont and Restless One statblocks), Michael Welham (Drachenchor and Hatemonger),

Teratologist (Editor): Robert N. Emerson Microbiologist (Mechanical Editor) Justin Sluder Wildlife Photographer (Front Cover Artist): Hugo Solis Documentary Photographers (Interior Artists): Amanda Grow (Pg 99), Arthur Wang (Back Cover plus Pg 23), Eric Lofgren (Pg 33), Grey Thornberry (Pgs 14, 46, 77, 84, 90, 96, 102), Hugo Solis (Pg 90), Joe Calkins (Pgs 17, 20, 26, 36, 74, 81, 105), Richard Biggs II (Pg 7) Jonathan Roberts (Pg 56), Frank Walls (Pg 53), Rick Hershey (Pgs 4, 11, 30, 42, 61, 67, 70), Shaman Stock Art (Pg 50), and Tamas Baranya (Pg 64, 87)

Wildlife Cinematographer (Cover Layout): Claudia Burgos Government Censors (Proofing) Dave Paul and Justin Sluder Pathetic Monstrosity (Interior Layout and Publisher): Steven D. Russell Dedication: To Duane H. Russell A father slays all the monsters under your bed. “Every monster is the hero of its own story” Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC. See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product. Book of Monster Templates Copyright © 2010 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved, Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. Some images Copyright © 2010 Frank Wall*s and Rick Hershey, Standard Stock Art, used with permission.

Book of Monster Templates Table of Contents Pg 2


Pg 55

Hatemonger Creature Template Hatelarren (Forlarren)

Pg 3

Accursed Creature Template Broken Beast (Tarrasque)

Pg 59

Havenfury Creature Template Black Ghont (goblin monk [Hungry Ghost] 16)

Aware Arcana Creature Template Fireball, Merged Cup of Dust & Feast of Ashes, Merged Moonstruck & Pain Strike

Pg 63

Irresistible Creature Template Sir Horace the White Bull (Human graveknight fighter [two-handed] 10)

Pg 10

Betrayer Creature Template Iudus, (Gremlin Filcher, 6th level rogue)

Pg 66

Jagannath Creature Template Restless One (Amalgam Dire Bear/Dire Shark)

Pg 13

Bloody Maw Creature Template Jaws of Winter (Winter Wolf)

Pg 69

Jaunting Creature Template Abhorrent Wink (Bete-Noir)

Pg 16

Body Jumper Creature Template Biisir “Discord’s Essence” (Entropic Dragon)

Pg 73

Mythic Creature Template The Undying Storm (Storm Phoenix)

Pg 19

Boundfury Creature Template Gilded Guards of Gone (Gilded Sea Serpent)

Pg 76

Phalanx Creature Template Apellon and Aptemis (Bronze Giant)

Pg 22

Civilized Creature Template Gentile Spines (Dinosaur, Spinosaurus)

Pg 79

Phlogiston Construct Creature Template Dynamo (Brass Man)

Pg 25

Darkseed Creature Templates Bloody Blades (Bloody Bones)

Pg 83

Positive Energy Creature Template Lifetrap (Livestone)

Pg 28

Distortion Creature Template Mutilating Beast (Krenshar)

Pg 86

Protector Creature Template Heaven’s Guard (Ward Custodian)

Pg 32

Drachenchor Creature Template Gellid Dirge Lich (Shade Lich)

Pg 89

Ritefury Creature Template Wrath-wake (Ravid)

Pg 35

Dreaded Creature Template Kah the Dark Captain (Blade Tyrant)

Pg 92

Rune-Carved Creature Template Carcera of the Ruins Perilous (Dungeon Dragon)

Pg 38

Earthbound Creature Template Fettered Giant (Fog Giant)

Pg 95

Tax Collector Creature Template Fishwife of Fees (Sea Hag)

Pg 41

Eldritch Spawn Template Dream Glutton (Orafaun)

Pg 98

Trickster Creature Template Eshu the Deceiver (Phouca)

Pg 44

Entropy Infused Creature Template Wasteling (Fierling)

Pg 101 Unsighted Creature Template Bloody Beggar (Grimm)

Pg 48

Eternal Creature Template Eonian the Incessant (Triton)

Pg 104 Weapon Construct Creature Template Blood Hex (+1 hexing burst adamantine intelligent greatsword)

Pg 52

Exemplar Creature Template Atelier’s Vengeance (Vault Guardian)

Pg 6

Pg 107 Challenge Rating Ranks & Glossary Pg 108 Open Gaming License 1

Introduction And So It Begins: Monster templates, they can make what seems old and cliché different and new again. You get all of the nostalgia of the owlbear with new and evocative mechanics of a template. These changes can surprise and confound even veteran players, especially the loremaster of your group that has memorized every monster in the Pathfinder Bestiary, and probably a few other monster books as well. Within these pages, you will find 32 new templates, each one selected with a theme in mind unaddressed in previous template collections such as the now iconic Advanced Bestiary from Green Ronin or less well-known Book of Templates from Silverthrone/Goodman Games. After the core monster book, those two collections are what I use most when it comes time to create a new adversary for my game. Yet I always wanted more, so I began my collection that includes a print copy or PDF of every OGL monster book available for sale (along with a few freebies). But repeatedly I found myself returning to templates. Players, especially veteran players, have expectations and an emotional response when they come to the realization that they are fighting a Balor demon. This is turned up to eleven when they realize this is not the standard Balor, because a template has been applied. When I decided that I wanted Rite Publishing to create a bestiary in support of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game I knew it would be the Book of Monster Templates.

response. Moreover, as a Third Party Publisher, we have the option of pushing the boundaries of traditional design and conventional wisdom. Start Fighting Now: These sample creature all have quick reference tactics so that if you want a quick monster to throw at the party, without having a detailed plan for the encounter, you can do so with alacrity. Monstrous Point of View: Except where a creatures intelligence prohibits communication, you will find the sample monster‘s description section provides a first person point of view covering its appearance, attitude, aspirations and an account of its species deeds. This is provided so that if a DM chooses to use them as more than just a combat encounter, he has a reasonable expectation of how that creature will react and it provides a “voice” that the GM can draw inspiration from in his portrayal of the monster. The account of deeds is specific to the Questhaven Campaign Setting, but it retains a modular design supplemented by the glossary at the back of this book. “What The Hell Is That?”: Lore DCs are for when the character is either smarter, or far more knowledgeable about a creature, than a player. You roll and the PC finds out all the information of the DC it met or exceeded. Sometimes the unknown can be frightening, but sometimes ignorance is its own kind of courage. If a player learns that what the local peasant refers to as the Broken Beast is actually an Accursed Tarrasque the response is dramatically different.

Template Monsters Quickly: Each template has a very specific format that should allow you to modify a monster in under 5 minutes. Simply start at the top of the creature, and at the top of the template, then work your way down applying the template as you go. Don’t worry about the ability scores, when you get down to those changes you will find that there is a detailed list of what has to be changed in the statblock (you may, however, need to pay close attention if a monsters melee attack deals one and half Strength damage). In addition, all of the templates are on their own one or two page spreads, for ease of reference.

More Than One Way: Applying a template is not the only way to change a monstrous encounter, each section contains one or two Monstrous Feats that a different version possessing the abilities of the new monster could have so that if they fight this creature, yet again, it can be a radically different encounter. You’ve Got Your Ecology In My Encounter: Ecology does not have to be just fluff, how a creature relates to its environment can have a huge impact on what it will look like, how it will react to you, what its goals are, and some of the more bizarre places and situations in which it can be encounter. You will also find each one listed here has a twist.

Unique Sample Creatures: With a few exceptions, the sample monsters we have applied templates to in this book are from Open Gaming Licensed (OGL) books beyond the Pathfinder Bestiary (see Section 15 of our Open License for a complete List). You can easily template a monster from the Pathfinder Bestiary, this product assumes you already own that book and since Rite Publishing is a third party publisher it’s quite likely that you may own other OGL monster books as well. However, even if you don’t own as many monster books as I do, everything you need to run these creatures is supplied within. This will provide truly unique encounters for your veteran players, and if you have run these monsters before you get to take advantage of those preconceived notions and their previous emotional

Now apply your templates or grab a monster and start challenging, surprising and entertaining your players.

Steven D. Russell Rite Publishing


Accursed Creature Some creatures are born deformed, crippled, or stunted. Others suffer under curses and transformations, becoming mockeries of their former existence. Lastly, there are those that are the creations of cruel or insane deities. These creatures are but mere shadows of their true nature, echoes of bygone power; their very life force has become twisted, turned in upon itself so that now it barely clings to existence. These are the accursed creatures and they know only pain, suffering, and madness. Accursed creatures have a bleached and faded appearance, as something in their essential nature gradually disappears from reality; often times their appearance has also become warped as even their very identity is lost.

Creating an Accursed Creature “Accursed creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An accursed creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: : An accursed creatures has a CR equal to half the base creature’s CR. Alignment: Change the creature’s alignment to any chaotic. Armor Class: An accursed creature’s natural armor bonus, deflection bonus, and insight bonus to AC (if any) are reduced by half. Saves: An accursed creature suffers a –5 penalty on all saving throws. Defenses/Qualities: Decrease the numeric value of any special ability by half, for example channel resistance +2 becomes channel resistance +1, damage reduction 10/adamantine becomes 5/adamantine, Resist energy 30 becomes 15, SR 20 becomes SR 10, regeneration 6 becomes 3 etc. Immunities change to resist 30 or a +8 bonus to their saving throw against that type of effect.

them at full strength. Any creature that interacts with the accursed can make a Will save (DC 5 +1/2 the accursed creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier) to recognize its true nature. Upon a successful save, the victim only suffers half damage from any of the accursed creature’s melee, ranged, or special attacks. Reversal (Ex): Upon an accursed creature’s death, surrender, or flight from battle, any supernatural, spell, or spell-like effects that did not cause hit point damage it created during the previous hour are undone. This may include, but is not limited to, ability drain, magical fear, or paralysis, and death effects (such as wail of the banshee or an infernal duke’s death mastery ability), many accursed creatures plead for their lives by reversing these effects. Abilities: Decrease from the base creature to a minimum of 1 as follows: Str -10 (-5 to attack and damage, -5 to Climb and Swim skill checks, -5 to Strength, and CMB checks, -5 to CMD), Dex-10 (-5 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, and Ref saves, Initiative,-5 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add -5 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Con -10 (-5 hp per HD, -5 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Int-10 (remove 4 languages to a minimum of 1, remove 4 skill points per HD to a minim of 1 per HD, -5 to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks -5 to any of the base creature’s Intelligence-based DCs), Wis-10 (-5 to Will saves, 5 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks, add -5 to any of the base creature’s Wisdom-based DCs), -10 Cha (-5 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, -5 to any of the base creature’s Charismabased DCs).

Special Abilities: An accursed creature gains the following special abilities. Accursed Caster (Ex): If the base creature has a caster level for any of its abilities, decrease that caster level by half, the creature also loses access to its highest level of spell-like abilities and cannot use any of them more than 1/day. Deformed Nature (Su): Select one of the creature’s special abilities and remove it, this removal should be accompanied by a change to its physical appearance; a balor that loses its vorpal strike might have only one arm. If the creature has, multiple natural attacks remove one of these attack forms as well. A dragon without its breath weapon and bite attack might have no mouth, instead breathing only through its nose. Faded Existence (Su): Accursed creatures are only half (50%) as strong as nonaccursed creatures, though creatures who believe the accursed creatures to be real are affected by

Feats: The base creature may lose access to certain feats due to not meeting the ability score prerequisites. 3

Broken Beast

CR 12

XP 19,200 Accursed Tarrasque CN Colossal magical beast Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +38 Aura frightful presence (150 ft., DC 22)

Defense AC 17, touch -3, flat-footed 17 (-2Dex, +17 natural, –8 size) hp 375 (30d10+210); regeneration 20 (acid and fire) Fort +21, Ref +12, Will +2 (+8 to save against ability damage, bleed, death effects, disease, energy drain, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, permanent wounds, petrification, poison, and polymorph) DR 7/epic; Resist acid, fire 30; SR 18

Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee bite +32 (4d8+10/15–20/×3 plus grab), 2 claws +32 (1d12+10), tail slap +32 (3d8+5) Ranged 3 spines +20 (2d10+10/×3) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. (60 ft. with tail slap) Special Attacks faded existence (DC 17) rush, spines, swallow whole (3d6+15 plus 3d6 acid, AC 18, hp 37)

Tactics During Combat: Broken Beasts have no battle This skinless pathetic pale beast towers over the tactics; they seek to simply annihilate their surroundings like some abominable dinosaur, all opponents. If they even, think to use their power teeth, claws, and thrashing tail. attack ability it is an all or nothing proposition. The same happens with its bull rush feat if it uses it, it continues to use it for the remainder of an Skills Acrobatics -2 (+34 when encounter, regardless of whether or not it’s jumping), Perception +38; Racial effective. Modifiers +8 Perception Morale: Broken Beasts tend to flee if they are Languages Aklo (cannot speak) seriously hurt or wounded by their opponents, SQ deformed nature (carapace), powerful as they cannot handle additional pain. leaper, reversal (frightful presence)



Str 31, Dex 6, Con 24, Int 1, Wis 5, Cha 4 Base Atk +30; CMB +48 (+52 grapple); CMD 56 Feats Awesome Blow, Blind-Fight, Bleeding Critical, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Run, Stunning Critical

Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none

Special Abilities Powerful Leaper (Ex) The Broken Beast uses its Strength to modify Acrobatics checks made to jump, and has a +24 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to jump. Regeneration (Ex) Acid and fire suppress the Broken Beast’s regeneration—it regenerates 4


even if disintegrated, but not a death effect. If the Broken Beast fails a save against an effect that would kill it instantly, excluding death effects, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported as a means to save a region, but the method to truly kill it requires fire, acid or a death effect. Rush (Ex) Once per minute for 1 round, the Broken Beast can move at a speed of 75 feet. This increases its Acrobatics bonus on checks made to jump to +53. Spines (Ex) The Broken Beast can launch a volley of three spear-like spines from its body as a standard action with a toss of its head or a lash of its tail. Make an attack roll for each spine—all targets must be within 15 feet of each other. The spines have a range increment of 60 ft.

(Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 12): This magical beast bears the name Broken Beast; it is a pitiable imitation of the dreaded Tarrasque. Uncommon (DC 17): Other creatures similar to this are known as “Accursed”; read excerpt from Pathetic Monsters. Rare DC (22): Accursed Creatures possesses none of the immunities of their greater brethren; though they can possess many of their resistances in a lesser form. They often lack some of the attacks for special abilities in their accursed form. In the case of the Broken Beast they can be permanently killed, lack the carapace, and many of their spines. Obscure (DC 32): Fire, acid, and spells of death are able to overcome the regeneration of the Broken Beast. Epic (DC 42): Legends say that accursed creatures are the failed results of the many mystical attempts to crossbreed the various monstrosities that exist in our world. The Sacred Vineyards of Our Mother of Madness teach that the goddess favors these fell creatures.

Description: “I looked into the Broken Beast’s mind; it was like peering into the mind of a rabies-riddled dog, which had been hit in the head with a rock, twenty-seven times.”

Monstrous Feats

-Excerpt from Pathetic Monsters by Qwilion of Questhaven.

STOMP [Combat] You cause the ground to shudder. Prerequisites: Size Large, Strength 19* Benefits: You can stamp your foot or slam your fist on the ground (as a standard action), causing it to shake. All creatures smaller than you, within 10 feet per size category above Medium you possess, must make an Acrobatics check (DC 10 + your Strength modifier) or fall prone.

I have found two records of Broken Beasts in the Imperial records and of course the most recent sighting around Mt. Jotunheim. They are most assuredly the size and dimensions of a Tarrasque though lacking its carapace, horns and outer layer of armored reptilian skin. This creature is in no way the equal of a Tarrasque, and is truly a pale imitation of that dreaded creature. It is, however, more prone to violence than the greater brethren due to the constant maddening pain that it suffers from. It is my humble opinion that its very existence causes this pain. This poor miserable creature seeks only to eat, sleep, and relieve the pain it cannot escape from. In the records of which I spoke, the first appeared at the sight of the sacred winery of Our Mother of Madness. The Emperor Cynmark notes that he believed it to be the creation of the mad goddess, yet I found another contradictory record of another that apparently was the result of a failed effort to create a controllable Tarrasque. He considered the Broken Beast a partial success. Finally, we have the Lady of Inspiration Beast; the Circle of Heroes slew it during the Questor’s Rebellion. Of course, now we have a new Broken Beast stalking the night in the lands of the giants.

Ecology Encounter (EL Varies) A call goes out across the land sent out by the Circle of Heroes and the Questor’s Society, they are offering a reward for those who hunt down and kill the Broken Beast of Mt. Jotunheim. The beast is difficult to locate in the land of the giants, as it is using their hard packed trails and paved roads, along with the constant fog and rain that dominates the mountains weather, to cover its trail and it becomes more and more difficult to follow. It is only traveling and attacking at night, which is not unusual for an animal. It never attacks the same giant encampment twice. As time goes on it even seems to be using intelligent tactics. Encounter Enhancements: Nighttime, Rain, Fog. Twist: There are two of the beasts dominated by a giant hating, dwarven created, Ironborn cleric. 5

Aware Arcana Creature Known as prized sentinels for capable spellcasters, Aware Arcana require no sustenance and function until destroyed. They need nothing material and understand simple directions. Aware Arcana often collect small items such as coins, daggers, etc., for no discernable reason. They appear as giant ioun stones, slowly sifting through a variety of angular forms, radiating an eerie emerald inner candle light.

Creating an Aware Arcana Creature “Aware Arcana” is a template applied to spells.However, it can require a bit of adjudication concerning the chosen spell. The resulting creature gains a ray attack which inflicts the original spell effect upon the target. The template cannot be applied to summoning or personal spells. Area effect spells affect the target as if they were always in the area for the duration of the spell.

Special abilities: Eldritch Spark (Sp): An Aware Arcana gains a ranged touch attack, which does not provoke an attack of opportunity, capable of affecting any creature within 5 feet with the chosen spell effect; its CL is equal to its CR. Eldritch Ray (Sp):An Aware Arcana gains a ray attack, which provokes attacks of opportunity and inflicts the chosen spell effect on a target within 30 feet, or the range of the spell, whichever is greater. When it hits, its CL is equal to its CR. Dispelling Flaw (Ex):Dispel magic potentially cripples an Aware Arcana. Casters targeting an Aware Arcana and succeeding on a targeted dispel check (DC 11+CR) suppress all of an Aware Arcana’s spell-like abilities for a day. Its SR does not apply against these spells. Telekinetic Manipulation (Sp): An Aware Arcana can manipulate objects up to 15 pounds within 5 feet as if it had two hands.

CR: Aware Arcana have a CR equal to double their highest effective spell level (spell adjusted by any meta-magic feats) Alignment always neutral. Type and Size: The creature's type changes to construct, its size is Diminutive(See Hit Dice). Armor Class: deflection bonus equal to its effective spell level, +4 size bonus Hit Dice: It possesses 1d10 Hit Dice equal to twice its CR, (Calculate BAB and saves as a construct).

Abilities: An Aware Arcana has Str 8, Dex 14 (already adjusted for size); Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma are equal to 10+1/2its CR. As a construct, it has no Constitution score.

Defenses/Qualities: construct traits. DR 5/cold iron (increase to 10 if the Aware Arcana’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the Aware Arcana’s CR is 15 or higher), SR equal to 11 + CR, Immune If the spell has a descriptor the Aware Arcana is immune to spells and effects with the samedescriptor.See the chart below for movement rates. Weakness: dispelling flaw (see below)

Feats: Aware Arcana can select feats from the following list: Ability Focus, Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Point Blank Shot, Toughness, Weapon Focus

Speed: The Aware Arcana’s movement is based on its spell range, see the table below

Skills: Skill points equal to 2 + Int modifier (minimum 1) per Hit Die. As constructs, Aware Arcana possess no class skills.Aware Arcana understand the native language of their creator but almost never speak. They follow the last instructions provided by a recognized authority, even fulfilling short routines. Such routines are limited to a number of actions equal to an Aware Arcana’s Intelligence modifier. Those with no bonus may only follow a single, simple action at a time, similar to a trained animal.

Table: Aware Arcana Movement Range Movement Touch Fly 15 ft. (perfect) Close /flat range fly 20 ft. (perfect) Medium fly 30 ft. (perfect) Long Fly 40 ft. (perfect) Melee:Aware Arcana possess a slam attack, which deals 1d4 points of damage. It gains a +4 to attack due to its size.

Environment: any land Organization: solitary, pair, constellation (3-12) Treasure: incidental 6

Aware Arcana (Fireball)

CR 6

XP 2,400 N Diminutive construct Init +6; Sensesdarkvision60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +15

Defense AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 17 (+3 deflection, +2 dex, +4 size) hp78 (12d10+12) Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +7 DR 5/cold iron, Immune construct traits, fire SR 17, Weaknesses dispelling flaw (DC 17)

Offense Speed40 ft. fly (perfect) Melee slam +15 (1d4-1) Ranged eldritch ray +19 touch (6d6 fireball, DC 14), eldritch spark +19 touch (6d6 fireball, DC 14) Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks eldritch spark (CL 6) eldritch ray (460-ft., CL 6) A chunk of cut crystal roughly the size of a human head floats in the air, glowing with a soft green hue like a candle. Its sharp edges melt and flow between geometric shapes as it spins.

Tactics Before Combat: Aware Arcana float in place, monitoring an area and awaiting intruders. They follow the last instructions provided by a recognized authority, even fulfilling short routines. During Combat: Aware Arcana hover out of melee range and strike targets using their eldritch ray. If engaged in close quarters, they shift to their Eldritch spark and attempt to evade attackers. Morale: Dedicated constructs, Aware Arcana only retreat when meeting specific conditions dictated by their creators. Until then, they attack intelligently, coordinating offensives, dividing, and isolating foes to focus fire on the most dangerous targets first—and often their instructions designate spellcasters as the most dangerous.

Aware Arcana (Merged Cup of Dust & Feast of Ashes) CR 10 XP 9,600 N Diminutive construct Init +6; Sensesdarkvision60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +25

Defense AC 22, touch 22, flat-footed 19 (+5 deflection, +1 dodge, +2 Dex, +4 size) hp130 (20d10+20) Fort +8, Ref +10, Will +10 Defensive Abilities DR 10/cold iron, SR 21; Immune construct traits Weaknesses dispelling flaw (DC 21)

Statistics Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 13 Base Atk +12; CMB +7; CMD 22 Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray) Skills Bluff +10, Fly +16, Knowledge (Arcana) +10, Perception +15, Stealth +20 SQ Flight, Telekinetic Manipulation

Offense Speed20 ft. fly (perfect) Melee slam +23 (1d4-1) Ranged eldritch ray +27 touch (cup of dust & feast of ashes, DC 17), eldritch spark +27 touch (cup of dust & feast of ashes, DC 17) Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks eldritch spark (CL 10), eldritch ray (75ft. ray attack, CL 10)

Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary, pair, constellation (3-12) Treasure incidental




See previous listing

At first we thought they were enchanted crystals or some kind of giant ioun stone. They floated lazily through the air, slowly shifting through a variety of angular forms. Varric, our mage, claimed each flickered with a different hue, although the light always seemed a uniform pale emerald glow to me. They did nothing as we pushed further into that ruin. Faraban even put one in his pack; what a disaster that turned out to be.” –Excerpt from the

Statistics Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 15 Base Atk +20; CMB +15; CMD 33 Feats: Ability Focus (Eldritch Ray), Alertness, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray) Skills Bluff +17, Fly +21, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Perception +25, Spellcraft +17, Stealth +27. SQ Flight, Telekinetic Manipulation

Questor’s Chronicle of the Enlightened Fellowship by Qwilion of Queshaven

Aware Arcana (Merged (Merged Moonstruck & Pain Strike) CR 12 XP 19,200 N Diminutive construct Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +26

Defense AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 20 (+6deflection, +1 dodge, +2 Dex, +4 size) hp156 (24d10+24) Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +13 Defensive Abilities DR 10/cold iron, SR 23; Immune Air, Earth, construct traits Weaknesses Dispelling Weakness

Offense Speed15 ft. fly (perfect) Melee slam +27 (1d4-1) Ranged eldritch ray +31 touch (moonstruck & pain strike, DC 19), eldritch spark +31 touch (moonstruck & pain strike, DC 19) Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Special Attacks eldritch spark (CL 12), Eldritch ray (30ft. CL 12)

Statistics Str 8, Dex 14, Con —, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 16 Base Atk +24; CMB +19; CMD 38 Feats: Ability Focus (Eldritch Ray), Alertness, Dodge, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Improved Great Fortitude, Improved Iron Will, Improved Lightning Reflexes, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Toughness, Weapon Focus (ray) Skills Bluff +25, Fly +30, Knowledge (arcana) +25, Perception +26, Spellcraft +25, Stealth +35 SQ Flight, Telekinetic Manipulation


The Enlightened Fellowship documented a score of individual Aware Arcana during their explorations of the Shattered Territories, implying that creation of these guardians was once much more common. Sculpted of 15 pounds of cut crystal or hardened glass, they become inert when “killed,” often shattering after falling to the ground. While functional, they remain in a single form when stationary, but morph between polyhedral forms after engaging an intruder or shifting location. Aware Arcana control their illumination, even extinguishing it for short periods or shortly flaring as bright as a torch. Some believe they communicate in series of light and dark pulses, while others find the sequences random and inconsequential. Recent excavations suggest ancient cultures possessed an item capable of seizing control and directing Aware Arcana.

Lore (Knowledge (arcana)) Common (DC 10): These small constructs often guard ancient ruins and wizards’ lairs. They embody a spell in their shifting form. Uncommon (DC 15):Aware Arcana can move objects no heavier than fifteen pounds, collecting trinkets like magpies or ravens. Rare (DC 25): A few Aware Arcana manifest two spell effects instead of one. Obscure (DC 35): Successful dispel magic spells render an Aware Arcana nearly ineffective for a few moments. Magic items exist for controlling Aware Arcana. Epic (DC 45): Some Aware Arcana incorporate metamagic.

Creation Feats

check as if trying to defensively cast the Aware Arcana’s highest level spell. Noncasters may use this item using their character level in place of a caster level, but determine which ability— Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom—used for this check when using it for the first time. Success indicates the bearer may dictate the Aware Arcana’s move action.Succeeding by 10+, he may order the Arcana’s swift or immediate and move action. Defeating the check by 15+ indicates the wearer controls all of the Aware Arcana’s actions. The wearer must make a daily check to control an Aware Arcana, and receives a +5 bonus to the check if he has previously controlled the construct. Issuing a command to an Aware Arcana is a move action which provokes attacks of opportunity. The torc may control no more than one Aware Arcana per day. Control may be maintained over time if the wearer moves at half speed but is lost if the torc is removed.

IMBUE ARCANA [Item Creation] Prerequisite: Craft Construct. Benefit: You may create Aware Arcana. Crafting an Aware Arcana costs 250gp for construct’s body and 1000gp per level of the spell being imbued in the construct. Additionally, the caster loses the imbued spell slot until the construct is destroyed. The construct remains loyal to its creator. A caster may command a number of Aware Arcana equal to his appropriate ability bonus. Commanding an Aware Arcana is a move action. METAMORPHOSE ARCANA[Item Creation] Prerequisite: Imbue Arcana, any metamagic feat Benefit: You may add a metamagic effect to an Aware Arcana’s imbued spell. This second spell may be used for either the Aware Arcana’s Eldritch ray or Eldritch spark abilities. Adding this effect costs 1000gp per level of adjustment to the spell being imbued. The old spell slot is restored. Additionally, the caster loses the imbued spell slot of the adjusted level, but not use of the metamagic feat, until the constructs destroyed.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Imbue Arcana, dispel magic, suggestion, a Craft (Glassblower or Gemcutter) check DC 25; Cost 4,500 gp

MERGE SPELL [Metamagic] You can unite two spells together. Prerequisites: Caster level 5th Benefit: You can join two spells that can be cast ina single action and can have the same legal target toform a single effect. All variable effects of the spellare based on the higher level spell. A merged spelluses up a spell slot two levels higher than thehighest level spell’s actual level and uses up thesame slot as the lower level spell’s actual level.

Ecology Encounter


Locals claim “witch lights” haunt a ruined tower or nearby dungeon complex. In truth, two Aware Arcana (Fireball) guard the time-ravaged remnants of their former master’s home after the catastrophic failure of an experiment or demon summoning destroyed most of the structure. Encounter Enhancements: Deep or Shallow Bogs, Diminutive Tunnels between Rooms, Fog, Hedgerows, Nighttime, Pit Traps, Tanglefoot bag traps.

Associated Item Torc of Arcana Command Aura moderate abjuration, enchantment; CL 5th Slot neck or arm; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

Twist: The Aware Arcana themselves could be considered the treasure in this encounter. A character attempting to activate the torc of arcane command could turn one construct against the other and gain a magical minion which might eventually become an ally.

Description This braided crescent of gold is capped with two spheres of dark obsidian or pale quartz that seem to hold a dim, verdant ember deep inside. As a standard action which provokes attacks of opportunity, the bearer may attempt to take mental control of an Aware Arcana within 30 feet. To do so, the bearer makes a Concentration 9

Betrayer Creature This specific creature constantly and successfully betrays his apparent allegiances, only to move on to a new group and repeat the pattern. These creatures may be doing it for a higher purpose, manipulating events from behind the scenes or for their own selfish betterment, not caring whose toes they step-on. Alternatively, they could just be mentally unstable or cursed. They do not turn back and forth between hero and villain as they are usually switching between different groups of antagonists, and are often the instigators of civil wars simply because they are the easiest situations to take advantage of. This pattern of behavior becomes a ritual, and that ritual creates the Betrayer creature.

Creating a Betrayer Creature “Betrayer creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any intelligent creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A betrayer creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +1 Alignment: Change the creature’s alignment to any chaotic. Defenses/Qualities: A betrayer creature is immune to all charms and compulsions. It also gains regeneration (choose any two damage types relevant to the creature’s background of betrayals, equal to the base creature’s Constitution bonus, minimum of 1), and fast healing (equal to the base creature’s Constitution bonus, minimum of 1). Spell-like Abilities: at will--mislead. Melee: A betrayer creature gains sneak attack as rogue of half the betrayer’s HD when attacking someone who believes the betrayer creature is its ally. This bonus stacks with existing sneak attack abilities. Special Abilities: A betrayer creature gains the following special abilities. Allied Weakness (Ex): If the betrayer creature is accepted as an ally, the betrayer can attempt a Diplomacy check (DC 10 + ally’s HD) to gather information about any special weaknesses, vulnerabilities or flaws the ally may have. Drain Ally (Su): Once per day, as a swift action plus an additional time per day at every 4th CR (CR 4, 8, 12, etc.), a betrayer creature can drain a target ally within 30 ft. of 1d6 hit points per hit dice the betrayer has, healing half the amount drained. There is no save against his ability. Hidden Healing (Su): The regeneration and fast healing ability of a betrayer creature is hidden from view (the wounds inside the creature heal first) and it takes a successful Heal and Perception check (DC 15 + the betrayal creature’s CR + its Constitution modifier) to notice that it is healing until the last hit point is healed. 10

Outrun Ally (Su): 1/day as an immediate action the betrayer creature can swap places with any ally that was within his line of sight at the beginning of the previous round, as per greater teleport. For example, if his allied employer teleported away this round, he could swap places with his employer, allowing the betrayer to escape and leaving his employer stranded. Snitch’s ear (Ex): A betrayer creature greases the right palms, and befriends the right people, so that when someone is using diplomacy to gather information about the organization he belongs too, he learns of it. Working its way towards them so that either the information is coming from it indirectly or it actually arranges for them to meet with it so that they can gain the information directly from it. A betrayer creature can feed misinformation so that it points toward a rival, or it may help these opponents to destroy his current allies with extremely useful information. Unfriendly Fire (Ex): Once per round upon a successful Reflex save, a betrayal creature can effectively use an adjacent creature that thinks the betrayer is its ally as a shield. The betrayer takes no damage from a single attack while the ally suffers full damage (no save). Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), +4 Cha (+2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs) Skills: The base creature gains a +8 racial bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. Organization: Solitary Treasure: double standard (steals from its allies, or is paid well for its betrayal)


CR 6

XP 2,400 Betayer Gremlin Filcher CE small fey 6th level rogue Init +4; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11

Defense AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +1 size, +2 natural) hp 41 (1d6+6d8+14) fast healing 2, regeneration 2 (cold and cold iron) Fort +2, Ref +13, Will +6 Defensive Abilities: evasion, outrun ally, resiliency, trap sense +2, uncanny dodge, unfriendly fire, Immune charm and compulsion, DR 5/cold iron, Weaknesses light blindness

Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +9 (1d4-2) and bite +4 (1d4-2) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks drain ally (2/day, 7d6), slow reactions, sneak attack +4d6 (+6d6 vs. an ally), surprise attack Spell-like abilities: at will- feign death (as an immediate action), mislead. This creature resembles a fat demonic-goblin with long horns, a pinched, wrinkled face, nasty claws, and a gapping mouth full of sharp teeth with an excited glint to its eyes.

Tactics Before Combat: Iodus always attempts to activate his mislead ability before entering combat. During Combat: If forced into combat and he has allies you can expect Iuduas to fail to engage the enemy and then to turn on his allies at a opportune moment, claiming that he was on his former foe’s side all along, he usually has a bit of knowledge he can share to sweeten the deal. Morale: Iudas flees if it seems that the new side will not accept him as an ally but he is not a coward by any means taking great risks to achieve his goals.

Ecology Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary Treasure double standard

Special Abilities Phase Door (Su): Three times per day, Iudas can create an effect identical to a phase door spell (caster level 5th), except it can take only other gremlins through the passage and it cannot set triggering conditions to allow others to use the passage.

Statistics Str 7, Dex 19, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 19 Base Atk +4; CMB +2; CMD +7 Feats Dodge (b), Lightning Reflexes, Mobility, Spring Attack, Weapon Finesse Skills Acrobatics +11, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +15, Disable Device +9, Escape Artist +19, Perception +11, Stealth +15, Sense Motive +9 Racial Modifiers +8 diplomacy, +2 Perception SQ allied weakness, hidden healing, snitch’s ear Languages Common, Goblin, Sylvan

Description: “Pay my price. And I will sabotage the Last Warlord’s defenses, Pay my price and I will deliver your enemy’s army unto you?” -Excerpt from Finding Iudas by Qwilion of Questhaven. 11

Obscure (DC 26): A weapon of cold iron, along with cold based weapons, are best used against Iudas. But be wary if you believe him dead, for he is a foul trick-some creature known for his ability to elude death and leave his supposed allies to take the punishment meant for him. Epic (DC 36): Legends attributed to the Anointed Messiah say that if Iudas would remain loyal to a follower of the Church of the Great Pantheon, a new age of peace and prosperity would be ushered in.

I am half the height of those hairless monkeys you call human, and weigh about half as much as their females, when they do not lie about their weight. My skin color is a rich blue-grey, I have been mistaken for both goblin and imp, and I don’t bother to correct either misinterpretation. Once I cared only for the mischief cause by disrupting of small things, an axel broke just as one forded a river, a shoe that was thrown, knocking a woman into a well. Eventually, though, the Anointed Messiah came. He who teaching brought about the Great Church of the Pantheon, he brought me into his fold saying all the children of the gods were welcome in his circle. I heard all his sermons, practiced all of his teaching, and I sold him to the Whispering Advisors of the Dark Emperor who broke him upon the Great Wheel. His followers beheaded me for this betrayal, but I did not die. I seek only a life of comfort and leisure, yet I am oft perused by “noble” followers of the Church of the Great Pantheon or some other good doer that seeks to punish me for one traitorous act or another. So back I go to work for those who are in need of my skills selling myself to the highest bidder. I often work for incompetent fools that could easily become fabulously wealthy, if they were not so obsessed with vengeance or self-aggrandizement. Do you know the story of how I betrayed the Last Warlord’s army to the Questor’s Soceity so that their victory over The Dread Lich Cynmark was not a short lived one? No, of course you don’t as they impugn my honor by saying that I did not deliver unto them the Last Warlord, failing to mention it was not part of our bargain. They revile me further when I betrayed the Solstice King leading the unliving of the Lightning Legion into the service of the Last Warlord, granting him and even more powerful army.

Monstrous Feats IMPROVED FEIGN DEATH [Monstrous] Your ability to defy death is unbelievable. Prerequisites: feign death as a spell-like ability Benefit: You are taken to an extradimensional space, akin to a rope trick spell, while a facsimile of your dead body is left behind. IMPROVED HIDDEN HEALING [Monstrous] Your ability to mislead foes about your healing ability is supernatural Prerequisites: mislead as a spell-like ability, regeneration or fast healing, Hidden Healing Benefit: As an immediate action you cloak your body in an illusion that hides your healing powers from all forms of detection. Only a true seeing spell with a successful heal check will reveal your power or until the duration of your mislead ends.

Ecology Encounter (EL varies) Within the city of Questhaven two rival thieves are gaining control of the commons ward. The local catchpole has hired Iudas to create a turf war so that the guilds will destroy each other, or weaken each other to the point where the catchpoles can round up the survivors. The catchpole cares nothing for the common folk caught in the middle. Iudas decides to hire the PCs to serve as his pawns, exposing the real evil that the guild has done, and helping the PCs to defeat guild operations for gangs on both sides. All the while letting word leak on the street that they are mercenaries working for the guilds rivals, each attack driving matters into an all-out guild war.

Lore (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 6): This fey creature is named Iudas; it is gifted servant, but well known for devastating traitorous acts. Uncommon (DC 11): Other creatures similar to this are known as “Betrayers”; read excerpt from Finding Iudas. Rare (DC 16): Iudas is extremely adept at sabotaging mechanical devices, often hiding within the devices themselves so he can sabotage a device multiple times after it is repaired, he can gain health from allies, and his attacks are often best dealt from ambush and they often impede his opponent’s response times

Encounter Enhancements: Sewers, unpaved streets, dark alleyways, innocent civilians Twist: Iudas has no intention of destroying the guilds, as he simply wishes to remove the weaker members, destroy their leadership and hand control over them over to The Last Warlord. 12

Bloody Maw Creature Consuming your enemy can grant you power; one can simply look at the devourer, the ghoul or the vampire to know the truth of this. Yet, in a world of magic, even more extraordinary things can happen. When vessels of eldritch and sacred theurgy belonging to one’s foes are consumed sometimes a change occurs, either by chance or by the will of the gods. This change grants great power to a creature that seeks to increase its power by consuming yet greater objects of might. Bloody maw creatures are beings that have eaten a magical item, without destroying it, and have been cursed with a supernatural hunger for more. A bloody maw creature must continue to consume magic items or starve to death. Most bloody maw creatures welcome this burden because of the power it brings them.

Creating a Bloody Maw Creature round following the loss of its extremity, the victim takes 2d6 points of damage, on the end of the second round the victim is reduced to -1 and is dying. This effect can be halted with a heal check (DC 15) or by any form of magical healing. Creatures immune to critical hits are immune to this effect. 1/day a bloody maw can choose to automatically threaten a critical hit. Use of this ability must be declared before the attack roll is made and counts as a use of this ability. Belly of the Beast (Ex): A bloody maw swallows any extremity it severs with its jaws. Once inside, any magical items that the extremity bore (rings, daggers, bracers, etc.) are placed in a second stomach. The Belly of the Beast can hold one magical item for every HD the base creature possesses; all others are expelled one way or another. The bloody maw may attempt a Use Magic Device skill check on any one item held in its second stomach. This is a free action, usable once per round. The items function properly as if they were worn or held in the proper place. Favored items of the bloody maw are: wands of slow (DC 17), ring of invisibility, ring of the ram (1d6, +12 bull rush), and bracers of armor.

“Bloody maw creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any living, intelligent creature that has eaten a magical item that belonged to a foe (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A bloody maw creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +1 Alignment: Change the creature’s alignment to any evil. Defenses/Qualities: It gains darkvision 60 feet, DR 10/magic and silver, low-light vision, regeneration (fire and sliver, equal to the base creature’s Constitution bonus, minimum of 1) Melee: A Bloody Maw gains a bite attack if the base creature didn't have one. Damage for the bite depends on the bloody maw's size (see Natural Attacks in the Pathfinder Bestiary). Its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Special Abilities: A bloody maw gains the following special abilities. Jaws of Severing (Ex): Upon a successful critical hit with the bloody maw’s bite attack against a creature one size category smaller than the bloody maw, that opponent must make a Fort Save (DC 10 + half the bloody maw’s HD + the bloody maw’s Strength modifier) or lose a portion of its extremities (primarily a hand), suffering a - 4 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves and checks due to extreme pain until the damage dealt is healed. The bloody maw can swallow any one-handed weapon, or similarly sized object, (wand, rod, etc.) along with any jewelry worn on the limb (rings, bracelets, and bracers.) At the end of the first

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +2 to CMD, +2 to the DC of Jaws of Severing and any of the base creature’s Strength-based DCs ) Skills: The base creature gains Use Magic Device as a class skill and gains bonus ranks in that skill equal to its HD. It also gains a +8 racial bonus on Use Magic Device checks and can always choose to take 10 on a Use Magic Device check, even if rushed or threatened Treasure: double standard (Belly of the Beast) 13

Jaw Jaws of Winter

CR 6

XP 2,400 Bloody Maw Winter Wolf NE Large magical beast (cold) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +11

Defense AC 19, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+2, armor, +1 Dex, +7 natural, –1 size) hp 57 (6d10+24) regeneration 4 (fire and sliver) Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3 Immune cold, DR 10/magic and silver Weaknesses vulnerability to fire

Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee bite +12 (1d8+9 plus 1d6 cold and trip) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks belly of the beast (wands of slow (DC 17), ring of the ram (1d6, +12 bull rush)) , breath weapon (every 1d4 rounds, 15-ft. cone, 6d6 cold damage, Reflex half DC 17), jaws of severing (Fort DC 20 negates)

Tactics Before Combat Jaws of winter always seek to activate any passive defensive items in its belly. They wait to attack from surprise till they have identified a magic item worth consuming. During Combat: These wolfs often trigger their jaws of severing the first round, both to gain the use of a powerful magical item and to terrify their foes. Morale Jaws of Winter flee if they feel they are overmatched, if they discover their opponent is immune to critical, or cold damage.

