1. A member of the PNP while on duty, whether in uniform or not should avoid unpleasant habits which aect not only himself as an individual member, but also the whole organization where he belongs. a. Sleeping on duty b. nto!ication and use of prohibited drugs c. Partisan police activities d* All of t+e fore,oin, Ans* D
". #he general rule is that a member of the PNP cannot draw his $rearms, e!cept for% a* #ecessar- appre+ension of criminals
b. Necessary target practice c. Necessary inspection or lawful use d. All of the foregoing Ans. A &. t is the process by which we use or manipulate representation representation or symbols. a. #hin'ing b* "ntuition
c. Perceiving d. (emory Ans. ) *. t is everyone+s duty and obligation regardless regardless of his intelligence, degree of education, social standing, religion, sect, or color etc. a. ode of ethics b. Public o-ce is a public thrust
c* $ait+ful alle,iance to t+e ,overnment and constitution
d. oyalty and love of country Ans. /. 0e$ciencies in the S can be manifested by the following circumstances, e!cept% a. Poor lin'age or relationship among the / pillars b. Poor image or credibility of and controversies in law enforcement c. 2idespread indierence and apathy of the community d* .roper disposition of cases b- t+e prosecution p rosecution and court Ans* D
3. #his involves functions of the police to ensure compliance by regulatory means with public safety and security. a* "mplement la/
b. 4nforce tra-c and crowd laws c. Arrest and investigate criminals d. 5egulate non%criminal conduct Ans. A 6. 2hich of the following does not belong to the group7 a. Assassination b. )ombing c. Sabotage d* .rostitution Ans* D
8. t is 'nown as an Act Prohibiting the 4mployment of hildren )elow 1/ years of age in public and private underta'ings. a* Republic Act 0123
b. 5epublic Act 63/8 c. 5epublic Act 8//1 d. Presidential 0ecree 39& Ans. A
:. Assume that you are a police o-cer and you found out that you have un;ustly reprimanded police o-cer uan de la ruz. #he best procedure procedure to follow is% a. ustify the reprimand b* Tal4 to +im and admit -our mista4es
c. (a'e no apology but tolerate his behavior d. gnore the matter Ans. ) 19. #his is a term te rm applied for a specialist in the study of disorders, sometimes interchangeably used with psychiatrist. a* Ant+ropolo,ist
b. Alienist c. Autophobia d. )iometry Ans. A 11. nconsistent and wise use of discretion, base on professional policing competence, will do much to preserve good relationship and retain the con$dence of the public. #his statement is
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