Short Description
THE UNIVERSITY OF MANILA COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY CRIMINOLOGY Licensure Examination --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CRIME ETECTION! INVESTIGATION " #REVENTION SET A
INST INSTRU RUCT CTIO ION: N: Sele Select ct the the corr correc ect t answ answer er for for each each of the the foll follow owin ing g ques questi tion ons. s. Mark Mark only only one one answ answer er for for each each item item y sha! sha!in ing g the the s"ac s"ace e corres"on!ing to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet "ro#i!e!. STRICT$% NO &R'SUR&S '$$O(&). MU$TI*$& C+OIC& ,. (hat is the scientific tool that is in!is"ensale in to-icology an! in the !etermination of cosmetic grease luricants "etrols gums like li"stick mark of a ra"e #ictim/ '. $&M'C 0. Chroma Chromatog togra" ra"hic hic analys analysis is C. S"ectr S"ectro"h o"hoto otomet metric ric analys analysis is ). None None of thes these e 1. (hat is the u""er section of an e-tension la!!er/ '. to" C. fly 0. utt ). e-tension 2. (hich among the following reagents woul! turn "ur"le color in the chloroform layer in!icating "ositi#e mari3uana intake/ '. Marquis C. )illie4 5a""ani 0. )uquenois4 $e#ine ). 6an urk 7. +ow is the intensity of heat measure!/ '. kilogram 0. calories
C. !egrees tem"erature ). kilowatts
8. (hat kin! of question suggests to the witness the answer which the e-aminer wants/ '. Rele#ant C. *ertinent 0. 'll of these ). $ea!ing 9. The rains of the com"uter is calle! '. !ri#e 0. keyoar!
C. "rinter ). central "rocessing unit
. If am"hetamines are known as ;u""ers. Mo!us o"eran!i files woul! normally e most #aluale if the crime was BBBBBB. '. a first time offen!er C. an ol! offen!er 0. a female offen!er ). a 3u#enile offen!er
1?. The $atin are#iation ;su"ra< means: '. elow 0. ottom
C. ao#e ). mi!!le
1,. In intro!ucing "hysical e#i!ence at a trial three im"ortant factors must e constructe!: Dirst the e#i!ence must e material an! rele#ant secon! the article must e "ro"erly i!entifie! an! BBBBBBB. '. it must must e e "art "art of the mo!us o"eran!i o"eran!i 0. there there must e a knowle! knowle!ge ge of laorato laoratory ry "roce!ur "roce!ures es C. the o3ect o3ect must must ha#e een een use in the the commissio commission n of the crime crime ). the chain chain of custo!y custo!y must e estalis estalishe! he! 11. (hat shoul! e highlighte! for "ulicity in a ki!na" for ransom case/ '. 6ict 6ictim imEs Es i!e i!ent ntit ity y 0. None None of thes these e C. *olice *olice in#est in#estigato igator r fine fine "erform "erformance ance ). )etail )etails s of of rans ransom om rate rate 12. (hat is the enclose! s"ace of "assage that e-ten!s from floor to floor as well as from the ase to the to" of the uil!ing/ '. #ertical shaft C. stan!"i"e 0. s"rinkler system ). flash "oint 17. (hat is known as the Dire Co!e of the *hili""ines/ '. *resi! *resi!ent ential ial )ecree )ecree No No 77= 0. *resi! *resi!ent ential ial )ecr )ecree ee No ,,=7 ,,=7 C. *resi! *resi!ent ential ial !ecree !ecree No No 71, ). *resi! *resi!ent ential ial )ecr )ecree ee No ,,=8 ,,=8 18. ' fire hy!rant shoul! e carefully o"ene! when in use in or!er to: '. re!uce re!uce #ir #irati ation on of the the hy!ran hy!rant t 0. ensure ensure that that the !ri" !ri" #al#e #al#e is all all the way way close! close! C. "re#en "re#ent t water water hammer hammer ). clos close e the the cou" cou"li ling ng 19. *olice recor!s are now eing com"uteriAe! an! com"uters are use! in "olice stations. (hat !o you call the "hysical machine that is seen touche! an! use! in the com"uter system/ '. har!ware C. software 0. "roce!ure ). network 1. The $atin are#iation ;loc. Cit.< means: '. same reference C. note well 0. the "lace cite! ). for e-am"le 1=. *olice usually come in contact with acts of so!omy when it in#ol#esBBBBB. '. #iolence an! mur!ers C. male an! female 0. animals an! "eo"le ). stomase-uals 1>. (hat is the most "owerful low e-"losi#e mi-e! with nitroglycer/ If ignite! it will comustion/ '. *&TN 0. initiating e-"losi#es
consisting of micro4 cellulose result in simultaneous C. Tetryl ). smokeless "ow!er
2?. There are three tools of the "olice in#estigator: information interrogation an! instrumentation. One of these three information is !eeme! the most im"ortant sim"ly ecause it answers the questions BBBBBB. '. ;what is malicious/< C. ;was a wea"on use!/< 0. ;why !i! it ha""en/< ). ;who !i! it/<
2,. It seeks to reconstruct the "ast o3ecti#ely an! accurately. '. e-"erimental metho! C. historical metho! 0. correlation metho! ). case an! fiel! metho! 21. This "hase of fire o"erations is equi#alent to the ;reconnaissance< "hase of military o"erations. '. sal#age C. "rotection of e-"osure 0. o#erhaul ). siAe4 u" 22. *e!ro cannot function without !rugs in his system an! if he !oes not take !rugs he !e#elo"s with!rawal signs such as restlessness "ain or con#ulsions. *e!ro is '. "hysically !e"en!ent on !rugs 0. mentally !e"en!ent on !rugs C. "sychologically !e"en!ent on !rugs ). socially !e"en!ent on !rugs 27. (hat shoul! the "olice officer !o to make other think while he is on the witness stan!/ '. making the streets a safer "lace 0. !efen!ing the #ictim C. trying to con#ict the criminal ). merely "resenting facts 28. (hat is the occurrence in a sequence of or a chain of e#ents which usually "ro!uce uninten!e! in3ury !eath or !amage to "ro"erty/ '. Calamity C. 'cci!ent 0. crime ). 'ssault 29. (hich of the following e#i!ence referre! to the o!y of the crime/ '. training C. cor"us !elicti 0. associati#e ). circumstantial 2. Stimulants an! se!ati#es are known as ;moo! ele#ators< while heroin an! o"iates are known as: '. ;the "oor manEs cocaine C. ;the su"erman< 0. ;the ensla#ers ). ;the assassin of the youth< 2=. (hat is a safety !e#ice '. 0.