A wolf the size of a bear looks down at you, its snow white fur stained with dried blood; its eyes gleam like bits of dark metal, as do its viciously sharp teeth.

Description: “We did not enter this world as monsters. My kind were but ignorant beasts attempting to hunt, eat, mate, and survive long enough to see our children grow strong. Then came the uprights; they fenced off our territory, slaughtered our prey, told foul and untrue stories of our exploits, saying we murdered grandmothers in their beds, destroyed buildings and hunted the builders. In the end we predators became the prey, hunted for our very pelts. Soon though, the prey learned to pray. Our howling cries of remorse were answered by the night in which we ran. The Running Fire, whom you call the Adversary, gave us a gift that would defend our people from the uprights. We became what we were accused of being.”

Statistics Str 24, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 13, Cha 10 Base Atk +6; CMB +14; CMD 25 (29 vs. trip) Feats Improved Initiative, Run, Skill Focus (Perception) Skills Perception +11, Stealth +4 (+10 in snow), Survival +5 Use Magic Device +6 Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, +2 Stealth (+8 in snow), +2 Survival SQ belly of the beast (bracers of armor +2, ring of invisibility) Languages Common, Giant


-Excerpt from A Wolf’s Tale by Illarg the Jaws of

Environment cold forests and plains Organization solitary, pair, or pack (6–11) Treasure double standard

Winter, as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. 14

fire that all the jaws of winter shall be transformed back into normal wolves again.

Look into your tales of yore, those passed down to you by the fey folk, and you will find us staring back at you. We are the bloodstained beasts of your nightmares. Our dark, bloodstained pelts make us look like the snow after a fresh kill. You will not mistake us for some common wolf for we have eyes that shine like your tools and steel and teeth to match. We are larger and more muscled than your slave four-footed mounts you call horses. Once we cared for only three things: food, mating, and our children. Now my kind will starve, travel alone, and abandon life and den, simply to kill a single upright who has spoken ill of a wolf. We are the wrath of the innocent who has done no wrong. No slight against a wolf is too small to avenge with blood. We wish simply to return to the old ways, to sate our bloodlust for our enemies and to return to a peaceful life at home. Yet the uprights forever conspire against our people. In our tales, we speak of the coming of a messiah who will show us how to return to the ancient traditions; many await that day and try to herald its coming. You know stories of my people, there is the story of Lorarg whose pack was captured and enslaved during your first war to fight upon the side of life, never bothering to discover if we would have fought upon that side willingly. I myself have taken the hand of The Last Warlord; the scepter of the fallen emperor still resides within me.

Monstrous Feats GREATER BELLY OF THE BEAST [Monstrous] You can control magic items you swallow even if they are attended objects. Prerequisites: Belly of the Beast, Swallow Whole Benefit: You can use your Belly of the Beast ability to negate all magical items used by creatures you swallow whole (as if they had been successfully dispelled). You can also use these items as per belly of the beast with a successfully use magic device check even if its ability is negated in its belly. VORPAL BITE [Monstrous] Your maw is so dangerous that it can behead opponents. Prerequisites: Jaws of Severing, 15 Hit Dice Benefit: if you are at least two size categories larger than your opponent your jaws of severing function as if they had the vorpal weapon property except you opponent receives a Fort Save (DC 10 + 1/2 your hit dice + your Strength Modifier) to negate the effect.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 12)

It is summer on the open tundra or plains along with bringing monsoon like rains. The normally white coat of the Jaws of Winter has become darker causing the local merchants who travel the trade route that crosses this area to confuse them with normal worg wolves. Also, with their broad winter paws, they are able to run across mud with little to no difficulty, much to the frustration of the local military and militia patrols. The Illarg pack (8 full grown jaws of winter) have also developed an advantageous relationship with an awakened murder of crows that have the natural ability to detect magical items. The merchants and soldiers have only seen them after the fact feasting on the dead bodies.

Lore (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 6): This magical beast is called a Jaws of Winter; it seeks vengeance against those beings that walk upon two legs. Uncommon (DC 11): Other creatures similar to this are known as “the bloody maw”; read excerpt from A Wolf’s Tale. Rare DC (16): These creatures are canines extremely at home in the cold and in the darkness of the night; they often deal a vicious bite that can amputate a fully grown human’s hand. Jaws of Winter have a gift for using any kind of magic item, especially those they have consumed. Obscure (DC 26): Only weapons of silver or fire can keep jaws of winter dead, and they are extremely susceptible to fire. Epic (DC 36): An all but forgotten ancient legend says that if a jaws of winter forgives a human man on the winter solstice, at an altar of

Encounter Enhancements: Nighttime, Rain, Shallow Bogs, Deep Bogs, Quicksand, Small Hedgerow maze. Twist: The majority of the very small treasure is in the bellies of the 3 wolf pups back at their den which has a number of hidden entrances in the hedgerow maze.


Body Jumper Creature Some creatures transcend their physical form, becoming nothing more than a possessing sprit, able to move from body to body, they see other creatures as mere meat-dresses for their supernatural essence. These creatures are not always demonic or undead spirits, they have simply ascended to a higher plane of being where physical bodies are no longer required, but that does not mean they don’t enjoy taking over someone; they are the puppeteers behind the scenes. Not all body jumpers, however, are self-serving or vindictive, some few seek to help the world from behind the scenes or work in a symbiotic relationship with the host bodies.

Creating a Body Jumper Creature creature always uses its Will save rather than its hosts. Spell Vulnerability: These spells never need to overcome a host or body jumper creature’s spell resistance (if any) to have any effect and suffers a -4 penalty to its save. A host creature subjected to a banishment or dispel alignment (chaos, evil, good, or law appropriate to the base creature or the host), remove curse, or break enchantment, must succeed on a Will saving throw or the body jumper is expelled and can never possess that host creature again though it is free to possess any other creature. An antimagic field or any antimagic effect suppresses all the effects upon the host creature and any supernatural or spell like abilities of the body jumper. It also prevents the body jumper from communicating with the host creature, using its perceptions, and exiting its host body (unless it dies) for as long as the host creature remains in the antimagic area. Any of the protection from alignment spells prevents a body jumper from possessing a host creature even if the spell is not appropriate to the host or body jumper’s alignment. A binding or trap the soul spell will trap both the host and the body jumper creature. If it is forcibly expelled or its host creature dies a body jumper must possess a new host within 1 minute or be destroyed.

“Body Jumper creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any intelligent creature that has left behind its physical body. A body creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +3 Defenses/Qualities: The base creature loses all special defenses and qualities; including size and special senses, the Body Jumper creature (not its host body) is immune to all physical attacks and can only be affected by spells and effects listed in its spell vulnerability. A body jumper loses all of its physical attacks including special attacks modified by Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution since it has no physical body, it can however use those possessed by its host body. Special Abilities: A body jumper creature gains the following special abilities. Body Jump (Su): Once per round a Body Jumper Creature can possess any non-construct, non-plant creature that fails its Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the body jumper’s HD + the Body Jumper’s Charisma modifier) within a range of 75 feet. A creature that successfully saves is immune to this effect for 24 hours. The Body Jumper can utterly and constantly control the host creature’s mind and body and read its mind like an open book. Perceiving all that the host creature does or has ever done, even things it cannot remember. The host creature’s gains the body jumper’s alignment in addition to its normal alignment, until it is no longer a host. Lacking a physical body the base creature only has access to extraordinary, supernatural and spell like abilities of the host creature that use the base creature Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier. It can also cast spells and take purely mental actions, as well as use any ability its host possesses along with granting the host the use of its feats and skills (though skills modified by Strength or Dexterity are modified by the hosts ability scores). The Body Jumper

Abilities: Body jumpers loose Str, Dex and Con Scores; +8 Cha (+4 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +4 to any of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs) Feats: Reselect any feats that no longer apply due to a lack of a body. Skills: The base creature loses all skills modified by Str or Dex and gains Bluff, Disguise, and Diplomacy as a class skill and gains bonus ranks in that skill equal to its HD. 16

Bisiir “Discord’s Essence” CR 21 XP 153,600 Body Jumper Entropic Dragon CE - dragon (chaos) Init +4; Senses Perception +32 Aura frightful presence (300 ft., DC 31)

Defense AC -, touch -, flat-footed hp 156 (24d12) Fort +14, Ref +14, Will +19 DR 15/magic; Immune all physical attacks; SR 29 Weakness spell vulnerability

Offense Speed MeleeSpace -; Reach Special Attacks body jump (DC 33), corrupt water (DC 31), rust (DC 33) Spells Known (CL 13th) 6th (4/day)—eyebite (DC 27), programmed image 5th (7/day)—blight, dominate person (DC 26), persistent image 4th (7/day)—bestow curse (DC 25), charm monster (DC 21), enervation, phantasmal killer 3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, displacement, haste, vampiric touch 2nd (7/day)—darkness, false life, invisibility, resist energy, shatter 1st (7/day)—alarm, mage armor, shield, true strike, unseen servant 0 (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (DC 19), detect magic, light, mage hand, mending, message, read magic, resistance

Using the divine power of the spell of true sight you see the ephemeral outline of a dragon, with dull metallic plates that show signs of rust, shredded wings, and a body in a state of decay; possessing the creature confronting you. Initiative, Iron Will, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Spell Focus (enchantment necromancy) Skills Bluff +36, Diplomacy +36, Disguise +36, Fly +44, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (arcana) +32, Knowledge (geography) +32, Knowledge (history) +32, Knowledge (local) +32, Linguistics +32, Perception +32, Sense Motive +32, Spellcraft +32, Survival +32 Languages , Common, Draconic, Giant, Ignan, Infernal, plus 24 more SQ -

Tactics Before Combat Bisiir always attempts to silent, still cast his charm monster, and dominate person spells to help sow discord. During Combat Bisiir enjoys the destruction of conflict and will often jump from body to body enjoying every perspective, forcing brother to kill brother, and friend to slay friend. Morale Unless he is in an isolated area, Bisiir has no fear of death.

Ecology Environment any land or underground Organization solitary Treasure double standard


Corrupt Water (Sp) Once per day Bisiir can stagnate 10 cubic feet of still water, making it foul and unable to support water-breathing life. The ability spoils liquids containing water. Liquid-based magic items (such as potions) and items in a creature's possession must succeed on a Will save (DC 27) or become ruined. This

Str -, Dex -, Con -, Int 20, Wis 21, Cha 28 Base Atk +24; CMB +40; CMD 49 (53 vs. trip) Feats Ability Focus (body jump, rust) Combat Casting, Extend Spell, Greater Spell Focus (enchantment, necromancy), Improved 17


ability is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell. Its range is 300ft. The DC is Charisma based.

(Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 21): This disembodied dragon is named Bisiir “Discord’s Essence”; it seeks to create death and destruction simply for its own amusement. Uncommon (DC 26): Other creatures similar to this are known as “body jumpers”; read excerpt from Agent of Chaos. Rare DC (31): Bisiir can possess the body of almost any creature within a distance, according the ancient tongue, of 50 cubits. It has no body, which you can attack, and is immune to almost all but a few select spells. However, it retains the ability to corrupt water and corrode metals with the touch of its host, and is a competent spells caster specializing in necromancy and enchantments, though be thankfully not its horrid breath weapon. Obscure (DC 41): Only banishment, binding, dispel chaos/evil, protection from chaos/evil and trap the soul, can truly affect a body jumper. Moreover, if you can trap the creature beyond its jumping range, you can imprison it. Epic (DC 51): It is rumored that Bisiir knows the truth of the Emperor Cynmark’s final defeat and the nature of the Sixth Servant of Cynmark.

Rust (Su) With a touch of his host, Bisiir causes any metal object touched to swiftly rust and corrode. The object touched takes half its maximum hp in damage and gains the broken condition—a second hit destroys the item. Bisiir never provokes attacks of opportunity by attempting to strike a weapon. Against creatures made of metal, Bisiir’s host deals 3d6+5 points of damage. An attended object, any magic object, or a metal creature can attempt a DC 27 Reflex save to negate this effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Description: “I am what keeps the falcon from hearing the falconer, I am what widens the gyre, I am what shatters the center… my that's a puissant body you have there mammal, do you mind if I ‘Change Clothes’...?” -Excerpt from Agent of Chaos by Bisiir “Discord’s Essence” as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. You will not see me, only the shell I wear unless you use the tools the gods have given you, your wits and the magic’s that reveal the aura of chaos, or grants the true sight. Then it is very likely I will jump into your body, so you cannot reveal the heights of your ingenuity. I will likely then take you for walk to the local insane asylum, or maybe just walk you off the cliffs above the Shifting Shore. Why do I do this? Because it is fun, because I like to see things fall apart. As most dragons hoard gold, I hoard the lives I have left awash in blood and madness. One day I will cause the vaunted Questor’s Society to erupt in civil war. Adventurer will slay adventurer as each faction erupting into open warfare. I have been maneuvering for years, and even the legendary Circle of Heroes cannot stop it. You think I am the only body jumper, you are wrong. The Sixth Servant of Cynmark was a body jumper, though the Circle of Heroes does not know this, they were quite fortunate that they imprisoned her in the center of the earth, before she could possess one of your greatest heroes; Or did they? What better place to be than sitting on the ruling council of Questhaven?

Monstrous Feats HIDDEN POSSESSION [Monstrous] You can hide from divine magics that would reveal you. Prerequisites: Body Jump or Possession special ability Benefit: In order for divinations such as detect evil or true seeing to reveal your true nature the user must make a successful caster level check (DC 15 + your Challenge Rating).

Ecology Encounter

(EL 21)

A PC that is using a true seeing spell sees Bisiir “Discord’s Essence” possessing the female child of a visiting Emperor from the far eastern realm. A servant who says something is wrong with the child enlists the PCs; she says that her master has been acting strangely since the family arrived in the city. She offers the PCs the secret to a treasure from her master’s hoard if they can free her master from what has gone ill. Twist: Bisiir is the servants master and he is trapped in this evil soulless child.


Boundfury Creature Ageless creatures lost to the abyss of time their hearts filled with a desire for endless retribution. A boundfury spends centuries capturing and punishing those who have earned its wrath. They are thankful to their gods for the blessing of eternal life and their destiny to mete out punishment. In prisons, dungeons and penal colonies, they spend their time policing and containing their charges, weighing what they have lost against their sacred duty. A boundfury is a creature charged by a cause, ethos or deity to punish the guilty in an area it considers sacred or important. This binding might be a permanent assignment granted to a willing creature, penitence for a great sin, or a curse laid by the deity on one who has injured its faithful. A boundfury does not age, nor need to fear hunger or disease so long as it remains in the area it has been tasked to serve. Should it ever leave, it must soon recant this dereliction of its duties, or it will die from rapid aging as the blessing of immortality is rescinded, for the only freedom it finds is in death.

Creating a Boundfury Creature This penal facility is usually guarded by boundfuries. If so, then the creature is detained and used for large scale penal labor. The prison regime is always harsh, often including severe physical punishment. A prisoner does not age naturally while incarcerated at the penal colony, but if released or the captive escapes it magically ages to what its normal age would be. Prisoners are fed, clothed, exercised and given medical care by the boundfuries. Prison Barracks (Sp): At will a boundfury can create a moderate prison barracks with 16 bunks similar to a secure shelter spell, but under the control only of boundfuries (the arcane locks, alarm, and unseen servant only serve a boundfury). The boundfuries also use one of these to secure prisoner’s personal effects not sold to pay debts and/or recompense. CL equals the base creature’s HD. Subdue (Su): If dealing nonlethal damage a boundfury’s attacks (including special attacks) deal an additional +2d6 points of non-lethal damage.

“Boundfury creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any living, intelligent creature. Usually, the alignment of a creature that becomes a Boundfury matches that of the cause, ethos, or deity that invested it with power. Sometimes, however, a cause, ethos, or god punishes a blasphemer or an enemy of the faith by making it a boundfury. A boundfury creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Alignment: Change the creature’s alignment to any lawful. Defenses/Qualities: DR 5/chaos (increase to 10 if the boundfury’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the boundfury’s CR is 15 or Higher), darkvision 60ft., SR (11+Boundfury’s CR) Special Abilities: A boundfury gains the following special abilities. Pain (Su): Those hit by any of the boundfury’s attacks (including special attacks) must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the boundfury’s HD + the boundfury’s Charisma modifier) or be wracked with pain for 1 hour, suffering a -4 circumstance penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. The save DC is Charisma-based. A successful save makes the creature immune to this boundfury’s pain ability for 24 hours. This is a mind affecting effect. Penalize (Su): a boundfury can teleport or plane shift an unconscious or helpless creature (no save) to the dungeon, penal colony or prison, the boundfury is bound too (or its own prison barracks).

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +2 to CMD), Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Wis +4 (+2 to Will saves, +2 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks), +4 Cha (+2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 to the DC of Pain and any of the base creature’s Strength-based DCs ) Skills: +10 insight bonus to Heal checks 19

Gilded Guard of Gone CR 7 XP 3,200 Boundfury Gilded Sea Serpent LN Medium dragon (Aquatic) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +13

Defense Defense AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+4 Dex, +16 natural) hp 57 (5d12+25) Fort +11, Ref +8, Will +9 Immune sleep and paralysis, DR 5/gold and anarchic SR 18

Offense Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), swim 40 ft. Melee bite +9 (1d8+3 plus grab, pain and poison) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks constrict 1d8+3, grab, pain (DC 17), subdue +2d6 (nonlethal)

Tactics Before Combat Gilded Guards of Gone usually wait until their opponents are on or over water and usually out of sight of land all together. During Combat: Guards usually attack using Swim-by-Attack against each foe, allowing its pain and poison abilities (pain is applied first, followed by poison), to wear down its foes. It will sometimes use its constrict ability dealing nonlethal damage, sinking into the water until the foe is rendered helpless. Morale Guards flee when outmatched, gathering a clutch so it can return in force.

This golden scaled serpent is about 8 feet long and 2 feet wide, glittering in the light. It has a long, narrow snout and a cluster of antenna-like whiskers along with horns sweeping back from its head.

Statistics Str 16, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 7, Wis 20, Cha 21 Base Atk +6; CMB +9 (+13 grapple); CMD +23 (can't be tripped Feats Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Swim-By Attackb, Weapon Finesse Skills Heal +23, Perception +13, Stealth +8, Swim +19 Racial Modifiers -4 Stealth,+8 Swim SQ amphibious, penalize, prison barracks Languages Common, Draconic

Description: ““We call not for justice only for security. We call for the safety only the lack of freedom can bring. We call upon the ancient bindings to see that things are and will be, no matter the captive’s choice. We call for each moment to take the captive further from its former life. We call for a bargain, apart from sin, regardless of unpopularity or patricide. We call for the boundfury to care not, the captive has been sent and the boundfury shall imprison it, until the memory of the offense is lost, even unto our captive.”

Ecology Environment temperate and warm aquatic Organization solitary, pair or cluster (3–8) Treasure standard

Special abilities Poison (Ex) Bite—injury; save Fort DC 17, frequency 1/round for 10 rounds, effect 1d4 Wis and paralysis, cure 2 consecutive saves; The save DC is Constitution-based.

-Excerpt from the Rites of Binding the Fury as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven 20

We, the Gilded Guards of Gone, are precisely 12 of your feet long with a circumference equal to exactly 2 of your feet and weigh strictly 600 of your pound stones. Warm-blooded, yet we have features common to dragons, and the serpents of the sea. Our eyes are a lifeless black, dead to those who look at them. The cutting edge or our teeth we always clean and sharpen, finding a coral to hone them against, in the same manner, you would grind a knife upon a whetstone. For some crimes, death is too easy a punishment, for such my kind is summoned, and we do not judge based on the severity of the crime only on the passion of the accusation. We know no mercy, there is no parole, your only pardon shall be when no one remembers your crime and it is erased from every record. We chose our role; chose to answer the call. Mortals will always seek to imprison another, and we found that calling to our liking, we doubt there will ever be a day when such fellowship exists that we will not be needed. It is far more likely that the need for the Gilded Guards of Gone will end when no one remembers us, and all record of our kind is erased. The First of Us imprisoned the great agent/spies known as The Company of Six; why is unknown, for they have used magic to make themselves forget why The First of Us caged them and they now fight to escape the Isle of Gone not knowing they are waiting on the world to forget them. The veiled woman knows not her offense, yet her sister on the Council of Heroes does so, yet she remains veiled in iron. A small group of forgotten detainees left us yesterday, for there was no sin to remember only suspicions of sins, and no chronicle remains from the War of the Shifting Shore that they never took part in.

Lore LORE: (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 6): This dragon is a sea serpent known as the Gilded Guard of Gone, and severs as the mystical wardens of Questhaven’s penal colony known as the Isle of Gone. Uncommon (DC 11): red the description section of the gilded guards of gone, While on the Isle of Gone you do not age but if released or the captive escapes you magically ages to what its normal age would be. Rare DC (DC 16): A guard rarely attacks with lethal force, subduing, paralyzing, and punishing its captives. Most weapons and spells fail to affect a Gilded Guard of Gone. It can create, prison barracks at will, and transport helpless victims to them at will, and can track escaped captives via scent.

Obscure (DC 26): Archmages and weapons forged of gold and imbued with the power of chaos can easily harm a Gilded Guard of Gone; a prisoner can secure his release if he can arrange for the destruction of the records of his crime, and to erase even the memory of his crime, including from himself. Epic (DC 36): Legends speak of the destruction of all the Gilded Guards of Gone, when it imprisons another boundfury a year and a day.

Monstrous Feats GREATER PAIN [Monstrous] You can have a greater ability to inflict pain on your captives. Prerequisites: Heal 8 ranks, Pain special attack. Benefit: You increase the circumstance penalty incurred by the use of your pain special attack so the penalty is equal to half your hit dice, or -4, whichever is the greater penalty. GREATER PENALIZE [Monstrous] Your maw is so dangerous that it can behead opponents. Prerequisites: Penalize special attack, Benefit: Once every 1d4 rounds with a touch attack you can use you penalize ability even on creatures that are not helpless or unconscious the creature receives a Will save (DC 10 + ½ your Hit Dice + your Charisma Modifier).

Ecology Encounter

(EL 12)

Gilded Guardians of Gone always send a clutch on to the Isle of Gone in the late evening. When they come out of the water they roll around in wet mud covering their whole body (removing the -4 racial penalty to stealth). They then sneak about the island attempting to learn the plans for escape and occasionally assaulting them, destroying compounds and boats under construction. They also take two of their young (see Pathfinder Bestiary) along to train them in the ways of guarding the Isle. These young may also come along when one of them visits Questhaven to gather a prisoner. So don’t be surprised to find one in the Questor’s Quarter of the Evocative City. Encounter Enhancements: Nighttime Twist: This is a chosen life for the guards. Their young occasionally rebel, not becoming boundfuries, and they may help favored prisoners escape the Isle of Gone, while others abuse their power gathering prisoners that have committed no crime.


Civilized Creature Civilized creatures develop their own high culture oran appreciation for the civilization of another culture, often assimilating or finding acceptance in that community. They struggle against those that hate and despise immigrants and those different from themselves both culturally and physically.Civilized creatures are capable of wielding weapons and manipulating tools, often through the use of telekinesis. They often form permanent societies, organizations, andhomelands, even if they are normally solitary creatures, raiders, or uncivilized hunter-gatherers. They tend to have a more refined appearance and sometimes wear the trappings of high society and/or technology.

Creating a Civilized Creature anattended object the opponent possesses with a successful Will save (DC 10+1/2 the civilized creatures hit dice + the civilized creatures Charisma modifier.)The effect ends if the object is forced beyond the creature’s natural reach. An object can be telekinetically manipulated as if with two hands or two objects with one hand. For example, a lever or rope can be pulled, a two handed sword wielded, pair of lock picks used , a key turned, an object rotated, and so on, if the force required is within the creatures weight limitation. Itcan also perform delicate activities such as untying a complicated knot. A civilized creature can also perform a bull rush, disarm, grapple (including pin), or trip. Resolve these attempts as normal.

“Civilized Creature” is an acquired or inheritedtemplate that can be added to any creature that does not normally have a civilized social structure and does not possess a humanoid form(Referred to hereafter as the base creature). A civilized creature uses all the base creature’sstatistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +1 Melee/Ranged: A civilized creature gains proficiency with all simple weapons and the ability to manipulate weapons, via its tactile telekinesis ability if it does not have opposable thumbs. It can make iterative attacks based on its base attack bonus and the type of weapon it chooses to use.Its reach remains unchanged by the telekinesis but it could extend its reach with a polearm for example, or its effective range with a bow. Otherwise the weapons are treated as if they were wielded by the civilized creature (apply Strength and Dexterity modifiers as appropriate to the weapon).If firearms are present in the current settings they gain proficiency with all firearms.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Int +4 (minimum 13, see skills), Cha +4 (Minimum 13, +2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, Use Magic Device, attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs; +2 to the DC of Tactile Telekinesis andany of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs) Feats: A civilized creature gains Simple Weapon Proficiency, and gains Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms) if they exist in the civilization the creature has joined as bonus feats

Special Abilities: A civilized creature gains the following special abilities. Tactile Telekinesis (Ex):A civilized creature can move objects or creatures as if they themselves were moving them at a range equal to the base creature’s natural reach. They also experience a sense of touch through this telekinesis, making it very useful in manipulating small objects or performing delicate tasks. They can carry or move an object if they possess the strength score to do so, even if the limitations of their limbs would normally not allow them to carry it but they cannot move it farther than their natural reach, though if they move the object moves with them.These are considered attended objects for the civilized creature.An opponent can negate the effect on

Skills: Recalculate all skills, with a number of skill ranks equal to 6 + Civilized Creature’s new Int modifier per Hit Dice, choosing any 10 skills to be class skills. It gains a +2 racial bonus on all Craft, Disable Device, and Perception skill checks. Environment: any urban Treasure: Standard or base creatures treasure whichever is greater, this treasure should be usable equipment per an NPC equal to the civilized creatures CR. 22

Genteel Spines CR 14 XP 38,400 Civilized Spinosaurus N Colossal animal Init+4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +32 Aura Frightful Presence (60 ft., DC 23)

Defense AC 27, touch 2, flat-footed 27 (+25 natural, -8 size) hp256 (19d8+171) Fort +19, Ref +11, Will +11 Defensive Abilities ferocity

Offense Speed 50 ft., swim 30 ft. Melee bite +22 (6d6+16 plus bleed and grab/19-20), 2 claws +22 (2d8+16), tail slap +17 (4d6+8). Ranged: Bombard +6 touch attack (10d6+ poison, 300 ft.) Space 30 ft.; Reach 25 ft. Special Attacks bleed (2d6), poison (dragon bile) powerful charge (bite 12d6+32 plus bleed and grab), swallow whole (3d6+12 acid damage, AC 25, 25hp), tactile telekinesis (DC 21), terrible roar

This massive bipedal dinosaur's front arms seem small compared to the rest of its long body which supports a tall, spined fin, but its enormous long snout is all teeth. Its eyes however, hold a unique intelligence and monocles, floating next to it is a massive bombard

Tactics Combat Genteel Spines avoid combat preferring to negotiate or flee but if forced they use their Frightful Presence followed by a powerful charge, if struck from range it will return fire with its bombard filled with a poison round (it does not touch the poison using its tactile telekinesis). Morale The only time a Genteel Spine refuses to flee is if its family or home is in danger if not it will flee at the first sign of danger.

Ecology Environment any urban Organization solitary, pair, or family (3-4) Treasure standard

Special Abilities Terrible Roar (Ex) As a swift action which does not provoke an attack of opportunity or as part of a charge, a spinosaurus may roar, activating its Frightful Presence in a 60 ft. radius, Will DC 23. This is DC is Charisma based.

Statistics Str42, Dex10, Con26, Int13, Wis16, Cha14 BaseAtk+14; CMB+38; CMD+48 Feats Ability Focus (Frightful Presence), Alertness, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms)b, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Multiattack, Power Attack, Run, Simple Weapon Proficiencyb, Skill Focus (Perception), Skills Craft (firearms) +25, Disable Device +24, Knowledge (arcana) +23, Knowledge (history) +23, Perception +43, Stealth +10, Swim +46 Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +4 Stealth, +8 Swim

Description: "Strangers, hear me, I am Mabdun of the Seventh Generation, son of Bansur Kursum-mate. My father is Kursun Bansur-mate, Pyreurgist of the Canonusmaerl. Our home sits at the southern foot of Mt. Jotunheim next to the Shifting Shore of the Shadowfey along the Adamantine Road to Questhaven. Though we are scantly acquainted we 23

know you well.We have beheld you in the nature of your deeds and the valor of your companions. Let us sit and take tea and hear you speak of the reason for your presence among us, so that we may determine how best we can assist you.” -Excerpt from Conversations with Monsters by Qwilion of Questhaven. You have always looked upon my kind with awe and not a little bit of fear, but we the Genteel Spines are just like your fellows, pick us do we not bleed, wrong us do we not revenge. Yes I know we are normally 46 of your feet long, and over 3 times the height of a man,but we also plant and care for a garden behind our smithy, we grow beautiful roses, I know at 8 or your tons we do not walk quietly but we do our best not to disturb our neighbors. Since we were “uplifted” by the Cynmark Dynasty seven generations ago, my genteel folk have carried out the crafting of arms for the city of Questhaven, we sold to both the Imperial forces and secretly to those of the adventurer’s revolt. My family studies the arts of the Canonmearl or what you would call gunsmithing, and my father is a pyreurgist or what others might call a “gunmage” melding the arcane forces of magic with the chemistry of firearms. We enjoy the gentile and proper life we have earned through our various crafts and the masters of sagacity that are sought out amongst our small community, we simply wish to continue in the same manner we have for these seven generations. We are a quiet and humble group we do not seek out aggrandizement for our deeds but if you must know: nearly ever firearm you encounter is likely one of our creations or was made based on our original designs.We have only been aroused once in our history to engage in combat. The War of the Shifting Shore, it brought the Quickling Legion to our doorstep and we were forced us to use our craft to dissuade the legion of idea that destroying us was easier than paying us not to sell arms to the City of Questhaven. The City itself pays us not to sell arms to The Last Warlord of Cynmark.

Lore Knowledge Arcana Common (DC 14): This animal is called a Genteel Spine; they are quite accomplished craftsmen and sages, and many of them use firearms, often carrying around bombards. Uncommon (DC 19): Other creatures similar to this are known as “Civilized creatures”; read excerpt from Conversations with Monsters.

Rare DC (24): These creatures are carnivores but they buy and sell goods and rather than functioning as predators, are actually considered cowards. Its bite can cause horrible bleeding wound, and it often swallows its prey whole.It often coats the projectiles from its bombard with dragon bile poison using its tactile telekinesis. Obscure (DC 34):In reality they are not cowards but care only for their homes and way of life, if someone were to threaten their family or their business it is likely their foe would be surprised by the undying ferocity of the creature. Epic (DC 44):Negotiation with these creatures is always an option, as they consider it of the highest art forms, and will gladly trade any service or product for the right price to anyone, inducing you and your enemies.It has been said they will sell a gun to their own murderer.

Monstrous Feats TELEKINETIC FLIGHT [Monstrous] You use your telekinesis to push yourself into the air and simulate flight. Prerequisites: Tactile Telekinesis or Telekinesis as a special ability Benefit: you are able to simulate a fly speed equal to your base speed using your telekinesis as a move action. TELEKINETIC SHIELD [Monstrous] You use your telekinesis to protect yourself or others from harm. Prerequisites: Tactile Telekinesis or Telekinesis as a special ability Benefit: 1/day you can simulate the effect of a telekinetic sphere as an immediate action, caster level is equal to your HD Special: This feat can be taken more than one. Each time you take this feat you gain an additional use of the telekinetic sphere each day.

Ecology Encounter


Far to the south in the Jungle of Ruk-sher the civilized creatures’ hideaway; they are xenophobic to an extreme having seen nearly their entire brethren slain. They kill or slay any humanoid or monstrous humanoid that violates the Ruk-sher. They work great wonders of technology in their hidden cities. They are even known to send spies out into the communities around them disguised as normal animals, some even reach as far away as Questhaven. They constantly aid the enemies of humanoids and monstrous humanoids while keeping their true nature hidden. Twist: The PCs animal companion is a hidden spy for the Ruk-sher.


Darkseed Creature Template Darkseed creatures are undead who are defined by the intense kernel of negative energy they carry within themselves. Whether through divine interference, or some metaphysical quirk of necromancy, each darkseed creature has a strong and unnatural connection to the Negative Energy Plane. Walking planar portals, these monsters literally pulse with dangerous energies and are endemic to all life.

Creating a Darkseed Creature against attacks made from further than 30 ft. away (area attacks are not affected). However, such is the strength of the creature's negative aura that any living thing within 30 ft. can absolutely and unerringly locate the creature, regardless of vision. Intelligent undead can suppress the field of darkness at will, but not the ability of the living to target them. Darkseed (Su): Tightly wound negative energies burn within the darkseed creature, fueling their abilities and constantly knitting their wounds. When the creature is 'slain' the slim bindings holding this energy together are undone, resulting in an explosion of negative energy. Living creatures within 30 ft. of the exploding darkseed take 5 points of negative energy damage per HD of the slain undead (Reflex halves). Undead within the same area receive a like amount of temporary hit points. Necrotic Poison: Type injury; Save Fort (DC 10 + ½ base creature’s HD + darkseed’s Charisma modifier; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Con damage plus the base creatures natural drain damage (if any); cure 1 save.

Darkseed Creature is an acquired template that can be added to any undead creature. The term darkseed refers most properly to the kernel of negative energy that burns in an undead with this template. Sometimes when an undead rises within an area ripe with negative energy it immediately gains the darkseed template. Likewise, some undead bring forth a darkseed within themselves after spending time in such negatively charged zones. More common, however, are those undead who receive a darkseed from a malevolent deity with necromantic dominions. CR: +2 Type: Regardless of alignment, the creature gains the chaotic subtype. Defenses/Qualities: lifesense 60 ft. (as blindsight); fast healing (equal to 1 plus there Charisma modifier [minimum 1]); darklight aura Attack: The negative energy coursing through the body of the darkseed creature acts as a poison to those attacked by the creature. Any attack made by the creature (natural and weapon) add Necrotic Poison to its damage.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +2 to CMD, add +2 to any of the base creature’s Strength-based DCs), Dex +4 ( +2 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, and Ref saves. +2 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add +2 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), +6 Cha (+3 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; +3 to attempts to influence others and Channel Energy, +3 to DC of Necrotic Poison, add +3 to any of the base creature’s other Charisma-based DCs)

Special Abilities: A darkseed gains the following special abilities. Animate Dead (Su): The mere presence of the darkseed can bring the dead from their graves. A darkseed creature can animate dead a number of times per day equal to 1 plus there Charisma modifier (minimum 1) as a swift action. Channel Negative Energy (Su): As a free action, the darkseed creature can channel negative energy (as a cleric character level equal to the darkseed creature’s CR) a number of times per day equal to 3+ the darkseed’s Charisma modifier. This ability stacks with any classes that grant the channeling ability (such as the Cleric). Darklight (Su): The negative energies pulsing from the creature act as a continual deeper darkness, centered on the darkseed, providing total concealment for the creature

Feats: Gain Toughness as a bonus feat. Environment: As base creature plus negative energy plane 25

Bloody Bla Blades lades

CR 7

XP 4800 darkseed bloody bones Darkseed bloody bones rogue 4 CE Medium undead (chaotic) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., lifesense 60 ft.; Perception +17 (+19 traps) Aura darklight 60 ft.

Defense AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 20 (+5 Dex, +5 natural) hp 103 (9d8+63) fast healing 7 Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +8 Defensive Abilities darkseed (DC ), evasion, slippery, trap sense +1, uncanny dodge; Immune undead traits; Resist fire 10

Offense A sphere of darkness hides this skeletal figure dripping with blood and gore. Boney claws clutch wicked daggers and four leathery tentacles twist and writhe around it.

Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 claws +12 (1d4+6 plus poison) or 2 mwk daggers +13 (1d4+6 plus poison/19-20) Ranged 4 tendrils +13 touch (grab plus poison) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (30 ft. with tendrils) Special Attacks channel negative energy (9/day, 4d6, DC 20), rend (2 claws, 1d4+9), sneak attack +2d6 plus 2 bleed, surprise attacks

SQ animate dead (7/day, CL 9th), rogue talents (bleeding attack, surprise attacks), trapfinding +2



Environment Any Organization Solitary or Pair Treasure Standard

Before Combat Bloody blades prefer lone victims and attack in darkness via stealth. It will raise any available corpses to aid it. Combat Bloody blades use its darklight aura to provide concealment, while its snares a single foe with its tendrils and, once a foe is ensnared, dragging them into range of either claws or daggers. It may choose to grab and hinder additional foes. Morale Bloody blades will not flee until either it or their foes are destroyed.

Special Abilities Slippery (Ex) Bloody blades are difficult to grapple or snare due to the constant flow of blood and mucus across their bodies. Webs, magic or otherwise, do not affect bloody blades and they usually wriggle free from most other forms of confinement. Tendrils (Ex) A bloody blade can fire up to 4 sinewy tendrils to a maximum range of 30 ft. (no range increment). A tendril has 10 hit points and can be attacked by making a successful sunder attempt. Doing so does not provoke an attack of opportunity. If the tendril is currently wrapped around a target, the bloody blade takes a -4 penalty on its CMD to resist the sunder. Severing a tendril does no damage to a bloody blade. Tendrils can be used to grab opponents of medium size or smaller and deliver necrotic poison, but they do no damage (including sneak attack damage) to those grabbed. A tendril that successfully grabs an opponent can drag that opponent up to 10 ft. closer to the bloody blade.

Statistics Str 22, Dex 20, Con —, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 22 Base Atk +6; CMB +12 (+18 grapple); CMD 27 (29 vs. grapple) Feats Alertness, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, ToughnessB, Weapon Focus (dagger), Weapon Focus (tendril) Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +18, Disable Device +19, Escape Artist +30, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (local) +10, Perception +17 (+19 traps), Sense Motive +11, Stealth +17, Survival +5 ; Racial Modifiers +15 Escape Artist Languages Common, Infernal (doesn't speak) 26


unleashes these energies on those nearby. Obscure (DC 27) The bloody blade heals itself, its negative energies sustaining its undead existence. The longer a bloody blade exists, the stronger it grows as it feeds on itself. Epic (DC 37) Few bloody blades 'live' for long periods of time, but it is said that there is one such ancient creature bound tightly with chains of positive energy deep below the surface where it continues to grow stronger in its unlife. Eventually it will be too powerful for its chains and will emerge, a walking thing of darkness and entropy.

“You are the dwellers in the darkness and the bringers of death. May your knives be ever sharp; your trail ever bloody. All who have blasphemed the name of death shall perish. All who have spoken against our great lord shall be slain. Let their throats be slit and their bodies raised; a testament to their own folly and weaknesses.” -Excerpt from Canticle of the Blades as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven We walk the night, ceaseless blood dripping from skeletal frames only lightly covered with meat. Our very forms crackle with the antithesis of life. We clutch cruel daggers and sinewy tendrils of darkness curl and uncurl around us, eager to grasp and clutch our prey. We are the very servants of Death, conjured into the world to do its dark bidding. We hate the living and eagerly attack any and all who oppose or blaspheme our master. When they are dead they shall understand and serve the very one they despised. Our only goal is to kill and through the killing to bring an awareness of the inevitability of the final state. The only joy that approaches that of the kill is to instill fear in the hearts of those that are still living, clouding their days with dark thoughts. We remember the greatest of our number. Conjured into this world he entered the very realms of heaven. In his strength he slew a hundred celestials, including the mighty Califashial, angel of light; and in his destruction he slew a hundred more. May we each fight as hard and perish as well!

Monstrous Feats DARK ENDURANCE [Monstrous] The negative energy coursing through your body makes you more resistant to positive energy. Requirements: undead Benefit: Ignore the first 5 points of damage from any attack where the damage is the result of positive energy (such as a cleric's turning). DARK STRENGTH [Monstrous] Your negative energy attacks are harder to resist. Requirements: undead, possess a negative energy based attack against which an opponent must make a fortitude save. Benefit: Choose one negative energy based attack requiring a saving throw to resist the effects of. The DC to resist the effects of your attack is at +2. FASTER HEALING [Monstrous] You heal faster than others of your kind. Requirements: Fast healing Benefit: You increase your fast healing by two points per round. Special: you can take this feat multiple times


Ecology Encounter

(Knowledge religion) Common (DC 7) This creature is an undead assassin called a bloody blade. It can veil itself in darkness and uses black tentacles to draw its victims into reach of its knives. Uncommon (DC 12) Servants of the god of death itself, these beings are created to violently enforce the will of their master, as told in the Canticle of the Blades. Rare (DC 17) Bloody blades are masters of negative energy and can use it to weaken their victims before they even enter into melee. Likewise the mere touch of the bloody blade can cause death in the weak and those too long in their embrace. Even more dangerous, killing a bloody blade

A horror has come to Stilledge. One of the priests of the new Cathedral of St. Ilfraness made a very public, very well received, and very irreverent joke about the god of death. That very night he fell to his death from the pinnacle of the cathedral and, before he could be buried, his body was divinely raised as a bloody blade. He now haunts the town, coming out from his underground haunts each night to slay another soul, choosing as his targets those which laughed at his ill-advised humor. Each one is slain and subsequently raised as a zombie. Unfortunately for Stilledge, almost everyone in town heard the joke and almost all laughed. 27

(EL 8)

Distortion Creature Some creatures hold the power to bend the rules of reality just by thinking about it. You had a chance of winning until it decided to bend the laws of probability, distort time, and monkey with gravity; Deities of good and ill fortune often create distorter creatures, as do those whose portfolio involving chaos, adventure, and drama. Occasionally a wizard’s experimentation into the nature of reality will create one of these creatures by accident, and a few creatures from beyond reality gain this entering ours. Distortion creatures appear like others of their kind, except when using their abilities, they often seem to be out of focus or have a ripple effect as light bends around their distortion field.

