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An Alembic set up for The Book of Aquarius Great Work. All drawings by Flightoffire Below left (clockwise): The whole alembic set up comprises 3 main parts: 1. The source or supply flask below with our 'golden morning dew'; 2. The actual alembic on top (also called a Pelican or Pelican's head due to its shape). The slight lean (5 degrees is plenty) assists drainage of the distillate; 3. The receiver flask.
Other important components include: 4. A cork, silicon, rubber or PTFE ('teflon') stopper; 5. Water-bath or sand-bath set to 75-80O C/167-176O F.
The 'Alembic set up' now replaces the retort as it is much faster. All else being equal, an alembic takes about 1-2 days, with the retort taking 1-2 weeks and a Leibig condenser taking about 2-3 weeks. The size of the flasks are not critical and determined only by needs. The slight lean allows the distillate to run out easily. (about 5 degrees is plenty).
1 Thermal insulation 45/40
Right: Some modern alembic outlet nozzles have a Standard Taper connector.
4 24/40
500 ml
The (clear) distillate 'Our Mercury'.
5 On
Off Power
250 ml
250 ml
A Retort set up for The Book of Aquarius Great Work. All drawings by Flightoffire
Below left (clockwise): The retort set up comprises 2 main parts: 1. The source or supply flask is the Retort itself; 2. The receiver flask is often a standard round bottom flask. Other important components are of course: 3. A cork, silicon, rubber or PTFE ('teflon') stopper; 4. Water-bath or sand-bath set to 75-80O C/167-176O F.
This whole thing can also be tilted slightly to give slightly more room in the receiver flask. This is not essential though. Although the retort system works just fine, it has now been replaced by the alembic set up simply due to its much faster distillation rate at the same low temperatures. The retort is still faster than a standard distillation tube set up.
Thermal insulation
25 0
24/4 0
Off Power
The (clear) distillate 'Our Mercury'.
A Condensation Tube set up for The Book of Aquarius Great Work. All drawings by Flightoffire
Thermal insulation
4 Left (clockwise): The condenser tube set up comprises several parts: 1. The source or supply flask is 500-1000 ml (as required); 2. The connector elbow (shown disconnected here). 3. Straight tube 'Leibig' condenser tube. 4. 75 degree connector elbow (shown connected). 5. Receiver flask (250-500 ml, as required).
500 ml
1 On
Other important components are of course: 6. Water-bath or sand-bath set to 75-80O C/167-176O F. Off
This condenser set up will work fine but it is the slowest method. All else being equal, this set up takes about 3 weeks for one litre; the retort takes 1-2 weeks and the alembic takes 1-2 days.
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