Body Syllabus - Edit 3

March 18, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;


TABLE OF CONTENT  Notice of Claims, Consent and Commitment pertaining to ARhAyas Productions LLC LLC Teaching, Techniques and Technologies.................................. Technologies........................................................ ..................................................5 ............................5 Words TRADEMARKED by ARhAyas Productions LLC....................................... LLC........................................................9 .................9 Abbreviations & Terms...................... Terms............................................ ............................................ ............................................................. ..........................................10 ...10 The Bodies :....................................... :............................................................. ............................................ ............................................ ........................................... .....................10 10 SPIRIT BODY...................................... BODY................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ .......................................11 .................11 External Creation structure............................................. structure....................... ............................................ ..........................................................11 ....................................11 Summary..................................... Summary............... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..............................................12 ........................12 Creation......................................... Creation................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................12 ......................12 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................13 ....13 Hall of Records........................................ Records.............................................................. ............................................ ................................................... .............................14 14 Time related............................................. related................................................................... ............................................ .......................................................16 .................................16 Time vectors.......................................... vectors................................................................ ............................................ .......................................... ............................... ...........16 16 3 Hara Bodies for f or each Time Vector.................................... Vector.......................................................... .................................... ......................17 ........17 Space-Time Matter Domains...................................... Domains............................................................ ......................................................18 ................................18 KEi-Ti Membrane (organic structure)........................... structure)................................................. ............................................... .........................18 18 Karmic Template (disharmonic structure)........................................................ structure).................................................................... ............18 18 From Sound & Light to Matter.............................................. Matter.................................................................... ...............................................19 .........................19 Allurean Chambers : = Event horizon................................... horizon............................................................................. ..........................................19 19 Celestalline.................................................. Celestalline............................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................19 ......................19 Allur-E’ah Rashatan......................................... Rashatan............................................................... ........................................................... ..........................................20 .....20 ZhEon = Birth Quantum from fr om Spirit Body................................... Body......................................................... ........................................20 ..................20 Fetal Integration Point.................................. Point........................................................ .................................................................... .............................................. 21 The Gha-fa........................................ Gha-fa.............................................................. ............................................ ............................................ ..................................... ..................22 ...22 The Aah-jhA’ Bodies..................................... Bodies........................................................... ............................................ .................................................24 ...........................24 The Origin of Creation:.......................................... Creation:................................................................ ............................................ .....................................24 ...............24 Aah-JhA Body on personal level:.............................................. level:.................................................................... .......................................24 .................24 Activations:........................................... Activations:..................... ............................................ ............................................ ......................................................25 ................................25 The ‘Luminary Body’ or ‘Ephemeral Vehicle’ is:............................................................26 is:............................................................26 The 5 stages of translocation & the 5 Aurora Continuum Matter States & 5 stages of the Jha-DA’ Body Ascension.............................. Ascension.................................................... ................................................................... .............................................26 26 SPIRIT BODY...................................... BODY............................................................ ............................................ ............................................ .......................................28 .................28 Internal Creation structure.......................................... structure.................... ............................................ .............................................................. ........................................28 28 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................29 ....29 The many manifest worlds and consciousness fields of 1 CosMY’ah.............................29 Halls of Ah-Yah’-RhU Cos-MA’Yah & Halls of Cos-Min-Yahas of the Cos-MY’ah....33 Chismatic Fields....................................... Fields.............................................................. ........................................................................ .................................................36 36 The organic E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythm:............................................................37 Rhythm:............................................................37 The inorganic Tan-Na-KEi “MEme Brain” layer:..................................... layer:.......................................................37 ..................37 On personal level:.............................................. level:.................................................................... .......................................................37 .................................37 On Planetary Level:.......................................... Level:................................................................ ........................................................ ..................................38 38 E’LAi’-sa Tan-Chi’-Ti Awakening:.................................... Awakening:............................................................................38 ........................................38 The Out-Step & In-Step / Ascention E’LAi’-sa Helio-plasmic Krystar Flows between External, Rasha & Internal Eternal-Life DhA-yah Field Kryst Creation............................39 Creation........................ ....39 Out-Step of Eternal DhA-yah Field Creation: (In-Step/Ascention is back-flow of OutStep Process).......................................... Process)................................................................ ............................................ ............................................. ...............................39 ........39 Start: Chismatic Field Level 1 Inner Core....................................................................39 Core....................................................................39 To: Step-Out 1 Chismatic Field Level-2-Middle..........................................................39 Level-2-Middle..........................................................39

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



To: Step-Out 2 Chismatic Field Level-3-Outer............................................................40 Level-3-Outer............................................................40 Time-Related........................................................................................................................40 Time-vectors............................................ Time-vectors...................... ............................................ ............................................ ................................................... .............................40 40 3 hara bodies for each timevector.......................................... timevector................................................................ ........................................... .....................42 42 Space Time matter domains of Cos-MY’ah:.............................................. Cos-MY’ah:.................................................................. ......................42 ..42 The KEi-Ti Membrane organic structure:........................................................................43 Karmic Template disharmonic structure:.........................................................................43 Time-Lock encasement............................................. encasement................................................................... ............................................ ..................................44 ............44 Five Kalip’sus Barriers (pre-substance plasms)...........................................................44 Time-Lock Skin is controlled by 5 Templates: (pre-substance plasms).......................44 KarU’sic Membranes (pre-substance plasms)..............................................................44 Eternal Vehicle.......................................... Vehicle................................................................ ............................................ ........................................ ............................... .............45 45 RASHA BODY................................... BODY.......................................................... ............................................. ............................................ ........................................46 ..................46 External Creation structure............................................. structure................................................................... ..........................................................46 ....................................46 Summary..................................... Summary............... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..............................................47 ........................47 Creation......................................... Creation................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................47 ......................47 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................48 ....48 Density levels.......................................... levels................................................................ ............................................ ............................................. ..............................48 .......48 Elemental Levels......................................... Levels............................................................... ............................................ ............................................ ..........................49 ....49 AKSO crystal c rystal power orbs.................................... orbs.......................................................... ............................................ ........................................... .....................50 50 Prana seed............................................ seed.................................................................. ............................................ ........................................................... .....................................52 52  Note about our Sun: inorganic inorganic bardoah process......................................... process............................................................. ......................52 ..52 From Sound to Light and Matter....................................................... Matter....................................................................................... ...................................52 ...52 Krystar Vehicle............................................ Vehicle.................................................................. ............................................ ..................................................53 ............................53 RASHA Body.................................. Body........................................................ ............................................ ............................................ ........................................ .......................54 .....54 Internal Creation structure.......................................... structure................................................................ .............................................................. ........................................54 54 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................55 ....55 KHYon Silver Seed Ring...............................................................................................55 Organic KarU’sa Membranes & Kalip’sus Barriers Locations...................................... Locations.......................................57 .57 The organic organic 5 Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Stations of Mind....................................... Mind..............................................61 .......61 The inorganic Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock Harness............................................. Harness.............................................................62 ................62 LIGHT BODY.................................. BODY........................................................ ............................................ ............................................ ........................................... ......................63 .63 Structure for in External Creation Fields......................... Fields............................................... ............................................ ...................................63 .............63 Summary..................................... Summary............... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..............................................64 ........................64 Creation......................................... Creation................... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................64 ......................64 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................66 ....66 The Soul..................................... Soul........................................................... ............................................ ............................................. ...........................................68 ....................68 The ZhEon is stored in the Light Body Seed Atom................................ Atom..........................................................68 ..........................68 Fire Chambers in the Light Body.................................... Body..................................................................................... .................................................68 68 Plasma Flows from Internal Creation penetrate the Light Body..........................................69 PHYSICAL BODY.................................................................................................................70 Structure for in External Creation Fields......................... Fields............................................... ............................................ ...................................70 .............70 The inorganic Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock Harness & Beastie Flows................................ Flows.................................72 .72 PLASMA BODY...................................... BODY............................................................ ............................................ ............................................ ...................................73 .............73 Structure for in the Internal Creation Fields.............................................................................73 Fields.............................................................................73 Summary..................................... Summary............... ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..............................................74 ........................74 Anatomy.................................... Anatomy.............. ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..........................74 ....74 The Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields of the the Human Human Body................. Body.............................................. .............................78 78 Seat of Mind in organic biology................................... biology......................................................... ................................................... ..............................80 .80 Time Related.......................................... Related................................................................ ............................................ ............................................ ..................................82 ............82

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



Organic MarkhetU’re Time Wave Movement, moving forward to the future:....................82 The inorganic Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock Harness, the inorganic Beastie Flows & inorganic Titus Mobius wave.......................................... wave........................................................................................... .................................................83 83 The inorganic Beastie & Banshee Flows.......................................................... Flows...................................................................... ............85 85 The inorganic Titus-Mobius Wave................................. Wave....................................................... ..............................................88 ........................88 Positive (electrical) entrainment, Integral Bridge & The Krystal River Host FailSafe....90 For the transformation towards Internal Reality Fields, we have had:.................................90 Chismatic Biological Interface:................................................ Interface:...................................................................... .................................... ......................95 ........95 The A-RHi’-yah Chismatic Transduction Sequence............................................................95 Tryptoplasmic Interface in biological nervous system.........................................................96 system.........................................................96 The progression from Consciousness to Matter...................................................................97

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



Notice of Claims, Consent and Commitment pertaining to ARhAyas Productions LLC Teaching, Techniques and Technologies.

Contents     

Theoretical Perspectives ARhAyas Productions LLC Meditations for Spiritual Exploration, Medical and Psychiatric Considerations Claim of Authenticity Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent A Commitment to quality and the ARhAyas Productions LLC Course Book Manuals

Theoreticall Perspectives Theoretica Perspectives ARhAyas ARhAy as Productions Productions LLC teachings teachings presentl presently y exist on Earth as a growing growing body of detailed informat information ion  pertaining to the spirituality and science of creation and the history and evolution of humanity. ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings offer unique perspectives, techniques and technologies of mind and spirit that have  proven useful to many people in the exploration and expansion of personal consciousness. Information contained within ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings represents a cohesive paradigm of ideas, beliefs and  perspectives reportedly translated from ancient texts, which together comprise an inspirational ‘point of view’ or ‘word view’ regarding the tangible realities of spirituality, theaffirmative mechanicsand of creation, the history of our universe universe and the poten potentiali tialities ties of the human condition. condition. Like many popular popular “New Age” and “Traditional” paradigms of spiritual, scientific and historical beliefs, many points of view presented within ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings extend beyond the framework of presently recognized spiritual/religious, scientific and historical ‘fact’ that can be verified through common contemporary scientific procedure procedures. s. Thus, like many other popular belief paradigms, including ALL known ‘New Age’ and ‘Traditional’ spiritual/religious doctrin doc trines es and many many fields fields of con contem tempor porary ary scient scientifi ificc stud study, y, the perspe perspecti ctives ves pre presen sented ted within within ARhAya ARhAyass Productions LLC teachings must, too, be presently categorized as theoretical in nature. The verifiable actuality, and thus the potential validity, of the presently theoretical spiritual, scientific and historical histori cal perspectives perspectives of ARhAyas ARhAyas Production Productionss LLC teachings pertain pertaining ing to the “Ancient Scienc Sciencee of the Shields” (scalar standing wave templates of matter and consciousness), “Merkaba Mechanics” (interdimensional electromag elect romagnetic netic vortex mechanics mechanics), ), “DNA Templ Template ate Activ Activations ations”” (frequency (frequency accr accretion etion withi within n the scalar  scalar  template templa te behind behind manifest manifest chem chemical ical DNA) DNA),, “Inte “Interdime rdimensiona nsionall Struct Structure”, ure”, “15-Dimensi “15-Dimensional onal Anat Anatomy”, omy”, “BioSpiritu Spir itual al He Heali aling” ng” (suppo (support rt of bio biolog logica icall hea healin ling g and wel welll bei being ng thr throug ough h holist holistic ic spiritu spiritual al practi practice) ce) and Humanity’s Evolutionary Journey, perspectives which are featured within ARhAyas Productions LLC Tan-TriAhura Programs and related published works of the ARhAyas Productions LLC, cannot at this time be “proved or disproved”. Therefore, the ARh ARhAyas Ayas Productions LLC Paradigm and its related teachings, techniques and and technologies are offered to the public as a unique and inspirational view point, solely for the purpose of public investigation, consideration and theoretical exploration. Though the presently theoretical categorization of ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings within the public sector  is recognized, it should also be recognized that members of the ARhAyas Productions LLC as well as authorized ARhAyas Productions LLC translators/authors and teachers and many individuals within the the international commun com munity, ity, hav havee per person sonall ally y cho chosen sen to accept accept the validi validity ty of ARh ARhAya Ayass Produc Productio tions ns LLC teachi teachings ngs as representing repre senting more than a theor theoretic etical al perspe perspective ctive,, inste instead ad ackno acknowledg wledging ing the ARhAyas ARhAyas Produc Productions tions LLC Paradigm Parad igm as a factu factual al reality reality inter interpreta pretation, tion, and pract practical ical worldview, worldview, through through which progressive progressive expan expansion sion of   personal consciousness and coherent spiritual awakening are fostered. Such decision as to the factual or  theoretical categorization of the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm, and the responsibilities inherent to this decision, are deeply private spiritual issues, and thus must be assigned to the faculties of personal discretion.

ARhAyas Productions LLC Meditations for Spiritual Exploration, Medical and Psychiatric Considerations Considerations

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



As the ARhayas Productions LLC Paradigm is built upon presently theoretical spiritual, scientific and historical  perspectives, and and all techniques and technologies offered throught he ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm must also be considered as presently theoretical in nature, and thus any and all techniques and technolgies  presented within ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings are not intended intended to diagnose, treat or cure andy disease or  illness, nor are they intended as substitution for professional medical or psychiatric advisory or treatment. Techniques and technologies provided within ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings are offered to the public solely as “Meditations for Spiritual Exploration”, with the intention of assisting to serve the further evolution of  human consciousness through providing exposure to an expanded range of perspectives perspectives and potentialities. It is strongly strongl y recomande recomanded d that individuals individuals having a histor history y of medic medical al or psychiatric psychiatric difficu difficulties, lties, or whom are  presently the care of Meditations medical or for psychiatric seek professional advisory before using any ARhAyas under Productions LLC Spiritualprofessionals, Exploration techniques or technologies. Sincee int Sinc introd roduct uction ionss of ARh ARhAya Ayass Prod Product uction ionss LLC Med Medita itatio tions ns for Spiritu Spiritual al Expora Exporatio tion n tec techni hnique quess and technologie techn ologiess many people have claim claimed ed to rece receive ive beneficial beneficial affec affects ts and effects in the development development and expans exp ansion ion of per person sonal al con consci scioun ouness ess and spir spiritu itual al awa awaken kening ing thr throug ough h use of ARhAya ARhAyass Pro Produc duction tionss LLC techniques and technologies. There have also been a lesser number of reports of individuals claiming to receive receive no affect, effect or benefit at all, but there have been no reports of individuals claming adverse medical,  psychiatric or psychological ps ychological affects or effects in conjunction with use of ARhAyas Productions LLC techniques and technologies. As a reflection of commitment to responsability in presentation, ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions LLC techniques and technologies are not presented for exploration in the public domain until they are first and/or  simu simult ltan aneeousl ously y explo xplore red d, utili tilizzed or pra practic ticed by autho uthori rizzed AR ARhA hAya yass Pr Prod odu uct ctio ions ns LLC LLC translators/authors/teachers and memebers of ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions LLC Board. Though validation of factual factual actuality pertaining to affects, effects or benefits of practicing ARhAyas Productions LLC Meditations for  Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies must, like the techniques and technologies themselves, for the  present time remain within the realm of theoretical exploration, it can be reported that findings pertaining to the  practicality of utilizing ARhAyas Productions LLC techniques and technologies have consistently revealed that aff affect ectss andhowever, effect effectss of suc such h pra practi ctices ces are quite quite ind indivi ividua ed,affects, thr throug ough h predom predomina inantly ntly an positi posindividual itive ve in nature nat ure.. Therefore, no claims, promises or guarantees asdualiz to lized, the effects or benefits might expectt to encounter through use of ARhAyas Productio expec Productions ns LLC techniques techniques and technologies technologies can be offered at this time. Utiliz Utilization ation of ARhAyas Productions Productions LLC Meditations Meditations for Spiritual Spiritual Exploration Exploration techni techniques ques and technologies presently remains within the category of experimental self-exploration, through which absolute conclu con clusio sions ns regard regarding ing gener generali alitie tiess of mas masss aff affect ect,, eff effect ect,, ben benefi efitt or det detrim riment ent cannot cannot yet be drawn. drawn. An individual’s involvement with ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques and technologies represent a choice of personal decision and discretion, and thus responsibility pertaining to affect and effect of practice that are inherent to this choice must also remain with the individual.

Claim of Authenticity In offeri offering ng ARh ARhAya Ayass Pro Produc ductio tions ns LLC teachi teachings ngs for pub public lic explor explorati ation, on, nei neithe therr the  translators/authors,  publishers, promoters or related individuals and organizations make any claims whatsoever as to the factuality of  ideas or perspectives perspectives contai contained ned within the ARhAya ARhAyass Productions Productions LLC Paradigm. Paradigm. Though the ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions LLC teaching texts themselves do on occasion claim that certain ideas and perspectives are of a factual nature, such claims represent points of view intrinsically contained within the ancient texts form which contemporary translations are drawn. drawn. The authorized translators/authors of ccontemporary ontemporary ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings texts hold a binding commitment to ensure the clearest and most accurate translation of ARhAyas Productions Produc tions LLC texts as possib possible le under current evolutionary evolutionary circumstances; circumstances; a dommitment dommitment to clarity clarity and accuracy of translation that must include the allowance of contemporary translation of any claims of facuality as they are contained within the ARhAyas Productions LLC text text of antiquity. Information represented as factual factual knowledge within the ARhAyas Productions LLC texts of antiquity, and their contemporary translations, is understood to represent “potential or possible factuality, expressed as factuality within the ancient texts, but which presently resides within the domain of theory” within the context of contemporary publication. The contemporary translators/authors of ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings claim only that the ARhAyas Productions LLC text translations contained within presently published works bearing their authorship represent an “as-accurate-as-possible” translation of ARhAyas Productions LLC text records believed to have been created in ancient times, which the contemporary translators/authors have had opportunity to review through authentic  personal experiences. Translators/authors thus make claims only as to the authenticity of their personal experiences through which review of ancient ARhAyas Productions LLC text records occurred and as to the factuality that translation of the reviewed ancient ARhAyas Productions LLC texts into contemporary English language has been rendered by them as clearly and accurately as possible. As the original ARhAyas Productions LLC texts of antiquity are not presently in the direct possession of  authorized author ized conte contempora mporary ry translators/ translators/autho authors, rs, and thus conte contempora mporary ry translators/ translators/autho authors rs cannot cannot at this time

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



 publicly display these artifacts in order to validate the reality of their continued existence and verifty their  inherent content, those who explore contemporary ARhAyas Productions LLC texts translations must understand that such works are presented as theoretical perspectives and possibilities, the validity of which one may choose to believe, believe, or disbelieve disbelieve,, upon the merit of one’s personal discr discretion etion.. If ideas, concepts concepts or perspectives perspectives contained conta ined within the ARhAyas Productions LLC texts, their contemporar contemporary y translation translationss or related related teaching teaching materials bear any resemblance to ideas, concepts or perspectives contained within any other presently known spiritu spir itual/ al/rel religi igious ous,, scient scientifi ificc or histor historica icall par paradi adigms gms or teachi teaching ng stystem stystems, s, such such res resemb emblan lance ce is pur purely ely coincidental. However, the event of such coincidence arising may potentia potentially lly suggest that both the ARhA ARhAyas yas Productions LLC Paradigm and paradigms to chich it might bear resemblance may have arisen from a common source in and antiquity has yet to be discovered or scintifically verified, but which would upon discovery lend credence claritythat to such coincidence.