Creating a Distortion Creature on a creature or object, including itself, within 100 ft. + 10 ft. /HD having various effects.

“Distortion creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any intelligent creature. A distortion creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities, except as noted here.

Heavy Gravity As a result Attack Rolls, Initiative rolls, Reflex Saves, Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim checks incur a circumstance penalty equal to the Distortion creatures Charisma Modifier. All item effective weight can be double or it causes a creature’s load to increase one category, reducing its speed by 10 ft. A weapon’s range is halved. Creatures that fall under the effects of heavy gravity take 1d10 points of damage for each 10 feet fallen, to a maximum of 20d10 points of damage.

Light Gravity As a result Attack Rolls, Imitative Rolls, Reflex saves, Acrobatics, Climb, Ride, and Swim checks incur a circumstance bonus equal to the Distortion creatures Charisma Modifier. All items weigh half as much (which could increase a creature’s speed). Weapon ranges double. Falling creatures subject to light gravity take 1d4 points of damage for each 10 feet of the fall (maximum 20d4).

Subjective Directional Gravity The distortion creature chooses the direction of gravity’s pull. A distortion creature can move normally along a solid surface by imagining “down” near their feet. It “flies” by merely choosing a “down” direction and “falling” that way. Under such a procedure, a distortion creature “falls” 150 feet in the first round and 300 feet in each succeeding round. Unwilling creatures may attempt a Will Save to negated (DC 10 +1/2 distortion creature’s HD + its Charisma Modifier). Any creature who fails this Will save, receives a +6 bonus on subsequent saves until successful, as reality attempts to enforce the

CR: +3 AL: Any chaotic. Type: The creature's sub type changes to (chaotic). Armor Class: Gains a +2 insight bonus and a +2 deflection bonus. Special Defenses/Qualities: Amphibious (they can distort the very water or air so that they can breathe it), Evasion (if the base creature is at least 9 HD this ability increases to Improved Evasion) Fast Healing 1 (if base creature possesses fast healing or regeneration double the listed amount instead), Uncanny Dodge (as barbarian equal to HD, if the base creature is at least 5 HD this ability increase to Improved Uncanny Dodge). Weakness: Vulnerability to spells and effects with the Force and Law descriptors. Creatures with Lawful subtype are immune to a distortion creature’s special abilities and spell like abilities as if they always succeeded on their saving throw and had infinite spell resistance. Speed: Increase the speed of all movement types by 10 ft. Special Abilities: A distortion creature gains the following special abilities. Distort Gravity (Su): A distortion creature can use this ability as an immediate action, as part of a move action, or as a standard action. The Distortion creature can alter gravity’s effect 28

attack. Any incoming ranged attack provokes an attack of opportunity, to which the distortion creature can make a special opposed attack roll essentially attacking the ranged attack with his distortion field. Otherwise if follows standard rules for opposed attack rolls. If successful, the attack is sent off in a random direction (including ranged spell attacks that require an attack roll to hit, like a ray) as a grenade-like weapon. If its roll exceeds its opponents by 10 or more the distortion creature can negate the attack (stopping in midair freezing it in time), or it can choose a new target within range of the attack.

law of gravity. Movement is straight-line only. In order to stop, one has to slow one’s movement by changing the designated “down” direction (again, moving 150 feet in the new direction in the first round and 300 feet per round thereafter) hitting a solid object in that round deals falling damage. Fickle Fate (Su) A distortion creature can use this ability as an immediate action, a move action, or a standard action. It can apply its Charisma Modifier as a luck bonus or penalty to any d20 roll. Friction Alteration (Su) Once per day, as part of a move action or charge action, a distortion creature can move at 10 times its normal speed (500 feet), for one round, this movement does not have to be in a straight line. Time Twist (Su) A distortion creature can use this ability as an immediate action, as a move action or as a standard action. The Distortion creature can alter gravity’s effect on a creature or object, including itself, within 100 ft. + 10 ft. /HD, having various effects. • o


Spell-Like Abilities: A distortion creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities depending on its Hit Dice. Unless otherwise noted, an ability is usable once per day. Caster level equals the creature's HD (or the caster level of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).

Action Alacrity Focused Forte: A distortion creature can take 10 on any single skill check made before the end of its next turn, even if stress and distractions would normally prevent it from doing so.

HD 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18 19–20

Lie in wait: A distortion creature can take extra time to set up an attack, the target loses its Dexterity Bonus to the next attack it makes before the end of its next turn and gains sneak attack dice as equal to one-third its HD. Duration Distortion The creature can increase/decrease the frequency/duration of any one condition, affliction, or spell effect by 50%.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: +4 Cha (+2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 to any of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs)

Spatial Control (Su): A distortion creature can to a limited extent control space by the distortion of physical reality. •

Abilities Longstrider Augury Haste, slow Freedom of movement Telekinesis Contingency Reverse Gravity Temporal Stasis Foresight Time Stop

Skills Distortion creatures gain a +8 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Disable Device checks.

Improve Accuracy: As a move action the distortion creature uses its ability to manipulate the spatial characteristics around him to allow for greater precision adding a +1 circumstance bonus to its attack roll this bonus increases by +1 for every 2 HD the creature possess to a maximum of +10 at 18th level.

Feats Distortion creatures gain Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Quicken Spell-like Ability as bonus feats.

Redirect Ranged Attack: By bending the rules of physics, a distortion creature can change the direction of any incoming ranged

Organization Double base creature (if the creatures treasure is listed as none it changes to standard treasure)

Environment Change to any land


Mutilating Beast CR 4

determine if it should fight or flee, it also prefers moving to a unique vantage point using its subjective directional gravity ability. Combat: The Mutilating Beast often attacks from the ceiling moving (as a swift action) to its opponent (often leaping) and making a full attack. Morale: If it believes it is overmatched, it flees using its friction acceleration or subjective directional gravity.

XP 1,200 CN Medium magical beast Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent; Perception +7

Defense AC 18, touch 16, flat-footed 16 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex, +2 insight, +2 natural) hp 16 (3d10); Fast Healing 1 Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +2 Special Defense: evasion, time twist (duration distortion), spatial control (redirect ranged attack +3), uncanny dodge Weakness: vulnerability to force and law

Statistics Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 17 Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 15 (19 vs. trip) Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, and Quicken Spell-like Ability (longstrider), Run Skills Acrobatics +14 (+18 jumping), Disable Device +6, Perception +7, Sense Motive +3, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers +4 to Acrobatics when jumping, +4 to Stealth SQ distort gravity (heavy, light, subjective directional gravity); time twist (action alacrity [focused forte]) Languages does not speak but understands common or goblin

Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee bite +3 (1d6), 2 claws +3 (1d4) Special Attacks fickle fate (+3/-3), friction alteration, scare (DC 14) subjective directional gravity (DC 14), time twist (action alacrity [lie in wait]), spatial control (improved accuracy +2) Spell-like Abilities CL 3 1/day- augury, longstrider,



Environment any land Organization solitary, pair, or pride (6-10) Treasure standard

Before Combat: The Mutilating Beast usually activates its longstrider and augury ability to 30

Special Abilities

Description: “There was only one among the myriads of mortals that existed who would pity or assist me; I declared everlasting loyalty to him who had formed me and sent me forth to this joyful bloodlust”

Last Warlord, yet she often operates independently enforcing the Will of War as she sees fit. Uncommon (DC 9): Other creatures similar to this are known as “distortion creatures”; read excerpt from Thoughts of Beasts. Rare DC (14): The mutilating beast can cause fear though the use of its facial muscles and howl; it can also slow time to avoid area effects or avoid attacks from ambush, it speeds up time to reduce the duration of certain effects, it can manipulate the laws of friction to speed its acceleration. It a can also manipulates space, probabilities, and gravity to create special defenses against ranged attack and chances of success or accuracy. Obscure (DC 24): Distortion Creatures have a limit to the number of attacks they can defend against as well as a chance of failure, it is also vulnerable to the force effect and creatures and magic associate with the powers of order. Epic (DC 34): Mutilating Beasts could be distracted by the sudden appearance of a male Mutilating beast or Mutilating beast as they desire most what their creator has not yet given them.

-Excerpt from Thoughts of Beasts by Qwilion of Questhaven

Monstrous Feat

Scare (Ex or Su) The mutilating beast can pull back the skin from its face as a standard action, exposing the muscles, ligaments and bones of its skull. Treat this use of the scare ability as a Bluff check with a +3 bonus. When combined with a loud screech, the mutilating beast can unsettle foes, affecting them as a scare spell (CL 3rd) unless they succeed on a DC 14 Will save (a successful save causes the creature to become shaken for 1 round.) A creature that successfully saves is immune to the same mutilating beast’s scare ability for 24 hours. This ability does not affect other mutilating beasts. This is a supernatural, sonic, mind-affecting effect. The save DC is Charismabased

IMPROVED SCARE [Monstrous] You have a heighted ability to cause terror. Prerequisites: Scare special ability, Cha 13 Benefit: You can affect all creatures regardless of hit dice.

We are often compared to the great cats that grow and breed naturally. You would be correct, except we are far more intelligent than the greatest of your leopards, lions, and tigers. We are the chosen creations of The Last Warlord. We find the greatest joy in slaying the enemies of our creator and all those who would oppose his vision, or question his greatness. Only the extension of his grace and mercy will spare anyone who does not bow down before him. We long for the day when our creator will allow us to breed, when he creates a female for us, so that we can spread the meaning of his greatest to the four corners of the world. The Last Warlord, master of science and sorcery; Supreme Monarch of Kelvia, Eldritch Knight-Captain of the Ancient Order of the Red Dragon, is our creator and our greatest feat in his service was slaying the Last Duchess Elisabeth Dividov who thought to rule while he was abroad battling the machination of the Circle of Heroes. She died screaming.

GREATER SCARE [Monstrous] You are almost the embodiment of fear. Prerequisites: Scare special quality, Ability Focus (scare), Cha 13 Benefit: You can chose to have your scare ability cause creatures to gain the Panicked or Cowering condition rather than Frightened.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 10)

The PCs learn of a male elder mutilating beast that was recently captured and is now being transported to the tyrannical lands of The Last Warlord to serve as specimen, from which the he will create a mate for his Mutilating Beasts. A pack of 8 female mutilating beasts has been sent to escort the caravan as it travels to the capital of Kelvia, Hassenstadt.


Twist: This elder mutilating beast is such a perfect specimen gaining the disruption template is not required for it to successfully mate with a mutilating beast.

Knowledge (arcana or history) Common (DC 4): This magical beast is one of The Last Warlord’s Mutilating Beasts; it serves as the personal agent and enforcer for the 31

Drachenchor Creature A drachenchor creature slays dragons, claiming their heads in a foul, soul-stealing ritual, and set facsimiles spinning about its own head, like so many ioun stones. It believes all creatures should be singing its praises—or screaming in fear, it doesn’t matter. This self-obsessed creature typically broods in its lair and plots the conquest and destruction of neighboring lands, while the dragon heads serenade it. When confronted, the choir augments its abilities, protects it, and directly combats its foes.

Creating a Drachenchor Creature base creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier). The breath weapon type varies by dragon type: Black/copper—40-foot line of acid, brass—40-foot line of fire, blue/bronze— 40-line of electricity, gold/red—20-foot cone of fire, green—20-foot cone of acid, silver/white—20-foot cone of cold. If only one head remains, the creature cannot use the additional bite attack and the breath weapon.

“Drachenchor” is an acquired template that can be added to a corporeal creature, provided it can behead 6 of the same type of true dragon, 1 of which must be at least old. A drachenchor creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. CR: +3 Type: The creature gains the dragon’s subtype. Armor Class: A drachenchor creature gains a insight bonus equal to the number of dragon heads currently circling the creature.

The original dragon heads leave the creature vulnerable to anyone who finds them and destroys them (treat each as an object with hardness 5, 20 hit points, and a break DC of 22). If enough originals are destroyed to reduce the total below 6, the creature loses all benefits of the template. Destroying the entire collection forces the creature to succeed at a saving throw or be immediately reduced to -1 hit point. For this reason, many drachenchor collect more members for their choirs than the minimum required by the ritual. Additionally, the creature loses the drachenchor template if it ever gets separated across a planar boundary from the original heads. For this reason, few of these creatures traverse the planes.

Defenses/Qualities: While any of the creature’s choir remains, it gains uncanny dodge and immunity to blindness, paralysis, sleep, and energy of the same type as its breath weapon. Melee: A drachenchor gains a bite attack delivered by one of the circling heads, using the creature’s base attack bonus plus its Charisma modifier, that deals 1d4 points of damage plus its Charisma modifier, it can use its other attack without penalty. Special Abilities: The creature gains the following special ability. Dragon Choir: Miniature dragon heads float above the creature’s own head, staying in its space. At the beginning of an encounter, the drachenchor is encircled by singing, chanting, or droning replicas of the creature’s beheaded trophies. Each head has hit points equal to twice the creature’s hit dice. Each has an Armor Class equal to 11, with a natural armor bonus equal to the creature’s hit dice, and any deflection bonuses the base creature has. The creature gains the following benefits while at least one head survives. • +1 to all saving throws for each head. • If the creature casts spells, it gains +1 to caster level for every 2 heads (minimum +1). • The creature can employ a breath weapon, usable once every 1d4 rounds, which deals +1d6 damage per HD (Reflex half; DC 10 + 1/2

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Wis +4 (+2 to Will saves, +2 to

Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks, add +2 to any of the base creature’s Wisdom-based DCs), Cha +4 (+2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others; Channel Energy DCs; and any of the drachenchor creature’s Charisma-based DCs). Feats: Gain Combat Reflexes (limited to the number of heads in the halo) as an additional feat. Skills: Drachenchor gain +8 on Perform checks, as the choir harmonizes with the creature.


Gellid Dirge Lich

CR 12

XP 19,200 Drachenchor Lich Shade NE Medium Undead (cold) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., spell sense 100 ft. (any spellcaster per locate creature, CL 14); Perception +19

Defense AC 20, touch 17, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +6 insight) hp 104 (11d8+55) Fort +15, Ref +10, Will +18 Defensive Abilities +2 channel resistance DR 15/bludgeoning and magic Immune blindness, cold; undead traits Resist electricity 10 SR 22 Weakness vulnerability to fire

Offense Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee bite +12 (1d4+4), 2 claws +11 (1d6+3 + chill) Special Attacks breath weapon (20-ft. cone, Ref DC 19, 11d6 cold), chill (dazed 1 round, DC 19), poison (death throes 10-ft. burst when at 0 hit points—inhaled, save Fort DC 19, frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes; effect 1d6 Con damage and stunned, cure 1 save), spell leech This skeletal, frost-rimed creature wears tattered robes etched with ancient runes of magical power. Though a red glow of hate emanates from the creature, you can tell it provides no warmth. Most striking are the 6 dragon heads circling it, intoning a funeral dirge.

Tactics Before Combat The gellid dirge lich waits until foes get within range of its breath weapon. During Combat A gellid dirge lich attacks with its breath weapon and powerful claws. If facing a spellcaster, it leeches one of its spells, usually releasing the first spell leeched as an eldritch bolt against its closest foe. It uses further leeched spells to heal itself or cast back against its foes, unless it doesn’t have a need, in which case it stores the leeched spells. Morale If it reaches 20 hit points or loses its choir, it retreats. If retreat is cut off, the dirge lich wills its own destruction, hoping its death throes will take opponents down with it.

Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Orc, plus 11 more SQ dragon choir (AC 22, 22 hit points each)

Ecology Environment any cold Organization solitary Treasure double standard

Special Abilities

Statistics Str 16, Dex 13, Con –, Int 20, Wis 20, Cha 18 Base Atk +8; CMB +11; CMD 28 Feats Ability Focus (spell leech), Combat Reflexesb, Craft Wondrous Item, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Spell Leech Storehouse, Toughness Skills Craft (alchemy) +16, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (arcane) +19, Knowledge (history) +16, Linguistics +16, Perception +19, Sense Motive +21, Spellcraft +19, Stealth +11 Racial Modifiers +2 Sense Motive, +2 Stealth


Spell Leech(Su) When a spellcaster within 50 feet of the gellid dirge lich casts a spell, the creature steals the spell energy, unless the caster succeeds at a DC 19 Will save. On its next turn, the lich may cast the stolen spell using its Hit Dice as caster level (modified by the dragon choir); or fire a 50-foot eldritch bolt of pure magical energy at one opponent (ranged touch attack, 1d6 damage per 2 spell levels, minimum 1d6). Alternately, the creature may immediately gain temporary hit points equal to the spell level x4. The temporary hit points replace existing temporary hit points and last for 1 hour.

Description: “All creatures desire worship, even though the self-righteousness won’t admit it. I am no longer content to get worship from mere humanoid vermin, though. Surely, the most powerful creatures on this earth make the best choir. The shrieking power of the north winds is mine to command, and these white dragons who have fallen to my might shall give testimony to my greatness.”

power in their land. They will bow before me, just like these beasts who perform their cantatas on my behalf.

Lore Knowledge (arcane or religion) Common (DC 12): This creature is a gellid dirge lich. Its dragon heads sing a mournful dirge and aid the creature in battle. Uncommon (DC 17): The dragon heads breathe cold and deflect blows from weapons. Spellcasters must beware the creature’s ability to siphon spells before they can be cast. Rare (DC 22): Destroying the components of the dragon choir reduces the gellid dirge lich’s power. The creature has assumed the weakness to fire shared by white dragons. Defeating the lich in melee results in a painful, choking death for all within 10 feet of it. Obscure (DC 32): The creature hides the original heads, facsimiles of which comprise the dragon choir. Destroying just one of these originals will cripple the gellid dirge lich; destroying them all also destroys the lich. Epic (DC 42): Defeating a gellid dirge lich and freeing the original dragons, soulbound by the ritual performed by the lich, will gain you a boon from Grandfather White, a millennia-old dragon who once terrorized Questhaven.

--Excerpt from Icy Dooms by Frosthume as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. My career began humbly enough, as I spent time with a group of like-minded adventurers to drive out threats to our frozen home. Orcs by the hundred and giants by the score fell to blade and spell—courtesy of mostly my spells. We must have gotten the attention of the great white beasts after all of our conquests, because we couldn’t travel between distant towns without one of the creatures challenging us. While I slew several of the reptiles with the mighty powers I brought to bear, it wasn’t enough. Somehow I knew I must increase my abilities, so I sought out the powers of lichdom. The simpering fools I traveled with begged me not to take this path, calling me mad for even conceiving of doing so. The lecture I received from one of the lesser spellcasters almost provoked me to slaying her outright. I stayed my hand, because I knew she would witness my transformation and be moved to follow me as nothing short of a deity. How the results of the process stung me. I lost all access to my once-beloved spells. I could sense the mocking looks my former companions gave behind my back, especially the novice who smugly lectured me. I rarely think of them now, although their deaths helped with that task. I hate to admit owing her a debt of gratitude, even though her death created a way to more easily retain the energy I sucked from her feeble attempts to delay the inevitable. My old name died with them, too, and I forevermore took the name Frosthume. I didn’t lament my fate, for I found a journal in an ancient keep, the former lair of one of the accursed frost dragons I destroyed in my previous life. As I read with rapt attention, I realized I could obtain even more power. Not only that, but I could gain a retinue of creatures which would announce my majesty to the world, their heads circling me and singing mightily. All it took was to continue doing that which I had been doing all along—slaying those brutish, yet powerful, reptilian beasts. Now that I have my choir, it is time to show the people of Questhaven who wields the true

Monstrous Feat SPELL LEECH STOREHOUSE [Monstrous] You can hold the spell energy you steal from spellcasters, with your body acting as a battery for the energy. Prerequisites: spell leech ability, Cha 14 Benefit: You may hold the energy you siphon with spell leech for a significant amount of time. The number of uses you can store and the number of days you can store them is limited to your Charisma bonus. You can only use benefit of spell leech per round, which reduces the number of stored leechings by one.

Ecology Encounter


A request goes out to eliminate white dragons which have gone further out of range than their climes would suggest. While dispatching one such creature, a disturbing creature with white dragon heads in a halo around its own head lends some aid. It takes a wicked knife to the white’s neck when the creature is defeated. Encounter Enhancements: 2 spectres, victims of the gellid dirge lich, lash out at any living creatures. Twist: The dragon calls out in broken Common, crying for aid against the lich. Which is the lesser of two evils? 34

Dreaded Creature These creatures embody the nature of terror; they are by far the most feared monsters in the realm entire. They make throne rooms go deathly quiet when they enter. They can make fools falter, plucky heroes despair and dwarven defenders sweat. The mere appearance of a dreaded creature can rout an entire army. They have a dark reputation for killing or wounding even the strongest of heroes, wounds and deaths which even the most powerful magic can fail to overcome. Its appearance is seldom changed except to enhance this fear with themes of death, darkness, violence, and other symbols of horror.

Creating a Dreaded Creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 +1/2 dreaded creature’s HD + it’s Charisma modifier) or suffer the effects of a fear spell with a caster level equal to the dreaded creature’s CR. This is a mindaffecting fear effect. Rejuvenation (Su): In most cases, it is difficult to destroy a dreaded creature through simple combat. The “destroyed” creature will often restore itself in 2d4 days. Even the most powerful spells are usually only temporary solutions. A dreaded creature that would otherwise be destroyed returns to the site of its creation with a successful level check (1d20 + dreaded creature’s HD) against DC 16. As a rule, the only way to truly destroy a dreaded creature is to determine what the base creature once feared and place a totem or symbol of that fear on the site of that creature’s creation (which requires a Knowledge (history)check DC 15 + base creature’s CR.) This can be as simple as stuffed black cat or as complex as a letter in his father’s handwriting of his disapproval.

“Dreaded” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature. A dreaded creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Defenses/Qualities: frightful presence (range as per fear aura) Immune to fear Special Abilities: A dreaded creature gains the following special abilities. Dreaded Wounding (Su): Damage dealt by the dreaded creature dispels or suppresses any supernatural or spell-like effect possessed by a creature it injures for 1 hour. This damage also cannot be healed normally, (including regeneration and fast healing). Magical healing will not heal damage dealt by the dreaded creature unless a specific type of creature under a specific circumstance casts a remove curse. These specific requirements are subject to DM adjudication, examples include a creature that is immune to fear, a creature of the same type as the dreaded creature, a creature who has never committed violence; on the down of the third day, on the site of the dreaded creatures creation, on holy ground dedicated to the ethos of courage. A Heal, or Knowledge (arcana) check (DC15 + the dreaded creature’s CR) can be made to determine this requirement. This is a necromantic-curse effect. Fear Aura (Su): Dreaded creatures are shrouded in a dreadful aura of fear. Creatures with less HD than the dreaded creature in a 5foot radius per HD that look at the dreaded creature, must succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 dreaded creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier) or be affected as though by a fear spell with a caster level equal to the dreaded creature’s CR. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by the same dreaded creature’s aura for 24 hours. Terrifying Gaze (Su): Viewing the dreaded creature’s face inspires terror. Creatures that meet the dreaded creature’s gaze within 30 ft.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +4 to CMD), Dex +4 ( +2 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, Initiative, and Ref saves. +2 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add +2 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), +4 Cha (+2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +2 frightful presence, fear aura, terrifying gaze and to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs) Skills: +5 racial bonus to Intimidate (increase to +10 if the dreaded creature’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to +15 if the dreaded creature’s CR is 15 or Higher). 35

Kah the Dark Captain CR 14 14 XP 38,400 dreaded blade tyrant LE Large construct Init +5; Senses darkvision 60ft.; Perception +1 Aura Fear aura (100 ft., DC 26), frightful presence (100 ft., DC 26)

Defense AC 28, touch 10, flat-footed 26 (+3 Dex, +18 natural, -1 size,) hp 140 (20d10+30) Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +7 Defensive Abilities rejuvenation; DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits.

Offense Speed 20 ft. (4 squares) Melee Melee mwk greataxe +30/+25/+20/+15 (3d6+13 plus dreaded wounding/19-20/x3) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks dreaded wounding (DC 29), frightful presence, master tactician, terrifying gaze (30 ft. DC 26),

At first, this looks like a troll-sized humanoid in jagged full plate with a death motif. But truly the metal is its hide, and what looks like an intimidating helm is its actual head.

Tactics Tactics Before Combat: Kah uses his three fear abilities to clear the battlefield. Combat: Kah prefers to use a full attack against the most worthy foe that is not fleeing. Morale: Fearless, due to its rejuvenation ability.

course of the round to improve its followers’ and allies’ efforts. For each token it spends, the target ally gains a +1 bonus on a single attack, check, save, or damage roll. Kah the Dark Captain spends these tokens immediately before the ally makes the roll. The target of this effect must be within 60 ft. of Kah the Dark Captain.

Statistics Str 28, Dex 13, Con -, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 22 Base Atk +20; CMB +30; CMD 31 Feats Critical Focus, Improved Critical (greataxe), Dazzling Display, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Power Attack, Shattering Defense, Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical, Weapon Focus (great axe) Skills Bluff +26, Intimidate +36, Knowledge (history) +22, Sense Motive +21 Racial Modifiers +10 Intimidate SQ Rejuvenation Languages Common, Infernal, Giant, Uncommon

Description: “Stop your trembling coward. You will perform a proper interview. You have encountered Kah the Dark Captain, Master of the Hellriders, Knight-Captain of the Last Warlord. I was created in the Atelier of the Dark Emperor Cynmark to serve as the knight-captain of his Royal Guard. I was destroyed once during a surprise midnight raid by the combine power of the Questor’s Society. Yet the Circle of Heroes remembers me for the unhealing scars born by Talinor the First Hero, which were meted out by my axe, and now I have returned, for I cannot be destroyed so easily. Go now scribe of monsters, live with your shame, flee the field of battle, and die a coward’s death.”

Ecology Environment any land Organization Solitary Treasure standard

Special Abilities Master Tactician (Ex): Kah the Dark Captain excels at directing the efforts of others. Each round of combat, Kah the Dark Captain gains 8 tyrant tokens. It can spend these during the

-Excerpt from Die but Once as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven 36

the side of his current superior. His blade leaves terrible unhealing wounds, whose curative can only come from the magic of the holy warriors that bear the name Aesthetes of Our Jewel in Heaven. Obscure (DC 33): To end permanently the existence of Kah the Dark Captain you must forge the remains of his body into a new weapon, before he is able to rejuvenate. Epic (DC 43): If Kah were convinced that he could locate the Dread Lich Cynmark’s true phylactery he would leave the Last Warlord’s service in search of it.

The apprentices of the Dread Lich and Dark Emperor Cynmark took the blades that fell before the might of their master during the first thousand years of his reign, forging them through their theugic power into me. They gave me as a gift unto their sovereign to honor the first eon of his rule. I stand as then 12 of your feet, 6 of mine, tall and weigh about 2,500 of your pounds. I smell of the luxurious polish my many squires uses upon my steel body. With the apparent destruction of the Dark Emperor in the adventurer’s revolt, I now serve the Last Warlord and Imperial Regent of Cynmark, I will not tolerate fools who do not accept responsibility for their mistakes nor seek to learn from them. These fools I kill, but I single out and reward those who seek always to become better soldiers. We offer worthy foes a chance to join our cause. Useful foes become are slaves. Those who refuse our offer are left crippled or maimed, placing a burden upon our foe. A day will come when the Dark Emperor with return. Is he not a dread lich? I have seen no proof that his true phylactery was destroyed. I believe only that the Circle of Heroes has simply delayed his return, I long only to serve the Cynmark Dynasty again. At the day of the insurrection, my twin given to the Emperor that very day to commemorate the second eon of his rule fought the Circle of Heroes under the command of The First Warlord; all of them save Talinor, the First Hero and Paladin in service to the Great Church of the Pantheon fled before my twin. Talinor made his preparations, learning the secret to counter of my twin’s rejuvenation from some traitorous apprentice who had fallen in love with their handsome hero. He is handsome no more; my axe saw to that, and the traitor did not know the secret to my rejuvenation.

Monstrous Feat PAINFUL SCARS [Monstrous] You wounds you inflict still leave deep and painful scars even if healed. Prerequisites: Dreaded Wounding Benefit: Wounds you inflict are an unhealable and painful condition, while wounded your opponents also suffer a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks. Even after being healed this leaves a terrible scar and unless the victim makes a Constitution check DC 10 each day (this DC increase by +1, for each day since the check was last failed), they suffer a -1 penalty to on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for that day. INFLICT TERROR [Monstrous] You can create the type of fear you want. . Prerequisites: Fear-effect special ability, Intimidate 10 ranks, Cha 13 Benefit: You can choose to have you those who fail their save against your fear affects subject to the Cowering, Frightened, Panicked, or Shaken Condition rather than its normal effect.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 15)

The PCs are sent to find out why monster raids have suddenly become far more coordinated of late. Kah the Dark Captain has been sent by the Last Warlord into the Questhaven Protectorate to lead a group of insurgents dissatisfied with the elitist policies of the Questor’s Soceity. These insurgents fear the murderous activities of many of the Questors who seem only to kill those they claim are “monsters” and then loot their belongings, so that they can slay more powerful and wealthy “monsters.” When the PCs stumble upon his training camp Kah is training a raiding party of 10 hill giants with their two dire wolves

Lore Knowledge (local or nature) Common (DC 13): This construct bears the name Kah the Dark Captain; it is a dangerous a powerful leader whom nearly all creatures flee in terror of. Uncommon (DC 18): Other creatures similar to this bear the distinction of “dreaded creature”; read excerpt from Die but Once. Rare DC (23): Kah ignores the damage of all but the most powerful of blows. Only the bavest of souls, mostly holy paladins can withstand the three-fold force of terror these creatures can project. Many witnesses exist to his destruction yet still he always returns within a few days at

Twist: Secretly one of the hill giants is an Ogre Magi in disguise that serves as Kah’s assassin. 37

Earthbound Creature Earthbound creatures are defined by a potent connection with the elemental power of the earth and a love of grappling. Drawing their might from this elemental connection, they are often found deep beneath the earth or, occasionally, they come to the surface when great earthquakes shatter the landscape, creating rifts that open their domains to the outside world. The typical earthbound creature is broader with colorations that tend towards earthy tones of brass, bronze, brown, yellow, and, or, red.

Creating an Earthbound Creature “Earthbound” is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to a living, corporeal creature. An Earthbound creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities, except as noted here. CR: +2 Type: The creature's gains the earth subtype. Defenses/Qualities: DR 5/adamantine (increase to 10 if the earthbound’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the earthbound’s CR is 15 or Higher), darkvision 60ft., regeneration (equal to earthbound’s constitution modifier; electricity and sonic), immune to acid, cold and fire. Weakness vulnerability to electricity and sonic. Melee: An earthbound creature gains two slam attacks, if the base creature didn't have them. Damage for the slams depends on the earthbound's size (see Natural Attacks, Pathfinder Bestiary). Its natural weapons are treated as adamantine, cold iron and silver weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction; it also gains the Grab special attack. Special Abilities: An earthbound creature gains the following special abilities. Bonebreaker (Ex): When an earthbound attempts to achieve a pin, it selects a special effect from the following list (see below) and the creature takes a -2 circumstance penalty to all attacks, saves and checks due to severe pain; Fort save negates (DC 10 + ½ the Earthbound creature’s HD + its Strength modifier). Healing these effects requires a healing spell cast while the victim and the caster are not touching the ground. Creatures immune to critical hits are also immune to this effect. • Break leg, wing or foot joint: Reduce opponent’s speed to either one-half or zero (earthbound’s choice) for one movement type (including a speed of zero). • Break limb joint: Negate one attack form (such as a one-handed weapon or two-handed weapon, off-handed weapon, one slam attack, one bite attack, or one claw attack). Tentacle attacks are immune to this effect. • Choke hold: The creature begins to suffocate. The creature must make a saving throw each

round with the DC increasing by 1 for each round past the first (through using the special ability DC). On a failed save the creature drops to 0 hp and is unconscious; on the following round it is at -1 and dying; and if the hold is maintained for three rounds the creature is dead. Non-breathing creatures are immune to this effect. Break neck or spine: Causes the subject’s immediate death.

Bound to the Earth (Ex): When an Earthbound creature loses direct contact with the earth it loses all of the benefits of this template, except bound to the earth and its ability score adjustments. In addition, the earthbound creature’s strength suffers a – 20 penalty (-10 penalty to melee attack and damage rolls, or thrown weapon damage rolls, Climb and Swim checks CMB, CMD, and strength checks). If this penalty would reduce the score to zero, or below, the earthbound creature becomes paralyzed. Earth Mastery (Ex): An earthbound creature gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the earthbound takes a -4 penalty to attack and damage rolls. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +6 (+3 to melee attack and damage rolls (and thrown weapon damage rolls, Climb and Swim checks, CMB, CMD, strength checks, bonebreaker DC and other Strength-based DCs), +4 Con (+2 to Fort, +2 hp per HD, +2 to earthbound’s regeneration, and the based creature’s Constitution-based DCs). Feats: Gain Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if the base creature doesn’t meet the prerequisites, and make apt changes to existing feats. Skills: An Earthbound gains a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and suffer a -20 racial penalty to Acrobatics, Fly, and Swim checks. Environment as base creature plus any underground.


Fettered Fettered Giant CR 10 XP 9,600 earthbound fog giant NE Large giant (earth, giant) Init +1; Senses darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

Defense AC 23, touch 10, flat-footed 22 (+3 armor, +1 Dex, +10 natural, -1 size). hp 126 (12d8+72) regeneration 6 (electricity and sonic) Fort +14, Ref +5, Will +4 Defensive Abilities rock catching, DR 10/adamantine Immune to acid, cold and fire. Weakness vulnerability to electricity and sonic.

Offense Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Melee 2 Slams +19 (1d6+10 plus grab) Ranged rock +9 ranged (2d6+15) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks bonebreaker (DC 26), earth mastery, rock throwing (180 ft.) Spell-like Abilities (CL 7th) 2/day–obscuring mist; 1/day–fog cloud.

Before you is a massive, muscular humanoid just over 10 feet tall, unnaturally broad, with dark skin the color of bronze. The creature bears no weapons and wears nothing save for a small, pleated kilt of metal. The creature’s skin is smooth and hairless.

Tactics Before Combat The fettered giant picks their battles, often announcing their intentions before a rapid onslaught against their foes. During Combat Fettered giants tend to be overwhelming in their attacks, using their abilities and strengths to their advantage in a steady assault upon their foes. Morale Fettered giants are known to be confident, yet tricky, and as long as they feel they have an advantage in combat, they fight stalwartly. However, if that advantage is slipped, or countered, they will seek to regroup, so as to fight their battle another day.

Ecology Environment Any hill, mountain or underground Organization Solitary, gang (2-5), or band (6-9 plus 35% non-combatants plus 12-30 dire wolves, 2-4 ogres and 12-22 orcs) Treasure standard

Statistics Str 31, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 17 Base Atk +9; CMB +20 (+26 grapple); CMD 31 (33 grapple) Feats Blind-Fight, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Grapple, Power Attack, Greater Grapple, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills -7 (-3 jumping), Climb +33, Fly -19, Swim -22 Racial Modifiers -20 Acrobatics, +8 Climb, 20 Fly, -20 Swim SQ bound to the earth Languages Common, Giant 39

Description “Little worm, this path belongs to my people, The Fettered Giants, born of Grandmother Earth and Eched’Na, maggots like you pay the toll. You vermin will give us a quarter of what you cockroaches have, or we will simply take half. Pitiful rat droppings like you can pay nothing if will accept a challenge to wrestle me. Puny weaklings like you are no challenge, but you are great in number. If you lowly wretches lose, squalid miscarriages like yourself will live, but we will take three-quarters. If by some freak chance you woebegone warts win, my people will trouble

from almost any source. Yet, even if harm does befall them, their wounds are almost never lethal and heal at an alarming rate. Obscure (DC 29): Spells based on the elemental power of air, including those that use the power of lightning and sound, are the most effective against the earthbound. Yet their true bane is in severing the giant’s connection to the earth-power that feeds it. Epic (DC 39): The death of an earthbound may draw the attention of Their Mother of Monsters.

you no more or my Grandmother earth swallows me up.” An excerpt from Fettered to the Earth as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. What do we look like? Little toad, fettered giants look like me. Our muscles are toned and rippling with the power that lies within. We are usually at least 10 of your feet in height and weigh 1,000 of your stones. We are not pale and weak like you snow-colored dung beetles, our skin is always dark, though some are only a light brown and some are almost black, like the night sky. Our bodies do not grow fur as your mongrel carcass does. I have heard other yellow-bellied dogs like you call us covetous and crude, but these folk are rank cowards who do not dare speak such words before us. We taught those backbiting fleas their error. They learned we are a practical people. Fettered giants do enjoy wealth, taking what we will, and saying what we think, but we all hold one thought above all others: no one profits from death. We will not try to kill an opponent. No matter how deadly, dangerous, craven or pathetic that opponent is. We grieve for all those fools we kill by accident, building shrines and temples to them with their skulls. We believe that all life provides value to the world. When the fettered giants are able to teach all living races this philosophy, the fettered will become one with the powers of the earth. We have held the Spellborn Passes for generations; so long that the Questhaven pests do not allow others to use the passes — so great is their shame in paying our tolls. When the great retreat came, the imperial armies pleaded to be exempted from the toll because they needed all they had. The nerveless buffoons thought we should shame ourselves because of their great need. The fearful retreating armies learned that only the victors do not pay our price.

Monstrous Feat TOWERING ASSAILANT [Monstrous] You are gifted a fighting smaller foes. Prerequisites: Giant type, Size Large or greater Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to damage per sized category you possess greater than your opponent. Special: You don’t gain this bonus against flying creatures or creatures within the same size category , or on higher elevation than you. QUICK FLING [Monstrous] You grab an opponent just to toss him away. Prerequisites: Slam, Grab, Rock Throwing Benefit: If you successfully grab an opponent (see Grab) that is two size categories smaller than you, you can immediately attempt a new combat maneuver check. If it succeeds, you can hurl your opponent as an improvised thrown weapon (-4 to the attack roll.) A creature that is flung off a mountain takes this amount of damage, or the appropriate falling damage, whichever is greater. You also can throw the flung creature as though it were a boulder. In this case, the flung creature takes normal slam damage plus your strength modifier, and any opponent the flung creature strikes takes your normal slam damage plus your strength modifier.

Ecology Encounter (EL Varies) The PCs find a half-naked man shriveled up and paralyzed in a boat upon the Shadowfey Sea, along the fog enshrouded Shifting Shore. He bears marks of an assault by a group of what he claims are renegade adventurers who tricked him into boarding the boat. Supposedly they set him adrift, knowing that he could not swim. He believes they came to desecrate the shrine to his mother. He wants only to return to his island home.

Lore Knowledge (nature) Common (DC 9): This is a fettered giant. It is a both a bully and a bandit, though it will not rob you of all you own, nor will it kill you. Uncommon (DC 13): Beings similar to a fettered giant are called earthbound creatures; read excerpt from “Fettered to the Earth.” Rare (DC 19): So dangerous are fettered giants at the art of grappling that even dragons respect their skill; they can cripple and maim even the strongest warrior. They resist injury

Twist: The tiny man is actually a Fettered Giant. Once he sets foot upon the solid earth he grows to his massive form and sets off to find, and kill, the adventurers who tricked him. 40

Eldritch Spawn Creature Template Lurking in the black spaces between the stars, unspeakable abominations wait and watch. At times, the veil separating them from us grows so thin that dark essences may enter into the seed and souls of earthly creatures. From such unnatural confluences eldritch spawn are born: powerful, evil creatures given to vile rites and dark passions. Eldritch spawn lose any hair, fur, ears, noses, and horns they possessed. Their skin obtains a rubbery, almost fungal, nature. Their eyes become alien in appearance, and their mouth is replaced with tentacles.

