Blue Star Angilone

June 28, 2019 | Author: Andrea Koumarian | Category: N/A
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Blue Star crystal - the crystal of knowledge...



by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy www.lur

Hochenergetisches Hochenerg etisches Energiesystem der Neuzeit von Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

Translation to English: Ofira Levi [email protected] , [email protected]


by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

The results presented in this document are c arefully researched and were passed on to the best of my knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, I have no liability for any damages whatsoever, directly from this application.

Participation in the seminar / meeting is voluntary. Thus, the client transmits and the full responsibility for himself and for his actions during the seminar / meeting and there after. The seminar / meeting does not replace a doctor, medical practitioner and / or comparable oriented education. I give no promises of cures, every soul itself decides whether healing happens.

Ausgabe 1/2007 2007 by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer –

Layout und Bilder: Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer

Copyright- Note: These documents, including all parts are protected by copyright. This document may only be passed from one person to the next and then only if it in terms of a transfer of this system and an energy balance is guaranteed. In other cases, the disclosure of these documents is not explicitly permitted. This means however, that further publication the Internet (auction sites like Ebay, Yahoo Groups, etc. and in Reiki Reiki friendship or packages), on disk or in printed form, including excerpts, is expressly prohibited. If you are interested in these documents for extracts from it to publish, please contact me. The copyright is to be considered in every case.



by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

Channeling Extract fro m t he Channeling o f 04/30/07

SOLINA with LEIAN - High Priest of Alcyone

I AM LEIAN High Priest, I greet you SOLINA. Today I talk about the planets in the Pleiades system, which is called by you people, "Alcyone". Now there is amplified in the flow of high frequencies from Pleiades to Planet Earth. These frequencies have the task to wake all the people whose origins, whose home is the Pleiades. All from the same frequency will find themselves together, for we are brought together. This empowerment, I give you today, activated ancient knowledge. High Priest of Alcyone LEIAN I am the keeper of the mighty blue crystal of Alcyone. This crystal is called Blue Star, the Crystal of Knowledge. I LEIAN, will now pass to you this empowerment. This empowerment is performed in the crystal halls of Alcyone. Your mission now is to pass this empowerment, to other people. LEIAN: I say to you, the time is near, everything changes, nothing is as it once was. That's it.



by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

Pleiadian Symbols:

SEL`AN: Opening

 ALAN`CAS: Ac ti vat io n



by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

RASHJA`US: An ch or in g




by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

BLUE STAR This empowerment requires a very high awareness. LEIAN takes you to the planet  Alcyone in the Pleiades star system. There in the large crystal halls of Alcyone, in solemenly cermony with high priest LEIAN, the keeper of the mighty blue crystal: BLUE










If you are ready to receive this high level of activation, then the energy of the crystal BLUE STAR will anchored and activated in your third eye. A fascinating journey into a star system 369 light years away, awaits you. The energy of the crystal BLUE STAR brings ancient wisdom in you when you're ready.










Be willing to go with LEIAN High Priest, on an indescribable journey.  A trip to your home world, your origin.




by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

Passing the Empowerment

Call the universe for assistance and protection. Go to your center to your I AM presence. Unite all your chakras and ground yourself well. Now with intention open a vortex around you and ask Lady Gaia, to anchor you in it. Increase now the energy in your vortex to the highest frequency of dimensions, and it is suitable for you. Now call LEIAN high priest to you in your vortex. Now ask the tune to go in his center to ground himself and open all his channels. Stretch your vortex till it quite envelope your tune. Now ask LEIAN high priest that name of tune .............receive the attunement in Blu e Star . Visualize the symbol SEL `ON (opening) before 3 Eye of the tune, and then let it flow by thought command. Now you visualize the symbol  ALAN `CAS  for activation, before 3 Eye of the tune, let it also be incorporated by thought command. Then you visualize as the last symbol RASHJA'US (anchoring), send it by thought command in the third Eye of the tune. Now ask LEIAN High Priest to complete the empowerment. High Priest LEIAN now takes the tune to the large crystal-halls in the planet Alcyone. There in solemnly cermony by

high priest LEIAN the tune receives the energy of the crystal

BLUE STAR. Say goodbye to High Priest LEIAN and thank him, now draw back from the initiation, close your vortex with your thought.

It is done.



by Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Bioenergie Therapeutin, Master of Bioenergy

Energy Balance It applies the following energy balance that is payable to your teacher: energy balance € 50 - (MSRP). The appreciation of yourself, your teacher over and above all the spirit world is very important.

Gaby Solina Grill-Mitterhofer Email: [email protected] Web:


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