Book 3 Twelve Houses

February 21, 2017 | Author: T. Manohar Rao | Category: N/A
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Compiled by T. Manohar Rao (late)

Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao

 PART I TWELVE HOUSES AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE The heavenly map or the horoscope cast for the place date and time of birth indicates the position of planets. at that moment. Based on this data, sometimes the predictions may not be accurate. This will create doubts in the mind. This may be due to the possibility of the planets not being in the house. It is essential to cast the cusps or bhava chart to note the actual position of the planets. The cusps can be arrived at after calculating the Ascendent (lagna). The first cusp commences from the point that just rises in the east and extends up to the second cusp point and so on up to 12th cusp i.e. the sign that rises and is below the horizon just before birth. All matters are distributed amongst the 12 houses and each house influences certain matters. One is to judge a particular house or a few houses for any particular affair. These 12 cusps are classified as: 1. Angular houses: Squares (Kendras) - 1, 4, 7, 10 houses. They represent north, south, east and west. Planets have greater scope of action in these than in any other houses. The majority of planets have prominent positions in these houses. 1st denotes personal character, 4th latter part of life, 7th fortune of marriage and 10th- public recognition. U


2. Trine (trikona) - 1, 5, 9 houses: These are dynamic housesof energy, enthusiasm, motivating power, religious conviction and houses of life (fiery signs) U



3. Succeedant houses (Panapara):

Those houses which succeed the angular houses (2, 5, 8, 11) are known as succeeding houses. The planets in these tend to give ability, will power, fixity of purpose, no great activity. Majority of planets in these may make the native stubborn and uncompromising 4. Cadent houses (apokloma ) - Houses 3, 6, 9, and 12 are called cadent houses. They denote little activity, and not much opportunity for action. They tend towards thought, communication of ideas, and the ability to get along with other people. They give little public recognition, native may complete the job. But somebody else will take credit. U


5. Houses of ending - 4, 8, 12, 4th-end of life or matter, 8th - death, regeneration, 12th- sub-consciousness, karma brought into this life (watery signs) U


6. Houses of substances - 2, 6, and 10. Second depicts accumulation of wealth, movable possessions; sixth-facility to work or occupation, tenth-relates to employer or profession, reputation and honours. (Earthy triplicity)



7. House of relationship - 3, 7, and 11 describe relationships: 3rd – relations and neighbours, 7th- partners, 11th-friends, organisation (airy triplicity). U


Classification of Cusps:

Broad classification of the cusps of the twelve houses is given below. Detailed data for each cusp is given


Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao

I. Bhava - Sun - Self (Thanu) - you, the body II. Bhava - Jupiter-- Finance (Dhanu), bankers, investors III. Bhava - Mars - Brothers (Bhatru, sisters, neighbours) IV. Bhava - Moon - Mother (Mathru), parent, providor, patron V. Bhava - Jupiter - Progeny (Puthra) lover, gambler entertainer VI. Bhava - Saturn & Mars - Debts (Runa) workers, doctors, teachers, nurses, land lords VII. Bhava -Venus - Spouse Kalathra), partner, public, adversaries VIII. Bhava - Saturn - Longevity (Ayu), investigators, grim reaper, generals IX. Bhava -- Sun, Mercury & Jupiter -- Father (Pithru, strangers, publishers, clergyman, diplomats) X. Bhava - Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Profession (Karma, employer, parent, president, chief XI. Bhava- Jupiter -Fulfilment of desires (Labha), friends, advisers, social contacts XII Bhava -- Saturn-- Expenses (Vyava), widows, orphans, secret enemies Each House while signifying certain matters concerning the native will at the same time relate to various matters concerning his relatives. While a house is benefic to the native, it may be bad for the relatives. Keeping this in mind, we must proceed to classify and know the various matters represented by the above cusps, as these are very essential while analysing the horoscopes. CHARACTERISTICS ASSOCIATED WITH EACH OF THE TWELVE HOUSES 1. FIRST HOUSE- (PERSONALITY HOUSE) The first house (Cusp) is generally termed as Ascendant (Lagna). It signifies in general terms, the following 1. Family; Native or Self, Father’s mother, Mother’s father, Misunderstanding with relatives, Mother’s employment U

2. General; The beginning, first, Self interest, the present, early environment, Aptitude, Self expression, Will power, Personal action, Happiness and suffering, Physical and mental, Manners and identity. General appearance:Active or lazy, Complexion, Vigour, Vitality Character and Temperament, Status in Life/ society, Renunciation, Inherent strength, Beginning of life, Place of residence, Environment, Means of livelihood, Form and shape, Place of birth, Change in life (residence), Success and failures, Fame, Childhood, Capacity and Determination to succeed, Perseverance, Loss of decorum, Tranquilities, People of the country, State of object the native is interested in: Antecedents, Knowledge, Strength, Age, Self respect, Valour, Defame, Sleep, Possible accidents, Longevity U


Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 3. Health: Resistance to disease, Mind and brain, Health and strength, Vigour and vitality, Limbs, Hair, Skin, Body, Strength U

4. Finance; Means of livelihood, gambling on and for others, Profits to younger co-borns, thieving other’s money, 5. Mundane; Common people, masses, State of home affairs, Public health, and general condition of the nation/locality, Politics. After understanding the various significance of the Ascendant, it can be seen how this affects other related matters. BEING THE: 12th house to 2nd - Loss of family, food 11th house to 3rd - Gain from brothers & friends 10th house to 4th - Status and reputation of mother 9th house to 5th - Long journeys, luck of children, higher studies, connection with strangers 8th house to 6th – Troubles, enemies and debtors 7 house to 7th - Affairs, health, appearance, interests of spouse 6th house to 8th - Illness of spouse’s family and relatives 5th house to 9th - Father’s fortune 4th house to 10th - Career achievement and ambitions 3rd house to 11th- Journey to co-borns, friends 2nd house to 12th - Hospital bills, court fees, expenses U




II. Second House – [House of Finance]: 1. Family: Addition to the family-irrespective of relationship, Second marriage, State of married life, Death of wife, Family, Increase and decrease of family, Mother’s elder brother, Diseases of father, Family status 2. General: Personal freedom, Singing capacity, Protection to others, Oration, General poise, Lustre of face, Belief in sacred tradition, Friendship, Power of observation, Aptitude to music, Anger, Inclination towards education, nature of education, Belief in tradition Perfumes, Cereals and corns Money, Copper, Gems, Pearls, Precision metals, Feelings of the person: Cunningness, Charity, Help, Meditation, Politeness Worldly attachments: Movable possession, acquisitions, Desire of material status, Food and drinks, Possession of vehicles, Clothes Maraka sthana [ malefic house] Utensils, Tone, Person close to nature, Long journeys of maternal uncle, Miser/ liberal 3. Health: Speech, quality of speech, Ability of expression, Worry free, Effective, Right eye, Teeth, Face, Nose, Tongue, Ears, fingers, throat, collar bone, neck 4. Finance Self acquired possessions, financial aspects, Earnings, Litigation, Other financial institutions, Management of resources, Attitude toward finance, Movable assets and commerce, Promissory note, Securities and shares, Speculation in business, Loans, Efforts in acquisition of wealth, Share of profits, Purchase/sale of goods /property/ vehicles, Money lent, Risk in finance, Financial U






Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao status, Letter/documents, Revenue for state/ country, Gains and losses through dependents, Personal property, National exchequer, Stock exchange, Bank, banking, Revenue for state, Commercial affairs, Trade, National wealth, Transportation BEING THE: 2nd house from 1st - All transactions involving money 12th house from 3rd -losses, hospitalisation, imprisonment of brother, neighbours. 11th house from 4th - Social activities and profits of mother 10th house from 5th — Career, interest of children, their reputation and performance in schools and colleges 9th house from 6th -- Journeys of maternal relatives 8th house from 7th - Bequests, legacies through spouse 7th house from 8th - Death of spouse 6th house from 9th — Ill health, debts, enemies of father, preceptors 5th house from 10th - Investment and speculation in career 4th house from 11th - Home of friends 3rd house from 12th - Short journeys of secret enemies III. THIRD HOUSE [COURAGE, VALOUR]: 1. Family Younger brothers and sister, Father in law, Cousins, Details regarding father’s marriage, Brother, near blood relationships; Father-in-law, About Younger co-born’s ability, Cousins, Relatives, Marriage brokers, /elder’s marriage 2. General Communication: Communication of all kinds, Short trips, Pilgrimage, railways, planes, road transport, Rumours of all kinds, Short travels, Travel agencies, Means of communications, Publicity, Translation, mediator and messenger, Conveying message, Collection and sharing of information, Bargains, Papers, Means of transport, traffic returns, Decent vehicle, Letters, Post, telegraph, telephones, radio, and allied matters, Press and prints, Signing of contracts/agreements, Roadside place Accurate and clear perception the conscious mind, mental strength, inclination, memory, ability, indecent properties of mind, Linguist Valour, Bravery Usage of residence, Neighbours, Assistance of others, Change of residence Allotment of seats, Movement and transition, Followers, Aiming the targets Hobbies: Singers, Adventure, Sports, Singing Voice, Entertainments Others: Diet, Utensils, Servants, subordinates, Debts, Inheritance, Religious work, Palmistry, Ornaments, Time, watches, clocks, Agents. Finger prints and allied profession, Wash basins, Towels, kerchiefs, Make up kits, Sports goods, War Path, way, Dream, Poisoning or sharing food, Great achievements, Religion, Worship, dresses, Female servants 3. Education: General public education system, Books, publications, magazines, etc, Literary concern, Writing Mathematics, Accounting, Inclination to study, Physical and mental prowess, Library, Public education 4. Health: Memory, Physical Strength, Longevity, Nervous system, Confusion of mind, Bodily growth, Power of hearing, Right ear, right hand, Collar bones, Lungs, Ears, Shoulder blade, Red corpuscles, Haemoglobin, Breathing, Upper part of chest, breast, Mental inclination, Restlessness, Mental alertness, aberration, Part between thumb and forefinger, Throat, neck, shoulders, legs Arms, hands, Medicine Quality of eaten food U






Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 5. Finance: Selling / purchasing of lands, Road tax, Prizes, lotteries, Legacy and partition, Stocks and shares, Companion’s skill, Enterprise 6. Mundane Treaties amongst countries, Neighbouring countries BEING THE: 12th to 4th - Losses, dreams, hospitalisation of Mother, occult practices 11th to 5th - Profits of brothers. 10th to 6th - Careers and occupation of enemies 9th to 7th — Father of the spouse/ partner, their long journeys, religions and moral inclinations 8th to 8th -- Longevity, rejuvenation, end of misfortune and affliction 7th to 9th - Father’s trade associates 6th to 10th - Litigation to one’s career or status 5th to 11th -- Children U



IV FOURTH HOUSE (AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY, EDUCATION, QUALIFICATIONS) SUKHA STHANA 1. Family: Home/Domestic environment, Father-in-law for female, Sister’s son, Maternal relations, Motherin-law for male, Parent, parental environment, Mother relationship with her, Family and its secret, Private affairs/secrets of life, Cohabitation with other women, Relatives, Longevity of father, Family matters 2. General: House, home, Land, Domestic affairs, End of life, Place of birth/residence, Emotional habit/pattern, Wells, tanks, Food and diet, Conclusion/end of all jobs, Rentals, lease holds, Private affairs, Burial ground/grave, Lands, gardens, Herbs, divine herbs, Lost things, Vehicle, Swimming pool, Execution of will, Dwelling place, Entrance to the house, Overhead tank, water pipes, etc 3. Career and Finance: Geology, real estate, ecology, Monuments, Antiquities, Matter relating to earth, Public buildings and gardens, Agriculture Wealth, Crops, Opposition party, Mines, Bridges, dams, Well, canals, lakes, rivers, Rivers, channels, Cattle, horses, Construction, survey etc, Vasthu, House construction, Vehicles, Fuels-petrol, kerosene, Petrol bunks, Dairy, dairy products, Paternal property, Earnings, Fixed properties in general lands, immovable property, Hereditary property, Ant hill, Occupation of husband/ wife, Water, Hoarding of one’s savings, Art of finding hidden treasure, stolen property, Expenses of children, Finance for installation of deity 4. Character of the Native: Super natural efficacy, Emotional attitude in childhood Nature of the beast, Trust/false allegations, Inherent emotional habit, Faith, Termination or end of everything, Up to high school education, essence, Comforts, Medicines, Toddy drinking house warming ceremony, Schools, Examination certificate, Illness of friend, Domestic concern through out life, Vedic and secret texts, Nadir. 5. Health Sweating, Stomach, digestive organs, Heart, chest, lungs, blood BEING THE 12th from 5th - Loss in speculation and illness of children 11th from 6th - Gains of enemies, friends of Uncle 10th from 7th - Career of spouse, partners and social status 9th from 8th - Sudden luck as from lottery, prizes, inheritance 8th from 9th - Father’s inheritance U






Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 7th from 10th - Career associates of spouse 6th from 11th - Enemies and debts of friends 5th from 12th - Children of private enemies their speculative gains and values V. FIFTH HOUSE – (CHILDREN, INTELLIGENCE, PURVA PUNYA) 1. Family: Maternal uncle and Grandfather, Children, their education, Pregnancy and child birth, Native’s family duty, Paternal/ maternal side, Maraka house for mother, Own child’s or second younger brother’s health, success, or failure, Teacher of father, grand father etc, Immediate younger brother Changes in maternal uncle’s position, paternal grandfather, his higher academic Richest hereditary past, Publications of younger brother, Head of family, Father’s good deeds punya 2. General Best man/maid at marriage, Future birth, Matrimonial brokers, Consultant, Places of entertainment- cinema, drama, theatres, dance, T.V etc, Fire, homa Character of Native: Position of prominence, Talent, Speculation, entertainment, Memory, Fore sight, Pity, Ego, Intuition, Intelligence and discretion, Desire to be noticed –all types of desires, Spiritual practice and devotion to God-pooja /vratha, Purva Punya and religion, Prayer and chanting of Vedic hymns, teaching of mantras, Literary pursuits, Visit to holy places, Invitations for social and religious functions, Humility, Safety, Divine grace, Majestic, Stature, Intelligence, Clothes, Bad thought Tastes and fancies, far sightedness, music, instruments, singing, Music-drums, mridanga, Artistic Talents, dance, Inclination of mind, Disciple, Deep pondering, Skill, Plan, Cooking, kitchen, cook Social and Romantic activities, Love affair and love making, Sexual involvement, Pursuit of pleasure Legitimate/ illegitimate attraction, Bedroom, Love affairs, Kidnapping and rape, Merry making of all sorts, Pre-marital sex, Physical and magnetic attraction and foreigner, Opposite sexes, Liaison with prostitutes, Degree of success and failure in love affairs, Courtship Romance with rich/famous women, Friend’s spouse, Wife’s friend 3. Career and Finance: Stock market, Gold smith, Authorship, Creative Self-expression, Journalism, Educational quiz, examinations, House of Chance, Theatres, action, & Romance, Profound learning and wisdom, Games, Sports Sports-captain, umpire etc, Academic Electronics, Long literary product Qualification, his contact with Minister, Composition of work, Inclination to take risks, Advice, Opera, drama, Government official, Sovereign’s Man, Customary laws, South-west, Umbrella Gains to partner /opponent, Patrimony, Wife’s finances, Profit in elder sister’s or elder uncle’s business, Wealth from female, Expenses for enemies/ loss to them, Mother’s bank position, Speculation 4. Health: Charity of food, Conception, Liver, back, Cure from diseases, Fertility and Sterility, Health of grandmother, Belly, Stomach, Pregnancy delivery, uterus etc, Upper abdomen, mind, gall bladder, spleen, measles, Medicinal effects, Cardiology BEING THE: 2nd from 4th - Income from mother, property, vehicles, laurels, mother’s bank position 3rd from 3rd - Brothers, friends, neighbours, their short journeys 4th from 2nd - Family estates, cars, domestic happiness 6th from 12th - Problem of secret enemies, their sickness and imprisonment 8th from 10th - Afflictions and losses carrier 9th from 9th – Grandfather, granduncle 10th from 8th - Social background of spouse, gains through bride and partnership, profits to opponents. U





Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 12th from 6th - Secret foes and clandestine deal, losses of tenants, servants, hospitalisation of pet animal 7th from 11th - Liaison with associates VI. SIXTH HOUSE (SICKNESS, PROFESSION, LOANS) 1. Family: Uncles/Aunts (Maternal), Maternal uncle or aunt for male, Paternal uncle for female, Step-mother, Fear from maternal uncles and aunts, Period of wife’s confinement, Friend’s longevity, Wife’s paramour, Building by younger coborns, Quarrel with brothers, Wife’s suggestions, Occupation or business of father, Short journeys of mother, House of danger to one’s elder brother or his friend and profession 2. General: Pet animals, Diet habits and personal hygiene, Clothing, Magic/superstition, Troubles from relatives, enemies, House of subordinates, servants, inferiors, servants, slaves, Enemy his resistance, Resistance and Success of by enemies, Quarrels, wars, Obstacles, Imprisonment. Complaint, Chains, Protecting one’s fame, Taste, Dangers, Funeral ceremonies, Name, fame, Theft, Calamity Character of the Native: Fault finding, Competence, Hard working and skill, Accusing, boasting, Mental awareness of problems, Serious karma, Cunningness, Tiredness, Reproach, Matter that brings arrogance, worry, Envy, Protest, Disappointment, Prison house Six malefics (arishadvarga) Lord Subramanya 3. Career and Finance: Employment, Service, work rendered Service, Begging, Hunting people Labour, Working class, Industries, Sanitation and Public Health, Employees, Capacity to serve, Occupational hazards, Gains, Health officer, involuntary service, service, Dictatorship, Disharmony/separation from partners, Public health Industries, Armed forces, Tenants, Agricultural tenants, house leased, Favourable results or otherwise in competition, Critic, Condition and faithfulness of employees, Medical educations, pharmaceuticals, Medical agents, nurses, Coolies, Secret enemies to partners, Misunderstanding with brokers, tenants, and servants, Partner’s change of life Investment by partners, Loss to partners, Bank position, Purchase /sale of conveyance, receiving charity Loss of inheritance, Loss of inheritance by mother, Overdrafts facility, Children’s wealth, Loss of property of maternal grandfather, Attraction to others wealth, wages/salary, Loan, Miserliness, Mendicancy 4. Health: Admittance to hospital, Untimely meals, Doctor/medical personnel, Last rites of the wife, Drugs, its consumption, Degradation, Phlegm Medicines, Wounds, Acidity, Madness, Food, Eye diseases, Solar plexus, Liable to injury Incessant eye trouble, Navel, bones, flesh, Low abdomen, stomach, digestion, problems of Anus, kidneys, Wounds, wounds due to diabetes, Urinary disorders, State of disease and recovery Sickness, illness, Tuberculosis, Mental aberration, Diarrhoea BEING THE: 2nd from 5th—building by younger brother, Purchase / selling of vehicles 3rd to 4th —Maternal aunt 4th from 3rd estate of neighbours 5th from 2nd - luck through singing, speech, family trade 8th from 11th - private enemies 9th from 10th - Legacies of friends 11th from 8th - Death of friends U





Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 10th from 9th -Father’s career 12th from 7th - Affairs of spouse, loss of paramour, secret enemies VII. SEVENTH HOUSE [KALATHRA, SPOUSE] 1. Family: Native’s third brother or sister, Children of younger brother /sister, Higher education of friend or elder brother Step or adopted children, Son-in-law Number of marriages, Spouse husband/wife’s character, Happiness in conjugal life, Cohabitation, Adultery, Amorous affairs, sexual unions, Marriage, Divorce, Sensual Pleasures, Legal bondage, fines, divorces 2. General Course of action, Diplomacy, Litigation/law suits, Destruction of power, Residence, Diplomacy, Litigation/law suits, Controversies Reading of romantic books, General condition of women, Dowry, Change of residence, Desire, Passion One’s influence, honour and reputation earned. Description of thief, Flowers 3. Career and Finance: Partnership of every kind life/ business, speculation, Theft, pick- pocket, Mercantile, Partnership with friend’s friend, engineers, Contractors, etc. Relationship /Co-operation with others, Arbitration, Extreme dependency, Success through partnership, Self acquisition of native’s employee, Signed, financial dealings, Recovery of lost property Secret enemies, danger Death, etc, Difficulties, fights, open quarrels Donations, Wealth kept in other’s place, Success over enemies, Fines Inimical matters that causes trouble to the native Maraka Sthana, Death inflicting attitude and actions of others, Setting (Astha), Bhadaka Sthana for dual/common signs 4. Health Anus, Native’s Physician, Virility, Semen 5. Mundane Foreign countries, Public meetings Appointment, open warfare and enmity, vital powers, Public duels, and law suits, Social awareness, Public relationship, Public reaction to national policies, Foreign affairs, International relation BEING THE: 2nd from 6th - Wealth of enemies, profits through dealings with hospital, clinics, jails, etc 3rd from 5th - Brother-in-law, native’s third co born 4th from 4th – Prosperity to mother, change of residence 5th from 3rd - Nephews/Nieces 6th from 2nd – Family quarrels, fugitives, refugees 8th from 12th - Fines, pleas, death of enemies 9th from 11th - Friend’s antecedents, his business, gains, religion, higher education 10th from 10th - Distinction and merits in career, Public services, Social and humanitarian projects, success in disputes, Honour and credit of Government, Native may enter into partnership with his friend’s friend 11th from 9th - Father’s personal effects 12th from 8th - Detention and tracing of culprits, absconders, thieves U