"iece of metal or an electrical con!uctor use! to y"ass a in an electrical system/ magnet C. race 3um"er ). wire
2>. Un!er what category can the e-ecution of a criminal act e classifie!/ '. attem"te! frustrate! consummate! 0. attem"te! consummate! frustrate! C. frustrate! attem"te! consummate! ). frustrate! consummate! attem"te! 7?. The $atin are#iation ;et. al.< means: '. for e-am"le C. same reference 0. an! others ). that is 7,. (hat is referre! to as the ;Freen Triangle 'rea. (hich among the following is an accurate way of !etermining the firing !istance/ '. (alkeirs test 0. Diring a series of test shots from #arious !istances C. The amount of concentration an! "ow!er resi!ue or metal traces ). 6isual oser#ation 9?. (hat is a wor! that soun!s the same ut has a !ifferent meaning/ '. acronym C. homonym 0. synonym ). antonym 9,. (hat enforcement action consists of taking a "erson into custo!y for "ur"ose of hol!ing or !etaining him to answer a charge of #iolation efore a court/ '. Traffic enforcement C. Traffic "atrol 0. Traffic in#estigation ). Traffic arrest 91. S*O7 CruA has "re"are! a rough sketch of a homici!e scene an! is now at his !istrict. 't this "oint it is most im"ortant that BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. the "ro"er scale e use! 0. a high gra!e of "a"er an! ink e use! C. no changes e ma!e on the sketch ). this sketch e refine! an! im"ro#e! 92. (here !o we re"ort collision etween train an! us/ '. Feneral in#estigation C. 'u-iliary ser#ice 0. Traffic in#estigation ). +omici!e !i#ision 97. $ight is transferre! y light rays through the metho! of '. con!uction C. o-i!ation 0. con#ection ). ra!iation
98. In the course of in#estigating the house where a staing took "lace "olice fin! what to e loo!stains on the front !oor. Since the unknown "er"etrator an! the #ictim who may !ie were oth cut their i!entities nee! to e estalishe! through the loo!stains. +ow will the "olice collect the stains/ '. moisten a "iece of clean cotton with a saline solution an! ru gently 0. remo#e the !oor an! sumit it to the crime la C. scra" the stain into white "a"er using a clean raAor la!e ). lot the stain with a clean tissue soake! in alcohol 99. Un!er what !e"artment is the 0ureau of Dire *rotection/ '. )e"artment of National )efense 0. )e"artment of Social (elfare an! )e#elo"ment C. )e"artment of the Interior an! $ocal Fo#ernment ). )e"artment of @ustice 9. (hat grou" of !rugs are use! me!ically as "ain killers/ '. o"iates C. shau 0. track ). coke 9=. (hat is the "roof that one is gi#en "ermission y the $an! Trans"ortation Office H$TO to o"erate a #ehicle on "ulic highways/ '. !ri#erEs I) C. !ri#erEs license 0. franchise ). o"eratorEs license 9>. The source of most analgesic narcotic is BBBBBBBBB. '. all of these C. heroine 0. mor"hine ). O"ium ?. (hat !rugs "ro!uce sensations such as !istortions of time s"ace soun! color an! other iAarre effects/ '. o"iates C. heroine 0. narcotics ). hallucinogens ,. (hat analytical technique a#ailale in !rug i!entification offers formal #erification ut necessitates that the sustance for testing shoul! e as "ure as "ossile/ '. U6 S"ectro"hotometry 0. 6an Urk C. Infrare! S"ectro"hotometry ). Chromatogra"hy 1. (hat mental con!ition is characteriAe! y agitation or inacti#ity an! sa! remorseful or roo!ing moo!/ '. !e"ression C. "sychosis 0. neurosis ). e"ile"sy 2. The most common use of mo#ing camera or motion "icture y the "olice is on cases in#ol#ing BBBBBBBBBBB. '. an auto theft C. "otential ries 0. !runken !ri#ers ). a narcotic uy 7. The ma3ority of mistakes committe! relati#e to e#i!ence take "lace: ,. !uring "erio!s of trans"ortation 1. in the collection of sam"les 2. a contaminate! sam"ling 7. the wrong ty"e material '. , an! 1 0. 2 an! 7
C. 1 an! 7 ). 1 an! 2
8. (hat is the "ur"ose of cross4e-amination/ '. To test witness accuracy an! truthfulness 0. To e-"lain the witness answers C. To "re#ent rele#ant facts ). To test witness cre!iility 9. (hat is the "rocess of raising the tem"erature to se"arate the non4 #olatile from the less #olatile "arts an! then cooling an! con!ensing the resulting #a"or so as to "ro!uce a nearly "urifie! sustance/ '. comustion C. e#a"oration 0. !istillation ). con!ensation . (hich among the following items are to e gathere! as e#i!ence in a crime scene of criminal aortion/ '. Syringe an! catheter C. 'll of these 0. *rohiite! !rugs ). 0loo! on the "anties =. (hile walking !own the main street @ohnny fin!s a wallet with *h" 1?? a !ri#erEs license an! cre!it car!s. @ohnny !eci!e! to kee" the money an! wallet an! !estroye! the license an! cre!it car!s un!er the circumstances @ohnny is guilty of '. $arceny 0. Misa""ro"riation of "ro"erty C. &meAAlement ). No crime >. (hich of the following areas must a "olice in#estigator consi!er im"ortant as he stan!s to testify as witness/ '. Court "roce!ure c. human nature 0. Rule of e#i!ence ). Court 3uris!iction =?. The "rimary reason a finishe! sketch is ma!e from a rough sketch is for BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. scale an! "ro"ortion C. future use 0. accuracy an! clarity ). courtroom "resentation =,. (hy must a "arty to a case file a motion efore the Su"reme Court for a change of #enue/ '. to a#oi! miscarriage of 3ustice 0. all of these C. (hen "ulic sentiment of the accuse! is hostile ). So the witness can free to re#eal what they know aout the case =1. The est "hotogra"h of a ullet to e use! for "resentation woul! e where the o3ect "hotogra"h is BBBBBBBBBBB. '. in!icate! y chalk marks 0. untouche! C. !elineate! y arrows ). in a""ro-imately enlarge! =2. (hat is the minimum tem"erature at which any material gi#es off #a"or in sufficient concentration to form an ignitale mi-ture with air/ '. e#a"orating "oint C. oiling "oint 0. ignition "oint ). flash "oint =7. (hat is that means of i!entifying "hysical e#i!ence in which the in#estigator inscrie initial !ate an! time !irectly/ '. marking C. laeling 0. tagging ). none of these
=8. (ho among the following is a target su3ect of "olice interrogation/ '. 'll of these C. Rea!y witness 0. Com"lainant ). +ostile witness =9. (hich of the following is ;"rima facie< e-istence of arson/ '. inflammale sustance foun! in the "remises 0. simultaneous fire in more than one "art of the uil!ing C. uil!ing insurance ). any of these =. Dire can lea"frog across wi!e malls an! sho""ing centers through electromagnetic wa#es. This heat transfer is '. con!uction C. comustion 0. ra!iation ). con#ection ==. (hat is that unique an! unortho!o- means of i!entifying "er"etrators in the "ost4 om e-"losion that is "atterne! after the finger"rints classification an! can e lifte! at the e-"losi#e site/ '. $&M'C 0. Chromatogra"hic analysis C. S"etro"hotometric analysis ). Malli4 locus "roe =>. ' writer !elierately trie! to alter his usual writing hait from ho"es of hi!ing his i!entity. +is writing is calle! '. "lain writing C. regular writing 0. cursi#e writing ). !isguise! writing >?. ' "atient who ha#e lost contact with reality is suffering from BBBBBB. '. neurosis C. schiAo"hrenia 0. "sychoneurosis ). "sychosis >,. To whom !o we re"ort an acci!ent or collision us an! "erson/ '. Intelligence an! in#estigation 0. '!ministrati#e C. Feneral in#estigation ). Traffic in#estigation >1. (hat kin! of ail on! woul! you secure if your client is "oor or financially not ca"ale/ '. "ro"erty on! C. recogniAance 0. cor"orate security on! ). cash on! >2. (hat is the court "rocess requiring a "erson to ring !ocuments in his "ossession to the courts/ '. summon C. su"oena 0. su"oena !uces tecum ). ill of "articulars >7. (hat is referre! to as "artial !istillation an! electrolysis/ '. fulminating C. smelting 0. refining ). o-i!iAing >8. NaturaliAation refers to the "rocess of '. ecoming a citiAen 0. ecoming a lawyer C. ecoming a "ulic ser#ant ). ecoming a senator
>9. (hat kin! !eaths/ '. 0. C. ).
of to-icological analysis are routinely carrie! out for fire )rug test 0o!y organ flui!s Caron mono-i!e an! alcohol Neuro4 "sychiatric e-am
>. (hich wor! nearly e-"resses the meaning of CO$$USION/ '. !ecision C. conni#ance 0. continuation ). insinuation >=. (hat is the instrument use! to o"en an! close a fire hy!rant/ '. hy!rant key C. key oar! 0. fire hose ). 3um"er >>. +ow can "laster cast '. 'ffi-ing a 0. Marking at C. No mark at ). Tagging ,??. (hich of control/ '. 0. C. ).
an! "hotogra"h e marke! for i!entification/ seal on the front the ack all
the following is the asic o3ecti#e of "olice traffic "re#ention of traffic acci!ents "lanning for safe roa!s mo#ement of traffic with safety economiAe! trans"ort of goo!s an! ser#ices
,?,. If fire occurs in a flow of liquefie! "etroleum gas storage tank an! the flow cannot e checke! the safest "ractice is to '. use foam to "ut off the fire 0. "ermit the fire to urn itself C. use fog to e-tinguish the fire ). use san! to smother the flame ,?1. +ow many "ercent of air is nee!e! to sustain comustion/ '. 1? C. 2? 0. ,? ). ,8 ,?2. (hich of noticing that '. 0. C. ).
