Book. Finer Techniques of Astro. Predictions Photos

April 17, 2017 | Author: R.R.Desai | Category: N/A
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Vol. One

IHinOu Ast.-c1Dg)l5enlE'31

Finer Techniques of Astrological Predictions

Guide and Editor K.N.Rao

Joint Editors Shiv Raj Sharma

M.S. Mehta

Deepak Bisarla Manoj Pathak C. B. Prasad

Vani Publications

Contents 1. Introduction-----~-·-------~--- 5 2. Saturn-Kelu Conjunctions India and The Wof1d 18 K.N. Rao 3. Entry of Venus m Gemtnl - a trying time for the government in India------~------- 46 M.S. MaMa (IFS. Retd.) 4. Satum Sorrow and Splendour-A Pauranlc View--··-···· 63 Dr_ (Mrs.) La/lilla Kuppuswamy

• -·--·----~-·~-- 74 Dr. (Mrs,) Lalitha Kuppuswamy

5, Mars in Puranas

6. Upgrahas and Mental Maladies - - - - - - - - - - - 79

E.S Issac 7 Don't be afraid of Mntyubhaga- I - - - - - - - - - 98 Meenakshl Raul


The American 'Pnncer· Dies (JFK Junior) - - - - - - , 1 2

K.N Rao 9. Mrityubhag- 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 119

K.N. Rao 1Q_ Mrityubhag - 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 2 3 1.\" cmrl shopping bt•sr s•:-lk•r:. ~which an; 1\(•1 111 ikm:HILI iu 1999 Hi~r.rrdtng IO a U~V~lJ:tper O[ f.ugl::md. astrOlo~.. J(I~'Cr-5 rn.~y also be c:xpcrlcnctJJg a v~ry pcrct.,,Uhli.! chJmgc Ul:lf ha~ hrconu: their clcm:tml. ·rhey Wt~n!, bt.~lug: n:HIIsl k. rvr.u r~yralC':\l uurl tlo\lfll 111 ~dves to lx: In commnancc: W1th tht'.se renlltles ... ~dJ.e th~ moment, enjoy sex, 1lrink:s and whatever- falls wllhln the ambll of one's ddinlUon of enjoymcu( unr.onc.etncd w1lh ron!'f!qucnt"r:.s is U1c modem net. of llvtng. Can nn astrologer look tnlu tht:M~; 1t1 a boroseo~? b he eqUlppe.d at a.ll Lo do H? He cannot do It beroust femal.-; horo!tCOpy has al'l,l,'ilyt> been r.entretl around her !>C~uaJ daasuty nnty. ·n11s mudc:m female Is uunt to be a good huus~wtfe tu a t.mdlllonal.5oC.Il~e... lu earlier nges, wcmrufs 'chasUty' was adultery wtlh1n the ~un:: liorncstlcity of hu ma~e. Now, illti 'lib', the f~n~ of the womb. TI1e Sllllktsp~ Romeo is a boy friend, 6 ·guy- Uked or baled now. AtOS spread and •t appeared tt> bf: f\ mini-eplrlr:mlr.. nH:.n:HCUou



in It was the rnmpulsury


of ronlrnr.eJit\\'l"~"i. 1wl !'iC'X\Iill a-e'Jtrllllll

because tho!Sc who adw.rU!'te I hr:lr prodm·ts. which artt motJcnJ r.•f sophl.5ticnl~'t1 tlc..-.h tmdl:, crumot 5uffr:::r commact;'lllosse..-. If men cvr::n In hldln unk~s a San.skril -studr!nl opts for 11. Wtu::av.o 111 nny book or a~trology. we call cl.'ls'31cs. arc r.v~u J11nt~ OIVHllllhk In wuterst;md mnnngcmcnl cour.;cs. J!Hirnaltsm or lhc:: cumplo. ckt•lnmh!.S, lnfummtlun ~ysh!ms. chcan!~lry. (thyslcs aml

cos.mctolo{i}' elL~? Is there auy

_o;o m.;ny nml


hi lltts mea? Th~ patterns am


Complex cnrecr patterns A woman who Is n pllnL has douc !t course In lnmlsc.apc palnllng uwllslesblnll, rlc.C!tmyt'i all kuown nstrnl!)gicalledmlqucs of predictions whcu ~hl': clwllr.ugt"-..., au ~~ttolf)gcr tu lmtl change ah ll1c r-lvc.r of Time Is llC\'C!r sl.aguaut. The tem1 "hcrllugc" Is lurulucsccnl


:.omcUmc5, dl.5mt"lJ sometimes.

underatn.ndlilg or 'cltl:hJes• ·nu: vcrdld or the bold m~trolo~r or liH~ no.:L Grc~orlan (.CntUI)' 121 sl) will be lhat the- writers or text hoot(~ of this cenlmy ncvr:r C\'r.U understood the tases of the l~r:.hnJquc.n g•vcu Itt what tln!y n:gsud~ a!! 'r:Inssfcs'_ Mnuy of the of those •cra.ssct~.,ortte brilliant nstmlogc:rs. But they wrote. rlown wh, tht:y would r.rr.:.1JC n mCMgcrJc of t~rs for thcrru.~l ..'eS aud get gohbl~rl :by IL Hcn:l.vfore. 5tu~h has beeu the C0115Ctlf\US among these a.o;trologcni who WCl'C. a!!i Utou,~th. llfrald or lQukl!•g hldcou~ \x:cansr. Uac:y lmd no rr_-;c: on lllD~I: oooks nnd "l!:> 3$Uvh:tgen> of high lnlclleclu b&ll .-.he ~me willow e-oon •dl~r hr:.r rniUTiagc. Jaimlnl Jalmtnl rlshl tnlk(!d of 5e\'t.n karrtkRs. Hook!'i ilfkr hooks luwc h~c.m wrlllcu wllhoul anyoue lrylt-.g In fhttl why k bul never k111s.

Infectious lear11ing or aatrotogy Why du pc:opk waul tn IC'. fU11 asln:llog_v'l" TI1~re an= thnsc: tn a mtnoruy who discover In II .asp' ·•unl answ~r lu nrz!ny questions, ~nrnc who hnlfc C.'CCcllcnt minds butllo Umr: to :mise astrology ton hi.Q.h h:vel uf intdk.Cluru cxcdlcn~.c.. Then• -~ ~ host or g~cdy students who '\lti'Ult to tunl professional ju~t a.s a moden1 wom;us doC!!> not mind lnfr.wUon5 of s~wil eodc lo supplcmcnt1lt!l" lncomc. 1·tu~rc arc aJso those CaUed tlmfc.ssk..n.u:; who dlscaver. tn It, ~ way 1)f o\·c~mJng ID~hnit:nl hl gel 11('\\7 idc:os. (lllr-. I~ rhc Orsl t'\'cr ar1cr1nu:nt lloui! anywhet'l: tn U1e \\.'Orl£1. a.s f:u :1~ "Nl' kJ\•)W. tll~

Modantization: faiAe or tru~? A1Jt!)l:t.lsat1on of jyoti:>ha ts. nol modcnllzatlon just as n Hlntil tronslnllon of" Gret:k llknlry l•lll~'!il'.' will rml make II :t moden1 20''' cc:utury work. Til~ datm ur flr!>l \\TIUng Ill El~lbll olboul and Orl jyoclsha gncs to !iOUih Indians VC:f)' rl~lly. whu J(:amt the Euglbh l.rmguilgt'. much hdo~ r-."orth httllatt-'i. Dr.t.-.!use the· British ships rcru:ht:tl ports or the South. ccntllrlcs ago. Tile t\luslim lnvndrr.>

rtne~" Techniqt.~

of Astrological Predicllo!lS Vol. One


reached north lndtn U~rough Khyber nml &hm ptt~es whlk the Brtusll rea.chcd Bengal and :south halla flr.:-"1.. Starting, to leam Engl~h langungc. ~nd even ;u:ccpUngjohs under fon~lgneT5. unltkc the Hlndu~. c.xc~pt tJ1e lwyasUlllS of nortlJcrtl lndta. who accepted jobs C\'t'll 1lurlng 1\fO!}hul times, famlll&rll.)' :;~ncl even cummuml of Englu.h cuuld b~ acqutretL 11um camt: the rnlnun.g press. The tr.idiUonal hold of somt· f."lrnlllc~ of aittrotoglcal knowledge W No

IIIII' I!'! lnl~ln~ nf :1 calli WHr, \'d, wh:11 hW :">llrfm·lr~ II\ lh~ IIC\VS.

Turkey ond Cyprus;l ha!> ~uppllrd lln.ugr.rQIIS ml:>:-ilk.s In n.rkt")· lor ll pos..o;ll•l('

by Cypru~ wltlth IH tn!~,;to·•u •..)r l,lS ml!'o!1Lir•I'1 II ,,11 ohl culd \0,~.1{ clilys olll'l'~(ly "llllc.s ts udually IJtlkJug ...fd~Jk.Wnl!...: A.hfiulrt ~~~ whrth~r 111 ntuud.aul." ;-{~.trology, t;ll~h a r~HIIJlg ha~ nny vnlld b;Lsl~ ,\lid rcpcullllJUity. For thLs. rc-a&On lhiTQ horost'Ppc;!'i. OllC ol 9 J';mu;ory HJH7 Whlt:h .-:onrcrns 115 llmm•,llatd~·· twr1 hrlro~copc.ap~·~ aud stulT the cvcul.5 de5erl001, lnto t11ckr nstrolop.y, I lnnlr.ojl wrul.: them wh1~n nv one cuuhl even lma~tnc that c ..·~nls he pn:Lilt:r~rJ. could hap~IL

My Readings of Hlatory aad H.rardeojl's Pnnc:b.angn l wnrk. '\ICt)'



takJng pains to remJ htstorlr-.;JI rcfcrcnc:cs

preparing th«: bornscopcs




programmes. &.rdeo Sharma Shaat.ri's Tec:baiq11e-a I ~d Uu~ Panch.augas of Hardco Sharma Shastri. the (;uno us 01\IT