VIII EIGHT HOUSE (LONGEVITY, AYUS) 1. Family: Children of younger brother/sister, Enemies of younger brother, Last rites of father, Enmity from brothers Trouble to spouse U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 2. General: Success over enemies, Controversies, Milk, Mental pain, Quarrels, sorrow, Humiliation, Accidents, arrest, Fear Imprisonment, detention, Misfortune, Insult, scandal, ill repute, Impurities Mode of death, everything connected with death, and its effect on the Native: Mortality [death rate] suicides, Poisoned food, Place of death, Manner of death, serious accidents, Danger Speculation, Defeat or Insult, Suicide, Murder, Vulnerable and Difficulties, Untimely death, Evil news Sorrow, Impurity, Obstacles, miseries, impediments, Hidden and Mystical studies, Life after death, life force, etc Need for spiritual regeneration, Slowness, Karma balance of previous birth, regeneration Impediments to religious functions, To divine grace Cohabitation, sexual unions, Reading of romantic books, Marriage house [kalathra sthana], Adultery, Amorous affairs Water closet, Fruitless attempts, crossing of river 3. Career and Finance: Means of livelihood, Change of place of activities, Mercantile Business Theft, pick pocket, Butchers, Health inspectors, Surgeons, medical officers, Pharmacist, Split of partnership and Dissolution, Repayment of debts, Fall from heights, House of Misery, Undertaker, Corruption, Disgrace and loss by cheating, Self-acquisition, State and dowry of spouse, Legacies, Inheritance, taxes, Wealth kept in other’s place, Foreign Government scholarship, Any gain from the deceased or divorced wealth from females, Financial status of spouse /business partner Unearned wealth, share of profit, wealth due unexpected gains, Gratuity, Bonus, Running into debt, Donations, Expenses of father, Other people’s money 4. Health Loss of memory, secret external genitals, Poison, Spoiling of blood, Incurable disease, Handicapped, Diabetes, Unhygienic, Mental distress, Sexual diseases, Prolonged diseases, Great mental stress, Anus, Seriousness of illness, Facial disease, Surgery, Sex life, genitals, their qualities, Capacities functioning of sex organs, Procreative act, Passion, Sexuality, Obsessive Sexuality 5. Mundane: Flood, famine, earthquakes, National calamity, deficit budget, Exports and imports, Loss of territory of a nation, financial relationship with foreign----, Defective diplomatic strategy, Death of national ruler, after effects, Privy Council, Countries Wars, quarrels, fights Public morality, Governmental punishment BEING THE: 2nd from 7th - Dowry, income, through business and Spouse, person with whom native transacts 3rd from 6th - Colleagues and sympathisers of one’s opponent or enemies 4th from 5th - Children’s education 5th from 4th – Gains through literary, talents and writings, Gain by lottery to mother 6th from 3rd - Brother’s enemies and debts 7th from 2nd - Sustenance of spouse 9th from 12th - Antecedents of conspirators and enemies 10th from 11th - Career and works of friend 11th from 10th - Career gains 12th from 9th -Father’s hospitalisation, or political imprisonment, departure from routine duties, father’s investment which will go to the son after his death U




IX. NINTH HOUSE (FATHER, PITHRU) 1. Family: Father, Sister-in-law, Grandchildren, Wife’s brother, Sister’s husband, Mother’s illness, Friends of elder brother or sister U


Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 2. General Long journeys, Court, Law courts, Auspicious, Luck due to good deeds of previous births, Culture, religion, Dignity, Mental purity, Psychic and spiritual development, philosophy, Principles, Meritorious deeds, Pardon, Sympathy, Higher thinking, Prayers, Moral study, Spiritual initiation, religion, penance Speech, Contact with foreigners and their culture, Association with good people, Good conduct, Meditation, Religious belief Preceptor, Guru, clergy, devotion to the guru, Educational, college, Presentation of thesis, etc, Higher education, Universities and those connected with them Academic achievements, Research, inventions, discourses, Providential help Mythology, Affairs connected with religious places and institutions, Rituals, Holy baths, Pilgrimage centres, Pilgrimages, House of Dharma, communication with spirits, Yogic powers, Vedic sacrifice, Dharmic Act, Ability for philosophical studies and dealing in mysterious realm of the occult Philosophy, Clergy, Dreams, vibrations, prophecy Water shed, tanks, Short travel of husband, wife or business partner, Long travels - air or sea Correspondence in connection with divorce, Town halls, Assembly halls, Coronation halls, Long distance communication, Rest house 3. Career and Finance: Commercial partners, Advertising Monetary vows, Judges, Lawyer, barrister, Legal and moral code, Law, Publishing of books of intrinsic value, Training period, Sportsman Land, money, servants Brokers, Hearing, Hundies, Trusts, Circulation of money, Fortune, Property, ancestral Bhadaka Sthana for fixed sign 4. Health: Diets, Medicinal drugs 5. Mundane: Nation’s trade and commerce, Strangers, foreigners, and their relationship, Emigration, and Immigration, Import and export of the nation, Foreign affairs, Philanthropy and charities, Foreign travels and dealings, Colonial trade and affairs BEING THE: insurance, relation of spouse 2nd from 8th - Success of books, gains 3rd from 7th - Agreements, short journeys of the spouse 4th from 6th - Properties of enemies, servants, vehicles, and landed property 5th from 5th - Grandchildren, speculations and gains of the grandchildren, benefits and pleasure of children 6th from 4th - Mother’s health, legal involvement, debts 7th from 3rd - Younger brother’s wife, or younger sister’s husband, dispute with brother, his or her competitors, rivals, etc 8th from 2nd - Pecuniary losses and complications including hard to meet commitments 9th from 11th -Elder brother’s or sister’s achievement 10th from 12th - Activities of enemies, deceptive moves, conspiracy 11th from 11th - Friends and their business gains 12th from 10th -Losses and expenditure in career U




X. TENTH HOUSE (KARMA, PROFESSION) 1. Family: Mother in law, Adopted son, Adoption, Longevity of younger brother Son’s illness, Father’s self earnings, Maraka house for both father and mother U


Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 2. General Karma Sthana, Reputation, Public esteem, Preference or one’s inclination for permanency, Dignity, promotion, Public status, reputation, Public life, Destiny, Renunciation of Worldly life, Royal, Aristocracy, Noble Society, Character, Meritorious deeds, Doing rites to one’s parents, Honourable living, Honour, Performing religious functions, Expression of self in outer world, Stolen articles, Sacrifice All matters concerning one’s name fame, honour and recognition, Apparel, dress, Quality, Race clubs, Good conduct, status, honour, Utility Aristocrat, Upper strata of society, Success, Depositing a treasure Rain, Sky, Public scandal, censure, Pickles, Meridian Pilgrimages to holy places 3. Career and Finance: Materialistic status and relationship, Commerce and trade, Activity, honours, Independent power, House of authority, Political success, Trade and Professional Career, Medicine, Rank, Status, Prominence, Merchandise, Agriculture, Doctor, Teaching, Command, wealth, inclination, Occupation, profession, Finance, Ornaments, Income Nature of trade and commerce, Self-employed or in professional field, Attainments, Relationship with employers, Horse trainers, Stewards, owner of horses, Wrestling, Fame, Printing press, Opportunity, Means of Livelihood 4. Health Thighs, Backbone, Patrimony 5. Mundane Govt., Head of State, National leader Judge, judgement and Government, Rulers, Government BEING THE: 3rd from 8th - Brothers, messengers of friends 2nd from 9th - Father’s self earned income and family, Maraka house for parents 4th from 7th - Mother-in-law, her education and house, permanent position of business of lifepartner 5th from 6th - Children of tenants, servants, their speculation, pleasure, pursuits 6th from 5th - Private enemies of children, their health, ill-health of children and their debts 7th from 4th -Mother’s public activities, i.e. public trusts, educational institutions and her opponent 8th from 3rd - Demise of younger brothers, their legacies 9th from 2nd - General fortune of family 10th from 12th - Friends, sympathisers, or ill- wishers 12th from 11th - Expenditure and losses of elder brothers U