Creating an Eldritch Spawn Creature “Eldritch Spawn” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any living, non-aberration type creature CR: +3 Type: The creature's type changes to aberration with the augmented subtype. Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves. Alignment: Any evil Armor Class: Increase natural armor bonus by 4. Defense/Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft. (If the base creature already possessed darkvision, the range of its darkvision increases by 60 ft.); SR equal to 11+CR; Insane. Attack: The base creature loses any horn or bite attacks it possessed (and any other attack dependent on a mouth, such as breath weapons) and instead gains tentacle attacks (3 tentacles plus 1 for each attack lost, including special attacks). These count as a primary weapons and possess grab. The reach of the tentacles is equal to the reach of any bite attack the base creature could have employed. Spell Like Abilities: An Eldritch Spawn gains the following Spell Like Abilities, with a CL equal to total HD: At Will – charm monster, detect thoughts, dream, levitate 3/day – ethereal jaunt, suggestion 1/day – astral projection, plane shift 1/week - commune Special Abilities: An Eldritch Spawn gains the following special abilities: Brain extraction (Ex) After successfully grappling an opponent with at least four tentacles, and a head which can be reached, an eldritch spawn can, as a free action, extract and consume the brain of the opponent, killing it instantly. This attack only works on creature that possess a physical skull and a brain. Dominate (Su) An eldritch spawn can attempt to dominate any creature with fewer HD than itself, within range of its telepathy. The target of the attempt is allowed a single Will save (DC is equal to 10+1/2 HD + Int modifier) a day. If the save is successful, the target negates the attempt and is immune to further attempts that day. An eldritch spawn can dominate only one creature at a time and the dominated creature must remain within 100 feet of the eldritch spawn or the hold is broken and may not be reestablished for 24 hours. Insane (Ex) Eldritch spawn are insane, gaining a +4 racial bonus to saving throws against mind affecting effects. They also suffer -4 to bluff, diplomacy, and sense motive skill checks. Knowledge Boost (Ex) When an eldritch spawn consumes the brain of a living creature, or intelligent undead, the eldritch spawn can, at that time, choose one intelligence or wisdom based skill known by that 41

creature and add the creature's skill bonus to their own. An eldritch spawn can only gain one such boost at a time and, when consuming a new brain, can decide whether or not to discard an old knowledge boost in favor of a new knowledge boost. Psionic Blast (Sp) As a full round action, the eldritch spawn can unleash a savage mental attack. This attack is a 60 foot cone, originating from the eldritch spawn. It can take one of three forms. Save DCs are equal to 10+1/2 HD + intelligence modifier. • Sanity Blast: Those caught in the cone of a sanity blast must make a Will save or lose 1d4 Wisdom. This Wisdom drain last for 2d4 minutes. The effects of multiple sanity blasts stack, but an eldritch spawn can only use this blast once every ten rounds. • Sonic Blast: Those caught in the cone of a sonic blast take sonic damage (1d8 per eldritch spawn HD) (Reflex save halves). An eldritch spawn can use a sonic blast a number of times per day equal to its Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). • Stunning Blast: Those caught in the cone of a stunning blast must make a Will save or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. An eldritch spawn can use a stunning blast at will. Speechless (Ex) Eldritch spawn have no mouth and can make no vocal sounds. Spellcasting eldritch spawn ignore the verbal requirements of any spells they cast. Telepathy (Su) 100 ft range. Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Dex +2 (+1 to Init, Ranged attack rolls, AC, touch AC, and Ref saves; +1 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks; add +1 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Int +8 (+4 extra skill points per HD; +4 to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics and Spellcraft skill checks. +4 to Psionic Blast DC and any of the base creature's other Intelligence-based DCs), Wis +6 (+3 Will Save; +3 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival skill checks; add +3 to any of the base creature's Wisdom-based DCs), Cha+6 (+3 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; add +3 to any of the base creature’s other Charisma-based DCs). Skills: +4 racial bonus to Knowledge (planes) and Spellcraft Feats: Toughness; Weapon Finesse. Environment: As the base creature plus any underground and/or planer environment.

Dream Glutton

CR 7

XP 4,800 eldritch spawn orafaun Neutral Evil Large aberration (augmented magical beast) Init +1; Senses darkvision 120 ft., lowlight vision; Perception +18

Defense AC 22, touch 13, flat-footed 21 (+3 deflection, +1 Dex, +9 natural, -1 size) hp 45 (6d10+12) Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +9 Immune all mind affecting effects, sleep, paralysis; SR 18

Offense Spd 50 ft., Melee 4 tentacles +8 (1d6 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks brain extraction, channel negative energy 9/day, 3d6, DC 19).dominate (DC 23), psionic blasts (DC 21). Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th) At Will – charm monster (DC 22), detect thoughts (DC 20), dream, levitate 3/day – ethereal jaunt, suggestion (DC 21) 1/day – astral projection, plane shift 1/week - commune

(tentacles) A hairless, four-hoofed creature with creamy skin marked with bright red splotches, whose scarlet head has, instead of a mouth, a dozen writhing tentacles, stares at you with alien eyes filled with a malevolent intelligence.

Tactics Before Combat Dream Gluttons prefer to avoid melee. When initiating an encounter, they typically use telepathy, suggestion, and dominate to separate out a single victim from any groups. During Combat When faced with a single opponent, dream gluttons try to send such a creature into a sleep and failing this, unleash psionic blasts, beginning with a stunning blast. The goal in such battles is always to feast on the brain of the foe, so dream gluttons avoid killing foes when possible. When facing multiple foes, dream gluttons levitate to suitable positions and attack with psionic blasts. Morale Dream Gluttons wisely flee as soon as they realize there is a possibility they might lose a battle.

Skills : Acrobatics +10 (+18 jumping), Escape Artist +7, Intimidate +12, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (planes) +18, Knowledge (religion) +14, Perception +18, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +6, Spellcraft +18, Swim +9 Racial Modifiers +4 Knowledge (planes), Spellcraft; - 4 Bluff, diplomacy, sense motive Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Infernal, Undercommon; telepathy 100 ft. SQ insane, knowledge boost, speechless, telepathy

Ecology Environment Any hill, underground or plane Organization Solitary, Pair or Herd (3-18) Treasure Standard


Special Abilities

Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 27, Wis 24, Cha 23 Base Atk +6; CMB +7 (+11 grapple); CMD +18 (+22 against trips) Feats Alertness, Improved Domination*, Toughness, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus

Gift of Sustenance (Sp) Once per day, a dream glutton can create enough food and water to feed one person for a day. Healing Sleep (Su) At will, as a full round action, a dream glutton can send any willing 42

creature into a slumber lasting eight hours and healing 1d4 points of damage. The ability can be used against unwilling creatures with less HD than the dream glutton that fail a DC 19 Will save. A dream glutton can only affect one creature, per round, in this way. Any creature making their save is immune to the effect for 24 hours. Sleeping creatures may be woken as Normal, but lose any healing benefits from the sleep.

fullness of darkness. Then will the world tremble.

Lore Knowledge (planes) Common (DC 7) The creature you see before you is a vile abomination called a Dream Glutton. Malevolently intelligent, it can dominate lesser minds and feasts solely upon the brains of living creatures. Uncommon (DC 17) Dream Gluttons worship insane gods of darkness. Their psionic attacks are to be feared, but they also loathe engaging in physical combat. Their true delight is in feasting on the brains of sleepers. Rare (DC 27) Long ago Dream Gluttons served the god of sleep and they still today possess clerical abilities. Frighteningly, dream gluttons have the ability to steal the memories of those they eat and they can use these memories to amplify their own abilities.

Description “It is said that long ago they were a peaceful race of dreamers, benevolent and kind servants of a magnanimous god. Yet they dreamed too deeply and found new gods, horrible gods, with whom they formed a hideous pact. Now they live only to feast upon the dreams of others.” -an excerpt from Monsters of the Ether, as transcribed by Qwilion of Questhaven We were once regal in appearance, with golden fur and golden hooves. Now men tremble in horror to behold us. Our tentacled faces, our scarlet and cream colored skin, and our many eyes: men dream of us in the night and wake in delicious fear. They shudder to hear our hooves upon the ground outside their window and tremble as stories are told of our deprivations. But we think ourselves glorious. There are those who claim we serve dark beings of power, but we know the truth: we serve only ourselves. We delight in dread knowledge and fear-filled dreams. As such, it is true that we do, at times, perform vile rites and offer blood to insane gods. But we do so only that the dreams of men might be sweetened with fear. We live to sample the nightmares of sleeping men, in all their varied forms. We especially delight in the dreams of the wise and the learned. When we find a dreamer of note, we make our way into their room. Our tentacles caress the scalp of the sleeper as we join ourselves to their thoughts. At last, before they wake, we gleefully tear open the skull that we might feast upon the dreaming brain within. Long ago, when our race was still innocent, a great priest arose, one not afraid to tread new paths and sample new delights. It was he who started us down the path we still follow today. Long ago he left us, to walk the starry path of the immortals. It is said by our priests that he will return after he has feasted on the dreams of the elder gods themselves and filled himself with the

Monstrous Feats DREAM SLEEPER [Monstrous] You make it harder for those asleep to resist you. Requirements Possess both telepathy and suggestion, either as spell-like or special abilities. Benefit If you telepathically use suggestion while a target is asleep, they are denied all Wisdom bonuses to their Will save and the duration of the suggestion is doubled. INSANE INSIGHT [Monstrous] Your insanity allows you strange insights. Requirements Insane Benefit Twice a day you may add 1d6 to any knowledge (arcane, planes, or religion) skill check.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 7)

Durelne the Sage is terrified. For the past week he has woken to the sound of hooves outside his bedroom door. This despite the fact he sleeps on the third story of his apartment building. The night watchman has seen nothing, but Durelne is sure some ungodly creature is haunting him. In truth, Durelne has attracted a Dream Glutton who is building up the fear in his target so that his brain might taste all the sweeter. Durelne is an expert on ancient ruins and the Dream Glutton plans to use the knowledge stolen from his brain to find an ancient site of unholy power, in which lies a sleep inducing relic.


Entropy-Infused Creature Dark gods and the fiendish lords of negative energy sometimes grant their agents special powers, infusing them with the essence of negative energy combined with one of the four elements. These powers remain a legacy to the creature’s descendants and, sometimes, can even be passed on in secret ceremonies. In such a way that Entropy-infused creatures occasionally become races unto themselves. Entropy-infused creatures of different elemental types have little in common, but those that are infused with the same elemental type share a special bond. A desiccation-infused creature generally has webbed appendages and a dried out husk skin, hair, or scales, while an ash-infused creature may have black or gray skin, hair, or scales. A vacuum-infused creature usually looks much like an albino or transparent version of its kind and a dust-infused creature’s body is typically rust colored, flaking or pitted.

Creating an Entropy Creature “Entropy” is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to any corporeal creature. An Entropy creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Ash or Vacuum: fly speed (perfect maneuverability) equal to its highest speed or increase existing fly speed and maneuverability to equal its highest speed.

CR: +1

Type: the creature gains the subtype of the element that infuses it vacuum (air), dust (earth), ash (cold), or salt (water).

Dust: burrow speed equal to its highest speed or increase existing burrow speed to equal its highest speed.

Salt: swim speed equal to its highest speed or increase existing swim speed to equal its highest speed.

Defenses/Qualities: Lifesense 60ft.; immune to necromancy (as magic immunity), negative energy, energy drain, ability drain; vulnerability to positive energy (see undead affinity below); no longer breaths, eats, or sleeps. An entropy-infused creature gains additional defenses according to the element that infuses it, as below: •

Ash- immune to cold, electricity, and sonic, vulnerability t2o fire

Dust- immune to acid, cold, and fire, vulnerability to lightning and sonic

Salt- immune to cold, electricity, fire, and sonic, vulnerability to acid

Vacuum- immune to cold, electricity, fire, and sonic, vulnerability to acid

Special Abilities: An entropy-infused creature gains the following special abilities. Elemental Possession (Ex): An entropyinfused creature can possess an inanimate volume of its base element, air (vacuum), earth (dust), fire (ash), or water (salt)) equal to its size category animating it and taking on a roughly humanoid corporeal form equal to its size. This is a move action, though it can ready an action to possess and elemental or energy attack composed of its base element, negating its effects (electricity or sonic (vacuum), acid (dust), fire (ash), or cold (salt)). The entropy-infused creature may possess an element for no more than 10 minutes, after which time the element used is hopelessly corrupted and ruined. While within this form it gains a +2 to attack and damage rolls, and a 25% miss chance (as if it were incorporeal) Each time while within this form an entropy-infused creature is exposed to a poison, paralysis, sleep, or stunning effect, it has a 25% chance to avoid it. In addition, there is a 25% chance that a sneak attack or critical hit deals no extra damage. Once per day elemental possession adds a number of temporary hit points per HD equal to its Constitution modifier (or Charisma modifier) for as long as you are in this form.

Speed: An entropy-infused creature retains the base creature’s speeds and gains a new speed according to the element that infuses it, as given in the following sections. If the base creature already possessed the mode of movement that the element would grant, the entropy-infused creature adopts the higher of the two speeds. 44

score) or begin to suffocate. Creatures that successfully save begin holding their breath, and may remain in the vacuum infused creature’s area as long as they are able to continue holding their breath.

Undead Affinity (Ex): An entropy-infused creature is healed by negative energy as if it were undead, and harmed by positive energy. Effects that harm or affect undead affect the entropyinfused creature as if it were undead. Entropy Attack: An entropy-infused creature gains special attacks according to the element that infuses it, as given below. •

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: +4 Con (+2 to Fort, +2 hp per HD, and the entropy-infused creature’s Constitutionbased DCs) if the base creature has a constitution score.

Ash Cloud (Su): The ash-infused creature is surrounded by a swirling cloud of ash. Within a 10’ radius all creatures suffer 2d6 points of cold damage each round. Living creatures in the area must make a successful Fort save (DC 10 + ½ the ash-infused creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier or Charisma modifier if the creature does not have a Constitution score) or become fatigued and permanently blinded.

An entropy-infused creature’s ability scores also change from the base creature’s according to the element that infuses it, as given below:

Crumble (Su): Any object (including armor) or construct struck by or striking the dustinfused creature gains the Broken Condition, a successful Fort save negates (DC 10 + ½ the dust-infused creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier or Charisma modifier if the creature does not have a Constitution score). An object with the broken condition is ruined. An object that successfully saves is immune to this infused creature’s crumble ability for 24 hours.

Dust or Salt: Str +6 (+3 to melee attack and damage rolls (and thrown weapon damage rolls), Climb and Swim checks, CMB, CMD, strength checks, and any of the base creature’s Strength-based DCs)

Ash or Vacuum: Dex +6 (+3 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, and Ref saves. +3 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks.)

Feats: An entropy-infused creature gains bonus feats based on the element that infuses it, assuming that the base creature does not already have it (it gains the benefits of this feat even if it does not meet its prerequisites), as follows:

Desiccate (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, as a standard action, a salt-infused creature may draw in all moisture from the area surrounding it. All living creatures within a 30’ radius of the salt-infused creature suffer 1d6 points of damage per HD the salt infused creature possesses. A successful Fort save (DC 10 + ½ the slat-infused creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier or Charisma modifier if the creature does not have a Constitution score) halves this damage. The damage dice is increased d8s when dealing damage to Water elementals and plant creatures.

Ash: Blinding Critical or Exhausting Critical

Dust: Improved Sunder

Salt: Greater Penetrating Strike

Vacuum: Defensive Combat Training

Skills: An entropy-infused creature gains a racial skill bonus according to the element that infuses it, as given below:

Vacuum (Su): The vacuum-infused creature lacks any breathable air in any space it occupies and in a 10’ radius around it. Living, breathing creatures in the area must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + ½ the vacuum-infused creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier or Charisma modifier if the creature does not have a Constitution

Ash or Vacuum: +8 racial bonus to Fly

Dust: +8 racial bonus to Climb

Salt: +8 racial bonus to Swim

Environment as base creature, plus the base elemental plane and any negative energy plane.



CR 9

XP 6,400 Dust-infused Feirling CN Huge Fey (earth, fire) Init +8; Senses lifesense 60ft. low-light vision; Perception +16

Defense AC 21, touch 13, flat-footed 16, (-4 Dex, +1 dodge, +8 natural, -2 size) hp 75 (10d6+40) Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +10 Special Defense does not breathe, eat, or sleep. Immune to acid, cold, fire, necromancy (as magic immunity), negative energy, energy drain, and ability drain. Weakness vulnerability to electricity and sonic.

Offense Speed 40 ft. (8 squares), burrow 40 ft. Melee 2 Slams +11 (1d6+7 plus 2d6 fire) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks crumble (DC 19), embersmash, flameleap

Tactics Before Combat: Wastelings often attempt to intimidate their opponents with threatening gestures and displays of its power by destroying some massive object with its slam attacks (crumble). Combat: Wastelings always attack their opponent’s weapons and tools first. Once creatures are forced to attack without weapons and tools does it then turn its blows against the creatures themselves. Morale: If a wasteling sustains 40 hp of damage it uses the wasteling’s elemental possession ability (gaining 40 temporary hp).

Surrounded by jets of flame and smoke, you see a 15-foot-tall vaguely humanoid creature with a rust colored body resembling crumbling earth.

Ecology Environment Any forest, elemental plane, or negative energy plane Organization solitary Treasure standard

Statistics Str 24, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 10 Base Atk +5; CMB +14 (+16 sunder); CMD 29 (31 vs. sunder). Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Improved Sunder (b), Power Attack, Run, Weapon Focus (slam) Skills Acrobatics +17 (+23 jumping), Climb +28, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (geography) +13, Perception +16, Stealth +9 Racial Modifiers +8 Climb SQ does not breath, eat, or sleep, elemental possession, undead affinity Languages understand but does not speak; Sylvan 46

Description: “We rage against that which is living because you left us not but despair. Once we were but playful nature spirits until the day we came upon the Dread Lich Cynmark. He captured and tortured us, but would not give us the peace of death. He created prisons for us, designed so that without your help, we could achieve freedom only by embracing the elemental spirit of destruction. We accepted this vicious freedom because you abandoned us.” Excerpt from The Abandoned by Qwilion of Questhaven.

Monstrous Feat

We dark elemental spirits of nature can be as much as fifteen of your feet tall and our weight varies, increasing if we possess our base element. We are lit by an inner light from the violent embers that burn within us, while the malevolent energies of the final darkness flow into us. Our scent is carried far upon the air, like a vast forest fire. We are the heart of the last terrible storm. When I descended upon your village, it erupted into chaos, your folk wisely panicked, one brave fool fought me, his legendary blade broke under my fist blow, shattered on my second, and he died on my third. Then I came to the great keep and I possessed a great mound of earth just near your father’s home. I left your home and your fortress a broken and burnt husk. You see us as but tragic engines of ruin, a legacy of the Cynmark Dynasty bound by the will of the Dark Emperor. Our greatest desire being to see the entire world turned to void. But this desire comes and goes, for we are the dark spirits of baneful firestorms given physical form and let loose upon the world. The most famous of the wastelings you named “Burning Void.” Known to lurk in the Questhaven protectorate of Ashenfall, “Burning Void” is as large as a dragon, moving about the vast forgotten catacombs and fortresses like a great tempest beneath the earth.

SINKHOLE [Monstrous] Your incredible talent with burrowing allows you to create sinkholes. Prerequisites: Burrow, Benefit: You can burrow and create a sinkhole of a depth equal to your speed as a move action, and twice you speed as a full round action. This function exactly like a standard pit trap except the Reflex Save DC is 10 + ½ your HD + your Strength Modifier. CAVE-IN [Monstrous] Your incredible ability allows you to succeed where others would fail to grapple an opponent. Prerequisites: Burrow, knowledge (engineering) ranks 15, Benefit: As part of a standard action you can burrow in the correct place causing a cave, cavern, or tunnel roof to collapse, dealing 8d6 points of damage to any creature caught under the cave-in (Reflex DC 15 half) and pinning that creature beneath the rubble (see earthquake spell).

Ecology Encounter

(EL 14)

Wastelings are not always harmful to nature. Life does not progress toward equilibrium, the wasteling of Burning Timber is an integral component to the function and biodiversity of that section of Questhaven’s Protectorate, and the organisms within the Burning Timber have adapted to withstand and even exploit the wasteling. Such as how wastelings clear abandoned buildings from the Cynmark Dynasty and other objects left to decay in the wilderness. It also deals with a incredibly invasive and fast growing plant that can regenerate if their roots are not destroyed, where an entire woodland can grow back in a single night. There are also a growing family of brass dragons who live in the area. The current conflict is that the Questor’s Society wants to put a trade road through the middle of Burning Timber, and they have recruited the PCs to rid them of the wastelings that cause the wood to burn.

Lore Knowledge (planes) Common (DC 18): This fey is a wasteling, a chaotic and destructive creature seeking only to kill and destroy all in its path. Uncommon (DC 28): Other creatures similar to this are known as “entropy-infused creatures”; read excerpt from The Abandoned. Rare (DC 37): Wastelings can rend all the great works of mortals and immortals alike to dust. They can temporarily invigorate their form by possessing the very earth around them. They are immune to a host of elements, the powers of necromancy and can sense the presence of life in close proximity. Obscure (DC 47): Spells and effects that are bane against the undead, along with the powers of thunder and lightning, are exceedingly effective against wastelings. Epic (DC 57): It is whispered that once a year, in the blazing heart of summer, far to the south, the wastelings gather together in a vast firestorm; no one knows why and none who have entered it have returned.

Encounter Enhancements: Forest Fire, family of brass dragons (5 young, 1 adult). Twist: After the wastelings of Burning Timber are killed, the kudzu like- plant overgrows an entire quarter or ward in a very short period of time. It can overtake an entire building in a matter of a single night. If fire is used once it has reached the city, it becomes the largest most intense wildfire in recorded history covering 3 million acres. 47

Eternal Creature The oldest of desires is to counteract the fleeting nature of existence. The ancient oral traditions, religious teachings, and greatest literary works ingrain this yearning into the collective consciousness of all mortal races. However, the power to defeat death itself sometimes is not a boon for some, but a curse as they watch all those they have ever known and love slip away becoming naught but ash and dust. These accused beings spend the whole of their existence seeking death’s final embrace. These blessed and cursed beings are the eternal creatures.

Creating an Eternal Creature maintained (vegetarian, carnivorous, etc.). For example, an eternal creature could only die by being starved to death or by having meat secretly mixed into its meal.

"Eternal" is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An eternal creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. If you wish to represent the skill level of a creature that has been alive for an extended period, you will need to increase the creatures HD.

Causing Death: If the creature kills even in self-defense, or commits a murder, or an unjust killing, the eternal creature loses the benefits of this template.

Destroy the mark: This could be a rune, glyph, heraldic crest, sigil, or tattoo on its body, it requires a successful sunder attempt, and 1% of the creatures normal hit point total is enough to destroy it.

Energy Type: One of the basic energy types (acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic) deals lethal damage, but only in its natural form or magical form.

Limited Lifespan: The eternal creature may have to be killed or destroyed a specific number of times, (9 times, 13 times,) this number cannot exceed 101 times (reducing a creature below its constitution score in hp counts as being killed). Another option is that the base creature only gains the template for a limited time, the most common being until a certain act is completed, and if it is not completed by a specific date then the creature looses the template.

Moonlight/Starlight/Sunlight: While exposed to this natural occurring light the eternal creature’s regeneration is negated. This could be as specific as the coral light of an eclipse or light from a specific star or moon.

Music: The sound of music itself or the sound of a specific song or melody will negate the creature’s regeneration.

Phylactery: The creature has part of its soul placed in a receptacle that must first be destroyed.

CR: +1 Alignment: Over a long period, this usually changes to neutral. Defenses/Qualities: Regeneration (see below) Immune ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, paralysis, permanent wounds, petrification, poison, polymorph Weakness (see below) Special Abilities: An eternal retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities as described below: Regeneration (Ex): An eternal creatures rate of regeneration is equal to its Constitution Score. No form of attack, except its special weakness, can suppress the Eternal creature’s regeneration—it regenerates even if disintegrated, drown, or slain by a death effect. If the eternal creature fails a save against an effect that would kill or destroy it instantly, it rises from death 3 rounds later with 1 hit point, if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It can be banished or otherwise transported, but the method to truly kill it or destroy it is only available via its special weakness (see below). Special Weaknesses (Ex): A creature must use one of the following ways or a combination of them to kill or destroy an eternal creature. If an attack that is associated with this weakness deals damage it deals +50%, if it offers a save the eternal creature suffers a -4 penalty to that saving throw. This weakness should be relevant to the creature’s history or species. •

Breathe/Eat/Drink: The eternal creature must still eat, drink, or breathe. Another option is that a specific diet must be 48

Remove object: A special object (philosopher’s stone, vial of platinum dragon’s blood) must be removed from inside the body of the eternal creature, which requires immobilizing the creature.

Rare Substance: Animal (Dwarf Water Buffalo, red wolf) vegetable (snowdonia hawkweed or piratinera gianensis [snakewood]), or mineral (iridium, painite) this could be close proximity (30’ feet), touch, or perhaps a weapon made from the bone, wood, mineral (see specific weapon).

Ritual: A special ritual must be performed with the remains of the creature, its head must be removed, a holy wafer placed in its mouth, buried on consecrated ground, cremated and its ashes spread to the four corners of the earth, etc. If a ritual must be performed, the body will not regenerate after death for 1d4 days.

Special date: For the duration of a religious holiday, the night of a special phase of the moon, an equinox, a solstice, the base creature looses the benefits of this template. The most uncommon occurrence allowed for a religious holiday or phase of the moon is one specific day every 4 years.

Specific Locatio: To slay the creature it must be lured to a specific location. Examples include its place of birth such as its original lair, the creature’s hometown, the laboratory where it was created, the site where it gained its power, consecrated/desecrated ground, etceteras.

Special Weapon: This could be a weapon with specific properties, and weapon that bears a specific name, and/or forged a special site/person.

Specific Spot: The creature is only vulnerable on specific spot on its body, only critical hits damage it, or you must hit its eyes, where its scale is missing, its heel, etc. This requires a successful sunder attempt (+4 to the DC due to its smaller size).

Supernatural: The regeneration of the eternal creature is supernatural and it can only be killed in an area where supernatural abilities do not function such as an antimagic shell.

An example of a combination special weakness would be To truly slay the eternal creature you must destroy the heraldic crest of Questhaven that has been branded on its body, only a weapon made from the tooth of the tarrasque that has been crafted by a fire giant can destroy this crest. This can only be done on Liberator’s day, the celebration of the overthrow of the Cynmark Dynasty by the Circle of Heroes. You must do this in the former throne hall of the Dark Emperor. You must bury body the body according to the teaching of the Great Church of the Pantheon on consecrated ground. The Knowledge DC to learn the creatures special weakness is DC 25 + the eternal creature’s CR, the eternal feature does not know its own weakness unless it has made this check, GMs are encouraged to make this knowledge difficult to obtain and often the result of a special quest. Suppress Regeneration (Ex): As an immediate action an eternal creature can suppress its regeneration ability, if the eternal creature is killed or destroyed it can rise from death 1d4 days later with 1 hit point, if no further damage is inflicted upon its remains. It is still slain or destroyed if it is the result of its special weakness Abilities: Con +10 (+5 hp per HD, +5 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs),

Specific Affliction: Only a specific transmittable disease (common cold), condition (staggered), or poison (belladonna) can affect the eternal creature causing it to lose the benefits of this template while under its effects.

Environment: any land

Eternal Eternal Constructs and Undead A GM could modify this template to affect constructs or undead creatures replacing Regeneration with Fast Healing and Rejuvenation (as a ghost [see Pathfinder Bestiary]) with the listed amount of fast healing being based on Charisma instead of Constitution, and the bonus to ability scores affecting Charisma rather than the base creatures Constitution Score.

Specific Creature (individual, culture, template, type or subtype): Perhaps only a single fated enemy can slay the eternal creature, or one born from a specific culture, conceivably only other eternal creatures can slay it, perchance only a dragon can kill it or only a wyrd (half-elf/half ogre mage) can destroy it. 49

Eonian the Incessant

CR 3

This trident wielding humanoid has silvery skin that fades into silver-blue scales on the lower half of its body. It hair is a deep blue almost black

XP 600 Eternal Triton NG Medium outsider (native, water) Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7

During Combat Eonian, while immortal, is not reckless in battle, as he does not enjoy pain, but neither is he a coward. Morale Eonian was once chained and dropped into a brig so he often suppresses his regeneration, choose retreat and guerrilla tactics if outmatched.

Defense AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 natural) hp 34 (3d10+18) Regeneration 22 (Special; See Weakness) Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +4 Immune ability damage, ability drain, disease, energy drain, paralysis, permanent wounds, petrification, poison, polymorph Weakness (see below)

Statistics Str 12, Dex, 10, Con 22, Int 13, Wis 13, Cha 11 Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 Feats Mounted Combat, Swim-by Attack Skills Craft (weapons) +7, Diplomacy +6, Perception +7, Ride +6, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +6, Swim +15 Languages Aquan, Common, telepathy (aquatic creatures) 100 ft. SQ suppress regeneration

Offense Speed 5 ft.; swim 60 ft. Melee trident +4 (1d8+1) Ranged heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19-20) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th) 1/day—summon nature’s ally IV (water elemental)

Ecology Environment any aquatic Organization company (2-5), squad (6-11), or band (20-80) Treasure standard (trident, heavy crossbow, other treasure)

Tactics Before Combat Eonian summons a water elemental before attacking along with reading his crossbow, he often rides a porpoise into battle if one is available. 50

Special Special Abilities

Uncommon (DC 8): Read excerpt from The Unending. Beings with a similar immortality bear the name “eternal creatures.” Rare DC (13): Like all tritons, Eonian can summon water elementals to do his bidding, but what sets him apart is his apparent nigh invulnerability, immortality, and regeneration. Obscure (DC 23): Eonian still believes that the government whom he is sending his reports is the same government that ruled over here over two eons ago. Epic (DC 33): What Eosin the Incessant does not know is that he can be rendered mortal by sounding a special note with Eonian’s twisted conch shell, this must be done within Eonian hearing, on the night of the Perigee Tide in the city’s bay.

Special Weakness (Ex): To truly slay Eonian the Incessant You must sound Eonian’s twisted conch shell, like a trumpet creating a special note (requires a successful Perform [instrument]check DC 15), where Eonian can hear it, on the night of the Perigee Tide in the Bay of Questhaven.

Description: “I have been alive for eons; neither time nor tide affects me, so pardon me if I am not in a hurry.” -Excerpt from The Unending as spoken by Eonian the Incessant as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven

Monstrous Feats

I look like any other adult male triton, I have looked that way for longer than the memory of dragons, but it does not matter. Who knows what tomorrow or the next 100 years will bring. I have no reason to plan; I suffer no disadvantage for not doing so, because unlike you I always have tomorrow. You are trying to breed before you die, Mayfly that you are. Why should I exert myself at all? You want to make your mark before you shed your mortal shell. Unlike you if I ignore a problem long enough it will eventually go away, because I have long enough. You speak of change and progress; bah, what I do has worked for an eon, why should I change it now. You folk are always seeking chaos and death simply to better your short lives. My life is already good and I have the absolute certainty of my existence, I see no need for this thing, nor your liberal views, and I certainly do not want even the potential of death, for I am not yet bored with this lovely existence. Your young Emperor Cynmark offered me the luxury of this bay if I would simply keep watch over his inlet and report to him any disturbances. I just sent him a report via one of his sending shells and those adventuring troops of his dealt with the problem, though they were brash and reckless. Please send him my highest regards.

IMPROVED BREACHING [Monstrous] You can leap out of the water and attack your opponent. Prerequisites: swim 60ft. Benefit: You can lunge 10 ft. out of the water GREATER BREACHING [Monstrous] You can leap out of the water and attack your opponent. Prerequisites: swim 60ft. Improved Breaching Benefit: You can lunge out of the water an additional number of feet as if you were jumping use your Swim check in place of an Acrobatics check.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 3)

Eonian has started plaguing the city waters, recklessly attacking the naval vessels and members of the Questor’s Society, he has even been found upriver, in the sewers of the city, and even in some of the flooded tombs beneath the city. He has been slain hundreds of times now, but he continues to be a nuisance as he finds new and dangerous ways to put those around him at risk as he challenges the most dangerous beings in and around the city. The society is looking for adventures to put a stop to this for they fear he will call up something terrible from the deep places the Shadowfey Sea.


Twist: Eonian no longer sees a point to his existence and is now seeking his death; he has died over two hundred times, in almost every way imaginable, but is too prideful to ask for help.

Knowledge (nature) Common (DC 3): This triton is named Eonian the Incessant; he is an outsider native to our seas, monitoring the waterways of city like an old man sitting on a porch, his messages going directly to the ruling government. 51

Exemplar Creature In a world of fantasy, belief has power; the superstitions of the common folk can imbue creatures with powers beyond what they would normally possess, born out of their own myths and legends. Others are simple born with this power, and their legend is pure truth. Occasionally a deity may grant a particularly favored servant these powers as a reward. At other times, a god may create such creature because it needs a favored servant but cannot find a worthy worshiper among its flock. These are the Exemplar Creatures. An exemplar creature resembles a perfect specimen of its kind, but it has an unmistakably mark that sets it apart from those of its kin, a scar, unusual eyes, or unique coloration.

Creating an Exemplar Creature breath weapon would increase from a 30-ft. cone to a 45 ft. cone, and instead of 10d6 fire damage it would deal 15d6 fire damage. Enhanced Weakness (Ex/Su): If the base creature possesses any special weakness or vulnerabilities, it takes twice as much damage (200%) from that vulnerability, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed or, if the save is a success or failure. Creatures with a vulnerability that is not an energy type instead take a –8 penalty on saves against spells and effects that cause or use the listed vulnerability (such as spells with the light descriptor) instead of the standard -4. Some creatures might suffer additional effects, as noted in their descriptions if that effect can be doubled, double it as well.

“Exemplar creature” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature. An exemplar creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +3 Defenses/Qualities: Increase the numeric value of any special quality by 5, for example channel resistance +2 becomes channel resistance +7, damage reduction 10/adamantine becomes 15/adamantine, Resist energy 5 becomes 10, SR 15 becomes SR 20, or regeneration 6 becomes 11, etc. Speed: Increase all movement types the base creature possesses by 10 ft.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +10 (+5 to attack and damage, +5 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +5 to Strength, and CMB checks, +5 to CMD), Dex +10 ( +5 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, Initiative, and Ref saves. +5 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add +5 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Con +10 (+5 hp per HD, +5 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Int +10 (add 4 bonus languages, add 4 skill points per HD, +5 to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks +5 to any of the base creature’s Intelligence-based DCs), Wis +10 (+5 to Will saves, +5 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks, add +5 to any of the base creature’s Wisdombased DCs), +10 Cha (+5 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +5 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs).

Special Abilities: An exemplar gains the following special abilities. Perfect Health (Ex): An exemplar creature always possesses maximum hit points. Enhanced Caster (Ex): If the base creature has a caster level for any of its abilities increase that caster level by 5. Enhanced Durability (Ex): Exemplar creatures do not go unconscious until they reach a number of negative hit points equal to their constitution modifier, plus half their number of HD. They do not die until they reach a number of negative hit points equal to their constitution score plus their number of HD. Enhanced Senses (Ex): Increase the range on any special senses the base creature possesses by 50% for example if the base creature has darkvision 60 ft. it becomes darkvision 90 ft. Enhanced Energy Drain (Ex): If the base creature possesses an energy drain attack, increase the negative levels the base creature inflicts by 2. Enhanced Special Abilities (Ex): Increase the area, range, duration, damage, bonuses, and effect of any auras and special attacks by 50%; for example, an exemplar nessian hellhound 52

Atelier’s Vengeance CR 19 XP 204,800 Exemplar Vault Guardian N Large construct Init +3; Senses darkvision 90 ft., low-light vision; Perception +12

Defense Defense AC 34, touch 14, flat-footed 29 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural, -1 size) hp 270 (24d10+30) Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +13 DR 20/adamantine Immune construct traits, magic Weakness enhanced weakness (rust)

Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee +1 ghost touch, guided great axe (2d10 +25) slams +39 (2d10+11) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon, powerful blows, trample 2d10+36

Tactics Before Combat: Indomitable and cunning, Atelier’s Vengeance are methodical strategists and seek out advantage prior to a battle. Whether it is securing friendly ground, or isolating its prey, they work through guile and wit before unleashing their power. During Combat: Overbearing, powerful, and relentless are all accurate in how one of Atelier’s Vengeance erodes at the defense of its prey. They will often overrun foes before attempting to sunder their defenses and offenses, and then cut their way through their numbers. Morale: Confident to the point of hubris, Atelier’s Vengeance believe in their power and are unlike to retreat unless resistance is beyond the pale of reason.

This large iron automaton is a masterpiece of design and art, with beautiful craftsmanship and intricate decretive patterns cover its exterior. It wields a massive rune engraved greataxe that glows with a soft spectral light. .

Special Abilities Accounting (Su): Atelier’s Vengeance is attuned to the contents of any treasure it is protecting. It knows immediately when any treasure is removed from its guarded structure and can locate missing treasure at will, just as if locate object was cast except with unlimited range. The atelier’s vengeance also gets a +12 bonus to tracking anyone with treasure from the guarded structure. Anyone who takes treasure from the guarded structure is targeted by the atelier’s vengeance, who will claim any treasure the thieves possess from the guarded structure. The atelier’s vengeance will track and follow any thief non-stop until the treasure is recovered. Since the atelier’s vengeance is intelligent, it will eliminate any local threats to the remaining treasure before pursuing thieves. Immunity to Magic (Ex): An atelier’s vengeance is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below. • A magical attack that deals electricity damage inflicts the Staggered condition (as the slow spell) for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. • A magical attack that deals fire damage breaks any Staggered condition effect on the golem and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the

Statistics Str 43, Dex 19, Con —, Int 16, Wis 21, Cha 1 Base Atk +24; CMB +41 (+43 bull rush, overrun, sunder); CMD 55 be 56 (58 vs. bull rush, overrun, sunder) Feats Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Dodge, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Improved Sunder, Power Attack, Skills Acrobatics +28, Climb +40, Knowledge (geography) +27, Perception +29, Survival +29 SQ accounting, recall, scry, swift tracker

Ecology Environment any Organization solitary or gang (2–4) Treasure none 53


amount of healing would cause the golem to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hp for 1 hour. An iron golem gets no saving throw against fire effects. • An atelier’s vengeance is extremely vulnerable to rust attacks, such as those of a rust monster or a rusting grasp spell, but suffers a -8 penalty to the saving throw.

Knowledge (local or nature) Common (DC 19): This construct bears the name Atelier’s Vengeance; it seeks out artifacts taken from that extraplanar ruin slaying the “looters” and returns the “stolen” items. Uncommon (DC 24): Other creatures similar to this are known as “exemplar creatures”; read from The Dread Lich’s Revenge. Rare DC (29): Exemplar creature’s special abilities are enhanced beyond that of their mundane brethren and have an extreme level of vitality and endurance. The Atelier’s Vengeance is also a “golem” known as a vault guardian, as such it is immune to almost all forms of magic and can account for all items within its designated vault. It has an unhearing ability to locate these objects and can return to its vault as a priest might use conjuration magics to return instantly to his temple. Obscure (DC 39): Exemplar creature’s weakness are enhanced in the same manor that its abilities are enhanced, an Atelier’s Vengeance is vulnerable to adamantine, electricity and rust attacks but is also healed by fire . Epic (DC 49): If an Atelier’s Vengance's creator has died, his heir designate can negotiate with the creature to switch its allegiance to the heir allowing the inheritor to take up his legacy from the vaults. .

Recall (Su): 1/day an atelier’s vengeance can instantly return to the treasure vault by uttering a special command word as an immediate action. Scry (Su): 1/day an atelier’s vengeance can scry on a location where any of its protected or stolen treasure is located. Swift Tracker (Ex): An atelier’s vengeance can move at its normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal -5 penalty. It takes only a 10 penalty (instead of the normal -20) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Description: “You have not earned what lays within the Atelier of Cynmark, you have not even inherited it; you are a brigand come to loot the dead, a thief in the night. You think no one will hold you to account for your deeds. You are wrong!” -Excerpt from The Dread Lich’s Revenge by Qwilion of Questhaven

Monstrous Monstrous Feat IMPROVED PERFECT HEALTH [Monstrous] You an amazing physical specimen. Prerequisites: Must possess the maximum number of hit points, toughness, Con 13 Benefit: Add your Constitution bonus for each HD you possess to your hp total a second time.

We are “golems,” though we can be of any form most often we are forged into humanoid bodies made from iron, decorated with gold and other precious metals in a stylized manner. We are 12 of your feet tall and weigh about 5,000 of your pounds; we are also often wielding a special weapon of some sort. Each step of our smooth gait causes the floor to tremble unless we are within the solid foundation of the Dark Atelier. Even though I am free of the yoke put upon me by the Cynmark Dynasty, I now seek to punish the looters of history, to seek out and lay vengeance upon grave robbers, and show thieves who have do not respect the rights of the ancients the wrath of the righteous. I am their judge, jury, and executioner. I hope one day that the thieves’ guild known as the Questor’s Society is laid low for all the transgressions and trespasses it has committed against the so called monsters of the world who seek only to defend their lairs, their homes. Yet, until that day, I will shall met out their revenge against those who have stolen from them and their ancestors. The day after their victory over the Dread Lich and Dark Emperor, I found myself walking into the great guildhall and gilded lodge of the Questor’s Society killing three full fellowships who had looted the Demon’s Eye Ruby from a divine stature that existed within the Dark Atelier. Just because the Cynmark Dynasty has fallen does not mean my duty has ended.

IMPROVED MAGIC REDUCTION You even ignore the magic of arms and armor. Prerequisites: Immunity to Magic and Damage Reduction (adamantine) Benefit: Ignore enhancement bonuses from armor, shields and weapons as if they were in an anti-magic field in relation to attacking or being attacked by you.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 19)

When moving through the city of Questhaven the Atelier’s Vengeance can often pass itself off as a giant in plate armor, as few creatures alive today recognize it for what it truly is, some even mistake it for some local wizard’s golem off on an errand and it takes full advantage of people’s expectations of it being a unthinking creature. Twist: The creature often tricks its targets into admitting their theft by offering to buy any items taken from the Dark Atelier, often arranging a secret meeting away from the victim’s fellows.


Hatemonger Creature No one knows where the hatemonger parasite originated—the most prevalent theory is that a sect of devils created it as a tool to regiment their kind against demons and other enemies. Most scholars figure it has been around at least since civilization started. They attribute sudden eruptions of war, genocide, and other atrocities which have no other explanation to this creature. While humanoids do not need much incentive to commit terrible acts against fellow humanoids, whether they are of the same race or not, the parasite gives them a gentle nudge in that direction. Targeting the most charismatic of creatures, it wears down its victim’s willpower, eventually urging its host to foment fear and anger where the host lives towards those who are different, those who have more, or other scapegoats for whatever ails its community.

