
April 12, 2017 | Author: Mario Rendon | Category: N/A
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Phase 1: Bodyweight Training Program For the Skinny-Fat Guy By Oskar Faarkrog - The #1 Trainer for the Skinny-Fat Body-Type

Phase 1 Training Objectives: • 10 Pull Ups. • 20 Diamond Push Ups.

>> After you complete Phase 1, send your success story through my contact form to be featured on the Success Stories Page.

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Training A: Upper Body 1: Warm Up For The Upper Body ๏ Arm circles to the front: 2 set of 15 reps ๏ Arm circles to the back: 2 set of 15 reps ๏ Arm swings to the sides: 2 set of 15 reps reach side.

2: Upper Body Training ๏ Pull Ups: 3 sets of MAX reps (3-5 min. rest between sets) ๏ Push Ups: 3 sets of MAX reps (3-5 min. rest between sets) ๏ Leg Raises: 3 sets of MAX reps (2 min. rest between sets) ๏ Plank: 3 sets of of MAX time you can hold it (2 min. rest between sets)

3: Stretching Program ๏ Modified hurdler stretch: 1 set of 1 min. each leg. ๏ Arm over head shoulder stretch: 1 set of 30 sec. each arm. ๏ Standing chest stretch: 1 set of 30 sec. each arm.

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Training B: Lower Body 1: Lower Body Warm Up ๏ Leg swings (side-to-side): 2 sets of 15 reps ๏ Leg swings (front-to-back): 2 sets of 15 reps ๏ Knee circles: 2 set of 15 reps ๏ Hip circles: 2 set of 15 reps

2: Lower Body Training ๏Bodyweight squats: 3 sets of MAX reps (2 min. rest between sets) ๏Single leg calf raises: 3 sets of MAX reps (2 min. rest between sets) ๏Bodyweight forward lunge: 3 sets of MAX reps. (2 min. rest between sets) ๏Supermans: 3 sets of MAX reps (2 min. rest between sets)

3: Stretching Program ๏ Standing hamstring stretch: 1 set of 1 min. each leg. ๏ Standing quadricep stretch: 1 set of 30 sec. each leg ๏ Open lizard hip stretch: 1 set of 1 min. each leg Please do not share this document!

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Training Program Structure

• Perform the training program 4 days each week, alternating between “Training A” and “Training B”. (The optimal training frequency varies for each skinny-fat guy but listen to your body and you will be good).

• Each training session should last less than 1 hour and you can do it all from home as long as you have a pull up bar!

• Never push through pain in training, since that can lead to injuries and an injury can affect your training negatively for YEARS to come.

Abbreviations SUPERSET = Perform the exercises back-to-back. MAX = Stop your set 1 repetition before failure. When you know with 100% certainty that you cannot complete another repetition, STOP the set.

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Target Muscles of Each Exercise

The resistance training program is structured to train your ENTIRE body with as few basic bodyweight exercises as possible. Here’s a quick breakdown of the muscle groups trained by the exercises in your program: ๏ Pull Ups: Back, biceps, rear shoulders and forearms. ๏ Push ups: Chest, triceps and front shoulders. ๏ Lying leg raises: Lower abs. ๏ Plank: Internal ab muscles that support your posture. ๏ Supermans: Lower back. ๏ Bodyweight squats: Thighs and glutes. ๏ Single leg calf raises: Calves. ๏ Bodyweight forward lunge: Thighs and glutes. The bodyweight exercises are used to build up foundational strength all over your body so we can move into a more intense Phase 2 bodybuilding training program in 3-6 months. (Read more about the 2 Phases of a Skinny-Fat Transformation at the bottom of my blog post “Bodyweight Training for the Skinny-Fat Guy (And the 2 Phases of a Skinny-Fat Transformation”) Please do not share this document!

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VERY IMPORTANT: Exercise Progression and Tracking We only focus on progressing on 2 exercise variations: 1) Pull Up and 2) Push Up Variation. Those are the only 2 things you want to track, because tracking a lot of exercises will result in a lack of FOCUS. Pull Up Progression: ๏ Step 1: If you can’t do a real pull up yet, focus on doing negative pull ups and inverted bodyweight rows while shredding excess body-fat through your diet. This will over time enable you to do your first pull up. ๏ Step 2: Progress to 10 pull ups by adding reps as often as possible to your sets. Note: You can do any pull up variation that YOU like (underhand grip, neutral grip or overhand grip). The most important thing is that you pick one you like and STICK to it until you achieve 10 perfect reps. (Usually the underhand grip is EASIEST for beginners since it involves more biceps so you might want to try that one first). Push Up Progression: ๏ Step 1: If you can’t do a real push up yet, focus on doing knee push ups while shredding excess body-fat through your diet. This will over time enable you to do your first push up. ๏ Step 2: Progress to 20 regular push ups by adding reps to your sets as often as possible. ๏ Step 3: Progress to 20 diamond push ups by adding reps to your sets as often as possible

Progression Tracking: After each training session, it’s crucial that you note down in a log book how many push ups and pull ups you can do on each of your sets. This motivates you to get better and ensures your progress from training to training and thereby your long-term results.

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6 of 12 Writing down your exercises, sets and reps also creates COMMITMENT to the training program unlike anything else and thereby makes it easier to stick to it! It’s so important that you log your workouts that I can already say RIGHT NOW that if you don’t do it, it’s HIGHLY unlikely you will be training consistently and getting results in the next 3-6 months. You want to record both the number you did on each set and the total amount of reps you did spread across all your sets on the 2 key exercises: Pull Up and Push Up. The goal is to do more reps over time, because that is what will get you from 0 to 10 pull ups and 20 diamond push ups. …And that’s also EXACTLY what will make you add tone and definition to your upper body because there’s no way you will look the same when you go from 0 to 10 pull ups. (Unless your diet isn’t optimal because just like a house your body needs building blocks to get stronger and build muscle).

