Bonus Questions (1)

January 29, 2017 | Author: Humaira Mirza | Category: N/A
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The most important part of casing hanger is…

Slip and seal ring


How to get the value of reservoir pressure?

DST (Drill stem test)

RFT (repeat Formation Test)

Well Test (Pressure Build-up and Drawdown Test)


What is the use of rotary slip?

An assembly to open the joint


What are the rheology characteristics?

Plastic Viscosity, Yield Point, Gel Strength


What is the function of work over?

Operations to make conditions of well production to be normal back or stable


What are the caused of SP readings?

SP readings are caused by the differences in salinities between mud filtrate and formation waters in permeable beds


What is the correlation between salinity of a fluid and resistivity?

Salinity of a fluid is inversely proportional to its resistivity.


What kind of tool that MWD’s method use?

MWD method measures formation properties using special drill collar housing measuring device at the time formation being drilled


What is the function of pigging?

Cleaning the pipe from paraffin


laminated beds can be occurred when…

The thickness of every lithology layers is less than the vertical resolution


radioactivity log, which also known as a radiation log or a nuclear log, normally consists of two recorded curves, which are…

Gamma ray curve and neutron curve


is datum pressure?

Datum Pressure is the bottom hole pressure corrected to a specific sea or subsea levels


is the abbreviation of IADC?

International Association Drilling Contractors


is WHA stands for?

Well Head Assembly


is the meaning of continuous

flow? An interrupted flow of the well fluid resulting from aeration and expansive action of input gas


well with neither damage nor stimulation has a flow efficiency value that equals…

1 (One)


type of LWD, where the tools are encompassed in a single module in the steering tool of the drill string, at the end of the drilling apparatus (or the bottom hole assembly) is…

Measurements While Drilling (MWD)


is the function of Wall Scratcher?

To clean up the mud cake that stuck in the borehole


type of log that is used in well that do not use mud or water, but oil-based drilling fluids or air is…

Induction Log


resistivity logging tools falls into two categories, which are…

Laterolog and Induction


is velocity string?

Velocity string is a small-diameter tubing string that runs inside the production tubing of a well as a remedial treatment to resolve liquidloading problems.


pump can be used for…

Super charging pump, mixing pump, water cooling pump, and fluid mover for degasser, desander, desilter


is the main function of hoisting system?

To hold the drilling and production equipment during drilling process or maintenance at the surface


is crown block located?

At the top of the rig


logging tool that measures resistivity (Rt) and best suited tool for boreholes which contain salt water based mud is…

Deep Laterolog


Rmf = Rw, it indicates that the porosity is…

0 (Zero)


calibration could be done by using…

Magnesium and Aluminum


tool which is best suited for borehole that contain salt water based mud is…

Deep Laterolog


3 size of drill pipe that usually used in oil field

2 3/8”, 2 7/8”, 3 ½”, 4”, 4 ½”, 5”, 5 ½”, 6 5/8”


has? 5

many liner that Quintuplex pump


is micro annulus?

Micro annulus is the space between the outside of coiled tubing and the inside of conventional tubing.


are methods that used to calculate water saturation?

Simandoux, Waxman-Smith, and Ferti


what condition the pressure reached the critical state?

When the downstream pressure is equal to the half of upstream pressure.


4 (four) methods of artificial

lift.. ESP, Beam Pumping, Gas Lift, and Hydraulic Pumping Unit


is the meaning of intermittent

flow? Head or slug type flow, which is accomplished primarily by displacement of fluid by intermittent injection of lift gas


movement in the porous media depends on…

Acid concentration, mineral type of rock, and layer temperature


3 (three) functions of wellhead…

To hold conductor / surface casing, to hang intermediate casing, and to place the BOP Stack


oil? Light oil

is older the heavy oil or the light


2 (two) types of X–mas tree…

Single arm and double arm


is the national oil company of mexico?

Pemex (Petroleos Mexicanos)


packer for gas lift is used

for… For separating gas injection with productive zone


is subsurface safety valve?

A safety device installed in the upper wellbore to provide emergency closure of the producing conduits in the event of an emergency


drain the fluid to the surface, the value of hydrostatic pressure must be. ….than the reservoir pressure. (Complete the sentence!)