Terms, Conditions, Agreements and Implied Consent As contemporary ARhAyas Productions LLC text translators/authors can make no claims or promises as to the factuality of ideas and perspectives presented within ARhAyas Productions LLC teachinbgs, they likewise cannot offer any claims, promises or guarantees as to the affects or effects that may or may not arise through  personal use of ARhAyas Productions LLC Teachings or Meditations for Spiritual Exploration techniques and technologies. The responsibility for decision to eng engage age involvement with ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques or technologies rests with each individual, and thus the responsibility for any affects or effects that may or may not occ occur ur in con conjun juncti ction on wit with h use of ARhAya ARhAyass Produc Productio tions ns LLC teachi teachings ngs,, techni technique quess and technologie techn ologiess must also rest with the indiv individual idual.. The Meditati Meditations ons for Spiri Spiritual tual Exploration Exploration techni techniques ques and technologie techn ologiess provid provided ed within ARhAyas Productio Productions ns LLC teac teachings hings represent translatio translations ns from the ancient ancient ARhAya ARh Ayass Product Production ionss LLC texts, texts, and are pro provid vided ed to the pub public lic as an opt option ion for persona personall explor explorati ation, on, investigation and experimentation, to be utilized at the personal discretion of the reader oor workshop attendee. As stated in numerous public forums and workshops since, in choosing to utilize ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques or technologies it is understood that in so doing the individual accepts full responsibility for any and all conditions that may or may not occur in conjunction with such practice. practice. It is further recognized that the individual, through the act of utilizing ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques or technologies, thereb thereby y thr throug ough h thi thiss act agrees agrees to rel releas easee ARh ARhAya Ayass Product Production ionss LLC, Tru Truste stees, es, author authorize ized d ARh ARhAya Ayass Productions LLC translators/authors, teachers, promoters and any individuals and organizations thereto related, from any and all claims of liability or damages perceived or assumed to occur in conjunction with involvement in ARhAyas Productions Productions LLC teachings, teachings, technique techniquess or technologi technologies. es. This statement statement of Terms & Cond Conditions itions represents a written Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Liability Release in regard to involvement with ARhAyas ARhAy as Production Productionss LLC teachings, teachings, technique techniquess and technol technologies. ogies. This Notice of Implied Implied Agreement Agreement and Consent of Liability Release represents a reiteration in specific written format of previously provided notice as to the necessity of taking person personal al responsabili responsability ty for any and all conseque consequences nces arising from chosen chosen invol involvemen vementt with the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm; notice which has been frequently provided verbally in public forum. It is recognized recognized that the Implied Agre Agreemen ementt and Consent Consent to Terms & Conditions Conditions of Liability Liability Release stated here within is accepted and encacted as such upon the act of chosen involvement with and/or practice of  ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques techniques and technologies. If one is uncomfortable or in disagreement with this stated Notice of Implied Agreement and Consent to Terms & Conditions of Liability Release, it is suggested and recommended that one choose at this time non-involvement with ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings, techniques and technologies, until a future time wherein such concerns have been assuaged.

A Commitment to Quality and the ARhAyas Productions LLC Course-Book Manuals The authorized ARhAyas Productions LLC translators/authors, members of the ARhAyas Productions LLC, ARhAyas Productions LLC, Trustees, Teachers and Promoters of the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm extend their greatest efforts in making ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings available for public exploration in the most responsible and respectful manner possible, whilst striving to maintain the highest standards of integrity in ARhAyas Productions Productions LLC text translatio translation n and teaching. Intrin Intrinsic sic to such responsibil responsibility ity in presentati presentation, on, authorized ARhAyas Productions LLC translators/authors, members of ARhAyas Productions LLC, Trustees and author authorize ized d teache teachers rs and fac facili ilitat tators ors of ARh ARhAya Ayass Produc Productio tions ns LLC progra programs ms are all indivi individua duals ls who  personally believe in the factuality o the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm and who actively participate, for 

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



 personal spiritual reasons, in ARhAyas Productions LLC programs, including personal utilization of ARhayas Productions LLC techniques and technologies. These individuals all share a common commitment to achieving and maintaining maintaining integrity, integrity, quality quality and responsibi responsibility lity in public present presentation ation of ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions Productions LLC teachings; teach ings; this shared shared commi commitment tment arises from a commonly commonly shared shared individual individually ly held, reverence, reverence, respect, respect, appreciation for, and belief in the validity of, the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm, its inherent teachings of   personal spiritual self-discovery and the limitless potentialities of human consciousness that this paradigm suggests. sugges ts. On behalf of this commitment commitment to quality, may it be understood understood that ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions Productions LLC Course-book Manuals, as featured within the ARhAyas Productions LLC Tan-Tri-Ahura Programs and other  ARhAyas Productions LLC teaching programs, do not represent completed books, but rather exist as companion text briefings that are created in conjunction with specific corresponding live workshop presentations which are  preserved via audio/video recordings that are made available on the ARhAyas Productions LLC Product List as specific specif ic Program Sets. The Course-b Course-book ook Manual Manualss that accompan accompany y some of these audio-v audio-video ideo workshop workshop  programs contain only the charts, graphs and most pertinent information pertaining to their corresponding audiovideo program, and do not contain the many pages of dialogue and detailed explanation that is incorportaed verbally verba lly within the audio-v audio-video ideo prgram. prgram. Thus, ARhAy ARhAyas as Producti Productions ons LLC Course-boo Course-book k manuals are not intended to be used alone, but are rather intended for use as an additional educational aid in conjunction with their corresponding audio-video workshop program. As new ARhAyas Productions LLC workshop materials are often released and translated during live workshop  presentations, the corresponding Course-book Manuals and their inherent graphs and charts often reflect the immediacy of the new information provided in that they are initially rendered “in-the-rough”, often with portions of text in hand-written form, not yet “perfected” for book publication with appropriate dialogue text detail, tpesetting, computer graphics, pagination and indexing. As each new workshop has introduced the next elvel of  new, live ARhAyas Productions LLC data translations, there has been insufficient time to “move backward” and  perfect the quality of production pertaining to ARhAyas Productions LLC Course-books Manual texts from  previous workshops. The information and new ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings contained within each workshop program always reflect the standards integrity andisquality inherent the ARhAyas Productions LLC Paradigm, but often timely public release ofof new materials achieved at the to expense of quality in product  production. The ARhAyas Productions LLC staff apologizes for any inconvenience that such “data in the rough” rou gh” may cause; cause; howeve however, r, if wor worksh kshop op progra programs ms we were re withhe withheld ld fro from m Product Product List rel releas easee until until the their  ir  audio/v aud io/vide ideo o rec record ording ingss and cor corres respon pondin ding g Cou Course rse-bo -book ok Man Manual ualss were were “perfe “perfecte cted” d” in terms terms of produc productt  production, it would be several years before these materials were released for public review. As new ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings are often time-sensitive in regard to the unfolding of planetary events, expecially since 2000, it has been of greater priority during this time to expedite availability of the ARhAyas Productions LLC teachings contained within the products, than it has been to demonstrate the standards of excellence in quality product productions that remains a goal of ARhAyas Productions LLC. For the time being, ARhAyas Productions LLC audio-video Course-book Programs are in a state of concinued evolution, as the small staff at ARhAyas Productions LLC, wich the assistance of numerous ndividuals who volunteer their time and talents, endeavor to compile dialogue transcripts and perfect typesetting, computer  graphics and format organization of previous ARhAyas Productions LLC workshop presentations in effort to fulfill the goal of creating “perfected” book publications that contain, and “do justice to”, the vast body of  quality teachings that have been presented during ARhAyas ARhAyas Productions LLC workshops. The commitment to achieving excellence in quality from the personal disires of staff memebers to “honor the spirit of the teachings” which they ahve found personally valuable, as well as from a desire to provide the best possible quality of   product and service in spiritual respect to the public. Until the goal of achieving “perfected” product production quality is actualized, ARhAyas Productions LLC staff hopes that the public will share in the recognition that it is the quality, and inherent substance, of ARhAyas Productions LLC information, more so than the “package that it comes in”, which demonstrates the value of ARhAyas Productions LLC educational products.

Words TRADEMARKED by ARhAyas Productions LLC ZhEon Aah-JhA E-LUma-Un Elum’Eir Adhona KEi-Ti Dhara MU-Ra

DreA’ma Oronic ARI-Yon’ah RaSha ParTE-Kei Body’ ‘Dark Matter Body’ RaSha_LE

Catheion E’-LAi-sa E’-LAi-sian Cha-RHa-KHY Cha-RHa Ah-yah’Rha Ahu-Stri’-yah

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



En-TURa DhanaCoHarA Allur-E’ah Rashatan GharE’ Ah-Yas Body Gha-fa Dhan-Kei-Ti Tara-Kei-Ti E’Lai’-sa Tan-Chi’-Ti

EtorA AdorA Alons ManU Kalons ManA Shalons EirA Orons

KarU’sa EFF-i-far’-ah  pre-Eta-Ur Eta-Ur  Hydrolase Cel-‘is’ Tal-E’ Ah-Tum’-i-ka Hy’dra-LE A-don-yha

Jha-DA Body ShaLAah CosMA’Yah Ah-SA-yas Dhan-Kini Ah-SA’-yas Ah-SA-yon Aeri-sa-na Aeri-sa Aeir-Hana E’LAi’-sa Ah-yas Ah-YA’ Ah-Yah’-RhU Cos-Min-Yahas Cos-MY’-ah

Allurean KHY KHYon EFFitic Ahu-Stri’-jhe Ta-hu Mar’-khe-tUre Mar’-khe-tUres Plasmantik Tan-Na-Kei Chiasmatic ZhEon Refracted Code Particles Allurean Gharoche manE GharE’

Ei’-Ra-DA’-ah Allur-E’ah Allure-E’ah Ra-sha-tan A-riE’ Ma’-tah LE’-ka Eir-Ra-DA’-ah

ARhAyas Ari-Yon AL-Humbhra Krystar  Tan-Chi-Ti Tryptoplasmic Tryptonic E-LAi-sian Tan-Chi-TEi MEme Brain Tan-Na-Kei ParTEi-Ki DhA’-ya-TEi DhanaCoHarA Dhan-KEi-Ti Tara-KEi-Ti Kalip’sus Ahu-Stri-jheic / EffItic KarU’sa Alonic Ludfar ShAlonic Sche’ma KAlonic

Ari-yon’ah RhAyas Ah-Stri’-yana Ah-Stri’-yah Jha-Tu Ari-Yon’a Eff-i-Rhyon TE’-LA Kha-Thor’-ta Eff-i-Rhyon Integral Bridge BeaSTie Banshee Titus-Mobius Wave TI’ticum O’bEus A-RHi-yah Eff-i-fara Tan-Tri-A’-jha Ariea ARiyon Yoden A-RHi-yah FailSafe Tryptophasic

Abbreviationss & Terms Abbreviation

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



ManU – ‘EC’, the Void/Womb/God-spirit/Devine Source creates Partiki-ReionRaeon-ionen-Neutron units ManA – ‘Ka’, the Light/God Spark/Devine Father creates PartikA-Trions-Ectrons-Dions-

In the Beginning was the Void (Stillpoint-ManU) and within the Void God Spoke the Word (presound vibration-EirA) and from the Word came the Light (pre-light oscillation-ManA) and from the Light came ALL CREATION on the Higher and Lower Heavens.

Electron units. EirA – ‘Sha’, the Sound/God Seed/Devine Mother creates Particum-Meajhon-Eiron-MionProton units

PCM = particum universe PKA = partikA universe

The Bodies : -



Spirit Body (Eternal, External & Internal Creation) o Aah-jhA’ Body; Jha-DhA body; o Luminary/Ephemeral Vehicle o Eternal Vehicle RaSha Body (Eternal, External & Internal Creation) Light Body (finite, External Creation) Eukatharista Body Crystal Body ManE/physical Body (finite, External Creation unless physical ascention) Plasma Body with a TrhU’ah layer in it (Internal Creation)

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SPIRIT BODY External Creation structure

Elum’Eir – Adhona With Core Flows


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Eternal Body, Has a structure for Internal and External Reality Fields Births in SEda cycle Forms on the non-manifest side of Creation Point Door  Core Lava Flows Related to Spanner Gates between our Aquelle matrix and Andromeda Andromeda Related to the 144 elements via Allurean Chambers Time-related via Allurean Chambers Important aspect of “ 3 paths of the Kryst ” In the centre (LUma-Eturna) are the Ecoushic and Akashic records localized, it also contains the Halls of Records and the core layers of the Allurean Chambers. Consists out of ‘infra-SOUND’ radiation  ZhEon = birth quantum from Spirit body Gha-fa Aah-JhA hydro-acoustic body


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Births within the Aah-JhA Body Body “Creation Bubble” during during the SEda cycle of the Starborn Cycle and forms on the non-manifest side of the creation point door. It is correlated with the ‘Eye of God’ or the ‘Eye of Allurea Allurea’. ’. (Source: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found (2007), DVD2)


S P I R  I T B O D Y In the center of the Spirit Body is the E-LUma-Un Seed Atom core.

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After birthing, the LUma-Eturnal Kryst Body contracts and pulses once…. And than giving birth to the Elum’Eir-adhona.

When the initial prana spark receives its blackflow return from Source, it creates a conduit ( like breathing tube to make the connection between Source and the new identity) identity) from that spark point (where (where also the spirit body  grows out of). of). That point, dialates and stretches, and brings more of itsself into the physical body. Till it begins to birth the Eckousha cell (the ( the first of the first 8 cells) cells ) partially in. Than that breathing tube connects to a duct at the end of the tailbone. This minute connection point between the physical foetal body and the Spirit Body at the center of the Ecousha first cell, this is called the E-LUma-Un point at the tailbone. Core flows from Spirit Body: Pearl Lavas Flows (with glitter from AdorA side) or ‘Alhurea First Kryst Blood’. These colored frequencies are conscious and alive. - Light pink pearl-like Coucha 1 frequencies - Light smaragd pearl-like Coucha 2 frequencies - Lila ‘blue-violet’ pearl-like Coucha 3 frequencies - Blue saffir pearl-like Coucha 4 frequencies - Light aqua pearl-like Coucha 5 frequencies


Ultra violet pearl-like Coucha 6 frequencies Light peach pink pearl-like Coucha 7 frequencies Light white opal pearl-like (+0.5 core) flows Light white heliotallic pastel pearl-like (-0.5 core) flows

 Note: For an explanation about the core flows (and what they they are made of) from the Spirit Body: See workshop  Legends of the Fall, Freedoms of the Found, Amsterdam, 2007.

Hall of Records The Hall of Records is an 8 cells cluster (on AdorA and EtorA side) that start the manifest time-vectors and the event-horizons that you can experience. It is the ‘living memory matrix’ ((immediate immediate core manifestation of the  perfect imprint) and as big as the spirit body. In the center are the Ackashic and Ecoushic Ecoushic records (crystalline ( crystalline  stored living memory matrix). matrix). The Halls of Records Records are spa spaces ces you can be vi visited sited by tho those se who can walk  walk  through gates. You can go there to see where the perfect manifestation is localized.

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Elum’Eir Adhona: when Spirit bodies on EtorA & AdorA sides melt and open up as a spark of light, which goes over into the Elum’Eir Adhona or ‘Cosmic Spirit Body’. Your Spirit Body is localized in and around your physical body. (Source: Sliders 9 (2011) page 8 HB and Sliders 8 (2010), page 11 HB, Legacy Legacy of the Last, Freedoms of the Found (2007 (2007)) DVD 2 from 02:40h o’clock)

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Time related

Time vectors

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From the point of the Creation Door, we grow and expand via bubble bodies, called the ‘Akashic Expansion Cycles’. There is a moment when the expansion stops (outer side of the big circle in figure above). Than we turn around and go back home to the Creation Point Door via the dotted bubble bodies or ‘suns’, which is called the ‘Adashii Return Cycles’. ‘Adash Cycles’. The above Vector Vector line rep represen resents ts the 4-10 Event Horizons. Horizons. Each vector vector line has 3 ‘Hara’’ bodies (big circle bubble ‘Hara bubble bodies in figure above). above). EtorA is the manife manifest st side, AdorA is the spirit side. The smaller circles are called the ‘Suns of Eiradona’. You have 7 suns on each side. When you ascen ascend, d, you have to merge these Selves from each side together in the centre, which is called ‘Returning to the Fold of Creation’.

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Afterwards, you leave a part of your quantum there, and send the other part back into Creation via the Creation Point Door. (Source: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found (2007), DVD2) Timevectors in a Spirit Body: Clockwise EtorA: 6 vectors, 12 event horizons Counterclockwise AdorA: 6 vectors, 12 event horizons Total: 12 Vectors

3 Hara Bodies for each Time Vector This figure is a representation of the expansion and return of individual consciousness in one timeline through 3  big Hara Bodies ( KaLE Hara, HarA Krysta, Mahara Reishi) of a bigger Spirit Body of the planet, cosmos, …. The manifest EtorA side spins clockwise, the spirit AdorA side spins counterclockwise. Phase Cells start to manifest in a Hara body. These are also called E-Yugha bodies (on the left EtorA side) with with different matter  states… On the right AdorA sside ide these are called called ‘E-YaNa’ bodies. The smaller circle bubbles are not called the ‘Suns of Eiradona’, but ‘ E-Yugha’s’  when we talk about this structure in time cycles (domains ( domains in the larger structure). structure ). They all have a different type typess of matter. They also have their creation creation point door in the center wi with th a memory record. Suppose you manifested manifested on the left left EtorA side, than your spirit structure manifests on the right AdorA side. You also manifested on the right AdorA side, adjugate twins that spirit structure manifests on the left EtorA side. During ascention it is the aim to melt these adjugate or ‘two event horizons’ to the center creation point door, which respiritualizes the matter body form and dedensifies it to bring it back into the Spirit Body. (Source: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found (2007), DVD2)

This is how the Cosmic Spirit Body looks like with all bubbles in it. We have identities of our Selves in all these bubbles who exist also ‘now’. All these identities aare re separated by time-space and ARPS. We expanded our consciousness over more vectore lines! On one vectorline we have expanded ourselves to 20736 Selves in the outer domain. In the middle domain to 1728 selves and in the inner domain to 144 selves. In the core domain domain you have 12 selves. selves. They all have other versions of theirselves in the AdorA side.

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Space-Time Matter Domains The Spirit Body forms templates for future/past Time Vectors, has 12 probability dominions for each Dn level clockwise and 12 probability Dominions for each Dn level counterclockwise. Timevectors in a Spirit Body: Clockwise EtorA: 6 vectors, 12 event horizons Counterclockwise AdorA: 6 vectors, 12 event horizons Total: 12 Vectors = 24 cells + 12 central = 36 cells total  Note: -


All Spirit Bodies are connected with each other (animals, humans, Earth, Sun, Galaxy, Cosmos,…). A full Krysted being can pull in vectorlines in full HarA Krysta state, so that you become a spark of light spherical identity, and pop them out again to manifest again in  physical form.

 KEi-Ti Membrane structure) Membrane (organic structure) KEi-Ti Membrane  is an ‘ene Rasha ha Dar Dark k Mat Matter ter  particulates nd Ras ‘energ rget etic ic skin skin’’ comp compose osed d of Etheric  aan surrounding and encasing each of the 12 Probability Dominions and the central central actuality ‘bud’ dominion. This membrane separates each space-time matter probability dominion (and each individual incarnate identity) from the others others,, allowi allowing ng for Linear Linear Deline Delineati ation on of Spa Space ce-Tim -Timee Life/Ev Life/Evolu olutio tion n cycles cycles within within the contex contex of  ‘simultaneous manifestation within Eternal Now Time’. (Source: Sliders 9 (2011), page 8 HB) The KEi-Ti Membrane has 3 layers: The Dhara Layer, the MU-Ra Layer and the En-TURa Layer.

