Board Exam Questions for Criminologist Criminal Sociology, Ethics and Human Relations

May 10, 2018 | Author: Cristina Joy Vicente-Cruz | Category: Juvenile Delinquency, Crime & Justice, Crimes, Penology, Police
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Compilation of previous board examination questions Document Transcript Transcript BOARD EXAM QE!T"O#! $OR CR"M"#O%O&"!T CR"M"#A% !OC"O%O&'( ET)"C! A#D )MA# RE%AT"O#!

1. A member of the PNP while on duty, whether in uniform or not should avoid unpleasant habits which aect not only himself as an individual member, but also the whole organization where he belongs. a. Sleeping on duty b. nto!ication and use of prohibited drugs c. Partisan police activities d* All of t+e fore,oin, Ans* D

". #he general rule is that a member of the PNP cannot draw his $rearms, e!cept for% a* #ecessar- appre+ension of criminals

b. Necessary target practice c. Necessary inspection or lawful use d. All of the foregoing Ans. A &. t is the process by which we use or manipulate representation representation or symbols. a. #hin'ing b* "ntuition

 c. Perceiving d. (emory Ans. ) *. t is everyone+s duty and obligation regardless regardless of his intelligence, degree of education, social standing, religion, sect, or color etc. a. ode of ethics b. Public o-ce is a public thrust

c* $ait+ful alle,iance to t+e ,overnment and constitution

d. oyalty and love of country Ans.  /. 0e$ciencies in the S can be manifested by the following circumstances, e!cept% a. Poor lin'age or relationship among the / pillars b. Poor image or credibility of and controversies in law enforcement c. 2idespread indierence and apathy of the community d* .roper disposition of cases b- t+e prosecution p rosecution and court Ans* D

3. #his involves functions of the police to ensure compliance by regulatory means with public safety and security. a* "mplement la/

b. 4nforce tra-c and crowd laws c. Arrest and investigate criminals d. 5egulate non%criminal conduct Ans. A 6. 2hich of the following does not belong to the group7 a. Assassination b. )ombing c. Sabotage d* .rostitution Ans* D

8. t is 'nown as an Act Prohibiting the 4mployment of hildren )elow 1/ years of age in public and private underta'ings. a* Republic Act 0123

b. 5epublic Act 63/8 c. 5epublic Act 8//1 d. Presidential 0ecree 39& Ans. A

:. Assume that you are a police o-cer and you found out that you have un;ustly reprimanded police o-cer uan de la ruz. #he best procedure procedure to follow is% a. ustify the reprimand b* Tal4 to +im and admit -our mista4es

c. (a'e no apology but tolerate his behavior d. gnore the matter Ans. ) 19. #his is a term te rm applied for a specialist in the study of disorders, sometimes interchangeably used with psychiatrist. a* Ant+ropolo,ist

b. Alienist c. Autophobia d. )iometry Ans. A 11. nconsistent and wise use of discretion, base on professional policing competence, will do much to preserve good relationship and retain the con$dence of the public. #his statement is
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