Creating a Hatemonger Creature affected as if it had rage cast on it for the duration of the charm. Impart Hate: Once per week, the parasite spawns a copy of itself. Its host can transfer the new parasite to another creature with a successful touch attack. Make an Example: Once per day, the hatemonger may invoke a spell-like ability on a designated enemy. The ability’s CL equals the base creature’s hit dice, save DCs are Charismabased, and the ability depends on the creature’s hit dice (abilities offering two options allow the creature to choose one at the time it is used):

“Hatemonger” is an acquired template that can be added to any intelligent corporeal creature. A hatemonger creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Alignment: Always lawful evil. Size: Increases one size category to a maximum of Medium. Medium and larger creatures retain their size category. Type: Type remains the same, but loses subtypes relating to lawful or good alignments.

Hit Dice Effect 6 or fewer Lightning bolt 7-10 Order’s wrath/Unholy blight 11-14 Flame strike 15 and higher Blasphemy/Dictum

Armor Class: Gains a +2 deflection bonus, or increases an existing bonus by +2. Against a designated enemy creature, the hatemonger gains an additional +4 deflection bonus.

Weapon of Might and Righteousness: As a swift action, the hatemonger may summon an appropriate weapon to rally its thralls. Typically, this weapon takes the form of an axe or a sword. Any charmed creature in sight of the weapon gains a +2 morale bonus to its attack and damager rolls against its hated enemies. Meanwhile, the hatemonger’s weapon acts as a bane weapon against its enemies.

Defenses/Qualities: Gains immunity to mindaffecting charm and compulsion effects. Attacks: A hatemonger retains all the natural weapons, manufactured weapon attacks, and weapon proficiencies of the base creature. Additionally, it gains the ability to summon a weapon with which it is automatically proficient (see Weapon of Might and Righteousness).

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Con +4 (+2 to hit points per hit die and Fortitude saves) and Cha +6 (+3 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others; Channel Energy DCs; and any of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs). The hatemonger’s Int score is 10 or the base creature’s Int, whichever is higher.

Special Abilities: The creature gains the following special abilities.Stoke the Masses: If a hatemonger is allowed to orate for at least 30 minutes, it can cast mass charm monster (CL equal to the base creature’s hit dice) on all creatures listening to it. The save DC is Charisma-based and increases by 2 for each extra 30 minutes the creature speaks. The charm effect lasts for 1 day per hit die of the base creature. Additionally, each charmed creature is

Feats: Gain Compelling Oratory, Iron Will and Persuasive as additional feats. 55

Hatelarren CR 4 XP 1,200 Hatemonger Forlarren LE Medium Fey Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +7

Defense AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +6 natural, +2 deflection) hp 19 (3d6+9) Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +6 DR 5/cold iron Immune mind-affecting charms and compulsions

Offense Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee 2 slams +3 (1d4+1) or longsword of might and righteousness +3 (1d8+1) (+5 to hit and an additional 2d6 damage against hated enemies) Special Attacks heat metal, stoke the masses (Will save DC 25), make an example

Tactics Before Combat If the hatelarren has time, she will speak to the creatures in her thrall to embolden them for a coming battle. During Combat The hatelarren leads the charge, carrying her longsword of might and righteousness aloft, until she needs it to smite her foes. If her enemies have a clear, powerful leader, she will use make an example on that creature in attempt to kill it and rout her enemies. She uses her heat metal attack if she confronts an immobile or cornered foe. Morale If all the hatelarren’s thralls have been destroyed, and she can’t strike a decisive blow against a creature she perceives as a leader, she retreats. She never surrenders and fights to the death if she can’t escape.

This severe, yet strangely compelling creature speaks to a gathered crowd. The sword she brandishes belies any peaceful intentions. The more the crowd listens to her bile-filled speech, the more individuals in the crowd murmur in agreement. She tells them she will lead them to victory against their oppressors, and nothing less than their enemies’ annihilation will do.

Special Abilities Make an Example (Sp) Once per day, the hatelarren may cast lightning bolt (CL 3rd, 3d6 electricity damage, Reflex save DC 15). Heat Metal (Su) Once per day, as part of a melee touch attack, a hatelarren can heat metal (as the spell, caster level 6th, DC 15 Will save). Once the affected metal reaches the searing stage (after 3 rounds), it remains at that stage until she breaks contact with the affected metal. Once contact is broken, the metal slowly returns to its normal temperature (reducing the effects each round just as the heat metal spell). The save DC is Constitution-based.

Statistics Statistics Str 12, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 14 Feats Alertness, Compelling Oratory, Iron Will, Persuasive, Weapon Finesse Skills Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +7, Perception +7, Perform (oratory) +8, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +8 Languages Common

Description: “Meaningless anger will not put food back on your tables. You need to focus that spite on your enemies, those who have stolen what is rightfully yours. The gentle among you may quail at what I

Ecology Environment temperate plains and forest Organization solitary Treasure none


past. My appearance struck the first folk I met as odd, but they didn’t confuse me with their attackers. I made my way to a central location, with a couple, then a handful, then a crowd following in my wake. I grabbed a crate and stood atop it. Words spilled out of me, signifying the conviction to my cause. At first, my new people didn’t know what to make of me, yet they stayed to listen. After a few moments, I could see them begin to understand their plight and realize what exactly was responsible. However, the town’s mayor remained unconvinced, most likely because he was a collaborator with the wicked people of the forest. I could sense I was losing some of my flock, but the voice suggested I make an example of him to convince everyone of the cause. “May the gods choose the righteous among the two of us!” I shouted. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the dissenter in the chest, killing him instantly. I won everyone over after my display of power and righteousness. The next day, we went to war with my people’s aggressors. They registered recognition and fear when they saw me leading the charge. I, on the other hand, didn’t recognize these beasts and had no fear of them thanks to my conviction. The bloodshed was beautiful—every last one of them died on our weapons, and we only lost half our number. We gave them no mercy; after all, they wouldn’t have given us any.

propose, but they violated your peace, took advantage of you, and stole everything you worked hard for. Now is the time to strike and take back that which belongs to you! Who is with me?” --Hatelarren speech transcribed by Qwilion of Questhaven, just before the Razing of Gwynnedon. From my earliest memories, I knew anger. My one-time people personified the emotion, yet even they were taken aback by my rage at everything life threw at me. Nothing made me happy, and I lashed out at everyone and everything. My hatred knew no end. It was unfocussed, though, or so I learned much later in my life. The first step on my journey toward righteous anger was not my own. My former people exiled me because I was too wild, too untamed, and too exuberant in my hostility. I attacked my own sisters out of frustration. Their matriarch wouldn’t stand for it, so I was cast out. During my wanderings I came across a man who bore a beautiful black sword and had a gleam of hatred in his eyes which drew me to him. We talked for a while, and he convinced me that I needed to focus my anger if I wanted to achieve anything with it. Then he did a curious thing—he touched me on the shoulder and said, “I knew you were the right vessel. We must go our separate ways now. It won’t do to concentrate our might in one place.” He walked away and never looked back. After that encounter, I began to hear a voice; a soothing voice which persuaded me to turn against my erstwhile sisters. What right did they have to throw me out of their society—just because they didn’t agree with my views? I needed an army, since I knew I couldn’t take them on alone. There were several human settlements nearby, though. On my travels to the closest settlement, the voice coached me on how to convince them to attack. Everything it said made sense: they raided human settlements to satisfy their acrimony against what they saw as interlopers in the forest…except the humans never invaded their homes, even after suffering deaths and having their homes destroyed by those despicable creatures. They required a leader who would lead them to peace and ensure they would never suffer again. I found I had changed sometime after the voice began instructing me. Rather than the clumsy hooves they had, I now had more agile clawed feet. My skin had darkened, but it was certainly more striking than it had been. My face was partially obscured, which meant I was finally distancing myself from my oppressive

Lore Knowledge (history or nature) Common (DC 4): This creature is a hatelarren. She attracts a mob who commits unspeakable acts on her behalf. Uncommon (DC 9): The creature has an uncanny ability to convince those who listen to her of the morality of her bloody cause. The dark and powerful sword she carries is essentially a part of her. Rare (DC 14): The hatelarren can call upon frightening powers to put down any dissent, striking an enemy down where it stands. Her sword twists brutally with every strike, almost as if it also expressed her hatred against those she deems as enemies. Obscure (DC 24): The creature is infected with a parasite which drives its host to spread hatred wherever it goes. The parasite feeds on this hatred and creates copies of itself to find better sources of sustenance. Epic (DC 34): The hatelarren wants nothing less than to bring nations to war. She fully expects the nation she backs to win a great and glorious war and utterly wipe out their enemies.


Monstrous Feat

accord. The only other evidence they can point to is anecdotes about a stranger who arrives shortly before these attacks take place (the irony of which is not lost on some scholars). The prevailing theory is the parasite was created by a high-ranking devil to focus lesser devils’ aggression on their leader’s enemy. These theorists claim this is only way the generals of the hells can keep the less intelligent creatures in line. A relatively charismatic representative infected by the parasite would inspire its peers to combat enemies programmed by the hatemonger parasite. Unfortunately, as these things happen, some of the infected devils ended up going through portals or being summoned, establishing the parasite in other planes to spread to other races. The parasite thrives on the hatred generated by its host in a large group of creatures, and it instinctively knows the best way to foster that hatred is to find a charismatic host. It also attempts to seek out creatures with a wider range of influence than its current host. The parasite cannot leave a host once it has bonded with it, so it uses the energy it gains from its host’s campaigns to spawn an unbounded parasite to transfer to a new host.

COMPELLING ORATORY [General] Your charm and compulsion effects find more purchase after a lengthy oratory. Prerequisites: Cha 14, at least 1 rank in Perform (oratory) Benefit: After at least 15 minutes of uninterrupted speaking, you may increase the DC of any mind affecting charm or compulsion spells or abilities used on listeners by 5. For every 15 minutes you speak uninterrupted, you may benefit from Compelling Oratory for 1 hour.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 7)

A large force has emerged from a nearby settlement intending to slaughter everyone in your town. They can’t be convinced to stop their attack. Encounter Enhancements: 7-10 1st level warriors who have been trained for battle by the hatelarren in anticipation of their righteous battle. They attack all their foes in a blind rage. Twist: A charismatic bard has succumbed to the hatemonger parasite and enters town to convince people that the PCs only bring trouble and they must be driven out.

Strifemonger Parasite (variant template)

Hatemonger Parasite Type disease, contact; Save Fortitude DC 18 Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day; Effect 1d6 Wis damage—a character reduced to 0 Wis has its Wis restored and gains the hatemonger creature template; Cure 2 consecutive saves

As devils have allegedly created a parasite to regiment their troops, demons have purportedly formulated a parasite to foster dissention within a group of beings. This version has the same disease statistics as the hatemonger parasite, but it creates a decidedly different creature. Use the hatemonger template to represent the strifemonger, with the following exceptions:

Scholars have speculated about the hatemonger parasite for ages. Its existence hasn’t been definitively proven, which leads many to scoff at the theory as a way to deflect blame for a variety of atrocities committed throughout history. These scholars have some oddities or reversals in behavior to back up their claims—a longtime benign king suddenly becoming a bloodthirsty expansionist, a peaceful community murdering those who don’t meet some impromptu standard of purity, a circle of druids who rampage against a nearby town shortly after signing a peace

Alignment: Always chaotic evil. Disarray the Masses replaces Convince the Masses. It uses the same rules, except the strifemonger casts confusion with a 30-foot radius. The rage affect is unchanged. Make an Example—replace order’s wrath and dictum with chaos hammer and word of chaos, respectively. 58

Havenfury Creature A prophet bringing his people to a promised land, an idealist seeking a protector for his people, a humble servant willing to do anything to help his family, these are the types of beings that become Havenfury creatures. Inhabiting a havenfury creature is a special type of outsider that has given up its form, and its powers, to imbue a mortal with otherworldly power in accord with an ancient mystical pact. These spirits of power are named furies. This merging causes a physical manifestation when the havenfury uses its powers. Its entire body, clothing, and all equipment it carries becomes non-reflective to all light making the creature look like nothing more than a thing of darkness with pupil-less glowing red eyes. At least three, disembodied translucent beasts also circle its body, with a red-orange glow to their forms. These beasts are usually a powerful symbol representing the base creature’s people. An eastern background could have dragons, a drow could have spiders, and so forth.

Creating a Havenfury Creature havenfury’s HD + the havenfury’s Charisma modifier) halves this damage.

A "Havenfury" is an acquired template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A havenfury creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Spell-Like Abilities: A Havenfury creature with an Int or Wis score of 8 or higher has a cumulative number of spell-like abilities set by its HD. abilities are usable once per day. CL equals the creature's HD (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher).

CR: Base creatures CR 4 or less, as base creature +1; base creature’s CR 5 to 10, as base creature +2; base creature’s CR 11 or more, as base creature +3.

HD 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18 19-20

Alignment: Changes to any Lawful. Type: The creature's type changes to outsider (native). Do not recalculate HD, BAB, or saves. Armor Class: Natural armor bonus becomes equal to 1/2 its base attack bonus and its deflection bonus becomes equal to 1/2 its base attack bonus. Defenses/Qualities: Gains darkvision 60 feet; Weakness Vulnerability to Havenwards (suffer +50% damage from a havenward creature’s attacks, and suffer a -4 penalty to saves against spell or effects controlled by a havenward creature.)

Spell-like Ability alarm shield other glyph of warding secure shelter mage’s private sanctum guards and wards heroes feast refuge shield of law teleportation circle

Special Abilities: A havenfury retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities as described below. Creatures struck by the havenfury’s touch attack are automatically subject to each effect of these special abilities. Corrupt Language (Su): A havenfury can permanently replace any two languages of a creature (including common) within 100 ft. +10 feet per HD, with the native language of a havenward (see below) as a swift action, if the creature fails a Will save (DC 10+1/2 the havenfury’s HD+ the havenfury’s Charisma modifier). This curse effect requires a remove curse to be cast while standing on some of the

Melee: A havenfury has a touch attack that it can use once per round as a natural weapon. A haven armed with other natural weapons or manufactured weapons uses its weapons normally, and can use its touch attack as a secondary natural weapon. Select an energy type acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. This melee touch attack deals 1/2 HD d6 of the selected damage type, thus a 6 HD havenfury creature would deal 3d6 points of acid damage. A successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the 59

silver arrives in a pile next to the havenfury. Subjects of this ability are allowed a Will save (DC equal to 10 + the havenfury’s HD + the havenfury’s Charisma Modifier) to negate. This effect is extremely powerful (see the enhanced DC), is difficult to detect (upon a successful save), and only being inside an anti-magic field, dimensional lock, or prismatic sphere protects against it. Spirit Shield (Su): The disembodied beasts around a havenfury shield it from damage by non-havenwards and deal that damage back in kind. The amount of damage reversed in this fashion is based on the HD of the havenfury. HD 4 or less: 5 HD 5 to 10: 10 HD 11 + 20

havenward’s (see below) native soil in order to be removed. Havenward (Ex): When a havenfury appears the violated race, sub-race or background is granted the status of havenward. The status has several special properties. The save DCs for these special qualities are 10 +1/2 the havenfury’s HD + the havenfury’s Charisma modifier. • Obedience: As a standard action a Havenfury can, at will, dominate monster a havenward. • Hearth: Wherever a Havenfury is present all havenwards within 10 miles x the havenfury’s CR know it and are drawn toward a 1-mile radius of the havenward. A successful Will save allows the havenward to resist the pull for one day. • Life: Havenfuries and havenwards within line of sight can loan hit points to the other as an immediate action; treat these as temporary hit points lasting one hour. • Union: Havenfury can sense the direction, distance (exact), emotional state, and status of all havenwards within 1 mile per the havenfury’s CR.

Abilities: Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), +6 Cha (+3 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +3 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs ) Skills: A havenfury creature with an Intelligence score gains diplomacy and knowledge (local) as class skills, with bonus ranks equal to the havenfury creature’s HD.

People’s Hero (Su): A havenfury of at least CR 3, or higher, possess an aura (radius 10 ft.’ per HD) that grants all havenwards in the aura a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. The aura of a havenfury of at least 9 HD, or higher, grants a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks, immunity to fear effects, and temporary hit points equal to the Havenfury’s HD. Steal Skill (Su): A Havenfury can permanently steal the ranks of a single skill of any creature within 100 ft. +10 feet per point of CR as a swift action, Will save negates (DC 10+1/2 the havenfury’s HD+ the haven’s Charisma modifier). It gains free use of these ranks up to its normal maximum, (it can store a number of skills equal to 3+ the havenfury’s Intelligence bonus). It can grant these skill ranks to a willing havenward (see above) both the Havenfury and the havenward cannot exceed their HD in max ranks. A creature that makes its saving throw is immune to this ability for 24 hours. This curse effect requires a remove curse to be cast while standing on some of the havenward’s (see above) native soil. Snitch Silver (Su): A havenfury creature can automatically translocate a single silver piece, each week, from each non-havenward creature that is within 1’mile x the havenfury’s HD. This

Summoning a Havenfury Creature Havenfuries can appear spontaneously. However, a special dark ritual can also be performed to bring about their habitation in a mortal form. ASYLUM OF WRATH [Ritual] This curse can summon a havenfury to protect those who have been harmed, oppressed, and/or systematically mistreated: immigrants, aliens, refugees, colonists, and occupying invaders can all use this to summon a havenfury to protect their people. Components: Witnessing the violation of a member of your race, subrace, or background by a native creature that is not of your race, subrace, or background, on that creature’s native soil. Actions (1 day): Reciting the excerpt from “Promises of Land and Life” for a full 24 hours (see below) Effects: 50% chance of becoming a havenfury creature. There is no retry. 60

Black Ghont

CR 18 18

XP 153,600 Male goblin monk (hungry ghost) 16 LE Small Outsider (augmented humanoid [goblinoid], native) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., havenward (goblinoid, union DC 20, 18 miles); Perception +24 Aura people’s hero 160’ (goblinoid, +4, +16 hp)

Defense AC 41, touch 32, flat-footed 38 (+3 armor, +6 deflection, +5 Dex, +4 monk, +6 natural, +1 size, +6 Wis) hp 171 (16d8+96) Fort +15, Ref +15, Will +16; +2 vs. enchantment Defensive Abilities havenward (goblinoid, life), improved evasion, spirit shield 20, slow fall 80 ft. Weakness vulnerability to havenwards

Offense Speed 80 ft. Melee flurry of blows +21/+21/+16/+16/+11/+11/+6 (2d6+1 plus 2d6/19-20) and +12 touch attack 8d6 electricity (Fort DC 20, half) Ranged flurry of blows mwk shuriken +21/+21/+16/+16/+11/+11/+6 (2) Special Attacks corrupt language (DC 20), havenward (goblinoid, obedience DC 20), punishing kick (16/day, DC 24), quivering palm (DC 24), sipping demon, snitch silver (DC 28 16 miles radius) steal ki, steal skill (DC 20), Spell-Like Abilities (CL 16th) 1/day-alarm, heroes feast, guards and wards, glyph of warding, mage’s private sanctum, refuge, secure shelter, shield other

You see a strange goblin surrounded by three spirit-like and ephemeral goblin dogs.

Tactics Before Combat: Black Ghont usually prepares his terrain with alarm, guards and wards, glyph of warding, and sends other goblins away Combat: Alternates with corrupt language and steal skill as swift actions for the round, and then stealing life and ki with his melee attacks and watching his spirit goblin dogs deal massive damage. Morale: Black Ghont only flees if he is putting other goblins in danger.

Statistics Str 12, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 8, Wis 22, Cha 14 Base Atk +12; CMB +20 (+22 grapple, trip); CMD 41 (43 vs. grapple, trip) Feats Agile Maneuvers, Critical Focus, Deflect Arrows, Improved Critical (unarmed strike), Improved Grapple, Improved Trip, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw, Punishing Kick, Scorpion Style, Snatch Arrows, Spider Step, 61

Under and Over, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike) Skills Acrobatics +24 (+60 jumping), Climb +10, Diplomacy +21, Knowledge (local) +18 Perception +24, Ride +9, Stealth +26; Racial Modifiers +4 Ride, +4 Stealth Languages Common, Goblin SQ abundant step, fast movement, havenward (goblinoid, hearth DC 20, 160 miles) high jump, ki pool (14), life funnel, life from a stone, maneuver training, Combat Gear potion of cure serious wounds (4), potion of invisibility; Gear mwk shuriken (35), amulet of vicious strikes, belt of physical perfection +2, bracers of armor +3, headband of inspired wisdom +4, ring of forcefangs, ring of protection +3

Special Abilities Punishing Kick (Ex) Black Ghont can push the target of his Punishing Kick back 15 ft., or push the target back 5 ft., and knock the target prone with the same attack. The target still gets a saving throw to avoid being knocked prone. Steal Ki (Ex) Black Ghont can steal ki from other creatures, though this ability is controversial in some circles of monks, who see it as nothing less than a form of vampirism. If Black Ghont scores a confirmed critical hit against a living enemy or reduces a living enemy

to 0 or fewer hit points, he can steal some of that creature’s ki. He gains 1 spent ki point to his ki pool, as long as he has at least 1 ki point remaining. He cannot exceed his ki pool’s maximum. Each time he successfully steals ki, he can make an immediate saving throw against one disease he is suffering from with a +6 bonus. There is no penalty for failing this save. Life Funnel (Su) Black Ghont can steal a creature’s life force to replenish his own. If the monk has at least 1 ki point in his ki pool and scores a confirmed critical hit against a living enemy or reduces a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, he heals 16 points of damage. As with steal ki, some monks believe that life funnel is an unsavory act, no better than what the undead do to the living. Black Ghont cannot steal both ki and hit points at the same time. Life from a Stone (Su) Black Ghont can steal ki or life force from any creature, not just living creatures. If he has at least 1 ki point remaining, he gains the benefit of life funnel and steal ki when he confirms a critical hit against any creature or reduces any creature to 0 or fewer hit points. Sipping Demon (Su) Black Ghont gains 1 temporary hit point each time he hits an enemy with a melee attack. He gains 6 temporary hit points when he scores a critical hit. He can have a maximum of 16 temporary hit points at any one time. The temporary hit points disappear 1 hour later. He can only use this ability when he has at least 1 ki point in his ki pool. This ability is a proscribed manipulation of ki considered by many good monks to be a corruption.

You are stealing my soul because you are copying my words! Author’s Note: I, Qwilion of Questhaven had to pay a goblin shaman to remove the curse put on me by Black Ghont as I soon realized all my notes were in goblin and I could not speak anything but goblin. Trust me, No one buys books written entirely in goblin, maybe elven but never goblin.

Description: “We like your home, it is very nice, better than our old home, that is why we will make your home our home, but the dog must go!”

IMPROVED CORRUPT LANGUAGE [Monstrous] You corrupt all languages not just one. Prerequisites: Ability Focus (corrupt language). Benefit: You remove all of an opponent’s languages, including common, and replace it with the havenward’s base language.

Lore LORE: (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 18): This native outsider was once a goblin, it now bears the name Black Ghont and severs as the spiritual leader of massive migration of goblins into the local area. Uncommon (DC 23): Read the excerpt from a goblin problem, beings similar to Black Ghont are known as Havenfuries. Rare DC (DC 28): Havenfury creatures are extremely well protected from all forms of attacks by their spirit shields that always appear as ephemeral totem creatures. They can steal silver, corrupt languages, control, protect, and enhance other members of their race. Black Ghont is also an extremely gifted Monk of the Hungry Ghost. Obscure (DC 38): Attacks from creatures they are bound to promote and protect can devastate a havenfury, so the most effective creature against Black Ghont is a goblin. Epic (DC 48): Myths say you could rob a havenfury of its powers simply by adopting them into the family of a nonhavenward.

Monstrous Feats

-Excerpt from A Goblin Problem as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. Black Ghont is like all other goblins, except Black Ghont know ancient goblin secrets of fighting and Black Ghont eat more. There is also Black Ghont spirit shields, spirit shields look like ghost goblin dogs, but spirit shields are simply signs of Black Ghont nature as an avenger for goblins. The great goblin gods chose Black Ghont to serve the great goblin race. Black Ghont did not choose, Black Ghont was chosen, and Black Ghont was hungry. All other races seek to oppress and kill the goblins, so now great goblin race seeks to assimilate into the culture of other creatures and take them over as a…. a column with a special number. 62

Ecology Encounter

(EL 20)

Black Ghont moves into the city of Questhaven secretively and quietly, causing more and more of his bretheren to smuggle themselves into the city. The PC’s are sent to discover the reason behind the loss of silver, the reason people are losing languages skills, and eventually why goblins are being smuggled into the city with the stolen coin. Twist: Bringing the Evocative City’s resources to a near breaking point, the Last Warlord sees an opportunity and starts forcing goblins out of his domain and toward the City of Questhaven.

Irresistible Creature Some beings have such personal magnetism that it extends into the supernatural; it is capable of persuading others, even the most unlikely ally, to join it in its quest. These allies quickly develop no qualms about killing or even dying for this being, even if the ally has known it for a short time, and regardless of the odds set against this being. These are the Irresistible Creatures.

Creating an Irresistible Creature "Irresistible" is an inherited template that can be added to any intelligent creature that can understand and speak at least one language (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An Irresistible creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +1 Defenses/Qualities: Immune charm, compulsion Special Abilities: An Irresistible retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities as described below: Charming Insight (Su): Once per day, an irresistible creature can provide such an insight into the nature of a creature’s existence that it charms a single creature that hears it. The irresistible creature need not be able to see the target of its insight or have line of effect to it, but if the target cannot hear the insight, this use of the ability is wasted. The insight must be one that would cause the target to view the irresistible creature as a trusted friend or that would make it likely to follow the irresistible creature’s orders, but it can be as outlandish as the irresistible creature wishes. If the target hears the insight, both creatures must attempt opposed Bluff/Sense Motive checks. A creature that fails this check by less than 5 is affected as though by the charm monster spell (CL equals the irresistible creature’s HD). Failure by 5 or more means the irresistible creature has dominated the target as though using the dominate monster spell (CL equals the irresistible creature’s HD). Charming insight is a sonic, mind-affecting, and charm effect. Recruit Cohort (Ex): 1/day, whenever a irresistible creature defeats (but does not kill) a creature, help’s a creature defeat its enemy, performs a ritual exchange of food, saves the life of a creature, or spends one minute making an impassioned plea for a creatures helped, along with a successful diplomacy check that changes the creatures attitude to friendly. That creature will become a devoted follower and cohort of the irresistible creature, a Will Save negates (DC 10 +1/2 the irresistible creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier). This ability is natural occurrence and cannot be suppressed, nor does the subject know that they have been forced to make a saving throw and the irresistible creature does not know if the save was failed. This is a mind-affecting, charm effect. 63

Rallying Cry (Su): 1/day, as an immediate action, an irresistible creature gives a battle cry that rallies and inspires its allies. All allies with line of sight, who can hear it, gains a morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks equal to half the irresistible creature’s HD, immunity to fear effects, and temporary hit points equal to the irresistible creature’s HD for one minute per HD the irresistible creature possess. Further, all allies within the area, under the effects of an unwanted enchantment, can make another saving throw against the effect (at the original DC with the new morale bonus) to throw it off. Effects without saving throws cannot be thrown off in this way. Presence of Safety (Su): Activating this ability is a free action that is part of an attempt at parley. Opponents within range who witness the action attempting to perform any form of attack, even with an area effect spell, must attempt a Will save (DC 10 + ½ the irresistible creature’s HD +1/2 its Charisma modifier). If the save succeeds, the opponent can attack normally though it suffers a -2 morale penalty to attack and damage rolls and if there is an opponent, other than the irresistible creature, available to attack that creature must attack that foe first. An opponent that succeeds on the saving throw is immune to that same creature's presence of safety for 24 hours. If the save fails, the opponent can't follow through with any attack, that part of its action is lost. These effects last for 1 round per HD the irresistible creature possesses. Those not attempting to perform any attack remain unaffected. The irresistible creature cannot attack without breaking the effect, but may use any other form of action, spell of effect that is not considered an attack (see invisibility). Abilities: +10 Cha (+5 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +5 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs).

Skills: Irresistible creatures gain diplomacy and sense motive as class skills, with bonus ranks equal to the irresistible creature’s HD. Organization: The base creatures plus leading commoners (4–9 ), leading warriors (10–24), or leading a tribe (25+ plus 50% noncombatants, 1 sergeant of CR 2 per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of CR 3 or 4, 1 captain of CR 6-8, 6–12 CR 2 animals, and 1–4 CR 3-5 monsters).

Sir Horace The White Bull CR 12 12 XP 19,200 Male human irresistible graveknight two-handed fighter 10 CE Medium undead (augmented humanoid) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20 Aura sacrilegious aura 30 ft. (DC 20)

Defense AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +1 Dex, +4 natural) hp 104 (10d10+45) Fort +11, Ref +4, Will +5; Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, presence of safety (DC 24) DR 10/magic; Immune cold, electricity; SR 23

Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee +1 greatclub +23/+18/+18 (1d10+19 plus 2d6 electricity) Special Attacks : backswing, channel destruction, devastating blast (3/day, 30-ft. cone, 6d6 electricity, DC 24), overhand chop, rallying cry (+5, +10 hp), undead mastery (DC 24)


This powerful and strangely compelling figure wears full plate armor lacquered in a hard white enamel, bearing a bull’s skull motif; it wields a great two-handed maul.

Before Combat Sir Horace currently seeks to avoid combat preferring to recruit followers. During Combat If forced into combat, Sir Horace stops suppressing his sacrilegious aura, and attacks in melee. Morale Fearless due to his rejuvenation ability.

Organization solitary or troop (graveknight plus 12–24 skeletal champions) plus leading commoners (4–9 ), leading warriors (10–24), or leading a tribe (25+ plus 50% noncombatants, 1 sergeant of CR 2 per 20 adults, 1 or 2 lieutenants of CR 3 or 4, 1 captain of CR 6-8, 6–12 CR 2 animals, and 1–4 CR 3-5 monsters)

Statistics Str 27, Dex 12, Con —, Int 15, Wis 14, Cha 28 Base Atk +10; CMB +18 (+22 sunder); CMD 29 (+32 vs sunder) Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Dazzling Display, Greater Weapon Focus (greatclub), Improved Initiative, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, RideBy Attack, Shatter Defenses, Spirited Charge, Toughness, Trample, Unseat, Vital Strike, Weapon Focus (greatclub), Weapon Specialization (greatclub) Skills Diplomacy +22, Intimidate +30, Perception +20, Knowledge (nobility) +12, Ride +16, Sense Motive +22 Racial Modifiers +8 Intimidate, +8 Perception, +8 Ride Languages Common, Dwarven, Infernal SQ charming insight, phantom mount, recruit cohort (DC 24), ruinous revivification (acid), shattering strike +3, weapon training (hammers +2, flails +1).

Treasure NPC gear (+1 greatclub, +1 full plate, belt of giant strength +2)

Special Abilities Channel Destruction (Su) Any weapon sir Horace wields is shrouded in destructive energy, and deals an additional +2d6 points of sonic damage. Phantom Mount (Su) 1/hour, a Sir Horace can summon a skeletal horse similar to a phantom steed. This mount is more real than a typical phantom steed, and can carry one additional rider, CL 10. Sir Horace’s mount looks distinctive and always appears the same. If the mount is destroyed, it can be summoned again, with full hit points, 1 hour later. Rejuvenation (Su) 1/day after Sir Horace is destroyed, his armor begins to rebuild the undead warrior’s body. This process takes 1d10 days—if the body is destroyed before that time passes, the armor merely

Ecology Environment any 64

starts the process anew. After this time has elapsed, the graveknight wakens fully healed. Sacrilegious Aura (Su) Sir Horace constantly exudes an aura of intense evil and negative energy in a 30-foot radius. This aura functions as the spell desecrate, which he constantly gains the benefits of. In addition, this miasma of fell energies hinders the channeling of positive energy. Any creature that attempts to summon positive energy in this area—such as through a cleric’s channel energy ability, a paladin’s lay on hands, or any spell with the healing descriptor—must make a concentration check with a DC equal to DC 20. If the character fails, the effect is blocked, its number of uses of that ability is reduced by 1 or the spell being lost. Sir Horace usually suppresses this aura. Undead Mastery (Su) As a standard action, Sir Horace can attempt to bend any undead creature within 50 feet to its will. The targeted undead must make a successful Will save (DC 25) or fall under his control. This control is permanent for unintelligent undead, while undead with Intelligence scores are allowed an additional save every day to break free from his control. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected again by his undead mastery for 24 hours. Sir Horace can control 50 Hit Dice worth of undead creatures. If he exceeds this number, he loses control over some of his minions, as per the spell animate dead. Sir Horace’s Armor Sir Horace’s life force lingers on in his armor, not his corpse, in much the same way that a lich’s essence is bound within a phylactery. Unless every part of his armor is ruined along with his body, Sir Horace can rejuvenate after he is destroyed. His armor has hardness 10 and 45 hit points. Merely breaking his armor does not destroy it; it must be utterly annihilated, such as by being melted into slag, cast onto the Positive Energy Plane, or sunk into the crushing depths of the sea.

my other knights brought about a revolution against their elitist oligarchy of adventurers. But the gods who would oppose the Questor’s society did not let me pass beyond the veil. So my lightning scorched armor has been lacquered white, and I have hid my true nature and the nature of my steed within our armor. The common folk have named me the White Bull for my armor and my sheer stubbornness of refusing to bow before the Circle of Heroes. I seek only to overthrow the Questor’s Society, take all their stolen wealth and distribute it amongst those they have oppressed. When this is done perhaps the gods will let me stay dead. For of all things I am weary of this endless war.

Lore LORE: (Knowledge Nature) Common (DC 12): This is the human male known as Sir Horace the White Bull; he seeks to overthrow the tyrannical Questor’s Society Uncommon (DC 17): Similar beings bear the name “irresistible creatures.” Read excerpt from Sayings of the white Knight. Rare DC (22): These creatures have an amazing ability to recruit people to their cause, even those that have just met them, can prevent parlays from turning violent. Sir Horace himself is no slouch having survived every encounter, and repapering after many a reported death, one of which even put his head upon a pike on the city walls. Obscure (DC 35): Sir Horace is in reality an vile undead creature known as a graveknight. Epic (DC 45): To permanently destroy Sir Horace an opponent would need to ruin his armor utterly.

Monstrous Feats

Description: “What do you call those who obey no law, kill whom they wish, loot the bodies of the dead, and desecrate the ancient sites of your ancestors? In any other part of the world they would be called brigands, in Questhaven, however, they are known as adventurers, and through a tyrannical oligarchy known as the Questor’s Society, they rule the Evocative City. You are needed my friend, come join the cause of liberty and justice, come join the Freeman’s Liberation Army.”

QUICKEN DEVASTATING BLAST [Monstrous] You channel your destruction power with alacrity. Prerequisites: Devastating Blast, Ability Focus (devastating blast) Benefit: You can use your devastating blast as a swift action, but you cannot use the ability again for 4 rounds.

Ecology Encounter EL varies) Sir Horace recruits a group of orphans (the PCs), paying for their education and their training, seeking to create his own circle of heroes with the power to oppose the Questor’s Society and the Great Church. He spends his time showing the heroes the legitimate evils that are committed by rogue elements of the adventurer’s guild; while glossing over any of their more noble aspects.

-Excerpt from Sayings of the White Knight as transcribed by Qwilion of Questhaven. So you know my true nature? Yes I was once a mortal man of Questhaven, struck down by the Archbishop of the Great Church of the Pantheon, when I spoke out against the formation of the Circle of Heroes. I retreated to my domain on the edge of the protectorate, hold up in my castle and the Archbishop sent a storm of vengeance insuring that neither I nor

Twist: Sir Horace will stage his own assassination at the hands of a vicious adventuring company to spur the PCs on to avenge him.


Jagganath Creature The unstoppable force powered by the endless forward motion of the universe sent to pursue those who offend the powers that be. The creature blessed by this divine mantle will purse you implacably and unrelentingly. You cannot stop it, you cannot kill it, and you cannot destroy it. If you are fortunate, you might slow it down. Sometime this creature mocks you for your inability to hinder it other times it is simply mute. It always keeps on walking after you, for it is the Jagganath creature.

Creating a Jagganath Creature “Jagganath” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature with a base movement speed of 5-ft. or greater. A jagganath creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

A Jagganath is affected normally by any spell that inflicts a Confused, Disabled, Entangled, Grappled, or Staggered Condition, even if it would normally be immune to such a spell.

Unstoppable Force (Ex): The Jagganath creature takes at least a 5’ step once a round. Even if inflicted with the Helpless condition the jagganath creature moves at least 5’ in a random direction. If a creature bars the jagganath’s way, the jagganath can attempt a free action bull rush attempt with a +40 circumstance bonus to the roll, if successful the Jagganath creature moves the creature with it. If it is an inanimate object, it gains the broken condition and a hole the size of which the Jagganath can pass through is created. Usually this hole is one size category smaller than the jagganath, unless it has 10 ranks in escape artist, then the hole can be the size of its head. This costs the jagganath 30 feet of movement (if it has 10 ranks in escape artist it costs it only 10 feet of movement).

CR: +3 Armor Class: Natural armor changes to +40. Defenses/Qualities: It gains DR 15/-, fast healing 1, does not need to breath, drink, eat, or sleep; Immune acid, ability damage, ability drain, charm, cowering, compulsion, dazed, death effects, electricity, energy drain, exhausted, fatigued, fascinated, natural cold, paralyzed, petrified, pinned, prone, and sonic. Resist cold, fire 5 Weakness vulnerability to spells or effects that cause the Confused, Disabled, Entangled, Grappled, or Staggered Condition. Special Abilities: A jagganath gains the following special abilities. Immunity to Magic (Ex) A Jagganath is immune to spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. Certain spells and effects function differently against it, as noted below. • A magical attack that deals cold damage inflicts the staggered condition upon a Jagganath for 3 rounds, with no saving throw. • A magical attack that deals force or fire damage breaks any confused, disabled, entangled, grappled, or staggered condition on the jagganath and heals 1 point of damage for each 3 points of damage the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of healing would cause the Jagganath to exceed its full normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary hit points for 1 hour. A Jagganath gets no saving throw against fire or force effects.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +10 (+5 to attack and damage, +5 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +5 to Strength, and CMB checks, +5 to CMD, +5 to the DC of any of the base creature’s Strength-based DCs ) Con +10 (+5 hp per HD, +5 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Cha -4 (-2 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, -4 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs) to a minimum of 1. Skills: The base creature gains Intimidate as a class skill and gains bonus ranks in Intimidate equal to its HD. It gains a +8 racial bonus to Intimidate checks and can Take 10 with Intimidate, even while rushed and threatened.


Restless One

CR 13

A massive amalgam of sharkskin and fur, this bizarre half-bear, half-shark monstrosity the size of a great whale raises its enormous, ursine claws in anger.

XP 25,600 Jagganath Amalgam Dire Bear/Dire Shark N Gargantuan animal (aquatic) Init +5; Senses blindsense 30 ft., keen scent; Perception +25


Defense AC 47, touch 7, flat-footed 46 (+1 Dex, +40 natural, -4 size) hp 247 (15d8+185) fast healing 1 Fort +20, Ref +12, Will +8 Special Defenses Immunity to Magic (cold, fire, force, weakness) DR 15/- Immune acid, ability damage, ability drain, charm, cowering, compulsion, dazed, death effects, electricity, energy drain, exhausted, fatigued, fascinated, paralyzed, petrified, pinned, prone, and sonic. Resist cold, fire 5 Weakness vulnerability to spells or effects that cause the confused, disabled, entangled, grappled, or staggered condition.

Offense Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft. Melee bite +25 (4d10+36/19-20 plus grab), 2 claws +25 (2d6+18) Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft. Special Attacks swallow whole (2d6+27, AC 30, 24 hp) unstoppable force (bull rush +62)

During Combat: Unlike its bear or shark relatives these creatures always attack and kill intruders in its territory, specifically other predators using its claws, bite and grab. Morale If it loses 50% or more of its hp, it flees.

Statistics Str 46, Dex 13, Con 23, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6 Base Atk +11, CMB +44 (+48 grapple); CMD 44 (48 vs. grapple and trip) Feats Bleeding Critical, Critical Focus, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Perception), Toughness Skills Intimidate +4, Perception +25, Swim +30; Racial Modifiers +4 Swim +8 Intimidate SQ amphibious does not need to breath, drink, eat, or sleep

Ecology Environment any Organization solitary or pair Treasure incidental 67

attack, they are impossible to fully restrain and oftentimes push people back or aside while walking right through objects in their path. Obscure (DC 33): The most effective attack against a Jagganath is one that impedes its movement, rather than those that attempt to stop it outright. Magical cold is extremely effective in this regard, while fire and force magic break such holds and can even heal the creature. Epic (DC 43): There is rumor of a great circle where restless ones travel endlessly until the day they are set free; some fools have attempted to trick a Jagganath into a circular path though there are no confirmed successes.

Special Abilities Keen Scent (Ex) Restless ones can notice creatures by scent in a 180 ft. radius and can detect blood at ranges of up to a mile. Powerful Bite (Ex) Restless ones apply twice their Strength modifier to bite damage.

Description: “We did not ask to be made thus; mortals playing with forces beyond their understanding made us thus and left us in a state of constant agony, and wonder at our onslaught. -Excerpt from Awakened Animals by Bark the

Monstrous Feats Feats

Restless One, as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. This idea of thought is new to me, and I still do not comprehend this awaken spell the druid used. Walk with me and I will answer you, it is not possible for me to take my rest, this besides the constant pain, is another irritation to my kind. Unable to take our ease, unable to find the simple oblivion of torpor, is a constant of our lives. I no longer need to eat, but my instinct for it remains, when there is blood in either war or air I seek it out, killing any predator who dares to violate my territory and slaying any wounded prey I might find. Sometimes I feel that I shall grow mad. My constant need to move forward and my great bulk often brings me into confrontation with objects that bar my path, but nothing stops me. I have passed through dense forest, your “town” walls, fields of your “crops,” and even through the gates of your “Questhaven.” We wish simply to rest, to stop this ceaseless movement but that is denied us. I fear I will go mad, as many of my kind already have.