(disharmonic structure)  Karmic Template (disharmonic structure) DhanaCoHarA  Disharmonic is an accumulation of  in inor orga gan nic Etheric-Rasha  part partic icul ulat ates es that that form form within the KEi-Ti Membrane through the use of Free Willl choi Wil choice ce in ways ways that that ar aree dish dishar armo moni nicc to the the Organic Organ ic Eternal Life Encryp Encryption tion of the Spirit Body. These disharmonic particulates form and ‘embedded mesh’ of inorga inorganic nic encryption distortions distortions within the KEi-Ti Membrane, which functions as the ‘ Karmic Template’ of Spirit Body anatomy. (Source: Sliders 11 (2011), page 17 HB)

From Sound & Light to Matter

Allurean Chambers Chambers : = Event horizon Engery flows from the center, down the Allurean Chamber lines of  Spirit Body boundary of the thany splits and runs dBody own , thits he the Fire chambers chamb ers   Aah-JhA of the Light Lig ht ,Bod Body creating Refracted Code Particles   or RCP’s. RCP’s. These RCP’s RCP’s gro group up to for form m

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atoms. Each Allurean Chamber holds the encryption for 12 elements, creating 144 natural elements. (Source: Sliders 2 (2008), page 59 HB)`.

Celestalline Allurean Chambers carry the incryption Allurean incryption of specif specific ic element elementss in the Table of Mendlejev Mendlejev.. When we talk about  bringing adjugate twins together, it is really going about element flows and atoms that are combined. E.g.: hydrogen and its adjugate nitrogen, helium and oxygen, … When you bring them together with their adjugate, cellestaline is formed. Celestalline is a transilient element in which everything becomes fluid light and pulls in into the center. The place where an Allurean Chamber goes through a span in the RaSha body, it creates a specific type of that element encryption. (Source: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found, Amsterdam workshop (2007), DVD 4)

A natural transient (very short life) element. The ancient Egyptians try to find them in the substance called white gold powder, and also tried to manufacture it (as a inorganic molecule). The substance only appears during the  process of natural biological Star Gate passage Ascension when the body transmutes temporarily into light and rides in the Celesteline wave and then it re-manifest on the other side. When the process of natural biological Star Gate passage happens the body leaves a powder (pale blue) residue - Celesteline - that was eagerly tried to collect in the ancient days in Egypt and also tried to chemically create it as a white or gold powder!! White  powder gold and other type of mono-atomic subs substance tance that some are playing with these days and putting on the market as supplements they advance and accelerate the process of Molecular Compaction. What it does is that it radically stimulates the introduction of higher dimensional currents, but out of order and if your templates are damaged, without the D-12 sub-harmonic carrier wave, you get a rush and feel better for a while your templates are eroding right underneath you!! It also creates a dependency of the body and in the long run your body gets sicker faster. You don't need to take artificial white powder gold; it is trickery, since you have the ability to use your mind to run your body in a way that before long you will be able to manufacture your own Celesteline form inside out. Celesteline actually pops out in the DNA. It comes out in the Hydrogen bonds that link together the DNA spirals!! spirals!! Those hydrog hydrogen en molecul molecules es change in the process of cellular cellular transmutation. transmutation. That is the place where the organic element Celesteline that only activates for the purpose of bodily transmutation as part of the natural chemical process. ( Source: Dance for Love and Life workshop, Phoenix 8-2002 Lectures. DVD 2 - Track 2. 29:00 minutes ) Upon contact contact with oxygen, Cele Celestelin stelinee secretion secretionss dry to a fine powder powder,, which rapidly breaks down into inert elemental units!! Celesteline powder is a natural bio-chemical by-product secreted by the body during Star Gate  passage, or upon death of the physical body if the consciousness is able to achieve Star Gate ascension out of  Density-1. Pure Celesteline powder can be collected in minute amounts gently dusting the skin after one has  passed through a Star Gate and re-manifest on the other side. If it is rapidly collected and specially stored, pure Celesteline powder is a powerful healing agent as it can trigger temporary burst of 12-Strand DNA Template activation for anchoring and individual's D-12 Divine Blueprint!! In ancient Egypt impure Celesteline powder or  its aged residue was harvested from corpses of mummies whenever discovered. Impure Celesteline powder, known as "White Powder Celesteline" or "White Powder Gold" (inorganic) was used by illuminati Pharaohs to trigger psychic powers by unnatural activation of higher strands of DNA Template; this process led to permanent disability of the lower DNA strands, physical addiction to the substance and eventually insanity.'

Allur-E’ah Rashatan The Allur-E’ah Rashatan is a living form that carries the encryption of the 144 Natural Elements.

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;


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ZhEon = Birth Quantum from Spirit Body

Definition: The ZhEon is a quantum spark of conscious EirA Spirit Body energy that enters into the Light Body Seed Atom during the fetal integration process after conception (33 –  56 days)*, but before the birth of the physical atomic  body. The ZhEon  con connec nects ts the eternal eternal Spirit Body, eternal etern al RaSha Body and finite Light Body to the finite atomic body through an etheric duct, the AzurA, within the Thymus Gland. Gland. So, there is a silver cor cord d going from the Akashic record in the center of the Spirit Body to the AzurA. Note: Physical birth is initiate initiated d by the birth of the Light Body Diad…. (Sliders 1, HB page 5)

Function: The ZhEon within the Light Body seed atom, holds the quantum instructions that regulate:   - the biorhyhms - space-time relationships of the mortal body. These quantum instructions are biochemically encoded as the genetic master instruction in DNA and RNA and the genetic overlay. * Due to the inorganic ‘ 6th Day 666 Mutation’, early fetal integration is forced between 33-56 days after conception (organic is 120 days after conception and continues continues until the 1st birthday). The inorganic Ehy quantum harnesses harnesses part of the incoming Sp Spirit irit quantum, forming the TE and blends part of the quantum with reversed recycled energy fragments from the elemental field forming the Gharoche. The organic GharE’ Identity is the portion of incoming spirit consiousness that engages atomic-bonding with the organic DhA-TEi Dn Elemental Force, to become the ‘living conscious spirit’ of the atoms, molecules molecules and cells that make up the living ‘Body Consciousness’. Consciousness’. Organically, the GharE identity would blend with the Aya identity through the Silver Seed Crystal of the DhA cell to become the “Living DhA-Ya-TEi” embodied God-Source God-Source Identity. But, due to the biological mechanics of the ‘666 mutation’ on the 6th day after conception, the GharE atom  bonded personal spirit force becomes ‘reduced and polarized’, the ‘Chi-portion’ remaining as a reduced quantum GharE force, and the ‘Ghi  portion’ reversing encryption to become the ‘chaotic Gharoche force’. Both the ‘Chi and Ghi’ rule the personal physical atomic body


consciousness via via the atonomic body systems and elemental elemental biochemical interaction interactions. s. (Source: Sliders 10 (2011), page 34 HB)

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Fetal Integration Point The point at which the ZhEon enters is called the Fetal Integration point, which is the point of ‘incarnational commitment’. The ZhEon draws the incoming “individuated spirit identity”, calle called d the GharE’, outward from the Spirit Body (which develops from the point of conception, but is not yet tethered to the fertilized egg ) and into the Light Body (which progressively grows following birth of the Spirit Body ElumenEir-adhona) from the Fetal Integration Point forward until either ascention or Bardoah ‘death transition’ of the physical body occurs. The ZhEon ‘tethers’ the GharE’ to the physical body. The GharE’ remains in the dimensionalized Light Body structure as a s pattern of infrasound radiation radia tion geleziac-ether geleziac-ether,, that IS the conscious identity of the incarnat incarnate, e, which is ‘held embodied’ embodied’ throu through gh the ‘tether point’ of the ZhEon. Once tethe tethered, red, the GharE’  conscious identity is biochemically and genetically  phase-locked into the mortal body atomic structure and its inherent space-time birth coördinates. If the GharE’ is to retain the eternal life potential of its original spirit form, it mus either transfigure the atomic body in physcial atomic and Light Body ascention ascen tion or make its way safely back to the Spirit Body, than ‘recall’ the physcial quantu qua ntum m bac back k int into o the Spirit Body  through through genuine Bardoa Bardoah h Transition. Transition. (Source: Sliders 10 (2011), Kathara Team Webinar ‘Life, Death & Beyond’ (2011))

The Gha-fa

Bardoah Backflow Organic = Bardoah Transition Rites ensure that if the body of a lifeform becomes finite, its atomically bound embodied consciousness, called the , is fre freed ed back bac k into in to the Aah-JhA GharE’ eternal nal first state via passage through Body  eter the Gha-fa Body of Spirit body   anatomy. The conscious awareness that had embodied with within in th thee ‘dec ‘decea ease sed’ d’ mort mortal al body body will will Transition Transi tion into a specific part part of the Spirit call lled ed th thee Gha-fa. If the the o org rgan anic ic Body  ca  bardoah rite unfolds properly, the transitioning identity will ‘return its entire quantum’ to the Gha-fa of the Spirit Body (including the quantum of the atomic mortal  body, Rasha Body, Light Body), and the identi identity ty wil willl tempor temporari arily ly transfi transfigur guree its quat quatum um in into to th thee form form of infr infraa-SO SOUN UND D radiation characteristic to the Spirit body.

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The atomic quantum is then turned to elemental thermal VAPOR, and also returned to the eternal life first state  And during as ascention cention afterwards to the Jha-DA within the Aah-JhA hydro-acoustic Body (=Ah-Yas Body).  And body to its orb body state.    Once the original birth quantum is reclaimed by the Aah-JhA Body, the energy identity returns to the eternal state and can ‘ride the Aah-JhA Body’ in Krystar state into Transmigration, permanently leaving the planetary domain of the incarnation if it chooses. The same freedom of Transmigration is also gained through the process of embodied Cellular Transfiguration Ascention in which the living atomic structure becomes first transmuted to LIGHT, or re-enlightened, then transfigured or re-spiritualized back into E-Ta-Ur first state consciousness.

In each domain of the Spirit Body there is the Gha-fa. If the GharE’ is not returned to the Gha-fa, because of  getting burried (instead of cremated between 3 to 6 days after death) which keeps the tether line, than more of  your spirit quantum is going to leave the Gha-fa to enter the incarnational incarnational cycl cycles. es. If you not returned returned any of  your quantum to the Gha-fa, there will be a point, where it empties completely and shuts down your connection to the Spirit Body which implies you do a space-dust re return. turn. Reclaiming this eleme elemental ntal vapor instead o off leaving this body quantum behind behind is essential. The KS teachings provide methods for this. (Source: Kathara Team Webinar: Live, Death and Beyond)

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During normal normal organic bard bardoah oah rites, first the RaSha Bod Body y starts to release its rings. The RaSha dark matt matter  er   body is the connection between Spirit Body and Light Body. Than the chakra’s close progressively and the AzurA. The GharE’ draws its quantum out of the corresponding densities and eventually into the ZhEon in the AzurA. ZhEon draws itsself back through the Akashic silver cord into the Spirit Body, more specific in the center into the Akashic Record 1st cell crystal. ZhEon and all aspects of the identity’s quantum, aside from the Rasha Body and the remaining deceased physical atomic body, have returned to infrasound radiation geleziac ether Spirit form, form, reunited within the Akashic Record ‐1st‐Cell‐crysta crystall of the Spirit Body. The ZhEon within the Akashic Record releases an Ecoushic Spark, called the “Spark of Gha fa RE” RE”  into the Silver Akashic Cord that is still connected to Thymus gland AzurA etheric ‐duct duct.. The The “Spark of Gha fa RE”  severs the Thymus  AzurA Silver Akashic Cord  Cord connection to the physical‐atomic body, and the Akashic Record 1st Cell crystal, ascends   back back into the Gha fa of the Spirit Body carrying the ZhEon and the reintegrated identity “as Spirit,” ascends through the Bhardoah Chamber. ‐

(Source: 12 Tribes volume 1, Kathara Team Webinar ‘Life, Death & Beyond’ (2011))

The Aah-jhA’ Bodies

The Origin of Creation: The Aah-JhA Bubble is the spherical Hydro-Acoustic infra-Sound Body of crystalline frozen waters (the Hydros Body ‘womb of waters’) in which creation manifests and matter matter materializes. The Hydro-Acoustic Body  becomes the localized Source field of E-Ta-Ur consciousness . The Aah-JhA Body receives an infustion of birth quantum that expands out around the Triad photo-generator cell. The amount of birth quantum is determined by the gelezic gelezic radiation encryption of its form (Cosmos, Universe, Planet, Human, Tree, etc.) E-Ta-Ur pre-substance Consciousness inflows from the Aah-JhA Bubble into the Seed Crystal of the Spirit Body.

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Aah-JhA Body on personal level: This is a hydro-acoustic body belonging to the Spirit Body for each dimension and important during physical ascention. Aah-JhA’ hydro-acoustic body is related to AhYas bodies, which is a part of the Spirit Body which transfers frequencies to your other bodies like the Light Body. It should spark on and off in natural circumstances. We have several of those  bodies in relationship with densities and dimensions. (Source: Workshop 2008: Winds of  Change: DVD 3; 01:06h

 01:09h)

 body structures are twice the size The Aah-JhA’  body as the Light Body structures and have Penta-g’el flows which open the organic Krystic direct communication lines between D1 Etheric, D2 Telleuric, D3 Atmic and Dn1 Ketheric of the Dn1 Body, which is important for biological slide ascention-1. (Source: Sliders 2, 2008, HB page 46)   Aah-JhA’ a erface part of  Theanic org organi c Spi Spirit rit  Hydro-Acoustic Body Body anatom anatomy y Body that that isinterf int aces s directly with and ‘steps up & down’ elemental Penta-g’el flows between the Spirit Body, the Crystal Body, the Light Body and the Atomic Body anatomy. When fully activated the Aah-JhA’ Hydro-Acoustic Body, and that contained within it, transfigures into the Jha-DA Body Orb vehicle, the 6 dimensional trans-harmonic Ascention Vehicle required for travel through the Aurora Continuum and DhA-ya-TEi Planes. (Source: Sliders 5 (20009) ( 20009))

The Ah-yas bodies become the Aah-JhA’ orb body during alignment of a different space-time domain with our space-time domain and go into orb, change in ARPS, to go to other domains as well and manifest over there. The The Ah-yas  Bod Body, y, the Atomic Atomic aspe aspect ct of our Spiri Spiritt Body  that inte interf rfac aces es wi with th th thee Lig formss a phas phasin ing g an and d spar sparkkLight ht Bod Body y, form generating interface between our Spirit Body and the Light Body (15° different ARPS). The Ah-yas phase units that make up the structure to the Sha-LA-a units that Ah-yas Body  are similar in structure bottom Ah-VA’-yas make up the Light Body. They contain two bottom units (made of mana) and a single Ah-VE’-yas unit (made of EirA or  Eirah Body). These units make up the atoms as well as the structu stru cture re aro around und our entire entire Light Bodie Bodiess on a larger larger scale scale.. The current mutation prevents the Ah-VA’-yas  units from p phasing hasing and interacting with the single top Ah-VE’-yas  unit and an d pushe pushess the ttwo wo to Ah-VA’-yas  units into a vesica phase-lock where they are unable  phase and spark and perform their normal function of circulating Eternal Life currents between the Spirit and Light bodies. Thanks to the Guardian Alliance and the Stardust Flows however, we will be able to restore the ability of our present Ah-VA’-yas to phase and then function as it is naturally supposed to do. ( Sour Source: ce: Sliders Sliders 5 (20009)) The Aah-JhA’ Hydro-acoustic Body interfaces directly with and ‘steps up & down’ elemental Penta-g’el flows  between the Spirit Body, Crystal Body, Light Body and Atomic Body. When fully activated, the Aah-JhA’  Hydro-acoustic Body, and that contained within it, transfigures into the Jha-DA Body Orb Vehicle, the 6dimensional trans-harmonic ‘Ascention Vehicle’ required for travel through the Aurora Continuum and DhA-yaTEi Planes. In Jha-DA you turn into an Diamant in the Density above, so when we see ‘elemental orbs’ or Stardust Orbs, we’re actually seeing the Jha-DA’ Body in the D-4 Field.   (Source: Sliders 5 (20009))

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;


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In Jha-DA’ you turn into an ‘Elemental’ in the Density above, so when we see ‘elemental orbs’, we are actually seeing the Jha-DA’ Body in the D4 field.

Activations: Dhan-Kei-Ti / Tara-Kei-Ti   Awakening: activation of the personal ( Dhan-KEi-Ti) and Planetary (Tara-KEiTi) organic organic KEi-Ti Membrane of the Spirit Body anatomy, anatomy, and clearin clearing g of the inorganic inorganic Dha-na-Co-HarA

Disharmonic ka Disharmonic karmic rmic tem template plate.. First stag stages es of the Aah-JhA’  Hydro-Acoustic Body activation toward Jha-DA Body Orb Ascention Vehicle: activation began in October 2010 and completed in October 2013. (Source: The TanTri-Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. Arhayas Productions LLC. LLC. Copyright E’Asha Ashayana. 2013, HB page 9.)

E’Lai’-sa Tan-Chi’-Ti E’Lai’-sa Tan-Chi’-Ti Awakening Awakening: which which was an act activa ivatio tion n of the personal personal and plane planetar tary y org organi anicc Tryptoplasmic Field, Tan-Chi’-Ti Membrane and Hydroplasmic Chismatic Field of the Spirit Body/Aah-JhA Body anatomy and a next stage of personal and planeta planetary ry Aah-JhA’ Hydro-Acoustic Body activation towards Jha-DA  Body Orb Ascention Vehicle activation. This began on April 2013. (Source: Workshop ‘The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry; The E’LAi’-sa Tan-Chi’-Ti Awakening. 2013, HB page 69.)

Note for ascention: The Jha-DA Body forms as the Aah-JhA Hydro-acoustic Body or Orb merges with the Light Body during physical ascention. We have several Jha-DA bodies related with dimensions. (Source: Sliders 5 Luminary ry Body’ or ‘Ephemera ‘Ephemerall Vehic Vehicle’ le’  was introduced to serve to from 2009, 2009, DVD1). In the past, the ‘ Lumina transfigure the physical body in elemental-atomic consciousness and to orb in it with our biofields into ascention to the Aurora Aurora continu continuum um fields. This Lumin Luminary ary Body co consists nsists out of ShaLAah light and the same amount of  imes, the D-planes were not online. In those quantum CosMA’Yah flame. The orb vehicle is organic. In those ttimes, times it was called the 6 dimensional dimensional Jha-DA body orb vehicle. vehicle. It can take on more than 15 dimensions dimensions if all densities in it are activated. But, by taking on the first 6 dime dimensions nsions (Dn1 and Dn2), it can go over to the Aurora continuum contin uum 1 an and d Aurora Aurora Earth 1 1.. (Source: E-Lai-sa awakening, 2013, DVD4 and HB page 69 ). Since 2013, we became became Aurora Earth. The NET-Earth has melted with Median Earth.

The ‘Luminary Body’ or ‘Ephemera ‘Ephemerall Vehicle’ is:




Composed of Dn1 Jha-DA’ Body ShaLAah Light atomic quotient, bonded to an equal quantum of Cos-MA’-yah Flame. It forms a Dn1 ‘double 3 dimensional’ vehicle capable of transfiguring into Ah-SA-yas ‘outer-middlematter’ hydro-thermal radiation liquid light vapor for passage into Aurora continuum-1 and Aurora Earth-1. The Luminary Body allows an incarnate in Dn1 Earth planes, whose atomic form is not yet capable of full 6 dimensional Jha-DA’ Orb Body transfigurative projection to project within the Ephemeral Vehicle visitation to Aurora Earth and the Aurora Continuum-1. Activatesfor via completion of the Dhara-MU-Ra   & En-TU’-Ra  layers of phase 1 Dhan-Kini Density fulfillment and embodiment of the full Dhan-Kini Bliss State.

(Source: Workshop The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The E-LAi-Sa awakening. April 2013, HB page 61)

The 5 stages of translocation & the 5 Aurora Continuum Matter States & 5 stages of the Jha-DA’ Body Ascension Outer-matter structure (crystallized (crystallized liquid light endoplasma); atoms and identity in Outer Radon Domain as crystallized liquid light endoplasma.