XI. ELEVENTH HOUSE (FULFILMENT, LABHA) 1. Family: Paternal uncle, Elder brothers and sisters, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Younger uncle/aunt, Mother’s longevity, Dowry/ finance from father in law extra martial contacts husband/wife and identification with them, Information regarding the alliances of children of the native, Married partners of children 2. General: Bhadaka Sthana for moveable signs Realisation of one’s desires and ambition, House of gains, Labha Sthana, Lasting friendship, Character, Pleasant tidings, Objectives, Gold, Friend’s house and allies Occult, scientific, Emotional attachments, Desire to have union, Flatterers, favourites, admirers, Well-wishers, close acquaintances, House of friends, Detached acquaintances U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Humanitarian interests, Success in life, Absence of misery, Sense of Universal Brotherhood, Laws and principles, Benefactors and true friends, Love and affection, Greed, Worship, Hopes and wishes Disinterested protectors, Awards, Detached mental outlook, Pleasure, progress in attempts, Attitude towards society, All paraphernalia and luxuries Fine Arts, painting, drawings, Cooking 3. Finance and Career: Paternal property, Ministers, allies, Governing bodies, public companies associations, Important documents Degree of success in social groups, and life and luck, Group organisations, Gains, losses, pleasure, grief through them, Network of relationship that helps native to achieve personal goal, Trusts financial matters, Profit in any undertaking prosperity, profit, Financial affairs of employers, Wealth and riches, Treasure, Acquisition, Pearls, ornaments, riches of every kind, Loss of wealth, Income through government 4. Health Two hands and knees, Left hand, Right foot, Hips, Shank of legs, 5. Mundane: Councillors, Parliament, legislature, Lok Sabha, Municipal bodies Governmental policies BEING THE: 2nd from 10th - Self earnings 3rd from 9th - Paternal uncle, aunt, short journeys of and messengers from father 4th from 8th - Loss of mental tranquillity, legal education, examiners, secret/ occult knowledge 5th from 7th - Affairs of spouse, their business, investment, profits 6th from 6th - Enemies of enemies, sickness of servants, debts of tenants 7th from 5th - Marriage of son, daughter-in- law 8th from 4th - Inheritance of mother 9th from 3rd - Foreign journeys of brothers 10th from 2nd - Family status, reputation 12th from 12th - Destruction of enemies, end of losses, regain of health U



XII. TWELFTH HOUSE (EXPENDITURE, VYAYA) 1. Family: Maternal grandfather, Paternal grandmother, Longevity of son/daughter, Extra martial life and happiness, Harassment to parents and co-borns, Nature of qualities of the spouse, Number of paramours in native’s life, Enemy of wife Children’s longevity 2. General: Institutions, Escapism, Self undoing, Subversion, Sub conscious, Bondage, Adultery, Hidden support, Bed comforts, Impediment in sexual enjoyment, Tale bearing, back biting, Despair, Discouragement, Yoga, Barrier, impediments, Strange and sudden enemies, Meditation, Ashram, Unknown places, Mysteries, Imagination, Foreign settlement, Weak character, Arguments, Emotional, Last rites, Advice, Cot, End of life/ moksha sthana, Exit from country, Travel or going away from one’s place, Self undoing [addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex etc], Secrets, secret dealing, Intrigues, Termination of appointments, Loss of employment, Sin, Mob fury, Lost goods, Imprisonment, place of imprisonment, Closure and confinement, House of trouble, Unseen danger and trouble, Secret enemies working against native, Vague dreams of unknown danger, Detective works, Fear and inferiority complex, Deceptive and swindling, Persecution, sorrow and misery, Sacrifices, Seclusion and social barriers, Secret plots, secret working of mind, conspiracy, Fraud, treachery, deception, Escapist tendencies, retirement and escape U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Sympathy, Charity, New environment, Restricted movements, Arrest, Danger from animals, Ambassadors /envoys, Monistic life, Neurotic tendencies, Neighbours, Memory of previous birth, Rope Hanging, Fear, Arrest of enemy, Secret enemies Burial ground, Corpse, Pirates. Weak character, banished persons, Unconscious mind, Subconscious memories, Dreamy state, Injuries, Assassination 3. Health: Condition likely to disturb mental life, Mental worry, Hospitalisation, Insanity, Association with physio theraphy, Psychic experience, Nursing home, Sanatorium Left eye, Leg, feet, Disease in feet, Sudden disease defying diagnosis, Sickness of wife, Unconsciousness, Handicap, Amputation, mutilations of limbs, Disturbance in sleep, Decline 4. Career and Finance: Van drivers, Marine trade and sea voyage, Dealings in purchase/ investment. Expenditure outweighing income, Waste and extravagance, Discharge of debts, Paternal wealth, Poverty, Donation, Gains through secluded and secret method, Repayment of loans, issue of cheques, Loss/investment in trade, Misfortune, Waste of wealth 5. Mundane: Work houses, Hospitals, Asylums, Reformatories, Charitable institutions, Prison, Crimes, murders, Spies, Ambassadors/ envoys, Secret forces, Criminals BEING THE: 2nd from 11th - Invitation for dining with friends 3rd from 10th - Travel in connection with career 4th from 9th – Grandmother 5th from 8th - Bequeath and insurance, investments relating to children 6th from 7th - Married life, sickness of spouse 7th from 6th - Dispute with tenants and servants 8th from 5th - Death, calamities to children 9th from 4th -Foreign education and, residence, property of mother 10th from 3rd – Career of brothers, 1st from 2nd -Family circle of friends and relatives U




Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao

PART II SIGNIFICATION OF PLANETS The planets besides their own characteristics have been assigned some Significations (karakatwas). This knowledge is quite useful in predicting that aspect in the native’s horoscope. Some aspects are signified by many planets. 1. SUN i. Family Father ii. General Adventure, Achievement, Adamancy, Approbation, Aristocrats, Arrogance, Authority, Abnormal, Advanced ideas, Aeroplanes, airport runways, Agitators, Anarchy, Antiquities, Astronomy, Avantgarde Bosses, Battery, Changes, Celebrities centre, Chief, Cranks, Circles, Colours, Commanding, Conceit, Confidence, Coronation, crown, Creativity Disorder, Discovery, Divorce, Dynamo, Diamonds Earthquake, East, Eccentric, Electrical, electronics, Exile, Experts, Egoism, Energy, Emblems, Eminence Fame, renown, Fixed, Flash, Forest, Foreign, Gala affairs, grandeur, Gilt, Glory, Government, Greatness, Greeshma ritu, Haughty, Honour, Helicopters, Homosexuals, Hurricanes Illumination, Importance, Influential, Independence, Invention, Immunity, Interruption Liberation, Lightning, Lavish, Leaders, Leo, Light Magnificence, Male, Metaphysics, Modern Nobility Official, Orange, Ornate, Ostentation Palaces, Pinnacles, Paradoxes, Power, Pomp and ceremony, Power, Prestige, Pride Radiance, Rajas tatwa, Radar, Radio, Red, red clothes Satwa, Self respect, Straight forward, Short temper, Sharp, Self protection, Self-confidence, Show off, Soul, Spices, Solar, Scientists, Status, Sunday, Sunny, sunshine, Superiors, Supreme Theatres, Throne, Upward look Vanity, VIP Warmth, Will power, ii. Health Eyes-right, Heart, heart diseases, medicinal herbs, Aromatic herbs, Head, Bile, Baldness, Bones, Jaundice, Epilepsy, Eruptions on face, Palpitation, Sun stroke, Stomach, Stones iii. Finance and Career: Gold, goldsmith, Valuables, Printing currency, Sale, trader or valuer in copper, gold, Precision stones, ruby, pearls, corals, Foreign exchange, Self acquisition, Copper, Ornament iv. Mundane: King, Emperor, royal, monarch, sovereign, Splendour, Spot lights, Prince, royalty, rulers, Government, Magistrate, Politician, Success in worldly affairs, Public offices U






Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 2. MOON i.Family: Mother, Childhood, Children, Family, Wife ii. General: Alum, Aquatic matters, Arts Babies, Baking, Barmaids, Baths, Beauty, Beverage, Boat houses, Bottles, Brahmi Cafes, Canals, Caterers, Changeable, Cheese, Chicken, Cleaning, cleanliness Common, Collecting, Cooking, Conception, Child birth, Choultry, Cows, cattle, Crescents, Crops, Crystal, Cupboards, Curds Dairies, Damp, Death of mother, Dew Digestion, Dining, Docks, Domestic front, Drains, Drinks, Dyspepsia, Emotional, Employment Fame, Fat, Feeling, Females, Fickle, Fish, fluids, Food, Fountain, Fowl, Fruitful, Fulfilment of work Garden, Glass, Good eyesight, Groceries Habit, Happiness, Heart, Herbs, Harbour, Home, house, Honey, Hotels, House wife, Humid, Hydro Impressionable, impress, Intelligence, Inconsistent, Infant, Inns, Instinct, Irrigation Kindness, Kitchen Lakes, Laziness, Laundry, Life energy, Lilies, Linen, Liquids, Lunch, Lust, Lustre of face Mammals, Markets, Marshes, Material, Maternal love, Melons, Memory, Menstruation, Mid-age, Milk, Mind, minerals, Meals, Monday, Mushrooms Nicety, Night, North-West, Nourishment, Nurseries Obedient, Oysters Pans, Pantries, People, public, Pipes, Plantings, Pools, Ports, Public, Poultry Receptive, Residence, Rivers streams, Restaurants, Rooms, Round shape Sailing, Salt, Satwik tatwa, Sea food, Shopping, Silk clothes, Sleep, Soft, smooth, Sour, Strength by night, Sub conscious, Swimming Tapas (penance), Tavern, Tears, Timid, Trader, Travel Waiter, Washing, Water, Water animals, Water plants, Wavering mind, Wells, West, Wet, Women, White iii. Health Abdomen, bile, Blood, Breast, Digestion, Eyes-right of male, left of female, Epilepsy, Fertility, Fever, Genitals of women, uterus, Glands, Hips, Indigestion, Leprosy, Limbs, Lunacy, Medicines, Midwife, Obesity, Optician, Pale, Phlegm, Respiratory problem, Stomach, Tuberculosis, Water borne diseases iv. Finance and Career: Lady’s wealth, Nine gems, Pearls, Silver v. Mundane: Royal favours U





3. MARS: i. Family: Younger co-borns ii. General: Abrasive, Accidents, Acid, Acrobats, Action, Adventure, Aggression, Agitators, Agriculture, Ammunition, armaments, Amputation, Anger, Antagonism, Apprentice, Assassins, Assault, attack, Axes, U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Barbers, Battles, Bayonets, daggers, Belligerence, Bites, Blame, Blacksmiths, smelting, Blazing, Blisters, Boilers, ovens, Boldness, Brave, Boxing, Brawls, Brilliance, Breakage, Breweries, Brutal, Bull fights, Bullies, Burns, Butchers, Carpenters, Carvings, Caste, Challenges, character, Combat, conflict, fighting, quarrels, war, fighting, quarrels, war, Comforts, Combustion, explosives, fire, Conquest, Construction, Contests, Cooking, cutlery, Courage, Crimes, violence, Cruelty, Cuts Daggers, pistols, sabres, Danger, Daring, Darts, Death, Defend, Defiant, Destructive, Discord, Drying, Effort, Energy , Engineers, mechanics, workers, Engraving, Enmity, enemies, Evil, Excitement, Expansion of mind, Exercises Factory workers, Falsehood, Fame, Feuds, Firemen, Flirt, Force, Foundries, Foreign travel, Freedom, Friction, Fuels, gas, Greatness, Gymnastics Happiness, Hardware, Haste, Heat, Helmets, Help from government, Hoodlums, Hostility, Hot instruments Impatience, Impulsive, Incinerators, Industries, Initiative, Intelligence, Iron, Kitchen Land, Leadership, Loan, Love for good food, Lime production, lust, Machinery, Masculine, Meat, flesh,, Mechanics, Metallurgy, Metal furniture, Murder Non vegetarian, Obstruction Pain, Peril, Pins, Pioneers, Police, Prison life, Problem due to sons, Prowess, Punctures Quarrel, Rage, Ram, Rape, Rash, Razor, Red, Relative, Respect, Responsibility Savages, Sandpaper, Saws, Scars, Scalps, Scalpels, Sharp, ship building, Skill, Sharp instruments, cutlery, Shooting, Singing, Sorrow, Spikes, Sports, tournaments, Stabbing, Stakes, Steel, Stings, Stoves, Strength, vigour, Strife, Stupidity, Success in war, Swords, Tailors, Temper, Theft, Thirst, Threats, Thugs, Toasted, Tools, Torture, Treachery, Tuesday Urgent, Vanguards, Vehicles, Violence, Virility Weapons, Welding, Whips, Wrestlers ii. Health Appendicitis, Cancer, Bile, Blood flow, Bones, breakage of bones, Epilepsy, Fever, Fits, Genitals, Head, Headaches, Hysteria, Inflammation, Injury, Irritation, Itching, Kidneys, Liver, Muscles, Murder, Mutilation, Nose, Red patches on skin, Rifles, Rugged, Rules, Severe pain, Sickness, Sinews, Surgery, surgeons, Tonsils, Tumour, Typhoid, Urinary problem iii. Finance and Career: Coral, Commander, Criminal law, Excise, Public works department iv. Mundane: Anthills, Armed forces, Arrows, arsenals, bullets, spears, Arson, Artillery, Invaders, Military, defence, Opponents, Rebellion, Regiments, War field U



4. MERCURY i. Family: Uncle, Maternal uncle’s family, Maternal grandfather ii. General: Accountant, Accountancy, Adharvana Veda, Acoustic, engineering, sound engineering (sound0adharvana Veda), Advertisements, Advice, Agents, Announcers, broadcastings, Appreciation, Arms, Astrology, Atlases, Auditors, Autographs, Automobiles Bad dreams, Bicycles, cabs, cars, Bill boards, Bills, Biographies, Books, Boys, Brainy, Buses, Business matters, Busy bodies, Buying, U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Calculate, Catalogues, Certificates, Chaos, Charts, Chatter, Cheating, Civil work, Clerks, Clever, Columnist, Commentators, Communication, correspondence, Comprehension, Conference, Conversation, Contact, Couriers, Coupons, Criticism Dance, Deliveries, Description, Desires, Desks, Details, Dexterity, Diaries, Dictation, Diets, Divine blessings, Drafts, Dress, Duality Editors, Education, Employees, Encyclopaedia, Envelops, Eunuch, Errands, Essays, Expert in arts, Expert in communication, Expert in rituals, Explanations, Enunciation Facts, Fame, Fear, Fiction, Files, Friends Good words, good deeds, Gossip, Grammar. Graphology Hand writing Ideas, Information, Inquiries, Inspectors, Instructions, Intellect, intelligence, Interpreters, Interviews, Intuition, Investigation Jocular, Journalist, Journeys short Keys, Knowledge Labels, Language, linguist, Leaf green, Learning, Leather, Lectures, Letters, mails, Libraries, Literature, magazines, manuscripts, Logic, Luggage Manicures, Manuscripts, Maps, Mathematics, Mediator, Merchants, Messages, Mimicry Names, Narrators, Neighbours, Nephews, nieces, News, news papers, North West, Notes, Novels Obedience, Observation, Oil, Orators, Pairs, Pamphlets, Peace, Periodicals, Petitions, Pickpockets, Pilgrimage, Places of enjoyment, Poet, Prince, Proficiency, Porters, Posters, Press, Printing, publications, Prose, Proverbs, Pupil, Purity Questions, Quotation Reading, Receipts, Recipes, Records, Registers, Relatives, relationship, Reports, Research, Recess, Rhymes, Romantic, Rumours Satire, Scientific knowledge, Sculptures, Scripts, scriptures, Sea voyage, Secretary, Servants, Sharad ritu, Short hand, Short body, Signals, Signature, Skill, Skill in sports, Soft spoken, Speaking, speech, Stamps, Statements, Stationary, Statistics, Stenographer, Stories, Streets, Study Tales, Talking, Teachers, Tellers, Testimony, Textbooks, Theories, Thought, Tickets, Traffic, Translation, Trick, Truth, Tutors, Twins, Typewriters, typists Vedas, Vehicles, Virgin, Vishnu puja, Visitors, Vocabulary Walking, Weaving, Wednesday, Whispering, Wit, Witness, Words, Writers, writing Yagna, rituals, Youth iii. Health Alternate medicines, Face, Bile, Colic, Concentration, Female problems (ovaries etc), Fingers, Hair, Hysteria, Insomnia, Hands, Left ear, Leprosy, Loss of speech, Lungs, Masturbation, Medicines, Mentality, Mental illness, Mind, Mouth, Navel, Nervous, nerves, Phlegm, Psychiatry, Respiration, Speech, speaking, Stammering, Stomach pain, Throat, Tongue, Venereal diseases, Voice, Windy iv. Finance and Career: Invoices, Emerald, Selling, Trade, Treasury, Valuer, Vouchers v. Mundane: Ambassadors, People, Post office, Roads, Schools, Telegrams, Telephones, Train, Transport U