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7 of 12 Here’s an example of how your weekly progression tracking can look like:

It doesn’t matter whether you use an old physical notepad, app on your phone such as SimpleNote or a Google Spreadsheet. The most important thing is that you get into the habit of tracking your training because this will pay off BIG TIME over the next 5 years. Also, keep in mind that the example above is an “ideal example”. In reality, training is full of ups and downs so there may be an entire week where you don’t see much (or any progress at all), only to see an entire week’s worth of progress in just ONE training session in the following week. The most important thing is that you see consistent progress at least every 2 weeks. 8 of 12 Please do not share this document! If you don’t see progress in either your total amount of pull ups and push ups done throughout all your sets, or the number of pull ups or push ups done on your first set for 2 consecutive weeks, take a look at the next section for a solution to that.

What to do if you’re stuck at the same amount of reps for two consecutive weeks? In the case that you fail to see progress on the push up or pull up for 2 consecutive weeks, you can add 1-3 slow negative reps after your last set to increase the training effect and break down your muscles more. We don’t add the slow negatives to the first or second set because doing slow negatives to finish off a push up or pull up set is a High Intensity Training method that will affect your upcoming sets negatively. It’s a progression method we use to trigger a stronger training effect and thereby break a plateau. Whether you add 1, 2 or 3 slow negatives really depends on how you feel. The most important thing is that you do the negatives VERY slowly (around 5 seconds), and stop once you feel that your muscles have gotten more stimulation than last time you trained them. Essentially, we want to use the minimum required dosage to achieve overload on your muscles from training. In the case that this method doesn’t work, take 7 days completely off training then return to it and you will most likely find that you will start progressing again. (Sometimes our body just needs a break).

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Structure Of Your Stretching Program Your stretching program contains stretches for the hip flexors, hamstrings (back thigh), quadriceps (front thigh), shoulders and chest. The stretches are chosen to achieve the following things: ๏ Lengthen your hamstrings to their optimal length (most people have shortened hamstrings from sitting down a lot). ๏ Open up your hip flexors (again, most people have tight hip flexors from sitting down a lot). ๏ Stretch out your muscles after resistance training (resistance training shortens your muscles, so you want to stretch them out again to prevent injury and speed up recovery between training sessions). When you perform the stretches, only stretch to the point where you can feel a gentle stretch. Stretching should NEVER be painful. Furthermore, you want to relax as much as possible and focus on your breathing during each stretch. Overall, here are the top 3 benefits of stretching: ๏ Great posture. (Great posture makes you look better and boosts your testosterone levels). ๏ Faster recovery between training sessions. (This is crucial when you aren’t a teenager with raging hormones). ๏ Injury prevention. (Injuries can affect your training negatively for YEARS to come so it’s better you prevent them in the first place). I neglected stretching during the first 4 years of my training and it was one of my biggest training mistakes. Stretching will not only improve your posture, recovery and prevention of injuries, but it will also make you FEEL BETTER and is a great “meditative practice” to de-stress your mind.

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10 of 12 When you’re “tight” like the average gym rat, you have a lot of stress inside your body which affects your inner well-being throughout the day. Once you “open up” your body and posture, you will start feeling a lot better, and that is after all why most of us start training.

Why You Should Clean Up Your Diet

While training is important, it’s equally important that you optimise your diet to support fat loss. We want to shred the excess body-fat because of the following 6 reasons…: 1. Excess body-fat is estrogenic. It increases the female hormone Estrogen and thereby reduces your free testosterone levels (testosterone is the main muscle building hormone in the body). 2. Excess body-fat makes your nutrient partitioning poor. This means that your body isn’t optimised for utilising food for muscle gains. 3. Excess body-fat makes it hard to see your hard earned muscle gains. 4. Excess body-fat has a negative psychological impact on you. It’s not fun to wake up and see love handles and man boobs in the mirror. We want to shred it once and for all. 5. Excess body-fat is deadweight. It’s like carrying a weighted vest around all day long. It makes you weaker on bodyweight exercises and slows you down! 6. Excess body-fat takes away definition from your face. Losing just 10-20 pounds can make a DRAMATIC difference in the way your face looks and your overall attraction levels. The way we shred the excess body-fat is by being in a slight caloric deficit that enables you to lose a healthy 1-2 pounds per week on average (keep in mind that fat loss is nonPlease do not share this document!

11 of 12 linear so you might have weeks where you barely lose fat and weeks where you lose 3-4 pounds). A caloric deficit is the scientifically proven way of shredding excess body-fat. Eat less than you burn on a daily basis and over time you will shred fat. This caloric deficit is mostly created through diet rather than training. You can choose to run for 30 minutes or replace the pasta and bread with potatoes. Both approaches achieve the same purpose: A caloric deficit. However, replacing food is much easier than running and doing cardio. For most skinny-fat guys with poor conditioning, it’s much easier to replace nonfilling, bullshit food such as pasta and bread with satiating foods that fills you up for HOURS than it is to run for 30 minutes. Therefore, we always start cleaning out the diet from foods that have a low satiety and replace these with highly satiating foods such as: • Potatoes. • Rice. • Ground beef. • Chicken breast. • Turkey breast. • Salmon. • Eggs. • Dark chocolate. • Fruits. • Vegetables. These foods are VERY filling and when eaten in the right amounts and at the right time of the day, they make fat loss almost EFFORTLESS. >> For more diet tips go to my post 10 Simple Tips to Lose Fat Without Starving Yourself

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