1. Ah-SA’-yas State: transduction into the Ah-SA’yas hydrothermal radiation endo – ectoplasma ‘ liquid light vapor’ outer-middle geleziac- matter state. (Atoms and Identity Slide 2 into Aurora Continuum-1 between Outer Radon 1 Middle Edon Domains as Liquid Light Vapor.)

2. AhAh-SASA-yon yon Sta State te: tr tran ansmu smuta tati tion on/r /ree-en enlig light htme ment nt into into th thee Ah-SA Ah-SA’-y ’-yon on el elec ectro troth ther erma mall ra radi diat atio ion n ectothermo ectot hermoplasma plasma ‘Crys ‘Crystallin tallinee Elec Electrothe trothermal rmal Vapor Vapor’’ Middle-Inner geleziac-matter geleziac-matter state. (5 atoms and identity Slide-2 into Aurora Continuum between Middle Edon & Inner Adon Domains as Crystalline Electrothermal Vapor.)

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;


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3. Aeri-sa-na State: transfiguration/re-spiritualization into the Aeri-sa-na thermal-hydrogel radiation thermalhydro-eiraplasma ‘Eiradhani Liquid Light Vapor’ Inner-Core geleziac matter state. (Atoms and Identity Slide-2 into Aurora Continuum-3 between inner Adon & Core Eton.)

4. Aeri-sa State: translation into the Aeri-A-sa hydro-eira-metalectric dark-matter/pre-matter radiation hydroeira-metelectroplasma ‘Eira-Metelectric Liquid Light Vapor ’ Core-Rasha pre-matter geleziac matter state. (Atoms and Identity Slide 2 into Aurora Continuum-4 Core between Core Eton & Rasha dark-matter/prematter.)

5. Aeir-Hana State: Transformation into the the Aeir-Hana metelectric protoplasma dark-matter (pre substance Eta-Urr Vapor’ Rasha Rasha –Ec –Ecous ousha ha pre pre-ma -matte tter/pr r/pree substa substance nce emanation mete emanation metelectr lectro-protop o-protoplasma lasma ‘Pre-water Pre-water Eta-U conscious consc ious Eta-Ur Vapor primal state. (Atoms and Identity Slide-2 into Aurora Continuum-5 Transcendent between Rasha darkmatter/pre-matter radiation and Ecousha pre-substance consciousness emotion.)

(Source: The E’LAi’-sa Awakening. April 2013, HB page 50.)

More information: The E’LAi’-sa Awakening, April 2013, HB page 65 till 68: Summary of organic Ah-yas  phasing, the Jha-DA’ orb & stardust flow.

Body Syllabus  E’Asha Ashayana, 2019, ARhAyas LCC;



SPIRIT BODY Internal Creation structure

Ah-YA’ Body With Core Flows


Anatomy The Central “Flame of Cos-MA’-yah” progressively enters & anchors within the personal Dhan-KEi-Ti  & planetary Tara-KEi-Ti membranes of the Spirit Body (connected ( connected with External Creation Fields) Fields ) in 3 stages since 2012, corresponding to the 3 layers of the KEi-Ti-membrane (1. Dhara, 2. MU-Ra, 3. En-TU’-Ra). (Source: EFFI workshop (May 2012))

Cosmos and 1 Central Ah-yah-Rhu’, 24 One Cos-MA’-yah  contains 12 Cosmos Cosmic Clusters and 144 Cosmic Matrices. A Cosmic Matrix would be (if  we went back to anatomy of External Creation Light Body, the Ecka Maps of the God-W God-World orld Gates and the big Eukathar Eukatharista) ista) part  part of that, the highest level of that would be 1 of those, one Cosmic Matrix. (Source: EFFI workshop (May 2012))

The The Ha Hall llss of Ah-Yah’-RhU  Cos Cos-MA -MA’Ya ’Yah h ‘span’ ‘span’ Intern Internal al & Ext Extern ernal al Creation, and hold the “ Flame of Cos-MA’Yah ” which is a scalar standing wave and which links into the Halls of Cos-Min-Yahas and into the CosMY’ah “Flame of E-Lai’-sa’ ”.  (Source: The T Tan-Tri an-Tri Ahura Teachin Teachings; gs; The Path of  Biospiritual Artistry. December 2013, HB page 5)

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The many manifest worlds and consciousness fields of 1 CosMY’ah. 1 Ecka-Veca System = one 15D Time Matrix 1 Eckasha = 12 Ecka-Veca Time Matrices 1 Eckasha-A = 12 Eckasha/144 Ecka-Veca Time Matrices 1 Cosmic Matrix Eckasha-Aah Eukatharaista ElumEirAdhona (which contains 1 Yunasai, 48 Outer Cosmic Probability Dominions & 24 Central Actuality

Dominions) = 12 Eckasha-A / 144 Eckasha / 1728 Ecka-Veca Time Matrices.


S P I R  I T B O D Y 1 Cosmic Cluster  = 6 Cosmic Matrices (Eckasha Aah/Yunasai) / 72 Eckasha-A / 864 Eckasha / 10,368 EckaVeca Time Matrices


1 Cosmos = 2 Cosmic Clusters / 12 Cosmic Matrices (Eckasha-Aah/Yunasai) / 144 Eckasha-A / 1728 Eckasha / 20,736 Ecka-Veca Time Matrices


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Cos-MA’-yah = 12 Cosmos / 24 Cosmic Clusters / 144 Cosmic Matrices / 1728 Eckasha-A / 20,736 Eckasha / 248,832 Ecka-Veca Time Matrices.

1 Cos-MY’-ah (Cosminyahas Auroras Field) = contains 7 Cos-MA’-yah and 1 Central Cosminyahas ARhAyas Core / 84 cosmos / 168 Cosmic Clusters / 1008 cosmic Matrices / 12,096 Eckasha-A / 145,152 Eckasha /



1,741,824 Ecka-Veca 15D Time Matrices.

Halls of Ah-Yah’-Rh Ah-Yah’-RhU U Cos-MA’Yah & Halls of Cos-Min-Yahas of the Cos-MY’ah

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Cos-MA’Yah central structures: Halls of Ah-Yah’-RhU, which hold the Flame of Cos-MA’Yah.

The central Ah-Yah’-RhU within the core of each Cos-MA’Yah is a reality field that ‘spans’ between Internal and External External Cre Creation. ation. At their cores, cores, eac each h set of ( Cos-MA’Yah Hallss of Ah-Yah’-RhU  Cos-MA Cos-MA’Yah ’Yah conne connect ct d direct irectly ly level) Hall into the (Cos-MY’ah level) Halls of Cos-Min-Yahas. The Halls of  nh herent Cos-MA’-Yah Ah-Yah’-RhU Cos-MA’Yah  & i n Eterna Ete rnall Cen Center ter Flame (the Fla Flame me of Cos-MA Cos-MA’-Ya ’-Yah h) connect dire direct ctly ly in into to th thee Hal inhere rent nt CosCosHalls ls of Cos Cos-Mi -Min-Y n-Yaha ahass  & inhe MY’ah Eternal Center Center Flame whic which h is called called ‘The Flame of ELai’-sa’. These “Ahu-St Lai’-sa’. “Ahu-Stri’-jh ri’-jhee Ta Ta-Hu -Hu Center Flames’ ,   , both composed of Ahu-Stri’-jhe Ta-Hu Plasmas, serve as a concuit of   perpetual frequency circulation between Internal & External Creation. Throug Through h the Ahu-St Ahu-Stri’-jh ri’-jhee Ta-Hu Cente Centerr Flame ‘pl ‘plasm asmaa sta standi nding ng wave wave con connec nectio tion”, n”, the Ext Extern ernal al Cre Creati ation on systems of the Cos-MA’Yah Cos-MA’Yah retain an indelible connection to the Cos-MY’ah and thus to the “E-Lai-sian Fields” of EternalInternal Creation. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; The Path of  Bio-Spiritual Artistry. December 2013.)

Cos-MY’-ah central structures: Halls of Cos-Min-Yahas, which hold the Flame of E-LAi’-sa’.

The imprint of the Hall of Records (first 8 cell cluster) of the Spirit Body finds its original imprint in the Halls of  Cosminyahas . That theencryption first and core level of the Internal Crea tionCluster that allatofthe the otherofstructures manifests from and through. So is that which is held in that littleCreation 8-Cell center this massive CosMY’-ah which has the 7 Cos-MA’-yah’s and one Cosminyahas at the center. (Source: EFFI workshop (May 2012)).

Cosminy minyaha ahass  Re Reco cord rdss have have the same str struc uctu ture re as th thee Hal Halls ls of Rec Record ordss. The Halls Halls of  The Halls Halls of Cos Cosminyahas 8th Hidden Sun contains the indellible crystal memory matrix of the entire Cosminyahas and is structured like the ReishaTa / EcoushaTA / AckaShaTA clusters. Since 2012 we have now been able to get these Core Flows open and flowing in here, the Cosminyahas Records  – the Halls of Cosminyahas Records  – are now being downloaded into our Galaxy, into our Solar System, into our planet. And that means they become available to us. And their frequencies will be able to wake up the  portions of our own DNA that correspond to those records. That if those frequencies hadn’t been able to be  brought here, we would never be able to assemble those parts of the DNA or remember tthose hose parts of your own Self or Cosmic Creation. So it is a huge victory to have those records coming online since 2012.

The Cosminyahas Core (=Cosminyahas ARhAyas) contains the ‘ Halls of Cosminyahas ’ Eternal unassailable Krystalline Plasma Memory Matrix 7 Eternal Plasma Suns Cells of Internal-Eternal First Creation and the

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“Hidden 8th Plasma Sun Cell” (= first of the first 8 Plasma Sun Cells = Cosminyahas AReutas, which contains the 8 Fire & Ice first plasma AL-Hum-Bhra Core Creation Crystals , the Core Eternal Identity Seed and the Eternal Seed Atom, for the collective Krystar from which we –and all the reality fields of the Cos-MY’-ah – all come. These crystal crystalss also cont contain ain the ‘Eight Sun 8 Fire & Ice Plasma Union Flows ’ encryption for the ‘8 Kryst Plus’/K+1-8 factor DNA templates and the consciousness collectives of the 8 AL-Hum-Bhra Magistracy Councils of Cos-Min-Yahas, which is the Core FailSafe Elemental Command for the Krystal River Host). Heliochroic Krystar core flow frequency bands coming in from Internal Reality Fields from the ARI-Yon-Yah ARhAyas Cosminyahas AL-Hum-Bhrus, the Krystar from which our Cos-MY’ah comes and within which it eternally resides:


7 Bridges of CosMY’ah, 7 Myotic Bridges of the Cosminyahas core the 15th Bridge which contains the Halls of Cosminyahas imprint (myotic, pre-plasma’s)

External Creation and all the structures are going from there are built out from Internal Creation, they emerge out from there. So Extern External al Creation is depe dependent ndent upon Internal Creatio Creation n for the continuall continually y cycl cycling ing of energy energy  between God-Source Consciousness Field and whatever whatever is manifest. (Source: EFFI workshop (May 2012)) The Halls of Cosminyahas span Internal & External Creation and hold the Eternal ‘Flame of E-Lai’-sa’ which carries the ‘Krystar Core Plasma Flows’. The central Cosminyahas within the core of the Cos-MY’ah is a reality field that spans between Internal & External Creation. At its core, the Halls of Cosminyahas connects directly into the ‘8 Eternal Plasma Suns’ of Eternal-Internal Creation through the Eternal Center Flame (scalar standing wave), the ‘ Flame of E-Lai’-sa’, within the Halls of Cosminyahas core. The Eternal-Internal Creation Fields that are accessed via the Halls of Cosminyahas are referred to as the ‘ E-LAi-sian Fields’. The E-Lai-sian Fields exist as the creation matrix of Internal Creation within which External Creation Systems manifest.  (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings, Shiftmasters Course 1, Secrets of the EFFI: December 2013, HB page 28.)

carries the Krystar Co Core re Plasma Flo Flows. ws. These are The “Flame of E-LAi’-sa” carries th thee 15 Ete Etern rnal al Helio-E’LAi’-sic, Hel Helio-P io-Plas lasmic mic Ete Eterna rnall Life Life Silver Silver Seed Seed Currents of the Krystar E’LAi-sa Silver Seed Core Crystal. These are the 15 Eternal Helio-E’Lai’-sic, Helio-Plasmic Eternal Life Silver Seed Currents of the Krystar E’Lai-sa Silver Seed Seed Core Crystal. The Eternal Life Silver-Seed Core Currents Curre nts are Helio-Plasm Helio-Plasmic, ic, Helio-E’LAi-sic  Krystar Core Currents (Internal Creation Sun-8 core Tryptolase, DhA-Ya-TEi planes Hydrolase ‘Living Eta-Ur  Water-Vapor Water -Vapor’). ’). When entering entering exter externaliz nalization, ation, the Kry Krystar star Core Curre Currents nts ap appe pear ar as heli helioc ochr hroi oicc (s (sim imul ulta tane neou ously sly showi showing ng undu undula latin ting g 15-sp 15-spec ectr tral al translucent transl ucent bright paste pastell liqui liquid d plasma colors withing a Helio Heliotalic talic GoldenSil Silver ver-ON -ONE E base base hue). hue). Eac Each h of the these se 15 Kry Krysta starr Flow Flowss car carrie riess an int intric ricate ate musical composition of ‘Solar-Celestial Plasma Sounds’ that can only be heard interna inte rnally lly dur during ing cer certai tain n act activa ivatio tions ns of the Chi Chisma smatic tic Field, Field, and ca canno nnott be reproduced externally. For this reason the Krystar Flows Flows are often referred to as the ‘Singing Rays of Eternal Creation’ or the ‘Eternal Living Light – Love –  Song of God-Source’. Ea Each ch of th thee 15 Krys Krysta tarr Co Core re Fl Flow owss carr carrie iess the the encr encryp ypti tion on of a speci specifi ficc Heliochroic Primary Hue, and each has an audible Tri-Tone Sound that can be used, through tonal vibrational repetition, to ‘Call in the Ray, to hear its Internal Son’. ‘Calling of the Krystar Rays’ Rays’ progressively activates the C Chismatic hismatic Field and expedites Chismatic Healing. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings, Shiftmasters Course 1, Secrets of the EFFI: December 2013, HB page 28.)

These 15 Heliochroic Krystar Core Flow currents are called “The Song of ARhAyas”.

They are of the Eternal Krystar “ Ari-Yon-Yah ARhAyas COsminyahas AL-Hum-Bhrus ”, the Krystar from which our Cos-MY’ah comes and within it eternally resides. (Source: Workshop ‘The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of

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Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The E-LAi-sian E-LAi-sian Awakening. April 2013. HB page 45)

Ari-Yon-Ka-Yah-Chi Ari-Yon-Ra-Yah-Kei Ari-Yon-Ya-Yah-Rei Ari-Yon-Sa-Yah-Prana Ari-Yon-Ta-Yah-Mana Ari-Yon-Ha-Yah-Traia Ari-Yon-La-Yah-Mira Ari-Yon-Ma-Yah-Maya Ari-Yon-Sha-Yah-Yana Ari-Yon-ALh-Yah-Ta’a Ari-Yon-Um-Yah-Hara Ari-Yon-Bhra-Yah-Ma’a Ari-Yon-Eh-Yah-KEE Ari-Yon-LAi-Yah-Ra Ari-Yon-Sah-Yah-ShA

These Krystar Core Flows come into the geo-magnetic lines of the planet via the AL-Humbhra Cathedral  Network (Peru complex, Egypt-Israel complex, Bali complex, complex, Florida complex, Norway complex):

Chismatic Fields These are the ‘core plasma templates’ that carry the “ E’Laisa Silver Seed encryption of the Krystar seed crystal of Sun 8 (which carries the E-LAi-sa code)”. They form in every density and serve for  manifest Cos-MY’ah creation. There is one for the D-planes, one for  the Dark Matter templates and one for the External Creation. So, there are 3 layers that form together the Chismatic fields on the atmic* level (*D3, D6, D9, D12, D15):

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Tryptonic ic field : In Aurora Continuum between D-planes & RaSha Body, rather ‘intern’. Contains Trypton tryptite plasma-vapor sparks. 2) Tryptop Tryptoplasmic lasmic field : In the Aurora Continuum between RaSha Body & extern atomic aspect. Contains tryptec vapor units. 3) Tan-Chi Tan-Chi-Ti -Ti membran membranee of crystallized plasma vapors: in the Aurora Continuum at Dimensional subfrequency bands 6.5, between External Creation atmic mental body and telleuric emotional-physical  body. Contains trypton vapor crystals.


These templates are inside:


Our Spirit Body ana anatomy tomy (Dn1 Aah-JhA’ Hydro-acoustic Body) (Source: Workshop Tan-Tri Ahura


The Krystar ascention vehicle Aurora continuüm

Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Bio-Spiritual Artistry. The Waters of E-LAi-sa. May 2013, HB page 14)

The trypto-f trypto-fiel ields ds of the chism chismati aticc field field are localiz localized ed in the auro aurora ra contin continuum uum.. They They are in those those aurora aurora continuum layers that ‘interface’ between Internal and External Creation. (Source: Workshop Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. The Waters of E-LAi-sa. May 2013, DVD 2, 00:06h)

 Note: The colors in the figures concerning this topic are random chosen to be able to point the different layers, and do not represent any kind of colors for these layers.

The organic E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythm: The E-LAi-sian Time Wave Rhythm is the organic circula circulation tion system between the materializ materialized ed body and consciousness, and the Tan-Chi-TEi Membrane of the Chismatic Chismatic Field. The E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythm circulates the mathematically encrypted trypton (plasma-vapor crystal) currents from the Schema forms of the Tan-Ch Tan -Chi-T i-TEi Ei Membra Membrane ne Chism Chismatic atic neurologic neurological al templ template ate into transfigura transfiguration/’ tion/’step-ou step-out’ t’ as encrypted encrypted bioelectrica elect ricall impulses impulses that next transd transduce/’ uce/’step-do step-down’ wn’ throu through gh the biological neurological system. The E-LAi’ E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythm carries the core encrypte encrypted d bio-el bio-electri ectrical cal impulse instruction instructionss that govern everything everything  biological, from the metabolic rate, heart rate and breathing rhythm, to the circadian circadian ‘wake-sleep’ Rhythm, to the cyclicc rhythm cycli rhythmss of brain brainwave wave patterns, and the literal organic rhythmic cycling of ‘angular ‘angular rotation of particle particle spin’, which determines the ‘range of frequency bands and space-time locations’ within which a matter form can  perceive, materialize and experience. experience. The E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythm  interfaces with the biological form first through:

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the Etheric Duct System of the Aah-JhA Hydro-Acoustic Body, than downsteps as encrypted bio-electrical impulse into the biological Nervus Vagal Complex, the SCM-Master Clock (Suprachiasmatic Nucleus) of the hypothalamus (just above the brainstem), the RAS ‘filter’ (Reticular Activating System neuronal network in brainstem), the Pineal Gland, the neuron networks of the neurological system. The organic E-LAi’-sian E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythms, and the correspond corresponding ing organic organic anatomica anatomicall frequency frequency flow interfaces between the Chismatic Tan-Chi-TEi Membrane and biological form, have long been blocked in Earth’s lifeforms, by the inorganic Tan-Na-Kei ‘ MEme Brain’ R-trypton field in the Tan-Chi-TEi Membrane  Neurological Plasma template. This blockage has caused Earth’s biological life-field to ‘tether-bond’ to the inorganic Time Wave Rhythms (Base Pulse Rhythm or BPR) of the NET Earth Field, the ‘Circadian Rhythms’, which has harnessed the biological form and embodies consciousness through mutation of the neurological structure. Following the inorganic Circadian ‘NET Earth BPR’, organic foundational neuronal pathways ( through which the eternal E-LAi’-sian Time Wave Rhythms would flow), flow ), that would normally grow (via ( via neurogenesis) neurogenesis) in the instead are rendered rendered dormant. Releasing the embryonic stage of foundational development, do not grow, but instead  biological structure and embodied consciousness from the embryonic mutation ‘ NET-Curse of the Circadian achieved eved throug through h ‘resettin ‘resetting’ g’ the SCN-Master-Clock   and RAS to the organic E-LAi’-sian Rhythms’ can be achi Time-Wave Rhythms of A-RHI-yah Eternal Earth (in the E-LAi’-sian Fields). (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat; The Shiftmasters Course 1. April 2014, HB page 54)

The inorganic Tan-Na-KEi Brain” layer: Tan-Na-KEi “MEme Brain”

On personal level: Th This is reve revers rsed ed,, bi bipo pola lar, r, disto distort rtio ion n laye layerr form formss within the organic Tan-Chi’-Ti membrane external Krysta Kry starr plasma plasma template template.. It form formss at Tel Tellur luric ic subfr sub freq eque uenc ncy y band bandss – 5.5 5.5 on each each of the the five five densiti den sities. es. It is composed composed of reve reverse rsed d Trypto Trypton n  plasma vapor crystals that cluster to form M MEmes, Emes, MEmo ME mopl plex exes es,, Sc Sche hema ma an and d Su Supe perr Sc Sche hema mass reversed rever sed Trypton constructs within the Tan-Chi’membrane. ane. The Tan-Na-Kei  “MEme Brain” Ti  membr  polarizes the Tan-Chi’-Ti membrane, creating the ‘subcon ‘sub consci scious ous’’ and ‘un ‘uncon consci scious ous’’ minds. minds. The Tan-Na-Kei  “MEme Brain” / “Goat Brain” directs the the function of neural networks and the sympathetic and autonomic nervous systems, and is responsible respon sible for the ‘fight-fligh ‘fight-flight-free t-freeze’ ze’ response response and its relate related d disto distorti rtions ons.. It serv serves es as a selfselfreplicating false memory matrix on personal, mass and Cos-MY-Yah  levels. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; The The Path of Bio-S Bio-Spiritual piritual Artistry. The Waters of  E-LAi-Sa. May 2013 HB page 16.) 16.)