In Htnd1. the Vlshwn Vijay Panctmng. nnd fouml him u~iug s.mne pa·tut!lples cou!ilstenUy over a period of fifty y.:ars. Out ur Jtl(,IC timr1 sb.ty or ~\-enty principles which llc nppllcd w1U1 hrllllant success. hr: plck«l up his a'trologlml wumJng .!1lg.naJs from the lolltJ\\1ng flol.r.lm.:t~"" mostly. Parameter-a fO be lesfcd an Chc chart.s cere: 1. S.1tum ~md RKA to~~tll~r. 2. &lhllll ami JWm or Kdu In kendrn:s from each oUJcr. rno~tl>' h1 du.otswabhru.10 mshts. 3. Rohlnl or Vrishnbhn affilcled. 4 From the Ume of Vamha.mlh1ra India has bc~tt iillott!-tl ll has bc.en fourld lhnt transit of Satum In MilknJ· or I(Mkn hn.s alwnys been a penod uf grr:al but pa.lnful r.hnngr. lu ludlllll hlsr.ory. 5.. Conjunclion of Jupiter and V Pandumgn~ L•~l till he mru-ket as lit It; as Mart:h wbllc- other~ 1Wl conflrlcnt like h.l!u thai theb- PnnchrulflOS "o\-'Ottld ~ sol1l, r.lime 0111 h 1 J:uuuuy wHb ~rlL-...'lstrously bad pr~Uct1ons. h. lie did nul cllsm1~s hL"> lcdmlssfor bcu"r dt•dsilln."> by 1M HIL'11 ill


I had to cast many astrulogif:'"HI t.!.h!U"ts fo uudcrst.aml whal ht: was: !.aylng a.nt.l why. ~~ me !.how thn:e !/( ~ur.h cxr.Jti!'--":f', which I hnd lo do,

nmong many, to undl'.rstaml ht.s. pn:cllt•Wtn!>, I iJlll llliHI)' lJrlglnal rcsc:arohcs in mundnnc astrology ilnt.l dl~tuBscll UtNH wHh hlnL lle:rt I ilm prescnflng a plt~cr. nf my rt'~"liT h hil~t"d nn Hard(!oj1's hlllH;_ lie IIS(!CJ many chaltrnf>. . folcc~ntl!l C/1IU1dra.sllekhar, rhe Jormt:r Prirttc ,\fLnlslL-r said so in n wlt.>Prsum when Morarjll£sQI di~ ajiL>r rornplt.•linglh~ (J!JOW~r

tqnauous 111

Finer Techniques of Astrological Prcdicticms Vol. On11

Example 11 Kotu


nmur's Invasion

Jup around Vert(R} June 1398to 1400 p148-149 Lag Crescent ln India Ex.11

Sat Rahu


1. Jupiter and Venus arc together.

2. Saturn and Rahu arc together. 3. Ketu is ln Vrlsha and Rohlnl nakshatra.. EJcampre 12



Leg Mer







1"' Battle or Panlpal 19 April 1526 05:30AM{?) "Crescenlln India" (S.RS.) Ex.12 Rahu

L Jupiter and Venus are togeUter. 2. Saturn and Ketu are in kendras. 3. Dwiswabhaoo. rashis arc affected.



Satum-1'\e:u Cnr,JuncJions:.

finef Tec:Miq~.~tts of Aslro\oglc:al Prediatons

Vol. 0111!1

Example I 3 Sa1(R)




Seeo11d e.mto ofPanlpat 5Nov.1556 P326 Medieval t - - - - i

Inola LP.Sharma EX.13 La~


Sun Ketu I.C&f Jop

L Satum(RJ I.S getung aspectcd by Mars. 2. Rnhu ls ln Vrisha, having crossed Rohlnl nnk.shotm. II!!' 14 Sat03"32


Moon li!Q

n 09'08 up 06'158

SLJn Mars



lhlrd Battle of Panlpat t3 Jan 1761 13474 Mad.lndla Panipal Ex.14 KeiU 17~43

1. Jut>ltcr and Vcn arc so close. 2. Rnhu In Vrtsha Is aspec:tcd by S.•turn. 3. Rnhu Is In Rohlnl nakshatra, of fonn~r Hindus. now demandlng a M!para!e homeland. what wn!' clear was thnl Rahu in Rohlnl. Ol!;pectcd by nv..: jJlnucLc;;. Including M;trs HUrl wllh Satum ln Karkn (rr.memhcr Vnrrth.amUllra). wa3 uarraUttg a s.loty of blood-baU1 lhruugl1 whlch lhc country had lo pass, before gciUng her freedom, o.t midnight..

Example 19

20 Nov 1946 12:1Sooon Delhi Ex.19 Ven Sun MerKel Mar :a

















0()11]8' 15•1,6'

Rahu tB''~ 1'

ElghlC'cn years lnt.:.r, ~tched lhl! ~rnc posiiHm. \vas 111 kendr.t from Satum{R) with ~'L:'lrs. aspt!cttug ftahu, later S. iu lten!L~i from S:thlfll Rllli Mar.;. 3. M&Lkar (remcrnllcr V.arahamlhlral and narka hnvc RKA axis.


Example 25 l:!Q Sun

Sal tS"J2






14 March 2002.

Ex.. 25




l. S:l!um awi Rahtl om; 111 Vr1sh. rllt.."'"l"t" bom In 1/11' .~st. all ntmcltfes in ll•c lm;t thntc C'l.'7lllln·P..s lma-"! txro11 (ommtltcd l.JU tile ux-st. beglnnln[J with ltnpt,•ri(Jh'sm nnd slcwe tmdt! to mPd~m nude«r 1J~JNUU~ItH1~. 'lb lrdk of Hummt Righl.!i utotnlltJru. Htl! \\·esr should t!.\'OIIIiiW ItS. OlL'Il Pt'COtd .fLrn, IW fud!;{ mflinl~l. 1"he wc..'\1 wall remain !iplrlhudly uml~ttlopell 1~nt1 soclally slmttt.:tt!ll S.:it"ttro rltld l~chtttJIDfllJ tuwc rnan :-.. mfli•!J rrr.nlcrltJI pmblt.•ms bul crcOlr.!rl mDr~ :-.octal W11.5tons nnd problems tlum li."Wi f}reen monkey which escapc.'d.jrom t}le luborator!.e.!,

ofdte USA o.ndyavc Al.DS to !he world. So the monk rm end. il wiU br only pwt dc$lrucHun hert.• a.nd thc.'tt!, but enough to reduce th~ u.rorld poputatwn cortstrkrubly. Appendix Results of lhe ll of Sarum...Jupltcr r.nnJuuction or oppo-siUnu. (4\

9. Then he US and trtbulatlons for the c:c:nt:ral go\'etnmcul as the !otlowtn.g ·C\'cnt.!S would ellow.. i. We have already shown 1n the earUer exBmple Uuu when Nehru died t~r of M~ thn-atc:nl!tllfl



Chinese uartc-.d hlllldJnga r ;;;nd 11g1t.ntktn In RC!"DII'. 'Fomli!Uon ofSwatantrat.n Pi!rty. Contn)\"cr.;y OVCI' 0\gtecrncnt Wllh USi\ eou Volcr. nf Arnerlca. RC &chly reslgued fruru C by CBI on ltl'>5oclates of

,June:- 23

Ui\J"'Mad ~fehta and Bhupnl Da!Jll. Minister- of St:J tc: of C:omrncrt I 0

Serious \lllf~n!ut·r·:s In \.--:ougn>~'!: • "'ehn.'~ tllffctt'llc-e~ wltlt

Putu'>liU LtamDa~ Tfll&dCJtl

for. Lr~atmcull.lflllliiOr1(tr_'JaJ1!l WUh P..atc:l when Jnh;r ~pn:=·os!>dl t.loub~ ilbr•ul loy• of Muslim" l.Cl\\~mil't 1Ju1hl. MaUer'S crunc en 1ht 19:i0 wllh m.auoeu\·e~ Jilr dt'dlon!> "fthe Pre~luent· sluv ofCougrc!>~ byTandou. TamJoulluc.l tlppoarted V.V.Glrt,Uicc.uHIJd.alt: :srxm!>(JITtl byludJra tiulll1l•l. Eh:-1.•Un11 tVll"l ltdd 011 ~tllh All· gusl,l!wdmc: ofi.Jirth ofR\jl\'G:•nrUrl. H~·J


Enrry or Wtr.u.s If? Gtmllth

Finer li!cl'l.noqUI.!S or Asl~lcat Pll!dldians Vol. Onu

Gu-tlosl thl.!i decr.tou. II would lmvr. been eml of lut!Lr-.t Gmnlhl. Mn~ Gi!lltiiH s.ald after thts clectton that old guard fo:ll dlslnh~rtt~ct. 1lt~ ume for pi.U'tlngofw-.Jyof tv.'O S«tions o( Con~!> had come.


ltl74 July l61oJ\ugust 15


of BUmr A.~'Se:tllbl}'•

July 25 fi.

1990 .Jul!!' 14 to AugusL 7

Nu-conOdcncr: mrJtlon f!galnst Union Council ofMlltbler:s tld~tt:d July 13. Utn::~ Uuton ::Mlnlst~r.o.. Anm Nt·.h ru. Molu.t. Artf Khl\11 "'nd Satpnl subllltltcd re~tgrmtlotl Ill Jlroh:r.t agalnsl Clmutl1.1n's tnldng O\'('r as Chl~f Mlnlsttt

uf Haryana . .Jaly 14

V.P. Slrlglr offcrc111o 'ilt:p rio""n a., Pr1rne

July 17

M!ntstcr llarynna Chief Minister Chautllllla re-

Jllly I B August


SIW\ed. l"'re'itcknl's rule In JRmmu &.ltashmlr nfItT t'lHI of six mont! I~ gm'l:nJor':o~ nJlt'. Dr=puty Prtmr.- !\.tllu~>kr Dl!\'l LaJ dropp~r1

(rum llnlon r.:~btnr;t fnlliJwtngwtld cWirges

by him ilf!.lhl~t hls nlll~~~ 1n rut Ull~t\~~W u1tll lh~ lllu.Wared \V(\t)kl!J of



A.Ugu5t 7


Govcmm~ul Ht'Cepterltlu:

Mandai dcctdc~l tn rest:f'l,'t' '27 ~rcc:nt job~ for IJ.iWk· ·wanl I'! a ~Sc'!!. 11111 '!> tlivlrltn).t lmliau Soc I· t'ly Into tlist.iltct cli\SSl's. Vll•l~ut 1Jil1C~'Ots rt>l'"k~tl Ellluu- and ~prrAJ•J to other piirt-. ot Imlln. Crunml~51f'ln

Augwat 8



Conclusion Ycllii:!JI!LUH.t.liU!IJn..l.U.ULilL.l!!!twill!k!IC'C l tnnt!-lcnpc hns nltJsl -&IJ!IIIfl~UllJ:O.k..J~t.Jll.ill.Q!!tll.;tifuh:~.. f'mm thr ~lluly p~nh:d here- it IIIWil be t:kar th;1l ~~~ ;iffilcted \'ell\1'!. lt

Editor's Note Th urulc:r-otaucl lhl5 n·-...-.....'ln:h


llll' s~rv;l!lhlHAA ;;mel MCJ U1c dcV•1IJOIIHI1ll Lord Shlva tl1:1t gave tn Satunl the sL1t11s I)( n plaw:t.

