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De-energize the service mode in the check control (E39, E38) The check control in the cockpit of the 5er (E39) and 7er (E38) BMW hides some interesting Auxiliary functions those are not according to standard accessible. Here the procedure is to be de-energized around the check control for these functions: Ignition on position II Right button in the combination instrument press and keep pressed. F irst “ch e ck co n tro l o f O K O N E ”, so m e se co n d s a p p e a r la te r a p p e a r “te st N r.0 1 ” release now right button and with the button left confirm. Now the last places of the chassis number appear. Add now the 5 places together and notice the number, it for de-energizing one needs! Example DG23278 reaches 2+3+2+7+8 = 22 Right button so often p re ss to “te st N r.1 9 ” a p p e a rs now so often press the left button to the sum calculated above appears press again right button The check control is now de-energized and the test 3-21 can without restriction outstandingly become. If an error during the obrigen guidance made is becomes with the test steps 321 only LOCK:ON indicated. Repeat thus again Most test are self-describing: Test 1: - 7 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning
========================================= FGSTNR: DGxxxxx chassis number K: 4812??? BMWTNR: 7890032 BMWs part number CI:12:08 BI:11??? DAT: 03/01 production week 03/2001 HW:16 SW:1400/1400 hardware and software-Version CAN:04 CHANGES:33 type of the CAN bus and change Test 2: - 1 indicator possibility through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= A lighting and a function test of the entire cockpit are accomplished to look at beautifully;-) Test 3: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= SI-L: 1486 SI for Serviceinterval, the remainder??? SI DAYS: 0095 95 days ago was the last service at this car Test 4: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= VBR: 0.0l/100km momentary consumption in liters/100km
VBR: 1.5l/H momentary consumption in liters/hour Test 5: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= RW-VBR: 10.8L/100km consumption of the range announcement RW: 0572km range of the tank filling Test 6: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= TNK: 33.8/31,0/64.8L left tank half of 33.8 liters, rights 31.0, entire of 64,8 liters TANKANZ: 62.2L Phase1 value of the tank announcement (combination instrument in the cockpit) Test 7: - 3 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= K T M P : 0 2 8 °C co o la n t te m p e ra tu re 2 8 °C N: 00000 rpm engine speed in revolutions/minute A T M P : + 2 3 °C o u tsid e te m p e ra tu re Test 8: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning =========================================
V : 0 0 0 km /h “g e n u in e o n e ” sp e ed based on the rear axle Vanz: 000km/h Geschwindigkeitsanzeige of the combination instrument in the cockpit Test 9: - 1 indicator possibility through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= PRACTICE: 12.1V battery voltage Test 10: - 1 indicator possibility through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= Country: 00 D adjusted country Test 11: - 3 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= Einheit1: 04??? Einheit2: 80??? Einheit3: 42??? Test 12: - 2 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= Vank: 058,7 km/h average speed of the arrival computation Ank: 19:33 prospective arrival time
Test 13: - 1 indicator possibility through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= GONG? Test of all Gong's Test 14: - 4 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= Diag: 1 83 81 038??? Diag: 2 CE c1 045??? Diag: 3 00 00 000??? Diag: 4 00 00 000??? Test 15: - 14 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= Haven A00: 01101101??? Haven A01: 00000001??? Haven A02: 00001001??? Haven A03: 00000000??? Haven A04: 00010010??? Haven A05: 01001101??? Haven A06: 00001010??? Haven B00: 01101101???
Haven B01: 01101101??? Haven B02: 01101101??? Haven B03: 01101101??? Haven B04: 01101101??? Haven B05: 01101101??? Haven B06: 01101101??? Test 16: - 1 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= O il T E M p : + 6 9 °C o il te m p e ra tu re Test 17: - 1 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= RCC receiver: ---Min radio clock receipt (only with 7er functionally!) Test 18: - No function Test 19: - 1 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= LOCK:Off condition of the extended announcement of the OBC Test 20: - 1 indicator possibility through press the left key in the cockpit
Indicate meaning ========================================= KVBR: 1000 computational Korrekturfaktor for fuel consumption (do not change!) Test 21: - 1 indicator possibilities through press the left key in the cockpit Indicate meaning ========================================= RESET? Put back all error
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