5. JUPITER i. Family: Children, Paternal grandfather, Elder brother ii. General: Abundance, Affluence, Accumulation, Advantages, Altars, Arbitration, Archery, Attorneys, Auspicious functions, Awards U






Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Barons, Barristers, Behaviour, Benediction, Beneficial, Benefactors, Bishops, cardinals, Blessings, Books legal, Brahmin Carnivals, Cathedrals, churches, Cattle, Ceremonies-religious, Charity, Cheerful, Clergymen, Colleges, Communication, Control over senses, Convents, Copyright, Corporators law, Corpulent, Credentials Devotion, Doctors Education, Enjoyment, Enlargements, Ethics, Exaggeration, Excellence, Excesses, Expansion, Exploration, Extensions Faith, Faraway places, Fat body Gallantry, Generous, Goodwill, Greatness, Growth Happiness, Height, Helpful, Hereditary profession, Hidden treasures, Holidays, Holy matters, Honesty, Hope, Humour Ice, Important, Improvement, Increase of relatives, Initiation, Inquests, Information, Intelligence Journeys-long, Joviality, mirth, Knowledge, Literature, Litigation, Logic, Luck Maximum, Medals, Mercy, Monasteries, Morals, North Old age, Optimism, Opulent, Ordainment Parole, Parsons, Philosophy, Pope, Pilgrimage, Praise, Prayer, Preachers, Premiums, Plenty, Priests, Principles, Productive, Profession Quality, Quantity Rabbits, Race horses, Rain, Rectors, Redemption, Regalia, Regulations, Righteousness, Respect, Religious, Rosaries Salt, Salvation, Satwa guna, Science, Scriptures, sastras, Seat, Ships, Sisira ritu, Siva cult, Sincerity, Soft stones, Strength all times, Sweet Talkative, Tantra gnana, Teacher, Thinking power, Throne, Truth Vedas, vedanthi, Vehicles, Writer Yagna, rituals, Yellow colour iii. Health Constipation, Dental, Diabetic, Eczema, Epilepsy, Fat, Hips, Jaundice, Liver, Lungs, Nasal problems, Obstruction of blood flow, Phlegm, Physicians, Stoutness, Thighs, Tumour, Urinary problems, Windy, Wounds iv. Finance and Career: Banks, Bonus, Bounty, Capital assets, Cashiers, Donations, Endowments, Extravagance, Finance, financier, Fines, Gains, Gold ornaments, Good fortune, Loans, Millionaires, Money, Philanthropists, Yellow sapphire, Refunds, Prosperity, Riches, Wealth, v. Mundane: Administration, Bailiffs, Countries, foreign Counsellors, Counts, countesses, Courts-law, Customs department, Embassies, Exports, Foreign affairs, Imports, International affairs, Judges, judicial mattes, jurors, Judgement, Law, lawyers, Leases, Legal affairs, Licences, Magistrate, Ministers, Passports, Policies, Search warrants, summons, Sheriff U



6. VENUS: i. Family: Husband/wife ii. General: Adornment, Affection, Alliance, Amusement, Architecture, Art, Artists, Astrology, Attachment, Attractive, Author U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Ballet, Banquets, Beauticians, Beauty, Beautiful body, Beauty parlour, Bed comforts, Black hair, Blossoms, Brahmin, Bouquets Cabarets, Cakes, candy, Calm, Canoes, Charm, Celebrations, Clothes, Colour, Comforts, Companions, comrades, Concerts, Confectioners, Cooperation, Cosmetics, Costumes, Courtesy, Courtship, Culture Dance, Décor, decoration, decorators, Delicacies, delicate, Dignified, Dolls, Drama, Dresses, dress makers, garments, gowns, Duets Ease, Education, Elegance, Electrical, electronics Enjoyment, Embroidery, Engagements, Equality, Etiquette Entertainment, and Extravagant Fame, Fancy goods, Favours, Favour of Laxmi, Feminity, Festivities, Fiancée, Finery, Flattering, Fine arts, Flowers, florists, Fragrance, Fraternities, Friday, Friendship, Furnishings Gentle, Gathering, Gifts, girls, Glamour, Glove, Goat, Good taste, Graceful, Gratitude, Greetings Hair dressing, hair styles, Happiness, Harmony, Hats, Holidays, Honey, Honeymoons, Hospitality, Interested in sports, Interior decorators, Intimate, Invitations, Kindness Lace, lingerie, Laughter, Leisure, Love, Lucky, Lust, Luxury, Make up, Manners, Marital topics, Marriage, match making, Mates, Melody, mid age, Models, Monastery, Mother to day born, Music, Musical instruments Negotiations, Orchestra Pacifist, Paintings, Palanquin, Parties, Partners, Passion, Peace, peaceful, Perfumes, Pilgrimage, Place of enjoyment, pleasure, Poet, Poise, Popular, Possessions, Proposal for marriage, Prostitution Reception, Reconciliation, Recreation, Refinement, Relaxation, Ribbons, Rogue, Romance, Royal favour Scarves, Secret protection, Scientific knowledge,, Sex appeal, sex, Singing, Sociable, Social affairs, Society, Songs, South east, Sour, Strength, Style, Sugar, Suitors, Sweets, Sweet hearts, Sweet talk, Symmetry Tact, Temple, Tapestries, Toiletries, Trader, Trousers, Truce, Truth, White umbrella, Vases, Vehicle, Wallets, Water animals and plants, Weddings, White clothes, Wigs, Woman, Worship of female deity. Yagna, ritual, Youth iii. Health: Asthma, Chin, cheeks, Emotional, Eyes, Genitals, Kidneys, Loss of blood, Navel, Pain in joints, Phlegm, Semen, Throat, Thymus, Tonsils, Urine, Venereal diseases iv. Finance and Career: Bracelets, Broaches, Cash, coins, Copper, Diamond, Donations, Emeralds, Gain in trade, Gems, Income, Jewellery, Money, Necklaces, Ornaments, Pearls, Presents, Profits, Treasury office, Wages, Wealth v. Mundane ; Arbitration, Coalition, Diplomacy, Pacts, Peace U



