Book 8

September 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 is a comprehensive,  multilevel  language program far Tht?  American  Languoge  Course (ALC} is teaching English  f o r vocational  a n d  professíonal  purposes. It is designed primarily for intensivo Englísh language tra inin g in a cla classr ssroom oom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced for slower-paced inñtruction.  Th  Inslitute  T h e ALC's C uiríci uiríciilum ilum  h a s  been  developed by the Béfense Language  Language Inslitute English   Language Center  IDLIELC), which is a US  Department  o f Béfense Béfense school school u nde r  t h e the AL operalional  control of the US Air Forcé. The prímary focus  of the  ALC C is to provide a language curriculum  for a diverse i  internatio nternational nal m ilitar ilitaryy pnpu lation. lation. T o that end, t thh e course indudes  n o l only  general English  topics, bu t  also military topics  o f a general  naturc highUghtmg t  English topics,  general naturc  thh e  typical  career  will cnoounter  p rofessi rofessional onal  a n d vocational language military personnel   in  their  ficlds, Th e AL C  has, how ever, also also been  very successfully   in  non-military  cnvironmtnts   used  learníng and in US  high  schools with imm igr igrant ant student  populations. <

Coitt'se   componente

T h e   ooorcíinated instnictional packages  fo forr Books  1-30  consist of the  following: >-Student textlSTí >  Instructor text (IT) * Homework  a n d evaluation exercises booklet  ( H W  and ESJ * •  Audio  recordinga (tape  or CD) * -   Language laboratory  laboratory activitietí  activitietí  títudent  text  (LLAST) * •  Langu age laboratory activities instructor  text with audio scripts (LLAIT) >  Com puter-delivered puter-delivered interacttve multimedia instruction  (IMI) »  Quiz kit * O ptiontil ptiontil  training aids

Inquines  a n d   orders

PleEisc  uddretís inquirieg  a n d  requests  fo r more informatíon  informatíon   about BLIELC  BLIELC publicHlions  publicHlions  lo DLÍELC/L£SL 2235  A ndróws Avpnue Lackland  A ir Forcé  Bfl3C ,TeíaR   78^3S-5259 E-mail: LESL LESL@ @ lacklanol.a f.niiI iI ©  20  2004 04 by Béfense L anguage Institute E nglish nglish Language Center  a n d  ite  licensnrs. Notíce o  off Rights; All rightñ reservad. N o part of th is book may be reproduced or transmittod  in any  form or by any   meansh  electranic, mechanLcalT   photocopying photocopying,, recording, o r otherwise, without the

prior   written perm issiou issiou of the publisher.


  J ¿ u i u a r y 199 ,

Second Edition, Janityry 2004  , üciobcr  2 U U 6 Pounh   p r i n i i n g  üciobcr BOOK 8  PROFACE

and Sequence, Lessons 1 5 ALC Book 8: Scope and

1  Lesson 


Gettmg  directions í   >  The 4 directions * •  Giving dlrections .-   Me as u  ring 1 temperatura

Gramrnalical Slruciuros 


>  Give directions using a city or state map ma p

-FulurewithRE+go^gtó >  afTirmative   an andd nagaiive slalemenls ••  Yes/no  questions >  Information  questions >  Comparative  adjectives  Comparative adjectives b&tt&rífyQfse   (lt>3tt)   and an d superiaiive adjectives adjectives

the   bestiworst

2 m

Lei's  g& í   ir t  sftapet  Gefling in +  Gefling  in shape   •  Having fun   m  your Iree lime * Ad|ectives  and their

>darily   ownership using possess ive ive •forms   of   nouns, pronouns, and adjecliues


 Preseni active inlinilive as  direct objecl after üegin,   forget, team, íske,  need. remember. sfarl,  try,   waní * •  Possessive pronouns mine, yours.   fters,   h¡9,



> A s k  foranü give h&ip  using  ihe >  A long distance cali telephone > -  Using  the   phone Using the  phone