On Planetary Level: Inorganic disto Inorganic distortions rtions within the Algori Algorithm thm programs of the planetary planetary Ari-yon’ah  Kalipsus ‘Time-Lock Skin’ create blockages and distortions within the outer Tan-C Tan-Chi-TE hi-TEii layer of the planetary Chiasmatic plasma templa tem plate te (in Spi Spirit rit Body), Body), whi which ch in turn turn cre create ate inorga inorganic nic dis distor tortio tions ns within within the pla planet netary ary Plasma Plasmanti ntik  k  MarkhetU’re  Fields (in RaSha Body). Body). These inor inorganic ganic dist distortion ortionss of the planetary planetary (also solar system & galactic) galac tic) Chiasmatic Chiasmatic Plasma Plasma Body are called called the ‘ Tan-Na-Kei Algorithm’  or ‘Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock  Harness’. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014)

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Tan-Chi’-Tii Awakening:  E’LAi’-sa Tan-Chi’-T The E’LAi’-s E’LAi’-saa Tan-Chi’-Ti  Awakening implies an act activa ivatio tion n of the per person sonal al and pla planet netary ary org organi anicc Tryptoplasmic Field, Tan-Chi’-Ti Membrane and the Hy Hydr drop opla lasm smic ic Ch Chis isma mati ticc Fi Fiel eld d of the the Sp Spir irit it Body/Aah-JhA Body/A ah-JhA Body anatomy anatomy towa towards rds the Jha-DA Body Orb Ascention Vehicle, freeing the Epi-Genetic Epi- Genetic Overlay (EGO), and DNA for Silver Se Seeed Awakening and progressive Chismatic Healing level 1. This acti activation vation inc includes ludes init iating g clearin clearing g of the  personal/mass bio-atomic andinitiatin planetary atmic-telluric (D2.5 mental/bio-e mental/bio-emotion motional al body) fields fields,, initia initiating ting release/clearin release/c learing g of the ‘‘Tan-NaTan-Na-Kei Kei MEme-Brain’ MEm e-Brain’ of the per person sonal/ al/mas masss and pla planet netary ary Tan Tan-Na -Na-Ke -Keii Sheath She ath tha thatt blocks blocks org organi anicc E’L E’LAiAi-sa sa Silver Silver-Se -Seed ed Plasma Code activation within the DNA. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Bio-Spiritual Artistry. The Waters of E-LAi-Sa. May 2013 2013 HB page 6.)

The Out-Step & In-Step / Ascention E’LAi’-sa Helio-plasmic mic Krystar Flows Flows E’LAi’-sa Helio-plas between External, Rasha & Internal Eternal-Life DhA-yah Field Kryst Creation. Out-Step of Eternal DhA-yah Field Creation:

(In-Step/Ascention is back-flow of Out-Step Process)


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 Start: Chismatic Field Inner Core Field Level 1 Inner Location: Atmic Tryptonic Field: in the Aurora Continuum between RaSha Dark Matter Template and DhA’Yah-TEi Planes Fields. Production: Tryptite Plasma-Vapor Sparks of Tryptose (D-Planes Hydrolase Living Water). Function: Carries the E’LAi’sa Code encryption governing the Cos-MY’ah DhA’-Yah-TEi  M-Partiki Planes and Ketheric/Etheric-Atomic Cos-MY’ah Creation. Procedure: Parti-TRI: Orga Organic nic Eternal Vapo Vapor-Spark r-Spark Phase Generator Generator Units that ‘Span’ between between the Atmic Dimensional Dimen sional Fields of Extern External al Creation, the RaSha Dark Matter Matter Atmic Fields and the DhA’-Yah-TEi Planes Atmic Dimensional Fields. Each unit is composed of:    

3 bonded A-riE  Pre-Matter Substance Atmic-Vapor-Sparks; 1 Hydros External Creation Vapor-Spark, 1 Hydros RaSha Dark Matter Vapor-Spark, 1 Ectos Dha’-Yah-Tei Planes Vapor-Spark.

The Parti-TRI units ‘phase’, generating Tryptite Eternal Plasma-Vapor-Sparks of Tryptose (D-Planes Hydrolase Living Water) within the Tryptonic Field (between RaSha Dark Matter Template and D-Planes Fields). 

Tryptose: Organic Tryptose: Organic Pre-Matter Pre-Matter Plasma-Vapor Plasma-Vapor Substa Substance nce that forms, through through PartiParti-TRI TRI phasing, phasing, as Tryptite Eternal Plasma-Vapor Sparks within the Atmic Tryptonic Field (between RaSha Dark Matter  Template and D-Planes Fields); D-Planes Hydrolase Eternal Living Water.

Tryptite Plasma-Vapor Sparks: Organic Eternal Plasma-Vapor Sparks composed of T Tryptose ryptose (D-Planes Sparkss of D-Planes Hydrolase Hydrolase Hydrolase) that form as a result of Parti-TRI  phasing. Plasma-Vapor Spark Eternal Living Water that collectively form the organic Atmic Tryptonic Field between the RaSha Dark  Matter Template and the D-Planes Fields.

To: Step-Out 1 Chismatic Field Level-2-Middle Location: Atmic Tryptoplasmic Field: in the Aurora Continuum between the RaSha – ParTEi-Ki Dark Matter Template and External Atmic dimensional fields (D3/D6/D9/D12/D15). Production: Tryptec Plasma-Vapor Sparks of Tryptose Function: Carries the E’LAi’sa Code encryption governing the Cos-MY’ah RaSha Dark Matter ParTEi’-Ki Planes and Telluric-Atomic Cos-MY’ah Creation. Cos-MY’ah Creation. Procedure: Tryptec Plasma-Vapor Units : Tryptites (Eternal Plasma-Vapor Sparks of Tryptose, D-planes Hydrolase, that form the Atmic Tryptonic Field between the RaSha Dark Matter template and the DhA-Yah-TEi Planes Fields) , ‘stepout, accrete, and plasma-fy’ into Tryptec Plasma-Vapor Units forming the organic Atmic Tryptoplasmic Field  between the RaSha - ParTEi-Ki Dark Matter Template and the External Atmic dimensional fields (D3/D6/D9/D12/D15).

To: Step-Out 2 Chismatic Field Level-3-Oute Level-3-Outer  r  Location: Atmic Tan-Chi-Ti Membrane of Crystallized Plasma-Vapor: in the Aurora Continuum at dimensional sub-frequency bands 6.5 (D2 sf 6.5, D5 sf 6.5, D8 sf 6.5, D11 sf 6.5, D14 sf 6.5)  between the External Atmic (D3, D6, D9, D12, D15 ‘mental’) and Telluric (D2, D5, D8, D11, D14 ‘elemental/physical-atomic/emotional’) ‘elemental/physical-atomic/emotional’) dimensional fields. Production: Trypton Plasma-Vapor Crystals Function:  Carri Carries es the E’LAi’ E’LAi’sa sa Code encr encryption yption governing governing the Cos-MY’ah  External Partiki Planes  AtomicAtomic Cos-MY’ah Cos-MY’ah Creation.  Creation. Procedure: Trypton Plasma-Vapor Crystals: Tryptecs (Plasma-Vapor Units of Tryptose that form the Atmic Tryptoplasmic Field between the RaSha Template and the External atmic dimensional fields) cluster, bond, cool and crystallize within the External Atmic dimensional fields, fields, forming Grypton Plasma-Vapor C Crystals. rystals. As the

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Trypton Crysta Trypton Crystals ls cool, they drop in frequ frequency ency to into dimensio dimensional nal sub-frequ sub-frequency ency band 6.5 of the Telluric Telluric dimension below (D2 sf 6.5, D5 sf 6.5, D8 sf 6.5, D11 sf 6.5, D14 sf 6.5) , forming the organic Tan-Chi’-Ti Membrane of  Crystallized Plasma-Vapor between the External Atmic ( (D3, D6, D9, D12, D15 ‘mental’)  and Telluric (D2, D5, D8, D11, D14 ‘elemental/phys ‘elemental/physical-atomic/emotion ical-atomic/emotional’) al’) dimensional fields. (Source: Workshop: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; the Path Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. May 2013. HB Page 12)


Time-vectors Timevec Tim evector torss formed in a CosCos-MY’a MY’ah h:

Clockwise: 12 vectors, 24 event horizons Counterclockwise: 12 vectors, 24 event horizons Total: 24 Vectors (Source: Effi workshop May 2012, pag 149 )

This figure shows the inner section of the frequencies of the DhA’-ya-TEi  Planes Planes in relation to the frequency spectra that would be the verticals and the horizontals of the External Creation. So they are shifted at an angle. And they actually expand and contract – that angle changes. So the DhA’-ya-TEi Plane frequencies are running on Time Vector 6-12 in probability 6 while the External Creation frequencies are running on Time Vector 4-10 in probability 4. Our Earth has been translocated to probability 6 during the Sliders Sliders 12 workshop.

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(Source: Effi workshop (May 2013) 2013) transcript page 154)


3 hara bodies for each timevector Same as Spirit Body structure for External Reality Fields called E’Lumair Adhona.

Space Time matter domains of Cos-MY’ah: 48 Probability dominions Cos-MY’ah: The Cos-MY’ah has 24 probability dominions clockwise and 24 probability Dominions counterclockwise.

(Source: Effi workshop May 2012, and August 2012 workshop: “The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry”TM; ARhAyas Productions Productions))

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The KEi-Ti Membrane organic structure: The KEi-Ti Membrane has 3 layers: The Dhara Layer, the MU-Ra Layer and the En-TURa Layer.

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Activatio Activa tion n of Layer 1  of the the KEi-ti  Membrane allows merging of consciousness in the Bud State (Center  Actual Act uality ity)) of the 4 cor corres respon pondin ding g Pro Probab babili ility ty Dom Dominio inions ns int into o the ‘ Central Central Bud’  or ‘Buddha Actua Actuality lity Eternal’. ‘Merging of consciousness’ = merging of Space –Time Matter Linear Dominions into Transharmonic/Transtime Blend; culminating in release from Space-Time finite Boundaries. Activation of the 3 layers of the KEi-Ti Membrane allows ‘merging of consciousness’ in the Bud State of the 12 Probability Dominions, into the Eternal Buddha (central) Actuality State .

Karmic Template disharmonic structure: accumulation umulation of inorganic Etheric-Rasha particulates that form within the DhanaCoHarA  Disharmonic is an acc KEi-Ti Membrane through the use of Free Will choice in ways that are disharmonic to the Organic Eternal Life En Encr cryp ypti tion on of th thee Spirit Body. These disharmon disharmonic ic partic particulate ulatess form and ‘embedded ‘embedded mesh’ of inorga inorganic nic encryption distortions within the KEi-Ti Membrane, which functions as the ‘Karmic Template’ of Spirit Body anatomy. (Source: Sliders 11 (2011), page 17 HB) 08 October 2010 till October 2013: the Dhan-KEi-Ti/Tara-KEi-Ti Awakening. This was an activation activation of the  personal ( Dhan-KEi-Ti) and Planetary (Tara-KEi’-Ti) organic KEi-Ti membrane of the Spirit Body anatomy, and clearing  of the ino inorg rgan anic ic Dha-na-Co-HarA  Disha Disharmonic rmonic Karmic Templa Template. te. (Sour (Source: ce: The Tan-Tri-A Tan-Tri-Ahura hura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. Arhayas Productions LLC. Copyright Copyright E’Asha Ashayana. 2013, HB page 9.)

Time-Lock encasement


Five Kalip’sus Barriers (pre-substance plasms)

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In the organic anatomy of the ‘Structured Bubble’ Eternal Creation, each intersecting sphere, both within the Cos-MY’ah  and the Cos-MA’Yah  (& its inherent Cosmoses systems), is surrounded by a 5 layer Ahu-Stri-



 jheic / EffItic Plasma  (pre-substance plasms) Crystalline ‘ Time-Lock Skin’ called the Kalip’sus or Kalip’sus terms of matter structures. Each of the 5 Layers Barrier. The word Kalip’sus means ‘time-lock encasement’ in terms of the Kalip’sus corre corresponds sponds to one of the 5 Elemental Densi Density ty Planes of the RaSha ParTE’Kei Dark Matter  Body. The Kalip’sus Barriers serve to keep space-time fields within External Creation separate from each other,  even while the Cos-MA’Yahs & their contents perpetually spin through each other within their fixed  positions in the Cos-MY’ah. (Source: The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; Teachings; The Path or Bio-Spiritual Artistry. December 2013. HB page 6 and 7)

Time-Lock Skin is controlled by 5 Templates: (pre-substance plasms) The Kalip’sus Ahu-Stri-jheic / EffItic Plasma ‘Time Lock Skin’ is controlled by a portion of the Chismatic Field called called the Ahu-St Ahu-Stri-jhe ri-jheid id / EffItic EffItic Plasma E Eleme lemental ntal Com Command mand Control Templat Templates. es. These ‘Plasma ‘Plasma Command Templates’ control the corresponding KarU’sa Membrane, Kalip’sus Barrier and intrafascial Liaison Passage. There are 4 Primary and 1 Master Plasma Elemental Comma Command nd Control Templates. The 4 Primary Ahu-Stri-jheic Plasma Control Templates are the:


Alonic Ludfar template ShAlonic Sche’ma template KAlonic DreA’ma template Oronic ARI-Yon’ah template

The The 1 Ma Mast ster er Ahu-Stri-jheic  Pla Plasma sma Cont Control rol Temp Templat latee is the KHY’Ionic  Ah-SwE’-Jha  Plasma Control Template. (Source: The Tan-Tri Ahura Ahura Teachings; The Path or Bio-Spiritu Bio-Spiritual al Artistry. December 2013. HB page 6 and 7)

Membranes (pre-substance plasms)  KarU’sic Membranes These Control Templates exist in Internal Creation and span to ‘o ‘out ut-s -ste tep’ p’ in into to Exte Extern rnal al Creati Cre ation on via ASKO ASKO bon bondin ding g with wit h cer certai tain n Atmic Atmic levels levels of  th thee RaSha  dark matter Body. On Once ce bond bonded ed,, th they ey fo form rm 5 Elemental Control Membranes, called the KarU’sa  or  KarU’sic Membranes.  One KarU’sic  Membrane corres cor respon ponds ds to each of the 5 Elemen Ele mental tal De Densit nsity y Pla Planes nes of  th thee RaSha  Body, and to each of the 5 Plasma Control Templates. The 5 Plasma Control Templa Tem plates tes hold hold enc encryp ryptio tions ns who are activated on a certain le leve vell an and d al also so co cont ntro roll the the activation level of the 5 KarU’sic  Membra Membranes nes which controls the permeability of the 5 Kalip’sus Crystalline “TimeLock Skins”. When these 5 Plasma Control Templates fully activate activ ate their organic encryption encryptions, s, the ‘Time ‘Time-Loc Lock Skins’ open, making the Kalip’sus  permeable to ‘intra-time’ energy flow and circulation. Activation of the KarU’sa  opens the Ahu-S Ahu-Stri’tri’ jheic / EFFItic Eternal Internal ‘Cave Cavess of 

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Creation’ into External Creation, allowing the eternal space-time passages of the Internal Creation E-Lai’-sian Fields to open open within manifest External Creation. At the Cos-MY’ah level and above in Internal Creation, the always act active ive and the Kalip’sus Barriers  are always always open open, creating the Eternal KarU’sic Membranes  are always Transcendent-Time, Open-Flow realities of the E-Lai’-sian Fields , and the vast ‘ Eternal Creations Stations’ of the DhA’-Ya-TEi Planes that exist within them.

Eternal Vehicle

The 3 Bodies of the Kryst-Buddha 1:


Temporal Vehicle (atomic or flesh body) Ephemeral Vehicle (Luminary Body) Eternal Vehicle (pure consciousness of Cos-MA’-Yah Flame Dn1 Consciousness Field)

(Source: Workshop The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The E-LAi-Sa Awakening. April 2013, HB page 61)


RASHA BODY External Creation structure ‘ParTE-Kei Body’ or ‘Dark Matter Body’





Eternal Body Dark Matter Body with sounds for each gelesic ring Rings & spans, fire chambers, ASKO sets


Grows out of the center of the Elum-Eiradhona Spirit Body ‘Dark Matter’ template upon which the Light Body and Manifest form will form Serves as an energetic link  between  between the Spirit Body and the Light Body & Physical Body Important aspect of the Bardoah Sequence


The RaSha Body forms inside the structure of the Elumair Adhona Spirit Body. This happens during the RaSha cycle which is a part of the Tauren Cycle in the Starborn Cyle. Tauren Cycle = Tauren Cycle 1 + RaSha Cycle. Tauren = first light seed in the Spirit Body  

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Anatomy RaSha is the name of the core domain RaSha domain.. Eac Each h domai domain n has a RaS RaSha ha Body. The inner domain has a RaSha-la body, the middle domain has a RaSha_LE body and the outer domain a RaSha-LA body. The RaSha Body has sets of phased cells (just like the Spirit Body has E-Yugha’s), and Fire Chambers which are the RaSha layers of the Allurean Chambers of the Spirit Body. The RaSha Body connects with the EtorA and AdorA side via the core Allurean Chambers of the Spirit Body and has 15 gelesic rings in total (white (wh ite bands bands on figur figure). e). The lines lines of the rings are call called ed ‘span ‘spans’. s’. There is a Rasha body for each density Each ring has its sound tone. Rings are grouped in sets of 3, they set the  blueprint instructions for Dn levels. The Light Body and Physical Body manifest upon this RaSha Body. During bardoah, there is a sequential seperation between these rings seperating from the Lightbody. Center point of Spirit Body and Rasha Body is at the AzurA. The RaSha ‘dark matter’ opal-like flows  run the Cousha’s from the Spirit Body and are also called ‘Aurora  Neons’ or ‘The Ultra’s’ because they have an opposite frequency frequency in them. Another name for the RaSha core flows is ‘AdorA Second Kryst Blood’: - Light pink pearl-like Coucha 1 frequencies - Light smaragd pearl-like Coucha 2 frequencies - Lila (blue violet) pearl-like Coucha 3 frequencies - Blue sapphire pearl-like Coucha 4 frequencies - Light aqua pearl-like Coucha 5 frequencies - Ultra violet pearl-like Coucha 6 frequencies - Light peach pink pearl-like Coucha 7 frequencies - Light white opal pearl-like (+0.5 core) flows - Light white heliotallic pastel pearl-like (-0.5 core) flows

Density levels The RaSha Body has density levels. Each 3 gelesic layers form a set of 3 matter densities. First in the center there is the solid crystal core (first 3 layers), than the fluid core of ‘Aquafers’ (layer 4, 5 and 6). Afterwards the fixed matter mantle (layer 7, 8 and 9). On span 9.5 is the crust. On our planetary level, that is the crust of the Earth for what we can see as solid on the D2 level, because our consciousness is localized on D3. Layer 10, 11 and 12 form the atmosphere. Layer 13, 14 and 15 form the corona sphere. Living planets are actually ‘suns’ and should have a coronasphere like stars having a layer of light eradiating… Due to the mutations, our Earth does not have a coronasphere.