the following is consi!ere! the most scientific a""roach of there is loss of "ulic fun!s/ 0y ins"ection an! au!it 0y information 0y acci!ent )isa""earance of the emeAAler
,?7. If the crime committe! was homici!e search for "hysical e#i!ence will e centere! on which of the following/ '. un!ercarriage an! hoo! of car 0. tool marks C. finger"rints nail an! clothing ). wea"on an! other ty"es of e#i!ence left as a result of contact etween #ictim an! assailant ,?8. (hat kin! of !ri#er is one who shows a com"lete !isregar! for others aggressi#e im"atient !eman!ing an! thoroughly selfish in his actions affecting other !ri#ers/ '. #ociferous C. !efensi#e 0. egotists ). emotional
,?9. In hostage sur#i#al how !o we increase the o!!s for hostage takers/ '. stay alert collect an! store information 0. all of these C. control instincti#e eha#ior an! get small or non4 threatening ). analyAe route of tra#el an! !onEt #olunteer information ,?. (hat is calle! of that self4 incriminatory statement y the su3ect falling short of an acknowle!gement of guilt/ '. a!mission C. confession 0. informant ). !e"osition ,?=. +ow can a woun! y om e-"losion e i!entifie!/ '. 'll of these 0. Shar"nels all inner the o!y C. *resence of "ow!er urns in the o!y ). Se#ere tearing of clothing ,?>. (hat is est a""lie! to a clumsy an! ner#ous "erson where the in#estigators choosing "ro"itious moments shout out a "ertinent question an! a""ears as though they themsel#es are in rage/ '. *retense C. 0luff 0. 0olt ). @olt ,,?. (hat is frequently eing use! as a !isguise y ank roers/ '. +oo!s C. Sunglass 0. +ats ). (igs ,,,. +ow shoul! a !ri#er a""roach an intersection/ '. 0e at the right of way C. 0e at the full sto" 0. Fi#e a signal ). O#ertake other #ehicles ,,1. (hich of the following traffic conce"ts instructs !ri#ers an! "e!estrian when how "e!estrians mo#e not to mo#e or stan! rea!y at a "articular time/ '. Traffic !irection 0. Traffic !irection an! control C. None of these ). Traffic control ,,2. (hich of '. 0. C. ).
the following is a characteristic of COM*$&J &M&RF&NCI&S/ *olitically !ri#en resources war 'll of these Cultures ethics minority grou"s at risk of e-tinction +igh le#els of #iolence
,,7. Mari3uana is calle! !amo grass hashish or In!ian hem". (hat is calle! snow C the leaf or !ust/ '. cocaine C. heroin 0. ariturates ). hallucinogen ,,8. (hich is '. 0. C. ).
the most effecti#e a""roach in re"ort writing/ Make it o3ecti#e an! im"artial Make it rief Im"ro#e qualities of e-"ository style Make the re"orts clear
,,9. (hich among the fi#e human senses is consi!ere! the most o3ecti#e/ '. +earing C. Tasting 0. Smelling ). Seeing
,,. U"on what !oes the amount of force use! in arrest !e"en!s/ '. the se#erity of crime committe! 0. The le#el of threat a""lie! C. )egree of resistance offere! y the "erson eing arreste! ). The threat eing "ose! to the "ulic ,,=. In a crime of ra"e its most likely "lace of commission cannot e s"ecifie! unless the #ictim or witness "in"oints the same. (hat is consi!ere! critical oser#ation to e !one y the in#estigator/ '. e#i!ence to "ro#e unconsciousness of the #ictim 0. all of these C. e#i!ence to show se-ual intercourse ). look for e#i!ence of struggle ,,>. (hich of '. 0. C. ).
the following is NOT "art of "reliminary in#estigation/ weighing the e#i!ence securing the crime scene !ocumenting the crime scene arresting the sus"ect
,1?. (hat equi"ment is ma!e of trusse! or soli! eam where rungs are connecte! horiAontally to the eam forming ascent or !escent/ '. ro"e C. hy!rant 0. la!!er ). noAAle ,1,. (hich of writing un!er '. 0. C. ).
the following is consi!ere! en!angering "olice re"ort *hili""ine setting/ "oor &nglish construction missing noteook asence of the in#estigator "oor memory
,11. (hat !rug acts on the central ner#ous system "ro!ucing e-citement alertness an! wakefulness/ '. ariturates C. o"iates 0. !e"ressant ). stimulant ,12. (hat are the ;right questions< to ask a "olice inter#iewee in any "olice in#estigation/ '. 'sk hy"othetical questions that woul! "ut inter#iewee at ease 0. 'sk o"en4 en!e! questions that woul! make him relate in his own wor!s what he saw C. Check at all times whether questions are easy to com"rehen! ). 'sk close4 en!e! questions as they are sim"le !irect an! answerale y yes or no ,17. On the asis of *hili""ine e-"erience which of the following is a CRITIC'$ weakness in our res"onse to terrorism !uring the %&'R 1??,/ '. *oor intelligence C. lack of unity 0. light sentence ). e-tra!ition "rolems ,18. Safe use '. 0. C. ).
of the streets y !ri#ers an! "e!estrians is a matter of a!equate utiliAation of traffic resources effecti#e traffic enforcement correct attitu!e an! hait sustaine! information cam"aign
,19. Fenerally if lack soot an! smoke "articles are foun! aroun! the ullet hole what !o these in!icate/ '. none of these 0. !ischarge occurre! close to target C. !ischarge occurre! far from target ). !ischarge occurre! at me!ium range from target ,1. The $atin are#iation ;infra< means: '. mi!!le C. elow 0. ao#e ). ottom ,1=. *O, CruA is "re"aring a rough sketch of a homici!e scene. (hat shoul! e gi#en merit an! im"ortance/ '. "ro"er scale to e use! 0. high gra!e of "a"er C. no changes ). sketch e re"rinte! an! im"ro#e! ,1>. (hich among the following is one of the characteristics of an organiAe! crime/ '. i!entifie! go!father C. cor"orate structure 0. ureaucratic structure ). chain of comman! ,2?. Contem"orary com"le- social "rolems challenge "olice action. If a street "oliceman takes a "re#enti#e measure in law enforcement how woul! he a""roach a arangay once a lair for the au sayyafs/ '. negotiating "anel 0. regular !ialogue C. con!uct of hea#y "atrol ). estalishment of hea#y "atrol ,2,. (hat is the first thing that an in#estigator must !o efore inter#iewing witnesses citiAens an! #ictims/ '. "lace inter#iewee at ease 0. con!uct inter#iew in "ri#ate C. !e#elo" a "lan of action ). ask the right questions ,21. (hen may against him/ '. 0. C. ).
an accuse! mo#e to quash the com"laint or information after he enters his "lea efore he mo#es to !ismiss the case efore he enters his "leas efore 3u!gment
,22. +ow !o you treat a ;ki!na" for ransom gang,. (hat is that "art of a re"ort which inclu!es the office logo of the in#estigating unit/ '. salutation C. letterhea! 0. hea!ing ). file reference ,>1. (hich of the following is the est element of "roof in case of forgery/ '. legal liaility C. none of these 0. i!entity of the forger ). intent to !efrau! ,>2. Matters of general knowle!ge historical an! scientific facts are e-am"les of BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. "hysical e#i!ence C. 3u!icial notice 0. testimonial e#i!ence ). associati#e e#i!ence ,>7. (hich among the following is the most true go#erning inter#iew of a new informant/ '. uninterru"te! time an! sufficient s"ace 0. safety of in#estigation C. all of these ). "ri#acy of inter#iew ,>8. It is the heat transfer through soli! materials such as steel eams metal con!uits an! !ucts. '. con!uction C. ra!iation 0. comustion ). con#ection ,>9. In collecting glass stan!ar!s sam"les must at least e the siAe of a quarter an! must e taken from what area/ '. any of these 0. near as "ossile to "oint of contact C. from the "oint of contact ). from the iggest cluster of fragments ,>. Statistics among youths show that the use of ;gateway !rugs< such as cigarettes alcohol an! mari3uana takes "lace within which of the following teenage grou" categories/ '. ,74,8 C. ,?4,8 0. ,,4,8 ). ,?4,1 ,>=. Rank in the or!er of im"ortance the following "hysical e#i!ence against ki!na" for ransom. '. written statement of com"lainant !etention ga!gets #ictim 0. recor!e! con#ersation ransom money #ehicles use! C. !etention ga!gets safe house site firearms of any ). written statement of com"lainant recor!e! con#ersation ransom money ,>>. (hat coul! e the est camera "osition in taking "hotogra"hs showing a #iew of what a witness might ha#e seen/ '. at 9 foot !istance from cameraman 0. o#erhea! C. "arallel to the su3ect or witness ). at eye le#el 1??. (hat shoul! e "ro#en for the crime of arson to e-ist/ '. none of these 0. estalishment of cor"us !elicti C. i!entity of the "er"etrator ). malicious intent of the "er"etrator
1?,. The transfer of heat from one material to another y !irect contact is calle! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. o-i!ation 0. con!uction
C. con#ection ). ra!iation
1?1. (hen !o you "ost a ;close case< stam" on a criminal case re"ort/ '. U"on failure to estalish cor"us !elicti 0. Dacts are incom"lete C. U"on !eath of the su3ect ). U"on com"letion of in#estigation 1?2. (hich refers to an inquiry or "rocee!ing con!ucte! y a !uly traine! memers of multi!isci"linary team to !etermine whether chil! ause was committe!/ '. Custo!ial interrogation C. *olice interrogation 0. *olice inter#iew ). )isclosure inter#iew 1?7. (hat is the mo!ern "roce!ure for co"ing with streets an! highway traffic y im"ro#ing roa! efficiency/ '. Traffic engineering C. Traffic e!ucation 0. Traffic management ). Traffic !irection 1?8. (hat is the key to grou"/ '. 5nowle!ge 0. 5nowle!ge C. 5nowle!ge ). 5nowle!ge
gaining an insi!e informant from a terrorist of of of of
frustration within the organiAation the "erson the "erson an! organiAation the organiAation
1?9. (hat is the state arising from the re"eate! a!ministration of a !rug on a "erio!ic or on a continuing asis/ '. +aituation C. )rug !e"en!ence 0. )rug a!!iction ). *hysical !e"en!ence 1?. In crime scene "hotogra"hy the crime "hotogra"her shoul! e intereste! only in BBBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. Taking the "ictures of the relati#es 0. *ortraying the facts of the case C. Taking the #iew only ). Taking goo! "hotogra"hs 1?=. (hich of collection/ '. 0. C.