Less than


log, Gamma Ray log, and Microlog are types of wireline logging that used to identify…

Formation thickness


doesn’t Electric Submersible Pump use packer?

So that the gas can enter the valve


tool that is used to measure resistivity by sending electric current directly to the formation is…



is the name of the tool used to control the well pressure?

Back Pressure Manifold


name of the tool used to know the position and condition of the fish in the wellbore

Impression Block


is the abbreviation of ECD?

Equivalent Circulating Density


tool that is used to prove the existence of hydrocarbon in the formation on reservoir capacity and its ability to produce fluid is…

Drilling Steam Test (DST)


will happen to the well flowing pressure if gas is injected to the well?

The well flowing pressure will be decreased


type of Electric Submersible Pump protector that is not allowed the formation water to enter the well?

Positive seal


most common solid added to muds to increase density is…



is the name of thermodynamic process in which the temperature is constant?

Isothermal process

55. Give

a scientific term: They are estimated volumes of crude oil, condensate, natural gas, natural gas liquids, and associated substances anticipated to be commercially recoverable from known accumulations from a given date forward, under existing economic conditions, by established operating practices, and under current government regulations. Its estimations based on geologic and/or engineering data available at the time of estimate.



part of petroleum science that provides the technical basis for the recovery of petroleum fluids from subsurface sedimentary-rock reservoirs is…

Reservoir engineering

57.What 

is OWC (oil water contact)?

A surface separating the oil zone from the underlying water zone. Below the OWC, oil is generally absent


may be defined as the pressure difference across a curved interface between two immiscible fluids. What is it?

Capillary pressure


5 (five) function of mud…

To move up cutting,

cover the wellbore wall,

keep the formation pressure,

logging media,

keep the drill string,

corrosion prevention


which temperature point does steam begin to be cloudy and changed to be liquid phase?

Dew point


ratio of the density (mass of a unit volume) of a substance to the density (mass of the same unit volume) of a reference substance is called...

Specific gravity


are 3 kinds of well stimulation, which are?


explosive fracturing,

hydraulic fracturing

63.What 

is CBM stand for?

Coal bed methane


, air balance, mark II unitorque and beam balance are types of...

Beam pumping unit


separator units handle pressure of within range…

975 – 1500 psi

66.Clay 

swelling can be caused by…

Ion exchange or changes in salinity

67.What 

is the function of pump intake?

Separating oil and gas


fishing job, when a fish is difficult to grip, what kind of pipe that we use?

Wash over Pipe or Wash pipe


common type of acid employed on wells to stimulate production, which are useful in removing carbonate reservoirs, or limestone and dolomites, from the rock is…

Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)


which applied in calculating and predicting flow rates from the reservoir into the wellbore, is…

Darcy’s Equation


are the 2 (two) most common petroleum reservoir rocks?

Sandstones and carbonates (limestone and dolomite)


type of log that shows the permeability of the rocks in the well by calculating the electrical currents generated between the drilling fluids and formation water held in the pore spaces is...

Spontaneous Potential (SP) Log

73.What 

is the function of barite?

To increase the weight

74.What 

is the used of packer fluid?

Packer fluid is used to reduce the pressure differential between annulus and pipes or between zones, which is limited by packer


4 type of coupling thread for casing released by API…

Round thread casing,

buttress thread casing,

extreme line casing,

vam casing


3 cementing program equipment used for 2 stage cementing?

Dual stage casing collar, metal petal basket, external casing packer

77.Crown 

–O- matic break is used for...

Preventing travelling block hit the crown block in round trip job


is the different between igneous rock and metamorphic rocks?

Igneous rocks have crystallized from a hot, molten liquid (they are formed when a molten melt is cooled, there is two types of igneous rocks, which are plutonic and volcanic). While metamorphic rocks have been recrystallized from other rocks under high temperatures and pressures (they are any rocks that have been altered by high heat and pressure)

79.What 

is the function of bottom plug?

To separated cement with cement slurry


3 (three) types of rocks, which can make up the earth’s crust?

Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic.