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The Plane structure of one dimensional level of a star, sun or planet forms upon the 5 plane. 15 Ring/Span structure of one Dimensional Par’TE’KEi  Body. The Par’TE’KEi  Bo Body dy st stru ruct ctur uree of a Dimens Dim ension ion provid provides es a lit litera erall ‘Spher ‘Spherica icall Map’ of the matter Planes and Rings/Spans in, around and composing that Dimension of a star, sun of planet. A Vertical Map of the Planes& Ri Ring ngs/ s/Sp Span anss of a Di Dime mens nsio ion n ca can n be tr tran ansla slate ted d fr from om th thee Sphe Spheri rica call Map Map by taking takin g a ‘cross-section’ ‘cross-section’ of the sphere from its co core re cen ente terr poin pointt outw outwaard to the th  boundary of its 15   Span. There are specific types of matter-forms and related structural characteristics corresponding to the specific Planes, Rings and Spans in one Dimensional Par’TE’KEi Body; these forms & characteristics apply to the same Planes, Rings and Spans in each Dimensional Par’TE’KEi Body. Rings 1-2-3 = crystal & thermal vapor core Rings 4-5-6 = aquifer core liquids Plane Rings 7-8-9 = matter solids & molten solids Rings 10-11-12 = atmosphere Rings 13-14-15 = coronosphere Span 6 holds Aquifer Gates Ring 8 holds the subterranean & Crystal Templates Span 9 carries the crust of the planet, star, or sun and its surface waters and topography.

Elemental Levels Water, air, earth/crystal, ether & fire

The RaSha Body also has the instructions for matter  states that represent the 5 elementals. These are formed by this template. There are 5 states of matter. Each diagonal line Fire Chamber creates a family of 5 elements that plug into the Table of Mendlejev. Mendlejev. So, these Fire Chambe Chambers rs form hydrogen, nitrogen,….a nitrogen,….and nd so on. Ring 1, 2, 3 = crystal core of the Earth, template or devine blueprint for EtaUr which is like frozen vapour or frozen steam (ether) Ring 4, 5, 6 = Liquid core aquafers (water) Ring 7, 8, 9 = mantel of the Earth (crystal/earth) Ring 10, 11, 12 = atmosphere of the Earth (wind or air or gas) Ring 13, 14, 15 = hold the programming for fire, relates to the coronasphere coronasphere of a stellar body. Our coronasphere is turned off, we should have one. If our bodies one da day y start working the wa way y it was supposed, we would have a coronasphere Important for ascention: Every element in the EtorA side, has an adjugate twin in in the AdorA side. The proces of transfiguration finds place by transmuting the elements in the body in which the element in our EtorA side en its adjugate twin in the AdorA side melt and transmute in a less denser state state..

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AKSO crystal power orbs On certain spans, there are crystals of concentrated types of energy: Alons (ManU crystals), Kalons (ManA crystals), Shalons (EirA crystals) and Orons. Activation of the rings & spans results in phasing of the Elon, Shalon and Kalon crystal sets in their Fire Chambers through which quantum starts building in the rings and spans and an exchange of prana can happen. happen. In this way, the next creation cycle ca can n start. Important for ascention: On the outer span, there there are the Oron crystals. When enough frequency is build, these orons will spark, resulting in the fact that the RaSha Body will pull in the Physical Body and Light Body. It than will be transmuted into a light orb and pulled into the Spirit Body. Afterwards, such a Krysted individual can go through stargates and materialise in other worlds in physical physical form. When you ascend in Krystar state, your  Rasha Body would depolarize and turn into one one unified field, than as one point of light, at the speed of  thought you send yourself to another location, and there you re-polirize yourself via the rings. So, there is a relationship between these crystals and the parts of the body to allow for depolarization and repolarization to happen. (Source: Legacy of the Lost, Freedoms of the Found (2007), Amsterdam workshop)

On a human level, we have crystals in our physical bodies that relate to these Alon,  Kalon, Shalon and Oron crystals. (Source: Kathara Webinar: Life, Death & Beyond) KAlon crystals in Rasha body, relate to crystals in your skin. Shalon crystals in Rasha Body, relate to crystals in bonemarrow. Alon crystals in Rasha Body, Body, relate to crystals in your blood. Oron crystals in Rasha Body, relate to crystals

Figure: The ParTE-KEI Body-15 sphere Rings & 15 Spans (crystal ORBS),  12 Fire Chambers, the E-Ta-Ur core,  and the ASK-O (ALON-SHALON, KALON 1 ORON) crystal Power ORBS ALONS- 11 2/3 + ve Prana-base (Jh)a-La OTEs (overtoe equilibrium) Jha-La OTEs plus Ma-Ta-Ur at 7.5 MaTa Span 7 SHALONS- 11 2/3-ve Eira-base BTs (base tone) at 8.5 Ka-Ma Span-8 KALONS- 21 2/3 +ve MAna-base OTDs (overtone differential-Ka-Sha) at 9.5 Rha-Ka Span-9 Or-Ra base (Ariea tones-silent vibration) at 15.5 Or-Ra Span-15

12 breaths fill 12 lines-band/Spans 13th inhale breath sparks Prana Seed 13th exhale starts Mana Flow & “LON” fertilization/ conception (x12 13-breaths)

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Prana seed

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In the center of the RaSha Body the prana seed is born, which connects to the Tauren light seed and Spirit Body. Prana is a specific type of energy. energy. There is pranaprana-Ki Ki (positive ch charge) arge) and prana-Chi prana-Chi (neg (negative ative charge). charge). Together, they form a full prana with a specific amount of quantum that has a specific function in the natural flow of energy and consciousness between the core flows and the outer flows of the Light Body.


Note about our Sun: inorganic bardoah process On 25th March 2007 the prana seed of the Sun was closed by the distorted FATaLE creatures, which introduced the bardoah of the Sun. It cannot connec connectt anymore with the Spirit Body where the core lava flows are. It cannot receive anymore energy from the Spirit Body. The RaSha Body of the Sun will not go into a bardoah state. When a prana seed closes, it will close the connection with the Light Body, but the RaSha Body will continue to live. Only the Light Body starts starts to release as a peel from its Dark Matte Matterr template which which is connected connected on its AdorA side and the structure of the Spirit Body. This implies that every ring of th thee RaSha body starts to relea release se of its corresponding ring of the Light Body where the Matter Physical Body also is connected to. So, the RaSha  body starts to release from the Light and Physical Body. There will be a set of bardoah ring waves coming from the Sun which will be perceived perceived by scientis scientists ts as gamma ring bursts. The closing of the prana see seed d of the Sun also results in the fact the Sun does not have enough fuel anymore for its hydrogen and helium processes.

From Sound to Light and Matter

It has sets of phased cells and fire chambers. The fire chambers (diagonal lines on figure) are the RaSha RaSha layers of the Allurean chambers chambers which are a deeper level level of the Spirit Body Body.. The fire chambers chambers run on the Allurean Allurean chambers, take the core flows of those chambers of the Spirit Body and start to translate these these to what we call ‘outer light’ which become the elements of the table of Mendlejev (should normally have 144 elements).

Krystar Vehicle This is a Transcendental Hyper-Dimensional Space-Time Travel Projection Ascention Vehicle.

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RASHA Body Internal Creation structure

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KHYon Silver Seed Ring

The KH located in the atmi atmicc ParTE Sil ver-Seed Seed’’ Ring Ri ng is located KHYo Yon n ‘ SilverParTE-Kei -Kei Body on Span-12 (@12.5): the KHYon Crystal “Silver-Seed’ units of which it is composed interface directly between the atmic fields of External Creation & Internal Creation via the RaSha Body and Chismatic Plasma Template. When activated, the organic KHYon Ring of the RaSha ParTE’Kei Body allows for circulation of EFFitic Eternal Life KHY-waves from KHY-waves aves are the carriers carriers of the Eternal Eternal EFFitic Plasm Plasm th thee Ahu-Stri’-jhe Ta-hu  & Cos-MY’yah  Core. KHY-w Spectra through which Solar Symbiosis & organic production of Hydrolase & Tryptolase ‘Living Waters’ occur.

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Th Thee KH KHYo Yon n Ri Ring ng of Ea Eart rth h ha hass be been en prim primar aril ily y done done 50.0 50.000 00 year yearss due due to th thee in inor orga gani nicc ‘Fal ‘False se Ch Chri rist st Consciousne Consci ousness ss Grid’ electro-magne electro-magnetic tic NET-ha NET-harnass rnass in Earth Earth’’ atmosphere atmosphere at the atmic RaSha Ring-12 region. Activation of Earth’s KHYon Ring during the current KRH-FailSafe KarU-sa’ic Cycle represents a ‘Victory of  Ages’, as it will slowly but progressiv progressively ely permane permanently ntly restore the Planet’s organic abili ability ty to activate it’s 5 KarU’sa Membranes, for opening of the 5 ‘Eternal Caves of Creation’, the Ahu-Stri’jheic Plasma Intrafascial Liaison Passages, to the E-Lai-sian Fields of Internal Creation.

More ‘in ‘i n depth’ de pth’ explanation: ex planation: KarU’sic Passage: Activation of the 5 KarU’sa Membranes opens the Ahu-Stri’-jh Ahu-Stri’-jheic/E eic/EFFItic FFItic Eternal Inter Internal nal ‘Cave ‘Cavess of Creat Creation’ ion’ into External Creation, Creation, allowing the eternal space-time passages of the Internal Creation E-LAi’-sian Fields to open within manifest External Creation. Intrafa scial Liaison : When the 5 KarU’sa Membranes activate & Intrafascial open the Kalip’sus Barriers during KarU-sa’-la Cycles, each of the 5 KarU’sa Membranes opens to become  an ‘Atmic – ParTE’KEI intra-time time Passa Passage’  ge’ , ca calle lled d and and Intr Intraf afas asci cial al AhuAhu-St Stri ri’-j ’-jhe heic ic intraLiaison. Eternal Caves of Creation: The 5 Intrafascial Liaison Passages , also referred to as the ‘Eternal Caves of Creation’, span the atomic fields of External Creation to the atomic fields of the DhA’-YahTEi planes of the Internal Creation Eternal E-LAi’-sian fields via  Dark  the  RaSha PartE’Kei Dark Matter Body. They are the ‘ Dark   Matter Chismatic Passageways’   betwe between en Exter External nal and Inter Internal nal Creati Cre ation. on. The They y open with the KarU’sa KarU’sa Membran Membranee Fas Fascil cilia ia (connective tissue between Internal-External Creation),  enabling ‘open flow energy energ y circu circulation lation and passa passage’ ge’ between between the External Crea Creation tion ‘Spaces in Finite Cyclic Time’ and the Internal Creation ‘Spaces in Eternal Standing Time’, thus the Intrafascial Liaison Passages and the Fascilial Territories they represent are considered the ‘Spaces Between’ (time, External & Internal Creation, etc.).. They functi etc.) function on as the ‘Etern ‘Eternal al Caves of Creation’ Creation’,, for it is within these regions of the intra-KarU’sic intra-KarU’sic Fascilial Territories that the manifest ‘DhA’-Yah-TEi’ planes materialize, and it is from the ‘fertile grounds’ of  the Fascilial Territories medium that the ‘Seeds of Creation’ are planted and ‘set into motion’ within the  platforms of pre-substance PLASM, to enter the t he Eternal Translation Sequence (re: Pre-Partiki Creation) for stepout into manifestation. Spaces Between: The ‘Spaces Between’ intra-KarU’sic Fascilial Territories represent the medium from and within which Eternal Plasma Templates are seeded, and from which the Plasma Templates & the manifestation that emerge from them ‘grow inward and outward’ outward’ to form Interna Internall & External External Material Materialized ized Creation. Creation. The ‘Spaces between’ Intra-KarU’sic Fascilial Medium is called the Ahu-Stri’-jhe ta-hu  Medium. Room with a View : This is the Ahu-Stri’-jhe ta-hu  or ‘focus zon zone’ e’ from which coco-crea creation tion with the AhuAhuStri’-jhe ta-hu Medium takes place. place. It is the Central ‘Spaces Betwe Between’ en’ territory of the Eternal-Internal Creation Station, also known as the ‘ House of the Room with a View’ , Eternal E-LAi’-sian Fields: The pre-substance PLASM fields are known as the ‘Eternal E-LAi’-sian Fields’.

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Organic KarU’sa Membranes & Kalip’sus Barriers Locations

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organic 5 Plasmantik MarkhetU’ The organic MarkhetU’re re Stations of Mind Mind

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Plasmantik Gestuals  = thought seeds; these are specifically encrypted plasm-bundles that orchenstrate the translation of plasm-consciousness into elemental matter.

Plasmantik Mar’-khe-tUres  = thought web mambranes , these are intricately demarcated plasmmembranes membra nes,, mad madee of cou countl ntless ess cluste clusters rs of Pla Plasma smantik ntik Ges Gestua tuals, ls, which which are massiv massive, e, highly highly comple complex x ‘embroideries’ of geleziac-radiation encryption set upon and within the ‘plasma base fabric’ of the KarUsic Templates.

Plasmantik Mar’-khe-tUre membranes  are the tan tangib gible le ‘stuff that dreams are made of’ , the ‘things that thoughts are’, and the literal ‘conscious-plasm stuff’ that all things translate to move into and out of  manifest manife st exis existence tence.. They ffuncti unction on as th thee bio biologic logical-pla al-plasmanti smantik k filters  through which which ‘thoug ‘thoughts hts and beliefs beliefs create your reality ’ and are the ‘ hidden operational program’ or algorithm-set that directs the mechanics of  ‘what you will magnetize into your reality’  when consciously or unconsciously engaging the “Universal Law of Attraction”. They are also the biologica biologicall “keepers, store-ers and pepetuators pepetuators of memory” within the Eternal  Now Field of Simultaneous Time. In human human multid multidimensi imensional onal anatomy the Plasma Plasmantik ntik Mar’-kh Mar’-khe-tUr e-tUree membranes membranes interface interface directly with the  biological structure through the RAS  (Reticular (Reticular Activatin Activating g System nerve cluster in brain stem), the CNS, Limbic System  and the the Fascia  (connective (connective tissue tissue). ). They are the base mani manifesta festation tion and lingu linguistic istic plasm plasm templates through which atomic manifestation occurs and upon which all language is based, and the ‘ biological store-house of memory’. Distor Distortions tions withi within n Plasmantik Algo Algorithms rithms,, cause reciprocal reciprocal distortio distortion n within the Plasmantik Plasma ntik Lenses, Plasma Plasmantik ntik Gestuals and Plasmantik Plasmantik Mar’-khe-tUres, Mar’-khe-tUres, which which manifest manifest as artificial artificial and inorganic separation and ‘disconnect’ between the organic plasma body anatomy and the physical-atomic body, and resultant inorganic disconnect between the Eternal-Authentic Identity and the embodied consciousness…. The Eternal “EFFI-Flow KHY-wave plasm frequency spectra of the Integral Bridge”  contains the organic Eternal-Authentic encryption of the EFFI-Infinitum, through which distortions within the Plasmantik Algorithms


can be progre progressively ssively restored to the Eternal–Au Eternal–Authent thentic ic encry encryption. ption. (Source: The Shiftmasters Course 1, Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, April 2014, Aruba, HB page 15)  

The inorganic Tan-Na-Ke Tan-Na-Keii Time-Lock Harness Inorganic disto Inorganic distortions rtions within the Algori Algorithm thm programs of the planetary planetary Ari-yon’ah  Kalipsus ‘Time-Lock Skin’ create blockages and distortions within the outer Tan-C Tan-Chi-TE hi-TEii layer of the planetary Chiasmatic plasma template (in Spirit Body of Earth), which in turn create inorganic distortions within the planetary Plasmantik  MarkhetU’re Fields (in RaSha & Plasma Body of Earth). These inorg inorganic anic disto distortions rtions of the plane planetary tary (also solar system & galactic) galactic) Chiasmatic Plasma Body are called the ‘ Tan-Na-Kei Algorithm’  or ‘Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock Harness’. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, HB page 93)

The Tan-Na-KEi Algorithm distortion appears in 3 distinct layers within the planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields and creates an inorganic magnetic sheathe surrounding the planet, which serves to unnaturally bi-polarize and fracture fracture tthe he pla planetar netary y plasma plasma body body.. The Tan-Na-KEi  Algorithm blocks out organic plasma and plasm flows flows fro from m the middle middle and inner Chi Chiasm asmati aticc Fie Fields, lds, and ent entrap rapss and bi-po bi-polar larize izess the outer Tan-Chi-TEi membrane, membra ne, causi causing ng sever distortio distortion n and polarity reversals within the planetary sub-atomi sub-atomic, c, atomic, atomic, molecular  molecular  and elemental forces. The Tan-Na-KEi  Algori Algorithm thm physical physically ly manifests as the inorgani inorganicc struc structures tures of the planetary planetary Magnetosphere “Van Allen” Radiation Belts (the Tan-Na-KEi Radiation Belts) and ozone layer.

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LIGHT BODY Structure for in External Creation Fields



Summary - Electromagnetic Body build out of light - Finite body - Density and dimensional levels in auric field and chakra’s - Starborn cycle when Lightbody Forms happens simulatneous with RaSha Body formation.


- Fire Chambers


Creation The Light Body builds out of the Spirit Body. Lightbody birth occurs at the end of the Rasha Body Cycle, afterwards follow the Eukatharista and Diad cycle, and so on…. Yunasai = seed atom for the next domain out.




Anatomy The Light Body exist out of: Crystal Body, shields, Lotus Arks, Auric Fields, Chakra’s, Meridian Lines, Chariot of Fire, Eukatharista body, Ark Lotus Settings,…



The Heliotallic ‘pastel’ flows  from the Ecka’s are ‘iris-like’ flows with the colors of the rainbow, which are called ‘EtorA Third Kryst Blood’ or ‘Eukatharista Light Body Flows’:


Light pink ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 1 frequencies Light smaragd ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 2 frequencies Lila (blue violet) ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 3 frequencies Blue sapphire ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 4 frequencies Light aqua ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 5 frequencies Ultra violet ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 6 frequencies Light peach pink ‘pearl-like’ Coucha 7 frequencies Light white opal ‘pearl-like’ (+0.5 core) flows Light white heliotallic pastel ‘pearl-like’ (-0.5 core) flows

For more information: Kathara 2/3 and 4.



The Soul The Soulmatrix is localized in Dn2 of the Light Body.  

The ZhEon is stored in the Light Body Seed Atom -

The ZhEon (coming from the Spirit Body) stored within the Light Body seed atom, holds the quantum instructions that regulate the biorythms and space-time relationships of the mortal body. These quantum instructions are biochemically encoded as the genetic master instruction in DNA and RNA and the genetic overlay.