the following is an in#estigati#e !eficiency in e#i!ence
'ny of these Ina!equate sam"ling Clue materials usually foun! in the "resence of a foreign collection ). Su4stan!ar! sam"les
1?>. 'ware of the common mo!us o"eran!i of arson cases in our mi!st which of the following facilities shoul! you check/ '. &lectric switch system 0. Fift4wra""e! "ackages 0. 'll of these ). Tele"hones 1,?. (hen taking a "hotogra"h with the "ur"ose of showing a #iew that a witness might ha#e seen the camera "osition woul! normally e BBBBBBBB. '. in itEs normal "osition 0. at eye le#el C. "arallel to the su3ect matter ). o#erhea!
1,,. (hat shoul! the firefighter !o when #entilating a "eake! roof/ '. Make o"enings at right angles to ri!ge "ole 0. Make o"enings on ri!ge "ole on win!war! si!e of the roof C. Ri" off roof co#ering on lee si!e an! cut sheathing ). Make o"ening on win!war! si!e of the roof "eak 1,1. (hat classification woul! sol#ents "aints an! gasoline which are e-am"les of sustances that are sniffe! to otain into-ication fall/ '. )e"ressants C. energiAers 0. Inhalants ). TranquilliAers 1,2. (hat is the measure of the !egree of thermal agitation of molecules/ '. Ignition "oint C. Tem"erature 0. Dlash "oint ). 0oiling "oint 1,7. (hat kin! of e#i!ence links the sus"ect to the crime scene or offense/ '. 'ssociati#e C. *hysical 0. Tracing e#i!ence ). Cor"us !elicti 1,8. To cut a hole in the concrete floor for a cellar ty"e the cutting o"eration shoul! start BBBBBBBBBBBB. '. 't the thickest "oint of the concrete flooring 0. In the center of the concrete flooring etween the floor eams C. Close to the floor eams ). None of these 1,9. (hen there is a collision etween a train an! us which unit of the "olice takes charge/ '. +omici!e !i#ision 0. Traffic in#estigation unit C. Feneral in#estigation unit ). Traffic management grou" 1,. (hat is a material that easily yiel!s o-ygen in quantities sufficient to stimulate or su""ort comustion/ '. Smoke C. caron 0. o-i!iAing material ). emer 1,=. (hat is the most !ifficult challenge for an in#estigator regar!ing informants/ '. Ta""ing outsi!e source 0. Con#incing an insi!er to ;s"ill the eans< C. Outsourcing information ). Con#incing a "eri"heral informant to act as witness 1,>. (hat hair has #ery narrow me!ulla/ '. 'nimal hair 0. Silk
C. human hair ). Synthetic hair
11?. The cause of the ma3ority of fire !eaths is BBBBBBBB. '. Infection C. shock 0. urns ). as"hy-iation 11,. In a crime scene "hysical in#estigation what is the interest of the "olice in#estigator in relation to the criminal or sus"ect/ '. scene reconstruction 0. e-tent of influence of the #ictim as reflecte! y the "hysical e#i!ence C. "attern of actions or mo!us o"eran!i ). traces from the scene im"arte! on the criminal sus"ect
111. 's a rule it woul! not e sufficient for "olice officers 3ust to recite section 1? 'rt I6 of the Constitution. +e must also e !uty oun! to BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. e-"lain the effect of some rights in "ractical terms 0. none of them C. tell the "erson of the rights to which he is !etaine! ). communicate what the "erson un!er interrogation may or may not !o 112. Street le#el "ushing "e!!ling is a "rolem a!!resse! y which of the following "olice o"erational strategy/ '. !eman! re!uction 0. community oriente! "olicing system C. all of these ). su""ly re!uction 117. 'nti4 se-ual harassment act is also known as BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. R.'. 9>8 C. R.'. = 0. R.'. 9,? ). *) 9?2 118. 'ny "erson un!er in#estigation shall ha#e the right to BBBBBBBBBB. '. 0e informe! of such rights 0. Remain silent C. 'll of these ). Counsel 119. (hat is that situation in which the ca"acity to sustain li#elihoo! an! life is threatene! "rimarily y "olitical factors an! in "articular y high le#els of #iolence/ '. com"le- emergency C. terrorism 0. natural calamity ). man4 ma!e !isaster 11. (hat is street name for mor"hine/ '. crystal 0. monkey
C. lahar ). ata
11=. The first im"ortant ste" to take in comating trafficking in women from the human rights "ers"ecti#e woul! e/ '. raise the officials awareness an! un!erstan!ing 0. all of these C. when "ulic officials awareness an! un!erstan!ing has een raise! an! their commitment to u"hol! an! "rotect womenEs rights ). raise the "ulic officials awareness 11>. (hich of the following !rawing is ma!e "rimarily for courtroom "resentation/ '. rough sketch C. all of these 0. rough !raft ). finishe! !rawing 12?. (hat are '. 0. C. ).
the sym"toms of the use of am"hetamines/ loss of a""etite alertness an! wakefulness sensation of !istorte! time s"ace soun! color false "erce"tion of o3ects an! e-"eriences all of these
12,. In a comustion "rocess which e#ent comes first/ '. fire "oint C. none of these 0. ignition tem"erature ). flash "oint
121. (hat is that act of in3ecting or that means of intro!ucing the !angerous !rug into "hysiological system of the o!y/ '. consum"tion C. use 0. a!ministration ). ause 122. (hat is calle! of that threat of using illegal "hysical metho!s to in!uce a sus"ect to make a!mission or confession/ '. all of these C. contem"t 0. coercion ). !uress 127. (hat me!ical e#i!ence can show that a gunshot woun! is homici!al/ '. no sign of struggle from the #ictim 0. site of woun! entrance has no "oint of election C. woun!ing firearm foun! in the han!s of the #ictim ). no !isturance in the crime scene 128. (hat woul! e the crime of a "erson who a""lie! #iolence o#er a !ea! "erson/ '. reckless im"ru!ence C. unintentional 0. mur!er ). im"ossile crime 129. (hat is otaine! as milky white secretion from unri"ene! see! "o!s of the "o""y "lant/ '. heroin C. mor"hine 0. co!eine ). o"ium 12. *ersons who are almost strangers can e recogniAe! at a""ro-imately what !istance/ '. ,?? yar!s C. ,? meters 0. none of these ). 18 yar!s 12=. +ow !o you han!le inter#iew of sus"icious ty"es/ '. transform him in to an i!eal witness 0. em"loy "hysical influences C. his fears must first e allaye! ). lea! su3ect to rele#ant matters 12>. If "roof is the outcome of e#i!ence what is e#i!ence/ '. measurement of guilt C. instrument of "roof 0. means of social control ). all of these 17?. (hat kin! of gas e-ists solely in the gaseous state un!er "ressure an! at normal atmos"heric tem"erature insi!e its container/ '. cryogenic gas C. liquefie! gas 0. com"resse! gas ). nuclear gas 17,. (hat !rugs are ca"ale of "ro#oking changes of sensation thinking self4 awareness an! emotion/ '. narcotics C. stimulants 0. !e"ressants ). hallucinogens 171. 's a asic gui!e to in#estigator he shoul! look u"on the "ieces of e#i!ence as ser#ing to estalish BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. i!entification of the guilty "erson 0. any of these C. metho! of o"eration ). the cor"us !elicti 172. Cannais Sati#a is commonly known as: '. o"ium "o""y 0. mari3uana
C. coca ush ). "eyote