\tlll•,.. nl

Vo.rnb Purono.: Why is Saturnflerce and cruel? Once Chnya "Wits angry WlUl Y~rnn. th~ 5011 or Sn11JIIA, h("l..'"illl!'\t' uf her Ill treatment hlw;utl!\ her slcp t•hthln'n. 5hc lalcl it cur~r Dfl him Wh~n gntl Suu cnmc tu lwmv of thl~ t:unH.:, lk. lit fltrll. c·ut~rr1 Shant. the son of Cha~·a. lo lxt"f!B Susanjai'llflam rt.r.,II(XJ/T(mt Vya.~anam Slmmu, Janrrmsthana blllJ vmmjaathan ShanlfllJ Naa/IU ~ 5:3nshllyoh, nterwavasrhammmam Proaptho mrtinyadhasrt /lJ K.>ntnnm

~&t•'ll'tM 1fu:f l'l ~/·rl~Q•H•f~t'l:l '"t:;ql'ft f ortgtual postttou lr• heavens, PltlfllatJ:t was sorry ltrar hi'! had t'.nuscd the rnii or SbanJ ttnd 'ory reft:n. to child Shani whiJ 01ner hls birth 1!)\tllt'll HI rlw f1·1·1 or bls. f.:t.tlu~r. Sun who had coru.e Lo sl!e hlm. But the Sun cown••l il~t•m

·.vllh a cloll1 which ho\1reve.n1Jd u.otsav•~ lhe sUu01Uon Sun got lmmt. ll is for thl!i reR!iOrl lll11t 111 nil idols ~•

-w(lr Wne> 1hH I • r1rulU1" meant to t.-atc.h. Phmc.-~ existed to tomtcnt creatures frL,m "IJidl lht• tlHly t'S.Cltpc was prnycr once or twice 1:1 cUty.

Pndmo Putanll! Th~


F"tner TWli\IQLlO$ of AstiOJOglcal


Vol Oil.!

SATUf1.N Sorrthv!.


,.~fu mn: ~ w.1: tftc;lq-,1.1:. n:p.r.:l ~ 'c:tw~cn

Emth -and Mars .so much so that the sdenflsts believe thai orlJ!Iuotlly M11r:5 ~huuld ha\·c hccn wiU1 ~:nrU•. laler on ll must have gol scp~uatcd fmnt the: earth. Hlnrlu nstmlogy. n ~r.lcm;c of Umc lmrncmorla.l d~clares Mars :ts Dhauma or lJhumi·putm. the ~(111 of Ea.rth. Nomcnclatur~

Anynmka (born rwm tllo:- 11mb of Shiv- Ill\' ~nil of HIUHtli f.)eui \1/,PI(H'I~IIrltl l11 Ills ltu:lh11111L'!i, ''rko; nr p5)'dlQ·')Itr;lnl 3lt'c.S:S~. TI1c:o filllun· •o ~~rry thr- loat.l 1::>111 be C!tllu·r •II II" In 111~ ·~tl._..· n( lht: land or due lo ll1e lnlt~:t'~lll WL".lluh~S ol tlli' 111.·r:.u11.1IIIy. Or- U1cn: could be il roll:' of mulllplc: fswlnrs In ~·a11SIIlg nwul;.l tll!it)l'dl·rs. Well·in.ljul\leorl. hrii;uu:("cl P•'ltthlr• r-w·r~_ntr~lll_h~->­ whn .show &tdjll!jlm~ul l!Ulkulrh-~ ~ml i1Jh''ll1T~I•W11 Hmllh·m .. rtm)' brcak·dmvn c:vl!n willa \'t.:r)' Mrulll lt~ath Ill Ill•· Upgmhn:; a:> m~r111n11ed Ill .t~lrolo~l~~~l h':\'1~ .Ut" th•• .ecl\'••f':'('


amsl1as ul platlcls 0111d h-ave- been termed malefic:!>. Sage Pru-c1:1har h£u; unfohlc(l lhr: rormuiR of tht:lr caJoulauons tn IUs cl.asstc. Brlhol Pa.m!iltu.r Hqru Sha.stra. '11wsc: tlpgro.J•cu arc: mathcmalicfl.ily. lh~ Sun (cu· \Vcrht~:'irlny, tht. MOOJI lor Til11NdM.

Mars for F'rtt..lay and Mercul)' for


Method or or Up grahn ~endaut.s

0'1!;1 for


cmllng, moments

or Ute parts bt!ICIII,Q.Ili.L!. "I

various planets gives the longUuUL!S ot Uu~ respecUve upagrah.>t~.

Controversy About Mnndi Mandt Is , Wlscnlhr thty amlulght arc of30 g'I(JIJJc.s ( 12 hcHirs) r..ada for a flel!. When llle di•Y anti nJght are not of !lO {lltatllf_.... c:nc:h. prnportlon:He altemtlons nm!'t b,:o mack. An n!i who lly upgrnha~.

~ affilclln~


Ihe Moon ami both




being htflm:uccd


The Moon Is afflicted by Up;1grahas. Rahu, the! nakshHirct dh;posllor or the Moou, Is afnlctr.d, The sign Arh!s ls blemished by Upagrahas. Mcrcmy Is affilch:n and Jupth!r Is 111 the grip of Upagmhas. The lagna 1~ sc:vc:rcly affilctcd by Upagratms. Case Two

She is a trained psychologisl. l11c nali~·c suddenly dc\'C:Iopcd deprcSi;ton in Augusl 1994. ·n11s ha~; not afr(:c:lc:d her profession hul only her personal life. She Is still UJtdcr treatment. 1l1c laga.'1 Is severely blemished by the presence of R.·dm-Kr:lu axis .nud S.nttm1, Lagna lord Jupllcr is 11\-plm:cd In the sixth hou~ aspectcd by Mar.~ who In tum Is aspcctc:d hy Saturn. The Oflh lord Moon ha~ gom: lo lite d!,!th houS4.~. l..agna lonl Jupiter Is In Mrityu Bh.aga. Ketu ln Ute. sc.vcnlh house is RISO Itt Mrityu Bhaga. In the Nnvarn5ha and Drckk~na. lagna lord Jupiter Is again aspc:ctccl by Snl\tm, 11ll~ ~trogr'.Hie Mt!~UI)' or the blrlh l'hRr1 IS ASpc:ctcd lly 85

Finer Techniques of ~rological Predictions Vol. One

Sa~ P~h


Mars Sun Ven

Upt.;etu Chap


r.ler {R)

8June1968 C8solWo Jup

Kc1u Moon Ohooom Vyatipal



00~2' 23~40'

Moon 10"52'

Gulik Mandi Parivesh 13Cll' 1)1t19' 230.00'

Mats 27°)1'


Jup 05°33'











20014' 29°13'

Rahu 23000'


o1:oo· Jup



Kelu R:ogieal Predictions Yd. One

retrograde and placed In Ute seventh house, Lagna lord Mercury has gone lo the twelfth house: where Venus Is also postlcd who ts In Mrttyu Bhaga. An exalted Jupiter ls located In the eleventh house wkth U1e Moon. which Is a n:dccmln.g factor. tn the Navamsha Mcn:ury ht~s gone: to the sixth house aspc:ctcd by ~furs. In drckkana and dwashahsha also M~rcury ls Rffilctcd by Satun1. The Moon ls also affltclcrl by Saturn ln the dlvlstonal charts. Upgrahas and the Moon

TI1e eleventh lord Moon ls posited In hts own house along wtth upgrnhas Upakctu and Vyattpata. The Moon Is In Uu: Nak.:ihatrn of JupHt~r who Is also ~lmilarly aJlllctcd. Upgr-.tha PariveshR forms an a.xts with the Moon ami Ju1>iter.

Sat tR)






1 Septombor






'a;atipat ~c1u

Von {R)

Sun Mar









Mars OOC50'

Mer 21°37'

GuUk Mandi Parlvesh





26C11' 17°51'


lt. 0 37.





Oo:90' OZ003'


Lag Gulak Mandi


l1°0S' 1JC53'

lag R.ahu


M.ars Moon



Sun S. ThJs combln.allon IS repeated tn the Nnv-.unsha also. In Drckkrum Jupiter again aspects Saturn and Mars lnvolvtng the Moon as well. In all the charts Ute Moon ls directly tnOucnccd by dasha lords. Yoglnl Dasha - Slddha - Dhczn!Ja (Venus-Jupiter} (23.8.1989 to 23.3.1990} Venus Is In Mrltyu Bhag.'l. locatc:d ln the twclftJ1 house wUh lagma lord Mercury. In the Navam...ha. Jupiter aspect~ Venus wllo ts posUed wiUt Ute: Moon and Mars. In Dwadashamsha Venus f.s In Rahu-Kclu ax1s and lS aspccted by Saturn.

Observation The Moon Is alfllclcd by upgrnllas. It Is a \"argUlfcrlng from




Oonl be afraid ol Mnryublurga

Techniqut:s of Astrological Pmclictions VoL Orw!

some mUd sickness which no doctor was able to dlagnosc. I asked her to check iC any planets were ln mrltyubhaga. She found out that the Sun at 0302.2 was nearest to mrU.yubhaga according to U1c LHblc I hall modlfted. (See part 2 ofMeenakshi"s artCclefor thts). further. Jupiter at .28 plitced a:n an cctmtJrdinary u-oy. Exc:c'pf \~nw aU plDnct.s U'. Ml'. lt N. nao who ~;tught me astrology ami ts my ,fynll$hr!-gw-u hal'! l!.Volvcd nlftn}' c:cul m Ute morning fli.smg to m~~ Jalmlul imvt~ t:Xpl~ln~r\ tt. l1ul Mr;- Rno's m~thod 15 Vr.t)' simple aHLI Ute IJt:!-L n~t·mor)' tablet. It Is lllu.5trntc-o h,.:n:-.: Now '"Til~ PAM In unt: p1ncc uml t>1ke ln thr: r•e.-.:1 h1:3nt!.t!rtpt: (el:.3}

W1wn Moon l'i In Lagna or• 71h

1-"!~rm r.h•J\dtJ ~~ Now ht)V.' 10


Rnar TechnQes of Astrologtcsl PtediE;tlons 1/ol On'!

all the:

lhr~c f;orlor.~:

1. Lagna lurd I~ 111 Ch~rn Rru:ihl lPJ anliiJtc: 8111 lnn.ll~ In Sclllrt4 f Flml.lly r..hc: Vim~hoC1ari MAhrld~!'ttHt and JRlmtnl 0:-tsltll!'> flllr11rn& tsll!> 111