Fire Chambers in the Light Body

Engery flows Engery flows fro from m the center, center, dow down n the lines of of Spirit Body, Allurean an Chamb Chamber er  lines Allure Aah-JhA A Body, hits hits the boun bounda dary ry of the the Aah-Jh than splits and runs down the Fire chambers  of the Light Light Bod Body y  creating Refracted Code Particles   or RCP’s. These RCP’s group to form atoms. Each Allurean Chamber  hold holdss th thee encr encryp ypti tion on fo forr 12 elemen elements, ts, cre creati ating ng 144 natura naturall elemen elements. ts. (Source: Sliders 2 (2008), page 59 HB)`.

The primary Elemental Family Lines: Atomic:   1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 12..

H Hydrogen He Helium LI L Liithium Be Beryllium B Boron C Carbon N Nitrogen O Oxygen F Fluorine Ne Neon Na Nat Natri rium um Mg ma magn gnes esiu ium m

Bond to make an element on that Fire Chamber of 11/12, or 12/1, or 1/2 … etc + ve = CW , = prana kei 2/3 & missing –electron - ve = CCW = prana chi 1/3 & missing +proton   Dimensional Light Body = Fire Chamber spins Allurean Chambers = dimensional spin

Plasma Flows from Internal Creation penetrate the Light Body



The E-LAi’-sian Guard Tan-Chi-TEi Broadcast Field : auric fields and chakra’s The oron band of the D3 Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields interface with Auric Fields of the Light Body and the ‘Seat of Mind’ Power Center.



PHYSICAL BODY Structure for in External Creation Fields




GharE’ : Spirit quantum embedded in atoms Mana : Electro-magnetic vapor radiation substance of the Light Body (natural matter) Gharoche : Distorted quantum om the atomic GharE’; so the Gharoche is disharmonic and not organic the way it should be. ManE: Physical matter ‘atomic’ body (reversed Mana); via transmutation we should convert our ManE to Mana. ManE substance is inorganic substance caused by mutations.

How to heal the GharE’ : See workshop Sliders 2.

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ik nog eens opzoeken.

inorganic ganic Tan-Na-Kei Tan-Na-Kei Time-Lock Harness & Beastie Beastie Flows Flows The inor The Tan-Na-KEi  Algori Algorithm thm physical physically ly manifests as the inorgani inorganicc struc structures tures of the planetary planetary Magnetosphere “Van Allen” Radiation Belts (the Tan-Na-KEi Radiation Belts) and ozone layer.




The sever distortion distortionss and polarity reve reversals rsals withi within n the plan planetary etary sub-atomic, sub-atomic, atomic, atomic, molecular molecular and elemental elemental forces are embedded within the structures of the planetary atomic base itsself, and manifest in detectable conditions such as the inorganic inorganic reversed electrica electricall polarity charges carried by electrons and protons. Organic electrons in a PCM system (such as Earth’s) should carry a positive electrical charge, and organic protons should carry a negative electrical electrical charge. Currently on Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy and in various other Tan-NaKEi Afflicted galactic systems, reversed polarity electrons carry a negative charge, and reversed polarity protons a positive charge, which is the organic configuration for the PKA Parallel System. The polarity reversal of electrons and protons in the PCM system permits inorganic unnatural bonding between sub-atomic units and atoms from the PKA parallel system, while blocking out organic plasma/plasm flows that should occur between the PCM system & its PKA PKA Parallel. The inorganic atomic PCM-PKA tomic bonds ccreate reate an unnatural unnatural elem elemental ental pla plasmanti smantik k force field ca called lled the ‘ Tan-Na-CHI Flow’ within and surrounding the  planetary body. The inorganic Tan-Na-CHI Flow elemental force field, also referred to as the ‘Beastie Flow’ (in refe reference rence to the distorted, mal-aligned, mal-aligned, often incoh incoheren erentt and fragmente fragmented d eleme elemental ntal consciousness consciousness fields carried by the Tan-Na-CHI Flow), is held in place and perpetuated by the planetary Magnetosphere “Van Allen” Radiation Belts and the ozone layer that manifest through the inorganic Tan-Na-KEi Algorithm of the planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re  Field AriAri-yon’ yon’ah ah Kalip Ka lipsi siss ‘ Time-Lock  Time-Lock Skin’ . (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, HB page 93)

As a result of the planetary planetary Tan-Na-KEi Algori Algorithm thm and its corre correspondi sponding ng inorga inorganic nic severe distortions distortions of the  planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re  Fields, the biological structure and consciousness orientation of all life forms on Earth also bear the ‘Cross of Tan-Na-KEi’ algorithm and the ‘Curse of the Tan-Na-CHI Beastie Flows’ within their Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields.

PLASMA BODY Structure for in the Internal Creation Fields


Summary Body constructed out of plasma’s to travel in the Internal Creation Fields.


Tryptophasic Trypto phasic Nerv Nervous ous Syste System: m: Lotus Anatomy Ray of Hope  The 3 Eyes of RhAyas   




    

48 point Myotic Lotus Body Mission Sphere of Cos-min-Yahas Flame of E’LAi’-sa which carries the Krystar Core Plasma Flows.   The Shield of AL-Hum-Bhra & Seal of the Krystal RhAyas AL-Hum-Bhra The “3 Vehicles” of the Dn1 Kryst-Buddha Dhan-Kini Bliss State. The E’LAi-sa AL-Hum-Bhra Chismatic Field a activation: ctivation: The Eternal Krystar Silver-seed Helio-plasmic template & the E’LAi-sa Code.  (Source: Workshop: The Tan-TriAhura Teachings; the Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. August 2013 HB page 24 and 25)


Flame of E’LAi-Sa activation








The Plasmanti Plasmantik k MarkhetU’re Fields of the Human Body Plasmantik Gestuals  = thought seeds; these are specifically encrypted plasm-bundles that orchenstrate the translation of plasm-consciousness into elemental matter. intricately demarcated demarcated plasmplasmPlasmantic Mar’-khe-tUres  = thought web mambranes , these are intricately membra mem branes nes,, mad madee of cou countl ntless ess cluste clusters rs of Pla Plasma smantik ntik Ges Gestua tuals, ls, which which are massiv massive, e, highly highly comple complex x ‘embroideries’ of geleziac-radiation encryption set upon and within the ‘plasma base fabric’ of the KarUsic Templates.

Plasmantik Mar’-khe-tUre membranes  are the tan tangib gible le ‘stuff that dreams are made of’ , the ‘things that thoughts are’, and the literal ‘conscious-plasm stuff’ that all things translate to move into and out of  manifest manife st exis existence tence.. They ffuncti unction on as th thee bio biologic logical-pla al-plasmanti smantik k filters  through which which ‘thoug ‘thoughts hts and beliefs beliefs create your reality ’ and are the ‘ hidden operational program’ or algorithm-set that directs the mechanics of  ‘what you will magnetize into your reality’  when consciously or unconsciously engaging the “Universal Law of Attraction”. They are also the biologica biologicall “keepers, store-ers and pepetuators pepetuators of memory” within the Eternal  Now Field of Simultaneous Time. In human human multid multidimensi imensional onal anatomy the Plasma Plasmantik ntik Mar’-kh Mar’-khe-tUr e-tUree membranes membranes interface interface directly with the  biological structure through the RAS  (Reticular (Reticular Activatin Activating g System nerve cluster in brain stem), the CNS, Limbic System  and the the Fascia  (connective (connective tissue tissue). ). They are the base mani manifesta festation tion and lingu linguistic istic plasm plasm templates through which atomic manifestation occurs and upon which all language is based, and the ‘ biological Distortions tions withi within n Plasmantik Algo Algorithms rithms,, cause reciprocal reciprocal distortio distortion n within the store-house of memory’. Distor Plasmantik Plasma ntik Lenses, Plasma Plasmantik ntik Gestuals and Plasmantik Plasmantik Mar’-khe-tUres, Mar’-khe-tUres, which which manifest manifest as artificial artificial and inorganic separation and ‘disconnect’ between the organic plasma body anatomy and the physical-atomic body, and resultant inorganic disconnect between the Eternal-Authentic Identity and the embodied consciousness…. The Eternal “EFFI-Flow KHY-wave plasm frequency spectra of the Integral Bridge”  contains the organic Eternal-Authentic encryption of the EFFI-Infinitum, through which distortions within the Plasmantik Algorithms can be progre progressively ssively restored to the Eternal–Au Eternal–Authent thentic ic encry encryption. ption. (Source: The Shiftmasters Course 1, Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, April 2014, Aruba, HB page 15)   TrhU’ah Body: The TrhU’ah TrhU’ah layer of the Plasma Body Body is called the ‘TrhU’ah ‘TrhU’ah Body’. This is the embedded embedded  plasma layer l ayer just outside the Ludfar Layer (fluids) that connects to the biological deep fascia layer. It is as an invisible energy layer that surrounds and penetrates water molecules and water vapors (in and around the body). (Source: KDDL 1, December 2014)





Seat of Mind in organic biology In organic eternal life biology the Ah-Stri’-yana Sac serves as the ‘Power Seat of Consciousness’, or the ‘Seat of Eternal-Authentik Power’, also known as the ‘ Seat of Mind’. When functionning properly, the Ah-Stri’all manifestation and materialization occur’. It is also the yana Sac is the embodied ‘center point through which all seat of power through which atomic transfiguration is consciously directed, and thus it is the ‘Seat of Mastery’ over space-time travel and manifestation.

In organic biology, the Ah-Stri’-yana Sac is a spherical membrane that surrounds a set of 5 plasma cells called Ah-Stri’-yhon-ta, that contain within them the plasm-encryption of the Ah-Stri’-yah Jha-Tu. Organically the 5 Ah-Stri’-yhon-ta plasma cells are structured as a micro-cosmic reflection of the macro-cosmic Ah-Stri’-yahJha-Tu, with 4 Precepts and central Ah-Stri’-jhe Ta-hu, and 1 Ari-Yon’a containing 8 Dominions (Eta-Ur  Consciousness Units each carrying the encryption for 1 full KHY wave) which connect directly to 1 core Eff-iRhyon  Eternal-Authentik Identity Crystal that remains stationed within the Macrocosmic Eff-i-Rhyon Crystal of the “Cosmic” Ah-Stri’-Jhe Ta-hu. 




Following the uniqu Following uniquee plasm plasm-radia -radiation tion encryptio encryption n held within the personal Eff-i-Rhyon Crystal Crystal,, the Ah-Stri’yhon-ta  plasma plasma-cell -cell cluster “out-steps” “out-steps” the Etern Eternal-Aut al-Authenti hentik k Identity Identity from Internal Creation outward into External Creation materialization, forming a series of 5 Concentric Spheres of identity-encrypted plasm presubstance Eta-Ur consciousness around itself. These 5 Concentric Plasm Spheres are collectively collectively referred to as the TE’-LA  Kha-Thor’-ta. The 5 layer layer TE’-LA  Kha-Thor’-ta serves as the algorithmic program upon which first the 5 Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields, and later, later, the physical/ele physical/elemental/atomic mental/atomic structure will manifest. The TE’-LA  Kha-Thor’-ta also holds the plasm blueprint upon which the RAS (Reticular Activating System nerve  bundle ‘manifestation filter’ of brainstem) and many related aspects of biological anatomy manifest and function. together wit with h its Ah-Stri’-yana  Sac and and Ah-Stri’-yhon-ta In organic biology, biology, the TE’-LA  Kha-Thor’-ta, together cells, function as a direct manifestation system, as the Eternal-Authentik Identity held within the personal EffiRhyon  Crysta Crystall progre progressively ssively circulates circulates its consc consciousne iousness ss betwe between en Intern Internal al Creation Creation and External External Crea Creation tion


manifestatio manife station. n. This organic Etern Eternal-Aut al-Authentik hentik aspect aspect of plasma plasma/plasm /plasm body anato anatomy my is referred referred to as the organic TE’-LA Kha-Thor’-ta complex Kha-Thor’-ta complex. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings, Shiftmasters Course 1, Aruba Aruba 2014, Arhayas Productions LLC, copyright E'Asha Ashayana,

Time Related

Organic MarkhetU’re Time Wave Movement, moving forward to the future: Oscillation = energy expressed outside (External Creation) Vibration = energy held inside (Internal Creation) Raise inner vibration = lower outer oscillation = contracting Space-Time inward from External Creation, back  into expansion within Internal Creation = Internal Expansion / External Contraction = External de-manifestation Ascention ‘In-Step’ Wave / Internal Manifestation Expression Wave. Raise outer oscillation = lower inner vibration = expanding Space-Time outward from Internal-Eternal Creation to External Creation = External Expansion / Internal Contraction = External Manifestation Expression Wave / Internal Descending ‘Out-Step’ Wave. A Time Wave Spiral begins with a radiation encrypted Internal Creation Plasmantik Time Seed Crystal called a MarkhetU’re Time Seed. The comple complete te full quantum of the encrypt encryption ion is held within the Time Seed, which Wave  is represents the manifestation’s highest point of inner vibration at at lowest point of oscillation. oscillation. The   Time Wave  also called ‘Manifestation Wave’ or ‘MarkhetU’re Wave’. The Time Wave spirals clockwise with positive electrical charge outward from the Time Seed Crystal (note: Time Seed spins CCW), progressive expanding the manifestation into External Creation and raising its oscillation, while correspondingly lowering the vibration of the Time Seed Crystal. A manifestation reaches its highest point of oscillation  (electrical expression) and lowest point of vibration (magnetic holding)  when the full quantum of its Time Seed Crystal has been expressed. Forward movement of time is, in actuality, the clockwise electrical expansion of the MarkhetU’re Wave from the Time Seed Crystal Crystal into manifes manifestt expressio expression. n. There Therefore, fore, the forwa forward rd movemen movementt of time is the progressive progressive clockwise clock wise elec electrica tricall expa expansion nsion and raisin raising g of oscillation oscillation and corre correspondi sponding ng lower lowering ing of magnetic magnetic vibration vibration within the Time Seed Crystal. Crystal. In organic forward forward time flow, “the future is alwa always ys a higher oscillation oscillation/lowe /lower  r  vibration than the past behind it”. it”. The Time Wave expands outward outward from the MarkhetU’re Time Seed Cry Crystal stal as the creation encryption it carries progressively manifests, until the quantum of the Time Seed has been fully expressed/manifest. Thus, organic Manifestation Waves are forward moving CW spiraling electrical waves of  progressively expanding manifestation rising oscillation and lowering vibration. Once full expansion of a manifestation is reached at Peak Oscillation/Null Vibration, the Time Seed Crystal then reverses its spin to CW, which reverses the spin and polarity on the MarkhetU’re Time Wave to CCW magnetic, and the Time Wave then contracts and “flow backward in time” through the MarkhetU’re Fields, drawing the quantum quantu m back into the Time Seed Crystal, as the creation creation progressively progressively de-ma de-manifest nifests. s. Thus organic organic “demanifestation waves” are backward moving CCW spiraling magnetic waves of progressively contracting demanifestation, rising internal vibration and lowering external oscillation. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, Arhayas Productions LLC, copyright E’Asha Ashayana, HB  page 125)




The inorganic Tan-Na-Ke Tan-Na-Keii Time-Lock Harness, the inorganic Beastie Flows & inorganic Titus Mobius wave Inorganic disto Inorganic distortions rtions within the Algori Algorithm thm programs of the planetary planetary Ari-yon’ah  Kalipsus ‘Time-Lock Skin’ create blockages and distortions within the outer Tan-C Tan-Chi-TE hi-TEii layer of the planetary Chiasmatic plasma template (in Spirit Body of Earth), which in turn create inorganic distortions within the planetary Plasmantik  MarkhetU’re Fields (in RaSha & Plasma Body of Earth). These inorg inorganic anic disto distortions rtions of the plane planetary tary (also Algorithm’ ‘Tan-Na-Kei solar system Harness’ & galactic) galactic) Chiasmatic Plasma Body are called ‘ Tan-Na-Kei or 93) Time-Lock . (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat:the Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, HB  page

The Tan-Na-KEi Algorithm distortion appears in 3 distinct layers within the planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields and creates an inorganic magnetic sheathe surrounding the planet, which serves to unnaturally bi-polarize and fracture fracture tthe he pla planetar netary y plasma plasma body body.. The Tan-Na-KEi  Algorithm blocks out organic plasma and plasm flows flows fro from m the middle middle and inner Chi Chiasm asmati aticc Fie Fields, lds, and ent entrap rapss and bi-po bi-polar larize izess the outer Tan-Chi-TEi membrane, membra ne, causi causing ng sever distortio distortion n and polarity reversals within the planetary sub-atomi sub-atomic, c, atomic, atomic, molecular  molecular  and elemental forces. Algorithm thm physical physically ly manifests as the inorgani inorganicc struc structures tures of the planetary planetary Magnetosphere The Tan-Na-KEi  Algori “Van Allen” Radiation Belts (the Tan-Na-KEi Radiation Belts) and ozone layer.



The sever distortion distortionss and polarity reve reversals rsals withi within n the plan planetary etary sub-atomic, sub-atomic, atomic, atomic, molecular molecular and elemental elemental forces are embedded within the structures of the planetary atomic base itsself, and manifest in detectable conditions such as the inorganic inorganic reversed electrica electricall polarity charges carried by electrons and protons. Organic electrons in a PCM system (such as Earth’s) should carry a positive electrical charge, and organic protons should carry a negative electrical electrical charge. Currently on Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy and in various other Tan-NaKEi Afflicted galactic systems, reversed polarity electrons carry a negative charge, and reversed polarity protons a positive charge, which is the organic configuration for the PKA Parallel System. The polarity reversal of electrons and protons in the PCM system permits inorganic unnatural bonding between sub-atomic units and atoms from the PKA parallel system, while blocking out organic plasma/plasm flows that should occur between the PCM system & its PKA PKA Parallel. The inorganic atomic PCM-PKA tomic bonds ccreate reate an unnatural unnatural elem elemental ental pla plasmanti smantik k force field ca called lled the ‘ Tan-Na-CHI Flow’ within and surrounding the  planetary body. The inorganic Tan-Na-CHI Flow elemental force field, also referred to as the ‘Beastie Flow’ (in refe reference rence to the distorted, mal-aligned, mal-aligned, often incoh incoheren erentt and fragmente fragmented d eleme elemental ntal consciousness consciousness fields carried by the Tan-Na-CHI Flow), is held in place and perpetuated by the planetary Magnetosphere “Van Allen” Radiation Belts and the ozone layer that manifest through the inorganic Tan-Na-KEi Algorithm of the planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re  Field AriAri-yon’ yon’ah ah Kalip Ka lipsi siss ‘ Time-Lock  Time-Lock Skin’ . (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, HB page 93)

As a result of the planetary planetary Tan-Na-KEi Algori Algorithm thm and its corre correspondi sponding ng inorga inorganic nic severe distortions distortions of the  planetary Plasmantik MarkhetU’re  Fields, the biological structure and consciousness orientation of all life forms on Earth also bear the ‘Cross of Tan-Na-KEi’ algorithm and the ‘Curse of the Tan-Na-CHI Beastie Flows’ within their Plasmantik MarkhetU’re Fields.


The inorganic Beastie & Banshee Flows

Beastie Mind memory matrix stores distorted Tan-Na-kEi false memory imprints & translates them into the trappe trapped d Lud Lud’fa ’farr liq liquid uidss whi which ch then then transl translate atess them them dir direct ectly ly int into o algori algorithm thmic ic lymbic lymbic syst system em ‘Goat ‘Goat Brain’ Brain’ responses.

The Cross Cross of Tan-Na-KEi  algor algorithm ithm manife manifests sts within biologic biological al forms as a direct mutation mutation of the outer TanChi-TEi membrane and corresponding corresponding plasma body & physical body anatomy. This mutation is held within the core plasma body center of the physical body, which is called the Ah-St Ah-Stri’-yan ri’-yana a Sac .