177. (ho uilt in ,==8 the first #ehicle "ro"elle! y a high s"ee! internal comustion engine/ '. (alter $a!! C. +enry Dor! 0. @ose"h Cugnot ). Fottlie )aimler 178. BBBBBBBBBBBBB Is an international ig usiness enter"rise eing run y ig time transnational criminal syn!icates who oftentimes en3oy the "rotection of state authorities. '. illegal !rugs tra!ing C. carna""ing 0. ki!na""ing ). trafficking 179. (hat is the questioning initiate! y law enforcement officers after a "erson has een taken into custo!y/ '. !etention C. criminal interrogation 0. custo!ial in#estigation ). inter#iew 17. (hat mo#es ra"i!ly y con#ection an! can s"rea! laterally along the ceiling/ '. heat C. smoke 0. fire ). tem"erature 17=. (hat ty"e of light ray can !etect oliterate! an! or altere! writings to !etermine if two !ifferent inks where use! on the same !ocument/ '. J4 ray C. any of these 0. Ultra4 #iolet ). infra4 re! 17>. (hat is an e-cellent way of filling acci!ent re"orts in rural areas/ '. y numerical route !esignation 0. "rimary an! secon!ary filing C. none of these ). y street !esignation 18?. 0efore attacking a fire in a close! uil!ing it is necessary to !etermine whether #entilating is necessary an! if so the metho! to #entilate. (hich is of $&'ST #alue in making such !ecision/ '. Oser#ing !ensity of smoke through win!ows 0. Oser#ing the "oints at which smoke may e ooAing out from the uil!ing C. Deeling walls an! roofs for hot s"ots ). Oser#ing the color of the flame 18,. If a "erson !e#otes consi!erale time an! effort in otaining the !rug thinking an! !iscussing aout it an! using it to meet his "rolems an! to esca"e from reality he is BBBBBBBBBBBBB. '. socially !e"en!ent on !rugs 0. mentally !e"en!ent on !rugs C. "sychological !e"en!ent on !rugs ). "hysically !e"en!ent on !rugs 181. Rigor mortis is first oser#e! in the 3aws an! neck an! mo#es to the hea! front !irection. (hile it starts at the same time within how many hours can it e sai! to ha#e een com"lete!/ '. 9 to = C. = to ,1 0. ,1 to 17 ). 9 to ,1 182. (hat "ulic storm signal is raise! when there is a #ery intense ty"hoon affecting the locality with #ery strong win!s of more than ,=8 k"h an! may e e-"ecte! in atleast ,1 hours/ '. 7 C. 2 0. , ). 1
187. (hat is usually containe! in a traffic short form/ '. Datal "ersonal an! "ro"erty !amage 0. Datal "ersonal in3ury C. Time location "artici"ants ). Time location "artici"ants an! se#erity 188. (hat is the anti!ote for am"hetamine "oisoning/ '. argot C. mor"hine 0. ariturate !rugs ). chloral hy!rate 189. The lowest section of an e-tension la!!er is known as: '. heel C. utt 0. e! la!!er ). fly la!!er 18. (hich of the following restrict the s"rea! of fire to the "oint of origin or atleast to the area in#ol#e!/ '. e-tinguishments C. su""ression 0. confinement ). control 18=. The technique use! in clearing a uil!ing of smoke an! with the use of smoke e3ector is calle! as what/ '. smoke e3ector C. force! #entilation 0. horiAontal #entilation ). #ertical 18>. The clearing of smoke an! heate! gases at the highest "oint of the roof is referre! to as: '. #ertical #entilation C. cross #entilation 0. force! #entilation ). horiAontal #entilation 19?. (hich of the following occur when a room is heate! enough that flame swee" o#er the entire surface/ '. o-i!ation C. flash o#er 0. ack !raft ). comustion 19,. In the e-amination of the scene of acci!ent which of the following e#i!ence will show how the acci!ent ha""ene!/ '. hole on the roa! "a#ement 0. "oint of im"act C. the !ri#er un!er the influence of liquor ). #ehicle has reak failure 191. (hich of the following is a safe "lace for o#er taking/ '. commercial lanes C. rural highways 0. e-"ressways ). !ry "a#ement 192. (hat term refers to the !istance tra#ele! efore a""lying the rakes/ '. raking !istance C. reaction !istance 0. reaction time ). raking reaction 197. The marks left on the roa! surface left y metal "arts of the #ehicle an! may ser#e as a clue in traffic in#estigation is referre! to as: '. scuff marks C. scratches an! gouges 0. ski! marks ). flat tire marks 198. 5in! of criminal wherey the !escri"tion an! characteristics maye #ague that i!entification maye !ifficult. '. "rofessional criminal C. or!inary criminal 0. known fugiti#es ). unknown fugiti#es
199. The use of one or more electrical a""liances or !e#ices which !raw or consumes electrical current eyon! the !esigne! ca"acity of the e-isting electrical system. '. self4 closing !oor C. 3um"er 0. o#erloa!ing ). o-i!iAing material 19. One of the following is e-em"te! from "aying ?.?, of the assesse! #alue of a uil!ing. '. single family !wellings C. !e"artment store 0. hos"itals ). schools 19=. The intelligent an! logical questioning of a sus"ect aout a crime to secure a confession of guilt is calle!: '. '!mission C. Information 0. Inter#iew ). Interrogation 19>. It is one that in!uces the criminal to act an! nee! NOT to e shown in or!er to otain con#iction. '. Moti#e C. Intent 0. 'lii ). O""ortunity 1?. Criminals maye i!entifie! y: '. Confession 0. &yewitness
C. 'll of these ). Circumstantial e#i!ence
1,. (hat is that "hysical e#i!ence which linke! the sus"ect to the crime scene or offense/ '. 'ssociati#e e#i!ence C. Tracing e#i!ence 0. Circumstantial e#i!ence ). Cor"us !elicti 11. (hat is the !istinct "attern of how the crime was committe! an! estalishe! y a series of crimes un!er one classification/ '. 'ssociati#e e#i!ence C. Confession 0. Mo!us o"eran!i ). Tracing e#i!ence 12. The "rocess of i!entification y witness of the unknown sus"ect mi-e! with innocent "ersons line! efore the witness. '. 6eral !escri"tion C. *hysical line4 u" 0. *hysical show4 u" ). Feneral *hotogra"hs 17. The accuracy of i!entification y eyewitness !e"en!s on the following factors: ,. 'ility of the witness to oser#e !istinct a""earance of sus"ect 1. 6isiility con!ition when the crime was committe! 2. )egree of intelligence of the witness 7. $a"se of time in filing the case '. , K 2 is correct C. , K 7 is correct 0. 2 K 7 is correct ). , K 1 is correct 18. +e is a "erson who "ro#i!es information to the in#estigator on a regular asis. They are either "ai! regularly or in a case to case asis. '. Informant C. Informer 0. Infiltrator ). Saoteur 19. These are information "ro#i!e! y the un!erworl! characters such as "risoners or e-4 con#icts. '. Regular C. Culti#ate! 0. Fra"e#ines ). S"ecial
1. *hysical !escri"tion of a sus"ect ma!e y witness ase! on e-ten! an! range of their "erce"tion. '. Feneral "hotogra"h C. Rogues gallery 0. Cartogra"hy ). 6eral !escri"tion 1=. These are articles which assist the in#estigator in locating i!entifying the criminals. '. 'ssociati#e e#i!ence C. Circumstantial 0. Tracing e#i!ence ). Rele#ant 1>. The following are the metho!s of i!entifying criminals &JC&*T: '. Tracing e#i!ence C. Circumstantial e#i!ence 0. $ea!ing questions ). oth ' K 0 1=?. (ho among the following is a target su3ect of "olice interrogation/ '. 'll of these C. Rea!y witness 0. Com"lainant ). +ostile witness 1=,. (hat is calle! of that self incriminatory statement y the su3ect falling short of an acknowle!gment of guilt/ '. '!mission C. Confession 0. )e"osition ). 'ffi!a#it 1=1. (hich of '. 0. C. ).