Jll:mct ~. parth:ularly SalUnt. Ulal the subJcct·m~tter or thoese series. a piece u( H".!;('iir-:'h dul w '"' lhe hom'>coplc clala of Mr. Rao, Is diiferrnt. lie invariably ;Jr-;1\~ 11111:.1' whon1 lie te. ll-o hlp ncruly retl~hcd a b~king point and the ffi.'~ni4.l l.rtgnA-Iord the f•\thr::r feU sick also, suffulng the agony and Ills work. output of pcdntings 1 fell down steeply. nae hnro-s tlmt Ma~ 1s pla~d ht lhL· r..tsltl of

2. \Vhl'll this



Example-a Female 25Aug 1933


7.30am. Paris


Lag SunMB


Moon ..-:pMS







Navamsha (of the female} Met

Lag Rahu







Saptamsha (of tho femalo) Lag




Kelu Moon


3. Transll Safum front 5;\gill wh;al I ml~srd. ta·r fatal c:nrt. It is fl short span nf life nncl herr ~odhe :;onl( WR!o 011. In 1\c:r shodnsfw.rrt.:SIIrl. If HCC\Homctlmc. In 198•1. later. ~kcnall5hl Raul wrl)ll' oul :.J ~~rl~ of ;irtlr:k~ for the k;lrologlc;ll• cnllllcd -The~ J.urk!i Fear· l\'OU cun stt Utlhk f!Xccpl In wtnkr. ~what dCJ ytJu llkc abou{ lud{aT I askl·d hlm. trying to engage him In n t.•onvc.rsallou. "Oh everything. .. I llkc 9peclaUy the •pirltuallty or the com.mou people,•· he said. He Wel\1 1:01L "I have visited I!!ICYtJraJ u.shra.ltl!l and I really liked somr:. them.''


! lnvr. you #J,Qm~ ro any ashrams In the ::xmUl'•' And hav~ you mcf Sal B;~ha'r I n!>ht~d. "No.~ wa~ hi'- 'IT. ply. After il (>HIIM~ ht look.l:d ·should I?~ I IOicl him. ·1 thml< ynu shcmld h\·c;tusc: he: I!W 11 hi~ ~uro. )'uti kuuw.· ·twill. 111 cny uc.:d. 'r'lsll: h1~ IJroll!tscrl. l.;ltcr, w~: talked of many things lnchHHHg ghost~ an£1 we nskcd hlm Wltdher he b•:ll~~·t.•-d Itt llwm. II•! •111.1 m1t sny On)-1-htng bul r:onjQyt:!.l all th11 b1lcs of horrnr th;JI we told him whlll' clearly rdlshtng huJiah fOtld. I k w"s very n'rlous to know ubmat lm1l;m ghn"'tl~ whu llvc:tl In the


hLIIs! ltl~ f'\111't'111 ~ltl frt~nd w~~

tltci'C' tHo hlll slu: was uu matt'JIIn lnllk"i Hl' In ~·lt•g;Hirt'. Shl' al!on look•.••l llrt'd h•:C'.Ilu~~ .-;ht: hBd Ju~l th•Wll Ill fru111 Anu:rlL) P·rih ol At.trologd P!odictiont Vol. One

He may have grown up for the world. ForJacquelbu~. he reronlncd the lhrec·y~-o!cl boy v.·ho s...-.'Ung his Uny right ann ro :>-alotr:: his rallu:r'!i J)JTlbt..T". lt.c;ed and lik~-d India's spiril.uality. CNN described hfm as an Chrl5tltm.

Composite approach to predictions and use of Mrityubhaga (Part-II) K.N. Rao Mcr an t:vcnl, !_!..!Jotl tlr bad. ha:1 lilkt:u Jll"l'c wllr.lllt.'l II WH~ predicted by an nsu-o1o~~.- or not_ e~:r:ry cou~kuuou5 111u~t e~lmlnc lhe d:t~t~ ;mtJ tirnw r:-onvint:lng condut>IOns, ~\·en I( H Is fl pt..•!- I mortem t!JlJlr In the: 8th house. 11msc whu kJmw ..JaJmlni Astrolog_v can worlt on It furth-er aud sec how Jalmlnl's Dasha

SJ5lcm only


Vlm! In hi hliO when f>hc suffered physlcally m&d nearly ttled. ht 1979 buth Rflhu UUng, her uala.l Mtreury hi j\llli nnd from Stllum a:spct'h:d ht'r rn\tal Venus also In MB. In 1.982, ~he hafl com~ 10 com;;uU 1\.tr'. I< N Ran when she llHd losl hOJ>es of sun•tvlng,. Wha1 [";tn nn asll'I ~~~~ glvr. any astrological prr.dld lou. DesUny I~


not to


somet11111g pcrhnps.~

In thl~ horosc:opc otl1cr tlutll planets then: we~ two raml points whldt wcre n~:~t tllught to me ·~nu:::re ts no hopt;-, told Mr-. Rno In me pcr.:tmnUy. ''blll I am under lnstnu~uon~ from my sptrttual gum, Swrunt Pnrc!.J'rulJJ.aJlda Saraswati never to make such pn:dtcUons". In the. horoscope gwen. this pcr!it:cndant atul ho\Y hns llc become a mamka7 There are some speclal t>onsldcraUous. From lagna tlu: Sun nnd .Salunt an: lhe 2nd and the 7ih lcrtl5, Fn1m lhe Moon It Is Veuus. Few Cauccr l~gna. Vr.nus r: llop~But tto alarmist view of pla111~ts ill MB sltoutil be laltcn unlc~ l.hcw an~ otlt~r nt."ilclle combinations In .a hotv~opc, PJanr.ttl!aTCh lhe fund:tm~n!nl prluctpk!S of uur r'lllt:lcnl tl."thts must he adhen:d to ~trlclly nnd from thc:lr appllt."ntlon mu~l

nnw new rcacarch.

Editor's Note l. It 15 nb51JIU1cly ncr.C-'55n.ty lo nor.: th~:- blr1h dash:l of a pc:n;on :and noh! how iUlrl when: the lonis of M•."lhailitsha aut! anlz\ttl:1sh~ are Jjl;u~cll.

2. Theu nr:t~e 1I plAnet Is lu mrllyubhnpa. 3. Do not u:;e Hny a!JWlctnaslla oU1cr Ulan the Cllitrapaksha.

Caution and Wnrnlng L Agatu rcrnrmber thnt there is 110 such thing as Mcdlrof .o\s!rolog!J. II Is only n ftgrnt'nt of lhc: lmnglnal1on of an aslroiQgr:.r who In framing the syllahlls an a5tmlogy C!lltt"Se tl~ctl UUs lcml,


2. Wimlr:\"cr I~ CIJ\'Cft'd undu ''ArWtla" has bl."c:n h:m1cd

Mt!dlro1 J\s.lmlo!J!J aud n!-trolog~TS haw been hluff~d lllto ~ll~llg thnt U ls a_.,

branch or Hl11d11 nstrolo~y. Mnkn use uf mtityubltCJ!/U uot with ;my ft"~r ~ It I~ ouly a point of wishlu. •L A w~·lt.ct dcvt!rly tilted thls rc..."'C'.nJl.:'h a11d dcs~;rtbt'l1 II. a5 II :subtlr:: polnr In hl!; v.T111ng wUhoul evr.:u tlf'.kcQwledgtng lus d~I:Jt lo the



Orst c:vc:r n-sa!3rcll on mrilyubhaga of tWs o~JlfUt)'• '11115 research 111 19S~) ;md ~ftc:r 7 ~·cars It was jllng,uu1~1!d. 5. flr.!ol Judge: the mrmlka 111 a hurul>r.upe ami tht11 lt'$r.! t.hc V.'R~ prurlut:~·rl



Rn!!r Tedmiques of AstroCoglca PtedlctJOnr. Vol Orm Jup

Sun 23"30'




Van W37' Me~ I/...1J

Rashl Ex.2(a)

Jan 10, 198.9


Ex.2(b) Ketu



"'ell Sat

Rahu ~~~g·


Sat Rash I

An lndiiln who l.1gru ran into ditficul1---~ ties in a foreign 1----~ country In Juno 1989 Ex. 3

6. 1r Uu~rc ts no li:.Ir ,,f H rnrtrnk. h1 Kurnbha aba a-"'f~CI...'i lhe birth Moon. 4. Flwilly uotc rha r .Juplln Ill J{umblm is a5J>eCTIH~ Jlt•lllwr ll Lrtlt

2. Mr)(lll


Juplfcr nor hlr1h ll.h•NI

Finally ~.l!e..!!..ffitl{Q;(' IJI I_J_IJ• ;,lrti, t,otl1 tt.!l_!l_J.!t[Jii,:Ot:_t[IJl!!! h1111."1' Iliff/ lh(' Moon'.s mle i11 prmo•t'ltii!J tho .. JJI"rr.ou.


Ketu in the 5th and in the 9th Houses (Part I) Shiv Raj Sharma My book llte ,\fy~tenJ o.F Rolw in n Horos('Ope· ll':cl 10 many /\m I wrtUng ~ slntllar honk un l\1~1u ur nnl'! ln~plfr. or the pressure of office work I ha\'~ hccu wrUlug tm Ihe cffc:t!IS of Kttu. I !~re I nm ~;:onOnlng my~lf only ro stucly of Keru In lhc 5th and rht: 9"' htJu~ for!.e_. Cnlcl IL1lll~, and L"VII mln.Jtdut_L.!..~, po~sessloJJ by splrn (psychical


cU~t urhant:r.:l.