Lore (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 13): This animal is called a Restless One; it is both a bear and a shark of the dire variety, cursed with the power of endless motion. Uncommon (DC 18): Other creatures similar to this are known as “jagganath”; read excerpt from Awakened Animals. Rare DC (23): These amalgams are sometimes known as “barks,” “shears,” or simply sharkbears are omnivores driven by the endless desire to eat while lacking the need. Like their base relatives, they have keen senses, vicious bite attacks and are able to grasp victims with their claws. Their Jagganath nature makes them immune or resistant to almost all forms of 68

SPIT VICTIM [Monstrous] You spit out those you have swallowed whole. Prerequisites: Swallow Whole Benefit: As an immediate action you reverse you swallow whole ability with great force, make a ranged touch attack against another target within your reach plus 30ft. You deal your swallow whole damage to your victim and your target. IMPROVED SPIT VICTIM [Monstrous] You spit your stomach acid along with the victim. Prerequisites: Swallow Whole, Spit Victim Benefit: 1/day you spit not only the victim from your stomach, but all the acid within your stomach as well dealing 1d6 points of acid damage for every 2 HD you possess to both victim and your target.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 12)

The restless one comes to the PC’s attention when the animal attacks two men in a nearby village one evening and kills one of them. The other gives a wildly inaccurate description of the beast. The man tells the PCs the beast has been terrorizing a large number of villages directly south, destroying crops with impunity, leaving the people to hide in their hovels for fear of attack. The path continues on directly north dislodging or breaking everything in its path, they find the bodies of those unfortunate enough to earn its wrath. Along with its dung, and large impressions of its feet, they never find sign of the creature stopping or resting. Twist: GMs should feel free to up the ante as the PCs fail to stop the advancement of the creature putting sympathetic or dangerous targets in its path, like orphanages, insane asylums, prison ships, hospitals, rest homes, etc.

Jaunting Creature Some creatures you cannot bind, fetter, or subjugate. They can transport people and objects from one place to another without traveling the distance in-between. Some creatures are born with this special gift, while the powers that be grant this ability to others, and still others gain it through accident or experimentation with the magic of teleportation. These marvelous and elusive beings are the Jaunting Creatures.

Creating a Jaunting Creature use the plane shift on itself or a group, as per the spell, as a standard action.

“Jaunting creature” is an inherited or acquired template that can be added to any creature. A jaunting creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

Teleport Attack: If a jaunting creature possesses at least 13 HD it can teleport attack (See Below) an opponent if it fails a Will save. A creature that makes its save is immune to the creature’s teleport attack for 24 hours.

Maze: If a jaunting creature possesses at least 15 HD it can maze (See Below) an opponent if it fails a Will save. A creature that makes its save is immune to the creature’s maze for 24 hours. It can cast the maze normally as a spell-like ability, which offers no saving throw. It can use this ability as a standard action.

CR: +2 Defenses/Qualities: evasion (if the base creature is at least 9 HD this ability increases to improved evasion), Immune to poison and disease (able to innately teleport poisons and other organisms outside its body). Special Abilities: A jaunting creature gains the following special abilities. Jaunting (Su): A jaunting creature can dimensional hop (see below) as a move action. At 7 HD this ability upgrades to dimension door, at 9 HD this upgrades to teleport, at 13 HD this upgrades to greater teleport. CL is equal to HD. Portal Attack (Su): A jaunting creature has a number of special attacks it can perform as part of its natural attack and weapon attacks. It can also use these abilities as a touch attack, but this requires a standard action. Saving throw DCs for these attacks are always 10 + ½ the jaunting creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier, CL is equal to HD. •

Redirect Ranged Attack (Su): By opening a portal, a jaunting creature can change the direction of any incoming ranged attack. Any incoming ranged attack provokes an attack of opportunity, to which the jaunting creature can make a special opposed attack roll essentially attacking the ranged attack with a teleportation portal. Otherwise it follows standard rules for opposed attack rolls. If successful, the attack is sent off in a random direction (including ranged spell attacks that require an attack roll to hit, like a ray) as a grenade-like weapon. If its roll exceeds its opponents by 10 or more the distortion creature can negate the attack (sending it into the ground), or it can choose a new target within range of the attack.

Astonishing Assault: A jaunting creature can use a portal to attack from an unexpected direction, which causes the opponent to become flat-footed against this attack (Reflex save negates). The opponent must still be within normal reach or first range increment of the weapon.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: +6 Cha (minimum 13, +3 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +3 to the DC any of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs ).

Plane Shift: If a jaunting, creature possesses at least 9 HD it can plane shift an opponent if it fails a Will save, use of this ability still requires a jaunting creature to possess a tuning fork attuned to the designated plane. A creature that makes its save is immune to the jaunting creatures plane shift for 24 hours. It can also

Environment any land.


Abhorrent Wink CR 5 XP 2,400 Jaunting Bete-Noir NE Medium aberration Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., telepathy 100 ft.; Perception +9 Aura loathsome shape (Will DC 21)

Defense AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 [20% miss chance] (+3 Dex, +2 natural) hp 30 (4d8+12) Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +6 Defensive Abilities abhorrence absorption, evasion, hidden disgust, redirect ranged attack (+6) Immune disease and poison

Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft (poor). Melee Touch +6 (revulsion DC 19) Special Attacks hatred surge (DC 19), jaunting (dimensional hop [see below]), portal attack (astonishing assault, DC 19).

Tactics Before Combat: Abhorrent Winks always seek to avoid combat, preferring to use its stealth ability and hatred surge to cause other creature to enter combat. During Combat: If forced into combat the abhorrent wink always attempts to use its portal attack in tandem with its revulsion touch. If successful, it will often flee, using its jaunting and stealth abilities to hide again letting its powers do their work weakening its foes while it grows strong. Morale: Abhorrent winks are not there to kill or maim their foes, they are there simple to cause strife and to feed upon it, and they have no issue with fleeing a dangerous situation and starting anew or even starting again somewhere else.

This monstrous atrocity appears out of nowhere, seemingly composed of the most hateful elements the gods could have conceived of. The more you look at it, the less physical shape it seems to have, as it slowly becomes a distressing, maddening presence inside your head, rather than a solid creature before your eye.

Ecology Environment any land Organization solitary Treasure none

Special Abilities Abhorrence Absorption (Su): Every round an abhorrent wink is within 30 feet of a hostile creature (regardless of whether this hostility is specifically directed against the abhorrent wink) it gains 1d4 temporary hit points for 24 hours. As a full-round action, the abhorrent wink voluntarily lose five of these temporary hit points and advance its HD using the Abhorrent Wink Advancement Table (see below) The chart is not cumulative (except in relation to feats and special abilities) and represents advancing one Hit Die (with the corresponding increase in hit points, base attack bonus, saving throws, feats

Statistics Str 14, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 25 Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 18 Feats Ability Focus (loathsome shape), Weapon Finesse Skills Fly +10 Perception+9, Sense Motive +14, Stealth +27; Racial Modifiers +8 sense motive, +4 stealth Languages telepathy 100 ft. SQ -


Table: Abhorrent Wink Advancement HD 5

Hp +8

6 7

+21 +33

8 9

+48 +57

10 11

+76 +86







+0 +1 +2 +3 +3

+0 +2 +2 +3 +4

+0 +1 +1 +1 +2

+0 +1 +1 +2 +2

+0 +1 +1 +2 +2

+1 +2 +3 +4 +5

Feats Ability Focus (Revulsion)

Special -

Ability Focus (Loathsome Shape)

Jaunting (dimension door),

Ability Focus (Portal Attack)

Jaunting (teleport), Portal Attack (plane shift) -

+4 +5 +2 +3 +3 +6 Lightning Reflexes +5 +5 +2 +3 +3 +7 12 +108 +6 +6 +3 +4 +4 +8 * Bonus to skills applies only to Fly, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth


Description: “Become what you hate, now find self-love. Your rage unleashed, now find life. Your friends betrayed, now find trust. Give the world fear and loathing, now face strangers. Hate everyone, now hate only yourself more.”

jaunting creature abilities), one rank in each of its skills and boosts to its Constitution and Charisma scores. An abhorrent wink cannot advance beyond 12 Hit Dice in this fashion. Hatred Surge (Su): As a standard action, an abhorrent wink may suffuse a victim within 30ft. with an all-consuming rage. The target creature must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or immediately attack the nearest living creature (other than the Abhorrent Wink), regardless of whether it is a friend or foe. If the only living creature the target can perceive is the abhorrent wink, the effects of this ability are cancelled. The save DC is Charisma based.

-Excerpt from Curse of the Abhorrent Wink as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven My kind are not seen as we truly are; your kind simply sees us as the personification of what you hate most. You find us disgusting and fill us with your spite. We hate you, we hate your companions, we hate your family, we hate your clothes, we hate your jewelry, we hate your music, we hate your speech, we hate your culture, and we hate things about you we do not even know yet. We do not feed upon your flesh; we feed and grow upon your hated and revulsion. We will not destroy you, your hatred calls to us, we feed upon it, growing ever stronger, until finally you destroy yourselves, bringing misery to all those around you. We find only two small pieces of joy in this life: your abhorrence and the poetry of curses. Naught else warms our heart. There are many amongst my kind that believes there is a perfect work, a masterpiece of the spoken curse. Some say it is already written, yet unspoken. Others say it has yet to be discovered and work to create still greater works of poetic verse. One day we shall find it and wrath shall consume all existence. Legend says we were created when The Dread Lich and Dark Emperor Cynmark sought to expel all hate from his very being to the edges of the realms beyond; apparently, that failed. My parent started the war between the Cynmark Dynasty and the Circle of Heroes simply by causing someone to kill a minor nephew while he walked amongst a crowd that loved him.

Hidden Disgust (Su): A abhorrent wink is constantly surrounded by a supernatural aura of darkness and formlessness. This aura grants it a +12 circumstance bonus on all Stealth checks (included in above statistics), allowing it to make Stealth checks even when under direct observation, and granting concealment benefits (20% miss chance) at all times. Loathsome Shape (Su): An abhorrent wink has the innate ability to appear as whatever the viewer hates the most. Any intelligent creature within sight of an abhorrent wink using this ability must succeed at a Will save (DC 25) or believe it is facing whatever it despises most, becoming immediately hostile towards the abhorrent wink and attacking it. The creature’s innate insight and telepathy support the effects of this ability, granting it a +4 racial bonus to the saving throw’s DC. The save DC is Charisma based. Revulsion (Su): Any creature touching or touched by a abhorrent wink must succeed at a Will save (DC 19) or be affected as per a confusion spell, (CL 7), from the sheer disgust of the creature’s hateful contact. 71


random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location. If there is no free space within 100 feet, you take an additional 2d6 points of damage and are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you take an additional 4d6 points of damage and are shunted to the astral plane.

Knowledge (arcana) Common (DC 5): This aberration is an abhorrent wink; they are attracted to and create areas of hostility and chaos. Uncommon (DC 15): Other creatures similar to this are known as “jaunting creatures”; read excerpt from Curse of the Abhorrent Wink. Rare DC (20): These creatures appear as what you despise most in life though they often hide behind an obscuring aura. They create portals that allow them to evade damage and redirect attacks, along with removing germs and toxins from their bodies. It can attack via these portals, though it deals no damage. Often its touch is revolting, disorienting to most creatures. It can even cause outright hostility. Obscure (DC 30): This creature feeds and grows off the hostile actions of others, growing in power and increasing its abilities; the best option is actually to stop all hostilities creating a peace that the creature cannot feed upon. If this is not possible, locate the creature and destroy it before it can grow. Epic (DC 40): There are whispers amongst the wise that if you captured all the Abhorrent Winks you could control the Dread Lich Cynmark.

Teleport Attack School: Conjuration (teleportation); Level: Sor/Wiz 7 Casting Time: 1 Standard action Components: V, S, Range: Touch Target: One creature or object touched, weighing no more than 50 lbs./level Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes You teleport a target creature or object into a solid surface or object that you can see within close range (25 feet + 5 feet/two levels). If the spell succeeds, the subject suffers 2d6 points of temporary Constitution damage + 1 point of Constitution damage per round until freed and is helpless. It becomes half imbedded in the surface or object.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 10)

The PCS arrive in upon a community (village or small hamlet) where everyone has killed each other, and not a single soul remains alive. The hatred here has attracted an abhorrent wink. Though many will perceive that the abhorrent wink caused all the deaths, this is not true. The abhorrent wink spends its time traveling around with this obviously higher-level group of PCs growing as they go about their violent everyday lives. Hiding from the PCs the abhorrent wink is growing steadily larger and larger when it has reached its maximum growth it will attempt to start a fight between the various PCs. Unlike most of its kind this abhorrent wink can appear as loved ones who then say the most hateful things to the PCs in an attempt to create selfloathing and despite It will also often attempt to seek those the PCs care and love about into attacking the PCs or causing harm to themselves.

Monstrous Spells Dimension Hop School: Conjuration (Teleportation); Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2 Casting Time: 1 standard action Components: V, S, M (loop of twisted parchment) Range Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Target: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: None and Will negates (object); Spell Resistance: No and yes (object) You instantly hop from your current location to any other spot within range. If the spot you choose is within your line of sight, you arrive there unerringly and can take a move action if you have one available to you. If your destination is not in line of sight, you must be able to visualize the spot or state the direction and distance to it, but your hop has a 25% chance of a mishap and you cannot take any further actions until your next turn. No matter what your destination, you can transport only yourself and a maximum 100 lb. (or your maximum load, whichever is less) of objects, you carry or touch. You cannot transport any creature except for your familiar or an animal companion or cohort of up to Tiny size (whose weight counts against your load limit). If you suffer a mishap, or arrive in a place already occupied by a solid body, you and any creatures with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a

Twist: The abhorrent wink is seeking to create so much hate that it will actually spawn more versions of itself rather than simply growing. The creature from time to time may leave the party and attempt to recreate the event that attracted it to the first time.


Mythic Creature In a fantastical world, belief has power, the superstitions of the common folk can imbue creatures with powers beyond that they would normally possess, and these creatures are born out of their own legends. Others are simple born with this power, and their legend is pure truth. Occasionally a deity may grant a particularly favored servant the powers of a mythic creature as a reward. At other times, a god may create a mythic creature because it needs a favored servant, yet cannot find a worthy worshiper among its flock. A mythic creature resembles a normal specimen of its kind, but it has an unmistakably mark that sets it apart from those of its kin, be it a scar, unusual eyes, or unique coloration.

Creating a Mythic Creature “Mythic creature” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature. A mythic creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.

the mythic creature’s damage reduction, damage dealt by this weapon cannot be regenerated and it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed or if the save is a success or failure. Special Weakness (Ex/Su): Choose a single special attack type (examples: acid, chaos, cold, electricity, evil, fire, force, good, lawful, and sonic, etc.), if it’s an alignment type it must match the alignment chosen for the weapon. This special attack type ignores all immunities, resistances and SR the eldritch abomination possesses and it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed or if the save is a success or failure.

CR: +2 Defenses/Qualities: regeneration 5 (see below), DR 5/special (see below, increase to 10 if the vase creature’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the abomination’s CR is 15 or Higher); Immune all energy types, conditions and effects; SR 20 + CR; Weakness Special (see below) Special Abilities: A mythic gains the following special abilities. Mythic Strike (Ex): Choose one of the base creature’s attacks and one special attack. The single physical attack inflicts damage as if it inflicted a critical hit—even if striking a foe normally immune to critical hit. If the single special attack, spell or spell-like ability deals damage it deals half again as much (+50%) damage as normal. If this single special attack does not deal damage, add a +2 bonuses to the DC of the attack, spell, or spell-like ability. Special Condition (Ex): Choose a specific condition the base creature is not immune or resistant to (Examples: ability damaged, ability drained, blinded, blown away checked, confused, etc.). Spells and effects that create this condition ignores all immunities, resistances, and SR the mythic creature possesses and take a –4 penalty on saves against spells and effects that cause or use the chosen condition. Special Damage Reduction (Ex/Su): Choose a required enhancement bonus, type of weapon, alignment and material type, (example: +3 bludgeoning, lawful, obsidian weapon) only this exact type of weapon can be used to overcome

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8 (+4 to attack and damage, +4 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +4 to Strength, and CMB checks, +4 to CMD), Dex +8 ( +4 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, Initiative, and Ref saves. +4 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add +4 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Con +8 (+4 hp per HD, +4 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Int +8 (add 4 bonus languages, add 4 skill points per HD, +4 to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks +4 to any of the base creature’s Intelligence-based DCs), Wis +8 (+4 to Will saves, +4 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks, add +4 to any of the base creature’s Wisdombased DCs), +8 Cha (+4 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +4 to any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs)


The Undying Storm CR 7 XP 3,200 Mythic storm phoenix NG Large magical beast Init +11; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +21

Defense AC 22, touch 16, flat-footed 15 (+7 Dex, +6 natural, -1 size,) hp 54 (4d10+32) regeneration 5 (special weapon and fire) Fort +12, Ref +11, Will +8 Defensive Abilities one with the storm, selfresurrection DR 5/+2 evil, piercing, and ivory Immune all energy types, conditions and effects; SR 27 Weakness vulnerability to special weapon, fire, and sleep

Offense Speed 15 ft. (3 squares) fly 180 ft. (average) Melee bite +12 (4d6+18/x1) and 2 claws +7 (1d8+9) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks dying blast, mythic strike (bite), lightning strike

Tactics Combat: The Undying Storm prefers to fall upon its opponent from above with its fly-byattack attacking from hiding within the storm clouds. It holds back using its lightning strike until it is pursued or pressed hard. Morale: The Undying Storm is fearless.

You see a great bird of prey with blue-black metallic wings and a silver beak, flying effortlessly through the lightning storm. damage) to anything within 20 feet (Reflex DC 20 halves). The save DC is Constitution-based. Lightning Strike (Su): The Undying Storm can issue forth bolts of lightning upon its foes (40-ft. line, 4d6 +50% electrical damage, Reflex DC 20 for half, usable every 1d4 rounds). The Save DC is Constitution Based and is adjusted by its mythic strike ability. One with the Storm (Ex): The Undying Storm is not hampered by high winds or by spells or effects that simulate such conditions, such as gust of wind. The Undying Storm takes one point of Constitution damage each day it spends outside of a stormy environment. Self-Resurrection (Su): When slain, a phoenix remains dead for only 1d4 rounds unless its body is completely destroyed by an effect such as disintegrate. Otherwise, a fully healed phoenix emerges from the remains 1d4 rounds after death, as if brought back to life via resurrection. The phoenix gains 1 permanent negative level when this occurs, although most use greater restoration to remove this negative level as soon as possible. A phoenix can selfresurrect only once per year. If a phoenix dies a second time before that year passes, its death is permanent. A phoenix that dies within the area of a

Statistics Str 28, Dex 25, Con 26, Int 21, Wis 24, Cha 24 Base Atk +4; CMB +14; CMD 31 Feats Improved Initiative, Fly-by-Attack, Skills Acrobatics +14 (+12 jumping), Climb +16, Fly +16, Knowledge (any one) +9, Perception +22, Stealth +18, Swim +16 Racial Modifiers +4 Fly, +8 Perception, +8 Stealth, SQ one with the storm, storm gate Languages Auran, Celestial, Common, Ignan, Sylvan,

Ecology Environment any land Organization Solitary, pair, or flock (3-5) Treasure standard

Special Abilities Dying Blast (Su): When killed, The Undying Storm explodes in a blinding flash of lightning that deals 20 points of damage (electrical 74

desecrate spell cannot self-resurrect until the desecrate effect ends, at which point the phoenix immediately resurrects. A phoenix brought back to life by other means never gains negative levels as a result. Storm Gate (Sp): As a full-round action, the Undying Storm can transport itself between storms in a manner similar to transport via plants

Rare DC (17): Mythic creatures are immune to virtually all weapons, spells, and effects. The Undying Storm is also a phoenix of lightning rather than fire and is extremely difficult to kill permanently. Obscure (DC 27): The Undying Storms power comes from the force of legend, and by that legend only blades made from the fangs of the tarnished gold dragon can hinder it. Along with those that represent its breath weapon; fire and the magical effects that cause sleep. Its physical form must be destroyed utterly or slain on desecrated ground or it will be reborn. Epic (DC 37): The Undying Storm will finally be slain when Shangora returns from beyond the grave for her revenge.

Description: “"I came with the storm when the tarnished gold dragon Shangora was burning Questhaven. With a fell strike from the heavens I laid the dragon low, and with lighting did I slay her, but her death was only the beginning." -Excerpt from Stormcrow by Qwilion of Questhaven I am a bird of prey the size of one of your Clydesdale steeds with sparkling metallic plumage and mercurial eyes. I can sometimes be glimpsed in the flashes of lightning that illuminate the typhoons and lightning storms which are my home. I care for the defense and security of the land, capturing or killing miscreants who violate the laws of the land. The secrets I protect for the Circle of Heroes often put me at odds against members of the Questor’s society who would cause greater harm than good with their actions, without being able to explain myself. I have also guard a number of creatures who appear to be foes that are actually allies of the Protectorate. I hope one day to end the eternal storm that plagues the lands of the Khanish, and convince others of my kind that Questhaven is a place worthy of their service. I found myself transformed into The Undying Storm the night I killed the tainted gold dragon Shangora who was burning the slums of the city of Questhaven in a raid arranged by the Last Warlord of Cynmark. Words have meaning and stories how power, the common folk told and retold the story, growing grander and grander with each telling, until the telling overtook me and transformed me in The Undying Storm. This legacy of power has carried its self unto my hatchlings.

Lore Knowledge (local or nature) Common (DC 7): This magical beast is known as The Undying Storm; it leaves in the heart of storms, attacking those who offend the powers of the realm. Uncommon (DC 12): Other creatures similar to this are known as “mythic creatures”; read excerpt from Stormcrow.

Monstrous Feat DYING CURSE [Monstrous] You speak a powerful curse when you die Prerequisites: Death Throes or Dying Blast; 7 HD Benefit: A creature damaged by your death throes or dying blast is also effected by a bestow curse effect with a caster level equal to your HD. IMPROVED SELF RESSURECTION [Monstrous] You have a greater ability to return from the dead than others of your kind. Prerequisites: Self Resurrection, 17 HD Benefit: Your self-resurrection brings you back as if your brought back to life via true resurrection rather than resurrection, so you no longer need your remains to return to life.

Ecology Encounter

(EL Varies)

The PCs sneak into the temple of the deity known as Their Vicious Brother of Destruction disguised as priests of the temple, along the way the loot the body of the followers gaining their powerful armor, shields, weapons, magical vestments, mantles, and robes. Within they find the dead body of The Undying Storm next to an unholy shrine. Just as they arrive they witness a priest cast a desecrate spell upon the shrine, but before he leaves the priest gloats over the dead body of The Undying Storm revealing the sects plan to keep it captured here while a priest dutifully cast the spell every day. An excellent opportunity to break the spell and release the Undying Storm awaits. Twist: With all the looted equipment, the Undying Storm mistakes the PCs for followers of the foul demon god and attacks them, once resurrected.


Phalanx Creatures The ritualistic bonds of family, friends, and community have a special power in fantasy worlds. This force births creatures that never seem to need to talk to each other to communicate, can finish each other’s sentences, speak in perfect unison, know what is happening to others of its kind, and they may even share the same mind. Some of these special beings are bonded twins, others are perfectly disciplined troops, and the most frightening of these share a collective consciousness. They are the Phalanx Creatures.

Creating a Phalanx Creature Members of a True Hivemind gain a number of additional special abilities:

“Phalanx creature” is an acquired template that can be added to two or more creatures. Phalanx creatures use all the base creatures’ statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Only Phalanx creatures from the same collective gain the benefits of their shared abilities, though they must be on the same plane of existence.

CR: +1 or +2 (true hivemind) Alignment: Change the creatures’ alignment to that of the majority of its members for both instances of alignment. If the number is balance they creature retains its original alignment.

Special Abilities: A phalanx gains the following special abilities. Assistance (Ex): Phalanx Creatures gain a +2 bonus to all d20 rolls for every phalanx creature in conjoining adjacent squares (maximum +6). Coordinated Tactics (Su): The phalanx creatures’ powerful connection allows them to fight effectively as a team. A phalanx creature gains a +2 bonus to its attack rolls for each phalanx creature from its collective that is adjacent to the enemy it attacks (max +6). A phalanx creature’s opponent never receives a cover bonus if another phalanx creature from the collective is present. Phalanx creatures never suffer the penalty for firing into melee if all other target’s opponents are phalanx creatures from their collective. Telepathic Bond (Ex): Phalanx Creatures can communicate telepathically with any other phalanx creature as long as they are on the same plane. True Hivemind (Ex): This ability is not possessed by all phalanx creatures, as some collectives chose to maintain individuality. Any phalanx creature collective can choose to surrender this and form a hive mind as a standard action performed by each phalanx creature. A phalanx creature that possess a hive mind, gains a minimum Intelligence of 6.

Shared Mentality: A phalanx creature makes Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma checks along with Will saving throws using the highest bonus possessed by a member of its collective. They can gain the benefit of the assistance ability as well if other creatures spend a standard action to assist the phalanx creature making the attempt, even if they are not adjacent. Some phalanxes have members preparing readied actions to do just this. Shared Life-force: The collective can choose to share some of its hit points as a pool that each member can draw upon rather than each creature having individual hit points. These function as temporary hit points and the amount used by a single individual cannot exceed its normal maximum hit point total, so for example a creature with a maximum of 10 hp could only use 10 hp from the Share Life-force hp pool. Phalanx creatures often set members in hiding on the fringes of a battlefield to supply temporary hit points.

Feats: A Phalanx creature with a True Hivemind can use any feat another member of its collective possess as a bonus feat though he must meet any non-Intelligence, non-Wisdom or non-Charisma based prerequisites. Skills: Using the telepathic bond a phalanx creature can gain the benefits of any other Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma based skill uses. A phalanx creature with a True Hivemind can also use the ranks of any other phalanx creature that is part of its collective for all other skill checks. Effectively a phalanx creature with a True Hivemind gains the highest skill ranks that any single individual member of its collective can contribute. 76

Apellon and Aptemis CR 12 XP 19,200 Phalanx Bronze Giants CN and LN Huge humanoid (giant) Init +1; Senses darkvision 60ft., low-light vision; Perception +20

Defense AC 25, touch 9, flat-footed 24 (+1 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size) hp 184 each (16d8+112) shared life force Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +10 Defensive Abilities rock catching, DR 10/Resist fire 20,

Offense Speed 50 ft. Melee spear +22/+17/+12 (3d6+18/x3) or longsword 22/+17/+12 (3d6+12/17-20) or 2 slams +22 (2d6+12) Ranged rock +12 (2d6+18) Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft. Special Attacks assistance, coordinate tactics, rock throwing (140 ft.), sardonic laugh

Tactics Before Combat The twins usually prepare a coordinated assault, often making sure their squares adjoin and that they are flanking small opponents at the same time (adding a total of +6 to their attack roll). During Combat: Apellon prefers power attack while Aptemis prefers to rely on inflicting criticals, but if one method shows exceeding effectiveness the other will quickly adopt it. Morale The Twins flee only if they are both seriously injured due to their ability to share their life-force.

You see two huge muscular beings, one male, one female, that could be mistaken for statues of the gods. They are perfectly proportioned; they have flesh that gleams like polished bronze and hair the color of copper wire.

Ecology Environment temperate Mountains and coastal islands Organization pair Treasure double standard (spear and longsword)

Statistics Str 35, Dex 13, Con 25, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 12 Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 37 Feats (Apellon and Aptemis) Alertness, Awesome Blow, Cleave, Critical Focus, Diehard, Endurance, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Intimidating Prowess, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Sickening Critical, Throw Anything; (Aptemis only) Improved Critical (longsword). Skills Acrobatics +17 (+25 jumping), Climb +19, Craft (bronzesmithing) +10, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +10, Intimidate +26, Perception +20, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +9. Languages Common, Giant SQ true hivemind, telepathic bond.

Special Abilities Sardonic Laugh (Su): Once per round as a standard action, Apellon or Aptemis can u*nleash a bellowing laugh that strikes fear into the hearts of any creature within 100 feet that hears it. Affected creatures that succeed on a DC 19 Will save are unaffected and immune to the sardonic laugh of that giant for 24 hours. On a failed save, that creature is shaken for as long as it remains within 100 feet of that giant and for 2d4 rounds thereafter. The save DC is Charismabased.


Description: “Any alliance whose purpose is not the intention to destroy the midget races, slay the race traitors, and return us to the fatherland is senseless, useless, and unworthy of true giants.”

Uncommon (DC 17): Other creatures similar to this are known as “phalanx creatures”; read excerpt from Our Struggle. Rare DC (22): These creepy twins share an amazing bond; they are able to share their life force, their knowledge, and their skills even from extremely long distances. Their bodies are also extremely resistant to damage from all physical attacks. Obscure (DC 32): One should only use extremely powerful fire attacks against these foes, due to the shared life-force of the creature it is best to use single attack that damages both creatures at the same time. Epic (DC 42): Driven by nothing but hatred, the twins can be distracted by racial insults to giants, desecration of their fatherland, or by a chance to enact vengeance against the adventures that killed their father.

-Excerpt from Our Struggle by Apellon and Aptemis, as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. We are dark mirrors of the other. We are the eternal thought of perfection in the minds of the gods. Our perfect-bronzed skin stands out against our island mount and the sea. We will not be taken for any other kind of giant, though often we have been mistaken for manifestation of the gods such is our faultlessness. Our eyes can glitter with bronze light or burn like molten metal depending on our moods. We are of a size with the Cloud giants of Mount Jotunheim, half of whom have betrayed the right for giant-kin to rule. We hate those midget races that have usurped our birthright and banished us from our fatherland, forcing us to retreat to our ancient refuge of seamounts. The only creatures we hate more are the giants who have betrayed fatherland and joined with the midget races, especially those who have allied themselves with the city of Questhaven. We kill any who find their way to the seamounts and occasionally we raid the Shifting Shore of Questhaven and plunder their ships upon the Shadowfey Sea. We will see that our people return to the Fatherland. We will see our father’s murderer avenged. We will see our father return to life. We will see him rule a Kingdom of Giants yet again. We will see Questhaven and all her midget races crushed beneath the heel of our boots. We will see the race traitors broken upon the wheel. We will see the gods of our fathers take their rightful place in their temples. We captured one of our father’s murderers, one who might have sat upon your Circle of Heroes. Ahrba Ciiru, you sent the Questor’s Society to rescue her and we enacted our vengeance up each group you sent, then our great rune-priests captured her soul and we sent her head back to your guild hall.

Monstrous Feats POWER THROW [Monstrous] Prerequisites: Rock Throwing Benefit: You can use your Strength modifier rather than your Dexterity modifier when using thrown weapons. CRUSHING VOLLEY [Monstrous] Prerequisites: Power Throw, Rock throwing Benefit: When you hit with a thrown rock, you may make a bull rush attempt or trip attack upon your opponent. You can use this ability a number of time per day equal to 3+ your Constitution modifier. .

Ecology Encounter

(EL 14)

The City of Questhaven has issued a warrant to the whole of Questhaven with the reward being an open commission from the Honorable order of Mystic Theugic Craftsmen, the challenge is to kill or capture the bronze twins of the seamounts who are constantly sinking vessels with their boulders. They are rumored to be hold up in the ashmount known as the Grandfather of Conflagration. Encounter Enhancements: Lava, Ash, Smoke, and Avalanches Twist: One of the twins is killed when the other is not nearby, but it has the other raised as an undead creature to continue to fight by itself.

Lore (Knowledge Arcana) Common (DC 12): These twin giants are known as Apellon and Aptemis. They are giants who seek to purge their ancient fatherland of nongiant humanoids. 78

Phlogiston Construct The so-called "natural philosophies" like alchemy and clockwork lag behind their flashier arcane counterparts; the phlogiston construct combines them. A phlogiston construct substitutes gears and steam for magic as its motive force. These creations demand more care in their construction and maintenance, but offer reliability even in the face of any magic. Phlogiston Constructs resemble their arcane counterparts, though most bear clockwork machinations like boilers, smoke stacks, or cooling towers.

Creating a Phlogiston Construct of energy (chosen from the table below when the accessory is first installed) as a ranged touch attack, and requires 1d4 rounds to recharge afterwards before firing again. A cannon blast inflicts 1d6 damage per hit die.

"Phlogiston Construct" is a constructed template that can be added to any creature of the Construct type. A Phlogiston Construct creature uses all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +0


Size and Type: A Phlogiston Construct loses all subtypes.

Arc Coil Concusser Flame Projector Steam Cannon Slug Launcher

Hit Dice: In addition to the bonus hit points normally gained for size, a phlogiston construct gains additional hit points based on the quality of its phlogiston core (see sidebar). Special Attacks: Any of the constructs existing spell-like or supernatural abilities instead become extraordinary abilities.

Damage Type electricity sonic fire






30ft 10ft 50ft

• Clamp: An oversized pincer replaces one limb (and accompanying natural weapon), granting the construct a claw attack with the grab special ability. • Energy Channeling: Carefully engineered conduits funnel energies into the construct's core. The construct gains electricity and fire resistance 5. This accessory may be selected multiple times, increasing the resistances by 5 each time. • Enhanced Hydraulics: +2 Str. • Enhanced Gearing: +2 Dex. • Enhanced Turing Engine: +2 Wis. • Gas Vents: As a swift action, the construct can release steam and smog to cloud the area, as per an obscuring mist spell centered on the construct. • Industrial Plating: Heavy plates bolt on over the most vulnerable equipment and joints. The construct gains light fortification (see PFRPG p. 473). This accessory may be selected multiple times, increasing the fortification by one category each time. • Integrated Weapon: A devastating melee weapon integrates into the construct's

Special Abilities: All of the constructs existing spell-like and supernatural abilities become extraordinary abilities. Absorb Magic (Ex): A phlogiston core draws in energy to fuel itself, making the creation immune to all spells or spell-like abilities that allow spell resistance. This ability replaces any existing immunity, and the construct cannot lower this resistance. Accessories (Ex): A phlogiston construct possesses one accessory for every three hit dice. Unless stated otherwise, the same accessory may not be selected twice. • Arcane Cell: Modifications to the core housing enhance the construct's normal immunity. As a swift action, the phlogiston construct may activate an antimagic field with a caster level equal to its hit dice. This field persists for one minute, and may be activated once per day. This accessory may be selected multiple times, adding an additional use per day. • Cannon: A mounted cannon fires one type 79

with natural weapons also suffer this damage.

body, replacing one natural attack. Any light or one-handed simple or martial weapon may be selected, and the construct gains proficiency in its use. The integrated weapon is always masterwork, and may be enchanted separately. An integrated weapon is always treated as a primary attack and cannot be disarmed. • Pilot Compartment: A seat and housing built into the chassis comfortably seats a rider of up to one size category smaller than the construct. The pilot compartment provides partial cover and allows a rider control of the construct as a mount, substituting Knowledge (engineering) for Ride checks. Constructs with an Int higher than 2 may not be controlled, but still provide partial cover to their pilot. The compartment provides no protection from the construct's immense heat ability. This accessory may be selected twice, providing cover rather than partial cover. • Reactive Mechanism: A dazzling series of cogs allow the construct to react to specific combat situations. The construct gains one combat feat.


A phlogiston construct requires neither magic nor the Craft Construct feat to build. A dedicated engineer instead treats their ranks in Knowledge (engineering) as their caster level, and may ignore any spellcasting requirements. To begin the project, the engineer must succeed at a Knowledge (engineering) check (DC 15 + construct's hit dice), requiring two hours' work per hit die of the construct. Once completed, a phlogiston construct remains inactive until a phlogiston core is installed. The core must be constructed separately.

Phlogiston Cores Phlogiston is the potential energy of fire found in burnable objects. The volatile substance's power can be stored and slowly released to whatever ends a roaring fire might be applied. Most commonly, tinkerers use reinforced phlogiston cores to power steam engines, freeing their devices from bulky boilers. While a core is nonmagical, many of its components can only be forged magically. The quality of a phlogiston construct's core directly affects its dependability, reflected as additional hit points per hit die. Phlogiston cores cannot be purchased, and must instead by crafted.

Delicate Systems (Ex): A phlogiston construct's mechanisms are more prone to damage than a magical construct's solid mass. The creature is susceptible to nonmagical ability damage and drain, fatigue, exhaustion, paralysis, and stunning effects. The construct cannot recover from these afflictions naturally, and requires a separate one-hour Knowledge (Engineering) check to remove each condition (DC equals 15 plus the construct's hit dice). Phlogistons constructs use steam for their motive force, and are susceptible to dehydration and suffocation. For these purposes alone, assume the construct's Con is 10 and treat the nonlethal damage as normal damage. Damage and fatigue from dehydration are removed immediately once a construct's tanks are refilled. Reactivating a suffocated construct requires a DC 20 Knowledge (engineering) check. Immense Heat (Ex): The frenzy of movement in a fight overwhelms the construct's cooling systems. The phlogiston construct creature’s melee attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire damage. Creatures grappling with or attacking the construct

Core Core

Bonus Hp -

Craft DC 30












100gp /HD 200gp /HD 400gp /HD 800gp /HD

1 year 2 years 5 years 15 years

Constructing a phlogiston core requires the following spells: lightning bolt, heat metal, stone shape. The engineer does not need to cast these spells, but they must be cast during each skill check. For every spell unavailable, increase the Craft DC by +5. Removing a Phlogiston Construct's core immediately renders it inanimate. Doing so requires one minute of work and a DC 30 Knowledge (engineering) check. 80

Dynamo CR 7 XP 3200 Phlogiston Brass Man N Large construct Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +0

Defense AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (+12 natural, –1 size) hp 105 (10d10+50) Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 Defensive Abilities absorb magic; DR 10/adamantine; Immune construct traits; Resist electricity 5, fire 5


Speed 30 ft. Melee 2 slams +15 (2d8+6 plus 1d6 fire) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks immense heat, molten brass cannon

Tactics Before Combat Dynamo is a reactionary and mindless creation. It makes no special preparations for combat. During Combat Unless directed otherwise, Dynamo activates its arcane cell upon recognizing hostile magic-users, then fires its molten brass cannon before wading into melee. Morale Unshakeable and without fear, Dynamo fights until destroyed.

Columns of steam and the constant sound of grinding metal emits from this hulking, tarnished figure. Brass plates, like exotic, swirling armor, protect its form, and between them you make out spinning gears and pounding pistons.

Description: Dynamo? Oh, he's a gem. Mother found him in the Dark Atelier, just lying there covered in dust and corroded almost solid. For the first few years, we thought he was a statue, and I was knee-deep in puberty by the time we kit-bashed a phlogiston core and woke him up. We figure the Lurkers (gnome/cloakers) built him or maybe genies in the service of the Cynmark Dynasty. Whatever the case, he's an enormous help with my research. Dynamo's as strong as any silly golem, and I march him into the Eldritch Morass without any of the obnoxious shutdowns or berserker rages that plague golems in that fascinating swamp. And just between you and me, there's no thrill like climbing into the big lug's pilot compartment. I remember an incident, maybe three years back, when

Statistics Str 23, Dex 10, Con -, Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1 Base Atk +10; CMB +17; CMD 27 SQ accessories (arcane cell, energy channeling, pilot compartment), phlogiston core (cell).


Environment any Organization unique Treasure phlogiston cell

Special Abilities Molten Brass Cannon (Ex) Dynamo's trusty sidearm spews a stream of white-hot molten metal once every 1d4 rounds, up to five times per day; 30-foot line; 6d6 fire damage; Reflex DC 15 halves. Treat this attack as a breath weapon. 81

the first phlogiston construct built eons ago. Originally based on designs captured from efreeti, the gnomes substituted alchemical phlogiston for the elemental fury Brass Men normally require, birthing a new science in the process.

bandits jumped us on the road. Giant, bronze fists swinging right and left, spells flying, and all the while me laughing like a maniac, which must be how gods feel when they immolate bandits! But that's not what you want to hear, is it? You want to know how two tons of solid metal moves without a drop of magic. Like I said, he’s amazing handy-work. I doubt anyone in the city could reproduce him except perhaps the First Maestro. Hell, I consider myself Questhaven's foremost expert on clockwork, after her and I barely keep him maintained. Inside that shell ticks an impossible network of gears and springs and turbines. And it all comes back to this: A phlogiston core. It regulates the alchemical substance "phlogiston," a sort of heat waiting to happen. Imagine oil, but without any physical traits beyond its need to burn, barely kept from erupting into a fiery conflagration by the precise design of this device. It generates more heat than any boiler, in a package smaller than a helm. This much I can reproduce. But how anyone could make one without magic boggles my mind, though; the lightning glass alone is impossible to manufacture without some talent for evocation or else a sturdy metal rod and an epic disregard for personal safety.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 9)

While the artifact now referred to as "Dynamo" features no intellect or motivation, its owner Quintus Azrael (CN human Rog 3, Wiz 5) tampers in many affairs. An outspoken critic of the Honorable Order of Theurgic Master Craftsmen for their magical monopoly, Quintus associates with smugglers, thieves, and explorers of questionable character. She works as either a partner or a foil. When expecting trouble, she climbs into the pilot compartment, directing the machine's attacks and using him as cover while raining down spells. Quintus relies on a special alchemical preparation to protect her from Clank's immense heat, even while his arcane cell would shut down spells and magic items. Twist: Dynamo's invulnerability and Quintus's magic makes the pair ideal for dragging opponents into hostile environments to fight. They may bull rush opponents off of piers or bridges to take the fight underwater, pepper the field with stinking cloud spells, or drag enemies into pits of poisonous creatures.