the following is the first !uty of a sur#eillant/ Recor! all acti#ities taking "lace in the su3ect area Mo#e the oser#ation "ost when necessary Relie#e another sur#eillant 'll of these
1=2. (hat is that art which !eals with the i!entity an! location of the offen!er an! "ro#i!es e#i!ence of his guilt through the criminal "rocee!ings/ '. *olice inter#iew C. Instrumentation 0. Criminal Interrogation ). Criminal in#estigation 1=7. Moti#e is that which in!uces the criminal act while intent is BBB/ '. The accom"lishment of an act 0. *ossiility that the sus"ect committe! the crime C. 'lways "ro#e! where it is an element of the offense ). 0oth ' K C 1=8. One of the moti#es of an informant for "ro#i!ing the in#estigator necessary information solely for the material gain he is to recei#e. '. 6anity C. Remuneration 0. Re"entance ). Ci#ic min!e!ness 1=9. The following are the "roce!ures of a "olice line4 u": ,. The a""earance of those com"osing the line4 u" must e a""ro-imately the same 1. The witness shoul! e informe! the "resence of the sus"ect in the line4 u" 2. Coach the witness in i!entifying the sus"ect in line4 u" 7. If there are more than one allowe! them to talke! with each other '. If 1 K 2 is correct C. If , K 1 is correct 0. If , K 7 is correct ). If all of them are correct
1=. 'n attem"t to !etermine if the sus"ect is the "er"etrator eing sought y means of ha#ing the #ictim witness #iew the sus"ect in "erson without con!ucting formal multi "erson line4 u". Only one "erson is "resente! to the #ictim or witness. '. Stage! i!entification C. *hysical line4 u" 0. *hysical show4 u" ). Confrontation 1==. 's a "olice in#estigator if you are !ealing with a !oule4 crosser informant the est "ractice to counter this is: '. Re#eal information aout facts alrea!y known 0. Use thir! !egree interrogation C. Fi#e him false information that will lea! to his ca"ture ). Request him to #oluntarily un!ergo "olygra"h e-amination 1=>. i!ence that will "ro#e the e-istence of a fact that s"ecific loss or in3ury was sustaine! as a result of the crime. '. Cor"us !elicti C. Tracing 0. 'ssociati#e ). Mens rea 1>?. (hen "eo"le are consi!ere! as source of information the e-"erience! officer: '. RecogniAes that "ersons from all walks of life re"resents "otential in#estigati#e resources 0. )e#elo"s his contacts only with law ai!ing citiAens C. Restricts his effort to memers of the !e"artment ). Concentrates all his effort to acquire informants only from criminal ty"e 1>,. ' ty"e of informants re#eals information usually of no consequence of stuff connecte! of thin air. '. Mercenary informant C. Dalse informant 0. Drightene! informant ). )oule4 crosser informant 1>1. The "rimary 3o of an in#estigator is to !etermine whether a crime has een committe! in or!er to !etermine such he must ha#e knowle!ge of the so calle! car!inal questions of in#estigation an! there are BBBB car!inal of in#estigation. '. Dour C. Nine 0. Si). Se#en 1>2. ' "ractice of otaining information that relies hea#ily in uying information. '. &nglish system C. Continental system 0. Metric system ). Drench system 1>7. The !efense of a sus"ect that he was "resent in a "lace other than the crime scene !uring the estimate! time when the crime was committe! is calle!: '. Moti#e C. 'lii 0. Intent ). O""ortunity 1>8. The technique of co#ertly oser#ing a "erson or "lace in or!er to gather information that is criminal in nature is calle!: '. Sur#eillance C. Casing 0. Ro"ing ). &licitation 1>9. It is a kin! of gathering information wherey a su3ect is eing followe!. '. Tailing C. Con#oy 0. Ro"ing ). &scort
1>. The risk that is constantly incurre! y a sha!ower is: '. 0eing caught C. 0eing followe! 0. 0eing recogniAe! ). 'll of these 1>=. (hich of '. 0. C. ).
the following is NOT an o3ecti#e of sur#eillance/ )etect criminal acti#ities To otain e#i!ence of a crime To otain confession from the sus"ect 0oth ' K C
1>>. This kin! of informant mo#es aroun! the centers of criminals grou" or syn!icate an! !elights the "olice aout its of information. '. Dalse informant C. )oule4 crosser informant 0. Mercenary informant ). Self4 aggran!iAing informant 2??. +e is a "erson who "ro#i!es the in#estigator with confi!ential information concerning a "ast crime or a "ro3ecte! "lanne! crime an! !oes not wish to e known as the source of the information. '. Informer C. Sur#eillant 0. Informant ). Confi!ential Informant 2?,. Information furnishe! y informants informers is classifie! asBBB. '. Culti#ate! C. Fra"e#ines 0. Regular ). S"ecial 2?1. Ty"e of sha!owing em"loye! to otain the general im"ression of the su3ectEs hait an! his associates. '. $oose tail C. Close tail 0. Rough tail ). )uck tail 2?2. In sha!owing sur#eillant must e carefulBBBB. '. Cree" aroun! the "arke! car 0. (ear storyook !isguises C. '!a"t cons"icuous clothes an! 3ewelry ). Not to meet the eye of the su3ect 2?7. The following are the ty"es of sur#eillance &JC&*TP '. Sha!owing C. Ro"ing 0. Stake out ). 0ugging 2?8. One of the moti#es of an informant for "ro#i!ing the in#estigator necessary information solely for the material gain he is to recei#e. '. Re"entance C. Ci#ic min!e!ness 0. Remuneration ). 6anity 2?9. The term use! for the o3ect of sur#eillance is su3ect while the in#estigator con!ucting the sur#eillance is: '. Rait C. )ecoy L 0. Sur#eillant ). Target 2?. (hen the is con!ucting '. 0.
su3ect i!entifies or otain knowle!ge that the in#estigator a sur#eillance on him the latter is: Cut out C. 0urnt out Sol! out ). Fet out
2?=. Some of the instructions in foot sur#eillance are the following &JC&*T '. Sto" quickly look ehin! 0. )ro" "a"er ne#er min! what ha""ens to the "a"er C. (in!ow sho" watch reflections ). Retrace ste"s
2?>. In stationary sur#eillance the following must e oser#e! &JC&*T: '. Ne#er meet su3ect face to face 0. '#oi! eye contact C. RecogniAe fellow agent ). If urnt out !ro" su3ect 2,?. It is usually for the "ur"ose of waiting for the antici"ate! arri#al of a sus"ect who is either wante! for in#estigation or who is e-"ecte! to commit a crime at a certain location. '. Stake out 0. Co"s an! roers game C. Dollow4 u" ). Sur#eillance 2,,. (hich of the following ty"e of acci!ents is most !ecrease! y the installation of traffic lights/ '. Cross traffic acci!ent 0. Misun!erstan!ing etween motorist an! traffic officers C. 'cci!ents of confusion ). 'cci!ents of !ecision of right of way 2,1. 'ny "ri#ate "erson who shall enter the !welling of another against the latterEs will. '. none of these C. light threats 0. tres"ass to !welling ). usur"ation 2,2. 'n enclose! #ertical s"ace of "assage that e-ten!s from floor to floor as well as from the ase to the to" of the uil!ing. '. s"rinkler system C. #ertical shaft 0. flash "oint ). stan!"i"e system 2,7. ' wall !esigne! to "re#ent the s"rea! of fire ha#ing a fire resistance rating of not less than four hours with sufficient structural staility to remain stan!ing e#en if construction on either si!e colla"ses un!er fire con!ition: '. firewoo! C. "ost wall 0. fire wall ). fire tra" 2,8. ' !eclaration ma!e un!er a consciousness of an im"en!ing !eath. '. res gestae 0. )eclaration against interest C. )ying !eclaration ). 'll of these 2,9. ' "olice officer testifying to the fact that he oser#e! the !efen!ant assaulting the #ictim is "resenting to the court BBBBBBBBBB. '. circumstantial e#i!ence C. !irect e#i!ence 0. artificial e#i!ence ). real e#i!ence 2,. *rohiiti#e signs an! restricti#e signs shall ha#e BBBBBBB. '. lue ackgroun! an! white symol 0. re! ackgroun! with white symol an! lack or!er C. white ackgroun! with lack symols an! re! or!er ). green ackgroun! with white an! lack symols 2,=. +eat transferre! y !irect contact from one o!y to another is known as: '. nuclear fission C. con#ection 0. con!uction ). ra!iation
