Bearing Strength of concrete (allowable), fp = 0.6 x fcK= Pb (actual) 100mm = T Dewolf. (2003)
Adopt Bolt length, L =
510 mm 900.00 mm
Provide a Total Bolt Length of 900 mm CASE 2: TENSION LOADING Consider tension load on base due to load reversal Max. Tension = Max. Compression Tensile force, Ft = Nult = Table 34
Tension carried by each bolt = Ft/8 =
EN 1993‐1‐1:2005
Tension capacity of bolts, Pt = 0.8FubAt =
774.90 kN 96.86 kN 366.46 kN
Bolt Data
Total tensile capacity = n*Pt =
2932 kN
Check combined shear and tension; EN 1993‐1‐1:2005
Combined shear and tension; Fh/Ps + Ft/Pt ≤ 1.4 where; Ps = shear strenght of bolt =
2931.70 N/mm2
Pt = Tensile capacity of bolt =
2931.71 kN
Ft = Tensile Force force to be resisted = Fh= shear force to be resisted= Fh/Ps + Ft/Pt ≤ 1.4
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