' II t.ln ~ 111!'1-T hW nnvMm~l'tM port-.a,:J, Ke!u ~ alr.o bec.otT.t- v.:rrgo!Qnt!l rn •uat taS¢s ; O.'roomal.i~allll~ !11e .vert! LlleD lu l lhe! Moon which I~ again In the naksha.lra of Ketu. tn the ~ Ketu I~ ngatn tn lhc 5th house with the GUt lord Mars whtle Us dl.$posltor, Venus Is wlth Saturn. 8th lord and rccdvts the aspect of Mercury from Ute 8th house. 143

Keitlln the Sth & tM 9th House-l

Finef Techniques ol ~leal Prod""td.ions Vol. One Jup(R)



Example Throe Male Sat


1 November 1963 P68NP3 Ven







Lag Ven



Navamsha Mer


Mars Ketu

lt: of the birlh of i1 san.~ 3. Lucl;; lmprnvl!s v.11cn ow: 15 In touch wHh people l.n lowly posiH{ll\5. Dl.sln:"~S due! to brolhc:r nr .stsh:..-5. Som!! ctiscasC'.s in tlte arm. G. His 11ttcmpts to lmpmvc: himself through pious ac:tlc.r lfl ltlng,


2 Ht'llglous.. 3 Klncl 4 Intelligent 5 Fame nntl glOJ)'. Chltrcy

I lrrrllg.Jou!:-o. 2


3 Is oplnlonc ;o,~ bctng lrrcllglmJI'i lh{' lOth or kmmastl10T1a is



My Obscrvotloo5 concluded for Ketu ln the 5th house I. ·nu~ fulluW1ug, nh!lcn·nucm have l~en ob~rvcd hy me. aud lt Is just hkc a ~tutly Ht a gtmcc, 2. (3\Lt WI! ~ho\thl not Jump lnlo Ihe condu~1on wllhoul stuttytng BH,

09 1 07, VMJ!l" chHrt aml tu 5th lord/5th

hou~Sejantl Juptta

l for tJu: ba.l;mce prediction,

Observntion 1. lkm 111 lht": :Sih g1\'r. mloL·thudoll.)' 1n mmrlng.: ouc of the dtilclren. 1. either- ~xtrn mant11l relalloH. ll. lMllg togclhcr. Ill. rruminge oulsldc community.


fur self or to

t\1_ tJ.cJllf1r Age of l)pOUSt:. 2. f\~tu 111 till! !ith g,cncrnlly make cUher sclfdoctoror one ofhls chlld. 3, (I) Kclu In tllc- 5th gcucrnlly gi\'e more rlaught~r nr 50n or daughltr Wlrh een t11Rt lf l(eh.t In l.he 9th holl!jt: b tn tht: blrtl1 ltOrrJ!!iCiltK~ or the IL-1.\'rtnlha ln the foUowtug rashts: Mcstm, Vr1shr.hlk or Mlthun;t and If Mercury. l\foon ami/or MaTh nrc IH 54l01e ml:a Ul' act.Mty u( nn lndMdual's Ufc as also ml:'nt1oncd below. b) I( 1t huppChlk or MUhnn.s agu. khctslr-tyu.s u."":-rc kho.s!rl!JU.'S It\ the- scnsr: uf hf'!lug big l~n•l owntng clm.'SC-s w1U1 U1c:1r sntall annles. weapons ami huuUug. Many or them wt:re rnja'3, big :zamlndars or, even !amou!l dnr.olts Uke Mau Singh. whQ hal-l e.'Ullect t11c c:;rtntordlnary reputation of t~lng « \~' large hearted p~rson with :$lrong prinrupl~. When he wru.o shuf dc•nl nftcr the pollee harl got hlrn pc.ttsoncd , villagers. who had received generous help rrom htnt. wept for him. H~ hud bccoml'- tllcgcnrhti)' hrr(l ltfcumc. IUs bort;~tseopr:: b uoL at,'ilil;,1ble. A 5YflOnym used for Khsatylrn l5 R.'ljpul which however has clear f.-om his 8th house. In 1962 he nearly took a declslon to attack the Russlan ships canylng nuclear weapons to Cuba. The world was sa'o·cd from the dt.sRster of a third world war. He dlcd like a Kshab1ya, not In a battlefield but through Intrigues against him. Again the 8Ut house shows all Utls. Tills again like a Rajpul story_ Till now. the mystery of hls assassination remains uncovered because If the facts are known it may do damage to the image of the USA as a democracy. Sec the: fourth , lre had got II printed Uta! tiD gUl.:~o would be ncceptcd Uilll did alot acCl!pl glfl.s from guests. He-wrolt: to the Prim~ MlrHslcr rcg;milng U1c cll."tpoim.l of pcr:~mn:d ~lfls ~vcn by fnr•~l, monthly sal.111e nlulh lonl Sun anHkes hlru u :-~talc.':ltmm of tnh:nmllormt l't'JIUic but Ute u.spect u( Saturn frurn lh~ ~1Xtl1 hou!'le caus.ctl

ob5lructlons In U1..: t::\-posun- nm~ projc('tJon hl' dl"Scrvcd. Sahtm 1hei$ccolld and third lortl g.·we htna rncrU.;d ten~lons on nC"'.Coul\1 Cti Ulc: rh.:pleungwcallll ofhlsll:wumbhtt. Be Jon hi.!> brotl1~r lu Saturn/Venus/ Sl\turrL HL"i hrorhcr looked affcr ht.'i c~ns~ ;md that of hl5 flllllll:V •

AS:IO Sl>r'Jicrt ol Dr RrJ)endra

F""merTecnnJq~ cl A.stro:ogll:al Prelf.di005 ~- One

memtxrs wbtlt he Weis in jaJl. '01e four plllnrn ol' Nchn&'!'. mlsconcelved tdr.aJJsm wc:re·Soc1allsm, Non-niJgnmcnt n.nd S!:cu.lnrtDOl. SoclaU.m Sacl.ull'lm meant tu blm ntplr.l StH!IallsUc h:glslauou"5 for ccmtrols. Regulations, Cc:Uhtg. ReservaUons. Ucr..nslng and NilUonall!!lm of all sorts resulting In a large, fat, c:~1ve, lnefficJent and cocrupt. govcnuncut machinery spreadln.g lts tentacl~ lo stlflo posiU~ entrepreneurshlp ond ~-uf!oc:ttlng the free now of mnrlc:el foree1o .. Th~ prnctlce to accommodate us many ministers Ill> posslbJe, flO that they remnin happy-and suppartJvc wtth bungalows C'.ini and5ccurlty-start.::d tn Nehru era ;Uld ~came more and mo~ pronounced wtth 11me. There are 245 C,l, 72,500 c.wrC:s ~vt: l>etu tnv~h::d wtth hope: of uo retumt. and Uu:se umll:rtJiklugs Otgaln rcqutrc: furUn:r lnvestmenl for relHtblllbl Uou ilnd revival. If U1e vnlut: of the rupee or the 1950's and eo·s when mosl of the lnvestmcnt3 we~ made 15 applied, the figure becomes mtnd boggling. BoUt tho 1..'Cntra1 government and :;talc gavcmmcnt cntcrprt'le'l hl\\o-r:: become a hunttng ground f"r th~ uru~crupulous PollUclnns·bm.tnes~mutn Bureaucrat-Crlmln."ll nexus for tbt slphorung of easy money. The cntcrprlsc5 art quttr: at pn.r In com1pUon am.\ \ncffictcncy wtth the spoUetl govcmmcut machinery. co~3lon ha~ found ovu ~tamng n:~ultlng In under pcrfommnce nnd have sugge5ted retrenchment by th1rty pcn::ent. 'lbe S.rnl$e. U ._.. conunon k.nowJedge that very little runds or Ute Jntegmt.ed Rural Development Programme reach U1e needy. The Nauon;tl Cllun~ll of Applied Economic Researeh came out wl01 n humnn devdopm~nt profile of rurallncUa towards the end of November 1996. whlt:h s.ald thai About !'IUctc:en percent of India's roral populauon earned R-'!,3/· pe1· day n:1tl nuutha e!ghtetn pr.rccnt only about !is.,5 per duy, TI1e Planning Cornmtsslon report estlmntes that 2S37 percent of Jmlla's. total population should ~ treated a5 below the poverty Unc. Thls Is what 5octal15m induced ~lght ftvc year plan."- have been able'" do. lnd1.'1 come-s out poorJy tf you see the vttal economic tndkalOI"'!$Whllt hulla\i GOP per head t.s $300. China Is exactly douhle. with a percapita GOP talc of $i20. Even PakJ~tau has R mte or $520. let alone JupRn. wluch has n per capttu GOP rotc of$38.120. wblc.h Is more than hundn::d tlmcs that of Jmllas, The olhu Asian Ugcrs are nlPiO mile ahead oflndta- Singapore ha!!o $32,878 South Kr.:-t'~ $!1,910 1 'Tha1.1and $3,250, the PhtltppLnes S J .200 and ll1doncsta $1,2. J0. Curtously. tl1e per captta OOP r.Ue of Vle:tnnnt. ~ country which w:t~ cmelly btttlered by \ unleashr:d UJc Frauc~ aml tlu~ USA for ovc:r 25;. with lt!i entire

The fifth pRy


Fll'ar TedmlQtJe-s ot A51to!Qoical

P~t'liictJOO• On !!I

A.oil'fD 5;.ctdl ol Or Rs}!:IY.I'ri!

lnfm5truclureand evctl agrieuttumllrutd dc:wastattd l.s the: same as thnt of htdla. Perhaps B:.utgl!ldcsh l5 the only c.ounlry In the n:gl.On wtth \o\'hlclllndia r.oulct compare tt.e.df to ltB ad\"d.lltage. ln Ute ltghl or this we cannot blame the colonl;aJ mle nr the populnUon c:.' ')asl and h1dlo'5 present c.':lnnnl help R!:oltblg 1191

JtstnJ Sl(eJc:ll o.'Or


flm.rt T«fmlqoos ol Astrological

Prcdldlom VOl.


llltru.elf Ute U."lt,glng quc:!itlon how come n f;ountry that shoutd hnve gtven fO the world so much has gwen .!Ul little - Hm"1 come'} Rlljcndra Prd~d w·as nppo~c:d to rnplfl :mc\allstJo legtslaUon'!i, During the struggle for lndc:pendt:m:c Rajcudm Prasad o:prc.~tl hii5 vtew:'l fre~ly aud coru;tanUy ln the columns l"f his Journal 'Des'. He ·wrote hi~ autoblogrllgtous nnd ca.ste bRrrkrs ond gcncrnlly hdpln~ the ~pic

to better l1\'tng. lft.he educ.'1.Uorlr!l and S~:Jdal reforms mooted by him wert' r;lvcn proper wc~ht. perhaps the moral fabric- of tl.Je counlry wuutd nnt h('Vt: hccnshattcrcd by lhe pt'oplc who were ~·pcdctJ to rear ami -.;treugt.hen U.