(Knowledge Arcana or Engineering) Common (DC 7): Before you stands Dynamo, a unique construct that runs without magic, and even seems to drain it. Uncommon (DC 12): Dynamo, owned by a local wizard and researcher named Quintus Azrael, relies on an obscure, alchemical power source called phlogiston. Rare (DC 17): Though Dynamo is unique, many other phlogiston constructs exist. Many serve as mounts or vehicles, but are prone to mechanical problems normal constructs ignore. Obscure (DC 27): Phlogiston constructs may be deactivated or even co-opted by those knowledgeable enough in the physical sciences. Gnomes pioneered their design, and their ancient treatises are the best instructions for repairing or building such devices. Epic (DC 37): Dynamo is the prototype, 82

Positive-Energy Creature Living creatures are inherently linked to the Positive Energy Plane, and this bond grants them both their life and some their powers of healing. Through eldritch magic, a spellcaster can strengthen a living creature’s connection to the infinite source of its finite existence. This enhanced creature is empowered by the Positive Energy Plane and glimmers with white light.

Creating a Positive-Energy Creature energy creature possesses. These temporary hit points fade 2 minutes after the creature loses contact with the positive-energy creature. If a creature’s temporary hit point total ever exceeds twice its normal hit point total it must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 +1/2 the positive-energy creature’s HD + its Constitution modifier) for each round that its temporary hit points exceeds twice its normal hit point total. Failing the saving throw results in the creature exploding in a riot of energy, killing it. This ability only triggers once per round, regardless of the number of attacks a positive-energy creature makes. The damage harms undead and makes the creature capable of effecting incorporeal creatures with its touch and natural attacks. Obscuring Energy (Su): Brilliant positiveenergy plays about the body of a positive-energy creature, obscuring its form and providing it with concealment. Thus, attacks against it suffer a 20% miss chance.

“Positive-energy creature” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any living creature. A positive-energy creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Senses: A positive-energy creature gains darkvision 60 ft. and low-light vision. Speed: Each speed of a base creature is doubled when it acquires the positive-energy creature template. Defenses/Qualities: regeneration (equal to the positive-energy creatures Constitution modifier, necromancy and cold) Immune to acid, electricity, fire, sonic, and temporary hit points. Weakness vulnerability to cold and necromancy Attacks: Positive energy creature's attacks do not deal damage instead they heal their foes or, if the foe is fully healed, it gains temporary hit points.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +4 to CMD), Dex +4 ( +2 to Ranged attack rolls; AC and touch AC, Initiative, and Ref saves. +2 to Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Fly, Ride, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth checks, add +2 to any of the base creature’s Dexterity-based DCs), Con +8 (+4 hp per HD, +4 to Fortitude saves, fascinating aura, energy instill, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs).

Special Abilities: A positive-energy creature gains the following special abilities. Animate Objects (Sp): Once per round, as a swift action, a positive-energy creature can animate a single object as though by the spell animate objects (caster level equal to positiveenergy creature’s CR). These objects are under the control of the positive energy creature. If the positive-energy creature is not intelligent enough to control them one random object simply seeks to defend the positive-energy creature to the best of its ability. Fascinating Aura (Su): A positive-energy creature radiates a field of energy that fascinates creatures in a 5’ radius for every HD the base creature possesses for 3d6 rounds, a Will Save Negates (10 + ½ the positive-energy creatures HD + its Constitution modifier) this effect . Energy Instil (Su): A Positive energy creature’s touch or natural attacks heal or grants 1d6 hit points (or temporary hit points) plus an additional 1d6 for every four HD the positive-

Feats: If a positive energy creature has the Channel Energy class feature it gains Extra Channel, Improved Channel, and Turn Undead, as bonus feats. Skills: +5 racial bonus to Heal (increase to +10 if the positive-energy creature’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to +15 if the positive-energy creature’s CR is 15 or Higher); Environment: as the base creature plus the positive energy plane. 83

Lifetrap CR 8 XP 4,800 positive-energy lifetrap N Large Ooze Init +2; Senses Blindsight 60 feet, darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision. Perception -5 Aura Fascinating aura (25 ft., DC 23),

Defense AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 9 (+2 Dex, -1 size,) 20% miss obscuring energy hp 77 (5d8+55) Regeneration 11 (necromancy and cold) Fort +12, Ref +3, Will -4 Defensive Abilities hardness 8, obscuring energy; Immune acid, electricity, fire, ooze traits, petrification, sonic, temporary hit points. Weakness vulnerability to cold, necromancy and stone to flesh

Offense Speed 40 ft. (8 squares) Melee Slam +9 melee (1d8+9 healing or grants temporary hit points plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks animate objects, energy instill (DC 23), engulf (DC 19) This glimmering stone transforms, flowing into a viscous barrier of waving, glowing white protoplasm

Tactics Before Combat: Lifetraps generally lure prey with its fascinating aura before unsolidifying and rushing up to engulf its prey. Combat: If the surprise attack fails, a lifetrap resorts to hammering with its life granting pseudopods. Morale: Fearless

round in which it engulfs. The lifetrap merely has to move over the opponents, affecting as many as it can cover. Opponents can make attacks of opportunity against the lifetrap, but if they do so they are not entitled to a saving throw. Those who do not attempt attacks of opportunity must succeed on a DC 19 Reflex save or be engulfed; on a success, they are pushed back or aside (opponent’s choice) as the lifetrap moves forward. Engulfed creatures are subject to the lifetrap’s energy instill, and are considered to be grappled and trapped within its body. The save DC is Strength-based. A lifetrap that has engulfed an opponent can instantly solidify its form, healing 8d6 points of damage per round (or granting temporary hit points) to the trapped victim. An engulfed opponent heals 1 point of damage per round (or grants on temporary hit point per round) as the lifetrap consumes it (unless the lifetrap solidifies itself). An engulfed creature can be freed by killing the lifetrap or through the casting of stone to flesh or similar magic (this deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level to the lifetrap and automatically ejects an engulfed victim).

Statistics Str 24, Dex 14, Con 32, Int -, Wis 1, Cha 1 Base Atk +3; CMB +11; CMD 23 Feats Skills +18 stealth Racial Modifiers +5 Heal +20 Stealth SQ solidify Languages -

Ecology Environment Any hills, mountains or positive energy plane Organization Solitary or group (2-5) Treasure standard

Special Abilities Engulf (Ex) A lifetrap can simply mow down Medium or smaller creatures as a standard action. It cannot make a slam attack during a 84

of corrupted life that often looks like glowing rock. Uncommon (DC 13): Other creatures similar to this are known as “positive-energy creatures”; read excerpt from Prophets of the Dark Emperor. Rare (DC 18): A lifetrap will always attempt to swallow anything in its path. Its very presence can cause creatures to stand in rapture of the creature. Its touch also causes creatures to seem to heal and gain life energy beyond what they can safely hold. They are also immune to four of the five mystic energies and petrification, only quickest warriors are able to harm them and their wounds heal at an alarming rate. Obscure (DC 28): Lifetraps are creatures of life. The cold of death and the magic of death are the best way to defeat these organisms; it is also vulnerable to stone to flesh spells. Epic (DC 38): Positive energy creatures found in the Dark Atelier are believed to guard the fountain of the eternal which the Emperor Cynmark used to maintain his wives youthful appearance and unmatched beauty.

Solidify (Ex) A lifetrap can solidify all or parts of itself into a material with the hardness and consistency of solid rock. A solidified part of a lifetrap has a hardness of 8 and a break DC of 50. A lifetrap can affect the solidification as a free action. An opponent attacking a lifetrap must succeed on a DC 23 Reflex save each time his attack hits. If the save fails, the lifetrap actually solidified the portion of its body at the instant it was hit, thus applying its hardness rating of 8 to any damage received. A lifetrap cannot attack if its entire form is solidified. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Description: “Here is the primordial essence of life, yet The Archlich Cynmark twisted the nature of life itself so that if thou tarry too long in its presence, fate will soon greet thee with a rather crooked smile.” Excerpt from Prophets of the Dark Emperor as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. I have tried to give you a point of view straight from the horse’s mouth, as it were, in the writings of this text. In a case such as this, there is no possibility of even speaking to an awakened ooze. Therefore, I will endeavour to be brief so as not to bore you with the conjecture of a longwinded old wyrd. A typical lifetrap is 10 feet on a side and weighs about 25,000 lbs., though much larger specimens are not unknown. This creature has no natural ecology that I have been able to discern, and seems to only exist. It moves about giving life to the living until they cannot live with it any longer. As to how these things reproduce, there is no hard evidence, nor even flimsy evidence. I theorize that those they destroy later reform into lifetraps, a wild fancy of mine to be sure. There is a tale spoken of, during the assault known as Phalkon’s Folly, that when the Imperial force known as the Dark Charges of Triumph came from the south, their center fell away into a pit where mercenary taurian warriors in service to the Questor’s Society had trapped an elder lifetrap. The tale says a single unit avoided this fate by cutting their own throats.

Monstrous Feat IMPROVED ANIMATE OBJECT [Monstrous] You have an incredible ability to animate objects Prerequisites: Animate Object Benefit: You can permanently animate one object; it functions as an animal companion as if you were a druid. IMPROVED ENERGY INSTILL [Monstrous] You have a greater ability to impart positive energy Prerequisites: Energy Instill Benefit: you can use energy instill an additional time each round.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 11)

A wing of 7 gargoyles (each with 21 temporary hit points) flies in each night from overhead and attacks the PCs. Once they are significantly hurt, the fly off into the night and then later returns again at full health plus the same temporary hit points. They continue to do this always retreating to the Lifetrap they have imprisoned atop a cliff; this heals their wounds and gives them a large number of temporary hit points with which to re-engage their enemy, making them a far more powerful foe.

Lore Knowledge (local or nature) Common (DC 8): This ooze is a lifetrap. They are a dangerous yet sometimes useful piece

Twist: If the PCs slay the gargoyles, the Lifetrap will eventually find a way off the cliff or perhaps a group of wyverns find it and start using it. 85

Protector Creature There is always a Chosen One, be it the Messiah, or a Demon, but destiny always seeks to protect this chosen one from the vicious hands of chaos. By doing so, by choosing someone, fate creates protector creatures to guard these chosen few. From a vast need to protect one singular individual who is more important than the lives of those around them, these creatures have many and varied origins. Be they long-held traditional guardsmen, a singular individual anointed by the chosen one, or a collection of women bound by divine ceremonies into the chosen ones service. These are the protector creatures. A protector creature resembles a normal specimen of its kind, but it has an unmistakably dress, badge, uniform or emblem that sets it apart from those of its kin.

Creating a Protector Creature Secret Keeper (Ex) A protector creature’s mind is immune to all attempts to learn information about its protectee. Even speak with dead will not reveal any information. Create Distraction (Su) 1/day, as a standard action, a protector creature is able to create a major illusion (an explosion, an attractive companion, an insulting image, etc.) and a mislead spell that serves to distract its opponents and allow its protectee to escape. The mislead spell only effects its protectee, and not the protector creature. Protectee: a protector creature gains a number of benefits while protecting a specific individual or individual holding a special title or office. This individual is chosen by the GM, if this creature dies the protector loses all benefits of this template, unless the office or title is transferred to another creature. Shield of Destiny (Su) An attack that would reduce a protector creature below 0 hp, killing or destroy it, is magically negated unless the protector is using Harm’s Way or performing some other time of heroic sacrifice to defend its protectee (Subject to DM Adjudication).

“Protector creature” is an acquired or inherited template that can be added to any creature. A protector creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities, except as noted here. CR: +1 Armor Class: the base creature gains a +2 insight bonus to AC. Defenses/Qualities: A protector creature gains DR X/- where X is equal to half the base creatures hit dices, is immune to compulsion and charm effects, and gains resistance 5 to all energy types (this increases to 10 at 10 HD and 20 at 15 HD), the base creature loses all weakness and vulnerabilities as well. If the creature is undead or a construct it ignores all commands given to harm or allow harm to befall its protectee. Special Abilities: A protector gains the following special abilities. Change Shape (Su) A protector creature can take the form of its protectee 1/day as if using polymorph. Detect Poison (Sp) A protector gains detect poison as a constant spell-like ability with a caster level equal to its HD. Harm’s Way (Ex) Once per round, as an immediate action, if the protector creature is in a square adjacent to its protectee and the protectee is subject to an attack, including an area effect, the protector creature can subject itself to the attack in the protectee’s stead and the protectee takes no damage. Resolve potential attacks against the protector creature normally, including to hit rolls and saving throws. Discern Protectee (Sp) A protector creature always knows the direction where his protectee is located, as long as they are on the same plane. The effective caster level of this ability is equal to the base creature’s HD.

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Con +10 (+5 hp per HD, +5 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), Wis +4 (+2 to Will saves, +2 to Heal, Perception, Profession, Sense Motive and Survival checks, add +2 to any of the creature’s Wisdom-based DCs) Skills: The base creature gains Perception and Sense Motive as class skills. It also gains a number of bonus ranks equal to its HD in these two skills. Organization: Solitary and protectee or troupe (2-12) and protecte


Heaven’s Guard

CR 14

XP 38,400 protector ward custodian NG Medium outsider (angel, extraplanar, good, lawful) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., discern protecte, low-light vision; Perception +23 Aura protective aura

Defense AC 34 touch 14, flat-footed 32 (+11 armor, +1 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 insight, +9 natural; +4 deflection vs. evil). hp 145 (10d10+90) Fort +12, Ref 11, Will +13; +4 resistance vs. evil Defensive Abilities create distraction, danger sense, etherealness, shield of destiny, ward-bond DR 5/- and 10/evil; Immune to charm, compulsion, disease, fire, petrification, and poison.; Resist acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 25

Offense Speed 30 ft., fly 100 ft. (good) Melee +3 defending battleaxe +18/+13 (1d8+10/×3) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th) Constant- detect poison At will-aid, command (DC 15), detect evil dispel evil, dispel evil (DC 19), invisibility, protection from evil, remove fear (DC 15), sanctuary (DC 15), shield of faith, shield other, 3/day- discern lies (DC 19), plane shift, see invisibility, wall of fire (DC 18) l/day-spell immunity, remove curse (DC 17)

This beautiful, saintly creature is like a humanoid hidden within resplendent white armor, with an angelic motif and wielding a great battle axe. You feel a great sense of peace and security in its presence. SQ change shape (protectee, polymorph), detect poison (constant), protectee, secret keeper

Ecology Environment any lawful/good aligned plane Organization solitary and protectee or troupe (2-12) and protectee Treasure No coins; standard goods; double items (+3 defending battleaxe, +2 full plate)

Tactics Combat: Heaven’s guards materialize from the Ethereal Plane whenever the High Father of the Great Church of the Pantheon is threatened. They fight only to protect the High Father or to defend themselves and the high father Morale: As long as the High Father is in danger Heaven’s Guards never retreat.

Special Abilities

Statistics Str 20, Dex 18, Con 29, Int 16, Wis 23, Cha 19 Base Atk +10; CMB +15; CMD 32 (36 vs. evil) Feats Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Power Attack Skills Bluff +17, Craft (armor)+16, Diplomacy +17, Heal +19, Intimidate +17, Knowledge (geography) +13, Knowledge (religion) +16, Knowledge (planes) +16, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Stealth +12 Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, truespeech 87

Etherealness (Su): Heaven’s Guards can move back and forth between the Ethereal and the Material Planes as a move action, once per day they can do this as an immediate action. Ward-Bond: If a heaven’s guard is on the same plane as its protectee and is within 5 feet, they gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws, and SR 25. At any time, the Heaven’s Guard may use any of its spell-like abilities that normally have a range of personal or touch on the protectee from any distance This ability works even if the Heaven’s Guard is ethereal and the protectee is on the material plane (although they cannot otherwise be on different planes).

Description: “We protect the Archdeacons of the Great Church of the Pantheon, as per the sacred rites of the Sovereigns of Heaven. Yet, the mortal servants of the church choose the Archdeacons not the Sovereigns of Heaven. I can only say that with Kandak they choose poorly. I will not reveal his secrets but neither will I refute the charges of the vile deeds laid against him.”

Uncommon (DC 19): Other creatures similar to this are known as “protector creatures”; read excerpt from Masquerades of Light. Rare DC (24): Protector Creatures can locate their charges, help them avoid poisons, provide distractions, and keep them out of harm’s way, in addition to being immune to compulsions, and charms. Protector creatures cannot be made to speak the secrets they keep. They ignore damage from all weapons but the Heaven’s Guard especially ignores those that are undefiled. The Heaven’s Guard has a protective aura and a number of defensive spell like abilities that they can convey to their charges even from their places of contemplation on the ethereal plane. Obscure (DC 34): Protector Creature’s cannot be slain or destroyed unless in defense of their charges existence, they can however be hindered in any number of ways, they are resistant to all forms of energy damage but the Heaven’s Guard is also immune to element of fire. Epic (DC 44): If an archdeacon is stripped of his office he is no longer receives the protection of the Heaven’s Guard.

-Excerpt from Masquerades of Light by Qwilion of Questhaven We are not angels, though some call us “guardian angels” we are custodians and protectors, beneath our armor you would say we appear slightly elven, with a bearing of nobility and strength. We are also considered quite comely by your standards. We prefer to remain upon the ethereal, aloof and removed from our charges. It is hard on my people to watch good and worthy archdeacons die; some of the heaven’s guards are even known to have fallen in love with their protectee and their deaths, whether from old age or assassination, are the hardest to bear. Yet also, we must protect and keep the secrets of archdeacons who, while not openly evil in public, use their positions of wealth and religious power for their own ends. Even harsher still upon our nature is the rare, but truly vile, Archdeacon like Kandak who cloaked his malevolent nature in the appearance of piety and righteousness. The Heaven’s Guard hopes one day that the Sovereigns of Heaven will take the anointing of the archdeacons into their own divine hands or they will allow the guard the right of removing those unworthy of the office. For now, all such choices like with the mortal hierarchy of The Great Church of the Pantheon. I, Isterleetan killed the paladin Talinor Oathmantle when he attempted to enact justice against Archdeacon Kandak. I, Isterleetan was the one who made sure Archdeacon Kandak escaped the headsmen’s block. I, Isterleetan was the one who cut off the villain Kandak’s head with this very axe, when the Hierarchy finally stripped him of his office.

Monstrous Feat IMPROVED SHIELD OF DESTINY [Monstrous] Fate offers you greater protection than others do. Prerequisites: Shield of Destiny Benefit: you will be rejuvenated so long as your protectee remains alive at the end of any encounter in which you were destroyed. IMPROVED PROTECTIVE AURA You are favored and protected by divine power more so than others of your kind. Prerequisites: Protective Aura, 16 HD Benefit: Your protective aura protects you from attack or effects made by all creatures it also functions as a globe of invulnerability.

Ecology Encounter (EL Varies) One of the PCs accidentally overhears an Archdeacon discussing with the Last Warlord an alliance to subtly take over control of the city, by putting their own men into various key position using the Archdeacon’s influence and banked favors. The Heaven’s Guard assumes the PC is an assassin.


Twist: The Archdeacon is in reality a fallen member of the heaven’s guard and servant of Asmodeus using her ability to take the archdeacon’s form.

Knowledge (religion or planer) Common (DC 14): This outsider is one of Heaven’s Guards; it protects the lives of the Archdeacon’s of the Great Church of the Pantheon even from beyond the mortal realm. 88

Ritefury Creature Cultural customs and taboos hold immense power in fantasy worlds. The ancient guest/host rights are one of the most dangerous of these traditions to violate. When you violate such a convention, you are violating an honored mystical ritual and your actions are likely to summon a ritefury creature. Ritefuries are a fury in the tradition of Greek tragedy, uncaring and unforgiving instruments of retribution. Adorning them is a singular kris-like horn and a tail with a jagged stinger; they often take on the appearance of natural predators and red coloration due to their association with the spirits of wrath.

Creating a Ritefury Creature Charisma modifier) or have its mind flooded with all the violations of guest/host rites ever committed on this plane. This results in the character doing and saying whatever the character closest to the victim says or does (echopraxia and echolalia). Remove curse is effective, but it only grants a new saving throw, if the save is unsuccessful, the caster must also make a save or be affected by the curse. This effect is a mind-affecting curse effect. Sighting the Mark (Su): 1/day, upon spotting the baleful mark, a ritefury makes a ranged touch attack causing its horn and the baleful mark to glow for one round. If successful, the marked opponent must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ the ritefury’s HD + its Charisma modifier) or roll twice on all attacks, checks, and saves, taking the lesser of the two rolls each time. This effect remains as long as the baleful mark is present. Use of this ability is not an action. Poison (Ex): Sting—injury; save DC (10 + ½ ritefury’s HD + its Constitution Modifier) ; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d4 Wisdom damage and confused condition; cure 2 consecutive saves. Backfire (Su): If a non-chaos descriptor spell fails to overcome the SR of a ritefury, the spell effect is reflected back at its original caster (as long as the caster is within range), even if that spell is an area effect or a touch spell. A ritefury loses the benefits of its SR against spells with the chaos descriptor. Path of Vengeance (Su): A ritefury knows the exact direction to travel to reach a creature bearing its baleful mark.

“Ritefury creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature. A ritefury creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 AL: any lawful. Defenses/Qualities: DR 5/chaos (increase to 10 if the ritefury’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the ritefury’s CR is 15 or Higher), darkvision 60ft., regeneration (equal to ritefury’s Constitution bonus, min1), SR (11+ritefury’s CR) Speed: A ritefury gains a fly speed (perfect maneuverability equal to its best speed) Melee: A ritefury gains a new gore and tail sting attack, the new gore, and tail attack deals damage as appropriate for the ritefury's size (see Natural Attacks, Pathfinder Bestiary) Special Abilities: A ritefury gains the following special abilities. Baleful Mark (Ex): If on the same plane as its chosen violator, magical runes automatically appear on the forehead of the chosen violator (no save). The runes establish that the character is a violator of “guest-rite” or “host-rite.” The writing is always visible and slowly burns through anything attempting to conceal it (1 point of sacred/profane damage, ignoring hardness). The runes cannot be dispelled, but can be removed. An erase spell will remove them, though it requires a successful caster level check (DC 15 + CR). The Baleful Mark disappears upon the death of the ritefury creature. This is a curse-effect. Favored Enemy (Ex): The ritefury gains the benefit of this ability as a ranger (level equal to the ritefury’s HD) against an opponent bearing a baleful mark. These abilities function in all other ways like the ranger ability of the same name. Horn of Penance (Su): A ritefury’s horn functions as a speed weapon with an enhancement bonus equal to its HD divided by 3 (Minimum +1, Maximum +5). When damaged by the horn, an opponent must make a successful Will save (DC 10 + ½ the ritefury’s HD + its

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the creature’s Constitutionbased DCs), +8 Cha (+4 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +4 to the DC of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs ).


Wrathrath-Wake CR 7 XP 1,600 Ritefury Ravid LN Medium outsider (extraplanar) Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft., path of vengeance; Perception +10

Defense AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+10 natural) hp 51 (6d10+18) Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6 Defensive Abilities backfire DR 5/chaos SR 18

Offense Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) Melee +2 speed gore +9 (1d6+2 plus positive energy), tail sting +5 (1d6 plus poison [DC 16] and positive energy) or horn touch +2 speed touch +9 (positive energy), tail touch +5 touch (positive energy) Special Attacks animate objects, baleful mark (DC 22), horn of penance (Will DC 19), positive energy lash, sighting the mark (ranged +6 touch, Will DC 19)


This creature has a long red-gold serpentine form that trails away as it drifts freely through the air. It bears a great golden horn that tips its shark-like snout, and a golden stinger gleams menacingly at the end of its tail.

Before Combat Wrath-Wakes are straight forward before combat, perhaps animating objects, yet not with any cunning. They confront their foes and attack, as they are marked and that is all they need know. During Combat The bale marked are the focus of wrath-wakes attacks, and that of its fellows and animated minions. While it will not avoid hurting those in the way, they must be there first for them to be hurt. Morale Justice comes, quick or metered, and wrath-wakes will flee, if needed, trusting in their ability to find foes, again and again.

Special Abilities Abilities Animate Objects (Su) Once per round, a random object within 20 feet of a wrath-wake animates as though by the spell animate objects (CL 20th). These objects attack all enemies of the wrath-wake and obey its commands, though the wrath-wake is not intelligent enough to employ sophisticated tactics with them. Flight (Su) A wrath-wake can cease or resume flight as a free action. A wrath-wake that loses this ability falls and can perform either a move action or a standard action each round. Positive Energy (Su) A successful melee attack or melee touch attack infuses the target with positive energy. This deals no damage to living creatures, but against undead (including incorporeal undead) it deals 2d10 points of damage.

Statistics Str 13, Dex 10, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 22 Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 17 (can’t be tripped) Feats Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack Skills Escape Artist +11, Fly +17, Perception +10, Stealth +8, Survival +5 Racial Modifier +4 to Escape Artist Languages None SQ flight

Ecology Environment any (Positive Energy Plane) Organization solitary plus at least 1 animated object Treasure none 90

Description: “Ye have tread upon the ancient customs, rites, rituals, and taboos of the Kingdom. Ye have wronged one who did right by thee. Ye have insulted one who did thee honor. Ye have laid your hand upon one who did thee no ill. What ye have done


unto me shall the wrath-wake bear unto thee. With my final gasp I curse thee.” -Excerpt from The Rights and Rites of Guest and Host as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. We wrath-wake are exactly 8 of your feet long with a circumference equal to precisely 5 of your feet and weigh strictly 500 of your stones. Many consider our facial features to be both serpentine and sharklike, though we are warm-blooded creatures. Our eyes radiate a golden color when a shameless malefactor has violated the ancient agreement of guest right, and a crimson light when the vile miscreant betrays host right. Our wondrous golden horn also glows or dims but that light is always the color of blood. Our horns always glow brighter as we draw near to these ignoble monsters. Our stinger will even drip poison in anticipation of revenge. My kind is vindictive and tenacious, and we care not if our actions harm an innocent, if they seek to defend a marked one they are not innocent. We will not wait and risk losing these honorless dogs. We will not seek to prevent one from violating the elder customs. We are avengers not defenders. You have asked, “Where do we come from?” I will tell you this, bound are we by the accords of yore; we will be here until the end of the given number of celestial turnings. Destroy one of us; another will appear when next a despicable mortal breaks the accord. I hope to see the day when the discourtesy of the mortal races ends so that the summoning of Ritefuries shall end as well. Perhaps the end of our days will come, or more likely, the utter destruction of all men at the hands of the undying, maybe even the utopia promised by The Great Church of the Pantheon will come to pass, but until then we will continue to avenge the wronged. I care not which. However, I think destruction will come first. Upon the mortal plane, we do not always arrive to punish the odious sinner; one who has witnessed the wrong must invoke the summoning rite. I have slain the degenerate Rhune family who trapped their guests within the walls and shunted it to the pits of flame. I have left the lovely young princess Hellana lost in her own mind after she kissed the faithless prince of Fostor Nagar in his wife’s palace. Ur’rithia the Firstfury slaughtered a company of the Hungering Legion in the fallen kingdom. The locals allowed the army to rest, offering the troops every inn with free food and drink. The ghoulish company, as thanks to their hosts, they conquered the small land. They did not survive past a tenmoon. 91

LORE: (Knowledge Nature) Common (DC 7): This extraplanar outsider is a Wrath-Wake. It is a spirit of vengeance sent to punish those who violate the age-old etiquette of guest and host. Uncommon (DC 12): Beings related to this one are often known as “ritefury creatures.” read excerpt from The Rights and Rites of Guest and Host. Rare DC (17): Wrath-Wakes mark their prey with arcane runes that help to track and hinder their prey; they avoid killing innocents, but they will kill those that stand in their way. They are also more deadly to those marked than unmarked. Their horn is perhaps their most frightening weapon for it can break the mind of its marked foe and it moves with lightning swiftness. Do not discount its stinger for the venom is exotic and potent. Spells cast by lesser mages often rebound off the mystical scales of the creature and its wounds restore themselves at an amazingly accelerated rate. Many are the curses laid down by this creature and few lesser divine minions can break them. Obscure (DC 27): Only magic and weapons imbued with the power of chaos are likely to overcome the vast healing and resistances of the wrath-wake Epic (DC 37): Offering a ritefury shelter, food, and drink is one of the few ways to buy time against the creature. Unyielding from their path, these parlays are difficult to say the least, but offering to accept the horn of penance in place of death will often satisfy the creature.

Monstrous Feats IMPROVED ANIMATE OBJECT [Monstrous] You can animate objects permanently. Prerequisites: Animate Object supernatural ability, Knowledge (arcana) 9 ranks, Int 13 Benefit: 1/day you can make the effect of your animate object permanent.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 7)

The PCs receive an invitation to a grand gala welcoming the Prince of the Jade Star, who has traveled from the Far East to take up residence as an Ambassador to the Circle of Heroes. The prince is an old man, born without legs or manhood. At the party one of the PCs is seduced by the loveliest girl. Unfortunately, unknown to the PCs, she is the newly wedded wife of the Prince, whose cries for vengeance summons a wake-wrath.

Rune-Carved Creature Words have meaning, names have power, but nothing has more power than the written word. All the secrets of the world begin and end as words, capturing these words, carving them into beings and granting them the personified power that those words represent. Such is the nature of the Rune-Carve Creature. Rune-carved creatures are always easily to identify by the prominent complex sigils they display.

Creating a Rune-Carved Creature Personal Rune (Sp): A rune-carved creature can place its rune upon an item and gain a special connection to that item. The rune is permanent, and henceforth the rune-carved creature always knows the item’s location and the name and race of any creature currently touching it a successful Will save negates (DC 10 + 1/2 the rune-carved creature’s HD + its Intelligence modifier) this effect. The rune-carved creature can have as many personal sigils in effect as it has HD. Placing a personal rune is a full-round action. A rune-carved creature can make this rune function as explosive runes. At 5 HD this ability upgrades to glyph of warding, at 11 HD this upgrades to greater glyph of warding, at 15 HD this upgrades to any symbol spell. CL is equal to HD. Runic Complexity (Su): Strange and arcane symbols appear to float in the air all around the rune carved creature as it attacks. A rune-carved creature can require the target of one of its spell or special ability to modify its saving throw with its Intelligence ability score modifier rather than the standard ability score (Constitution for Fortitude saves, Wisdom for Will Saves, Dexterity for Reflex saves), because it must deal with the overwhelming complexity of the attack’s intricacy. It can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + its Intelligence modifier. Runic Dominance: All the base creature’s abilities (including DCs) for its Extraordinary, supernatural, spells and spell-like abilities are changed to Intelligence based (for example a rune-carved sorcerer’s spell DCs and bonus spells would be adjusted by his Intelligence modifier rather than his Charisma modifier).

"Rune-carved" is an acquired template that can be added to any creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A rune-carved creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Defenses/Qualities: Immune to explosive runes, glyph and symbol spells. Weakness vulnerability to erase (this spell deals 10 point of damage per caster level to a rune-carved creature, a successful caster level check DC 15+CR also removes the benefits of this template for that creature. ) Special Abilities: A rune-carved retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities as described below: Domain Rune (Sp or Su): A rune-carved creature gains all the benefits of the domain or sub-domain associated as a cleric of a level equal to the base creature’s HD. It also gains the domain spells as spell-like abilities, if it has an Int score of 8 or higher useable 1/day, but only those available to a cleric of a level equal to the base creature’s HD. Caster level equals the creature's HD (or the caster level of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). All DCs for the domain abilities and spell-like abilities are Intelligence based rather than Wisdom or Charisma based. For example, a GM applies this template to the standard Balor Demon choosing the word and rune for “Ruin” choosing to associate this with the Destruction domain. This Rune carved Balor would then gain the following abilities: • Destructive Smite (Su): 10/day with a +10 morale bonus on damage. • Destructive Aura (Su): For 20 rounds per day. A +10 morale bonus on damage. • Spells Abilities (CL 20): 1/day—disintegrate, earthquake, harm, inflict critical wounds, implosion, rage, shatter, shout, true strike

Abilities: Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves), Int +8 (add 4 bonus languages, add 4 skill points per HD, +4 to Appraise, Craft, Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks; +4 to all of the creature’s DCs) Skills: Rune-carved gain a +8 racial bonus on Knowledge (arcana) and Linguistics checks in addition to gaining these two skills as class skills. 92

Carcera Carcera of the Ruins Perilous CR 9 XP 6,400 Rune-carved dungeon dragon N Large dragon (shapechanger) Init +1; Senses dragon senses; Perception +24

Defense AC 21, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+1 Dex, +11 natural, –1 size) hp 115 (10d12+50) Fort +12, Ref +8, Will +8 DR 10/magic, 10 Immune compulsion, paralysis, sleep, plus explosive runes, glyph and symbol spells. Resist acid Weakness vulnerability to erase (DC 24)

Offense Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft. (poor) Melee bite +14 (2d6+7), 2 claws +14 (1d8+5), tail slap +12 (1d8+7) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) Special Attacks acid dart (4/day, 30ft. range touch +10, 5d6+5 acid) breath weapon (100-ft. line or 50-ft. cone, DC 20, confusion 1 min.), personal rune (DC 20, glyph of warding), runic complexity (4/day) Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th) 1/day—magic stone, create pit*(DC 17, soften earth and stone), spike stones, spiked pit*(DC 18, stone shape), wall of stone, 3/day—dominate monster (DC 22) This long serpentine creature has small atrophied wings; two small horns dominate its triangular head. Its body is gray in color, with scales tipped in flecks of gold and green. Large carved runes mark its body, and its rounded eyes are a shining gold.

Tactics Before Combat Carcera avoids combat if possible, she always attempts to work though those he controls with dominate monster. During Combat Carcera always attempts to dominate individual foes, or use her breath weapon on large groups, using spiked pit upon those who resist these effects. Morale Carcera creates some form of delay, the she retreats at the first opportunity, often blocking pursuit with a wall of stone.

Racial: +4 Perception, +8 Knowledge (arcana) and Linguistics checks, +4 dominate monster Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Terran SQ change shape (polymorph), craft crystal ball, domain rune (dungeon, domain earth, subdomain caves), rune dominance

Statistics Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 13, Cha 14 Base Atk +10; CMB +16; CMD 27 (31 vs. trip) Feats Fly-By-Attack, Multiattack, Power Attack, Skill Focus (knowledge [architecture] and perception), Ability Focus (dominate monster) Skills Bluff +15, Craft (trapmaking) +18, Disguise +14, Fly +9, Diplomacy +15, Knowledge (arcana)+16 Knowledge (architecture)+21, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +18, Linguistics +26, Perception +24, Sense Motive +14,

Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary Treasure triple standard (plus crystal ball, DC 20 [true seeing, read thoughts])

Special Abilities Craft Crystal Ball (Su): For the purposes of construction its own crystal ball, a dungeon dragon automatically meets all the prerequisitesthey are taught the necessary skills and spells 93

from birth. Due to her high Intelligence Carcera has constructed a crystal ball with the true seeding and read thoughts abilities. The scry and read thoughts DCs for this crystal ball are DC 20. Tunnel Runner (Su): Activating this ability is a standard action. Carcera can move across any stone surface as if under the effects of spider climb. Gains darkvision 180 ft. If underground, she gains a +10 insight bonus to Stealth and a +5 insight bonus on initiative. She can use this ability for 10 minutes per day. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. *See Advanced Player’s Guide if you do not have access to this book use the spell listed in parenthesis.

Description: “These trinkets are not my hoard, my hoard is the “dungeon;” the labrynthian passages, the death traps, the riddles, the evocative challenges. You have been inside my hoard since you walked through the door and found my very first pit trap. This “treasure” is simply bait. ” -Excerpt from Wyrms of the Realm by Carcera of the Ruins Perilous as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. I am a dragon, though not one of what some bigoted sages would call a “true” dragon. The characteristic they point out as my flaw, being that I don’t gain power as I grow older. Nor are my wings the vast canopies that blot out the sun of other dragons, my kind have long spent our lives in enclosed spaces what you Questors call “dungeons.” I live to watch you struggle against the challenges I have laid before you, some earn my favor as I groom them for their ultimate test. Nevertheless, understand this, I only care about them for the entertainment they provide, I care just as much for you Questors as I do for the pit trap you fell into. It is mine; I created it, if not for the experiences I put before in your path, you would still be some nameless commoner working a farm in some forgotten town in the center of nowhere. I made you, and I will destroy you if you fail to entertain me. The infamy of the Ruins Perilous will one day eclipse the horrific tombs, ruins under the mountains and any other lost dwarven mine. The Circle of Heroes had their very first adventure here, they do not simply allow me to exist, yet they encourage the growth and expansion of the Ruins Perilous; they use me as a training ground to weed out the foolish, the weak, and the cowards. I am your proving ground young adventurer. 94

Lore LORE: (Knowledge Nature) Common (DC 9): This dragon bears the name Carcera of the Ruins Perilous. It is known to lair in that location, and spends its time creating elaborate “dungeons” to challenge those it can entice into the ruins with thoughts of treasure. Common (DC 14): Carcera's specific breed has been named dungeon dragons, but other creatures similar to her are called rune-carved creatures. Her specific assortment of runes cover, dungeons, ruins, lure, castles, citadels, earth and caves. Read excerpt from Wyrms of the Realms. Rare DC (19): Beyond their draconic traits, dungeon dragons ignore compulsions and have an amazing ability to compel other beings. Its breath creates a bewildering* funnel, assisted by their ability to change shape to befuddle foes even further. Their most prized possession is the crystal ball they themselves create. Rune-carved creatures are immune to the power of magical sigils and can create these effects as well. The rune-carved are extremely intelligent and all of their abilities are empowered by this gift, they can even force creatures to rely upon their own wits rather than their other traits. Finally, they are tapped into to the fundamental power of runes similar to the ethos powers of clerics, in Carcera’s case the power of earthen caverns. Obscure (DC 29): A dungeon dragon will do anything to protect its crystal ball so gaining control of it can provide a great deal of leverage against the dragon. Rune-carved creatures such as Carcera are extremely vulnerable to erase spells. Epic (DC 39): If Carcera is slain it is likely that Circle of Heroes would see to its resurrection, raising as undead, or rejuvenation so that she can continue to serve in her secret role as trainer to the Questor’s Society.

Monstrous Feats MASKED SHAPECHANGE [Monstrous] You can hide your true form from detection. Prerequisites: change shape Benefit: The caster of any divination affecting you must succeed on a caster level check against a DC of 15 + your HD, or the divination fails to reveal anything about you.

Ecology Encounter (EL Varies) The Last Warlord recruits the PC to eliminate or control Carcera stopping her support of the Questor’s Society. Twist: He gives the PCs a gem of trap the soul to prevent the Circle of Heroes from interfering.

Tax Collector Creature Public servant, avaricious private agent, or cruel servant of a tyrant, wrath against the tax collector is a force unto itself that can lead to murder. When a customs official is slain sometimes a unique revenant spirit is created. Tax collector creatures are transparent and often bear the uniform of the office they served in life regardless of how they died; the spectral remains of what they have collected floating along behind them as they continue to collect from beyond the grave.

Creating a Tax Collector Creature “Tax Collector” is an acquired template that can be added to any non-undead creature. The creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature) must have an Intelligence and Charisma score of at least 6, have literacy in at least one language, and have been some form of tax or goods collector when it was killed. A tax collector creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 AL: Any evil. Type: The creature's type changes to undead. Do not recalculate the creature's base attack bonus, saves, or skill points. It gains the incorporeal subtype. Armor Class: A tax collector creature gains a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma modifier. It loses the base creature's natural armor bonus, as well as all armor and shield bonuses not from force effects or ghost touch items. Additionally it gains a +2 insight bonus to AC. Hit Dice: Change all of the creature's racial Hit Dice to d8s. All Hit Dice derived from class levels remain unchanged. Tax collector creatures use their Charisma modifiers to determine bonus hit points (instead of Constitution). Defensive Abilities/Qualities: A tax collector creature retains all of the defensive abilities of the base creature, save those that rely on a corporeal form to function. Tax collector creatures gain channel resistance +4, darkvision 60 ft., the incorporeal ability, and all of the immunities granted by its undead traits. Speed: Tax collector creatures lose their previous speeds, yet gain a fly speed of 30 feet (perfect), unless the base creature has a higher fly speed.

retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities below. Death and Taxes (Su): When a tax collector creature succeeds at an incorporeal touch attack, the creature struck suffers 2 points of Constitution drain plus 2 points for every 6 HD the base creature possesses (maximum 8 points). In addition the creature struck loses it most valuable piece of wealth (including the value of all property, this wealth becomes incorporeal, trailing behind the tax collector creature; it can be recovered if the creature is resurrected, once it becomes corporeal again. A tax collector creature is always willing to be resurrected). A successful Fort save (10+ ½ the tax collector’s HD + the tax collector’s charisma modifier) results in half the amount of Con drain and negation of the loss of wealth. For each point of Con drain, the tax collector creature heals 5 points of damage or gains 5 temporary hit points (max equal to double the tax collector creature’s normal hit point total) for duration of one hour. Upon a successful save, a creature can no longer suffer further loss of wealth for 24 hours. Exclusion Tax (Su): If a weapon valued at more than 1 gp touches a tax collector (such as a ghost touch weapon), the tax collector may take the item as per the Death and Taxes ability, so long as it belongs to the opponent who is using it. Guise of the Living (Su): A tax collector creature can disguise self, at will (appear corporeal). It can assume or drop this as a swift action. Limited Domain (Ex): A tax collector creature is limited to the geographic location it was given to preside over during its life. It cannot leave the limits of this area under any condition. Abilities: Cha +6 (+3 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +3 to any of the creature’s Charisma-based DCs, +3 hp per HD ) as an incorporeal undead creature, a tax collector creature has no Strength or Constitution score.