2,>. *assage way from one uil!ing to another or through or aroun! a wall in a""ro"riately the same floor le#el. '. smelting C. fulminate 0. #estiule ). horiAontal e-it 21?. The first action taken y a traffic unit to esca"e from collision course or otherwise a#oi! haAar!. '. state of e#asi#e action 0. "oint of "ossile "erce"tion C. "oint of no esca"e ). final "osition 21,. )escri"ti#e of any materials which y its nature or as a result of its reaction with other elements "ro!uces a ra"i! !ro" in tem"erature of the imme!iate surroun!ings. '. o-i!iAing material C. curtain oar! 0. !ust ). cryogenic 211. Instrument use! to o"en an! close fire hy!rant '. hy!rant key C. key oar! 0. kilowatts ). unch of key 212. (ith res"ect to minor traffic #iolations the traffic "olice officer shoul! e gui!e! foremost y the consi!eration that BBBBBBBBB. '. some traffic #iolations are inten!e! 0. the aim is to !iscourage #iolation C. some traffic #iolations are cause! y negligence ). #iolations must e "unishe! 217. The effecti#eness of traffic law enforcement is est measure! y: '. re!uction of traffic acci!ents an! !elays 0. increase in traffic law enforcement actions C. !ecrease in the ratio of con#ictions to enforcement action ). smooth flow of traffic 218. ' general "rinci"le of traffic acci!ent in#estigation is: '. look for the key e#ent that cause! the acci!ent 0. regar! any unfa#orale factor e-isting imme!iately "rior to the acci!ent as the cause C. consi!er #iolations as "rimary cause an! any factor as secon!ary cause ). consi!er roa! con!ition 219. ' systematic e-amination of all facts relating to con!itions actions an! "hysical features associate! with motor collision is calle!: '. traffic engineering 0. hit an! run in#estigation C. traffic collision ). traffic acci!ent in#estigation 21. )ri#ing without !ue regar! for the consequences likely to occur ignoring the right an! safety of another is: '. hit an! run C. o#er s"ee!ing 0. none of these ). reckless !ri#ing 21=. ' !e#ice mounte! on a "ortale su""ort where a message is con#eye! y means of wor!s or symols. '. traffic light C. traffic islan! 0. traffic signs ). "a#ement marking
21>. The ty"e of un!erco#er o"eration wherein techniques are a""lie! for a longer time an! are consi!ere! as the most !ifferent in#estigati#e acti#ity yet the most rewar!ing. '. casing C. stake4 out 0. "enetration ). sur#eillance 22?. (hat is the "rimary consi!eration in formulating a fictitious i!entity/ '. "reliminary in#estigation of su3ect 0. familiariAation with community C. choosing suitale co#er to fit the role ). ha#e fictitious cre!entials 22,. In the "rocess of sur#eillance sometimes the su3ect or sus"ect is eing guar!e! against sha!ower an! he usually stays at the rear of the su3ect. '. sur#eillant C. con#oy 0. !ecoy ). ack4 u" 221. In tailing y automoile if only one #ehicle is use! it shoul! follow the su3ect at a""ro-imately what !istance/ '. ?4 ,?? yar!s C. ?4 1?? yar!s 0. ,?4 1? yar!s ). 4 ,? yar!s 222. )uring night sur#eillance what equi"ment is a""ro"riately to e use!/ '. tele"hoto lens camera C. snoo"er sco"e 0. )icta"hone ). #i!eo4 camera 227. ' confe!erate of su3ect target who follows him to ascertain if the su3ect is un!er sur#eillance an! if so y whom. '. !ecoy C. con#oy 0. sur#eillant ). en#oy 228. *O2 Caalagan frequents clu "laces of amusement an! entertainment known to e haitually #isite! y su3ect an! su3ectEs associates. *O2 CaalaganEs un!erco#er assignment is calle!: '. multi"le assignment C. social assignment 0. work assignment ). !welling assignment $$%& +ow can "laster cast an! "hotogra"h e marke! for i!entification/
'. 0. C ).
affi-ing a seal on the front marking at the ack no mark at all tagging
22. 'n element of sketch which e-"lains the symols use! to i!entify o3ects is calle!: '. title C. essential element 0. scale an! "ro"ortion ). legen! $$'& (hat is calle! as the con!uct of "rocesses more "articularly the
recognition search han!ling "reser#ation an! !ocumentation of "hysical e#i!ence to inclu!e the i!entification an! inter#iew of witnesses an! the arrest of sus"ect at the crime scene/ '. criminal interrogation 0. criminal in#estigation C. crime scene in#estigation ). all of these
$$(& (hich metho! of search is a mo!ification of stri" search metho! where
the rectangle is tra#erse to the ase an! then "arallel to a si!e/ '. stri" metho! C. Aone metho! 0. s"iral metho! ). gri! metho! 27?. 'mong the elements of accurately/ '. com"ass !irection 0. legen!
C. title ). measurement
27,. (hich sketch gi#es a "icture of the scene of the crime an! its en#irons inclu!ing such items as neighoring uil!ings an! roa!s lea!ing to the location/ '. sketch of !etails C. sketch of the groun! 0. sketch of locality ). e-"lo!e! #iew 271. (hat is known as the gra"hic re"resentation of scene of the crime with com"lete measurement of the relati#e !istances of rele#ant o3ects an! con!itions otaine!/ '. crime scene in#estigation 0. com"osite criminal in#estigation C. crime scene sketch ). "reser#ation of "hysical e#i!ence 272. The "olice in#estigator must e ale to recogniAe the #aluale "hysical e#i!ence an! !etermine its significance to the offense. Dor him to e com"etent he must "ossess which among the following characteristics/ '. knowle!ge of the law of e#i!ence 0. aility to i!entify mo!us o"eran!i C. all of these ). knowle!ge of sustanti#e law relating to the offense 277. There are three tools of the "olice in#estigator: Information interrogation an! instrumentation. Of these three information is !eeme! the most im"ortant sim"ly ecause it answers the questionBBBBBBB. '. ;what is malicious< C. was a wea"on use!< 0. ;why !i! it ha""en< ). ;who !i! it< 278. (hat is the stiffening of a certain grou" of muscles at the moment of !eath usually associate! with #iolent !eaths !ue to e-treme ner#ous tension or e#en fatigue/ '. col! stiffening C. ca!a#eric s"asm 0. heat stiffening ). rigor mortis 279. (hat characteristic of the loo! or loo!stain woul! !etermine the !irection of the esca"e of the #ictim or assailant/ '. none of these C. amount 0. sha"e ). color 27. Rigor mortis is a "ost4 mortem o!y changes occurring in the BBB. '. color C. loo! 0. eye ). muscle 27=. In crime scene in#estigation who !etermines its entry e-it/ '. the "roer C. SOCO 0. the chief ). sleuth
27>. (hat is the official inquiry ma!e y the "olice on facts an! circumstance surroun!ing the !eath of a "erson which is e-"ecte! to e unlawful/ '. s"ecial crime in#estigation 0. criminal in#estigation C. custo!ial in#estigation ). homici!e in#estigation 28?. 0 is lees than three !ays ol!. +e is a chil! of J y his "aramour %. 0 is kille! y J to "re#ent his !isco#ery y JEs legitimate wife G. The crime committe! y J is: '. homici!e C. mur!er 0. infantici!e ). "arrici!e 28,. ' form of #iolent !eath rought y the sus"ension of the o!y y a ligature which encircles the neck an! the constricting force is the weight of the o!y/ '. as"hy-ia y suffocation 0. manual strangulation C. as"hy-ia y hanging ). none of these 281. Is it still "ossile to get )N' to a hair e#en if without root/ '. yes C. no 0. it !e"en!s ). "ossile 282. ' girl was foun! !ea! wearing "a3ama. (hat is the "ossile time of the commission of the crime/ '. !aytime C. lunchtime 0. none of these ). nighttime 287. If the shar" e!ge "ortion of the woun!ing instrument is the first to come in contact then the woun! "ro!uce! is: '. "uncture! C. hematoma 0. lacerate! ). sta woun! 288. Is it "ossile to ha#e a numer of gunshots woun! entry less than the e-it woun!/ '. maye C. "ossile 0. im"ossile ). none of these 289. ' !ro" of loo! which falls from a mo#ing o3ect or "erson is elongate! an! the s"lashes are foun! to e concentrate! aroun! one en! of the stain. 's a general rule the s"lashes an! the e-tension of the !ro" of loo!s in!icatesBBB. '. route C. fresh loo! 0. !irection mo#ement ). !rie! stain 28. (hich among the following is an essential element of "arrici!e/ '. y means of treachery 0. relationshi" of the offen!er with the #ictim C. relationshi" of the offen!er with the witness ). age of the #ictim 28=. *e!ro threw a han! grena!e at @uan who was kille! as a result of the e-"losion. (hat crime was committe!/ '. "arrici!e C. mur!er 0. frustrate! mur!er ). homici!e