7. SATURN: i. General: Abbreviations, Acoustics, Adhesives, Afflictions, Aged people, Agriculture, Ancestors, Anchors, Apathy, Archaeology, Architecture, Asbestos, Asphalt, ,Astringents, Austerity Ballast, Barriers, Basement, Basics, Beggars Belts, Bereavement, Bitter, Black, black items ,Blame , Blindfold, Blockages, Boredom, Boulders, Boundaries, Brakes, Bridges, Brief, Builders, buildings, Burdens, Calendars, Captivity, Caution, Cement, Cemeteries, Censors, Ceramics Cereals, Chalk, Charity, Cheating others, chillies, clamps, Clay, Clocks, Cohabiting with low class women, Cold, Coal, Compression, Consciousness, Conservatives, Contractions, corruption, Cowards, Crime U


Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Danger, Dark, Death, Debility, Debts, Decay, Defeat, Deficient, Denial, Depression, Despair, Delays, Destitute, Difficulty, Diminishing, Dirty, Discipline, Discounts, Doom, Doubt, Dryness, Dull, Dumps-rubbish, Duty Earth, Economical, Elderly, Ending, last Enduring, Energy, Enlightenment, Enmity, Eunuch, Estates, Exhausted, Excess of anger, Excess of sleep, Expert in taste, Explosives Failure, Faithful, Falls, Farms, Fasting, Fate, Father for night born., Fatigue, Feeling good towards others, Fear, Fences, Fidelity, Fields, Finality, Flattery-likes, Flint, Foreclosure, Formation, Fossils, Foundation, Framework, main door, Freezing, Frost, Frowning, Frugal, Frustration, Fundamental, Funerals Goals, Gamble, Garbage, Gates, Glaciers, Gloom, Glue, Granite, Grass, Grave, Gravel, Greed, Ground Handcuffs, Hardship, Harness, Hesitation, Hibernation, Hindrances, History, Holes, Heat, Heavy, Height, Houses, Humility, Hunchbacks, Ice, Impossibility, Inertia, Inferiority, Inflexible, Influence-able, Intellectual power, Iron, Insulation, Integrity, Isolated Jungle animals, Junk, Knocks, Labour, Laziness, Land, Late, Lead-metal, Leather, Learning evil things, Lethargy, Life, Life in prison, Limits, Livelihood, Loads, Lonely, Longevity, Maraca yoga, Masonry, Materialism, Meditation, Memories, Mines, Minimum, Misers, miserliness, Misfortune, Mortar, Mourning, Mud, Narrow, Necessities, Neglect Obedience, Obituaries, Obsolete, Obstruction, Office room, Oil, Old age, Orthodox Protective paint, Past, Passion, Patience, Paupers, Pavements, Permanent, Perseverance, Pessimism, Physical life, Plaster, Poor people, poverty, Praying to evil spirits, Precaution, Predecessors, Prejudice, Postponement, Problems, Poverty, Pollution, Prison, Property, Prudent, Public, Punishment, Purity, Quarries, Quiet Real estate, Reckless, rude, Recollections, Regrets, Reduction, Refrigeration, Regularly, Religion, Renunciation, Reservoir, Repentance, Responsibility, Rocket, Resistance, Repentance, Restriction, Retirement, Routine, Rubbish, Sadness, Safety, Salt, Sanyacins, Saturday, Scarce, Scavengers, Sceptics, Sculpture, Second hand, Selfishness, Seriousness, Service, social, Shades, Shortage, Shrinkage, Skin, Slavery, Slums, Slow, Snow, Solitude, Sorrow, Spices, Stability, Stale, Starvation, Statues, Stoics, Stones, Stop, Strict, Subways, Surrender to others, Surveyors, Suspicion, Synopsis Tar, Tedious, Thin, Thorn plant Tenements, Terminations, Thorough, Thrift, Tightness, Tiles, Time, Timid, Tin, Traditions, Tragic Ugly, Unclean, Undertakers, Unhappy, Unhygienic, Unlucky, Unorthodox, Vysya Watches, Weight and measures, Wicked, Will power, Winter, Woe, Wood, Worldly knowledge, Worry, Wrapping, Wrinkles ii. Health: Aches, Anxiety, Arthritis, Big teeth, Bones, Bruises, Cancer, Cold, Cynical, Deaf, Depression, Disease, Fracture, Handicap, Head, Hearing sense, Immobility, Introvert, Invalid, Knee, Leanness, Melancholy, Mental aberration, Nerves, Pains, Pancreatic gland, Paralysis, Right ear, Sickness, Skeleton, Skin, Urinary infection, Wrist iii. Finance ; Loss, Vaults iv. Mundane: Embargoes, excavations, Hostages, Monuments, Morgues, Politics, Quarantine, Recessions, Relics, Remains, Ruins-ancient, Security, Tombs U




Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao 8. RAHU ( DRAGON’S HEAD): i. Family: Maternal grandfather ii. General: Accidents, Affairs, Anthill, Arguments, Army, Bravery, Breaking stones, Catching snakes, Cohabit with low caste, diseased women, Crematorium, Criminal mind, Cutting, Oil, oil producing trees, Death of grandmother, Difficult, Digging pits, Dreams, Durga puja, Enmity with servants False speech, harsh speech, Fan, Fire, Forest Garden, Gamble, Happiness, Holes, Indecent talk, Knowledge Looking downward, Loss of property, Mantra sastra, Many children, Movements Old age, Palanquin, Prison, Punishment, Rape Renunciation, Rest, Retardation Secret science, Severe punishment, Shift in position, Shy, hesitancy, Smoke, Snakes, Spirit, Stones, Strength in evening, Subramanya Tank, Transaction, Trench, Umbrella, Unhygienic, Untouchables (mletcha), Valour, Wandering, Widow, Worry over father iii. Health: Aberration, Colic, Cough, Bones, Epilepsy, Fever, Loss of limbs, Phlegm, Respiratory diseases, Sickness, Small pox, Spleen problem, Treatment through poison, Trouble through ghosts, Tumour on back, Venereal disease, Virus, Windy problems iv. Finance: Gomedhika, Checking of diamond vi. Mundane: Agitator, Foreign travel, foreign language, State, War U





9. KETU (DRAGON’S TAIL) i. Family: Paternal grand father ii. General Acting, Anjanam (knowledge to locate hidden things), Astrology Bad dreams, Bathe in sacred rivers, Begging, Boasting Cheating, Cock, Complaining, Control of limbs, Creepers Danger due to fire, Delay, Divine sastra, Devotion to God, Doctor, Dog Eagle, Evil prayers, Excess charity, Explosives, Enunciation, Fame, Female progeny, Foreign settlement, Friends, Ganesha, Greed, Great penance Harassment by enemies, Haughty, Horary sastra, Hot, Illegal trade, Initiation Knowledge, Losses Mantra sastra, Miserliness, Misunderstanding between friends, Muddy water, Non vegetarian U



Twelve houses: T. Manohar Rao Parvathi, Pilgrimage, Poverty, Quarrels, Religious, Renunciation, Revolution Shoes, Salvation, Sanyasi, monk, Search for wealth, Siva cult, Silence, Stupidity, Superstition Threatening Valour, Vedantha study War field, Wavering, Wicked, Worry about paternal grandfather iii. Health: Ankle, Bile, Colic pains, Eyes, Fever, Mad, Medicines, Skin diseases, Stomach ache, Treatment, Tuberculosis, Windy, Wounds iv. Finance and Career: Excess wealth, Ornaments of alloys, Vaidurya cat’s eye U




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