The Birth Cbart JuplteT ls the l'JJOiro\llfl!! pJnncl u( tf115, Olhcrwtse weak hOJ'05\.0pC, \lo1th regant to henlUt. The k~:ndr..iS are the pUlars of the htgna. whkh represent!; the body, Rahll/Ketu on lp7 u.~ or 4/10 axis weaken~ Uu·

pUlars of


hence! nat good for health. 'llte Mercury /Mars

conJuncUlln ln L.agrtn ls also nCJtgood for physical wdl·be:ang. MllrS the Slh ~turl 121h lord In tln~ hl prontlsct; g~lnt; tn ec\ucntlon comJJelttton. law· cases ;tnd oUlCI' arr..a!i iudlcal.r slmpl~ •lrt,·l dl~ntfh:d ttl Tllr,nno:r ~utcl tln~!>!'lo, Tile lun· •JI ·;wUvr. JXliiiiC"~ clhltml ~PJw:tl fo hr!r, nnd she dtd uol Join ll~r hushmnl 111 IUs fH)IUIC'al act IV lilt·~. She: kept llr.~lf In I he: hackgrounrl iUl a.Lso ~ fnm1Jy life_ lit: \lr.ri!; iiblr tc) sl1\y wl!h his wlf~. (1hlhlrcn :mr:l granrt·clJUdrC!n ln l ul!.o :rlSJl1.'l'lNI by Uic ~ombi.nauou or Alltmkar.•kn nmt Amaty:1kl1mk. ·n1e Cham d.1~hll of VIrgo rn!>hl was


fultuwcd hy tht! daL'ihit or Llbrn. VIrgo r.ashl Is twelfth from PulrctkarnkH. lk lost interest In sludtcs ami wasted tln~t~ ycatlol. H~ was away front

hl'i children r1mtng Ihis ncrlnd. He rcjolm:d c{llll1!e. to study Law and tlld ll:gi\1 IlrntUc.c lullic r:rJUrts of Calcul(;.j 1\lntrn to dl5lllrtJ At the Hgt: c1f 5·6 hr. sltlrkrl 111 learn altlllltlwl~ 111 Pc~l;m from U11 Mnulvlsaht:IJ 11f hi:-! \'lllngc. 'llu~ tr.adrhag startt!d cctt~tlllllllnusly will lh'=' ctlslomal)· ~hauuug o( 'Bisntlllnh' mtd cUstrtllul1ouol sweets 111 tlu ~tyh· rolk·w~rt by ll fck was hili hrsl 1r.1111 Journey, Ht!;. adml:>OslUon. Durtng this 11C::rltul nn nctvl!'iC 1lf hltt hmll1er, whu \V:iS ~tudylu~ ln AJiahabwt1 he tlt~cardc:tl fon!lgu cloUu:s anti ~Jw..-t' Utcu. Ull ltt5dtalh. he tlh.lnot wear (ore.Ign clolltc.s... Rahu/Satum,/Mars ;md Rahu/Salum/R.ahu, tlJe Rnhtr/S.'llum/Jupllcr p~rtod cornmcn~d from Fcbnuuy. 1899. Uu:n:afler. from July i899 the Rahu/Mt:TCIHY period 5li1rted. In the Chata dasha 5-eheme tl1e per lod was Ubrn/Arle:s from Dc:ccruber !t 1698 ro Oeccmhe":T 3, 18~9 and Libmrf'nums from December 3, IB9!) 1sa. Blhnr. A3~m ami Butmn.


A'S!rD Srltrctl ot Dr


RJ'er TcK;.tlfllq\JeS of Asttcloglcn1 P11!dicUoo$ VO! One

the Ume that a boy from Blhar bad topJ)(."rl. The: wae> Rahu/Kdu/\kuus UJ)to M>uch !902. Ott. ttmr. when he wrote the exam. Rahu and Kctu, has been analysed eHrltcr and are fuvouco.blc for educaUon but not gootl for health. Vcnu~. the Sbrt.h lord of compctltlons Is In thr! 11th, the house of gaJns. ln u~ montrrlkol\.."1. rnshl. Rahu/lktu/Vcnus was followed by Rahu/Kctu/ Sun UJlto May 4. 1902. It was ln Sun prntynnlar dnsha thnt thr: re~ulls w~ announced, ·suu gtvmg him u.amc und glory spread far beyoud hl!place of birth, Moon prntyantar gives hlm n sudden t:'hangc n9 It Is. the el.ghtlt lord exal(cd In sL~h fomdng H vlpan.:r:tn mjyoga. lf wns durtng ~hu/Ketl.l/1\mrs hr: took ndmis:>lou to 0H" e1IU51 PrcsidLmcy college of Calcutta and f~ll ~lok... lr WiUi Librcl/C~n~ frurn December 4. 1901 to December 4. 1902. Cm1cer Is. th~ 10t11 rn.sht bolh fmm Putrn.karnk and from the- ma111 dashil rnsh.l hence lrn,; to give the full favourable: result!> of n wen plAced PutrnkHi.l.k. The FU"!It. Vl.:;ft to Calcutta Jwtt..•- July 1902: r~tJ(~Hhahu wrllt:s lhat he suff~rctl fmm high fcvr.&- and could not reacl1 Cnkutl;• to ,I•JlJI Coll~gc on t1mc. lk rc.Ruhr.d Cnkutta wfUJ hls brother qullc lnte nftr.r opening of lh~ colh:g,c. Tht!i



vlmshoUar1 dasha

OJ.'l'lf> his tlrst vbU H.1 CHIC!ullo. Ncvt::r befon; lwd U1ib li.tmplt:, nusaphlstlr-.aled, }'.lllllgt>II':T .slcppl'rd out of the conJlne:; nf Bihar lllh'l a C()!~room. IH~ slnn·tl at hi:-; da~~ma~cs ill ~urprh1.t:. Tiley were ban:At~ad~d. fHitl dn:~"t>~d 111


lrouscrs amd ':!Wrts. Tlu:y must all b~ i\.ugln·lm.LJ.1It~. hr-

f:andurlr:rJ. \'~t. tn hlcs HSIUJlLhmcut, nil lh~ shtdc.nts IUIAW\~rctl to Hlndustanl names durlug the rrJII call !Rajr:udta Pra$1t..l's tH\1'11 name was not caUcd out Must~ring eourngc. ltc ..stood up tu Inform lh~ lt'Ct\ln:r. The l."lltcr starrrl nl hts nnnl :'lftln-, lie w»s dre.•,scd In :l ~lmpk 1\urta·p,VHjrtma ant.! cap A5aJV.'U)'S-\\'ili!J llfl'>'C tiUI t-.:ilum tLJc Htl~mlal'ICI! o! the boys of Marl.r.lsn &hool~ lJll! kctun..'1" remm'I(C. Snglttnrius hn..•'>Gnatlk..ual< IUld ll Ls lhc. 202



ct All:('llogiCtll


Vel Ot10

.o\llro Slrolch of Of R3Jf'tldr;l

ci.g)lth m6hl from Atmakamk:n from August 4 In September 4 and


dnsbll wou; Lihrn/CClnttr/Lro. Cholc~


The subjects taken by him In FA were EngtL~h, Pen\IM, Hl5tory, Logic. MnthctnaUC!\t, Phyt>l.cs and Cheml.!ttr)' dearly 1uillc-atcd by ltilluei\Cr: of Rahu/Kdu (mahacL'1Sha/nntmTJnsha] gtvlng r.fft:Cl5 Mert.'ury aud Jupiter and lhr. a~JJCct ()f Jupiter frnm the u1nlh hoUI$C': ot




An Achievement Again Calcutta, ?threh 1904 to June 1904 H.: ltlppcd ag:-wt 111 thr: FA of tlJe lill1vcrs1ty. IL Wa!ll a rcmarkalllc ~chJcvcmcn1 l.mle~d. lk'.shles tltc. ~d1olarnh1ps tJtat he was gctUng many mnrc wcrr. aw:mlr.1l lo him. I Jr. sC"cmt:tl the highest ntark:s lll t~n~.lls.h, 1-'crsL-uJ, Logic ami olhe:t art snbjccls, but did uul get the lrt MutlH!mnUC5 >11nl &!lcucc sul!Jcct~. Jup1tc.1· •• spccls the llftll house and Mc.rcwy Ls '.'oilh the Oflh lonL TI1c influcnr..:. of non-tc:chnJcnl plam·ts b mort' uomlmutt on the (Ulh hnu~t!. a~ oUu:r than Mn~ no t.edutlcal phmcl !Jillut:nrt..~ tl1e llfth haus~- lit: wa& later told by bl5 &:oleHcr: t.-achcr Umt hr: 5honhl hnvc nplr:li for Sr:lcnc~ nnd he, In n '"''Y· de~fled an ~..:ccJ!cnt dnsh.o for af'hlt:'V\.'mcnf In the a.rea IJ( C(ltii:"-"Wm (r;>llcnw.ri by Hnhu/\'enus/JU[lll.a-, 111 Cha.r.l dH3]Ul scheme It W;ls l..lbrt•/VIrgo/Aqu:.nun. Llbtn Is Ute rnaln d1t.Shrl msh\ when; R strnng Pulrnl(ar.>k Is t•l:wcd. Vlrgn Is the 5llh· 1lnsh11 ra!ihl, whld1 i!'i th~ t2th rn!~ht from l-'lllrilk;t.r;~k awl A•ttmnus ~ !he suh-suh·dm:ha rn~hJ which Is fifU1 Putrnkaralt 011111 ~ :lSptdt~ll by Putrak.u-ak.. Putrakar;ij( Is In the 11 U1 from l...agJut. Ulc-rel'orc gatnful. The ncg.1Uve tmpm:l ofthc sutrd..,~ha fJflhc 12Lll m-;hi from Putmk.amlt was not fdt UL Aquarius sub-sub-Jash;l am1 Ubro mc!! tl1c year 1f.I05 In hL"i autobiography ;tl!i th~ year of ag11allon and actlv1Ues other than academics. The vimsh ~:xt·t~llr:twt\ In ctluc:ftUotL It wus only Ln Llhra ~ub·tlasha of mnllllla .. hot or vtrgo UJat hl' COltll.l RC'hlC\'C; land nmrk. During I h1' u! h•.T o;uh •'s In mnlrl rL'lshn of VIrgo hi~


cdUC"BitOn $Ulfi!n: nspt.:d lh~ flfth htwN: of fn;em ~levenUL ·n1e tr.u1~1ttng S..1turn was in Pisces from whL'1"C It m;pccta tlHl

fiJth houst fmm Monu tms ((~·r HI.. Out ht: lmmcdlnltly pa!>Scd ;mel ror Ihe other he ~lartr.d In JliT.parc. By taluug admlsstnu tn HI. al this !>table h~: lust thrl!c. yeaN-as he could have douc this af•cr his BA ami couhl havcj(Jlncd two yc:tn> of lnlcrshlp wUh H lal.V)Icr for pmctldng In High Court thl1:'t! ycaT back.. He hull Ulls sc:tbdclt tn llitl\u·Moou Ut Vlmsholtarl &. Vlrgo U! Chnr dnslm. The NaUonDl Beene Durlng lhl5 period over 2.000.000 puvcrty·strlckcn Indian worker.; ~mtgrnled to foretgn CtlUHlrlt!.. Mo~l: flf lhr:m went lo the pl;tnl:illl•)ns of Ceylon aud h-taJay. Many also weut tu·Mnurtttus. 1\-inll :HUlude and adm.tnt.strntt,.r mc:nsun:s ol l.tml Cun.on. Lhc then VIceroy of rudl till J uuc 1910, Phl'csls Uw t'lghl mshl I rom 1\falnkara.lw, Jupll~r ITprescnlln~ (t.JntJler ~nrl home. f'to;ccs lr. ~spe•'lt•lll:'ty llitiHI, Mtn::ln)'.

the Darakarnk.'1 and Mars !Jte.

