Topic: Basis of Right to Engage in Concerted Activities; Statutory G.R. No. 11!"! August #1$ 1%%# Batangas &aguna Taya'as Bus Co(pany )B&TBCo* vs N&RC Cruz J.: +ACTS: Tinig +ACTS: Tinig at Lakas ng Manggagawa sa BLTBCo NAFLU filed a Notice of Strike against te BLTBCo on te grounds of unfair la!or "ractice and #iolation of te CBA. $fforts at a%ica!le settle%ent a#ing failed& Acting La!or Secretar' Castro certified te dis"ute to te NL(C. A co"' of te certification order was ser#ed u"on te union on August )*& +,--. n August )+& +,--& te officers and %e%!ers of te union went on strike and %aintained "icket lines !locking te "re%ises of BLTBCo/s ter%inals. n Se"te%!er 0& +,--& te NL(C issued an en banc resolution ordering te striking e%"lo'ees to lift teir "icket and to re%o#e all o!structions and !arricades. All striking e%"lo'ees on "a'roll as of Ma' 1)& +,-were re2uired to return to work. BLTBCo& on te oter and& was directed to acce"t te% !ack to work witin 3 da's under te sa%e ter%s and conditions "re#ailing !efore te strike. f te so%e +&4)* BLTBCo e%"lo'ees wo went on strike& onl' +&++0 re"orted !ack for work. Se#enteen oters were later re5ad%itted. Su!se2uentl'& a!out 0+6 e%"lo'ees& including tose wo were allegedl' dis%issed for causes oter tan te strike& filed indi#idual co%"laints for illegal dis%issal. Teir co%%on ground was tat te' were refused ad%ission wen te' re"orted !ack for work. n Jul' +,& +,,+& te NL(C issued a resolution declaring te strike illegal !ut directing te reinstate%ent reinstate%ent of all striking e%"lo'ees wo a#e not co%%itted illegal acts. n Se"te%!er +0& +,,+& te NL(C issued te oter callenged resolution den'ing te Motion for (econsideration of BLTBCo and Co%"lainant 7e"ito A!rati2ue for lack of %erit. BLTBCo was likewise directed to reinstate te union %e%!ers s"ecificall' na%ed in te 2uestioned resolution and all tose striking e%"lo'ees wo a#e not co%%itted illegal acts. BLTB ten filed tis s"ecial ci#il action for certiorari & clai%ing tat te res"ondent NL(C co%%itted gra#e a!use of discretion. ,SS-E: 8N te union %e%!ers wo "artici"ated in te illegal strike sould not a#e !een reinstated on te ,SS-E: 8N ground tat te' defied te return5to5work order of te NL(C and tus a!andoned teir "osition E&/: No. As correctl' declared in te 2uestioned resolution& onl' te officers of te union deser#ed to !e "enalized wit te loss of teir e%"lo'%ent status& under te "rinci"le of #icarious lia!ilit'. Te leaders of te union are te %o#ing force in te declaration of te strike and te rank5and5file e%"lo'ees %erel' followed. 8ile 8 ile te tat general gene ral returned %e%!e %e%!ers rsi" of on te teSe"te%!er union union %a'+,& a#e a+,-#e 9oine 9oi ned d te strike striketereafter. at its ince" ince"tio tion& n& t te e Court Court was con#inced te' toi" work or& i%%ediatel' Te %ere fact tat te %a9orit' of te strikers were a!le to return to work does not necessaril' %ean tat te rest deli!eratel' defied te return5to5work order or tat te' ad !een sufficientl' notified tereof. A worker worker wo 9oins 9oins a strike does so "recisel' "recisel' to assert assert or i%"ro#e te ter%s ter%s and conditions conditions of is e%"lo'%ent e%"lo'%ent.. f is "ur"ose is to a!andon is work& e would not go to te trou!le of 9oining a strike. The loss of employment status of striking union members is limited to those "who knowingly participates participa tes in the commission commission of of illegal acts." acts." (Article (Article 264, Labor Labor Code Evidence Code Evidence must be presented to to substantiate substantiate the commission commission thereof thereof and not merely merely an unsubstantiate unsubstantiated d allegation. allegation. He who asserts the commission of illegal acts, must prove the same, and it is on the basis of substantiated substanti ated evidence that this Commission declares the loss of employment employment status of specific union members who have committed illegal acts.
Page of 2 | BLTB vs NLRC
Additionall'&& te court eld tat te rigt to strike is one of te rigts recognized Additionall' recognized and guaranteed guaranteed !' te Constitution as an instru%ent of la!or for its "rotection against e;"loitation !' %anage%ent. B' #irtue of tis rigt& te workers are a!le to "ress teir de%ands for !etter ter%s of e%"lo'%ent wit %ore energ' and "ersuasi#eness& "oising te treat to strike as teir reaction to te e%"lo'er/s intransigence. R-&,NG: Te R-&,NG: Te "etition is
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