81 

This artificial system uses a helical screw rotar to formed a travelling sealed cavity (Progressive Cavity Pump)


An uncontrolled discharge of formation fluid out of the wellbore (Blowout)


This is the act of pulling the drill string out of hole or putting it in the hole. (Tripping)

84 Identify the type of well that is equipped with pressure monitoring systems to determine the extent of propogation of the pressure transient from the producing wells into the reservoir (Observation Well)


Which continent is currently the worlds largest petroleum consumer? (Asia)


The US imports about 9 billion barrels of crude oil a year. Which country is leading supplier to the US? (Canada)

87 What is welded to the first string of casing in the well and attaches the bop stack to the well? (Casing Heading



How many times per year is SPE magazine The Way Ahead published? (3)



What is the API gravity of the benchmark crude West Texas Intermediate (39.6)

90 7.

Containing 4% of world oil reserves and name this country covering 1/8 of the world inhabitable land area. (Russia)

91 7.

Name four mechanisms that cause a reservoir to produce in it's initial phase. ("Gas Cap Drive, Solution Gas Drive, Gravity Drive, Water Drive “)

92 7.

The measure of heat energy to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit is known as what? (BTU)

93 13. With untapped easy oil and proven oil reserves of 115 Billion bbl this country may become a top producer and exporter alongside Saudi Arabia. (Iraq)

94 13. "If an operator signs to pay an exact cost to a contractor, regardless of any possible new expenses, the transaction is known as what?“ (Turn Key)


13. According to the standard geologic time scale, what epoch are we currently in?“ (Halocene)

96 13. Name the term that is used to describe the gas accumulated on the surface of a material, such as the grain of a reservoir rock, or more particularly the organic particles in a shale reservoir.“ (Adsorbed Gas)

97 13. The chloride concentration in drilling fluids can be determined by titrating with what chemical solution? (Silver Nitrate Solution)

98 13. What are the units for the non-Darcy flow coefficient Beta that is used in Forcheimer's equation? (1/length)


What is the name for a cut off in time that has the effect of eliminating some kinds of noise from seismic data? (Tail mute)

100.Name the man who in 1940 drilled the first directional well? (Robert Richardson

101.Name the special tool used by the rig crew to prevent the drill bit from turning. (Bit Breaker)

102. Hydrates are icelike structures made of what? (Gas and water)


"Refining of crude oil was initially focused on forming this substance, used primarily in lamps.“ (Kerosene)

104 19. Name the second largest exporter of LNG. (Malaysia)

105 19. During this process natural gas is condensed and cooled while harmful components such as dust, acid gas, helium, water, and heavy hydrocarbons are removed.“ (Liquefaction)

106. This device is used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. (Viscometer)

107 "In drilling, this is the term used to describe the height of a fluid column.“ (Hydrostatic Head)

108. This type of system is used to steer the drill bit while the pipe is rotating. (Rotary Steerable System)

109. This procedure enhances production removing near well formation damage and increasing the effective well radius. (acidizing)

110. In drilling fluids, this device is used to separate components of a used drilling fluid to estimate the amount of fluid invasion from a reservoir.“ (Retort)

111.A porosity-resistivity crossplot is a convenient method for deriving formation water resistivity. Name one of the two commonly used crossplots.


Hingle Plot

2) Pickett Plot.

112.Name 2 principles through which heat can be transferred.

1) Conduction

2) Convection

3) Radiation

113.A fluid flow process in which the saturation of the wetting phase increases and the non wetting phase saturation decrease is defined?

Answer: Imbibition

114.Generally refers to any well that does not produce oil or gas in commercial quantities

Answer: dry hole

115.Geological term denoting a break in the subsurface strata.

Answer: fault

116.Common term for wellbore.

Answer: hole


Answer: monkey board


Answer: plug and abandon


Answer: Slim Hole Drilling

10. A centralizer installed in the drill string to center the string in the hole and to stiffen the string to resist bending and deviation.


11. Drill pipe, casing, or tubing that cannot be worked in or out of the hole as desired. Answer: STUCK PIPE

12. Method of drilling in which the drill pipe is rotated to rotate a bit.


13. Subsurface geological feature capable of acting as a reservoir for oil and/or gas.

Platform on which the derrick hand works during the time the crew is making a trip

Act of placing cement plugs in a hole to prevent unwanted vertical migration in an abandoned well.