StArted Work wlth the Onset of 5Atnrn .Antardllshll He wa:r- lnkr:u f\!. au a~!ii~ISIUI by Mr. Shnrnsulhucl;.. ;1 kuown lmrrlstet~ Usuafly. lhc stucltiii.S ur taw gvl allatcht'd tQ a lwown lnwyc• for nnmc-Ntkc and pas.'5~d their (:Xilffi, Rajemtm &\hll ntt.l nol !JQ llml. Uc "1url~eu h.rm.l. I Ic l.t~Sot:d ro n:nch Ute h(1U!!.C (1r Mr. ShHm.!:iulla.. r:Vay momtn~t at 7 a.m. after r.ravclUng tn trnm :1 L"'nstrtembk dis! alice nmJ walking~ mlh:. He made norc:-s (or Mr; Sham5ulhutla nfter rcllglou!;ly gotug through Utr. l:asr-~ for lltc tlay 1111 JO A.m .. thr.n he wcul wlrh hlru to ilic courts. ln the he gav~ tulllons and l'OUld. rctun1 b.1.clt home: nt 10 p.m. hupres..ert hy his hard w·ork. ht' \\"iis ~tvcu 1llc ;t represcnti\Uve of BU1ar l'>rovlnctal Congress fn1' ml!mbcr.;hlp of l.lH~ AlCC In Occcrubcr. 19 J l. he was mad~ a mr.mhcr 1tucl conlhlliL'"ti tn J~m;lJn n mc:mhr:r of /\ICC l_lll his d('!nth.

SeptcmHr 1911 to M1ucb 1914 Tin~ pt~rlc~l wa!> spc-nt lll lt'gial htm5dr.


Hr was


to t.slabllLcmb(.r,

1914 ht< work~+rJ hal"'d r~_w !'~lief as


vnhmtccr r1ur-tng thr: dcvnstntlng_ Oou1t In 13tluaf. ll& frl~ml~ !'iu.ggest~d that he should np,lrasst..-d U In U1c fust cUvllilOil. Anct 210

~0011 ;~ficr s\lhmllh:tl hh fksr-arch I_.Hpo:r lo hccurur: .1 Unclvr ol lo~IW, The M;tllmiRBhll Lord J11pllt'l' aspl'd~ th.: 5"' IJrJII'>t", lliLh lunl tlllll Mcn:11ry the flfth awl ~corul lord from Moou. f'tk'rt:Ury Is with I h.: fifl1t lord from lngn;~ Mar5 :lnrl ha~ asf)r:ct of.luplrcr, tilL• Knrkn for .Judlntmy from tile ~·r.. VIrgO Ua~llH Whldl \V1LG lhc 12"' Ra~hl ftlllll 1'1( gul !JW't Ull Dt"ct'mbc-r 191·~ and the Leo dnsba hli\'Ulg..Jupller ~lK ~omm~·ur.t'tl. H Wu!' l...t'o·Vlrgo from D.::cemtn:r ·1. I~ H 'n ~eph:mbr::r 4. ltl Iti aru.l l.luriug

lhl:r. pertod h·~ v.'TMc:' rh.: e.1Um1 mal gol .Mt~•·c.s;,. It w;1s Leo- L.!br.! l.b} Lo, J I'" fturn Pl\ nnrl Ubra lws JJK. H l' ~l\n~llecl 111 -stucltts durin,[! Utt• l.lhra OiL'>h;1. harl (l Jl;j(J !):lldt rlllrlllg Vlrgo. Uu~ 12"' ·"''' J~lhl rotiiUI !iUC:t:e-55 In ~u:- w~s nl!'lcd 111 thlf> -st:5S1ou. l{t!lu ln thr: Hash[ of Jupllcr lta5\ l(l gM~ tht: dft~L~·~ or Jupiter It lli'IS llle a~pt.l~t or M Moollrtkona. &-u>h1 and U1eM.ahndasha toni Jupllcr stron~ and ln 11'" from venus. The period had to be good. ·n1c famous Chrunp:mu:s case got wtrlc mcdla covernge. 'l1lc Brltinh wHhdrew the t:R~es ngnim;t OandhiJl fllld with the luterl"i:n~uec of Ut~ Gnvcntor a ~:nnunls~lon of IUftl.llry WCl!i r.omstttutr.rl uf wh!C!h tiimtlltljt war. nl5o mmtr. il member by the lkltteh. 111c Inquiry commutr.e. fcmrul thai the .sJluaUon WU!l much wut~c U1an reported, G:"!ndhljll1~5 Wrltlcllln hls auiQblog,raphy lhal he. V."il.!> ~alisfltrl with the SUPilOrt he ~I.'CIVet.lln Chs. Hajr:n Balm md Mr. J;-mumi:U Oaj111 for Cllt• llr~C lim~ hnr.. Lntr.r Raj. In I hr. h~glunlnf! ~;~f H.• l!:.t lh~n· ~n: Wide ~PI'\; f hnr!HI couhl !.'prcml lrl ltlL" \ll&tlcnkvdupccl ,,:oniiUJIIII~IIfiLI system of Uu: :-;aUml lwt:.:~utc H pu:nJc for Ilit" llrJUsh aulhurltk.~ rtl!'it!. lllt'n; \l,ll!' 11 namom thai Gandh.IJI ww; ~rro:.o;h:d r,~u lh•: llny ,_,l th.; ~trike.. RaJCll

B.ribal m~la~t.l In r·\fJml_l:t)' IJlll Wlll'll hL· 213




In r\hmc•l::~bad he Wt'lll fn AhmrdabHtl from Bomaby. Frt:-or~~s lh~ 11 "''· From 1.(:11 AK •m!i AMl{ fire In lh~ ((I•• _ Vimshottnrf Dasba JupJtcr-Sun from February 1920 t() 9th December 1920

g•t. lord ill 12'" lrull~alt: ~criOt.·~ ror .. l~111!:W. UurllJg lhJs IH~rlmJ RaJcn Balm n:nmlau.:tl m~t:uptt"d Ill u t.·uuli ca~ 1t1 which :\1ulllal •m•l Mr. C.R. Das w.;:.rc also part1c-lp:.t1ng. l..oJ._ Manyn TII01k rllcd during thl!S pt"rhld. During lhlo; porfm! ~Jt:.n Bahn 1!1!t.'ldt-d In conlt".st ~lccUon for mt:mucr:shlp of llac: Provtndi11 CIJI!Udl (rum Ctnunpamn iu U1c clccUcm~ whb:h \lo'I;Te I~;~ he hdrllu :>;o\lr:rnl..-r Hl20. Vnr lhb purpo~h~ ~·tsllcfl Chnmpamn tW(• 1'1r thn•l' Uiucs. M;111lana Shaul~! All, an crnlnwl ka•lcr. r.amc lo PaUL'l 111 t\11rll. 1920. 'J1acrr. \1/as a hlg l'ubiiL: nu:cUug. Hajn1 l3abu ;llso achtr~~~~ Ihi~ mt~lln,g and ;umounrt~d thai tf th~ c.,u~n~ss tledLk~ to hmurh thr~ ~nu-Co·Ojlc:a"llronth. IJurlug 1ht5 ~~~rind R.'ljl."n Oahu swy~d for lJiltlC' :.tmtc Umr. lu /\nm(Blharl for lhe Seth Ht!t:l t1fGK, Mnn-. Rahu autl 1\ aud J\K IS tn the 12~



In mJd Novcm~cr. l92l, tJ1e nr \\'ales ~cht!Li Bombay. ·n1e Ghn~ll protr:~lr.•l. '111r.l"r. was, \'lcllt~ll~(. flO tu 60 prrsons were ldJir.h Co11rts. 7. ·n1c \\'tJrkcrs should \''Ork; fnr r.onllal n·JRtlonshtps With fll'Oflle of ill! ~ct:tlon5. E\'r~n li a BrltJsh('r- 11:t In nCl:d a.nrl sick he :s-hould be heiJ~ccl hy thr. Cougre...;!'\ m:tnolsls. s. TI1~ work or cu!h•cUug Funtls f,,t 'f)(Ait Mr.mortnl Fuwl .should t'uuU11111:. 11H~ PmVIIJr:Jru C'{JI\~rt·);.~ Cmnrnlllc:c .should tH:nd tane (rJUrtll or 11:-. t:"Qilo:ctlou to AIJ lu~111n Coow-~s C'ommllta::.~:. \I, II lllt•.,l! ~:.luUou ;tn-o req'llln:ll lfl hr nmctld•·d Uu~y W(aUid bt tii5CUS.:'iCd Ul th~ AICC, ltl. l'm\'lslon should be mntlc: to rchnh1lllut•• tho~ who jflltl Congrc:s~ nflr.r gl\'tllg Ill~ Gii\'UOIUU:UI M~fV(L~I~



.1\JI lluiitiJif~ in lhc hlUld!i nr~ Gmt~mm"nl whtch had sent a MallnlnmT Ute= tlpo:sUe of lfnle aud uon·violeuce to J.lU, 'Otc tyrrumy ol foreign ruh~ must end, till!)' felt. and the Congr(•ss must he fully :mpporit.'"fJ openly or secretly. Jupltf:f"·Muon Pr.rioll cm2r.ti ol\ l0·4·l922. Wh;ll d1attgt' 111 pUIItio