28>. Rose is a !es"on!ent mother of Ro!erick. )ue to "o#erty Rose has thought of killing Ro!erick who is three months ol! to sa#e the ay from further suffering. (hat crime was committe!/ '. homici!e c. none of these 0. "arrici!e ). infantici!e 29?. 0loo! stain e#i!ence analysis can e use! to !etermine a course an!BBBBBB of e#ents that occurre! !uring the commission of the crime. '. time C. sequence 0. se#erity ). numer 29,. (hich among the following is the "rimary source of e#i!ence/ '. #ictim C. crime scene 0. sus"ect ). all of these 291. (hich among the following is NOT one of the ty"es of !eath that an in#estigator will generally encounter/ '. suici!e C. acci!ental 0. homici!e ). natural cause 292. (hat ty"e of loo! stain "attern is "ro!uce when the loo! is thrown off at great s"ee! or falls a large !istance/ '. elli"tical C. crenellate! 0. circular ). none of these 297. (hat reagent is use! y crime scene in#estigators to locate occult loo! e#en if it has een cleane! or remo#e!/ '. "reci"itin C. luminol 0. walkers test ). aci! "hos"hatase 298. (hat ranch of forensic science !eals with the stu!y of flies an! insects to a""ro-imate the time of !eath/ '. o!ontology C. entomology 0. ornithology ). ortho!ontics 299. (hat is the color of "ost4 mortem li#i!ity if the cause of !eath of the #ictim is cyani!e "oisoning/ '. !ark li#i!ity 0. cherry re! to "inkish color C. !ark rown li#i!ity ). lue s"ecks 29. 'fter !eath loo! remains flui! in the loo! #essel for how many hours/ '. = to ,1 C. ,1 to 17 0. 9 to = ). 17 to 29 29=. These are shallow woun!s inflicte! near the fatal woun! to test the wea"on efore the actual suici!e attem"t. '. !efense woun! C. signs of struggle 0. hesitation marks ). signs of !eath 29>. )eath !ue to throttling is highly in!icati#e ofBBB. '. suici!e C. homici!e 0. acci!ent ). none of these 2?. (hat is the logical assum"tion when a o!y is foun! with woun!s which in!icate that much loo! has een lost ut the amount of loo! a""ears to e less than what woul! normally e-"ect to fin!/ '. the crime committe! was mur!er 0. the sus"ect fle! with the #ictim C. the crime was committe! elsewhere ). the crime will ne#er e sol#e
2,. The act of killing of a father y his own chil! is calle!/ '. homici!e C. mur!er 0. "arrici!e ). "atrici!e 21. In or!er to ha#e a successful im"ortant factors to consi!er is: '. su3ectEs emotion 0. coo"eration
C. knowle!ge of all facts ). "ri#acy
22. (hat is that law which classifie! Ra"e as crimes against "erson/ '. R' >191 C. R' =882 0. R' >,98 ). R' =282 27. In crime of ra"e its most likely "lace of commission cannot e s"ecifie! unless the #ictim or witness "in"oints the same what is consi!ere! critical oser#ation to e !one y the in#estigator/ '. i!ence to "ro#e unconsciousness of the #ictim 0. 'll of these C. i!ence to show se-ual intercourse ). $ook for e#i!ence of struggle 28. 'll of the following are act of se-ual assault constituting the crime of ra"e &JC&*T '. 0y inserting his "enis into another "ersonEs mouth 0. 0y inserting any instrument into another "ersonEs genital or anal orifice C. 0y inserting any instrument into another "ersonEs mouth ). 0y inserting his "enis into another "ersonEs anal orifice 29. (hat ty"e of roa!ways "ro#i!es access from a local street an! a ma3or traffic generating areas/ '. ma3or arteries C. thruways 0. collecting ). e-"ressways 2. (hich of y the "olice '. 0.
the following are crimes re"orte! accor!ing to arrest ma!e rather than crimes re"orte! to the "olice/ #ictimless crimes C. non4 in!e- crimes hate crimes ). in!e- crime
2=. If a high win! has an e-tinguishing effect on a fire the most "roale e-tinguishing metho! is: '. smothering C. fuel remo#al 0. cooling ). !ilution 2>. ' fire hy!rant shoul! e carefully o"ene! when in use in or!er to: '. "re#ent water hammer 0. to ensure that the !ri" #al#e is all the way close! C. close the cou"ling ). re!uce the #iration of the hy!rant 2=?. In cutting a roof to #entilate the fire fighter shoul! a#oi! BBBBBBB. '. cutting a #ery large hole 0. cutting se#eral small holes C. cutting roof oar!s near the eam ). making o"enings o#er the fire 2=,. (hich of '. 0. C. ).
these statements is TRU&/ Ra!iation is heat transfer Ra!iation is heat transfer Ra!iation is heat transfer Ra!iation is heat transfer
through comustion through soli! materials through air motion y electromagnetic wa#es
2=1. (hich causes the greatest numer of fire/ '. s"ontaneous comustion C. electrical wiring 0. leaking gas "i"es ). smoking an! matches 2=2. If a com"laint or inci!ent is NOT fully !is"ose! of as a result of the first in#estigation a BBBBBBB re"ort shoul! e sumitte!. '. case !is"osition re"ort C. in#estigation re"ort 0. follow4 u" re"ort ). crime re"ort 2=7. (hen heat is transmitte! in circulating me!ium the metho! is calle!BBBBBBBBBBB. '. ra!iation C. o-i!ation 0. con#ection ). con!uction 2=8. (hat is that geogra"hical "ortrayal of the acci!ent history of a location for a certain "erio!/ '. s"ot ma"s C. "olice acci!ent re"ort 0. acci!ent summary sheet ). collision !iagrams 2=9. (hich of the following !oe NOT fall un!er class ' fires/ '. none of these C. urning ni"a hut 0. e-"lo!ing gas !e"ot ). forest fire 2=. (hich of the following est illustrate arson/ '. simultaneous fire C. faulty electric wiring 0. une-"laine! e-"losion ). thick re!!ish smoke 2==. There is an increase! quantity of caron mono-i!e "ro!uce! when fuel is urne! in limite! su""ly of o-ygen ecause BBBBBBBB. '. caron reacts with caron mono-i!e 0. caron reacts with caron !io-i!e C. caron mono-i!e is an effecti#e re!ucing agent ). greater o-i!ation takes "lace 2=>. (hy water is "rohiite! to quench Class ) fires/ '. urning metals are too hot 0. water is not ca"ale of e-tinguishing the fire C. there is the !anger of electrocution ). e-"losion may occur 2>?. ' "ower o"erate! traffic control !e#ice y which traffic is warne! or !irecte! to take some s"ecific action is calle! BBBBBBBBB. '. o3ect markings C. traffic light signal 0. reflectoriAe! markings ). clu markings 2>,. Can a high school stu!ent e com"elle! to un!ergo !rug test/ '. yes C. it !e"en!s 0. maye ). no 2>1. 'fter fin!ing sufficient an! strong e#i!ence against the sus"ect what will e the "olice "roer !o if the sus"ect !enies allegation against him/ '. get a!!itional e#i!ence 0. use 2r! !egree C. inquest ). release! the sus"ect 2>2. In what circumstance change mur!er to homici!e/ '. treachery 0. lack of intent C. asence of qualifying circumstances ). taking a!#antage of su"erior strength
2>7. Mechanical !e#ice strategically locate! in an installation or street where fire hose is connecte! so that water with "ressure will e a#ailale to e-tinguish fire. '. fire hose oC. fire truck 0. hose reel ). fire hy!rant 2>8. (hich of the following is consi!ere! as the most effecti#e fi-e! installation for controlling fire which will !ischarge water into inci"ient fire from hea!s locate! near the ceiling/ '. fire hy!rant C. stan!"i"e 0. automatic water s"rinkler ). fire e-tinguisher 2>9. These are fires which are cause! y flammale liqui!s like kerosene gasoline alcohol etc. '. Class ) C. Class ' 0. Class C ). Class 0 2>. (hen firemen are working at the noAAle of a hose they usually lean forwar! on the hose. (hat is the most likely reason for taking this "osition/ '. The stream is "ro3ecte! farther 0. The surroun!ing air is cool making the firemen comfortale C. ' ackwar! force is !e#elo"e! which must e counter acte! ). The firemen can see etter where the stream strikes 2>=. 'nti4 +ighway Roery $aw is known as BBBBBBBBBB. '. *.). ,,=8 C. *.). ,9,1 0. *.). 821 ). *.). ,9?1 2>>. ' "roer elie#es on a as: '. 0.
who gi#es more "riority to information #oluntary gi#en classical system of gathering information which is calle! 'merican system Drench system
C. Irish system ). &nglish system
7??. +ow can !iscre"ancies e est !etecte! in information gi#en y the witnesse! inter#iewe!/ '. 0y "hysical an! emotional mannerisms 0. 0y com"aring that information with unknown facts C. 0y o"en confrontation etween the su3ect an! inter#iewer ). 0y signs of ner#ousness sweating an! e#asi#eness 7?,. ;Mental In#ali!< in the conte-t of !rug ause means BBBBBBBBB. '. )istorte! sensory "erce"tion 0. Mental !eterioration !ue to !rug use C. $oss of contact with reality ). $oss of will "ower to quit from !rug use 7?1. In the *hili""ines which of the following agencies must e accountale for an effecti#e !ri#er control "rogram/ '. Courts C. 'll of these 0. $TO ). *olice 7?2. (hat in!icator in the in#estigation of terrorism gi#es focus to the terrorist "re"aration in#ol#ing other crimes/ '. '!3unct criminal acti#ities 0. Social eha#iors C. Tangile e#i!ence ). *re4 inci!ent
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