March 27, 2019 | Author: api-417894128 | Category: N/A
Download bm volunteer application form v1 feb2019...
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
Pers Person onal al deta detail ils s
Email Address:
Date of birth: * DD/MM/YYYY
Telephone numbers numbers Home:
* Optional except where a specified age range is required by the role applied for
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] m Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
Emergency contact details
Please give details of a contact who we we should reach in case case of an emergency. Name:
Phone numbers Home: Mobile:
Health Do you have any health conditions or disabilities disabilities of which we should should be aware? Yes If yes, please give details: details:
☐ ☐
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
Criminal convictions Have you ever been convicted convicted or charged with with a criminal offence? (You do not need to disclose any convictions which are considered ‘spent’ under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. A prior criminal criminal conviction or the fact fact that you have been charged with a criminal offence will not automatically prevent you from volunteering with BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED but failure to disclose disclose relevant information information or providing false or misleading information may result in immediate dismissal.) dismissal.) If yes, please provide provide details of the criminal offence(s) including dates and sentences: sentences:
es No
About yourself The following questions questions will help us to to determine whether whether this is the right right volunteering opportunity opportunity for you. Please indicate which which volunteering role you are applying to including the the name of the BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG Branch or Group here: OR please tell us how you would like to Volunteer with us here;
What skills and qualities do you have that that would be useful in this this volunteer role? How many hours can you allocate to this this weekly and monthly?
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] m Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
Please tell us why why you would like to volunteer with with BLACKMAJOR.ORG FAMILY and BMEVoluntears. BMEVoluntears.
Referees and Supporters Referee 1
Referee 2
Name Email address Telephone Address Postcode In what capacity capacity does this person know you? How long have they known you?
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
The personal personal data you provide us on this form is in support support of your application to volunteer with the BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMTED. We will only use this data to contact you about volunteering opportunities, unless you agree otherwise. We will keep your data safe and only for as long as is necessary to support support your application. See WWW .BLACKMAJOR.ORG .BLACKMAJOR.ORG for further details. By submitting this this form; a. I agree to abide by the policies of BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED including volunteering and health health and safety; b. I will notify BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED of any changes changes in circumstances circumstances which may affect my volunteering; volunteering;
c. I agree to you contacting contacting the referees detailed detailed above; and d. I acknowledge that I am volunteering entirely entirely at my own risk and that BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMTED shall not be liable for any injury or loss that might occur other other than as a result result of BLACKMAJOR.ORG BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED negligence. I confirm that the answers that that I have provided on this form are true. true.
71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected]
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] m Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
Agreement details the commitment BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED will give to their volunteers, as well as our organisations hopes and expectations of those who give up their time for no financial reward to support those who lives are affected by discrimination, disability, vulnerable in any way, living under duress or simply a listening ear with a view v iew towards a good conversation. This
This Agreement is not a legally binding contract but is intended to be treated in the spirit in which it has been drawn up – one of mutual respect and co-operation. There are however certain legal legal and policy requirements to which all volunteers must accede, and which are covered in this document. Most of these are based on safeguarding both the volunteer and the children and adults for whom the BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED has a duty of care. This agreement should be read alongside other relevant BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED policies. policies. BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED FAMILY and and BMEVoluntears 1.
Recruit all volunteers with fairness and in accordance with equal opportunities. Support you, the volunteer, by giving appropriate induction and relevant and extensive training as well as all the resources you need to carry out your volunteering. Monitor and support you. Your Family Support Officer will have regular contact with the network and can support you, while you are volunteering with us. Offer you the opportunity to meet with other volunteers for support and feedback. Provide necessary and reasonable travel and other out-of-pocket expenses as detailed in our guidelines. Operate clear and accessible policies and operational procedures for BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED across all settings. s ettings. Operate a clear procedure for ending the volunteering arrangement when problems arise. Provide factual references, education, employment, immigration and benefits advice for a volunteer if so requested but only after 9
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
a volunteer has been with the BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED for over a year. 9. Aim to resolve any difficulties you may have with the organisation or your volunteering volu nteering at any time. 10. Acknowledge that you are free to stop volunteering Adopt the BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED’ LIMITED s ’s core values, policies and procedures and fairly represent the organisation. 2. Treat all other volunteers and members with respect. Any physical, emotional, verbal abuse or rudeness towards other volunteers or branch members will not be tolerated. 3. Keep in regular contact with your Family Support Officer and voice any concerns as soon as possible. 4. Complete and return all necessary paperwork within requested timescales and comply with our monitoring procedures which enable us to quality control and evaluate our services. 5. Act responsibly with respect to your own safety. training, only act as a support by providing 6. Following information and not give advice outside of the specific area you have been trained in. 7. Undergo further training and updates as appropriate to ensure the provision of the highest possible quality of support. 8. Respect people’s views and perceptions of their own/their child’s needs and refer on to other sources of information and advice where necessary and have regard to the person’s/the child’s best interests at all times. 9. Treat all information and documents in relation to calls as confidential and not discuss calls with a third party without the express permission of the parent/carer/adult enquirer, outside the boundaries of BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED team. LIMITED s ’s 11. Not make public statements in BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED’ name, or write articles for publication using details of calls/e mails/social media/WhatsApp and others. 12. Only claim legitimate expenses as outlined in the expenses policy. 13. Give as much notice as possible if you are unable to volunteer. 14. Disclose immediately any police caution, warning, or reprimand, or any charge or conviction, received after the date Disclosure is applied for (where appropriate) and throughout the period of volunteering. 1.
Registered in England & Wales at 71-75, Shelton Street Covent Garden London, WC2H 9JQ Telephone: +44 749 218 4636 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] m Company Number: 11798052 VAT Registration Nr: 1234567
: 1.
The role is undertaken on a voluntary basis and there is no employment relationship. BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED offers no normal or guaranteed hours. There is no entitlement to any employment benefit.
BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED Team acceptance of the volu nteer’s kind offer to help the organisation is subject to: outcome that is satisfactory to the a. Disclosure BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED (where appropriate). by the volunteer of these terms and b. Acceptance conditions. c. Subsequent satisfactory performance of the role.
I declare that: 1. I have read and understood the Volunteer’s Policies and Procedures. 2. I undertake, if required, to assign to the BLACKMAJOR.ORG LIMITED copyright in any original work created by me during the course of my voluntary work. 3. I agree to abide by the terms of this Agreement. Signed:………………………………………… Date:………………………………..…………. Date:………………………… ……..…………. Please print name:……………………………
Signed:………………………………………… Date:…………………………………………… Please print name:……………………………