In lb Aulanln~hll, Tht• close cotllum:tlon o! McrruT)', 1he 7'"' ~nfl I 0'" lnrtl •u•d 1\t r"(IU!d be expected. Ulllt~r tlh~ Chnr ~r.llemt:.·Caur:t=r ....... s fromJWJI! •L I ~22 to March 4_ 1923. C~Hl•~cr •~ the 12"' from l\.m:. (MK I~ ;Jiso ~ccm ;t:r;; 1ho pnsutott ~ivcrl Hmi B''' lrom 1..•1~1\."l ami CiK. 'l1u-: cnmhlur:d llldlt:dtLnll (rum Vlrt-rslwllarl itiUI ChHr. th~rdnt(l I~ rau (nun IIU!'ilttun. The Government Actiao 11HIUtSalldS of ~n.t.'"· ltll'ltu.11ug CirmrlhUI,



clnppetlln prlsmts

Faner Techniques !lr Astrological Pred.dlon~ Vol Ono

for nn otht!t otkuc~ Umn thnt of loving t"OUilhy make her consUtulloually luct~tx::mknl.·

mut striving to

Congress Rift Rajen Balm went tu l3lhar amt organised ~ meeting ofTlsc Hlhnr Provtnclal Cougtess. Usc B.'lrtloll atld New Dellll re.soluUous were ao:cptcd In Ute meeting ond th~ ConstmcU~ prngn.unme £15 cnvl.sagctt, 1n lhc..'5C resolullon!i was start~d. ·n·~ re._'>(llutlon of Mr .MUTij~ 1\fahamshtrn wlllch wns not pa!>sed In U1c N~w Dellll i'\lCC meet fow1d tlCCC!ptanc:~ Ln U1e Mah.ara:shlrit. l\1adbya Pradc.sll Congress CauJJcU. Thus. clearly, the lll~rna.l rill:. In lbr: Congress cnuh.l be seen. Soon a.Jkr. his rc:tun. fmm Detht Ra!cn &bu wc:nr to A'i~lll with Pamllt M.aLhUl Mohau Malvly;"* and '\'lsltc:d lhc: pl.ilot-"C~ where U1c: Congress work~rs were au ackee! 1uul I he Cou~s offices were humt. Unda- the Constl1.lctlvc Natlou Building Programme. U1c Cougrc.;s wor1rers plcltclcd the opium shops aud as ~plum wns a nmjor revenue for the Omc1 muciU Ute ptckdlng wa~ dJ!rillkrwcd by fon.--r:. R.1jcn Babu later vl~Hed i11e repre5slou atfect.:d pl;u.-es ln Blhiir aHd found t11at U1~ pl':Oplc were :;Uil ru1dcr terror thH~ to the rulht~s.o;. repression by the British Government. RHj~n Ba bu U\cn cngagcct htm~u· wllh the cunstrucuve nation bulldlllg ilCUvltk~ more acUvely ami t:ullcctcd funds tu May nnd June. 1922 for lite Congress Sc~slon to be hdd In Gayn ln Deeembc:r. 1922. He c:vulcl not attend the 1\ll:C meet or 22nd ~une, 1922 111 Luc:know M. 1..11! g-9t l~l~lt f~r. TI1e Vl..lmhotcal Oa.!'ioha WB5 Jupllcr-Man!-Rnhu.. Mnr.., as alwnys. gavt'! him high ft!Vcr as It 15 coujunct wtlh Men!ury In tha= ~1gnJI. IGlhu Ln n e"11 hout ·wnJtJng for •he rclc:n~e of Gaudllljl. For lite pt(!ss, lhl.t; WH~ U1c most 50ught after news. The p~•p1e who were In fil\'flur of cutf)' 1u tlu.· lc:gH;Iature:; were brruulcd us Pm·Changl!rs and Uw!>~: agotnst II ~s No-Ctwngcrs. Prominent ~monj!. 1-'ro-t::hangus wen~ Mr. C.R Das. Mr ~hlll l.Hi N•~hnt nlld Mr. VIUtal Bhnl Pah~l (BroUtcr of S.1rclar VallabhnJ Patr.ll nud In lh~ Nn·clmugers ~roups WC\1.: Shrt l{;Jj:J Rajgop:l.ll'lchart. San1nr V..llahhAI Patt:l. Dr Ans;ul. Shrl Jamnali1l f}ajnJ and Dr Rajl':ndrn Pm~"\r.l. Gnn!.lhi.JI k.-.rle_~ t :an clcctlnuor l•hllt .a l'fl.S.C. H!S- a lnwyt.:.-. ·nu~ ru'\vly formctl wtng of U11! Swaraj P.u-ty uudcr MoWat Nc:hru and C.R. CJ;~~ sw~:pl tlu- pnllfi or l92:J. ·na"' i'\o·ChBugcr"> dtcl not participate.

December, 24. 1923 Kolllmtdn AICC Congress Session Vimshottarl da.sha; Jup·Rahu..Sa:t from 19'~ November. 1923 ro 6'1' April 1924 Hnjcn 13ahu fdl slt:k jus I t.Jcl"ore r he ~·ss!ou •u•tl •'iluld !IOl go. R.1hu and &Hunt Hrt' flOlc-111 sll'kncss gM;,. Ill hts horos-cope. IH Chitt Canccr·Gt!lllllll Slnrtecl from 1)~1: .. a ml Wil!> lip to Febnwry a. Ctlnccr hi l.hc dghtll Rnshi fruru l..agua. 0em.lul l.!'i rtu~ 7 1" nud h:oJ.:; a..-.po:cl of OK, Mars Rilhu ru1i:t 1\cru. AK Is. 111 till! 12''' (ro•n Gr:mJuJ Hr wa~ eho~H~.u lht P~.slckm of U1~ lllmH lln·rmnll(lr1 trfi:Cl I lis ~po:-t•r.:b ~' expc-..rtmr.ts ngnlmr hl!i prluc1pk.~ Uc htloushlps. lh~ rt!..'iJmll~lhlllty Is 1 or vl.llage$ ~·here cow· .sl.nughttt had talt~n plnct earlJc:r. there the Hludus were not allowed to iiHcrvcuc and where If. was being done for Uu: flrnt tlmr:, objc:c:tJcm by the Hlmlus ~ould lk: rat~d tilnLtus pruce~slc1u~ oni!Side mos-ques wtlll band and songs wert! o~lccted. The cduc.atcd a counl or mcrnbt.T..' of thclr <gloo In Govcmrnent job!'>, Dlstr1~:t l3onrds. 1\htnlt:!pilllttes and the membr:~htp \If the Couuctl::.. lh1111 ~-ns ~o::XttlOlh::i.! hy lht: Brllbh for dhttd1ng aud wcak!!tllng lwllau~. For U1c c.le-1.'Uot1., Ilajc:u Babu tUd beetle crunpaign!ug fat" the Congres.5 cnnd1dntes, Whllc: tnwdltng hc;t.wccu PunJIIa ami RnHchl, RaJ~u Bahu mr.t wtlh llll ~~·4:hfr.ul and wa~ hurt. He rem.11ned unwt'll for two to three weeks. lk tl~~·c::lop~d swelling nu face after 10 day~ of tl1e ncctdcnL 'nil'. Vlm~hottarl l1asha was Sa tum • Sa tum - Vcnu& from 6'• September, l 926 co 9 11' NL.1.rch, l927. Sa tum Is In Ibe: 6'"' l\[luo:;c ·nnd Venus m the G"'' lonl. S(tlum -Venus ilTt' 0/8 from each otllt~T Vcnu!i n:pre.senb Veh.tcl~ and 6'" hnu!\c attttJc:utt'.;_ In the Char dnshn scheme lt wns Gemini ·Arlr.5 F"rum Jum.· •L HJ2G In Llc Ihe "fl" ~~~hi froutl.:tgun. il.'iJX'Ciccl hy tVl'dr.un and lhcll to Srl Lanka. Titc Vlrrulhottari d;;:-;hi1 \Vi\!' SOltum ·Saturn- Rnhu from Octohcr 5, 1927 to Maroh, 19, 1928 Rnhu gi\'Cs pllgrlrna~c-:;. R:tltu ill RI!Jen Babu':; horosCOJ}e has bct>Jt fuuntl (avoumblc e:x,:cpt uu the prufes~I(UJi4l fruut i1!7 II l$ dt'bllUntcrJ In tht! Dn~hm.'Utstm. Rnhu also d~notc.s (OJctgncrs and

Foreign C'l)untry. In Char


It wns Gemini - C;1.prtc-om from


4. 1927 uprc. June 4. L92.8. Gr:rnhtl l!l asp~l~tJ by GK Rahu ami IL Jr~pllc or I line~'!>. h•: h::(l ror Muug,·r IQ ath'ml CJII: l31ht Provtncta.l Cau.fereuce. He bt'c-etm~ Sl"..ris presl~oknt.'>hlp for l.ll• Mard1 1933 Cungl'('ss Sl.~~:liHJJ 111 Orl~s.• lmt II coultl not lake place. Bu Venus y.11h clevallon, h.m..l to gtvt~ dl~ums~ al~o. During these stx montl he fell UJ twice. He 1:.{\rnpcd at Punt" durtng U1e f:t5t of OaodhiJ1. H• loured ~11 over .soulh fm- opentng temples. alll!ndcd ~ets ln New Ddh and l.n Allahabad for U1e Congrt."fis and colkotcd a huge amount for th• ag;UaUon.

Aga.ln Jn January 1933 RnJro Babu wns ~stcd ;JgEtln And sentenced L J 5 mo.rlth$ tmp•l~uruent. G:=tndh!JI wc.a.k lh.'alth. lnvoh·eti himsclf tn the work of Bihar Hcltcf Committee nC whkh he was made the Chairman. Gancihijl. PamlU Nchm anct It plm~e Ill Mtu.:h, lfl39. GovltH1 Ballahh P;mt presenlr.d lltr- 1rtpur1 n:solullcm.'>. S gn:mwl Dr VldyHchr\nm MJ11~ v.'h woulcl romo:o tn tci'Tll5. IC\jcu B~hu altt!ndcflthr Scsfitnu mullhcu vlsll~d Vislri11tapat•mnr. Cuwwk Anti Cnlt:uW•. ·nrtlon U10ught Uul ~1lJsllm league~ denuun1 fnr Paklslan was not possible. Mr. Jlnnnh threatcucd Direct ActJon. LMge -scale rlollug touk pl;~c.e in Calculla 1Nhcn- l :lOOO ur more bncll~ Wt're found ou road Rllt.l seve~ aud Ul.llllY lloattug 111 the gnuges. RaJcu Bahu vtsll~u Ca.Jcuttn. CWC n~ccplc.."rl the- 16"' Mny pmposnl of lh~: G!Jv~mmcul. EVen ~fore lndepc:rukiir.c, •I Cl)nsfl!uc:ull\s~.:mhly ~v-pUtable to horo:it:ape:; ha\ing Sun ln lagn~ inespec:tive of th~ tlg11 .thing. This d"!hol!s i\pptiC:•tbte Oil one hl)lo;;c:ope 0\lt Of t\'1'~\Ve tlOtO.SCCp!!S .Uili thus !1t::t'tU ~I!Iious catl1!l\\iou. Application or. divisional chiltti h t~ euel1cl' of prediction and! time of fmctlfic~~otion Ofal'IY evenl.

rhLs bo()k t.s ~ rni.LSt fot all •tvdenb aud p1of! al Atttalogy. 11. DclayedMOUl'iageofGiTIH14f~til' n:.Mc:a 0 Rs.IOO/·USOS/· Dr,(Mn;.) Sari" Pr=.d, Dr,(MRs.) Shn ~ Mlshra. Mrs.. Stl~ni Oh
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