Drilling in which the hole size is smaller than the conventional hole diameter, enabling the operator to run smaller casing, thereby decreasing the cost of completion


14. Any geological structure which precludes the migration of oil and gas through subsurface rocks, causing the hydrocarbons to accumulate into pools.

Answer: TRAP

15. Recording information about subsurface geologic formations; methods include records kept by the driller, mud and cutting analysis, core analysis, drill stem tests, electric and radioactivity procedures.


16. Organic chemical compounds of hydrogen and carbon whose densities, boiling points, and freezing points increase as their molecular weights increase. The molecular structure of the most common petroleum hydrocarbon compounds varies from the simplest - methane, a constituent of natural gas - to the very heavy and complex. Answer: HYDROCARBONS

17. Free gas, separate from, but overlying an oil zone that occurs within the same producing formation as oil. Since gas is lighter, it occupies the upper part of the reservoir.

Answer: GAS CAP

18. Clamp which grips a stand or column of casing, tubing, drill pipe, or sucker rods so that it can be raised or lowered into the hole.


19. Exploratory well which discovers a new oil/gas field (see WILDCAT).


20. Mixture of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that may be contaminated with sulfur compounds and is recovered or recoverable form an underground reservoir. It is gaseous in its virgin state but is liquid under the conditions at which its volume is measured.


21. Cylindrical sample taken from a formation for the purpose of examination or analysis. Answer: CORE

22. When production is stopped from a well that is depleted and no longer capable of producing profitably. A wildcat well may also be abandoned after it has been determined that it will not produce.


23. Uncontrolled flow of gas, oil, or other well fluids from a well during drilling due to formation pressure exceeding the pressure exerted by the column of drilling mud. Answer: BLOWOUT

24. Arched stratified rock structure with layers dipping downward in opposite directions from the crest.


25. Impermeable rock overlying an oil or gas reservoir that tends to prevent migration of the reservoir fluids from the reservoir.

Answer: CAP ROCK

26. Cycling of the drilling

117.Platform on which the derrick hand works during the time the crew is making a trip

Answer: monkey board

118.Act of placing cement plugs in a hole to prevent unwanted vertical migration in an abandoned well.

Answer: plug and abandon

119.Drilling in which the hole size is smaller than the conventional hole diameter, enabling the operator to run smaller casing, thereby decreasing the cost of completion

Answer: Slim Hole Drilling

120.A centralizer installed in the drill string to center the string in the hole and to stiffen the string to resist bending and deviation.


121.Drill pipe, casing, or tubing that cannot be worked in or out of the hole as desired. Answer: STUCK PIPE

122.Method of drilling in which the drill pipe is rotated to rotate a bit.


123.Subsurface geological feature capable of acting as a reservoir for oil and/or gas. Answer: STRUCTURE

124.Any geological structure which precludes the migration of oil and gas through subsurface rocks, causing the hydrocarbons to accumulate into pools.

Answer: TRAP

125.Recording information about subsurface geologic formations; methods include records kept by the driller, mud and cutting analysis, core analysis, drill stem tests, electric and radioactivity procedures.


126.Organic chemical compounds of hydrogen and carbon whose densities, boiling points, and freezing points increase as their molecular weights increase. The molecular structure of the most common petroleum hydrocarbon compounds varies from the simplest - methane, a constituent of natural gas - to the very heavy and complex. Answer: HYDROCARBONS

127.Free gas, separate from, but overlying an oil zone that occurs within the same producing formation as oil. Since gas is lighter, it occupies the upper part of the reservoir.

Answer: GAS CAP

128.Clamp which grips a stand or column of casing, tubing, drill pipe, or sucker rods so that it can be raised or lowered into the hole.


129.Exploratory well which discovers a new oil/gas field (see WILDCAT).


130.Mixture of pentanes and heavier hydrocarbons that may be contaminated with sulfur compounds and is recovered or recoverable form an underground reservoir. It is gaseous in its virgin state but is liquid under the conditions at which its volume is measured.


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