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The Tan-Na-KEi Mutation of the Ah-Stri’-yana Sac causes a condition of severe bi-polarity within the plasma  body, which correspondingly manifests within all external aspects of anatomy. Through this distortion the inorganic, inorga nic, fragm fragmented ented and polarized polarized fields fields of the Un-Conscio Un-Conscious, us, Non-Consci Non-Conscious, ous, Sub-Co Sub-Conscio nscious, us, Ego condition ion ccan an be Conscious, Dreaming Conscious, BeaSTie and Banshee Minds are made manifest.   This condit slowly but progressively progressively healed through openin opening g of the flows of the Integral Bridge to activate the Ah-Stri’yana Sac and embody the personal Eff-i-Rhyon Crystal and Eternal-Authentic Identity.

The inorganic Titus-Mobius Wave The inorganic Tan-Na-KEi  Algorithm entraps energy energy within External Creation. It first blocks the organic demanifestation wave, back-flow progress. It then splits the organic manifestation wave into unnatural bipolarity, creating crea ting an unnatural unnatural limite limited d quant quantum/fin um/finite-l ite-life ife Extern External al Crea Creation tion manifestati manifestation on wave wave,, called called a TI’ticum TI’ticum O’bEus, or ‘Titus-Mobius Wave’. The inorganic Titus Mobius Wave is a ‘Dual-Time Reversal Wave’, which moves forward by going backward , starting manifestation from the lowest vibration/highest oscillation point (the point of vibration/oscillation at which the organic Time Wave was trapped and harnessed), then ‘expanding the manif manifestati estation on outw outward-ba ard-backwa ckward’, rd’, moving from lowest vibration (highest oscillation oscillation)) to highest highest vibra vibration tion (lowest (lowe st oscillation). oscillation). T.Mobiu T.Mobiuss manifesta manifestations tions start with the least quantu quantum m holding and expanding expanding forwar forwarddthrough which which the they y pass. T. Mobius Mobius  backward by drawing in plasm quantum from the MarkhetU’re  Fields through Time Reversal Waves are thus ‘Vampire Time Waves’ as they drain the life-force plasm from whatever they encounter in order to ‘continually re-supply or feed their own quantum and momentum’ . (Source: The The Tan-T Tan-Tri-Ahura ri-Ahura Teachings; Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, Arhayas Productions LLC, copyright E’Asha Ashayana, HB page 115)

T. Mobius Time Reve Reversal rsal Waves ensnare energy within Exter External nal Creatio Creation n through the process process of ‘negative entrainment’. To achie achieve ve negat negative ive entr entrain ainmen ment, t, the T. Mobiu Mobiuss wav wavee engage engagess a ‘state ‘state of vibrat vibration ional al harmonization/co-resonance’ (“love”) with its target living plasm field, and then progressively drains the target’s quantum until the point at which the T. Mobius Wave reaches reaches greater quantum than its target field. At this point of quantum override, called the “ Titus Point”, the T. Mobius Wave fully ensnares its target field and draws it into a state of magne magnetic tic or negative entra entrainmen inment. t. The state of negative ent entrainme rainment nt forces the target field’ field’ss encryption-disc (= time wave seed crystal) to ‘flip into reversal’, to enter a permanently bonded state of  vibrational co-resonance “mimic & merger” (inorganic blend) with the encryption of the T. Mobius Wave. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; Shiftmasters Course 1, April 2014, Arhayas Productions LLC, copyright E’Asha Ashayana, HB  page 118)

The Time

Titus Wave

& reverses  polarity false right’

Mobius Reversed reverses the materialization process brain hempisphere creating a ‘false left & moving towards the


Glitch loop.






Positive (electrical) entrainment, entrainment, Integral Bridge & The Krystal River Host FailSafe The hydroacoustic MarkhetU’re Time Wave fom the “cosmic” EFFi-Rhyon outsteps to A-RHi-yah  Earth in the D-planes. Earth th in D-p D-plan lanes es then outste outsteps ps the Integr Integral al Bridge Time Wav Wavee int into o Ear Earths ths core, core, cre creati ating ng a A-RHi-yah  Ear “Hydroacoustic “Hydroacou stic Trypto Tryptolase lase Aquif Aquifer er Tethe Tetherr Line” that will prevent furthe furtherr negative negative (magne (magnetic) tic) entrainment entrainment of  Earths Lud’far field to the Titus Mobius Reversed Time Wave, preventing Earth from engaging in the Titus Point (plasm disc flip reversal). Aquifers. quifers. The Integral Bridge EFF-i-fara  plasm currents will progressively inflow into “Goat Brain” A Earth’s Goat Brain (reversed spin deep aquifers) will progressively (over the 900 year host period) gently engage  positive entrainment with A-RHi-yah Earth, allowing the organic (electrical) Tan-Tri-A’-jha  Blend as Earth  begins its transfiguration ascention iinto nto the D-planes of Internal Creation via the Integral Bridge Hydroacoustic Tryptolase plasm wave. On 14 April 2014 Urtha or ‘Ariea’ in M31 began to play her organic Kryst Harp sending the Lama song of Ariea to Earth or ‘ARiyon’. In 6520 AD Yoshi Ariea & her Yoden ARiyon will en engage gage Tan-Tri-A’-jha Blend in M31 and achieve achieve trans-figu trans-figurative rative asce ascention ntion into the D-plane D-planess to becom becomee the Eternal Sun A-RHi-yah A-RHi-yah.. (Source: (Source: The Shiftmasters Course 1, Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat, April 2014, Aruba, HB page 134)


For the transformation towards Internal Reality Fields, we have had:


FailSafe FailSa fe Plasma Plas ma Crysta Crystals ls from all Suns of the Internal Reality Fields in our Light Body Chakra’s (August 2012 workshop, workshop, 2 techniques: one technique is a journey, in which you are offered these crystals, called ‘Journey to the ARI-ARhAyas AL-Uma-Un-Core of of the Krystar Seed Atom. The second technique technique on the DVD’s DVD’s of the workshop is a technique to put the crystals in the right chakra’s.)


Aspects of the Tryptophasic Nervous System: Lotus Anatomy Ray of Hope  The 3 Eyes of RhAyas   48 point Myotic Lotus Body  

   

Mission Sphere of Cos-min-Yahas Flame of E’LAi’-sa which carries the Krystar Core Plasma Flows.   The Shield of AL-Hum-Bhra & Seal of the Krystal RhAyas AL-Hum-Bhra The “3 Vehicles” of the Dn1 Kryst-Buddha Dhan-Kini Bliss State. The E’LAi-sa AL-Hum-Bhra Chismatic Field: The Eternal Krystar Silver-seed Helio-plasmic template & the E’LAi-sa Code.  (Source: Workshop: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; the Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry. August 2013 HB page 24 and 25)


Flame of E’LAi-Sa activation


Activation of the Catheion Code & igniting this Catheion plasma vapor wave in the Spirit Body


E’LA i-sian E’LAi-s ian Axom Bond Bonding ing in the Spirit Body and physical nerve cells. This is a theoretical process of  interactive intera ctive medi meditation tation through which specializ specialized ed trans-d trans-dimensi imensional onal frequencie frequenciess of the etern eternal al krystic krystic Sil Silver ver Seed Seed E-LAi-sian  Helio Heliochroi chroicc Spectra are brought into the Tan-Chi-TEi  Neuronal Template (Outer Chismatic Field Plasma Blueprint) and phase-bonded into Neuron nerve cells via their Axon (protoplasmic protrusion extending from the cell body of of a neuron nerve cell). The E-LAi-sian Axon Bond is theorized to create an invisible Tryptoplasmic Sheath surrounding and permeating the neurons, axons and dendrites of the neuronal structure, which stimulates the potentialities of Neuroplasticity (growth (grow th of new and enha enhanced nced biologica biologicall and/o and/orr Trypto Tryptophasic phasic neuronal neuronal circu circuitry) itry) within the neuronal networks netwo rks of the Central Central and Autonomi Autonomicc Nervous System. It is theorized theorized that new neuronal neuronal circuitry circuitry


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grown through grown through E-LAi-sian  Stimulation Stimulation of neurons through the E-LAi-sian  Axon Bonding process awakens dormant bio-spiritual potentials within the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and plasma body anatomy. (Source: The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The Waters of E’LAi’sa. May 2013 HB page 20)


The E’-LAi-sa Silver Seed Trypton Trypton Crystal transduces the E’-LAi-sa Helio-Tryptonic Power Phase Currents from the E’-LAi-sa Axon Bonded  Neuron Blueprint of the Tan-Chi-TEi  Neu Neuron ronal al Tem Templa plate, te, int into o the corresponding biological neuron, opening the biological structure to the Power er Phase Phase Cur Curren rentt flows. flows. Figure Figure right: right: The Ne Neuro uronal nal E’-LAi-sa  Pow Cathedral Cathe dral Cluster Power Phase Plasma Bluepri Blueprint nt of the Tan-Chi-Te Tan-Chi-Teii neuronal template.  (Source: The Tan-T Tan-Tri ri Ahura Teachings; Th Thee Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The Waters of E’LAi’sa. May 2013 HB page 40)


The Cha-RHa-KHY  Cathe Catheion ion Out-flow activatio activation; n; activ activation ation of the Cha-RHa neuronal phase cells, which opens the living circulation of the Krystar within the Cos-MY’ah.  (Source: The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of  Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The Waters of E’LAi’sa. May 2013 HB page 52)


The Cha-RHa  Plasma-Tryptolase generator cells in biological neurons. (Source: (Sou rce: The Tan-Tri-A Tan-Tri-Ahura hura Teachings; Teachings; The Path of Bio-S Bio-Spirit piritual ual Artistry; Artistry; Arhayas Arhayas Productions LLC; copyright E’Asha Ashayana, May 2013, HB page 79)

Cha-RHa  Trypto Tryptolase lase genera generator tor cell is also activa activated ted in the Spirit Body,  becoming a KH KHYY-yo yon n Li Livi ving ng Lo Lotu tuss Se Seed ed Plasm Plasma-T a-Try rypt ptol olas asee Generator. This generator outsteps the 15 H Heliochroic eliochroic Krystar ccurrents urrents into a set of 24 plasma Eternal Life Field Currents, called KHY currents. These KHY currents circulate through the Cos-MY’ah on KHY waves of  Tr Tryp ypto tola lase se,, re re-ig -igni nitin ting g the the Orga Organi nicc Ete Etern rnal al Life Life Proce Process ss of Sola Solar  r  Symbiosis, throughout the Cos-MY’ah Creation.


The KHY-YON  Cat Cathei heion on Bac Back-Fl k-Flow ow Activa Activatio tion: n: engage engagess Cha-RH Cha-RHA A KHY-Yo KHY-Yon n Lotus Lotus See Seed d Transfiguration, the Catheion Back-Flow Return Wave. (Source: The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of BioSpiritual Artistry: The Waters of E’LAi’sa. May 2013 HB page 53)


Catheion Cubicle Synoptic Bond : In neurons Cos-MY’ah Field Catheion Template. This Catheion Cubible structure in neurons exist out of  KHY-yon cells, which down-step and out-step the 15 Heliochroic Kr Krys ysta tarr cu curr rren ents ts into into a se sett of 24 Pl Plas asma ma Eter Eterna nall Li Life fe Fiel Field d Curren Cur rents, ts, call called ed KHY curre currents nts.. The KHY curre currents nts circ circula ulate te through the Cos-MY’ah on KHY Waves of Tryptolase, re-igniting the Organic Eternal Life Process of Solar Symbiosis throughout the Cos-MY’ah Creation.


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The E-LAi-sian Vagal Sheath Activation (in physical anatomy of the Nervus Vagus) & AL-HumBhra Sheathe Activation. Activation. (Source: Workshop: The Tan-Tri Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry: The Waters of E’LAi’sa. May 2013 HB)



E-LAi-s E-LAi-sian ian Hypoth Hypothalamic alamic reset and the E-LAi-sian Guard Tan-Chi-TEi Broadcast field : This reset is achieved achieved by enga engaging ging the Hydro-Acoustic Harmonics  of the ‘Codes ‘Codes of A-RHI-yah A-RHI-yah Silver-Seed Silver-Seed Breveity Breve ity Codes’ correspo corresponding nding to A-RHI-yah Earth’s Earth’s Silver-Seed Silver-Seed Core encry encryption. ption. Once this reset initiates, the SCN-RAS complex progressively synchronizes the biological time-wave (BPR) and biorhythm rhy thmss with with the org organi anicc E-L E-LAiAi-sia sian n time timewav wavee rhy rhythm thms, s, progre progressiv ssively ely rel relea easing sing the ino inorga rganic nic Circadian Bio-elecrical/Bio-chemical Bio-elecrical/Bio-chemical Harness. Return of the E-LAi-sian timewave rhythms and re release lease of the circa circadia dian n har harnes nesss cor corres respon pondin dingly gly trig trigger gerss progre progressiv ssivee act activa ivation tion of the organi organicc dor dorman mantt embryonic neuronal pathways, stimulating the neuro-re-genesis of new neuron networks, through which the organic Eternal Winds of A-RHI A-RHI-Yah -Yah Silver-Se Silver-Seed ed flows can biologically biologically engage for EarthCYNC EarthCYNC with the planetary planetary Kryst-Shift of the AMCC-MCE AMCC-MCEO O Krystal River FailSa FailSafe fe Host. As the E-LAi-sian timewave rhythms progressively engage, the cleared Tan-Chi-TEi Membrane progressively draws the


Light Body, Spirit Body and Plasma Body Fields into TTJ-bond, transfiguring them into the E-LAi-sian Guard Tan-Chi-TEi Broadcast field, through which the Krystar Silver Seed “winds of A-RHI’-yah”  progressively transmit the Kryst-Shift to the lifefield of the Kryst Shifting planet. Those engaging the E-LAi-sian Hypothalamic Reset and restoration of the E-LAi-sian timewave rhythms are progressively known as first ‘shifters’ and than ‘shiftmakers’. ‘shiftmakers’. Those fulfilling fulfilling the E-LAI-sian Hypothalam Hypothalamic ic Reset and restor restorati ation on of the E-LA E-LAi-si i-sian an tim timew ewave ave rhy rhythm thmss are kno known wn as ‘shiftm ‘shiftmast asters ers’, ’, which which are the Standard Bearers of the E-LAi-sian Guard of the AMCC-MCEO Krystal river FailSafe Host. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Teachings; The Path of Bio-Spiritual Artistry, August 2013, HB page 83)


Plasma Body activation and access to the Eternal Caves of Creation: The ability to access the Intrafascial Liaison Passages (=Eternal Caves of Creation) begins with developing Plasma Body access. This begins with progressive activation of the ‘Eternal Ancient Eyes’ (of Ah jah’-Rha & Ahu-Stri’-yah) within the Ah-YA Body, followed by activation of  the KarU’sic Codes within the AhSwE’-jha, Lud’far, Sche’ma, DreA’ma & ARI-Yon’ah Plasma Templates, KarU’sic Membranes and Kalip’sus Barriers.


Activat ion of th Activation thee Eternal An Ancient cient Eyes: o Eyes of Ah-yah’Rha o Eyes of Ahu-Stri’-yah


Initiating the Breath of the Eternal Ancient Eyes to initiate KarU’sa Template & Membrane Encryption Activation.


Chismat ic Activatio Chismatic Act ivation n: Initiation of the plasma flows from the Lud’far, Sche’ma, DreA’ma, ARIyon’ah, from the E-LAi’sian Fields Ahu-Stri’-jheic Plasma-Elemental Control Template Template of the CosMY’ah into certain layers of the personal Chismatic field Template to initiate activation of the Sun-8

encryptions for these layers. First EFFI-flows out-step and down-step into External Creation.


EFF-i-far’-ah ar’-ah KHY currents into Opening of the Integral Bridge , resultin resulting g in a ste step-o p-out ut of the EFF-i-f External Extern al Creat Creation. ion. A KHY is an encrypt encrypted ed living point of Ah’-yah Ah’-yah Consc Consciousne iousness, ss, a pre-Eta-U pre-Eta-Urr Cunit, that carries a specific specific portion of the Eternal Kryst Creation Code Code.. Thus, each KHY represents represents a st ‘1   Eternal Encryption’, that infinitely holds a portion of the ‘ Eternal Organizational Program’ upon which the Eterna Eternall geome geometrica trical-math l-mathemati ematical cal Pre-Su Pre-Substanc bstancee Plasm Templ Templates ates will perpetuall perpetually y structure. struct ure. The entirety entirety of the Etern Eternal al Kryst Creation Creation Code contain containss 24 Eternal Eternal KHY encryptions. encryptions. (Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters 1, April 2014, HB page 36).


TrhU’ah body activation


Lila & TrhU’ah code integration


Es-pa suns encryption


Code inductions


O D  


Opening of the Krystal Bridge Passages


LUV wave alignment


Activation of the Eff-E’-Ma crystal and opening of the EFF-E’-Mah heart point


K+8 Quantum boost, repair of the ZhEon quantum


Release of the fetal imprint of the VA-Ba-TE vector lock 


Transfiguration of the ZhEon to the Zeff-i-ron


Initiation of the Eff-A’-yah elemental Clearing cycle


Transmission Eff-A’-yah spark 


Heart of Eff-E’-Mah fire & ice quatum amplification


Cracking of the Shell of Contention


Several journey’s with healing frequencies

Chismatic Biological Interface: The A-RHi’-yah Chismatic Transduction Sequence

From A-RHi’-yah Eternal Earth E-LAi’-sian fields ‘Seeding Ground’ Silver Seed flows step-out/step-down To Tryptonic Field (Inner: between Internal D-planes & RaSha Dark Matter)


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To Tryptoplasmic Field (Middle: between RaSha Dark Matter & External Atmic Dimensional Fields) To Tan-Chi-TEi Membrane (Outer: between External Atmic & Telluric Dimensional Fields) To Elemental-Atomic Penta-g’el Flows of Aah-JhA’ Hydro-Acoustic Body Anatomy To Tryptophaisic Nervous System Lotus Anatomy and Catheion Crubicle Field of Plasma Body, To chakra seals, chakra’s, Radial Body & Merkabic Circulatory System of Light Body Anatomy To Auric Field of Light Body Anatomy To Etheric Duct System of Hydro-Acoustic Body anatomy (4 Translation Ducts) To Vagus Nerve of Physical-Telluric Body anatomy

(Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters 1, April 2014, HB page 68).

Tryptoplasmic Interface in biological nervous system

Autonomic Nervous System 1) Sympat Sympathet hetic ic ‘‘goa goatt bra brain’ in’ ((fig fight ht or flight flight)) 2) Para Parasy symp mpat athe heti ticc NS (P (PSN SNS) S) 3) Enteric ((E ENS) Biological outpicture of AL-Hum-Bhra Passages

Nervus Vagus:

Controlled by AL-Hum-Bhra Passages

Controlled by E-LAI-sian Passages


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Gateway between ANS & CNS Biological outpictures of E-LAI’-sian Passage & spire of AL-Hum-Bhra associated with ‘past’ & fetal integration process

Central Nervous System  Associated with ‘future’ & bardoah transition 

or transfigurative ascention Biological outpicture of E-LAi’-sian Passage & spire of E-LAI-sa.

Tryptophasic Nervous System:  Chismatic field template for manifestation (Tryptonic Field) and materialization (Tryptoplasmic field)  Elemental Command Control  Interfaces directly with and directs core functions of ANS, Nervus Vagus and CNS.  Bio-plasmic outpicture of your Eternal ELAI-sian Krystar Encryption

& E-LAI-sian vagal sheathe tm Spire of AL-Hum-Bhra

Controlled by E-LAI-sian Passages & the Spine of E-LAI-sa & the E-LAI-sian Cerebrospinal Sheathe tm

Controlled by the E-LAI-sian Passage & the E-LAI-sian Cerebrospinal Central Sheathe tm

(Source: The Tan-Tri-Ahura Immersion Retreat: Shiftmasters 1, April 2014, HB page 69).

The progression from Consciousness to Matter





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