B   . m   1

book  a pay  phone >  U&ing


Leave  a mess esssge sge

>  Calling about  an  about an apartrnenl f  Renting an

>  M ak akee  and respond lo requests  to speak t too  someone an and d have a

*  Follow oral and wrirten

dfrections  on a map

^ Repeat a üiaiog * -  Select  ihe m íer íerence ence  boxx   outline * Complete a  bo (rom  an  oral  text >  Puncluate a paragraph >-Wnlea loqically sequen^ed paragrapri >  Follow oral and wriUen direotions on a map >  Repeal a dralog ^ Selecl the inierence *•  Identify main idea  and wrile the topic   oí  a  lext >  Complete a  bo»  ouilme 3 


from  an oral  a text > Punctuale  paragraplí * Write a  logicaíly se que n ce d paragraph * Comparaiive adjsdives >   Repeat   a  dialog wüh mvrefl  mvrefl&& ss   + > •   Select   the  inference adjective  (+   Jfían)   an andd F Follow se  semi-technic mi-technical al superlative wilh ¡he writlen  in^TruclionSí  Complete a box outline mosülGasl with (+  adjective) ^ Possibility  mayand > froman oral tex textt mfaflí   Punctuaie a paragraph >   Wtiont   (alternative * Wrile a logically Who}   m  dUirmali^e seque nced paragraph infoi m^non queslions >  Ustng IEÜ+  indireol *-  Repeat a  dialog object  + (THAT) noun >  Selsct th e  inference f  Identify main ¡de  lause (noun clause ¡dea a an  and d casdirect  object)  o f   a  Text write t thh e  topic of '



apa  rime n nii

.  Saying lime before

lele phone conversation

and afte rthe  hour



In  affirmative   and an d negative im perati perativos vos

>  Follow se  semi-techni mi-technical cal

written instructions » Complete a bou oullme Irom anoral text > -  Punctuate a  paragraph >  Wrile a  logically sequenced paragraph

 5  reviews  all vocabulary  and structures and structures  introduced  in Lessons  in Lessons 1-4. Lesson 5 Lesson


Notes   to the  Student T h e   American Language C ourse focuscs focuscs on four  components  of  language language learnin g: vocabiílary,  grammatical   structures, language functionsr  a n d  skiíls. •  The The lessons lessons present presen t vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the learner  effcctively  commumcatc   needs to  buildson understand use in order   i n English. Each new   lesson   t h eand  bulary   of  t ht eo previous   lessons. lessons. Th e language   vaca forr learners  working  in  professional  a n d  vocationa)  contexto. included   is appropriate  fo A  signiíicant feature  o f the G eneral Englis Englishh ph ase of the  A L C i iss that military

vocabulary   i3 included wherever  applicable, • The  presentation  of grammar  is carefully sequenced. Th e gramm atical atical structures presented   m  t h e lessons  are the  forms  a  language learner needs  in order to  t o speak a n d  write standard  English. N e w grammar  i s often  depicted  in  charts or  o r tablea that serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being prescnted. " Language  functions  are the  the  ways we municate.  T n  each lesson, ways we ase a languago t o com municate. exercises that focus  o n functions  show  t h e learner  h o w  a n d  w h t n to use  certain words,  phrases,  a n d sentences. • In additíon, language and   academic skills  exercise^  a re  inLursjit-rstíd throughout  L h e hesee  focus  o n developing  t h e learncr's language proficiency  in listening, lessons,  T hes speaking, reading, and  writing. T h e  Scope  a n d  Sequence chart located  on the  previaus  t h e  content  of the previaus page show s th current   book, T h e four  columns outline outline the  new material as ít relates to the the language acquisition components described  above. Each  lesson begins with  a table  of contenta followed  b y a preview page. Th  T h e previe  preview w page provides  a summary  o f th  t h e  n e w material presented  book  h abs yfour  in thelesson, le less sson, on,These Each  aAr eLC   lessons  introdudng and one  review a  homework  section  a n d new  avalnation les son,   followed   dailymaterial exercises, Variouw  appendices are  also  included, T h e  h o me w o rk r k and the  evaluation exerciscs are at the  back of  o f this text, It generally takes about two h ours to complete the dail dailyy hom ewo rk assignniprits. The evaluation evaluation exercises  a r e short quizzes thal give bot  bothh the teacher and the  student  feedback feedback on how well  students have learned the material. Assign these exercises after  each  each  lesson  is

cornplcted. T h e   appendices  follow  the fifth  lesson. Appendix  A  provides  a n  alphabetical list of  o f n ew   vocabulary presented  in this  book. T h e number  of the  lesson  in whích each word o r  phrase is introduc ed is pro vided next te the  entry, A ppendix ppendix B presents a list of grammatícal structures introduced  in  in th e book; a  lesson number i iss provided along with each entry for easy  reference. T he oth er appendice appendicess are  included  as reference m aterials. aterials.





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