Melee and Ranged Attacks: A tax collector creature loses all of the base creature's attacks and gains an incorporeal touch attack. If it could wield weapons in life, it can wield ghost touch weapons as an incorporeal creature.

Skills: Tax Collector Creatures have a +8 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth skill checks.

Special Abilities: A tax collector creature 95

Fishwife of Fees CR 6 XP 2,400 Tax Collector Sea Hag CE Medium undead (incorporeal) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +19 Aura horrific appearance (60 ft.)

Defense AC 20, touch 20, flat-footed 17 (+5 deflection,+3 Dex, +2 insight) hp 38 (4d8+20) Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +5 Defensive Abilities: Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, exclusion tax; Immune undead traits; SR 17.

Offense Speed fly 30 ft.(perfect). Melee incorporeal touch +7 (death and taxes) Special Attacks death and taxes (2 Con, DC 17), evil eye,

This customs official suddenly transforms into a horrific spectral apparition; hair like rotting seaweed drapes this ancient witch. Loose, algae-colored skin sags off her starved frame, a host of collected spectral taxes, goods and coins, floating up behind her.

Tactics Before Combat bloody beggars lure their prey to dark areas, combined with darkness and blur. During Combat: It prefers melee attacks often grabbing a foe, pinning it and draining its strength in order to increase its own. Morale when outmatched it flees using its ethereal jaunt ability.

Statistics Str -, Dex 16, Con -, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 20 Base Atk +4; CMB +7; CMD 24 (can’t be tripped) Feats Skill Focus (Bluff, Perception) Skills Bluff +12, Fly +18, Knowledge (local) +5, Perception +19, Stealth +18; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth. Languages Common, Giant SQ guise of the living, limited domain (Questhaven docks)

Ecology Ecology Environment any aquatic Organization solitary or coven (3 hags of any kind) Treasure standard

Special Abilities

overwhelmed with fright and collapse into a comatose state for 3 days. Each day that passes, the comatose victim must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or perish. The evil eye is a mind-affecting fear effect. The save DCs are Charisma-based. Evil Eye Curse: Gaze—failed save; save Will DC 17; frequency1/day; effect staggered (or fall comatose if already under the effects of the evil eye). Horrific Appearance (Su) The sight of a fishwife of fees is so revolting that anyone within 60 feet (other than another hag) who sets eyes upon one must succeed on a DC 17 Fortitude save or instantly be weakened, taking 1d6 points of Strength damage. Creatures that are affected by this power or that successfully save against it cannot be affected again by the same hag's horrific appearance for 24 hours. This is a mindaffecting effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.

Description: “You take, but are unwilling to give back. No merchant can make money without market, coin, justice, and contract. This costs coin! If the Fishwife of Fees is so evil, why does Heaven allow me to collect?”

Evil Eye (Su) 3/day, a fishwife of fees can cast her dire gaze upon any single creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 14 Will save or be staggered as strange nebulous distress and a gnawing sense of impending doom plagues the victim. If a fishwife uses her evil eye on someone already afflicted by this curse, the victim must make a DC 17 Fortitude save or be

Excerpt from The Cost of Custom by the Fishwife of Fees as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven 96

Uncommon (DC 11): Read excerpt from Fear the "The Cost of Custom.". It earned its name by taking the feeds owed to the dock ports of Questhaven. Rare (DC 15): Touching or being touched by a fishwife of fees can be dangerous to both your health and your wealth. As with most sea hags, seeing a fishwife of fees can be both deathly frightening and sap away your strength, along with being capable of inflicting a horrible curse. Obscure (DC 25): Fleeing the port ward of Questhaven removes you from the fishwife of fees’ power. Epic (DC 35): A fishwife of fees will give you all of her collected wealth if you will see to her resurrection first.

Collectors, like myself, always wear our trappings of office, most often a large chain and symbol that displays for all to see the rights and privileges that are due to us. You may also know us by the fine fashions we wear. Some wear the fashions of old, and some wear the fashions recently collected. You will not find any of us burdened by our collected duties. When we reveal our true nature, then all of it appears in the air. So, we collect more than appointed, but that is our due. We are ill content with our wages, and I would not have to intimidate anyone, if they kept true and accurate account of their dealings. Yes, a few charges of withholding and evading the custom bear false witnesses, but that is a small thing compared to the whole of the Protectorate. Yet, your kind killed me for nothing more than collecting the proper duties. Now I am charged with collecting land, income, coming of age, import, export, sale, bridge, road, harbor, temple, axle, wheel, pack animal, pedestrian, admission to market, carrier, ship, crossing river, and even dam taxes, also the issuing of short term licenses on so many objects as not all the names can be given here. Yes, we constantly stop you upon your journey, force you to unload all your pack animals, every bale and parcel opened, contents tumbled about, private correspondence opened, this is also our duty. Still, when we tell you to pack it all up again and be quick about it, you sneer at us simply for practicing our profession. You even rail at us when we imprison others who do nothing, sell nothing, owe nothing, and dare not to pay the census tax. I collect my duties and await the Circle of Heroes to hear of my cache. They will send a servant of the divine to me one day. That servant shall see me returned to the world of the living. A few of my fellows seek to collect only more and more taxes, going mad with avarice. Not I though. I have heard tales of the Port of a Thousand Levies where a rebel force once sailed into the island port killing every tax collector, regardless of record, and every single woman returned as a Fishwife of Fees. The current Grandmistress of Customs for the Protectorate, my mother, used to be a Fishwife of Fees until she was bought back to life for her cached wealth.

Monstrous Feats TAX HIKE [Monstrous] You have a greater ability to take life and wealth Prerequisites: Ability Focus (Death and Taxes), Death and Taxes. Benefit: You drain an additional 2 points of Constitution and creatures only become immune for 24 hours after a successful save to the wealth loss after losing at least one piece of wealth. EXPANDED DOMAIN [Monstrous] You can travel beyond your limited domain. Prerequisites: Ability Focus (Death and Taxes), Tax Hike, Death and Taxes. Benefit: You can travel beyond your domain in pursuit of wealth that owes a tax, custom or fee within your domain, once collected you instantly return to the closest part of your limited domain.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 8)

A Fishwife of Fees touches the owner of the “Golden Goose” a solid gold fey vessel that one of the PCs just won at cards last night. The true customs officials want their duties paid for the ships harborage, and it seems the foolish fey’s brother thinks the PCs cheated his brother and is demanding that the Questor’s Society have the PCs turn over the ship or have them arrested. The whole time the Fishwife is hiding the spectral ship in the fog enshrouded shore, and traveling incorporeal through the dock ward.


Twist: The “Golden Goose” has been hidden inside another ship, if the fishwife is resurrected an explosion destroys both ships.

Knowledge (Local or Religion) Common (DC 6): This undead incorporeal creature used to be an aquatic monstrous humanoid known as a sea hag. She has become an undead tax collector known as the Fishwife of Fees. 97

Trickster Creature The trickster openly challenges and mocks authority, promotes impulsive and passionate behavior, hunts for new thoughts and encounters, demolishes customs and complacency, and encourages anarchy and turmoil. At the same time, the trickster brings new erudition, insights and many a moral. Even when castigated atrociously for its impudence, its unconquerable spirit keeps him coming back for more. The trickster is a master of disguise and stealth, and often uses these abilities to steer the courses of action of those lives it meddles in. They often take on the physical traits of animals that symbolize trickery such as a coyote, crow, fox, rabbit, raven, or spider.

Creating a Trickster Creature faerie fire, glitterdust, invisibility purge, tremor sense, scent, and see invisibility. It can be detected by true seeing and any other divination spell with a successful caster level check (DC 15+ the trickster creature’s CR), it can also still be tracked using mundane means. A trickster creature can choose to allow a creature to perceive it. Also the trickster creature can render itself ethereal as an immediate action granting it the evasion special defense listed above. Returning from the ethereal plane is a standard action. Warp Weapon (Sp): 3/day as a standard action a trickster creature can polymorph any non-cold iron weapon (as polymorph any object, CL equal to CR) into a harmless, humorous object Fort negates (DC 10 +1/2 the trickster creature’s HD + its Charisma Modifier). Favorites include a scary-looking rubber snake, a teddy bear, a spoon, a petunia, a carrot, a wet noodle, cow manure, or a rune stone with the rune for peace. If the Trickster’s CR is less than 15 this effect only lasts for one round per HD.

“Trickster creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any creature. A trickster creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +1 Alignment: Change the creature’s alignment to chaotic neutral. Defenses/Qualities: change shape (alter self), DR 5/cold iron (increase to 10 if the trickster’s CR is 10 or higher, increase to 15 if the trickster’s CR is 15 or Higher), evasion Special Abilities: A trickster creature gains the following special abilities. Fascinating Gaze (Su): As long as the trickster creature is in its true form and for 2d4 rounds afterwards, those within 30 feet who view it are fascinated, Will negates (DC 10 +1/2 the trickster creature’s HD + its Charisma modifier). Faraway Sway (Sp): 3/day, as a standard action, a trickster creature can use any magic item or unused spell (or spell slot) without actually touching the item or being that spell’s caster. The item or unused spell (or spell slot) to be used must be within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft./level). An item functions as though the trickster creature were using it from the item’s current position. Spells function as if the victim had cast the spell under the domination of the trickster creature; except it requires no action on the part of the victim. A successful Will negates (DC 10 +1/2 the trickster creature’s HD + its Charisma Modifier); CL equal trickster creature’s CR. Hide from the World (Sp): At will, for one round per HD; this glamer functions like invisibility, except that it masks image, scent, and sound alike, concealing the subject from all senses except touch. Hide from the World renders the recipient immune to detection by blindsense, blindsight,

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Int +4 (minimum 13, see skills), +8 Cha (minimum 13, +4 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +4 to the DC of Fascinating Gaze, Faraway Sway, Hide from the World, Warp Weapon, and any of the base creature’s Charisma-based DCs ). Feats: Reselect any feats as appropriate. Skills: Recalculate all skills, with a number of skill ranks equal to 6 + civilized creatures new Int modifier per Hit Dice. Class skills as per the Rogue character class, it also gains a +2 racial bonus to all Bluff, Disguise and Use Magic Device checks. Environment as base creature, plus any urban 98

Eshu the Deceiver CR 5 XP 1,600 Trickster Phouca CN Small fey (Chaotic) Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11

Defense AC 17, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural, +1 size,) hp 21 (6d6) Fort +2, Ref +9, Will +7 DR 5/cold iron Defensive Abilities evasion, hide from the world (DC20) DR 5/cold iron.

Offense Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) Melee Claw +3 (1d4-1) Ranged shortbow +7 ranged (1d6-1) Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks faraway sway (DC 18), fascinating gaze (DC 18), time manipulation, warp weapon (DC 18). Spell-like Abilties 1/day haste, slow (DC 18), timestop,

1/day, as a touch attack, the eshu increases or decreases your opponent’s age by 1d3 age categories.


You see a small creature with the hindquarters of a coyote and the upper torso of a young child. Its head is a strange mix of coyote and child; tufts of fur and large triangular ears sit atop its head and it has bright blue, innocent eyes that are almost too big for its face.

Before Combat If it can, it will activate time stop, time manipulation, or its hide from the world ability, it never engages in combat when it can avoid it.

Statistics Str 8, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 21 Base Atk +3; CMB +1; CMD 15 Feats Dodge, Improved Lighting Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Skills Acrobatics +12, Bluff +16, Disable Device +12, Disguise +16, Knowledge (local) +13, Linguistics +13, Perception +11, Sleight of Hand +12, Stealth +12, Use Magic Device +16; Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Disguise, +2 Use Magic Device. Racial Modifiers +2 Bluff, +2 Disguise, +2 Use Magic Device SQ change shape (any humanoid; alter self). Languages Common, Gnomish, Sylvan

Fortitude save (DC 18) negates; this magical age slips away after 24 hours. A character cannot be aged past childhood or venerable using this ability, and it has no effect on dragons. The DC is Charisma–based. 1/day, an eshu can complete a single task that would normally take one day in one round. Eshu cannot interact with other creatures while using this ability, nor may it attack. It may not cast spells and cannot rest during the ‘day’.

Description: “Everything I tell you has a lie within it. My actions may seem pointless, selfish, antagonistic, or just plain random; but they actually contain a valuable lesson. Your life is going to be twice as hard with me around, but it will also be twice as rewarding. Of course when you meet me for the first time you won’t realize who I am, and I will learn who you truly are and beat that sense of superiority out of you, though I do reward honesty and correct action.”

Ecology Environment Temperate forests or any urban Organization Solitary or Class (Eshu and 2-8 adventuring students) Treasure standard

Special Abilities Time Manipulation (Su): An Eshu’s power to control time allows it to create any of the following effects: 99

Uncommon (DC 10): Other creatures similar to this are known as “trickster creatures”; read excerpt from Lie Within. Rare DC (15): Eshu is extremely difficult to perceive and even then, it is likely that he is in some sort of disguise; if you do see his true-self, look away or you are likely to be struck by its fascinating appearance. Weapons often transform into useless junk near him; his most frightening ability is that he steals control of casters and magic items using them to his own purposes. He also has some strange control over time. Obscure (DC 25): Attacking Eshu in melee armed only with a cold iron weapon is the best strategy, but you will need to keep him from fleeing from this world into the ether somehow. Epic (DC 35): Pride and a desire to teach is the greatest weakness of the Eshu, for if asked, he will quickly tell you all he has done so that you may fully understand the depth of your mistakes and the full domain of his cleverness

-Excerpt from Lie Within by Eshu the Deceiver as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven You look upon me with wonder and awe, for I am truly a fascinating specimen to gaze upon, with my fine coat of fur, proud beautiful ears and captivating eyes the color of the sky. My wondrously petite frame is quick and lovely to behold. I vary my coloration with my surroundings so that I never grow bored with my appearance. I have displayed the dusty tan of the desert, the greenish browns of the forest, the white of the north, and even the gray of a city, though my eye have always remained this lovely, constant blue. I am ruled only by my cunning and a desire to teach. I love nothing so much as my own cleverness and that of my students. I am a sly, mischievous fellow, with what you would call a bizarre, dark sense of humor, which I indulge at every opportunity; my greatest desire is to teach someone to be so clever so as to fool even me. Short of this, I seek a worthy foe against whom to send such students again in a grand game of manipulation. I have even been known to send letters of insult, in the names of my students antagonizing foes I wish to challenge. Before the fall of the Cynmark Dynasty, The Fate Guard, the personal agents of the Dark Emperor, found a dead mage who had attempted to slay the terrible dragon known as Tannin the Accursed; only his apprentice who the mage had forced to flee the battle had apparently survived. The apprentice told the Fate Guard that her master had found not a dragon but a lich and that they should prepare themselves with sacred waters and spells of life. The Fate Guard took this as a sign of good fortune, having seen other signs that reinforced the presence of the lich. Setting forth prepared to do battle with the undead they were slaughtered when Tannin emerged from the cavern; I transformed from my disguise as the young apprentice and laughed gleefully at the look on the Fate Captain’s face when Tannin ate his horse and his lower half. This is why my former students the Circle of Heroes did not have to fight the Dark Emperor’s Fate Guard. Remember however that everything I tell you has a lie within it.

Monstrous Feat GREATER CHANGE SHAPE [Monstrous] You can have a greater ability to take on different forms Prerequisites: Disguise 10 ranks, Cha 13 ranks, Change Shape special quality Benefit: : Select another spell from the polymorph subschool. You can change shape as that spell in addition to your regular change shape ability. Your hit dice must be twice the minimum caster level to cast the spell.

Age Categories below Adulthood Age Category Adolescence Childhood

Modifiers –2 Str, –1 Wis –2 Str, –2 Con, –2 Int, –2 Wis; Reduce one size category.

Ecology Encounter (EL Varies) Eshu has decided to eliminate a powerful force in the region be it a dragon, a tribe of giants, or tyrannical organization, in various disguises and using his time manipulation ability he starts traveling about spreading a “prophecy” about the PCs being the group of destined heroes who will rid the land of this force. He also gives these same false prophecies to the powerful force knowing they will have to do something about the PCs.

Lore Knowledge (local or nature) Common (DC 5): This fey is Eshu the Deceiver; he lives to trick folk and meddle their affairs. 100

Twist: After an encounter, or two, the PCs come across a true prophet who completely disproves the false prophecy by showing the PCs the original source.

Unsighted Creature In a fantasy world where all the myths are true and darkness has an actual physical manifestation, the blind are sometimes the servants of darkness as they have a physical tie to what is normally an ephemeral property; sometimes the darkness speaks to these creatures and the few who listen to powers of lightless lands become the unsighted. Unsighted often hide their lack of eyes with darkly tinted spectacles, or a blindfold, for there is nothing but gapping extradimensional black holes where eye sockets should be. The body of an unsighted creature often grows emaciated while it loses its skin tones gaining the pale skin tones of the dead.

Creating an Unsighted Creature Hexed Weapons (Sp) Manufactured and natural weapons used by an unsighted creature gains a number of special properties, CL equals the creature's CR (or the CL of the base creature's spell-like abilities, whichever is higher). If any one of its weapons are dispelled, or the creature itself is targeted and the dispel check is successful, the ability is suppressed for all weapons for 1d4+1 rounds. • Bleed the Prey: Wounds made by an unsighted’s weapons bleed profusely. A living creature that takes damage from a unsighted’s weapons takes an additional 1d6 hit points of damage per round from blood loss until first aid is applied or the creature is healed (the effect is not cumulative). Creatures without blood, and those immune to critical hits, are immune to this effect. • Enhancement: The weapons wielded by an unsighted gain a +1 enhancement bonus for every 4 HD they possess (+5 max). • Weapon of Apostate: Magical healing will not heal damage dealt by an unsighted’s weapons unless a remove curse is cast by a creature suffering from blindness. A successful Heal check (DC 10+ the unsighted creature’s CR) is needed to determine this.

"Unsighted" is an acquired template that can be added to any living creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature). An unsighted creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here. CR: +2 Alignment: Changes to any Evil. Armor Class: An unsighted creature has an unnatural perception of the world and its surrounding that grants it a +1 insight bonus to AC, this bonus increases by +1 for every 5 hit dice it possess (max +6) Defenses/Qualities: Gains blindsight 120 feet; unnatural aura 30 feet Weakness vulnerability to silence (negates blindsight, echo of the blind, and racial bonus to skills, creature suffers all penalties for blindness) Melee: Manufactured and natural weapons used by an unsighted creature have a number of special properties (See Hexed Weapon below), Cl is equal to HD Special Abilities: An unsighted retains all the special abilities of the base creature, plus the special abilities as described below: Echo of the Blind (Su): An unsighted’s blindsight also grants it total concealment (50%) against other creatures' blindsense, blindsight and tremorsense. Gaze of Unlight (Su): A supernatural light, which only certain creatures can see, emanates from the unsighted’s empty sockets. This gaze attack permanently destroys a character's lowlight vision and/or darkvision; its range is 30 feet, Will save (DC 10 + ½ the unsighted’s HD + the unsighted’s Charisma modifier) negates. This is a curse-based effect. A remove curse cast by a creature suffering from blindness is required to successfully remove this effect. A successful Heal check (DC 10+ the unsighted creature’s CR) is needed to determine this.

Abilities: Str +4 (+2 to attack and damage, +2 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +2 to Strength, and CMB checks, +2 to CMD), Con +4 (+2 hp per HD, +2 to Fortitude saves, and any of the base creature’s Constitution-based DCs), +6 Cha (+3 to Bluff, diplomacy, Disguise, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Use Magic Device; attempts to influence others, and Channel Energy DCs, +3 to any of the base creature’s Charismabased DCs ) Skills: Unsighted gain a +8 racial bonus on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Stealth checks. Environment: as base creature, plus any urban 101

Bloody Beggar

CR 15

XP 51,200 Unsighted Young Grimm NE Medium fey Init +8; Senses blindsight 120’; Perception +31 Aura evil (5 ft. 2d6 profane, suppressed) Gaze of Unlight (30 ft., DC 27; Heal DC)

Defense AC 29, touch 17, flat-footed 25 (+4 Dex, +4 insight, +12 natural, -1 size) hp 171 (18d6+108) fast healing 5 Fort +14, Ref +15, Will +13 Special Defense: blur, echo of the blind DR 15/cold iron and good SR 20 (25 vs. fey, elves and gnomes) Weakness: vulnerability to silence

Offense Speed 30 ft. Melee +4 large hexed dagger +22/+17 (1d6+13) and +4 hexed bite +16 melee (2d6+8) or 2 hexed claws +21 (1d8+13) and hexed bite +16 melee (2d6+8) Special Attacks (1d8+13), devour, gaze of unlight, hexed weapon (DC 24). Spell-Like Abilities (CL 18th) 3/day—call lightning (DC 21), darkness, detect fey (functions as detect animals or plants, but against fey creatures).

A humanoid at least 9 feet tall with pale flesh and wearing a weathered blindfold moves toward you with a surety of step, it does not seem to be watching where it is walking yet it never falters. In its clawed hand is a knife and its mouth sports double rows of fangs.

Tactics Before Combat Bloody Beggars lure their prey to dark areas, combined with darkness and blur. During Combat It prefers melee attacks often grabbing a foe, pinning it and draining its strength in order to increase its own. Morale When outmatched it flees using its ethereal jaunt ability.

Special Abilities

Statistics Str 29, Dex 19, Con 23, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 26 Base Atk +9; CMB +20; CMD 34 Feats Blind-Fight, Combat Reflexes, Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Quicken Spell-like Ability (darkness), Weapon Focus (dagger) Skills Bluff +37, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +29, Escape Artist +25, Heal +8, Intimidate +15, Perception +31, Sense Motive +31, Stealth +32 Languages Common, Sylvan SQ Ethereal Jaunt

Ecology Environment temperate mountains, urban Organization solitary Treasure standard (dagger, other treasure) 102

Aura of Evil (Su): 5 ft. radius, 2d6 points of profane damage. Evil creatures and objects do not take this damage. Blur (Su): As a move action, a bloody beggar can blur its form. Devour (Su): If a bloody beggar pins a creature, the victim suffers 1 point of Str drain each round the pin is maintained. Each time the bloody beggar drains a point of Strength, it gains a +1 bonus to its Strength score. These bonuses are temporary and lost after 1 hour. Ethereal Jaunt (Su): A bloody beggar can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as part of any move action and shift back again as a free action. It can remain on the Ethereal Plane for 3 rounds before returning to the Material Plane. The ability otherwise resembles the spell of the same name (caster level 18th).

Description: Description: “You think you know what despair is; you have no concept of its meaning. The unseelie took my sight so that no theurgy could restore it. Wandering without eyes to see, things were done to me that I cannot describe; by the vicious, the cruel, the apathetic, and the desperate. Until one day the unseelie returned and sold me to the Dark Emperor Cynmark. I waited for death to take me, but it did not come. I begged to end my life. I could not even tell the difference between the darkness of death and the light of life. That is when the voice came with its promises. I listened to the whispers. Whispers in the dark brought me hope, and I took up the mantle and the duty set before me. None care for me, but the dark whispers care.”


-Excerpt from Fear the Darkness: Conversations with The Bloody Beggar as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven There is more than one bloody beggar in your city, though your folklore speaks of us as one. We often wear dark spectacles or a blindfold and disguise our height. Once we shed this disguise you will see nothing but black holes, with no discernable end, where our eye sockets should be for they are tiny portals to a dark dimension, the abyss of fear gazing back at you; creatures that can see extremely well with little or no light claim to see a wave of white light emanating from our eye sockets. And once my skin was a glistening black but now it is the pale white of the dead. My kith and kin rarely speak, luring the curious, with the gesture of a cup or a pan seeking coin. Our actions convey a greater enticement than any silver tongued rogue ever could. We will take the vision from those that see all. Perhaps if they know what it is to suffer and know despair they would care for those they leave bereft of the simplest of gifts. When you are defeated we will take all your strength from you and then while you are still alive we will take your eyes, leave you paralyzed and sightless. When Questhaven was originally crushed by the hordes of the dreaded Cynmark, the bloody beggars followed the retreat, every night taking a man within the sight of his fellow soldiers. We know this time as the Feast of Eyes; you know it as the Dragging Retreat, as the soldiers would not leave their sightless and paralyzed companions behind.


LORE: (Knowledge Nature) Common (DC 15): This creature is a bloody beggar; it is an unseelie fey that feeds upon the strength and eyes of its victims. Uncommon (DC 20): Read excerpt from Fear the Darkness: Conversations with The Bloody Beggar. It earn its names by the nearly ever bleeding wounds dealt by its deadly attacks Rare DC (25): These creatures are eerily silent, communicating only with gestures though they understand common and sylvan. They are able to perceive their environment almost as if they had eyes and are some ways better. Do not look where their eyes should be, if you have enhanced vision or senses, for you will suffer for it. Darkness, blindness and weakness are the tools of the unsighted, but the best weapon is a man who does not fear these things. Obscure (DC 35): You will need a dimensional anchor and a weapon dedicated to the cause of righteousness made from cold iron to defeat this fey, but its greatest weakness is silence. Epic (DC 45): Bloody Beggers leave only plants, non-living creatures, and those who are born blind unmolested.

Monstrous Feats GREATER GAZE OF UNLIGHT [Monstrous] You can have a greater ability to curse the sighted Prerequisites: Knowledge (arcana) 10 ranks, gaze of unlight. Benefit: Your cursed gaze negates all forms of magical sight from see invisibility to true seeing, so long as the curse is in place these magic, supernatural and extraordinary forms of vision are negated.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 20)

Once a human generation the bloody beggars declare a feast of eyes to celebrate the Dragged Retreat. On that night they do not lurk in the shadows and attempt to lure the unsuspecting into the darkness. On That night they raid quiet homes in groups of 5-6 at a time. They never kill anyone on this night leaving only paralyzed eyeless folk left helpless to the whims of fate. Twist: Those that are left behind unhealed, who are abused by their former companions, eventually hear the whispers of the darkness seeking to transform them into bloody beggars.

Weapon Construct Creature Spellcasters carefully craft golems and other constructs to serve as guardians, servants, and attack “beasts.” Standard golems, shield guardians, and other constructs are primarily humanoid in form, but some more creative artisans have transformed the very weapons your wielding, have discovered, purchased or simply stolen into their servants.

Creating a Weapon Construct Creature takes a -4 penalty to his attack roll to avoid such contact. Creatures attacking with unarmed strikes or natural weapons suffer damage as though they had been hit (weapon damage plus appropriate strength modifier for the weapon). If attacked by a foe’s weapon, the weapon construction creature automatically gains a free Sunder attempt against the foe’s weapon. If the attacker has the Improved Sunder feat, this effect does not trigger. Anyone who attempts to grab the blade either as a disarm attempt or to initiate a grapple provokes an attack of opportunity, even if they have Improved Grapple, Improved Disarm, or Grab. Seizing the Hilt (Su): If an opponent successfully grapples or disarms weapon construct and is unarmed, or if a weapon construct allows an opponent to wield it, the opponent is Seizing the Hilt of the weapon construct. The opponent must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ its hit dice + its Charisma modifier with a +4 racial bonus). If the opponent is affected, the wielder is considered helpless by the weapon construct’s dominance and the weapon construct can perform a coup de grace upon the wielder. If the save is successful, the opponent may attempt a pin; if successful, the weapon is subject to Sheathing the Weapon. Sheathing the Weapon (Su): If a weapon construct is successfully pinned, the wielder drives or wedges the weapon construct into an object dealing the weapon construct’s damage plus the foe’s Strength modifier as appropriate for weapon construct) to the object. If the damage exceeds the object's hardness and does not destroy the object, the weapon construct is considered bound and helpless unless it makes an Escape Artist check (+2 bonus) DC equal to 10 plus the damage dealt plus the hardness of the object.

“Weapon construct creature” is an acquired template that can be added to any inanimate magical weapon. A weapon construct creature starts with all the base statistics of an animated object based on its size plus any special properties it possess except as noted here. On average two handed weapons sized for a Medium creature are considered small animated objects other weapons sized for a Medium creature are considered Tiny. Type: The creature's type becomes Construct calculate Hit Dice, BAB, and saves as an animated object of the appropriate size (even if the weapon is magical). It gains an additional hit die for each enhancement bonus it possesses CR: add +1 to the CR for every two enhancement bonuses it possesses. Speed: A weapon construct creature gains a fly speed double the corresponding speed of the base animated object. Defenses/Qualities: fast healing 1, evasion Hardness: add +2 to the weapon’s hardness for every enhancement bonuses it possess (also add +10 to its hp for every enhancement bonus as well). Attacks: A weapon construct creature’s attacks deal damage as if it were wielding itself, including iterant attacks, it is always. Special Abilities: A weapon construct creature gains the following special abilities. Animate Objects (Sp): Once per round, as a swift action, a weapon construct creature can animate a single weapon as though by the spell animate objects (caster level equal to weapon construct creature’s CR). These objects are under the control of the weapon construct creature. If the weapon construct creature is not intelligent enough to control them one random object simply seeks to defend the weapon construct creature to the best of its ability. Touching the Blade (Su): If the weapon construct is a bladed weapon, its foe suffers a 50% chance of striking the weapon’s blade, unless he

Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +8 (+4 to attack and damage, +4 to Climb and Swim skill checks, +4 to Strength, and CMB checks, +4 to CMD) Feats: If a weapon construct creature gains Improved Sunder and Power Attack as bonus feats even if it does not meet the prerequisites. 104

Bloodhex CR 8 XP 2,400 Weapon construct +1 hexing burst adamantine intelligent greatsword LE Medium Construct Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft. low-light vision. Perception +6

Defense AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20 (+10 natural) hp 63 (6d10+30) fast healing 1 Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +2 Defensive Abilities evasion, hardness 22, sheathing the blade, touching the blade; Immune construct traits

Offense Speed 30 ft, fly 60 ft. Melee +1 hexing burst greatsword +13/+8 (2d6+10 plus hexing/19-20 x2 plus hexing burst) or slam +5 (1d6+9) Special Attack seizing the hilt (DC 19), slay questor (bestow curse, DC 15). Spell-like Abilities (CL 8) 1/round-animate object 3/day-touch of idiocy

You see a dark and fell greatsword designed with an evil motif; hexes of power stand out stark on its pommel, when suddenly it flies forward to attack you.

Tactics Before Combat: Bloodhex usually activates its touch of idiocy ability and attempts to lure foes into attempting to wield it. Combat: Bloodhex usally moves and attempts to sunder the most dangerous weapon or magical item, unless a member of the Questor’s Society is present, it then attacks that person. Morale: Bloodhex only fears other magical weapons that can sunder it and spell casters who can dispel it (DC 20).

Special Abilities Hexing: A hexing weapon inflicts a –2 morale penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, ability checks, and skill checks to living creatures it successfully deals damages to if the target fails a Will save (DC 19). If the save is successful your opponent is immune to this weapon’s hexing special quality for 24 hours, but not its hexing burst special quality if it possesses one (see below). The penalties caused by this ability do not stack. Hexing Burst: A hexing burst weapon functions as a hexing weapon that also grants an additional curse upon striking a successful critical hit. Instead of the penalty from the hexing ability (see below), a hexing burst weapon inflicts a -4 morale penalty bonus (these penalties do not stack) if the creature fails a Will save (DC 19). If the weapon's critical multiplier is ×3, add an extra -5 morale penalty to your combat maneuver check, and if the multiplier is ×4, add an extra -6 morale bonus. Even if the hexing burst ability is not active, the weapon still inflicts the morale penalty on a successful critical hit.

Statistics Str 22, Dex 10, Con —, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15 Base Atk +6; CMB +12; CMD 22 Feats Cleave, Great Cleave, Greater Sunder, Improved Sunder, Power Attack Skills Escape Artist +6, Perception +6 SQ SQ construction points (adamantine), Ego 12 (Base 4, +2 Cha 15, +1 telepathy, +1 touch of idiocy 3/day, +2 purpose, +2 bestow curse purpose power). Languages Telepathy

Ecology Environment any Organization solitary Treasure none 105

Description: “I was forged 30 years ago by the Dark Emperoro Cynmark to kill the Cirle of Heroes and the members of their Society of Questors. I have no other purpose. I will not melt down and become a plowshare, for I was created in bowels of the Dark Atelier in the Donjon Evanescent to fulfuill this sacred purpose. My blade was constructed from finest metals brought from Mt. Jortunheim, by the ceaseless hammer of the undying bladesmith. My blade was lacquered black and polished to glossy perfection by the untiring hands of my creation. My finely-honed edges, with hexes of power laid upon my pommel, they stand free of the lacquer, projecting my great strength. My hilt is wrapped in the still-green vines of a rose bush. My guard branches out like two horns. My name is written upon the hilt in the Fallen Tongue, and on its opposite side lays the rune of Cynmark. Only one has ever wielded me in battle: Talinor, of the Circle of Heroes. He found me sheathed in stone, a trap laid by Cynmark. He sought to rule by me, but he died by me.”

I once destroyed a lovely and elegant longsword named Valoryia; I loved her. She was the holy blade of Sir Kirikmar, Bronze Knight of the East. Valoryia was honorable and virtuous, yet she could not comprehend my purpose, she could not accept my vision. She refused to believe that she could choose a purpose other than that for which she was forged. I killed Sir Kirkmar, but she compelled his page to attack me, and I defended myself. I still mourn her loss and will not speak of it further.

Lore Knowledge (arcana) Common (DC 8): This construct is Bloodhex, a dark, malign blade that seeks to destroy a guild of adventures. Uncommon (DC 13): Bloodhex is also known as “The Cursed Blade” or “The Runeblade.” Read excerpt from Interviews with Eldritch Vessels Rare DC (18): Bloodhex defends itself by controlling those that would wield it, often forcing them to kill themselves upon its blade. Bloodhex is a nemesis to all those who have joined the local adventurer’s guild, and a bane to all weapons targeting those that are used to attack it. Attempts to attack without powerful weapons always risk damage to themselves as Bloodhex turns its blade to harm its attacker. Forged of adamantine Bloodhex’s durability is impressive, holding up against the strongest blows. Obscure (DC 28): If one has the will and the skill to seize the hilt of the blade, he should sheath the blade in a solid object where it is likely to remain trapped and helpless. Epic (DC 38): Myth and legends say that Bloodhex is the least of the runeblades, and that Their Lordly Brother of Cunning may have forged a blade that dwarfs the power of the blade forged by the Dark Emperor. Credence to this is lent by reports from the fallen kingdom of the Questhaven Protectorate with hexes of bright blue fire called Hellbringer.

Excerpt from Conversations with Eldritch Vessels as translated by Qwilion of Questhaven. I cannot speak, but you will hear me in your mind I am impressed that you have the wisdom not to wield me and the skill to communicate with me. I am a greatsword, with hexes of power upon my blade. Some have called me a runeblade, but I do not claim that title. So as to use a reference you will understand, I weigh perhaps 20 stones and am perhaps five feet in length from blade tip to pommel. I am a forlorn and beautiful creation. I desire one day to rid all the world of the Questor’s Society. I have a great love and respect for others of my ilk; if I become aware that a weapon I fight against is intelligent, I try to befriend it, recruiting it to my cause. I always seek to persuade them that they have a choice to join me and decide that my purpose is their own purpose in the world. When all of the Questor’s membership lies dead upon the earth, I hope to go before my creator and spend the rest of eternity at his right hand. I serve his ends and hope only to be worthy of the existence my creator has granted me. Do not try to tempt me with your lies of Cynmark’s destruction; you are just fools to his deception.

Ecology Encounter

(EL 8)

The PCs find Bloodhex embedded in the ground in a treasure room. Twist: Bloodhex was left here when it tried to control one of the thieves who were caught trying to steal the treasure and it wants revenge for having been left here so long and will try to convince its wielder to “rescue” its former owner so that it can murder him.


Templates By Challenge Rating Template Accursed Aware Arcana Havenfury Phalanx Weapon Construct Phlogiston Construct Betrayer Bloody Maw Civilized Darkseed Entropy-infused Eternal Irresistible Protector Trickster Boundfury Dreaded Earthbound Hatemonger Jaunting Mythic Positive Energy Ritefury Rune-Carved Tax Collector Unsighted Body Jumper Distortion Drachenchor Eldritch Spawn Exemplar Jagganath

Sample Creatures by Challenge Rating

CR Modifier


-50% Varies Varies Varies Varies +0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3

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Questhaven Glossary Donjon Evanescent: a massive collective of extradimensional spaces that for a labyrinth like structure that exists in and around the city of Questhaven. If you are not using an extradimensional safehold in your current campaign, replace this with any major dungeon. Circle of Heroes: The governing body of the city of Questhaven selected from members of the Questor’s Society, in times of crisis it is lead by the Chosen One. Questhaven: A major metropolis on the coast of a mystical sea. Freed from the rule of Korvak Cynmark the Dark Emperor a hundred years ago, it is currently ruled by the cities liberators an Oligarchy of Adventurers known as the Questor’s Society, also known as The Evocative City and The City of Adventure, it is referred to in a derogatory fashion as The City of Bastards due to the lack of a hereditary nobility and for the high population of half-breeds that reside in the city. Questor’s Society: The dominant political, military, and economic force in Questhaven; they are a coalition of adventures, explorers, treasure seekers, and heroes. Membership to the group is granted by invitation only, usually functioning as a meritocracy. The Society selects new members of the Circle of Heroes when one steps down or dies from among their membership. The Society has its own courts and its own privileges that are usually only granted to most countries nobility.


CR 3 CR 4 CR 4 CR 5 CR 5 CR 6 CR 6 CR 6 CR 6 CR 7 CR 7 CR 7 CR 7 CR 7 CR 7 CR 8 CR 8 CR 9 CR9 CR 10

Pg 50 Pg56 Pg 30 Pg70 Pg 99 Pg 7 Pg 96 Pg 11 Pg 14 Pg 26 Pg 42 Pg 81 Pg 20 Pg 74 Pg 90 Pg 105 Pg84 Pg 93 Pg 46 Pg 7

CR 10 CR 12

Pg 39 Pg 8

CR 12 CR 12 CR 12 CR 12 CR 13 CR 14 CR 14 CR 14 CR 15 CR 18 CR 19 CR 21

Pg 77 Pg 4 Pg 33 Pg 64 Pg 67 Pg 23 Pg 87 Pg 36 Pg 102 Pg 61 Pg 53 Pg 17

The Honorable Order of Theurgic Master Craftsmen: Magic Item crafter’s guild. Ironborn: intelligent humanoid constructs, if you do not use Ironborn in your current campaign replace them with any playable construct race or inevitables. Our Deities of Questhaven: The locals people believe referring to gods by their names is blasphemous, they refer to deities by titles the most common start with "Our" as a deity regarded favorably by the speaker and "Their" as one regarded unfavorably. Wyrd: half-breed Elf/Ogre mage; if you do not use wyrd in your current campaign replace them with elves, half-elves, or ogre mages.


OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ("Wizards"). All Rights Reserved. 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c) "Distribute" means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) "Trademark" means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the Contributor (g) "Use", "Used" or "Using" means to use, Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) "You" or "Your" means the licensee in terms of this agreement. 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. 3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.

The description section is product identity. All other content excluding Rite Publishing, Logos, and artwork are considered open gaming content. Open Content is the designated as follows: All information in the template section, statblock section, feat section, spells section, and ecology encounter section including the names of templates and the names of monsters. 9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.

115. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. Copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. The Book of Experimental Might. Copyright 2008, Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Tome of Horrors. Copyright 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Authors: Scott Greene, with Clark Peterson, EricaBalsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Patrick Lawinger, and Bill Webb; Based on original content from TSR. Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.

Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Aware Arcana from the Book of Monster Templates, © 2010, Steven D. Russell.; Author Ben McFarland Tome of Horrors III Copyright 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson,Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill Webb. Draconic Lore copyright 2002 Fantasy Flight Games Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. Spinosaurus from the Book of Monster Templates, © 2010, Steven D. Russell.; Author Ben McFarland Bloody Bones from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Shade Lich from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. The Iron Heroes Bestiary Copyright 2005–2006 Monte J. Cook. All rights reserved. Fog Gaint from the Book of Monster Templates, © 2010, Steven D. Russell.; Author Steven D. Russell Creature Collection Copynght 2000, Clark Peterson. Into the Green Copyright 2003, Bastion Press, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Cursed Monsters Copyright ©2002 Kosala Ubayasekara. All Rights Reserved. Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors, © 2002, Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams Pathfinder Adventure Path volume #26: The Sixfold Trial. © 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Richard Pett. Advanced Bestiary. © 2004, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author: Matthew Sernett. Monster Encyclopaedia Volume II Dark Bestiary copyright 2005, Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary Copyrxht 2003, White Wolf Publlshmg, Inc. Tome of Horrors III Copyright 2005 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, with Casey Christofferson, Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Greg Ragland, Robert Schwalb and Bill Webb. Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. Livestone from the Book of Monster Templates, © 2002, Steven D. Russell.; Author Steven d. Russell Creature Collection III: Savage Bestiary Copyrxht 2003, White Wolf Publlshmg, Inc. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Tome of Horrors II Copyright 2004 Necromancer Games, Inc.; Author: Scott Greene, Additional Authors: Erica Balsley, Kevin Baase, Casey Christofferson, Jim Collura, Meghan Greene, Lance Hawvermale, Travis Hawvermale, Ian S. Johnston, Bill Kenower, Patrick Lawringer, Nathan Paul, Clark Peterson, Bill Webb and Monte Cook. System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Monster Encyclopaedia Volume I copyright 2004, Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Monster Encyclopaedia Volume I copyright 2004, Mongoose Publishing Ltd. Weapon Construct from the Book of Monster Templates, © 2010, Steven D. Russell.; Author Steven D. Russell Book of Monster Templates copyright 2010 Steven D. Russell Authors Steven D. Russell with Ben McFarland, Crystal Fraiser, Jonathan McAnulty Justin Sluder and Michael Welham,


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